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Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers On

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Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium: A

Representative Case Study

Article  in  Teknik Dergi · November 2019

DOI: 10.18400/tekderg.467371


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2 authors:

Cem Tura Kutay Orakcal

Bogazici University Bogazici University


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Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Designed and Constructed Prior to Enforcement of the Recent Seismic Design Codes View project

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Teknik Dergi, 2019 9647-9673, Paper 560

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on

a Common Podium: A Representative Case Study*


In this study, a hypothetical tall building structure consisting of two towers and a common
podium is analyzed, considering effects of interaction between the towers due to the
connected podium floors. Interaction effects on the podium level are included in the analyses
using either an upper bound or lower bound approach, by assigning fixed or free end restraints
at the continuous boundaries of single tower models, respectively. Responses of the single
tower models are then compared with the response obtained for the combined model, which
includes both of the towers as well as the common podium and basements. Results obtained
using different linear and nonlinear analysis methods indicate that single tower models with
fixed end restraints overestimate the internal forces at the podium floors, although to a
reasonable extent.
Keywords: Tall building, multiple towers, common podium, nonlinear analysis,
performance based design.

In projects with multiple towers on a common podium, even when the structural properties
of the towers are similar to each other, dynamic response of the towers during real seismic
events are likely to vary due to several reasons, including the service loads on the towers,
local soil conditions, and spatial variability of the ground motion. Possible out of phase
response of individual towers due to this variance in dynamic response may create excessive
in-plane stresses at the connected podium level diaphragms. To prevent possible diaphragm
failure, design engineers must consider these effects as critical (i.e., non-ductile) design
quantities. Furthermore, such interaction between the towers may also influence the response

- This paper has been received on October 04, 2018 and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board
on January 28, 2019.
- Discussions on this paper will be accepted by January 31, 2020.

1 Boğaziçi University, Department of Civil Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey -
2 Boğaziçi University, Department of Civil Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey -
Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

parameters (e.g., interstory drifts, story shear forces, story overturning moments, etc.)
associated with the design of each individual tower.
Contrary to linear elastic analysis methods and strength based design used for regular
structures, nonlinear response history analysis is required for tall buildings within the
performance based design framework. Nevertheless, in real-life practice, due to time
restrictions on project schedules, analysis of multiple towers using a combined structural
model is typically not employed, and interaction effects between multiple towers are simply
neglected, since computational demand for nonlinear response history analyses of multiple-
tower models is significantly high. However, diaphragm forces developing in the podium
floors of such structures is not an issue that can be disregarded in design.
Multiple towers on common podium buildings were not prevalent up to recent years since
such structures were designed using seismic joints, forcing the response of the towers to be
independent of each other. Therefore, although there is a scarce amount of relevant research
in the literature, analysis of multiple towers on a common base is a subject that is not yet
adequately investigated. One of the few studies that focus on multiple towers on common
base is conducted by Qi and Chen [1]. Dynamic behavior of two towers connected with a
typical podium structure is investigated through a parametric study. Towers and podium
levels are modeled linear elastically using a lumped mass and equivalent stiffness approach.
A simplified three degree of freedom (DOF) system is analyzed under a “constant”
acceleration response spectrum, considering variation in mass and stiffness characteristics.
This early study identifies the interaction effects between the towers to the seismic response
of each, considering linear elastic forces only. However, this study does not include
investigation of diaphragm effects at the connecting podium levels. In a more recent study
by Behnamfar et al. [2], the importance of interaction effects between the two structures with
various dynamic properties are addressed. A formulation is developed for simple multi
degree of freedom systems to examine the severity of interaction forces on each structure.
Linear springs are suggested for analysis using separate models for each tower. However,
these linear springs are intended to represent only the kinematic interaction between the
towers and neglect kinetic interaction caused by inertial effects. In addition, defining stiffness
values for these springs may be tedious in real projects with complex structural
configurations, especially projects that contain more than two towers on a single podium.
Furthermore, in high rise structures, kinetic (i.e., inertial) interaction caused by out-of-phase
vibration of the towers can be more predominant compared to kinematic interaction.
Although this study provides notable amount of information for structures where inertial
interaction is not expected to significantly affect the structural response, it is not adequate for
reliable seismic response analysis of structures with high rise towers and connecting
The dynamic interaction between the towers and its effect on the dynamic response of the
overall structure and the diaphragm effects on the podium levels is an issue that is explicitly
warned against in design guidelines [3, 4, 5]; however, extremely limited literature is
available on the subject. There is a clear need for additional analytical studies on this topic,
which focus on the nonlinear response of real-life structural systems. As well, considering
computational limitations, there is also a need for development of more practical approaches
to be used for analysis and design of such structures.


Therefore, in this study, a practical approach is sought to evaluate the seismic response of
structures incorporating multiple towers on a single podium, with emphasis on assessment of
diaphragm effects at the podium levels. The main motivation is to assess whether critical
response quantities for the towers and the podium floors can be approximately obtained
within less computation time, by analyzing the towers separately with different assumptions
for the end restraints, instead of using a combined model for analysis of the multiple tower
Within the scope of this work, linear and nonlinear models of a hypothetical structure with
two towers on a common podium are generated. The structure is analyzed using single-tower
and combined double-tower models. The combined double model incorporates the entire
structure including the towers, as well as the connecting podium and basement levels. The
single models consist of a single individual tower, together with the corresponding half of
the podium and basement floors, with different kinematic boundary conditions defined at the

2.1. Building Properties
The hypothetical reinforced concrete structure investigated in this study consists of two
towers with 44 stories above and five stories below ground level. With 3.2 m typical height
for each story, total height of the structure is 156.8 m and clear heights of the towers are
140.8 m. An identical structural system for both towers consist of a core wall system
connected with coupling beams, T-shaped walls, outrigger beams (connecting core walls to
perimeter walls), and perimeter frames along all four edges. The two towers are connected to
each other by four podium floors above ground level, as well as five basement floors
surrounded by perimeter walls (Figure 1). Architectural properties of the building are
assumed such that the basement floors are utilized as parking garages, podium floors are
utilized as commercial zones, and towers are utilized as residential buildings. Based on
strength based design of the structure compliant with Turkish Building Earthquake Code
2018 (TBEC2018) [6], cross-sectional dimensions of the structural members are obtained as
presented in Table 1.

