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Comparative Study of Pothole Dimension Using Machine Learning, Manhattan and Euclidean Algorithm

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Comparative study of Pothole Dimension

Using Machine Learning, Manhattan and
Euclidean Algorithm
Pratyush Motwani Rajat Sharma
Assistant professor. Civil Engineering Department M.Tech student. Dept. Civil Engineering Department
IPS Academy Institute of Engineering and Science IPS Academy Institute of Engineering and Science
Indore, India Indore, India

Abstract:- Pothole in roads constitutes a major problem to drive upon and unexpected difficulties on roads causes
for both citizen and government. The pothole can create more accidents and the fuel consumption of the vehicle
serious damages to the vehicles such as vehicle flat tires, also increases. It is necessary to provide maintenance and
scratches, dents and leaks. Thus, to detect these rehabilitation to such pavements distress. However detecting
potholes and provide maintenance is highly time the pothole manually and existing methods are expensive
consuming and required lot of man power. Therefore and more time consuming therefore several efforts is made
this paper purposes a pothole detection system which for developing a technology that can automatically detect
is used for detecting the pothole and to analyze the and recognize pothole.
image to determine its dimension. For detecting the
pothole captured road images are inserted in the
system then feature extraction and classifier performs.
Lastly the predictor is done with the detection of
pothole based on machine learning. The pothole
detection system is derived from that assumptions that
any strong dark edges within the extracted surfaces
estimated a pothole if it observes certain constraints.
Such as size color. Any outlines that meet these
conditions are estimated as pothole by the algorithm.
On the other hand for analyzing the image of pothole
starts by converting the road surface images to gray
scale and calculate the SURF points using Manhattan
and Euclidean algorithm for calculating the dimensions Fig 1:- Images of pothole surface
of the pothole in the MATLAB environment, further
comparing the system result obtain by these algorithms Exiting methods such as vibration based method, 3d
with the result calculated manually in order to find the laser- scanner methods are not much cost effective but
error percentage of the system. sometimes this method fails to detect the pothole accurately
due the distorted data and various noises in the video data.
Keywords:- Pothole Detection System, Manhattan This the prime inspiration behind making a project that uses
Algorithm, Euclidean Algorithm, Knearest Neighbor a simple 2D image to improves pothole detection system
Algorithm, MATLAB. which accurately detect the pothole and further analyze the
image of pothole for determining the measurements of
I. INTRODUCTION dimensions i.e. min depth , max depth , mean depth, overall
area and volume from that to calculate the cost for providing
India, the second largest population in the world and a maintenance. Thus pothole detection system is based on
fastest growing economy, is known to have a large network image processing using machine learning to processes the
of roads; roads are meant to be dominant means of image to detect the pothole and further to analyze the
transportation in India today. The carry almost 90% of image of pothole using Manhattan algorithm and Euclidean
vehicular and passenger traffic. Most of the roads are algorithm in the MATLAB version R2015a (64 bit) to
congested and narrow with poor quality and low calculate the measurements of dimensions of the pothole.
maintenance which increases the load on road and the rate MATLAB version R2015a (64 bit) having image processing
of failure of road increases. Due to failure of road it has tool box and user friendly graphical user interface which
been found the number of distress on the pavements such as provide interface such as edit text, list box.
edge deformation, rutting, bleeding, cracks as one of the
pavements distress is pothole, the term pothole is used to
describe a deep rut in road Pothole are formed due to heavy
rains and movements of vehicular traffic increases the
mechanical stress which leads to the structure deformation.
This is extremely dangerous for drivers on high speed road

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Generally, estimation of dimension of pot hole is

carried out manually which Requires more manpower,
equipments, time and cost.
 This system is developed to carry out the estimation
with, less time and cost.
 This made the estimation much more easier and

