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322 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Cell Structure
and Function
How do the structures and
processes of a cell enable it
to survive?

Alien Life?
You might think this unicellular organism looks like something out of a
science-fiction movie. Although it looks scary, the hairlike structures in its
mouth enable the organism to survive.

• What do you think the hairlike structures do?

• How might the shape of the hairlike structures relate to their function?
• How do you think the structures and processes of a cell enable it to survive?
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 323

Get Ready to Read

What do you think?
Before you read, decide if you agree or disagree with each of these
statements. As you read this chapter, see if you change your mind
about any of the statements.
1 Nonliving things have cells.
2 Cells are made mostly of water.
3 Different organisms have cells with different structures.
4 All cells store genetic information in their nuclei.
5 Diffusion and osmosis are the same process.
6 Cells with large surface areas can transport more than cells with
smaller surface areas.
7 ATP is the only form of energy found in cells.
8 Cellular respiration occurs only in lung cells.

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324 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 1
Reading Guide
Key Concepts
Cells and Life
• How did scientists’
understanding of cells
• What basic substances
make up a cell?

cell theory
nucleic acid

g Multilingual eGlossary

Two of a Kind?
At first glance, the plant and animal in the photo might
seem like they have nothing in common. The plant is
rooted in the ground, and the iguana can move quickly.
Are they more alike than they appear? How can you
find out?
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 325

Launch Lab 10 minutes

What’s in a cell?
Most plants grow from seeds. A seed began as one cell, but
a mature plant can be made up of millions of cells. How
does a seed change and grow into a mature plant?
1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
2 Use a toothpick to gently remove the thin outer covering
of a bean seed that has soaked overnight.
3 Open the seed with a plastic knife, and observe its
inside with a magnifying lens. Draw the inside of the
seed in your Science Journal.
4 Gently remove the small, plantlike embryo, and weigh it
on a balance. Record its mass in your Science Journal.
5 Gently pull a bean seedling from the soil. Rinse the soil from the roots. Weigh the seedling,
and record the mass.

Think About This

1. How did the mass of the embryo and the bean seedling differ?
2. Key Concept If a plant begins as one cell, where do all the cells come from?

Understanding Cells
Have you ever looked up at the night sky
and tried to find other planets in our solar
system? It is hard to see them without using
a telescope. This is because the other planets
are millions of kilometers away. Just like we
can use telescopes to see other planets, we
can use microscopes to see the basic units of
all living things—cells. But people didn’t
always know about cells. Because cells are so
small, early scientists had no tools to study
them. It took hundreds of years for scientists
to learn about cells.
More than 300 years ago, an English sci-
entist named Robert Hooke built a micro-
scope. He used the microscope to look at
cork, which is part of a cork oak tree’s bark.
What he saw looked like the openings in a
honeycomb, as shown in Figure 1. The open-
ings reminded him of the small rooms, called
cells, where monks lived. He called the struc-
tures cells, from the Latin word cellula Figure 1 To Robert Hooke, the cells of cork
(SEL yuh luh), which means “small rooms.” looked like the openings in a honeycomb.
326 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

The Cell Theory

After Hooke’s discovery, other scientists began making bet-
ter microscopes and looking for cells in many other places,
such as pond water and blood. The newer microscopes enabled
scientists to see different structures inside cells. Matthias
Schleiden (SHLI dun), a German scientist, used one of the new
microscopes to look at plant cells. Around the same time,
another German scientist, Theodor Schwann, used a micro-
scope to study animal cells. Schleiden and Schwann realized
that plant and animal cells have similar features. You’ll read
about many of these features in Lesson 2.
Almost two decades later, Rudolf Virchow (VUR koh), a
German doctor, proposed that all cells come from preexisting
REVIEW VOCABULARY cells, or cells that already exist. The observations made by
explanation of things or Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow were combined into one
events based on scientific theory. As illustrated in Table 1, the cell theory states that all
knowledge resulting from
living things are made of one or more cells, the cell is the smallest
many observations and
experiments unit of life, and all new cells come from preexisting cells. After the
development of the cell theory, scientists raised more ques-
tions about cells. If all living things are made of cells, what are
Table 1 Scientists devel- cells made of?
oped the cell theory after
studying cells with Key Concept Check How did scientists’ understanding of
microscopes. cells develop?

Table 1 The Cell Theory

Principle Example

All living things are made

of one or more cells.

Leaf cells

The cell is the smallest unit This unicellular amoeba is

of life. surrounding an algal cell
to get food and energy.
Amoeba Algal cell

All new cells come from

preexisting cells.

Existing cell Cell dividing New cells

Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 327

Basic Cell Substances

Have you ever watched a train travel down a railroad track?
The locomotive pulls train cars that are hooked together.
Like a train, many of the substances in cells are made of smaller
parts that are joined together. These substances, called macro- WORD ORIGIN
molecules, form by joining many small molecules together. As you macromolecule
from Greek makro–, means
will read later in this lesson, macromolecules have many impor-
“long”; and Latin molecula,
tant roles in cells. But macromolecules cannot function with- means “mass”
out one of the most important substances in cells—water.

The Main Ingredient—Water

The main ingredient in any cell is water. It makes up more
than 70 percent of a cell’s volume and is essential for life. Why
is water such an important molecule? In addition to making up
a large part of the inside of cells, water also surrounds cells. The
water surrounding your cells helps to insulate your body, which
maintains homeostasis, or a stable internal environment.
The structure of a water molecule makes it ideal for dissolv-
ing many other substances. Substances must be in a liquid to
move into and out of cells. A water molecule has two areas:
• An area that is more negative (−), called the negative end;
Figure 2 The positive and
this end can attract the positive part of another substance. negative ends of a water
• An area that is more positive (+), called the positive end; this molecule attract the pos-
end can attract the negative part of another substance. itive and negative parts of
another substance, similar
Examine Figure 2 to see how the positive and negative ends to the way magnets are
of water molecules dissolve salt crystals. attracted to each other.

+ +
- -
+ - +
- ++
+- + + + - +
+ +
+- +- +- + + -
- + - + - +- +- -
- + - +
- + - +- + +
+ -
- + - +- +
- +
+ + -
- + - + - +-
- +
+ - - - +
- + -+ -+ + +
+ +
- - + - +-
+ -
- Salt dissolved
+ - +
in water

Chloride - Oxygen -
(sodium chloride)
Hydrogen + Sodium +

Visual Check Which part of the salt crystal is attracted to the

oxygen in the water molecule?
328 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Although water is essential for life, all cells contain other
substances that enable them to function. Recall that macro-
molecules are large molecules that form when smaller mole-
cules join together. As shown in Figure 3, there are four types
of macromolecules in cells: nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and
carbohydrates. Each type of macromolecule has unique func-
tions in a cell. These functions range from growth and com-
munication to movement and storage.

