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Hypnotic Language Patterns Volume 2

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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................4

Developing the Influencer's Mindset ................................................................13

Are You Afraid of Using Hypnotic Patterns? ......................................................19

Develop the Proper Focus ................................................................................23

Deciphering True Human Perception ................................................................26

The Four Levels of Human Perception ..............................................................28

The Different Forms of Information ..................................................................37

Essential Vocal Techniques ..............................................................................41

Tonality & Pace ................................................................................................44

The Trigger Pattern .........................................................................................49

On the Strategic Use of Presuppositions ..........................................................51

Invoking the Power of Permanence ..................................................................52

The Power of Shifting Tenses ...........................................................................61

Mastering Embedded Commands ....................................................................76

An Instant Shifting Pattern ...............................................................................88

Comparing Objects and States .........................................................................92

An Advanced Seduction Pattern .......................................................................97

Planting Seeds of Uncertainty ........................................................................101

The Inner Voice Pattern .................................................................................107

Uncovering a Person's Most Cherished Values ...............................................110

Become a Credible Expert In One Step ...........................................................114

On the Dynamic Nature of Social Statuses ......................................................117

Influence & Power ..........................................................................................124

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When people hear the word hypnosis they

usually conjure images of shady characters
wearing dark suits and waving around shiny
objects like watches.
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Thanks to popular culture, a majority of the
population believe that hypnosis is primarily
in the realm of the weird and outlandish and
has really no place in everyday living.

If you thought this way about hypnosis or

even NLP (neuro linguistic programming), I
can't really blame you because this is how
mass media has portrayed these disciplines.
If you think about it, the common
misconceptions about hypnosis actually give
you an advantage over others.

Since very few people know how hypnosis

actually works, you can employ multiple
hypnotic language patterns and get the
results that you want without ever being
detected by your subjects.

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Before we formally begin the discussion on
the different hypnotic language patterns that
you can use to persuade and influence
others, we have to take a step back to
examine how hypnotic language patterns
actually work.

Many beginning students of hypnosis or

NLP think that hypnotic language patterns
work like magical incantations. Since the
expectations are so high, many people
believe that all they have to do is to pick a
pattern, blurt it out to a subject and voila -
the desired results will magically appear.

It is not as simple as that, I'm afraid. And if

you do apply hypnotic language patterns that
way, you're in for a lot of disappointment
down the road.

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Using hypnotic language patterns requires
patience and increased sensitivity to any
kind of feedback from the subject. The only
way that you will be able to gauge whether
or not your technique is working is by
paying attention to what the subject is
actually doing and saying.

For example, if you use a pattern to

encourage someone to lose weight, you
know you are successful if the other person
is agreeing to everything that you are saying
and he is openly committing to changing his
daily lifestyle so he can shed the excess

But if the subject remains quiet and

detached, you can bet that the pattern is not
working and the subject may have hidden
objections that you have to address during
the interaction.

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If you are already a sensitive and observant
fellow, then I congratulate you because you
are that much closer to achieving your goals
as a master influencer.

Some of you might be wondering: what does

being observant have to do with the ability
to effectively use hypnotic language
patterns? Well like I said, you won't be able
to succeed if you don't develop your skill in
receiving and analyzing feedbacks from
your subject.

As an influencer, it is your job to monitor

not only the verbal channel (speech) but also
the vocal channel and the non-verbal
channel (body language). Because if you
don't pay attention to all three channels of
communication it would be very easy to

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misread someone's reaction to what you
were saying.

Now, one of the main reasons why hypnotic

language patterns can become so effective in
almost any setting is the fact that these
special patterns have a huge impact on
people's emotions.

As modern individuals, steeped in the

logical/rationalistic lore of our time, we
have been taught that emotions belong to a
lower order of bodily impulses and we can
happily ignore our emotions because logic
can help us make the best decisions in life.

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You can see this kind of thinking in the most
mundane products of mass culture.

Take romantic movies for example. How

many times have you seen a lead character
in a romance movie berate himself or
another person for giving in to mere
emotions? This really signals a change in the
way people understand and accept their own

Many people think that emotions are just

wild impulses driven by hormones and other
chemicals in the body. They are not. If
anything, emotions are actually the clearest
representations of what people are thinking
of at the moment.

Emotions are like the bubbles and ripples on

top of a body of water. You know that there
is something going on below the surface of

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the water if there even the faintest
movement at the surface.

And here's another fact about emotions: no

matter how much you ignore our own
emotions, all of your decisions are either
partly or wholly driven by emotions. This
may sound absurd, but this is really how the
human mind works.

Why are we discussing this? If we look back

at the goals of influence or persuasion, the
biggest and perhaps most important goal of
all is to create a change in the subject so that
he will think and act the way the influencer
wants him to think and act.

And the fastest way to achieve this is by

causing a change in the subject's emotional
state. Of course, this is not enough to
persuade or influence someone.

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Anyone can cause sadness or grief but that
doesn't mean that they are anymore
influential than your next door neighbor.
What I'm saying here is that there has to be
an action associated with the change in the
subject's emotions.

And the trigger for this action has to be

given in timely and strategic manner in
order for the trigger to work. That's why you
have to be observant in the first place
because you won't be able to determine the
right time to release an action trigger if you
don't know how to monitor your subject's

Once you are able to master the ability to

covertly control people's emotional states
with just your words that is the time that you
can truly say that you now belong to the
elite group of true master influencers.

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Because by then, other people would readily
agree with what you are saying for the
simple reason that they find very few or no
reasons at all to disagree with you.

Developing the Influencer's Mindset

Many new students of hypnosis or NLP

think that all they have to do is memorize a

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bunch of strange words and the whole world
will be theirs.

While I do not blame them for thinking this

way (sometimes sales pitches are just too
effective), I'm telling you right now that
your success does not depend solely on the
hypnotic language patterns.

You can read a dozen books on neuro

linguistic programming and hypnosis and
still not get the results that you want if you
don't develop the influencer's mindset.
Now, there are seven core beliefs that you
must always keep in mind when you want to
persuade or influence someone with mere

These core beliefs must be made a part of

who you are as a master influencer. If you
cannot bring yourself to believe in these and
make them a reality in your day to day
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interactions with other people, you will have
a tough time persuading anyone, either with
plain speech or hypnotic language patterns.

Whenever you decide to interact with

someone, you will always make it a point to
make the dialog a genuinely remarkable
experience for the subject. You will exert
extra energy and effort to make the
interaction a memorable and profound
experience, both for yourself and the

No one can speak and influence others like

you - few come close to your passion and
your drive to become a better influencer
each and every day.

You can accomplish any goal that you may

have in mind. It doesn't matter if you have
big goals or small goals. If you want
something to happen, it will happen, period.
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You know that anything you have planned
without a doubt will work on another
person. You are confident and you know
how to plan to get the best results from all of
your efforts.

People that you interact with will feel and

believe that you have an amazing skill in
communicating with people. And these
people will silently vouch for you, which
proves that you do have the ability to exert
influence over other people.

