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People of The Philippines vs. Manalili

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G.R. No. 191253. August 28, 2013.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.

APOLINARIO MANALILI y JOSE, accused-appellant.

Criminal Law; Rape; Rape is essentially an offense of secrecy,

not generally attempted except in dark or deserted and secluded
places away from the prying eyes, and the crime usually
commences solely upon the word of the offended woman herself
and conviction invariably turns upon her credibility, as the
prosecution’s single witness of the actual occurrence.―Rape is
essentially an offense of secrecy, not generally attempted except
in dark or deserted and secluded places away from the prying
eyes, and the crime usually commences solely upon the word of
the offended woman herself and conviction invariably turns upon
her credibility, as the prosecution’s single witness of the actual
occurrence. As a corollary, a conviction for rape may be made even
on the testimony of the victim herself, as long as such testimony
is credible. In fact, the victim’s testimony is the most important
factor to prove that the felony has been committed. In reviewing
rape cases, the Court had always been guided by the well-
entrenched principles: (1) an accusation of rape can be made with
facility and while accusation of rape is difficult to prove, it is even
more difficult to disprove; (2) considering that in the nature of
things, only two persons are usually involved in the crime of rape,
the testimony of the complainant should be scrutinized with great
caution; and (3) the evidence for the prosecution must stand or
fall on its own merits and cannot be allowed to draw strength
from the weakness of the evidence for the defense.
Remedial Law; Evidence; Witnesses; Identification of an
accused by his voice has been accepted particularly in cases where
the witness has known the malefactor personally for so long and so
intimately.―Jurisprudence is instructive that identification of an
accused by his voice has been accepted particularly in cases
where, such as in this case, the witness has known the malefactor
personally for so long and so intimately. This Court has opined
that once a person has gained familiarity with another,
identification becomes




People vs. Manalili

quite an easy task even from a considerable distance.

Furthermore, settled is the rule that the testimony of a single
witness may be sufficient to produce a conviction, if the same
appears to be trustworthy and reliable. If credible and convincing,
that alone would be sufficient to convict the accused. No law or
rule requires the corroboration of the testimony of a single
witness in a rape case.
Same; Same; The trial court’s assessment deserves great
weight, and is even conclusive and binding if not tainted with
arbitrariness or oversight of some fact or circumstance of weight
and influence.―The trial court’s assessment deserves great
weight, and is even conclusive and binding if not tainted with
arbitrariness or oversight of some fact or circumstance of weight
and influence. “[T]he assessment of the credibility of witnesses is
a domain best left to the trial court judge because of his unique
opportunity to observe their deportment and demeanor on the
witness stand; a vantage point denied appellate courts — and
when his findings have been affirmed by the Court of Appeals,
these are generally binding and conclusive upon this Court.”
Criminal Law; Rape; It is highly inconceivable that a mother
would willfully and deliberately corrupt the innocent mind of her
young daughter and put into her lips the lewd description of a
carnal act to justify a personal grudge or anger against
appellant.―As aptly pointed out by the Solicitor General, no
mother in her right mind would subject her child to the
humiliation, disgrace and trauma attendant to the prosecution of
rape cases, unless she was motivated by her desire to incarcerate
the person for her child’s defilement. It is highly inconceivable
that a mother would willfully and deliberately corrupt the
innocent mind of her young daughter and put into her lips the
lewd description of a carnal act to justify a personal grudge or
anger against appellant.
Remedial Law; Evidence; Witnesses; Testimonies of rape
victims who are young and immature deserve full credence.―This
Court has held time and again that testimonies of rape victims
who are young and immature deserve full credence, considering
that no young woman, especially of tender age, would concoct a
story of defloration, allow an examination of her private parts,
and thereafter pervert herself by being subject to public trial, if
she was not motivated solely by the desire to obtain justice for the
wrong com-


VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 307

People vs. Manalili

mitted against her. Although she failed to report the incident

immediately, such reaction is deemed normal considering that she
was only 10 years old at that time.
Criminal Law; Rape; The mere introduction of the male organ
into the labia majora of the complainant’s vagina, consummates
the crime.―With regard to the results of the medical examination,
this Court holds that the absence of laceration and semen does
not preclude the fact that rape has been committed. In the crime
of rape, complete or full penetration of the complainant’s private
part is not at all necessary. Neither is the rupture of the hymen
essential. What is fundamental is that the entry or at the very
least the introduction of the male organ into the labia of the
pudendum is proved. The mere introduction of the male organ
into the labia majora of the complainant’s vagina, consummates
the crime. Likewise, the absence of semen in AAA’s vaginal area
would not preclude a finding of rape. The presence or absence of
spermatozoa is immaterial because the presence of spermatozoa is
not an element of rape. Moreover, it has been held that the
absence of spermatozoa in the vagina could be due to a number of
factors, such as the vertical drainage of the semen from the
vagina, the acidity of the vagina or the washing of the vagina
immediately after sexual intercourse.
Same; Alibi; No jurisprudence in criminal law is more settled
than that alibi is the weakest of all defenses, for it is easy to
contrive and difficult to disprove and for which reason it is
generally rejected.―The accused merely denied the accusation,
proffering the alibi that he was outside his house on ZZZ Street at
the time of alleged incident. His denial could not prevail over
AAA’s direct, positive and categorical assertion. For Manalili’s
alibi to be credible and given due weight, he must show that it
was physically impossible for him to have been at the scene of the
crime at the approximate time of its commission. This Court has
consistently held that denial is an intrinsically weak defense
which must be buttressed by strong evidence of non-culpability to
merit credibility. No jurisprudence in criminal law is more settled
than that alibi is the weakest of all defenses, for it is easy to
contrive and difficult to disprove and for which reason it is
generally rejected. For the alibi to prosper, it is imperative that
the accused establishes two elements: (1) he was not at the locus
delicti at the time the offense was committed; and (2) it was
physically impossible for him to be at the scene at the time of its



People vs. Manalili

commission. More importantly, Manalili failed to provide any

corroborative evidence that could prove his defense.
Same; Statutory Rape; Elements of.―The first element of
statutory rape, (a) that the victim is a female under 12 years or is
demented, was substantiated by the presentation of the Birth
Certificate of the victim, while the second element, (b) that the
offender had carnal knowledge of the victim, was evidenced by the
testimony of the victim herself. Thus, the lower court was correct
in sentencing accused-appellant to a penalty of Reclusion

AUTOMATIC REVIEW of a decision of the Court of

   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
  Public Attorney’s Office for accused-appellant.

Before this Court for automatic review is the Decision1
dated 19 October 2009 of the Court or Appeals (CA) in CA-
G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 03356, which affirmed with
modifications the Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Manila, Branch 38 dated 29 April 2008, finding
Apolinario Manalili y Jose guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of the crime of statutory rape.
In a Resolution3 dated 07 April 2010, we required the
parties to file their respective supplemental briefs. The
parties, however, manifested that they have exhausted
their argu-

1 Rollo, pp. 2-17; Penned by Associate Justice Sesinando E. Villon with
Associate Justices Hakim S. Abdulwahid and Mario V. Lopez concurring.
2  Records, pp. 177-180; Penned by Presiding Judge Ma. Celestina C.
3 Rollo, pp. 24-25.

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People vs. Manalili

ments before the CA and thus, will no longer file any

supplemental brief.4
The Facts
Apolinario Manalili y Jose (Manalili) was charged before
the RTC of Manila with statutory rape as defined and
penalized under Article 266-A, par. 1 of the Revised Penal
Code in relation to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610, otherwise
known as “Special Protection of Children Against Child
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.”
The amended information reads:

That on or about the 16th day of March, 1998, in the city

of x  x  x,5 Philippines, the said accused, conspiring and
confederating together and helping each other, did then and
there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly commit abusive
acts and lascivious conduct upon the person of AAA, a
minor, 10 years of age, by then and there pulling down her
panty, caressing her private part, mashing her [breasts],
kissing her face and neck and trying to insert his penis on
the vagina of said minor, and in the process, the penis of
said accused touched the labia of the vagina of said minor,
against her will and without her consent, thereby gravely
endangering the normal growth and development of the
said child.6 (Underlining omitted)

The antecedent facts were culled from the records of the


4 Id., at pp. 27-29 and 31-33.
5  The real names of the victim and of the members of her immediate
family are withheld pursuant to Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection
of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act)
and Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act of 2004). See People v. Cabalquinto, 533 Phil. 703; 502 SCRA
419 (2006).
6 Records, pp. 58-59.



