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Marking another year of the unsolved Balao case

Campaigns to surface the

disappeared continues Secretary General of Cordillera Commemorating his Contribu- A Challenge to Aquino’s Admin-
Emelyn Flores and
Pauline Gaña Human Rights Alliance (CHRA), tions istration
last August 30, he stressed that As part of the campaign to Longid emphasized that James

ommemorating the sec- they tried searching military surface James, a special screen- is not an isolated case of this mat-
ond year of his disappear- camps for a possible trace of his ing of the indie film “Sigwa” was ter, and all over the Philippines
ance, movements to know whereabouts. organized by CHRA, Cordillera and in Luzon alone, hundreds
the whereabouts of University of CHRA also tried actions such Afong, College Editors Guild of of these disappearances occur.
the Philippines-Baguio alumnus as looking for the assistance of the the Philippines (CEGP), and St. “The enforced disap-
and First Quarter Storm survivor courts, talking with top ranking Louis School Center (CLSC) pearances must serve
James Moy Balao tightens. government officials concerned, held at the Saint Louis Center as a challenge to the
and writing letters and petitions Social Hall last September 18-19. present government.
Tireless Calls to surface. Included in its first screen- Even though these

Graphics Aila Velasco

Since his abduction two years “We called upon our elders and ing is a short program to honor things did not oc-
ago (September 17) in Tomay, La indigenous leaders to invoke our James Balao and other Martial cur in his [Aqui-
Trinidad Benguet, his colleagues, ancestors to help us. We marched Law activists. Gawad Marcelo H. no] administration, he must
family and friends have not ceased in the streets in protests and con- Del Pilar was also presented to the do something about them,” she
in holding activities and cam- demnation. Our voices, as it may family of James by the CEGP to added.
paigns to surface him. seem, have fallen on deaf ears but commemorate James’ contribution
“We have learned how to cope we have not lost hope,” Baggo in the field of journalism.
up with his disappearance. Siyem- added. The event was attended by ap-
pre nalulungkot pa rin kami, pero James’ father, Arthur Balao, proximately 500 audience coming
CPA (Cordillera People’s Alli- even in his sick condition, par- from different sectors of the com-
ance) is still here. Tuluy-tuloy pa ticipated in protests and rallies, munity. Simultaneously, a photo
rin naman ang campaigns para speaking before the media for the exhibit was held on the CLSC
mahanap siya. We are not going release of his son. grounds featuring his published
to give up looking for him,” CPA “It pains us to note that James articles on his college days.
chairperson and Balao’s colleague Balao’s parents passed away while
Beverly Longid said. their son remains disappeared,”
In an interview by the North- Baggo stated.
ern Dispatch with Jude Baggo,

Up Baguio

Opisyal na Pahayagan kultura

ng mga Mag-aaral
balita lathalain Alas-s
ng Unibersidad ng
UP president selection draws near 2
When the
Ang sa buhaais
ni Oblye
Pilipinas Baguio Nominees and multi-sectoral daan UP sa san
ng pa g
Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010 page gbab an-

issues pronounced 5 ago
After almost a decade of 2 going gets agsim
ng un
ula n
a ang

implementation ibe tran
Faculties, students and alumni sa liko b agong rsidad pat sisyon
pamu un
reviewed RGEP curriculum aki rin
d ng
transis nuan. go sa
The government’s sa mis a n g yo n g
mong transisyong , tila mal-
ito it
Subsidiya para sa SUCs, kakaltasan 3 shortcomings on kung
gap n aano ang
tereyn n
ng un agaganap
Budget para militar at pambayad-
disaster management page 9 ibersid

g mga nagig ad at
utang, lubhang tataas ng tr e in
t was unusually windy that time. The trees ansisy studyante g pagtang-
ang d ong it rito. S
is o, ma a liko
Computer system fails 3 were swaying as if they were to break any nabib kurso ng tu d
STFAP bracketing released deferred igyan tungg tunghayan
Naglabas ang Outcrop ng artikulo tungkol sa minute. Our dog was frantically barking, sa liko ng sa
pat n
d ng a hindi
her noise added to the furies of the wind. All of ang d t
iskurs ransisyong pansin. A
‘Silent Martial Law’ sa Nueva Ecija noong Agos-
to 2006, na nagpapakita ng pasismo ng ad- As P-Noy plans to abolish SK 4 a sudden, the local cables were overflowing of babag o ng tum it o, t
ministrasyong Arroyo. Nga lamang, nananatili
Kabataan PL Rep. Palatino on utung nabubuo
unibe g tereyn g a li
ang ganitong uri ng pagpapatahimik sa mga news with Metro Manila covered with heavy rsidad ng pa sa
kritiko hanggang ngayon sa administrasyon ni introduces HB No. 1963 . mumu nag-
Noynoy Aquino III. floods. And the whole scene came so fast... no sa

UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010

UP president selection draws near

Nominees and multi-sectoral
issues pronounced College of Law; current Regent
for UP and president of the UP
Alumni Association Alfredo
Extra Challenge Pascual; Virginia Teodoso,
Ivah Yael Capinig
The sectoral staff also presented Professor in the UP School of
solutions in the said forum that Labor and Industrial Relations

n preparation to the upcoming the next president of the university and; current Chancellor of UP Los
University of the Philippines would hopefully do. They wished Baños Luis Rey Velasco.
Presidential selection, a multi- for uniformed implementation These nominees will undergo
sectoral forum facilitated by of policies regarding benefits like fora with the different sectors
Faculty Regent Judy Taguiwalo, leaves and promotions; junking (student, faculty and staff ) that
Staff Regent Clodualdo Cabrera of Office Performance Evaluation will raise concerns that they would
and Student Regent Cori Alessa System (OPES; a system like the next president to address.
Co was held at SOLAIR UP for measuring the collective The upcoming nominees’ fora will
Diliman last September 2 and 3. performance of the individuals in be on September 20 (Los Baños),
an Office or Division). 24 (Diliman) and October 14
Multi-Sectoral Issues The staff also pleads for the (Manila) 2010 will be shown live Nationalistic, scientific, mass-oriented. Isang alternative classroom learning
The forum focused on the continuance of Certificate of to other UP campuses. experience ang naganap nitong ika-16 ng Setyembre ukol sa kasalukuyang
discussions regarding long-term Service ; uphold and support The Board of Regents sitwasyon ng sistemang pang-edukasyon sa bansa, partikular na sa UP. Tampok
issues that each sector (Faculty, democratic governance in the scheduled the selection on na tagapagsalita si Einstein Rasedes, National Chairman ng National Union of
Staff, Research, Extension and university; have a networking Students in the Philippines (NUSP). Jesusa Paquibot
November 17, 2010, Wednesday.
Professional Staff (REPS), and relationship between college
Student) experienced in general.
Such are discrimination regarding
universities and the viability of
organizing and mobilizing unions
After almost a decade of implementation
rights, promotion and privileges
of the university staff; trend of
and alliances in and outside of the
university. Faculties, students and alumni
temporary or contractual workers
and lack of comprehensive
discussions for contentious issues.
Roman’s 2011 Predecessor
Also, with the announcement
reviewed RGEP curriculum
Moreover, the forum also talked of the nominees for the next UP Guila Anglo and frameworks. The first one is what Comm 2/Kom 2 and History 1 to
of issues that the whole system faces president, sectors of the faculty Ivan Emil Labayne UP Diliman is adapting while students. Any student who fails to
like BOR’s authoritarian mode of together with the REPS, and the second is the framework that take all the required subjects will
governance, militarization of some students evaluated the vision is being applied in all the other not be allowed to graduate.

