Chapter 6 Jedi Knights (Part 3)
Chapter 6 Jedi Knights (Part 3)
Chapter 6 Jedi Knights (Part 3)
chapter VI
Doug Wheatley, Genndy Tartakovsky,
OFFICIAL ARTWORK Jan Duursema, Joe Corroney,
LucasFilm LTD.
Some rules mechanics are based on the Star Wars Roleplaying
Game Revised Core Rulebook by Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins, and
JD Wiker, the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS® game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip 2
Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkinson.
The Jedi
Any similarities to actual people, organizations, places or events
are purely coincidental. This document is not intended for sale
and may not be altered, reproduced, or redistributed in any way
without written consent from Fandom Comics.
Chapter VI
The Jedi Order
During the Clone Wars, the bulk of the non-clone military
commanders who served in the Grand Army of the Republic were
comprised of the Knights of the Jedi Order. These Jedi Knights
typically served as generals, leading brigades, legions, or entire
corps. However, these Jedi were also commonly sent on missions
vital to the Republic without the assistance of their clone forces.
The following entries are Jedi Knights who fought during the
Clone Wars.
Aayla Secura
Aayla Secura was a young slave girl in the Twi’lek clan Secura
on Ryloth, until Jedi Master Tholme and his Padawan Quinlan
Vos discovered her strong connection to the Force. Aayla was in-
ducted into the Jedi Order and years later was taken on as Vos’
Padawan Learner. The pair successfully completed several mis-
chapter VI
sions on behest of the Jedi Council, until they attempted to break
up a spice cartel synthesizing Glitteryl. Aayla’s uncle, Pol Secura,
managed to wipe both of the Jedi’s memories, and put Aayla to
work as a slave dancer in his entourage. Aayla disappeared for
months, but was later found alongside Volfe Karrko, an Anzati
fallen Jedi, who was corrupting Aayla, and drawing her toward
the Dark Side. After a furious battle resulting in the death of 4
Karrko, the young Twi’lek was rescued. The Jedi Council refused
The Jedi
to allow Aayla to be reinstated as Vos’ apprentice, however, since
the Padawan and her master had spiraled too close to the Dark
Side during their ordeal. Fortunately, Master Tholme offered to
complete Secura’s training and the Council agreed.
Secura’s final mission under Tholme’s tutelage sent her back
to Ryloth to help locate Nat Secura, Clan Secura’s heir to the
Twi’lek Council. Aayla’s master was captured attempting to res-
cue the boy, so to complete her mission the Padawan enlisted the
help of Quinlan Vos. Together, Aayla and her former master were
able to liberate Nat Secura and Tholme from the clutches of the
Nikto Morgukai Warrior Bok and his men. For her bravery in the
face of disaster, Aayla was knighted.
Seven years later, Aayla was one of the many Jedi rushed to
Geonosis to free Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Separatists, and was
one of the few survivors of the skirmish in Petranaki Arena that
Aayla Secura
gave way to the Clone Wars. Seven days later, after accepting a
commission in the Grand Army of the Republic, Aayla was dis-
patched to Corellia with Caamasi Jedi Knight Ylenic It’kla. Posing
as independent traders, Aayla and It’kla were to extract a defect-
ing Techno Union scientist named Ratri Tane. Secura’s cover was
blown by a group of Gotal mercenaries led by Separatist goon,
Tendir Blue. After a series of skirmishes, Blue captured Tane and
escaped with a set of prototype schematics for advanced droid
circuitry. Crushed and defeated, Aayla was surprised when the
man she knew as Tane revealed himself as the Jedi Nejaa Halcyon,
who allowed Blue to make off with the schematics that had been
sabotaged by the Republic.
Next, Aayla established contact with Quinlan Vos, who had
spent the last two years deep undercover, and learned of an im-
pending assault on Kamino. Secura was immediately assigned
to defend the crucial military asset with Kit Fisto, Obi-Wan
Kenobi, and several other prominent Jedi. Two months into
chapter VI
the Clone Wars, when the attack finally came, Secura and Jedi
Master Tsui Choi led an assault wing to intercept fighters while
Kenobi’s squadrons defended the cloning facilities. The strategy
was extremely effective in repelling the enemy, resulting in the
destruction of several Confederate vessels and the death of trai-
torous Commander Merai.
5 After a wearying, but successful mission to Cavamina
Minor, Aayla was attached to Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi’s army.
The Jedi
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war, Secura and Mundi joined a task force to destroy a newly-
discovered droid foundry on Hypori. The task force fell into a
Separatist trap, and came out of hyperspace within an orbital
chapter VI
Aayla was ambushed by the vile assassin, and although Sing was reactor, destroying any evidence the Jedi hoped to uncover.
the more experienced combatant, Secura was able to defeat Sing As the third year of the Clone Wars began, Aayla and her men
and place her into custody. With the traitor discovered, pirates were sent to Honoghr to recover a scientific instrument package
and Sing defeated, and her allies rescued, Secura was free to re- lost in a starship crash that contained data on a new Separatist
turn to her army, now at full strength. biological weapon. The Republic operatives fell under ambush
For the next several weeks, Secura and her army fought a by Noghri natives, and soon only Aayla and Commander Bly re-
series of vicious battles with an army of Confederate-allied mained. The pair of survivors was approached by Quinlan Vos, 6
Mandalorian mercenaries. By the middle of the Clone Wars’ sixth who offered to help retrieve the SIP to convince Aayla that his
The Jedi
month, Aayla and her troops forced the Mandalorians into a full true allegiance still remained with the Republic. However, Vos
retreat, but at the cost of nearly half of her army. While ferrying quickly showed his true colors, and tried to make off with the SIP
wounded to the Republic medical facility on New Holstice, Aayla for the Separatists. Faced with evidence of how far her former
met with Master Tholme, who informed her that Quinlan Vos master had truly fallen, Aayla and Vos crossed lightsabers as she
was suspected of having fallen to the Dark Side during his deep tried to turn him back to the light. No match for her former mas-
undercover mission. At Tholme’s insistence, Aayla begrudgingly ter, Secura was quickly bested, and would have been slain if not
agreed to not interfere with Tholme’s search for Vos, trusting the for Commander Bly’s intervention. Even though Aayla recovered
Jedi Master would succeed in bringing Quinlan back to the light the SIP, the victory felt like a hollow one.
