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Quiz 2 Philippine Literature

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The passage discusses different aspects of Philippine literature such as common forms like riddles and sayings during pre-colonial times, and the influences of different periods on literature.

Some common literary forms discussed include riddles, sayings, tanaga, prose narratives, fables, awit, and korido.

The Nationalistic Period is filled with political writings such as essays and satires according to the passage.


NAME _________________________________ DATE______________SCORE____________

I. Write the letter of your answer:

______1. “Pag hindi uukol, hindi bubukol” is an example of _____.

A. sayings B. haiku C. tanaga D. riddles

______2. Riddles, sayings, and “tanaga” are common during the _______.
A. Spanish colonization C. Pre-colonial Period
B. American Period D. Japanese Occupation

______3. Which characterizes Philippine literature during the colonial period under the Spaniards?
A. The language used in writing fiction and poetry is Tagalog.
B. Filipino writers wrote mostly about mythical beings.
C. Filipino writers wrote about religion, and literature consists of secularization.
D. Philippine literature flourishes during this period because it produces “literary giants.”

______4. Below is an example of _______.

“A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound.”
A. sayings B. haiku C. tanaga D. riddles

______5. In what particular period the Philippine literature comes to maturity and mastery?
A. Spanish colonization C. Nationalistic/ Revolutionary Period
B. American Period D. Japanese Occupation

______6. This period in Philippine literature is filled with political writings such as essays and satires.
A. Spanish Colonization C. Nationalistic Period
B. American Period D. Japanese Occupation

______7. Complete the analogy: myth: universe:: epic: __________.

A. origin B. heroes C. knights D. aswang

______8. Which of the following did not popularize during the Spanish Colonization Period?
A. prose narratives B. fables C. awit D. korido

______9. The most common literary form during the American Period is ________.
A. novel B. novelette C. short story D. drama

______10. This period is characterized by the influences from writers of Romanticism and Realism.
A. Spanish Colonization C. Nationalistic Period
B. American Period D. Japanese Occupation

II.Match Column A with B. Write the letter of your answer:

____1.The point of greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense in a story A. Conflict
and the most intense part of the story that highlights the conflict B. Point of View
____2. Person against person, person against nature, person against society and C. Theme
person against self are examples of different types D. Exposition
____3. The main idea of a story is a moral, lesson, or a rule for living E. Plot
____4. A person or an animal who takes part in the action of a literary work F. Setting
____5. The beginning of the plot with an introduction of setting, characters and G. Climax
the basic situation H. Characters
____6. The time and place of the events usually found at the beginning of the story I. dynamic
____7. The sequence of events involving characters and a struggle between J. Rising Action
opposing forces K. Falling Action
____8. Type of character shows many different traits and faults as well as virtues L. Resolution
____9. The events that conflict start to build up leading up to the climax
____10. The perspective the story is told.

III.Read carefully the selection below. Then, answer test items that follow:
Why The Sun Shines More Brightly Than The Moon
A Tagalog story narrated by Francisco M. Africa.

Long, long ago there lived a fairy with two very beautiful daughters. Araw, the elder daughter, was
very amiable, and had a kindly disposition; but Buwan, unlike her sister, was disobedient, cruel, and harsh.
She was always finding fault with Araw. One night, when the fairy came home from her nocturnal rambles
and saw Buwan badly mistreating her elder sister, she asked God for help against her unruly daughter.

Before this time God had prepared very valuable gifts for the two sisters. These gifts were two
enormous diamonds that could light the whole universe. When God heard the prayer of the fairy, he
descended to earth disguised as a beggar. On learning for himself how bad-tempered Buwan was, and how
sweet and kind-hearted Araw, God gave the older sister her diamond as a reward. Buwan was greatly
angered by this favoritism on the part of the Almighty, so she went to the heavenly kingdom and stole one
of God's diamonds. Then she returned to earth with the precious stone, but there she found that her jewel
was not so brilliant as Araw's.

When God went back to heaven and learned what Buwan had done, he sent two angels to punish
her. But the angels abused their commission: they seized both sisters and hurled them into the sea. Then
they threw the two stones upward into the sky, and there they stuck. But Araw's diamond was bigger and
brighter than the one Buwan stole. Thereafter the bigger jewel was called Araw ("day" or "sun"); and the
smaller one, Buwan ("moon").

1. This is an example of a __________.

2. This kind of literature became popular during the ___________period.
3. The story of these two sisters deals with envy. This element of fiction is called the ________.
4. The antagonist in the story is __________.
5. Is the conflict, external or internal? ______________

Literature reflects history. Explain the connection between the characteristics and contents of Philippine literature
with the country’s history. Be sure to give an example.

