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1. Describe the procedure for taking over an engine room watch.

 Check the funnel smoke. White smoke, black smoke, steam or sparks.
 Check steering gear and fridge flats.
 Enter the engine room from the top. Do not use the lift.
 Check Expension tank water level.
 Check main engine cooling water returns and temperatures.
 Check piston cooling water returns and temperatures.
 Listen for any unusual noises.
 Check turbocharger oil levels
 Check observation tank for signs of oil.
 Check oil mist detector.
 Check condition of bilges.
 Check purifier room and condition of the fuel oil tanks. i.e. full, empty temperature, Drain of water.
 Enter control room. check log book and note any irregularities.
Confirm the condition of the electrical supply equipment. .How many alternators on load, amount of load on the board,
Earth faults, Stand by machinery.
 Read any current standing orders.
 The duty engineer should then inform the engineer taking over the watch of any abnormal operating conditions
which have occurred during the watch. Any orders from the Bridge. Recorded in the log book should be pointed out.
Any repairs should be reported together with information on any machinery thath as been dismantled.
 The presence of any other members of ship's staff in the engine room e.g.
 Day workers should be reported.

2. A. State the principle of operation of the ships oil purifiers.

Ships oil purifier work on the principle of separation due to the different specific gravities of liquids and solids. This separation
occurs in a settling tanks but it can take long time to be completely effective. Therefore using centrifugal force can increase the
gravitational force and the separation effect will be much greater.

B. Describe the separation process, making reference to the internal structural of the machine in Question (A).

The bowl body contains a sliding bowl, distributor, conical disc stacks, top disc, bowl hood and gravity disc.

Initially a water seal is applied to separator at the water outlet. Dirty oil is feed into the bowl through the distributor, after
entry into the bowl, the dirty oil is subjected to large angular acceleration and the moves within the bowl.

The speed of rotation subject the liquid to centrifugal force which breaks up the dirty oil mixture into its constituents. The
heavier parts of the mixture which includes water and solids moves to the outer part of the bowl and displace an equivalent
volume of water from the gravity disc.

Purified oil continue to move towards the centre of bowl and thus upwards to the purified oil outlet.

The sludge is then discharge out of the bowl by opening up of sliding bowl and cleaning the discharge port.

C. Describe the preparation required if a purifier set up for heavy fuel oils is to be used temporarily as a diesel oil

To essential important changes has to be done before using the oil separator
 Shut the steam valve to the purifier heater.
 After following the proper isolation procedure open the purifier and change the gravity disc suitable to the diesel
oil density.
 Open the D.O. tank filling valve from purifier.
 Close the H.F.O. tank filling valve from purifier.
 Start the purifier.
3. Describe how to manually couple a second auxiliary generator to the main switchboard and balance out the load

Start the standby generator which is to be taken on load.

 Check that all parameters of incoming generator are adequate.
 Put the selector switch to incoming generator.
 Check the frequency should be same as bus bar frequency.
 Check the voltage should be same as bus bar voltage.
 Use synchroscope to see that voltage are in phase.
 Synchroscope pointer should rotate slowly in clockwise direction.
 when the pointer is five minute to twelve, close the ACB of incoming generator.
 Switch off the synchroscope.
 To share the load equally, raise the governor (speed control) of incoming generator and lower the running generator
simultaneously until both the generators are share the equal load.
 Check again all the parameters for both the generator.

4. State the regulations that make each ship responsible for the prevention of oil pollution at sea and in port.

MARPOL 73/78
ANNEX I : Regulation for the prevention of pollution by oil

5. A. Describe how the thrust of the propeller is transmitted to the hull of the ship.
When propeller rotates,it generates a thrust in opposite direction. According to Newton’s 3 rd law of motion, an equal and
opposite thrust in ahead direction will be transmitted via propeller shaft to the thrust collar. Now from this thrust collar,
thrust is transmitted to tilting thrust pads which are fitted in thrust block. This thrust block is provided inside the main
engine in two-stroke engine and outside in four-stroke engine. Hence thrust is transmitted via thrust block to the ships hull
and ship moves in ahead direction.

B. Show with aid of a sketch the principle under which the equipment in Question A operates.

6. A. Describe the maintenance required by portable and fixed firefighting equipment.

Maintenance required by portable extinguisher:
1. All Foam Type
 Weight CO2 cartridge. If less, charge it.
 Check hose and nozzle, be free from obstruction.
 Keep extinguisher away from sunlight.

2. DCP
 Weight CO2 cartridge. If less, charge it.
 Check hose and nozzle, be free from obstruction.
 Keep extinguisher away from sunlight.
 If the extinguisher was in place for more then 6 months without touching, turn it up and down at once before
pulling out the safety pin and follow the operation.

3. CO2- Same as above.

Maintenance required by fixed CO2 extinguisher:

 Open all doors, hatches, vents and other opening and thoroughly ventilate the space before entering into it.
 Do not approach the space with a naked light.
 Remove the empty cylinder (45 kg) and recharge as soon as possible.
 Reset any pressure operated devices.
 Recharge the pilot cylinder.
 Close control valve to its normal tight position.
 Check any nozzle’s orifice for any obstruction.
 Check any safety disc in the safety valve in any manifold end for damage, replace it.
 Reinstall the fully charge cylinder.
 Operate main valve (P.O.D.) several times to make sure it does not stick.

B. Describe the procedure and the frequency of the maintenance for the fire detection system.
We check Fire Detection system weekly.
7. What are the appropriate regulations and/or safety practices relating to the following:

A. Grinding Wheels.
Transparent glass, Clearance between work rest not more then 1.5 mm., Safety guard, Emergency stop and Good lighting.

B. Rotating Machinery.
Warning notice, Safety guard area, Marked with high visible paint, Emergency stop.

C. Safety Clothing and Footwear.

Good fitting and full sleeve cloths, High Visibility, Non slippery and steal toe cap footwear.

D. Prevention of skin reaction.

Gloves while handling chemicals, Wash hand immediately, don’t keep oily rags in the pocket.

8. Describe EIGHT actions to be taken by the relieving Engineer Officer of the Watch before taking charge of the
 Wear Proper PPE.
 Check Engine Room Log Book.
 Read C/E instruction and sign.
 Take round from top to bottom of the engine room.
 Take round of external machinery space ie. Steering Room, Battery Room, Emergency Generator Room, A.C.
 Check water level of Expansion Tank.
 Check temperature and pressure of all machinery.
 Check oil level of all the tank.
 Check FFA, EEBD. All should be at place and secured.
 Emergency escape route should be clear and lighting all in good working condition.
 Check all bilge level empty.
 If any doubt, Discuss with handing over watch keeper,.
9. List EIGHT reasons why a bilge pump may not be able to remove water from an engine room bilge.
1. Storm box on fouled.
2. Suction filter choked.
3. Leak of glands (Pump or Valve).
4. Filter packing is not sealing.
5. Other empty tank line valve open.
6. Pipe line hole.
7. Relief valve of pump under open condition.
8. Pump malfunction due to wear down.
10. List FIVE precautions that should be taken before any work is to be carried out on electrical equipment.
 Risk assessment.
 Work permit to be carried out
 Use approved tools equipments. Equipment should be tested.
 Isolate the supply and lock it off.
 Man at work notice should be placed.
 Remove fuse and keep it at safe place.
 Check each line and earth to ensure that there is no power supply (Live Line Test).

B. Identify THREE additional precautions to those in (a), if It has become essential to work near to live electrical
1. Wear Protective Clothing (Gloves, Insulation shoe, Work place should be rubber insulating mat).
2. Insulated tools and equipment and should be approved.
3. Ensure your assistant know the electric shock procedure also where and how to isolate the power supply in an
4. Interlock safety device should be operative.

11. Draw a cross-sectional diagram through an oily water separator. Indicate on the diagram the flow of fluid through the
separator and label all major component parts.
12. A. Make a sketch of a bilge injection system.
B. State the purpose of fitting a bilge injection system onboard a ship.
The purpose of Bilge Injection System onboard ship Is to pumped out engine room bilges directly overboard in the event of
an emergency such as flooding.

