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For JEE- Main & Advanced

All chemical processes are associated with energy changes in chemical reactions. A thermochemical equation,
represents both the material change and the energy. While writing a thermochemical equation, the heat evolved
in case of exothermic reaction, or the heat absorbed in case of endothermic reaction, is indicated on the product
side of the balanced chemical equation. For example,

(i) H2(g) + O 2 (g)  H2O() H = –285.91 kJ

(ii) C(graphite) + 2S (rhombic)  CS2 H = +91.96 kJ

The most stable physical state of the reacting species and the products is also indicated in brackets. Thus,
a thermochemical equation gives complete information about the material change and the associated heat change.
It is clear that the first reaction is exothermic and the second one endothermic.

Examples of Exothermic Reactions

Coal is burnt simply for the large amount of energy available during its combustion :
When water is added to quick lime (CaO) for preparing whitewash, a considerable amount of heat is produced
during the reaction. The heat produced warms up the water.
When we add dilute hydrochloric acid to a test tube containing granulated zinc, hydrogen gas is evolved.
The reaction is accompanied by evolution of heat.

Examples of Endothermic Reactions.

When a small quantity of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is dissolved in water in a test tube, the tube becomes
colder than before. During this chemical reaction heat is absorbed from the surroundings (test tube).
When the crystals of sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3.5 H2O) commonly called hypo, are dissolved in water, a
cooling effect takes place.
One mole of nitrogen reacts with one mole of oxygen to form two moles of nitric oxide. 180.5kJ of heat is absorbed
at constant temperature and the reaction may be expressed as:
or N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)

Standard Enthalpy of Reaction

Enthalpy of reaction is defined as the quantity of heat evolved or absorbed. When molar quantities of substances
react in amounts represented by chemical equation at constant pressure and temperature, the substances being
in their standard states.
For example : H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2HCl(g) H = –183.92 kJ
Thus, when one mole of gaseous hydrogen reacts with one mole of gaseous chlorine, 183.92 kJ of heat is
evolved. This is the heat of the reaction for the above chemical reaction.
Hr = Hproducts – Hreactants


From the inspection of the above diagram, it is clear that

HreactionHcombustion(C6H14) –Hcombustion (C4H8) –Hcombustion (C2H6)
Hence Hreaction Hcombustion(Reactant's) – Hcombustion (Products)

Ex. A gas mixture of 4 litres of ethylene and methane on complete combustion at 25ºC produces 6 litres of CO2 . Find
out the amount of heat evolved on burning one litre of the gas mixture. The heats of combustion of ethylene and
methane are – 1464 and –976 kJ mol-1 at 25ºC.

Sol. + O2  CO2 + H2O

x lit. (4 – x)lit. 6 lit.
or x moles (4 – x) moles 6 moles
Applying POAC for C atoms,
2 × x + 1 × ( 4 – x ) = 1 × 6 ; x = 2 lit.
Thus, the volume of C2H4 = 2 lit., and volume of CH2 = 2 lit.
 volume of C2H4 in a 1 litre mixture = 2/4 = 0.5 lit.
and volume of CH4 in a 1 litre mixture = 1 –0.5 = 0.5 lit.
Now, thermochemical reactions for C2H4 and CH4 are
C2H4 + 3O2  2CO2 + 2H2O; H = – 1464 kJ
CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O; H = – 976 kJ
As H values given are at 25ºC, let us first calculate the volume occupied by one mole of any gas at 25ºC
(supposing pressure as 1atm)
Volume per mole at 25ºC = × 22.4 = 24.4 lit.
Thus, heat evolved in the combustion of 0.665 lit. of C2H4 = – × 0.5 = – 30 kJ
and heat evolved in the combustion of 0.335 lit.of CH4 = × 0.5 = –20 kJ.
24 .4
 total heat evolved in the combustion of 1 litre of the mixture = –30 + (– 20) = – 50 kJ.


