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1.1 Meaning of auditing

1. Accounting: Systematic examination and verification of a firm’s books of Accounts,

transaction records, other relevant documents, and physical inspections of inventory by
qualified accounts (called auditors). See also external and internal audit.

2.Quality control: Periodic (usually every six months) onsite-verification (by a

certificate authority) to as certain whether or not a document quality system is being effectively

1.2 Meaning of audit report


An audit report is a written opinion of an auditor regarding an entity’s financial

statements. The report is written in a standard format, as mandated by generally accepted
standards (GAAS)

1.3 Types of audit

Audit is an appraisal activity undertaken by an independent practitioner (

external auditor) to provide assurance to a principal (e.g Shareholders) over a subject matter
(e.g. Financial statements) which is the primary responsibility of another person (e.g. Directors)
against a given criteria or framework (e.g. IFRS and GAAP).

Main types of audit engagements and service include

 External Audit
 Internal Audit
 Forensic Audit
 Public Sector Audit
 Tax Audit
 Compliance Audit
 Value for Money Audit


External audit, also known as financial audit and statutory audit, involves the
examination of the truth fairness of the financial statements of an entry by an external auditor
who is independent of the organisation in accordance with a reporting frame work such as the
IFRS. Company law in most jurisdictions requires external audit on annual basis for companies
above a certain size.

External auditors are required to company with professional auditing standards such
as the internal standards on auditing and ethical guidelines such as those issued by IFAC in
order to maximum a level of quality and trust of all stakeholders in the auditing exercise.


Internal audit, also referred as operational audit, is a voluntary appraisal activity

undertaken by an organisation to provide assurance over the assurance over the effectiveness
of internal controls, risk management and governance to facilitate the achievement of
organisation objectives. Internal audit is performed by employees of the organizations to report
to the committee of the board of directors as opposed to external audit which is carried out by
professionals independent of the organisation and who report to the shareholders via audit
report. Internal audit is typically centred on certain key activities which include:

 Monitoring the effectiveness of internal control and proposing improvements.

 Investigating instances of fraud and theft.
 Monitoring compliance with laws and regulations.
 Reviewing and verifying where necessary the financial and operating
 Evaluating risk management policies and procedures of the company.


A forensic audit is an examination and evaluation of a firm's or individual's financial

records to derive evidence that can be used in a court of law or legal proceeding. Forensic
auditing is a specialization within the field of accounting, and most large accounting firms have
a forensic auditing department.

A forensic audit requires a written report about the fraud to be presented to the client
so that they can proceed to file a legal case if they so desire. At a minimum, the report should

Public sector

An audit, generally performed by an accounting firm, is an assessment of an

organisation’s financial information. An auditor’s aim is to assure that the financial statements
issued by an organisation are free from mistakes and errors. However, unlike audits for private
organisations, an auditor, auditing a public organisation may also go further to assess whether
the public organisation is meeting its mission or objectives.


Tax audit is the verification of the books of accounts of an assesses to validate the
income tax computation and compliance with the laws of Income Tax. Auditing of books of
accounts must be carried out by a certified Chartered Accountant.


A compliance audit is a comprehensive review of an organization's adherence to

regulatory guidelines. Audit reports evaluate the strength and thoroughness
of compliance preparations, security policies, user access controls and risk management
procedures over the course of a compliance audit.

Value for money

The primary objectives of value for money (VFM) audit are to provide the Assembly
with independent information and advice about how economically, efficiently and effectively
departments, agencies and other central government public bodies have used their resources,
encourage audited bodies to improve their performance.

1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of auditing

Advantages of audit

Auditing has become a compulsory task in the business organization. All the
organizations like business, social, industries and trading organizations make audit of books of
accounts. Now-a-days, owner of business and its management are separate. So, to detect and
prevent frauds, auditing has become essential. Its advantages are as follows:

1. Audit Helps To Detect And Prevent Errors And Frauds

An auditor's main duty is to detect errors and frauds, preventing such errors and frauds
and taking care to avoid such frauds.

2. Audit Helps To Maintain Account Regularly

An auditor raises questions if accounts are not maintained properly. So, audit gives
moral pressure on maintaining accounts regularly.

3. Audit Helps To Get Compensation

If there is any loss in the property of business, insurance company provides

compensation on the basis of audited statement of valuation made my the auditor. So, it helps
to get compensation.