You will always have the ability to create

specific experiences for different subjects,
depending on your personal goals during the
interaction and how the subject is
responding to you. You have the ability to
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think on your feet and you are not easily
frazzled by even the most difficult and
resistant of subjects.

You will be able to persuade and influence

others whenever you need to. It won't matter
if you are on a vacation or if you are
presenting a new idea to a tough boss. Your
skill as a master influencer will be there to
help you accomplish goals 24/7.

It is also important to have a clear and

unshakeable intention whenever you set out
to influence other people. Creating an
intention is simple: have an clear outcome in
mind before you begin the interaction with
the subject and hold on to that intended
outcome tightly and make it a reality.

When you set an intention, you must know

not only the main benefit that you will gain
during the interaction but also what actions
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you want the subject to perform so that yo
will be able to arrive at the desired outcome.

As you begin learning the various hypnotic

language patterns contained within this
book, I invite you to always have an
intention or clear outcome in mind before
even attempting to use a pattern.

Do this so that your efforts will not be in

vain and you will end up becoming stronger
and stronger as a master influencer.
Remember, the intention should always
come first before anything else.
You can forget about the exact form of the
hypnotic pattern that you want to use if you
lose sight of your intention.

Because by then you are not really working

towards any definable goal and all effort
would be wasted.

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Are You Afraid of Using Hypnotic

Believe it or not, a significant percentage of

beginning hypnotists or influencers are
actually anxious when trying hypnotic
language patterns for the first time.

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I guess to an extent, they feel like they are in
an unfamiliar and potentially hostile
territory. A lot of people tell me that they
don't use hypnotic patterns frequently

They are afraid that someone 'smarter'

would discover what they are doing and
point it out to them.

They feel like they are being controlling and

manipulative when they try to actively
influence others through their words,

They feel weird because the hypnotic

language patterns do not feel natural when
used in social interactions.

They are afraid of committing errors and not

being able to do things perfectly.

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I admit that trying new things can
sometimes be frightening and I also agree
that committing mistakes can dampen the
spirit; but how much better would you feel
knowing that you will gain a hundredfold
when you actually use then different
hypnotic language patterns?

To prove this point, I have prepared a

concise list of benefits that you will gain if
you decide to pursue this particular path:

You will be able to get the things that you

really want in life more easily because other
people will be more willing to help you
manifest your desires in life.

You will no longer feel uncomfortable when

dealing with other people. You will be happy
and confident when you are speaking with
one person and you will feel equally
powerful even if you have to address a room
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full of different people that you have never
met or spoken to before.

As an influencer you will be able to develop

your observation skills and even the smallest
feedback from your subject will make sense
to you. You will then be able to use this
information to plot the trajectory of your
social interaction.

You will develop a strong ability to persuade

other people into seeing things your way. In
addition, you will also be able to change
people's behavior in a way that will benefit
both parties.

If things go extremely wrong, rest assured

that you will also have the ability to cause
negative emotions in other people. Of
course, you must practice extreme prudence
when practicing this particular skill.

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Develop the Proper Focus

In order to truly maximize the power of

hypnotic language patterns, you need to
develop the proper focus needed so you can
concentrate on expressing yourself properly
to your subject while at the same time taking

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full stock of the feedback being given by the
other person.

Many people react rather harshly to any

suggestion that they are somewhat distracted
or out of focus.

Though it is not in my intention to cause any

level of distress to anyone, we have to face
facts: 99% percent of the time we are
distracted by something else and these
distractions can adversely affect our ability
to focus on any task at hand.

The mind is so powerful that it often

multitasks even if it shouldn't be
multitasking. Now, in order to free yourself
from unnecessary distractions when you are
trying to persuade someone you need to
acknowledge first that something else is
running in your mind.

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After tracking down that distraction, you
must make a conscious effort to set it aside
at least for the time being, so that you can
focus solely on interacting with the other
person or group.

You know that you have succeeded in

setting aside any distractions when your
awareness of the current situation suddenly
increases and you feel even more confident
as you speak with the subject.

When your mind is no longer cluttered by

stray thoughts, you also have to create that
conviction in our own words. Too often
people say things that even they don't

The result of such interactions is often

predictable: the would-be influencers don't
get what they want. They ultimately fail
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because their very presence emanates

Deciphering True Human Perception

In order to further understand how language

patterns work, let us take a step back and
examine the principle of dual realities. This
particular principle is extremely helpful
especially to beginning practitioners of
hypnosis, NLP or covert influence.

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The principle of dual reality is actually quite
simple: when two people hear something
they would eventually produce different
conclusions about what they have heard
regardless of the fact that they were given
the same input.

This principle is a strong reminder to any

influencer to always take into consideration
what the subject might be thinking
throughout the interaction.

Too often people make the mistake of

making themselves the center of social
interactions. It shouldn't be this way at all.

Unless you are trying to persuade yourself,

your subject should be the most important
person in your mind. This principle will also
help you visualize what the other party is

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actually experiencing throughout the

The Four Levels of Human Perception

True mind control wouldn't be possible if

you are not aware of how the human mind
actually processes information and generates
specific viewpoints.

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This is the reason why we have to briefly
explore the four levels of human perception
so you will understand just how people
process ideas and suggestions from other

The first level of human perception is

limited to people's immediate reactions to
stimuli that they are able to receive through
the five senses.

For example, if a person touches a hot pot he

will immediately pull away and nurse his
hand. The second level of human perception
concerns the assignation of meanings to
different stimuli.

At this level of human perception people

begin associating ideas with events. As the
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influencer, you can create multiple
associations and the subject may believe you
if you present the associations convincingly
enough unless the subject already has prior
knowledge about the idea or event.

At the third level of human perception is the

crystallization of personal beliefs. People
encounter a lot of stimuli on a daily basis
and the mind has to assign permanent
meanings to these stimuli so a person would
be able to react accordingly when he
encounters the stimuli once again in the
The third level is dependent on the first level
and second level of perception. So as an
influencer you will play a vital role in
modifying people's perception of things.

And finally, we have the fourth level of

perception. In this level, people begin
associating specific emotions to stimuli
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emanating from the environment. By
stimuli, I refer to any sensory input (sound,
smell, tactile sensations, etc.)

You might be wondering at this point in time

how this information could actually help you
persuade someone. Well, if you want to be a
truly persuasive and influential individual
you need to take into account all four levels
of perception when interacting with a

Many would-be influencers only focus on

the second level of perception (which is why
many people become frustrated when they
do not get the results that they want).

To avoid this problem, I'm going to walk

you through the different levels of human
perception so you can utilize each level

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properly when you are interacting with
another person.

1st level

Create the perfect environment for the

subject before laying down your cards on
the table.

Make the subject as comfortable as possible

before and during the interaction

Establish your credibility at this level by

using strategic verbal language and the
appropriate nonverbal/body language

It is at this level that an influencer can use

pacing and leading techniques. Once trust
has been established the subject will allow
himself to be led b the and throughout the
interaction unless of course he finds a

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reason to disagree with you and walk away

2nd level

Since rapport has already been established

at the first level, you can now employ

hypnotic language patterns at the second

New ideas and calls to action will be

introduced at this level; this is the reason
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why hypnotic language patterns can be
extremely helpful at this point in time. The
subject will start forming his opinion about
all of the input you are giving and you need
to make sure that his reactions will be
beneficial to your goals.