side of the Force. Six months later, after helping Tholme obtain investigate
Eight months into the Clone Wars, after aiding in the res- Separatist activity on Anzat, Aayla was assigned to an under-
cue of Chancellor Palpatine from the dreaded Zillo Beast, and cover mission on Trigalis. There, Secura spent weeks gathering
securing a tactical droid brain for Republic Intelligence, Secura evidence of Black Sun supplying weapons and intelligence to the
and her forces were outgunned by overwhelming numbers of Confederacy. During her mission, Aayla assisted Obi-Wan Kenobi
Separatist warships over Quell. Aayla sent a distress signal, and in his hunt for Asajj Ventress before being reassigned to Master
was quickly reinforced by Anakin Skywalker. However, Aayla’s Oppo Rancisis’ operation on Saleucami against the Separatists’
latest plot: a cloned Morgukai army. Aayla provided starfighter Aayla Secura (Order 66) CL 14
support to ground forces in their five month long siege on the Medium Twi’lek Female Scoundrel 3/Jedi 6/Jedi Knight 5
shielded city until Republic forces penetrated its outer shields. Destiny 2; Force 3
Aayla and Vos, who once again fought on the same side, led Init +10; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15
a charge into the heart of the caldera city after Jedi-General Languages Basic, Bocce, High Galactic, Huttese, Ryl
Rancisis was assassinated. Together, the pair of Jedi disabled the Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 26), Fort 29, Will 29; Block,
generator powering the inner shields, and faced off against the Deflect, Great Fortitude
Confederate commanders Sora Bulq, Tol Skorr, and the Morgukai Hp 132; Threshold 29
Warrior Bok. During the confrontation with the Separatist of- Speed 6 squares
ficers, Aayla was separated from her allies and attacked by Bok. Melee lightsaber +17* (2d8+10) or
Their fierce duel ended when General Secura Force pushed the Melee lightsaber +12/+12* (2d8+10) with Double Attack or
enraged Nikto through a laser gate, ending his life. Cut off from Melee unarmed +16 (1d6+8) or
her allies, Secura instead lent her former master strength through Ranged by weapon +16
the Force, aiding him in his fight against Sora Bulq and his own Base Atk +13; Grp +16
inner darkness. Aayla had little time to celebrate Vos’ redemption Atk Options Double Attack, Point Blank Shot
as they barely made it out of the magma chambers that buckled Special Actions Clear Mind, Force Haze, Hesitate, Redirect Shot,
under Republic bombardment. Vehicular Combat
chapter VI
After a brief detour to Endor, Secura and her army pressed Force Powers Known (Use the Force +16): falling avalanche,
on, stopping at a Republic staging area to resupply, and took on fluid riposte, Force slam, hawk-bat swoop, inertia, inspire,
a Padawan Learner named Ekria. During their journey, Aayla’s mind trick, move object, obscure, saber swarm, surge (2)
new Padawan determined the whereabouts of two Jedi that went Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Force
missing on Felucia days earlier. The Twi’lek general made the res- Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18
cue of Barriss Offee and her Padawan Zonder a top priority, and Talents Ataru, Block, Clear Mind, Deflect, Force Haze, Hesitate,
7 launched a devastating attack on the Nigkoe Detention Facility as Redirect Shot, Spacehound
soon as they arrived on Felucia. After freeing her comrades, Aayla Feats Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force
The Jedi
led a daring infiltration of the private compound to Commerce Training (3), Informer, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot,
Guild President Shu Mai in an attempt to capture the Separatist Vehicular Combat, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency
leader. Unfortunately, President Mai was long gone, and the com- (lightsabers, pistols, simple weapons)
plex was booby-trapped, releasing a deadly toxin into Felucia’s Skills Acrobatics +15, Deception +16 (may reroll, keeping
water supply. second result), Perception +15 (may substitute for Gather
General Secura immediately requested reinforcements to help Information checks), Persuasion +16, Pilot +15, Stealth +15,
contain the spread of the tainted municipal reservoirs. Aayla led Use the Force +16
a squad of clone troopers to the Niango water treatment plant Possessions Lightsaber* (self-built), utility belt
while the others moved to different facilities to contain the con- Destiny Fulfilled (redemption) – Aayla Secura has fulfilled her
tamination. As Secura and her men approached the plant, Order destiny by aiding in the redemption of her former master,
66 was issued to all Republic clone troopers, and Aayla was bru- Quinlan Vos, from the grip of the Dark Side of the Force.
tally cut down by Commander Bly and his troops. Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 20
Barriss Offee
Barriss Offee
Barriss Offee retained her youthful impulsiveness even after years
of training in the Jedi Temple, and she often resorted to the use
of her lightsaber as opposed to more diplomatic avenues that
the Jedi favor. Though she was a gifted healer, Offee was unable
to keep her emotions in check, and her attempts to do so left
Barriss seeming icy and detached. It took the instruction of fellow
Mirialan, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, to calm Offee’s passions,
and help her establish the discipline necessary to follow the Jedi
Path. Through Master Luminara’s guidance, Barriss was shaped
into a capable and mindful, if naïve Padawan Learner. Barriss
shared an unusually strong telepathic bond with her master that
extended to all areas of the Padawan’s training, even in their
coordination during combat.
