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Earthquake is the trembling or shaking movement of the surface of the earth.

It is
a sudden violent shaking of the earth's surface that occurs naturally and causes
great destruction because of the strong movements within the earth's crust or
volcanic action. It is a natural disturbance that can be characterized as
convulsion or concussion of the ground. We are here in order to help students to
fulfill the tasks they are provided within their classrooms or any competition
organized for essay writing.

Sample Essay on Earthquake for Students

Essay 1 (400 Words)
Earthquake is a natural calamity that has the power to destroy human lives in a few
seconds. It is lonely responsible for the huge damage to living and non-living
beings. Earlier, people were unaware of the reasons for earthquake occurrence and
the extent of the damage. They believed that earthquake occurs whenever mother
earth become angry with them.

It was Aristotle (a great Greek philosopher) who made people aware that earthquake
occurs because of some physical factors. He told that some parts of land move
whenever air compressed within the arch escapes which is called volcanic activity.
Earthquake waves cause movement in the surrounding areas because of air pressure
and imbalance.

Another reason for earthquake occurrence is an isostatic adjustment. Earth's

surface contains some raised and depressed blocks that make the balance of earth
surface however the balance disturbs when blocks move revolving on units of the
axis. Raised blocks to get down and cause an imbalance on the earth's surface which
in turn causes an earthquake.

Generally, it occurs in the volcano prime areas, under the feet of mountains and
hills. However, it is not sure that earthquakes do not occur in other places. The
earthquake may occur anytime in any part of the world. Some of the earthquakes
become weak however some of them become very strong with the huge force which may
shake the earth's surface far away from the center point.

Earthquakes with huge intensity become really dangerous and cause severe damage.
According to the scientific study with the help of Seismograph, there are some
secondary waves and tertiary waves in the earthquake. There are various measurement
scales which can accurately measure the intensity of earthquake such as Mercall�s
scale, Richter scale, moment magnitude scale, etc.

Himalaya zone, the Ganga, Deccan Plateau, the Brahmaputra valleys, etc are the
earthquake-prone areas in India. Kutch (Gujarat, India) earthquake of the year 1819
was so massive (calculated 8 on Richter Scale) and affected a huge area (around
5000 square kilometers depressed by 15 feet and 1500 square kilometers raised by 50
feet). More than 10000 people were killed in the earthquake event of Latur and
Osmanabad districts of Maharashtra on the 30th of September in 1993.

Earthquake is the result of the release of elastic energy after forceful tectonic
plate movements. Elastic energy released in the form of seismic or shock waves
which travels for a long distance outwards in all directions from the center point
(a place of maximum destruction). High-rise buildings and ancient structures of the
cities (like Delhi) can be badly affected by the seismic force of an earthquake.

Essay 2 (600 Words)

Earthquake is a very dangerous natural disaster that occurs as a sudden shaking
movement of rocks in the earth's crust. Some of the earthquakes of low intensity
become less dangerous however earthquakes having high intensity become very
dangerous and can be extremely violent especially in the areas it occurs.

There is no fix duration for the occurrence of an earthquake, it may occur anytime
and anywhere for any duration. It may be brief but repeat many times a day.
Earthquake is the result of sudden energy release within the surface of the earth.
This released energy under earth crust creates powerful seismic waves that travel
through the earth's surface. The frequency of waves and type and size of an
earthquake is measured by the help of seismology which involves the use of

Large earthquakes may destroy things to a great extent as they take down huge
buildings, cause injury and thus the death of people. There are various scales used
to measure the intensity of shaking and the magnitude of an earthquake.

The scale showing magnitude 3 or less indicates that the earthquake is less harmful
however the scale showing magnitude 7 or more causes huge level damage over a wide
range of areas. The earthquake that occurs under the ocean takes the form of a
tsunami. It is a giant form that can cause death and destruction to the living and
non-living things. High-intensity earthquakes give rise to the landslides in the
surrounding areas.

In ancient times, people in China have used a device in order to guess the
occurrence of an earthquake. The device was similar to the jar having dragons on
top and surrounded by frogs with open mouths. They guess the occurrence of an
earthquake by the exchange of fitted ball in the dragon's mouth to the frog's
mouth. The direction of the earthquake was decided by the position of the frog
receiving a ball. This device was an effective tool in ancient times to figure out
the origin of an earthquake.

Causes of Earthquake

One of the main reasons for the earthquake is plate tectonics which causes tectonic
movements in the earth's surface. Tectonic plates under the earth surface collide
to each other and ride over the other which becomes the reason for mountain
formation, earthquakes, and volcanoes. This process releases a huge level of energy
which creates a force and thus surface movement.
Geological faults are also the reason for earthquakes. There are various forms of
faults however three main types are normal fault, reverse fault (also called thrust
fault) and strike-slip fault. Normal faults generally occur in the areas with
extended crust, reverse faults occur in the areas with shortened crust and strike-
slip faults occur in the areas where two fault sides slip horizontally.
Most earthquakes become part of a sequence of earthquake clusters that can recur in
a regular pattern and relate to each other in terms of location and time. Such
earthquakes cause less damage however larger earthquakes (mainshock) create a
foreshock (an earthquake of smaller magnitude) and cause much damage.
A series of an earthquake can occur in the variety of earthquake storm whenever an
earthquake hit a fault in the clusters. A tsunami is a dangerous form of the
earthquake which occurs as a result of a chain of fast-moving waves in the ocean
because of powerful earthquakes.

It is a very serious challenge for the people's lives, safety as well as earthquake
engineering as they can engulf coastal areas, swipe away the whole city, damage
houses and many more. It is sad to say that it cannot be prevented however people
can be warned through various warning systems to run away and save lives.

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