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Ammonia Plant Sops

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1. As a reference take previous day dip readings.
2. Calculate approximate naphtha of water and naphtha level using previous day’s
pumping and consumption.
3. Apply ‘aquadis’ paste over the tape to approximate calculated value..
4. Release the tape slowly through the dip hatch, till the tape end touches the bottom
of the tank.
5. Note down the total height.
6. Hold still for 60 seconds.
7. Wind up the tape slowly upwards until you get the water mark line where the
paste colour has turned from grey to pink.
8. Note down the water height.
9. Wipe the tape thoroughly and now apply ‘oleidis’paste over the tape approximate
calculated value.
10. Release the tape slowly once again until the tape touches the bottom.
11. Hold for 60 seconds.
12. Wind the tape slowly upwards until you get the naphtha mark where the paste
colour has turned from purple to blue.
13. Note down the height.
14. Deduct water height from the gross height which gives the net naphtha height.

T-1001 A/B T-1005

dip hatch height 14980/14800 mm 14130 mm

actual height 13400 mm 13700 mm


1. As a reference take previous day dip readings

2. Calculate approximate dip hatch height of furnace oil. using previous day’s
pumping and consumption.
3. Open the dip hatch cover and release the tape slowly into furnace oil the tank so
that the tip of the tape touches the furnace oil surface.
4. Hold still for 30 seconds and note down the tape release height.
5. Wind up the tape slowly and note down the furnace oil. Dipped tape length.
6. Deduct this measurement from the tape release height, which gives the empty
space height of the tank inside.
7. Deducting empty space height from the dip hatch height (known) gives the height
of furnace oil inside the tank.

T-1002 T-1003

dip hatch height 13280 mm 15760 mm

actual height 13260 mm 15740 mm


1. IOC operator will inform the ammonia control room about the pumping
2. Shift Engineer will decide and inform to the operator to which tank the pumping is to be done.
3. Inform control room about lining-up.
4. Suppose the pumping is to be done to T-1001B, Open the IOC Pumping line iso valve to that
5. Jump over line is to be closed.
6. Inform control room that pumping is lined-up.

1. Inform control room

2. Check stand by strainer I/L isovalve open or not
3. If it is open prime the stand by strainer using the vent valve.
4. Slowly open stand by strainer O/L isovalve
5. Check pumps discharge pressure.
6. If pressure is normal close earlier strainer O/L isovalve
7. If strainer has be handover to maintenance, close I/L isovalve, drain the naphtha and
depressurized using vent valve.
8. Check the permit and ensure non sparking tools using for job.
9. After maintenance job slowly open strainer I/L isovalve and keep it primed
10. Inform control room, close permit.

5.Foam pump start up

1. Check suction valve of P1031 open position
2. Inform utility to start fire hydrant pump
3. Prime the pump ,keep discharge drain crack open
4. Open respective tank valves.
5. Start the pump and close the drain
6. Check discharge pressure
7. Open the venture valve.

1. Check lube oil console level

2. Oil coolers cooling water lining up.
3. Governor oil and pump bearing flushing and oil level make up.
4. Start additional lube oil pump &establish oil circulation. Oil pressure to be adjusted 0.7
~ 0.8 kg/cm2 can be adjusted by oil regulator provided on pump or else regulator
provided on oil header.
5. Instrumentation side, lube oil pressure cut in /cut out checking.
PAL lubes oil low pressure alarm about 0.6 kg/cm2.
a. PLCI low pressure cut in 0.5 ~ 0.6 kg/cm2
b. PLCO high pressure cut out 0.9 kg/cm2
c. PLLCO extra low pressure turbine trip 0.3 ~ 0.4 kg/cm2
6. Depending on maintenance jobs done & their requirement turbine over speed trip value
to be checked. For this Pump to be decoupled.
7. After over speed trip checking coupling to be done, Check i/b & o/b bearing oil flow
through peep glass provided at oil outlet line.
8. Low oil pressure trip lever to be engaged with its solenoid then reset steam chest valve
lever, it should sit on latch
9. Pump side suction and spill back valve to be opened and kept primed.
10. Now we have to start turbine warm up with LP steam.
11. Keep casing/shaft sealing/chest drains , LP steam and MP steam drain bypass valve
open to clear off condensate
12. Check governor oil level, should be visible & bring governor setting to minimum speed
13. Inform control room, check MP steam availability.
14. Once the condensate clears from all points, then open outlet LP steam valve full &
throttle all drain valves.
15. Open MP steam Keep tachometer on turbine
16. Now turbine spinning to be started by opening MP steam main valve
17. Once turbine shaft starts rotating, hold this rpm for some time & ensure no condensate
from drain points, then close casing drain, MP, LP steam bypass valves and line up
steam traps.
18. Increase speed slowly, watching speed at tachometer by opening steam bypass
as you open steam bypass valve, speed will reach at minimum governor speed &
simultaneously governor starts closing side & governor will control the speed at
minimum governor speed.
19. Now further speed to be increased with governor knob and attain required RPM
20. Also as the turbine speed increases, lube oil pressure increases & additional lube oil
pump stops automatically& in similar way as the turbine speed drops additional lube
oil pump starts automatically.
21. After attaining required pressure open pump discharge isovalve by seeing pressure.
22. Inform MARG to measure vibration reading.
23. Check for any abnormality.