Weeks prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Barriss Offee
and her master accompanied Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
chapter VI
Skywalker to the Mid Rim agri-world of Ansion to settle a bor-
der dispute between the tribal Alwari and the Unity Community.
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During the peace talks, Offee was kidnapped by a pair of Hutt-
employed locals intent on disrupting the negotiations. However,
after Offee used her considerable Jedi healing abilities to cure the
mental ailments of the two enforcers, they agreed to assist Barriss
and the other Jedi. This alliance proved instrumental in stabilizing 8
Ansion, and prevented the Unity Community from prompting a
The Jedi
dozen other allied worlds into seceding from the Republic.
Days later, Barriss and her master rushed to Geonosis to liber- crystal mines beneath the ancient Jedi cathedral were infiltrated
ate Obi-Wan Kenobi from the clutches of the Confederacy. The by Separatist chameleon droids. Despite a valiant effort, Barriss
Jedi strike team was vastly overwhelmed and slaughtered by and Luminara couldn’t stop the droids from leveling a portion
the Separatist battle droids, but Barriss was counted among the of the temple, trapping the Jedi in a massive cave-in. Offee and
survivors. As the Clone Wars began, Barriss followed her mas- Unduli survived by telekinetically holding back the rubble long
ter’s lead, and accepted a commission in the Grand Army of the enough for Jedi Master Yoda to come to their aid.
Republic as a Jedi-Commander. However, her talents in the Jedi Weeks later, following a successful retrieval of intelligence
healing arts often kept her stationed at Republic medical centers on a Confederate weapons factory from Mondo-Mod the Hutt,
on New Holstice or Coruscant. Barriss and her master headed a full-scale civilian evacuation on
After cheating death once again at the hands of a Separatist Nadiem. With evacuation efforts lagging behind schedule, and
invasion force on Coruscant’s undercity in the war’s fourth the extraction point boxed into Threadneedle Canyon, Barriss
month, Barriss was taken by Master Luminara to the Jedi monas- led several squads of troops in a surprise attack on the enemy
tery on Ilum to complete the final phase of Barriss’ training – the army’s rear flank. Barriss’ ambush pressed the droid forces against
construction of her own lightsaber. During their pilgrimage, the Luminara’s fortified position, and Offee and her troops detonated
explosives that buried the Confederate army under thousands of
tons of rubble. With the enemy charge diffused, Barriss and her Mirialan
master completed their evacuation, rendezvousing with Master Native to the chilly desert world of Mirial in the Outer Rim,
Tiin’s fleet to deliver the surviving citizens of Nadiem to safety. Mirialans are a near-human race with olive-colored skin and
Briefly during the sixth month of the war, Barriss served in vibrantly-hued eyes. Mirialans are generally religious, and tat-
Jedi Master T’ra Saa’s triage unit on Null before it was assaulted too their faces as marks of achievements in life, as a show of
by bounty hunters hoping to cash-in on Separatist-posted Jedi maturity, and as indications of destinies foretold.
bounties. Though the hunters were repelled, Barriss and the other
healers were wounded and ferried to New Holstice by Mace Mirialan Species Traits
Windu. Once recovered from her injuries, Barriss was assigned to All Mirialans share the following traits:
the ongoing mop-up operations on Geonosis. As the ninth month Ability Modifiers +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Mirialans are
of the Clone Wars came to a close, Barriss was called to assist very agile, but possess a somewhat cold and abrasive
her master in a full assault of a recently-discovered battle droid demeanor.
manufacturing plant. Offee and Padawan Tano were tasked with Medium Size As Medium creatures, Mirialans have no special
infiltrating the facility to plant explosive charges. Their presence bonuses or penalties due to their size.
was discovered and they were ambushed by Archduke Poggle Appearance Variation Mirialans have olive-colored skin and
the Lesser and his battle droids. Barriss and Ahsoka managed to vibrantly-hued eyes.
chapter VI
defeat their adversaries, and sought refuge inside a Separatist Bonus Feat Mirialans gain one bonus feat at 1st level.
super tank when the destruction of the factory’s power genera- Automatic Languages Basic and Mirialan.
tor brought the entire hive-spire crashing down on top of them.
Offee was rescued by Luminara and Anakin Skywalker thanks to
Ahsoka Tano’s quick-thinking. Pairing with Padawan Tano taught dose bota, a miracle drug native to Drongar, and quickly realized
Barriss the value of thinking on her feet when a well-thought an intense beneficial side effect that energized her connection to
9 plan goes awry – a contrasting view to under Master Luminara’s the Force. Offee faced many ordeals during her time on Drongar,
rigidly-structured teachings. but it was her ability to resist the temptation to abuse bota as a
The Jedi
Alerted to heavy casualties suffered by Mace Windu’s forces quick and seductive path to power that earned the Padawan her
on Dantooine, Barriss and Ahsoka led a mission to deliver medi- knighthood.
cal provisions to his troops. Before they could make it to their In the thirty-sixth month of the Clone Wars, Offee went be-
destination, Offee’s transport was overrun by Geonosian brain hind enemy lines with her newly selected Padawan, Zonder, on
worms that infested the crew and seized control of the ship. The an undercover mission to the highly-contested Commerce Guild
Padawans raced to reclaim command of the transport before it world of Felucia. Barriss contacted Republic Intelligence when
reached their destination, but Offee succumbed to one of the they discovered the location of President Shu Mai, but the trans-
parasites before completing her objective. Once Barriss regained mission was detected and their cover was blown. Barriss and her
consciousness, she learned Ahsoka had saved the crew and the Padawan were quickly apprehended and placed in a high-security
ship by venting the coolant tanks into the ship to kill the temper- prison.
