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(Affiliated to AIBOC & AINBOF)


My dear CANPALs,
I congratulate you on your elevation and appreciate your inclination to
shoulder higher responsibility.
It is highly likely that you would be posted as an in-charge of a branch
and in such case your rst and foremost assignment would be taking
over charge of the branch.
The process is time bound and if done in a methodical manner will help
you and your predecessor a lot and avert many avoidable hassles in the
days to follow. With an endeavour to make our managers more
comfortable while taking independent charge of the branch this booklet
“Tips for Taking over charge” has been brought out.
I hope you will nd it very useful while executing your duty as Branch in-
All the best.
General Secretary


The position of the Branch in charge is a coveted one and the

success always depends on the word “WE” and not “I.
Identify the vital area of branch functioning and make a study of
them in relation to the task which you are expected to perform. In
this endeavour, please utilize the knowledge and experience of
the outgoing Manager. In addition, you have another vital and
vibrant source i.e. the staff.
Study the following basic documents / areas:
 Latest Flash Report (PSR-1) and RBI Statement
 Branch Business Planner
 Branch Performance Review Reports and Budget (Target)
Settlement Sheets.
 DM's/AGM's quarterly branch visit reports & remarks /
observations made.
 Inspection (RBIA) reports (RBIA, Concurrent, RBI, AG's ofce,
etc) - Keep the les in a safe place
 Statutory Auditor's Report for the latest year-end Balance
Sheet and Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) – Ensure safe-
keeping of last 4 quarterly Balance Sheet.
 Reports of any special Investigation done by RBI or any other
regulating authority.
 Correspondence from Government / Governmental agencies.
Pending Correspondence and Credit Reports.
 Performance Appraisal Report i.e. Goals set and Performance
 Half yearly report on workmen, KRA and APAR for ofcers
 Register of desirable/undesirable parties.
 Customer Complaints Register – Status of pending complaints
if any
 Service Area Villages allocated to the branch in the case of
Rural Branch
 Wards / Areas / Streets allocated to the branch in the case of
Semi Urban, Urban, Metro branches
 Incident Reporting, Cash Transaction Reports, Suspicious
Transactions Reports, Counterfeit Currency Reports


1. Cash / Security Items

I. Check Cash Balance physically and tally with Day book gure of
previous day.
ii. Check signature in double lock Register-cum Cash Abstract –
Ensure balance shown tallies with item i) above
iii. Physical checking of Cash in ATM Machine (check how many
ATMs are attached to the branch) to be carried out. Ensure JPT
Print out taken from ATM machine/s tallies with physical cash in

ATM. Tally JPT balance with ATM-Cash General Ledger Balance
and also Day book
iv. Daily tallying of Cash deposit machine to be ensured
v. Physically check all security items like Demand Drafts, Cheque
Books, Term Deposit Receipts, Pay orders – Tally with the Key
Register. Ensure quarterly balancing taken – Whether tallied and
signed by both the key holders.
vi. Ascertain the Standard Cash Limit xed for the branch
vii. Please ensure management of cut, soiled and non-issuable
viii. Single lock keys – Ensure availability of SL Key with cashier

2. Banker's Account
i. Account with SBI or other banks, if any – Register fresh mandate
in your name for operating the Banker's account duly signed by
the outgoing incumbent

ii. Remittance arrangements with Currency Chest/ other
Branches/Banks – with phone numbers
iii. Is there any reconciliation pending in Banker's account?

3. Double Lock Arrangement:

i. Procedure for operation and maintenance – Ensure compliance.
ii. Names and phone numbers / addresses of the persons who hold
double lock keys.
iii. Verication of contents in Double lock including Currency notes,
IVP, GL packets, ISC parcels, Safe Custody Articles, Duplicate
Keys of other branches, Loan papers, Gun, bullets etc. (Ref: Cash
manual for details)
iv. Check Balancing and physical verication of Safe Custody
v. Verify Inward Register for loan papers- New B 132 and ensure
number of loan papers held in Double lock, tally with the balance
shown in New B 132

vi. Duplicate keys of Double lock / Premises - when & where lodged,
where receipts are kept and when last exchanged (to be
exchanged once in two years) to be ascertained.
vii. Exhaust fans, re alarm, Burglar Alarm, Surveillance Camera in
Double lock – Ensure that all are in working condition