C. Identify the location on board a ship a bilge injection system.

Bilge Injection System is filled to the largest capacity sea water pump ie. main sea water pump and the valve spindle and
wheel is painted in red colour and marked as Bilge Injection Valve.

13. In order of preference, Identify TWO types of portable fire extinguisher that may be used to fight a fire in the following
A. Galley.
CO2 and Dry Powder.

B. An accommodation space.
Water Type and Dry Powder.

C. The machinery space control room.

CO2 and Dry Powder.

D. The main electrical switchboard.

CO2 and Dry Powder.

14. A. List the THREE types of Notice issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to disseminate information to
ship owners and seafarers.

Three types of notice issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to disseminate information to ship owners and
seafarers are:
1. MSN - Marchent Shipping Notice (White).
2. MGN - Marine Guidance Notice (Blue)
3. MIN - Marine Information Notice (Green).

B. Define the relevance and importance of each of the Notice in question (a).

1. MSN:- which will only be used to convey mandatory information, which must be complied with under British
2. MGN:- which will provide advice and guidance to relevant parties in order to improve the safety of shipping and of
life at sea.
3. MIN:- which will provide information to as more limited audience such as training establishments or equipment

15. A. State FOUR actions the Engineer Officer of the Watch would take on discovering a small oil fire in the engine room
 Raise the alarm.
 Inform bridge.
 Use the nearest fire extinguisher and try to extinguish the fire.
 Find out the cause and rectify it.
 Make sure that the fire will not reignite again.

B. State Four good watch keeping practices that can help prevent such fires mentioned in question A from occurring.

 Make sure that no oily rags left over the day and keep the bilges free from oil.
 Make sure that no naked lights on bilges and intrinsically safe.
 All sounding pipes from DB tank inside the machinery space should be always capped and it should have
automatically closed system (either spring loader or weight lifted).

16. With reference to the testing of a ship’s steering gear prior to departure, list Eight items of machinery or control
systems whose operation must be tested.
1. Operation of main steering gear.
2. Operation of auxiliary steering gear or use of the second pump which acts as an auxiliary.
3. Operation of the Remote Control system from the main bridge steering positions.
4. Operation of steering gear using the emergency power supply.
5. Check rudder angel indicator reading with respect to the actual rudder angle.
6. The alarms fitted to the remote control system.
7. Steering gear power unit failure alarm.
8. Steering gear header tank level.
17. A. List FIVE protective devices fitted to a main electrical switchboard.

Protective devices fitted to a main electrical switchboard are:

 Over Current relay.,low frequency trip,
 Under Voltage relay.
 Reverse Power.,overload relay
 Earth Leakage lamp’s and monitor,fuses

B. Explain the term “Earth Fault”, stating why it is undesirable in electrical installations.

When there is a break in the insulation and the conductor gets in contact with the metal enclosure that it is term as Earth
Earth Fault is hazardous and cause
1. Loss of essential services.
2. It cause fire.
3. Danger from electric shock.
4. Damage to equipment.

18. With reference to the prevention of pollution at sea regulations, explain the purpose of the following:
A. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEP).
It is an emergency plan for oil tanker, which shows the arrangement of emergency equipment and procedures which has to
be followed in case of an oil spills.
Some of SOPEP equipments are-
 Brooms,gum boots,empty drum of 200 ltrs,wilden p/p
 Showel
 Saw Dust
 Booms
 Oil control pads
 Sea Care OSD ( must be used only with C/O permission).
This equipments are located at mid ship locker near manifold area.

B. Oil Record Book.

It is very important document and all operation’s related to the machinery spaces are entered and sign in it.
List of item to be recorded are:
 Ballast or cleaning of fuel tanks.
 Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks.
 Collection and disposal of Oil Residues (Shore reception facility, internal transfer and incinerator operation).
 Oily water separator operation (Manual and Automatic).
 Accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil.
 Bunker of fuel or lubricating oil.
 Condition of oil filtering equipment.

19. List EIGHT action to be taken by the Engineer Officer of the Watch to ensure safe passage of the vessel through an area
of heavy weather.
 Make sure that no loose items in the engine room, every thing should be secured.
 Maintain the oil tanks level and make sure that no water or sludge of service tanks.
 Air bottle must be pressurised.
 Deck plating must be clean and free from oil .
 Check the standby machinery should be ready and in auto mode.
 M/E and A/E sumps level should not be minimum.
 Check that low sea suction should be open.
 Keep standby filter for all F.O. and L.O. line.
 Check that water tight doors are kept closed.

20. In the event of having to flood the machinery space with Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) because of a serious fire, list the actions to
be taken prior to the release of the gas.
 Raise the alarm, all ship’s personnel muster at muster station, head count to be taken.
 Stop all ventilation to the machinery space.
 Stop all running machinery in the main engine room.
 Close all entrance door to engine room.
 Close fire flaps, dampers and sky light.
 Start emergency generator.
 Start emergency fire pump for boundary cooling.
 Quick closing valve’s are operated (should shut all the fuel tank).
 Inform bridge for ready to release CO2 by C/E order through Master

21. A. Name ONE publication dealing with the storage of ships batteries.
Code of Safe Working Practic

B. List SEVEN precautions that should be taken when working in an area where batteries are stored.
Precautions to be followed when working near battery area are:
 Battery room should be well ventilated and clean.
 Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment (Rubber Gloves and Face Shield).
 No Naked flame light and smoking.
 Use of Insulated tools.
 There should be First Aid Equipment.
 Use intrinsically safe lights

22. The water level in the engine room bilge is rising faster than can be contained by the bilge pump
A. Describe the immediate action that the Engineer Officer of the Watch should take.
 Inform the bridge, Chief Engineer, raise the general alarm and summon for assistance.
 Set the line for Emergency Bilge Injection System.
 Start the pump and check whether level of bilges is reducing or not.
 Once make sure that bilge injection system is working effectively, try to locate the leakage and temporarily arrest it
to minimise or stop increasing of water.
 Monitor the level of water and as the water is reducing in bilges, open the sea suction valve, so that pump will not
loose suction.
 Once confirm that all water has been removed and there is no further leakage, stop the pump and close the valve.
 Enter in Oil Record Book the operation carried out stating the reasons, Start and End Time.

B. What features are provided in the engine room pumping systems to deal with the situation outlined in question (a).

There is provision of Emergency Bilge Injection System to pump out Engine Room bilges directly overboard in event of
emergency such as flooding.

23. Describe the conditions that must be satisfied before paralleling an a.c. generator with the main electrical switchboard.
For each condition described explain how it is achieved.

For paralleling an a.c. generator three condition has to be satisfied:

Frequency of generator same as bus bar frequency.
Frequency of the generator is controlled by speed control lever which controls the governor thus maintaining equal
frequency with the bus bar frequency.

Voltage has to be same.

Voltage is controlled by AVR ie. Automatic Voltage Regulator is automatically regulates the exciter field current thus
comparing the generator terminal set voltage ie. 440 V.

In phase.
To ensure machines are in same phase, Synchroscope is a device which monitors the incoming machine phase and breaker is
closed as needle reaches 5 min before 12’O clock.

24. With reference to the testing and maintenance of large electric motors:
A. State the minimum satisfactory value of insulation resistance.
Minimum satisfactory value of insulation resistance is 1M

B. State the instrument and the voltage to be used for the insulation resistance test.
To test the insulation resistance Insulation resistance tester is used by brand name “Megger”
Voltage is to be used is 500 v d.c.
C. Define the regular maintenance that is necessary for good electric motor operation.
 Check to be made at terminal box to see that all connection are properly tightened and there are no damaged to
 Insulation resistance should be tested and kept a log of the value; should be kept as high as possible.
 Earth bonding connection should be checked for tightness.
 Motor fan cover should be taken out and thoroughly clean for any dirt and dust both on the fan as well cover.
 Foundation volts should be checked for tightness.
 Continuity test should be done.
 Check that adequate amount of grease for bearings.
 On motor starter check for accumulation of dirt and dust.
 Contactor and relay check for any signs of overheating and loose connections.
 Contacts check for excessive pitting and roughness due to bearings.
25. With reference to the disposal of bilge water from the machinery spaces:

A. Explain when it is not permissible to discharge the bilge water overboard, even via an oily water separator.
It is not permissible to discharge the bilge water overboard, even via an oily water separator
 When the vessel is not en-route.
 If oil content in water is more then 15 PPM.
 In special area (Antarctic).
 Bilges should not originate from cargo pump room.

