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Andreas Wanninger Editor

Biology of
Vol. 1 Introduction, Non-Bilateria,
Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida,
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
of Invertebrates 1
Andreas Wanninger

Developmental Biology
of Invertebrates 1
Introduction, Non-Bilateria,
Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida,
Andreas Wanninger
Department of Integrative Zoology
University of Vienna
Faculty of Life Sciences

ISBN 978-3-7091-1861-0 ISBN 978-3-7091-1862-7 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015947925

Springer Wien Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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Cover illustration: Scanning electron micrograph of a larva of the demosponge, Amphimedon

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The evolution of life on Earth has fascinated mankind for many centuries.
Accordingly, research into reconstructing the mechanisms that have led to the
vast morphological diversity of extant and fossil organisms and their evolu-
tion from a common ancestor has a long and vivid history. Thereby, the era
spanning the nineteenth and early twentieth century marked a particularly
groundbreaking period for evolutionary biology, when leading naturalists and
embryologists of the time such as Karl Ernst von Baer (1792–1876), Charles
Darwin (1809–1882), Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919), and Berthold Hatschek
(1854–1941) realized that comparing ontogenetic processes between species
offers a unique window into their evolutionary history. This revelation lay the
foundation for a research field today commonly known as Evolutionary
Developmental Biology, or, briefly, EvoDevo.
While for many of today’s EvoDevo scientists the principle motivation for
studying animal development is still in reconstructing evolutionary scenarios,
the analytical means of data generation have radically changed over the cen-
turies. The past two decades in particular have seen dramatic innovations
with the routine establishment of powerful research techniques using micro-
morphological and molecular tools, thus enabling investigation of animal
development on a broad, comparative level. At the same time, methods were
developed to specifically assess gene function using reverse genetics, and at
least some of these techniques are likely to be established for a growing num-
ber of so-called emerging model systems in the not too distant future. With
this pool of diverse methods at hand, the amount of comparative data on
invertebrate development has skyrocketed in the past years, making it increas-
ingly difficult for the individual scientist to keep track of what is known and
what remains unknown for the various animal groups, thereby also impeding
teaching of state-of-the-art Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Thus, it
appears that the time is right to summarize our knowledge on invertebrate
development, both from the classical literature and from ongoing scientific
work, in a treatise devoted to EvoDevo.
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates aims at providing
an overview as broad as possible. The authors, all renowned experts in the
field, have put particular effort into presenting the current state of knowl-
edge as comprehensively as possible, carefully weighing conciseness
against level of detail. For issues not covered in depth here, the reader may
consult additional textbooks, review articles, or web-based resources,

vi Preface

particularly on well-established model systems such as Caenorhabditis

elegans ( or Drosophila melanogaster (
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates is designed such
that each chapter can stand alone, and most chapters are dedicated to one
phylum or phylum-like taxonomic unit. The main exceptions are the hexa-
pods and the crustaceans. Due to the vast amount of data available, these
groups are treated in their own volume each (Volume 4 and Volume 5, respec-
tively), which differ in their conceptual setups from the other four volumes.
In addition to the taxon-based parts, chapters on embryos in the fossil record,
homology in the age of genomics, and the relevance of EvoDevo for recon-
structing evolutionary and phylogenetic scenarios are included in Volume
1 in order to provide the reader with broader perspectives of modern-day
EvoDevo. A chapter showcasing developmental mechanisms during regen-
eration is part of Volume 2.
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates aims at scientists
that are interested in a broad comparative view of what is known in the field
but is also directed toward the advanced student with a particular interest in
EvoDevo research. While it may not come in classical textbook style, it is my
hope that this work, or parts of it, finds its way into the classrooms where
Evolutionary Developmental Biology is taught today. Bullet points at the end
of each chapter highlight open scientific questions and may help to inspire
future research into various areas of Comparative Evolutionary Developmental
I am deeply grateful to all the contributing authors that made Evolutionary
Developmental Biology of Invertebrates possible by sharing their knowledge
on animal ontogeny and its underlying mechanisms. I warmly thank Marion
Hüffel for invaluable editorial assistance from the earliest stages of this proj-
ect until its publication and Brigitte Baldrian for the chapter vignette artwork.
The publisher, Springer, is thanked for allowing a maximum of freedom dur-
ing planning and implementation of this project and the University of Vienna
for providing me with a scientific home to pursue my work on small, little-
known creatures.

This volume starts off with three chapters that set the stage for the entire
treatise by covering general aspects of EvoDevo research, including its rele-
vance for animal phylogeny, homology issues in the age of developmental
genomics, and embryological data in the fossil record. These are followed by
taxon-based chapters on the animals that are commonly considered to have
branched off the animal tree of life before the evolution of the Bilateria: the
Porifera, Placozoa, Cnidaria (with the Myxozoa being treated separately),
and Ctenophora. In addition, the Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, and
Chaetognatha are included, all with currently hotly debated phylogenetic

Tulbingerkogel, Austria Andreas Wanninger

January 2015

1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution

and Phylogeny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Alessandro Minelli
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics . . . . . . . . . . 25
Günter P. Wagner
3 Embryology in Deep Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Philip C.J. Donoghue, John A. Cunningham,
Xi-Ping Dong, and Stefan Bengtson
4 Porifera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Bernard M. Degnan, Maja Adamska, Gemma S. Richards,
Claire Larroux, Sven Leininger, Brith Bergum,
Andrew Calcino, Karin Taylor, Nagayasu Nakanishi,
and Sandie M. Degnan
5 Placozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Bernd Schierwater and Michael Eitel
6 Cnidaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
and Johanna E.M. Kraus
7 Myxozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Alexander Gruhl
8 Ctenophora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Mark Q. Martindale and Jonathan Q. Henry
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Andreas Hejnol
10 Chaetognatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Steffen Harzsch, Carsten H.G. Müller, and Yvan Perez

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

EvoDevo and Its Significance
for Animal Evolution 1
and Phylogeny

Alessandro Minelli

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
A. Minelli
Department of Biology, University of Padova,
Via Ugo Bassi 58 B, I 35131 Padova, Italy

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 1

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_1, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
2 A. Minelli

ONTOGENY VS PHYLOGENY tionary biology and developmental biology.

Comprehensive overviews of origins, aims, and
methods of evolutionary developmental biology
Despite Steinböck’s (1963, p. 49) dismissive state- can be found in Hall (1998) and Hall and Olson
ment that “ontogeny has only a very limited value (2003); other useful book-size accounts, although
for phylogenetic questions,” successful attempts to more selective in their approach, are Wilkins
infer phylogenetic relationships from comparative (2001), Minelli (2003a), Carroll et al. (2005), and
information about the developmental schedules of Minelli and Fusco (2008).
animal species are numerous, beginning with two As one should expect for a newly established,
well-known, eighteenth-century examples. One is or reestablished, field of study, EvoDevo is still
Thompson’s (1830) discovery of the crustacean struggling to define its own identity; short intro-
nature of barnacles, based on his observation of ductions to the internal debate have been pro-
nauplius larvae metamorphosing into sessile adults vided by Arthur (2002) and Müller (2008).
(see Vol. 4, Chapter 5) whose morphology devi- Many researchers (e.g., Carroll et al. 2005) view
ates so strongly from the arthropod ground plan EvoDevo essentially as comparative developmen-
that Linné (1758) placed Lepas (inclusive of bar- tal genetics, that is, as the comparative study of the
nacles) in his Vermes Testacea (i.e., the shelled spatial and temporal expression patterns of genes
mollusks) rather than in his Insecta (a “class” controlling the establishment of body architecture:
broadly equivalent to present-day Arthropoda). anterior-posterior and dorsoventral polarity; longi-
The other example is Kowalewski’s (1866) discov- tudinal patterning of the main body axis; segmen-
ery of the affinities between vertebrates and ascid- tation, production, and patterning of appendages;
ians, revealed by the presence of the notochord in and so on, down to details such as the differentia-
the larva of the latter (Vol. 6, Chapter 4). This does tion of eyespots on butterfly wings or the rows of
not imply, however, that the relationships between specialized bristles forming the sex combs on the
ontogeny and phylogeny are always easy to dis- forelegs of Drosophila males. This comparative
cover or that these follow simple and perhaps uni- approach to the study of gene expression pattern
versal principles such as Haeckel’s (1866) has produced the positive effect of rapidly increas-
“biogenetic law.” Haeckel’s recapitulationist ing the number of organisms used in the lab as
views, indeed, have never been again much in model species. In turn, the expanding taxonomic
favor since Garstang (1922) demonstrated that coverage of these studies has helped generating
many larval adaptations are recent and indepen- results of potentially high relevance for phyloge-
dent; and a further strong blow to the theory was netic research. At the level of the genetic mecha-
de Beer’s (1930, 1940) demonstration of the per- nisms controlling development, it has become
vasiveness of heterochrony. However, new oppor- meaningful, and operationally feasible, to address
tunities to extract phylogenetic information from questions of homology between features of vastly
ontogenetic data have been emerging since the divergent taxa.
advent of evolutionary developmental biology Arguably, simply broadening the scope of com-
(Telford and Budd 2003; Cracraft 2005; Minelli parison beyond the traditional bunch of model spe-
2007, 2009; Minelli et al. 2007). cies, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila
melanogaster, and Mus musculus, would hardly
justify the recognition of a new, distinct discipline.
EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL EvoDevo, however, is characterized by a problem
BIOLOGY agenda that could not be satisfactorily fulfilled
within the premises of either evolutionary or
Evolutionary developmental biology, or developmental biology in isolation. This is true,
EvoDevo, is one of the most active frontiers of for example, for the origin of evolutionary novel-
the life sciences, despite the fuzzy definition of ties (Müller 1990; Müller and Wagner 1991, 2003;
its scope and its sometimes problematic boundar- Wagner 2000, 2011; Galis 2001; Müller and
ies in respect to the parent disciplines – evolu- Newman 2003, 2005; Minelli and Fusco 2005;
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 3

Love 2008; Moczek 2008; Pigliucci 2008; Shubin relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny in
et al. 2009; Brigandt and Love 2010, 2012; Hall such a way that these eventually revealed the
and Kerney 2012; Peterson and Müller 2013). The wealth of alternative patterns, recapitulation
most discipline-specific problem addressed by being only one among several possible scenarios
EvoDevo is the nature and the properties of evolv- and, arguably, not necessarily the most common
ability, defined by Hendrikse et al. (2007) as “the among them. De Beer’s analysis eventually
capacity of a developmental system to evolve.” resulted in the birth of the modern studies on het-
This means that EvoDevo characteristically erochrony, especially after this area was popular-
focuses on the arrival of the fittest rather than on ized by Gould’s (1977) book.
the survival of the fittest. How far this shift of In the meantime, debates about the phyloge-
focus should be considered an extension, either netic signal contained in ontogenetic sequences
marginal or substantial, of the evolutionary syn- developed in cladistic circles. Some cladists, like
thesis paradigm, or a radical alternative to the Rieppel (1979), were critical of the independence
same, is still a matter of dispute (e.g., Laubichler of ontogenetic information from the morphologi-
2010; Minelli 2010; Pigliucci and Müller 2010), cal data used in outgroup comparisons. Others,
but this is not relevant to our subject. however, thought otherwise.
To introduce, instead, an overview of the pos- Among the criteria to be used for polarizing
sible significance of EvoDevo in the context of characters, i.e., to distinguish the plesiomorphic
phylogenetic analysis, it is fair to repeat, at the from the apomorphic state of a character, Hennig
outset, the comment made 10 years ago by Wiens (1966) had suggested ontogenetic character pre-
et al. (2005) that up to now the overall contribu- cedence. Somehow echoing Haeckel’s bioge-
tion of EvoDevo to phylogenetics has been quite netic principle, this criterion postulated that the
small. But this is arguably due to the limited derived character states are to be found in late
awareness of EvoDevo by a large majority of developmental stages, whereas similarities shared
phylogeneticists, and vice versa, rather than to at earlier stages are generally symplesiomorphies
the exiguity of the potential intersection between (shared primitive character states) that cannot
the two disciplines. Eventually discovering be used to infer phylogenetic relationships. The
mutual foreignness between EvoDevo and phylo- ontogenetic character precedence was regarded
genetics would be ironic, indeed: let’s recall that by some authors (e.g., Fink 1982) as reliable as
Gould’s magisterial introduction to one of the the outgroup comparison, whereas others (e.g.,
roots of EvoDevo, namely, the study of heteroch- Kluge 1985) pointed to its lack of general appli-
rony, was published in 1977 under the title cability and still others (e.g., Nelson 1978; de
Ontogeny and Phylogeny. There are instead sev- Queiroz 1985) suggested different reformulations
eral important areas to which EvoDevo can con- of the principle, effectively taking distance from
tribute to progress in phylogenetics. I will the original recapitulationist flavor of Hennig’s
articulate these areas in the following sections, principle. For example, Nelson (1978, p. 327)
mainly taking examples from invertebrates. reformulated the “biogenetic law” in the follow-
ing terms: “given an ontogenetic character trans-
formation, from a character observed to be more
RECAPITULATION VS CLADISTIC general to a character observed to be less general,
ASSESSMENTS OF CHARACTER the more general character is primitive and the less
POLARITY general advanced.” A different formulation was
recently suggested by Martynov (2012, p. 833) as
In its earliest steps, long before getting its current the main principle of his ontogenetic systematics,
name, EvoDevo contributed substantially to a which should be based on “progressive (addition
critical revisitation of Haeckel’s recapitulation- of stages and characters) or regressive (reduction
ism, the principle according to which ontogeny of already existing stages and structures) modifi-
recapitulates phylogeny. As mentioned before, de cation of ancestral taxon, the diagnosis of which
Beer’s books (1930, 1940) dissected the possible corresponds to the model of its ontogenetic cycle.”
4 A. Minelli

An unusual extension of the recapitulationist phenotypic trait is controlled by the expression

paradigm into the area of animal behavior has of a given gene (e.g., Alberch 1991; Altenberg
been recently proposed by Barrantes and 1995; Mezey et al. 2000; Kell 2002; West-
Eberhard (2010) with a comparative study of the Eberhard 2003; Pigliucci 2010; Wagner and
web-spinning behavior in spiders. These authors Zhang 2011). To put it in simple terms, this map-
found that the design of the web spun by adults of ping is rarely, if ever, a one-to-one function (one
three Latrodectus species is more divergent than gene→one phenotypic trait), but it is generally
the design of those spun by juveniles of the same one-to-many (pleiotropy; e.g., Wagner and Zhang
species and more similar to those of young spi- 2011, 2013; Paaby and Rockman 2013) or many-
ders of the genus Steatoda than to those of the to-one (convergence and or redundancy) and
adult of the latter genus. eventually many-to-many.
But let’s move to more explicit suggestions In Drosophila, some 50 genes are the direct
and recent examples of their application. targets of transcription factors encoded by Hox
genes (Pearson et al. 2005): some of these genes
are involved in apoptosis and others in the control
DEVELOPMENTAL GENES of cell cycle, cell motility, intercellular signaling,
AND PHYLOGENETIC INFERENCE or cell adhesion (Davidson 2006), and there are
hundreds of genes whose expression is down-
Gene-Based Homology stream of the expression of one or more of the
Hox genes (Mastick et al. 1995; Botas and
The first step toward a phylogenetic analysis is Auwers 1996).
getting informative data. How can EvoDevo con-
tribute to filling a matrix?
The contribution of EvoDevo to the assess- Convergence
ment of homology is controversial (see Chapter
2). On the one hand, it is right from early works A nice example of the intricacies of the
in what was still to be named EvoDevo that biolo- genotype→phenotype map is the fact that the
gists realized that traits firmly regarded as homol- same genes can regulate the development of
ogous by comparative morphologists can have homologous structures through significantly dif-
quite a different developmental origin. On the ferent cellular processes. A recently studied
other hand, one of the most visible successes of example is offered by the sex combs of male
EvoDevo has been the discovery that homolo- Drosophila species. The key regulatory genes
gous genes are often involved in building equiva- involved in the production of these rows of spe-
lent structures in the most disparate animals, cialized bristles are the same in the different spe-
although this equivalence has been generally cies that have been investigated, but the cellular
regarded as nonhomologous by comparative mechanisms through which they operate are dif-
morphologists. On homology, see Minelli and ferent, not only between members of different
Fusco (2013), Wagner (2014), and Chapter 2 subgenera (Sophophora vs Lordiphosa) (Atallah
herein. et al. 2012) but also between quite closely related
species that are classified in the same subgenus
(Sophophora: species of the obscura and melano-
The Genotype→Phenotype Map gaster species groups; Barmina and Kopp 2007;
Tanaka et al. 2009, 2011).
One of the most far-reaching results of EvoDevo Developmental genes, Hox genes included,
studies is the growing awareness of the complex- are as prone to convergence as morphological
ity (and, to a very large extent, unpredictability) characters are. An example is offered by the
of the genotype→phenotype map, that is, of the mechanisms controlling leg repression in one of
cascade of processes through which a given the body regions (abdomen or opisthosoma) of
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 5