1. Inform control room

2. Check motor energized or not, if not energized ,energize the motor
3. Flush bearing oil if required and make up fresh oil
4. Check cooling water I/L and O/L valve flow to gear box oil cooler.
5. Open pump suction and spill back isovalves and prime the pump
6. Take FCV 2201 in manual (Control Room)
7. Start the Motor and check discharge pressure, open discharge valve.
8. Check motor vibrations, bearing temperature and Amps for normal running condition
9. Close turbine pump discharge isovalve
10. Watch F210 O/L temperature and maintain 3900C.
11. Slowly close steam I/L to turbine and bring down minimum RPM and keep it spinning
12. If Turbine has to be taken for maintenance ,close MP and LP steam isovalves, keep open
all turbine drains


1. If the pump change over motor to turbine, turbine startup procedure should be followed
once turbine reaches required RPM, change over motor to turbine.
1. Furnace oil will be lined up as per requirement to DAP.
2. Normally P1003 C is used for pumping Furnace oil to DAP.
3. Open the suction valve of the pump P1003 C and prime the pump.
4. Open spillback valve.
5. Close the discharge valve.
6. Start the pump.
7. Close spill back valve to get required pressure.
8. Once required pressure is attained slowly open the discharge valve to DAP .
9. Adjust the pressure using spill back.
10. Check the Amps, vibration and discharge pressure.
11. Inform to control room.


1. Inform control room

2. Primary and secondary dampers kept it open fully

3. Ensure that the gun to be used is cleaned, fitted with specified spud and gasket.

4. Load the checked fire heater gun Close purge valve.

5. Rest trip 8 in panel and locally also reset ESDV bring naphtha till burner end.

6. Keep inhibit fuel naphtha low pressure and low feed.

7. Line up hydrogen rich gas through the coil.

8. Keep atomizing steam on and create negative draft.

9. Call safety person and check explosive mixture inside furnace and get clearance (While checking
atomizing steam to be isolated).

10. Wear suit with helmet and gloves before lighting. Ensure all the PPE's are wore.

11. Light LPG torch keeping it away from the cylinder staying upwind.

12. Place the torch near the burner

13. Light burner by opening fuel naphtha valve slowly standing behind the pillar.

14. Isolate LPG cylinder.

15. If the burner doesn’t light. Purge the system for 5 minutes to complete purging.

16. Check for explosive mixture.

17. Relight burner by following above steps.

18. Safety technician should be there throughout the operation.

NOTE: Minimum gas flow should be there in furnace tube side.


Knock out drum naphtha should be transferred to raw naphtha tank through V207.