If you want to teach the subject new modes

of behavior and thinking, you can do that in
this level because the subject will be open
to suggestions because you have already
established rapport in the first level.

3rd level

The influencer's control wanes at the third

level of human perception. At the third
level the subject begins making conclusion
of his own. He will be analyzing his
primary reaction to the stimuli (e.g. your
words) and all of the input and triggers you
have used in the second level.
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As influencers we can't really tell people
how they should feel towards particular
stimuli. The best that we can do is to
suggest what they should think but people
can still disagree with you and reject your
ideas altogether.

This is the main reason why I disagree with

people who say that NLP and hypnosis are
manipulative disciplines. No one has ever
committed suicide because of hypnosis.

No one has ever been pushed to hurt

another person through neuro linguistic
programming. In my personal opinion,
people tend to use manipulative language
more than practicing hypnotists and NLP

One of the most important things that you

have to keep in mind when interacting with
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people is that on the third level of
perception, people try to determine whether
what your offering will offer benefits/
enjoyment or punishment.

People would usually back away from

something that has been perceived as more
of a punishment (e.g. working out several
times a week while eating healthy food like
steamed vegetables).

4th level

The fourth level of perception is definitely

the most important of all the levels. It is in
this level of perception that the influencer
must begin infusing his ideas and calls to
action with emotional triggers that will
have a lasting effect on the subject.

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If all goes well, the subject will adopt a
new viewpoint and belief about an object or
issue. If the influencer fails, there is a big
chance that the subject will just say no and
walk away.

The Different Forms of Information

Now that you know just how complex

human perception can be, we will begin to
examine the various patterns and techniques
that you can use to take control of a social
interaction so that you will have a higher
success rate in the end.

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At the most basic level the influencer simply
provides information to the subject. Of
course, no piece of information is ever
neutral. When I say something to someone it
means I have set an intention and I want to
accomplish something through my efforts.

So with this in mind, we can't really say that

people relay information just because they
want to share their knowledge.

To be a truly powerful influencer, you must

be aware of the various forms of information
as it relates to the communicator (yourself).

If you feel that someone is practicing

hypnotic language patterns on you, knowing
these types of information would be helpful,

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Binaries - When an influencer uses binaries
to express ideas and situations, he utilizes
just two fixed categories. For example, a
salesman may say that his brand is the best
while all the other brands are expensive

The field of information is narrowed down

significantly and the subject is forced to
focus on just two categories and from
these two categories he must then draw his
own personal conclusions.

Gradations - When an influencer makes use

of gradations, he is giving the subject more
options but these options are presented in
such a way that the best option is the one
that the influencer is offering and the other
options are marked as 'worse', 'standard',
'ordinary', etc.

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Scaled - Scaled information is presented
when the influencer wishes to create an air
of freedom during the interaction. Multiple
options are presented to the subject and each
item is graded from zero to one hundred.

A close competitor may be ranked 80 but

tagged as lacking in features (or something
like that).

Though many options are given to the

subject, in reality, he only has one logical
choice - and that is the option that is being
pitched by the influencer.

Complex - As the name implies, complex

information offers the widest range of
options to subjects. Complex information is
often presented to critical individuals who
routinely seek lots of information before
making a decision.

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Complex information is also perfect for
those situations where you really have to
showcase the relationship between
different variables.

Essential Vocal Techniques

Emotions play a huge part in the decision-

making process. This is the reason why you
should attempt to make an emotional impact
on your subject not only through your verbal
and nonverbal channels of communication

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but also through your vocal channel. For
those of you who are not familiar with the
theory of three language channels, here's a
quick recap:

The vocal channel of communication

includes intonation and your voice's pitch.
Vocal language is our first language and it
has existed well before humans began
creating formal scripts and local languages.

Humans respond to vocal language

automatically. Our understanding of vocal
language is instinctual; no one has to teach
us how to react to changes in the vocal
channel. We just know - our understanding
of vocal language is part of our primordial
survival instincts.

Verbal language is limited to the words that

we speak. This includes colloquialisms,
idioms, etc. Any form of conventional verbal
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expression is communicated through verbal

Nonverbal language or body language

constitutes more than fifty percent of a
person's message at any given time.

As you can see, vocal language is just as

important as the other two channels of
communication. If you neglect your vocal
channel, your final message may not be as
powerful as you may have hoped.

But if you know how to manipulate the

tonality of your speech, you will have full
control of how ideas are actually relayed to
the subject. The hit and miss nature of
verbal language will be reduced and you
will be able to increase your chances of
persuading someone quickly.

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Tonality & Pace

In this section we are going to focus

primarily on tone and pace. There are three
main tones that you can use during a
conversation: flat, upward and downward.

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When you need to convey plain information
to someone for his own analysis, use a flat
tone. When you use a flat tone your voice is
as level as possible and you will not attempt
to arouse any emotion in the subject.

The upward tone on the other hand, is used

when you need to ask the subject something.
It can also be used when you want to
express a level of uncertainty to the other

Questions are often used in situations where

the influencer is conditioning the subject to
agree with him. And finally, we have the
downward tone.

This tone is often used to create an air of

authority. If you want to sound like a boss
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when you are talking, try lowering your tone
toward the end of each sentence.

People around you will feel that you are

positioning yourself as an authority. This
may or may not benefit you; it really
depends on the situation.

If you are in a situation where you have to

showcase your expertise and competence to
others, then the downward tone just might
help convince others that you are indeed an
expert in your field.

However, if you are just offering a tiny

suggestion to a fellow employee, the
downward tone may backfire on you
because the subject will feel that you are
looking down on him and you are actually
giving him a command. Commands are fine
- if you are really someone's immediate
superior. But if you are dealing with
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someone who is more or less your equal,
this tone may not be the best choice.

Now that you are familiar with tonality, let

us move on to the rate or pace of your
speech. Each person has his own unique
speaking pace; and if you are just hanging
out with your buddies you do not have to
play close attention to it.

However, if you are in a situation where you

have to show your persuasiveness, not
controlling your speech rate may have a
negative impact on your verbal power.

You can determine your current speech rate

by monitoring your breathing rate. Usually
the breathing rate and the speech rate are
identical. If you are breathing too fast, slow
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down - a fast speech rate signifies anxiety
and your credibility as a speaker goes down
immediately when you express anxiety
while you are talking. If your speech rate is
too slow, you may want to increase it just a
little to add a little energy and
persuasiveness to your aura.

You have to practice breathing from your

belly so you would have amore oxygen to
work with while you are talking. Avoid
shallow chest breathing because this usually
does not give people enough air for
sustained speech.