People vs. Manalili
Upon arraignment, Manalili entered a plea of “not
guilty”7 to the offense charged against him. On 30 August
2004, the pre-trial of the case was ordered closed and
terminated,8 thus, trial on the merits ensued.
According to the prosecution’s evidence, the offense
transpired on 16 March 1998 at around 7 o’clock in the
evening in the house of Manalili located on YYY Street.
AAA, the victim who was then barely eleven (11) years
old9 narrated that on said day and time she was playing
with her friends in front of their house, which is near the
store owned by BBB. Manalili was drinking with three (3)
of his friends in front of his house on ZZZ Street, which is
located across the store and is one house away from AAA’s
house. While AAA was chatting with the son of the store
owner, Manalili whom she addresses as “Ninong Nario”
called her and asked her to go to his other house on YYY
street, to get a dustpan because one of his drinking mates
vomited. AAA readily complied and went to Manalili’s
house. No one was around at that time and it was dark
inside the house. The drunken Manalili followed AAA in
said house on YYY Street and ordered AAA to remove her
panty. She refused but Manalili undressed her, laid her
down on the floor and went on top of her naked body.
Likewise, Manalili was naked and had no briefs on.
Manalili forcibly tried to insert his penis into her vagina.
AAA felt pain and cried as Manalili tried to push in his
organ. Unsuccessful, Manalili then inserted his finger into
AAA’s vagina. Feeling severe pain, AAA resisted by holding
Manalili’s hand. Afterwards, Manalili directed AAA to hold
his penis and AAA did as she was told. Manalili ordered
her to use her hands to make downward and upward
movements on his phallic organ. She felt sticky substance
coming out and afterwards wiped off her hands of the said
substance. Manalili also kissed her neck

7 Id., at p. 88.
8 Id., at p. 92.
9 Id., at p. 103; Exhibits “I” & “I-1.”


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People vs. Manalili

and breasts. After Manalili satisfied his lust, AAA was

directed to go home and was instructed not to let anyone
see her leave the house of Manalili.
The next day, CCC, AAA’s mother, saw the marks on
AAA’s neck and breast and asked AAA what happened.
AAA replied, “nakayod sa yero.”10 Unconvinced and
suspicious, AAA’s mother continued questioning her. AAA
kept quiet, refused to answer and left for school.
Eventually, AAA confided to her aunt, DDD, what actually
happened on the night of 16 March 1998. Upon learning of
the molestation, DDD immediately told CCC, her sister-in-
law and mother of AAA. AAA eventually admitted “Ninong
Nario” placed the kiss marks.11 CCC and DDD confronted
the accused but the latter denied the accusation. This
prompted CCC and DDD to file a complaint before
investigator, PO1 Maribel F. Fiedacan. On 18 March 1998,
AAA was subjected to a medico genitalia examination
conducted by a Medico Legal Officer of the Medico Legal
Division of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI),
Manila. AAA also executed a Sinumpaang Salaysay dated
18 March 199812 assisted by her mother, CCC.13 According
to the victim, she was molested more than three (3) times
by Manalili before the incident at hand. AAA claimed that
she never told anybody because she was scared.
On cross-examination, AAA clarified that accused is not
her godfather but that of her brother and that the house
number of the accused is 1672, while theirs is 1670. AAA
described the place of the incident in detail. Although it
was dark, AAA narrated that she was certain it was
Manalili who followed her inside the house. Familiar with
Manalili’s voice, AAA positively identified Manalili when
he instructed her to remove her underwear. Likewise, she
was able to touch the back of Manalili when she was laid
down. She recalled that