4. Gold Loan:
i. Name / Phone number of Appraiser/s- Security obtained-
verication of agreement.
ii. Physical checking of Gold Loan packets – Tally with the balancing
report (7775-LN632) and also Key Register. – Conrm Gold Loan
applications are available and kept in seriatim

5. Deposits:
I. List of Good / High Value Depositors / HNIs – Generate report of
TOP 50 customers through Business Objects Report
ii. List of prospective parties – already met by the predecessor.

iii. Keep the Name, Address, Phone number, E mail ID of HNI
customers and also NRI clients
iv. Ascertain the number of Inoperative accounts and steps taken by
the branch for reviving them.
v. KYC compliance status
vi. Ensure the account opening forms are led properly and
preserved safely.
vii. Observe the List / Balancing of Temporary Overdrafts (TODs) in
SB and Current Accounts – Ensure follow-up action has been
taken for early regularization / recovery.
viii. Balancing report of In-built Overdraft (IOD) accounts are to be
taken and obtention of proper loan papers to be ensured.
ix. Ensure undelivered Debit Cards are kept in safe custody and
destroyed if more than 3 months old.
x. TDS remittance – Check SL Parking head for prompt remittance
of TDS deducted till last month

xi. Ensure ETDS – Quarterly returns led promptly till last quarter
and related acknowledgments are kept safely
xii. Ensure Form 16-A (TDS certicate) whether issued to depositors
till last quarter
xiii. Ascertain the password for e-TDS SARAL package
xiv. Ascertain TRACES userid and password for the branch
xv. Login to TRACES website and generate the default notices
issued by Income Tax department. Ensure that there are no
deciencies / Penalties

6. Loans and Advances in General:

i. Generate report through business objects (TOP 25 or 50
Advances customers) and ascertain further information about the
customers from the predecessor.
ii. Meet all the important especially TOP customers say with limits of
Rs.20 lacs and above.
iii. Ensure Inspection of godown (KCC, OCC, PC, PL etc) – done on

rotation basis – Ensure maintenance of separate register for
godown checking.
iv. Farm inspection done with location and nature of loan.
v. Verication of other high value security hypothecated / mortgaged
to the bank by borrowers
vi. Ensure maintenance of Interest Rate Modication Register /
Interest Checking entrustment register.
vii. Ensure subsidy claim has been made in eligible cases like Self
Help Group Loans / PMEGP / Other Govt sponsored Schemes /
TUFFS etc.
viii. Ensure subsidy received has been kept in appropriate SL head or
Zero Interest Term Deposit and account wise details are available.
ix. Ensure that Interest subvention for eligible Agri Crop Loans,
Educational Loans and Housing loans have been claimed
x. Ascertain the information about the pending Loan proposals sent
to CO/RAH for sanction.

xi. Ensure Credit Sanction Register is entered in Single Sign On /
Manual register and sent to Advances Section / R.M Section for
review every month
xii. Ensure copies of Loan appraisal above Rs.5 lacs in the case of
Retail Lending and above Rs.1 lac in other cases are sent to Circle
Ofce for review promptly

7. Verication of Loan Documents other than Gold Loans:

I. Generate Balancing report of all loans – preferably product wise –
(7775-LN632) and ensure all the loan papers are physically
available. The balancing report contains Date of Loan papers,
AOD Date, Rate of Interest charged, Sanctioned Amount and
present liability.
ii. Check points while verifying the Loan papers –
 Correct Loan paper date is reecting in the balancing report
 Loan sanction has been signed by the branch in charge / Sanction
letter available in case of sanctions by higher authorities

 Obtention of correct loan agreement and signature of the
manager in relevant places
 AOD is physically available with the loan papers and the date of
AOD is correctly shown in the report.
 AOD is stamped and signed by all the borrowers / co-obligants /
 AOD is witnessed by branch ofcial.
 List out any Loan paper / AOD likely to expire / get time barred
 Ensure submission of PRR12 for the last half year and glance
through the same.
 Ensure EMT documents are kept along with the Loan papers and
preserved separately
 Ensure document movement register is maintained and updated.