Also, it would be a good idea to always

speak during the inhalation phase so your
words and ideas would be expressed more
creatively. By letting your natural breathing
rate set the pace of your own speech you
will also create a loop of anticipation and
relief in your subject.
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This loop is a result of having to pause every
now and then to inhale. The slight pause in
your speech creates anticipation; when you
speak again, the anticipation is relieved. Do
this over and over again and you have the
covert formula for a really engaging

The Trigger Pattern

Humans are complex beings - we are

capable of creating an unlimited number of
ideas and experiencing a staggering array of
emotions. You can use this to your
advantage when you are dealing with other
people. If you want your subject to feel
something or think of something right now,

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you can lead your subject using the trigger
pattern. Here's an example:

"Power lies at the very center of every

person. You just have to reach deep into that
part of yourself where this hidden energy
lies so that you can unleash it into your life.
This part of you will never lack self-
confidence. This part of you will always be
ready for action. All you have to do is try
hypnosis and this part of you will be
revealed to the world for the first time."

As you can see, the trigger pattern can be

quite effective when you need to create
stunning alter-realities for your subject. It
has a unique hypnotic quality to it that few
other language patterns have.

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On the Strategic Use of Presuppositions

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines

presuppose as "to anticipate beforehand".
And that is exactly what I want you to do
when you are using presuppositions.

I want you to use this hypnotic language

pattern with full conviction knowing that
your subject will believe you and agree with
you throughout the interaction.

Now, you might be wondering: why are

presuppositions effective as a hypnotic
language pattern? The answer lies in the fact
that when you use a presupposition in a
statement, you are actually telling the
subject what to do or what to expect.

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Here are some examples of statements that
have strategic presuppositions:

Before you turn the key to that lock I want

you to be careful about jumping spiders that
love to make their nests inside big trunks.

By reading hypnotic language patterns you

will soon realize just how powerful hypnotic
induction truly is.

Developing unshakable confidence is easy -

you just need the right knowledge so you
can express yourself well.

Invoking the Power of Permanence

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Humans are hardwired to seek out, create
and maintain stability. This is the main
reason why people generally dislike the idea
of change. Change signals the disruption of
the present equilibrium which may then lead
to a slew of problems.

As a master influencer, you can use this

tendency to influence others, too. By
presupposing a sense of permanence, your
subject will find it easy to say yes to you
because you are offering something of value
that is long-lasting.

Nothing could be more powerful than the

thought of acquiring something that offers
long term advantages. It is what we were
hardwired to find in this life. Here are some
ways that you can add the element of
permanence to your dialog or interaction
with your subject:

53 | P a g e
o If the subject is focused on present,
day to day concerns shift his
attention to the future and emphasize
that long term or permanent
solutions are better than quick fixes.
If you are offering a product or
service, tell the subject that his
problems are waiting for a solution
and it is going to cost him if he
chooses not to solve those problems

o Anyone can say that they have a

solution but only a handful can
provide proof. So be ready to
provide the proof that your subject
needs to see so he can make a
decision as soon as possible. Without
proof, your claims concerning
permanent solutions will probably
fall on deaf ears.

54 | P a g e
o People are naturally pleasure-loving
beings. We fear the very idea of pain
and punishment. We do everything in
our power to be as comfortable and
pain-free as possible. You can also
use this to your advantage.

o If you are suggesting a permanent

solution to your subject's problems
you have to tell your subject that the
problems that he is facing now will
not go away on their own.

o Things will only get worse in time.

So at that point in time you are really
comparing two states for your
subject: permanent pleasure and
permanent pain/punishment.

o Of course, no one in their right mind

would opt for permanent
punishment. But if you are going to
55 | P a g e
do this you have to make it clear that
no other permanent solution exists.

o Then subject therefore has to decide

now. I he decided now, his problems
will automatically be solved
permanently. But if he chooses to
ignore what you are offering his
problems will remain and he will
voluntarily choose to suffer instead.

o Use words like long-lasting and

indestructible when describing either
the solution or the consequence of
avoiding the solution. This will help
draw a clear picture in the mind of
the subject.

o You have to do everything in your

power to make sure that the internal
representations you have in your
mind will be the internal
56 | P a g e
representations that your subject will
also see. Otherwise, the duality
principle will win and the image that
your subject sees may not be as
intense as the one you have in your

o Presuppositions create impact but

don't forget to also tone down your
speech so you can connect to your
subject at a more comfortable
wavelength. If you use lengthy
monologues, you don't have a
genuine social interaction.

You are just forcing the other person to

listen to your prepared speech. A
persuasive conversation involves a lot
of active listening and a lot of patience
on the side of the influencer. You must
57 | P a g e
show that you are a genuine person
and you must also be sincere when you
promise things to your subject.

o Presuppositions can be phrased

either in a direct statement or
through a question. If you cannot
express yourself well with a direct
statement, try phrasing the
presupposition through a series of
questions. As long as the
presupposition is there, the pattern
becomes valid and your statements
will carry with them the same

o Presuppositions don't work well in

romantic settings, probably because
people are generally more guarded
about anything that involves their

58 | P a g e
So if you want someone to have an
intimate relationship with you,
presuppositions might get you in hot
water so I don't suggest that you try it
at all in such situations.

• As for the various forms of seduction,

you need to make sure that you are
mentally equipped to deliver the
powerful message.

• If you are not prepared, go back to the

first section of this book and read the
seven core beliefs again. Those core
beliefs will help you create a more
confident personality.

• Sometimes, implying something to a

subject can work wonders. In other
situations, being frank and direct can be
more effective. Read the feedback of

59 | P a g e
your subject and decide which approach
works better.

• The idea of permanent commitment is an

effective tool in almost any situation.
Use it if you really will be offering
commitment to the other person (e.g.
customer support).

If not, use the idea but try to back it up

with a different claim. For example, you
can say that your company is dedicated
to innovation and present clients will all
reap the benefits of future developments
and innovations.

That too is a permanent gain. It is

absolutely essential that you are honest
with your subject. Do not try to deceive
your subject and do not make any
promises that you cannot deliver.
60 | P a g e
• As a final note, always aim to create a
win-win situation for both parties.

The Power of Shifting Tenses

Hypnotic language patterns are efficient

precisely because you don't have to jump

61 | P a g e
through hoops just so you can understand
how things actually work. Take tenses for

Anyone who has been through grade school

will know that a statement made in the
present tense will refer to something that has
happened in the present time, while a
statement made in the future tense will refer
to something that will happen in the future.
Sounds easy right? Well, what if I tell you
that persuading others can be as easy as
strategically shifting tenses?

Here's how it works: people have different

emotional and intellectual associations for
the past, present and future. For example, a
person who has suffered severe emotional
trauma in the past may be carrying with her
62 | P a g e
the association that anything that as to do
with family is abusive and hurtful.

A person would be stuck in the past as he

relives all of the pain and trauma in her
mind. If the person decided to go into
therapy, the assigned therapist can make use
of tenses to reprogram the subject's mindset.

The therapist can tell the subject that the

hurt that he is experiencing right now no
longer has to be a persona burden at all
because the problems themselves are really
situated in the past.

The therapist can then follow up with a

statement like this: "The support system and
personal resources that you need to make a
full recovery so you can start enjoying your
life once again is here. It is here and all that

63 | P a g e
is left to do is for you reach out with your
heart and mind to receive all of it."

Here's another application of tense shifting

in real-life situations: you can shift a
person's perspective of an event so that it
becomes a past event. The sudden shift in
the time frame will allow the person to think
of how he can actually solve the problem
that is bugging him at the present time.