10 TSN, 10 November 2004, p. 5.
11 Id., at p. 6.
12 Records, p. 24; Exhibits “G” and “G-1.”
13 Id.; Exhibit “G-2.”



People vs. Manalili

while drinking, Manalili was only wearing pants without a

t-shirt on. She claims that the man who mounted her only
had pants on, without a t-shirt. She explained that she
initially did not admit who placed kiss marks on her
because of the threats and warnings of Manalili but when
her mother and aunt scolded her, she eventually admitted.
Dr. Alvin A. David, the medico-legal officer of the NBI,
testified that during the medical examination, he found two
(2) contusions, one on the neck and one on the right breast
of the victim, as shown in the anatomical diagram he
prepared.14 He explained that in sexual abuse cases,
contusions could be caused by suctions on the skin,
resulting in discoloration. These kinds of contusions, in
layman’s terms, are considered love bites or kiss marks. He
also observed that the hymen was not violated and still
intact. The tests conducted for vaginal smear yielded
negative15 for the presence of spermatozoa.16
For his defense, Manalili testified and he vehemently
denied the accusations. In open court, he admitted knowing
the victim, AAA, as he is one of the godfathers of AAA’s
sibling and they live on the same street. In denying the
alleged rape, he pointed out that he lives with his wife and
that on the night of the incident, he was drinking with his
friends in front of his house on ZZZ Street. On cross-
examination, the accused reasons out that the complaint
was filed against him only because CCC, the victim’s
mother, has always resented her husband’s drinking sprees
with him.17
The RTC Decision
On 29 April 2008, the RTC rendered a decision
convicting Manalili of statutory rape. The dispositive
portion of the decision states:

14 Id., at p. 128; Exhibit “B-3.”
15 TSN, 26 September 2005, p. 7.
16 Records, pp. 172-176.
17 Id., at pp. 175-176.


VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 313

People vs. Manalili

WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing premises, the

Court finds that the prosecution was able to prove the guilt
of the accused beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of
Rape under Art. 266-A par. 1 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, in relation to Sec. 5 (b) of R.A. 7610, accused
Apolinario Manalili y Jose is hereby sentenced: (1) to suffer
the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua; (2) to pay the minor
[AAA] One Hundred Thousand (P100,000) Pesos as moral
damages; and (3) to pay the costs.18

Aggrieved, Manalili appealed to the CA raising the

following assignment of errors for consideration:

The CA Decision
In the assailed decision, the CA affirmed with
modification the judgement of conviction of the RTC. The
CA ruled that the prosecution was able to prove the
existence of all the essential elements of statutory rape
beyond reasonable doubt. The dispositive portion of the CA
decision reads:

18 Id., at p. 180.
19 CA Rollo, p. 37; Brief for the Accused-Appellant.



People vs. Manalili

WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the RTC of

Manila, Branch 38 dated April 29, 2008 is hereby
imposed penalty of reclusion perpetua, appellant is hereby
ordered to pay the minor victim AAA the amount of
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity ex delicto, P50,000.00 as
moral damages and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages.20

Ruling of this Court

This court finds no merit in the present appeal for
reasons to be discussed hereunder. The Court finds no
reason to disturb the decisions of the courts below.
We quote with approval the pertinent disquisitions21 of
the CA as follows:

Rape is essentially an offense of secrecy, not generally

attempted except in dark or deserted and secluded places
away from the prying eyes, and the crime usually
commences solely upon the word of the offended woman
herself and conviction invariably turns upon her credibility,
as the prosecution’s single witness of the actual
occurrence.22 As a corollary, a conviction for rape may be
made even on the testimony of the victim herself, as long as
such testimony is credible. In fact, the victim’s testimony is
the most important factor to prove that the felony has been
In reviewing rape cases, the Court had always been
guided by the well-entrenched principles: (1) an accusation
of rape can be made with facility and while accusation of
rape is difficult to prove, it is even more difficult to
disprove; (2) considering that in the nature of things, only
two persons are usually involved in the crime of

20 Rollo, p. 16.
21 Id., at p. 9.
22 Id. citing People v. Molleda, G.R. No. 153219, 1 December 1993, 417 SCRA
23 Id. citing People v. Antonio, G.R. No. 145726, 26 March 2003, 399 SCRA 585.


VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 315

People vs. Manalili

rape, the testimony of the complainant should be

scrutinized with great caution; and (3) the evidence for the
prosecution must stand or fall on its own merits and cannot
be allowed to draw strength from the weakness of the
evidence for the defense.