B. State the maximum permissible oil content of the overboard discharge.

15 PPM.

C. Identify the document to be completed and state by whom, follow such an operation.
Every operation should be entered in Oil Record Book.
Completed operation should be filled by officer or officers in charge of the operation concern and each completed page shall
be signed by the Master.

26. A. Make a sketch of a freeing-port

B. Give reasons why the fitting of a freeing-ports assists in maintaining the stability of a ship.
 Freeing ports are fitted to drain away water that comes on deck due to heavy seas and rain.
 Freeing port also prevent free surface effect which may cause stability problem.
 If water is not drain and allowed to accumulate on deck would cause stability problem.
 By fitting of freeing ports water is drain continuously and prevent any changes to metacentric height GM there by
keeping it positive.
 By clearing the water from deck, chances of ship to capsize is avoided.
 Stability of ship is not disturbed.

27. A. Describe the immediate action that should be taken in the event of discovering a fire in the accommodation spaces,
whilst at sea.
Fire in accommodation space while at sea:
 Raise the alarm, Inform Bridge, summon assistance. Shout fire – fire, give a bang from the near by crew cabins door.
 Alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimize fire spread.
 Restrict the fire by closing the ventilation, nearby passage door.
 Using approval portable fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.
 If fire is extinguish, keep a close eye for reignition.
 If not, evacuate and proceed to muster station and follow the order from respective team leader as stated in Emergency
B. Briefly describe the organisation of TWO main emergency parties on board a ship. For each party define who is in
charge, the responsibility of each party and how the efforts of each party are co-ordinate.

 Two emergency parties are

1. Attacking (Main) team
2. Supporting (Secondary) Team
 Chief Officer and Second Engineer is the head of the team respectively.
 If fire is on deck, Chief Officer will be the in charge of main team and Second Engineer will be the in charge
of supporting team.
 If fire is in the engine room, Second Engineer will be the in charge of main team and Chief Officer will be the
in charge of supporting team

28. A. Describe the purpose of EACH of the following publications issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
1. Merchant Shipping Notice (MSNs).
Provides information relating to the legal requirements.
2. Marine Guidance Notes (MGNs).
Provides advice and guidance of safety and pollution matters.
3. Marine Information Notes (MINs).
Provides information intended for more limited audience.

B. State how it can be determined that such MCA publications have been superseded or cancelled.

29. With reference to a refrigeration system, what would be the sign and symptoms of:
A. Air in the system
 Small bubble in sight glass
 High compressor discharge pressure.
 Increased running time.
 Compressor running hot.
High condenser pressure

B. Undercharge of refrigerant gas.

 Low or no liquid level in sight glass
 Low suction pressure.
 Increasing fridge temperature.
 Low ammeter reading.
 Increasing running time.,
Low pressure cut out,low pressure on condenser

30. As the Engineer Officer of the watch, explain how to safety carry out the complete bunkering operation of the ship.
 Bunker plan complete.
 Check onboard communication satisfactory.
 Overflow tank empty.
 Deck scupper and drip tray plugged.
 No smoking notice and SOPEP equipment positioned.
 Barge mooring secured.
 Hose connected and sealed securely.
 Red flag or light at mast head.
 Check communication with barge satisfactory.
 Check barge paper work for grade, temperature and density.
 Confirm the pumping rate.
 All appropriate filling valves are opened.
 Open manifold valve.
 Take sounding periodically.
 Once bunker is completed, take final sounding and keep the bunker sample at designated place.
31. A. Explain the importance of regular fire drills.
 Reduce panic during actual emergency.
 Minimise time of operation.
 Familiar with their responsible duty.
 Familiar with the operation of all fire fighting equipments.
 Familiar with the location of these equipments.
B. Describe how a drill relating to a fire in a purifier room may be organised.
 Raise the alarm, inform bridge and muster at designated muster station.
 Stop the ventilation of the purifier room.
 Shut the quick closing valve to purifier.
 Isolate the electric power to the system.
 Extinguish the fire with appropriate extinguisher (Foam).

32. Describe, with the aid of sketch, the structural features of the bow which impart structural strength.
33. With reference to electrical systems, describe the routine testing of the emergency generator, starting
the checks required prior to start the engine.

34. Describe the routine watch keeping duties carried out in the steering flat.
Watch keeping duties in Steering Flat:
 Check the direct communication between bridge and steering room.
 Check oil level in tanks.
 Check grease on rudder carrier bearing.
 Check standby motor on ‘Auto’ mode.
 Check for any oil or water leakage.
 Check steering gear room bilge well.
 Check fire extinguisher and EEBD are at place and secure.
 Check floor gratings are on its place.
 Check for any abnormal noise and vibration.
 Check steering gear exhaust blower on.

35. Briefly describe free surface effect.

Free surface effect is caused by movement of liquid in a partially filled tank because of water on deck due to heavy seas
which get accumulated if not drained through freeing ports.
Free surface effects greatly cause stability problem because of liquid is moving to one side of the tank.
There would be a change in Centre of gravity and also the Metacentric height.

Explain why free surface effect is detrimental in Ro-Ro ferries.

Ro-Ro ferries have large external doors close to the water line and open decks with few internal bulkheads.
An improperly secured loading door can cause a ship to take on water and also water sloshing on the vehicle deck can setup
a free surface effect making the ship unstable and causing it to be capsize.

36. With reference to centrifugal purifiers:

A. State the function of the gravity disc.
It is maintain the interface between the heavy liquid and light liquid.

B. Explain the consequences of fitting the following:

1. Too large a gravity disc, and
If Inner diameter is too large, interface will form outside of top disc, so oil will go through the water side.
2. Too small a gravity disc.
If inner diameter is too small, separation efficiency will reduce and interface will formed with in the disc pack, so water
will carry into the oil side.

37. A. Describe the FOUR classes of fire, indicating which fire fighting media should be used to extinguish each.
Class of Fire Extinguishing Media
Class ‘A’ Fire Wood Water
Class ‘B’ Fire Oil Foam, CO 2.
Class ‘C’ Fire Gases CO2, Dry Powder.
Class ‘D’ Fire Metal Dry Powder.

B. Explain how and where to find the location of a particular fire extinguisher on board ship.
We can find the location of a particular fire extinguisher in the safety plan on board ship, which we can find in Engine
Control Room & Accommodation’s alleyway.
Water -Accommodation.
Foam -Machinery Space, Pump Room
DCP - Galley, Machinery space, Control room
CO2 - Bridge, Galley, Main switch board.

38. Describe the procedure for running up and paralleling an alternator onto the board.
 Change the switch from auto to manual mode on switchboard for generator that is to be run.
 Check all oil levels, expansion tank level, and drain the starting air line.
 Open the indicator cocks and bar the engine with starting air line v/v shut and lubricating oil priming pump running.
 Change the position of lever from run to stop and keep turning bar in proper position.
 Open air starting line v/v and blow through the engine on air. Make sure no fluids are coming from indicator cocks.
 Close the indicator cocks, move the lever to run position and start the engine.
 Check all parameters for correct pressure and temperature.

39. Reference to centrifugal pumps:

A. State why the pump can be started with the discharge valve closed.
A load on centrifugal pumps is a function of the mass flow therefore it is usual to start then with the discharge valve shut to
minimise the starting load on the motor.