some arthropod clades. In insects, the Hox genes Minguillon 2003; Garcia-Fernàndez 2005a, b;
Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A mediate Duboule 2007; Ferrier 2007, 2010; Butts et al.
leg repression, thus providing the most obvious 2008). A recent review by Holland (2012) high-
difference between a leg-bearing thorax and a lights the phylogenetic relationships between the
legless abdomen. Things are different in spiders, Hox family and other gene families also involved
so far as the recent findings of Khadjeh et al. in development (ParaHox, Evx, Dlx, En, NK4,
(2012) on Achaearanea tepidariorum will hold NK3, Msx, and Nanog), all together forming the
for the whole clade. Here, the gene Antennapedia ANTP class.
(Antp) represses leg formation in the first seg- The second step is to use gene sequences to
ment of the opisthosoma, whereas both Antp and reconstruct the phylogeny of the organisms from
Ubx show their (redundant) effect in repressing which the sequences have been obtained. Will
leg formation in the following segment. EvoDevo suggest to give preferences to selected
gene families? In the past, several biologists
looked at chromosome structure as at privileged
From Gene Phylogeny to a Comparison morphological traits, insofar as chromosomes
of Gene Expression Patterns contain genes and genes are involved in deter-
mining the phenotype. In the same vein, some
Most of the total output of EvoDevo research has authors have looked at Hox genes – genes con-
been a growing knowledge of the identity, trolling aspects of the overall body architecture –
sequence, patterns of expression, and relative as to privileged genes, possibly carrying
position in developmental control cascades of important phylogenetic signal. Of course, the
“developmental genes,” i.e., of genes demonstra- phylogenetic information potentially carried by
bly involved in the control of specific ontogenetic the highly conserved homeobox sequence (the
events or in the deployment of specific traits of “morphological signature” of this gene class)
body architecture. Among these genes are those will be very different from the phylogenetic
involved in body segmentation and those (the information potentially carried by the remaining
Hox genes) that specify positions along the of the molecule, especially by regions distant
anterior-posterior body axis. Indeed, the discov- from the homeobox. Eventually, Hox gene
ery of the high degree of conservation of these sequences have been used in reconstructing the
genes across the animal kingdom was one of the mutual relationships of bilaterian phyla (de Rosa
main successes that contributed to establishment et al. 1999; Balavoine et al. 2002; Hueber et al.
of EvoDevo as a promising new biological 2013) or to investigate phylogeny within large
discipline. phyla such as Arthropoda (Cook et al. 2001).
The potential phylogenetic signal contained in Other studies have contributed to fix affinities,
these genes can be studied at different levels, as e.g., of bryozoans (ectoprocts) as lophotrochozo-
shown here briefly on the example of the Hox ans (Passamaneck and Halanych 2004). Apart
genes. from the Hox genes, specific signatures have
A first level of analysis is the reconstruction of been found in many other developmental genes.
gene phylogeny, a necessary step, not only An example is provided by the bone morphoge-
required to reveal duplications and thus to disen- netic protein genes, which are represented in all
tangle orthologous from paralogous sequences insects by decapentaplegic and glass bottom boat
but also to establish relationships between gene (gbb); a third gene, screw (scw), is found in
families that may evolve either in concert or in Drosophila melanogaster and other flies, and
divergent manner and eventually to polarize gene recent comparative studies have placed the
changes. The literature on the phylogenetic rela- gbb/scw duplication in the interval between
tionships of Hox genes is extensive (e.g., Finnerty the origin of the Brachycera and the origin of the
and Martindale 1998; Kourakis and Martindale Cyclorrhapha, that is, between 200 and 150 Ma
2000; Ferrier and Holland 2001; Ferrier and ago (Wotton et al. 2013).
6 A. Minelli

The last step is to compare gene expression Conservation of Gene Function

patterns in order to trace homologies, especially and Developmental System Drift
in cases where morphological evidence does not
seem to allow a definitive assessment. This The value of detailed patterns of Hox gene
approach has been followed, for example, by expression as a base to establish homology of
Hughes and Kaufman (2002), Copf et al. (2003), segments or positions along the main body axis
and Angelini and Kaufman (2005) in comparing has probably been overestimated (Abzhanov
body regions of different arthropod groups and et al. 1999; Brenneis et al. 2008), because of the
by Lichtneckert and Reichert (2005) in delineat- observable evolutionary shifts of the anterior
ing homologies between vertebrate and arthro- boundary of expression of many Hox genes
pod brains. Jager et al. (2006) (see also Manuel within arthropods, especially Antennapedia,
et al. 2006) used the expression patterns of Hox Ultrabithorax, abdominal-A, and abdominal-B
genes to align the anterior appendages of sea spi- (Hughes and Kaufman 2002).
ders with those of other arthropods, thus yielding Shifts corresponding to a positional inversion
results that are in contrast with the morphological along the main body axis are very unlikely.
(neuroanatomical) evidence obtained by Maxmen Morphologically, the forewings of male strep-
et al. (2005). There are, however, examples of sipterans (the females are wingless and mostly
developmental genes whose expression patterns vermiform) are quite similar to the halteres of dip-
confirm the homologies suggested by morphol- terans – their characteristically modified hind-
ogy. One of these is Brachyury (bra): its expres- wings. However, whatever the mechanisms
sion in the notochord of chordates has been specifying the peculiar structure of the strep-
fittingly chosen by Ferrier (2011) as a good sipteran forewings, it is quite unlikely that these
example of a homologous gene with a homolo- evolved from the dipteran condition, through a
gous function in a homologous morphological “macromutation” switching the haltere specifica-
character, a far from marginal example, the pres- tion from the meta- to the mesothorax, in turn
ence of a notochord being an apomorphy of a restoring the metathoracic wings to a more con-
phylum. ventional morphology. This unconventional
hypothesis was suggested by Whiting and Wheeler
(1994) as a tentative EvoDevo counterpart of their
miRNA and Phylogeny phylogeny of holometabolous insects, in which
the Strepsiptera turned out to be the sister group of
According to Wheeler et al. (2009), a substan- the Diptera (for the putative Diptera+Strepsiptera
tial increase in morphological complexity along monophylum, the name Halteria was also pro-
the evolutionary history of metazoans is linked posed) (Whiting et al. 1997). The need to demon-
to a corresponding increase in the number and strate the actual occurrence of such a macromutation
specificity of action of miRNAs. The same eventually vanished, as soon as subsequent phylo-
authors stress the high phylogenetic value of genetic analyses (e.g., Rokas et al. 1999;
these molecules, confirm the previously estab- Wiegmann et al. 2009) refuted the monophyly of
lished (Hertel et al. 2006; Sempere et al. 2006; the Halteria, thus showing the independent evolu-
Prochnik et al. 2007) major expansion of the tion, in the two clades, of morphologically similar
miRNA family at the base of the nephrozoan but positionally nonequivalent “halteres.”
clade, and identify the presence of 34 miRNA
families in the last common ancestor of proto-
stomes and deuterostomes, to the exclusion of Evolving Gene Functions
acoels. A few miRNAs have been discovered in
sponges (Robinson et al. 2013) but none of these Comparative developmental genetics has
is shared with eumetazoans. revealed many examples of evolutionary changes
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 7

in gene function. For example, fushi tarazu and diencephalon, the latero-ventral hindbrain, and
oskar may have initially functioned in the central the spinal cord (Li et al. 1994; Amirthalingam
nervous system but later became involved in the et al. 1995). In Drosophila, its homolog ey is also
patterning of the early embryo, as seen today in expressed in the brain and the ventral nerve cord,
Drosophila (Ewen-Campen et al. 2012; Heffer and in the squid, Pax6 expression extends to the
et al. 2013). The evolution of new functional brain and the arms (Tomarev et al. 1997). Even
roles has been documented to occur even if the more intriguing is the fact that Pax6 homologs
phenotypic traits previously controlled by a gene are also present in eyeless animals. In the nema-
are subjected to strong stabilizing selection; this todes, for example, vab-3 is involved in the dif-
is why the evolution of new functions in a lineage ferentiation of the cephalic body end and mab-18
of orthologous genes (i.e., independent from is expressed in the precursors of peripheral sense
gene duplications) has been called developmental organs (Chisholm and Horvitz 1995; Harris
system drift (DSD) (True and Haag 2001; Haag 1997). In the sea urchins, a Pax6 homolog is
2014). Even organs that are identical at the cel- expressed in the tube feet (Czerny and Busslinger
lular level, because they are produced through an 1995). Summing up, Pax6 is likely a patterning
identical cell lineage, can experience rapid gene, expressed in the head, which has been
DSD. This has been shown by Verster et al. repeatedly involved (or, better, co-opted; see
(2014) by comparing over 20 species of below) in the regulation of eye development.
Caenorhabditis where functional divergence has Two arthropod genes of the Hox family have
been found in orthologous genes regulating sex undergone dramatic functional changes. In
determination, early embryonic patterning, vulva selected branches of the arthropod tree, both of
development, and excretory physiology. them have lost their original function as specifi-
The phylogenetically widespread involvement ers of position along the main body axis. One of
of Pax6/ey homologs in eye morphogenesis (e.g., these genes is fushi tarazu, which is involved in
Halder et al. 1995; Tomarev et al. 1997; Glardon segmentation and, in insects only, in neurogene-
et al. 1998; Kmita-Cunisse et al. 1998; Chow sis. The other gene is zerknuellt (zen), which is
et al. 1999; Pineda et al. 2000) has led to the involved in dorsoventral patterning. In the
hypothesis of a monophyletic origin of bilaterian Diptera, a duplication of zen has given rise to
eyes (e.g., Gehring and Ikeo 1999; Gehring bicoid, whose functional role has continued to
2000), contrary to a well-entrenched opinion, evolve rapidly: in Drosophila, it is required for
based on gross morphological differences the normal development of the head and thorax,
between ciliary- and rhabdomeric-type eyes, sug- and in the phorid Megaselia abdita, it is addition-
gesting an at least diphyletic origin of eyes. More ally required for the development of four abdom-
cautiously, Wagner (2001) suggested that ances- inal segments (Stauber et al. 2000).
trally Pax-6 homologs may have been involved in
initiating the development of light-sensitive epi-
thelia, eventually a key component of subse- Gene Regulatory Networks
quently evolved eye types such as the compound and Their Evolution
eye of arthropods and the camera eye of squids,
but the hypothesis of a monophyletic origin of Eventually, following the rapidly increasing
the eye has been strongly rejected by others, knowledge on gene control cascades, research
among which Harris (1997) and Meyer-Rochow focus has shifted from the evolution of individual
(2000). In addition to the arguments provided by genes, and of their expression, to the evolution of
comparative morphology, Harris (1997) remarked whole gene regulatory networks (Davidson 2006;
that the expression of Pax-6 is not restricted to see also Davidson et al. 2002, 2003; Davidson
the eyes. For example, in vertebrates this gene and Erwin 2006; see also Chapter 2). From the
is also expressed in the nasal placodes, the perspective of phylogenetic reconstruction, this
8 A. Minelli

means moving from the limited evidence of notochord development between the pelagic uro-
homology provided by single genes, whose chordate Oikopleura and the ascidian Ciona
involvement in a given developmental process is intestinalis (Vol. 6, Chapter 4). In the latter, some
prone to convergent evolution (multiple indepen- 50 genes are known to be activated downstream
dent co-option events), to the more robust evi- of bra, but 24 of them do not have a homolog in
dence provided by whole sets of functionally the small, very compact genome of Oikopleura.
integrated genes (Ferrier 2011). Some of the latter have undergone a lineage-
Comparative developmental genetics is able specific duplication, but less than a half of them
to reveal the intricate nature of gene networks are apparently expressed in the context of noto-
such as those underlying the architectural design chord formation. For an extensive discussion on
of the nervous system of bilaterians (Denes et al. gene regulatory networks and their bearings on
2007), the segmented body of arthropods (Dray character identity and evolution, see Chapter 2.
et al. 2010), and the notochord of chordates
(Kugler et al. 2011), a kind of synapomorphy
packages for the corresponding clades. Gene Loss and Character Loss
Davidson (2006) described the developmental
regulatory genome as something like a computer, From the perspective of phylogenetic reconstruc-
with four classes of subcircuits: (i) batteries of tion, character loss is a frequent cause of
genes involved in cell differentiation, (ii) little problems.
invariant subcircuits repeatedly involved in less In an important study of salamander phylog-
specific functions, (iii) switches, and (iv) “ker- eny, Wiens et al. (2005) have shown the mislead-
nels,” complex and highly conserved networks ing effects of paedomorphosis on phylogenetic
responsible for specifying morphogenetic fields analysis, because of which a previous analysis by
from which particular body parts arise. One of Gao and Shubin (2001), based on morphological
those kernels, for example, would be responsible data, had placed most paedomorphic families in a
for the specification of the endoderm. Kernels single clade. As demonstrated by the new analy-
would be most robust to change and are thus sis, problems are not solved by simply excluding
likely to be shared by distantly related clades. from the data matrix the characters suspected to
Davidson envisaged a phylogenetic hierarchy of be paedomorphic and by taking into account the
regulatory networks, e.g., bilaterian kernels, pro- parallel evolution of adaptive changes associated
tostome kernels, and ecdysozoan kernels. with the aquatic habitat typical of salamander lar-
However, selected parts of a gene regulatory vae generally and definitely retained in the pae-
network may show unequal rate of evolution. For domorphic lineages. A possibly more disturbing
example, within the gene regulatory network problem is the absence, in the paedomorphic lin-
(GRN) controlling the specification of endome- eages, of those synapomorphies that in non-
soderm in nematodes, a preliminary analysis of paedomorphic taxa develop at metamorphosis.
genome sequences of Haemonchus contortus and In respect to regressive changes, EvoDevo has
Brugia malayi suggests that evolution is most much to offer beyond a conceptual framework,
rapid for some zygotic genes involved in the especially in those cases in which a regressive
specification of blastomere identity (Maduro change is apparently due to gene loss. This has
2006). been tentatively suggested (Aboobaker and
If we accept that development is controlled by Blaxter 2003a; Minelli 2009) as a possible expla-
GRNs, it follows that the evolution of develop- nation for the relatively simple organization of
ment and form is due to changes within GRNs the nematodes, compared to most ecdysozoans,
(Carroll 2008), but this is arguably an excessive which possibly correlates with a reduction in the
generalization. number of Hox genes (which is coupled, how-
An exceptional example of the evolvability of ever, with a very high rate of evolution of the sur-
developmental gene networks has been revealed viving members of this gene family; Aboobaker
by Kugler et al. (2011) with a comparison of and Blaxter 2003b). The most intriguing example
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 9

of a likely correlation between the loss of a gene gene, or of a whole gene regulative network,
and the loss of a body part is, however, the coincides with the origin of a new body part. It is
extreme reduction of the abdomen in the parasitic possible, indeed, that the evolving phenotypic
crustacean Sacculina carcini, matched by the outcome of that gene’s expression is a story of
loss of the Hox gene abdominal-A (Blin et al. exaptation rather than one of co-option. This is
2003; cf. Vol. 4, Chapter 5). arguably the case of nanos, originally a determi-
nant of the posterior end of the trunk (cf.
Rabinowitz et al. 2008), subsequently turned into
Gene and Gene Network Co-option vs a specifier of germ cell identity, and also of Pax6,
Paramorphism perhaps exapted from pigment specifier to speci-
fier of the eye (Kozmik 2005).
Since the last years of the past century, it has Genes involved in patterning the main body
become fashionable to interpret major events in axis may have also a role in the proximo-distal
the evolution of the genetic control of develop- patterning of appendages. This secondary expres-
ment in terms of co-option of individual genes or sion is unlikely the result of co-option of these
even of whole gene regulatory networks. Gene genes’ function in patterning a new body feature
co-option would be usually dependent on previ- (the appendage) that supposedly evolved prior to,
ous gene duplication. Following the latter event, and independent of, these genes’ expression. If,
neofunctionalization of a duplicate gene would on the contrary, this new gene expression evolved
add a new trait to the phenotypic features under together with the origin of the appendage, this
its control. Co-option, for example, would would be a case of paramorphism (Minelli 2000).
explain the evolution of arthropod and vertebrate With time, the patterning role of these genes in the
appendages (Tabin et al. 1999). According to appendage will likely diverge from the corre-
Pires-daSilva and Sommer (2003), all develop- sponding role in the trunk; nevertheless the
mental processes involved in the generation of appendage is likely to behave like a duplicate of
new structures would necessarily depend on the main body axis and thus to retain some char-
co-option. acteristic traits of the latter. This may explain why
However, we should probably advocate gene the appendages of segmented animals are fre-
co-option only when an existing gene gets a new quently segmented, while those of unsegmented
role in a developmental process in which it was animals never are. If we accept the hypothesis of
not previously involved or in a body part where it axis paramorphism, we shall perhaps revise some
was previously not expressed, only when the popular interpretation of character polarity.
developmental process or the body part with For example, is the arthropod (first) antenna a
which it now becomes involved was already in specialized leg, or vice versa? Dong et al. (2001)
existence (Minelli 2009). This is the case of the favored the antenna-first hypothesis, whereas
wing eye spots of many butterflies, which are Casares and Mann (1998) initially supported the
centered on a group of Distal-less-expressing “leg-first” hypothesis, but in a later paper
cells (Carroll et al. 1994). Distal-less has a much (Casares and Mann 2001) they accepted that the
older and phylogenetically much more general appendages may have been already different (and
role in animal development, as an early marker of segmented) since their very first expression.
the sites where appendages will form, including However, if the relationship between the (seg-
insect legs, “polychaete” parapodia, vertebrate mented) appendages and the (also segmented)
limbs, and sea urchin podia (Panganiban et al. main body axis of arthropods is one of paramor-
1997). In butterflies, Distal-less has been co- phism, the whole question of the primacy of the
opted to mark the position of new “virtual axes,” leg versus the antenna would become meaning-
but the presence of wings does not depend on this less (Minelli 2003b; Minelli and Fusco 2005),
novel expression of the gene. and no scheme of character transition from one
The concept of co-option does not apply, how- form to the other would be applicable (Minelli
ever, when a novel pattern of expression of a et al. 2007).
10 A. Minelli

