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DLL in Mapeh 7 Week 3

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BIT International College

(formerly Bohol Institute of Technology)

City of Tagbilaran


Tel. No. (038)411-4856 loc. 112: (038)501-8640

Building an Individual’s Tomorrow


SCHOOL BIT International College GRADE LEVEL 7

TEACHING DATES July 8-12, 2019 QUARTER 1st WK 4
TEACHING TIME 9:35 am-10:25 am & 10:25 am- 11:15 am SECTION CHARITY & CHASTITY


A. Content Standards M-The Learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from the lowlands of Luzon.
A-The Learner art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills.
PE- The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.
H- The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its management of health concerns, the growth and development of adolescents and how to manage
its challenges.
B. Performance Standards M-The Learner performs music of the lowlands with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style
A-The Learner create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands)
PE- The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness
H- The learner appropriately manages concerns and challenges during adolescence to achieve holistic health.
C. Learning Competencies/ MU7LU-Ia-1 A7EL-Ib-1 PE7PF-Ia-h-23 H7GD-Ia-12
Objectives Identifies the musical Analyze elements and Undertakes physical activity Discusses the concept of
characteristics of principles of art in the and physical fitness holistic health
Write the LC Code for each production of one’s arts assessments
music selections from the and crafts inspired by the arts H7GD-Ib-13
lowlands of Luzon after of Luzon (highlands PE7PF-Ia-24 Explains the dimensions
listening; and lowlands) Sets goals based on of holistic health
assessment results (physical, mental/
MU7LU-Ia-2 A7EL-Ia-2 intellectual, emotional,
Analyzes the musical Identify characteristics of PE7PF-Ib-25 social, and moral spiritual); Quiz
elements of some Lowland arts and crafts in specific Identifies training
vocal and areas in Luzon (e.g., papier guidelines and FITT H7GD-Ib-14
instrumental music mâché [taka] from Paete, principles Analyzes the interplay
selections; Ifugao wood sculptures among the health
[bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry dimensions in developing
MU7LU-Ib-3 and pottery, tattoo, and holistic health;
explains the distinguishing Ilocos weaving and pottery
characteristics of [burnay], etc.)
representative Philippine
music selections from Luzon A7PL-Ih-1
in relation to its culture reflect on and derive the
and geography; mood, idea, or message
emanating from selected
artifacts and art objects.

D. CONTENT Music of Luzon ( Arts and Crafts of Luzon Physical Fitness Growth and Development
Lowlands) (Highlands and Lowlands) 1. Different component of During Adolescent Years
Geographical and Cultural 1. Attire, Fabrics, and
Background Tapestries physical fitness 1. Holistic Health
1. Vocal Music 2. Crafts and Accessories, and 2. Health-related 2. Dimension of Health
a) Performance practice; Body Ornamentation components of fitness 3. Stages of Growth and
3. Architectures 3. Different physical fitness Development
b) Folk songs;
4. Sculptures (gods/rituals)
5. Everyday objects
assessment for health-
related components
A. Reference MAPEH in Action 7 MAPEH in Action 7 MAPEH in Action 7 MAPEH in Action 7
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Teacher’s manual pp. 10-
2. Textbook Pages MAPEH in action pp. 4-7 MAPEH in action pp. 68-75 MAPEH in Action 7 pp. 124- MAPEH in Action 7 pp. 252-
126 253
3. Additional Materials from Power point and audios Power point
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previews lesson or The students will sing the The teacher will show the The teacher will ask if the The teacher will ask if they
presenting a new lesson Magtanim ay Di biro folk students different objects students do some exercises ate nutritious food.
song. that can be found in Luzon. at home.
Ask the students to identify Ask the students:
What can you say about the the origin of the objects. What is Physical education?

What did you feel when you

sang the song?

B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will discuss The teacher will distribute The teacher will ask : The teacher asks if what
lesson about folk songs and their different pictures of Luzon arts What is physical fitness? health is.
characteristics. and crafts to each group.

C. Presenting examples/instances of The teacher will let the The teacher will present the The teacher will show some The teacher will ask if what
new lesson students hear some of the different arts and crafts to the exercises to students. holistic health is.
folk song in lowland of class through a short video
Luzon. clip.
-Leron,leron sinto
- sitsiritsit
- Bahay kubo
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skill about the history of the folk arts and crafts of Luzon about the physical fitness. health and wellness.
songs in lowland of Luzon. (highlands and Lowlands).

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skill #2 the different elements and principles components of physical dimensions of health and
characteristics and present in the given fitness. stages of growth and
elements of folk songs. examples. development.
F. Developing mastery Identify the different folk The students will name the The students will explain the The students will explain the
(Leads to formative Assessment) songs characteristics. given arts and crafts, their different components of dimensions of health by their
characteristics, elements physical fitness. own understanding.
and principles that they

G. Finding practical applications of Group Activity: The The teacher will ask the The teacher asks the The teacher will ask the
concepts and skills in daily living students will sing the folk question: students to go to the gym students what they will need
song that will be assign to  As students, how and do some exercise that to do to have a good health.
each group and create an can you help in can help them to be healthy.
action. preservation of
arts and crafts of
 As a students and
member of the
community, in
what ways can you
promote the value
of Luzon arts and
crafts to your
fellow students?

H. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the The teacher will present The teacher will ask the The teacher asks if the
abstractions about the lesson students if they enjoy the different pictures of arts students if how they feel students have any problem
song. What does it feel and crafts in Luzon in a after the exercises. even one of the dimensions
after have it sing and collage form. of health.
make an action on the Let the students analyze
song? and understand the given

I. Evaluating learning Let the students answer The teacher will ask the The students were asks if The teacher asks the
the question: following questions: how the exercise and how students to group into five
From the folk songs  What are the their body reacts on it Each group will discuss about
compare and contrast the characteristics of comparing when they didn’t the assign dimensions of
characteristics of the Luzon’s arts and do anything. health.
songs according to their crafts.
musical elements. What are the
elements and
principles visible to
their crafts?
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 70%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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