8. Verication of Running Limits like OD / OCC:

I. Generate Business Object Balancing report of all OD / OCC

ii. Check Loan documents as mentioned in 7 (ii)
iii. In addition to the point ii
Ensure availability of the latest Credit appraisal / proposal in the
CR le
Ensure the latest sanction letter communicated to the party duly
against his acknowledgment.
Check the continuity in the loan documents ending with the latest
Letter of Renewal.
Ensure whether the limit is in force
Ensure the expiry date of limit as per the Sanction / Loan Papers
has been correctly fed in CBS
iv. Ensure maintenance of Stock statement - Filed party wise
v. Generate list of expired OD/OCC limits from Business Objects
Report under option 280024. Ascertain Credit reports due /
Expired Credit Limits and notices to be sent.

9. EMT / MODTD / ROC Verifcation:
i. Check availability of all the Equitable Mortgage Documents
pertaining to all the Loans / Advances / running limits
ii. Check the latest EMT Balancing report and ensure availability of
all the original documents.
iii. Verify that all original documents as per LSR have been obtained
before putting through EMT.
iv. Ascertain whether any EMT transaction is pending to be put
through by customers – e.g.Housing Loan for purchase of vacant
site released but documents yet to be obtained from Registrar
v. Ascertain whether registration of EMT / MODTD is pending to be
executed – as applicable in some States.
vi. Ensure / ascertain all the EMTs (other than Agricultural property)
have been registered with CERSAI.
vii. Ascertain any pending Mortgages are to be registered with
CERSAI – Delay in regn attracts penalty

viii. Ascertain if any further Encumbrance certicates are to be
obtained in the case of EMT transactions.
ix. Ascertain Pending charge creation in case of Company advances

10. Insurance of Securities like Land and Building :

i. Ensure availability of Insurance for the all the godowns / LHVs / HL
and other securities hypothecated / mortgaged to us
ii. Ensure all such Insurance Policies are in force.
iii. Ensure availability of Insurance Register / Due date Register /
Follow up Register, if not fed in CBS

11. Loan Accounts with CGTMSE Cover:

i. Ensure all the eligible MSE accounts are covered under
CGTMSE. Please check recently granted loans under MSE are
ii. Latest list of account covered under the scheme will be sent by
SME Cell / Advances Section, Circle Ofce to respective
branches along with premium claim. Ensure availability of that list
in a separate le.
iii. Ensure whether Annual Guarantee fee has been paid in all the
eligible cases.
iv. If any account covered under CGTMSE slips to NPA, the date of
NPA is to be reported to the Trust through Circle Ofce without fail.
Hence, the list mentioned in point iii will be very helpful

12. Sticky Advances (LPD)

i. List of sticky advances.
ii. List of LPD Accounts with category like Legal Action Waived
(LAW) /Non-suit led / suit led / Suit led and decreed etc.
iii. List of Accounts where suit ling permission is received but Suit is
yet to be led
iv. Ascertain the details of Write-off Notes sent and pending receipt of
Branch Advice
v. Suit led accounts / SARFAESI Accounts and their present status.

Any important aspect like taking possession / issuing sale notice
etc is pending?
vi. Ascertain the Names and Addresses of Panel Advocates, Valuers

13. Recovery Position:

i. Overall recovery position of the branch (DCB position).
ii. Special Watch / other NPA statements
iii. Ascertain information about high value loan accounts likely to slip
to NPA shortly
iv. Ensure there is proper follow-up of loans by sending notices /
personal contacts etc.
v. Ascertain the Recovery prospects under various schemes.
vi. Timely obtention of AODs
vii. Ascertain the details of OTS / Can-Adalat proposals/decision
pending to be completed