B. State FOUR possible reasons for the pump failing to suck from a double bottom tank
Possible reasons for the pump failing to achieve suction from double bottom tanks:
 Oil leaking through suction pipe of D.B. tank ( ie. hole in the line or valve left open other empty D.B. tank)
 Leaking of shaft gland.
 Rotation of pump impeller is incorrect (ie. motor connection are swap by mistake so direction of rotation will be

41. A. Sketch the following ship construction features:

1. A plate floor.
2. A watertight bulkhead.
B. Explain how watertight bulkhead integrity may be tested

42. Describe the procedure for testing the ship’s steering gear and associated equipment prior to departure from port.
Procedure for testing the ship’s steering gear and associated equipment prior to departure from port:
 Check for oil leaks.
 Check for loose linkages, pins etc.
 Run pump individually 30-35 degree in 28 second.
 Check standby pump power supply.
 Standby pump should be on when running power failure.
 Check lubricating oil tank level and low level alarm.
 Steering gear angle and helmsman angle should be matched.
 Check communication between bridge and steering gear room.
 Check emergency steering

43. Describe the procedure for starting an air compressor in the manual mode.
 Change switch to manual mode.
 Check the L.O. Sump Level.
 Ensure that the inter stage drains and unloader are open.
 Open Compressor discharge valve.
 Open Air bottle filling valve.
 Open cooling water system.
 Turn the compressor flywheel by hand ( check for its freeness).
 Start the compressor, after draining close the Drain and Unloader valve.
 Check the pressure and temperature readings.
 Once air bottle will full with required pressure, open Drain and Unloader valve.
 Stop the compressor.
45. With reference to electric motors
A. List 4 (FOUR) maintenance criteria necessary for good operation.
 Cleanliness of motor.
 Good terminal connection.
 No carbon deposit on contactors.
 Good bearing conditions.
 Good insulation resistance between the phase.

B. Describe how to test for electric faults within an electric motor.

 Check the insulation resistance of the motor between the one phase to other phase or each phase to earth. It should
be minimum 1 M , normal should be infinite. It should be checked by Megger.
 Check the continuity of the motor by continuity meter or Multimeter.
 Check any loose connection of terminal.
46. A. Outline the information which should be entered in the Oil Record Book.
Following information should be entered after any operation has been carried out:
 Date of operation.
 Operational code.
 Item Number.
 Position of ship.
 Start and finished time.
 Total quantity discharge or disposal off in cubic meter.
 Identification of tank.
 Capacity of tank.

Operation should be entered:

 Oily water separator operation.
 Bunker of Fuel or Lubricating oil.
 Incinerated sludge.
 Sludge disposal to shore connection.
 Tank to tank transfer.

B. Outline the conditions which must be complied with for the discharge of oily water from machinery spaces.
 Vessel should be reroute.
 Overboard water should be 15 PPM.
 Should not be in special area (Antarctic Sea).
 Should have certify Oily Water Separator.

47. As Engineer Officer of the Watch, state the precaution to be taken against spillage, when taking bunkers.
 All scupper on main deck and oil drip tray should be closed.
 All F.O. Tanks vent should be cleared (should not struck of non return valve).
 Should keep SOPEP nearest to the bunker point.
 Communication between ship and bunker barge should be clear.
 Bunker hose should be lashed properly.
 Should be maintain the bunker filling pressure.
 Frequently check the sounding of the bunker tanks.
 All personnel should know their duties in case of oil spillage.
 Emergency stop signal between ship and bunker barge should be know in case of oil spillage.

50. State EIGHT actions the Engineer Officer of the Watch would take on discovering unexpected high level bilge in both
port and starboard bilge wells.
 Take initial sounding of bilge tank.
 Start the bilge pump and pump into the bilge holding tank.
 Check the cause for raising the bilges.
 If it is small leakage, try to rectify it.
 If it is major leakage, Inform the bridge, Chief Engineer, raise the general alarm and summon for assistance.
 Set the line for Emergency Bilge Injection System.
 Start the pump and check whether level of bilges is reducing or not.
 Once make sure that bilge injection system is working effectively, try to locate the leakage and temporarily
arrest it to minimise or stop increasing of water.
 Monitor the level of water and as the water is reducing in bilges, open the sea suction valve, so that pump will
not loose suction.
 Once confirm that all water has been removed and there is no further leakage, stop the pump and close the
 Enter in Oil Record Book the operation carried out stating the reasons, Start and End Time.

51. A. List TWO safety devices on air compressor and state why each is fitted.
Two Safety devices fitted to an air compressor are:
1. Bursting Disc:- To protect the cooling water space casing against the over pressure by air in the event of a cooler tube
2. Unloader:- To reduce the very high starting torque and also to drain the accumulated oil and water mixture.
3. Drains:- To drain the accumulated water from mixture. Participated in the coolers and also oil carried out from the
cylinder. The emulsion is collected in separate at cooler outlets and must be drain regularly to reduce carry over and to
prevent explosion in starting air line and receiver also it will wash oil film off the cylinder walls.
4. Relief valve:- Fitted at each stage air side to protect against over pressurisation.
B. Describe how you would operate an air compressor manually in the event of failure of the automatic unloading
 Change switch to manual mode.
 Check the L.O. Sump Level.
 Open the Moisture Drain valve and Unloader valve.
 Open Compressor discharge valve.
 Open Air bottle filling valve.
 Open cooling water system.
 Turn the compressor flywheel by hand ( check for its freeness).
 Start the motor, after draining close the Drain and Unloader valve.
 Check the pressure and temperature readings.

52. With reference to electric motors

State the consequences of not carrying out the maintenanc
Damage of bearings.,over heating of motor and vibration.
 Due to faulty insulation, earth fault can occur.
 Possible of short and open circuit on motor.

53. A. Describe what is meant by the term “Cofferdam”.

Empty space between two bulkheads, offer in place to prevent contamination from one tank to another. ie. There would be a
cofferdam between fuel tank and a ballast tank. They also allow for inspection of tanks.
B. Explain the procedure for entry into a cofferdam prior to an inspection.
 Ventilation thoroughly for at least 24 hrs.
 Test of atmosphere by Chief Officer for Oxygen and hydrocarbon content. Oxygen should be 21% and should not
be any toxic gas present.
 Risk assessment and tank entry permit should be carried out.
 SCABA should be kept at the entrance of the tank.
 Life line and portable light should be there.
 Communication between the person, who is going inside the tank and bridge should be clear.
 During the person working inside the tank, there must be a person at the entrance of the tank at all time.

54. With Reference to refrigeration system:

A. Describe how the air is removed from the system.
Procedure for removing air from the system:
 Shut the condenser outlet valve with circulating valve on. The charged is pumped to the condenser.
 Compressor cuts out on low pressure.
 Slowly open the purge valve and remove air.
 Shut the purge valve.
 Open the condenser outlet valve.
 Check the refrigerant level, and add if necessary.

B. Describe how and where refrigerant gas is added to the system.

Procedure for charging refrigerant gas to the system:
 Refrigerant gas is added on the compressor suction side service stop valve just before compressor.
 Weight refrigerant cylinder.
 Connect refrigerant cylinder to charging valve on compressor suction side with flexible line.
 Purge air from charge connecting line by slightly open the bottle v/v.
 Close outlet valve on condenser and pump down system.
 Compressor will cut out on low pressure.
 Check the liquid level.
 Close the compressor suction service stop valve.
 Open charging valve and carefully open vapour valve on refrigerant cylinder.
 The compressor suction pressure will rise until the compressor start. Compressor is now taking refrigerant vapour from
cylinder and pumping it into condenser.
 Continue charging until required amount of refrigerant has been added,
 Check scale level and observe liquid level.
 Close charging valve.
 Open condenser outlet valve.
 Slowly open the compressor suction valve until it is fully open.
 If charge is complete, close cylinder valve and disconnect charging line and cylinder,
55. Name FOUR (4) types of portable fire extinguisher normally found onboard ship and state the class of fire each
can be used.

Type of Extinguisher Class

1. Water Type Class ‘A’ Fire
2. Foam type Class ‘B’ Fire
3. CO2 Type Class ‘C’ Fire
4. Dry Powder type Class ‘D’ Fire
57. Sketch a cross-section through a plate type heat exchanger, showing the flow path of both fluids and a plate showing the
constructional details and jointing arrangement.

