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3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
ACPR Adjancent Channel Power Ratio
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AFT Audio Frequency Test
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ANT Antenna
API Application programming interface
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARM Acorm RISC Machine (Processor)
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
BER Bit Error Rate
BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor
BLER BLock Error Rate
BLT Board Level Test
BPF Band Pass Filter
BS Base Station
BT Bluetooth
BW Band Width
CBT Rhode&Schwarz Bluetooth Tester
CDG CDMA Development Group
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CMU Rhode & Schwarz’s Universal Mobile Communications Tester
CODEC Compressor/Decompressor
CP Charge pump
CPL Directional Coupler
CSP Chip scale package
CSR Cambidge Silicon Radio
CW Continuous Wave
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DB Decibel
DL Downlink
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DUT Device Under Test
EBI External bus interface
E-DCH Enhanced Dedicated Channel
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESR Equivalent Series Resistance
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EVDO Evolution Data Optimized
EVM Error Vector Magnitude
FCC Federal Comunications Comission
FER Frame Error Rate
FM Frequency Modulation
GCAP Global Control Audio Power (IC)
GND Ground
RIM Training
RR 2009
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile Comunications
GUI Graphical User Interface
HAST Highly accelerated stress test
HIC Humidity indicator card
HPF High Pass Filter
HS High Speed
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HS-DPCCH High Speed Dedicated Physical Control Channel
HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packed Access
HTOL High-temperature operating life
I In-Phase
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
IC Integrated Circuit
ID Identification
IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network
IF Intermediate Frequency
ILPC Inner Loop Power Control
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier
IP3 3er Order Intercept Point
ISI Intersymbol Interference
ISM Industry, Scientific and Medical
JXDM An application used to communicate directly to the radio chipset
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDO Low Dropout (regulator)
LED Light Emitting Diode
Li Lithium
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LO Local Oscillator
LP Low Power
LPF Low Pass Filter
MAC Media Access Control
MBB Moisture barrier bag
MFG Manufacturer
MFI Manufacturing Flash Image
MIC Microwave Integrated Circuit
MIC (Audio) Microphone
MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integated Circuit
MPP Multipurpose pin
mQFN micro-Quad Flat No-lead package
MRD Mobile Receive Diversity
MS Mobile Station
MSL Moisture sensitivity level
MSM Mobile Station Modem (trademarked by QUALCOMM)
MUX Multiplexer
NC No Connect
NF Noise Figure
NVRAM No Volatil RAM
OBW Occupied Bandwidth
OBW Occupied Bandwidth
ODCT Offset Direct Conversion Transmitter
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RR 2009
OTG On-the-go
PA Power Amplifier
PATS Portable Auomated Test Software
PBM Pulse burst modulation
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDM Pulse Density Modulated
PDTCH Packet Data TCHannel
PECL Pseudo Emitter Coupled Logic
PFM Pulse frequency modulation
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PM Power management
POP Populated Print Circuit Board
PRT Parametric Radio Test
PRx Primary receiver
PSAP Public Safety Answering Point
PSK Phase Shift Keying
PTT Push to Talk
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Q Quadrature
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QCT QUALCOMM CDMA Technologies division
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RBF Reject Band Filter
REV Revision
RF Radio Frequency
RFR RF Receiver
RFT RF Transmitter
RFT Radio Frequency Test
RIM Reaserch In Motion
RMS Root Mean Square
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indication
RTAS RIM Tool Authentication Server
RTC Real Time Clock
RTR RadioOne RF Tranceiver
RTR RF Transceiver
RUIM Removable user identity module
Rx Receive
SAR Specific Absortion Ratio
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave (Filter)
SBI Serial bus interface (3-wire unless designated as SSBI)
SCL Serial Clock
SDA Serial Data
S-GPS Simultaneous-GPS
SHDR Simultaneous Hybrid Dual Receiver
SiGe Silicon germanium
SIM Subscriber Information Module
SMPS Switched-mode power supply (DC-to-DC converter)
SMT Surface mount technology
SnPb Tin/lead
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SPI Serial Protocol Interface
RIM Training
RR 2009
SPI (BT) Serial Peripheral Interface
SRx Secondary Receiver
SSBI Single-wire serial bus interface
SVP Standarized Virtual Parts
TCCH Trafic Correction Channel
TCXO Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TDMA Time Division Multiply Access
TEDI Tracking Engineering and Device Issues
TOA Time of Arrival
TTFF Time To First Fix
TX Transmit