The heat changes in chemical reactions are
measured with the help of calorimeters. Depend-
ing upon the requirements of experiments
different types of calorimeters are used. In
general, reactions taking place at constant
volume and involving gases are carried out in
a closed container with rigid walls that can with-
stand high pressures such as a bomb calorim-
eter. The body of the bomb calorimeter is made
of heavy steel. The steel vessel is coated inside
with gold or platinum to avoid oxidation of steel
during the chemical reactions. The vessel is
fitted with a tight screw cap.


1. rH = qP = Heat of reaction at constant pressure

rE = rU = qV = Heat of reaction at constant volume.
2. For mix. of reacting ideal gases at constant Temperature :
rH = rU + ng) RT.
Exothermic Reaction
rH > 0
rU > 0
Endothermic Reaction
rH < 0
rU < 0

Reversible Phase Transition

Isothermal and Isobaric
(a) Melting or Freezing at MP
(b) Vaporisation or condensation at B.P.
(c) Sublimation at sublimation point.
(d) Interconversion of allotropic forms at Transition temperature.
Sg >> S > Ss ; Vg >> V > Vs ;
Vg >> V < Vs (Water) ; Hg >> H > Hs ;
Ug >> U > Us ; Hsub >> Hvap > Hfus.
At same Pressure and Temperature
Hsub = Hvap + Hfus.
3. For reversible phase transition.
W = – Pext [V]
H trans
Strans. =
q = Htrans
Utrans = Htrans + w
4. rH = VPH (product) – VRH (Reactant)
 VP, VR – Stoichiometric coefficient of reactants & products
rG = VPG (product) – VRG (reactants)

Determining rH° for Reaction :- 3 methods

(a) rH° = VP H°f (P) – VR H°f (R)
(b) rH° = VR H°comb. (R) – VP H°comb. (P)
(c) rH° = Hatomisation (R) – Hatomisation (P)


Ex. 1 From the following data at 25ºC
Reaction r Hº/KJ mol–1

1/2 H2(g) + 1/2O2(g)  OH(g) 42.09

H2(g) + 1/2O2(g) H2O(g) –241.84
H2(g)  2H(g) 435.88
O2(g)  2O(g) 495.04

Calculate r H° for the following reactions

(a) OH(g)  H(g) + O(g)
(b) H2O(g)  2H(g) + O(g)
(c) H2O(g)  H(g) + OH(g)
Sol. (a) The desired equation is
OH(g)  H(g) + O(g)
We are to develop the desired equation by using the four given equations

1 435.88
(i) H 2 (g)  H(g) rH° =
2 2
1 1
(ii) OH(g)  H2(g) + O2 (g) rH° = –42.09
2 2
1 495.04
(iii) O (g)  O(g) rH° =
2 2 2
By adding equation (i), (ii) & (iii),
we get
OH(g)  H(g) + O(g)

435.88 495.04
rH°  – 42.09 +
2 2
or rH° = 423.37 kJ/mol.
(b) The desired equation is
H2O(g)  2H(g) + O(g)

1 495.04
(i) O (g)  O(g) rH° =
2 2 2
(ii) H2(g)  2H(g) rH° = 435.88
(iii) H2O(g)  H2(g) + O (g) rH° = 241.88
2 2
The net equation is,
H2O(g)  2H(g) + O(g) ∆rH° = 925.28 kJ/mol
(c) The desired equation is
H2O(g)  H(g) + OH(g)


Exercise # 1 [Single Correct Choice Type Questions]

1. For which of the following change H  E ?

(A) H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g) (B) HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O()
(C) C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) (D) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)

2. If H is the change in enthalpy and E the change in internal energy accompanying a gaseous
(A) H is always greater than E
(B) H < E only if the number of moles of the products is greater than the number of the reactants
(C) H is always less than E
(D)H < E only if the number of moles of the products is less than the number of moles of the reactants

3. Which plot represent an exothermic reaction ?

(A) (B) R (C) (D)

Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate

4. C (s) + O2 (g)  CO2, (g); H = –94.3 kcal/mol

CO (g) + O (g)  CO2 (g); H = – 67.4 kcal/mo!
2 2
O2(g)  2O (g); H = 117.4 kcal/mol
CO (g)  C (g) + O(g) ; H = 230.6 kcal/mol
Calculate H for C (s)  C (g) in kcal/mol.
(A) 171 (B)154 (C)117 (D)145

5. 2C  O 2  2CO; H  220 kJ Which of the following statement is correct for this reaction
(A) Heat of combustion of carbon is 110 kJ (B) Reaction is exothermic
(C) Reaction needs no initiation (D) All of these are correct

6. Given, H2(g) + Br2(g)  2HBr(g), H01 and standard enthalpy of condensation of bromine is H02, standard
enthalpy of formation of HBr at 250C is
(A) H01 / 2 (B) H01 / 2 + H02 (C) H01 / 2  H02 (D) (H01H02) / 2

7. For the following reaction, C (diamond) + O2  CO2(g) ; H = –94.3 kcal

C (graphite) + O2  CO2(g) ; H = –97.6 kcal
The heat required to change 1 g of C (diamond)  C (graphite) is
(A) 1.59 kcal (B) 0.1375 kcal (C) 0.55 kcal (D) 0.275 kcal

8. In the reaction, CO2(g) + H2(g) CO(g) + H2O(g); H = 2.8 kJ, H represents

(A) heat of reaction (B) heat of combustion (C) heat of formation (D) heat of solution

9. The heat of combustion of sucrose (C12H22O11) is 1350 kcal. How much of heat will be liberated when 17.1 g of
sucrose is burnt ?
(A) 67.5 kcal (B) 13.5 kcal (C) 40.5 kcal (D) 25.5 kcal


Exercise # 2 Part # I [Multiple Correct Choice Type Questions]

1. Use the given standard enthalpies of formation to determine the heat of reaction of the following reaction :
2 LiOH(s) + CO2(g)  Li2CO3(s) + H2O(l)
Hof LiOH(s) = – 487.23 kJ/mole
Hof Li2CO3(s) = – 1215.6 kJ/mole
Hof H2O(l) = – 285.85 kJ/mole
Hof CO2(g) = – 393.5 kJ/mole
(A) +303.4 (B) – 133.5 (C) – 198.6 (D) +198.6

2. NH3(g) + 3Cl2(g) NCl3(g) + 3HCl (g) ; –H1

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) ; H2
H2(g) + Cl2 (g) 2HCl (g) ; H3
The heat of formation of NCl3 (g) in the terms of H1, H2 and H3 is ?
H 2 3 H 2 3
(A) Hf = –H1 + – H3 (B) Hf = H1 + – H3
2 2 2 2
H 2 3
(C) Hf = H1 – – H3 (D) None
2 2

3. Determine Ho of the following reaction using the listed heats of formation :
4 HNO3(l) + P4O10(s) 2 N2O5(s) + 4 HPO3(s)
H f HNO3(l) = –174.1 kJ/mole
Hof N2O5(s) = –43.1 kJ/mole
Hof P4O10(s) = –2984.0 kJ/mole
Hof HPO3(s) = –948.5 kJ/mole
(A) –176.3 (B) – 199.8 (C) +276.2 (D) – 242.4

4. If x1, x2 and x3 are enthalpies of H–H, O=O and O–H bonds respectively, and x4 is the enthalpy of vaporisation
of water, estimate the standard enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen.
x x x x
(A) x1 + 2 –2x3 + x4 (B) x1 + 2 –2x3 – x4 (C) x1 + 2 –x3 + x4 (D) 2x1 – x1 – 2 – x4
2 2 2 2
5. Use the given bond enthalpy data to estimate the Ho (kJ) for the following reaction.
(C – H = 414 kJ, H – Cl = 431 kJ, Cl – Cl = 243 kJ, C – Cl = 331 kJ).
CH4(g) + 4 Cl2(g)  CCl4(g) + 4 HCl(g)
(A) 620 (B) 330 (C) 420 (D) 105