Figure 1 - 3D view of the structure and typical plan view for connected podium floors.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Table 1 - Cross-sectional dimensions of the structural members.

-16.00m +00.00m +12.80m +35.20m +67.20m +102.4m
+00.00m +12.80m +35.20m +67.20m +102.4m +137.6m
Core Wall Web
500mm 400mm
(restrained at both ends)
Core Wall Flange
400mm 300mm
(restrained at one end)
T-Wall Web 500mm 400mm
T-Wall Flange 400mm 300mm
Basement Perimeter Walls 400mm N/A
Tower Columns 1200/1200mm 1100/1100mm 900/900mm 800/800mm 700/700mm 600/600mm
Podium Columns 800/800mm 600/600mm N/A
Coupling Beams 400/750mm 300/750mm
Outrigger Beams 500/700mm 400/700mm
Perimeter Frame Beams 400/600mm
Podium Beams 400/600mm N/A
Slab 200mm

2.2. Interaction Behavior

Interaction effects between the two towers can be classified into kinematic interaction and
kinetic (inertial) interaction. Kinematic interaction is the effect of a tower to nearby towers
due to its lateral stiffness properties. This type of interaction can be modeled using linear
springs with constant stiffness. Second type of interaction is inertial interaction, which is
related to the relative (in-phase, out-of-phase, or in-between) vibration of the towers due to
their respective inertial properties. This type of interaction cannot be simply modeled using
linear springs with stiffness values obtained from static analysis, since stiffness of thesprings
would change depending on relative displacements (deformed shape) of the towers at the
podium levels.
The scope of this analytical study comprises evaluating the aforementioned dynamic
interaction effects on the seismic response of a representative multiple-tower structure, in
terms of the in-plane axial and shear forces developing in the podium and basement level
diaphragms, as well as the seismic response demands of the individual towers, using a
combined structural model of the multi-tower system and employing both linear and
nonlinear modeling and analysis methods. Analysis results obtained using the combined
model are also compared to simplified upper bound and lower bound modeling and analysis
approaches, where the lower bound approach simply neglects the interaction between the
towers and the upper bound approach can be interpreted to represent the interaction to the
full extent. Prior to conducting analyses using a double (combined two-tower) model, single
(one-tower) models are generated, by cutting the double model along the centerline of the
podium structure between the two towers (Figure 2). For the case when the response of two
towers completely out of phase, fixed supports are assigned to the joints where double model
is cut. With this approach, the single models are analyzed assuming that there is an identical
tower with completely symmetric response on other side of the cutting plane. On the other
hand, for the case when response of two towers are completely in phase, no horizontal
restraint (roller supports) are assigned to the joints where the double model is cut. Using this
approach, the single models are analyzed assuming that there is an identical adjacent tower,
with an identical response on other side of the cutting plane. Depending on these extreme
assumptions, linear and nonlinear analysis results obtained using single fixed and single free
models for both towers are compared with analysis results of the combined double tower


Figure 2 - Section cut and single model cut line locations.

2.3. Linear Elastic Modeling

Linear elastic models of the structure are generated using CSI ETABS [7] software for linear
analyses. For linear modeling, concrete elastic modulus is defined as defined in Requirements
for Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Structures (TS500) [8]. In design of this
structure, C50 concrete class and B420C reinforcing steel grade are used, with characteristic
compressive strength of fck50 MPa and yield strength fyk=420MPa, respectively. Effective
rigidity of structural members, masses and damping characteristics are defined according to
TBEC2018. Modeling assumptions used are compliant with the criteria in TBEC2018. Loads
corresponding to different architectural utilization properties are defined according to Design
Loads for Buildings (TS 498) [9]. Natural vibration periods and corresponding modal mass
participation ratios of the structure obtained using free vibration analysis are provided in
Table 2 for the model configurations generated. Based on free vibration analysis of the double
model, fundamental mode shapes of the towers are also presented in Figure 3. To satisfy the
total mass participation of 95% in each direction requirement defined in TBEC2018, first 120
modes of the structure are included in analyses.

Table 2 - Fundamental vibration periods and corresponding mass participation ratios of

the towers for single fixed, double, and single free models.
Tower A Tower B
Fixed Double Free Fixed Double Free
Period 4.88s 5.20s 5.44s 3.96s 4.08s 4.29s
X Direction
Mass Participation 43.7% 31.6% 48.6% 42.7% 14.9% 47.1%
Period 4.08s 4.29s 4.33s 5.12s 5.41s 5.48s
Y Direction
Mass Participation 46.7% 21.5% 50.5% 43.5% 25.9% 46.8%

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Figure 3 - Mode shapes for fundamental periods (a) TBY, (b), TAX, (c) TAY, (d) TBX.