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
USB Universal Serial Bus
VCC Supply Voltage
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCTCXO Voltage-controlled temperature-compensated crystal oscillator
VNC Virtual Network computing
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WPIC World Phone Integrated Circuit
XTAL Crystal
a radio architecture that converts received signals directly from RF to
Zero-IF or ZIF Zero
baseband, thereby eliminating the transmit signals likewise eliminate the Tx
intermediate frequency
IF, upconverting directly from baseband to RF
I2S Inter IC Sound
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
Bps Bits per second
3G Third Generation
3PL Third Party Logistics Provider
ABAP language
ABC Activities Based Costing
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AI Automatic Insertion
AIT Automatic Inspection Technology
AMA American Management Association
AML Approved Manufacturer's List
AMPL Approved Manufacturer's Parts List
AMT Advanced Manufacturing Technology
AOI Automatic Optical Inspection
A/P Accounts Payables
APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society - Supply Chain
APO Adaptive Performance Optimization
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning
APS Advanced Planning System
AQL Acceptable Quality Level
A/R Accounts Receivable
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASP Attached Support Processor
ATO Assemble to Order
RIM Training
RR 2009
ATP Available to Promise
AVL Approved Vendor List
AXI Automated x-ray inspection
AXL Axial<
B2B Business to Business
BAT Board Assembly and Test
BCCP Bump Chip Carrier
BGA Ball Grid Array
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BOM Bill of Material
BPCS Business Planning and Control Systems
BPH Boards per Hour
BPP Business Process Procedure
BSI British Standards Institute
BSQC Bottom Side Quality Control
BST Board System Test
BTO Build to Order
BUC Business Unit Coordinator
BUD Business Unit Director
BUM Business Unit Manager
BW Business Warehouse
CAC Corrective Action Committee
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAR Corrective Action Report
CAS Chemical Abstract Service
CAT Corrective Action Team
CBGA Ceramic Ball Grid Array
CCGA Ceramic Column Grid Array
CDFP Ceramic Dual Flat Package
CDIP Ceramic Dual Inline Package
CDMA Call Division Multiple Access
CEM Contract Electronics Manufacturing
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Cost & Freight
CGA Column Grid Array
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To
CIQ Computer Integrated Quality
CIQS Computer Integrated Quality System
CIS Customer Information System
CLF Customer Line Fallout
CM Contract Manufacturing - former term used to describe EMS (Electronic
CMR Change Management Request
CMTS Cellular Mobile Telephone System
COB Chip on Board or Close of Business
COC Certificate of Compliance
RIM Training
RR 2009
COGM Cost of Goods Manufacturer
CofC Certificate of Compliance/Conformity
COGS Cost of Goods Sold
COO Chief Operating Officer
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CPE Customer Provided Equipment
CPGA Ceramic Pin Grid Array Package
CPIM Certified in Production and Inventory Management
CPT Carriage Paid To
CQFP Ceramic Quad Flat Pack
CRD Component Reference Designator
CRP Capacity Requirements Planning
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CSP Certified Service Provider
CSR Customer Service Representative
CTB Clean To Build
CTO Configure to Order
CTS Clean To Start
CV Single Line Phone
CWA Contract Work Authorization
D/S Direct Sale
D/W Direct Withdrawal
DAF Delivered at Frontier
DBW Drive by Wire
DC Distribution Center
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DE Design Engineer
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay
DES Delivered Ex Ship
DF Direct Fulfillment
DFA Design for Assembly
DFD Design for Disassembly
DFEMC Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility
DFESD Design for Electrostatic Discharge
DFI Design for Installability
DFM Design for Manufacturing; Design for Maintainability
DFML Design for Material Logistics
DFP Design for Procurement; Design for Production; Design for Packageability
DFQ Design for Quality
Design for Redesign; Design for Reliability;
Design for Reuse; Design for Repair
DFS Design for Safety; Design for Simplicity; Design for Speed
DFT Design for Test
DFX Design for Excellence
DGR Daily Going Rate
DID Direct Inward Dialing - type of telephone line that is not part of the internal
DII Days In Inventory
DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module
DIP Dual Inline Package
DL Direct Labor
RIM Training
RR 2009
DLT Digital Linear Tape
DNS Design Navigate System
DOA Dead On Arrival
DOC Microsoft Word file extension
DOE Design of Experiment
DOF Direct Order Fulfillment
DOH Days on Hand
DPM Defects per Million - common Quality term
DPMO Defects per Million Opportunities - common Quality term
DR Dynamic Replenishment
DRM Dynamic Replenishment Model
DSI Digital Speed Interpolation
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSO Days Sales Outstanding
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DTS Dock to Stock