SEGMENTATION: GENES even before the split between Protostomia and

AND BILATERIAN PHYLOGENY Deuterostomia, i.e., essentially, at the base of the
Bilateria – if so, segmentation would have been
secondarily lost several times – or (ii) segmenta-
The first suggestion that arthropod and annelid tion evolved independently in the arthropod,
segmentation may have evolved independently, annelid, and vertebrate lineages, from unseg-
thus shaking the solidity of one of the oldest “sup- mented ancestors, which were also the last com-
raphyletic” assemblages – the one closely corre- mon ancestor of all Bilateria and the last common
sponding to Cuvier’s (1812) old embranchement ancestor of Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa.
of the Articulata – was based on rudimentary Discussions about the mono- vs polyphy-
EvoDevo arguments (Minelli and Bortoletto letic origin of segmentation are far from settled.
1988). Shortly thereafter, the Articulata hypothe- Comparative studies of the genetic control of seg-
sis was rejected by a phylogenetic analysis based mentation have played an increasing role in the
on a for the time extensive matrix of morphologi- dispute. In the 1980s, the presence of regularly
cal data (Eernisse et al. 1992). Eventually, a spaced stripes of engrailed (en) expression along
molecular analysis (Aguinaldo et al. 1997) con- the elongating main axis of the embryo emerged
firmed the lack of close affinities between arthro- as a potentially reliable proof in favor of a seg-
pods and annelids and revealed the existence of a mentation mechanism shared by all segmented
clade of molting animals, segmented and unseg- metazoans. In arthropods, indeed, en is expressed
mented, which received the now popular name in transversal rows of cells immediately ante-
Ecdysozoa. rior to the future segmental margin. It is also
In the following years, the Articulata vs expressed in a series of transversal stripes in the
Ecdysozoa debate (e.g., Schmidt-Rhaesa et al. embryos of leeches, polyplacophoran mollusks,
1998; Wägele et al. 1999; Zrzavý 2001; Scholtz onychophorans, as well as in amphioxus and in
2002, 2003; Giribet 2003; Nielsen 2003a, b; the vertebrates (Jacobs et al. 2000). This does not
Schmidt-Rhaesa 2004, 2006; Pilato et al. 2005; mean, however, that in all these metazoans en is
Ivanova-Kazas 2013) was mostly centered on actually involved in segmentation. In Drosophila,
steadily revised interpretations of morphological en expression is limited to the ectoderm, where
evidence (including descriptive embryology), in it marks compartment boundaries, besides being
the light of a growing set of phylogenetic analy- involved in the patterning of the nervous sys-
ses. The need of a contribution from EvoDevo, tem. In the leech, its expression extends to the
however, became increasingly important, insofar mesoderm but in the ectodermal derivatives it
as a growing detail of segmentation processes is not involved in patterning the nervous system
was understood at the level of gene expression, in into segmental units (Shankland 2003). Besides
a few model organisms at least. It became thus these spatial (germ layer or tissue level) differ-
critically important to determine what compara- ences, en expression is also diverse temporally.
tive developmental genetics could say about the In vertebrates, en homologs are expressed in the
single or multiple origin of segmentation. segmental mesodermal units (somites), but only
Eventually, the newly emerging phylogeny (e.g., after these are formed (Holland and Holland
Adoutte et al. 2000; Halanych 2004; Bourlat 1998). Moreover, homologs of en are present
et al. 2008; Dunn et al. 2008; Telford and and expressed during the embryonic develop-
Littlewood 2009; Edgecombe et al. 2011; Mallatt ment, also in non-segmented animals such as
et al. 2012), strongly based on molecular evi- mollusks (Patella: Nederbragt et al. 2002; Vol. 2,
dence, provided a background against which the Chapter 7). In a variety of segmented and unseg-
problem of the evolution of segmentation could mented animals including arthropods, annelids,
be framed in the following alternative terms: (i) mollusks, and echinoderms, the ectodermal
segmentation evolved before the split between expression of en is associated with skeletal devel-
Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa and perhaps opment (Jacobs et al. 2000). In polychaetes, en
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 11

is regularly expressed in the chaetal sacs (Seaver RETHINKING EMBRYOLOGICAL

et al. 2001). In mollusks, en-expressing cells EVIDENCE OF PHYLOGENETIC
surround the ectodermal cells producing shell RELATIONSHIPS
material (Moshel et al. 1998; Wanninger and
Haszprunar 2001). In ophiuroid echinoderms,
en-expressing ectodermal cells delimit the areas The Phylogenetic Signal of
where the ossicles are produced (Lowe and Wray Cleavage Patterns
1997). It is thus quite possible that the associa-
tion of segmentation with en expression is only Acoels (Chapter 9) are characterized by duet spi-
an indirect one rather than evidence of a common ral cleavage; hydrozoans and other cnidarians
origin of segmentation. (Chapter 6) have variable (Beklemishev 1963),
More recently, the idea of a single origin of unstable cleavage patterns, but this character is
segmentation in bilaterians has been floated not easily coded in a matrix.
anew, based on the common involvement, shared Synapomorphies of annelids, mollusks, ento-
between arthropods and vertebrates, of a peri- procts, nemerteans, and rhabditophorans are
odic, oscillatory behavior in the expression of quite likely their quartet spiral cleavage, with
genes involved in the Notch/Delta signaling path- the typical orientation of the mitotic spindles
way (Stollewerk et al. 2003). To be more precise, during the earliest mitoses and their character-
this oscillating behavior is now firmly established istic cell lineage (reviewed in Nielsen 2008; cf.
as central to the segmentation process in verte- Vol. 2, Chapters 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9). The phyloge-
brates (e.g., Jiang et al. 2000; Holley et al. 2002; netic value of sharing spiral cleavage is likely
Mara et al. 2007; Özbudak and Lewis 2008; strengthened by the low probability of multiple
Lewis et al. 2009; Oates et al. 2012). In annelids, independent transitions to such an idiosyncratic
there is some positive evidence for the involve- cleavage pattern. The opposite transition (spiral
ment of Notch signaling in segmentation in the to radial cleavage) is possibly quite easier, as
leech Helobdella robusta (Rivera and Weisblat shown by the coexistence of both patterns in a
2009), but not in the polychaete Capitella sp. 1 member of an otherwise typical spiralian group,
(Thamm and Seaver 2008). In arthropods, where the Rhabditophora. At the eight-cell stage, some
it has been detected in several lineages (e.g., in embryos of the lecithoepitheliate Prorhynchus
the spider Cupiennius salei: Stollewerk et al. stagnalis have eight blastomeres of equal size,
2003; the cockroach Periplaneta americana: but others have four macromeres and four micro-
Pueyo et al. 2008; the flour beetle Tribolium: meres, as in radial and spiral cleavage, respec-
Sarrazin et al. 2012), this mechanism does not tively (Steinböck and Ausserhofer 1950).
seem to be universally present or, at least, univer-
sally required for segmentation (Kainz et al.
2011: Gryllus), but this condition might well be Germ Layer Homology
secondary. However, the recent discovery of
oscillatory transcription in Arabidopsis, with pat- Rather than on objective morphological or molecu-
terning effect on the positioning of the lateral lar evidence, germ layers have being often identi-
root primordia (Moreno-Risueno et al. 2010), fied in terms of their prospective fate. This
suggests that a “segmentation clock” is a general theory-laden approach (Hall 1998) has invited
principle governing patterning in growing tis- comparisons even between embryos with clearly
sues, but this also suggests its multiple evolution distinguishable germ layers as individualized cell
in multicellulars (Richmond and Oates 2012); sheets and embryos where germ layers are not dis-
even among the metazoans, it has possibly tinguishable as morphological units. As a conse-
evolved multiple times through the parallel co- quence, what had been called germ layers became
option of ancestral gene regulatory networks the initial pools of cells eventually fated to produce
(Chipman 2010). specific tissues or organ systems rather than objec-
12 A. Minelli

tively recognizable morphological units in the PRIMARY VS SECONDARY LARVAE

embryo before organogenesis. Eventually, how-
ever, comparative developmental genetics has led
to the identification of genes selectively expressed Among the synapomorphies of clades such as the
in one or the other of the germ layers, thus suggest- Holometabola among the Insecta and the
ing a more objective criterion upon which to com- Epimorpha among the Chilopoda are characters
pare features of embryos with morphologically of their postembryonic development, holometab-
identifiable germ layers with those without. For oly (“complete metamorphosis”), and epimor-
example, in their effort to homologize endomeso- phosis (postembryonic development without
derm across eumetazoans – diplo- as well as triplo- addition of segments or appendages). Other
blastic ones – Technau and Scholz (2003) have “higher” taxa have been tentatively characterized
focused on GATA 4-6, twist, snail, and brachyury. by the presence of specific larval types, e.g., the
Interestingly, endoderm-specific genes have trochophore or the tornaria. Larval morphology
been found in Caenorhabditis elegans, where the is however liable to profound and even rapid
distinct germ “layers” are not discernible, due to change, up to complete disappearance. EvoDevo
the very small total number of cells in the embryo can thus offer a valuable contribution to phyloge-
(Maduro and Rothman 2002). Other genes, such netics, insofar as it can provide reliable scenarios
as snail and twist, are characteristically expressed of the evolvability of larvae and determine the
in the mesoderm. Eventually, a snail homolog degree to which larval and adult traits can actu-
has been found in the coral Acropora millepora ally evolve independently – a property likely to
(Hayward et al. 2004) and in the sea anemone be different in different major clades of
Nematostella vectensis (Martindale et al. 2004), metazoans.
where it arguably contributes to the specification Quite long ago, Steinböck (1963) argued that
of the endoderm in respect to the ectoderm (Ball the phylogenetic significance of the larvae has
et al. 2004; Martindale et al. 2004; Chapter 6). been considerably overestimated. Today, in the
A twist homolog has been found in the hydrozoan context of cladistic methods and language, we
Podocoryne carnea (Spring et al. 2000). This is can say that even coding larval characters in
potentially of interest in respect to the repeatedly matrices intended for the reconstruction of
floated question of the possible presence of “higher” group relationships is fraught with
mesoderm in the Cnidaria, which are tradition- problems. First, we have not even a satisfactory
ally described as diploblastic (but see Boero et al. definition of larva (for a discussion, see Minelli
1998; Seipel and Schmid 2005, 2006; Burton 2009). Second, across the metazoans, larvae cer-
2008; Chapter 6). tainly evolved several times. Third, the widely
Persisting difficulties in finding reliable accepted distinction between primary and sec-
homologies between cnidarian germ layers and ondary larvae is far from obvious and perhaps
those of bilaterians are deepened by the diverse unwarranted. This is briefly discussed here.
behavior of hydrozoans, whose germ cells gener- When proposing a distinction between pri-
ally differentiate from ectodermal interstitial mary and secondary larvae, it is necessary to
cells, but in Protohydra and Boreohydra, germ specify the node(s) of the phylogenetic tree cor-
cells originate instead from the endoderm (Van de responding to ground plans we credit with pos-
Vyver 1993). Moreover, nervous cells originate sessing either larval type. In the literature it
from the endoderm in the hydrozoan Phialidium seems often to be implicitly accepted that the last
gregarium (Thomas et al. 1987) but from the ecto- common ancestor of all recent metazoans, the
derm in scyphozoans (Nielsen 2001). Problems, Urbilateria, was an indirect developer. This does
however, are not restricted to Cnidaria. Malpighian not rule out, however, the possibility that some
tubules are ectodermal in insects but endodermal clades re-evolved a secondary larva after having
in chelicerates, and in tardigrades the midgut is of lost the primary one.
mesodermal origin (Kristensen 2003) rather than According to the phylogenetic scenario pro-
endodermal, as it would be expected to be. posed by (Davidson 1991; see also Peterson et al.
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 13

1997; Cameron et al. 1998; Peterson and Mena et al. 2000). Similarly, in the trochophore
Davidson 2000), ancestral bilaterians would have of the polychaete Chaetopterus, Hox gene
lacked the later evolved genetic circuitry respon- expression is limited to future adult tissues, while
sible for the complex body structure of their it does not show up in any of the larval structures
modern descendants. Their simpler genetic net- that are fated to disappear at metamorphosis
works were only capable to produce little animals (Peterson et al. 2000). Things are broadly similar
with a bodily organization directly comparable to in other polychaetes, although in the late trocho-
that of the larva of many living invertebrates. In phore of Platynereis dumerilii, Hox1 is expressed
this scenario, the modern bilaterian adult is inter- in the apical tuft cells (Kulakova et al. 2007).
preted as an evolutionary novelty, a terminal Nielsen (2003a, b) regarded the lack of Hox
addition grafted onto the original body plan, gene expression in these larvae as an argument in
which is eventually conserved in the larva. As a favor of their primary nature. However, it is also
consequence, larvae such as the trochophore and possible (Minelli 2009) that the anterior-posterior
the tornaria would be primary because they patterning of the main body axis is a very old fea-
would be older and recapitulative in respect to the ture. If so, the lack of Hox gene expression in the
corresponding adults. An often implied corollary larval tissues may indicate that the larva has been
is their supposed monophyletic origin. secondarily intercalated in the developmental
However, there are problems with phylogeny schedule, in correspondence to an early develop-
(Valentine et al. 1999; Jenner 2000; Sly et al. mental phase where Hox genes were still silent.
2003). Mollusk veligers are probably homoplas- We should not rule out, however, that other larvae
tic (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; Waller 1998; may correspond to a later, Hox-expressing devel-
Lindberg et al. 2004). Transitions from one larval opmental phase. Let’s remark in this context that
type to another are frequent and often reversible. trochophore-like larvae may have evolved repeat-
Planktotrophic larvae corresponding to the “pri- edly (Haszprunar et al. 1995).
mary” larva of Davidson and others are often lost
and acquired again (Haszprunar et al. 1995;
McEdward and Janies 1997; McHugh and Rouse TEMPO AND MODE IN EVOLUTION
1998). Independent transition from planktonic to
non-planktonic larvae occurred many times even Heterochrony in Phylogenetics: Noise
within one genus, as in the case of Conus (Duda or Data?
and Palumbi 1999).
The opposite idea that all larvae are secondary From the perspective of Haeckelian recapitula-
has been championed by many authors (e.g., tion, heterochrony is exception to the rule; in
Garstang 1922; de Beer 1954; Hadži 1955; inferring phylogeny from ontogeny, it turns
Steinböck 1963; Conway Morris 1998; Valentine straight into noise. Indeed, it was right by show-
and Collins 2000; Collins and Valentine 2001; ing the pervasiveness of heterochrony throughout
Hadfield et al. 2001), although often without a the animal kingdom that de Beer, as mentioned
precise reference to a specific node in the meta- before, was able to refute the “biogenetic law.”
zoan tree. However, de Beer was also able to provide a first
The most serious difficulty with Davidson’s classification of the possible kinds of change in
scenario is the implied polyphyletic origin of the ontogenetic sequences, thus remotely introduc-
“zootype,” that is, of the anterior-posterior pat- ing two ideas that could be subsequently exploited
terning of the main axis of the bilaterians con- in phylogenetics.
trolled by the Hox genes (Slack et al. 1993). On the one side, de Beer’s analysis suggested
Nothing like a zootype organization is found in at least some degree of modularity of ontogenetic
any of the putative “primary” larvae. For exam- sequences. Anticipation, postponement, and
ple, in the pluteus of the sea urchin changes in relative speed can only be predicated
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Hox gene expres- of “units,” be these individual developmental
sion is limited to the adult rudiment (Arenas- processes or individual developmental stages.
14 A. Minelli