4. Audit Helps To Obtain Loan

Specially financial institutions provide loan on the basis of audited statements. A

business organization may obtain loan considering the audited statement of last five years. So,
an organization should make audit compulsory to obtain loan.

5. Audit Facilitates The Sale Of Business

Valuation of assets is made by the auditor. On the basis of valuation of assets and
liabilities, businessman can sell his business. It helps to determine the price of business.

6. Audit Helps To Assess Tax

Tax authorities assess taxes on the basis of profit calculated by the auditor. In the same
way sales tax authority calculates sales tax on the basis of sales shown in the audited statement.

7. Audit Facilitates To Compare

An auditor instructs an accountant in the same way which helps to compare books of
accounts of current year with the accounting of the previous year. So, comparing the accounts
of current with previous years helps to detect errors and frauds.

Disadvantages of audit

Even though audit program has number of advantages, it is not free from limitations.
Some of the major disadvantages of audit program are as follows:

1. Audit Program Harasses To Staffs

All the staffs should perform task within the limitation given in audit program. So, staffs
can not use their knowledge and calibre which harasses to them.

2. Possibility OF Being Unsuitable

Nature and size of business differs. So, the program which is prepared at the beginning
of the year remains unsuitable. Different organizations may have their own problems. So,
similar type of program may not be applicable to all.

3. Audit Program Increases The Chance Of Fraud

Staffs of the client get information about the audit program in advance which increases
the chance of committing frauds. Similarly, it harasses the audit staffs so they perform the work
of audit carelessly which also increases the chance of committing frauds.
4. Audit Program Is Unsuitable To Small Concern

Small concern has less transactions and work of audit can be completed in short period
of time. So, audit program is not essential to audit such concern.
5. Exclusion Of Problems Of New Technology

New techniques and technologies are used in the work of accounting. Such technology
creates the problem in the work of audit but such problems and remedial measures are not
included in the audit program.



2.1 Meaning of vouching

Meaning of vouching is a technical term, which refers to inspection of documentary

evidence supporting and sub standing a transaction by an auditor. It is the essence of auditing.

2.2 Types of vouching

1. Receipt Voucher:

A Receipt voucher is used to record cash or bank receipt. Receipt vouchers are of two types
which are as follows:

 Cash receipt voucher – it denotes receipt of cash in hand.

 Bank receipt voucher – it indicates receipt of a cheque or demand draft i.e.
money is not received in the form of cash in hand, instead, the money will be
credited to the bank account of the assesses.

2.Payment Voucher:

A payment voucher is just the opposite of a cash voucher. In the above, cash/ bank was
debited, while in this case, cash or bank will be credited. In the above case, there was an inflow
of funds, while in this case, there is an outflow of funds. A Payment voucher is used to record
a payment of cash or cheque. Payment vouchers are also of two types which are:

 Cash Payment voucher – it denotes payment of cash

 Bank Payment voucher – it indicates payment by cheque or demand draft i.e.
money is not paid in the form of cash in hand, instead, the money will be
debited from the bank account of the assesses

3.Non Cash Or Transfer Voucher or Journal Voucher:

These vouchers are used for non-cash transactions, they are basically used as a
documentary evidence. e.g., Goods sold on credit. In such cases, the cash or the bank account
of the assessee is unaffected. In the case of Goods sold on credit, the Voucher would debit the
Debtor to whom the goods are sold on credit, while sales on credit account would be credited

4.Supporting Vouchers:

These vouchers are the documentary evidence of transactions that have happened. For example,
you can attach the bill of an expense along with the original voucher just to further support the
primary voucher. Petrol Bills attached with the conveyance vouchers are a good example of
Supporting Vouchers.

2.3 Objectives of vouching

To check whether all the business transactions are properly recorded in the
books of accounts or not.To verify that all the documentary evidence is authenticated and
related to business transactions only. To verify that transactions are free from errors or frauds.

1. To Detect Errors And Frauds

All transactions are to be supported by evidence. Each document should be proved by

authorized authority. With the help of vouching we can detect errors and frauds by verifying
each transaction. Planned fraud can be detected through vouching.

2. To Know The Truth Of Account

Each and every transaction is checked and ratified on the basis of support document.
So, we can easily know the truth of account.

3. To Find The Unrecorded Transactions

Each and every transaction is checked and ratified on the basis of document. Vouching
helps to find out the unrecorded or missing transactions. If any voucher is found unrecorded,
auditor can suggest to record such transactions.