Cell Macromolecules
Nucleic acids
contain genetic
information • energy storage
• protective membranes
• communication

• communication • energy storage
• transport • structural support
• chemical breakdown of substances • communication
• structural support

Figure 3 Each type of macromolecule

has a special function in a cell.
Color-Enhanced TEM Magnification: 300×

Nucleic Acids Both deoxyribonucleic (dee AHK sih ri boh noo

klee ihk) acid (DNA) and ribonucleic (ri boh noo KLEE ihk)
acid (RNA) are nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are macromolecules
Fold a sheet of paper to that form when long chains of molecules called nucleotides (NEW
make a four-door book. klee uh tidz) join together. The order of nucleotides in DNA and
Label it as shown. Use it RNA is important. If you change the order of words in a sen-
to organize your notes tence, you can change the meaning of the sentence. In a simi-
on the macromolecules
lar way, changing the order of nucleotides in DNA and RNA
and their uses in a cell.
can change the genetic information in a cell.
Nucleic Nucleic acids are important in cells because they contain
genetic information. This information can pass from parents
to offspring. DNA includes instructions for cell growth, cell
Lipids Carbohydrates reproduction, and cell processes that enable a cell to respond
to its environment. DNA is used to make RNA. RNA is used to
make proteins.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 329

Proteins The macromolecules necessary for

nearly everything cells do are proteins. MiniLab 25 minutes
Proteins are long chains of amino acid mole-
cules. You just read that RNA is used to make How can you observe DNA?
proteins. RNA contains instructions for join-
ing amino acids together.
Nucleic acids are macromolecules that are
Cells contain hundreds of proteins. Each important in cells because they contain an
protein has a unique function. Some pro- organism’s genetic information. In this lab,
teins help cells communicate with each you will observe one type of nucleic acid,
other. Other proteins transport substances DNA, in onion root-tip cells using a compound
around inside cells. Some proteins, such as light microscope.
amylase (AM uh lays) in saliva, help break
down nutrients in food. Other proteins, such
as keratin (KER uh tun)—a protein found in
hair, horns, and feathers—provide structural

LM Magnification: 200×

Lipids Another group of macromolecules

found in cells is lipids. A lipid is a large mac-
romolecule that does not dissolve in water. 1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
Because lipids do not mix with water, they 2 Obtain a microscope and a slide from
play an important role as protective barriers your teacher. Use care and properly
in cells. They are also the major part of cell handle your microscope.
membranes. Lipids play roles in energy stor- 3 Observe the onion root-tip cells at the
age and in cell communication. Examples of magnifications assigned by your teacher.
lipids are cholesterol (kuh LES tuh rawl), 4 Determine the approximate number of
phospholipids (fahs foh LIH pids), and cells in your field of view and the number
vitamin A. of cells with visible DNA. Record these
numbers in your Science Journal.
Reading Check Why are lipids important
to cells? Analyze and Conclude
1. Calculate Using your data, find the
Carbohydrates One sugar molecule, two sugar
percentage of cells with visible DNA that
molecules, or a long chain of sugar molecules
you saw in your microscope’s field of view.
make up carbohydrates (kar boh HI drayts).
Carbohydrates store energy, provide struc- 2. Compare your results with the results of
tural support, and are needed for communi- other students. Are all the results the
same? Explain.
cation between cells. Sugars and starches are
carbohydrates that store energy. Fruits con- 3. Create a data table for the entire class that
tain sugars. Breads and pastas are mostly lists individual results.
starch. The energy in sugars and starches can 4. Calculate the total percentage of cells
be released quickly through chemical reac- with visible DNA at each magnification.
tions in cells. Cellulose is a carbohydrate in 5. Key Concept Did looking at the
the cell walls in plants that provides struc- cells at different magnifications change the
tural support. percentage of cells with visible DNA?
Key Concept Check What basic
substances make up a cell?
330 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 1 Review Assessment Online Quiz

Visual Summary Use Vocabulary

1 The states that the
cell is the basic unit of all living things.
The cell theory
2 Distinguish between a carbohydrate
summarizes the
main principles for and a lipid.
understanding that 3 Use the term nucleic acid in a sentence.
the cell is the basic
unit of life. Understand Key Concepts
4 Which macromolecule is made from
amino acids?
Water is the main A. lipid C. carbohydrate
- ingredient in every B. protein D. nucleic acid
+ + cell. 5 Describe how the invention of the
microscope helped scientists understand
6 Compare the functions of DNA and
proteins in a cell.
A nucleic acid, such
as DNA, contains the Interpret Graphics
genetic information
for a cell. 7 Summarize Copy and fill in the graphic
organizer below to summarize the main
principles of the cell theory.

Use your lesson Foldable to review the lesson.
Save your Foldable for the project at the end
of the chapter.
8 Analyze How does the structure of the
water molecule shown below enable it to
interact with other water molecules?

What do you think

You first read the statements below at the + +
beginning of the chapter.
1. Nonliving things have cells.
2. Cells are made mostly of water. Critical Thinking
Did you change your mind about whether you 9 Summarize the functions of lipids in cells.
agree or disagree with the statements? Rewrite 10 Hypothesize why carbohydrates are found
any false statements to make them true. in plant cell walls.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 331

A Very Powerful
Using technology to look inside cells

I f Robert Hooke had used an atomic force microscope (AFM), he would have
observed more than just cells. He would have seen the macromolecules
inside them! An AFM can scan objects that are only nanometers in size.
A nanometer is one one-billionth of a meter. That’s 100,000 times
smaller than the width of a human hair. AFM technology has enabled
scientists to better understand how cells function. It also has given
them a three-dimensional look at the macromolecules that
make life possible. This is how it works.


3 A laser beam senses the

cantilever’s up and down
movements. A computer
2 The cantilever can bend up and converts these move-
down, similar to the way a diving ments into an image of
board can bend, in response to the sample’s surface.
pushing and pulling forces between
the atoms in the tip and
the atoms in the

1 A probe moves across a

sample’s surface to identify the
sample’s features. The probe
consists of a cantilever with a
tiny, sharp tip. The tip is about
20 nm in diameter at its base.

H NASA’s Ph microscope.
R E S E A RC atomic force instrument.
s La nd er in cl ud ed an
er ed on M ars with this
M ar scov
t scientists di
Find out wha
332 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 2
Reading Guide
Key Concepts
The Cell
• How are prokaryotic cells
and eukaryotic cells similar,
and how are they different?
• What do the structures in a
cell do?

cell membrane
cell wall

g Multilingual eGlossary

Video BrainPOP®

Hooked Together?
What do you think happens when one of the hooks in
the photo above goes through one of the loops? The
two sides fasten together. The shapes of the hooks and
loops in the hook-and-loop tape are suited to their
function—to hold the two pieces together.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 333

Launch Lab 10 minutes

Why do eggs have shells?

Bird eggs have different structures, such as a shell, a
membrane, and a yolk. Each structure has a different
function that helps keep the egg safe and assists in
development of the baby bird inside of it.
1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
2 Place an uncooked egg in a bowl.
3 Feel the shell, and record your observations in your
Science Journal.
4 Crack open the egg. Pour the contents into the
5 Observe the inside of the shell and the contents of
the bowl. Record your observations in your Science

Think About This

1. What do you think is the role of the eggshell?
2. Are there any structures in the bowl that have the same function as the eggshell? Explain.
3. Key Concept What does the structure of the eggshell tell you about its function?

Cell Shape and Movement

A nerve cell’s
You might recall from Lesson 1 that all projections can
living things are made up of one or more send signals over
cells. As illustrated in Figure 4, cells come in long distances.
many shapes and sizes. The size and shape
of a cell relates to its job or function. For
example, a human red blood cell cannot be
seen without a microscope. Its small size and
disk shape enable it to pass easily through
the smallest blood vessels. The shape of a
nerve cell enables it to send signals over long
distances. Some plant cells are hollow and
make up tubelike structures that carry mate-
rials throughout a plant.
Disk-shaped red
The structures that make up a cell also
blood cells carry
have unique functions. Think about how oxygen and travel
the players on a football team perform dif- Tubelike plant xylem through small
ferent tasks to move the ball down the field. cells are hollow and blood vessels.
In a similar way, a cell is made of different carry water and
dissolved substances.
structures that perform different functions
that keep a cell alive. You will read about Figure 4 The shape of a cell relates to the
some of these structures in this lesson. function it performs.
334 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Plant Cell Concepts in Motion Animation

Figure 5 The cell wall Rough endoplasmic

maintains the shape of Smooth endoplasmic
reticulum reticulum
a plant cell.

