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18-1 p28 Recommendation For The Canfd Bit-Timing Holger Zeltwanger Cia

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Recommendation for the CAN FD bit-timing

System design

The CiA 601-3 CAN FD device and system design recommendation

will be released soon. It provides guidelines for the bit-timing
settings in the arbitration as well as the

(Photo: Fotolia)

explains how to interpret and consider the parameters

given by the transceiver chip suppliers.
As said, the ISO 11898 series does not specify
device or system design aspects. In order to achieve
interoperability of devices, bit-timing should be the very
same in all nodes. This is nothing new for engineers
familiar with Classical CAN network designs. However, in

T he CAN FD standards, ISO 11898-1 and ISO 11898-2,

do not include device and system design specifica-
tions. The new editions of ISO 11898-1 and ISO 11898-2
Classical CAN networks there are some tolerances allowed
regarding the bit-timing settings. They are necessary,
when nodes with different oscillator frequencies are in the
address only semiconductor manufacturers. Device and same network. Typically, the sample-point (SP) is given as
system designers need additional guidelines and recom- a range such as 85 % to 90 % with nominal value of 87,5 %
mendations for the CAN FD device interface. Normally, the (CANopen). The SP is between the phase segment 1 and
device designer needs to fulfill the device design require- the phase segment 2 of a bit-time. The bit-time comprises
ments given by the OEM. the synchronization segment (always one time-quantum),
The ISO 11898-1:2015 document does not specify the the propagation segment, the phase segments 1 and 2.
interface to the host controller in detail. It just gives some In CAN FD networks, the rules and recommendations
basic information, which is not sufficient for interoperability needs to be more strict, because higher bit-rates bring the
and system design aspects. For example, the oscillator network closer to the physical limits. Of course, when not
frequency is not specified, because this is a device design using the bit-rate switch function, the bit-timing is like in
issue. The CiA 601-2 CAN controller interface specification Classical CAN. But when using two bit-rates, the system
recommends using 20 MHz, 40 MHz, or 80 MHz. Other designer should take care that all nodes apply the very
frequencies should not be used. Another recommendation same bit-timing settings.
in this document is the number of bit-timing registers to The nonprofit SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
be implemented. The ISO standard just requires a small International association developed two recommended
register, which is sufficient for some bit-rate combinations. practices for CAN FD node and system designers. The
The CAN FD protocol may use two bit-rates: one for the SAE J2284-4 document specifies a bus-line network
arbitration phase and another one or the same for the data- running at 2 Mbit/s with all necessary device and system
phase. In case of using a large ratio between arbitration parameters including the bit-timing settings. The SAE
and data-phase bit-times, the standardized size of the J2284-5 document does the same for a point-to-point
bit-timing registers is not appropriate. Therefore the CiA CAN FD communication running at 5 Mbit/s. The given
601-2 document recommends for the arbitration phase a parameter values are mainly deriving from General Motors
register programmability of 5 time-quanta (tq) to 385 tq. CAN FD first system designs. If you read between the lines,
The configurability for the data-phase register should be you can adapt the specification also for other topologies
in the range from 4 tq to 49 tq. Additionally, the CiA 601-2 and bit-rates.
specification contains some recommendations regarding The Japan Automotive Software Platform and
interrupt sources and message buffer behaviors. Architecture (Jaspar) association develops also guidelines
In order to understand the ISO 11898-2:2016 standard for CAN FD device and system design. The Japanese
from a device designer’s point-of-view, the CiA 601-1 nonprofit group cooperates with CAN in Automation (CiA).
specification provides some useful information about the Both associations exchange documents and comment
transceiver loop delay symmetry, the bit-timing symmetry, them each other. Recently, there was a joint meeting to
the transmitter delay compensation (TDC). This document discuss the ringing suppression, in order to achieve higher

28 CAN Newsletter 1/2018

Kvaser Delivers
Custom Solutions for
the CAN industry
In it’s simplest form,
Figure 1: Possible data bit rates and SP positions
(min/max); this is a graphical representation of Kvaser’s OEM service
values given in CiA 601-3 (Photo: CiA) is a private label, but
it can be specific
bit-rates or to support hybrid topologies such as multi-star
networks. variants of drivers
Recently, CiA has released its CiA 601-3 document. and firmware, PCB,
Besides the oscillator frequency (see above), it recommends
casing, leads and
the bit-timing configuration and some optimization hints for
the phase margin. This includes recommendations for the connectors.
topology, the device design (especially limiting parasitic
The bit-timing configuration has two aspects: Setting
the nominal time-quantum for the arbitration phase and the
data time-quantum for the data-phase as well as setting of
the related sample-points including the secondary sample-
point (SSP) in the data-phase, when the TDC is used.