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
EBN Electronic Buyer's News (EMS Industry publication)
E&O Errors and Omissions (type of insurance)
EC Electronic Commerce
ECN Engineering Change Notice
ECO Engineering Change Order
ED Electrically Defective
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDM Electronic Document Management
EDS Engineering Data Services
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMS Electronic Manufacturing Services
EOL End Of Life
EPBGA Enhanced Plastic Ball Grid Array
EPS Electronic Packout System or Earnings Per Share
EQFP Enhanced Quad Flat Pack
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS Evaluated Receipt Settlement
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESI Early Supplier Involvement
ESS Environmental Stress Screening
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD Estimated Time of Delivery
FA Final Assembly or Field Analysis
FAB Bare board
FAI Final Article Inspection
FAS Free Alongside Strip
FCA Free Carrier
FCD Factory Complete Date
FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
FEDI Financial Electronic Data Interchange
RIM Training
RR 2009
FGI Finished Goods Inventory
FIFO First In, First Out
FNI Final Inspection
FM Functional Manager
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FOB Free On Board
FPY First Pass Yield
FQC Final Quality Control
FQFP Fine Pitch Metric Quat Flat Package
FSA Full System Assembly
FSR Field Service Return
FST Functional System Test
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FVT Functional Verification Test
GAL Global Address List in Outlook
GDT Global Desktop Team
GHD Global Help Desk
GIF Graphics Interchange Format - graphics file extension
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
GNT Global Network Team
GPS Global Performance System;
GQAM Global Quality Assurance Manager
GRN Goods Receipt Number
GSB General Services Building (St. Petersburg, Florida)
GSM General Surface Mount
GST Global Systems Team
GTB Global Technology Building
GTS Global Test Services
GUI Graphical User Interface
HALT Highly Accelerated Life Test
HASS Highly Accelerated Stress Screening
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HERS Manufacturer's Part Number in SAP
HI POT High Potential Safety Test
HMP Highly Marketable Part
HMU Hot Mock Up
HP Hewlett Packard Corporation
HQFP Heat Spreader Quad Flat Pack Package
HR Human Resources
H&S Health and Safety
HSP High Speed Placement
HTML Hypertext Markup Language - web development language
HVLM High Volume, Low Mix
IA Inventory Analyst
IC Integrated Circuit
ICT In-Circuit Test
IL Indirect Labor
IMD In-mold Decoration
IMPCON Integrated Manufacturing Production Control
RIM Training
RR 2009
IP Investors in People;Intellectual Property
IPC Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
IR Investor Relations
ISO International Standards Organization
IT Information Technology
Jabil Circuit stock symbol on the
New York Stock Exchange
JEL Jabil Emerging Leader
JGS Jabil Global Services
JIT Just-In-Time Inventory System
JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group - graphics file extension
JPN Jabil Part Number
JTS Jabil Technology Services
JVN Jabil Voice Network
LAN Local Area Network
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier
LCL Lower Control Limit
LDCC Leaded Chip Carrier, J-Leads
LFCSP Lead Frame Chip Scale Package
LIFO Last In, First Out
LGA Land Grid Array
LOA Letter of Agreement/Agency
LOI Letter of Intent
LQFP Linear Quad Flat Pack Package
LVHM Low Volume High Mix
MCU Multi-Point Control Unit
MDA Manufacturing Defect Analysis
ME Manufacturing Engineer
MELF Metal Electrode Face
MES Manufacturing Execution System
MESS Material Excess and Shortage Status>
MET Manufacturing Engineering Technician
MFG Manufacturing
MFPY Monthly First Pass Yield
MIS Management Information System
MIT Manager in Training
MLP Micro Lead Frame Package
MO Machine Operator
MOQ Minimum Order Quantity
MPC Management, Planning and Control
MPM Screen Printer Manufacturer
MPMS Mold Production Management System
MPS Master Production Schedule
MPU Main Processing Unit
MPV Material Price Variance
MQA Materials Quotation Analyst
MQFP Micro Quad Flat Pack
MRB Material Review Board
MRO Maintenance, Repair & Operating Supplies
RIM Training
RR 2009
MRP Materials Requirements Planning
MS Master Schedule
MSA Material Supplier Agreement
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MSN Multi Service Network
MSOP Miniature Small Outline Package
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTD Month-To-Date
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NBV Net Book Value
NCD New Customer Development
NDA Non Disclosure Agreement
NDF Non-Defined Fail
NGA Node Gate Array
NPFs No Problem Found Assemblies
NPI New Product Introduction
NRE Non Recurring Expense
NTI New Technology Introduction
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
OBA Out of Box Audit
ODM Original Design Manufacturer
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OLA Operations Level Agreement
OLE Overall Labor Efficiency
ORT On-Going Reliability Test
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
OTD On Time Delivery
OTS On Time Ship
