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Leavena Khayat vs. Lee Housekeepper Ud 2007

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AAA San Francisco Superior Courts Information Technology Group Document Scanning Lead Sheet Jan-04-2007 10:53 am Case Number: CUD-07-620605 Filing Date: Jan-04-2007 10:48 Juke Box: 001 Image: 01640797 COMPLAINT LEAVENA KHAYAT VS. LEE HOUSEKEEPPER et al 001C01640797 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be ‘scanned, SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) UNLAWFUL DETAINER-EVICTION (RETENCION ILICITA DE UN INMUEBLE-DESALOJO) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDAD‘ Lee Housekeeper, Does 1 through io, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Leavena Khayat "You Fave 5 CALENDAR DAYS afer ts summons and Togal papers are served on yout file a wilten response alhis court and Rave ® copy served on the plaintf, (To ealeulate the five days, count Saturday and Sunday, but do not count other court holidays. Ifthe last day {alle on a Saturday, Sunday, or a court helday then you have the next court day to flea written response) A letter or phone cal wll not protect you. Your written response must be In proper legal form Ifyou want the court to heat your case, There may be a court frm that ‘ou can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more Information af the California Courts Online Self-Help Center {rv, your eounty Iaw library, or the courthouse nearest you. f you cannot pay the fing fee, ask the court ‘lark fora fee walver form. Ifyou do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by defeut, and your wages, money, and ‘Property may be taken without further warning from the court. ‘There are other legal requirements. You may want to eall an atfomey right away. I you do not know an attomey, you may want to call an attorney retort service. f you cannot afford an attorney, you may be ellgbla for free legal services from a nonproft legal services rogram. You caa focate these nonprofit groups atthe California Legal Services Web site (www, the California Courts Oniine Set-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. “Tene 5 DIAS DE CALENDARIO desputs de que le entreguen esta citacién y papeles legates para presentar una respuesta por escrito en ‘esta corte y hacer que s¢ entregue una copia al demandante, (Para calcula los cinco dias, cuente los sébados y los Gomingos pero no tos ‘otros dias erladoa de la corte, SI el ditimo dia cae on skbado 0 domingo, o en un dia en que la corte estécerrads, tiene hasta el préxieno ‘Gia de corte para presentar una respuesta por escrito). Una carta © una llamada telefSnica nolo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene ‘Guo estar en formato legal corecto sl desee que procesen su caso en fa corte, Es posible que haya un formutario que usted pueda usar ara su respuesta, Puede encontrar estos formularfos de la corte y mds Informacién en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California {rin en Ia bibiiotece de leyes de su condado on la corte que fe quede mds cerca. Sino puede pager ja coota de presentaclén, pida a! seeretario de fa corte que le dé un formutarto de exencién de pago de cuotas. Sino presenta su respuests 1s tempo, puede perder el caso por Incumplimlento y le corte le podré qultar su sueldo, dinero Bienes sin més advertencle, Hay otros requisitoslegales, Es recomendable que lame a un abogado Inmediatamente, Sno conoce a un abopado, puede lamar aun servicio de remisién a abogados. SI no puede pagar @ un abogado, es posible que cumpls con fos requisites para obtener servicios Iegules gratults de un programa de servicios legales sin fnes de luce, Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de luo en el slo web de Caitfornia Legal Services, won, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Calfornia, ( 0 ponléndose en contacto con Ia corte 0 ef colegio de abogadas., reales. 