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AFT Training Agreement - EASA Integrated VER3.2

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EASA Frozen ATPL (Integrated Program)

This Contract is made on ______________________________________

Between ___________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as

Cadet) and Atlantic Flight Training (hereinafter referred to as AFT), Ayla House, Coventry Airport
West, Coventry, CV8 3AZ, UK (email:

Cadet and AFT, each referred to as ‘party’ and collectively referred to as ‘parties’.

Whereas AFT has agreed to provide training to enable the cadet to obtain a European Aviation
Safety Agency approved Airport Transport Pilot License (EASA ATPL) using its integrated training
program in as summarized in “APPENDIX “A” below, and

Whereas Cadet has agreed to the price, terms and conditions of the proposed training described

The parties have agreed on the following:

1. Duration of the Course

1.1. The full duration of the course is approximately 73 weeks, excluding official holidays,
unscheduled or unplanned delays; but including planned leaves during the Theoretical
Knowledge portion of the training. The course shall commence on

1.2. In the event that the training could not be conducted as planned due to unavoidable
reasons outside the control of the academy, a revised schedule will be developed by AFT
and discussed and agreed upon by both parties. Additional costs associated as a result of
delays to training shall be discussed and agreed upon by the parties. In case of non-
agreement, cadet has the right to withdraw from training, subject to the withdrawal
conditions detailed below.

2. Tuition Fees

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
2.1. The tuition fees for the course are GBP 86,000 (British Pounds Eighty Six Thousand Only)
which includes UK V.A.T. at the current applicable rate of (______). Any changes to the UK
V.A.T. shall be applied to the relevant amounts and adjusted accordingly.

3. Payment Terms

3.1. Payment for the training is divided into 5 (five) instalments, payable as shown below.

Payment terms Training Included Amount

Upon Registration Secure placement on chosen start date GBP 3,000
Prior to course start ATPL Ground School GBP 20,000
Prior to Flying Phase Up to and including Progress Test 1 GBP 20,000
Prior to PT2 Training Up to and including Progress Tests 2 and GBP 23,000
Progress Test 3
Prior to PT4 Training Up to and including Progress Tests 4, GBP 20,000
Progress Test 5 and MCC Training
Total GBP 86,000

3.2. The above fees are based on 73 week duration as specified in Clause (1). Extra training
required by the cadet shall be charged at the then applicable hourly rates. Additionally,
extra accommodation required for the completion of training shall be charged at the then
applicable rate.

Unless otherwise agreed, Cadets will stay at the Academy’s provided housing, and shall
read, sign and abide by the Housing Rules and Regulations.

The option to exclude the accommodation from the contract is subject to management’s
discretion. If approved, and outside accommodation is the cadet’s preferred option,
transportation is at the sole responsibility and cost of the cadet.

3.3. No Cadet is enrolled until the 1st instalment is received and the training Contract is signed
by both parties. Failure to pay subsequent instalments within one week of the due date
will result in the suspension of training.

3.4. This Contract is based on the training being provided as per the Academy’s EASA approved
training manual. Any additional training and associated charges required to meet the
standards and requirements for the issuance of an EASA license will be charged to the
Cadet at the then applicable rate.

3.5. Withdrawal from training/termination & refund policy.


AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
Should the Cadet withdraw from training for any reason whatsoever, he/she shall be
subject to AFT’s refund policy as follows:

3.5.1. Initial Deposit and first payment: Initial deposit and first payment shall be
refundable in cases when the withdrawal from AFT is done prior to 30 days of the
commencement of the training, after which deposits become fully non-refundable.

3.5.2. Subsequent Payments: All payments made after the initial deposit shall be fully

3.5.3. AFT shall have the right to terminate, without refund, the Cadet’s training as it
deems appropriate and needed in case any or all of the following occurs: Illegal behaviour and/or misconduct; AFT reserves its right to notify the
appropriate authorities. Continuous breaking of procedure(s) or disregard for rules and regulations. Non participation of more than 10% of assigned theoretical knowledge
courses. Non-compliance with any of the stipulations of the Operations Manual,
Training Manual, Cadet Handbook, and any and all amendments, updates
and circulars or directives of such Manuals.

