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Electroencephalogram (EEG) Classification

Tevis Gehr
In collaboration with Nebraska Athletic Performance Lab at University of Nebraska tevisgehr

Background Approach Data Processing Discussion

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that Relying on previous EEG research done by Hanning Window: First the data were The results obtained are encouraging.Without
detects electrical activity in your brain using Beshivan et. al.[1], as well as the latest advances chopped up into overlapping 1-second ‘frames’ and even using a recurrent neural network (which is
small, flat metal discs (electrodes) attached to in video classification[3], the approach was to a Hanning window was applied. the next logical step, see [1]), the CNN is able
your scalp.Your brain cells communicate via process the 14-channel time-series data into to correctly classify the test subject’s brain-state
electrical impulses and are active all the time, discreet one-second ‘frames’ and project these Fast Fourier Transform(FFT): FFT was
applied to transform data for each frame from about 8.5 times out of 10.This is likely high
even when you're asleep.This activity shows up frames onto a 2D map of the surface of the
time domain to frequency domain. enough to enable a new level of performance
as wavy lines on an EEG recording. [Mayo head. Then a convolutional neural network
Clinic] (CNN) was trained to classify frames. with brain-computer interface (BCI)
Frequency Binning: FFT amplitudes were
grouped into theta(4-8Hz), alpha(8-12Hz), and technologies.
The goal of this project was to classify brain
states from EEG data. A joint CU Anschutz/ beta(12-40Hz) ranges, giving 3 scalar values for
each probe per frame. However, the best results were obtained when
ULN project has collected EEG data on
the network was trained on samples from the
subjects during sessions in which the subjects 2D Azimuthal Projection: These 3 values
were instructed to visualize performing a same recording session.While this may be
were interpreted as RGB color channels and
motor-based task. practical for basic brain research, it would be
projected onto a 2D map of the head.
less practical for use in BCI technology.
Each subject performed one session
visualizing a very familiar task, and Figure 1:EEG classification architecture proposed by [1]. The results obtained suggest that while EEG
another session visualizing an
signals do indeed generalize between
unfamiliar task. The Data individuals, there are still significant variations
The data are in the form of csv files with raw between individuals, which is an unsurprising
waveform signals from 14 probes places around finding.
the scalp.The sampling rate is 128 hz, which
allows for frequency analysis up to ~60 hz.
This further suggests that using EEG for BCI will
Each of 8 subjects participated in two minute-
Figure 3: Hanning windowed one- Figure 4: 2D projections of theta, likely require an iterative approach of training
long sessions.
Objectives second frame and FFT. alpha and beta ranges.
on a large population and then fine tuning on a
The image below shows the raw waveform data specific individual. It is therefore recommended
• The primary goal was to develop a from four of the 14 channels during a typical
session. EMG signals (such as those causes by
Results that future research be done on the possible
classifier that can correctly identify application of Transfer Learning techniques to
whether a subject is visualizing a task that swallowing or yawning) were manually removed.
• 85% validation accuracy when the the classification of EEG signals.
is familiar or unfamiliar.
CNN had been trained on data from
• Secondary goals included providing insight the same EEG session. References
into which brain regions and frequency
bands associate with each of the [1] Learning Representations from EEG with
• 81% validation accuracy when then Deep Recurrent-Convolutional Neural Networks
respective classes. If a deep learning 19 Nov 2015. Bashivan et al. Cornell University
CNN was trained on all individuals
approach is found to be viable, these Library.
insights may correspond to latent features but had never seen the test session.
found within the neural network. [2] A novel deep learning approach for
• 71% validation accuracy when the classification of EEG motor imagery signals
• Other insights may be obtained from more 30 Nov 2016. Tabar and Halici. IOP Publishing.
CNN had been trained on all data
traditional data processing and machine
learning techniques. from other individuals but had never [3] Beyond Short Snippets: Deep Networks for
Video Classification
seen the test individual. 13 Apr 2015. Ng et al. Cornell University Library.
Figure 2: Raw waveform data from four of the 14 EEG probes

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