It sounds simple but it works. Though the

actual problem is still situated in the present,
a shift in the subject's imagination is all that
is needed to help him make a decision.
Here's an example: "How would you like to
be free of stress in just five short days?"
64 | P a g e
The statement presupposes two things: first,
the subject is experiencing stress at the
present and second, he wants to get rid of
the stress. The statement situates the subject
at a future time where the stress is already

The statement is so simple and yet the

message is brutally effective. You can also
create a series of questions so that the
subject will arrive at the realization that he
has full control of the situation and all he
has to do to solve the problem is to make a

At a very basic level, people are preoccupied

with gathering and preserving personal
resources. In addition to wealth, people
consider their time and energy as precious
resources, too. Patterns like the one we are
studying right now can be used to assure the
65 | P a g e
subject that you are not there to deplete
anyone's resources.

You are there either to preserve their

existing resources or add to it. Of course,
adding resources is better than just
preserving it but in most cases, just
convincing the other person that you will
help preserve what they have right now is
enough to elicit a positive response.

Now, many people ask me whether

persuasive tactics can actually be used to
help heal someone through therapy. And my
answer is an unequivocal yes. In fact,
hypnosis and NLP are both used in
therapeutic settings. Here's a simple step by

66 | P a g e
step formula that you can use on someone
who is having some minor issues in his life:

As a guiding hand, you need to first

identify what is actually troubling the
subject. So you must start the interaction
with a question like "What particular
challenges are you facing right now in
your life?" The question must be set in the
present time so that the subject would be
able to focus on his current problems.

2. After the subject reveals what is troubling

him at the present time, you must then
assure the person that he (and not anyone
else) is in charge of his life and all
problems, no matter how big, have

67 | P a g e
You must situate the person's problems or
challenges in the past so that he can see
himself as having conquered these
challenges already. Remember: man's first
tool of creation is his imagination. Never
underestimate the power of the

3. Shift the conversation to the present time

once again. This time, ask the subject what
he wants to receive in place of all his
problems. You must emphasize the need
for him to let go of the problems so that he
can enjoy his life more, without having to
carry around those troubles.

4. Help the subject visualize that he has

already acquired the different tools and
resources needed to overcome his present
problems. Again, the problems must be
situated in the past so that the subject can

68 | P a g e
focus on the solutions that he can create in
the present time.

5. When the subject becomes thoroughly

engrossed in the idea that solutions have
already manifested and the problems seem
infinitesimally small compared to the
solutions that the subject now has, ask the
subject whether there was really any
problem in the first place.

6. If all goes well, the subject would

probably tell you that he had been wrong
to feel negative about his troubles because
the solutions have been there all along.

How to Command People Without Even


Wouldn’t it be just great if you can just

command people to do what you want them
to do?
69 | P a g e
I know - the prospect of full control is
tantalizing but sadly out of reach for many
of us. It is out of reach because we are only
human and other people have the same
capacity to refuse and reject as the next

But don't worry - because in the world of

hypnotic language patterns there are always
solutions. In the event that you cannot
command someone directly, you can still
leave behind embedded commands that
work subconsciously. Below are some
examples of statements with embedded
commands. Take note of the actual trigger in
each sentence!

•I heard that you must never try bun-jee

jumping because it will cause a sudden spike
in adrenaline.

70 | P a g e
•After you come to this new cupcake stall in
the fair, you will never want to taste a
different cupcake ever again.

•After you have shaved with a traditional

shaver you will laugh at all of the expensive
shaving gadgets being sold to hapless
customers everywhere.

•As you read the words on this page you

will realize how much more you have to
read to finish the whole book.

•You will be able to visualize the booming

success of your new business by just
noticing the results produced by this new
inventory system.

•Our company helps businesses in a way

that truly meets all of their I.T. needs.

71 | P a g e
•What do you need right now to get all of
the wonderful benefits of what I am

•A completely new way of thinking is

evident in this new car model that has been
rolled out only a few days ago.

•All that really matters right now is the

health of your family.

•All that is really important is the fact that

you are ready to make the decision to make
your business as efficient as possible.

•Allowing yourself to just naturally

gravitate to the best solutions is the way to

•By doing that it is almost as if you have

already accomplished this.

72 | P a g e
•As you begin exercising and losing all the
extra pounds you cannot help but notice that
you are feeling lighter and more energetic
every passing day.

•Creating a change like this can only mean

more profit for your new business every
single day.

•And did you notice the beginning of

increased revenues of your competitors who
are using my premium products?

•I wonder if you will be interested in seeing

your body becoming fitter and more lean
after only a few short months.

•I think you are going to enjoy being

surprised at the effectiveness of what I am
offering to you right now.

73 | P a g e
•And if you wish for better health the best
way to do that is to consult with your
naturopath doctor who will give you diet
and lifestyle recommendations.

•And it appears that already your business is

suffering from a shortage in reliable dough-
mixing equipment.

•It is very rewarding to know that you are

willing to create the necessary changes in
your life to make this new endeavor work
for everyone, including every member of
your family.

•And like magic the new inventory system

will begin making things extra efficient for
you, just the way you like it.

•And maybe you will enjoy discovering new

ways to strengthen your mind with hypnosis
74 | P a g e
•And sooner or later, I just cannot pinpoint
the exact date, your organization will
experience a communication-related crisis.

•And that growing realization that we are all

in need of an efficient system to take care of
all our hygiene-related needs.

•It is nice to see that you have the genuine

desire to seize the day and create your very
own money making business online.

•And by then you will discover just how

easy it is to lose weight by eating more
instead of eating less.

•And while you continue using this new

system your body is becoming stronger and

75 | P a g e
Mastering Embedded Commands

Back in the day embedded commands were

actually viewed as a dangerous form of
hypnosis and persuasion because they can
work extremely well even in large groups of

A few decades ago, people also had to pay a

ton of money to learn how embedded
commands actually worked. It is a good
thing that all of that has changed now and
anyone can now learn embedded commands
without having to spend a large amount of

An embedded command, as the name

implies, is an indirect command that is
76 | P a g e
strategically hidden in a longer statement
that is usually only partly related to the
actual command. Unlike a regular, direct
command, embedded commands were
designed to communication with the
subconscious mind of the subject. And as
you may already know, the subconscious
mind is just as effective in influencing
decisions as the conscious, logical mind.

While it is true that the subconscious mind is

the site of repressed memories and
behaviors, it is also the site of a person's
imagination and emotions. If you can tap
into this vital area of the human mind, you
will be able to bypass the usual defenses that
waking consciousness usually has.

So instead of trying to beat down conscious

mental defenses, you will slip by these
defenses to reach the subject's subconscious
77 | P a g e
It is extremely sneaky, but it works.
Embedded commands worked a few decades
ago and they will work for you now in the
age of the Internet and the information

These special commands will still work

because no matter how sophisticated and
modern humans get, we are still bound by
our instinctual and primordial drives. We
cannot escape our basic natures any more
than we can avoid breathing regularly.