Six recommendations

The recommendations given below consider that with each

resynchronization, a receiving node can correct a phase
error of sjwD in the data-phase and sjwA in the arbitration
phase. The larger the ratio sjwD:BTD, the larger the result- What Will You Build?
ing CAN clock tolerance in the data-phase. The same
holds for the arbitration phase with sjwA:BTA . The abso-
Your Tools, Your Brand
lute number of resynchronizations per unit of time increas-
Custom-branded Kvaser CAN interfaces that
es towards higher bit-rates. However, the absolute value
pair perfectly with your in-house diagnostic
of sjwD or sjwA decreases proportionally with the bit-time.
and troubleshooting software.
In other words, a higher bit-rate leads to more, but small-
er resynchronizations. A CAN FD node performs the bit-
rate switching at the SP of the BRS (bit-rate switch) bit and Secure Your BOM
the CRC (cyclic redundancy check) delimiter bit. All three Integrate Kvaser PCI CAN boards with
available SPs are independent of each other: arbitration a custom EAN for your medical or
phase SP, data phase SP, and data phase SSP. They can industrial system.
be chosen independently.
In the arbitration phase, the nodes are synchronized Software Locking
and need the propagation segment as a waiting time for Control your supply chain by locking your
the round-trip of the bit-signal. In the data-phase, the system’s CAN cables to your software tool.
nodes are not synchronized. Therefore, no delays need to
be considered. Nevertheless, the phase-segment 1 should
be large enough, to guarantee a stable signal. Problem Solvers
For the data-phase bit-timing settings all the following Struggling to get CAN data from WIP on an
recommendations should be considered. For the arbitration assembly line? Or from a vehicle fleet during
phase just recommendation 3 and 5 apply. maintenance? We can customize Kvaser’s
◆◆ Recommendation 1: Choose the highest available CAN
wireless and logging abilities to fit you.
clock frequency
This allows shorter values for the tq. Use only recommend-
ed CAN clock frequencies (see above). Download our OEM Guide at
or contact us at +46 31 886344
or to find out more.
error introduced by the bit-
System design

rate switching. The SSP can

be different in the CAN nodes,
without influencing robustness.
◆ Recommendation 5: Chose sjwD

and sjwA as large as possible

The maximal possible val-
ues are min (ps1A/D, ps2A/D).
A large sjwA value allows the
CAN node to resynchronize
quickly to the transmit-
ting node. A large sjwD value
maximizes the CAN clock toler-
Figure 2: Definition of the SSP (secondary sample-point) position (Photo: CiA) ◆ Recommendation 6:

Enable TDC for data bit-rates

higher than 1 Mbit/s
In this case, the BRPD shall be
set to 1 or 2 (see ISO 11898-
1:2015). It is not recommended
to configure the TDC with a fixed
value, because the large trans-
mitter delay variations.