Mitochondrion Central vacuole



Cell wall
Nucleus Nucleolus

Nuclear Cell membrane

Chloroplast Golgi apparatus

Cell Membrane
Although different types of cells perform different
ACADEMIC VOCABULARY functions, all cells have some structures in common. As shown
function in Figure 5 and Figure 6, every cell is surrounded by a protective
(noun) the purpose for
covering called a membrane. The cell membrane is a flexible
which something is used
covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment out-
side a cell. Cell membranes are mostly made of two different
macromolecules—proteins and a type of lipid called phospho-
lipids. Think again about a football team. The defensive line
tries to stop the other team from moving forward with the
football. In a similar way, a cell membrane protects the cell
from the outside environment.

Reading Check What are cell membranes made of?

Cell Wall
Every cell has a cell membrane, but some cells are also sur-
rounded by a structure called the cell wall. Plant cells such as
the one in Figure 5, fungal cells, bacteria, and some types of
protists have cell walls. A cell wall is a stiff structure outside the
cell membrane. A cell wall protects a cell from attack by viruses
and other harmful organisms. In some plant cells and fungal
cells, a cell wall helps maintain the cell’s shape and gives struc-
tural support.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 335

Animal Cell Concepts in Motion Animation

Figure 6 The cytoskeleton Centriole Lysosome

maintains the shape of an
animal cell.

Cell membrane

Genetic reticulum
Nucleus Nucleolus

Nuclear Golgi
envelope apparatus



Visual Check Compare this animal cell to the plant cell in Figure 5.

Cell Appendages
Arms, legs, claws, and antennae are all types of appendages.
Cells can have appendages too. Cell appendages are often used
for movement. Flagella (fluh JEH luh; singular, flagellum) are
long, tail-like appendages that whip back and forth and move
a cell. A cell can also have cilia (SIH lee uh; singular, cilium)
like the ones shown in Figure 7. Cilia are short, hairlike struc-
Color-Enhanced SEM Magnification: Unavailable
tures. They can move a cell or move molecules away from a
cell. A microscopic organism called a paramecium (pa ruh MEE Figure 7 Lung cells have
shee um) moves around its watery environment using its cilia. cilia that help move fluids
The cilia in your windpipe move harmful substances away and foreign materials.
from your lungs.

Cytoplasm and the Cytoskeleton

In Lesson 1, you read that water is the main ingredient in a
cell. Most of this water is in the cytoplasm, a fluid inside a cell WORD ORIGIN
that contains salts and other molecules. The cytoplasm also con- cytoplasm
from Greek kytos, means
tains a cell’s cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is a network of
“hollow vessel”; and plasma,
threadlike proteins that are joined together. The proteins form a means “something molded”
framework inside a cell. This framework gives a cell its shape
and helps it move. Cilia and flagella are made from the same
proteins that make up the cytoskeleton.
336 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Cell Types
MiniLab 25 minutes Recall that the use of microscopes enabled
How do eukaryotic and scientists to discover cells. With more
advanced microscopes, scientists discovered
prokaryotic cells compare?
that all cells can be grouped into two types—
With the use of better microscopes, scientists prokaryotic (proh ka ree AH tihk) cells and
discovered that cells can be classified as one
eukaryotic (yew ker ee AH tihk) cells.
of two types—prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
1 Read and complete a lab safety form. Prokaryotic Cells
The genetic material in a prokaryotic cell
is not surrounded by a membrane, as shown
in Figure 8. This is the most important fea-
ture of a prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells
also do not have many of the other cell parts
that you will read about later in this lesson.
Most prokaryotic cells are unicellular organ-
isms and are called prokaryotes.

Figure 8 In prokaryotic cells, the genetic material

floats freely in the cytoplasm.

2 Using different craft items, make a two- DNA

dimensional model of a eukaryotic cell.
3 In your cell model, include the number of
cell structures assigned by your teacher. Flagellum
4 Make each cell structure the correct Cell
shape, as shown in this lesson. membrane
Cell wall
5 Make a label for each cell structure of
your model.

Analyze and Conclude

Eukaryotic Cells
1. Describe the nucleus of your cell.
Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are all
2. Classify your cell as either a plant cell or made of eukaryotic cells, such as the ones
an animal cell, and support your shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, and are called
classification with evidence. eukaryotes. With few exceptions, each
3. Key Concept Compare and contrast eukaryotic cell has genetic material that is
a prokaryotic cell, as shown in Figure 8, surrounded by a membrane. Every eukary-
with your eukaryotic cell model. otic cell also has other structures, called organ-
elles, which have specialized functions. Most
organelles are surrounded by membranes.
Eukaryotic cells are usually larger than pro-
karyotic cells. About ten prokaryotic cells
would fit inside one eukaryotic cell.

Key Concept Check How are

prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells
similar, and how are they different?
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 337

Cell Organelles
As you have just read, organelles are eukaryotic cell struc-
tures with specific functions. Organelles enable cells to carry
out different functions at the same time. For example, cells can
Fold a sheet of paper
obtain energy from food, store information, make macromole- into a vertical half book.
cules, and get rid of waste materials all at the same time because Use it to record infor-
different organelles perform the different tasks. mation about cell
organelles and their
The Nucleus functions.
The largest organelle inside most eukaryotic cells is the
nucleus, shown in Figure 9. The nucleus is the part of a eukary-
otic cell that directs cell activities and contains genetic information
stored in DNA. DNA is organized into structures called chromo-
somes. The number of chromosomes in a nucleus is different Cell Organelles and Their Functions

for different species of organisms. For example, kangaroo cells

contain six pairs of chromosomes. Most human cells contain
23 pairs of chromosomes.

Figure 9 The nucleus directs cell activity and is Color-Enhanced TEM Magnification: 15,500×
surrounded by a membrane.

In addition to chromosomes, the nucleus contains proteins

and an organelle called the nucleolus (new KLEE uh lus). The
nucleolus is often seen as a large dark spot in the nucleus of a
cell. The nucleolus makes ribosomes, organelles that are SCIENCE USE V. COMMON USE
involved in the production of proteins. You will read about envelope
ribosomes later in this lesson. Science Use an outer
Surrounding the nucleus are two membranes that form a
Common Use a flat paper
structure called the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope container for a letter
contains many pores. Certain molecules, such as ribosomes and
RNA, move into and out of the nucleus through these pores.

Reading Check What is the nuclear envelope?

338 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Color-Enhanced EM Magnification: 19,030×

Color-Enhanced TEM Magnification: 14,000×

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Figure 10 The Manufacturing Molecules

endoplasmic reticulum is You might recall from Lesson 1 that proteins are important
made of many folded
molecules in cells. Proteins are made on small structures called
membranes. Mitochondria
provide a cell with usable ribosomes. Unlike other cell organelles, a ribosome is not sur-
energy. rounded by a membrane. Ribosomes are in a cell’s cytoplasm.
They also can be attached to a weblike organelle called the
endoplasmic reticulum (en duh PLAZ mihk • rih TIHK yuh
lum), or ER. As shown in Figure 10, the ER spreads from the
nucleus throughout most of the cytoplasm. ER with ribosomes
on its surface is called rough ER. Rough ER is the site of protein
production. ER without ribosomes is called smooth ER. It makes
lipids such as cholesterol. Smooth ER is important because it
helps remove harmful substances from a cell.