2.4. Nonlinear Modeling

Nonlinear models of the structure (Figure 4) are generated using the commonly-used software
Perform3D [10]. Methods, assumptions, and criteria used in modeling and analysis of the
structure are compliant with specifications in TBEC2018, and recommendations in
LATBSDC2015 [4] and ASCE41-13 [11]. Based on the state-of-the-art design codes and
guidelines, nonlinear flexural behavior of beams and columns are modeled using the so-
called lumped plasticity (plastic hinge) approach (Figure 5), utilizing ASCE41-13 backbone
relationships, whereas nonlinear flexural behavior of the structural walls is modeled using
the distributed plasticity (fiber modeling) approach (Figure 6). Floor slabs at the podium
levels and the basement walls, which are expected to remain linear elastic under seismic
effects, are included in the nonlinear model using linear elastic material properties. Floor
slabs of the tower structures are not included in the model, and their in-plane stiffness is
idealized using a rigid diaphragm constraint in the model. For nonlinear modeling, the
expected compressive strength of concrete is defined as fce 65 MPa and the expected yield
strength of reinforcing steel is defined as fsye 504 MPa, according to TBEC2018 and
LATBSDC2015 specifications.
Majority of the hysteretic energy dissipation sources in the structure are considered in
nonlinear analysis, by explicit modeling of the hysteretic behavior of the aforementioned
structural members. Equivalent viscous damping characteristics of the structure (2.5%
viscous damping ratio specified in TBEC2018 for tall buildings is introduced in the model
as 2.4% modal damping and 0.1% Rayleigh damping ratios, also for damping out higher
vibration modes as suggested by Powell [12].


2.5. Analysis Methods

To evaluate the seismic response of the structure, various analysis methods that are
commonly used in practice are adopted. These methods are linear modal time history analysis
(LMTHA), response spectrum analysis (RSA) and nonlinear response history analysis

Figure 4 – Nonlinear double-tower model geometry and nonlinear structural elements.

2.6. Seismic Hazard Definition and Ground Motion Selection

The structure is analyzed under the DD1 and DD2 level earthquakes defined in TBEC2018,
where DD1 (maximum credible earthquake) and DD2 (design level earthquake) levels
corresponds to earthquake scenarios with probabilities of exceedance of 2% (2475 years
recurrence period) and 10% (475 years recurrence period) in 50 years, respectively. Spectrum
parameters at a hypothetical project site coordinates (40˚58’39.1”N, 28˚48’52.1”E) required
to define the target spectrum are obtained from the Turkish Earthquake Hazard Map (TEHM)
website [13] released by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. Considering
hazard levels at the site, distance between project site and closest active fault, as well as local
soil conditions, design spectral acceleration coefficients are defined and design spectra are
generated as shown in Figure 7 according to TBEC2018.
Ground motions are selected from the NGAWest2 Ground Motion Database [14] by
matching the SRSS resultant acceleration spectra of the ground motion components with a
target spectrum that is defined as 1.3 times the design spectrum defined in TBEC2018 (Figure
8) for the DD1 and DD2 level earthquakes. Details on ground motion selection and scaling,
as well as detailed information on modeling and analysis of the investigated structure are
presented by Tura [15].

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Figure 5 - Modeling of frame elements with lumped plasticity approach in Perform 3D; (a)
coupling beams (b) outrigger and perimeter beams (c) columns.

Figure 6 - Modeling of structural walls with distributed plasticity (fiber modeling)

approach in Perform 3D; (a) cross-sectional view (b) unconfined and confined concrete
stress-strain relationships (c) reinforcement stress-strain relationship.


DD1 Level
DD2 Level

Spectral Acceleration (g)





0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Period (s)

Figure 7 - Design spectra for DD1 and DD2 level earthquakes.

10 10
SRSS Spectra SRSS Spectra
1.3 DD1 Level Spectrum 1.3 DD2 Level Spectrum
Average Spectrum Average Spectrum
Spectral Acceleration (g)

Spectral Acceleration (g)

1 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
0.75 2.25 3.75 5.25 6.75 8.25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Period (s) Period (s)

(a) (b)
Figure 8 - SRSS acceleration spectra of selected ground motions for earthquake levels;
(a) DD1 (b) DD2.

In linear analyses, design spectrum of DD2 level (design level, i.e., 10% probability of
exceedance in 50 years) seismicity (Figure 7) is used for RSA and 11 pairs of ground motion
records selected for the target spectrum of DD2 level seismicity (Figure 8) are used for
LMTHA. Furthermore, seismic demand is defined for linear analyses using a structural
system behavior factor R 6 for structural systems where all seismic demand is resisted by
uncoupled structural walls according to TBEC2018. On the other hand, 11 pairs of ground
motion records selected for the design spectrum corresponding to DD1 level (maximum
credible, i.e., 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) seismicity are used for NLRHA. In
all response history analyses, total of 22 analyses are conducted, first by applying 11 ground
motion record pairs, and secondly by reapplying the records at 90 degree rotated state. In all
analyses, in-plane (diaphragm) tensile forces in X direction and in-plane (diaphragm) shear
forces are obtained at section cuts defined adjacent to the tower edges (Figure 2). During
evaluation of analysis results of linear analysis, earthquake effects are magnified using the
over-strength factor D 2.5, as is specified in TBEC2018.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

3.1. Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) Results

In plane distribution of resultant tensile forces (per unit slab length) in the floor diaphragm
at +12.80 m elevation is presented in Figure 9 for RSA using the double-tower model. From
the figure, stress concentration between the two towers due to interaction at the podium floors
can be observed clearly. Resultant tensile force magnitudes in slab elements reach up to 600
kN/m at locations where stiff structural walls and floor slab are connected. In addition, due
to beam action in the podium diaphragm, stress concentrations at upper and lower edges of
the critical zone are noted. From a design perspective, when resultant tensile forces are
compared with limit 330 kN/m corresponding to design tensile strength of concrete, it is clear
that concrete cracks under tension and additional diaphragm reinforcement is required for
code-compliant behavior.