Location of

The SP locations of the arbitra-

tion phase and the data-phase
may be different. If in the arbitra-
tion phase the SP is at the very
far end of the bit-time, the max-
Figure 3: Measurement setup for the evaluation of the asymmetry introduced by the imum possible network length
topology (Photo: CiA) can be achieved. Sampling ear-
lier reduces the achievable net-
◆◆ Recommendation 2: Set the BRPA bit-rate prescaler work length, but increases robustness. A value of higher
equal BRPB than 80 % is not recommended for automotive applications
This leads to identical tq values in both phases. This pre- due to robustness reasons
vents that during bit-rate switching inside the CAN FD data The SP location in the data-phase depends on
frame an existing quantization error can transform into a the maximum possible bit asymmetries. There are two
phase error. asymmetries, one for the worst lengthening of dominant
◆◆ Recommendation 3: Choose BRPA and BRPD as low as bits (A1) and another for the worst shortening of dominant
possible bits (A2) in a given network set-up. Both values are given
Lower BRPs lead to shorter tq, which allows a higher res- normally in ns. Both values are the sum of asymmetries
olution of the bit-time. This has the advantage that the SP
can be placed more accurately to the optimal position. The
size of the synchronization segment is shorter and reduc-
es the quantization error. Additionally, the receiving node
can synchronize more accurately to the transmitting node,
which increases the available robustness.
◆◆ Recommendation 4: Configure all CAN FD nodes to
have the same arbitration phase SP and the same data
phase SP
The simplest way to achieve this is to use the identical
bit-timing configuration in all CAN nodes. This is not
always possible, when different CAN clock frequencies
are used. The arbitration phase SP and the data phase
SP can be different, without any impact on robustness.
Different SPs in the CAN FD nodes reduce robustness,
because this leads to different lengths’ of the BRS bits Figure 4: Example of worst-case A1 values for all
and CRC delimiter bits in the different nodes and a phase communciation relationships (Photo: CiA)

30 CAN Newsletter 1/2018

caused by the physical network elements including
transceiver, cabling, connectors, and optional circuitry
(e.g. galvanic isolation). In order to avoid compensations,
absolute values are added. ISO 11898-2:2016 specifies the
asymmetry values for 2 Mbit/s and for 5 Mbit/s qualified
transceivers. The asymmetries caused by the other physical
network components are given by datasheets or needs to
be estimated or measured. The system designer selects
the worst-case connections in network and calculates or
measures the both asymmetry values. Another option is
to simulate it. There are providers offering such simulation
A1topology and A2topology values are different for every
communication relationship. This means in a setup with n
CAN nodes there are n2 values for A1topology and n2 values
for A2topology. To represent the worst-case, the maximal
A1topology and the maximal A2topology values are used to
calculate A1 respectively A2. CiA provides with the CiA
601-3 specification a spreadsheet to prove the robustness
of the chosen bit-timing settings and the sample-points.
The PM is the allowed shift of a bit edge towards
the SP of the bit, at a given tolerance of the CAN clock
frequency (dfused). In other words, this is the edge shift
caused by physical layer effects that is still tolerated by the
CAN protocol.
The worst-case bit sequence, i.e. that leads to the
lowest PMs, is when the transmitting node sends five
dominant bits followed by one recessive stuff bit (for details
see /CiA601-1/). This is the longest possible sequence
of dominant bits followed by a recessive bit inside a
frame. Current transceiver designs cause the largest bit
asymmetry at this bit sequence, i.e. the recessive bit is
typically shorter than its nominal value. Further effects
additionally raise the asymmetry: e.g. asymmetric rise and
fall times, bus topology, EMC jitter, etc.
The PM1 and PM2 values for the RX direction given
in s (aecond) can be calculated by the following equations:



with PM1 = phase margin 1, PM2 = phase margin 2,

BTD = data-phase bit-time, PS2D = data-phase phase
segment 2.
Additionally, PM1 and PM2 for the TX direction needs
to be calculated and considered.

Optimizing the system design

The transceiver chips or the SBCs cause a significant part

of the overall asymmetry. Therefore it is recommended, to
use always components qualified for higher bit-rates. Even
if for 2-Mbit/s CAN FD networks, 5-Mbit/s qualified chips
should be chosen.
The “badly” designed wiring harness can add many
asymmetries. The following recommendations should be
◆◆ Use a linear topology, terminated at both ends.

◆◆ Reduce the total bus length.

◆◆ Limit the number of CAN nodes.

