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Answers to Questions and Problems in

Correlation Risk Modeling and Management

Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 1:

1) What two types of financial correlations exist?

We differentiate (a) static financial correlations, which measure how two or more
financial assets are associated within a certain time period, and (b) dynamic financial
correlations, which measure how two or more financial assets move together in time.

2) What is “wrong-way correlation risk” or for short “wrong-way risk”?

Wrong-way risk exists when there is a tendency for both the credit exposure and the
credit risk to increase. For example, wrong-way risk exists if Deutsche Bank sells a put on
itself. In this case the put buyer has wrong-way risk: If the Deutsche Bank stock
decreases in price, the credit exposure increases (since the put is more valuable). But if
the Deutsche Bank stock decreases in price, this typically also means that the default
probability of Deutsche Bank increases; hence the credit risk for the put buyer with
respect to Deutsche Bank also increases.

3) Correlations can be non-monotonous. What does this mean?

It means that the value of a variable such as a credit default swap (CDS) or a
collateralized debt obligation (CDO) can increase or decrease for a continued increase or
decrease of correlation values (see Figure 1.2).

4) Correlations are critical in many areas in finance. Name five.

Financial correlations are critical in (1) investments, (2) trading, (3) risk management, (4)
financial crises, (5) regulation, and more.

5) High diversification is related to low correlation. Why is this considered one of the few
“free lunches” in finance?
Following the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) it can be shown that a higher
diversification leads to a higher return/risk ratio of the assets of a portfolio. This effect is
enhanced with lower correlation values between the assets. This can be seen from

2 2 2 2
equation (1.5), σP  wXσX  wYσY  2wXwYCOVXY . The lower the correlation,

expressed as the covariance CovXY, the lower the portfolio risk σP.

6) Create a numerical example and show why a lower correlation results in a higher
return/risk ratio.

The critical equations are:

µP = wX µX + wY µY (1.1) and

σ P  w 2X σ 2X  w 2Y σ 2Y  2wX w Y COVXY

From equation (1.5) we can already observe that a lower covariance (Cov) (i.e., a lower
correlation) leads to a lower portfolio volatility σP and hence a higher return/risk ratio
µP/σP. Let’s confirm this in a numerical example.

Assume asset A and asset B have performed as in Table 1:

Asset A Asset B

2008 100.00 200.00

2009 120.00 230.00
2010 108.00 460.00
2011 194.40 414.00
2012 178.85 480.24
2013 304.05 384.19

Table 1

For an equal weighting (i.e., wx = wy = 0.5), from Table 1 it follows that μP = 25.30%. The
1 n
(sample) covariance COVXY   (x t  μ X )(yt  μ Y ) = –0.1525. From equation
n  1 t 1
(1.5), σP = 15.79%. Hence the return/risk ratio = 25.30%/15.79% = 160.27.
Let’s now increase the value of asset A in 2013 to 350.00 as displayed in Table 2.

Asset A Asset B

2008 100.00 200.00

2009 120.00 230.00
2010 108.00 460.00
2011 194.40 414.00
2012 178.85 480.24
2013 350.00 384.19

Table 2

This results in a lower correlation expressed as the (sample) covariance of –0.1783. The
portfolio return in Table 2 is slightly higher than in Table 1 and results in 27.87%. The
portfolio volatility (i.e., the portfolio risk) σP = 16.74%. Hence the return/risk ratio is
27.87%/16.74% = 166.47. The reader may look at the spreadsheet at for these results.

7) What is “correlation trading”?

Correlation trading is trying to exploit the changes in correlation between two or more
financial assets.

8) What is “pairs trading”?

In pairs trading a type of statistical arbitrage is performed. Let’s assume assets X and Y
have moved in a highly correlated manner in time. If now asset X performs poorly with
respect to Y, then asset X is bought and asset Y is sold with the expectation that the gap
will narrow.

9) Name three correlation options in which a lower correlation results in a higher option

Here are more than three:

- Option on the better of two. Payoff = max(S1, S2)

- Call on the maximum of two. Payoff = max[0, max(S1, S2) – K]
- Exchange option (such as a convertible bond). Payoff = max(0, S2 – S1)
- Spread call option. Payoff = max[0, (S2 – S1) – K]
- Option on the better of two or cash. Payoff = max(S1, S2, cash)
- Dual-strike call option. Payoff = max(0, S1 – K1, S2 – K2)

n 
- Portfolio of basket options. Payoff   n iSi  K, 0 , where ni is the weight of
 i 1 
assets i

10) Name one correlation option where a lower correlation results in a higher option


Option on the worse of two. Payoff = min(S1, S2)

11) Create a numerical example of a two-asset portfolio and show that a lower
correlation coefficient leads to a lower VaR number.

In example 1.2, we derived the 10-day VaR for a two-asset portfolio with a correlation
coefficient of 0.7, daily standard deviation of returns of asset 1 of 2%, asset 2 of 1%, and
$10 million invested in asset 1 and $5 million invested in asset 2, on a 99% confidence
level. The VaR came out to $1.7513 million.

Let’s now decrease the correlation coefficient between asset 1 and asset 2 to 0.6. The
VaR then reduces to 1.7174. This can be verified with the spreadsheet at VAR.xlsx.

12) Why do correlations typically increase in a systemic market crash?

In a systemic crash, typically the “herding mentality” of traders and investors sets in,
resulting in panic selling. As a result many assets decrease in price simultaneously,
resulting in a high price correlation of the assets.

13) In 2005, a correlation crisis with respect to CDOs occurred that led to huge losses of
several hedge funds. What happened?
In 2005 General Motors was downgraded to BB and Ford was downgraded to BB+, so
both companies were now in “junk” status. A downgrade to junk typically leads to a
sharp bond price decline, since many mutual funds and pension funds are not allowed
to hold junk bonds.

Importantly, the correlation of the bonds in CDOs that referenced investment-grade

bonds decreased, since bonds of different credit qualities typically have lower
correlations. This led to huge losses of hedge funds, which had put on a strategy where
they were short the equity tranche of the CDO and long the mezzanine tranche of the
CDO. (See Figure 1.7 for details.) Hedge funds had shorted the equity tranche (0% to 3%
tranche) to collect the high equity tranche spread. They had then presumably hedged
the risk by going long the mezzanine tranche (3% to 7% tranche). However, this hedge
was flawed since the equity tranche spread increased and the mezzanine tranche spread
decreased, so the hedge funds lost on both of their positions.

14) In the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, many investors in the presumably safe
super-senior tranches got hurt. What exactly happened?

Many investors had leveraged the super-senior tranches, termed leveraged super-senior
(LSS) tranches, to receive a higher spread. This leverage was typically 10 to 20 times,
meaning an investor paid $10,000,000 but had risk exposure of $100,000,000 to
$200,000,000. What made things technically even worse was that these LSSs came with
an option for the investors to unwind the super-senior tranche if the spread had
widened (increased). Therefore many investors started to purchase the LSS spread at
very high levels, realizing a loss and increasing the LSS tranche spread even further.

15) What is the main objective of the Basel III accord?

The objective of the Basel accords is to “provide incentives for banks to enhance their
risk measurement and management systems” and “to contribute to a higher level of
safety and soundness in the banking system.” In particular, Basel III is being developed
to address the deficiencies of the banking system during the financial crisis 2007 to
16) The Basel accords have no legal authority. Why do most developed countries implement

About 100 countries have implemented Basel II as a regulatory requirement for their
banks. The reason is mainly twofold: (1) it increases the soundness and safety of the
country’s banking system and (2) it results in a higher credit rating (from Standard &
Poor’s, Moody's, Fitch, and Dagong) of the country and its banks, which allows
international trade at a lower cost of capital.

17) How is correlation risk related to market risk and credit risk?

Correlation risk can be categorized as its own type of risk. However, correlation risk is
also an integral part of market risk and credit risk. In particular, market risk is typically
quantified with the value at risk (VaR) concept. VaR is highly sensitive to the correlation
between the assets in the portfolio (see section 1.3.3 and Chapter 9, section 9.4).
Arguably, correlation risk is even more critical in credit risk. Default correlation and
correlated migration to a lower credit state are not only important in structured
products such as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), but also critical in the loan
portfolios of mortgage lenders, for credit card debt, and in all loan portfolios in general.
A combined, correlated default or migration to a lower credit state of the debtors can
lead to huge unexpected losses for the creditors.

18) How is correlation risk related to systemic risk and to concentration risk?

Systemic risk can be defined as the risk that a financial market or an entire financial
system collapses. Naturally, if an entire financial market collapses, such as the mortgage
market and stock market from 2007 to 2009, the correlation between the prices in
decline increases. See also Figure 1.8.

Concentration risk can be defined as the risk of financial loss due to a concentrated
exposure to a particular group of counterparties. Correlation risk and concentration risk
are related. The lower the concentration risk, the lower is the worst-case scenario for
the creditor. Similarly, the lower the correlation between the debtors, the lower is also
the worst-case scenario for the debtor. This can be seen from equation (1.11),

P(X  Y)  ρXY PX (1 - PX ) PY (1 - PY )  PX PY . The lower the correlation coefficient ρXY,

the lower the probability of joint default, P(X Y) . See also the numerical example 1.3.

19) How can we measure the joint probability of occurrence of a binomial event as default
or no-default?

We can apply the binomial correlation measure of Lucas 1995, equation (1.11):

P(X  Y)  ρXY PX (1 - PX ) PY (1 - PY )  PX PY (1.11)

20) Can it be that two binomial events are negatively correlated but they have a positive
probability of joint default?

Yes. This can be seen from equation (1.11) above. A slightly negative correlation
coefficient ρXY can result in a positive joint default probability P(X Y) , if the product of

the standard deviations of the binomial events PX (1 - PX ) PY (1 - PY ) is fairly low and the

product of the default probabilities PX PY is high. For example, if the standard deviation
of both entities is 30% and a default probability of both entities is 10%, together with a
negative correlation coefficient of –0.1, then, following equation (1.11), this leads to a
joint default probability of +0.1%.

21) What are value at risk (VaR) and credit value at risk (CVaR)? How are they related?