ature-sensitive brain worms. Offee and Zonder’s communiqué made it to the Jedi Council,
At the start of the Clone Wars’ second year, Barriss Offee was however, and the two were soon rescued by Jedi Knight Aayla
assigned her first solo command serving as Jedi liaison to the Secura and her forces. With Secura, Barriss led a mission to infil-
medical units supporting the war effort on Drongar. While treat- trate Shu Mai’s private compound to place the Separatist leader
ing a patient, Barriss accidentally injected herself with a heavy into custody. Unfortunately, the president was long-since gone,
and the estate was booby-trapped, sending a deadly toxin into Melee lightsaber +13* (2d8+4) or
Felucia’s water supply. Offee and her allies raced to stop the Melee lightsaber +11* (3d8+4) with Rapid Strike or
spread of the contamination of several major city water process- Melee lightsaber +8/+8* (2d8+4) with Double Attack or
ing plants. While en route, Order 66 was declared, branding all Melee lightsaber +6/+6* (3d8+4) with Double Attack and Rapid
Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Barriss was caught totally un- Strike or
aware, and was incinerated by artillery fire from her own troops. Melee unarmed +9 (1d4+4) or
Ranged by weapon +12
Barriss Offee (Battle of Geonosis) CL 5 Base Atk +9; Grp +12
Medium Near-Human (Mirialan) Female Jedi 5 Atk Options Double Attack, Rapid Strike
Force 5 Special Actions Cure Disease, Defensive Acuity, Link, Melee
Init +4; Senses Perception +8 Defense, Redirect Shot
Languages Basic, Bimm, Binary, High Galactic, Mirialan Force Powers Known (Use the Force +10): circle of shelter,
Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 17; Deflect deflecting slash, Force thrust, move object, shien deflection,
Hp 63; Threshold 17 surge (2), vital transfer (2)
Speed 6 squares Force Regimens quiet the mind, telekinetic practice, training
Melee lightsaber +7 (2d8+2) or remote
Melee unarmed +5 (1d4+2) or Force Techniques Cure Disease
chapter VI
Ranged by weapon +7 Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +5; Grp +7 Talents Defensive Acuity, Deflect, Link, Redirect Shot, Soothe
Special Actions Defensive Acuity, Link, Melee Defense Feats Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Regimen Mastery, Force
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +8): circle of shelter, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Melee Defense, Rapid Strike,
thrust, move object, shien deflection, surge, vital transfer Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 13 weapons)
Talents Defensive Acuity, Deflect, Link Skills Acrobatics +12, Knowledge (life sciences) +12, Perception 10
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Melee Defense, +11, Use Computer +12, Use the Force +10
The Jedi
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple Possessions Jedi robes, lightsaber* (self-built)
weapons) Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 16
Skills Acrobatics +9, Knowledge (life sciences) +9, Perception
+8, Use Computer +9, Use the Force +8 Foul Moudama
Possessions Jedi robes, lightsaber
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 10 Despite his brutish appearance and size, the Talz Jedi Knight Foul
Moudama was a gentle intellectual. Before the outbreak of the
Barriss Offee (Order 66) CL 9 Clone Wars, Moudama spent countless hours studying a wide
Medium Near-Human (Mirialan) Female Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 2 array of subjects in the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. Foul also
Force 3 counted lightsaber technique among his many interests, demon-
Init +7; Senses Perception +11 strated by his expertise at the flowing, graceful Ataru lightsaber
Languages Basic, Bimm, Binary, High Galactic, Mirialan form.
Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 21), Fort 22, Will 23; Deflect In the final days of the war, Foul Moudama and fellow Jedi
Hp 96; Threshold 22 Knights Bink Utrila, Roron Corobb, and Roth-Del Masona, were
Speed 6 squares assigned to protect Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the
Foul Moudama
Hp 97; Threshold 23
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +13* (2d8+7) or
Melee claw +11 (1d6+7) or
Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+7) or
Ranged by weapon +10
Base Atk +8; Grp +11
Special Actions Adversary Lore, Melee Defense, Scholarly
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +10): contentious opportu-
nity, Force slam, Force thrust, hawk-bat swoop, high ground
defense, Makashi riposte, move object, saber swarm (2), sar-
lacc sweep, surge (2)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 13
Talents Adversary Lore, Block, Deflect, Educated, Scholarly
©Genndy Tartakovsky
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Melee
chapter VI
Foul Moudama (Second Battle of Coruscant) CL 9 esteemed professor at Alderaan University. Amidst his studies,
Medium Talz Male Jedi 6/Noble 2/Jedi Knight 1 Halagad became familiar with the deeds of the Jedi Knights, and
Force 3 immediately aspired to become a member of their order.
Init +6; Senses darkvision; Perception +17 For years, Halagad studied methods of utilizing the power of
Languages Basic (understand only), High Galactic (understand the Force, but his research yielded limited information on the
only), Ithorese (understand only), Talz, 2 unassigned finer aspects of the Jedi training. Therefore, Ventor set out to
Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 21), Fort 23, Will 24; Block, Deflect find a teacher willing to instruct him in the ways of the Jedi,
and was eventually inducted into the Jedi Academy on Almas.
Halagad Ventor
chapter VI
forces arrived, however, the primitive Kon’me natives viciously
assaulted all outsiders indiscriminately, using high-tech weapons
acquired from war profiteers. None the less, Ventor and his allies
managed to drive the Confederacy from the system, and estab-
lished a blockade of the planet to prevent further enemy efforts
to occupy the planet.