6. For which of the following change H  E ?

(A) H2 (g) + I2 (g)  2HI (g) (B) HCI (aq) + NaOH (aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O (l)
(C) C(s) + O2 (g)  CO2 (g) (D) N2 (g) + 3H2(g)  2 NH3 (g)

7. Hr of which of the following reactions is zero ?

(A) H2 (g)  2H+ (g) + 2e– (B) 2H (g) + aq  2H+ (aq) + 2e–
(C) 2H (g)  2H+ (g) + 2e– (D) H2 (g) + aq  2H+ (aq) + 2e–


Exercise # 3 Part # I [Matrix Match Type Questions]

1. Columm - I Columm - II
(A) C (s, graphite) + O2(g)  CO2(g) (p) Hºcombustion

(B) C(s, graphite)  C(g) (q) Hºformation

(C) CO(g) + O (g)  CO2(g) (r) Hºatomization
2 2
(D) CH4(g)  C(g) + 4H(g) (s) Hºsublimation

2. List equation/law (in Column I) with statement (in Column II) :

Column-I Column-II
(A) Arrhenius equation (p) Variation of enthalpy of a reaction with temperature
(B) Kirchhoff equation (q) Variation of rate constant with temperature
(C) Second law of thermodynamics (r) Entropy of an isolated system tends to increase and reach
a maximum value
(D) Hess's law of constant heat summation (s) Enthalpy change in a reaction is always constant and
independent of the manner in which the reaction occurs.

3. Match the reaction (In Column I) with relation between H and E (in Column II) :
Column-I Column-II
(A) C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) (p) H = E + RT
(B) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) (q) H = E
(C) NH4HS(s) NH3(g) + H2S(g) (r) H = E – 2RT
(D) PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2 (s) H = E + 2RT
(E) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) (t) H = E – RT

4. Column-I Column-II
(A) S(g) + O2(g) SO2(g) ; H (p) Heat of solution
(B) CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g)
+ 2H2O(l) ; H (q) Heat of neutralisation
(C) NaOH(s) + aq NaOH (aq) ; H
(r) Heat of formation
(D) NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl (aq)
+ H2O(l) ; H (s) Heat of combustion

Part # II [Comprehension Type Questions]

Comprehension # 1
The commercial production of "Water gas" utilises the endothermic reaction C(s) + H2O (g)  H2(g) + CO(g). The
heat required for this reaction is generated by combustion of coal to CO2 using stoichiometric amount of air. (79%
N2 by volume and 21%O2 by volume). The superheated steam undergoes 75% conversion. Using the following
data, answer the question that follows
Hf [CO(g)] = – 110.53 kJ.mol; Hf [H2O(g)] = – 241.81 kJ/mol; Hf [CO2(g)] = – 314.0 kJ/mol

1. The amount of heat liberated when one litre of product gases are burnt at 373 K and at 1 atm is
(A)  3.6kJ (B)  3.9 kJ (C)  4.43 kJ (D)  5.34 kJ


Exercise # 4 [Subjective Type Questions]

1. Why is the enthalpy of sublimation equal to the sum of enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporisation ?

2. For a chemical reaction, CP is negative (CP < 0).

The heat required to increase temperature of reactants of this reaction by a certain amount = q1 and heat required to
increase temperature of products of the same reaction by same amount = q2, Relate q1 and q2

3. The specific heats of iodine vapour and solid are 0.031 calg–1 ºC–1 and 0.055 calg–1 ºC–1 respectively. If heat of
sublimation of iodine is 24 cal/g at 200ºC, what is its value at 250ºC ?

4. Predict the standard reaction enthalpy of 2 NO2(g)  N2O4(g) at 100°C. H° at 25°C is –57.2 kj. mol–1 Cp(NO2) =
37.2 j. mol–1 K–1 Cp(N2O4) = 77.28 J. mol–1 k–1.

5. Classify the following processes as exothermic or endothermic :

(A) Burning of a match stick (B) Melting of ice
(C) Molten metal solidifies (D) Reaction between Na and H2O
(E) Rubbing alcohol evaporates.