Figure 9 - Diaphragm tensile force distribution (in X direction) per unit length of slab at
+12.80 m elevation of double model obtained from RSA.
Resultant tensile forces obtained from RSA of the double and single models, developing in
the connected podium diaphragms are presented in Figure 10. As it is expected, interaction
effects are much more critical at the uppermost diaphragm level compared to those at lower
stories. When the resultant tensile forces at the section cuts are evaluated, it is clear that single
models with fixed end restraints overestimate the in-plane axial forces at the connected
podium slabs. According to section cut results obtained from RSA of the double model,
average tensile stresses (averaged over the entire slab cross section) are calculated as 2.68
MPa for Section A and 2.75 MPa for Section B of the diaphragm, at +12.80 m elevation. In
addition, axial loads on beams range between 800 kN and 1000 kN, with a total of 4420 kN
at Section A and 3540 kN for Section B. Considering this distribution, additional diaphragm
reinforcement can be designed as 16/300 mm (1340 mm2/m) additional top and bottom
reinforcement in slabs and 8 (2512 mm2) skin (i.e., longitudinal web) reinforcement in
beams at Section A, and 16/300 mm (1340 mm2/m) additional top and bottom reinforcement
in slabs and 8 (2512 mm2) skin reinforcement in beams at Section B. Furthermore, when
average stresses at lower podium levels are evaluated (1.36 MPa for Section A, 1.41 MPa for


Section B), it is noted that concrete at these levels does not crack under axial tension;
therefore, no additional reinforcement in the slab or the beams is required.
14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2

Elevation (m)
Elevation (m)

9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
4.8 4.8
3.2 Double Model
Single Model
1.6 1.6
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Tensile Force (kN) Tensile Force (kN)

(a) (b)
Figure 10 - Resultant tensile forces (in X direction) obtained from RSA at (a) Section A,
(b) Section B.
On the other hand, if the single-fixed model analysis results are used in design, additional
slab and beam reinforcement amounts calculated using the double model increase up to
16/200 mm (2010 mm2/m) and 8 (4248 mm2) at Section A, and 16/175 mm (2297
mm2/m) and 8 (4248 mm2) at Section B. Furthermore, according to the single-fixed model
results, the diaphragm at +09.60 m elevation also cracks and it can be designed for 12/200
mm (1130 mm2/m) additional reinforcement in the slabs and 6 (2280 mm2) skin
(longitudinal web) reinforcement in beams at Section A, and 12/175 mm (1291 mm2/m)
additional reinforcement in the slabs and 8 (2512 mm2) skin reinforcement in the beams
at Section B.
In-plane distribution of the resultant shear forces (per unit slab length) developing in the
podium floor diaphragm at +12.80 m elevation is presented in Figure 11, based on RSA
results using the double model. Resultant shear forces in the slab elements vary between 200
kN/m and 250 kN/m in the regions between the two towers. Comparing these magnitudes
with a resultant shear force capacity 214 kN/m (corresponding to the concrete shear strength
of 1.07 MPa), it is observed that diaphragm shear forces are as not critical as tensile forces
for this structure. Furthermore, resultant shear forces in the connected diaphragms are
presented in Figure 12 for RSA using double and single-fixed models. Similar to the tensile
force distributions, total shear forces are highest at the uppermost connecting diaphragm,
with magnitudes of 7046 kN at Section A and 5542 kN at Section B, and reduce throughout
the lower stories down to 3785 kN for Section A and 2778 kN for Section B. Besides,
resultant shear forces obtained using double and single-fixed models differ significantly,
similarly to tensile force resultants. Therefore, if analysis results using the single-fixed model
are used in design, average shear stress values increase up to 2.27 MPa for Section A and
2.41 MPa for Section B. Accordingly, the required amount of additional slab reinforcement
for design increases up to 658 mm2/m for Section A and 734 mm2/m for Section B. Based on
these demands, additional slab reinforcement can be designed as 12/350 mm (646 mm2/m)
top and bottom bars at Section A, and 12/300 mm (753 mm2/m) top and bottom bars at
Section B. Furthermore, according to section cut results of the fixed model under RSA,

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

average shear stresses in the diaphragm at +09.60 m elevation are calculated as 1.29 MPa at
Section A and 1.35 MPa at Section B. Since these average stress levels are very close to the
concrete design shear strength of 1.07 MPa, the required amount of additional reinforcement
can also considered to be negligible for design purposes.

Figure 11 - Diaphragm shear force distribution per unit length of slab at +12.80 m
elevation of double model obtained from RSA.

14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
4.8 4.8
3.2 3.2 Double Model
Single Model
1.6 1.6
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)

(a) (b)
Figure 12 - Resultant diaphragm shear forces obtained from RSA at (a) Section A,
(b) Section B.

3.2. Linear Modal Time History Analysis (LMTHA) Results

Distribution of resultant tensile forces in the floor diaphragm at +12.80 m elevation is
presented in Figure 13 for LMTHA of the double model under the DD2 level earthquake.
When LMTHA and RSA distributions are compared, it is observed that LMTHA gives


similar resultant tensile force magnitudes and distributions compared to RSA results. The
only difference noted is marginally smaller magnitudes at critical regions of the diaphragm.
Resultant tensile forces in the connected podium floors, obtained from LMTHA of the
structure using the double and single-fixed models, is presented in Figure 14 For consistency
with RSA results, mean of 22 analysis results are presented in the table and figure. Similar
to RSA, analysis results of the single-fixed model overestimate the double model results.
Based on the average of 22 analyses, maximum resultant tensile force values obtained in the
first connecting diaphragm are 18024 kN at Section A and 14322 kN at Section B. These
resultants corresponds to average tensile stresses of 2.50 MPa at Section A and 2.63 MPa at
Section B. Since these stress levels are close to results of RSA, an identical reinforcement
design is applicable to resist the diaphragm forces.

