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Unit 1 (Pharmaceutics I) PDF

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The key takeaways are the history of pharmacy as a profession dating back to ancient Greece and Mesopotamia, the development of pharmacy education in India under British rule, and the various career opportunities for pharmacists today in areas like the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, research, and more.

Pharmacy has its origins in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia, where early chemists and alchemists conducted chemical processes. It developed as a distinct profession in the 9th century around Baghdad and slowly spread to Europe. In the 19th century it started developing as a separate profession in India under British rule.

Pharmacy education in India began with the East India Company translating pharmacopoeias to local languages in the 1820s. The first pharmacy courses were introduced in medical colleges in the late 19th century to train compounders. The first pharmacy degree programs began in the early 20th century and the current Bachelor of Pharmacy program was established in the 1950s.

Pharmaceutical, Therapeutic and Nutritional Values of Naturals Gums

Historical background and

development of profession of
B. Pharm.-I Sem (As per PCI syllabus)

Prashant Singh
Associate Professor
Dept. of Pharmaceutics
NIMS Institute of Pharmacy

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

History of profession of Pharmacy in India in relation to
-pharmacy education
-industry and
Pharmacy as a career
Pharmacopoeias: Introduction to IP, BP,USP and Extra Pharmacopoeia
Dosage forms: Introduction to dosage forms, classification and
Prescription: Definition, Parts of prescription, handling of Prescription and Errors in
Posology: Definition, Factors affecting posology. Pediatric dose calculations based on age,
body weight and body surface area.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

History of Profession
 Greeks were one of the first patrons of this profession.
The word pharmacy originated from the Greek
 In 9th century- civilized world around Baghdad –
pharmacy profession started.
 It slowly spread to Europe as alchemy and finally
developed into chemistry.
 The first known chemical process was carried out by the
artisans of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China.
 However in 19th century it started developing as separate

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

In 1824, East India Company has decided to impart education of
their medical science to Indian people.

As the first step, they translated London pharmacopoeia to

Devnagri script.

In 1835, first two medical colleges were stabilised in Madras and

In 1860, teaching of pharmaceutics was incorporated in curriculum

as dispensive subject to the medical students.

The first pharmacopoeia in British India was published in 1868

under the authority of the secretary of State of India.
Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur
The allopathic system of medicine has became popular in all the
presidencies of British India.

More and more people started coming to the hospitals.

The doctors were finding difficulty to compound and dispense the

medicine to their patients due to lack of time and man power.

In 1899, the compounder course was started in Madras Medical

College (MMC) has certificate course for SSLC (The Secondary School
Leaving Certificate) i.e. class 10th qualified people with objective of
assisting doctor in hospitals.

After few years the course was introduced in Calcutta and Bombay
Medical College.
Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

In 1932, a two year degree course in pharmaceutical chemistry for

B.Sc. students was started in Banaras Hindu University (BHU).

In 1951 B.Sc in Pharmacy was replaced by Bachelor in Pharmacy

course in all 3 medical colleges. (MMC, BMC, CMC)

The 3 more college; LM College of Pharmacy, Ahemdabad; Sagar

University; Jadawpur University, Calccutta started B. Pharmacy

The M.Pharm course was first started by Andhra University in


Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur


Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Prescription is an order written by a physician, dentist, veterinarian or a
registered medical practitioner to a pharmacist to compound and
dispense a specific medication for the patient.

Prescriber’s Information Subscription

Date Signatura
Patient’s Information Refill
Superscription Signature

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

New Delhi
Date: 09/08/2019
Name: Mr. N. Anand Age: 37years Sex: Male
Address: 32, Azad Nagar, new Delhi

℞( Superscription)

Sodium bicarbonate 3g
(Inscription) Compound tincture of cardamom 2ml
Simple Syrup 6ml
Purified Water q.s. 90ml
Fiat misture. (Subscription)
(Signatura) Sig. Cochleare magnum ter in die post cibos sumenda.
(1 tablespoonful, 3 times a day, after meal, to be taken)

Refill: ________ Sd/-

Dr. S.P. Singh
Regn. No. 12345


Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

(i) Receiving
(ii) Reading and checking
(iii) Collecting and weighing the materials
(iv) Compounding, labeling and packaging

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur
Pharmacopoeia is an official book which includes drugs
standards, their formulas, methods of making formulations and
other related information which is published by the authority of
a government or a medical or pharmaceutical society.

Pharmacopoeia is derived from the Greek word, ‘Pharmakon’

means Drug and ‘Poiein’ means make, i.e. Drug making or

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur


Descriptions of drugs, medicaments or preparations are

known as Monographs.
Pharmacopoeia and formulary contain a list of drugs, other
related substances related to description of their sources,
test, methods of preparations, mode of action, storage
condition, use etc.
The pharmacopoeias are revised and published time to time
in order to introduce the latest information available.
Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

1. National Pharmacopoeia:
Indian Pharmacopoeia,
British Pharmacopoeia,
Chinese Pharmacopoeia,
Japanese Pharmacopoeia,
United States Pharmacopoeia etc.
2. Regional Pharmacopoeia: European Pharmacopoeia
3. International: International Pharmacopoeia