6. Diborane is a potential rocket fuel which undergoes combustion according to the reaction
B2H6(g) + 3O2(g)  B2O3(s) + 3H2O(g)
From the following data, calculate the enthalpy change for the combustion of diborane
2B(s) + (3/2) O2(g)  B2O3(s) H = – 1273 kJ mol–1
H2(g) + (1/2)O2(g)  H2O(l) H = – 286 kJ mol–1
H2O()  H2O(g) H = 44 kJ mol–1
2B(s) + 3H (g)  B H (g)
2 2 6
H = 36 kJ mol–1

7. Find out the heat evolved in combustion if 112 litres (at STP) of water gas (mixture of equal volume of H2(g) and CO (g)).
H2(g) + 1/2 O2 (g)  H2O(g) H = – 241.8 kJ
CO (g) + 1/2 O2(g)  CO2(g) H = – 283 kJ

8. If H2 + 1/2 O2  H2O, H = – 68 kcal

K + H2O  KOH (aq) + 1/2 H2, H = – 48 kcal
KOH + water  KOH (aq), H = – 14 kcal
Find the heat of formation of KOH.

9. One litre sample of a mixture of CH4 and O2 measured at 25ºC and 740 torr, was allowed to react at constant pressure
in a calorimeter. The complete combustion of CH4 to CO2 and water caused a temperature rise in calorimeter of 0.667
K. Calculate mole % of CH4 in original mixture.
[Given : Heat of combustion of CH4 is – 210.8 Kcal/mol. Total heat capacity of the calorimeter = 1260 cal/K]

10. The heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol is –300 kcal. If the heats of formation of CO2 (g) and H2O() are –94.3 and
–68.5 kcal respectively, calculate the heat of formation of ethyl alcohol.

11. The standard enthalpy of decomposition of the yellow complex H3NSO2 Into NH3 and SO2 is + 40 kJ mol–1. Calculate
the standard enthalpy of formation of H3NSO2. H0f(NH3) = – 46.11 kJ mol–1, H0f(SO2) = – 296.83

12. When 12.0 g of carbon (graphite) reacted with oxygen to form CO and CO2 at 250C and constant pressure, 313.8 kJ
of heat was released and no carbon remained. If H0f (CO, g) = – 110.5 kJ mol–1 and H0f (CO2,g) = – 393.5 kJ mol–1,
alculate the mass of oxygen consumed.


Exercise # 5 Part # I [Previous Year Questions] [AIEEE/JEE-MAIN]

1. The enthalpies of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide are – 393.5 and – 283 kJ mol–1 respectively. The
enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide per mole is [AIEEE 2004]
(A) 110.5 kJ (B) 676.5 kJ (C) – 676.5 kJ (D) – 110.5 kJ

2. If the bond dissociation energies of XY, X2 and Y2 (all diatomic molecules) are in the ratio of 1 : 1 : 0.5 and Hf for the
formation of XY is - 200 KJ mol–1. The bond dissociation energy of X2 will be [AIEEE 2005]
–1 –1 –1 –1
(A) 100 KJ mol (B) 200 KJ mol (C) 300 KJ mol (D) 800 KJ mol

3. The enthalpy changes for the following processes are listed below: [AIEEE 2006]
Cl2(g)  2Cl(g); 242.3 kJ mol–1 ; I2(g)  2I(g); 151.0 kJ mol–1
ICl(g)  I(g) + Cl(g); 211.3 kJ mol–1 ; I2(s)  I2(g); 62.76 kJ mol–1
Given that the standard state for iodine and chlorine are I2(s) and Cl2(g), the standard enthalpy of formation for ICl(g) is
(A) -16.8 kJ mol–1 (B) +16.8 kJ mol–1 (C) +244.8 kJ mol–1 (D) -14.6 kJ mol–1

4. (HU) for the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) from its elements at 298 K is [AIEEE 2006]
–1 –1
(R = 8.314 J K mol )
(A) 1238.78 J mol–1 (B) -2477.57 J mol–1 (C) 2477.57 J mol–1 (D) -1238.78 J mol–1