Fig 2:- Images of pothole surface

 Objective
 The main objective of the study is to develop an overall
digital image processing algorithm in order to detect
and classify pothole automatically. This overall
algorithm will support highway maintenance
automatically by determining pothole.
 After detecting the pothole calculate the dimensions Fig 3:- Research Methodology
(length, area, depth) of pothole using Manhattan
Distance and Euclidean Distance algorithm. IV. DATA COLLECTION ANALYSIS AND
After calculating the dimensions and further
A. Collecting the pothole images
comparing result of system with the result calculated
The image dataset contain more than 1000 images of
manually in order to find the error percentage of system.
pothole on the road surface,. its purpose is for training,
testing, analyzing and validation. The image data of
potholes is captured with the help of digital camera. The
This section provides the general architecture for the images are collected from both Internet and Agra-Bombay
pothole detection using image processing technique and national highway (NH-3) between Indore and Dewas. The
analyzes the pothole to determine the dimension. The image data of potholes for test is taken from top view and
advantage of the image processing techniques is that it give side view which accurately detects the pothole in images
more efficient result rather than any other conventional the sample images in fig shows the pothole on the road
method. On the other hand the various steps involved in the surface the images are 800*600 in jpg format.
image processing techniques firstly collect the image of
pothole which will be subjected to pothole detection system
by using digital camera. After capturing the images goes
through the pre-processing where the process like feature
extraction and classifier perform. Lastly the predictor is
done with the detection of pothole. After detecting the
pothole using image processing technique now to analyze
the pothole to determine the dimension using Manhattan
and Euclidean algorithm. Here both Manhattan and
Euclidean algorithm are used to calculate the geographical
information system (GIS) between the two points. Now
taking the pothole image thus by browsing the image and Fig 4:- Pothole Images
selecting the methodology to analyze the image to
determine the depth and volume and further comparing the
result obtain by the system with the result calculated
manually in order to find the error percentage of the

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Data Analysis The Euclidean and Manhattan distance algorithms
After the collection of the images in order to achieve are used to calculate geographical information system
the proposed objective the process of analysis actually (GIS) between the two points. The difference between
consists two main steps. Euclidean and Manhattan algorithm is describes as:
Step 1: The process of detecting the pothole.
Step 2: The process of analyzing the pothole. Manhattan distance: Manhattan distance algorithm
which is also known as block distance. It computes as the
sum of two sides of the right triangle but not the
hypotenuse. The equation to calculate Manhattan distance
is :

xi , yi 
Where are the coordinates of two points between
whom the distance is to be determined and (n) is the
number of variables, the distance between two item is the
sum of difference of their corresponding components. The
Fig 5:- Shows the Data Analysis Manhattan distance may give longer distance between the
two points.
 Detection
In the first step: In the process of detecting the Euclidean Distance: the Euclidean distance is uses in
pothole the K- nearest neighbor algorithm is used to all applications. It computes as the hypotaneous like in the
classify the pothole. For simplicity this classifier Pythagorean Theorem.
algorithm is also called KNN classifier. To be surprised k-
nearest neighbor classifier is simple algorithm which The mathematical equation to calculate the Euclidean
stores the available cases and which classify ne cases distance is :
which is bases on a similarity measure (e.g. Distance
Function) KNN stores the entire training dataset which it
uses as its representation .it makes prediction just in time
by calculating the similarity between an input sample and
training data set. The process of detection consists of the
collection of images which are input in the system after
which the feature extraction and Knn Classifier perform Where xi , yi  are the coordinates of two points
which allows the predictor to detect the pothole. between whom the distance is to be determined. It is
square root of the sum of the difference between the co-
ordinates of the two points. It always gives the shortest
distance between two points.

Fig 6:- Flow chart of system overview for detection

 Step: 2 (Pothole analysis)

In the second step: After the detection of pothole
now to determine the measurement of dimensions (area,
depth) the following algorithms are used:
 Manhattan algorithm
 Euclidean algorithm Fig 7:- Flow chart of system overview for analysis

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Implementation
Step 1: In the first step different images of roads and
potholes are inserted in the system to classify the pothole

Fig 11:- Image converted into gray scale

Fig 8:- Pothole on road surface

Fig 12:- Binary images with pothole

Fig 9:- Execution of running code

Step2: In the second step original image of pothole is

inserted in the system to determine the measurement of
Fig 13:- Original images with detection

Fig 10:- Original Image

Fig 14:- Image with optimized estimation

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 General
A total 150 stereo images were taken for training
purpose figure 5.1 shows the result of selected images with
the accuracy of 100% and total 5 images were randomly
chosen from 50 original images for testing purpose. figure
5.2 shows the result of selected images for testing with the Table 4:- Measurement obtained by Manhattan
accuracy of 89%.

Step 1

Table 1:- Result during image training Table 5:- Measurement obtained by Euclidean

Table 2:- Result during image testing Table 6:- Comparison of error percentage

Fig 15:- Output of running code

Fig 16:- Graphical estimation by Manhattan and Surf
Step 2

Table 3:- Actual pothole measurement

Fig 17:- Graphical estimation by Euclidean and Wavelet

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Volume 5, Issue 2, February – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE [7]. Pranay Kailas Patil, Amit Kumar Sharma, Sanvid R
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 The accuracy of the system will increase as there is Automated pavement imaging program ( apip ) for
difference in error percentage. pavement cracks classification and quantification a
 We can also calculate the maintenance cost and also we photogrammetric approach.
can use camera for on spot calculation.
 Also, a mobile navigation system can be designed to
interface with the vision system in dynamic


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