VaR measures the maximum loss of a portfolio with respect to a certain probability for a
certain time frame with respect to (correlated) market risk. Market risk is the risk that a
price or a rate in the (a) equity market, (b) interest rate market, (c) currency market, or
(d) commodity market changes unfavorably.

CVaR measures the maximum loss of a portfolio of (correlated) debt with a certain
probability for a certain time frame.
Hence VaR is the risk related to market risk and CVaR is the risk related to credit risk. For
both VaR and CVaR, correlation is critical. For the exposure of VaR to correlation, see
section 1.3.3, example 1.2, and Chapter 9, section 9.4. In Chapter 12, section 12.1, we
show that a higher (copula) correlation between assets results in a higher CVaR.

22) Correlation risk is quite broadly defined in trading practice, referring to any co-
movement of assets in time. How is the term correlation defined in statistics?

In statistics or financial theory, especially in recent publications, the term correlation is

often defined only referring to the linear Pearson correlation model, as in Cherubini et
al. (2004), Nelsen (2006), or Gregory (2010).

23) What do the terms measure of association and measure of dependence refer to in

In statistics, the terms measure of association and measure of dependence typically refer
to associations of variables measured by concepts other than the Pearson correlation
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 2:

1) In which state of the economy are equity correlations the highest?

In an economic recession. This is because in a recession multiple stocks decrease

together, resulting in high stock price correlation.

2) In which state of the economy is equity correlation volatility high?

Generally in bad economic times. However, in our study, the correlation volatility was
only slightly lower in normal economic periods (83.40%) than in a recession (80.48%).
Correlation volatility was lowest in expansionary periods (71.17%).

3) What follows from questions 1 and 2 for risk management?

Traders and risk managers should take the higher correlation level and higher
correlation volatility in bad economic times into consideration.

4) What is mean reversion?

Mean reversion is the tendency of a variable to be pulled back to its long-term mean.

5) How can we quantify mean reversion?

We can start with equation (2.2), St - St -1  a (μ S  St -1 ) t  σS ε t .

Ignoring stochasticity, equation (2.2) reduces to equation (2.4):

St - St -1  a μ S  a St -1

To find the mean reversion rate a, we can run a standard regression analysis of the form


Following equation (2.4), we are regressing St – St-1 with respect to St–1:

St - St -1  a μ S  a St -1
Y = α + βX
From equation (2.5), we observe that the regression coefficient β is equal to the
negative mean reversion parameter a.

6) What is autocorrelation? Name two approaches for how to quantify autocorrelation.

Autocorrelation is the degree of which a variable is correlated to its past values.

Autocorrelation can be quantified with the Nobel Prize–awarded autoregressive
conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model of Robert Engle (1982) or its extension,
generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) by Tim Bollerslev
(1988); see Chapter 8, section 8.3, for more details. However, we can also regress the
time series of a variable to its past time series values to derive autocorrelation. This is
the approach taken in the book.

7) For equity correlations, we see the typical decrease of autocorrelation with respect to
time lags. What does that mean?

It means that correlation levels can be better explained by more recent correlations
than by correlations that existed farther back in time.

8) How are mean reversion and autocorrelation related?

Mean reversion and autocorrelation are inversely related: The higher mean reversion is
(i.e., the more strongly a variable is pulled back to its long-term mean), the lower is
autocorrelation (i.e., the degree to which a variable is correlated to its past values).

9) What is the distribution of equity correlations?

Our empirical studies showed that equity correlations are not normally or lognormally
distributed. Rather they can be best approximated with the Johnson SB distribution. See
the spreadsheet “Correlation Fitting” at,
under “Chapter 2.”

10) When modeling stocks, bonds, commodities, exchange rates, volatilities, and other
financial variables, we typically assume a normal or lognormal distribution. Can we do
this for equity correlations?
No, as mentioned under question 9, equity correlation cannot be approximated well
with a normal or lognormal distribution. One reason is that most correlations in finance
are positive and increase the more positive they are, with the exception of very high
correlation values. So a rather complex distribution such as the Johnson SB with four
parameters can approximate equity correlations well. See Figure 2.6.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 3:

1) Discuss briefly why financial modeling is useful!

No financial model can or will ever be able to replicate the immensely complex financial
system perfectly. However, financial models are useful tools to help us understand the
financial system and to give approximations. The value at risk (VaR) model can give us a
good estimate about our market risk. The multivariate copula model can give us a good
estimate about the credit value risk of a portfolio, CVaR. The Black-Scholes-Merton
(BSM) model can give us a good idea about the value of an option.

Importantly, however, we have to be constantly aware of the limitations of any financial


2) What are the general and specific limitations of financial modeling?

The general limitation of any financial model is its inability to model the immensely
complex financial environment perfectly. In particular, financial models may have these

a) Financial models may have known conceptual deficiencies such as the slim tails of
the VaR underlying normal distribution, constant volatility in the Black-Scholes-
Merton model, or a simplistic single correlation parameter in the one-factor
Gaussian copula model.
b) Sometimes financial models have difficulty in calibration. This means that it is
difficult to find parameter values for the model so that the model output can match
market prices.

Generally, no financial model should be trusted uncritically. Traders and risk managers
should be constantly be aware of the limitations of every financial model.

3) How do models in physics and models in finance differ?

Physics is a “hard” science. This means that physical relationships such as E = mc2 are
correct in any normal physical environment and will be correct in the future. Financial
models may give incorrect values (such as the Black-Scholes-Merton model for an
option) or incorrect expected values, such as the value at risk (VaR) model for expected
future market risk.

4) Name three critical aspects that have to be considered when applying financial models
in reality!

As already mentioned in question 2, some models have conceptual inconsistences. In

addition, financial models may have problems in calibration. In some cases,
mathematical errors can be found in a financial model, such as the Black-Scholes-
Merton extension to value barrier options or lookback options (see
for details).

5) What problems with financial modeling occurred in particular in the Great Recession of
2007 to 2009?

The main problem regarding financial modeling in the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009
was inadequate calibration. Benign default probabilities and default correlations were
input into the credit value at risk (CVaR) models. It cannot be expected that wrong input
data can generate correct output data. Garbage in, garbage out, in programming

6) What is the main limitation of the Pearson correlation approach?

1) Linear dependencies, which are evaluated in the Pearson model, do not appear
often in finance. Most financial relationships are nonlinear; see for example Figures
1.2 to 1.4, and 1.6 to 1.8.
2) As a consequence of point 1, zero correlation derived in the Pearson model does not
necessarily mean independence. For example, the parabola Y = X2 will lead to ρ = 0,
which is arguably misleading. See Appendix 1A of Chapter 1 for details.

7) Name three other limitations of the Pearson correlation approach.

1. Linear correlation measures are natural dependence measures only if the joint
distribution of the variables is elliptical.1
2. The variances of the sets X and Y have to be finite. However, for distributions with
strong kurtosis, for example the Student’s t distribution with v ≤ 2, the variance is
3. In contrast to the copula approach, discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, which is invariant
to strictly increasing transformations, the Pearson correlation approach is typically
not invariant to transformations. For example, the Pearson correlation between
pairs X and Y is in general different from the Pearson correlation between the pairs
ln(X) and ln(Y). Hence the information value of the Pearson correlation coefficient
after data transformation is limited.

8) Does a Pearson correlation coefficient of zero mean independence?

Definitely not! We discussed this in Appendix 1A of Chapter 1.

For the parabola Y = X2, Y is clearly dependent on X, since Y changes when X

changes. However, the correlation of the function Y = X2 derived by the Pearson model
is zero! This can be shown numerically and algebraically. For a numerical derivation, see
the simple spreadsheet “Dependence and Correlation,” sheet 1, at, under “Chapter 1.”

Algebraically, the definition of independence, from equation (1A.4) in Appendix

1A, is

Cov(X,Y) = E(XY) – E(X)E(Y) Inputting Y = X2, we derive

= E(X X2) – E(X) E(X2)

= E(X3) – E(X) E(X2) Let X be a uniform variable bounded

in [–1, +1]. Then the mean E(X) is zero and we

An elliptical distribution is a generalization of multivariate normal distributions.
= 0 – 0 E(X2)

9) In the Pearson correlation model, what values do covariances take, and what values
does the correlation coefficient take?

1 n
The covariance of equation (1.3) COVXY   (x t  μ X )(yt  μ Y ) takes values
n  1 t 1
between –∞ and +∞. Conveniently, the correlation coefficient in equation (1.4)
ρ XY 
σ X σ Y takes values between –1 and +1.

10) Should we apply the Pearson correlation model to finance?

The Pearson correlation model has severe limitations; most critically, it measures only
the linear association between variables. There it can at best serve as an approximation
for the association between financial variables, which are typically nonlinear.

11) What is the main difference between cardinal correlation measures such as the Pearson
model and ordinal correlation measures such as Spearman’s rank correlation and
Kendall’s τ?

The Pearson correlation model, as a cardinal correlation measure, takes the numerical
values of the variables into consideration.

Ordinal rank correlation measures are appropriate correlation measures if the

observations are ordinal. In rank correlation measures such as the Spearman’s rank
correlation and Kendall’s τ, the numerical values of the elements in a set are not
relevant for deriving the correlation, just the order of the elements.

12) What is a severe limitation when applying Spearman’s rank correlation and Kendall’s τ
to finance?

The problem with applying ordinal rank correlations to cardinal observations is that
ordinal correlations are less sensitive to the outliers. For example, doubling the outliers
will have no effect on the correlation measure (see section 3.2.2). So the rank
correlation measure is less sensitive to very high losses that may have occurred. This
may result in a distorted, seemingly better performance than the actual performance.

13) When should we apply Spearman’s rank correlation and Kendall’s τ in financial

We should apply the ordinal Spearman’s rank correlation and Kendall’s τ measure only if
the input data is ordinal, for example for rating categories.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 4:

1) The original Heston (1993) model correlates the Brownian motion of which two financial
variables? What is the most significant result of the original Heston model?

The two variables that are correlated in the Heston model are the stock price S and the
volatility σ. One of the most significant results is that the Heston model can replicate
volatility skews found in reality well.