14. Premises / Furniture
i. Terms of lease, Carpet area details, rent /tax liability details, TDS
on rent, Advance rent details, periodical maintenance
ii. Lease agreement / Deed registration, exercise of option and
timely renewal of lease
iii. Rent details – amount, due date of payment, TDS particulars
iv. Insurance- amount, due date for renewal, insurance agency,
v. Gun license and retainer license to be in force
vi. Annual drill for security guard / using security guard for other
vii. List of furniture and ttings (inventory certication, numbering,
conditions of items).
viii. Stock and stationery maintenance.
ix. Ensure Name Board, Enquiry Board, Timing Board are displayed
x. Suggestion Box/ First Aid boxes – Ensure availability.
xi. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for computers / printers /

UPS etc in force
xii. Ensure availability of Fire extinguishers with relling date
xiii. Ensure smoke detectors are xed and in working condition.
xiv. Ensure Generator back up is available and generator lease
agreement is in force
xv. Ensure CC TV is in working condition and back up of data is kept
xvi. Ensure proper generator back up arrangement in ATM site

15. Lockers:
i. Keys details - Duplicate Master key, vacant locker keys, and
locker room maintenance.
ii. Locker Vacancy position, waiting list
iii. Rent details, whether review is due or done (for each size).
iv. Rent arrears details, details of non- operation - KYC norms

16. Foreign Business:
i. Ascertain full details about parties enjoying Packing Credit /
Export Bills / LC Limits / Pending GR / BEF etc
ii. Ascertain details about Non-Resident Deposits (NRE, NRO,
FCNR) and related Pending correspondence, if any
iii. Ensure FCNR balancing is tallied / reconciled with mirror account
in Foreign Department.

17. Names of NNND agents:

i. Ensure Security agreement of the NNND Agent is in force.
ii. Ensure tallying of NNND (Web based package) closing balance
with NNND balance shown in Day book

18. Power of Attorney:

To be got registered with SBI/RBI/LIC etc.

19. Standing Instruction:
i. Ensure effective and timely execution Standing Instructions -
pending, if any
ii. Ensure PDCs in respect of Retail Lending Loans are recorded in
register and presented on due dates
iii. Ensure ECS Debit mandate has been registered for Retail
Lending Loans wherever applicable.

20. Death Claims:

i. Ensure Death claim / Nomination Settlement Register maintained
properly and all settlements kept safely in Double Lock.
ii. List out if there are any Pending death claim / Nomination

21. BAA, Sundry Assets, Sundry Liabilities, Sundry Deposits,

Overdue Deposits.
i. Legal expenses, TA Advance, LFC Advance etc outstanding

under SA
ii. Telephone payments, Electricity Board deposits, Water Board
deposits outstanding in SA
iii. Any amount is outstanding in SA-furniture and xtures and
pending for capitalization.
iv. Sundry Deposits – List out long outstanding items – Steps taken
for reversing / write back
v. Overdue Deposits – List out overdue for a very long period – Steps
taken for renewal of overdue Deposits.
vi. Any other items, outstanding for long duration.
vii. Ensure Interest Subvention received have been credited to Loan
accounts / Operative accounts of the borrowers (if Loan is closed)
and no amount is lying in SL

22. Manual/ Circulars /Desk Cards:

Ensure availability / safekeeping of hard copy of manuals /
circulars desk cards

23. Branch Vehicle:
Ensure proper maintenance of Logbook, Petrol limit, Insurance,
Garage Rent etc.

24. Filing System:

 Ensure proper ling system in place like CR le, Condential le,
Correspondence with Circle Ofce, Staff Files etc.