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The Jedi
the galaxy, Halagad teamed up with Jedi Master Ashka Boda and
formed an underground network to hide survivors of Order 66
from Imperial extermination squads. Before Ventor could flee
to the Outer Rim, he was apprehended by Imperial troops and
Unfortunately, even under the guidance of Jedi Master Everen brought before Lord Vader. After enduring brutal torture at the
Ettene, Ventor was unable to master the discipline necessary to hands of Vader and his Inquisitors, Halagad’s will was shattered,
reach his full potential. Without the training given to Jedi in their and he divulged the locations of the Jedi refugees under his pro-
adolescent years, Ventor constantly felt the need to prove his tection. Ventor later escaped imprisonment and fled to a world
worth, and he became arrogant, boastful, and lacked the tact he’d discovered during his studies on Alderaan named Trinta, a
necessary to be an effective diplomat. Weeks before the Clone marsh-world home to a Dark Side nexus, to mask his presence.
Wars began, Halagad was sent to the Virgilia system with Master Over time, the nexus fed on his fear and guilt and stripped away
Ettene and two other Jedi to spearhead peace talks between the what little was left of Halagad’s sanity. Ventor remained in his
Virgillian Free Alignment and the local governing body. During own personal hell on Trinta for nearly twenty years before he was
their approach, their transport was shot down, and Halagad’s discovered by a group of Rebel Alliance operatives who helped
master was killed in the crash. All passengers were thought dead, him find redemption just before his death.
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +12): battle strike, Force
thrust, mind trick, move object, obscure, surge
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14
Talents Deflect, Educated, Exceptional Skill (Knowledge [galactic
lore]), Illusion, Influence Savant, Power of the Dark Side
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Brilliant Defense, Force
13 Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Skill Focus
(Knowledge [galactic lore]), Unwavering Resolve, Weapon
The Jedi
©Jan Duursema
Skills Deception +12, Gather Information +12, Initiative +12,
Knowledge (galactic lore) +18, Knowledge (tactics) +13,
racy, improved damage), Republic Medallion of Honor war, and was assigned to defend vital cloning installations from
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 13 an impending Separatist attack. Kossex flew as Blue Leader in a
first line fighter screen to thin out enemy numbers and to divert
attention from a Republic flank moving into position. During the
Kossex battle, Kossex swooped in to destroy a vulture droid on Anakin
Skywalker’s tail, but was killed when a flight of Separatist fight-
Kossex was one of the many Jedi to rally around the Republic ers caught her by surprise, and turned her starfighter into a ball
banner and take up arms in its Grand Army. As a gifted pilot, of fire.
Kossex found herself on Kamino for her first mission during the
chapter VI
Starship Maneuvers Known (Use the Force +9): devastating hit,
explosive shot
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Special Qualities Pheromones
Talents Close Maneuvering, Deflect, Expert Gunner, Force Pilot,
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Redirect Shot
Feats Assured Attack, Fight Through Pain, Force Sensitivity, 14
Force Training (2), Gunnery Specialist, Starship Tactics,
The Jedi
Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers,
simple weapons)
Skills Mechanics +10, Use the Force +9
Possessions Jedi robes, lightsaber* (self-built)
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 14 Although he was much older than typically allowed, Ma’kis’
fanatical devotion to the Jedi Code, and the considerable martial
skill he already possessed guaranteed his acceptance into the Jedi
Order. In time, the Nikto ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight.
Missions such as his confrontation with Morgukai Warrior Tys,
A legendary member of the Morgukai Nikto warrior cult, and his handling of the Cult of M’dweshuu invasion of the Sisar
Ma’kis’shaalas had a deep connection to the Force, giving him Run weeks before the Clone Wars identified him as a decisive
abilities far beyond the average warrior of the ancient sect. The combatant without hesitation, and a disdain for the self-serving
same connection led him to abandon his order, and he walked into bureaucratic process of the Senate.
the lethal wasteland of the Burning Moon Range, a feat survived While Ma’kis led troops on the front lines in a number of cam-
by no one before, to sever ties with his former life. Astonishingly, paigns early in the Clone Wars, the conflict against the Morgukai
Ma’kis survived his trek, and made for Republic Space.
Morgukai Warrior Talent Tree
The Morgukai Cultists are a fierce society of elite Kajain’sa’Nikto warriors. The ancient order holds an intense hatred for the Jedi
Knights of the Republic, a rigid code of honor, and a deadly fighting skill that makes them lethal adversaries for any campaign. The
Morgukai are all-but extinct during the Clone Wars, however, the following talents are suited for any era. The following talents are
intended for use with the elite trooper prestige class.
Armored Morgukai: Morgukai warriors craft their armor from rare cortosis ore that has the unusual ability to repel lightsaber
strikes, and they train to maximize the effectiveness of this trait. You add your armor’s Fortitude Defense bonus as an equipment
bonus to your elite trooper damage reduction (with a maximum bonus equal to your base elite trooper DR), a lightsaber does not
ignore your damage reduction. Additionally, you add your armor’s Fortitude Defense bonus as an equipment bonus to the reaction
roll initiated by a successful lightsaber attack to deactivate the lightsaber.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Morgukai Resolve, proficient in armor worn.