2) To create negative correlation between asset 1 and asset 2 in the Heston (1993) model,
what value does the correlation coefficient α take in equation

dz 1 (t)  α dz 2 (t)  1  α 2 dz 3 (t) ?

The correlation coefficient α would take negative values.

3) The Heston model is one of the most widely applied correlation models in finance. Why?

The Heston model is mathematically convenient, since by construction dz1 is standard

normal. In addition, it is dynamic and versatile since it can positively and negatively
correlate the Brownian motion of variables.

4) What is the difference between the Pearson correlation model and the binomial
correlation model of Lucas (1995)?

The binomial correlation model of Lucas is a special case of the Pearson model. The
Pearson model’s correlation coefficient is

E(XY)  E(X)E(Y)
ρ1 (X, Y)  (3.3)
E(X 2 )  (E(X)) 2 E(Y 2 )  (E(Y)) 2

whereas the binomial correlation coefficient is

P(XY) - P(X)P(Y)
ρ(1{τ X T}
,1{τ Y T}
) (4.8)
(P(X)  (P(X))2 (P(Y)  (P(Y)) 2
By construction, equation (4.8) can only model binomial events, for example default and
no default. With respect to equation (3.3), we observe that in equation (3.3) X and Y are
sets of i = 1, ..., n variates, with i   . P(X) and P(Y) in equation (4.8), however, are
scalars, for example, the default probabilities of entities X and Y for a certain time
period T, respectively, 0 ≤ P(X) ≤ 1, and 0 ≤ P(Y) ≤ 1. Hence the binomial correlation
approach of equation (4.8) is a limiting case of the Pearson correlation approach of
equation (3.3).

5) What are the limitations of the binomial correlation model of Lucas (1995)?

As in the Pearson model, the most severe limitation is that the binomial model analyzes
only linear relationships between variables. However, most financial relationships are

6) What is the basic principle of the copula correlation model?

It joins n single-variate distributions to one (however, n-dimensional) distribution.

7) Why is the Gaussian copula model the most popular copula model in finance?

Because of its mathematical and computational simplicity and high intuition.

8) What does “In the copula mapping process, the marginal distributions are preserved”

The statement means that the percentiles are preserved. For example, the 5th
percentile of the marginal distribution (i.e., the original distribution) is mapped to the
5th percentile of the new standard normal distribution, the 10th percentile of the
marginal distribution is mapped to the 10th percentile of the standard normal
distribution, and so on.

9) Given are the marginal 1-year default probabilities of 5% for asset 1 and 7% for asset 2.
If the Gaussian correlation coefficient is 0.3, what is the joint probability of default in
year 1, assuming asset 1 and asset 2 are jointly bivariately distributed?
From equation (4.14), the joint default probability is

Q(tasset1  1  tasset2  1)  M ( xasset1  1.6449 xasset2  1.4758, ρ  0.3)  0.93%.

See spreadsheet default time Copula.xlsm.

10) Given are the 5-year default probability of entity i of 10% and the 6-year default
probability of entity i of 13%. What is the forward default probability in year 6 and what
is the default intensity in year 6?

From section 4.3, the forward probability, viewed at time 0, is

q(0)5,6 = Q(6) – Q(5) = Q(13%) – Q(10%) = 3%

The default intensity, also called hazard rate, viewed at time 6 is

λ(6)5,6= (Q6 – Q5)/(1 – Q5) = 13% – 10%/(1 – 10%) = 3.33%

11) What are the limitations of the Gaussian copula for financial applications?

a) The Gaussian copula has low tail dependence. Following a definition by Joe (1999), a
bivariate copula has lower tail dependence if

lim y 1  0, y 2 0
P[(τ 1  N 11 (y1 ) | (τ 2  N 21 (y 2 )]  0

where τi is the default time of asset i, yi is the marginal distribution of asset i, and N–1
is the inverse of the standard normal distribution. However, it can be easily shown
that the Gaussian copula has no tail dependence for any correlation parameter ρ:
lim y  0, y
1 2 0
P[(τ1  N11 (y1 ) | (τ 2  N 21 (y 2 )]  0, ρ {-1,1}.

b) Some researchers report that the one-factor version of the Gaussian copula has
problems in calibrating CDO tranches. However, other studies of Hull and White
(2004), Andersen and Sidenius (2004), and Burtschell et al. (2008) find no problems
in calibration.
c) The Gaussian copula is principally static and consequently allows only limited risk
management. In particular, there is no stochastic process for the critical underlying
variables’ default intensity and default correlation. However, back-testing and
stress-testing the variables for different time horizons can give valuable sensitivities;
see Whetten and Adelson (2004) and Meissner et al. (2008b).

12) Since the Gaussian copula has low tail dependence, which other copulas seem more
suitable to model financial correlations?

Other copulas such as the Student’s t or the Gumbel copula have higher tail dependence
and may be more suited to model financial correlations.

13) Can the copula model be blamed for the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009?

The copula model is a rigorous statistical correlation model. For finance, the limitations
discussed in question 11 apply. The critical problem with respect to the 2007–2009
global financial crisis was not the financial models themselves, but inadequate
calibration. Benign default probabilities and default correlations from 2003 to 2006
were input into the models. It cannot be expected that models produce correct outputs
if the inputs are flawed. Garbage in, garbage out in programming terminology.

14) What is the basic idea in contagion correlation models?

Contagion correlation modeling, pioneered by Davis and Lo (1999 and 2001) and Jarrow
and Yu (2001), is based on the idea that the default of one entity impacts the default
intensity of another entity. Hence contagion default modeling incorporates
counterparty risk (i.e., the direct impact of a defaulting entity on the default intensity of
another entity).

15) Name the limitations of contagion models.

Introducing symmetric contagion among all entities creates the problem of circularity. In
this case, the construction of a joint distribution is rather complex. One solution is to
model “asymmetric dependence” (i.e., the default of primary entities impacts the
default intensity of secondary entities, but not vice versa).
As with all financial models, the user has to be aware of the general limitations of
financial models. Models can serve as an approximation of the complex financial reality,
but will never exactly replicate it.
16) See the model for the answer.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 5:

1) What is the basic idea of a CDO?

CDOs transfer credit risk from the originator to the investors.

2) Name the three main types of CDOs.

The three main types of CDOs are cash CDOs, synthetic CDOs, and nonfunded CDOs.

3) Which are the three main players in a CDO? Why is the SPV typically AAA rated?

1) The originator (or protection buyer), who transfers the credit risk,
2) The investor, who assumes the credit risk, and
3) The SPV (special purpose vehicle), which manages the CDO.

The SPV is AAA rated in order to reduce the credit risk for the investor.

4) Name the motives of these three players to enter into a CDO.

The motivation for the originator is naturally to transfer the credit risk, which improves
the protection buyer’s credit rating, frees credit lines, reduces regulatory capital, and
lowers funding cost. The motivation for the investor is to receive high yields. The
motivation for the SPV is fee income.

5) Name the three financial principles that are incorporated in a CDO and explain them

A CDO is a structured product that includes the financial principles of

1. Diversification. A skilled manager will include bonds and loans in a CDO, which have
a high degree of diversification (i.e., they have low or preferably negative
2. Subordination. This means the defaults in higher tranches are protected by defaults
in lower tranches, since defaults are absorbed by lower tranches first.
3. Overcollateralization. Typically the assets in a CDO have a higher value than the
liabilities that the SPV owes to the investors. This overcollateralization adds an
additional element of protection for investors.

6) What is the default probability of an entity based on the Merton 1974 model, if the
current asset value V0 = $4,000,000, the debt value D = $3,000,000, the maturity T of the
debt is in 1 year, the risk-free interest rate r is 2%, and the volatility of the assets σ is

It is N(–d2) in the Merton 1974 model, which comes out to 7.53%. A simple model that
derives the answer can be found at

7) In the Merton 1974 model, there is a closed form solution for the default probability.
What is it?

As mentioned in question 6, it is N(–d2), in the model E0 = V0 N(d ) – D e-rT N(d )

1 2
V0 1 2
ln( rT )  σ T and d = d -  T
d1 = De 2 2 1
σ T

8) The elegant Merton 1974 model principally serves as a basis for more realistic
extensions. What are the limitations of the Merton 1974 model?

The ingenious Merton 1974 model outlines the principles of a company’s default using
structural properties such as assets and debt. The main limitations of the model are that
only one form of debt D is modeled and that default can occur only at debt maturity T.
Naturally, numerous extensions of the model have been created to bring the model in
line with the complexities of reality.

9) The Merton 1974 model is the basis for all structural models. Why is the Merton model
called structural?

Because it uses the structural data of a company such as assets and liabilities as inputs.

Why are reduced form models called reduced form?

Because they abstract from using assets and liabilities as inputs. Rather, the inputs in
reduced form models are market prices such as bond prices or CDS prices.

10) When valuing the default probability in a CDO, why do we map the default probability of
asset i, λi, to standard normal via N–1(λi)?

This is done mainly for mathematical and computational convenience. The default
barrier Mn is (multivariate) standard normal, so to compare it with the default
probability of asset i, λi, we map λi to standard normal via N–1(λi).

11) The multivariate copula function Mn serves as the default threshold. How is the default
of asset i derived in the copula model?

To derive the threshold, typically the popular Gaussian copula model is applied. We
derive the default threshold as

Mn [N-1 (u1 ),...,N -1 (u n ); ρM ] (5.4)

where Mn is the n-variate Gaussian distribution, N–1 is again the inverse of a standard
normal distribution, and ux is a uniform random vector ux ϵ [0,1], =rand() in Excel/VBA or
randn() in MATLAB. ρM is the asset correlation matrix.

12) The credit triangle is s ≈ λ (1 – R), where s is the credit spread, λ is the default intensity,
and R is the recovery rate. When R = 0, we have s ≈ λ. Explain the intuition of s ≈ λ.

The relationship s ≈ λ is intuitive since the default probability λ is the risk that the
investor takes, and the investor should be compensated for this risk by receiving a
similar amount, the spread s. The relationship s ≈ λ (1 – R) was formally derived by
Lando (1998) with R = 0 and by Duffie and Singleton (1990) with R ≠ 0.