campuses and privatization and papers and curriculum vitae of n an effort to assess the current constituent universities. The two In response, RGEP was
commercialization of the services each of the nominees. Revitalized General Education differ in terms of the competencies conceived in the spirit “freedom of
inside the university and UP as a The nominees are Consolacion Program (RGEP) after almost that the programs will focus on. choice.” Its proponents claim that
whole. Alaras, a retired professor of a decade of implementation, The Diliman framework only this can make the students more
Along with the budget cut that the College of English and chosen teaching professors, non- has two target competencies; that enthusiastic in learning, as he is
the students do not agree on, the Comparative Literature in GE teaching professors, alumni, is, development of critical thinking to take subjects which he himself
faculty also talked of problems Diliman; Dr. Patrick T. Azanza, faculty members and students and independent learning; the chose. Based on the university’s
with tenures of the professors and senior lecturer at UP college of participated on a Focused Group second framework adds a third website, “The RGEP framework is
inequity of the benefits that the education and current CEO of Discussion last September 20. The target competency, the oral and to require students to take 15 units
staff and REPS receive versus the two private business corporations; participants were divided into two written communication. Moreover, under each domain of knowledge-
benefits of the faculty. Leonor Briones, chairman to groups: the first one is composed unlike the second framework, the -Arts and Humanities, Math,
These problems are currently the board of trustees of Siliman mainly of faculty members while framework in Diliman requires Science and Technology, and
being addressed by different University in Dumaguete City. the second one is comprised of their students to take up at least six Social Sciences and Philosophy.”
sectors with studies and pursuance Along with these are faculty members and students. units of Philippine studies. During In defense of the RGEP,
of representatives of committees Esperanza Cabral, Independent the FGD, a suggestion to require Nemenzo then stated that he
of UP. Other means of attending Director of the Manila Bulletin RGEP for a Cause three units of indigenous studies saw the need to give students
to these issues that the sectors Publishing Co.; Sergio Cao, RGEP’s model states four in UP Baguio was brought up. more “leeway and flexibility.” He
suggested are negotiations, current Chancellor of UP Diliman; objectives, at least three of which observed that the old GEP failed
dialogues, consultations and lastly, Diliman Professors Benjamin must be addressed by every subject: FGD: An Evaluation to realize its objective of cultivating
mobilizations and such. Diokno (School of Economics) (1) broaden intellectual and The FGD serves as a way to a capacity for independent,
Nevertheless, UP and Maria Serena Diokno cultural horizons (2) awareness of assess of the RGEP in terms of critical and creative thinking,
administration answers these (College of Social Sciences and various disciplines (3) integration its effectiveness to the students, since students are “forced to take
sectors’ calls with further study and Philosophy). of knowledge and skills and (4) as well as to the instructors. “The subjects they have no interest in.”
budgetary constraints while some Completing the list of the foster nationalism balanced with group will talk about the concepts With the implementation of
issues are ignored and different nominees are Raul Pangalangan, internationalism. of the RGEP by means of the the RGEP, one infers as to where
forms of harassment are enacted. also a Diliman Professor in the As of now, RGEP has two qualities of the teacher,[and] the path of this program is leading.
objectives of the RGEP, and also Because of the “freedom of choice”
concerning about the class size,” on the selection of the desired
said Lorelei Mendoza, a professor courses, the process of enlistment
from the College of Social was more likely compared to a
Sciences (CSS). market, with the students being
The individuals of the group the buyers and the courses playing
will have a chance to state the pros the role of the commodities. A
and cons they see about RGEP. student chooses a subject that
Similar FGDs are being done in he thinks is needed, or what is
all the other campuses of UP. All convenient for his/her part. With
the transcripts of each discussion this fact in mind, the students
will be centralized and will be used are not disposed in learning
in the assessment of the program. other disciplines of knowledge,
concentrating solely on their area
The Advent of a Commendable of specialization. Thus, in reality,
Curriculum the objectives for which the
It was under the administration RGEP is made for are not serving
of UP Pres. Francisco Nemenzo their purpose.
when the RGEP was approved Another issue regarding
by the University Council. The the RGEP is the the inability
incoming freshmen and transfer or insufficient preparations of
students of AY 2002-2003 were students concerning certain
the first batch of students to fundamental skills, such as written
experience the implementation of communication. This struggle was
the said program particularly in also noticed by the professors of
KALIWANG UPD. the university. With the students
SULOK Prior to the RGEP, there was
the General Education Program
having poor foundations on these
skills, they tend to fall short or fail
Kariton. Jesusa Paquibot
(GEP), which required certain
subjects like Comm 1/Kom 1 and
in more advanced subjects.

UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010

Subsidiya para sa mga SUCs, kakaltasan Red Letters
Budget para militar at pambayad utang, lubhang tataas The Humblest of all
Kitty Maria
“Noynoy” Aquino III, P23.4 ng Southern Philippines Agri- mga SUCs sa mga pribadong

Levi Glen Ingente his I say with a tempered
bilyon lamang ang ilalaan para Business & Marine and Aquatic sektor na magdudulot ng pagiging
bitterness and the feeling that
sektor ng edukasyon mula sa School na mababawasan ng semi-privatized ng mga ito. Higit I might have been robbed
Hindi pa man natatapos ang mahigit P1.6 trilyon na kabuuang 66.27% ang pondo para sa itong magpapababa ng tiyansa na of the freedom to defend myself.
taon, isang dagok na naman ang budget ng gobyerno. Wala pa ito MOOE. makapagpatuloy pang makapag- Amidst conclusions and concealed
nagbabadyang muling sumubok sa kalahati ng inererekomenda ng Dagdag pa rito, binabalak din aral ang ilang mga kabataan. sneers, this is the last place I can see
sa kalagayan ng mga mag-aaral at United Nations (UN) na paglalaan ng administrasyong Aquino ang as a resort: I need to stay in this space.
This semester was seemingly
maging mga kawani ng iba’t-ibang ng 6% ng Gross Domestic Product hindi paglalaan ng pondo para Siksik, liglig at umaapaw
brought by a tornado, although it
State Universities and Colleges (GDP) para sa edukasyon. sa Capital Outlay o ang budget Matatandaan na binigyang- has shaken my world several times,
(SUCs) para sa taong 2011. Ang panukalang budget para na inilalaan para sa mga bagong diin ni P-Noy sa kanyang State it was fleeting. What happened in
sa taong 2011 ay bumaba ng pasilidad at imprastraktura ng of the Nation Address na hindi the whirlwind of events from June
Kulang na kulang P4 milyon kumpara sa budget isang ahensya ng pamahalaan. gagastos ang estado para sa Public- to September? Besides the bombastic
Ayon sa budget proposal Private Partnerships ngunit ayon events, whether in Audi or in
na inilaan ngayong taon na
Conve, the exams, the failures, the
ng administrasyong Benigno paghahatian pa ng 112 na SUCs Unti-unting pag-iwan sa sa budget proposal ng kanyang humiliation and the learning to grow
sa buong bansa. Dahil dito, 25 na kabataan administrasyon, maglalaan ito ng up? I saw myself committing to this
Computer System fails SUCs ang kakaltasan ng pondo Samantala, ipinahayag humigit-kumulang P15 bilyon paper, exchanging an excess of free
partikular na ang University naman ni Kabataan Partylist para rito. time for a monthly space of strewing
STFAP bracketing of the Philippines system na Representative Raymond Palatino Bukod pa rito, pinakamalaki rin banal phrases that only a few take
notice of. There were good moments
release deferred mababawasan ng P1.39 bilyon.
Kaugnay nito, 15 lamang
ang pagtutol niya sa panukalang
budget para sa susunod na taon.
sa kasaysayan ang iuukol na pondo
ng gobyerno para sa pambayad
in Acads, a rare source of motivation
in the daily routines of musing and
Kaisa Aquino na pamantasan ng kabuuang Ito ay pagpapakita umano ng utang na aabot sa P823.27 bilyon. doubting if I will ever play that

bilang ng mga SUCs ang hindi pag-abandona ng gobyerno sa Ito ang pinagsamang pambayad Adele song again. The passing of this
ue to an unpredicted maapektuhan ang budget para sa tungkulin nitong mabigyan ng na P357.09 bilyon sa interes at semester has been quite fast, and I am
difficulty with the Maintainance and other Operating mataas na kalidad ng edukasyon P466.18 bilyon para sa prinsipal. grateful that I have kept my being
computer center based in low-profile despite these red letters.
Expenses (MOOE) na ang na bukas sa lahat ng mga kabataan. Muli na namang tataasan ang Outside the box where I am the
UP Diliman, the supposed release kabuuang pondo ay mababawasan Ayon kay Palatino, ang mga ilalaang pondo para sa militar only dweller, events also happened
of the third batch of Socialized ng P1.1 bilyon. Ang pondo para budget cuts na katulad nito ay na aabot sa P104.7 bilyon at ang fast-paced, not many of them
Tuition and Financial Assistance sa MOOE ang ginagamit sa magdudulot lamang ng pagtaas pork barrel mula P10.9 patungong escaping my flair for spotting things
Program (STFAP) bracketing has pagpapatakbo ng mga serbisyo at ng matrikula ng mga SUCs P24.8 bilyon. to speak tartly of.
been delayed for months now. pasilidad ng mga kolehiyo gaya na dahilan para tumaas ang drop- Ang mga pagtaas ng subsidiya I have seen the world turning their
heads, frantic and stupidly anxious,
lamang scholarships, pambayad sa out rate at bumaba ang bilang ng ng mga ito ay sa kabila ng “austerity towards the greatest drama of the
What happened? kuryente at iba pa. mga kabataan na makakakuha ng measure” ng administrasyong year, the one in Quirino Grandstand.
Like every other year, the Sa katunayan, ilan sa mga tertiary education. Aquino upang pagkasyahin ang ‘di It was our nature to mind things
information from the STFAP SUCs ay lagpas 50% ng budget Dahilan din ito upang umano’y kulang na budget para sa happening around us, mundane or
office here in UP Baguio is sent ang kakaltasin tulad na lamang mapilitang makipagsosyo ang lahat ng serbisyong panlipunan. not, significant or not, only to prattle
to the Office of Scholarship and and end up hot-headed. We know
how to speak about the ugly side