Most nouns form their plural by adding s or es. For nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant, change the y
to I and add es. Here are some examples:
library – libraries box – boxes gas – gases highway – highways
Nouns ending in o usually add es. However, there are exemptions to this rule. ( solo – solos )
There sre some nouns ending in f or fe form their plural nouns by changing these letters into ves. ( loaf –
loaves )
Some nouns do not form their plural. They change their spelling. Here are some examples:
goose – geese ox – oxen woman – women alumnus – alumni
phenomenon –phenomena fungus -fungi nebula – nebulae alumna - alumnae

Write the correct form of the noun in parenthesis in the blank to complete the sentence:
1. The school will honor its distinguished ( alumnus ) _________ during its Foundation
2. The students were able to gather many ( datum ) ________ about their experiment.
3. The gardener planted several ( cactus ) ________ in the garden.
4. The students must memorize the different ( formula ) _________ for interest and commission
5. Various ( bacterium ) __________ can cause different diseases.
6. The ( index ) _________ of the book provide valuable information.
7. The ( photo ) _________ of the scouts are interesting; they show different emotions.
8. The ( library ) ________ of the school have different books suited for different levels of readers.
9. The ( alto ) _______ in the choir sing well and their voices blend well with the ( soprano )
10. During Christmas, ( harmony ) ________ are seen in different places.
Determine the number of the following nouns. Write S for singular or P for plural:
____1. radius _____6. calisthenics _____11. analysis
____2. measles _____7. fungus _____12. syllabi
____3. alumnae _____8. tongs _____13. memoramdum
____4. nebula _____9. spectacles _____14. media
____5. forget-me-not _____10. goggles _____15. aeronautics
Write the plural form of the following nouns in the parentheses:
1. Our English teacher required us to put many _______________( appendix ) in our research

2. The parents receive _______________( memorandum ) from the school administrators.

3. When we draw conclusions for our experiment, we must have enough

_____________( datum )

4. Several participants from different _____________( country ) in Asia will join the Asian
Debate Competition on May 15 – 21 to be held at Claret School of Quezon City.
5. The school’s varsity team finally overcame ____________( crisis ) on getting the championship
by beating Xavier 62 – 55.

6. Many _____________( alumnus ) watched the basketball game between CKSC and Xavier.

7. In Science, the teacher explained that we must have sufficient ____________( proof ) for our

8. Mrs. Santos required the students to bring ( potato ) ____________and (tomato )


9. The museum has pictures of our ( hero ) ______________.

10. Monthly, ( cargo ) ____________ from different countries are sent to our country.

Encircle the correct pronoun in parenthesis that best completes the sentence:
Janice: ( I, me ) am going to the library to do a research about macaws. Would ( you, your ) like to
come with ( I, me ) ?
Bianca: Sure. What do ( you, your ) want to know about macaw? Is ( it, him ) your topic for report
in Science?
Janice: Yes, it is. ( I, She ) am fascinated about this birds. My mother told ( I, me ) that macaws are
intelligent birds, so people enjoy having ( they, them ) as pets.
Bianca: Interesting. Are ( they, it ) the birds who can say few words?
Janice: ( She, You ) are right Bianca. Macaw owners love teaching ( his, their ) birds new words.
Bianca: So what time ( I, we ) will go to the library. I also want to know more about ( they, them).
Complete the paragraph below by writing the correct pronoun:
My friends and I went to the library to read about the history of the Philippines
during the Spanish period. I surfed the internet while 1._______ searched for history books. After few
minutes, 2.________ made a powerpoint presentation. 3._______ read from the internet that
Filipinos fought the Spaniards to have freedom. My friends told 4. _______ that Jose Rizal wrote Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.5. _______said that Rizal and the rest of the members of the
Propaganda Movement did not succeed, and 6. ________ also told 7.______ that Andres Bonifacio
started a revolution. Bonifacio was joined by 8._____ wife, Gregoria and brother, Procopio. I am happy
to hear that Filipinos like Rizal and Bonifacio were brave enough to be freed.9. ______ gave all of
10._____, Filipinos independence.


Underline the verbs used in the following sentences. Identify whether they are in simple past, present,
or future tense. Write your answer before each number.
1. Corazon Aquino was a former president of the Philippines. ___________
2. The foreign visitors came from London.___________
3. Concern citizens helped the typhoon victims._____________
4. Eloquent senators deliver their speeches during meeting.___________
5. Public officials perform their job wholeheartedly.__________
6. Cabinet members will attend the meeting. _________
7. Honorable Governor Sy attends to the needs of the city.__________
8. Government employees work during weekdays.__________
9. Fair Mayor Tan will distribute the funds. _________
10. The responsible officials are going to secure the safety of the election. _________
Encircle the correct form of the verb:
1. Both Tom and Joe ___ to that school. ( go, goes )
2. My uncle ___ me a story last Saturday. ( tells, told )
3. Every country ___ good people and bad people. ( has, have )
4. They ___ as fast as they could, but they missed the bus. ( run, ran )
5. Ms. Franklin ___ elementary pupils music. ( teaches, taught )
6. I ___ him at the station yesterday afternoon. ( meet, met )
7. My family is ___ lunch now. ( have, having )
8. ___ you know where he lives? ( Do, Does )
9. I love my mother and she ___ me. ( loved, loves )
10. When was the last time you ___ a new shirt? ( buy, bought )
11. She’s been _____ to music all day. ( listens, listening )
12. Do you still ___ tennis every Sunday? ( play, played )
Replace the verb inside the parenthesis with its appropriate tense. Write your answer before the number.
______________1. The distinguished visitors (enjoy) the performance of the folk dancers yesterday.
______________2. When the notable Mayor Uy (be) a student, he used to spin tops.
______________3. Tomorrow morning, the voters (choose) the delegates for the convention.
______________4. Respected officials (earn) the trust of the people last election.
______________5. The tasked officers (be) always at work.
______________6. Private sectors (donate) enough funds this coming December.
______________7. The chief executive (sign) the bill for it to become a law.
______________8. The newly elected officials (take) the oath tomorrow.
______________9. Congresswoman Manzano (go) to assessment meeting every month.
______________10. The busy President (sign) the letter later.

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