13) The recovery rate is often modeled as being higher, the lower the credit rating of an
asset. This seems counterintuitive. But why is it rational?

Recovery rates are often approximated using historical recovery rates of defaulted
companies. Interestingly, typically rating agencies assign a lower recovery rate to higher-
rated entities. The logic is that higher-rated entities will default only in a recession, in
which recovery rates are lower. Lower-rated entities are assigned a higher recovery
rate, since they can default even in an economic expansion.

14) Can the Gaussian copula be blamed for the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009?

No. The Gaussian copula is a sound statistical correlation model. Applied to finance, the
limitations of slim tails, occasional calibration problems, and the principally static nature
are of concern. However, the main problem in 2007 and 2008 when valuing CDOs with
the Gaussian copula was inadequate calibration. Benign default probability functions
were applied, and low default correlations between the assets in the CDO were inputted
in correlation matrices. When data from non-crisis periods are inputted into a model, it
cannot be expected that the model will produce correct outputs in a crisis!

15) What were the main reasons for the misevaluation of CDOs before and during the crisis?

As mentioned in question 14, the main reason for the misevaluation of CDOs in 2007
and 2008 was inadequate calibration. No model can produce correct results when fed
incorrect inputs.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 6:

1) Name the three strongly simplistic assumptions of the one-factor Gaussian copula
(OFGC) model.

1. The default probabilities of assets in the portfolio are assumed to be identical.

2. The pairwise default correlations between all assets in the portfolio are assumed to
be identical.
3. The recovery rates of all assets in the portfolio are assumed to be identical.

2) For which portfolios are those assumptions justifiable?

Those assumptions are justifiable only for very homogeneous portfolios, for example for
portfolios that have the same or similar credit ratings and/or that belong to the same

3) The correlation concept of the OFGC is incorporated in the simple equation (6.1)

x i  ρ M  1  ρ Z i . Explain the correlation concept with this equation.

The key property of equation (6.1) is that we do not model the default correlation
between the assets i in the portfolio directly, but instead we condition defaults on M.
We assume that ρ is identical for all asset pairs. Therefore, we have the same
relationship between every asset i and M: If ρ is one, every asset i has a perfect
correlation with M; hence all assets are perfectly correlated. If ρ is zero, all assets i
depend only on their idiosyncratic factor Zi; hence the assets are independent. For a ρ of

0.7071 (and therefore ρ  0.5 ), all xi are determined equally by M and Zi. Importantly,

once we have determined M (by a random drawing from a standard normal

distribution), the assets i are conditionally (on M) independent. Therefore we name this
approach conditionally independent default (CID) correlation modeling.

4) Equation (6.1) applies the conditionally independent default (CID) correlation approach.
Explain the term conditionally independent!
As mentioned under question 3, once we have drawn M and Zi, the correlation between
the assets is determined not directly, but indirectly, by conditioning xi on M. Hence the
assets are not directly dependent, but “conditionally independent.”

5) Why are the variables M, Zi, and the resulting xi in equation (6.1) called latent and frailty

They are called latent (meaning hidden) because they can’t be observed in reality.

They are called frailty variables because the lower M, Zi, and the resulting xi are, the
earlier the default of company i.

6) In equation (6.1) the xi are standard normally distributed. How are the xi transformed
into probabilities?

The xi are transformed into probabilities simply by using N(xi) = Pi, 0 ≤ Pi ≤ 1, where N is
the cumulative standard normal distribution function.

t t
7) In equation (6.2), s i = 1 – Pi, s i is the survival probability of asset i at time t, and 1 – Pi is
the default threshold, which includes the correlation. Solve equation (6.2) for the
default time t of asset i.

We take the natural logarithm ln of both sides:

ln s i = ln(1 – Pi) or
t ln(si) = ln(1 – Pi) or
t = ln(1 – Pi)/ln(si)

What is the default time of asset i if s i = 80% and Pi = 50%?

It is t = ln(0.5)/ln(0.8) = 3.10 years.

8) Calculate the fair equity tranche spread of a CDO for the following CDO with a three-
year maturity: The starting notional is $2,000,000,000, with 125 equally weighted
companies. Hence each asset has a notional value of $16,000,000.
Let’s assume spread payments and payouts are annually in arrears. The recovery
rate for every asset is 30%. Interest rates are constant at 5%. We consider an equity
tranche with a detachment point of 3%. Hence the equity tranche has a starting notional
value of $60,000,000.

Let’s assume that we have derived that one asset defaults after 1.5 years and
one asset defaults at 2.5 years. Hence the starting notional of $60,000,000 reduces to
$44,000,000 for t2 (end year 2) and to $28,000,000 for t3 (end of year 3).

What is the equity tranche spread derived by the OFGC?

From equation (6.4), the numerator is:

e-0.05x1 x 0 x 0.7  e-0.1x2 x ($60,000,000 - $44,000,000) x 0.7 

e-0.05x3 x ($44,000,000 - $28,000,000) x 0.7  $ 19,774,108

From equation (6.4), the denominator is:

e-0.05x1 x $ 60,000,000  e -0.05x2 x $ 44,000,000  e -0.05x3x $ 28,000,000  $120,986,435

Hence the fair equity tranche spread, paid annually in arrears, is:

$19,774,108/$120,986,435 = 16.34%

9) The tranche spread of the equity tranche and the senior tranche behave very differently
with respect to changes in the correlation of the assets in the CDO. Draw a graph
showing the tranche spread–correlation dependence for the equity tranche and a senior
Tranche Spread

Equity tranche

Mezzanine tranche

Senior tranche

0% 50% 100% Correlation
Evenly distributed Clustering of
defaults defaults

10) Explain the graph that you created in problem 9.

The negative relationship between the equity tranche spread and default correlation is
intuitive: The higher the default correlation of the companies in the CDO, the higher the
probability of extreme events; that is, the probability of either many or no defaults is
high. The high probability of no defaults reduces the riskiness and hence reduces the
equity tranche spread. The high probability of many defaults at the same time increases
the riskiness of the equity tranche, which increases the equity tranche spread. However,
this effect does not impact the equity tranche significantly, since the losses are capped
at the detachment level.

The opposite logic applies to the senior tranche: If default correlation is high, many
defaults may occur at the same time. Therefore, the senior tranche may be impacted;
hence the riskiness and the spread are both high.

11) Name the main differences between the standard Gaussian copula and the OFGC.

The core equation of the OFGC was displayed in equation (6.1).

x i  ρ M  1  ρ Zi (6.1)

By construction, xi in equation (6.1) is standard normal. Therefore, we can easily create

the cumulative standard normal distribution of the xi:
N(xi) (6.1a)

where N is the one-dimensional cumulative standard normal distribution. Importantly,

N(xi) includes the default correlation between the i = 1, …, n assets via the correlated xi,
derived in equation (6.1).

In comparison, the n-dimensional cumulative standard normal distribution Mn was

derived in the standard Gaussian copula framework with equation (4.12):

M n [N-1 (Q1 (t)),...,N -1 (Qn (t)); ρ M ] (4.12)

where Qi(t) is the cumulative default distribution of asset i with respect to t, and ρM is
the correlation matrix of the assets in the portfolio.

Let’s look at the differences in the OFGC of equations (6.1) and (6.1a), and standard
copula of equation (4.12).

a) The correlations between the assets i in equation (6.1) are modeled indirectly by
conditioning the auxiliary variable of asset i, xi, on a common factor M. In contrast,
equation (4.12) applies the typical correlation matrix ρM (for an example see Chapter
1, Table 1.3).
b) As a consequence, in the OFGC all asset pairs in the portfolio have the same
correlation. The standard Gaussian copula is richer as it can model asset pair
correlation individually in the correlation matrix.
c) The cumulative normal distribution in equation (6.1a), which includes the correlation
between the assets i via xi, is conveniently one-dimensional. The cumulative normal
distribution in equation (4.12) is n-dimensional.
d) The bivariate case of the standard Gaussian copula is equivalent with the OFGC:
Sampling from equation (4.12) is achieved by Cholesky decomposition (as explained
in Appendix 4A of Chapter 4). In the bivariate case, Cholesky sampling of two
correlated variables x1 and x2 from equation (4.12) reduces to
x1 = ε1
x 2  ρ ε1  1  ρ ε 2

where ε1 and ε2 are independent samples from n ~ (0,1). This is equivalent to

samples i = 1,2 from equation (6.1).

12) The OFGC is a first, simplistic approach to derive the tranche spread in a CDO and the
credit risk in portfolios. Name three extensions of the OFGC.

1. The OFGC is principally static (i.e., it has a one-period time horizon). However, the
static property of the OFGC can be relaxed, as in Hull et al. (2005), who apply a
dynamic OFGC model. Hence they modify equation (6.1) and model

dz i (t)  ρ(t) dM(t)  1  ρ(t) dZ i (t) (6.6)

where dM(t) and dZi(t) are n ~ (0,1) and independent. It follows from equation (6.6)
that dzi(t) is also n ~ (0,1). The dependence on M(t) again determines indirectly the
correlation between assets i.

2. Furthermore, more common factors M can be modeled. In this case equation (6.1)
generalizes to m m
x i   p i,k M k  Zi  p i,k
k 1 k 1

and the correlation between xi and xj is k 1
p i,k p j,k

3. A further extension of the OFGC is the popular one-factor Student’s t copula.

_ (6.7)
x i  ρ M  1  ρ Zi
where M and Zi are independent and n ~ (0,1). x i  x i W where W follows an
inverse gamma distribution. It follows that the latent variable xi is Student’s t

13) Should we apply the OFGC to value CDOs? Should we apply the OFGC to value credit risk
in portfolios?

To answer these questions, we have to address the assumptions of the OFGC (i.e., same
default probability of all assets in a CDO or any other portfolio, and same correlation for
all asset pairs in a CDO or another portfolio). Are these assumptions too simplistic to
derive the credit risk in a CDO or other portfolios? The answer is: Only in rare cases, if
the assets in the portfolio are very homogeneous (i.e., they have similar default
probabilities and similar default correlations), is the OFGC an adequate model.