Manalili contends that AAA’s testimony is not sufficient

to convict him because the identity of the accused as the
perpetrator of the crime was not positively established. We
find such argument untenable. Jurisprudence is instructive
that identification of an accused by his voice has been
accepted particularly in cases where, such as in this case,
the witness has known the malefactor personally for so
long and so intimately.24 This Court has opined that once a
person has gained familiarity with another, identification
becomes quite an easy task even from a considerable
distance.25 Furthermore, settled is the rule that the
testimony of a single witness may be sufficient to produce a
conviction, if the same appears to be trustworthy and
reliable. If credible and convincing, that alone would be
sufficient to convict the accused.26 No law or rule requires
the corroboration of the testimony of a single witness in a
rape case.27
The trial court noted that during AAA’s cross-
examination, her testimony bore the hallmarks of truth, as
she remained consistent on material points. We find no
reason to disturb the trial court’s appreciation of the
credibility of AAA’s testimony. The trial court’s assessment
deserves great weight, and is even conclusive and binding
if not tainted with arbitrari-

24 People v. Tuazon, 563 Phil. 74, 88; 537 SCRA 494, 508 (2007) citing
People v. Intong, 466 Phil. 73, 742; 422 SCRA 134, 140 (2004).
25 People v. Reyes, 369 Phil. 61, 76; 309 SCRA 622, 634-635 (1999).
26 People v. Perez, G.R. No. 182924, 24 December 2008, 575 SCRA 653,
672 citing People v. Balajadia, G.R. No. 96988, 2 August 1993, 225 SCRA
22, 28.
27  Id. citing People v. Limon, 366 Phil. 29, 38; 306 SCRA 367, 376



People vs. Manalili

ness or oversight of some fact or circumstance of weight

and influence. “[T]he assessment of the credibility of
witnesses is a domain best left to the trial court judge
because of his unique opportunity to observe their
deportment and demeanor on the witness stand; a vantage
point denied appellate courts — and when his findings
have been affirmed by the Court of Appeals, these are
generally binding and conclusive upon this Court.”28
The accused would have us believe that AAA’s mother
only forced her to file a complaint for rape because the
mother resented the drinking sessions of her husband with
the accused. We find this untenable. As aptly pointed out
by the Solicitor General, no mother in her right mind would
subject her child to the humiliation, disgrace and trauma
attendant to the prosecution of rape cases, unless she was
motivated by her desire to incarcerate the person for her
child’s defilement.29 It is highly inconceivable that a
mother would willfully and deliberately corrupt the
innocent mind of her young daughter and put into her lips
the lewd description of a carnal act to justify a personal
grudge or anger against appellant.30
Moreover, this Court has held time and again that
testimonies of rape victims who are young and immature
deserve full credence, considering that no young woman,
especially of tender age, would concoct a story of
defloration, allow an examination of her private parts, and
thereafter pervert herself by being subject to public trial, if
she was not motivated solely by the desire to obtain justice
for the wrong committed against her.31 Although she failed
to report the incident im-

28 Vidar v. People, G.R. No. 177361, 1 February 2010, 611 SCRA 216,
29 People v. Lomerio, 383 Phil. 434, 452; 326 SCRA 530, 549 (2000).
30 People v. Tuazon, supra note 24 at p. 510 citing People v. Malones,
469 Phil. 301, 327; 425 SCRA 318, 337 (2004); Rollo, pp. 85-86; Brief for
the Plaintiff-Appellee.
31 People v. Perez, supra note 26 at p. 671 citing People v. Villafuerte,
G.R. No. 154917, 18 May 2004, 428 SCRA 427, 433


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People vs. Manalili

mediately, such reaction is deemed normal considering that

she was only 10 years old at that time.
With regard to the results of the medical examination,
this Court holds that the absence of laceration and semen
does not preclude the fact that rape has been committed. In
the crime of rape, complete or full penetration of the
complainant’s private part is not at all necessary. Neither
is the rupture of the hymen essential. What is fundamental
is that the entry or at the very least the introduction of the
male organ into the labia of the pudendum is proved. The
mere introduction of the male organ into the labia majora
of the complainant’s vagina, consummates the crime.32
Likewise, the absence of semen in AAA’s vaginal area
would not preclude a finding of rape. The presence or
absence of spermatozoa is immaterial because the presence
of spermatozoa is not an element of rape. Moreover, it has
been held that the absence of spermatozoa in the vagina
could be due to a number of factors, such as the vertical
drainage of the semen from the vagina, the acidity of the
vagina or the washing of the vagina immediately after
sexual intercourse.33
The accused merely denied the accusation, proffering
the alibi that he was outside his house on ZZZ Street at the
time of alleged incident. His denial could not prevail over
AAA’s direct, positive and categorical assertion. For
Manalili’s alibi to be credible and given due weight, he
must show that it was physically impossible for him to
have been at the scene of the crime at the approximate
time of its commission. This Court has consistently held
that denial is an intrinsically weak defense which must be
buttressed by strong evidence of non-

32 People v. Balunsat, G.R. No. 176743, 28 July 2010, 626 SCRA 77, 92
citing People v. Flores, 448 Phil. 840, 856; 400 SCRA 677, 689 (2003).
33 People v. Perez, supra note 26 at p. 677 citing People v. Freta, 406
Phil. 854, 861; 354 SCRA 385, 392 (2001).