As P-Noy plans to abolish SK

Student Services (OSSS) and to
of things yet our inaction, or our
the computer center which holds mere commenting or sermonizing
not only data from the STFAP also paint ugliness. More than that,

Kabataan PL Rep. Palatino

but of the administration, registrar that issue has been exaggerated, or
and library records of the entire exposed too much in the news, in
UP system. the papers, overshadowing the other
issues, the equally, if not the more
But this time, according to

introduces HB No. 1963

important ones --like the impending
Ma’am Crispina Facunla, Head budget cut on education. Go google
of Office of Student Financial that later, before you check your
Assistance, the computer Facebook account.
unexpectedly crashed and since it Ivah Yael Capinig and The objectives of the bill, The act also states that KK I have seen Jejemon spread
contains a lot of important data, it to name a few, are regulating shall be the highest decision- like a flu virus, only to fleet as well.
Levi Glen Ingente
When it is in the limelight among
cannot be interfered. seminars and discussions for SK making body in the barangay and
issues, we all have something
The STFAP brackets were members, filling of vacancies (in official consultant of the SK. KK

to say about it. However petty,
expected to be posted last August n response to Benigno case of refusal of an elected official, will be composed of the youth of however commonsensical, however
but until now, no result is out “Noynoy” Aquino III’s plan convicted of a felony, etc.) and, the barangay specifically, those reactionary, we have things to say,
despite submitting the data earlier to abolish the Sangguniang establishing a common process in that are no less than 15 years of perhaps to convince ourselves that we
Kabataan (SK), Kabataan Partylist releasing and regulating SK funds. age and not older than 21. are not being indifferent. Even this
than the deadline - July 30, 2010
paper thought of asking something
“Pero wala tayong magagawa Representative Raymond Palatino Along with these, the general KK will then produce a body about it in the monthly Alingawngaw.
dahil sa system yun, sa mismong files House Bill No. 1963 also intentions of the proposed bill with officers chosen among But the complexity of the issue was
computer. Buti sana kung tao, called as the SK Reform Act of are to bring back the trust and them. This body will be the ones not fully exhausted, remaining only as
baka pwede pa… at hindi pa 2010. faith of the people, especially the responsible for closer coordination a hot topic that primarily the media
siya nangyari before…” Ma’am youth and to affirm SK as the with other organizations of the is supposed to simplify for us. But
it is rarely a smart medium, and we,
Facunla stated as she expressed The Making main government unit inclined to youth.
failing to exhibit greater smartness,
her sympathy on the affected According to his explanatory help and put forth services for the Another fact that was offer our conviction on them.
applicants. note posted on their website, youth. Officials of the Sanggunian introduced in this bill was the And then in the midst of it all,
The problem with the computer Palatino emphasized that are also expected to be efficient in annual celebration of Buwan ng my editor told me that I am not
center was not anticipated which President Aquino’s suggestion to regards with their responsibilities Kabataan. The activity is mainly for being effective. That I, like the ones
abolish the SK may be amended. It and obligations inside and outside election for young counterparts of which I so gallantly criticize in this
is why they did not know what to
space, is also a pretentious know-it-
do with the system, prolonging the is for the whole institution not to the SK. the local or municipality’s officials. all, do-it-all. It happened in a muted
posting of the STFAP brackets. suffer because of the performance Those that are elected shall hold 7pm, in the shyest wood place in the
of the few. The pending amendments office and shall do tasks and duties campus, a declaration that is direct,
First aid Palatino also noted that the The bill, entitled Sangguniang that may be provided by the order. blunt, and unforgiving all at the same
Regardless of how risky making SK should not be abolished for it Kabataan Reform Act of 2010, One of the privileges that a time: “Last section mo na itong sa
September. Wala ka na next sem.”
a promise is, Ma’am Facunla also is the chief representative of the is composed of 22 sections all SK official will receive is that
I was a coward cat, and that was a
assured that the bracketing will be youth. It is the government’s way amending and/or reinforcing during an official’s term, he/she jolting lightning. All my pride and
released before the enrollment for to youth empowerment, education, Republic Act No. 7160 or known will receive free tertiary education angst diluted and wafted with the air.
the second semester. as well as an access to give basic as “The Local Government Code given that the official is currently So this might really be my last.
“Dapat sana may other services to the youth. of 1991.” enrolled in a state university or Though filled with a justified rancor,
Allegations that the SK has In response to the allegations, college. Another privilege is that the white flag is not yet hoisted. As
ways… Dahil nag-aalala na ang
of now, I am still convincing them
mga estudyante kasi bayaran thus far received were collecting of allotment of finances of the SK an incumbent official is exempted that hardly they can find another
nanaman,. Tapos mahirap pa kasi kickbacks from SK projects, and will be monitored and regulated to take the course National person who knows how to make
wala dito mismo sa campus yung with this, SK officials collaborate by Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) Training Service Program – Civil butterflies out of human trash just
problema, nasa Diliman pa… Pero with barangay officials that share and the Annual Barangay Youth Welfare Training Service (NSTP by using less than 700 words, and
meron naman tayong alternative, same interests and, buying of votes. Development Plan (ABYDP). – CWTS). someone who usually end up with
a tutong na sinaing yet still able to
tulad nung student loan,” Ma’am To address such allegations, All budgets for suggested by the The last section of the act
laugh about it. And if they plan to
Facunla said, who is troubled with Representative Palatino gathered SK must be agreed upon with orders that this bill will take find a replacement for me, I wonder if
the problem on the bracketing. the SK National Executive Board the majority of the KK and be effect 15 days after its publishing they can find someone who listens to
At any rate, the STFAP and various SK officials in the approved by the ABYDP. Funds on newspapers or any general Kesha and knows how to analyze her.
bracketing will still be effective country. It has been agreed that a must be deposited in the nearest circulations. With reports from So I keep my fingers crossed.
new bill be created to amend and government-owned bank or in the Julian Inah Anunciacion After all, I believe I talk more sense
for the next semester despite the
than that Vajingjing does.
trouble encountered. further monitor SK actions. municipal treasurer.

UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010

When the going

gets tough
The government’s
shortcomings on
disaster management

t was unusually windy that time. The trees operations, National Disaster Coordinating of disaster management of the country are
were swaying as if they were to break any Council (NDCC) which are responsible for the prime responsibility of NDCC. Their
minute. Our dog was frantically barking, such disaster cases, tried to assemble the disaster management (DM) mainly focuses
her noise added to the furies of the wind. All of Regional Disaster Coordinating Council on the country’s mitigation in the pre-event,
a sudden, the local cables were overflowing of (RDCC) – responsible for the disaster with response during the event and recovery
news with Metro Manila covered with heavy response in regional level but was not rehabilitation on the post event. It is then
floods. And the whole scene came so fast... successful in launching an adequate disaster carried out at various political subdivisions
For as long as time can tell, disasters response. It took the whole NDCC three to and administrative regions and by all means
have always been a part of our collective four days to set a coordinated action with will coordinate with each other to ensure
consciousness. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo; them resulting to late emergency reliefs and the safety of the people.
Typhoon Milenyo, Ondoy, Pepeng; Quirino rehabilitation. However, despite having such system,
Grandstand hostage-taking crisis, among Similarly, the infamous eruption of Mt. unsynchronized efforts among the NDCC
others to name a few, gravely struck the Pinatubo in 1991 resulted to a total of 773 members were evident. To hasten delivery
Philippines. Again and again, it resulted to deaths – many of whom died from ash falls, of emergency supplies with those affected In contrast to the
high death tolls and destroyed properties lahar, and several kinds of illnesses caught areas, there is a need to decentralize tasks
– many are left homeless, many lost their at the evacuation center. Moreover, the of rescuing, recovery and relief management ever increasing mili-
loved ones, many are forced to lose their
sources of livelihood and many are haunted
continuous threat of lahars and floods caused
alteration of landscapes and annihilation of
among other concerned agencies which is
quite impossible especially during a calamity
tary budget, disaster
by traumatic experiences. The efforts of the flora and fauna species. NDCC reported when no back-up power can be utilized if mitigation and post-
government to reduce such casualties quite a total of 41,629 damaged houses. About power cut-offs occur.
leave us no proof of improvement. 80,000 hectares of land and 30,000 hectares event measures are left
of fishpond were also ruined. The NDCC Deadly epicenter with meager funding,
Disparity Steps lacked appropriate funding, leading to the After considering all the casualties of
The Philippines is located at the Pacific use of resources that were left undamaged the two typhoons, former President Arroyo leading to the unneces-
Ring of Fire, making it more susceptible
to different kinds of disaster – from
by the eruption to be sidetracked for relief
and recovery response.
finally signed into law a reformed disaster
risk reduction and management system
sary deaths of innocent
earthquakes to volcanic eruptions to Just last year, four consecutive typhoons last May 27. Under Republic Act 10121 Filipinos. This phenom-
tsunamis. Yearly, the country experiences an landed in the country in such a short (RA 10121) or Philippine Disaster Risk
average of 20 typhoons, half of which are time span – Ondoy, Pepeng, Quedan, and Reduction and Management Act of 2010, ena is clearly a callous
considerably destructive. Ramil. Typhoon Ondoy whipped the whole the NDCC will now be called National manifestation of state
Way back in 1990, the Central and Metro Manila and Pepeng inflicted its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Northern Luzon regions were hit by a 7.7 wrath to Northern Luzon. However, while Council (NDMRC) and it will implement neglect. Hence, the
Richter scale earthquake having a 1,666 Pepeng was still on the Philippine Area of improved actions and measures to all aspects
death toll. Twenty-three provinces from Responsibility, typhoon Quedan arrived of disaster risk reduction and management.
government’s neglect
the six regions of the country were greatly causing Pepeng to shift course to Japan. However, the reformed NDCC was not remains as the prob-
affected. It resulted to temporary major cut- Pepeng further brought rain and destruction fully operated. They still failed to reduce
off of power connections, transportation and to Northern Luzon. Typhoon Ramil, on casualties during the typhoon Basyang. lem’s epicenter.
communication. The Ambuklao Dam near the other hand, brought moderate rains on Although the Philippine Atmospheric,
Baguio city was even forced to shutdown Southern Luzon. In just a short period of Geophysical and Astronomical Services
causing the electricity and irrigation time, many people were sent out of their Administration (PAGASA) was at fault for
activities to be freezed. 90% of Baguio homes up to their rooftops, freezing cold. missing an accurate calculation of the storm,
City was devastated – from agriculture Rescue teams only arrived mostly after the council was again unprepared as there
to infrastructure, costing a total of P12.2 24 hours of waiting. The storms severely were no clear lines of communication.
billion damage. damaged the whole nation. Much of the Moreover, NDCC members lack quick
During the earthquake aftermath, the losses in farming crops came from Northern rescue capability since they have little rescue
only first organized response team to help Luzon. P9 million of their investments in equipments. State funding for disaster
Baguio-Benguet was the Philippine Military the field were mostly destroyed. The NGOs mitigation, together with other social
Academy (PMA), followed by an are left alone to distribute relief goods services, remains in slump. In contrast to
array of non-government resulting to lopsided distribution of goods the ever increasing military budget, disaster
organizations (NGOs). among people. mitigation and post-event measures are
On the second day In the 2009 Mortality Risk Index left with meager funding, leading to the
of the rescue of the UN International Strategy for unnecessary deaths of innocent Filipinos.
Disaster Reduction, the Philippines This phenomena is clearly a callous
actually ranked twelve among manifestation of state neglect. Hence,
200 countries that is exposed the government’s neglect remains as the References:
to tropical cyclones, floods, problem’s epicenter. Citizen’s Disaster Response Center. Disas-
earthquakes, and landslides. Disasters are inescapable. They are fruits ters: The Philippine Experience. Martin Publishing
Over the period of 1970 of hazards and may be the effects of unjust Services, 1992.
to 2000, typhoons alone human activities. It grimly affects people Natural Disaster Risk Management in the
resulted to 65% of physically, emotionally, economically, and Philippines: Enhancing Poverty Alleviation through
deaths, 76% damaged even politically. Nonetheless, the effects they disaster reduction, World Bank/ National Coordi-
nating Council, v1 33822
properties, and will incur on our country can be lessened
Emmanuel M. de Guzman. Eruption of
2.6% losses if they are addressed properly and quickly. Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 1991
in rice crop The old maxim remains true: “An ounce of
production. prevention is better than having a pound of
Cases debts.”

Text by Ana Margarita Palma

Graphics by Diane Jane Pumihic
and Alexandrea Dioso
Page Design by Ruel Caricativo

UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010


Alas-sais N
agsimula na ang transisyon ng lumalapit sa tatlong estudyanteng pumipili
unibersidad patungo sa bagong ng bibilhing tanghalian. Dahan-dahang
pamunuan. iikot ang camera at mapapansin din ang

sa buhay
Ngunit sa likod ng transisyong ito, tila ibang estudyanteng kumakain sa loob ng
malaki rin ang transisyong nagaganap sa umaapaw canteen.
mismong tereyn ng unibersidad at kung
paano ang nagiging pagtanggap ng mga LALAKING ESTUDYANTE 3
estudyante rito. Sa likod ng transisyong ...sasama ka ba...?
ito, matutunghayan ang diskurso ng

ni Oble
tunggaliang hindi nabibigyan ng sapat BABAENG ESTUDYANTE 2
na pansin. At sa likod ng transisyong ito, ...wala naman na atang sasamang iba e.
nabubuo ang diskursong tumutunggali
sa nagbabagong tereyn ng pamumuno sa 4. LOBBY. 4 pm.
unibersidad. Anumang pagkakapareho ng Iba’t ibang ingay ang maririnig sa lobby
mga katangian ng mga karakter sa dulang mula sa mga estudyanteng nagsisilabasan
ito sa mga karakter ng mga totoong tao, mula sa kanilang mga klase. Maririnig ang
buhay man o patay sa kasalukuyan, ay hindi boses ng lalaking nagsasalita sa megaphone

Ang UP sa sangandaan sinasadya.

Hindi rin naman hayagang maituturing
habang nagtatawag ng mga kasamang
estudyante. Mapapansin ang mga kumpol

ng pagbabago
na ito’y pawang kathang-isip lamang. ng mga estudyanteng nagtatawanan habang
ang iba nama’y tila may pinag-uusapan sa
1. AUDIO VISUAL ROOM kanilang mga subject. Malakas ang boses
Akda ni Ruel Caricativo (FLASHBACK). 3 pm. ng nagsasalita sa megaphone ngunit tila
Grapiks Regine Paola Valilla Maririnig na nagsasalita ang isang sinasabayan ito ng ingay na dulot ng paligid.
Disenyo ng pahina Ruel Caricativo lalaki sa harapan. Maaaninag ang mukha Maririnig ang usapan ng mga estudyanteng
ng nagsasalita, nakasalamin, binata, katatapos pa lang ng mga klase habang unti-
matangkad habang unti-unting lumalapit unting lumalapit ang camera sa dalawang
ang camera sa nakasulat sa harap: estudyanteng naglalakad sa lobby.
ang camera at makikita na tanging kalahati … ang hirap naman ng pinapagawa ni sir!
ng mga upuan sa audio visual room ang may
nakaupo at hindi pa ito napuno. BABAENG ESTUDYANTE 4
...mag-lib na lang tayo ngayon...
...influence the BoR from the bottom, not the 5. CANTEEN (FLASHBACK). 4 pm.
Malacañang influencing them top-down... Buwan ng Mayo. Ikatlong araw pa lang
ng enrollment. Mapapansin na halos wala
2. LOBBY. 10 am. nang gaanong tao sa canteen. Mayroong
Maririnig ang ingay ng mga ilang grupo ng mga estudyante, ang iba’y
estudyanteng katatapos lang ng klase. nagmemeryenda habang ang iba nama’y
May daraang grupo ng mga babaeng nag-uusap lang. Dahan-dahang lalapit ang
estudyanteng nagtatawanan. Titingin sa camera sa isang mag-lola, may dala-dala
mga nakalatag sa lobby. Magbabasa ng silang baon na hindi pa nagagalaw at Form
ilan. Aayain sila ng isang may hawak na 5 na buo pa ang tatlong kopya. Humihikbi
megaphone na magsulat sa mala-freedom ang bata, mapapansin na siya ay isang
wall na nakalatag sa sahig. mag-aatubili ang freshman enrollee, habang ang kanyang
mga ito sabay alis. Maririnig ang usapan ng lola ay nakatayo sa may mesa at pilit siyang
isang grupo ng mga estudyante tungkol sa tinatakpan habang binibigyan ng panyo,
kanilang requirement sa isang subject. pilit na itinatago ang mga patak ng luha
habang pinipilit na maging malakas at nag-
LALAKING ESTUDYANTE 1 iisip ng paraan. Tutunog ang cellphone ng
...panu yung outline natin? bata.