This could suggest that homologs of which we the same ontogenetic sequence. Several tech-
can trace the evolution are not necessarily the niques have been proposed to analyze sequence
organs – more generally, the structural features – heterochronies. Any two events A and B in a
of adult animals but perhaps also those of earlier developmental sequence occur in one of the fol-
stages or, better, (i) ontogenetic stages as such lowing orders: (i) A occurs before B, (ii) A and B
(e.g., the gastrula or the germband stage in arthro- are simultaneous, or (iii) A occurs after B. These
pod embryonic development) and (ii) develop- timing relationships, or event pairs, are given a
mental processes as such (e.g., gastrulation, or a numerical score. Data are thus assembled in a
particular sequence of cell lineage). matrix that can be analyzed under maximum
On the other hand, the very possibility to clas- parsimony. In these efforts, the major problem to
sify heterochronies could invite a search for the be addressed is how to dissect ontogeny into rea-
phylogenetic signal possibly present in heteroch- sonably independent units, as required by a cla-
ronies as such. Patterns of heterochrony may con- distic analysis. This difficulty was acknowledged
tain useful phylogenetic signal, as demonstrated since the earliest studies in this area (e.g.,
by, e.g., Guralnick and Lindberg (2001), who pro- Velhagen 1997; Bininda-Emonds et al. 2002).
duced a phylogenetic tree of several lophotrocho- Schulmeister and Wheeler (2004) remarked that
zoan taxa based on the timing of cell lineage the optimization of developmental event
events and found that the phylogenetic hypothesis sequences on a given cladogram based on event
thus obtained replicated patterns found in more pairing may lead to unacceptable results because
traditional analyses. In another study, patterns of event pairing treats interdependent features as if
heterochrony in the developmental sequences of they were independent. To overcome this prob-
Branchiopoda were used to identify the origin of lem, they suggested a method of character opti-
Cladocera (Fritsch et al. 2013). mization treating the entire developmental
sequence as a single character and aiming to
determine the transformation cost between pairs
Growth Heterochrony vs Sequence of character states. Parsimov, another method for
Heterochrony examining heterochronies in a phylogenetic
framework, was introduced by Jeffery et al.
At the beginning of this century, a decisive (2005). In this parsimony-based method, the least
enhancement of the use of heterochrony as a number of event displacements (heterochronies)
source of data for phylogenetic reconstruction that explains all the observed event-pair changes
was obtained following a shift of focus from is identified for each branch of the tree, thus
growth heterochrony to sequence heterochrony, eventually obtaining all alternative, equally parsi-
to use a terminology introduced by Smith (2001). monious explanations, out of which a consensus
Virtually all of the traditional literature on heter- is derived that contains the developmental
ochrony (e.g., Gould 1977; Alberch et al. 1979; changes that form part of every equally most par-
McNamara 1986, 1995; McKinney 1988; simonious explanation.
McKinney and McNamara 1991) refers to growth
heterochrony, i.e., to developmental changes in
size and shape relationships. Hot Points of Change Along
However, many interesting evolutionary the Developmental Schedule
changes in developmental schedules are not
changes in either size or shape. This is why Smith One of the reasons to abandon von Baer’s (1828)
(1996, 2001, 2002, 2003) and Velhagen (1997) scenario of morphological divergence regularly
have suggested a different approach, termed increasing with the embryos progressing along
sequence heterochrony, in which heterochrony is their developmental trajectory and Haeckel’s
identified in the changes in the position of a recapitulationist view according to which the
developmental event relative to other events in evolutionary novelties are essentially terminal
1 EvoDevo and Its Significance for Animal Evolution and Phylogeny 15

additions to the largely invariant earlier develop- ment is not frequently studied and is still less
mental stages is the fact that some developmental used to infer phylogenetic relationship. A prom-
stages are more conservative (or more variable) ising example is the crustacean genus Niphargus:
than others, although not in a monotonic relation- a preliminary study by Fišer et al. (2008) has
ship with developmental age. revealed extensive sequence heterochrony along
It is now fashionable to describe embryonic the postembryonic development, independence
development in terms of the so-called hourglass between events being more pronounced in mid-
model, to signify that the earliest stages (espe- aged instars.
cially, but not exclusively, those under exclusive
or prevailing control of maternal genes) are more
extensively and easily divergent than later embry- Saltational Evolution
onic stages (Duboule 1994; Raff 1996; Hall and Discontinuous Variation
1997; Galis and Metz 2001). From initially dif-
ferent starting points (first discussed for insects Continuous variation is notoriously difficult to
by Sander 1976), developmental trajectories con- handle when we are confronted with the problem
verge toward a much more conserved stage, often of partitioning it into bins to be differently coded
recognizable as characteristic for an individual in a data matrix used in a phylogenetic analysis.
phylum, which is called the phylotypic stage However, from the perspective of evolutionary
(Sander 1983) or at least a largely conserved seg- change, continuous variation fits well within a
ment of the developmental trajectory that has gradualistic neo-Darwinian paradigm. The oppo-
been termed the phylotypic period (Richardson site is true when the observed character states are
et al. 1997). As expected, gene expression is widely separated. In this case, there is no prob-
maximally conserved around the phylotypic lem in partitioning our set into unambiguously
period (Drosophila: Kalinka et al. 2010). distinct classes (unless the differences are so big
Early-stage divergence, especially between that we may have problems recognizing two
closely related species, is often a direct conse- states as homologous). However, from an evolu-
quence of the different amount of yolk stored in tionary point of view, we would not expect
the female gamete during oogenesis; for example, closely related taxa to be separated by an appar-
thus is the case of two sea urchin species, the leci- ently unbridgeable gap. In other terms, we do not
thotrophic Heliocidaris erythrogramma and the expect evolution to be saltational. However, this
planktotrophic H. tuberculata (e.g., Parks et al. expectation is due for revision, in the light of
1988; Wray and Raff 1991; Henry et al. 1992). facts that are possibly intractable in a traditional
More interesting, however, are other examples of evolutionary scenario, but may become reason-
early-stage divergence that cannot be explained in able in the light of EvoDevo.
such a simple “mechanistic” way. The most dra- Major phenotypic differences may not nec-
matic case is the nematodes, among which the essarily depend on major changes or even rear-
pattern of cleavage, the spatial arrangement, and rangements, at the genetic or genomic level. As
the differentiation of cells have diverged dramati- mentioned above, the genotype→phenotype map
cally during the history of the phylum, without is not necessarily simple or obvious, and a single
producing corresponding changes in the adult instance of saltational evolution may require a
phenotype (Schierenberg and Schulze 2008; reassessment of the phylogenetic signal carried
Schulze and Schierenberg 2011). by a given character. For example, the pres-
Early divergence is sometimes noticeable ence of 21 or 23 pairs of legs in the adult was
even at intraspecific level, as shown by Tills et al. long regarded as a reliable synapomorphy of the
(2011) for the pond snail Radix balthica. Scolopendromorpha, the other “higher” clades
Heterochrony is not limited to the embryonic among the Chilopoda having instead either
segment of the developmental schedule, but its 15 (Scutigeromorpha, Craterostigmomorpha,
occurrence along the postembryonic develop- Lithobiomorpha) or at least 27 (Geophilomorpha)
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Homology in the Age
of Developmental Genomics 2
Günter P. Wagner

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
G.P. Wagner
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Yale Systems Biology Institute,
New Haven, CT, USA
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Sciences, Yale University,
New Haven, CT, USA

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 25

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_2, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
26 G.P. Wagner

INTRODUCTION understanding of the nature of homology (i.e.,

character identity) is essential for research into
The homology concept was introduced into pre- the origin of evolutionary novelties (Müller and
Darwinian evolutionary biology by Richard Owen Wagner 1991; Müller and Newman 1999; Wagner
as referring to “the same organ in different animals and Lynch 2010) and thus is essential for under-
regardless of form and function” (Owen 1848). standing of how complex organisms (and charac-
Since then, it has played not only a fundamental ters) arose in evolution.
role as an organizing idea in comparative anatomy The fact that we can identify parts of organ-
but also an important role in preparing the way for isms, e.g., brains, wings, and shells, and find cor-
evolutionary biology (Donoghue 1992; Amundson responding parts in other, sometimes distantly
2005). Homology is the primary evidence for phylo- related, organisms is a fundamental fact about
genetic relationships among organisms, and when- biological diversity. This fact shows that animals
ever we project experimental results from a model and plants consist of quasi-independent building
organism onto humans, we assume homology blocks that can have historical continuity over
among the mechanisms in humans and the model considerable stretches of time. For instance, the
organism. Homology was fully integrated into the insect eye is at least as old as the crown insects,
Darwinian tradition through Lankester’s redefini- i.e., more than 400 Mio years. Thus, homology
tion as an organ in two species that is derived from reflects the truism that animals can be highly
the same organ in the most recent common ancestor structured and that the organizational features of
of the two species (Lankester 1870). Nevertheless, organisms can be highly conserved even in spe-
the homology concept remains controversial pri- cies that live in radically different environments
marily because it seems to escape a simple rigor- and are leading radically different lives. An evo-
ous definition. Homology shares this attribute with lutionary biology that does not accommodate
other fundamental concepts like that of a species or these facts into its conceptual outline is missing
a gene. In addition, homology is hard to pin down its goal, namely, to provide a rational explanation
mechanistically. Apparently, homology is among of biological diversity.
the concepts biologists have a hard time living with Homology is about the historical continuity
but certainly can’t live without. This situation often of body parts and about the nature of character
leads to considerable frustration among biologists, identity. As such, homology is about the nature
and some have suggested abandoning the concept and conservation of organizational building
altogether (Wake 2003), a move that is hardly blocks of multicellular organisms. A comple-
feasible. mentary problem is to explain how novel body
Morphological evidence for phylogenetic parts originate in evolution, i.e., the problem of
relationships among extant organisms is increas- evolutionary novelties. Novel body parts origi-
ingly replaced with molecular data, which seems nate in evolution, and derived lineages can
to make controversies around morphological have parts that are not present in any of the
homology obsolete. I think, however, that aban- ancestral lineages, like the wings of pterygot
doning the homology concept would be counter- insects and others. We cannot even begin to
productive, since it still has an important role to investigate how novel body parts originated if
play in both evolutionary and developmental we do not understand what body part identity
biology and also in other branches of organismal is in the first place.
biology (Wagner 2014). The claim that a deeper understanding of
Why, then, is homology still necessary and homology is necessary for a productive research
important in the twenty-first-century biology? program on the origin of novelties in evolution
There are two broad reasons why homology is can be supported by an analogy argument about
still central to evolutionary and developmental species and the origin of species. Following the
biology. First, homology reflects a broad pattern publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species
of biological diversity, and, second, a deeper in 1859, many researchers attempted to study
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 27

species origins. Much work failed to reach its CHALLENGES

goal, because it was based on the mistaken idea
that the origin of novel species is synonymous There are many issues that can and have to be
with the origin of a distinguishing, defining raised when we talk about homology, but these
characteristic (i.e., an autapomorphy), like the can be boiled down to two types of questions:
color of petals, or the presence or absence of a the question of character individuation and the
wing marking in a butterfly. Understanding question of what the mechanistic cause of char-
character change and adaptation is an important acter identity is. When we propose that two
research program in its own right, but in itself characters in two species are homologous, then
does not solve or even address the problem of we have to be prepared to define what is “the
species origins. It required an understanding of thing that is the same” in these two species. For
population biology to make clear that the task instance, if we say that the pectoral fin of a tele-
of investigating speciation is synonymous with ost and the tetrapod forelimb are homologous,
the task of investigating how gene pools become it raises the question, what is the unit that is
separated (Dobzhansky 1937; Mayr 1942), “the same” in this case? Is the shoulder girdle
leading to two independent lineages of evolu- part of the homologous body part or just the
tionary change. Similarly, the origin of novel elements distal to the shoulder girdle? This is a
body parts cannot be addressed if we do not question of individuality: can the body be
have some degree of clarity what body part divided into clearly demarcated building blocks
identity really is. Hence, homology and novelty that objectively demarcate quasi-independent
are complementary concepts (Müller and body parts? The other question is, what is the
Wagner 1991). Homology is about what is the mechanistic basis for the individuation of these
same in different animals, and novelty is what body parts? Can we propose an experimentally
is different, i.e., not homologous, among differ- testable model that explains body part
ent animals. individuation?
For most of its history, homology and its com- To address these questions, I want to develop
plement, novelty, have been hard to pin down. my argument in four steps: first, I want to assert
However, the situation has changed dramatically the fact that there is a lower limit to character
in recent decades, in particular due to the matura- individuality, below which comparison and indi-
tion of phylogenetic inference methods vidual identification of physical body parts are
(Felsenstein 2003) and comparative methods meaningless (Riedl 1978). This argument will
(Maddison et al. 1984; Donoghue 1989), as well establish that homology only applies to individu-
as due to the growth of comparative developmen- alized parts of the body. Second, I will introduce
tal biology (Raff 1996; Wilkins 2002; Carroll and defend the distinction between character
2008), aka developmental evolution. For the first identity and character states (Wagner 2007). The
time there is a realistic chance to connect our point will be that these reflect different aspects of
mechanistic understanding of development with biological reality and thus need to be distin-
a sophisticated understanding of evolutionary guished. Third, I will address Patterson’s claim
biology and phylogenetics (Wagner 2014). In this that homology is coextensive and therefore iden-
chapter I want to outline how the new tools of tical in meaning to apomorphy, i.e., any shared
developmental genomics can be harnessed to elu- derived trait (Patterson 1982). Patterson’s idea is
cidate the genetic basis of character identity and a reasonable position, given that both character
how evolutionary understanding can be used to identities (the presence and absence of parts) and
guide the experimental analysis of animal devel- character states (how body parts are shaped) can
opment. Before we can proceed to the technical contain phylogenetic information. However,
aspects of a research program on the origin of given the importance of character identity, I will
novelties, we need to address a number of con- argue that apomorphy is a more general term than
ceptual challenges. homology, such that apomorphy can stand for
28 G.P. Wagner

both shared derived character identities and of the same protein that are produced from the
shared derived character states. Finally, I will same gene. Even though each molecule is a phys-
argue that character identity is caused by a dis- ical individual, biologically they are instances of
tinct gene regulatory network upstream of the the same kind, say, alcohol dehydrogenase
genes that determine character states (Wagner (ADH) or aromatase. Hence, it is meaningless to
2007, 2014). This model provides a mechanistic ask which single molecule of ADH in one animal
interpretation to the conceptual distinction corresponds to which single ADH molecule in
between character identity and character states. another animal. It is, however, meaningful to ask
In addition, this proposal gives an explanation which ADH gene corresponds to which ADH
how two body parts in two different species can sequence in another animal’s genome. The rea-
be “the same” under “every variety of form and son is that only one copy of an orthologous gene
function,” because character identity is mecha- is passed on from parent to offspring, so that
nistically decoupled from character states. This there is a unique lineage of descent over time.
model implies an agenda for a research program Homology is about the existence of a unique lin-
on the origin of novel characters, i.e., to under- eage of descent of things that are passed on over
stand that the origin of a novel character is equal generations (Ghiselin 2005). This is also true for
to understanding the origin of a novel character morphological characters, where homology is
identity network. clearest where there is only one copy of a body
part instantiated in each individual.
In this context it is worthwhile to remember
Individuality the classical definition of homology by Owen:
“Homologue is the same organ in different ani-
In the case of clear-cut homology assessments, mals under every variety of form and function”
there is often little doubt about the individuality (Owen 1848). What is noteworthy here is that
of the compared structures. Say, the cerebellum Owen only speaks of organs or body parts rather
of a cow is clearly homologous to that of a dog, than resemblances or attributes. Clearly, at its
and in turn there is no question that in each of origin, the concept is intended to capture the
these animals the cerebellum is a distinct devel- notion of character identity. It is also important
opmental individuality compared, say, to the to note that there is an explicit distinction made
olfactory bulb or any other brain region or any between the character itself and its various real-
other body part. The individuality of the cerebel- izations, aka character states: “any variety of
lum is reflected in its distinct location with form and function.” This focus on the identity of
respect to other brain regions, the fact that it can body parts is still retained in Lankester’s evolu-
be lost as a discrete unit without major effects of tionary reinterpretation of homology (Lankester
the rest of the brain, its connections to the rest of 1870). The original quote is: “Without doubt
the brain, as well as its tissue architecture and the the majority of evolutionists would agree that
nature of its cell types, e.g., the Purkinje cells that by asserting that an organ A in an animal α to
are the characteristic cell type of the cerebellum. be homologous to and organ B in an animal β,
However, it is also clear that not every physically they mean that in some common ancestor κ the
separated part of the body has developmental organs A and B were represented by an organ C,
individuality. For instance, for the 20–30 trillion and that α and β have inherited their organs A
erythrocytes that exist in my bloodstream at any and B from κ” (Lankester 1870, p. 36; underlines
moment, there is no one-to-one correspondence added by this author). This precision, namely,
to the 20–30 trillion erythrocytes that exist in the what homology is actually about, i.e., body part
body of another person, not to speak of members identity, got lost in the twentieth century among
of another species. These cells are obviously the leaders of the new synthesis biology. For
multiple copies of the same thing, human eryth- instance, G. G. Simpson defines homology as
rocytes. The same is true for different instances “resemblance due to inheritance from a common
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 29