Cortosis Staff Block: As a reaction, you may negate a melee attack by making a successful opposed attack roll. The DC of the
attack roll is equal to the result of the attack roll you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty to your attack rolls to
use this talent for every time you have used Cortosis Staff Block since the beginning of your last turn. You must have a cortosis staff
drawn to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. You may spend a Force Point to use this talent to
chapter VI
on Saleucami pushed him into an advisory role at the Jedi Temple. one. Ma’kis charged the Sith, but was thrown off guard by Vader’s
When Order 66 was declared, Ma’kis cut a swath through the deceptive speed, and was slashed through the heart.
invading clone troopers and made his escape.
A month after the Clone Wars, as the Empire consolidated its Ma’kis’shaalas (Ambush at Kessel) CL 14
power, Ma’kis’shaalas met with fellow Jedi Shadday Potkin and Medium Kajain’sa’Nikto Male Soldier 7/Scout 1/Elite Trooper 3/
devised a scheme to assassinate the two Sith Lords controlling Jedi Knight 3
the former Republic. Ma’kis attended a conference on Kessel with Force 1; Dark Side 1
Potkin to sway more Jedi to join them in their mission, but Potkin Init +13; Senses Perception +9
lured Darth Vader to the meeting in hopes that the group could Languages Basic, Bocce, Huttese, Nikto
overpower and destroy the Dark Lord. This eagerness to exact re- Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 26), Fort 33, Will 28; Deflect, Great
venge proved their downfall, as Vader cut the Jedi down one by Fortitude, natural armor +2
Roblio Darté
Hp 143; DR 1; Threshold 33
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +18* (2d8+12) or
Melee unarmed +17 (1d4+10) or
Ranged by weapon +14
Base Atk +13; Grp +16
Atk Options Flurry
Special Actions Delay Damage, Extreme Effort, Shake It Off
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +13): battle strike, Force
grip, mind trick, move object, surge (2)
Force Techniques Improved Sense Surroundings
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12
Talents Armored Defense, Armored Morgukai, Deflect,
Extreme Effort, Focused Warrior, Morgukai Resolve,
Improved Armored Defense, Warrior’s Awareness, Weapon
Specialization (lightsabers)
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Exotic Weapon
chapter VI
Proficiency (cortosis staff), Flurry, Force Sensitivity, Force
©Brandon Badeaux
Training (2), Martial Arts I, Shake It Off, Weapon Focus
(lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles,
simple weapons)
Skills Endurance +15, Initiative +13, Survival +14 (may reroll,
keeping second result), Use the Force +13
Possessions Lightsaber* (self-built), utility belt 16
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 14
The Jedi
Roblio Darté In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Roblio desired to restore
the glory of the Republic, and banded together with a group of
During the fourth month of the Clone Wars, the physically impos- Jedi survivors of Order 66. During an assembly on Kessel to deter-
ing Roblio Darté led a clone army on the marsh-lands of Parcellus mine how to depose Sith Lords Vader and Sidious, Darté and his
Minor to protect its inhabitants from Separatist reprisal following allies were betrayed by one of their own, who lured Darth Vader
their return to the Republic. Due to faulty intelligence reports, to the conclave in hopes the assembly could overpower the Sith
Darté’s army was vastly outnumbered, and was forced to switch Lord. Although Roblio managed to survive the melee and subdue
to guerilla tactics to survive. Rather than prolong the conflict, the Vader, the Dark Lord’s clone troopers caught Darté by surprise
Separatists cut their losses and bombarded the battlefield from and mowed him down in a hail of blasterfire.
orbit, setting the flora ablaze and destroying thousands of square
kilometers of swamp, killing ninety percent of General Darté’s Roblio Darté (Ambush at Kessel) CL 12
forces. General Darté sustained serious injuries, and had to be Medium Human Male Jedi 10/Melee Duelist 2
ferried in shame back to Coruscant for medical attention. Force 2; Dark Side 2
Init +12; Senses Perception +8
Roron Corobb
Languages Basic
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 26), Fort 26, Will 26; Block
Hp 136; Threshold 26
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +17* (2d8+11) or
Melee lightsaber +15* (3d8+11) with Rapid Strike or
Melee unarmed +15 (1d4+9) or
Ranged by weapon +13
Base Atk +12; Grp +15
Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Staggering
Special Actions Equilibrium, Dive for Cover, Master of
Movement (1/day), Melee Defense
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +13): assured strike, con-
©Genndy Tartakovsky
tentious opportunity, disarming slash, Force blast, Force
slam, Makashi riposte, move object, surge, unhindered charge
Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 15
chapter VI
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 16 long enough for the others to make their escape. Although Roron
and his companions made it to the bunker, they were ambushed
Roron Corobb by General Grievous once locked inside, and Corobb was killed
instantly when the Kaleesh cyborg’s lightsaber blade pierced him
Once the Padawan of Jedi Council member Yarael Poof, the through the chest.