Reading Check Contrast smooth ER and rough ER.

Processing Energy
All living things require energy in order to survive. Cells
process some energy in specialized organelles. Most eukaryotic
cells contain hundreds of organelles called mitochondria
(mi tuh KAHN dree uh; singular, mitochondrion), shown in
Figure 10. Some cells in a human heart can contain a thousand
Like the nucleus, a mitochondrion is surrounded by two
membranes. Energy is released during chemical reactions that
occur in the mitochondria. This energy is stored in high-energy
molecules called ATP—adenosine triphosphate (uh DEH nuh
seen • tri FAHS fayt). ATP is the fuel for cellular processes such
as growth, cell division, and material transport.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 339

Color-Enhanced TEM Magnification: 37,500×

Golgi apparatus
Color-Enhanced TEM Magnification: 11,010×


Plant cells and some protists, such as algae, also contain Figure 11 Plant cells have
organelles called chloroplasts (KLOR uh plasts), shown in chloroplasts that use light
Figure 11. Chloroplasts are membrane-bound organelles that use energy and make food. The
Golgi apparatus packages
light energy and make food—a sugar called glucose—from water
materials into vesicles.
and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis (foh toh
SIHN thuh sus). The sugar contains stored chemical energy
that can be released when a cell needs it. You will read more
about photosynthesis in Lesson 4.

Reading Check Which types of cells contain chloroplasts?

Processing, Transporting, and Storing Molecules

Near the ER is an organelle that looks like a stack of
pancakes. This is the Golgi (GAWL jee) apparatus, shown in
Figure 11. It prepares proteins for their specific jobs or func-
tions. Then it packages the proteins into tiny, membrane-
bound, ball-like structures called vesicles. Vesicles are organelles
that transport substances from one area of a cell to another
area of a cell. Some vesicles in an animal cell are called lyso-
somes. Lysosomes contain substances that help break down
and recycle cellular components.
Some cells also have saclike structures called vacuoles
(VA kyuh wohlz). Vacuoles are organelles that store food, water,
and waste material. A typical plant cell usually has one large
vacuole that stores water and other substances. Some animal
cells have many small vacuoles.

Key Concept Check What is the function of the Golgi

340 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 2 Review Assessment Online Quiz

Visual Summary Use Vocabulary

1 Distinguish between the cell wall and the
cell membrane.
A cell is protected
by a flexible covering 2 Use the terms mitochondria and chloroplasts
called the cell in a sentence.
3 Define organelle in your own words.

Understand Key Concepts

4 Which organelle is used to store water?
Cells can be grouped
into two types— A. chloroplast C. nucleus
prokaryotic cells and B. lysosome D. vacuole
eukaryotic cells.
5 Explain the role of the cytoskeleton.
6 Draw a prokaryotic cell and label its parts.
7 Compare the roles of the endoplasmic
In a chloroplast,
light energy is used
reticulum and the Golgi apparatus.
for making sugars in
a process called Interpret Graphics
photosynthesis. 8 Explain how the structure of the cells
below relates to their function.

Use your lesson Foldable to review the lesson.

Save your Foldable for the project at the end
of the chapter. 9 Compare Copy the table below and fill it
in to compare the structures of a plant cell
to the structures of an animal cell.

Plant Animal
Structure Cell Cell
Cell membrane yes yes
What do you think
Cell wall
You first read the statements below at the Mitochondrion
beginning of the chapter. Chloroplast
3. Different organisms have cells with different Nucleus
structures. Vacuole
4. All cells store genetic information in their Lysosome
Did you change your mind about whether you Critical Thinking
agree or disagree with the statements? Rewrite 10 Analyze Why are most organelles
any false statements to make them true. surrounded by membranes?
11 Compare the features of eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 341

Skill Practice Compare and Contrast 45 minutes

How are plant cells and animal cells similar

and how are they different?
A light microscope enables you to observe many of the structures
Materials in cells. Increasing the magnification means you see a smaller
portion of the object, but lets you see more detail. As you see
more details, you can compare and contrast different cell
types. How are they alike? How are they different?

Learn It 6 Observe the prepared slide of

microscope Observations can be analyzed by not- cheek cells under low power.
ing the similarities and differences 7 Switch to high power and focus
between two or more objects that on one cell. Draw a diagram of
microscope you observe. You compare objects by one cheek cell. Label the cell
slide and noting similarities. You contrast membrane, cytoplasm, and
coverslip objects by looking for differences. nucleus. Return to low power and
remove the slide.
Try It
forceps 1 Read and complete a lab safety Apply It
form. 8 Based on your diagrams, how do
dropper 2 Using forceps, make a wet-mount the shapes of the Elodea cell and
slide of a young leaf from the tip cheek cell compare?
of an Elodea plant. 9 Key Concept Compare
3 Use a microscope to observe the and contrast the cell structures in
Elodea plant leaf on low power. Focus on the your two diagrams. Which
top layer of cells. structures did you observe in
both cells? Which structures did
4 Switch to high power and focus
you observe in only one of the
on one cell. The large organelle in
Prepared slide cells?
the center of the cell is the central
of human vacuole. Moving around the
cheek cells central vacuole are green, disklike
objects called chloroplasts. Try to
Safety find the nucleus. It looks like a
clear ball.
5 Draw a diagram of an Elodea cell
in your Science Journal. Label the
cell wall, central vacuole,
chloroplasts, cytoplasm, and
nucleus. Return to low power and
remove the slide. Properly dispose
of the slide.
342 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 3
Reading Guide
Key Concepts
Moving Cellular
• How do materials enter and
leave cells?
• How does cell size affect the
transport of materials?

passive transport
facilitated diffusion
active transport

g Multilingual eGlossary

Why the Veil?

A beekeeper often wears a helmet with a face-covering veil made
of mesh. The openings in the mesh are large enough to let air
through, yet small enough to keep bees out. In a similar way, some
things must be allowed in or out of a cell, while other things must
be kept in or out. How do the right things enter or leave a cell?
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 343

Launch Lab 5 minutes

What does the cell membrane do?

All cells have a membrane around the outside
of the cell. The cell membrane separates the
inside of a cell from the environment outside
a cell. What else might a cell membrane do?
1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
2 Place a square of wire mesh on top of
a beaker.
3 Pour a small amount of birdseed on top
of the wire mesh. Record your
observations in your Science Journal.

Think About This

1. What part of a cell does the wire mesh represent?
2. What happened when you poured birdseed on the wire mesh?
3. Key Concept How do you think the cell membrane affects materials that enter and
leave a cell?

Passive Transport
Recall from Lesson 2 that membranes are the boundaries
between cells and between organelles. Another important role
of membranes is to control the movement of substances into
and out of cells. A cell membrane is semipermeable. This means
it allows only certain substances to enter or leave a cell.
Substances can pass through a cell membrane by one of several Fold a sheet of paper
different processes. The type of process depends on the physi- into a two-tab book.
cal and chemical properties of the substance passing through Label the tabs as
the membrane. shown. Use it to orga-
nize information about
Small molecules, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, pass the different types of
through membranes by a process called passive transport. passive and active
Passive transport is the movement of substances through a cell transport.
membrane without using the cell’s energy. Passive transport
depends on the amount of a substance on each side of a mem-
brane. For example, suppose there are more molecules of oxy-
gen outside a cell than inside it. Oxygen will move into that
cell until the amount of oxygen is equal on both sides of the
cell’s membrane. Since oxygen is a small molecule, it passes transport

through a cell membrane without using the cell’s energy. The

different types of passive transport are explained on the fol-
lowing pages.

