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Soal Bahasa Ingggris Kelas 5

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SK MENKUMHAM No. AHU-5011. AH. 01. 04. Tahun 2011

Jalan Mayjend Sutoyo RT. 03, RW 02, No 28 Kel. Tanah Patah, Kec. Ratu
Agung, Kota Bengkulu Telp. (0736-23840)

Soal Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) 1


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tanggal : September 2019
Waktu :
Kelas : V (Lima)…………...........
Nama :……………………………

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d! Berilah tanda (x) pada jawaban
yang paling tepat !
a. a. 21.07
b. 07.25
c. 08.25
c. 07.35
4. It is 11.40
The clock in a sentence is ....
a. Eleven past forty
b. Twelve past forty
c. Twelve to forty
Kadava: “What time is it?”
d. Twenty to twelve
Rafi : “ It is ....”
a. A quarter past nine
c. A quarter pas ten
b. A half past nine
d. Fifteen to ten
2. Sekarang pukul delapan lebih dua
The English sentence is ....
a. It is eight past twenty
b. It is twenty past eight
c. It is eight to twenty Rhagib: “What do you always do after
d. It is twenty to eight dinner?”
3. It is twenty five past seven. Ghazy : “ I always ....”
The time in numbers is .... a. Watching television
b. Studying c. April
c. Go to bed d. January
d. Take a bath 13. I usually ... at 05.00 in the morning.
6. Najla selalu menyapu halaman setiap hari a. sleep
The English sentence is .... b. Take a subuh prayer
a. Najla often sweeps the yard everyday c. take a bath
b. Najla seldom sweeps the yard everyday d. have breakfast
c. Najla never sweeps the yard everyday 14. The students usually have flag
d. Najla always sweeps the yard everyday ceremony on ....
7. Mr. Sari– everyday – the office– goes – to a. Sunday
The correct order is .... b. Monday
a. Ms. Sari goes to the office everyday c. Friday
b. Goes to the office Ms. Sari everyday d. Saturday
c. Ms. Sari to the office goes everyday 15. Moslems usually go to mosque to pray
d. Everyday to Ms. Sari goes the office on ....
8. Rasyid always has breakfast in the .... a. Sunday
a. Night b. Thursday
b. Morning c. Friday
c. Evening d. Sunday
d. Afternoon 16. Indonesian people usually celebarate
9. January is the first of .... independence day on ....
a. Day a. July
b. Time b. August
c. Month c. September
d. Clock d. October
10. Yesterday is friday 17. I perform … at 05.00 in the
The Indonesian sentence is .... morning.
a. Kemarin adalah jum’at a. subuh prayer
b. Kemarin adalah minggu b. Dhuha prayer
c. Besok adalah sabtu c. Magrib prayer
d. Hari adalah senin d. Isya prayer
11. Today is friday. Tomorrow will be ....
The qusetion number 18 until 23 are based
a. Sunday
on the text below ( pertanyaan n. 18 sampai
b. Monday
23 berdasarkan teks dibawah)
c. Saturday
d. Thursday My Daily Activities
12. Next month will be May. Last month
My name is Fawwas. This is my daily
was March. This month is .... activities. I get up at five o'clock in the
morning. I brush my teeth at five ten. I take a
a. June
bath at five fifteen, and then I have breakfast at
b. December half past five every morning.
d. Sunday
I go to school at six thirty in the mornning. I
24. Go home – the students – at – o’clock
arrive at school at seven o'clock. The school
begins at quarter past seven every morning. – eleven. The correct sentence is ....
And the school finishes at one fifteen in the
a. Go home at elecen o’clock the students
afternoon. I arrive at home at two o'clock in the
afternoon. I have lunch at ten past two in the b. Eleven o’clock the students at go home
c. The students go home at eleven o’clock
At home, I take a nap at three o'clock. I watch d. The studenst at o’clock eleven go home
television at a quarter to five in the afternoon. I
25. Hamzah has a .... after go home
have dinner at seven in the evening. I study at
seven thirty. I go to bed at nine. On Sunday I from school.
help my mother in the kitchen.
a. breakfast.
b. Lunch
18. Fawwas gets up at ....
c. dinner
a. quarter to five AM
d. take a nap
b. quarter past five Am
c. half past five AM Mrs.Meri : when do we celebrate independence
d. five AM day ?
19. Fawwas has to take a bath at .... Yasmine: it is on august 17 th Mrs.
a. half past six AM Mrs.Meri : Iin what month do we celebrate the
b. half past six PM national education day,Putri?
c. a quarter past five \ Putri: it is on may, 2 nd Mrs.Meri and,when do
d. half past five PM we celebrate kartini day ?
20. Fawwas goes to school at .... Shakira : it is on april.
a. five past six in the morning Mrs.Meri : good ! do you know in what date is
b. quarter past six it ?
c. a quarter past seven Shakira : it is on april the twenty first.
d. . half past six
21. Fawwas arrives at home at .... 26. On August 17 th we celebrat the….
a. a. one past ten PM a. national education day
b. ten to two PM b. new year
c. one past two PM c. kartini’s day
d. two o'clock d. independence day
22. Fawwas studies her lesson at .... 27. The National Education Day is in ….
a. ten to seven PM a. . may 2 nd
b. half past seven b. may 22 nd
c. ten past seven PM c. may 21 st
d. half past twentyfive PM d. may 12 th
23. Fawwas helps her mother on .... 28. On April we celebrate the…
a. Monday a. Teacers’ day
b. Tuesday b. national education day
c. Saturday c. independence day
d. . Kartini day
29. What time is it ?
a. It is a quarter to five
b. It is a quarter past five
c. It is a half past five
d. It is fifteen to five
30. What is the time ?
a. It is five to three
b. It is five past three
c. It is one to three
d. It is one past three

B. Fill the blanks bellow! (Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!)

1. The fourth month is ....

2. The seventh month is ....

3. The day after Monday is.....

4. The day after Wednesday is...

5. The twelveth month is.....

6. The first month is.....

7. The day after Sunday is...

8. Gilang ....... ( belajar) math every day

9. Tasya .......... ( bangun tidur) at 05.00 in the morning

10. I ...... ... ( mengerjakan pr) at 07.00 in the evening

C. Answer the questions with the correct answer! Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di

bawah ini dengan jawan yang benar!

1. Arange the words below into correct sentences! ( susun kalimat menjadi kalimat yang benar)
. like – kite - Rudi and Santo – very – playing
Answer :
2. Write the times below into sentences! ( buatlah kalimat berdasarkan jam yang ada dibawah)
a. 06.15
Answer :
3. Write the times below into sentences! ( buatlah kalimat berdasarkan jam yang ada dibawah)
a. 07.30
b. 07.15
Answer :
4. Translate the senteces below into Indonesian! ( Terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia)
a I always get up at 05.00 in the morning
Answer :
5. Translate the senteces below into Indonesian! ( Terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia)
Sinta always studies everyday
Answer :

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