5. The standard enthalpy of formation (Hf°) at 398 K for methane, CH4(g) is 74.8 kJ mol–1. The additional information
required to determine the average energy for C - H bond formation would be : [AIEEE 2007]
(A) the dissociation energy of H2 and enthalpy of sublimation of carbon
(B) latent heat of vapourisation of methane
(C) the first four ionization energies of carbon and electron gain enthalpy of hydrogen
(D) the dissociation energy of hydrogen molecule, H2

6. On the basis of the following thermochemical data : (ƒGºH+(aq) = 0) [AIEEE 2009]

H2O()  H+ (aq) + OH– (aq.) ; H = 57.32 kJ
H2(g) + O (g) H2O () ; H = –286.20 kJ
2 2
The value of enthalpy of formation of OH– ion at 25ºC is :
(A) –228.88 kJ (B) +228.88 kJ (C) –343.52 kJ (D) –22.88 kJ

7. The standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 is – 46.0 kJ mol–1. If the enthalpy of formation of H2 from its atoms is –
436 kJ mol–1 and that of N2 is – 712 kJ mol–1, the average bond enthalpy of N – H bond in NH3 is [AIEEE 2010]
(A) – 964 kJ mol–1 (B) + 352 kJ mol–1 (C) + 1056 kJ mol–1 (D) – 1102 kJ mol–1
8. The value of enthalpy change (H) for the reaction
C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 3H2O(I)
at 27°C is –1366.5 kJ mol–1. The value of internal energy change for the above reaction at this temperature will be :
[AIEEE 2011]
(A) –1369.0 kJ (B) –1364.0 kJ (C) –1361.5 kJ (D) –1371.5 kJ
9. Consider the reaction :
4NO2(g) + O2(g)  2N2O5(g), rH = –111 kJ.
If N2O5(s) is formed instead of N2O5(g) in the above reaction, the rH value will be:
(given, H of sublimation for N2O5 is 54 kJ mol–1) [AIEEE 2011]
(A) + 54kJ (B) + 219 kJ (C) – 219 kJ (D) – 165 kJ




1. Which plot represent an exothermic reaction ?

(A) (B) R (C) (D)

Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate

2. If H is the change in enthalpy and E the change in internal energy accompanying a gaseous
(A) H is always greater than E
(B) H < E only if the number of moles of the products is greater than the number of the reactants
(C) H is always less than E
(D) H < E only if the number of moles of the products is less than the number of moles of the reactants

3. C (s) + O2 (g)  CO2, (g); H = –94.3 kcal/mol

CO (g) + O (g)  CO2 (g); H = – 67.4 kcal/mo!
2 2
O2(g)  2O (g); H = 117.4 kcal/mol
CO (g)  C (g) + O(g) ; H = 230.6 kcal/mol
Calculate H for C (s)  C (g) in kcal/mol.
(A) 171 (B)154 (C)117 (D)145
4. The standard heat of combustion of solid boron is equal to :
(A) H°f (B2O3) (B) 1/2 H°f (B2O3) (C) 2H°f (B2O3) (D) 1/2 H°f (B2O3)

5. The heat of combustion of sucrose (C12H22O11) is 1350 kcal. How much of heat will be liberated when 17.1 g of
sucrose is burnt ?
(A) 67.5 kcal (B) 13.5 kcal (C) 40.5 kcal (D) 25.5 kcal

6. One mole of anhydrous MgCl2 dissolves in water and librates 25 cal/mol of heat. Hhydration of MgCl2 = –30 cal/mol.
Heat of dissolution of MgCl2.H2O is
(A) +5 cal/mol (B) –5 cal/mol (C) 55 cal/mol (D) –55 cal/mol

7. Enthalpy of neutralization of H3PO3 acid is – 106.68 kJ/mol using NaOH. If enthalpy of neutralization of HCl by NaOH
is –55.84 kJ/mol. Calculate Hionization of H3PO3 into its ions :
(A) 50.84 kJ/mol (B) 5 kJ/mol (C) 2.5 kJ/mol (D) None of these