58. A. As Engineer Officer of the Watch explain the safety issues to be considered when large quantities of fuel oil are
transferred from the double bottoms to storage tanks at a higher level in the ship.
 Inform Bridge, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer
 Make sure, ships stability is not going to be affected adversely due to transfer of oil.
 It doesn’t produce a negative GM.
 Use Walkie Talkies and maintain communication between Bridge duty Officer, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer.
 Plan the quantity of fuel oil that is to be transfer.
 Take Sounding of the tanks and check all trays are plugged.
 Keep SOPEP equipments and fire fighting appliances ready.
 Set the line and check only suction valve of double bottom tank and discharge valve of the respective tank which is to
be filled is open and rest all valves are closed and place a tag on them.
 Double check the all valve and check that every thing is ok.
 Before starting the transfer pump, inform Duty Officer, C/E and C/O that transfer is going to be started.
 Once order are received, start the transfer pump and check the pump pressure.(suc and discharge)
 Check the sounding of double bottom tank as well the tank which is filling.
 Once sure that oil is being transfer to the right tank, inform C/E.

B. State who should be informed before commencement of the fuel oil transfer.
Chief Engineer and Chief Officer.
C. State the document to be used after the transfer of fuel oil in Q (a).
Oil Record Book.

59. A. State the TWO types of secondary cell batteries.

1. Lead acid cell.
2. Alkaline Cell.

B. State FOUR applications of secondary cell batteries onboard ship.

1. Use for starting of emergency generator.
2. Emergency Lighting.
3. Alarm Circuit.
4. Supplies essential power to
 Radio Equipments
 Communication system
 Fire selection and alarm system.

C. Describe the maintenance that such batteries require.

 Check specific gravity of cells using hydrometer.
 Ensure cells are covered with electrolyte if not top up with distilled water.
 Batteries should be kept clean and dry
 Terminals should be covered with petroleum jelly to avoid corrosion.
 Check tightness of terminal nuts.
Check battery vent are clear.
60. A. State four conditions to be complied with before discharge of oily water from machinery spaces.
 Inform bridge, C/E, ask for permission, position of vessel.
 Vessel should be en-route.,speed more than 6 NM/H
 Oily water should be passed through approved oily water separator and oil content monitor with 15 PPM.
 If oil content exceeds 15 PPM there should be an alarm system and discharge overboard should be automatically
stopped.or changeover with the help of 3 way valve.
 Discharge is Highly sensitive area
 Bilges should not originate from cargo pump rooms.
B. Describe the operation of an oily-water separator.
Oily water separator operate on the principle seprations of two liquidsof differing density and so oil being lighter then water
will float to the surface under the influence of gravity.
Oily water mixture from the bilge pump enters the first stage separation chamber and because of the different density the
water and oil begin to separate with the oil rising to the upper level. Further separation occurs in the lower part of the
chamber where the liquid has to pass through a series of dished plates.
Cleaner water will make its way to the bottom of unit, while the oil will collect at the top. As the oil level builds up the
probe in top of the unit will sense the change in the level between the oil and the water. Once this reaches a predetermined
level the probe will initiate the oil valve to open and oil will be discharge to a dirty bilge tank.
Water then passes to the second stage Coalescer/ Filter unit. Here the small droplets are made to form into large drops. These
has pass to the top of unit. Ag
ain a probe will sense the level between oil and water and open the oil discharge valve allowing the oil to flow to the dirty
bilge tank. The clean water, at this stage below 15 PPM will go overboard.

61. A. State FOUR features which assist in the starting lifeboat engines in cold climate conditions.
Starting of Life Boat Engines in cold climate conditions is possible by use of:
 Arctic Fuel (Low Pour Point).
 Space Heater.
 Insulated Engine Housing.
 Electrical Glow Plugs.
 Ether Aerosol.
 Anti-Freeze in fresh water circulation system space heater.

C. Briefly describe TWO devices that control the rate of fall of a lifeboat when launched from standards

When launched from standard davits the two device that control the rate of fall of a life boat are Dead man Breaks and
Centrifugal Break.
The dead man break is know as weighted break will come into action once we let go of the breaking lever and stopping the
fall of the lifeboat.
The centrifugal break will not allow the lifeboat to fall faster then 36 meter/min.

62. A. State FOUR safety device fitted to an air compressor and give the reason for fitting.
Four Safety devices fitted to an air compressor are:
1. Bursting Disc:- To protect the cooling water space casing against the over pressure by air in the event of a cooler tube
2. Unloader:- To reduce the very high starting torque and also to drain the accumulated oil and water mixture.
3. Drains:- To drain the accumulated water from mixture.
4. Relief valve:- Fitted at each stage air side to protect against over pressurisation.
5. Non Return Valve:-
6. Fusible plug:-
B. Describe how the air condition required for good control air is achieved.
The air condition required for good control air is achieved by the regular draining of oil and water from the air bottle and by
the dryer.
Dryer containing silica gel which absorve the moisture from the air.For controlling the system air should be clean and dry,if
not then corrosion and blockage the small orifices and machinery operation can be failed.

63. State the safety checks needed before using the following lifting gear

A. Wire Strops
 Check SWL marked on Wire Strops.
 Visually inspect for any defects.
 Check that there are no cut strands.
 Check that there is no twist and kink in wires.

B. Chain Blocks
 Check SWL marked on Chain Blocks.
 Visually inspect for any defects.
 Check that hooks and buckles are not worn out.
 Should have a valid certificate.

C. Eye Bolts
 Check SWL marked on Eye Bolts.
 Visually inspect for any defects.
 Check that threads are not damaged.

D. Shackles.
 Check SWL marked on Shackles.
 Visually inspect for any defects.
 Visually examine the area where load comes on shackles for any wear.
 Check the condition of threads and if locking arrangement is provided, check that it is in place.

64. Sketch a simple refrigeration system showing the FOUR major components

66. The steam heating coil in a heavy fuel oil service tank has a suspected leak.

A. Explain how the fault may be detected.

 By drain the F.O. Tank.
 By observing the observation tank on hot well.
 Open the steam return line drain.

B. Outline a safe tank preparation and entry procedure to affect a repair.

 Get the work permit from the office.
 Transfer all oil to the another tank and close the steam line valve for the particular tank.
 Follow risk assessment.
 Enclosed space entry permit should be followed.

68. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a method of remotely monitoring the content of a fuel tank.
It consist of a hemispherical bell placed at the bottom of tank above sludge line. A tank selection cock, three way cock, and
mercury monometer is equipped.
 A selector cock is provided to connect the gauge to the particular tank whom contents are to be measured.
 The 3 way cock connects the pump to the system and isolates the gauge and the circuit is charge with air (10-15 3
strokes of hand pump).
 The cock is thaw turned to connect the gauge to the tank, the head of fluid is the tank exerts a force on the air and
pressure is transmitted back to the well moving the mercury up the gauge tube, so indicating the weight of oil in the

69. Describe how the thrust of the propeller is transmitted to the hull of the ship.
When propeller shaft rotating it generate thrust in opposite direction.
According newton 3rd law of motion as equal and opposite thrust will be transmit in ahead direction via propeller shaft to
thrust color.
This thrust collar is transmit thrust to tilting thrust pad,which are fited in thrust block,
Thrust block is provide in 2 stroke engine is in side and in 4 stroke engine is out side.
Hense,thrust is transmit via thrustblock to ship hull and ship move in ahead direction.

C. Show with the aid of a sketch the principle of operation of a Michell thrust block.
The thrust to the collar is transmitted through the oil film and pads to the casing.

72. State FOUR advantages and FOUR disadvantages of plate type coolers
1. Compact and space saving.
2. Easily inspect and cleaned.
3. With titanium plates virtually no corrosion, good heat transfer.
4. Variable capacity, plate numbers can be altered to vary capacity.
5. Leaks are sometime difficult to find.
6. Deteriorating joints are also a problem.
7. Very expensive.
8. Chances of contamination is more

75. Sketch a simple Main Engine jacket water system showing a single element temperature control.
77. Outline the function of each of the following

A. International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

It is an International Maritime Organisation which makes rules for the ships and shipping company to make sure for the safety of
ships personnel, safe operation of Ships and safety of environment.

B. International Safety Management Code (ISMC)

International Safety Management Code (ISMC) means the International Management code for the safe operation’s of ship
and for pollution prevention. The objective of the code are to ensure Safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life
and avoidance of damage to environment and property.

C. Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

The main objective of the Safety of life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 convention is to specify minimum standards for the
construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.

79. With reference to low pressure evaporators:

A. Explain why the water generated is unfit to drink without appropriate treatment.
Water produced in low pressure evaporator has to be treated before it can be used for human consumption because
water is produced at low temperature and low pressure which does not kill organisms and bacteria present in raw water.

B. Describe the methods of treatment necessary to make the water potable.

For domestic purpose the water used muse be slightly alkaline, sterilized, clear and pleasant tasting. This can be achieved by
use of:
 Silver ion to sterilize the water produce.
 Adding chlorine to the storage tank and maintain chlorine of 0.2 ppm.
 Neutralising unit containing magnesium and calcium carbonate to increase the alkalinity and to improve taste.
 A sand bed filter to produce clear water.
 An activated carbon bed filter absorb excess chlorine and improve taste.

80. Describe how to manually couple a second auxiliary generator to the main switchboard and balance out the load.
 Check All parameters of incoming generator are adequate.
 Put the selector switch to incoming generator.
 Check the frequency should be same as bus-bar frequency.
 Check the voltage should be same as bus-bar voltage.
 Use synchroscope to see that voltage are in phase.
 Synchroscope pointer should rotate slowly in clockwise direction.
 When the pointer is five minute to twelve, close the ACB of incoming generator.
 Switch off the synchroscope.
 To share the lode equally, raise the governor (Speed Control) of incoming generator and lower the running
generator simultaneously until both the generators are sharing equal load.
 Check again all parameters for both generators

82. A. Describe the construction, position and function of the forward collision bulkhead.
Construction:- The fore end structure is strengthened to resist the high dynamic stress imposed due to panting and pounding.
Forward of collision bulkhead (ie. In the fore peak tank), transverse frame are closely spaced and panting stringer’s are fitted
not more then 2.0 m apart.
The stringer’s are bracketed to the shell frames and reinforced transversely by panting beams fitted on alternate frames
under each panting stringers.
Position:- It is position at foremost main transverse watertight bulkhead (ie. Aft bulkhead of fore peak tank.)

Purpose:- The purpose of collision bulkhead is to restrict the water which may enter the ship due to damage caused by head
on collision.

B. State why the longitudinal position of the collision bulkhead is important.

To maintain watertight integrity of the vessel.
Too far forward could be damaged, Too close could waste cargo space.

84. State, with reasons, FOUR principle requirements for maintaining records onboard ship
1. For the Vetting Inspection.
2. For the reference.
3. For the evidence, in case of emergency.
85. A. Make a labelled cross - sectional sketch of a single entry centrifugal pump, along the axis of the pump drive shaft
B. Make a labelled cross - sectional sketch through the volute casing of the centrifugal pump in question A,
showing the impeller vanes and the flow of liquid through the pump

C. Explain the principle of operation of the centrifugal pump.

In a centrifugal pump impeller rotates in a volute casing whose sectional area increase as it nears the discharge outlet.
The liquid enters from the eye of impeller axially and is accelerated along the curved vanes in a redial direction.
Due to the high increased kinetic energy the velocity is high as it leaves the impeller. The high velocity is converted to
pressure energy as it leaves the volute casing.

87. A large diesel a.c. generator currently in service is due for a routine overhaul. As Engineer Officer of the Watch, explain
the precautions to be taken:

A. When taking the a.c. generator off electrical load.

When taking the a.c. generator off electrical load:
 Inform the Bridge, C/E and officer of the watch.
 Make sure that running generator has adequate load capacity to take load from that generator which is to be off load, or,
 Start the other standby generator and take it on load.
 If possible try to reduce loads by switching off the machine which are not essentials and put a notice.
 Once sure that loads are being shared equally by generators.
 Off the generator and open the ACB.

B. When isolating the machine in order that work may be carried out.
When isolating the machine in order that work may be safety carried out:
 Do risk assessment and follow isolation procedure by checklist.
 At the switchboard take out the generator from standby mode.
 Tag and lock the system and display warning notice.
 At the generator platform, put the fuel lever to stop position.
 Shut the air starting line v/v and keep the drain v/v op

88. A. Name the International Convention that regulates the prevention of oil pollution at sea

MARPOL 73/78
ANNEX I : Regulation for the prevention of pollution by oil.

B. Describe how oily water from machinery space bilges, when pumped overboard, complies with the convention
mentioned in Question A.

C. Where are these discharge overboard, mentioned in question B, recorded onboard.

Oil Record Book PART A.

89. As an Engineer Officer of the Watch list EIGHT (8) reasons for calling the Chief Engineer Officer.
1. Main Engine Problem.
2. Scavenge Fire.
3. Flooding.
4. Major Oil Spill.
5. Black Out.
6. Engine Room Fire.
7. Oil Mist Detector Alarm.
8. Boiler Low Water Trip.
9. Any casualty due to accident.
10. Steering Gear System Failure.
11. Black Out

90. With reference to electric motor

B. Describe how to test for electric faults within an electric motor
 Check for insulation of the motor.
 Check for insulation coating of the motor.
 Check for bearing and bearing play of the motor
92. A. Name FOUR (4) types of portable fire extinguisher that may be found in the machinery space onboard ship.
Four Types of Extinguisher may be found in the machinery spaces are:
1. Water Type.
2. Foam type.
3. CO2 Type.
4. Dry Powder type

B. State the fire classification, including the type of material involved with EACH.
Class of Fire Type of Materials
Class ‘A’ Fire Woods, Glass, Fibre Rags.
Class ‘B’ Fire Fire Involving liquids or liquidable solid such as lubricating oil and fuel, Grease.
Class ‘C’ Fire Gases such as liquefied petroleum gases-Propane, Butane.
Class ‘D’ Fire Metal fire such as Magnesium, Aluminium, Sodium.

93. A. State four legal documents which are found in the Engine Room.

Legal document which are found in the engine room:

1. Oil Record Book Part - I.
2. Engine Log Book.
3. Chief Engineer’s Night Order Book.
4. Engine Room Tank’s Sounding Book.
5. ISM Check List File.
6. Engine Room Safety Routine file.
7. Work Permit File.
8. Lifting Gear Record File.
9. Machinery Running Hours Record File.
10. Work and Rest Hour File.
11. PMS (Planned Maintenance Schedule) and Spare Inventory file.

B. State the procedure to be carried out if you found no one in the engine room when taking over a watch.

Before Entering in the Engine Room

 Inform Bridge.
 Activate Dead man Alarm.

After Entering the Engine Room

 Inform C/E about the present situation.
 Read the C/E standing order.
 Check the engine room log book parameters of previous watch.
 Check for notice left by the previous duty engineer of the watch on notice board, if any.
 Take proper round of the engine room checking of any leakages and machinery parameters.
 Keep on resetting the dead man alarm before its preset time.
 Once all is OK, inform C/E.

94. With reference to earth faults on a ship electrical system:

State how they are indicated.
Earth fault is indicated by:
 Earths lamps and
 Earth leakage monitor.

B. Describe how the location is to be found.

Earth fault can be found by the process of opening the circuit-breakers of the loads one by one and checking the earth
monitor for clearing the fault when the breaker is open.
C. State the safety precautions necessary in order to carry out repairs.
 Inform Bridge, C/E and officer of the watch.
 Do risk assessment and follow permit to work system.
 Use proper Personal Protective Equipment.
 Switch-off and lock-off supplies and display warning notice.
 Tools used should be well insulated.

95. A. Describe the operating procedure for using a static oily water separator to discharge bilge water over board.

B. State the effect EACH of the following would have on the efficiency of the separator:

1. The addition of heat to the separator.

Better separation because added heat will reduce the density of oil and water mixture.

2. Agitating the bilge water before it is pumped.

Will cause emulsion of oil and water mixture.

96. A. State the measurement that gives an indication of a ships stability.

GM positive

B. Explain the meaning of the measurement in Q. (A).

Metacentre should be above then centre of gravity

C. Explain how the measurement given in Q. (A) indicates EACH of the following:

1. Stable stability.
To a stable stability for a ship, the weight and buoyancy of ship should be equal, the centre of gravity and centre of
buoyancy should be vertically aligned and the metacentre should be above its centre of gravity..