3.5.4. If any instalment is not paid in due time as per 3.1 above within 7 days of the due
date, the Cadet’s training shall be suspended until payment is made. If payment is
not paid within 30 days of the due date, the Cadet’s training shall be terminated,
and the cadet may be re-coursed to next course if there is an available seat with
additional recourse fees. In the meantime, housing charges shall continue to
accrue, and all outstanding amounts will continue to be due past the termination
date. AFT has the right to collect any due and unpaid amount even after

3.5.5. In case of termination or withdrawal, interest charges will accrue at 12% per annum
calculated and applied daily on any outstanding balance payable to AFT.

3.6. Weather delays, aircraft control delays and airport related delays and any delays beyond
the control of AFT which might have additional costs associated with their occurrence shall
be borne by the cadet.

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
4. Obligations of AFT

4.1. Cadet Reporting Procedures

Cadet progress reports will be generated by AFT on a regular basis, and provided to the
Cadet, as well as any specified sponsor or third party as requested by the Cadet or the
sponsoring party.

Cadets will be given the opportunity to review and discuss their reports with the Instructor,
Chief Instructor or the Head of Training (as applicable) prior to being sent.

4.2. Uniform, Equipment and Training Manuals

The following Cadet equipment will be supplied by AFT and included in the course tuition
fees as required throughout the training:

 4 Shirts
 2 Trousers
 1 Tie
 4 Sets of stripes (AFT Logo, One Stripe, Two Stripes, Three Stripes)
 1 CRP-5 flight computer
 1 (Square protractor)
 1 Logbook
 1 VFR Aeronautical Chart
 1 Navigation Ruler
 14 ATPL Manuals
 1 Set of AFT Wings

Any replacement of the items mentioned in Clause (4.2) above such as uniform, checklist,
charts, devices and training manuals will be the responsibility of the Cadet throughout the
training course. Same will apply to any additional items provided to Cadet after signing this
Contract that have not been mentioned herein.

The below equipment can be purchased from AFT:

 Sweater
 Pilot Bag
 Headset
 “iPad 2, 16GB with Wi-Fi” device

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
4.3. Theoretical Knowledge Training

All Theoretical Knowledge required to meet the minimum requirements for the issuance of
an EASA Commercial Pilot License is included. Training will be conducted using the
theoretical materials based on the requirements of the European Aviation Safety Agency
(“EASA”) of Europe.

4.4. Flight Training

All flight training required to meet the minimum requirements for the issuance of an EASA
commercial pilot license is included as mentioned in Appendix “A”. Any additional flight
training sessions are tracked separately and charged on an hourly basis whereas the Cadet
agrees to cover these charges in advance at the then applicable rates issued by AFT.

4.5. UK CAA Ground and Flight Examination Fees and License Issue Fees

First time CAA testing fees and License Issue Fees are included in the tuition and will be
paid by AFT based on the current rates as of the date of this agreement. Any price
escalation for the UK CAA testing fees or the License Issue fees will be at the cadet’s own
expense. If the Cadet has to re-take the exam, he/she shall be responsible for any
applicable fees.

Examination re-tests will result in additional charges not illustrated in this Contract and
the Cadet shall be responsible for any applicable fees for re-testing. Any additional
training, agreed upon by AFT and the Cadet, required to meet the minimum training
standards, will be charged to the Cadet

4.6. Landing and Navigation Fees

Standard landing and Navigation Fees within the syllabus are included. Additional flights
required for the Cadet will be charged at the then applicable rate. Increases in landing
and navigation fees will also be invoiced to the Cadet at the then applicable rate. Relevant
increases shall be communicated to cadets.

4.7. Travel and Transportation Services

The tuition includes transportation between facilities during training hours, in accordance
with a set schedule issued weekly. It is the duty of the Cadet to ensure that he/she has an
updated schedule and abides by it. Should the Cadet miss the scheduled transportation
service, alternatives shall not be provided by AFT.

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
The tuition also includes transportation to/from the training location for First Time UK CAA

4.8. Insurance Coverage

AFT shall provide insurance coverage during the Cadet’s flight training period as per its
policy at the time.

AFT provides medical insurance coverage for cadets while at our European location, but
coverage varies. Details can be obtained from AFT’s accounting department.

5. Obligations of Cadet

5.1. Medical Certificates

All Cadets are responsible for obtaining a valid Class 1 medical at their own expense and at
their own responsibility, prior to the commencement of training.