8. The bond dissociation energy of gaseous H 2 , Cl 2 and HCl are 104, 58 and 103 kcal mol –1
respectively. The enthalpy of formation for HCl gas will be
(A) – 44.0 kcal (B) – 22.0 kcal (C) 22.0 kcal (D) 44.0 kcal

9. Heat of hydrogenation of ethene is x1 and that of benzene is x2. Hence, resonance energy is :
(A) x1 – x2 (B) x1 + x2 (C) 3x1 – x2 (D) x1 – 3x2

10. AB, A 2 and B2 are diatomic molecules. If the bond enthalpies of A 2, AB & B2 are in the ratio
1 : 1 : 0.5 and enthalpy of formation of AB from A2 and B2 is – 100 kJ/mol–1. What is the bond enthalpy of A2.
(A) 400 kJ/mol (B) 200 kJ/mol (C) 100 kJ/mol (D) 300 kJ/mol

11th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Physical World and Units 1. Mole Concept 1. Basic Maths and Logarithm
& Dimensions 2. Atomic Structure 2. Quadratic Equation
2. Basic Maths & Vector 3. Chemical Bonding 3. Sequence and Series
3. Kinematics 4. Gaseous State
Module-2 Module-2(PC) 1. Trigonometric Ratio and
1. Thermodynamics Identities
1. Newton’s Law of Motion 2. Trigonometric Equation
& Friction 2. Thermochemistry
3. Chemical Equilibrium 3. Properties & Solution
2. Work, Energy & Power of Triangle
4. Ionic Equilibrium
Module-3 Module-3
1. Centre of Mass & Collisions 1. Periodic Table & Its Properties 1. Permutation & Combination
2. Rotational Motion 2. Redox Reaction & Equivalent 2. Binomial Theorum
3. Gravitation Concepts 3. Complex Number
3. Hydrogen & Its Components
Module-4 4. S-Block Module-4
1. Straight Line
1. Mechanical Properties 2. Circle
of Matter Module-4(OC)
1. Nomenclature of 3. Conic Section
2. Thermal Properties of Matter (Parabola,Ellipse & Hyperbola)
Organic Compounds
Module-5 2. Isomerism
3. General Organic Chemistry Module-5
1. Simple Harmonic Motion 1. Mathematical Induction
2. Wave Motion Module-5(OC) 2. Mathematical Reasoning
3. Measurement Error 1. Reaction Mechanism 3. Statistics
& Experiment 2. Hydrocarbon
3. Aromatic Hydrocarbon
4. Environmental Chemistry

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12th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Solid State 1. Sets & Relation
1. Electrostatics
2. Solutions and 2. Function
2. Capacitance
Colligative Properties 3. Inverse Trigonometric Function
3. Electro Chemistry 4. Probability
1. Current Electricity Module-2(PC) Module-2
2. Magnetic Effect of Current 1. Chemical Kinetics and
and Magnetism Nuclear Chemistry 1. Limit
2. Surface Chemistry 2. Continuity
Module-3 3. Differentiability
Module-3(IC) 4. Method of Differentiation
1. Electromagnetic Induction
2. Alternating Current 1. Metallurgy
2. P- Block Module-3
Module-4 3. Transition Elements 1. Indefinite Integration
(d & f block) 2. Definite Integration
1. Geometrical Optics 4. Co-ordination Compound 3. Area Under the Curve
2. Wave Optics 5. Salt Analysis & Qualitative
Analysis Module-4
Module-4(OC) 1. Application of Derivative
1. Modern Physics
1. Alkyl Halides & Aryl Halides 2. Matrix
2. Nuclear Physics
2. Alcohol, Phenol & Ether 3. Determinant
3. Solids & Semiconductor
Devices 3. Carbonyl Compound
4. Electromagnetic Waves
5. Principle of Communication Module-5(OC) 1. Differential Equation
1. Carboxylic Acid & Their 2. Vector & 3-Dimensional
2. Biomolecules & Polymers
3. Chemistry in Everyday Life

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