2. Unstable stability.
When M below the G,then vessel is unstable.

3. Neutral stability.
Neutral stability is the limiting condition between stable and unstable condition

97. A. With reference to a contents and use, describe how a portable fire extinguisher is identified.
Portable fire extinguisher are identified by:
 Colour code
Water/Soda-acid type - Red
Foam - 5% Cream/buff
DCP - 5% Blue
CO2 - 5% Black

 Identification label stating for what class of fire particulars extinguisher to be used.
 Visually checking the shape of nozzle, operating mechanism (eg. CO 2 extinguisher nozzle would be different in
comparison with others).
Size and capacity of the extinguisher.

B. List the actions to be taken prior to the operation of a bottled CO2 fire fighting system
As the CO2 alarm sounds
 Every body from the engine room and pump room should escape from the escape route.
 Muster at designated muster station.
 Head count will be done by responsible officer.
 Once every body is present, inform bridge and CO2 will be released only by the order of Master and Chief Engineer.

98. A. Define the term “Enclosed Space.

The place which is closed for a long time and which may have lack of oxygen and possible to presence of toxic gas, is know
as Enclosed space.

B. State THREE areas on board a ship that would be designated as an enclosed space.
Enclosed Space areas onboard ship are:
 Ballast water tank.
 Cargo tanks.
 Fresh water tanks.
 Fuel oil tanks.
 Bilge holding tanks.
 Sewage holding tanks.
 Waste oil tanks,Scavenge space,Voide space,Trunking of cranes.
B. Describe the procedure for the entry into an enclosed space.
 Ventilation thoroughly for at least 24 hrs.
 Test of atmosphere by Chief Officer for Oxygen and hydrocarbon content. Oxygen should be 21% and should not
be any toxic gas present.
 Risk assessment and tank entry permit should be carried out.
 SCABA should be kept at the entrance of the tank.
 Life line and portable light should be there.
 Communication between the person, who is going inside the tank and bridge should be clear.
 During the person working inside the tank, there must be a person at the entrance of the tank at all time.
99. A. State the different engine room records that are kept.
 Log Book.
 Bell Book.
 Oil Record Book.
 Saturday Routine Record Book.
 C/E Standing Order Book.
 C/E Night Order Book.
 Work and Rest Hours Record Book.
 Safety Equipments Record Book.
B. Explain the reasons for the important of these records.
i. For maintaining the machinery in proper working condition at all the time.
ii. To reduce the break down maintenance.
iii. To provide correct reports to the port state control and vetting inspector.
iv. For the safe operation of the ship, machinery and personnel.
v. To provide information of the events occurred in past to the next joining crew.
vi. To save the marine environment from any accidental pollution.
C. State the frequency with which the records are updated.
 All tank sounding, Engine Room Log Book, Oil Record Book, Work and Rest Hours should be updated daily.
 Safety equipments records should be updated weekly.
 Alarm and trips records of the machinery should be updated monthly.
 FFA and LSA equipments records should be maintained monthly.
 Some typical LSA equipments like Life Boat, Rescue Boat operation records should maintain quarterly.

100. A. Explain the procedure for setting up the oily water separator and pumping the bilge.
Procedure for setting up the oily water separator and pumping the bilges:
 Confirm from Bridge that oily water separator can be run (follow Annex I Marpol regulation.)
 Inform C/E.
 Check physical condition of piping.
 Sound the bilge holding tanks.
 Switch power on including the monitor system.
 Open fresh water to monitor system and monitor that it reads 0 PPM.
 Press alarm test switch and confirm alarm sound.
 Open sampling cock to monitoring system and close fresh water cock.
 Open sea suction and overboard valve.
 Start bilge pump and flush the system for 10 minute with sea water.
 Close sea suction and open bilge holding tank suction valve.
 Check the pressure.
 Once the system started monitor the condition of water at 1 st and 2nd stage separation chamber sampling cocks.
 Once satisfied that system is working correctly.
 After completion of operation, enter it in Oil Record Book with date, time, position of vessel, sounding of bilge holding
tank before and after operation

C. State which of the following would make the OWS process more efficient.
The addition of heat to the machine.
Better separation because added heat will reduce the density of oil and water mixture.

Increasing the through of oil

Mixing the bilge water before it is pumped.

Will cause emulsion of oil and water mixture.
101. A. When the ship first sails from port with full bunkers onboard engineer will be normally be asked to use the fuel in the
wing tanks first.
 When using the wing tank fuel, Centre of gravity is moved down, thus GM is increased.
 If using the Double Bottom tank, centre of gravity is moved upward and causes GM to reduce that will cause
stability problem.
 Therefore to maintain stability and keep metacentric height GM positive, wing tank fuel should be used first.

B. Discuss the stability implications of the statement above as opposed to using the fuel in the double bottom tanks.

Describe about 4 tipes of portable extinguisher which is normally found in machinery space.
 Water Type
Water in a container and CO2 cartridge.

 Foam Mechanical Type

Quarter container is filled with water up to mark (Approx 8.25 litres)
The central container holds a CO2 cartdge and a foam solution (CO2 cartridge approx 74 grams).

 Carbon Dioxide Type

Contains Liquid CO2

 Dry Powder Type

Contain powder charge of Sodium Bicarbonate with some magnesium stearate added to prevent powder from coking.
CO bottle approx 60 grams.

103. A. With reference to centrifugal separators, state TWO factors that have an influence on the separating process.
TWO factors that have an influence on the separating process:
1. Temperature of the Oil/Fuel.
2. Viscosity.
3. Feed rate to purifier.

B. Give TWO reasons for a purifier not attaining full running speed.
TWO reasons for a purifier not attaining full running speed:
If Purifier is belt driven-
1. Belt is slipping due to oil on the belt.
2. Worn out slipping pads.
If Purifier is having bowel and pin gear arrangement-
1. Worn out gear teeth.
2. Less motor current.

Describe the procedure to be observed when taking over the responsibility for the engine room on a ship that is
operating under Unmanned Machinery Space conditions.

 Ensure all FO, LO and fresh water tanks, Sump are adequately full.
 Bilges are dry and high level alarms operational.
 Smoke and fire sensors are operational.
 Emergency generator is on standby.
 Stopped diesel generators are on standby.
 All standby pumps and machinery systems are on auto start position.
 All strainers and filters of running and standby machinery are cleaned.
 All parameters are within normal range.
 All alarms and safety cut-outs are operational.
 All drain tanks are empty.
 Loose tens are secured.
 All piping systems are tight and not temporarily repaired.
 Workshop welding machine plug is removed.
 Acetylene and Oxygen cylinder valves closed and hoses are disconnected.
 Engine room and Steering Gear compartment watertight doors are shut.
 All fire fighting appliances and EEBD are in proper place and good working condition.
 Watch keeper control switched to Duty Engineer’s cabin.
 Main Engine on Bridge control and Duty Officer is informed of commencement time of UMS.
A engineer officer of the watch,list of action to be taken prior to the operation of the bottled CO2 fire fifgting
First ensure that the compartment is evacuated of personnel and sealed off. This necessitates closing all doors to the engine
room, shutting down skylights, closing dampers or vents and stopping ventilation fan. Pump should also be stopped and
collapsible bridge valves closed. In a modern vessel the sealing off can be done by remote control from the fire control
station generally using a compressed air or hydraulic system.

106. A. Describe the operation of domestic refrigeration plant.

Considering figure, the vapour is discharge from the compressor at 93 0C and is condensed in the condenser,
Condensation temperature 300C. For good heat energy transference rate a temperature deferential of about 8 0C between
cooling water inlet and condensation (Saturation) pressure and corresponding saturation temperature (t s) on a dual
scale, for example Freon 12 would be 7.4 bar, 30 0C, the actual superheated vapour temperature as read from the
thermometer being 930C.
Some undercooling, Which is advantageous, will occur in the condenser, under standard conditions this will be 5 0C so
the liquid will leave at 250C. The liquid now passes through the expansion valve where throttling at constant enthalpy
to the desired vaporisation pressure will occur. Some flash off of liquid to vapour will occur, the greater the
undercooling the less will be the flash of percentage. This represents a loss, as any vapour fromed before the evaporator
will not now extract its specific enthalpy of vaporisation from the brine, giving a resultant loss of refrigeration effect.
Ideally the fluid should be totally wet entering and just dry leaving the evaporator which means full specific enthalpy of
vaporisation absorption from brine. In theory superheating in non advantageous but in practice it is advantageous to
make the vapour superheated at entry to the compressor, giving a fairly high superheat leaving the compressor.