Most portfolios of investment banks, however, are highly diversified with assets from
different sectors and different geographical regions and hence have different default
probabilities and default correlations. In this case the OFGC is an inappropriately
simplistic model!

14) Why do “traders seem to disagree” with the OFGC?

Traders deliberately alter the tranche correlations to derive desired tranche spreads,
which violates the basic principle of the OFGC, which assumes a constant CDO-wide,
tranche-nonspecific default correlation.

15) Explain the correlation smile that traders apply to derive tranche spreads. How is the
correlation smile related to the volatility smile when pricing options?

Traders use a higher correlation for the equity tranche and the super-senior tranches
than the mezzanine tranche, constituting the correlation smile (see Figure 6.9).

However, there is a crucial difference between the volatility smile of options and the
correlation smile of CDOs. While an increase in the implied correlation increases the
senior tranche spread, an increase in the implied correlation decreases the equity
tranche spread. This is because the equity tranche spread has a negative dependence on
implied correlation (see Figure 6.8). Hence CDO traders arbitrarily decrease the equity
tranche spread and arbitrarily increase the senior tranche spread.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 7:

1) What is the difference between bottom-up and top-down correlation models?

In the bottom-up models of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, the distribution of the portfolio

intensity is an aggregate of the individual entities’ default intensities. In a top-down
model, the evolution of the portfolio intensity distribution is derived directly (i.e.,
abstracting from the individual entities’ default intensities).

2) For which types of portfolios are top-down correlation models appropriate?

Top-down models are typically applied in practice if:

a) The default intensities of the individual entities are unavailable or unreliable.
b) The default intensities of the individual entities are unnecessary. This may be the case
when or valuating a homogeneous portfolio such as an index of homogeneous
c) The sheer size of a portfolio makes the modeling of individual default intensities

3) Why can the one-factor Gaussian copula (OFGC) be considered a top-down model?

The one-factor Gaussian copula model can be considered a top-down correlation model
since it abstracts from the individual default intensities of each asset i. Rather, one
default intensity is assumed for all assets in the portfolio.

4) Markov processes are “memoryless.” What does this mean? Give an example!

This means that only the present information, not the past, is relevant. For example,
rolling a die or playing roulette is a memoryless process. Whatever the result was in a
trial, that result is irrelevant for future results of trials.

5) What is a transition rate?

In credit risk modeling, transition rates are probabilities to move from one credit state
to another.
6) Why does higher transition rate volatility mean higher default correlation in the
Schӧnbucher 2006 model?

A higher transition rate volatility means higher default correlation since a higher
transition rate volatility means a higher transition rate of all entities n to a lower state,
hence a higher default correlation; likewise, a lower transition rate volatility means a
lower transition rate of all entities n to a lower state, hence lower default correlation.

7) Why does an increase in stochastic time change mean a higher default correlation in the
Hurd-Kuznetsov 2006 model?

In the Hurd-Kuznetsov 2006 model, correlation is induced by the speed of the stochastic
clock τt. An increase in the speed of the clock increases the speed of migration of all
entities and hence increases the probability of simultaneous defaults. If the stochastic
clock jumps, the probability of simultaneous defaults is even higher.

8) What is the random thinning process in top-down models, and what does it accomplish?

Random thinning allows the allocation of the portfolio intensity to the sum of the
individual entities’ intensities. In addition, the name of the entity that defaults is
revealed at the default time, highlighting the fact that random thinning allocates the
portfolio intensity to the individual entities.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 8:

1) What is a deterministic process? Name two examples.

A deterministic process is a process with a known outcome. For example, counting

numbers by one and the movement of the planets in our solar system are
deterministic processes.

2) What is a stochastic or random process? Name two examples.

A stochastic or random process is a process with an unknown outcome.

3) Why does it seem like a good idea to model financial correlations as a stochastic
process? Name two reasons.

From the empirical Chapter 2 we derived that financial correlations behave

somewhat erratically and randomly. In addition, many other financial variables, such
as equities, bonds, commodities, exchange rates, interest rates, volatility, and more,
are often modeled with a stochastic process, and this stochastic modeling produces
good results with respect to replicating the behavior of these variables in reality.

4) How is stochasticity modeled in the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) concept?

The DCC model is a concept in the ARCH framework. Here, one of the core equations

ri,t = σi,t εi,t (8.7)

ri,t : Return of asset i at time t
σi,t : Standard deviation of the return of asset i at time t (also called volatility)
εi,t : Random drawing of a standard normal distribution for asset i and time t, ε = n ~
Hence stochasticity enters the model via εi,t.
In addition, the variance σ2 or the standard deviation σ in equation (8.7) is modeled
with an ARCH process (or one of many extensions such as GARCH, NGARCH,
EGARCH, TGARCH,2 and more) of the form

σ 2t  a 0  a 1σ 2t 1ε 2t 1  ...  a q σ 2t q ε 2t q (8.8)

where a0 > 0, a1 ≥ 0, so that σ2 is positive and q ϵ N.

Stochasticity enters the model again via ε2t–1 and ε2t–q.

5) The geometric Brownian motion (GBM) is applied to model many financial variables,
such as stock prices, commodities, and exchange rates. What are two of the
limitations of the GBM to model financial correlations?

a) The GBM of the form

 μ dt  σ ε dt (8.2)

ρ : Correlation between two or more variables
µ : Expected growth rate of ρ
σ : Expected volatility of ρ
ε : Random drawing from of standard normal distribution. Formally, ε = n ~ (0,1).
We can compute ε as =normsinv(rand()) in Excel/VBA and norminv(rand) in

has no mean reversion. However, we derived in Chapter 2 that financial correlations

exhibit strong mean reversion.

b) Equation (8.2) is not bounded, meaning correlation ρ can take values bigger than 1
and smaller than –1. From equation (8.2) we see that a value of ρ > 1 is more likely
to happen when the growth rate µ is high, if the volatility σ is high, and if we have a

The N in NGARCH stands for nonlinear, the E in EGARCH stands for exponential, and the T in TGARCH stands for
truncated. See Bollerslev (2008) for a nice overview of all ARCH extensions.
high value of ε in a simulation. Conversely, values of ρ < –1 are more likely to occur
for low values of µ and high values of σ and ε.

6) The Vasicek model is an improvement over the GBM to model financial correlations.

It includes mean reversion.

7) The bounded Jacobi process seems like a good choice to model financial
correlations. What advantage does it have over the GBM and the Vasicek model?

The bounded Jacobi process is:

dρ  a (m ρ  ρ t ) dt  σ ρ (h  ρ t )(ρ t  f ) ε t dt (8.15)

where h = upper boundary level, and f = lower boundary level (i.e., h ≥ ρ ≥ f).

The bounded Jacobi process is restricted to correlation values between –1 and +1,
when the boundary conditions
σ 2 (h  f)/2 (8.17)
(mρ  f)

for the lower bound f and

σ 2 (h  f)/2
α (8.18)
(h - mρ )

are met.

8) In the Buraschi, Porchia, and Trojani 2010 stochastic correlation model, which two
stochastic processes are correlated?

As in the Heston model, the Buraschi, Porchia, and Trojani 2010 stochastic
correlation model correlates the relative change of the variable of interest S with the
change in volatility σ:
 μ dt  σ t dz1 (8.22)
dσ2t  a (mσ2  σ2t ) dt  ξ σt dz2 (8.23)

The correlation between the stochastic processes (8.22) and (8.23) is achieved by the

dz 1 (t)  ρ1 dz 2 (t)  1  ρ1 dz 3 (t) (8.24)

where dz2(t) and dz3(t) are independent, and dz(t) and dz(t’) are independent, t ≠ t’.

9) In the Buraschi, Porchia, and Trojani model, which financial properties can be
replicated? Name two.

a) The negative relationship between returns and volatility (sometimes called

“leverage”) and the higher correlation in a recession (sometimes referred to as
“asymmetric correlation”), which we also found in the empirical Chapter 2, can
be modeled.
b) In addition, volatility skews (i.e., higher volatility when returns are negative) and
the right balance between correlation persistence correlation mean-reversion
can be modeled.

10) Should we model correlation with a deterministic or a stochastic process?

Like many financial variables, financial correlations behave randomly and

unpredictably, as we observed in Chapter 2. Therefore is it not a good idea to model
them with a deterministic process.

Should we model financial correlations with a stochastic process? This is mainly an

empirical question: Do financial correlations in the real world behave in a way that
can be captured with a certain stochastic model? The research in this area has just
started, but the first results are promising.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 9:

1) When we talk about “market risk,” which four markets are typically included?

1) Equity market
2) Fixed income market
3) Commodity market
4) Exchange rate market

2) Name several other markets not included in the four markets mentioned in question 1.

Other markets are the energy market, real estate market, weather market, economic
variables, and the derivatives market.

3) What is market correlation risk?

Market correlation risk is the risk that the correlations between the prices in one market
or between these markets change unfavorably.

4) We can measure market correlation risk with Cora. What information does Cora give us?

Cora measures how much a dependent variable changes if the correlation between two
or more independent variables changes by an infinitesimally small amount. Formally,
Cora  (9.1)
ρ(x i 1,..., x n )

where V is the value of a dependent financial variable and

ρ(xi=1,…n) is the correlation or correlation matrix of the independent variables xi=1,…n.

5) What is Cora mathematically?

Cora is the first mathematical derivative of a function (such as value at risk [VaR]) with
respect to correlation between the underlying variables (such as the assets in the VaR

6) Name three applications of Cora in finance.

We typically calculate Cora for a portfolio of assets. In this case dependent variable V
can be:
a) The return/risk ratio µP/σP of the portfolio. We derived Cora for the return/risk ratio
µP/σP in the introductory Chapter 1 in section 1.3 for a two-asset portfolio. This was
displayed in Figure 1.3, where Cora is the slope of the µP/σP function.
b) The risk of a portfolio, measured by the standard deviation of asset returns.
c) The risk of a portfolio measured by the VaR (value at risk) concept. We already
derived the Cora in Chapter 1 in section 1.3.3 for a two-asset portfolio. Hence in this
case V in equation (9.1) is the VaR. The result was displayed in Figure 1.6. In this
chapter we will generalize the result for a portfolio of n > 2 assets.