4. To Know That All The Transactions Are Authorized

If the transactions are made on the consent of concerned authority, such transactions
are known as authorized transactions. If transactions are not authorized, such transactions can
be fictitious transactions. So, such fictitious transactions ca be found with the help of vouching.

5. To Know That Only The Business Transactions Are Recorded

Sometimes, transactions are performed for individual purpose but payment is made out
of business. Such transactions should not be recorded in account of business. If such
transactions are recorded, we can find it with the help of vouching. To know the real profit or
loss of business, such transactions are to be separated.
To check whether all the business transactions are properly recorded in the books of
accounts or not.To verify that all the documentary evidence is authenticated and related to
business transactions only. To verify that transactions are free from errors or frauds.



3.1 Introduction

Tally is powerful accounting software, which is driven by a technology called

concurrent multi-lingual accelerated technology engine. It is easy to use software and is
designed to simply complex day to day activities associated in an enterprise. Tally provides
comprehensive solution around accounting principles, inventory and data integrity. Tally also
has feature encompassing global business. Tally software comes with easy to use interface thus
making it operationally simple.
Tally accounting software provides a solution around inventory management, stock
management, invoicing, purchase order management, discounting, stock valuation
methodology, etc.
3.2 Benefit of tally software

Any business owner understands the importance of maintaining proper books

of account. This practice ensures that finance for the company is always in order and are correct
at all given points of time. Company should always be aware of its financial positions.
Earlier, most of the businesses were employing manual practice in maintaining books
of account. However, with the advent of modern information technology, this task can be
performed by accounting software. Tally is one such all powerful accounting software.
Tally accounting software provides a solution to all the problems real businesses have
to encounter. Single software takes care of all tasks required for enterprise management.
Accounting task such as records keeping, accounts receivable and payable management and
bank reconciliation are made simple through tally.
Financial management is also made simpler under Tally software. The software allows
management of finances across multiple locations can handle multiple currency transactions,
manage cash flow and interest payment.
3.3 Voucher types in tally
 Accounting vouchers
 Inventory vouchers
 Order vouchers

Accounting vouchers in tally
1.Sales Voucher in Tally
The Sales Voucher is most widely used by the users of Tally it is a type of accounting
voucher. Depending on the nature of your business, it can be created in the Invoice mode or
Voucher mode. In the Invoice mode, you can print and provide a copy of the invoice to your
customers. The Voucher mode can be used when you want to basically record transactions for
statutory purpose only, and when you don’t necessarily have the need to print and share the
information with your customer. Tally. gives you the flexibility to address different needs.

2.Purchase Voucher in Tally

The Purchase Voucher too can be recorded either in the Voucher or Invoice mode based
on the nature of business operations. It comes under accounting vouchers in Tally.

Suppose you change your mind and decide to change the mode when entering details
of a purchase transaction? What if you have entered all the details and decide to change the
mode in the last second? Tally helps you to convert a voucher into an invoice, or vice versa,
without expecting you to re-enter the details. It auto adjusts to your preference. Just use the
Toggle button.You can add more details by enabling options. Press F12 to do so.

3.Payment Voucher in Tally

The Payment Voucher in Tally. lets you provide all types of details when creating it.
While making payment to a party you can provide details such as the instrument number, and
even print the cheque. As soon as you pass a Payment Voucher, you can print the corresponding
cheque. To see the list of cheques which need to be printed, go to Banking and click on Cheque

Tally. supports over 500 banks from both India and abroad. After making the payment,
you can generate a Payment Advice in Tally. and share it with your supplier as it will update
him with the details of all your payments.

4.Receipt Voucher in Tally

When you create a Receipt Voucher, Tally. prompts you to take a look at all the pending
invoices for which payments are yet to be received. As and when your customer makes a
payment, you can record details such as against which invoice the payment is made; whether

you received the payment by cash, cheque or via NEFT/RTGS; and what the instrument
numbers are. You can even email this information to your customer. This way, you will never
lose track of the payments.

5.Contra Voucher

Contra Vouchers are generally used by businesses to withdraw cash from banks or to
deposit cash in banks. With Tally. you can also generate a cash deposit slip. Tally. also provides
the denomination of notes to let you track and take a print of the same at the time of depositing

6.Journal Voucher

The Journal Voucher is used by businesses for multiple purposes, based on their
business types. Some accountants use them for purchases and sales as well. Both accounting
and inventory Journal Vouchers are available in Tally. The Inventory Journal Vouchers can be
used to adjust inventory or for movement of inventory from one godown to another.