1. Inform control room operator.

2. Check knock drum drain valve of stand by compressor it should be in close condition.
3. Open V207 vapour vent valve
4. Close N2 line to dump condenser
5. Close drain isovalve in between nitrogen line connecting in suction knock out drum
6. Open knock drum suction pot drain valve of running compressor
7. See the suction pressure in local PI gauge
8. Open valve slowly to V207 check naphtha flow
9. See the pressure in dump condenser
10. Check the chillness by touching line and ensure all the naphtha drained out
11. Close dump condenser inlet line.
12. Close knock drum suction pot drain valve of running compressor
13. Close V207 vapour vent valve
14. Open N2 line isovalve to dump naphtha in the line.
15. Open valve slowly to V207 and check naphtha flow
16. See the pressure in dump condenser
17. Check the chillness by touching line and ensure all the naphtha drained out
18. Close nitrogen to dump condenser and send the naphtha to raw naphtha tank from V207
19. Open knock drum suction pot drain in-between valve of running compressor, so that
naphtha dumping line depressurized.
20. Repeat the same procedure for stand by compressor.
1. Inform control room about compressor changeover.
2. Check all gauges like pressure, temperature etc., calibrate if necessary.
3. Check lubes oil level.
4. Charge cooling water by operating inlet and outlet isovalve.
5. Check suction and discharge K.O drum levels; dump the naphtha to V-207.
6. Energies the compressor and reset trip.
7. Open suction and spillback isovalves of standby compressor.
8. Start the compressor and observe the temperature, lube oil pressure, amps etc.
9. Pressurize the stand by compressors K-104 B by closing spillback.(equal or slightly more than K-
10. Slowly open discharge isovalve of K-104B.
11. Simultaneously slowly close the discharge & open spillback isovalves of K-104A.
12. Ensure the flow, amps & vibrations are normal.
13. If the K-104B is stabilized stop K-104A.
14. Inform control room.

4.V 103 boil out procedure

During shutdown to remove hydrocarbon in stripper for man entry boil out procedure is
carried out
1. Isolate striper by closing LCV106, LCV103 and its isovalve.
2. Keep open PCV108 fully open
3. Drain naphtha from V103 and H102 and transfer it to T1001A/B.
4. Fill DM water to V103 60% level through level gauge drain.
5. Charge steam to H102 and start boiling.
6. Drain condensate collected from V109 and V105.
7. This operation to be continued till V103/H102 sample analysis reaches less than
3ppm of hydrocarbon.
8. Once analysis cleared close steam to 1502, close DM makeup and drain all water
from H102and V103.
9. Now it’s ready for hand over to maintenance (man entry).


NOTE: - For initial light up.
1. Check availability of cleaned gun
2. Check igniter power supply and make it ready
3. Inform to control room the burner number which we are going to light
4. Take cleaned gun and check the gasket.
5. Wear asbestos gloves and put the gun inside the burner then tighten the
clamping screw on the yoke using aligned key
6. Lock the swing cover plate
7. Now open the atomizing steam for burner check for leakages.
8. If there is no leakage open the naphtha isovalve in interlock.
9. Open combustion air damper
10. Now open the main naphtha isovalve of fuel naphtha and ignite burner by using
11. Once burner lighted remove igniter.
12. Now check the flame at the peep door if it is ok then inform to control room.
13. If burner is not proper adjust steam and air for proper flame pattern by seeing
flame condition.

NOTE:- Normal running

1. Check the flame in the peep door.

2. Check availability of cleaned gun
3. Inform to control room the burner number which we are going to change.
4. Now take one cleaned gun and check whether the gasket is there or not.
5. Wear asbestos gloves put off the burner which has to be changed .remove the
6. Load the cleaned gun tighten the clamping screw on the yoke using aligned key
7. Lock the swing cover plate
8. Now close purge valve open the atomizing steam valve and check for leakages
9. If there is no leakage open naphtha valve in interlock system.
10. Now open the isovalve of fuel naphtha and light the burner.
11. Now check the flame at the peep door if it is ok then inform to control room.
1. Inform to control room.
2. Check the instrumentation like pressure gauge.
3. Keep the primary, secondary damper and PCV fully open.
4. Ensure that the gun to be used is fitted with specified spud and gasket .Checking to be
done with C.W.P.
5. Load the checked fired heater gun.
6. In interlocks first close the purge valve and then open atomizing steam valve.
7. Line up gas flow through the heater coil
8. Call safety person, Check the inside atmosphere of furnace by using explosive meter
(While checking atomizing steam to be closed) Once furnace purging is over, open
naphtha valve in interlocks.
9. Check the availability of L.P.G cylinder [4 cylinder is minimum with fully filled]
10. Pilot air venturi to be in open condition for L.P.G
11. Check that F.I.D.U unit is energized
12. Before lighting the furnace wear all PPE’s
13. Reset the trip 6 in control room
14. Keep fuel naphtha low pressure inhibit.
15. Line up L.P.G. up to burner
16. Reset gas E.S.D.V locally check for downstream gas pressure[Nearly=0.5kg/cm2
17. Light pilot the by opening the gas valve and pressing the F.I.D.U unit button.
18. If the burner is lit then main burner available indication will come in B.M.S panel. And
19. Check the flame by seeing through peep door under safety gadget [face shield].
20. Now open main naphtha valve.
21. Go to B.M.S panel, press the ON button of the available burner[while lighting, no person
should stand near the Furnace]
22. Once the burner is lit check the flame and outlet temperature to be maintained by
adjusting the damper.
23. Safety officer must be present during the operation.