7) Measuring correlation risk is not totally new. In option theory, a Vanna exists. What
information does Vanna give us?

Vanna tells us how much the option price V* changes if the correlation between the
future option price F and the volatility of the future price σ changes. Formally:

Vanna  (9.6)
ρ(F, σ)

8) What is the relationship between Vanna and Cora?

Vanna is a special case of Cora, with the dependent variable being the option price V*
and the correlated variables being the forward price or rate F and the volatility of F, σ.

9) What information does Gora give us?

Gora measures how much Cora changes if the correlation between two or more
independent variables changes by an infinitesimally small amount. Formally,

Cora 2V
Gora   (9.2)
ρ(x i 1 ,..., x n ) ρ 2 (x
i 1 ,..., x n )

Variables are defined as in equation (9.1) (see question 4).

10) What is Gora mathematically?

Gora is the first partial derivative of the Cora function or the second partial derivative of
the original function V with respect to correlation. That is, Gora measures the curvature
of a function with respect to correlation.

11) Okay, here is a tough one: Differentiate the price function of an exchange option
  S2 e  q 2 T  1 2 2    S2 e  q 2 T  1 2 2 
 ln   q T   (σ1  σ 2  2ρ σ1σ 2 )T   ln   q T   (σ1  σ 2  2ρ σ1σ 2 )T 
 Se 1  2   Se 1  2 
E  S2 e  q 2 T N   1   S1e q1T N   1 
 σ1  σ 2  2ρ σ1σ 2 T
2 2
  σ1  σ 2  2ρ σ1σ 2 T
2 2

   
   
with respect to the correlation coefficient ρ. Try doing this yourself first. After
rearranging, you can just use the chain rule. If you give up, look at, under “Chapter 9,” for the answer.

12) Arguably, the most important application of correlation risk management is in risk
management. In practice, the risk of a portfolio is often measured with the value at risk
(VaR) concept. Is VaR sensitive to changes in the correlation of the assets in the
portfolio? That is, what is the Cora of VaR?

CoraVaR measures how much VaR changes for an infinitesimally small change in all
pairwise correlations of all asset returns in the portfolio. Formally,

 VaR 
Cora VaR  (9.15)
ρ(x i 1,..., x n )

Variables are defined as in equation (9.1) (see question 4).

13) What is the Gora of VaR?

Gora for VaR measures how much Cora of VaR changes if the correlation of all assets in

the portfolio changes, or what the curvature of the original VaR function is. Formally,

Cora VaR  2 VaR 

Gora VaR   (9.18)
ρ(x i 1 ,..., x n ) ρ 2 (x
i 1 ,..., x n )

Variables are defined as in equation (9.1) (see question 4).

14) Cora and Gora can be extended in many ways. Name two.

We can derive two types of Gap-Cora.

a) One measures the correlation exposure of VaR with respect to a change of the
correlation between a single asset in the portfolio and all other assets; formally:
VAR 
Gap-Corai,P 
ρ(xi, j1,..., n ) (9.16)

b) Another type of Gap-Cora measures the correlation exposure of VaR with respect to
a change of the correlation between the correlation of just two assets i and j;

VAR 
Gap-Corai, j 
ρ(xi, j ) (9.17)

We can also derive the Gap-Gora for equations (9.16) and (9.17). This would tell us how
much the Gap-Coras change if the correlation changes.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 10:

1. What is credit risk?

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss due to an unfavorable change in the credit
quality of a debtor.

2. Which two types of credit risk exist? What is the relationship between these two
types of credit risk?

There are principally two types of credit risk: (1) migration risk and (2) default risk.
See Figure 10.1 for a graph.

Default risk is a special case of migration risk for a migration of the debtor into the
default state. Default risk exists only for a long credit position, for example being
long a bond or long a tranche in a CDO.

However, migration risk and default risk have different dynamics. For example, if a
bond migrates to a lower state, for example CCC, the bond investor just suffers a
paper loss and will receive the principal investment back at maturity if the bond
does not default. However, if a bond defaults and stays in default, the bond investor
will not receive the principal investment back, just the recovery rate of the bond.

3. What is credit correlation risk?

Credit correlation risk is the risk that credit quality correlations between two or
more counterparties change unfavorably.

4. Name three financial products that are exposed to credit correlation risk.

All loan portfolios of financial institutions, as well as all structured products such as
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and mortgage-backed securities (MBSs), are
exposed to credit correlation risk. In addition, all portfolios that apply derivatives as
a hedge also include credit correlation risk.
5. A CDS that is used as a hedge has three parties: (1) the investor (CDS buyer), (2) the
counterparty (CDS seller), and (3) the underlying asset. The default correlation
between which two entities is most significant for the valuation of a CDS?

Most significant is the default correlation between the counterparty c and the
reference asset r.

6. For the counterparty, the default correlation between the investor and the
underlying asset is also of importance. What is the worst-case scenario for the
counterparty from a risk perspective?

The worst-case scenario for the counterparty is when the default correlation
between the investor i and the reference entity r is negative, with the credit quality
of the investor decreasing and the credit quality of the reference asset increasing:
An increase in the credit quality of the reference entity increases the present value
of the CDS for the counterparty since the counterparty is now receiving an above-
market spread (this is beneficial from a profit perspective but negative from a risk
perspective since a higher present value means more credit exposure). In addition,
the decrease in the credit quality of the investor means higher credit risk for the
counterparty with respect to the investor.

7. When valuing a CDS, we can also include the default intensity correlation of all three
entities. Draw a Venn diagram that displays the default intensity correlation’s
entity r

Counterparty Investor
c i

Figure 10.9

8. What information does the Cora of a CDS give us?

As defined in Chapter 9, Cora measures how much a dependent variable changes if

the correlation between one or more independent variables changes. For a CDS, we
have four Coras. The most critical Cora is the change in the CDS value for a change in
the reference asset–counterparty default correlation:

CDSCora 1  (10.11)
λ(r  c)

9. Since there are three entities in a CDS, there are principally three Coras. Name them
and interpreted them. Which one is the most critical?

a) As mentioned in question 8, the Cora of a CDS with respect to the credit

correlation between the reference asset r and the counterparty c is most critical,
meaning it has the highest impact on the CDS spread.

Other Coras with respect to a CDS are

b) CDSCora 2  (10.12)
λ(r  i)
CDSCora2 measures how much the value of the CDS changes if the default
correlation between the reference asset r and the investor i, λ(r∩i), changes by a
very small amount.

c) CDSCora 3  (10.13)
λ(i  c)

CDSCora3 measures how much the value of the CDS changes if the default
correlation between the investor i and the counterparty c, λ(i∩c), changes by a
very small amount. However, CDSCora3 is close to 0, since the effects of a change
in the correlation between the investor i and the counterparty c net.

d) CDSCora 4  (10.14)
λ(r  c  i)

We can also derive the sensitivity of the CDS value with a change in the joint
default correlation of all entities in a CDS. The default intensity correlation
λ(r∩c∩i) can be simulated by a trivariate copula as in Brigo and Pallavicini (2008)
or can be simulated by Monte Carlo simulation as discussed in the book in
section 10.3. The numerical values for CDSCora4 are complex and depend on the
default intensity input parameter values λ(r), λ(c), λ(i), the volatilities of λ(r), λ(c),
λ(i), and the correlation λ(r∩c∩i). Different sensitivities of the CDS spread result
for different combinations of the input parameters.

10. What does the Gora of a CDS tell us?

The Gora of a CDS tells us how much the Cora of a CDS changes if the correlation
between the entities in question changes by an infinitesimally small amount. Since
we have four different Coras for a CDS, we have four different Goras.

11. What are the two main risks in a CDO?

Credit risk and correlation risk are the two main risks in a CDO.
12. The value of a CDO and its tranches depends critically on the correlation of the
assets in the CDO. Draw a graph showing the equity tranche value, mezzanine
tranche value, and a senior tranche value with respect to correlation.

T ranc he s pread with res pec t to c orrelation




S pread




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.99
C orre la tion
0% -3% 3% -7% 7% -10% 10% -15% 15% -30%

Figure 10.15: Tranche spread with respect to correlation in the one-factor Gaussian
copula (OGFC) model; 125 credits, 1% default intensity rate, 5-year maturity, 30,000
MC simulations

13. What does the Cora of a tranche in a CDO tell us?

It tells us how much the spread of the tranche changes if the correlation
between all assets in the CDO changes by an infinitesimally small amount.

14. Which tranche in a CDO has the highest correlation risk (i.e., the highest

Definitely the equity tranche (i.e. the 0-3% tranche) as seen in Figure 10.15
above. We observe that the equity tranche spread changes strongly for a
change in the correlation, since the slope of the equity function (i.e., the Cora)
is highly negative.
15. CDOs and their correlation properties are sometime termed “toxic.” Do you
agree with this view?

Not at all. The correlation properties of the CDO as displayed in Figure 10.15 are very
intuitive. In addition, the correlation risk can be quantified with Cora and Gora and
hedged accordingly. CDOs are not toxic, but traders are, who overinvested in them,
did not hedge the risks, and did not want to take the blame for their irresponsible,
high-risk trading.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 11:

1. What is hedging?

Hedging means reducing risk, or in finance, more precisely, hedging is entering

into a second trade to reduce the risk of an original trade.

2. Name the three main ways to hedge.

1) Eliminate the original position. So when a bond was bought, just sell the bond.
2) Hedge the position with a derivative such as a future, swap, or option.
3) Enter into a position that is negatively correlated with the original position.
For example, if the investor bought a Greek bond, the investor can sell a
Spanish bond. This is a good hedge as long as the Greek bond price and the
Spanish bond price are positively correlated.

3. Name two reasons why it is more difficult to hedge correlation risk compared to
equity risk or currency risk.

a) Hedging correlation risk involves two or more assets, since the correlation is
measured between at least two assets.
b) Hedging financial correlation is challenging because there is principally no
underlying instrument that trades in the market and that can be bought or
sold as a hedge.

4. Can it be a good idea not to hedge an exposure such as a correlation exposure?

Yes. If the correlation does not change or does not move in the unfavorable
direction, it would, in retrospect, have been a good idea not to hedge.

