MEPC.1-Circ. 881
MEPC.1-Circ. 881
MEPC.1-Circ. 881
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
21 May 2019
2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Guidance to the attention of
their Administration, industry, relevant shipping and fuel industry organizations, shipping
companies and other stakeholders concerned, as appropriate.
Annex, page 1
1 In the case of non-compliant fuel oil, communication between the ship and the port
State should occur. The ship and the port State should consider the following as possible
contingency measures:
2 Having considered all of the options in paragraph 1 above, the non-compliant fuel oil
may be discharged to the port or retained on board, as acceptable to the port State. Port State
consideration may include environmental, safety, operational and logistical implications of
allowing or disallowing the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil. The carriage of non-compliant
fuel oil is subject to any conditions of the port State.
3 The port State, the flag State and the ship should work together to agree on the most
appropriate solution, taking into account the information provided in the Fuel Oil
Non-Availability Report (FONAR),* to address the non-compliant fuel oil.
4 After the non-compliant fuel oil is completely used or discharged, such actions should
include the possibility of cleaning and/or flushing through or dilution of remaining residues by
using compliant fuel oil with the lowest sulphur content available.
* Appendix 1 of the 2019 Guidelines for consistent implementation of the 0.50% sulphur limit under MARPOL
Annex VI (MEPC.320(74)).