Figure 13 - Diaphragm tensile force distribution (in X direction) per unit length of slab at
+12.80 m elevation of double model obtained from LMTHA.

In-plane distribution of resultant shear forces in the floor diaphragm at +12.80 m elevation is
presented in Figure 15 for LMTHA using the double model. Similar to tensile forces,
distribution of resultant shear forces are also similar to RSA results. As was the case in RSA,
resultant shear forces (per unit length) in the slabs vary between 200 kN/m and 250 kN/m in
the region between the two towers.
Resultant shear forces along the connected podium floors are presented in Figure 16 for
LMTHA using single-fixed and double models. Similar to RSA, analysis results obtained
using the single- fixed model overestimate the double model results. According to average
of 22 analyses, maximum resultant shear forces (per unit slab length) developing in the
topmost connecting diaphragm are 5359 kN at Section A and 4324 kN at Section B. These
resultants correspond to average shear stresses of 0.84 MPa at Section A and 0.90 MPa at
Section B. Since these shear stress levels do not exceed the concrete design shear strength of
1.07 MPa, no additional diaphragm shear reinforcement is required.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model
4.8 4.8 Single Model
3.2 3.2 Double Model Average
Single Model Average
1.6 1.6
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Tensile Force (kN) Tensile Force (kN)

(a) (b)
Figure 14 - Resultant tensile forces (in X direction) obtained from LMTHA at (a) Section A,
(b) Section B.

Figure 15 - Diaphragm shear force distribution per unit length of slab at +12.80 m
elevation of double model obtained from LMTHA.
On the other hand, if single-fixed model analysis results are used in design, average shear
stresses increase up to 2.27 MPa at Section A and 2.18 MPa at Section B. Since these stresses
exceed the design shear strength of concrete 1.07 MPa, the required amount of additional
slab reinforcement increases up to 658 mm2/m at Section A and 608 mm2/m at Section B at
this level. According to these amounts, additional slab reinforcement can be designed as
12/350 mm (646 mm2/m) top and bottom bars at Section A, and 12/350 mm (646 mm2/m)
top and bottom bars at Section B. In addition, according to section cut results of the fixed
model under LMTHA, average shear stresses in the diaphragm of +09.60 m elevation are
calculated as 1.34 MPa at Section A and 1.29 MPa at Section B. Since these stress levels are
very close to the concrete design shear strength of 1.07 MPa, the required amount of
additional slab reinforcement is negligible in design.


14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model
4.8 4.8 Single Model
3.2 3.2 Double Model Average
Single Model Average
1.6 1.6
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)

(a) (b)
Figure 16 - Resultant diaphragm shear forces obtained from LMTHA at (a) Section A,
(b) Section B.

In the following figures, comparison of resultant tensile and shear forces obtained from RSA
and LMTHA of the single-fixed and double models, throughout the connected podium floors
are presented. According to Figure 17, LMTHA consistently gives smaller tensile force
values with respect to RSA. Resultant tensile forces at critical sections are very close to each
other at the topmost connecting diaphragm, except for the single model results obtained for
Tower B. Furthermore, differences in results of the two analysis methods are more significant
at lower diaphragm levels. Similarly, according to Figure 18, diaphragm shear force
resultants obtained by LMTHA are generally smaller than RSA results. The only exception
is the fixed model results for the section cut at +09.60 m elevation of Tower A. At this section,
the result of LMTHA is barely higher than the RSA result.

14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)
Elevation (m)

9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model RSA
4.8 4.8 Single Model RSA
3.2 3.2 Double Model LMTHA
Single Model LMTHA
1.6 1.6
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Tensile Force (kN) Tensile Force (kN)
(a) (b)
Figure 17 - Comparison of resultant diaphragm tensile forces (in X direction) obtained
from LMTHA and RSA at (a) Section A, (b) Section B.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model RSA
4.8 4.8 Single Model RSA
3.2 3.2 Double Model LMTHA
Single Model LMTHA
1.6 1.6
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)
(a) (b)
Figure 18 - Comparison of resultant diaphragm shear forces obtained from LMTHA and
RSA at (a) Section A, (b) Section B.

3.3. Nonlinear Response History Analysis (NLRHA) Results

In this section, the diaphragm forces at the connecting podium levels are evaluated using a
performance-based design approach, using NLRHA of the structure under the DD1 level
earthquake (maximum credible earthquake, 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years), again
using both double and single-fixed tower models. In the evaluation, diaphragm forces in the
podium-level slabs and beams are considered as critical (i.e., non-ductile) response quantities
and are assessed using a strength-based approach. Required amounts of diaphragm
reinforcement obtained from NLRHA results to reach sufficient diaphragm strength are
compared with reinforcement amounts obtained using linear analysis results under the
design-level earthquake. Furthermore, seismic performance predictions obtained for Tower
A using the double tower model under DD1 level ground motions are compared with
predictions obtained using a single tower model, with both free and fixed end restraints at the
connecting podium levels.