The best thing about embedded commands

is that you don't have to exert a lot of effort
to be able to communicate with the other
person's subconscious mind. You also don't
have to remember any complicated

78 | P a g e
sequences to improve your chances of
getting the desired results.

All you have to do is to carefully express the

embedded command and see whether the
subject was able to receive the hidden

Ideally, the hidden or embedded command

should not be detectable at all. Embedded
commands should not make any sense to a
person's waking consciousness because that
is the job of the larger direct statement.

So how can you express an embedded

command effectively? Some people think
that it is necessary to use swinging
pendulums to make embedded commands

79 | P a g e
Although pendulums can be used during
hypnotic inductions, they are not necessary
for expressing embedded commands.

What you actually have to do is delineate the

elements that make up the embedded
command from the rest of the direct
sentence (which is really just a decoy or
Trojan horse that 'carries' the embedded
command to the subject's subconscious

How can you accomplish this? The easiest

way to do this is by marking the individual
parts of the embedded command with vocal

For example, if the direct message is "Take a

much deserved leave right now and leave all
of your stress and worries at home" and the
embedded command is "leave home right
now", the elements of the embedded
80 | P a g e
command must be expressed a little
differently than the rest of the direct

You can use a slightly softer voice as you

intone the embedded elements or you can
pause a little before mentioning them.

Be creative with your vocal apparatus; you

might be surprised how flexible and brilliant
it can be when you are trying to express as
covert command to a subject.

Are you ready to try creating embedded

commands yourself? I thought so - here is a
step by step guide so you can do just that:

• Before you start creating embedded

commands I have to warn you that these
covert commands will only work if you
are able to practice saying them
regularly. So if you are really serious
81 | P a g e
about using them, you need to practice
regularly. By regularly I don't mean sixty
minutes every Sunday.

It would be better if you can practice

saying the embedded commands (or any
other hypnotic language pattern) five to
ten minutes every day. As long as you
are in a quiet and safe place, you can
practice saying special language
patterns. If you want, you can practice
your hypnotic messages in the bath tub
or while you are grooming yourself in
the morning before heading out to work.

You can also practice your patterns

during your coffee break. Don't fall into
the trap of trying to find the 'perfect
time' to practice hypnotic language
patterns because such opportunities don't
really exist. If you have free time to
practice, then go ahead and practice.
82 | P a g e
Your brain won't mind learning
something new even if you are in a less
than ideal location (e.g. in the office).

• It would be impossible to create an

effective embedded command if you
have no clear goal or outcome in mind.
So ask yourself this: what is that one
thing that you really want the subject to
do or say for you? After narrowing down
your options, pick the option that will
truly help you achieve the desired

• Think of a good direct command for the

other person and reduce the command to
less than four words. If you can create an
embedded command that is only two
words long, do it.

The shorter the command, the higher the

success rate. Remember, the person
83 | P a g e
would be using his subconscious mind to
process and decipher the embedded
code. If the embedded code is too
complicated and long, the subconscious
mind may fail to decode it properly and
the person will not follow the embedded
command at all.

• Now, it must be noted that embedded

commands can be put in a series of
statements and they can be used
throughout a conversation, too. So if one
statement is not enough to convey the
entirety of your command, then use
multiple statements to get your message

• You can also repeat specific embedded

commands if you think your first few
attempts did not work. If an embedded
command did not work even if you did
our best to enunciate the covert elements
84 | P a g e
properly, do not be disheartened - just
keep trying!

• You can draw attention to command

words by using words like "observe" and
"notice". Such words are like tiny arrows
that point the subject to where you want
him to look. Using these marking words
will further enhance your embedded
commands and will reduce your failure

• After determining the exact embedded

command that you want to use, it is time
to choose the appropriate topic that will
serve as the medium of the embedded

The topic, which will later be fleshed out

through a direct statement, will act like
the stealth plane that will bypass the
waking consciousness of the subject.
85 | P a g e
The subject's waking consciousness will
most certainly understand the words that
you used in the statement, but it will not
be able to decipher the embedded
message because that part of the direct
statement does not follow the
conventional rules of speech.

• Embed the commands into the different

statements and mark these elements
when you are giving the embedded
commands to the subject.

• It’s very important to mark the elements;

otherwise the subconscious mind would
have nothing to process at all. There has
to be some demarcation between the
words that belong to the general
statement and the words of the
embedded command.
86 | P a g e
• Practice before meeting with your
subject. During practice, I want you to
over-express the elements of the
embedded command so your mind will
remember exactly what it should do
when time is right.

• You know you are ready to use the

embedded commands you have prepared
when the words begin flowing naturally
during practice. When you begin to feel
confident and at ease with statements
you have prepared, feel free to try them
out on your chosen subject.

• Do not be afraid of getting caught. The

worst that could happen is that someone
would comment that you are speaking a
little differently than normal. Focus on
87 | P a g e
getting the embedded command across
without a hitch. Forget about your
doubts and anxieties - they have no place
in a master influencer's arsenal of
hypnotic tools.

An Instant Shifting Pattern

Ever wondered how it would feel to transfer

images and sensations directly to another
person's mind without him knowing it? No,
you won't need any space age tools to
accomplish this.

All you need is a good old fashioned

hypnotic pattern to get this done. The secret
of the instant shifting pattern lies in the
strategic use of the pronouns "i" and "you".
Normally, a person would stick to the
pronoun "i" if he is trying to relate
something that has happened to himself.

88 | P a g e
But in the case of the instant shift pattern,
this rule is routinely broken so that the
subject would be able to instantly put
himself in the shoes of the speaker.

The subject trades places with the speaker

and is allowed to experience whatever the
speaker or influencer wants him to
experience. Before you say that this pattern
is not simple at all, check out this example:

"Hey buddy! I was talking to my boss the

other day and he seemed really angry with
me. I thought that I was a goner for sure
after he found out that we went over-budget
on the latest project.

You know that feeling when the walls

around you seem to be caving in? That is
how I felt. You would be horrified if you
89 | P a g e
saw my boss walking towards you with that
tight-lipped expression of his. But it is a
good thing that he understood why we went
over-budget. He gamely accepted my
apology since I was the team leader"

Notice how the sudden shift to the pronoun

"you" immediately changes the whole
meaning and trajectory of the monologue. At
specific points in the example, the subject
becomes the speaker.

With a simple shift in the pronouns being

used, the subject is suddenly dragged to a
heightened mental experience and he has no
way of controlling the shift because it
happened extremely fast. Unlike other
patterns, the instant shifting pattern only
needs a split second in order to work.

Now, I know that many of you are

wondering - when should this pattern be
90 | P a g e
used? Well, in addition to enhancing regular
conversations with other people, you can use
the instant shifting pattern when you need to
immerse the subject in your own internal

By shifting the pronoun within a statement,

the subject experiences an instant trance and
within this trance his imagination is working
overtime to decode what the speaker wants
the subject to see or experience.

91 | P a g e
Comparing Objects and States

Recent studies in the field of social

psychology showed that contrary to
common belief, people don't really like to
have access to a lot of choices. It appears
that people are actually more comfortable
with fewer choices or sometimes, just one

This might sound a little strange given the

fact that modern society encourages freedom
of choice in almost every aspect of human
life, but it's true - people don't like being
barraged with too many options.