8 + Siete eer sssers ol cools ea 05> Bram snetn cnlecoraeoh gee -07-620605 San Francisco Superior Court 400 McAllister Street CA 94102-4514 2. The name, address, and telephone number of plant's attomey, or plaintiff without an attomey, is: {Elnombro, la dreceién y el nmero de telsfono del ebogado del demandante, o de! demandante que no tiene abogedo, es): Stephen Sherman, Esq. #142358 Woo & Associates, P.C. 595 Market Street, Suite 610 (415) 281-6800 San Francisco, CA’ 94105 4, (Must be answored i all cases) An unlawful detalnor assistant (Bus. & Prot, Codo, §§ 6400-6414) Clas {or compensation gv advice or assistance with tis form. oRERBS itp or ac deter secon. roam 6 on he next PaTe) ater JAN O Clerk, by Deputy (Fecha) (Secretaria), ‘(Agjunto) {For proo! of service of iis surimons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-010),) T {Para prueba de entrega de esta citation use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)), ‘4 NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served “S] a. SE) as an individual defendant. . (2 as the person sued under the fictitious name of(specity): ce. (F} asan occupant 4. Cl onbehatf of (specify): under, (1) CCP 416.10 (comoration) COP 416.60 (minor) ‘CGP 416.20 (defunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (consenvatee) CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) [“] CGP 416.90 (authorized person) ECP 415.48 (occupant) other (specify): 5. [C1] by personal delivery on (date) : Page told maar SUMMONSUNLAWFUL DETAINER-EVICTION eon Tt acne HATERS TT esc Khayat, Leavena cM.010, Ee = FIEED L'stephen Sherman, Esq. Woo & Associates, P.C. rrantsoo Gost Soper Cast 595 Market Street, Suite 610 San Francisco, CA 94105 JAN 4 2007" raemovene: (415) 281-6800 raw: (415) 281-6807 smomerronqura:Leavena Khayat IN , Clerk ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOF San Francisco smmrriooress:400 McAllister Street xu ADORE emvanpzecoo:CA 94102-4514 ewenumeLimited Civil Jurisdiction GASENAME: _Khayat v. Housekeeper et al. oe teks ‘CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ‘Complex Case Designation casement a Untimites GaP Limited Ccouner Chvoinder GY 7- 620605 (Amount (Amount Filed_with frst appearance by defendant 7 demanded demanded Is (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) W0CE: exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or tes cers tems 1-5 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). . Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort Contract Provistonally Complex Civit Litigation ‘auto @2) Breach ofcontactwarany (96) (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 34003403) Uninsured motorist (46) Catecfors (9) “antinostTrada equation (03) ‘Diner PUPDIWD (Personal InuryiProperty [T} insurance coverage (18) CConsietion detec (10) DamagerWrongful Death) Tort Other contact G7) Mass tort (0) ‘Asbestos (08) eat Property Secures itgaon (28) Product bitty (24) Cy Eminent comaintnverse Environmental/Toxle tort (30) Medical mterace (45) condernatin (14) Insurance coverage cams afsing frm he Ober PUPOMD (23), Wronghi evcton (33) ‘dove Feed provslonaly complex caso on-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort Other rea property 25) fypes (41) Business tonal business practice (07) Unlawful Detalner Enforeemont of Judgment Crags (08) Commer (31) 1 ntercement fudoment 0) Defamation 13) Residential (32) Miscaltancaus Civil Complaint Fraud (16) Drugs G2) Hteoen letteciua roprty (19) Tadiclal Roview Ober complain (not specified ebove) 42) Professions negigence (25) ‘Asst ferelire 05) Miscellaneous Civil Petition ‘Ober rer PUPOPD ot (35) Fesiore araonemarci) FY Patent ander aera 20 aimee ana ecea tes Oper petition (not specified above) (43) ‘Wirnghlterinaton (38) (Other sl review (22) ‘Other employment (15) 2. Thiscase C) is factors requinng exceptional judicial management: a. (2) Large number of separately represented partios b. [2d Extensive motion practice ralsing dificult or novel 6. Issues that willbe time-consuming to resolve c. (2) Substantial amount of documentary evidence: . Typgof remedies sought (check aif that apply): 2. CE) monetary b. CD Number of causes of action 5: Thiscase CY Is snot ‘Ronmonetary; declaratory of injunctive relief eclyy one unlawful detainer cause of actio! ‘aciass action suit | if there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of retated case.