3.3.1. Podium Diaphragm Force Resultants

In order to facilitate convergence and reduce analysis time to a manageable level, podium
diaphragms are modeled using shell elements with a relatively larger size in the nonlinear
model of the structure. Although local distribution of the diaphragm forces is not captured
since the diaphragms are more crudely-meshed, reliable values for diaphragm force resultants
can still be obtained from the analyses. Because NLRHA of the double model required weeks
of analysis time, analysis under different ground motion records were run in parallel, using
separate models running on separate computers. For illustrative purposes, distribution of the
diaphragm tension force (per unit length) developing in the topmost podium floor is
illustrated in Figure 19, for a representative ground motion record referred to as RSN1762
[14] (used with a scaling factor of 3.326 in the analysis), which produces similar diaphragm
force resultant magnitudes compared with the average of all 22 analyses. Differently from
linear analysis results, due to the crude meshing, local stress concentrations in the slab at the
structural wall connections are not recognizable. However, the overall distribution of the
diaphragm tension forces is clearly shown in the figure. Tensile force concentrations between
the two towers as well as at top and bottom edges of the connecting podium can be identified,
similarly to the results of linear analysis.


Diaphragm tensile force resultants developing in the connected podium floors are presented
in Figure 20, for the average of 22 NLRHA cases (corresponding to 22 ground motions).
Compared to results of RSA and NLRHA, force resultant distribution along the podium floor
elevations follows a similar pattern. However, there is 18% increase at Section A and 31%
increase at Section B, in the total tensile force resultants at the floor with +12.80 m elevation,
compared to RSA. This percent difference reaches upto 48% increase at Section A and 35%
increase at Section B, when analysis results using the single-fixed models are considered.

Figure 19 - Diaphragm tensile force distribution (in X direction) per unit length of slab at
+12.80 m elevation of double model obtained from NLRHA under record RSN1762 [14].
Considering mean analysis results obtained using the double model, average tensile stresses
developing at the topmost podium diaphragm are calculated as 3.17 MPa at Section A and
3.60 MPa at Section B. Comparing these stress levels with the expected tensile strength of
concrete 2.82 MPa, it is deduced that concrete cracks in tension and additional reinforcement
is required in these regions, similar to linear analysis results. Using the expected yield
strength of reinforcement, total amounts of required slab reinforcement are calculated as
45339 mm2 at Section A and 38813 mm2 at Section B.
Furthermore, contribution of beams to the total tensile force resultant is obtained as 6762 kN
at Section A and 5243 kN at Section B. Note that, percentages corresponding to contribution
of beams to the total diaphragm tension force are 30% for Section A and 27% for Section B,
whereas they were obtained as 23% for Section A and 24% for Section B from RSA. Taking
into account all the information mentioned above, the required additional reinforcement can
be designed as 14/300 mm (1027 mm2/m) top and bottom bars in the slabs and 920 (2826
mm2) skin (i.e., longitudinal web) reinforcement in the beams at Section A, and14/250 mm
(1232 mm2/m) top and bottom bars in slabs and 722 (2660 mm2) skin reinforcement in the
beams at Section B. Average tensile stress levels at lower podium floors, which are 1.79 MPa
at Section A and 1.88 MPa at Section B, are lower than the expected tensile strength of
concrete. Therefore, no additional reinforcement is required to resist diaphragm tension at
lower podium floors.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model
4.8 4.8 Single Model
3.2 3.2 Double Model Average
Single Model Average
1.6 1.6
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000
Tensile Force (kN) Tensile Force (kN)
(a) (b)
Figure 20 - Resultant tensile forces (in X direction) obtained from NLRHA at (a) Section A,
(b) Section B.
On the other hand, when fixed model results are taken into account, average tensile stresses
developing in the slabs at the topmost podium floor increase to 6.70 MPa at Section A and
6.82 MPa at Section B. According to these stresses, the required additional reinforcement
can be designed as 18/250 mm (2032 mm2/m) top and bottom bars in slabs, and 830 (5656
mm2) skin reinforcement in beams at Section A, and 20/300 mm (2093 mm2/m) top and
bottom bars in slabs and 828 (4928 mm2) skin reinforcement in beams at Section B.
Additionally, average tensile stress levels at the podium floor of +09.60 m elevation increases
to 3.41 MPa at Section A and 3.29 MPa at Section B. Therefore, concrete at this floor also
cracks and additional tension reinforcement is required. Required additional reinforcement
at this elevation can be designed as 14/300 mm (1027 mm2/m) top and bottom bars in slabs
and 822 (3040 mm2) skin (i.e., longitudinal web) reinforcement in beams at Section A, and
14/300 mm (1027 mm2/m) top and bottom bars in slabs and 820 (2512 mm2) skin
reinforcement in beams at Section B.
In plane distribution of diaphragm shear forces (per unit length) in the podium floor slab at
+12.80 m elevation is presented in Figure 21 for NLRHA of the double model under the
RSN1762_0 [14] ground motion record (scaled with a factor of 3.326). Similarly to
diaphragm tensile forces, despite crude meshing, diaphragm shear effects are clearly reflected
in the analysis results. The in-plane shear force distribution is similar to linear analysis
Resultant diaphragm shear forces along the connected podium floors are presented in Figure
22, as average of the 22 analysis cases used in NLRHA. Comparing results of RSA (Figure
12, under DD2 level earthquake) and NLRHA (Figure 22, under DD1 level earthquake), the
distribution along the floors follows similar patterns in the single-fixed models, and slightly
different patterns in the double models. In terms of magnitudes, there is a 91% increase at
Section A and an 87% increase at Section B in the total diaphragm shear force acting on the
podium floor with +12.80 m elevation in the double model, compared to RSA. This percent
increase changes to 109% increase at Section A and 81% increase at Section B, when RSA
and NLRHA results using fixed models are considered.


Figure 21 - Diaphragm shear force distribution per unit length of slab at +12.80 m
elevation of double model obtained from NLRHA under RSN1762 [14] record.

