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Vygotsky's * Cultural Factors Development

Socio- Cultural Theory

"What a child can do -Language can be viewed as
in cooperation today, a verbal expression of culture. refers to the difference between what the
he can do alone tomorrow" -It opens the door for learners child accomplish alone and what he/she
-Lev Vygotsky to acquire can accomplish with guidance of
knowledge that others already another.
Lev Vygotsky have.
the area where the most sensitive
- "The Mozart of Psychology" Piaget and Vygotsky instruction or guidance should be given -
allowing the child to develop skills they
- Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky Piaget will then use on their own - developing
-More individual in focus higher mental functions.
- Born in Western Russia -Believed that there are
universal stages of cognitive Scaffolding
- Birthdate:November 5, 1986 development
- Father: Semi L’vovich -Did not give much empahasis refers to the support or assistance that
- He graduated from Moscow on language lets the child accomplish a task he/she
University with a degree in cannot accomplish independently
Law in 1917 Vygotsky
- Completed 270 scientific - More social in focus Scaffolding consists of the activities
articles,numerous,lectures and - Did not propose stages but provided by the educator, or more
10 books based on a wide emphasized on cultual factors competent peer, to support the student as
range of Marxist-based in cognitive development he or she is led through the zone of
psychological and teaching - Stressed the role of language proximal development.
theories in cognitive development
He died on June 10, 1934 at 37 Scaffold and Fade -away Technique
after long battle with TB Private Speech
As learners become more proficient,
Socio-Cultural Theory -form of self-talk that guides able to complete tasks on their own that
The main assertion of the th child's thinking and action. they could not initially do without
Vygotsky theory is that the assistance. the guidance can be
cognitive development of Zone of Actual Development withdrawn.
children is advanced through
social interaction with other refers in which the child may “Train up a child in the way he should
people, particularly those who perform at a certain level of go ; even when he is old, he will not
are more skilled. competency and she/he may depart form it”
not immediately proficient at
TWO Central Factors in it. Proverbs 22:6
Cognitive Development
More Knowledgeable Other
1.Social Interaction (MKO)

Vygotsky emphasized that Competent adult or a more

effective learning happens advanced peer, the child can Prepared by: ILDEFONSO,Princess A.
through participation in social perform at a higher level of English 1-A
activities competency.
Zone of Proximal

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