ancestry” (Simpson 1961, p. 78). Similarly, Ernst There is broad consensus that the haltere is
Mayr writes of “attributes” as being homologous derived from the hindwing of four-winged ances-
to “characteristics” in a common ancestor (Mayr tors and thus is the “same” body part as the hind-
1982, p. 465). It seems plausible to speculate wing of a butterfly, even though with different
that this loss of specificity in the understanding shapes and functions. Clearly, the haltere is a
of homology is in great part responsible for the hindwing that has assumed an extreme character
confusion surrounding the homology concept state, that of a haltere. Hence, hindwing is the
in the twentieth century and the frustration it term we should use to name the character identity
engendered. of the dorsal appendage on the metathorax of a
fly, and haltere is a term that describes a character
state of the hindwing.
Character Identity and Character Similarly, in beetles, the forewing is modified
States from a lift-producing blade to a protective cover
called elytra (Fig. 2.1). Nevertheless, it is clear
The language we use to describe organismal that elytra are derived from lift-producing wing
structure and diversity does not naturally convey blades in ancestral four-winged insects, and thus
whether we speak of the same body part in differ- even the beetles have four wings, even though
ent shapes or whether we speak of different body only the hindwing is still used in flying (in those
parts as such. We use different words to describe beetles that actually are able to fly). Hence, the
paired appendages of fishes and tetrapods (paired body part identity of the dorsal appendages on
fins and limbs) or different forms of wings like the mesothorax of beetles is that of a forewing,
the elytra of beetles, even though they actually but their character state is called elytra.
are the same body parts (fins and limb as well as
forewing and elytra). In the sciences, however,
we have to be clear what is a body part identity Homology Is a Narrower Concept
and what refers to different states of the same Than Apomorphy
A clear illustration of the difference between Both character identities and character states can
terms that name character identities and those that convey phylogenetic information, meaning that
are names for character states is the comparison there is inheritance and historical continuity of
of various insect “wings,” or better dorsal append- character states such that corresponding character
ages of the second and third thorax segments. states can be used to characterize monophyletic
Most clades of pterygot insects have four wings, clades. At the same time, the presence or absence
meaning that there are two pairs of dorsal append- of a particular character identity can also char-
ages that are shaped so that they can aid in flying. acterize monophyletic clades (e.g., mandibles
However, there are some lineages with highly in Mandibulata). Diptera share a haltere-shaped
modified dorsal appendages, like Diptera, whose hindwing, and the clade of Coleoptera can be
name suggests that they have only two wings or characterized by having “elytracized” forewings.
one pair of wings. From a functional point of Hence, for the purposes of phylogenetic recon-
view, it is true that there is only one pair of dorsal struction, the distinction between characters and
appendages that is dedicated to lift production, character states is not of fundamental importance;
but from the developmental evolutionary point of the distinction between shared derived attributes
view, even dipterans still have four wings. The (apomorphies) and shared ancestral attributes
point is that the second pair of dorsal appendages, (plesiomorphies), however, is of importance
“wings” sensu lato, are highly modified and are (Hennig 1966). This realization led Patterson to
called halteres (Fig. 2.1). Halteres are not “wings” equate homology to apomorphy in an influential
in the functional sense but gyroscope-like sensory paper from 1982 (Patterson 1982), adding to the
organs that aid in flight, but do not produce lift. confusion about the nature of homology.
30 G.P. Wagner

Forewing Forewing



Hind wing

Coleoptera Character Identities:

Forewing = Elytra

Hind wing = Haltere


Character States:

Wing blade, haltere, elytra

Hind wing

Fig. 2.1 Illustration of the difference between character between hindwings and halteres, which means that they
states and character identities. Ancestrally, pterygot are homologous but have different character states, either
insects have two wings, a forewing and a hindwing. In as a wing blade or as a haltere. In coleopterans, in con-
dipterans the hindwing is transformed into a club-shaped trast, the forewing is replaced by a protective cover called
appendage called haltere. The haltere acts as a gyroscopic elytra. The elytra is clearly homologous to forewings but
sense organ in flight. Clearly, there is historical continuity is a derived character state

Given that the homology concept never was for what it was intended, to describe character
meant to describe corresponding character states identity, i.e., “the same organs under any variety
(see above) and that body part identity and body of form and function.” In that sense apomorphy
part phenotype reflect different dimensions of is the broader concept since it encompasses both
organismal structure, it seems more productive to shared derived character identities and shared
recognize that the term “apomorphy” is the broader derived character states. In contrast, homology, as
concept than homology. Apomorphy applies to any originally conceived by Owen and Lankester, only
inherited biological attribute that has historical refers to shared derived character identities.
continuity. In contrast, homology is better reserved In formal terms one can say that

Apomorphy = {shared derived character identities, shared derived character states}

And thus homology is not equal to apomorphy, as Homology ® Apomorphy

Patterson proposed, but rather part of or a special I think this modification of Patterson’s pro-
case of apomorphy: posal leaves intact what he intended, namely,
Homology Ì Apomorphy that apomorphy is the broader and in a way
more fundamental concept, and it recognizes
Homologies are a subset of apomorphies, or the need to distinguish between body part iden-
homology implies apomorphy but not the other tities and body part phenotypes (character
way around: states).
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 31

The Genetic Basis of Character that homology cannot be synonymous with iden-
Identity tity of genetic information.
An important hint of how to solve this conun-
All the discussion in this section so far is useful drum came from the comparative developmental
to sort out unnecessary confusion around the genetics of the Ubx gene in insects (Deutsch
homology concept but does not address the most 2005). The Ubx gene was discovered because of
fundamental problem of the homology concept: the effect on the haltere of a loss-of-function
What do we really mean when we talk of “the mutation. Loss of Ubx function leads to a trans-
same organ under any variety of form and func- formation of the haltere into a more wing-like
tion”? How can anything be “the same” in spite appendage. Subsequently, it was shown that Ubx
of any degree of morphological dissimilarity suppresses a number of genes that have been
and difference in biological role? What do we shown to be important in the development of a
mean by “the same”? This problem is not even wing blade (Weatherbee et al. 1998). A reason-
addressed by the evolutionary reinterpretation able interpretation of these results was that Ubx is
of homology by Lankester, since it asks us to perhaps an “anti-wing blade” gene. This idea was
know what he means when he says that two tested by documenting Ubx gene expression in a
organs A and B are derived from the same organ four-winged insect, the butterfly Junonia.
C in a common ancestor. All the evolutionary Thereby, Ubx was found to be expressed in the
notion of homology adds is a historical dimen- developing hindwings of Junonia, clearly show-
sion, namely, that of evolutionary continuity, ing that Ubx is not an “anti-wing blade” gene
but does nothing to answer questions of what (Weatherbee et al. 1999). The decisive evidence
sameness really means and how to recognize it that Ubx is really involved in character identity,
(Wagner 1994). rather than wing shape development, came from a
The situation is not helped by the well- study of Ubx function in the beetle Tribolium cas-
documented fact that clearly homologous struc- taneum (Tomoyasu et al. 2005). A knockdown of
tures can have quite different developmental Ubx during Tribolium development leads to two
genetic underpinnings (Roth 1988; Wagner and pairs of elytra. Since elytra are only formed in
Misof 1993; Sommer and Sternberg 1994; Wray forewings and two pairs of elytra do not make any
and Abouheif 1998; Hall 2003; Hallgrimsson functional sense, it is clear that the knockdown of
et al. 2009). Celebrated examples are vulva devel- Ubx leads to a loss of hindwing identity and the
opment in nematodes (Sommer and Sternberg establishment of a default identity, namely, that of
1994) and segmentation among insects (Damen a forewing (Deutsch 2005). In other words, the
2007). Advances in developmental genetics have role of the Ubx gene is to determine hindwing
clearly documented developmental variation of identity or more broadly metathorax identity. Ubx
homologous characters, but this insight is as old function is not tied to a particular hindwing phe-
as experimental developmental biology itself. notype, or hindwing character state, but is neces-
For instance, Spemann and Mangold documented sary for hindwing identity, regardless what the
differences in the requirement for inductive sig- shape or the function of the hindwing is in the
nals for lens development in different species of respective species. Accordingly, Ubx in wing
anurans. Spemann made an attempt to reconcile development plays the role of a character identity
his experimental work with his experience as a gene, which led to the hypothesis that character
comparative anatomist, and his conclusion was identity is determined by character identity net-
negative. There was no way for him to relate works (ChIN, (Wagner 2007)).
his anatomical work to his experimental devel- The second observation was that putative
opmental work (Spemann 1915). In 1971 Gavin ChINs are much more conserved than the induc-
de Beer published a small monograph with the tive signals that initiate the development of a body
telling title Homology: An Unsolved Problem part of a cell type. Examples are the eye gene
(de Beer 1971), where he also compiled evidence regulatory network (Friedrich 2006), the segment
32 G.P. Wagner

polarity gene network which could be understood and does not determine a certain phenotype. The
as the ChIN for insect segments, and the gene role of ChIN is to enable the expression of differ-
regulatory network underlying the development ent sets of realizer genes. In this model, the sepa-
of paired vertebrate appendages (fins and limbs). ration of gene regulatory networks responsible
From these three observations derives the hypoth- for character identity and genes responsible for
esis that character identity is rigidly linked to the the phenotype of the character explains how a
activity of ChINs, while character states are deter- character can be “the same regardless of any vari-
mined by the set of realizer genes that are regu- ety of form and function.”
lated by the genes in the ChIN. Realizer genes are The role of ChINs can be understood by plac-
genes that code for proteins that do physiological ing them into the basic hierarchy of development.
work, e.g., enzymes, extracellular matrix proteins, There are three functional roles to be distin-
and cytoskeletal molecules. A concept that is guished in the development of any body part:
closely allied to the ChIN model is that of core positional information, character identity deter-
regulatory networks of cell types (Graf and Enver mination, and execution of the phenotype
2009) or the terminal selector genes of cell types (Fig. 2.2). Positional information signals tell the
(Hobert 2011). Core regulatory networks and ter- cell where it is in the embryo and what “it is sup-
minal selector gene networks are the ChINs for posed to do.” The examples cited above show that
cell type identity. this level of the developmental hierarchy can be
If the phenotype of a character is not deter- highly variable even for homologous characters.
mined by the ChIN genes, what is? Since the These signals in turn activate the character
same character can have different phenotypes but identity network which translates the positional
still be determined by the same ChIN genes, the information into a distinct gene regulatory net-
role of the ChIN is “abstract,” i.e., not bound to work state that determines the developmental and

Can be highly variable

Positional Information Signals
between species

Usually conserved and

tied to character identity
Character Identity Network

Phenotype Execution Focus of adaptation

Realizer Genes

Fig. 2.2 The principal functional roles of genes in development: positional information, character identity determina-
tion, and execution of the phenotype (for more explanation, see text)
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 33

evolutionary identity of the body part. The mem- easily reverted in evolution. However, there are
bers of the ChIN are usually transcription factor differences in character states that are more radi-
genes or transcriptional cofactor genes. The role cal and fundamental than mere shape and size
of the ChIN then is to regulate the expression of differences and which need to be recognized,
a set of “realizer genes.” These are genes that since they are subject to intense study and often
produce proteins that do physiological work such mark important evolutionary transformations.
as enzymes, extracellular matrix proteins, and I am thinking here of character transformations
cytoskeletal proteins. The activity of these genes like the origin of the elytra in the stem lineage of
determines the phenotype that confronts the coleopterans. Forewings and elytra are clearly
environment. For that reason, these genes and corresponding body parts and thus are homologs.
their regulation are the primary target of natural Nevertheless, there is something fundamentally
selection and thus are the focus of adaptive evo- different about wing blades and elytra that asks
lutionary change. for recognition. I proposed to call classes of char-
The notion that character identity is decoupled acter states that mark radical transformations of
from character states or phenotype is now broadly the same body part as character modalities
accepted in the case of genes. Genes are homolo- (Wagner 2014).
gous (or better orthologous) when they are derived For instance, pectoral fins and forelimbs are
from the same gene in a common ancestor. This examples of different character modalities: two
definition applies regardless of how similar the sets of character states of the same organ, which
gene sequences are. What matters is historical differ so fundamentally that transitions between
continuity of the piece of DNA that codes for the these character state sets are rare. Character
protein rather than the degree of sequence similar- modalities represent two different ways of being
ity or the biochemical function of the protein the same character. Lineages tend to remain in
(Graur and Li 2000). It is true that sequence simi- one or the other modality for a long time. Clearly,
larity is a fairly reliable indicator for orthology, forelimbs have been derived from pectoral fins,
but orthology is not defined via similarity. but once they became limbs they never reverted
Orthology is discovered by similarity and even back to fins, even when they reacquire their func-
potentially applies when similarity is minimal. In tion as swimming organs (e.g., flippers in whales).
the same way, homology, or character identity of Recognizing character modalities implies that
morphological characters, is based on historical the character states representing these modalities
continuity and is not rigidly tied to similarity. differ in their developmental constraints. Each
Again the same logic applies. Morphological sim- modality has certain character states that are easy
ilarity is a way to discover potentially homolo- to realize and others are not, separating the set of
gous characters, but homology can hold even character states that represent the character modal-
among quite dissimilar body parts. ities (Fig. 2.3). Often, character modalities are
characterized by the presence or absence of char-
acter identities at a lower level of organization. For
CHARACTER MODALITIES instance, tetrapod limbs have digits but lack fin
rays. On the other hand, say, teleost fins have fin
Before we proceed to a more detailed discussion rays, but not digits. The developmental difficulty
of character identity networks, I want to address of “reinventing” fin rays after they were lost for a
another pattern of morphological variation that long time is likely one of the developmental con-
has been confused with character identity and straints that separate limbs from most fins.
needs to be discussed for clarity. In the previous Character modalities do not need to be distin-
sections, the emphasis was on the distinction guished by the presence or absence of certain sub-
between the identity of a body part and its char- sidiary character identities (e.g., fin rays within
acter states. Character states can be minor differ- paired fins), however. An example is classes of
ences in shape, size, or color, which may be flower symmetry, as documented by Ree and
34 G.P. Wagner

Pectoral Appendages


Type II innovation Gillraker


Type I innovation

Fig. 2.3 Character identities, character modalities, and different modes of pectoral appendages are called charac-
forms of innovation. Pectoral appendages and gill rakers ter modalities (Wagner 2014). Each character modality
are two character identities that may have been derived represents a large number of possible character states,
from a common ancestral structure according to symbolized here as black diamonds, with many possibili-
Gegenbaur’s theory (Gegenbaur 1876). Their origin ties of transformation among them. But the transition
would thus be a type I innovation, i.e., the origin of novel between the two character modalities is rare because there
character identities. Among the pectoral appendages, are only a few (in the illustration shown as just one) muta-
there are two major forms: pectoral fins and forelimbs. tional paths that lead from one character modality to the
Pectoral fins and forelimbs clearly represent the same other. The transition from one character modality to
character identity, i.e., forelimbs are derived from pectoral another is called a type II innovation
fins, but are radically different in their organization. These

Donoghue (1999). Symmetry classes are sets of evolutionary event than the origin of a novel
flower shapes that easily transform into each other character identity. This suggests to distinguish
but rarely mutated to a state in another symmetry between two kinds of novelties (Müller 2010;
class (for details, see Ree and Donoghue 1999). Wagner 2014): type I novelties can be called
Clearly, the origin of a derived character the origins of novel character identities like the
modality, like the fin-limb transition, is a sig- origin of a novel cell type. Type II novelties are
nificant event in the history of life. Intuitively the origination of a novel character modality,
they also qualify as evolutionary novelties. i.e., a largely irreversible transformation of the
Nevertheless, they represent a different kind of character state (Fig. 2.3).
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 35

Fig. 2.4 The character toy

identity network of the
insect compound eye. Note
that the induction of the
ChIN genes by toy
eventually leads to the ey
establishment of a positive
feedback which sustains
the expression of the core ?
ChIN member genes eya
(eyes absent), ey (eyeless),
so (sine oculis), and dac
(dachshund). Loss of any
one of these genes leads to SO eya
the loss of eye identity
(After Czerny et al. 1999)