While it is not mandatory for a student to hold a current Class 1 medical before starting
the ATPL (A) theoretical knowledge instruction, the Academy strongly recommends
prospective students obtain a Class 1 medical certificate prior to the commencement of
the integrated course to ensure against disappointment if an existing medical condition
prevents the initial issue of the medical certificate after training has commenced.

5.2. Cadet Travel

Cadet is responsible for all travel and transportation costs other than the transportation
services provided by AFT mentioned in article 4.7.

5.3. Cadet Sponsor (if applicable)

Any Cadet being sponsored may request a copy of his/her training report to be sent to the
sponsor. Contact details of the Sponsor must be provided to AFT.

5.4. Absences

Cadets are expected to attend all training sessions for which they are scheduled. Any
absences that have not been sanctioned by the academy will result in charges being
levied. There will be a charge of GBP 50 for any unauthorized absence on the first
occasion, then GBP 100 on the second, GBP 150 on all absences then after. In the event of
genuine illness, no charge will be made but the academy accepts only medical reports
from identified hospital and doctor for all such absences. All unexplained absences will be

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
investigated and may lead to suspension from training. During this suspension, cadets will
be responsible for their own accommodation and transportation costs.

5.5. The Cadet is not an employee, partner, or co-venture of, or in any other service
relationship with AFT. The Cadet is not authorized to speak for, represent, or obligate AFT
in any manner without the prior express written authorization from AFT’s management.
The Cadet has no authority to bind AFT in any contractual manner. Provisions of this
Article shall apply to Cadet’s Sponsor where applicable.

5.6. The Cadet will not be eligible for, and shall not participate in, any employee pension,
health, welfare, social security or other fringe benefit plan, of AFT. No workers'
compensation insurance shall be obtained by AFT covering the Cadet.

5.7. Cadet shall abide by AFT’s rules, regulations, codes and manuals at all times. Same shall
apply to instructions given by AFT personnel at all times. Cadet shall preserve all AFT
assets and maintain them in good condition.

6.0 Applicable Law and Arbitration

6.1. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
United Kingdom.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract, including any question
regarding its existence, validity or termination, or any action taken hereunder, shall be
referred to an arbitral tribunal consisted of three arbitrators, whereby AFT will assign an
arbitrator, the Cadet will assign an arbitrator, and both assigned arbitrators will assign the

6.2. This Contract shall be effective from the date of signing. Any modification or extension of
the course or additions to the Contract must be approved in writing by both parties.

7. Indemnity Clause

7.1. The Cadet including his/her heirs, sponsors, administrators, executors, and assignees,
hereby covenant and agree that they will never institute, prosecute, or in any way aid in
the institution or prosecution of, any demand, claim or suit against AFT and/or its officers,

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
owners, agents, or employees, acting officially or otherwise, for any loss, damage, or
injury to the Cadet (including death), or his/her property which may occur from any cause
whatsoever as a result of his/her training with AFT.

7.2. Furthermore, it is agreed that if the Cadet or his/her heirs, sponsors, administrators,
executors, and assignees should demand, claim, sue or aid in any way, in such a demand,
claim, or suit, the cadet agrees to indemnify AFT for all damages, expenses and costs it
may incur as a result thereof. The Cadet understands and agrees that he/she is assuming
the risk of any personal injury or property damage that may result while at AFT. The Cadet
also understands and agrees that he/she may be held liable for any damage or loss to AFT
that is caused by his/her gross negligence, wilful misconduct, or fraud.

7.3. The Cadet shall indemnify and hold AFT harmless for any damage, loss, claims, awards,
penalties or injuries incurred by any third party.

7.4. This indemnity survives the expiration or termination of this Contract and the completion
of the training.

8. Non-Disparagement
The Cadet or any of his/her Affiliates, Associates, or Sponsors will not, directly or indirectly, in
any capacity or manner, make, express, transmit, speak, write, verbalize or otherwise
communicate in any way (or cause, further, assist, solicit, encourage, support or participate in
any of the foregoing), any remark, comment, message, information, declaration,
communication or other statement of any kind, whether verbal, in writing, electronically
transferred or otherwise, that might reasonably be construed to be derogatory or critical of, or
negative toward AYLA/AFT or any of its directors, officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees,
agents or representatives.

9. Holidays

9.1. Unless otherwise agreed, and depending on the location of training at a given time, official
public holidays at our European bases will be observed by AFT.

9.2. In addition, AFT has the right to close for certain periods in excess of the public holidays to
enable staff and student to travel as and when it deems appropriate.