...maghatian na lang tayo ng gagawin... Wala na rin daw pera sina tita...


...ano kaya kung lumipat tayo ng puwesto? Mapapansing unti-unti nang
nagsisiuwian ang mga estudyante. Iikot
Masasapawan ito ng boses ng isang ang camera sa lobby at mapapansin na
lalaking nagsasalita sa megaphone at nag- nagliligpit na ng gamit ang mga nasa lobby
aaya sa para sa isang pagkilos. Unti-unting na nagsasalita at nagpipintura kanina ng
lumalakas habang papalapit ang camera. mga dyaryong pang-teaser. Mapapansin
Daraanan ng camera ang kanyang mga mo na may malalaglag na plakard, lalapit
kasamang nagpipintura sa mga plakard ang camera at maaaninag ang nakasulat:
at dyaryo sa lobby. Hahangin at ililipad ANG UP AY PARA SA MAMAMAYAN.
ang ilang dyaryong may pinta at biglang Maririnig ang boses ng isang lalaki.
matatakpan ang lente ng camera.
3. CANTEEN. 1 pm. ...what we need is a multi-sectoral movement
Punong-puno ang canteen ng mga to influence the BoR from the bottom, not the
estudyanteng nakapila para bumuling lunch. Malacañang influencing them top-down...
Maingay ang buong paligid. Maaaninag
ang iba’t-ibang mukha ng mga estudyante. Dumidilim na, pupulutin mo ba?
Mabubunggo ang camera habang ito ay
6 UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010

Punong Patnugot John Levi Masuli
Kawaksing Patnugot Ivan Emil Labayne, Ruel Caricativo
Tagapamahalang Patnugot Nikki Camille Malabad
Patnugot sa Lathalain Pauline Gaña

Patnugot sa Kultura Alejo Marco Galano
Patnugot sa Guhit Alexandrea Dioso
Patnugot sa Lapat Pamela Peralta

1. Anong mga nai-drop mong
subject? Bakit mo sila dri-nop?

Drop lahat. Nag-LOA dahil wala nang

pera pang-aral. 07-44559
PE2 (Badminton). Ang aga eh! Masarap
matulog sa Baguio. 08- 17137
Math1, ang hirap kasi. 10-08150
Wala eh. I’m smart kasi… Onyok
Wala. Sayang ang pera ng nanay ko.
Genetics. Kasi po may alien. 07-36200
PE2 (weights training) kasi strict si Sir
Florendo sa attendance. 08-31507
Na-late ako sa dropping period. Sheez.
Wala. Matatanggal ako sa degree
program kung sakali. 06-46500
PE – 3x na, NSTP-2x. 08-13440
Soc Sci 101, kailangan ko daw
maperfect ung last LE para makatres!
Di ko nga naipasa ung iba, perfekin pa
kaya? 08-28xxx
Wala! Haha… pipilitin/ igagapang ko
ang mga subjects ko. It’s either I will
pass/ fail the subjects. 09-36692
Math29 (Advance Math) wahaha!
Sobrang hirap magprove! 09-5xxxx
Madami akong na-drop. Wahaha! 09-

2. Sino ang bet mo sa UP Presidential

Candidates? Bakit?

Ung chanci ng UP Diliman. Folk You

Basta ung galing Harvard Law. 10-

Time to grow
Ung Dean ng LB!!! para large class
policy, wahaha! 09-xxxx3
Pwede bang si Sir Toto Z na lang?He3
Si Sir Nimreh. 10-abcde
Mam Lorelei Mendoza!!! Haha.
Magaling un. Demand, surplus,

up, kids
interest rates at lahat kaya niyang
sagutin. 09-31996
Dr. Serena Diokno!itaas ang bandera
ng mga History Majors. 09-36692
Si Prof. J. hehe. 09-19225
Importante ba yun? Magrereklamo
naman kayo kahit sino pa manalo. 07-
Si Sir Nimreh! Jaja
not an innate and supernatural force that transformation must never spoon-feed
Editoryal hallucinates the students into being so. these intoxicating illusions to the students,
3. Ano ang masasabi mo sa OUTCROP
so far?
The constant arousing and organizing primarily because UP students must be
of the students are consciously (and students of objective reality and not be
TAOB! Hindi ako nakakuha ng kopya.
The history of our nation is marked painfully done, in fact) by mass leaders and inclined to believe in First World dreams.
by scars of repression and abuse, with the institutions that seek to maintain UP’s role In trying to share the spirit of dissent to Sayang ung pa-print nila! Tulong yun
whole process remaining as relevant as they in the Filipino society. Hence, in doing so, the readers, it is necessary to minimize saken e. 07-17123
are in the past. Still, internal contradictions these organizations and institutions must all sorts of cheesiness and middle-class Nanghuhusga ng taong may sarili rin
remain, with the rotting status quo try to shrink their egos, even their identities, daydreaming. A stone can never be naming paninindigan! 10-05xxx
perpetually defending its lines against the to reach the mass students into higher munched as a candy through mere words. Apat na taon na ako sa UP pero ang
progressive elements of change and dissent. consciousness and collective action. If not, Yet, strange as it is, disappointing in OUTCROP ay well… 07-51063
The University of The Philippines has then UP will fall into the trap of being a fact, is the knowledge that some students Paki-balik naman yung printing
long been known for its culture of dissent. school of masquerading delinquents and prefer to munch illusionary candies rather business niyo kasi ang gahaman ng
It has become a womb for all sorts of radical pompous posers. than chew the stone. To demand the LRC. LOL. 10-01594/ 10-12232
acts and phenomenon—the feminist The Outcrop as an institution has been organizations to just do diplomatic peace OUTCROP, so far is indeed judgmental,
movement, the rise of the queers, men with trying to do this task for many years since signs and demand the student publication which makes what they do not
long hair, bald women, t-shirts printed with its conception. With the goal of informing to just write about the campus fashion fads campus journalism. 05-xxxxx
profanity, liberal ‘free love’, and revolutions the students of the pressing issues that or positive, inspirational articles (which in Ang asteeg!!! Pwede pa bang sumali?
of all kinds. Its students fired the First affect them, the Outcrop has published reality are only exceptions to the general 10-55960
Quarter Storm in 1970 against the Marcos articles that feature the dark and painful grime of Filipino life) only underlines the Demanding sa time… sobra. Pero “so
realities of the Filipino society, inside readers’ immaturity. UP is no carnival. far” maganda mga articles… 09-11x74
regime, leading to the well-known Diliman
and outside the campus. Articles about Hence, if one wants to preserve UP’s Colored men!!! Colored para cool! 08
Commune. UP students stood at the
death and inequality have been a staple culture of dissent, it is not only the mass Poor! Walang improvement since my
forefront in the campaign against Joseph
existence here… 08-….
Estrada’s crimes against the people. The eye in the paper, the same way as death and leaders and organizations who must flex
Campus journalism doesn’t mean
of the people is often on the UP students, inequality has been a staple in our daily their bones to achieve this aim. The students
staying neutral in all issues. Kaya nga
on what they will say and do concerning living. Living in a disintegrating society as must also consciously be critical, active and
sinusulat mga pangyayari. At some
pressing issues. The university is filled with the Philippines is not about love, happiness most importantly, not indifferent of all the
point, ndi maiiwasan ang bias kasi
people always trying to think outside the and cheese. No wonder why our favorite filth reigning in our society today. newspaper yan! 10-39359
box. These very traits of UP singularizes it teeny magazines are swimming in jolly and It is time to grow up and leave the toys Dedicated yung mga editors. Sobra!
from other academic institutions. profitable escapism. behind. There is a lot of work to do. 10-19036
However, this culture of dissent is Hence, the Outcrop as an element of
UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010 7