This is probably due to the fact that when

you have a lot of options, you will need to
expend a lot cognitive resources just to

92 | P a g e
differentiate the options and make
conclusions about each one.

And after that you would also have to

expend some more cognitive resources to
make a final choice.

From an evolutionary viewpoint, this just

doesn't sound practical because cognitive
resources are precious and should be
reserved for more urgent situations. Why are
we talking about this?

What does this have to do with them process

of influencing and persuading other people?
Well, it all boils down to the need for
comparison. It would be very difficult to
persuade someone to take your offer
(whatever it may be) if you could not

93 | P a g e
And the best way to make comparisons is by
using specific language patterns that will
cement the comparison within a statement
even if you are comparing wildly different
objects, situations or mental states. Here are
the two main ways that you can make a
comparison so you can influence someone
into doing something for you:

If you want to compare two wildly

different things just to prove a point, use
the word "as" in the direct statement two
times. (e.g. "You will be able to see the
results of all your efforts as easily as
finding the milk in the fridge")

Notice that the "as" in the statement made

it appear that the two main components are
connected while in reality, they really are
not similar at all. The "as" acts as the
94 | P a g e
bridge that smoothens the transition
between two objects/states and allows the
subject to make the connection in his

There will be times when you really want

to describe, in rich detail, an object, event
or situation in contrast to another object/
event/situation. In such situations, you can
use the phrase "the difference between".

This pattern requires at least two variables

because it is still a comparative pattern.
Master influencers often use this pattern to
compare concepts that are very similar to
each other.

The comparison often triggers the subject's

curiosity (e.g. "Are you aware of the
difference between thoroughly engrossed
and completely curious about
95 | P a g e
This hypnotic language pattern can also be
used to highly the traits of an object that
are often forgotten or ignored. You can
bring to the fore pressing issues that the
subject may not be aware of, too.

As you can see, hypnotic language

patterns are only as effective as your own
fertile imagination. You need to fire up
your creativity so you can make good use
of specific hypnotic language patterns.

96 | P a g e
An Advanced Seduction Pattern

If you have ever thought of using hypnotic

triggers to seduce someone, you are in luck.
In this section I am going to share with you
a seductive monologue that can be used to
wear down the outer defenses of any subject.

Use this pattern in romantic settings when

you need to show the other person that you
are aware of their deeper selves and you are
more sensitive to the subject's emotions than
other people:

"Everyone has a deeper self that we tend to

hide from the rest of the world. Instead of
showing our deeper selves we create an
alternate persona that we feel is safe to show

97 | P a g e
But in reality, our true selves are hidden
away, hidden behind vales and curtains so
that we may be safe from others who may
not understand our true selves. Within our
deeper selves we hold our deepest desires
and biggest hopes. This deeper self is also
the seat of our most genuine sentiments and

Even though this place seems nebulous, it is

actually a place of beautiful creation. What I
have discovered is that it is not easy to find a
way to this special place of yours, but once I
was able to find the key, I discovered that it
was all worth the effort because it is such a
beautiful place. And I would like to share
my own true self with you too, so we will
have the unique opportunity to create
wonderful things in this life."

98 | P a g e
Be careful with this hypnotic language
pattern - it can work extremely well but if
you are going to misuse it just for selfish
ends, you may end up hurting someone

This hypnotic language pattern is unique

because it draws the subject into a deep
trance and the internal representations
contained within the hypnotic language
pattern actually encourage the subject to
open himself/herself up to the other person.

When this happens, the subject actually

consciously lowers his mental and emotional
defenses and he offers his true core to the
other person. This is popularly known in
mass culture as "baring one's soul" to
someone else.

99 | P a g e
While it is true that intimacy often results
from such encounters, one should note that
intimacy is not really the end-all of this

Use this pattern only if want to establish a

deeper bond with someone. Use ethics in
ever situation, even if you have access to
covert patterns that directly bypass a
person's conscious mental defenses.

100 | P a g e
Planting Seeds of Uncertainty

Most master influencers view uncertainty as

the enemy of influence and persuasion.

While it is true that a subject that is

uncertain about your offer can easily
disagree with what you want to happen, it
doesn't mean that you cannot make use of
uncertainty to improve your chances of
persuading someone.

In reality, uncertainty and doubt are both

very advanced tools of persuasion which is
why many people view them as the opposite
of a persuasive tool. People just do not know
how to use these mental states to their

101 | P a g e
I do not want this to happen to you too so I
have devoted a short section on the topic just
to illustrate how the Eriksonian method of
uncertainty can work for you, too.

Before we head over to the pattern, let me

discuss first why anyone would want to use
this pattern in a conversation. This pattern is
excellent if your subject has made up his
mind a about something and his personal
conclusions are blocking you from
achieving your desired outcome.

You will be planting the seeds of uncertainty

to break down the other person's resolve and
belief that he is right.

102 | P a g e
Yes, it sounds very sneaky and yes it will
work most of the time because only a
handful of people in this world have that
much confidence in each and every belief
that they have. You will not be planting
seeds of uncertainty just because you want
to be mean to the subject or just because you
want to be superior.

103 | P a g e
You will actually be doing this because you
want to bypass the external defenses of the
subject so that you may present an option or
an alternative way of thinking.

Because when a person is uncertain, he will

suddenly scramble to establish a firm
foothold once again. Like a man who
suddenly finds himself doing a surprise free-
fall at two hundred feet, your subject will try
to grab hold of something that would
stabilize the situation.

And in the case of the subject's interaction

with you, the nearest 'thing' that he will be
able to grab hold of is the option that that
you are offering.

104 | P a g e
Are you ready for the sequence? Here it is:

Are you certain of what you just said?

Are you really certain or are you just

thinking that you are certain?

Yes, you think that you are certain.

Are you certain enough about it to be


The sequence was designed to

systematically break down the subject's
belief that his personal conclusion about
something is indeed correct.

When you say the first item, subject will

simply say "yes" because he would want to
position himself as someone who has made
up his mind about that specific issue.

105 | P a g e
The subject has to be able to position
himself this way so that you can break it
down. You must draw out his belief out into
the open, like a wild lion, so you can hunt it
down with the uncertainty pattern.

People usually begin doubting their own

personal conclusions about something by the
second question and by the end of the
sequence, the seeds of uncertainty are firmly
embedded in the subject's mind. Now, the
uncertainty pattern is amazing but it does
not guarantee that your subject will say yes
to anything.

A person will only say yes if all the other

techniques that you used have been
implemented carefully and correctly. In the
end, these patterns are still just tools. It is
still up to you how you will be able to elicit
agreement from your subject.

106 | P a g e
The Inner Voice Pattern

In an earlier section we talked about how

you can seduce someone by encouraging the
other person to lower his defenses by
sharing his inner self. In this section, we are
going to explore how you can influence
another person's inner voice so that you
would have direct access to another person's

Before I reveal the actual pattern, let us take

a step back and review some of the basics of
the human imagination. First, people like
talking to themselves. It is a natural activity
and talking to oneself allows a person to
process information faster.