Ithorian Roron Corobb was an expert in the Jedi mind trick, as
well as all manner of diplomatic procedure and persuasive tech- Rorob Corobb (Second Battle of Coruscant) CL 9
nique. During the Clone Wars, however, Corobb’s abilities with Medium Ithorian Male Jedi 4/Noble 4/Jedi Knight 1
a lightsaber were of more value to the Republic. Corobb and his Force 4
Padawan Drake Lo’ogan were assigned to protect the Supreme Init +6; Senses Perception +7
Chancellor when Coruscant fell under attack in the final days of Languages Basic, Bothese, Durese, High Galactic, Ithorese,
the war. Roron was separated from his Padawan amidst the chaos, Rodese, Ryl, Shryiiwook, Talz
and accompanied fellow Jedi Bink Utrila, Foul Moudama, Roth- Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 21), Fort 24, Will 26; Deflect, Iron
Del Masona, and Shaak Ti to deliver Palpatine to the sanctuary of Will
the Chancellor’s highly-protected bunker located deep beneath Hp 82; Threshold 24
Shadday Potkin
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +12* (2d8+5) or
©Doug Wheatley
Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+5) or
Ranged by weapon +10
Base Atk +8; Grp +10
Atk Options Bellow
Special Actions Burst of Speed, Adept Negotiator, Influence
Savant, Presence
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +16): barrier of blades,
enlighten, Force thrust (2), Force whirlwind, mind trick, move
object, shien deflection (2), surge (2)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14
Special Qualities Survival Instinct
Talents Adept Negotiator, Deflect, Force Persuasion, Influence
Savant, Presence
Feats Burst of Speed, Devastating Bellow, Force Sensitivity,
Force Training (3), Linguist, Skill Focus (Use the Force),
chapter VI
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon
Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Endurance +10, Gather Information +11,
Knowledge (bureaucracy) +12, Use the Force +16
Possessions Jedi robes, lightsaber* (self-built)
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 17
Shadday Potkin
The Jedi
The young Shadday Potkin served the Republic during the Clone
Wars, acting as a general to the Grand Army of the Republic.
When Order 66 was declared, Potkin escaped death at the hands
of her own clone troopers, and hid in the crowd of onlookers
as Republic clones raided the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Amidst Potkin had her neck snapped by the Sith Lord during the skirmish.
the panic, Shadday made contact with several other Jedi in the
crowd, and began to establish a cabal of Jedi survivors to chal- Shadday Potkin (Ambush at Kessel) CL 11
lenge the Sith threat. Medium Human Female Jedi 2/Noble 7/Jedi Knight 2
One month after the wars’ end, Shadday hosted a clandestine Force 2; Dark Side 2
meeting of Jedi on Kessel under the pretense of strategizing on Init +8; Senses Perception +11
how to topple the reign of the Sith. However, Potkin had leaked Languages Basic, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, Herglic, High Galactic
news of the meeting to Darth Vader, thinking the sheer number of Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 23), Fort 23, Will 24
Jedi in attendance would overpower the Dark Lord. The advantage Hp 82; Threshold 23
wasn’t enough to subdue the mechanical menace though, and Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +13* (2d8+6) or a minor wedge into their friendship, the two remained close for
Melee cortosis sword +12 (1d6+6) or years afterward.
Melee unarmed +12 (1d4+6) or Siri soon became a fully-fledged Jedi Knight, and continued to
Ranged by weapon +12 work with her former master up until six years before the Clone
Base Atk +9; Grp +12 Wars when she participated in a deep cover mission to break up
Atk Options Desperate Gambit the piracy and slaving operation of the outlaw Krayn. So secret
Special Actions Band Together, Galactic Guidance, Inspire was her mission, that even her peers believed she had abandoned
Confidence, Jedi Quarry, Melee Defense, Self-Reliant, the Jedi Order. With the help of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan
Sentinel’s Gambit Kenobi, Siri convinced Krayn’s Colicoid associates to betray the
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +13): assured strike, dis- pirate, incite a slave revolt, and bring down Krayn’s criminal or-
arming slash, Force slam, mind trick, move object, surge ganization once and for all.
Force Techniques Improved Sense Surroundings
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16
Talents Band Together, Galactic Guidance, Inspire Confidence,
©LucasFilm TLD.
Jedi Quarry, Self-Reliant, Sentinel’s Gambit
Feats Cunning Attack, Desperate Gambit, Force Sensitivity,
Force Training (3), Informer, Linguist, Melee Defense, Skill
chapter VI
Siri Tachi
As a youngling, Siri Tachi was a stickler for rules and regulations,
ostracizing her from many of her peers, and forcing her into the
work well with others and control her tenacity. Kenobi, Tachi and
their masters were frequently assigned together on missions,
such as their rescue of O-Lana Chion on Keegan, battling the
crazed scientist Jenna Zan Arbor on Simpla-12 and Belasco, and
saving the boy Talesan Fry from bounty hunters on Cirrus. During
the latter mission, Siri and Obi-Wan professed their love for one
another, but ultimately vowed to remain true to their duty as Jedi
rather than to realize their feelings. Though this decision drove
Siri Tachi
After returning to her rightful place among the Jedi, Siri met a jumping from her starfighter onto Magus’ and forced her way
youngling named Ferus Olin whom reminded her of herself when into the cockpit. While struggling with her adversary, the fighter
she was Ferus’ age - gifted yet socially-awkward. Tachi and her plummeted to the ground and crashed. When Obi-Wan and the
Padawan worked closely with Kenobi and Skywalker, as well as others arrived at the scene, Siri had been fatally wounded with a
Jedi Ry-Gaul, and Soara Antana and their Padawans. Over the blaster shot in the chest. Though her efforts saw the capture of
course of four years, the group of Jedi were sent to stave off an Magus by Obi-Wan and the others, the codebreaker ultimately
ecological crisis, track down Granta Omega, and prevent the assas- failed to come into Republic custody, and Tachi perished from the
sination of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, when Ferus wounds she sustained in the fight.