Reading Check Describe a semipermeable membrane.

344 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

What happens when the concentration, or amount per unit
of volume, of a substance is unequal on each side of a mem-
brane? The molecules will move from the side with a higher
concentration of that substance to the side with a lower con-
WORD ORIGIN centration. Diffusion is the movement of substances from an area
diffusion of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
from Latin diffusionem, means
“scatter, pour out” Usually, diffusion continues through a membrane until the
concentration of a substance is the same on both sides of the
membrane. When this happens, a substance is in equilibrium.
Compare the two diagrams in Figure 12. What happened to the
red dye that was added to the water on one side of the mem-
brane? Water and dye passed through the membrane in both
directions until there were equal concentrations of water and
dye on both sides of the membrane.


Dye added to water After 30 minutes

Visual Check What would the water in the beaker on the right look like if the membrane
did not let anything through?

Figure 12 Over time, the Osmosis—The Diffusion of Water

concentration of dye
on either side of the mem- Diffusion refers to the movement of any small molecules
brane becomes the same. from higher to lower concentrations. However, osmosis is the
diffusion of water molecules only through a membrane.
Semipermeable cell membranes also allow water to pass through
them until equilibrium occurs. For example, the amount of
water stored in the vacuoles of plant cells can decrease because
of osmosis. That is because the concentration of water in the
air surrounding the plant is less than the concentration of
water inside the vacuoles of plant cells. Water will continue to
diffuse into the air until the concentrations of water inside the
plant’s cells and in the air are equal. If the plant is not watered
to replace the lost water, it will wilt and eventually die.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 345

Concepts in Motion Animation

Facilitated Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion
Some molecules are too large or are chem-
ically unable to travel through a membrane Channel
by diffusion. When molecules pass through a protein
cell membrane using special proteins called
transport proteins, this is facilitated diffu-
sion. Like diffusion and osmosis, facilitated the cell
diffusion does not require a cell to use energy.
As shown in Figure 13, a cell membrane has
transport proteins. The two types of trans-
port proteins are carrier proteins and chan- Inside
nel proteins. Carrier proteins carry large the cell
molecules, such as the sugar molecule glu-
cose, through the cell membrane. Channel Carrier
proteins form pores through the membrane. proteins
Atomic particles, such as sodium ions and
potassium ions, pass through the cell mem-
brane by channel proteins.

Reading Check How do materials move

through the cell membrane in facilitated
Figure 13 Transport proteins are used to move
large molecules into and out of a cell.

MiniLab 20 minutes
How is a balloon like a cell membrane?
Substances within a cell are constantly in motion.
How can a balloon act like a cell membrane?
1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
2 Make a three-column table in your Science
Journal to record your data. Label the first
column Balloon Number, the second column
Substance, and the third column Supporting
3 Use your senses to identify what substance is in
each of the numbered balloons.
4 Record what you think each substance is.
5 Record the evidence supporting your choice.

Analyze and Conclude

1. List the senses that were most useful in identifying the substances.
2. Infer if you could identify the substances if you were blindfolded. If so, how?
3. Describe how the substances moved, and explain why they moved this way.
4. Key Concept Explain how a balloon is like a cell membrane in terms of the
movement of substances.
346 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Figure 14 Active transport is most often used to Active Transport

bring needed nutrients into a cell. Endocytosis
and exocytosis move materials that are too large Sometimes when cellular materials pass
to pass through the cell membrane by other through membranes it requires a cell to use
methods. energy. Active transport is the movement of
substances through a cell membrane only by
Active Transport using the cell’s energy.
Recall that passive transport is the move-
Concepts in Motion Animation ment of substances from areas of higher
Active concentration to areas of lower concentra-
transport tion. However, substances moving by active
Cellular energy
is used to move transport move from areas of lower concen-
materials from tration to areas of higher concentration, as
areas of lower shown in Figure 14.
to areas of Active transport is important for cells and
higher organelles. Cells can take in needed nutri-
concentration. ents from the environment through carrier
proteins by using active transport. This
occurs even when concentrations of these
nutrients are lower in the environment than
Endocytosis Outside inside the cell. Some other molecules and
Part of the cell the cell
membrane wraps waste materials also leave cells by active
around a particle, transport.
forming a vesicle
inside the cell.
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Some substances are too large to enter a
cell membrane by diffusion or by using a
transport protein. These substances can enter
a cell by another process. Endocytosis (en
duh si TOH sus), shown in Figure 14, is the
process during which a cell takes in a substance
Inside by surrounding it with the cell membrane. Many
the cell different types of cells use endocytosis. For
example, some cells take in bacteria and
viruses using endocytosis.
Some substances are too large to leave a
cell by diffusion or by using a transport pro-
tein. These substances can leave a cell
another way. Exocytosis (ek soh si TOH sus),
shown in Figure 14, is the process during which
a cell’s vesicles release their contents outside the
cell. Proteins and other substances are
A vesicle’s membrane removed from a cell through this process.
joins with the cell membrane.
The contents of the vesicle Key Concept Check How do materials
are released outside the cell. enter and leave cells?
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 347

Cell Size and Transport

Recall that the movement of nutrients, waste material, and
other substances into and out of a cell is important for sur-
vival. For this movement to happen, the area of the cell mem-
brane must be large compared to its volume. The area of the
cell membrane is the cell’s surface area. The volume is the
amount of space inside the cell. As a cell grows, both its vol-
ume and its surface area increase. The volume of a cell increases
faster than its surface area. If a cell were to keep growing, it
would need large amounts of nutrients and would produce
large amounts of waste material. However, the surface area of
the cell’s membrane would be too small to move enough nutri-
ents and wastes through it for the cell to survive.

Key Concept Check How does cell size affect the transport
of materials?
Math Skills Use Ratios • Math Practice
• Personal Tutor
A ratio is a comparison of two numbers, such as surface area and vol-
ume. If a cell were cube-shaped, you would calculate surface area by Surface area ∙  × w × 6
multiplying its length () by its width (w) by the number of sides (6).
You would calculate the volume of the cell by multiplying its length ()
by its width (w) by its height (h). Volume ∙  × w × h
To find the surface-area-to-volume ratio of the cell, divide its surface _
Surface area
area by its volume. Volume
In the table below, surface-area-to-volume ratios are calculated for
cells that are 1 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm per side. Notice how the ratios
change as the cell’s size increases.

4 mm 4 mm
2 mm 2 mm
1 mm 1 mm 4 mm
2 mm
1 mm

Length 1 mm 2 mm 4 mm
Width 1 mm 2 mm 4 mm
Height 1 mm 2 mm 4 mm
Number of sides 6 6 6
Surface area 1 mm × 1 mm × 6 2 mm × 2 mm × 6 4 mm × 4 mm × 6
(∙ × w × no. of sides) ∙ 6 mm2 ∙ 24 mm2 ∙ 96 mm2
Volume 1 mm × 1 mm × 1 mm 2 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm 4 mm × 4 mm × 4 mm
(∙ × w × h) ∙ 1 mm3 ∙ 8 mm3 ∙ 64 mm3
Surface-area-to- _
6 mm 2 _
∙ 6 or 6:1 _
24 mm 2 _
∙ 3 or 3:1 _
96 mm 2 _
∙ 1.5 or 1.5:1
volume ratio 1 mm 3 1 8 mm 3 1 64 mm 3 1

What is the surface-area-to-volume ratio of a cell whose six sides are 3 mm long?
348 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 3 Review ?

