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Hukumonline - Workshop Joint Venture Agreement 1

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Legal Aspects of

Joint Venture:
Drafting a JV Agreement

By: Mutiara Rengganis

AYMP | 2
Introduction: What is a Joint Venture

• Textbook Definition:

A joint venture (JV) is a business

arrangement in which two or more parties
agree to pool their resources and
collaborate in carrying on a business activity
with a view to mutual profit.

• The JV itself is a separate entity from the

participants' other business interests.

• JV can take on various legal structures. The

most commonly used is in the form of a
limited liability company (perusahaan 2
Purpose of Joint Venture AYMP |3

Matching the expectations:

- Spirit of the venture; expand new market,

gain more capital, create new product,
combine resources, etc

- Business plan; distribution of dividend

- Contributions of the parties; monies, assets,

or supply of goods or services

- Different class of shares; preferred shares

for sleeping partner

- Achieving early exit for short-term investor

The Importance of Adequate AYMP | 4


• Main Documentations

- Difference between JV Agreement and

Shareholders Agreement

- Certain provisions to also be conferred in

the Articles of Association

• Objective

“To describe with precision the substance

of the meeting of two minds, in language that
will be interpreted by each subsequent
reader in exactly the same way”

AYMP | 5
Basic Principles of a Contract

• Pacta sunt servanda

• Freedom of contract  meaning?

• Comply with legal requirements of a
contract (Art 1320 ICC)
• Does not violate prevailing laws,
general norms and public order
• Performed in good faith (bona fides)

Key Elements in Drafting a Contract AYMP | 6

Key Elements In A Contract

- Sequence logically by chronology of events
- Precisely address the important issues
- Note the relevant regulations

- Balance precision with simplicity
- Repeat only when repetition is necessary to improve clarity

- Define important terms when first used and be consistent
- Avoid terms/words with more than one meaning (ambiguity)
- Write as if the judges would have understood it

Areas of Concern: AYMP | 7

Minority Protections

• Why minority protection is needed?

• Vetoes applicable to a minimum shareholding

• Typical minority vetoes:

 Change in the nature of business

 Change in share capital
 Business Plan and CAPEX
 Sale of business or material assets
 Merger and/or acquisition
 Making loans and give guarantees
 Transaction with related party
 Management contracts and the like
 Transfer or issuance of shares
 Liquidation
Areas of Concern: AYMP | 8

Capital Call

• Reference to the agreed Business Plan

• Source of financing; loan v. equity

• Security over the assets

• Common issue; financial credibility of the


• Funding default  consequences?

Areas of Concern: AYMP | 9

Corporate Governance

Elements of Corporate Governance

• Establishment of the JV company
• Definition of business to be carried out
• Amount of capital investment
• Nomination of directors and commissioners
• General meeting of shareholders; quorum/voting
• Transfer of shares
• Issuance of new shares
• Reserved matters

Areas of Concern: AYMP | 10

- Why this needs to be regulated?

- Possible causes of deadlock:

 Change in the nature of business
 Change in share capital
 Business Plan and CAPEX
 Sale of business or material assets
 Merger and/or acquisition
 Making loans and give guarantees
 Transaction with related party
 Entry of management contracts and the like
 Transfer or issuance of shares
 Liquidation

- Resolving deadlock; amicable settlement by senior executives, exercise of call

Areas of Concern: AYMP | 11

Call and Put Options

• Call and Put Options, what and why?

- Deadlock  exit mechanism

- Funding default  punishment

- Material breach (other than funding default, e.g. non-

competition, winding up/ liquidation, suspension of payment)

• Consideration for the option shares  discount

• Manner of exercise; how to ensure completion?

Areas of Concern: AYMP | 12

Early Exit

• Possible restriction of share transfer

• Sale of shares:

- Right of first refusal

- Shares price; fair market value

- Offer from a third party; same T&C, drag

along and tag along rights

- Manners of shares transfer

• Initial Public Offering  support by


Areas of Concern: AYMP | 13

Termination and Its Consequences

Termination and Its Consequences

- As result of a shareholder exiting the JV

- Enforcement against transferee and new

shareholder; deed of accession

- Repayment of loans

- Release of existing guarantees and

replacement of new ones


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