1. Inform to the control room.
2. Check for shaft rotation.
3. Line up cooling water to the cooler.
4. Check the lube oil level in console.
5. Check Governor Oil level.
6. Unwind governor knob .to minimum.
7. Start both ALOP
8. Reset the flag
9. Open the LP steam isovalve to warm up the turbine.
10. Open the casing drain valve chest drain valve LP steam trap by pass and MP
steam trap bypass to remove condensate.
11. Reset the ESDV 2290.
12. Open pump suction, Spill back valve and prime the pump.
13. Open MP steam slowly bring to spinning condition
14. Close all drain valves once condensate is clear and line up steam traps.
15. Open steam and reach minimum governor speed. Then can raise rpm by governor.
16. Check pumps discharge pressure and normal running condition of turbine.
17. Checks lube oil pressure and ALOP cut out, cooling water inlet and outlet
temperature of cooler.
18. Open turbine pump discharge valve simultaneously close P203C discharge valve.
19. Check for flow pressure and vibration of turbine pump.
20. Stop the motor.
21. Inform to control room.
Changeover from Elliot to Ebara

Present condition:

Q204B Elliot in auto and Q204A are from local control.

Changeover procedure:

1. Check oil level in Ebara console and makeup if required.[spt57]

2. Line-up cooling water for oil coolers.
3. Start alop.
4. Check lo cut in, cut out and trip settings and record.
5. Ensure lo filter lined up having allowable dp or else c/o filter.
6. Flush governor oil and makeup fresh oil.
7. Ensure reformer box pressure trip is in inhibit condition.
8. Turbine casing drains and steam trap bypass are to be kept open.
9. Check for availability of steam.
10. Open LP steam isovalve slowly and remove all the condensate.
11. Ensure that there is no condensate coming out of drains.
12. Now open LP steam isovalve fully.
13. Open MP steam slowly and open isovalve of traps.
14. Once condensate removed close casing drain, trap bypass valves and line up trap.
15. Once turbine start spinning open MP steam isovalve to achieve minimum governor
16. Increase p2 slowly around 3500rpm and watch box pressure.
17. Open suction and discharge damper of Ebara.
18. Rise P2 signal till P1 signal reaches zero.
19. Then close the Elliot fan discharge damper and adjust P2 signal to maintain the box
20. Check vibration of Ebara fan/turbine
21. Change local auto to manual
22. Change selector switch from Elliot to Ebara (local).
23. Inform control room to take PICV214 in manual and give signal matching with Ebara
local signal
24. Once Ebara local signal matches with control signal field operator can put it in auto
25. Then PICV214 can put on auto mode in control room
26. Now isolate steam to Elliot and close suction damper.







5.SM1 (two strainers in series) STRAINER CHANGE OVER
1. Inform to control room.
2. Inhibit trip 1A.
3. Check which strainers are online?
4. Crack open vent valve prime the stand by strainers by slowly opening the upstream isovalve.
5. Slowly open the downstream isovalve of standby strainers by watching the pressure.
6. Now both the strainers are online.
7. Slowly close the downstream isovalve watching pressure isovalve of strainers which is yet to
handover to maintenance then close upstream isovalve.
8. Drain the naphtha; depressurize the strainers by crack opening vent valve.
9. Check the permit and handover to maintenance.
10. Check the loading of strainers.
11. After the maintenance, open upstream isovalve of strainers and prime it and check for leakage.
12. Inform to control room.

Procedures for fired heater strainer change over.