Online Quiz
Virtual Lab

Visual Summary Use Vocabulary

Small molecules can 1 Use the term osmosis in a sentence.
move from an area 2 Distinguish between active transport and
of higher concen- passive transport.
tration to an area of
lower concentration 3 The process by which vesicles move
by diffusion. substances out of a cell is .

Understand Key Concepts

In facilitated diffu- 4 Explain why energy is needed in active
sion, proteins trans- transport.
port larger molecules
5 Summarize the function of endocytosis.
through a cell
membrane. 6 Contrast osmosis and diffusion.
7 What is limited by a cell’s surface-area-to-
volume ratio?
Some molecules A. cell shape C. cell surface area
move from areas of B. cell size D. cell volume
lower concentration
to areas of higher Interpret Graphics
through active 8 Identify the process shown below, and
transport. explain how it works.

Use your lesson Foldable to review the lesson.

Save your Foldable for the project at the end
of the chapter.
9 Copy and fill in the graphic organizer
below to describe ways that cells transport

Across Membrane
What do you think
You first read the statements below at the
beginning of the chapter.
5. Diffusion and osmosis are the same process.
Critical Thinking
6. Cells with large surface areas can transport 10 Relate the surface area of a cell to the
more than cells with smaller surface areas. transport of materials.
Did you change your mind about whether you
agree or disagree with the statements? Rewrite Math Skills
any false statements to make them true. Math Practice
11 Calculate the surface-area-to-volume ratio
of a cube whose sides are 6 cm long.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 349

Skill Practice Analyze and Conclude 30 minutes

How does an object’s size affect the transport

of materials?
Nutrients, oxygen, and other materials enter and leave a cell
Materials through the cell membrane. Does the size of a cell affect the
transport of these materials throughout the cell? In this lab, you
will analyze and conclude how the size of a cube of egg white
hard-cooked affects material transport.
Learn It
To analyze how an object’s size 5 Examine the inside surface of
affects material transport, you will each cube. Measure and record in
need to calculate each object’s surface- millimeters how deep the blue
metric ruler area-to-volume ratio. The following food coloring penetrated into
formulas are used to calculate surface each cube.
area and volume of a cube.

surface area (mm2) ∙ (length of

Apply It
1 side)2 × 6 6 How does the depth of the color
blue food
compare on the two cubes?
coloring volume (mm3) ∙ (length of 1 side)3
7 Calculate the surface area, the
To calculate the ratio of surface area volume, and the surface-area-to-
to volume, divide surface area by volume ratio of each cube. How
volume. do the surface-area-to-volume
ratios of the two cubes compare?
250-mL beaker
Try It 8 Key Concept Would a cell
1 Read and complete a lab safety with a small surface-area-to-
plastic spoon form. volume ratio be able to transport
2 Measure and cut one large cube nutrients and waste through the
plastic knife of egg white that is 20 mm on cell as efficiently as a cell with a
each side. Then, measure and cut large surface-area-to-volume
one small cube of egg white that ratio?
is 10 mm on each side.
3 Place 100 mL of water in a plastic
cup. Add 10 drops of food
paper towels coloring. Gently add the egg-
white cubes, and soak overnight.
Safety 4 Remove the cubes from the cup
with a plastic spoon and place
them on a paper towel. Cut each
cube in half.
350 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lesson 4
Reading Guide
Key Concepts
Cells and
• How does a cell obtain
• How do some cells make
food molecules?

cellular respiration

g Multilingual eGlossary

Why are there bubbles?

Have you ever seen bubbles on a green plant in an aquarium? Where
did the bubbles come from? Green plants use light energy and make
sugars and oxygen.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 351

Launch Lab 5 minutes

What do you exhale?

Does the air you breathe in differ from the air you
breathe out?
1 Read and complete a lab safety form.
2 Unwrap a straw. Use the straw to slowly blow into a
small cup of bromthymol blue. Do not splash the
liquid out of the cup.
3 In your Science Journal, record any changes in the

Think About This

1. What changes did you observe in the solution?
2. What do you think caused the changes in the solution?
3. Key Concept Why do you think the air you inhale differs from the air you exhale?

Cellular Respiration
When you are tired, you might eat some-
thing to give you energy. All living things,
from one-celled organisms to humans, need
energy to survive. Recall that cells process
energy from food into the energy-storage ATP
compound ATP. Cellular respiration is a Glucose
series of chemical reactions that convert the
energy in food molecules into a usable form of
energy called ATP. Cellular respiration is a
complex process that occurs in two parts of reactions
a cell—the cytoplasm and the mitochondria.

Reactions in the Cytoplasm

The first step of cellular respiration, called Smaller ATP
glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm of all
cells. Glycolysis is a process by which glucose,
a sugar, is broken down into smaller molecules.
As shown in Figure 15, glycolysis produces
some ATP molecules. It also uses energy from
other ATP molecules. You will read on the
following page that more ATP is made dur-
ing the second step of cellular respiration Figure 15 Glycolysis is the first step of cellular
than during glycolysis.

Reading Check What is produced during

352 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Reactions in the Mitochondria

The products of glycolysis
are used in step 2. Reactions in the mitochondria
Step 1 convert oxygen and small
Smaller molecules into energy,
Oxygen (O2)
molecules water, and carbon dioxide.

Step 2 rio n

Water Carbon
(H2O) dioxide
(Energy) (CO2)

Figure 16 After glycolysis, Reactions in the Mitochondria

cellular respiration contin- The second step of cellular respiration occurs in the mito-
ues in the mitochondria.
chondria of eukaryotic cells, as shown in Figure 16. This step of
Visual Check Compare cellular respiration requires oxygen. The smaller molecules
the reactions in mitochon- made from glucose during glycolysis are broken down. Large
dria with glycolysis.
amounts of ATP—usable energy—are produced. Cells use ATP
to power all cellular processes. Two waste products—water and
carbon dioxide (CO2)—are given off during this step.
The CO2 released by cells as a waste product is used by
plants and some unicellular organisms in another process
called photosynthesis. You will read more about the chemical
Fold a sheet of paper reactions that take place during photosynthesis in this lesson.
into a half book. Label
the columns as shown.
Use it to record infor- Fermentation
mation about the Have you ever felt out of breath after exercising? Sometimes
different types of when you exercise, your cells don’t have enough oxygen to
energy production.
make ATP through cellular respiration. Then, chemical energy
Cellular is obtained through a different process called fermentation.
Respiration Fermentation
This process does not use oxygen.
Fermentation is a reaction that eukaryotic and prokaryotic
cells can use to obtain energy from food when oxygen levels are low.
Because no oxygen is used, fermentation makes less ATP than
cellular respiration does. Fermentation occurs in a cell’s cyto-
plasm, not in mitochondria.

Key Concept Check How does a cell obtain energy?

Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 353

Types of Fermentation
One type of fermentation occurs when glucose is converted
into ATP and a waste product called lactic acid, as illustrated in
Figure 17. Some bacteria and fungi help produce cheese, yogurt,
and sour cream using lactic-acid fermentation. Muscle cells in
humans and other animals can use lactic-acid fermentation
and obtain energy during exercise.
Some types of bacteria and yeast make ATP through a pro-
cess called alcohol fermentation. However, instead of produc-
ing lactic acid, alcohol fermentation produces an alcohol called Figure 17 Your muscle
ethanol and CO2, also illustrated in Figure 17. Some types of cells produce lactic acid as
breads are made using yeast. The CO2 produced by yeast dur- a waste during
ing alcohol fermentation makes the dough rise. fermentation. Yeast cells
produce carbon dioxide
Reading Check Compare lactic-acid fermentation and alcohol and alcohol as wastes
fermentation. during fermentation.

Lactic-Acid Fermentation

Glucose ATP + Lactic acid


Muscle cells
Alcohol Fermentation

Glucose ATP + Carbon dioxide + Alcohol

(C6H12O6) (CO2)

Yeast cells

Humans and other animals convert food energy into ATP
through cellular respiration. However, plants and some unicel-
lular organisms obtain energy from light. Photosynthesis is a WORD ORIGIN
series of chemical reactions that convert light energy, water, and photosynthesis
from Greek photo, means
CO2 into the food-energy molecule glucose and give off oxygen.
“light”; and synthesis, means
Lights and Pigments
Photosynthesis requires light energy. In plants, pigments
such as chlorophyll absorb light energy. When chlorophyll
absorbs light, it absorbs all colors except green. Green light is
reflected as the green color seen in leaves. However, plants
contain many pigments that reflect other colors, such as yel-
low and red.
354 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Reactions in Chloroplasts
The light energy absorbed by chlorophyll and other pig-
ments powers the chemical reactions of photosynthesis. These
reactions occur in chloroplasts, the organelles in plant cells
that convert light energy to chemical energy in food. During
photosynthesis, light energy, water, and carbon dioxide com-
bine and make sugars. Photosynthesis also produces oxygen
that is released into the atmosphere, as shown in Figure 18.

Key Concept Check How do some cells make food


Importance of Photosynthesis
Recall that photosynthesis uses light energy and CO2 and
makes food energy and releases oxygen. This food energy is
stored in the form of glucose. When an organism, such as the
bird in Figure 18, eats plant material, such as fruit, it takes in
food energy. An organism’s cells use the oxygen released dur-
ing photosynthesis and convert the food energy into usable
Figure 18 The relationship energy through cellular respiration. Figure 18 illustrates the
between cellular respiration important relationship between cellular respiration and
and photosynthesis is photosynthesis.
important for life.

Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Review Personal Tutor

energy Chloroplast

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Glucose (C6H12O6)

Water (H2O) Oxygen (O2)



Light energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
(Energy) Chlorophyll
Cellular respiration Photosynthesis
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 355

Lesson 4 Review Assessment Online Quiz

Visual Summary Use Vocabulary

1 Define glycolysis using your own words.
(sugar) 2 Distinguish between cellular respiration
Glycolysis is the first and fermentation.
Chemical step in cellular
reactions 3 A process used by plants to convert light
energy into food energy is .
Smaller ATP

Understand Key Concepts


4 Which contains pigments that absorb

Fermentation pro- light energy?
vides cells, such as A. chloroplast C. nucleus
muscle cells, with
B. mitochondrion D. vacuole
energy when oxygen
levels are low. 5 Relate mitochondria to cellular
6 Describe the role of chlorophyll in
Light energy photosynthesis.
Light powers the 7 Give an example of how fermentation is
energy chemical reactions used in the food industry.
of photosynthesis.
Interpret Graphics
8 Draw a graphic organizer like the one
below. Fill in the boxes with the
Use your lesson Foldable to review the lesson. substances used and produced during
Save your Foldable for the project at the end photosynthesis.
of the chapter.
Substances Photo- Substances
used synthesis produced

9 Summarize the steps of cellular respiration

using the figure below.

What do you think Smaller

You first read the statements below at the
beginning of the chapter. ATP
7. ATP is the only form of energy found in cells. Step 1 Step 2
8. Cellular respiration occurs only in lung cells.
Did you change your mind about whether you Critical Thinking
agree or disagree with the statements? Rewrite 10 Design a concept map to show the
any false statements to make them true. relationship between cellular respiration
in animals and photosynthesis in plants.
11 Summarize the roles of glucose and ATP in
energy processing.
356 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Lab 50 minutes

Materials Photosynthesis
and Light
test tube You might think of photosynthesis as a process of give and take.
Plant cells take in water and carbon dioxide, and, powered by light
energy, make their own food. Plants give off oxygen as a waste prod-
uct during photosynthesis. Can you determine how the intensity of
Elodea light affects the rate of photosynthesis?

Ask a Question
How does the intensity of light affect photosynthesis?
Make Observations
1 Read and complete a lab
safety form.
beaker 2 Cut the bottom end of an
Elodea stem at an angle, and
lightly crush the cut end.
Place the Elodea in a test tube
with the cut side at the top.
Fill the test tube with water.
Stand the test tube and a
thermometer in a beaker
lamp filled with water. (The water
in the beaker keeps the water
in the test tube from getting 4
too warm under the lamp.)
3 Place the beaker containing
watch or clock
your test tube on a sheet of
paper under a lamp. Measure
thermometer the temperature of the water
in the beaker. Record the
Safety temperature in your Science
4 When bubbles of oxygen
begin to rise from the plant, start counting the number of bubbles per
minute. Continue to record this data for 10 minutes.
5 Record the temperature of the water in the beaker at the end of the test.
6 Calculate the average number of bubbles produced per minute by your
7 Compare your data with your classmates’ data.
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 357

Form a Hypothesis
8 Use your data to form a hypothesis relating the
amount of light to the rate of photosynthesis.
Number of Bubbles per Minute
Test Your Hypothesis
9 Repeat the experiment, changing the light Time Control Less Light
variable so that you are observing your plant’s 1
reaction to getting either more or less light. An 2
increase or decrease in water temperature will 3
indicate a change in the amount of light. Keep
all other conditions the same.
10 Record your data in a table similar to the one
shown at right, and calculate the average 6
number of bubbles per minute. 7
Analyze and Conclude 9
11 Use Variables How does the amount of light 10
affect photosynthesis? What is your evidence?
12 The Big Idea How do plant cells make
food? What do they take in and what do they
give off? What source of energy do they use?

Communicate Your Results

Compile all the class data on one graph to show the Remember to use scientific
effects of varying amounts of light on the rate of methods.
What other variables might affect the rate of photo-
synthesis? For example, how does different-colored IZhindjg=nedi]Zh^h
light or a change in temperature affect the rate of
photosynthesis? To investigate your question,
design a controlled experiment. 6cVanoZVcY8dcXajYZ

Lab 4HOR
To calculate the average number of
bubbles per minute, add the total number
of bubbles observed in 10 minutes, and
then divide by 10.
358 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Chapter10 Study Guide
Study Guide WebQuest

A cell is made up of structures that provide support and

movement; process energy; and transport materials into,
within, and out of a cell.

Key Concepts Summary Vocabulary

Lesson 1: Cells and Life cell theory
• The invention of the microscope macromolecule
led to discoveries about cells. In nucleic acid
time, scientists used these
discoveries to develop the cell
theory, which explains how cells lipid
and living things are related. carbohydrate
• Cells are composed mainly of
water, proteins, nucleic acids,
lipids, and carbohydrates.