Feedback regulation

CHARACTERIZATION OF positive feedback ensures co-expression of the

CHARACTER IDENTITY NETWORKS members of the core gene regulatory network and
also leads to a high degree of integration between
The comparison of a variety of character identity the members of the core regulatory network
networks (ChINs) from certain cell types and (Pavlicev and Widder 2015).
some multicellular characters, discussed in While the positive feedback among core regu-
greater detail in Wagner (2014), leads to a num- latory genes is widely acknowledged as a charac-
ber of preliminary generalizations that can be teristic of core regulatory networks (e.g., Graf
used as a guide to experimentally identify ChINs and Enver 2009), another equally important fea-
and their constituent genes. ture is receiving much less attention, although it
One broad generalization is that each charac- is experimentally well documented. That is the
ter, be it a single cell type or a multicellular fact that often some or all of the transcription fac-
anatomical structure, has a core of regulatory tors coded for by genes in the core regulatory net-
genes that are jointly necessary for the develop- work are functionally cooperating with each
ment of the focal character. This is most obvious other in regulating target genes. By functional
in the case of the core regulatory network of cooperativity, I mean the situation where two or
insect eyes (Fig. 2.4), where three of the partici- more transcription factor proteins have to physi-
pating genes have names that express the absence cally interact to effect the expression of their tar-
of eyes when the gene is mutated: eyeless, eyes get genes. Removing any one of them leaves the
absent, and sine oculis. remaining transcription factor proteins unable to
An explanation for the fact that some genes activate a certain target gene.
are jointly necessary for initiating the develop- Joint necessity, positive feedback, and tran-
ment of a character is that many of these net- scription factor cooperativity are the three
works are positive feedback circuits. Positive most important characteristics of ChIN genes
feedback locks the set of genes into what Eric (Fig. 2.5). This is a preliminary generalization
Davidson calls a “cross-regulatory embrace” based on a small number of examples but never-
(Oliveri et al. 2008), where the genes sustain each theless is specific enough to imply predictions
other’s expression (Fig. 2.4). Removing one of for the identification of ChINs and for research
the members of the feedback circle cuts the circle into the origin of novel character identities.
open and interrupts the self-sustaining character In order to explain how an evolutionary nov-
of the network structure. The requirement for the elty arises, it is necessary to explain the origin
36 G.P. Wagner

R1 R2




Fig. 2.5 Structure of a character identity network (ChIN). also influenced by some signals mediated by receptor pro-
The ChIN consists of a set of core regulatory genes (CRx) teins (Rx). Alternative character identities are realized by
that form a positive feedback to sustain each other’s activ- different ChINs. Alternative ChINs suppress each other’s
ity. The CR genes produce regulatory proteins, transcrip- activity via a variety of direct and indirect pathways, as
tion factors, and transcriptional cofactors, some of them indicated by the blunt arrows connecting the two alterna-
form a core regulatory complex (CRC). The CRC is the tive ChINs. The explanation of a type I innovation, the
principal regulatory agent. The CRC regulates down- origin of a derived character identity, requires us to
stream target genes (TGx) which are the realizer genes of explain how a novel core network evolved and how a
the model in Fig. 2.2. The activity of the CRC proteins is novel core regulatory complex evolved (dashed boxes)

of a novel ChIN. One would expect that the network structure and comparison will be
novel ChIN has the characteristic of a gene reg- discussed in the next section.
ulatory network with positive feedback. One
further predicts that the character-specific regu-
latory activities of the ChIN transcription factor THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
genes would include functional cooperativity OF CHARACTER IDENTITY
among the transcription factor proteins. Hence,
it is likely that, during the origin of a novel Concepts are only as useful as they enhance our
character, the involved transcription factor ability to learn from nature through further
genes will show signs of adaptive amino acid empirical investigation. For that reason this chap-
substitutions and derived cooperativity. The ter cannot stop short of addressing issues of how
former, adaptive evolution of transcription fac- the study of character identity and its evolution
tor proteins, can be tested by statistical sequence can take advantage of the technical opportunities
analysis with standard methods of sequence that are presented to the evolutionary biologist by
analysis, like the well-known dN/dS ratio meth- the advances of molecular biology. In this short
ods (Nei 1987). The latter, derived functional section, I will thus explain how I see the ideas
cooperativity, however, requires experimental summarized above (as well as in Wagner 2014)
methods where the transcription factors from can be put to work together with the techniques
different species are tested for their regulatory of functional genomics. First, I want to address to
activity (see, e.g., Lynch et al. 2008, 2011). what degree the experimental study of character
Methods for the study of gene regulatory identity affects the recognition of homology in
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 37

the comparative study of biodiversity. Then I either case the consequence is that characters or
want to discuss the natural connection between cell types can be thought of as forming a tree of
the idea of character trees as developed by Geeta descent, where the bifurcation events are either
(2003) and Oakley (2003, 2007) and the com- speciation events or type I innovations (Fig. 2.6),
parative study of cell and tissue transcriptomes. i.e., events in which an ancestral structure or cell
The phylogenetic ideas expressed in character type is replaced by two individualized parts or cell
trees naturally lead to the identification of candi- types in the descendant lineage. This logic sug-
date genes and thus lead us into the experimental gests that the evolutionary history of many char-
study of the mechanism of character individua- acters can be represented as a “character tree”
tion. Finally, I add a short section on a few tech- (Geeta 2003; Oakley 2003; Oakley et al. 2007).
nical issues on the comparative analysis of Character trees can be reconstructed using
transcriptomes. transcriptome data and phylogenetic methods
Even though models of gene regulatory net- such as parsimony and maximum likelihood. In
works play a central role in explaining the nature the case of cell types and even multicellular
of character identity, it is clearly neither necessary organs, transcriptomes have proven a powerful
nor reasonable to expect that every single homol- tool to infer character relatedness and also can be
ogy hypothesis is backed up with experimental used to identify candidate gene recruitment
genetic data. The classical indirect methods for events responsible for the origin of the new cell
supporting homology hypotheses are adequate in or character origination events (see, for instance,
all but a few cases (Remane 1952; Riedl 1978; Oakley et al. 2007; Arendt 2008). Transcriptomes
Patterson 1982; Rieppel 1988). Where experi- can be used as such to calculate a measure of phe-
mental characterization of ChINs is necessary is netic similarity or can be transformed into a table
for research programs that aim at investigating of 0/1 values representing genes that are either
the origin of evolutionary novelties, i.e., derived not expressed (=0) or expressed (=1). The justifi-
character identities (type I novelties; see above). cation for one or the other approach will be
Investigating the genomic underpinnings of novel discussed below.
characters is an increasingly important area of The reconstruction of the character tree from
evolutionary biology, and for that reason I will transcriptome data only requires that we use
provide a brief discussion of experimental meth- some phylogenetic reconstruction methods, like
ods used to identify the genes involved in charac- parsimony or maximum likelihood. Once we
ter identity determination and how to uncover the have a tree that is well supported and biologically
structure of the gene regulatory network underly- meaningful, we can use the character tree to iden-
ing character identity. tify genes that likely have been recruited at the
Homology implies that there are developmen- time of origin of certain character identities. That
tally individualized body parts that exhibit evo- means that the phylogenetic analysis of character
lutionary continuity. Very often novel body parts or cell type gene expression data can directly lead
are the result of differentiation of repeated, seri- to hypotheses about the genetic basis for the ori-
ally homologous body parts or characters (Riedl gin of the novel character (Kin et al. 2015). These
1978; Weiss 1990). This is, for instance, implied candidate genes can then be tested for their
in the so-called sister cell type model of cell type importance for the development of the derived
origination. This model assumes that new cell character identity by using any of the standard
types arise by sub-functionalization of an ances- knockout or knockdown experimental techniques
tral multifunctional cell type (Arendt 2008). The like morpholinos ® or RNAi and iCrisper. Hence,
same logic applies to many multicellular organs, reconstructing character trees is both an exercise
like the variety of arthropod eyes (Oakley 2003; in the reconstruction of evolutionary history and
Oakley et al. 2007), parts of angiosperm plants a step toward the identification of the underlying
(Geeta 2003), digit identity (Wang et al. 2011) genetic events responsible for the origin of a
or epidermal appendages (Musser et al. 2015). In derived character identity.
38 G.P. Wagner

speciation event

Type I innovation

Stem myodocopida

X Halocyprida

m Copepoda

Fig. 2.6 Structure tree of the eyes of myodocopid ostra- eye is a type I innovation represented by a node in the
cods according to Oakley et al. (2007). There are two eye structure tree. In addition, the tree contains nodes that rep-
types, a median (m) and a compound eye (c). The median resent speciation events, like the one that gave rise to the
eye is the ancestral form in this group and the compound myodocopid and the halocyprid lineages (Modified after
eyes evolved in the stem lineage of Myodocopida by Oakley et al. (2007))
developmental field splitting. Hence, the origin of the new

Technical Issues in the Use of types. The cell type tree then is a hypothesis of
Transcriptomes for the Study the cell type origination events in evolution.
of Innovation Using different cells from the same species in
a sister cell type analysis is the least challenging
This section focuses on the study of cell type or way to analyze the relationships among cell
tissue innovation. The development of larger types, since all the transcriptomes are mapped to
multicellular characters has a stronger spatial the same genome. This avoids a number of issues
component that needs to be addressed in ways that arise when cells from different species are
that we have limited experience with. The recon- compared. One of them is related to differences
struction of sister cell type trees can entirely be in the quality of genome annotations. Differences
done by using information about the transcrip- in genome annotation can lead to a variety of arti-
tomes of cells from one species. The idea is that facts in the normalization of RNA abundance
novel cell types arise from phylogenetic precur- measures. One source of artifacts is that the gene
sor cells that then differentiate into two closely models used in different genome annotations
related cell types. These new cell types will share could be of different size which leads to system-
much of their ontogenetic history and thus are atic differences in the normalization of RNA
expected to be also more similar to each other abundance measures. This problem can be
than any other cell type in this species to each of avoided if one uses gene models that only include
them (Arendt 2008). This is the idea of molecular orthologous regions of the genomes, i.e., regions
fingerprinting to identify closely related cell that are annotated in all species/genomes
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 39

compared. Finally, the set of genes included in expression levels. Fortunately, for mammalian
the RNA quantification needs to be restricted to cells the biochemical and the statistical methods
those that are 1-1 orthologs among all species are highly congruent and suggest a robust thresh-
compared and are all present in all the species. old that seems to be independent of cell type
RNA abundance measures are normalized to the (Hebenstreit et al. 2011; Kin et al. 2015). It is 1
total number of transcripts identified. If different RPKM or 2–3 tpm for pure cell samples, which
sets of transcripts are annotated in the genomes corresponds to about one transcript per cell
of different species, the RNA abundance mea- (Hebenstreit et al. 2011).
sures will be systematically different between Discretized gene expression data from the
species (Wagner et al. 2012). same species can then be analyzed like any other
In our work we have often used discretized categorical data, most easily by parsimony.
data, i.e., data that indicate whether a gene is Analyzing discretized expression data leads to
expressed in a particular cell or not. The rationale easily interpreted ancestral state reconstructions.
is that quantitative measures of RNA abundance These ancestral state reconstructions lead to
are prone to experimental artifacts either due to hypotheses about the gene expression profile of
cell culture conditions or the requirements for tis- the ancestral cell type and can also be used to
sue harvesting. On the other hand, the majority of infer candidate gene recruitment events associ-
the phylogenetic signal seems to be residing in ated with the origin of novel cell identities (Kin
differences between expressed and non-expressed et al. 2015). Among the candidate gene recon-
genes rather than in quantitative differences in structions, it is useful to eliminate genes that have
gene expression levels. expression levels in the gray zone around the
Discretization of RNA abundance data threshold of 2 tpm. For that reason it might be
requires a biological justification for the thresh- useful to discretize using a threshold interval, so
old used to categorize genes as either expressed that genes are considered non-expressed if they
or non-expressed. There are several methods have <1 tpm or expressed if they have, say, >6 tpm
available to justify such a classification thresh- and ignore all the genes that are in between. These
old. One is a statistical method, which assumes upper and lower thresholds, which should be cho-
that the distribution of RNA abundance across sen to bracket the biologically meaningful thresh-
species consists of two components. One is a old of 2 tpm, are arbitrary and can be tuned to
broad distribution of expression levels of genes limit the number of candidate genes considered.
that are actively transcribed. The other is a distri- While cell type and tissue type trees can be
bution of RNA abundances that comes from non- reconstructed from data from a single species,
expressed genes, i.e., RNA transcripts due to these data do not allow to place a particular
leaky transcription (Wagner et al. 2013). This innovation event on the species phylogeny, since
model is compared to the observed RNA abun- the bifurcation events on the cell type tree are
dance distribution, and a nonlinear regression is not attached to a particular phylogenetic branch.
performed to determine the parameters of the There are two principal ways to proceed to a
mixed distribution model. The threshold is then more specific evolutionary scenario. One could
placed at the expression level that corresponds to think of combining transcriptome data from dif-
a small probability of expression due to leaky ferent species on the same tree and thereby also
transcription. For a variety of samples from cells, establish the homology of corresponding cell
this is about 2 tpm (transcripts per million, types across species. The problem, however, is
Wagner et al. 2012) which corresponds to about that the transcriptomes of homologous cell
1 RPKM, aka “reads per kilobase and million types and tissues from different species not only
reads” (Mortazavi et al. 2008). carry the signal of their homology but also a sig-
An alternative method comes from comparing nature of species-specific modifications. In
the histone modifications specific for active pro- other words, when we compare transcriptomes
moters (H3K4me1) with the associated RNA from different species, we are dealing with both
40 G.P. Wagner

a cell type-specific and a species-specific signal. nation. Ultimately, one would like to reconstruct
The resulting tree often then sorts the samples the evolutionary history of the gene regulatory
first by species and then by character related- networks that led to the origin of novel cell type
ness. Only if the divergence of gene expression and character identities rather than just the gene
among the cell types is very strong compared to sets themselves.
that of the species can the tree reflect both the Experimental gene regulatory network recon-
character relatedness and the homology among struction has been a laborious enterprise requir-
cells from different species. In these cases the ing many person-years and large amounts of
relatedness structure is often not very interest- money to reconstruct the gene regulatory
ing, i.e., it is not surprising to find that muscle network of a single cell in a single species
cells are related to muscle cells and less so to (Davidson 2001). More recently, methods have
nerve cells (Brawand et al. 2011). In most cases been developed that have the potential to be scal-
where there is an interesting biological question able, i.e., can be used on more than one cell type
to be answered, the species signal tends to over- and more than one species with a reasonable
whelm the signal for the homology among the amount of effort. As many other methods, they
cell types. There are a variety of ways to pro- only rely on the availability of the genome
ceed from this point. sequence of the species and living cells. These
The simplest way to address the issue of methods all are a form of foot printing of acces-
strong species signal is to analyze the cell or tis- sible chromatin regions (Neph et al. 2012a, b;
sue type data from each species independently Buenrostro et al. 2013). They mainly differ in
and see whether the resulting trees are congruent. the biochemical method of probing for accessi-
Congruent cell type trees suggest both robustness ble chromatin regions, but their basic idea is
of the result and also correspondence of the cell similar.
types included. This interpretation requires that The logic of these methods is that expressed
the two species represent lineages that bifurcated genes and the cis-regulatory regions that regu-
after all the most recent cell type innovation late them are characterized by “open” chroma-
events, i.e., when both species have only strictly tin, i.e., parts of the chromatin where the DNA
homologous cell types. is less protected from degradation. A sample of
The other direction to pursue is to try to sepa- chromatin extracted from a cell population is
rate the species signal from the character-spe- subjected to a degradation agent (DNAse I or
cific signal and then analyze the data that only hyperactive transposase), and the so-produced
contains the cell type signal. Ideally, then DNA fragments are extracted and sequenced.
homologous cell types would fall out as inde- The sequences are then mapped back onto
pendent clades. To my knowledge there is no the genome, which gives a map of where in the
reliable method to eliminate species signals. genome the cells have open chromatin. In addi-
This is an important problem in comparative tion, one can map the frequency of cut sites, i.e.,
transcriptomics. the exact location where the DNAse cut the DNA
or where transposable elements were inserted.
The expectation is that at sites where the DNA is
Gene Regulatory Network associated with a transcription factor, the DNA is
Reconstruction protected from cutting. Hence, when one finds a
“valley” of cut site frequency in a region of open
The comparative analysis of transcriptomes is a chromatin, this small region is likely bound by a
powerful tool to reconstruct cell type history and transcription factor in the cells analyzed. Which
gene recruitment events. This method, however, transcription factor binds at such a “footprint”
is limited in its ability to uncover the functional cannot be directly observed with these methods.
relationships among the regulatory genes that In many cases, however, the transcription factor
mediate their role in character identity determi- can be inferred from the DNA sequence under the
2 Homology in the Age of Developmental Genomics 41