Olin resigned from the Jedi Order following the death of Soara
Antana’s Padawan, Siri was disheartened, distanced herself from Siri Tachi (Battle of Azure) CL 14
her comrades, and refused to take on another Padawan Learner. Medium Human Female Jedi 7/Scoundrel 7
Instead she opted to aide Adi Gallia and her Lok Revanant allies in Force 3
their struggle against the injustices of the Trade Federation and Init +10; Senses Perception +14
Saboath Squadron. Languages Basic, Bocce, High Galactic
When Siri Tachi heard that Obi-Wan Kenobi was being held Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 26), Fort 25, Will 27; Deflect,
prisoner in the execution arena on Geonosis, she eagerly joined Dodge
the strike force sent to rescue him from the Separatists. Tachi Hp 106; Threshold 25
chapter VI
teamed up with Master Gallia to eliminate the Confederate or- Speed 6 squares
bital defenses, and then escorted Republic ground forces during Melee lightsaber +16* (2d8+7) or
their descent to the surface. After being reinforced by more Jedi Melee unarmed +15 (1d4+7) or
allies, members of the Lok Revanants, and the Mere Resistance, Ranged by weapon +15
Siri headed back into the fray as the battle unfolded above the Base Atk +12; Grp +15
planet against the Sabaoth Squadron mercenary group led by Atk Options Assured Attack, Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack,
Cavik Toth. Through the combined efforts of Siri and her allies, Sentinel’s Strike 20
they were able to defeat Sabaoth Squadron and prevent the Special Actions Adaptable Talent, Cheap Trick, Sentinel’s
The Jedi
deadly Trihexalon-based weaponry from being deployed on the Gambit, Quick Draw, Trick Step, Vehicular Combat
battlefield below. Force Powers Known (Use the Force +19): barrier of blades,
During the Clone Wars, Siri Tachi resumed her duties for contentious opportunity, Force slam, Force track, mind trick,
the Jedi Order as an investigator hunting down enemies of the move object, saber swarm (2), surge
state. In the sixth month of the war, Siri was once again paired Starship Maneuvers Known (Use the Force +19): counter, dev-
with Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as Anakin Skywalker and Padmé astating hit, target sense
Amidala in a joint effort to secure Talesan Fry, now a galactically- Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
renowned cryptologist, into Republic protective custody and to Talents Cheap Trick, Deflect, Force Pilot, Sneak Attack, Sentinel’s
obtain a device he’d created that accurately and efficiently de- Gambit, Sentinel Strike, Spacehound
crypted any existing communications code. The four were able Feats Adaptable Talent (Redirect Shot), Assured Attack, Dodge,
to acquire Talesan and the codebreaker, and ferried them to a Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Informer, Point Blank
Republic outpost on Azure. The fugitive bounty hunter Magus, Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Starship
working for the Corporate Alliance, tracked the group’s move- Tactics, Trick Step, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Finesse,
ments and sent a massive Confederate fleet to Azure to acquire Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
the device. Siri attempted to apprehend the bounty hunter by Skills Acrobatics +15, Deception +14, Knowledge (galactic lore)
+14, Perception +14, Use the Force +19 warrior with a passion for the arts. During the Clone Wars, Traavis
Possessions Jedi robes, lightsaber* (self-built) served the Republic as a Jedi Knight and general of the Grand
Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 21 Army of the Republic. At the end of the war, he led a five month
campaign against the Separatists to re-establish the Republic
Traavis supply chain from the agricultural and mining worlds in the
Cassander sector, liberating Biitu, Monhudle, and New Bakstre.
As a child, Traavis was discovered by a team of Jedi attempting to Traavis then oversaw the relocation of refugees on Garqi after
break up a spice operation on asteroid outpost Skip 5 along the successfully retaking the world from the Confederacy. As he man-
Smuggler’s Run, and inducted into the Jedi Order on Coruscant. aged the refugee camp on Garqi, the commando team under his
Traavis’ time in the Jedi Temple shaped him into a disciplined command, Aiwha Squad, gunned him down after Order 66 was
given by the Chancellor’s office. Traavis’ efforts were officially
reported as kidnapping refugee children for Jedi indoctrination.
The Republic demand for Jedi leadership was dire when the Clone
Wars began, and like many Padawans, Tohno was fast-tracked
to knighthood while still a teenager, when her master was killed
in battle. By the fourth month of the war, Tohno’s expertise in
the fields of architecture and engineering were paramount to
the success of a mission to destroy a Geonosian manufacturing
©Brandon Badeaux
plant nested in the mountainous tundra of Zaadja with Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Tohno snuck past droid defenses
and made her way inside the facility to place explosive charges,
chapter VI
but was discovered before she could make her escape. Unwilling
to risk capture or failure, Tohno thrust her lightsaber into the
satchel of charges, sacrificing herself in order to complete the
mission. The explosion that claimed Tohno’s life collapsed the
tunnels beneath the complex, and brought the entire structure Force Powers Known (Use the Force +12): deflecting slash,
to the ground. Force thrust, hawk-bat swoop, kinetic combat, move object,
prescience, sarlacc sweep, surge 22
Tohno (Battle of Zaadja) CL 8 Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16
Medium Human Female Jedi 6/Scout 2
The Jedi
Talents Deflect, Evasion, Lightsaber Throw, Skilled Advisor
Force 2 Feats Combat Reflexes, Fast Surge, Force Sensitivity, Force
Init +6; Senses Perception +12 Training (2), Never Surrender, Shake It Off, Skill Focus
Languages Basic, Binary, Military Sign, High Galactic (Knowledge [physical sciences]), Skill Training (Stealth),
Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 20), Fort 20, Will 22; Deflect Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple
Hp 71; Threshold 20 weapons)
Speed 6 squares Skills Endurance +10, Knowledge (physical sciences) +17,
Melee lightsaber +10* (2d8+5) or
Knowledge (technology) +12, Perception +12, Mechanics
Melee unarmed +9 (1d4+5) or +12, Stealth +11, Use the Force +12
Ranged by weapon +9 Possessions Comlink, Jedi robes, lightsaber* (self-built), satchel
Base Atk +7; Grp +9 of explosives
Atk Options Lightsaber Throw Organization Score (Jedi Order) – 13
Special Actions Fast Surge, Shake It Off, Skilled Advisor