1. Inform to control room.
2. Inhibit trip trip 6 & trip 7.
3. Check which strainer is online.
4. Crack open vent valve prime the stand by strainer by slowly opening the upstream isovalve.
5. Slowly open the downstream isovalve of standby strainer by watching the pressure.
6. Now both the strainer is online.
7. Slowly close the downstream isovalve watching pressure isovalve of strainer which is yet to
handover to maintenance then close upstream isovalve.
8. Drain the naphtha; depressurize the strainer by crack opening vent valve.
9. Check the permit and handover to maintenance.
10. Check the loading of strainer.
11. After the maintenance, open upstream isovalve of strainer and prime it and check for leakage.
12. Inform to control room.
6. F210/F202 pilot Gas change over
Syngas to LPG:

1. Check LPG cylinders are available(minimum 4)

2. Connect cylinders to LPG header
3. Isolate syngas main gas isovalve and individual burner isovalves
4. Depressurize the system
5. Line up LPG to Pilot gas header by opening isovalves in the line
6. Reset Pilot gas supply reset button in BMS panel and rest pilot gas ESDV in local
7. Open pilot burner air venturi full
8. Then open individual burner isovalve and light by FIDU unit.

LPG gas to Synthesis gas:

1. Check availability of syngas

2. Isolate LPG main gas isovalve and individual burner isovalves and disconnect LPG cylinders
3. Depressurize the system
4. Line up syngas to Pilot gas header by opening isovalves in the line
5. Reset Pilot gas supply reset button in BMS panel and rest pilot gas ESDV in local
6. Close pilot burner venturi full
7. Then open individual burner isovalve and light by FIDU unit.

NOTE: Check which are the burner number s for syngas/LPG gas supply before lighting.






PICV 257 PICV 256

TI 269 V 254


H 258





K 1101

FROM V 257
V-254 Heating up procedure:
 Depressurize LT converter, which is under +ve N2 pressure, 
 After depressurizing N2bleed to be kept open
  Keep H-258 drain open, De-spade the following flanges, 
a. H-258 inlet flange (near K-1101 i.e. CO2 compressor)
b. H-258 outlet 3wayvalve flange,
 c. V-254 outlet to PIC-257 iso-valve u/s flange spectacle-blind to open position
 Inhibit(override) Trip- 9,to avoid HICV-269 closing 
 Close LT bypass vent iso-valve
  Open PRC-257(midstream vent) and depressurize the blocked pressure in the line, 
  Keep PRC-257 set pressure 2kg/cm2 

  Close N2 bleed and disconnect the hose, 

  Crack open H-258 inlet iso-valve near K-1101, 
 Confirm gas flow and Open H-258 3-way vale
 close H-258 drain,

 Establish gas flow through V-254.Flow should be adjusted with iso-valve near K-1101, so that,
PRC-256(tail-end vent valve) is minimum open and gas flow through V-254 is maximum. 
 Line up H258 steam condensate to G202 

 Open MP steam to H-258 heater.H-258 outlet temperature should be controlled to get V-
254 temperature raise @ 25*-30*C. 
  Ensure LT outlet, TI-263 is 210*c - 
  Reduce and Isolate gas flow iso-valve near K-1101 watching PICV-256 opening,. 
  Isolate MP steam to H-258 
  Isolate H-258 outlet, keep drain open.
  Isolate PICV-257 u/s iso-valve (Lt outlet)
  Depressurize V-254. 
 Keep PRC-257 set pressure to midstream pressure in auto mode
  pen LT bypass vent isovalve and normalize trip 9.
 De-spade V-254 inlet and outlet flanges. 

 Analyze H-252 for H2S (<0.1mg/lit), if it is okay then pressurize V-254 by opening inlet iso-
valve by-pass valve.
 After pressurizing, open V-254 inlet iso-valve and outlet iso-valve. Close LT bypass valve 
  Open LT outlet vent isovalve and close LT bypass vent isovalve.

  V-254 temperature should be maintained by TIC-258 at 210*c 

 During LT heat-up incase power failure occurs
i. Close H-258 i/l iso-valve near K-1101by maintaining PCV-256 valve opening
ii. Close H-258 outlet iso-valve
iii. Close steam to H-258 keep drain open
iv. Close LT outlet vent isovalve
v. Put PIC-257 on auto and set midstream pressure.
vi. Open LT bypass vent iso-valve
vii. Normalize trip-9, then HICV-269 closes, gas venting through PIC-257.
From V-302

Seal water

To V-301

P-301A C/O to P-301B procedure:

1. Ensure there is sufficient oil level in the pump that has to be started.
2. If pump is in standby condition from a long time, it is better to get the bearing oil flushed.
3. Ensure there is sufficient flow of bearing cooling water.
4. Ensure the seal water flow is there to the pump and also that the suction isolation valve is
full open.
5. Check locally whether the motor is in energized condition or not. If not, get it energized.
6. Prime the pump by crack opening the casing vent valve.
7. Contact control room operator to inhibit the Benfield solution low flow trip for safety and
ask clearance from MPSS to start the pump.
8. Once the clearance is got, start P-301B and check the discharge pressure.
9. If the discharge pressure is normal, start opening its discharge isolation valve and parallel
close the discharge isolation valve of P-301A in the same speed.
10. Once the discharge isolation valve of P-301B is open and P-301A is closed, contact
control room officer to ensure if sufficient flow is there.
11. If the flow is normal, STOP P-301A.