(You may use TED Ie not complex under rule 3400 of the Galfomia Rules of Court. I'the case Is complex, mark the 4. F) Large number of witnesses ‘Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts inother counties, states, 1. (22 Substantial postiudgment judicial supervision cc CI punitive ‘countries, orn a federal court Date: January 3, 2007 tephen Sherman, Esq. (re on PRT IE) ‘NOTICE, ‘¢ Plaintit must fle this cover sheet withthe frst paper filed In the act6® or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed Under the Probate Code, Family Code, of Welfare and Insitutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to fle may resutt in sanctions. ‘+ File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule, ‘other partes to the action or proceeding, «Unless tis a complex case, this cover sheet wit be used for statistical purposes only. Ii this case Is complex under rule 3.400 et seq, of the Celfomia Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheeton all rasetet2 Baa p= Civil CASE COVER SHEET OPaerae ee aan sr f= anexenoctew Khayat, Leavena or TESST TRA -C Tana — MS [- Stephen Sherman, Esq. # 142358 Woo & Associates, P.C, 595 Market Street, Suite 610 i San Francisco, CA’ 94105 Froncico: reomonevo: (415) 281-6800 raivo creme: (415) 281-6807 AIR ADORE (to srromerroxounet Leavena Khayat ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco smeeraoness: 400 McAllister Street aun scones, emvaozecoo: CA 94102-4514 swore: Limited Civil Jurisdiction LAINTIFF: Leavena Khayat DEFENDANT.Lee Housekeeper, Does 1 through 10, inclusive Cloves 110 COMPLAINT - UNLAWFUL DETAINER™ CO comPLamT —(] AMENDED COMPLAINT (Amondment Number): Jurisdiction (check all that apply) : (QQ Actions a UMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded (KJ does not exceed $10,000 Co exceeds $10,000 but dove not oxceed $25,000 (SL ACTION !S AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (amount demanded exceeds $25,000) (C1 ACTION Is RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or cross-complaint(check all that apply): © trom untawtut detainer to general untimited civil (possession notin issue) Co} from iveted to untimited Cy from untawtul detainer to ganera limited civil (possession notin issue) from untimited to nied 1, PLAINTIFF (name each):Leavena Khayat alleges causes of action against DEFENDANT (name each): Lee Housekeeper, Does 1 through 10, inclusive 2. a. Plainttfis (1) “(an individual over the age of 18 years, (4) C1) apartnership, @) Gia pobiic agency. 6) C2 acomporation. 6) Chother (specify): >. Co Paint nas compred with the ficttious business name laws ands doing business under the fictitous name of(specity): Defendant named above In possession ofthe promises located at (street adeross, apt. no. cil zip code, and county}: 682 Corbett Avenue San Francisco CA 9414 : 4. Plaltifs interest in the premises is KLasownor other (specify): 55. The true names and eapacites of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintif, ©. @. Onorebout (dale): August 1, 1995 defendant (name each): | Lee Housekeeper (1) agreed to rent the premises as 2 [EJ month-to-month tenancy () other tenancy (specif): (2) agreed to pay rent of $ 900.00 payable KI monthly Cl other (specify frequency): (9) agreed to pay rent onthe (KB first of the month C) other day (specify): b. This Cp writen CQ orat agreement was made with (1) OEY paint, (3) ©) plaints predecessor in interest. (2) CO plaintiffs agent. 4) Ch other (specity): “NOTE: Do not use ths form for evictions after sale (Code CW. Proc. § 11618). praetor "yaeceaes eee (COMPLAINT - UNLAWFUL DETAINER eae coe Peceae HR TS NS wears Khayat, Leavena 8 rarer ae reavene Tae cama IDEFENDANT (Name) Lee Housekeeper, Does 1 through 10, inclusive 6. c. [KX] The defendants not named in item 6a are (1) ED subtenants. (2) WO assignees. (3) Wotner (speci): unapproved licenses <4. (El) The agreement wos later changed as foiows (speci): Lawful rent increases to $1,100.00 per month. «0. (A copy of the vrten agreement, Including any addenda or attachments that form the basis ofthis complaint. ig attactied’ ‘and labeled Exhibit 1, (Required for residential property, unless item 6f is checked, See Code Civ. Proc., § 1166.) CO (ror residential propery) A copy of the writen agroonent snot attached because (spect reason): {7 Col treweiten agreement sntin the possession of th andor orth iandlors employees or agents, {2) Cal tis acon fe soll fornonpaymant of rent (Code CN, Pros. § 116102). 7. (a. Defendant (name each):Lee Housekeeper, Does 1 through 10, inclusive was served the following notice on the same date and in the samo manner: (8) [2 3-day notice to pay rent or quit (4) Co) 3-day notice to perform covenants or quit (2) Ee 30-day notice to quit (8) Ed 3-day notice to quit 8) CA 60-day notice to quit (6) Cl Omer (specify): b. (1) On (date): December 28, 2006 ‘the petiod stated in the notice expired at the end of the day. {@) Defendants flled to comply with the requirements ofthe notice by that date, c. Allfacts stated In the notice are tru,

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