◆◆ Avoid long, not terminated stubs, which are branches References
System design

from the well-terminated CAN lines; use stubs of “cm-

range” instead of “m-range”. Consider a high-ohmic [1] Arthur Mutter: "Robustness of a CAN FD bus
termination of not terminated stubs. system – About oscillator tolerance and edge
◆◆ Optimize the low-ohmic termination (resistor position deviations”, 14th international CAN Conference
and resistor value). Another option is to increase the (iCC 2013), Paris, France, 2013
low-ohmic termination resistance (e.g. 124 Ω instead of [2] Florian Hartwich: “The configuration of the CAN
120 Ω) to compensate for the high-ohmic terminations bit-timing”, 6th international CAN Conference (iCC
in systems with many nodes. 1999), Turin, Italy, 1999
◆◆ Reduce the number of stubs per star point. The more
[3] Marc Schreiner: “CAN FD system design”, 15th
international CAN Conference (iCC 2015), Vienna,
stubs are connected to one star point, the higher the
Austria, 2015
reflection factor gets.
[4] Y. Horii, “Ringing suppression technology to
◆◆ In case, a star point with many branches is required
achieve higher data rates using CAN FD,” 15th
due to mechanical constraints, avoid identical stub international CAN Conference (iCC 2015), Vienna,
lengths per star point. Austria, 2015
◆◆ In case, multiple star points are required, keep a signifi- [5] CAN Newsletter magazine 2012 to 2017 (several
cant distance between the two star points. articles), Nuremberg, Germany.
◆◆ Cable cross section: increase it to approximately [6] CiA 601 series, Nuremberg, Germany
2 x 0,35 mm of the CAN_H and CAN_L wire.
Besides these system design recommendations, the device
designer should consider the following hints: The CiA community discusses a ringing suppression
◆◆ Limit the parasitic capacitance of the device. option, which will be specified in the CiA 601-4 document. It is
The parasitic capacitance of the device includes the still under development. In general, such ringing suppression
following parameters: additional ESD protection ele- circuitry changes dynamically the network impedance to
ments; parasitic capacitance of the connector; parasit- reduce the ringing in the beginning of the bit-time. Before
ic capacitance of the CAN_H or CAN_L wire; parasitic the SP, the impedance is dynamically switched back to the
capacitance of the CMC; the parasitic capacitance of nominal value. There are two approaches discussed:
the transceiver input pins. All this parasitic capacitance ◆◆ Ringing suppression circuitry on the critical receiving
should be below 80 pF per channel. nodes (CiA 601-4 version 1.0)
◆◆ CAN_H and CAN_L PCB tracks from connector to ◆◆ Ringing suppression circuitry on the transmitting nodes
transceiver should be of equal distance and parallel. The updated CiA 601-4 will just specify the requirements
◆◆ Keep the TXD and RXD PCB tracks between host and not the implementations. The automotive industry is
controller and transceiver short. highly interested in ringing suppression. It would allow
◆◆ Configure the host controller TXD output pin with achieving higher bit-rates (desired is 8 Mbit/s) or to allow
strong push-pull behavior: a pull-up or pull-down higher asymmetries caused by the network topology.
resistor behavior can cause additional asymmetries The common-mode choke specification for
and propagation delays. CAN FD networks will be given in CiA 110. Also this
◆◆ Avoid any serial components like logical gates or document is under development. It will mainly contain
resistors within the TXD and RXD connection lines recommendations and how to measure the values to be
between host controller and transceiver. In case provided in datasheets. It is the goal, to make datasheet
galvanic isolation is required, take care of the potential values more comparable than today.
additional asymmetry and select components CiA members are also working on a cable specification
accordingly. (CiA 601-6). It is intended to define parameters and how to
◆◆ Use a CAN clock source with lower clock jitter. measure them, in order to make datasheets comparable. t
◆◆ Avoid galvanic isolation, or use a galvanic isolation
solution that adds only a small asymmetry.
◆◆ In order to optimize the PM, the following hints should
be considered:
◆◆ Optimize the bit-timing configuration by reducing
the tq length. This increases PM1 by reducing the
quantization error.
◆◆ Use a CAN clock with lower tolerance (dfused). This
improves PM1 and PM2.

Further recommendations under development

Besides galvanic isolation, there are some other options,
which system and device designers may consider. Europe- Holger Zeltwanger
an carmakers often use common-mode chokes, for exam- CAN Newsletter
ple. Further add-on circuitry includes a split-termination (two
60-Ω resistors) with a capacitor to ground.

32 CAN Newsletter 1/2018

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