107 | P a g e
This form of active imagining is called the
inner voice because people usually use
conventional language to talk to themselves.
As humans, we do not use images and
sounds to imagine and process the world
around us. We use words and then we
generate different internal representations as
we see fit.

The true enemy of persuasion and influence

is not uncertainty but discrepancy. As
influencers, our biggest challenge is really
how to influence another person's
imagination so that we would be able to
convey exact ideas and images to our

108 | P a g e
But since the principle of dual reality is
always in action, accomplishing this can be
quite difficult. That is where patterns like
the inner voice pattern come in to help.

The inner voice pattern allows your subject

to see and experience your ideas as you have
imagined them. During a conversation you
simply have to add "this voice inside is
telling you to ____________".

Of course, in order for this pattern to work

you must already established rapport with
tour subject because otherwise, he just might
ignore the invitation to imagine something
with you.

109 | P a g e
Once you have developed some momentum
and you have seen clearly that the subject is
responding to you, continue using the
pattern to build up the initial set of ideas that
you have introduced in the beginning of the

Uncovering a Person's Most Cherished


In the realm of influence and persuasion,

you will not get anywhere if you have
absolutely no idea about the subject's values.
If you will be meeting the subject for the
first time, the task of uncovering these
values is of utmost importance.

Otherwise, you would have no idea how to

connect with the subject throughout the

110 | P a g e
interaction. So how can you actually draw
out a person's values?

You can do this by asking a sequence of

questions that will slowly draw out the
person's values. I have prepared a step by
step guide for my readers who have never
done this before:

• Before asking any questions you need to

determine the context in which you want
to persuade or influence the other person.

This context will be the general theme of

the sequence of questions that you will be
using to draw out vital information from
the subject.

Begin the sequence of questions with a

relatively simple question. For example, if
the context of the conversation is you want
to sell new merchant software to a
111 | P a g e
business owner, you can ask the subject
something like "What matters to you when
it comes to your own business?"

After the first question has been answered,

create a string of questions that are related
to the first question but are slowly leading
to very specific inquiries until you finally
arrive at your target issue, which in the
case of our hypothetical situation is selling
new software to someone.

It is important to keep asking questions

and to keep listening patiently to each
answer that you get.

Remember, it is very unlikely for subjects

to share their most important values and
thoughts during the first few minutes of a
conversation. You would have to draw out
the person first by establishing rapport and
by pacing and leading the subject.
112 | P a g e
When you begin receiving a good amount
of information about the subject's values,
you can begin connecting these values to
what you are offering in the first place.

113 | P a g e
Become a Credible Expert In One Step

One of the easiest ways to establish

credibility when faced with a new subject is
through name-dropping.

I know that name dropping has a somewhat

bad reputation both in and out of the
academe, but if it is done correctly and in a
balanced manner it won’t hurt your public
persona as a speaker.

This pattern can be used when you need to

step up as an expert so that other people will
find it easier to believe in what you are
saying. Of course, in classroom setting this
is sometimes necessary especially if other
people are questioning your competence.

114 | P a g e
The purpose of this pattern is to link you to
the expert that you are mentioning. You
would be briefly riding the expertise and
credibility of the author that you will be
mentioning. The formula for this pattern is:

If there was one bit of advice that I learned

from (cite the name of the authority or
expert) that is (add the information or
insight from the expert).

You must not overdo this because over time,

people will get wind of what you are trying
to do and this will cause your technique to
backfire on you.

The best practice here is to pick one

important insight that you would want to
115 | P a g e
share with the subject and then flesh out the
details with your own words.

The name-dropping will only be used to

highlight the fact that you really know what
you are doing in the first place. After
highlighting this fact you will then be
showcasing all of the insights that you have

f there is a chance that people might be

questioning how you actually know what
you know, be prepared to cite your sources.
That way, people would believe you even

116 | P a g e
On the Dynamic Nature of Social Statuses

We are all aware the social status is

determined by a variety of factors like
education, who you work for or how big
your bank account is.

These are the ‘hard factors’ that determine a

person’s social status but that doesn’t mean
that status is fixed upon these factors.

In fact, in real life these things don’t matter

because when you are dealing with different
people they won’t bend to your will just
because you studied in Harvard or just
because you have several Ferrari’s basking
in your driveway.

117 | P a g e
Perceived social status is often more
important in day to day interactions which is
why you should pay attention as to how you
portray or project yourself to other people.

Often, people make the mistake of

personifying their social status so much that
they lower themselves in the presence of
others. You don’t have to do this at all.

If you are a rank and file employee in a

company that doesn’t meant that you have to
personify your company rank outside your
place of work. You can choose to leave that
part of your identity at the office because no
one is asking you to act lowly in front of

118 | P a g e
Sure, you have to know your place when
you are talking to your bosses and managers
but apart from those situations, your social
status remains dynamic and modifiable
based on the situation at hand.

So how will you be able to change your

social status to get better results when you
are interacting with other people?

There are several ways to do this but the

easiest way is to simply change the way you
talk to people. For example, if you want to
take a girl out on a date you should not think
that this beautiful girl is out of your league.

119 | P a g e
If you think this way, then your mind and
your body will follow your emotions and
thoughts. You will act lowly in front of the
girl and you will project the aura of someone
with a lower social status.

But if you tell yourself that you and the girl

have equal social status, you will begin to
personify this belief. You will no longer be
afraid to talk to the girl. You will be at ease
when you crack a joke and when you invite
her for dinner.

You will feel that there is chemistry between

you two and you will be able to act upon this
chemistry without hesitation. You need to
believe in these things in order for this
technique to work.

120 | P a g e
So the next time you have to talk to
someone, make sure that you position
yourself mentally as an equal.

Otherwise, the other person might end up

staring you down because you have allowed
yourself to be stared down. But you have to
be careful, too. If you position yourself too
high, other people would dislike your
personality and what you are doing, too.

121 | P a g e
Here are some traits associated with a high
social status and low social status.

High social status

- Has the ability to stay calm at all times

- The person is confident when he talks to

other people

- He is secure with what he knows and

what he has to offer

- Uses slow and measured movements to

achieve the proper impact on others

- Is always responsive to the feedback and

reactions of other people

- Does not blink intentionally during a


122 | P a g e
Low social status

- Often appears nervous about what he is

about to do

- Shows that he is worried at all times

- Seems agitated most of the time

- Movements are often twitchy and unsure

- Focuses on reacting to stimuli rather

than being measured and responsive

- Eye movement is also twitchy

123 | P a g e
Influence & Power

Throughout this book I have showed you

patterns that can directly bypass the mental
defenses of people so that you would be able
to leave commands in their subconscious
minds. As you may have noticed hypnotic
language patterns work precisely because
they can bypass the usual defenses set forth
by the mind. Due to the power of these
patterns, I invite other practitioners of
influence to use these techniques ethically.
Always make the world a better place after
using any language pattern. Sure, you will
get the benefit that you want but at the same
time you should make sure that the other
party will also get something good out of the
interaction, too. It is my hope that this book
will help you achieve your dreams, goals
and desires in life. Don’t stop learning, my

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