Considering mean response quantities of double model, average diaphragm shear stress
values at the topmost podium floor are calculated as 2.10 MPa at Section A and 2.16 MPa at
Section B. Since these stress levels are very close to the concrete design shear strength 1.83
MPa, the required amounts of additional diaphragm shear reinforcement are negligible
amounts for design purposes. Furthermore, analysis results show that the contribution of
beams to diaphragm shear forces is negligible, as is typical.
14.4 14.4
12.8 12.8
11.2 11.2
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

9.6 9.6
8.0 8.0
6.4 6.4
Double Model
4.8 4.8 Single Model
3.2 3.2 Double Model Average
Single Model Average
1.6 1.6
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)

(a) (b)
Figure 22 - Resultant shear forces obtained from NLRHA (a) Section A, (b) Section B.

On the other hand, if single-fixed model analysis results are considered in design, average
diaphragm shear stress values at the topmost podium floor increase to 4.76 MPa at Section
A and 4.37 MPa at Section B. Therefore, required amount of additional slab reinforcement
increases up to 1163 mm2/m at Section A and 1008 mm2/m at Section B, at this elevation.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Corresponding reinforcement can be designed as 14/250 mm (1232 mm2/m) additional top

and bottom reinforcement at Section A and 14/300 mm (1027 mm2/m) additional
reinforcement at Section B. Again, diaphragm shear forces in the beams are negligible.
Additionally, based on section cut results from NLRHA of the fixed models, average
diaphragm shear stresses at the floor with +09.60 m elevation are calculated as 2.75 MPa at
Section A and 2.64 MPa at Section B. Considering these stress levels, the floor slab at this
elevation can be designed using 10/400 mm (393 mm2/m) additional top and bottom bars at
Section A and 10/500 mm (314 mm2/m) additional bars at Section B.
Finally, comparisons of diaphragm reinforcement required at critical sections, obtained using
RSA (under DD2 level earthquake considering the code-prescribed load reduction factor and
overstrength coefficient) and NLRHA (under DD1 level earthquake), are presented in Table
3 for Section A and Table 4 for Section B. According to the results listed in the tables, the
amount of reinforcement required for design against diaphragm effects, obtained from RSA
and NLRHA of the double model, are very close to each other. On the other hand, when fixed
models are used for the analysis, the required amount diaphragm reinforcement obtained
from NLRHA is moderately larger than that obtained using RSA.
It is also interesting to observe that the amount of diaphragm reinforcement obtained from
NLRHA of the double model under the DD1 level earthquake, which is the most robust and
reliable analysis approach, is less than the reinforcement amount obtained from RSA of the
single fixed model under the DD2 level earthquake, which is the simplest analysis approach
that can be used for diaphragm design. This happens mostly because the fixed model
overestimates the diaphragm effects in the connecting podium floors, as previously discussed
in detail, and also because the design based on NLRHA uses expected material strengths,
rather than reduced design strength values for the materials. Overall, this is a comforting
result, since it implies that diaphragm design of connecting podium floors based on simple
RSA of a fixed single tower model under the design level earthquake can potentially satisfy
the required performance criteria of the double tower structure under the maximum
considered earthquake level

Table 3- Comparison of additional (diaphragm) reinforcement at Section A based on RSA

(under DD2 level earthquake) and NLRHA (under DD1 level earthquake) results.
RSA (DD2 level EQ.) NLRHA (DD1 level EQ.)
Section A
+12.80 m +09.60 m +12.80 m +09.60 m
2 2
Beams 2512 mm 0 2826 mm 0
Double Model Slab 1340 mm2/m 0 1027 mm2/m 0
Shear Slab 0 0 0 0
Beams 4248 mm2 2280 mm2 5656 mm2 3040 mm2
Single-Fixed Tension
Slab 2010 mm2/m 1130 mm2/m 2032 mm2/m 1027 mm2/m
Shear Slab 646 mm2/m 0 1232 mm2/m 393 mm2/m


Table 4 - Comparison of additional (diaphragm) reinforcement at Section B based on RSA

(under DD2 level earthquake) and NLRHA (under DD1 level earthquake) results.
RSA (DD2 level EQ.) NLRHA (DD1 level EQ.)
Section B
+12.80 m +09.60 m +12.80 m +09.60 m
Beams 2512 mm2 0 2660 mm2 0
Double Model Slab 1340 mm2/m 0 1232 mm2/m 0
Shear Slab 0 0 0 0
Beams 4248 mm2 2512 mm2 4928 mm2 2512 mm2
Single-Fixed Tension
Slab 2297 mm2/m 1291 mm2/m 2533 mm2/m 1027 mm2/m
Shear Slab 753 mm2/m 0 1027 mm2/m 314 mm2/m

3.3.2. Comparison of Single and Double Model Responses for Tower A

In this section, average analysis results obtained for important response quantities related to
performance-based design of one of the two towers (Tower A), obtained using the double,
single-fixed, and single-free models are compared (Figure 23). Comparisons of interstory
drift ratios, beam plastic rotations, wall shear forces, and wall boundary longitudinal strains
are presented in Figure 24 to Figure 28. As shown in the figures, it is observed that response
quantities obtained using double tower model are typically underestimated by the single-
fixed model (i.e., the single-tower model with fixed end restraints at the connecting podium
levels), whereas the results of the single free model (i.e., the single-tower model with free
end restraints) are much closer to those of the double-tower model. Overall, comparison with
NLRHA results obtained using the double tower model show that the single-free model
provides reliable results that are reasonably representative of the results of the comprehensive
double-tower model, for important response quantities associated with the seismic design and
performance of the individual tower structure.