7.Credit Note Voucher in Tally

The Credit Note Voucher is used generally for a sales return. By default, the Credit
Note is not enabled in Tally. It can be enabled by pressing on F11 and configuring the Features.
While passing Credit Note, you can refer to the original invoice number as well. Upon selection
of a party, Tally. will by default show you all the invoices which have been raised against the
particular party for easy reference.

8.Debit Note Voucher in Tally

A Debit Note is used for purchase returns. With Tally, a user can either pass a Debit
Note as a voucher or as an invoice where the inventory values also get affected. The Debit Note
Voucher can be enabled by pressing F11 and configuring the Features. You can provide details
of the original invoice numbers as well.

Inventory vouchers in Tally

1.Physical Stock Verification

During physical stock verification, in cases of changes in the inventory count, one has
to update the changes in books as well. It comes under Inventory vouchers in Tally.

Generally, businesses do this either on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis to match the
stock in hand with stock available as per the books. With Tally you can simply create a voucher
to adjust the inventory.

2.Material In and Material Out Voucher

The Material In and Material Out vouchers are available in Tally. to track inventory
sent for job work and inventory received after job work. By using these vouchers, you can
easily get an overview of inventory across all job works. Enable these vouchers by pressing

3.Delivery Note and Receipt Note Vouchers in Tally

As the name suggests, the Delivery Note Vouchers can be used to record the delivery
of goods. Sometimes, they are also referred to as Delivery Challans. While passing a Delivery
Note, you can provide transporter details such as lorry number, dispatch document number, bill
of lading, and so on. Similarly, you can create a receipt notes as and when you receive
consignments from suppliers.

Order Vouchers in Tally

1.Purchase Order and Sales Order Vouchers in Tally

Many businesses receive purchase orders from their parties or place orders to their
suppliers. Purchase Order or Sales Order Vouchers can be passed using Tally. To keep a track
of the complete order cycle.

The Purchase Order and Sales Order Vouchers in Tally. simplify order processing for
businesses. Businesses typically receive purchase orders from their parties or place orders to
their suppliers. While passing these orders, you can provide details such as by when would the
order be processed, rates, and so on. Later as and when required, you can partially fulfill an
order and track the remaining order, or you can even pre-close the order.


Internship Training Report

S.No. Date Summary of Work done

1 03.06.2019 To study rules and regulation

2 04.06.2019-05.06.2019 Scanning document

3 06.06.2019-09.06.2019 To verify the details of clients

4 10.06.2019-14.06.2019 Purchase vouching

5 15.06.2019-17.06.2019 Cash vouching

6 19.06.2019 Stoch audit

7 20.06.2019-21.06.2019 Verify bank statement

8 22.06.2019-24.06.2019 Purchase vouching

9 26.06.2019-27.06.2019 Verify clients details

10 28.06.2019-30.06.2019 Scanning document

11 01.07.2019-03.07.2019 Tally entry

12 04.07.2019-06.07.2019 Cash vouching

13 07.07.2019-11.07.2019 GST Registration

14 12.07.2019-14.07.2019 Stationery arrangement

15 15.07.2019-18.07.2019 Seal arrangement

16 19.07.2019-20.07.2019 Tally entry

17 21.07.2019-22.07.2019 Accounting and book keeping

18 24.07.2019 Cash vouching

19 25.07.2019-27.07.2019 Stationery arrangement

20 28.07.2019-29.07.2019 Seal arrangement

21 31.07.2019 Accounting and book keeping

Summary of training report



Topic: To study rules and regulation

Work done:

To study the office rules and regulation.

 To face the clients smoothly

 To analyse the Accounts accurately

Date: 04.06.2019 to 05.06.2019


Topic: Scanning document

Work done:

Scanning the various document and follows.

 Bank statements and pass book.

 Partnership deed.
 Other various document.

Date: 06.06.2019 to 09.06.2019


Topic: To verify the details of the customer.

Work done:

 Name of clients.
 Name of the company address.
 Aadhar & pan card details.
 Profit and loss of the company.
 Bank details.

Date: 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019


Topic: Purchase vouching.