OTW Over the Wave
P&L Profit and Loss
P/n Part Number
PBA Printed Board Assembly
PBGA Plastic Ball Grid Array
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PC Production Coordinator; Personal Computer
PC & L Production Control and Logistics
PCA Printed Circuit Assembly
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly
PCI Peripheral Component Interface
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDF Portable Document Format
PDM Product Data Management
PE Production Engineer;Price Earnings ratio
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PFMEA Product/Process Failiure Mode Effects and Analysis
PFTA Pre-Functional Test Assembly
PGA Plastic Grid Array/Pin Grid Arrays
RIM Training
RR 2009
PGI Post Goods Issue
PI Physical Inventory
PLCC Plastic J-Lead Carrier
PLD Programmable Logic Devices
PLS Purchase Leverage System
PLV Production Line Verification
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PO Purchase Order
POC Point of Contact
POD Proof of Delivery
POS Point of Service
POST Power-On Self-Test
PP Production Planner
PP1 Pre-Production Run 1
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPT Microsoft Powerpoint file extension
PPV Purchase Price Variance
PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Package
PR Public Relations
PRWS Pre-Wash
PSA Pre-Ship Audit
PTF Platform Tray Feeder
PTH Plated Through Hole
PVT Process Verification Test
PWA Printed Wiring Assembly
PWB Printed Wiring Board
Q&A Question & Answer
QBR Quarterly Business Review
QC Quality Control
QE Quality Engineer
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QFMS Quality First Management System
QFP/QFN Quad Flat Pack/Quad Flat No-Lead
QM Quality Management Module
QN Quality Network
QSOP Quarter Size Outline Packages
QTEC Quality, Teamwork, Empowerment, Continuous Improvement
R&D Research & Development
RAMTF Random Access Matrix Tray Feeder
RDL Radial
REQ Resource Expenditure Quote
RF Radio Frequency
RFC Request For Change
RFQ Request for Quotation
RI Receive Inspection
RIR Receive Inspection Report
RMA Return Materials Authorization
RODMAN Regional Operations Development Manager
ROI Return On Investment
ROIC Return On Invested Capital
RIM Training
RR 2009
RPC Reclaimed Production Components
RQFP Power Quad Flat Pack
RTC Return to Customer
RTV Return to Vendor
S&P 500 Standard & Poor's 500
SaaS Software as a Service
SAF Sub-Assembly Forecast
SAP Systems, Applications & Products - Jabil's ERP system
SBGA Super Ball Grid Array
SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Report
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SEC Securities Exchange Commission
SED Shipper's Export Declaration
SHP Surface Horizontal Package
SIM Single Inline Module
SIP Single Inline Package
SIS Supplier Information System
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLI Shipper's Letter of Instruction
SMCI Supplier Managed Consigned Inventory
SMD Surface Mount Device
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMI Supplier Managed Inventory
SMT Surface Mount Technology
SNT System Network Test
SO Small Outline Integrated Circuit
SOC Small Outline, C-Leads
SOIC Small Outline Integrated Circuit
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SOJ Small Outline Package with J Leads
SOT Small Outline Transistor
SOW Statement of Work
SPB Seconds per Board
SPC Statistical Process Control, former manufacturing quality system currently
SPV Sales Price Variance
SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
SQFP Small Quad Flat Package
SROH Abbreb for c-class component in SAP
SSD Solid State Device
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SSOP Shrink Small Outline Package
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
SVP Senior Vice President
SVS Synthetic Vision System
TAB Tape Automated Bonding
TAM Telecommunications Access Method
TARS Test Analysis and Rework System
TBGA Tiny Ball Grid Array
TE Test Engineer
RIM Training
RR 2009
TER Travel and Entertainment Report
TH Through Hole
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TP Transport Protocol
TQFP Thin Quad Flat Package
TQM Total Quality Management
TQRDCE Technology/Quality/Responsiveness/Delivery/Cost/Environment
TS Transport Stream
TSOP Thin Shrink Outline Package
TSQC Top Side Quality Control
TSSOP Thin Shrink Small Outline Packages
TTM Time To Market
TTV Time To Volume
TVSOP Thin Very Small Outline Packages
UCL Upper Control Limit
UK United Kingdom
USD United States Dollar
VAMs Vendor Accounts Managers
VCC Voltage Constant Current
VCD Vertical Component Device
VCLF Verified Customer Line Fallout
VGA Video Graphic Analyzer
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
VOIP Voice Over Internet Provider
VMI Vendor Managed Inventory
VP Vice President
VPN Virtual Private Network
VQFP Very Thin Quad Flat Package
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WAN Wide Area Network
WIP Work in Progress
WMA Windows Media File extension for audio files
WMV Windows Media File extension for video files
XLS Microsoft Excel file extension
XML Extensible Markup Language
ZIP Zig Zag Inline Package, TH Leads

RIM Training
RR 2009

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