Kawani Levi Glen Ingente, Aila Velasco Opisyal na Pahayagan ng mga Mag-aaral ng
Unibersidad ng Pilipinas Baguio
Panghaliling Kawani Neil Patrick Mamaclay, Miyembro ng College Editors Guild of the Philippines at
Diane Jane Pumihic, Ana Margarita Palma, Solidaridad - Alyansa ng mga Pahayagang Pang-kampus
sa UP
Jesusa Paquibot, Jonathan Valdez
Mapagpalayang Kaisipan sa Malayang Pahayagan

Visit our page on Facebook. Search for “UP Baguio Outcrop”

UP Baguio Ikot
Chebarbalouw! May i take enter
nanaman dito sa favoreyt invertebreyt
kolumizerzs ninyong mga beki para
sa nanaman sa malupet na okrayan at
chikabels ditey sa Yoopiz! At dahil last but
dahil ito daw ang mag-aangat sa ating Education, sa 100 pumapasok sa elementary, not the least ishoez na natin ito ngayong
...hindi lang naman kung pamumuhay. Perpek 10 talaga ang simpleng 9 lang ang nakakapagtapos ng kolehiyo s(p)e(r)m, isasagad, itotodo, at ididiin ko
saan tayo dadaan papasok maanghang na mani, dahil ang mga dahil 80% ng mga high school graduates ay na ng bonggang-bonga ang malaki kong
ng klasrum ang kailangan panindang ito ang naging pasaporte ng hindi nakakatuntong ng kolehiyo. chorvs sa inyong mga soft, pink, and
nating isipin; mas kinakailan- kanyang mga anak tungo sa edukasyong Punta na muna tayo ng Joystick o young...BRAINZZ!
gan nating pag-isipan ang nakamit nila. Nakakatuwang isipin na kahit Cusina Camacho, na pwede nating makita :-* At natapos na rin ang much much
tatahaking daan sa labas ng hirap sa buhay ay nagawang maitaguyod ni sa ibang perspektiba, gaya na lamang ng: awaited na Tagersszz! Isa nanamang show
ng mga major major na pwet at toot
pamantasan. Neil Mamaclay Manang ang kanyang mga anak hanggang sila ang humalili sa ating mga magulang
tootzzs ng mga papa at mamalouzs ang
sa pagtatapos nila ng kolehiyo. Malamang sa pagbibigay ng ating mga pangunahing

ay marami sa atin, kung hindi man lahat, pangangailangan. May pera ka pa ba? Hindi nakita ng aking inosent eyes. Over ah,
araming desisyon ang kailangan
ang magsusuot din ng sablay sa nalalapit ko rin kasi napapansin kung minsan ang para akong nanonood ng live show while
nating pagdaanan sa buhay;
na hinaharap. Ngunit dahil halos P 1.39 paggastos ko. Nag-aalala ka rin marahil i see those uncensored thingys. Akala ko
gaya na lamang ngayon, hindi
billion ang ikakaltas sa subsidiya ng kung paano na kaya kung tayo na ang pa nga ay hahabulin ang sangka-Yoopihan
ko mapagdesisyunan kung dadaan ba ako
pamahalaan para sa edukasyon, tila hindi dapat kumita ng pera at tustusan ang mga ng mga kampon si Laguardia at ng
sa catwalk o tatawid na lang sa oblation
lang ingay ng megaphone na pinagpapasa- pangangailangan (at maging luho, kung simbahang katol-iko.
grounds at dadaan sa may court A
pasahan ang maririnig natin ng paulit-ulit minsan) ng ating mga kanya-kanyang Hayyzs, pero the essence of the
patungong 20s. Pero total naman at hindi
ngunit maging ang reklamo ng ating mga pamumuhay o “lifestyle.” Ngayon nga ay Tagersszz should not be forgotten, ha.
pa ako late sa klase ko sa Histo 1, mag-ikot-
magulang. Kasi naman, kahit may STFAP, halos isang kainan na lamang ang 100 piso; Lalo na na talaga namang major major
ikot muna tayo.
hindi na sapat ang ibinibigay ng gobyerno paano pa kaya kung kinakailangan na nating ang issue na tinampok ngayong year.
Magsisimula tayo dito sa orasan na
sa pamantasan ng estado (kung sa estado pa bumili ng mga pangangailangan natin gamit Dahil dyan...kaboom! char!
marahil ay unang nakikita ng lahat ng
nga siyang maituturing). Sa panahong tayo ang ating sariling bulsa? :-* And speaking of Tagersszz, ano
pumapasok sa unibersidad; sa akin lang ba
na ang inaasahan ng bansa, sana ay para sa Naku, kailangan ko na pa lang pumasok itong umaalingasaw sa nosetrils ng bawat
ang problema o parang ambilis ng takbo ng
kanya tayo manilbihan. sa aking klase, baka mamaximum absences partypipz na meron daw isang malaking
orasan ngayon dahil isang oras na daw mula
Batiin mo na rin yung mga kaibigan mo kasi ako eh. At ang huling perpek 10 Starwarzs na nagaganap sa buong Yoopiz!
ng umalis ako sa bahay. Ang bilis talaga ng
na naghihintay sa lobby, nabasa mo na ba na lugar na ating dadaanan ay ang mga Nako, as if we care about those cheap and
panahon, parang kanina lang ay hayskul
yung mga placards duon? Eh si Kuya Ralph ordinaryo nating silid-aralan. Ito ang petty away-bata ha. Pero nako, isa lang ang
tayo. Nakasisiguro akong mabilis din lang
ba, pinakinggan mo na? Ayon daw sa pag- magtuturo sa atin ng lahat, mula sa Marxist sasabihin ko to both of you, pag-uuntugin
lilipas ang huling apat na taon natin sa pag-
aaral ng UNESCO noong 2008, 73% ng jargons hanggang sa kung paano magmix ko yang ulo ng mga malalaki nyong tit(l)
aaral bago natin maranasan ang ‘tunay na
mga kabataan ay napipilitang huminto sa ng chemicals. Dahil hindi lang naman kung e pag ‘di pa kayo tumigil. And if you don’t,
pag-aaral bunsod ng matataas na matrikula saan tayo dadaan papasok ng klasrum ang isusumbong ko kayo kay Bong Bong
Kumustahin na rin natin si Manang
habang 22% lamang ang survival rate ng kailangan nating isipin; mas kinakailangan about your childish, immature playzzs!
Mani at ang kanyang mga paninda; gaya
mga estudyante hanggang fourth year nating pag-isipan ang tatahaking daan sa Dyusko! Parang hindi mga Yoopipz! We
ng sinabi ni Manang nuong freshie night,
college. Ayon din sa Commission on Higher labas ng pamantasan. should uphold the name of that Oble guy
pahalagahan daw natin ang edukasyon,
na we are for the change of the society
by fighting for our rights and eklats, not