B. State how liquid is prevented from returning to the compressor.

The thermostatic expansion valve maintain a constant degree of super heat in the vapour at the evaporator outlet, thus
enabling the evaporator at any load to be kept correctly supplied with liquid refrigerant without any danger of liquid carry
over to suction line and hence to the compressor. Ideally the gas leaving evaporator should have 6 to 7 degree of superheat.

107. Explain the actions that the Engineer Officer of the Watch should take on discovering the lagging on the main engine
exhaust, within the funnel spaces, was on fire.

108. A. Describe how you would overhaul an electric motor that has been flooded with sea water.
 Inform C/E and Duty Officer.
 Do risk assessment and follow permit to work system.
 Isolate the supply, lock and tag, display warning notice.
 Before carrying out maintenance make sure supply is DEAD.
 Check the insulation resistance and keep a log because it has flooded with water insulation resistance value must have
 To restore the insulation to a high value it can be achieved in three stages: Cleaning, Drying and Re-Varnishing.
 Dismantle the Rotor, Stator and other parts.
 Salt contamination can be removed by washing with clean fresh water.
 Remove the grease on the winding by using degreasent liquid.
 Dry the stator winding with low power electric heater or lamps to remove the dampness.
 Apply a good quality air drying insulating varnish.
 Replace the bearing with new one.
 Through clean and dry all other parts.
 Clean the fan and fan cover for dirt and dust.
 Keep checking Insulation resistance until satisfactory value is achieved.
 Assemble the motor.

B. Explain how to check the insulation resistance of the motor stating the minimum acceptable value.
 Follow proper isolation procedure before carrying out any test.
 Do risk assessment and follow permit to work system.
 To test the insulation resistance use Insulation Resistance Tester (Meggar).
 Set the voltage to 500 v d.c. (M ).
 At the terminal box open the cover and note down connections.
 Loosen the nuts and disconnect the supply leads.
 Prove the basic operation of tester; short the probes together, switch to “M “ and press the test button; the display
should indicate “0 “.
 Check insulation resistance between phase-to-phase ie. U1-V1, V1-W1, W1-U1 and note the readings keep a log next.
 Check phase to earth ie. U1-earth, V1-earth, W1-eart.
 Minimum acceptable value is 1 M

109. With reference to the pre-sailing test on a ship’s steering gear, list EIGHT functions of machinery or control system whose
operation should be tested.
1. Operation of main steering gear.
2. Operation of auxiliary steering gear or use of the second pump which acts as an auxiliary.
3. Operation of the Remote Control system from the main bridge steering positions.
4. Operation of steering gear using the emergency power supply.
5. Check rudder angel indicator reading with respect to the actual rudder angle.
6. The alarms fitted to the remote control system.
7. Steering gear power unit failure alarm.
8. Steering gear header tank oil level
111. Sketch an Aerobic Sewage Treatment Plant.

112. A. Describe the method of checking and donning a Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus (CABA) set.
Checking procedure of CABA
 Check all straps on mask are O.K. & check condition of masks lass.
 Press demand valve( button/ lever).
 Check bottle connections.
 Check opening of main valve.
 Turn air on and off again.
 Pressure should not drop more than l0 bar in two (2) minutes.
 Test alarm. press demand valve or hold mask to face and breath.
 Check tightness of face seal
Donning procedure of CABA
Check the Cylinder pressure (Approx 240 bar). Open the cylinder valve. Wear mask and tighten it. Take 2 to 3 breath and
after hold the breath. Check any leaks. After shut the cylinder valve approx see the pressure gauge. Move head up and down,
pressure should not go down. Then breath steadily to exhaust the residual air in the system. Mask should collapse on to the
Whistle test: Open air valve and shut, then press the demand valve vent, air will release and the alarm sound should come.

B. What means of control is used to monitor the working duration of the Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus Crew.
 Pressure Gauge
 Demand valve
 Whistle/ Alarm at low pressure.

113. Define and explain the function of the following:

A. Transverse Watertight Bulkhead
Transverse Watertight Bulkhead is very strong in construction. It Divides the ship into two watertight compartments thus
restrict the volume of water, which may be enter the ship due to damage to the shell plating. The forward most Transverse
Watertight Bulkhead is called collision bulkhead.

B. Bilge Keel
Bilge keel is a piece of plate set perpendicular to a to a ships shell along her bilges for about one third her length. It has a
prime function of damping the rolling method of ship.
C. Shear Strake.
The upper most side strake at the gunwale, is known as the Shear Strake. It is thicker thus most strakes since it must
withstand high stress at these corners as the ship bends over wave.

D. Cofferdam
Empty space between two bulkhead, offer in place to prevent contamination from one tank to another. ie. There would be a
cofferdam between fuel tank and a ballast tank. They also allow for inspection of tanks.

114. A. What is Reverse Power Protection Trip for?

Generators intend to operate in parallel must have a reverse power protection trip. A reverse power relay monitors the
direction of power flowing between the generators and the switchboard. If a prime mover failure occurred the generator
would act a motor. The reverse power relay detects the fault and acts to trip the generator circuit breaker.

B. What is the purpose of Under Voltage Trip?

It is fitted to all generator breakers. Its main function is to trip the breaker when severe voltage dip (Around 50 %). The
under voltage trip on a generator circuit breaker also prevents it being closed when the generator voltage is very low or

115. Sketch a simple Cross-section through a two stage starting air compressor, labelling the main

116. Sketch a cross-section of horizontally mounted two pass heat exchanger used for lubricating oil and show the flow of the
path of the two fluid

117. A. Sketch a camshaft timing chain arrangement indicating how the chain tension is adjusted.
 In addition to the driver (Crankshaft) wheal and driven (Camshaft) wheal, a chain system will contain Jockey and idler

 Jockey Wheels can be move about a pivot to adjust the chain tension.

 Adjustment may be made by a screw or hydraulic jack arrangement or a spring-loaded pulley.

 The adjustable wheel is usually located on the slack side of chain when going in ahead direction.

B. State two items of auxiliary equipment which can be driven via the timing chain.
A. Fuel Pump.
B. Exhaust Valves.

118. With reference to two stage water cooled reciprocating main engine starting air compressors
A. Describe with aid of sketch, a protective device fitted to the water side of the intercooler or aftercooler.

Relief Valve
Relief valve fitted on the cooling water casing usually at the intercooler and aftercooler. It consist of a simple spring load
valve, which has a handle for lifting it manually. This is to ensure freedom of operation and to check that the relief bore is
B. Explain why the device describe in Question (A) is fitted
To protect the water side casing against over pressure in the event of a cooler tube failure.

119. A. If no testing equipment was available. Explain how the condition of lubricating oil could be assessed onboard.

If no test equipment is available onboard, lubricating oil conditions can be determined by few simple tests:
 Crackle Test For Water: This is where a simple of lub oil is taken and place in test tube, the test tube is then heated,
any water droplets will make a crackling noise due to the formation of bubbles. This will detect only small amount of
water. For large amount of water, a simple settling test can be used.
 TBN: TBN can be tested by placing a drop of indicator solution on to blotting paper. This being followed by drop
of sample lub oil in the contact of blotting paper. A colour change should take place around the surrounding area of the
drop ie. The colour red shows acid in present, green/blue show alkaline presence.

B. Describe three tests for lubricating oil.

Three types of onboard test for lubricating oil are
 The flow stick test – To test viscosity of lub oil.
 % water in oil test – To test water in oil.
 Microbiological degradation of oil test – To test any infestation of
Microbiological organism in lub oil

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