Lesson 2: The Cell cell membrane

• Cell structures have specific functions, such as cell wall
supporting a cell, moving a cell, controlling cytoplasm
cell activities, processing energy, and
transporting molecules.
• A prokaryotic cell lacks a nucleus and
other organelles, while a eukaryotic nucleus
cell has a nucleus and other organelles. chloroplast

Lesson 3: Moving Cellular Material passive transport

• Materials enter and leave a cell through the cell diffusion
membrane using passive transport or active osmosis
transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.
facilitated diffusion
• The ratio of surface area to volume limits the size
active transport
of a cell. In a smaller cell, the high surface-area-
to-volume ratio allows materials to move easily endocytosis
to all parts of a cell. exocytosis

Lesson 4: Cells and Energy cellular respiration

• All living cells release energy from food molecules through cellular glycolysis
respiration and/or fermentation. fermentation
• Some cells make food molecules using light energy through the photosynthesis
process of photosynthesis.
Light energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
(Energy) Chlorophyll
Cellular respiration Photosynthesis
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 359

Study Guide Review

• Vocabulary eFlashcards
• Vocabulary eGames
• Personal Tutor

Use Vocabulary
Chapter Project
Assemble your lesson Foldables as shown 1 Substances formed by joining smaller
to make a Chapter Project. Use the project molecules together are called .
to review what you have learned in this 2 The consists of proteins joined
chapter. together to create fiberlike structures
inside cells.
acids Typ
3 The movement of substances from an
Passive En of
rt Pro ergy area of high concentration to an area of
Lipids Carbohydrates tion low concentration is called .
4 A process that uses oxygen to convert
energy from food into ATP is
transport .
Cell Organelles and Their Functions

Concepts in Motion Interactive Concept Map

Link Vocabulary and Key Concepts
Copy this concept map, and then use vocabulary terms from the previous page to complete
the concept map.

cell membrane diffusion

ls b

5 10


6 11

active transport


7 12

carbohydrates fermentation



8 13



360 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Chapter 10 Review
Chapter Review
Understand Key Concepts
1 Cholesterol is which type of 6 Which process eliminates substances from
macromolecule? cells in vesicles?
A. carbohydrate A. endocytosis
B. lipid B. exocytosis
C. nucleic acid C. osmosis
D. protein D. photosynthesis

2 Genetic information is stored in which 7 Which cell shown below can send signals
macromolecule? over long distances?
B. glucose
C. lipid B.
D. starch

3 The arrow below is pointing to which cell



8 The figure below shows a cell. What is the

arrow pointing to?
A. chloroplast
B. mitochondrion
C. cell membrane
D. cell wall

4 Which best describes vacuoles?

A. lipids
B. proteins
C. contained in mitochondria
D. storage compartments

5 Which is true of fermentation?

A. chloroplast
A. does not generate energy B. cytoplasm
B. does not require oxygen C. mitochondrion
C. occurs in mitochondria D. nucleus
D. produces lots of ATP
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 361

Chapter Review Assessment

Online Test Practice

Critical Thinking
9 Evaluate the importance of the microscope
to biology. REVIEW
10 Summarize the role of water in cells.
20 How do the structures and processes of a
11 Hypothesize how new cells form from cell enable it to survive? As an example,
existing cells. explain how chloroplasts help plant cells.

12 Distinguish between channel proteins and 21 The photo below shows a protozoan.
carrier proteins. What structures enable it to get food into
its mouth?
13 Explain osmosis.

14 Infer Why do cells need carrier proteins

that transport glucose?

15 Compare the amounts of ATP generated in

cellular respiration and fermentation.

16 Assess the role of fermentation in baking


17 Hypothesize how air pollution like smog

affects photosynthesis.

18 Compare prokaryotes and eukaryotes by

copying and filling in the table below.

Prokaryote Eukaryote
Structure (yes or no) (yes or no)

Cell membrane Review

Math Skills
DNA Math Practice
Use Ratios
22 A rectangular solid measures 4 cm long by
2 cm wide by 2 cm high. What is the surface-
area-to-volume ratio of the solid?
Golgi apparatus
23 At different times during its growth, a cell has
Cell wall the following surface areas and volumes:

Surface Volume
Time area (μm) (μm)
1 6 1
19 Write a five-sentence paragraph relating 2 24 8
the cytoskeleton to the walls of a building. 3 54 27
Be sure to include a topic sentence and a
concluding sentence in your paragraph. What happens to the surface-area-to-volume
ratio as the cell grows?
362 iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition

Standardized Test Practice

Record your answers on the answer sheet provided by your teacher or on a sheet of paper.

Multiple Choice 4 Diffusion differs from active cell transport

processes because it
1 Which process do plant cells use to capture
and store energy from sunlight? A forces large molecules from a cell.
A endocytosis B keeps a cell’s boundary intact.
B fermentation C moves substances into a cell.
C glycolysis D needs none of a cell’s energy.
D photosynthesis
Use the diagram below to answer questions
Use the diagram below to answer question 2. 5 and 6.

+ +
+ - - +
- ++
+ + - +
+ +
- + -
- + - +
+ - +
+ +
- + + -
+ - +

Chloride - Oxygen -

Hydrogen + Sodium +

2 The diagram shows salt dissolved in water.

What does it show about water molecules
and chloride ions?
A A water molecule consists of oxygen 5 Which structure does the arrow point to in
and chloride ions. the eukaryotic cell?
B A water molecule is surrounded by A cytoplasm
several chloride ions. B lysosome
C A water molecule moves away from a C nucleus
chloride ion.
D ribosome
D A water molecule points its positive end
toward a chloride ion.
6 Which feature does a typical prokaryotic
cell have that is missing from some eukary-
3 Which transport process requires the use of otic cells, like the one above?
a cell’s energy?
A cytoplasm
A diffusion
B osmosis
C cell membrane
C active transport
D cell wall
D facilitated diffusion
Chapter 10/Cell Structure and Function 363

Standardized Test Practice Assessment

Online Standardized Test Practice

7 Which explains why the ratio of cell sur- Constructed Response

face area to volume affects the cell size?
Cells with a high surface-to-volume ratio 9 Copy the table below and complete it
using these terms: cell membrane, cell wall,
A consume energy efficiently. chloroplast, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, nucleus.
B produce waste products slowly.
Cell Structure Function
C suffer from diseases frequently.
Maintains the shape of an
D transport substances effectively. animal cell
Controls the activities of a
Use the diagram below to answer question 8. cell
Traps energy from the
Channel Sun
protein Controls the materials
going in and out of a cell
Outside Holds the structures of a
the cell cell in a watery mix
Maintains the shape of
some plant cells
the cell
10 Name the kinds of organisms that have
Carrier cells with cell walls. Name the kinds of
organisms that have cells without cell
walls. Briefly describe the benefits of cell
walls for organisms.

11 Draw simple diagrams of an animal cell

and a plant cell. Label the nucleus, the
8 Which statement is NOT true of carrier cytoplasm, the mitochondria, the cell
proteins and channel proteins? membrane, the chloroplasts, the cell wall,
A Carrier proteins change shape as they and the central vacuole in the appropriate
function but channel proteins do not. cells. Briefly describe the main differences
between the two cells.
B Carrier proteins and channel proteins
extend through the cell membrane.
C Channel proteins move items inside a
cell but carrier proteins do not.
D Channel proteins and carrier proteins
perform facilitated diffusion.


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