Whether the pump is getting enough suction to deliver the discharge flow can be observed
by the motor Amps. Once it is getting the suction, its current draw starts to increase.
P-301A handing over for mechanical maintenance:

1. Isolate the seal water to P301A.

2. Isolate the pump suction isolation valve.
3. Ensure the discharge isolation valve is full closed.
4. Close the bearing cooling water inlet and outlet isolation valves.
5. Slowly open the casing drain to drain out the solution to the Benfield sump
6. Check the level of the Benfield sump and if it is more, transfer it to the tank or stripper
based on the requirement.
7. Crack open the casing vent isolation valve to facilitate complete draining.
8. Crack open the discharge isolation valve upstream drain to drain out the solution from the
discharge line.
9. Once the draining is complete, get the motor de-energized and then the Pump can be
handed over for maintenance job.

Making p-301A ready as standby after maintenance job:

1. Once the maintenance job is over, line up bearing cooling water to the pump bearings.
2. Close all the casing/line vents and drains.
3. Check the bearing oil levels and make up if required.
4. Crack open seal water inlet line to the pump, prime the pump and pressurize up to 2.5-3.0
5. Isolate the seal water and check for leaks if any.
6. If no leaks are found, slowly open the suction isolation valve and also charge seal water
to the pump.
7. Once the seal water and suction are normalized, prime the pump once again and get the
motor kept energized.

The changeover procedure is same as that of P-301 except the following

1. Discharge isolation valve is Motorized and during changeover first the discharge ROV
of P302A should be closed slowly.
2. Once the ROV of A pump is around 40% closed, Start B pump and start opening its
discharge ROV.
3. Once the discharge ROV of B pump is full open and that of A pump is full closed,
contact control room and stop A pump.

If during simultaneous operation of ROV’s the semi lean flow drops, stop the
closing of A pump ROV and open it back if required. And once the B pump ROV
opens further, A pump ROV can be closed.


1. Inform to control room.
2. Wear PPE’s.
3. Slowly close downstream and upstream isovalves.
4. Crack open vent valve, Drain the solution to Benfield sump.
5. Depressurize SM203 by full opening vent isovalve.
6. Check the permit and handover to maintenance.
7. After opening strainer note the loading of the filter, replace the filter with proper micron size
8. After the maintenance open upstream isovalve and prime it .
9. Line up by opening downstream isovalve& check for leakages.
10. Inform control room.


1. Check oil for bearings of stand by pump(example B pump)
2. Change selector switch to blank position
3. Check push button released position near pump(B)
4. Put stand by pump (B) switch from auto to hand position
5. Check pump discharge pressure and amps (B)
6. Now put earlier running pump in to auto position(A)
7. Then change selector switch to change over pump side(B)


1. Keep lube oil low pressure trip inhibit in control room
2. Note which filter is online and also note down the DP
3. Open equalising line valve in-between the filter and prime it by opening vent isovalve
4. pressurise the stand by filter by closing the vent valve
5. Now change over the filter by three-way valve operation note down the present DP
6. Close the equalising valve and depressurize earlier filter by opening vent isovalve and drain the
7. Handover to maintenance for filter element replacement
8. After maintenance job open the vent valve and keep it primed and close the vent valve.