5. In a delta hedge, the delta amount of the exposure is sold or bought. Give an
example of delta hedging.

Example 11.1a
An option trader at Goldman Sachs buys a call on IBM. The call option premium
is $10,000 (e.g., the trader bought 1,000 calls with a call premium of C0 = $10).
IBM trades at S0 = 100. The trader decides to delta hedge the IBM price risk of
the option. The delta, derived from an option pricing model such as the Black-
Scholes-Merton model, comes out to 60%. Formally:

C 0.6
ΔC   (11.1a)
S 1

∆C = Delta of the call
C = Call price
S = Price of the underlying stock IBM
 = Partial derivatives operator

Equation (11.1a) reads: How much does the call price C change if S changes by an
infinitesimally small amount, assuming all other variables influencing the call
price are constant? For practical purposes, the change in S can be approximated
by a change of 1, as done in equation (11.1a).

How much IBM stock does the option trader have to sell to stay delta-neutral,
meaning the option trade has no price risk with respect to IBM?

The option trader has to sell IBM stock in the delta amount, hence 60% of the
option premium of $10,000. Therefore the option trader sells 60 shares at $100
each and receives $6,000. The option trader now has no IBM price risk.3 Let’s
show this.

If IBM increases by 1%, following equation (11.1a) the call price increases by
0.60%. Therefore the profit on the call is:

C1  1,000 – C0  1,000 = $10.060  1,000 – $10  1,000 = $60

The loss on the hedge is:

This is true for small changes in the IBM price. If the IBM changes by a large amount, the delta changes and has to
be adjusted.
S1  60 – S0  60 = $101  60 – $100  60 = $60

Hence the option trade is hedged against the price risk of IBM. What the option
trader gains on the call is lost on the hedge, and vice versa.

6. Delta hedges are typically not constant. Give an example of dynamic delta

Let’s assume the option trader has hedged his call option exposure as in Example
11.1a in question 5. Now let’s assume that the delta has increased from 0.6 to
0.7.4 In this case the option trader has to increase his hedge to 70%; that is, he
has to sell 70 shares of IBM. Now the option trader is hedged against the price
risk of IBM:

Equation (11.1a) changes to:

C 0.7
ΔC   (11.1b)
S 1

If IBM increases by 1%, following equation (11.1b) the call price increases by
0.70%. Therefore the profit on the call is:

C1  1,000 – C0  1,000 = $10.070  1,000 – $10  1,000 = $70

The loss on the hedge is:

S1  70 – S0  70 = $101  70 – $100  70 = $70

Hence the option trade is hedged against the price risk of IBM. What the option
trader gains on the call is lost on the hedge, and vice versa.

7. Name several instruments that can hedge correlation risk.

An increase in the delta can happen for several reasons: (a) The price of the underlying increases, (b) the implied
volatility decreases, or (c) the maturity of the option decreases.
Principally every instrument that can replicate the correlation risk of the original
trade can serve as a hedge for correlation risk. In particular, we can use all
correlation-dependent options, correlation futures, and correlation swaps.

8. How can we determine whether a certain correlation hedge is a good hedge?

We should add the correlation exposure of the original trade and the correlation
exposure of the hedge. If the sum of the correlation exposures is close to zero, it
is a good correlation hedge.

9. When an investor has a perfect hedge, doesn’t this mean that the profit
potential is zero?

Yes. The more the correlation exposure is hedged, the lower are both the
potential profit and the potential loss from the hedged position.

10. Generally, when should we hedge with forwards, futures, and swaps, and when
should we hedge with options?

The more confident an investor is that the undesirable event will occur (for
example, a price decline of a bond if the bond was bought), the more
appropriate it is to hedge with a future, forward, or swap. In this case, no option
premium is wasted.
The less confident an investor is that the undesirable event will occur (a price
decline if the bond was bought), the more appropriate it is to hedge with a put
option. In this case, a put option premium has to be paid. However, if the
underlying goes in the right direction (increases in price if the bond was bought),
the investor participates in the bond price increase. The (put) option will expire
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 12:

1) What information does credit value at risk (CVaR) give us?

Credit value at risk (CVaR) measures the maximum loss of a portfolio due to credit
risk with a certain probability for a certain time frame.

2) Why don’t we just apply the market value at risk (VaR) concept to value credit risk?

a) The portfolio variance σ P  β h C β v would require input data such as standard

deviations of relative credit rating changes, and the correlation coefficient

between the changes. However, these data for credit risk are rare, since credit
rating changes for most entities seldom occur, often only once a year or even not
at all.

b) The value for α in equation (1.8) VaRP = σP α x would assume a normal

distribution of relative credit rating changes. However, credit rating changes are
typically not normally distributed and depend on the current credit rating, past
credit rating changes, country, sector, seniority, coupon, yield, and so on.

3) Which correlation concept underlies the CVaR concept of the Basel II and III

Basel II and III apply the simplistic one-factor Gaussian copula (OFGC) model with the

core equation (12.1), x i  ρM  1  ρZi .

4) In the Basel committee CVaR approach, what follows for the relationship between
the CVaR value and the average probability of default, if we assume the correlation
between all assets in the portfolio is zero?
 N -1[PD(T)]  ρ N -1(X) 
From equation (12.7) CVaR(X, T)  N  
 we can observe that for ρ =
 1 ρ
 

0, CVaR(X,T) reduces to N(N–1[PD(T)] = PD(T). This is reasonable because there is no

effect from correlation, and the maximum loss is just the average default probability
of the debtors.
5) Suppose Deutsche Bank has given loans to several companies in the amount of
$500,000,000. The average 1-year default probability of the companies is 2%. The
copula default correlation coefficient between the companies is 3%. What is the 1-
year CVaR on a 99.9% confidence level?

Following equation (12.7) CVAR(X, T)  N N [PD(T)]  ρ N (X)  , we derive

-1 -1

 1 ρ 
 

 N -1[0.02]  0.03 N -1(0.999) 

CVAR(99.9%,1)  N  x$500,000,000 
 1  0.03  6.16%. (See the
 

model at

6) In the Basel committee CVaR model, the default correlation is an inverse function of
the average probability of the default of the assets in the portfolio. Explain the
rationale for this relationship.

The relationship is displayed in Figure 12.3:

Correlation ρ as a function of PD(T)




ρ 15%



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24

Figure 12.3: Correlation between the debtors in a portfolio ρ as a function of the

average default probability of the debtors in the portfolio PD(T) in the Basel II accord

In Figure 12.3 it is assumed that highly rated companies with a low default
probability have a higher correlation of default since they are mostly prone to
systematic factors such as a recession, in which they default together. However,
companies with a high default probability are more affected by their own
idiosyncratic factors and less by systematic risk; hence they are assumed to be less

7) In the Basel committee approach, the required capital to be set aside for credit risk
is the CVaR minus the average probability of default. Explain why.

The required capital RC is derived in the Basel accord with equation (12.8):

RC = EAD  (1 – R)  [CVaR – PD(T)] (12.8)

where RC = Required capital by Basel II for credit risk in a portfolio

EAD = Exposure at default (for loans EAD is equal to the loan amount)
R = Recovery rate (rate that is recovered from the defaulted loan)
CVaR = Credit value at risk derived by equation (12.7)
PD(T) = Average probability of default of the debtors in the portfolio for
time horizon T

As seen in equation (12.8), the capital charge RC is reduced by the expected loss,
which is measured by PD(T). The rationale is that banks cover the expected loss with
their own provisions, such as the interest rate that they charge. Naturally, low-rated
debtors have to pay a higher interest rate on their loans than highly rated debtors

8) CVA is an important concept of credit risk. What is CVA? Why is it important?

Credit value adjustment (CVA) is an adjustment to address counterparty credit risk.

CVA has become an important part of correlated credit risk modeling in the recent
past. Most investment and commercial banks have CVA quant groups that analyze
CVA risk, and CVA desks where CVA risk is traded and hedged. The importance of
CVA is highlighted by Basel II, which reports that two-thirds of the credit risk losses
during the global financial crisis were caused by CVA volatility rather than actual
9) Why can CVA be considered a complex derivative?

The equation for CVA is:

CVAa,c = f (D+a,c, PDc) (12.11)

Market risk Credit risk

CVAa,c : Credit value adjustment of entity a with respect to the counterparty c
D+a,c : Netted, positive derivatives portfolio value of entity a with counterparty c
PDc : Default probability of counterparty c

From equation (12.11) we can observe that CVA is derived from the underlying
instruments D+a,c and PDc. Importantly, the two underlyings, D+ and PDc, may be
correlated, which makes CVA a rather complex derivative to evaluate.

10) How can CVA without correlation between market risk and credit risk be calculated?

If we do not assume that market risk and credit risk are correlated, CVA in equation
(12.11) can simply be derived by multiplying the components D+a,c and PDc:

CVA a,c  (D  a,c x PD c ) (1 - R c ) (12.12)

where Rc is the recovery rate of the counterparty.

11) Including the correlation between market risk and credit risk, the concept of wrong-
way risk (WWR) arises. What is general wrong-way risk, and what is specific wrong-
way risk?

