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9th Week

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Grades 1 to 12 School CEBU INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Level 7


Teaching Dates and Time Week 9 Quarter III



A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding in practicing occupational health and safety procedure in Nail Care Services.

B. Performance Standards The learners consistently practice occupational health and safety procedure in Nail Care Servicing.

C. Learning Competencies/ Lesson 3: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

Objectives LO 1. Keep Workplace Clean
Write the LC code for 1.1. Identify protective outfit for nail care;
each 1.2. Identify hazards and risks;
1.3. Explain workplace hazards and risks; and,
1.4. Observe preventive precaution in the workplace.
Protective Outfit for Nail OHS Workplace and Hazards and Risks in Common Workplace Common Workplace
Care Regulations Beauty Salons Hazards and Preventive Hazards and Preventive
Measures Written Performance Task
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 63, 74-75 66 67-71 76-83
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages 63, 74-75 66 67-71 76-83
4. Additional Materials Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational-
from Learning Resource Livelihood Home Economics Livelihood Home Livelihood Home Economics Livelihood Home Economics
(LR) portal Beauty Care (Nail Care Economics Beauty Care (Nail Care Beauty Care (Nail Care
Services) Manual (DEPED Beauty Care (Nail Care Services) Manual (DEPED Services) Manual (DEPED
Services) Manual (DEPED
B. Other Learning Internet Internet
Resources http.// Pen and Paper Videoclips Pen and Paper
.au/forms publications Pen and Paper place/subjects/hairdressing/guid e /hazards/electric/index.htm
ide /hazards/electric/index.htm
Powerpoint (Presentation for
Protective Outfits)
A. Reviewing previous Review of the Past Lesson Review of the Past Lesson Review
lesson or presenting the Recalling of the needed The learners must be able to Let the learners identify some
new lesson Administration of a Pre-test Personal Protective identify the OHS Regulations hazards and risks found in the
Multiple Choice (5 items) Equipment used in nail care discussed last time. salon area.
servicing. They must be able
to identify them as well as
their use.
B. Establishing a purpose Present the following guide
for the lesson questions for this 1 week
1. What for is Personal
Protective Equipment?
Be able to cite
2. What is OHS? How
can one prevent
themselves from harm
and danger?
3. What are the common
hazards that can be
encountered in a
beauty salon?
4. What are some specific
preventive measures
that one can do to
prevent accidents in a
C. Presenting Dual Activity # 1. Unlocking Group Activity # 4: Hazard Film Clips Viewing
examples/instances of Technical Terms Recognition Activity
the new lesson Description: Each student will (Venn Diagram Learning There will be an
get their own partner and will Activity) interactive video where the
sit beside each other. Each students could see some
partner should provide a piece Procedure hazards and risks that may
of paper for writing their 1. They will group themselves happen to a person when one
answers. into 5 members
commits mistakes.
A table with provided 2 Instruct them to choose their
possible answers is provided reporter and complete the Venn The students may record
where they will get their Diagram. some of their observations for
answers for the given 3. List down common hazards keeps and later be integrated
definition. that might be encountered in the with their group discussion.
Chemical Hazards following areas: Malls
Infection School Market
Infection Control 4. Report the common hazards
Harm in class
Occupational Hazards
OHS Trainings
The partners who will get
the right answers will be given
2 points each.

D. Discussing new Discussion Proper #1

concepts and practicing The discussion will be
new skills #1 concentrated on the protective
outfit used by patrons when
giving nail care services. These
will be presented using
pictorial images/actual
E. Discussing new Discussion Proper #2 Film Clips Viewing Small Group Discussion #4
concepts and practicing The following is to be The teacher will view film clips Description: The class will be
new skills #2 emphasized in the that provide the students a basic divided into 7 groups. Each
discussion: introduction of practicing group will be given a certain
1. OHS Definition occupational health and safety topic and they will study it with
2. Elements of OHS procedures. their groupmates. The following
a. Management They will watch the Napo film is the distributed topic for each
Commitment clip provided. group:
b. Planning 1. Film: Safe Start, Scene: Group 1: Electric Hazards
c. Consultation Watch Out For Others Group 2: Chemical Hazards
d. Training Too Group 3: Slips, Trips, Falls
e. Risk Management 2. Film: Danger, Group 4: Fire Safety
Chemicals, Scene: Group 5: Manual Handling
Everyone is encouraged to Dangerous to the Group 6: Biological Hazards
share their ideas. environment Group 7: Ergonomics
3. Film: Risky Business,
Scenes: Assess The Each group has 15 minutes to do
Risks and Act On Risks their task which includes:
4. Film: Safety Inside and
Outside of Work, Scene: -defining what was the topic
An edited section (for given to them
example from the stairs -identifying some preventive
to the football) control measures to avoid such
Let the learners group
themselves into 5. They must do Right after each group’s
the following: presentation, the teacher will do
a. Discuss the hazards the recap to make any
shown in the scenes. clarifications about concepts that
b. Explain to class what is are not fully discussed.
hazard and risk and give
their recommendations
on how to prevent
hazards and risks
according to the film
clips shown.
F. Developing mastery Dual Activity #2: Identify Group Activity #3:
(leads to Formative Me? Establishing an OHS Policy Giving of Supplementary
Assessment 3) Description: Students are task Ideas and Clarification of
to work with their partner. Description: To show their Concepts
There will be pictorial images commitment to OHS, the For mastery, the teacher will
to be presented and they must students must be able to give supplementary ideas with
be able to identify what create their own OHS Policy regards to the discussion made
protective outfit the image is with identified objectives. by the students.
presenting. They are going to The output will only contain
write their answers in a of the Policy Name, their
cardboard. objectives, and the people
Each correct answer will concern.
get 2 points.
G. Finding practical Group Activity #5: Pen-
applications of concepts and-Paper Activity
and skills in daily living Description: Explain why
hazards and risk takes place.
Provide 5 examples in
H. Making generalizations Group Generalization
and abstractions about Activity
the lesson The students must be
able to answer the
following questions
based on what they have
1. What for is
Personal Protective
Equipment? Be
able to cite
2. What is OHS? How
can one prevent
themselves from
harm and danger?
3. What are the
common hazards
that can be
encountered in a
beauty salon?
4. What are some
specific preventive
measures that one
can do to prevent
accidents in a
All answers will be placed
in a clean sheet of paper.
I. Evaluating learning Individual Activity #4: Individual Written
Administration of a Short Performance Task #6:
Quiz Accomplishment of the
Frayer Model
True or False Type: 10 items
Description: The Frayer
Model is consisting of the
following parts namely:
1. Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Examples
4. Non-examples

In this activity, the

learners are tasked to
accomplish it with correct
responses. The main focus
is about Occupational
Health and Safety
Practices. Based on
their learning, they must be
able to define in their own
words what is OHS, cite
some of its characteristics,
enumerate examples and
non-examples of OHS
J. Additional activities for Giving of Assignment
application or Below is the direction to be
remediation given to them:

Look for hazards and risks that

might be present in your house.
Place a sticker whenever you
find possible hazards inside your
house. Identify and give the
possible risks that might happen
in your house.

Parts of Hazards Risks



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Teacher I

Checked by:
Principal I

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