A. Preliminary Checks
The following preliminary checks have to be carried before starting K401.

1. Ensure that ESDV 2424 is shut and its isovalves are open.
2. Ensure that the isovalve in the line connecting the 1st barrel seal oil traps to common
header shall be fully closed and upstream vent is open by 2 turns.
3. Ensure that the Seal gas to V404 inlet and V404 outlet to K401 suction is closed.
4. ESDV 2424 bypass isovalve shall be kept 50% open.
5. Ensure that all isovalves of LG and level switch are open and all drains shall be kept
6. With the above conditions satisfied, the Seal Gas System is ready to receive Seal vent
gases from the Compressor as soon as compressor is started.
B. Lining up the system
1. Keep the drain valve of level switch open.
2. Crack open V404 inlet isovalve slowly to pressurise V404. Purge through the drain
3. Observe the pressure in V404 and open the inlet valve fully once the pressure is steady.
Slowly close the vent valve to pressurise the system to a pressure 2 kg/cm2 higher than
K401 suction pressure.
4. Pressurising to be done slowly, the filter element may collapse if sudden pressurising is
5. Once pressurising is complete, V404 to K401 suction isovalve is to be opened, with
simultaneous closing of ESDV 2424 bypass valve.
6. Open the isovalve in the line connecting the 1st barrel seal oil traps to common header
fully and upstream vent is fully shut.
7. Observe the levels in all seal oil traps and ensure that they are steady.
8. Observe the Differential pressure in the gauge provided on V404.
C. Operation during normal running
1. Observe the DP of V404. If DP goes above 1.5 kg/cm2, the filter should be isolated and
2. If V404 high level alarm appears (LAH 404 on DCS) or high level is observed in the
level gauge, oil may be drained to tank.
3. Levels in the Seal Oil Traps of all three barrels to be observed regularly.

D. Action during trip or stoppage of Compressor

If K401 trips or stops when Seal Gas Recovery system is on line,

1. Isolate V404 inlet and outlet.

2. Open ESDV 2424 bypass.


P-501A to P501B
1. Inform to control room.
2. Check oil level, pressure gauges standby pump (B).
3. Ensure standby pump is energized. (B)
4. Check suction isovalve of standby pump and prime the pump. (B)
5. Start the standby pump. (B)
6. Once pressure developed open the discharge isovalve of P-501B.
7. Slowly close the discharge isovalve of P-501A.
8. Check the flow.
9. Inform to control room.

P-502A to P-502B
1. Inform to control room.
2. Check oil level, pressure gauges
3. Ensure standby pump is energized. (B)
4. Check suction isovalve of standby pump open position and prime the pump.
5. Start the standby pump (B).
6. Once pressure developed open the discharge isovalve of P-502B.
7. Slowly close the discharge isovalve of P-502A.
8. Check the flow.
9. Inform to control room.

P-503A to P-503B
1. Inform to control room.
2. Check oil level, pressure gauges
3. Ensure standby pump is energized. (B)
4. Check suction isovalve of standby pump and prime the pump.
5. Start the standby pump.
6. Once pressure developed open the discharge isovalve of P-503B.
7. Slowly close the discharge isovalve of P-503A.
8. Check the flow.
9. Inform to control room.
P-504A to P-504B

1. Inform to control room.

2. Check oil level, pressure gauges of standby pump.
3. Ensure standby pump is energized. (B)
4. Open suction isovalve and discharge isovalve of standby pump and prime the pump and strainer.
5. Start the pump and check the flow.
6. If P-504B is stabilized stop P-504A.
7. Close discharge isovalve of P-504A.
8. Inform to control room.


1. Inform to control room.
2. Bypass heat exchanger by closing both the inlet and outlet valves.
3. Close ball valve to V-554.
4. Check the valve to DAP is closed or not.
5. Open PCV bypass valve.
6. Open gate valve to IAT.
7. Open plug valve connecting to IAT and control pressure through plug valve.


1. Close plug valve connecting to IAT.
2. Close gate valve to IAT.
3. Ask the IAT person to depressurizing to which side ,if it is towards V-554 side keep ball valve
and PCV bypass open. If it is towards IAT close ball valve and PCV bypass.
4. Inform to control room.

1. Inform to control room.

2. Close glycol heater drain valve.
3. Open glycol tank make up valve.
4. Check glycol pump bearing oil level
5. Start glycol circulation pump and open discharge valve.
6. Open steam valve and remove the condensate by opening the stem trap bypass
valve and line up steam trap.
7. Open heat exchanger inlet, outlet and PCV Bypass valve.
8. Line up to V554 by opening PCV downstream two isovalves.
9. Inform IAT to start ammonia transfer.
10. After starting transfer in control room open the steam valve to control ammonia
11. Transfer rate decided by control room operator..