footprint. Classes of transcription factors tend to standards of evidence required to take advantage
bind to characteristic DNA sequence motifs, and of these new opportunities. With intellectual dis-
many of the motifs are known. Any transcription cipline, I mean clarity of what the questions are
factor binding upstream of a gene is a potential that we try to address and what the alternative
upstream regulator of this gene. models are we want to discriminate between. Too
The footprinting method outlined above can be often one finds in the morphological literature
used to infer the structure of a gene regulatory statements about the presence or absence of a cell
network. If we restrict our attention only to the or a character without clarity what the criteria are
upstream regions of all known transcription factor that the author used to come to a particular con-
genes, then this method can be used to reconstruct clusion. Also, it is necessary to distinguish
the structure of the core regulatory network. The between what we observe and what we infer. For
footprints upstream of transcription factor genes instance, it was necessary to distinguish the rela-
lead to a network of transcription factor genes that tive positions of digits in the hand of birds or
regulate other transcription factor genes (Neph skinks and to clearly distinguish these designa-
et al. 2012a). Among those regulatory connec- tions from the inferred character identities (e.g.,
tions must also be the ones that constitute the cell Young et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2011).
type identity network. Intellectual discipline is also necessary for
The attraction of the methods outlined above making sure we are explicit about distinctions
is that in principle each reconstruction of a gene that reflect different biological realities. The ori-
regulatory network is based on a single experi- gin of paired appendages, i.e., the origin of novel
ment (as well as a lot of sequencing and compu- body parts, is a different kind of evolutionary
tation). Thus, this method of reconstructing gene process than the transformation of paired fins
regulatory networks is scalable, i.e., can be per- into limbs. To call both of them novelties is not
formed on many cell types and species in one useful, since these are different kinds of pro-
study. This amount of data is required to study cesses, just as it is necessary to distinguish
the dynamics of gene regulatory network evolu- between adaptation (due to natural selection) and
tion and thus the evolution of character identity speciation (which may or may not be related to
networks. It will be exciting to see how to over- natural selection). Also, it will be critical to
come the inevitable practical problems associ- develop widely accepted standards of evidence
ated with this class of methods. for this field of research. This will be a painful
and controversial process but one we cannot do
Acknowledgments I thank Professor Andreas Wanninger
for the invitation to participate in this important project as
The study of body plan diversity and evolution
well as for comments and corrections to a previous ver-
has its roots in the beginnings of modern biology sion of this paper. I am also grateful to Jake Musser for
in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and at suggestions and edits of the manuscript. Finally, I thank
times seemed to have been superseded by the all current and former members of my lab for intellectual
companionship during the long time these ideas were
study of molecular and cellular mechanisms. In
recent years, however, the molecular methods
have matured to a degree that enables the return
to questions that seemed inert to a mechanistic References
understanding. These are questions of character
identity, cell type identity, body plan innovations, Amundson R (2005) The changing role of the embryo in
and others. These techniques, with all their evolutionary thought: roots of Evo-Devo. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, xii, 280pp
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Arendt D (2008) The evolution of cell types in animals:
community interested in these questions does not emerging principles from molecular studies. Nat Rev
afford the intellectual discipline and rigorous Genet 9:868–882
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Embryology in Deep Time
Philip C.J. Donoghue, John A. Cunningham,
Xi-Ping Dong, and Stefan Bengtson

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
P.C.J. Donoghue (*) • J.A. Cunningham
School of Earth Sciences, Life Sciences Building,
University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK
X.-P. Dong
School of Earth and Space Sciences,
Peking University, Beijing, China
S. Bengtson
Department of Palaeobiology,
Nordic Center for Earth Evolution,
Swedish Museum of Natural History,
Stockholm, Sweden

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 45

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_3, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
46 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

INTRODUCTION based on the redescription, reinterpretation, and

augmentation of knowledge of fossils that had
For anyone who has cared for animal embryos, it been described long before or the discovery of
beggars belief that these squishy cellular aggre- new fossils from the deposits that had, on re-
gates could be fossilised. Hence, with hindsight, it examination, previously yielded embryonic
is possible to empathise with palaeontologists who remains. There was palpable excitement in these
found such fossils and, in their naming of early days that an extra dimension to the fossil
Olivooides, Pseudooides, etc., drew attention to record had been revealed and evolutionary biolo-
their likeness to animal eggs and embryos but with- gists would soon be integrating the embryology
out going so far as to propose such an interpreta- of trilobites, ammonites, and anomalocaridids,
tion. However, in 1994, Zhang Xi-guang and Brian with that of their living kin, effecting tests of
Pratt described microscopic balls of calcium phos- developmental evolution that would be as direct
phate from Cambrian rocks of China, one or two of as possible without the aid of a time machine, set-
which preserved polygonal borders that resembled tling centuries-old debates over the plesiomorphy
blastomeres on the surface of an early cleaving ani- of gastrulation modes and the like (Donoghue
mal embryo (Zhang and Pratt 1994). In retrospect, and Dong 2005). Indeed, embryos and larvae of a
these fossils are far from remarkable, some of them great diversity of animals have been reported,
may not be fossils at all, and it is not as if anyone including stem-metazoans (Hagadorn et al.
ever conceived Cambrian animals as having lacked 2006), sponges (Chen et al. 2000, 2009a), cnidar-
an embryology. But Zhang Xi-guang and Brian ians (Bengtson and Yue 1997; Kouchinsky et al.
Pratt dared the scientific world, not least their fel- 1999; Yue and Bengtson 1999; Chen et al. 2000,
low palaeontologists, to believe that the fragile 2002, 2009a; Chen and Chi 2005; Dong et al.
embryonic stages of invertebrate animals could be 2013), ctenophores (Chen et al. 2007), bilaterians
fossilised, that there was a fossil record of animal generally (Chen et al. 2000, 2006, 2009a, b), or,
embryology, that this record hailed from the inter- more specifically, arthropods (Chen et al. 2004)
val of time in which animal body plans were first and scalidophorans (Dong et al. 2004, 2005,
established, and that it had been awaiting discovery 2010; Donoghue et al. 2006a; Steiner et al. 2014),
in the rocks, for want of looking. The proof of this the majority of which are from the Ediacaran
concept came a few years later, when phosphatised Doushantuo Formation and the Early Cambrian
Cambrian fossils from China and Siberia were Kuanchuanpu Formation, both of South China.
shown to display indisputable features of animal Not all of these interpretations have withstood
embryonic morphologies (Bengtson and Yue scrutiny, principally because palaeobiologists
1997). In the case of Olivooides, a series of devel- and embryologists have been unprepared in
opmental stages from cleavage to morphogenesis interpreting these most remarkable of fossil
through hatching and juvenile growth could be ten- remains.
tatively identified; in Markuelia, the coiled-up
body of an annulated worm-like animal could be
clearly seen within its fertilisation envelope. DISINTERRING THE BIOLOGY
It is not as if palaeontologists had been sitting OF FOSSIL EMBRYOS
on their hands until then. There has long been a
strong tradition of assaying rocks of all ages, Given that the preservation of purported Ediacaran
including these, for microscopic phosphatic fos- and Cambrian fossil embryos extends beyond the
sils, principally conodonts (Donoghue et al. cellular to the subcellular and organelle level
2000) and elements of the enigmatic small shelly (Hagadorn et al. 2006; Huldtgren et al. 2011), it
faunas (Bengtson 2005), driven principally by seems that there might be a compelling case to
attempts to establish a global stratigraphy as a make direct comparisons to the embryos of living
basis for establishing a relative timescale for animals. However, fossils are not merely the
Earth history. Indeed, the majority of discoveries decayed remains of once living organisms, and,
of fossil embryos made subsequently have been somewhat ironically, exceptionally preserved
3 Embryology in Deep Time 47

Fig. 3.1 Biological features and A B

diagenetic artefacts in the Ediacaran
Doushantuo biota. (A–D) are
scanning electron micrographs,
(E–F) are synchrotron radiation
X-ray tomographic microscopy-based
reconstructions. (A) An alga from
Doushantuo with algal anatomy
preserved in a low atomic number
phase (black arrowhead); high
atomic number material encrusts the
algal cells and fills spaces between
cells (white arrowhead). (B) Detail of
the same specimen as (A) showing
that the high atomic number phase
consists of elongate crystals with
their long axes normal to the surface
of the alga (arrowhead). (C) An
embryo-like fossil with structures
interpreted as lipid vesicles or yolk
droplets within the cells. (D) Detail
of the same specimen as (C) showing
that the spaces between these
structures are filled by layered
diagenetic cements. (E) Embryo-like
specimen that preserves subcellular
anatomy including possible nuclei
(arrowheads). (F) Embryo-like E F
specimen that preserves only surface
anatomy. Parts (A–D) also figured by
Cunningham et al. (2012a); parts
(E–F) also figured by Cunningham
et al. (2012b). Relative scale bar:
(A) 50 μm, (B) 30 μm, (C) 145 μm,
(D) 27 μm, (E) 200 μm, (F) 125 μm

fossils are among the most difficult to interpret. (Fig. 3.1A–F), both within and between individual
This is because decay is an essential prerequisite carcasses. While some biological structures are
to the mineralisation of labile biological tissues, preserved by mineral impregnation or templating,
which is invariably mediated microbially (Briggs residual structures decay away to unrecognisable
2003). Thus, the biological substrates that are clumps of organic matter that serve as templates
available for mineralisation will not reflect per- for mineralisation or leave voids that are filled
fectly the in vivo condition, which will have been much later by percolating fluids rich in mineral
defiled by the heinous processes of death, autoly- ions during the process of sedimentary diagenesis.
sis, and microbial decay, at the very least. What is The resulting complex geode-like diagenetic min-
more, organic structures decay at different rates eralisation patterns can be readily mistaken for
and may be more or less predisposed to mineral original biological structure (Bengtson and Budd
replication by fossilisation. Hence, most excep- 2004; Donoghue and Purnell 2009). Fossilisation
tionally preserved fossils constitute a mineralogi- history can be further complicated by later phases
cal mélange of crystal growth on or within original of mineral growth that obliterate original biologi-
biological structures that will have undergone a cal and intervening diagenetic structure. All of
spectrum of decay across different structures this may be confused further by the laboratory
48 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

processes that palaeontologists use to recover the terised by comparatively large crystals (typically
fossils from the rock, which invariably employ tens of microns in length), and commonly a bot-
acids that exploit differences in the solubility of ryoidal texture (Fig. 3.1A–F). These two phases
the mineral comprising the fossil versus the min- of mineralisation are also invariably correlated
eral cement that binds the sedimentary rock, such to differences in elemental chemistry. By dem-
that the fossils may be recovered from the disag- onstrating these characteristics in fossils or fea-
gregated matrix. However, it can be difficult to tures from the same deposit whose biology can
control the pH and chemistry of these experi- be interpreted uncontroversially, it is possible to
ments, leading to artefacts introduced into the fos- discriminate mineral phases that preserve origi-
sils by etching or through removal or one or more nal biological structure in more controversial
of the phases of mineralisation introduced during fossils. In this manner, it has been possible to
their fossilisation history (Jeppsson et al. 1985). reject many claims for the presence of derived
Fossil embryos are far from immune from the embryonic animals in the Ediacaran Doushantuo
introduction of artefacts as a consequence of Formation (Cunningham et al. 2012a).
these processes of fossilisation and fossil
recovery (Xiao and Knoll 2000; Cunningham
et al. 2012a). Indeed, fossils interpreted to reflect ONTOGENY AND TAPHONOMY
the earliest stages of embryonic development are
simple geometric arrangements of spheroids that Discriminating the biology of preserved fossil
can themselves be difficult to discriminate from embryos is just the beginning of the process of
inorganic structures. However, in interpreting obtaining material insights into the embryology
these fossils, it can be difficult to move beyond of fossil organisms. The embryology of living
gainsaying and to obtain an objective approach to animals is difficult enough to study in itself, but
discriminating mineral phases that preserve bio- at least it is possible to observe the development
logical structure versus later phases associated of a single organism within a Petri dish. The
with the mineralisation of decayed remains, void study of fossil embryos requires that develop-
filling, or still later phases of mineral growth. mental stages are correctly identified as such
The interpretation of purported embryo fos- within a fossil assemblage, and there is no guar-
sils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation antee that all stages are preserved. The only
have proven particularly contentious, with insights we have into the relative preservation
claims of exceptional preservation of labile potential of different developmental stages is
structures matched by counterclaims that the based on experimental studies of the decay of
critical structures on which these interpretation Artemia salina, which showed quite surprisingly
are based merely represent void-filling cement that the rate of decay increases with develop-
fabrics (Xiao et al. 2000; Bengtson 2003; ment, from the encysted diapause stages through
Cunningham et al. 2012a). Cunningham et al. postembryonic larval stages through to adults
(2012a) discriminate these phases on the basis of (Gostling et al. 2009). When maintained under
their mineralogical fabric and elemental chemis- reducing conditions, the dead encysted embryos
try. Generally, the earliest mineral phases that remained stable as physical substrates available
preserve biological structure grow within organic for mineral replication, for a period of more than
substrates, and so the crystals are irregularly a year (Gostling et al. 2009), a timescale that is
arranged and comparatively small (typically at readily compatible with the establishment of con-
most only a few micrometres in length; ditions required for microbially mediated miner-
Fig. 3.1A–F). Void-filling phases of mineralisa- alisation of those substrates (Briggs et al. 1993).
tion nucleate on the existing mineral substrates Indeed, the long-term physical stability of embry-
and grow approximately perpendicularly to these onic structure post-mortem appears to be a gen-
substrates, yielding an aligned and centrifugally eral phenomenon for animal embryos in reducing
and centripetally layered mineral fabric charac- conditions (Raff et al. 2006; Gostling et al. 2008),
3 Embryology in Deep Time 49



Fig. 3.2 Experimental taphonomy of embryos of the the blastocoel within. (D) Unhatched blastula as in (C)
echinoid Lytechinus pictus. (A) The physical structure of but euthanised in seawater containing beta-mercapto
the 2-cell embryo is intact after 26 days post-mortem in ethanol; the component cells are intact, but they have
a medium of seawater and beta-mercapto ethanol to sim- lost adhesion and the blastocoel has collapsed. (E) Live
ulate the reducing conditions necessary for authigenic hatched blastula. (F) Hatched blastula as in (E) but
mineralisation. (B) The physical structure of the 2-cell euthanised in seawater containing beta-mercapto etha-
embryo has deteriorated as a consequence of autolysis nol; the component cells are intact but they have lost
and consequent lipid coalescence after just 5 h post-mor- adhesion and, in the absence of a fertilisation envelope,
tem in normal seawater. (C) Live unhatched blastula they have disaggregated (From Raff et al. (2006)) Scale
showing the columnar cells of the wall of blastula and bar: (A–F) 48 μm

perhaps in large part a consequence of the con- through the condensation of lipids (Fig. 3.2A, B).
sumption and replication of the original tissue, This process is halted or diminished under the
cellular, and/or subcellular structure by microbial reducing conditions required for fossilisation via
biofilms (Raff et al. 2008). Regardless, the authigenic mineralisation, when the gross physi-
insights afforded by Artemia into the relative cal integrity of early cleavage stage embryos can
preservation potential of developmental stages be maintained for weeks to months (Fig. 3.2A;
may go a long way to explain why deposits such Raff et al. 2006). However, within experiments,
as the Doushantuo and Kuanchuanpu Formations the component cells in later embryonic and
preserve some but not all developmental stages larval developmental stages can lose adhesion
(Gostling et al. 2009). and reorganise relative to their original in vivo
Even accepting that assemblages of fossil arrangement (Fig. 3.2C, F). Thus, though the
embryos preserve only snapshots into the integrity of component cells is maintained,
development of the component organisms, it is much of their biological context is lost such
important to consider whether or not the fossil- that evidence of a blastocoel, gastrulation, an
ised developmental stages faithfully reflect the archenteron, etc., can be lost as a consequence of
organisation of the embryo in vivo. Raff et al. the loss of cell adhesion (Fig. 3.2C, F; Raff et al.
(2006, 2013) have shown that through the process 2006). Furthermore, while during embryonic
of autolysis, cytological structure is disrupted stages the component cells remain associated
50 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