Work done:

Purchase Vouching

Vouching of Purchases Book. Purchases Book is meant for recording transactions

relating to credit purchases of goods. The other names of Purchases Ledger are Purchases Day
Book, Purchase Journal, Bought Book, Bought Daily Book or Invoice Book.

Verifying the details of purchase value which are present in the concerned company’s
tally and verifying the details purchase in the bill.

 Date
 Amount
 Seller name
 Invoice no
 Tax and rate
 Product name

Date: 15.06.2019 to 17.06.2019


Topic: Cash vouching

Work done:

Cash Vouching

Vouching is defined as the "verification of entries in the books of account by

examination of documentary evidence or vouchers, such as invoices, debit and credit notes,
statements, receipts, etc. ... In most cases, hard to detect frauds can only be discovered through
the use of vouching.

Verifying the details of fifty thousand chit which are present in the concerned
company’s tally & verifying the details which are present in the cash bill.

 Invoice date
 Invoice no
 Amount
 Customer name
 Receipts

Date: 19.06.2019


Topic: Stock audit.

Work done:

Accounting: Systematic examination and verification of a firm’s of account.

Transaction records, other relevant document, and physical inspection of inventory by qualified
accounts (called auditor). See also external and internal audit.

Quality control: Periodic (usually every six months) onsite-verification (by a

certification authority) to ascertain whether or not a document quality system is being
effectively implemented.

Verification of expiry products.

 Product name.
 Expiry date.

Date: 20.06.2019 to 21.06.2019


Topic: Verifying bank statement

Work done:

Entries is bank statement. And preparation of cash voucher and contra vouching work.

To check the details of bank statement

 The bank date.

 Amount.
 Name of the signature.
 Account number.
 Narration.

Date: 22.06.2019 to 24.06.2019


Topic: Purchase vouching

Work done:

Purchase Vouching

Vouching of Purchases Book. Purchases Book is meant for recording transactions

relating to credit purchases of goods. The other names of Purchases Ledger are Purchases Day
Book, Purchase Journal, Bought Book, Bought Daily Book or Invoice Book.

Verifying the details of purchase/ transfer value which are present in the concerned
company’s tally and verifying the details which are present in the purchase bill.

Such as,

 Date
 Amount
 Seller name
 Invoice no
 Tax rate
 Product name

Date: 26.06.2019 to 27.06.2019


Topic: Verifying client’s details

Work done:

To verify the details of clients using auditing record book.

To check the details of the clients

 Name of client.
 Name of signature.
 Aadhar number.
 Bank details.
 Pan card details.

Date: 28.06.2019 to 30.06.2019


Topic: Scanning Document.

Work done:

Scanning the various document as follows,

 Bank statement and pass book.

 Partnership deed.
 Income tax return from V(ITR V)
 Purchase and sales bills.

Date: 01.07.2019 to 03.07.2019


Topic: Tally entry

Work done:


Tally permits business owners and their associates to interact more in accounts related
discussions and is a complete product which retains its original simplicity but yet offers
comprehensive business functionalities such as Accounting, Finance, Inventory, Sales,
Purchase, Point of Sales, Manufacturing, Costing, Job Costing, Payroll and Branch
Management along with compliance capabilities for Excise, TDS, TCS, and now GST too !

Entries in receipts tally for preparation of sundry debtors in working tally. To check the
details of

 Date
 Invoice number
 Amount
 Name of the debtor

Date: 04.07.2019 to 06.07.2019


Topic: Cash vouching

Work done:

Cash Vouching

Vouching is defined as the "verification of entries in the books of account by

examination of documentary evidence or vouchers, such as invoices, debit and credit notes,
statements, receipts, etc. ... In most cases, hard to detect frauds can only be discovered through
the use of vouching.

Verifying the details of fifty thousand chit which are present in the concerned
company’s tally and verifying the details which are present in the cash bill.

 Invoice date
 Invoice number
 Customer name
 Receipts

Date: 07.07.2019 to 11.07.2019


Topic: GST Registration for online

Work done:

The tax rates, rules and regulations are governed by the GST Council which consists of
the finance ministers of centre and all the states. GST is meant to replace a slew of indirect
taxes with a federated tax and is therefore expected to reshape the country's 2.4 trillion dollar
economy, but not without criticism.[3] Trucks' travel time in interstate movement dropped by
20%, because of no interstate check posts

Introduction of GST

The goods and services tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on most goods and
services sold for domestic consumption. The GST is paid by consumers, but it is remitted to
the government by the businesses selling the goods and services. In effect, GST provides
revenue for the government.

