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Mahmoud Elsadany CV

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Mahmoud Ayman Elsadany

Android Developer

Address: cairo , Egypt.

Cellular: +2 01221738737
Career objective :

I learn new Android technologies and accept new challenges and best practices. I have been
working with Android more than 3 years. I’m looking for a new challenge position as a Mobile
Developer in a big software house like yours, improve my skills and work with professional team .
Education :

2014 -2018 Faculty of Computer and Information – Menoufia University , Egypt

, Department of Computer science.
Grade: good

Internships and certificates:

Java ( Training in the public service Center , Faculty of Science , Menoufia 2016
with general grade : Excellent ).
Mobile Application Launchpad (MAL) Cohort E Graduate 2016
(An android program hosted by (Google, Udacity& MCIT) in Egypt ,Smart Village (ITI) ).
Android Developer Nanodegree at Next Technology Leaders
(A 6 months Android Developer course co-created by Google)
InnovEgypt internship

Technical Skills:
Java (object oriented programming) Data structures and algorithm
Android Development Problem solving
Material Design SQLite ,Realm,Room
JSON, Restful Web-services AsyncTask , Retrofit , volley
RXJava ,RXAndroid MVC , MVP, MVVM
butterKnife, Data Binding , LiveData Google maps API
FireBase PHP to make webservice for android
Kotlin Git (push , merge , pull)

Projects and Achievements:

(Android Project) Mobile application Launchpad Graduation Project (Movie App).
App gives you information about movies from the TMDb , see what Movies are the most
popular and high rated . popular movies help you decide what to watch . save favourite
movies locally to view them even when offline , play trailers and read user reviews
Using MVP, Retrofit , Gson ,RecylerView , Picasso ,Content Provider ,Two Pane

(Android Project) Products Mangment project for managing products in company

Display collection of products, decide what to buy , communicate with the

Company through live chat and match you with location company .
you can receive notifications to see Company offers and can give feedback .
using Retrofit , Gson , RxJava , RxAndroid , Glide , ButterKnife, RecyclerView ,
Navigation Drawer,Databinding , LiveData , Room ,Firebase , Map.

(Android Project) Courses Management Project for managing courses in Center

Display all courses , display detail about each course , the student chooses the course
what to want and enroll in it . the cources you have choosen will appear on your profile .
any course has its own chat and you can chat privately with anyone.
Using AsynTask , RecyclerView ,FireBase Authentication and realtime database, make
webservice with php ,Realm , Picasso , home screen widgets

(Android Project) Backing App was developed under Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.

This project comes under advanced android development.

App allows a user to select recipe and see video-guided steps for how to complete it
Using MediaPlayer /Exoplayer , Volley ,home screen widget two pane ,Picasso ,espresso
testing,Realm ,sharedpreferences

(Android project ) Education App manage the cources and assignments between doctor and student

. (Android Project) Beauty shop project for Hairdresser shop (for client).
Using , RecyclerView , Volley make webservice with php , Map .

Arabic: mother tongue.
English: Good.

online presence:

Personal Skills:
Excellent Communication Skills.
Responsible, adaptable, good listener.
Ability to work individually and as a team member.
Ability to work under pressure and tough conditions.

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