General wrong-way risk exists when the probability of default of counterparties is

positively correlated with general market risk factors.5 An example of general wrong-
way risk is simply a bond purchase:

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), “Annex (to Basel II),”, p. 211.
A bond price B is mainly a function of the market interest rate level i and the default
probability of the issuer PDc; hence B = f (i, PDc, …). There is a negative relationship
between the bond price B and market rates i: The higher the market interest rates i,
the lower the bond price B, since the coupon of the bond price is now lower

compared to the market interest rate i; formally: B  0. There is also a negative

relationship between the bond price B and the default probability of the issuer PDc:
 0.
PD c

The relationship between B, i, and qc constitutes general wrong-way risk: In a

weakening economy, typically interest rates i decrease and default probabilities qc

increase. However, from the relationship B  0 , decreasing interest rates also

mean a higher bond price (i.e., higher credit exposure of the bond buyer with
respect to the bond issuer). But a higher default probability PDc also means a lower
probability that the issuer will be able to pay the coupons and the principal amount.
Hence the higher the credit exposure, the more likely it is that the bond issuer can’t
pay coupons and principal, which constitutes general wrong-way risk. Graphically
this is displayed in Figure 12.7:

B Higher credit exposure

PDc Higher credit risk

Figure 12.7: General wrong-way risk: Decreasing interest rates i lead to higher credit
exposure via a higher bond price B. Decreasing interest rates i in a recession also
mean increasing default probability PDc of the bond issuer. Hence the higher the
exposure, the higher the credit risk (i.e., the higher the risk that the issuer can meet
its obligation to pay coupons and principal).
A bank is exposed to specific wrong-way risk (WWR) if future exposure to a specific
counterparty is positively correlated with the counterparty’s probability of default.6

12) Name two examples of specific wrong-way risk.

a) An example of specific wrong-way risk is shown in Figure 12.8:

Fixed CDS spread s

Investor and Guarantor g

CDS buyer i Payout of $M(1-R) i.e. CDS seller
million in case of
default of obligor o

$M million coupon k

Reference asset
of obligor o

Figure 12.8: Cash flows of an investor i, who has credit exposure to an obligor o,
which is hedged with a credit default swap (CDS) with the guarantor g.
R = Recovery rate

In Figure 12.8, the investor has specific wrong-way risk if there is a positive
correlation between the default probability of the obligor o and the guarantor g (i.e.,
the CDS seller). This means that the higher the default probability of the obligor PDo,
the higher is also the default probability of the guarantor PDg.

In particular, if the default probability of the obligor increases, the market spread of
the CDS increases. Therefore the present value for the CDS buyer increases, since

See BCBS, “Basel III: A Global Regulatory Framework for More Resilient Banks and Banking Systems,”, p. 38.
the fixed spread s is now lower than the market spread. If the CDS is market to
market, this is nice from a profit perspective, but from a risk perspective it means
that the credit exposure for the CDS buyer i increases.

Also, with increasing default probability of the guarantor, the credit risk increases,
since it is less likely that the guarantor can pay the payoff in default. Hence we have
increased credit exposure together with increased credit risk, constituting specific
wrong-way risk.

b) A further example of specific wrong-way risk (which is mentioned in the Basel III
accord7) is if a company sells put options on its own stock. This is displayed in Figure

Put Option Premium

Buyer of Put Option Seller
Put Option on Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank
Payout in case Put is
in the money

Figure 12.9: Example of specific wrong-way risk: Deutsche Bank selling a put on its
own stock

Deutsche Bank selling a put on its own stock constitutes specific wrong-way risk,
since the lower the stock price, the more the put is in the money (i.e., the higher is
the credit exposure for the put option buyer with respect to the put option seller,
Deutsche Bank). But the lower the Deutsche Bank stock price, the higher is typically
also the default probability of Deutsche Bank. This means that the higher the credit
exposure (when the put is deeper in the money), the higher the credit risk (the
probability that Deutsche Bank defaults), constituting specific wrong-way risk.

13) How does the Basel committee address wrong-way risk?

Basel II and III have a simple approach to address general wrong-way risk and
specific wrong-way risk. A multiplier α is applied to increase the derivatives exposure
D+a,c. The multiplier α is set to 1.4, which means the credit exposure D+a,c is increased
by 40% compared to assuming credit exposure D+a,c and credit risk PDc are
independent, as was expressed in equation (12.12). Banks that use their own
internal models are allowed to use an α of 1.2, meaning the credit exposure is
increased by 20% to capture wrong-way risk. Banks report an actual alpha of 1.07 to
1.1; hence the α of 1.2 to 1.4 that Basel III requires is conservative.

14) What is DVA? Should DVA be allowed to be applied in financial practice?

Debt value adjustment (DVA) allows an entity to adjust the value of its portfolio by
taking its own default probability into consideration.

There are two critical problems with DVA:

a) An entity like entity a would benefit from its own increasing default probability
PDa, since a higher default probability would increase DVA via equation (12.18),
which in turn increases the value of the derivatives portfolio via equation
b) Entity a could realize the DVA benefit only if it actually defaults!

Both (a) and (b) defy financial logic. Therefore the Basel accord has principally
refrained from allowing DVA to be recognized. In 2008 several financial firms had
actually reported huge increases in their derivatives portfolios due to DVA. This is no
longer possible.

15) What is FVA? Should FVA be included in the pricing of derivatives?

Funding value adjustment (FVA) is an adjustment to the price of a transaction due to

the cost of funding for the transaction or the related hedge.
There has been quite a spirited debate in 2012 about whether the cost of funding
should be taken into consideration when pricing a derivative. Finance Professors Hull
and White as well as Duffie argue that adding funding costs violates the risk-neutral
derivatives pricing principle. It would lead to arbitrage opportunities, since the same
derivative would have different prices. However, derivatives traders argue that their
treasury department charges them the funding costs. Hence funding costs exist in
reality and cannot just be ignored. Funding costs should be priced in and passed
through to the end user.
Answers to Questions and Problems of Chapter 13:

1. GPU technology originated in the gaming industry and has been modified to solve
complex financial problems. What is the general approach of graphical processing
units (GPUs) to solve financial problems?

GPU (graphical processing unit) technology alters memory in a parallel execution of

commands to instantaneously produce high-resolution three-dimensional images.
The GPU technology was derived in the computer gaming industry, where gamers
request high-resolution, instant response of their three-dimensional activities at low

2. What are the advantages of applying the GPU technology in finance?

The advantages of GPU technology are (a) speed, (b) increasing user-friendliness,
and (c) structural efficiency (i.e., no compiling is necessary). It is debatable whether
GPU technology is also more accurate than applying mathematical algorithms.

3. What are the disadvantages of the GPU technology in finance?

a) Although there have been efforts to combine central processing unit (CPU) and
GPU technology, GPUs still have a different architecture and require their own
distinct structure of programming and specialized programming languages such
as CUDA, OpenGL, and OpenCg.
b) GPUs provide efficient and fast solutions for problems that are complex but can
be represented in matrices, since matrix multiplication and manipulation are
easy to execute. However, for nonlinear, path-dependent structures, GPUs may
not be well suited.

4. What is a general concern when applying GPU technology to finance?

Altogether, the GPU technology is a promising new approach to derive fast, real-
time results for complex financial problems, for which analytical solutions are
questionable or not at all available. However, one can argue that if mathematical
techniques are available, although slower, they should have preference over brute-
force nonanalytical iterative search procedures.

5. Artificial neural networks mimic the human brain and therefore have the ability to
learn. How do they learn?

The learning process in an artificial neural network (ANN) can be achieved by

different methods. One of the most popular is “backpropagation” (an abbreviation
of “backward propagation of errors”), which applies weighting factors. Each
weighting factor has a resistance attached to it. Numerous simulations (epochs) of
different combinations of weighting factors are run. If the neural network output is
close to the target value, the weighting factors are strengthened; that is, the
resistance is turned down. If certain weighting factors produce bad results, the
weighting factors are weakened; that is, the resistance is turned up.

6. What are the limitations of neural networks?

Naturally, neural networks have their drawbacks. First, they are so-called black
boxes; that is, the mathematical algorithm, which optimizes the output, is hidden.
Second, neural networks often have quite a slow convergence rate. Third, and most
important, neural networks can get stuck at local optima, not deriving the general
optimum. These reasons have limited the usage of neural networks in reality.

7. Fuzzy logic is cool since it alters the traditional logic of a statement being either true
or false. What logic does fuzzy logic apply?

Fuzzy logic alters the traditional concept of reasoning. In traditional logic a

statement can either be true, typically assigned the value 1, or false, assigned the
value 0. Fuzzy logic, however, argues that there can be a “partial truth” to a
statement, assigning truth values ranging between 0 and 1.

For example, a professor asks the question: “What are the prime numbers between
10 and 20?” The correct answer is the set {11, 13, 17, 19}. If a student gives the
answer {11, 13, 17}, traditional logic would argue that the answer is false. However,
fuzzy logic would argue that the answer is partially true, actually 75% true.

8. Which three main concepts of evolution do genetic algorithms apply? Explain them

Genetic algorithms are based on phenomena found in evolution such as selection,

crossover, and mutation.

Each individual or element in a genetic algorithm is defined as a vector with

parameters and weights. Selection can be done by various methods:

a) In roulette wheel selection, a random selection of potentially useful solutions for

recombining the individuals is performed.
b) The crossover method creates the next generation by different “crossings”
(loosely speaking, combinations) of the parents’ organism strings to produce a
variety of child organisms.
c) Mutation (i.e., a change in the genetic property of an individual) is typically
quantified as single-point mutation, meaning only a single nucleotide parameter is
replaced by a new parameter. This replacement is performed at a certain
mutation rate. For example, if the mutation rate is specified as 30%, this means
that in 30% of the simulations a mutation will take place.

9. A chaotic system has several properties; name four.

1) Strong dependence on initial conditions

2) Predictions possible for only a short period of time
3) Self-similarity
4) Regime changes
5) Deterministic nature

10. Which properties of chaos theory translate well to finance, and which do not?
From our analysis, we find that chaos criteria 3 and 4, the self-similarity principle
and the regime changes, are also found in finance. However, criteria 1, 2, and 5, the
dependence on initial conditions, the short-term but not long-term predictability,
and the deterministic nature of chaos theory are typically not properties in finance.
The critical question is whether criteria 3 and 4 are sufficient to support financial
trading decisions.

11. Which concept does Bayesian logic share with fuzzy logic?

The Bayesian approach reinterprets and extends classical probability reasoning. The
Bayesian theorem is algebraically identical with the classical frequentist probability
theory (called “frequentist” since it draws its conclusions from the frequency of
data). However, the probabilities are reinterpreted. Bayesian probabilities are
related to fuzzy logic, since both apply the concept of partial truth.

12. What are prior probabilities and posterior probabilities in the Bayesian theory?

A prior initial probability, P(A), is the hypothesis before accounting for evidence.
P(A) can be a personal subjective belief, rather than an objectively derived
probability. The posterior probability P(A|B), is the probability of A given that the
evidence B is observed.

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