People vs. Manalili

culpability to merit credibility.34 No jurisprudence in

criminal law is more settled than that alibi is the weakest
of all defenses, for it is easy to contrive and difficult to
disprove and for which reason it is generally rejected.35 For
the alibi to prosper, it is imperative that the accused
establishes two elements: (1) he was not at the locus delicti
at the time the offense was committed; and (2) it was
physically impossible for him to be at the scene at the time
of its commission.36 More importantly, Manalili failed to
provide any corroborative evidence that could prove his
The first element of statutory rape, (a) that the victim is
a female under 12 years or is demented,37 was
substantiated by the presentation of the Birth Certificate of
the victim,38 while the second element, (b) that the offender
had carnal knowledge of the victim,39 was evidenced by the
testimony of the victim herself. Thus, the lower court was
correct in sentencing accused-appellant to a penalty of
Reclusion Perpetua.
Pursuant to recent jurisprudence,40 there is no longer
any debate that the victim in statutory rape is entitled to a
civil indemnity of P50,000.00, moral damages of
P50,000.00, and exemplary damages of P30,000.00. The
award of civil indemnity of P50,000.00 is mandatory upon
the finding of the fact of rape. Similarly, the award of
moral damages or P50,000.00 is mandatory, and made
without need of allegation and proof

34 People v. Villafuerte, G.R. No. 154917, 18 May 2004, 428 SCRA 427,
35 People v. Sanchez, 426 Phil. 19, 31; 375 SCRA 355, 365 (2002).
36 People v. Flora, 389 Phil. 601, 611; 334 SCRA 262, 272 (2000).
37 People v. Teodoro, G.R. No. 175876, 20 February 2013, 691 SCRA
38 Records, p. 103; Exhibit “I.”
39 People v. Teodoro, supra note 37.
40  Id. citing People v. Begino, G.R. No. 181246, 20 March 2009, 582
SCRA 189, 198-199; People v. Pabol, G.R. No. 187084, 12 October 2009,
603 SCRA 522, 532; People v. Matunhay, G.R. No. 178274, 5 March 2010,
614 SCRA 307, 321; People v. Tormis, G.R. No. 183456, 18 December 2008,
574 SCRA 903, 920.


VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 319

People vs. Manalili

other than that of the fact of rape, for it is logically

assumed that the victim suffered moral injuries from her
ordeal. In addition, exemplary damages of P30,000.00 are
justified under Article 2279 of the Civil Code to set an
example for the public good and to serve as deterrent to
those who abuse the young.
WHEREFORE, all the foregoing considered, the appeal
is DENIED. The decision the Court of Appeals
promulgated on 19 October 2009 finding accused-appellant
Apolinario Manalili y Jose guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of statutory rape and sentencing him to suffer the penalty
of reclusion perpetua is AFFIRMED, with the
MODIFICATION that he is ordered to pay the victim the
amounts of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity; P50,000.00 as
moral damages; and P30,000.00 as exemplary damages,
plus interest on all damages awarded at the legal rate of
6% per annum from the date of finality of this decision.

Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta,**  Del Castillo and

Perlas-Bernabe, JJ., concur.
Appeal denied, judgment affirmed with modification.

Notes.―The penalty of statutory rape is reclusion

perpetua which being a single indivisible penalty is
imposable regardless of any mitigating or aggravating
circumstances that may have attended the commission of
the deed. (People vs. Bagos, 610 SCRA 1 [2010])
Sexual intercourse with a woman who is a mental
retardate with the mental age of a child below 12 years old
constitutes statutory rape with or without the attendance
of force, threat, or intimidation. (People vs. Abella, 610
SCRA 19 [2010])

**  Per Special Order No. 1525 dated 22 August 2013.

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