Hello Kitty*
for our own sake to uplift our own tit(l)
es noh! Para saan pang meron tayong mga
forevermore na bonggashoezs collective
movemerntsz kung magpipinppoint lang
tayo ng gusto nating kasama sa ating
vhongashoezs parteh! Kaya ang dapat sa
ang papasok sa campus ng ganitong oras. Sa ganitong antas, aba’y tila kailangang
Sa tingin ko, walang nahuhul- inyo, inaayos yang mga twisted meatballs
Maliban sa mga gwardya na bumati sa akin, mag-isip-isip ng mga organisador kung
ninyo sa inyong kukote! Magbago tayo
ing mga estudyanteng inoor- naisip ko pare-pareho din lang pala tayong tama ba ang pinasukan nila at kung sapat ba
kung gusto nating baguhin ang lipunan
ganisa at bagkus ay mayroon dumadaan ng catwalk – pare-pareho ng ang paninindigang pinanghahawakan nila.
noh! Char!
dinadaanan, kumbaga. Siyempre, hindi ko Kung nais lamang nila ng mabango o
lamang mga nahuhuling alam kung magkakapareho rin ang mga magpabango ng pangalan para sa anumang
:-* Last ishoez na nga nitong Ohcrap
organisador... Sa ganitong patutunguhan natin. layunin o kaya nama’y magpaka-“astig,”
ngayong sem ano ha. Oh ano? Syemperzs
antas, aba’y tila kailangang kasi hell week na and we still have our own
Mahabang usapin ang pagbabago at nagkamali lamang sila ng pinasukan. Hindi
lives to fix, noh! So sana, nalibugan...este
mag-isip-isip ng mga organ- marahil ay mauubos lang ang espasyong ito perks ng pag-oorganisa ang mas mataas na
naaliw ko kayo sa invertebrate na kolurmn
isador kung tama ba ang kung itutuloy ko ang diskursong ito. Ngunit kamulatan kaysa sa “iba.” Kung ganito ang
na ito ngayong sperm. At shempers, sana
mas kapuna-puna, para sa akin, ang mga lagay, paano kapag tinanong ka ng isang
pinasukan nila at kung sa- ibinato mo sa mga freshy. masang estudyante na ang pakikibaka
ay marami tayong natutunan ngayong
pat ba ang paninindigang Sa tingin ko, walang nahuhuling niyo ay manipestasyon ng isang “spiralling
s(p)e(r)m lalo na after lahat ng mga
pinanghahawakan nila. beckerlouszz na nangyari. Kaya naman
mga estudyanteng inoorganisa at bagkus negativity” para ipakitang “masama” ang
i-untwist na natin ang ating mga miserable
Ruel Caricativo ay mayroon lamang mga nahuhuling imperyalismo, ayon kay Baudrillard?
lives natin sa next sperm na lulunukin
organisador. Sa paanong paraan napunta sa Sasagutin mo ba? Marahil, kailangan mo
natin (Dyosko!). Kaya naman after nyong
ganitong usapan ang nais kong puntuhin pang kilalanin si Zizek. Kahit ano pang

arshness. Habang nile-layout ko lamutakin at luraylurayin itong kakukuha
sa’yo? Malinaw na sa usapin ng kamulatan, organisasyon ang kinabibilangan ng isang
yung article mo, naglalaro sa utak nyo lang na Ohcrap, simulan mo namang
tungkulin ng mga tukoy na organisador estudyante, parte pa rin siya ng sektor
ko ang salitang ito. damputin yang inaagnas mong nohburks
mula sa unibersidad, lalo na iyong mga ng estudyante. Hindi nga ba’t “arouse,
Kumusta? Sana nga’y hindi ka pa and ridengsz para sa ating pinakahihintay
nanggaling sa masang organisasyon at mga organize, mobilize”? Walang konsepto
kinukuyog ng mga freshy. Balita ko, antag** na finerlzs week! Gudlerk! Snap! Snap!
katulad nito, na imulat ang mga estudyante. ng “discriminate organizing” ang mga

ng Yup
yata ang mga sinabi mo sa kanila nitong Ngunit hindi limitado sa mga ito ang pag- organisador sapagkat dumarating ang krisis
nakaraan. oorganisa sa kanila dahil mayroon ding sa ekonomiya at edukasyon na parang
Sa kabilang banda, habang binabasa ko
ang ginawa mo ay may maaayos ka namang
punto. Mukhang nahuhuli nga ang mga
ibang mga organisasyon na nagsasagawa
ng kaparehong gawain. Ngayon, ‘di hamak
na kung ang mismong mga organisador ay
bagyo: walang pinipili, higit na nahihirapan
ang mga dati nang naghihirap.
Marahil sa ngayon ay magtatanong

freshy sa usapin ng pulitikal na kamulatan nahuhuli, malinaw na manipestasyon nito ka na kung bakit ganito ang mga tinuran
– halimbawa iyong isyu ng mga magsasaka ang kawalan ng maayos at organisadong ko at nalayo sa iyo ang usapan. Nais kong
sa Hacienda Luisita, ang usapin ng tuition pagpapakilos sa mga freshie. linawin sa iyo na anumang mga sinabi
and other fees increase at ngayon nga ay Siguro ay nagsasalita ako ng mga bagay mo sa mga freshy noong nakaraan ay
ang nakaambang PE fee increase dito sa UP na marahil ay ngayon mo lang narinig. Kung repleksyon ng kung ano ang nagaganap sa
Baguio. narinig mo man, baka pinili mong huwag mga organisasyong dapat ay pangunahing
Maaaring sa ngayon ay tila nakalimutan pakinggan. nagmumulat sa kanila sa mga usaping
na nila ang esensya ng naganap na Walk-out, Ang unibersidad na ito ay salamin panlipunan.
o kung naintindihan nga ba nila. Maaaring ng ating lipunan. Kung sa loob nito ay Tila may kakapusan pa rin sa ating
sa ngayon, hindi pa nila alam kung ano at nahihirapan nang mag-organisa ng mga mga organisador dahil maging ikaw ay
paano makakamit ang tunay na pagbabago. estudyante, ano pa kaya sa ibang unibersidad nasa ganyang antas pa rin ang kamulatan:
Ngunit parang umiiwas ka ring sagutin ang na tila bilangguan dahil sa hayag na malinaw ang mga kritisismo (o kaya nama’y
tanong na ito sa ginawa mong article at panggigipit sa mga organisador doon? puro kritisismo) ngunit walang malinaw na
inaasahan kong sa hindi malayong panahon At lalong paano pa kaya sa mas malawak solusyong nais tunguhin.
ay magkita tayo at pag-usapan ito. na lipunang nagsisilbing mas malaking
Linggo. Pasado alas nuwebe na, bilangguan na nagkukubli sa ganitong *para kay Kitty Maria: isang bukas na liham
pangalawang gabi ng presswork. Walang
tao sa catwalk at tila ako na lang yata
burgis na pamantasan at maging ng iba
pang institusyon.
Last ishoez
8 UPB Outcrop Tomo 37 Isyu 4 Setyembre 2010

kultura Akda ni Ivan Emil Labayne

Grapiks at disenyo ng pahina Pamela Peralta

panlabas, ang kanilang ad-

kasalukuyan naman ay mis- hikain.
tulang puno ng liwanag, ngunit
hindi nito napawi ang kawalang- Si Oliver: ang bagong
kasiguraduhan, ang mga personal “tagapagtanggol ng status quo” mag-
Isang na bagabag, at ang mga tung- Isa siya sa mga lider-aktibsita kakaibi-
talinhaga galian sa lipunan na nakita na rin noon, papet ang tawag sa gan. Sa
ang Batas sa FQS. gobyerno. Ngayon, nasa palasyo paglipas at
Militar. Ang Sa aspeto ng ritmo, ang na siya kung saan ang mga kasama pagbabago ng pa-
lahat ng paggunita, mabilis na pagpapalit ng bawat nya ay ang dating mga tinutuligsa. nahon, ang pinili niya ay
o pagsasalarawan rito kuha sa nakaraan ay pinag- Higit pa, siya mismo ay tuta na rin ang hindi pagpili ng bagong
ng iba’t-ibang naratibo ay iba sa kabagalan ng daloy sa ng nasa kapangyarihan. landas. Habang nasa Palasyo
laging nagkukulang sapagkat kasalukuyan. Sa nakaraan, mabilis Ang alingawngaw ng mga na si Oliver, nakaranas na ng
nagwawakas lamang ang mga ito ang mga pangyayari, puno ng daing at sigaw ng pasakit ang Amerika si Dolly, “nasa tahimik”
bilang representasyon ng orihinal. tunggalian at paghamon sa lahat nagdala kay Oliver upang na sila Rading at Azon, nanatili si
Kaiba sa mga naunang pelikula, ng sulok kaya hindi pwedeng isuko ang labang pinili. Bago Sita – ang tanging nanatili.
hindi nagpatali ang “Sigwa” magpaiwan. Sa kabilang banda, pa man tawagin para tortyurin, Ipinakita niya na hindi sa lahat
sa simpleng pagsasalarawan o ang kabagalan ng kasalukuyan ay napanghinaan na si Oliver. Sa ng pagkakataon ay dapat mabago
pagbabalik-tanaw sa nakalipas. mistulang nagsasaad ng relatibong isang banda ay maaaring kauna- ang pagkilos ng pagbabago ng mga
Sa pamamagitan ng mga tauhan kapayapaan. Ngunit hindi nito unawa ang kanyang ginawa, kalagayang kinapapalooban; na hindi
sa pelikula, nagbukas ito ng naitago ang tunay na kalagayan. ngunit hindi nito mababago ang lahat ng pagpapasya ay panandalian.
mga pintuang maaaring tahakin Sapagkat sa kabagalan ng mga naipakita nang karuwagan. Ang ilan sa kanila ay kayang tumagal
ng mga manunuod upang pangyayari ay mas mapapansin Sa kasalukuyan, tagapagsalita at lalo pang tumibay, mas mahigpit
makabuo ng pag-unawa sa ang mga tensyong nakapaloob sa na siya ng Pangulo. Produkto na hahawakan, mas masiglang
mga pangyayaring inilahad sa bawat tauhan at sa paggalaw nila nga kaya ang pagbalikwas na mapaninindigan.
pelikula; isang pag-unawang sa isang lipunang nagpapanggap ito ng kabuktutan ng kilusang Kaya sa gitna ng
marahil ay hindi hahayaang bilang maayos at mapayapa. pinanggalingan niya o dulot ng itinatagong mga kontradiksyon
ibigay ng mga popular na Magkakaiba ang naging kanyang sariling pagpapasya? ng kasalukuyan ay may mga
konsepsyon ng Batas Militar