1. Close steam valve.
2. Open Heat exchanger drain and remove all condensate.
3. Ask IAT de- pressurizing towards which side If it is towards V554 side keep ball
valve and PCV bypass open If it is towards IAT close ball valve and PCV bypass.
4. Keep glycol circulation for 15 min. after that stop the pump close discharge
5. Close glycol make up valve.
6. Inform to control room transfer isolated.


1. Check the oil level, cooling water to cooler, N2 stuffing box and stuffing box
cooling water flow.
2. Check that EK551 is energized.
3. Locally reset the trip and open the suction valve.
4. Inform to control room and then start the compressor
5. When pressure developed open the discharge valve and maintain the discharge
pressure nearly 17.5 kg/cm2.
6. Inform to control room
7. In case of non-availability of cooling water line up fire hydrant water.
Present Condition:

 LY 403A is in Auto.
 LY 403B is in manually closed, u/s & d/s iso-valves are closed.
 LIC 403 in Auto.


1. Open u/s & d/s iso-valves of LCV 403B.

2. Keeping LY 403A in Auto go on giving opening signal to LY 403B (A valve goes on closing)
3. After A valve fully shuts(LY 403A MV=0), Take LY 403A in manual.
4. Take LIC 403 in manual and Match the MV with the LY 403B MV. (The LIC403 MV will become
zero, if we don’t match the MV. At that time it will take MV of A valve & Both the valves will
shut )
5. Change the selector switch (LIC 403 s/w) from A to B.
6. Put LY 403B in auto then LIC 403 to Auto.
7. Close u/s & d/s iso-valves of LCV 403A.


1. Inform control room.
2. Check suction valve, spill back valve, cooling water valve are open and discharge valve
is closed.
3. Open Vapour releasing valve.
4. Check seal pot methanol level
5. Start pump
6. Check amps
7. Open discharge valve and close spill back valve.
8. Close vapour releasing line.
9. Inform to control room

1. Inform control room.

2. Open spill back valve
3. Close discharge valve
4. Stop pump.
5. Inform to control room

7.P-410 Change Over Procedure :-

Note:- Changing from Pump A to Pump B

1. Inform to control room
2. Standby pump B suction valve and spill back to be opened ,
3. Discharge valve is in closed condition
4. Confirm whether standby Pump B is Energized .
5. Check the oil to bearing if it is less, make up the oil.
6. Check the cooling water flow for bearing.
7. Start the standby pump B check the discharge pressure and then slowly open the
discharge valve.
8. Close the discharge valve of pump A.
9. After closing the discharge valve of A pump stop the pump
10. Now contact to control room and inform B pump is Online.
11. Now check the pump vibration, bearing temperature, any abnormal sound and check the
pressure and amps.
Note: P-551 A to B changeover.

1. Inform to control room

2. Checks seal pot level and bearing oil level.
3. Check Suction valve of stand by pump is open condition and also spillback is open and pumps in
chilling condition.
4. Discharge valve of stand by pump is closed condition.
5. Check the standby pump is energized or not.
6. Prime the pump by removing Vapours.
7. Vapours are removed by r opening casing drain.
8. Start the pump.
9. Check discharge pressure and amps developed or not.
10. If amps not developed (Vapour locked) then stop the motor and remove Vapours, after
removing Vapours again start the pump.
11. After getting required pressure ,slowly open discharge valve of standby B pump maintain
required amps
12. Simultaneously close pump A discharge valve and stop.
13. Now check for smooth running of B pump.
14. Check vibration and bearing temperature.


 Close suction and spillback of A pump.

 Push ammonia Vapours to sphere through chilling line by nitrogen.
 Traces of ammonia purged by pushing with nitrogen to ammonia pit.
 Depressurize the pump by opening casing drain ammonia to pit.
 Handover to maintenance.
 After the maintenance job Check for any leakage with nitrogen pressure.
 Close drain valves and open chilling line valve, spill back valve and suction valve of A pump and
keep chilling condition.
9.V 503 boil out procedure
During shutdown to remove ammonia in stripper for maintenance job boil out procedure
is carried out
1. Isolate striper from V501 and V502
2. Keep open V503 RV bypass fully open
3. Fill DM water to V503 60% level through BFW makes up.
4. Charge steam to H502 and start boiling
5. Start P501 and put ammonia solution to stripper (reflux).
6. The condensate collected in V504 put back to V503.
7. This operation to be continued till H502 liquid sample analysis reaches less than
5ppm of ammonia \
8. Once analysis cleared close steam to H502, close BFW makeup and drain all
water from H502 .

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