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National Treasurer Vs Meimban

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Taxation 2 Tuesday 5:30-8:30

National Treasurer vs. Meimban Atty. Leigh Von

Keywords: Donation Inter Vivos vs. main issue was whether or not the
Donation Mortis Causa donation made in favor of the
respondent was a donation inter
Facts: vivos or a donation mortis causa?
Filomena Primicias owned a big parcel of
land in Pangasinan more than 61
hectares. She executed in a public
document styled “Donation Mortis Held:
Causa” a 10-hectare portion of the land
on the southeast part in favor of her The Donation was Mortis Causa.
daughter Paulina Perez vda. De
Meimban. The document was registered
and annotated on the OCT of the land. Ratio:
However, prior to this, Filomena had It was clear in the instrument that the
already sold certain parcels of land of Donor intended for the transfer of
third parties and thus had subdivided the ownership to take effect upon her death
land and was issued TCT over it. as expressly stated in the instrument. As
However, the register of deeds was not the donation is in the nature of a mortis
able to carry over to the TCT the causa disposition, the formalities of a will
annotation of the donation in the OCT. should have been complied with under
Filomena acquired a loan from People’s Article 728 of the Civil Code, otherwise,
Bank Trust Co. over said land but died the donation is void and would produce
even before the settlement of the no effect.
obligation. PBTC then filed an action for
foreclosure and as a compulsory heir, The donation in the case at bar was only
Paulina was notified of such. embodied in a public instrument and was
PBTC won the auction as the highest not executed in accordance with the
bidder and Paulina filed an action for formalities of a will. Therefore, it could
partial annulment of the auction sale to not have transferred ownership of the
the extent of the 10-hectare donation disputed property to the private
made in her favor. respondent and its subsequent
RTC: ruled in favor of Paulina, partial annotation of adverse claim in the TCT
annulment did not produce any effect whatsoever.
CA: reversed RTC, said that PBTC
was an innocent mortgagee for Consequently, the private respondent
value and that the remedy left to cannot claim the property, especially
Paulina was to go against the after the same had been foreclosed and
Assurance Fund. sold at public auction in favor of PBTC.
Necessarily therefore, no damages can
also be awarded to said respondent from
the Assurance Fund since as far as the
law is concerned, no donation existed
Issue(s): which the Register of Deeds failed to
There were many issues raised but annotate on the new title of the property.
the Supreme Court held that the

Jon Frederick Diño Page 1 131 Scra 264 GR L-61023

Taxation 2 Tuesday 5:30-8:30
National Treasurer vs. Meimban Atty. Leigh Von

The intention of the donation determines
its kind, whether the donor intended to
transfer the ownership of the thing
donated to the donee during the donor’s
lifetime of after his death.

Jon Frederick Diño Page 2 131 Scra 264 GR L-61023

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