tulad ni Sita na pinipiling
at ang mga nauna pang lumugar sa bukana ng mga
pangyayari rito. kontradiksyong ito – ang lugar
kung saan pagpapasyahan kung
Ang madilim na nakaraan maitutuwid o mananatili ba ang mga
Binalikan kontradiskyon.
Rage... of perils and hopes Bukas na
Idinerehe ni Joel Lamangan. Tampok sila Dawn Zulueta/Megan Masaya na si
Kwatro (First Quarter Storm), ang Dolly. Nasa palasyo pa rin si Oliver.
panahong puno ng mga pagkilos Young (Dolly), Zsazsa Padilla/Pauleen Luna (Sita), Gina Alajar/
Lovi Poe (Azon), Tirso Cuz III/Marvin Agustin (Oliver). Nasa squatters area pa rin si Rading.
at pagtuligsa laban sa gobyerno. Sa Tahimik na sa probinsya si Azon.
pagbabalik-tanaw ni Dolly sa mga Nakikidigma pa rin sa bundok si Sita.
karanasan nila ng kanyang mga pagpapatuloy ng Rebyu Pelikula N a n g Sa gitna ng paglalakbay kasama ang
kaibigang akitibista noong FQS, mga tauhan sa m a g k a h a r a p - convoy ay naharangan ng mga rebelde
ay sabay na naipakita sa mga mga karanasang harap sila ng ang sasakyan ni Oliver. Sa pagbaba
manunuood ang kalagayan ng idinulot ng pagiging mga radikal mga dating kasama sa libing ng niya upang paalisin ang mga ito ay
nakaraan at ng kasalukuyan. nila bago mag-Martial Law. Sa isang kaibigan, tinanggap niya darating si Sita, at magtitinginan sila
Ang pagtatabing ito ng mga mga pagkakaibang ito, naipakita ang pagkamuhi ni Sita. Isang ni Oliver – ang dating magkasintahan,
pangyayari sa kasalukuyan ay ang iba’t-ibang pagpapasyang matunog na sampal, at ipinakita ngayon ay magkalaban. Bigla, lalabas
isa sa mga kapansin-pansing maaaring gawin habang niyang mali ang karuwagang ang credits. Tapos na.
pamamaraan na ginamit ng nahaharap sa mga pagbabago ng ginawa niya na nagpahamak sa Sa pagtatapos ng pelikula, wala
pelikula upang patingkarin lipunan, malaki man ito o maliit. dating mga kasama. na si Dolly. Maiiwan ang dating
ang mga pangyayari sa Sigwa magkasintahan, na sa ngayo’y magk-
ng Unang Kwatro. Sa aspeto Si Azon at Rading: ‘di na tulad Si Dolly: Ligaw sa panahon abilaan ang posisyon sa tunggalian
ng ilaw at ritmo ay mas ng dati Matapos ang pananatili’t ng lipunan. Si Oliver, ang sa ngayo’y
napag-iba ng pelikula Parehong nalampasan ang pagtuturo sa Amerika, pinabalik tagapagtanggol ng gobyerno, at si
hindi lang ang hitsura ng rehas ng nakaraan, kapwa sa Pilipinas si Dolly ng Sita, ang rebeldeng nakikipaglaban
dati at ng ngayon kung hindi nabawasan ang tatag ng loob nila paniniwalang matatagpuan pa para sa pagbabago – sa huli ay ang
pati na rin ang sitwasyon at Azon at Rading sa pagharap sa rin niya ang kaniyang anak. dalawang bagay na dinadala nila ang
ang pamumuhay ng mga tao kanilang kinamulatan at pagkilos Malalim ang balon ng alaalalang maghaharap. Ang kasalukuyan, ang
rito. ayon dito. Biktima ng kababuyan meron siya sa Pilipinas, kahit pa status quo, at ang nakaraang nag-
Maaliwalas ang karami- ng mga militar, hindi nagawang sandali lang ang paglagi niya rito. papatuloy at naghahangad ang-
han sa mga kuha sa pana- isakripisyo ni Azon ang kanyang Naging myembro ng Kabataang kinin ang kinabukasan. Magtit-
hon ng kasalukuyan saman- anak para sa pinaglalaban ng Makabayan, nagkaroon ng isang inginan ang dalawang tauhan sa
talang kakaunti ang ilaw kilusang kanyang kinabilangan. pag-ibig, na sa kasamaang palad mga huling sandali ng pelikula,
na ginamit sa panahon ng Sa kunwaring pagkakaroon ay naging sanhi lang ng dalamhati, at ramdam ang tunggalian ng
nakaraan lalo na sa mga ng “tahimik na buhay,” pilit at napalalim ang kamulatan sa kanilang magkaibang pinaglala-
eksena ng pagpoprotesta o niyang tinatakasan ang isang mga bagay sa lipunan— ito ang ban.
pagtotortyur sa mga akti- kasinungalingang dulot ng mga mahahalagang bagay na ‘di Bago ang credits,
bista. Sa una ay maaaring nakaraan – ang pagkukunwaring naiwasang mabalikan ni Dolly sa isang close-up ang
madaling bigyan ng in- kanya ang anak ni Dolly. kanyang pagbalik sa bansa. inilaan para kay Oliver,
terpretasyon ang naganap Nakaranas rin ng matinding Sa pagsubok na tagpiin ang matigas ngunit
na pagbabago mula sa paghihirap si Rading, at sa kabila mga butas na gawa ng madilim may kaba ang
nakaraan patungong ng patuloy na pagsali-sali sa ilang na nakaraan, unti-unti siyang hitsura. Ta-
kasalukuyan. Mara- pagkilos at rali, hindi niya na nagtagumpay. Nahanap niya ang pos ay si Sita,
has, madilim, puno masasabing ang pagtalima niya kanyang anak, ang pangunahing matatag rin
ng pangamba at sa kanyang mga paniniwala ay dahilan ng pagbabalik-bansa. ngunit ‘di
walang-kasiguradu- kasinglakas pa ng dati. Kasabay naman ng personal mabakasan
han ang nakaraan. Isang saglit silang nag-alay niyang tagumpay, natuklasan ng pag-
S a ng buhay at pagkakataon para sa niya na ang laban na dati niyang aalin-
adhikaing baguhin ang lipunan, sinalihan ay nagpapatuloy subalit langan
gaanuman kahirap ito. Ngunit ang hindi na siya kabilang dito sa ang
pagharap sa isa sa mga pinaka- kasalukuyan. mukha.
matitinding dulot ng ganitong At sa kani-
sakripsiyo ang pumigil sa kanila Si Sita: ang ikinubling liwanag ya na nagta-
upang ipagpatuloy a n g Sa pelikula ay tinabunan siya pos ang
ni Dolly. Si Sita ay nakita lamang pelikula.
natin sa panlabas – ang tanging
nagpatuloy ng labang halos
sabay- sabay na pinasu-
kan nilang

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