GST Registration document,

 Registration certification
 Aadhar identification
 PAN card
 Partnership deed

Date: 12.07.2019 to 14.07.2019


Topic: Stationery arrangement

Work done:

Stationery: Is a mass noun referring to commercially manufactured writing materials,

including cut paper, envelopes, writing implements, continuous stationery and other office
supplies. Stationery includes materials to be written on by hand (e.g. Letter paper) or by
equipment such as computer printer.

Stationery products are arranged in tally. To check the details of,

 Product name
 Item code
 Price

Date: 15.07.2019 to 18.07.2019


Topic: Seal Arrangement.

Work done:

Seal Arrangements in tally for all companies and classified are,

 For seal
 Address seal
 Round seal

Excel entries in all companies and classified are,

 Serial number
 Company name
 For seal
 Address seal
 Round seal

Date: 19.07.2019 to 20.07.2019


Topic: Tally entry

Work done:


Tally permits business owners and their associates to interact more in accounts related
discussions and is a complete product which retains its original simplicity but yet offers
comprehensive business functionalities such as Accounting, Finance, Inventory, Sales,
Purchase, Point of Sales, Manufacturing, Costing, Job Costing, Payroll and Branch
Management along with compliance capabilities for Excise, TDS, TCS, and now GST too !

Entries in receipts in tally for payment of sundry debtors in working tally.

To check details of,

 Date
 Invoice number
 Amount
 Name of the debtor
 Narration

Date: 21.07.2019 to 22.07.2019


Topic: Accounting and book keeping.

Work done:

Book Keeping

Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of

accounting in business. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an
individual person or an organization/corporation.

Tally entry In purchase ledger which are present in the concerned, and excel entries of
total sales value which are present in the concerned.

 Invoice date
 Invoice number
 Customer name
 Narration

Date: 24.07.2019


Topic: Cash vouching

Work done:

Cash Vouching

Vouching is defined as the "verification of entries in the books of account by

examination of documentary evidence or vouchers, such as invoices, debit and credit notes,
statements, receipts, etc. ... In most cases, hard to detect frauds can only be discovered through
the use of vouching.

Verifying the details of fifty thousand which are present in the concerned company’s
tally and verifying the details which are present in the cash bill.

 Invoice date
 Invoice number
 Amount
 Customer name
 Receipts

Date: 25.07.2019 to 27.07.2019


Topic: Stationery Arrangements

Work done:

Stationery: Is a mass noun referring to commercially manufactured writing

materials, including cut paper, envelopes, writing implements, continuous stationery and other
office supplies. Stationery includes materials to be written on by hand (e.g. Letter paper) or by
equipment such as computer printer.

Stationery products are arranged in tally. To check the details of,

 Product name
 Item code
 Price

Date: 28.07.2019 to 29.07.2019


Topic: Seal Arrangements.

Work done:

Seal Arrangements in tally for all companies and classified are,

 For seal
 Address seal
 Round seal

Date: 31.07.2019


Topic: Accounting and book keeping.

Work done:

Book Keeping

Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of

accounting in business. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an
individual person or an organization/corporation.

Tally entry In purchase ledger which are present in the concerned, and excel entries of
total sales value which are present in the concerned.

 Invoice date
 Invoice number
 Amount
 Customer name
 Narration

4.2 Overview of internship training

The following works is done during the period of internship

 Scanning document
 Purchase vouching
 Cash vouching
 Stock vouching
 Stock audit
 Tally entry
 GST registration



In this occasion I have a responsibility to thank our college for arranging this wonderful
internship program and I thank my auditor CA. S.I. VIJAYASUNDHAR who gratefully
accepted me as a trainee and gave me change to work on office environmental and helped a lot
and finally I thank each of my office staff who supported me and stood behind me and took
care throughout my internship.

I have well knowledge about Accounting, Book keeping, Communication towards

Client, Vouching, Goods and Service Tax (GST), Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), and Internal
Auditing etc., this training helps me to encourage doing the professional course of Charted
Accountants and also helps me to face interviews in the field of commerce.


Referred books:

 Kathiresan and Radha – Practical Auditing

 Ashali Varma –Fundamentals of Auditing

Referred websites:



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