10. Force Majeure

Neither party shall be responsible for any failure to perform its obligations under this Contract
if such failure is caused by force majeure outside the control of both parties. This includes, but

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
is not limited to, Acts of God, war, revolution, insurrection, hostilities, riot, civil commotion or
uprising, mutiny, terrorism, natural disasters, adverse weather, fire, explosion, strike, law or
legal changes, Government restrictions, airport or airspace closure, equipment failure outside
of AFT negligence or similar factors that would be considered force majeure. Any alternative
time schedules for training, further action plans and/or associated costs resulting from such
force majeure shall be discussed and agreed upon by both parties except for costs incurred
which shall be paid by both parties equally.

10. Notifications

Any notice, request and other correspondence pursuant to or in connection with this Contract
shall be in the English language and shall be sent to any party by telex, facsimile, registered
mail, email or personal delivery at its address as specified at the beginning of this Contract.

Any notice, request or other correspondence pursuant to or in connection with this Contract
shall be deemed validly received by the addressee upon the expiration of forty-eight (48) hours
after transmission in case of telex or facsimile, on the third (3rd) day after mailing in case of
registered mail, or immediately upon delivery in case of personal delivery.

11. Other:

No modification, termination or attempted waiver of this Contract, or any provision thereof,

shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both Parties.

The waiver by a Party of a breach of any provision of this Contract by the other Party shall not
operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent breach by the Party in breach.

AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in their
respective names and the signatures of their duly authorized officers hereto affixed on the day and
year written above.

Signed for by Cadet and, if applicable, Cadet Sponsor


Name: _____________________________ Title: _________________


Signed for and on behalf of AFT


Name: _____________________________ Title: _________________



AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2

This course is conducted in conformance with JAR-FCL requirements and the final license will be
issued by the UK CAA. The course is divided as follows:

Ground School (ATPL Theoretical Knowledge)

ATPL Theoretical Knowledge training will be conducted at AFT’s facility in Ayla House, Coventry
Airport West, Coventry, CV8 3AZ .

Module 1: Training week 01 - 11 followed by three EASA ATPL written examinations in week
11, followed by course Leave of one to two weeks

Module 2: Training week 12 - 22 followed by four EASA ATPL written examinations in week 22,
followed by course Leave of one to two weeks

Module 3: Training week 23 - 33 followed by seven EASA ATPL written examinations in week
33, followed by course Leave of one to two weeks

Flight School

Flying will be conducted at AFT’s European (UK) location. The Academy, at its sole discretion, will
decide where each cadet will do his/her flying based on resources available at the time.

Note: Flying cannot start until ALL ATPL exams have been successfully passed unless it is
authorized by the Head of Training, at his sole discretion.

Progress Test: There are five Progress Tests throughout the course:

PT 1: This flight is to assess whether the student is making satisfactory progress after
approximately 51.0 hours.

PT 2: VFR Navigation Skill Test at approximately 103.0 hours

PT 3: Advanced Skill Test, at approximately 133.0 hours, designed to assess the student’s
readiness to move onto more advanced IF and multi-engine training.

PT 4: Multi-engine CPL Skill Test at approximately 163.5 hours.

PT 5: This flight is to assess the student’s readiness to undertake the IR Skill Test at
approximately 191.5 hours.

MCC Training: comprising 15 hours FNPT II and 25 hours theoretical knowledge.

The cadet is issued with an EASA CPL/IR, MCC and credit for the 14 EASA ATPL theoretical
knowledge subjects. Provisions will be made for individual cadet leave during the flight school
phases and also allowance made for religious and other holidays.


AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2
Theoretical Knowledge Instruction 33 weeks Full Time ATPL Ground School (753 hours)

Single Engine (DA40)

Dual 39.5 hours
SPIC 43.0 hours
Solo 51.0 hours
Flight Training
Twin Engine (DA42)
Dual 12.0 hours
SPIC 4.0 hours
CPL and IR Skill Tests (DA42) 4.0 hours

Synthetic Flight Training

FNPT II (DA42) 40.0 hours

Multi-Crew Co-operation Training Theoretical Knowledge Instruction 25.0 hours

CRJ Simulator Training 15.0 hours


AFT Rep initial: ___________ / Cadet or Cadet Sponsor initial: ___________ April 2013, ver.3.2

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