25. Meet important personalities relevant to the bank's

business/area of functioning.
i. Landlord of the Branch Premises
ii. Panel Advocate/s
iii. Heads in the Locality (e.g. VAO, Local Body Chairman)
iv. Local Government Ofcials (e.g. BDO, District Collector, District
Magistrate, Tahsildar)
v. Co-Bankers in the locality / town
vi. Court Ofcials
vii. Pollice Ofcials – Keep the phone number of local Police Station
viii. Lead District Manager
ix. Revenue Authorities
x. Business Correspondents of the branch – get their phone
xi. Other important Institutions like Colleges, Schools

26. Staff:
i. Ensure Names, addresses, phone numbers, Mobile numbers
specimen signatures, initials are available in Staff Bio-data
Register – Very important.
ii. Staff Report-condential le and performance appraisal le.
iii. Festival Advance/ Medical Bill reimbursement / BDEs, other staff
welfare expenses details - Ensure proper record is maintained.
iv. Details of Staff Quarters, lease details, expiry date of lease etc to
be ascertained.
v. Work distribution / Job rotation cards.
vi. Work Review sheet
vii. Staff Meeting reports
viii. Ensure user ID / Password available for required staff members in
Single Sign On, OLTAS, e-Tax payment, Net banking Admin, Govt
Business, CERSAI, e-Token etc.
ix. Password secrecy and periodical change of pass words - to be
ensured. Ensure user prole register is maintained and resetting
of various passwords by Administrator / Managers are recorded.

27. Internal Control:

i. GL heads / items like SA, SL, BAR, LCCR, etc. – MSIE (Minor
Subsidiaries, Income / Expenditure) Balancing Report to be taken
from Reports home page.
ii. Tallying of ATM Physical Cash / JPT and GL gure to be conrmed
iii. Verify whether any other difference in GL Heads especially LCCR
/ Clearing related GL heads

iv. Verify Banker's account and LCCR Reconciliation Statement
PRR 14 A/ B
v. Ensure PRR18 has been submitted till previous month –
Certicate of books of accounts checked without remarks /
vi. Ensure PRR19 has been submitted promptly – Certicate of
Interest Checking

28. Inspection:
i. Date when last held and important remarks.
ii. Verify inspection report is replied promptly.
iii. Verify DO letter / explanatory letter received by the branch.
iv. Verify whether inspection report is closed fully, if not, list out
pending remarks.
v. Verify whether any fraud has been reported by the branch and if
yes, record the present status
vi. Ensure rectication of major remarks, especially the ones in Part-
B, Special Reports, if any.

29. Technology related matters:

i. Ascertain the type of Network connectivity (Leased Line / ISDN /
VSAT) and keep the phone number of BSNL / Network Engineers
ii. Ensure proper conguration of E mail and conrm that E mails are
downloaded daily – Ascertain the e-mail password.
iii. Ensure proper conguration of Anti-virus program in all the PCs
and ascertain the IP address of the Group Updater (GUP)
iv. Availability of ATM Master Card is to be checked. PIN number of
ATM master cards to be checked. PIN number of ATM master
cards to be obtained. If cash is replenished by branch, the PIN for
ATM bin is to be obtained and to be CHANGED without fail.
v. Ascertain the password of ATM machine and ensure the ATM is
serviced / loaded with cash by both the key holders.
vi. Ensure branch is maintaining ECS Mandate in a separate le and

all the mandates have been entered in the system. ECS debits
may get rejected if not entered in CBS.
vii. Branch Managers' DASH BOARD is an important tool – to see the
past performance, Targets and present level of business –
Ascertain the password from the outgoing Manager

30. Important things to be received from the outgoing Manager.

i. Mobile Phone / SIM card given for the branch in charge
ii. Lap top given for the branch
iii. Password for CIBIL / Experian / CERSAI / Traces / Web TDS
iv. Keys for burglar alarm, re alarm

31. Third party Products:

i. Ascertain the name and contact number of marketing personnel
of all the third party products.
ii. Any claim disputes pending in case of CHOICE,AMHI or any other
associate party products pending?
32. Miscellaneous Items:
i. List out any Pending summons from Income Tax Department,
queries under RTI Act, Legal Notices etc
ii. List out any pending claim against the bank on any legal /
Ombudsman / Consumer Forum matters.
iii. Any pending complaints from Customers to be redressed?
iv. PMJJBY, PMSBY, APY applications whether safely kept in double
v. Any PMJJBY, PMSBY , RUPAY insurance claims under process.


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