Figure 23 - NLRHA interstory drift ratio, structural wall shear force and strain control
nodes for Tower A.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Double Single-Fixed Single-Free CP Limit

140 140

120 120

100 100

80 80

Elevation (m)
Elevation (m)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

-20 -20
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Inter-story Drift Ratio Inter-story Drift Ratio
(a) (b)
Figure 24 - Comparison of NLRHA interstory drift ratio distributions for double, single-
fixed and single-free models of Tower A at (a) DA-X, (b) DA-Y.

Mean Rotation CP Limit

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075
Plastic Rotation (rad) Plastic Rotation (rad) Plastic Rotation (rad)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 25 - Comparison of NLRHA outrigger and perimeter beams plastic rotations for (a)
single-fixed, (b) single-free, (c) double models of Tower A.


Mean Rotation CP Limit

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075
Plastic Rotation (rad) Plastic Rotation (rad) Plastic Rotation (rad)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 26 - Comparison of NLRHA coupling beam plastic rotations for (a)single- fixed, (b)
single-free, (c) double models of Tower A.
Double Single-Fixed Single-Free Capacity

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-60000 -30000 0 30000 60000 -20000 -10000 0 10000 20000 -20000 -10000 0 10000 20000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 27 - Comparison of NLRHA structural wall shear force distributions for double,
single-fixed and single- free models of Tower A at (a) P01A, (b) P02A, (c) P03A.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

Double Single-Fixed Single-Free Capacity

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-60000 -30000 0 30000 60000 -60000 -30000 0 30000 60000 -15000 -7500 0 7500 15000
Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN) Shear Force (kN)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 27 (continued) - Comparison of NLRHA structural wall shear force distributions for
double, single-fixed and single- free models of Tower A at (d) P05A, (e) P09A, (f) P21A.

Double Single-Fixed Single-Free IO Limit

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-0.005 0 0.005 0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01
Strain Strain Strain

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 28 - Comparison of NLRHA strain distributions of structural walls for double,
single-fixed and single- free models of Tower A at (a) SG02A, (b) SG03A, (c) SG09A.


Double Single-Fixed Single-Free IO Limit

140 140 140

120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0

-20 -20 -20

-0.005 0 0.005 0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01
Strain Strain Strain

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 28 (continued) - Comparison of NLRHA strain distributions of structural walls for
double, single-fixed and single- free models of Tower A at (d) SG12A, (e) SG15A,
(f) SG18A.

Under the light of the analysis results obtained using different modeling approaches and
analysis methods used in this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
 When results of linear elastic analysis methods (RSA and LMTHA) conducted under the
design level (DD2) earthquake effects using double (combined double tower) and single-
fixed (single tower with fixed end restraints) model results are compared, it is observed
that RSA provides diaphragm tensile force resultants that are only approximately 10%
larger than LMTHA at the connected podium levels. The difference between results of the
two analysis methods increase to 25% only for diaphragm shear forces obtained using the
double model, yet these diaphragm shear forces are relatively small in magnitude.
 When linear elastic analysis results using the double and single-fixed models are
compared, it is observed that the single-fixed model can provide diaphragm tension forces
that are up to 75% higher that the double model results, independently from the analysis
method used (RSA or LMTHA). However, this percent difference increases to more than
100%, when diaphragm shear forces are considered, also because the diaphragm shear
force magnitudes are small.
 When results of NLRHA obtained using double and single-fixed models are compared, it
is observed that the single-fixed model can provide diaphragm force resultants that are
almost twice those calculated using the double model.

Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium

 NLRHA of the double model of the structure under the DD1 level (maximum credible)
earthquake gives approximately 20-30% higher diaphragm tensile forces compared to
RSA of the double model under the DD2 level (design level) earthquake. On the other
hand, in case of diaphragm shear forces, NLRHA results obtained using the double model
are almost twice those obtained from RSA at critical sections. Although NLRHA gives
higher diaphragm forces, the total amount of required diaphragm reinforcement for tension
is 5% to 15% less than RSA, since expected material strengths are used for design based
on NLRHA results. Additionally, diaphragm shear forces obtained in both analyses do not
exceed concrete shear strength limits, not necessitating any diaphragm shear
 Differently from the double model, when the single-fixed model is used in the analysis,
NLRHA can produce 50% higher diaphragm tensile forces as compared to RSA. On the
other hand, diaphragm shear forces from NLRHA are approximately twice those obtained
by RSA, as observed in the double model. When required reinforcement amounts against
diaphragm tension are compared, NLRHA results using the single-fixed model require
approximately 10% larger amount of reinforcement, as compared to RHA of the single-
fixed model.
 Interestingly, the amount of diaphragm reinforcement obtained from NLRHA of the
double model under the DD1 level (maximum credible) earthquake, which is the most
robust and reliable analysis approach, is less than the reinforcement amount obtained from
RSA of the single-fixed model under the DD2 level (design level), which is the simplest
analysis approach that can be used for diaphragm design. This happens mostly because
the fixed model overestimates the diaphragm effects in the connecting podium floors, and
also because the performance-based design based on NLRHA uses expected material
strengths, rather than reduced design strength values for the materials.
 NLRHA results show that the single-free (single tower with free end restraints) model
provides results for critical response quantities associated with the seismic performance
of the individual tower structures (interstory drifts, wall strains, wall shear forces, beam
plastic rotations, etc.) that are reasonably close to analysis results obtained using the
double model.
 Generally, taking into consideration of analysis duration and modeling complexity, it is
recommended to use single-tower models with free end restraints for design of the
individual towers, and single-tower models with fixed end restraints for design of the
podium slabs for in-plane axial load and shear forces, whenever comprehensive analyses
using a combined multiple-tower model is not possible.

LMTHA Linear modal time history analysis
NLRHA Nonlinear response history analysis
RSA Response spectrum analysis


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Earthquake Response Analysis of Multiple Towers on a Common Podium


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