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Name of Pharmacopoeias of Different Countries:
1. Argentine Pharmacopoeia 15. Japanese Pharmacopoeia
2. Austrian Pharmacopoeia 16. Yugoslavian Pharmacopoeia
3. Belgian Pharmacopoeia 17. Mexican Pharmacopoeia
4. Brazilian Pharmacopoeia 18. Netherlands Pharmacopoeia
5. British Pharmacopoeia 19. Nordic Pharmacopoeia
6. Chinese Pharmacopoeia 20. Polish Pharmacopoeia
7. Egyptian Pharmacopoeia 21. Portuguese Pharmacopoeia
8. European Pharmacopoeia 22. Rumanian Pharmacopoeia
9. French Pharmacopoeia 23. Russian Pharmacopoeia
10. German Pharmacopoeia 24. Spanish Pharmacopoeia
11. Hungarian Pharmacopoeia 25. Turkish Pharmacopoeia
12. Indian Pharmacopoeia 26. United State Pharmacopoeia.
13. International Pharmacopoeia
14. Italian Pharmacopoeia

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Indian Pharmacopoeia
•First official Pharmacopeia of India appeared in 1868 which was
edited by Edward John Waring.
•In pre-independence days, British Pharmacopeia was used in India.
•In 1946 Government of India issued one list known as The Indian
Pharmacopeial list .
•Committee under chairmanship of Sir R. N. Chopra along with other
9 members prepared “The Indian Pharmacopeial list”
•It was prepared by Dept. of Health, Govt. of India, Delhi in 1946.
•In 1948 Government of India appointed an Indian Pharmacopeia
committee for preparing “Pharmacopeia of India”
•Tenure of this committee was five years.
•Indian Pharmacopeia committee under chairmanship of Dr. B. N.
Ghosh Published first edition of IP in 1955.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Specific Features of IP 2014
 Published in 4 volumes (Vol-I, Vol.-II, Vol.-III, Vol.-IV).
 First time IP-2014 included with DVD-ROM
 It incorporates 2550 monographs out of which 577 are new
 This 577 New Monographs includes:
 134 API monographs.
 161 formulations monographs.
 18 excipient monographs.
 43 monographs on new drug substances.
 10 new monographs on antibiotics.
 31 new monographs on Herbals.
 5 new monographs on vaccines and immunosera.
 6 new monographs on insulin products
 7 new monographs on Biotechnology products
 19 new monographs on Radiopharmaceutical.
 1 General chapter is first time being included in this edition.
Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur
Specific Features of IP 2018

• 170 Chemical Monographs

• 15 Herbal Monographs
• 10 Monographs on Blood and Blood related products
• 6 Monographs on Biotechnology Derived Therapeutic products
• 2 Monographs on Vaccines and Immunosera for Human use
• 3 Monographs of Radiopharmaceutical
• 14 Monographs of Veterinary Non-biological
• Besides this index is also added to Volume-I of IP-2018, however
volume IV of IP-2018 contains Veterinary monographs and index

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Indian Pharmacopoeia

2 volumes
3 volumes
4 volumes

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur
United States Pharmacopoeia - USP
•The 1st USP was published on 15th December 1820 in both Latin &
•217 drugs were listed which were worthy of recognition and
were described in total 272 pages.
•It is decided to revise pharmacopoeias after every 10 years, by
1870 pharmacopoeia was in hands of the pharmacist.
•Later in 1940 it was decided to receive pharmacopoeia after
every 5 years.
•USP vi (6th) published in 1880-90 decade included 1st time test
and assay to set the standards of strength and purity for drugs.
•2 individuals compendia published at the end of 1974 were
combined to one and included 200 more monograph to give USP
XX emphasis was also given to GMP and bioavailability as apart to
focus health cure of nation .

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

United States Pharmacopoeia - USP

•Introduction of test for content uniformity, microbial limits,

resolution rate, revision regarding containers were also published
in single volume.
•USP XXI-NF XVI and XXIII-NF XVIII were next publication added to
•USP volume also contains general requirements for dosage
forms, individual monograph for excipients, including solvents,
acidifying agents, diluents, stabilizer and surfectants.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur


• First (1st) edition of BP was published in the year1864.

• It consist of two sections i.e. two parts.
• Part I: - Materia Medica and Part II:- Preparation & compounds.
• Second (2nd) edition of BP was published in the year 1867.
• Fourth (4th) edition of BP was published in the year 1898.
• Fifth (5th) edition of BP was published in 1914.
• Eighth (8th) edition of BP was published in 1953.
• In this edition titles of drugs & preparations were in English instead
of Latin and metric system.
• It has been published annually.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Extra Pharmacopoeia
•Martindales Extra Pharmacopoeia-
•1st edition was published in July, 1883.
•Aim was to provide practicing pharmacist and physicians with evaluated
information on drugs.
•31st edition published in 1996 contains 283 new monographs and 173 were
•Also includes descriptions of disease, which are treated by drugs.
•It is divided in 3 parts.
•Part 1) – 4485 monographs
•Part 2) – series of 784 short monograph of new drugs, toxic substances and drugs
not used chemically but still of interest.
•Part 3)—contains proprietary preparations from a range of countries as well as
official preparation from current edition of other .

Total 39 editions have been published of Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. The
39th edition was published in June 2017 by London: Pharmaceutical Press.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Business Service
1. Drug Store 1. Hospital Pharmacy
2. Whole sale 2. Chemist in Drug Store / Whole sale
3. Repacking store
4. Bulk drug distribution 3. Medical representative
5. Cosmetic 4. Packaging, store maintenance in
manufacturing Pharmaceutical Industry
5. Secretary / PA to MD in Pharm.

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

Business Service
1. Pharmaceutical 1. FDA job
industry B.PHARM. 2. Teacher diploma courses
2. Bulk Drug 3. Production
Manufacturing 4. Marketing
3. Pharmacist job abroad M. PHARM. 5. Teacher for Graduate
4. Cultivation of level courses
medicinal plants 6. Research and
5. Public testing PhD development
6. Consultancy

Prashant Singh, Associate. Prof., NIMS University, Jaipur

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