because they are enclosed within the fertilisation as yet, met by precious few species known from
envelope (Fig. 3.2C, D), postembryonic stages fossilised embryonic remains, described below.
are readily disaggregated, and evidence of the
origin of the component cells (Fig. 3.2E, F), if
fossilised, is lost entirely (Raff et al. 2006). Markuelia
Evidently, fossil remains of animal embryos
must be interpreted with great caution. The The first fossilised embryos to be described as
fidelity of their preservation can be beguiling, but such are attributable to Markuelia (Fig. 3.3A–C),
careful analysis of their mineralisation history, though they were then known only from cleavage
discriminating biology from geology and inter- stages and were interpreted as arthropod embryos
preting that biology in light of knowledge of (Zhang and Pratt 1994). Recovery of further
biases in the preservation of developmental material from the original site revealed the
stages and the faithfulness with which such fos- cleavage embryos to be associated with
sils reflect their original embryology, can yield Markuelia, an annulated vermiform organism,
material insights into developmental evolution. coiled into an approximation of a sphere, enclosed
Since some of the fossils are among the very old- within a fertilisation envelope (Fig. 3.3A–D;
est fossil evidence for the existence of animals in Zhang et al. 2011). However, Markuelia was
evolutionary history, the stakes could not be originally described much earlier as a globular
higher in our aim of uncovering the role of devel- fossil (<1 mm diameter) of unknown affinity with
opmental evolution in effecting the origin and parallel double-walled septa, from the Early
early diversification of animal biodiversity. We Cambrian of Siberia (Val’kov 1983, 1987). It was
now cast a critical eye upon fossil embryos them- later shown that these were fossilised embryos,
selves and evaluate competing interpretations of with spines associated with their transverse
their biological affinity and, consequently, their annulae and a series of paired and variably
evolutionary significance. recurved spines associated with their posterior
end (Fig. 3.3A, C, E, F; Bengtson and Yue 1997).
Markuelia hunanensis, M. qianensis, and M. spi-
FOSSIL INVERTEBRATE EMBRYOS nulifera are known species from the Middle and
Late Cambrian of South China, M. secunda from
The sum total of fossil remains of embryonic the Lower Cambrian of Siberia, M. lauriei and
stages of animal development does not extend far M. waloszeki from the Middle Cambrian of
beyond the initial deposits from which they were Australia, as well as undetermined species from
reported, the Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu and the Lower Ordovician of the USA (Donoghue
Pestrotsvet Formations, Middle Cambrian Gaotai et al. 2006b; Dong et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2011).
Formation, and the Ediacaran Doushantuo Affinities to lobopods (extinct onychophoran-
Formation, though possible eggs and embryos like panarthropods; Bengtson and Yue 1997),
have been recovered from a small number of annelids (Bengtson and Yue 1997), and halkieri-
other deposits in the Middle Cambrian through ids (armoured worms currently interpreted as
Early Ordovician. Some of these reports are tenu- stem-mollusks; Conway Morris 1998) were con-
ous and constitute little more than spheroids sidered until discovery of specimens preserving
comprised of calcium phosphate or silica that are the anterior end of the organism revealed a termi-
more or less filled with diagenetic cement (Lin nal mouth surrounded by rings of teeth-like scal-
et al. 2006; Pyle et al. 2006; Broce et al. 2014; ids. This narrowed phylogenetic debate to the
Mathur et al. 2014). Whether or not these fossils clade Scalidophora, which is comprised of the
represent embryos and some are more convincing phyla Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, and Priapulida
than others (Broce et al. 2014), they constitute (see Vol. 3, Chapter 1), all characterised by the
little more than curios of fossilisation until they presence of circumoral rings of scalids associated
can be joined with other developmental stages with their introvert (Dong et al. 2004). A more
and their phylogenetic affinity constrained precise affinity can be established for Markuelia
(Donoghue and Dong 2005). These criteria are, based principally on details of the number of
3 Embryology in Deep Time 51

Fig. 3.3 Markuelia, a A B

scalidophoran from the
Cambrian of Australia,
China, and Siberia and the
Ordovician of the USA,
known only from
embryonic stages of
development. (A–L)
Markuelia waloszeki
(Dong et al. 2010) from the
Cambrian of Australia. (A,
B, D) are scanning electron
micrographs; (C, E–L) are
synchrotron radiation
X-ray tomographic
reconstructions. (A)
Embryo with tail (centre)
and head (upper right)
juxtaposed. (B, D) Same
embryo rotated to show the
opposing sides, revealing
the annulated trunk coiled
in a broad S-shaped loop.
(C) Virtual model of the
same embryo (in broadly
the same orientation as in
(A)) derived from
synchrotron tomography
characterisation of the
fossil, showing the
tooth-like scalids within
the head. (E, F) Three
pairs of tail spines,
recurved ventrally, oriented
about anal opening. (G–L) E G I K
The assemblage of scalids
that comprise the introvert,
viewed from rostrum (G, I,
K) and lateral (H, J, L).
These specimens were
figured by Dong et al.
(2010). Relative scale bar: H L
(A–B) 47 μm, (C–D)
50 μm, (E–F) 24 μm, F
(G–L) 25 μm

scalids arranged in the first three rings around the dophoran (Dong et al. 2004, 2005, 2010;
mouth cone (8-8-9), comprising 25 longitudinal Donoghue et al. 2006a; Harvey et al. 2010; Duan
rows (Fig. 3.3G–L). Such characters, along with et al. 2012). It is not known whether the extensive
a terminal anus surrounded by three pairs of annulation of the trunk of Markuelia reflects seg-
bilaterally arranged spines (Fig. 3.3A, C, E, F) mentation, but it suggests that annulation may be
and the apparent absence of an armoured phar- a shared primitive feature of scalidophorans and,
ynx, resolve Markuelia as a stem-group scali- indeed, cycloneuralians.
52 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

Though Markuelia is known from cleavage (Fig. 3.4G, H). The nature of the internal anat-
(Zhang and Pratt 1994; Dong et al. 2004; Zhang omy of the adult has only been inferred based on
et al. 2011) and late embryonic stages (Bengtson an assumed hypothesis of affinity.
and Yue 1997; Dong 2007; Dong et al. 2004, A small number of specimens have shown that
2005, 2010; Donoghue et al. 2006a, b; Haug the external pentaradial symmetry is imposed
et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2011), little can be more fundamentally upon the internal anatomy
gleaned concerning its development, save that which has been preserved in only the most
because the late embryonic stages are readily rec- exceptional of circumstances, revealing a series
oncilable with adult scalidophorans, and cyclo- of circumference parallel walls with pentaradial
neuralians more generally, that Markuelia was a divisions and diverticulations, leading to an open
direct developer. This contrasts with living adapertural space otherwise occupied by an axial
loriciferans and the majority of living priapulids, pentaradial process (Dong et al. 2013; Han et al.
which are indirect developers. 2013). Additionally, a set of two juxtaposed
pentaradial objects has been described in associa-
tion with Olivooides and interpreted as ephyrae
Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites (juvenile medusae) in the process of strobilation
(budding in scyphozoan cnidarians; see
The olivooids, Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites, Chapter 6) (Dong et al. 2013).
are known only from the Early Cambrian Quadrapyrgites occurs in association with
Kuanchuanpu Formation of South China Olivooides, and in general terms its embryonic
(Fig. 3.4A–H). Two principal components of the and postembryonic growth and developmental
life cycle were originally described indepen- stages are identical to those described for
dently, viz., the cone-shaped postembryonic Olivooides, with the principal distinction that
theca stage hitherto named ‘Punctatus’ Quadrapyrgites is tetraradial (Steiner et al. 2014).
(Fig. 3.4F–H) and the embryonic stage Olivooides Debate over the affinity of the olivooids has
(Fig. 3.4D, E), which has taxonomic seniority. been wide-ranging, including echinoderms
Both the embryonic and postembryonic stages of (Chen 2004), scalidophorans (Steiner et al.
development in Olivooides exhibit pentaradial 2014), cnidarians (Bengtson and Yue 1997; Yue
symmetry, manifested through the apex and the and Bengtson 1999; Han et al. 2013), and diplo-
single terminal orifice which are folded in five blastic stem-eumetazoans (Yasui et al. 2013).
principal rays (Fig. 3.4D, F). The anatomy of the The hypothesis of echinoderm affinity is based
embryo is known mainly from features of its on little more than pentaradial symmetry and can
integument, which is ornamented by stellae that be rejected since the olivooids lack key echino-
resemble twisted bundles of fibres, approxi- derm apomorphies, not least a mineralised skel-
mately 10 μm in length (Fig. 3.4D, E). The eton comprised of calcite stereom (Dong et al.
embryo increases in size through the episodic 2013; Han et al. 2013; Steiner et al. 2014). The
release of striated integument from the orifice, scalidophoran interpretation is based principally
ultimately developing the tube-shaped character- on the general similarity between the theca of
istic of the postembryonic theca (Fig. 3.4G, H). olivooids and the lorica of loriciferans and larval
Indeed, the principal evidence supporting the link priapulids, together with similarities in general
between the embryonic and postembryonic symmetry and the requirement of the aperture to
stages of development is the stellate and striate open and close akin to a scalidophoran introvert
integument that envelops the embryo and the (Steiner et al. 2014). However, these similarities
base of the hatched theca (Fig. 3.4D, E, G, H; are vague, and the demonstrable absence of a
Bengtson and Yue 1997; Yue and Bengtson through gut and a scalid-bearing introvert are
1999). The theca expanded in length throughout incompatible with a scalidophoran interpretation
life through the episodic release of striate integu- of the olivooids. The diploblast stem-eumetazoan
ment from the otherwise closed aperture, reflected interpretation is based principally on the
in a series of circumferential growth rings assumption that a single specimen of theca,
3 Embryology in Deep Time 53

Fig. 3.4 Olivooides A B C

multisulcatus from the
Early Cambrian
Kuanchuanpu Formation of
South China, known from
embryonic and
postembryonic stages of
development. (A–C)
Associated cleavage and
gastrulation stages; (A,
D–H) are scanning electron
micrographs, and (B, C)
are synchrotron radiation
X-ray tomographic
(A) Cleavage embryo.
(B, C) Surface model
(blue) of putative gastrula
from synchrotron
tomography characterisa-
tion of the fossil, showing
the interpreted blastopore
as a deep sulcus (arrowed;
B) and cells (orange,
yellow) within, some of
which have been recon-
structed in 3D (C). (D, E)
Embryonic stages of F H
Olivooides with the
characteristic stellate
integument and remains of
the fertilisation envelope
obscuring the pentaradial
aperture. (F–H)
Postembryonic develop- G
mental stages with the
adapertural stellate
ornament retained from the
embryo and the character-
istic pentaradial aperture
through which the
additional striate integu-
mentary tissue is released
to increase the length of
the theca. Specimens
figured by Dong et al.
(2013) except for B and C
(figured by Donoghue et al.
2006a, b). Relative scale
bar: (A) 98.5 μm, (B–C)
145 μm, (D) 119 μm, (E)
144 μm, (F) 197 μm, (G)
282 μm, (H) 254 μm

which bears a diagenetic mineral plug beneath a misinterpretation of mineralised decayed

the aperture, reflects a miniature gut and infers remains as reflecting in vivo anatomy.
that the remaining theca constituted a vast The cnidarian interpretation of the olivooids
body cavity (Yasui et al. 2013). However, this is was based originally on comparison that had
54 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

been drawn between the theca and conulariids, an among extant cnidarians, known lineages in the
extinct group of cnidarians that have been inter- Cambrian underwent direct development.
preted as coronate scyphozoans (Conway Morris
and Chen 1992; Yue and Bengtson 1999), with
the theca interpreted as the sclerotised integu- Pseudooides
ment of the adult polyp (Chapter 6). The pattern
of direct development, from embryo to adult Pseudooides prima has also been described from
theca, is unusual for scyphozoans, specifically, the Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation
and cnidarians generally. The pattern of pentara- from a number of localities in South China
dial symmetry seen in Olivooides is also unusual (Fig. 3.5A–C; Qian 1977; Steiner et al. 2004a, b;
for cnidarians, as is the aperture which is difficult Donoghue et al. 2006a). After the initial descrip-
to rationalise with the presence of a polyp. Many tion as a globular microfossil of unknown affinity
of these concerns are diminished if not dismissed (Qian 1977), Steiner and colleagues recognised it
based on recent description of internal anatomy, as an embryo, typically 250–500 μm in diameter,
which Han et al. (2013) interpret (and likely characterised by a segmented ‘germband’ that can
grossly over-interpret) in the image of a cubo- extend around the majority of the diameter of the
zoan polyp. Details of this comparison are prob- fossil (Fig. 3.5A–C). The remainder of the surface
lematic, not least the evident fact that the embryo is undifferentiated, and no internal anatomy
of Olivooides develops into a sessile polyp (if it appears to have been preserved in any of the
is indeed a cnidarian), not a medusa, and what is material described to date (Donoghue et al.
more, the polyp stage of living cubozoans is 2006a). The segmented band pinches out at its
grossly reduced. Indeed, the principal points of extremity (Fig. 3.5A) and is divided longitudi-
similarity between the olivooids and cubozoans, nally along the midline and transversely into up to
as interpreted by Han and colleagues (2013), are twelve compartments (Fig. 3.5C). The centre of
cnidarian or at least medusozoan symplesiomor- the band may also be pinched before the central
phies (cf. Chapter 6). Thus, the internal anatomy compartments develop (Fig. 3.5B), leading to the
of olivooids, as evidenced by Olivooides, sup- inference that the compartments are added from
ports a cnidarian affinity at the least. Concerns the centre (Donoghue et al. 2006a). Steiner et al.
over differences in the pentaradial symmetry of (2004b) present specimens that indicate that the
Olivooides and the generally (but far from exclu- compartments develop through progressive divi-
sively) tetraradiality of cnidarians may certainly sion of a band that is initially undifferentiated
be dismissed on the description of Quadrapyrgites, save for the longitudinal furrow, without which it
which differs materially from Olivooides only in would be difficult to attribute the embryos to
terms of its tetraradial symmetry. Finally, the Pseudooides. A number of cleavage and gastrula-
description of minute pentaradial strobilating tion stage embryos have been attributed to
medusae in association with Olivooides would Pseudooides as opposed to co-occurring olivooids
appear to settle debate over its affinity (though (Fig. 3.4A–C), on the basis of their size (Donoghue
this is disputed by Steiner et al. 2014). In sum, et al. 2006a; Steiner et al. 2004b, 2014). None of
the available evidence supports the interpretation these data are particularly phylogenetically infor-
of the olivooids as medusozoan cnidarians, and mative, although Steiner et al. (2004b) associated
their similarity to scyphozoans must represent these embryos with fragmentary remains of an
either shared derived or shared primitive charac- arthropod or arthropod-like organism. The appar-
teristics; only a better understanding of the ent pattern of germband development, if that is
interrelationships of extant cnidarians and mor- what it represents, is extremely unusual for an
phological character evolution among them will arthropod or, indeed, any bilaterian (Donoghue
aid a more precise classification for the olivooids. et al. 2006a). Pseudooides requires further study
Either way, the olivooids evidence the fact that before its embryology, phylogenetic affinity, and
although indirect development is the norm evolutionary significance can be determined.
3 Embryology in Deep Time 55


Fig. 3.5 Scanning electron micrographs of Pseudooides which new segments are developed. (C) Twelve-segment
prima from the Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation germband without central pinch (These figures are repro-
of South China, known only from embryonic stages of duced with permission from the publishers from Steiner
development. (A, B) The segmented ‘germband’ with a et al. (2004b)). Relative scale bar: (A, B) 53 μm,
central pinch (arrowed), interpreted to the point from (C) 56 μm

Tianzhushania (Xiao et al. 1998). The Doushantuo Formation

varies in its composition throughout its broad
In addition to the well-accepted embryos from occurrence in South China, ranging from black
the Cambrian and lowermost Ordovician, there shales through cherts and phosphorites,
have also been more contentious reports of ani- although the purported fossils of animal
mal cleavage embryos (Fig. 3.6A–D; Xiao et al. embryos are preserved in calcium phosphate in
1998) from the Ediacaran (i.e., the final period both chert and phosphorite. In the phosphorite
of the Precambrian). The fossils in question are at least, the fossilisation occurred elsewhere,
from the Doushantuo biota of southern China and the fossils were resedimented and size
and are approximately 570 million years old sorted (Xiao et al. 2007).
56 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

Fig. 3.6 Embryo-like fossils

from the Ediacaran Doushantuo
biota assigned to the genera
Tianzhushania (A–D),
Spiralicellula (E), and
Helicoforamina (F); (A–D, F) are
synchrotron radiation X-ray
tomographic microscopy-based
reconstructions, while (E) is a
scanning electron micrograph.
(A) Tianzhushania specimen with
an ornamented outer envelope.
(B) Early cleavage stage of
Tianzhushania. (C) Early
cleavage stage of Tianzhushania C D
showing possible nuclei. (D)
Later cleavage stage of
Tianzhushania. (E) Spiralicellula
specimen showing cells coiled
helicospirally. (F)
Helicoforamina specimen
showing a single helicospiral
body (Parts A, B, D, and F also
figured by Cunningham (2012);
part C was also figured by
Cunningham et al. (2014); part E
was previously figured by Tang
et al. (2008)) Relative scale bar: E F
(A) 140 μm, (B, C) 105 μm, (D)
115 μm, (E) 200 μm, (F) 120 μm

The vast majority of putative embryos can and even subcellular details including possible
be assigned to the genus Tianzhushania (senior nuclei having been fossilised (Figs. 3.1E and
synonym of Megasphaera, Parapandorina, and 3.6C; Hagadorn et al. 2006). They have attracted
Megaclonophycus; see Yin et al. 2004). They much attention, not only because they could
would originally have been encased within represent the oldest animal fossils in the entire
a spinose cyst, but this has been lost in most record but also because they might potentially
specimens recovered through acid dissolution allow palaeontologists to study embryology at
of the surrounding matrix. Specimens range the time when animal body plans were first start-
from single cells through early cleavage stages ing to become established. However, other work-
(Fig. 3.6B, C) to those with thousands of cells. ers have challenged the animal affinities of these
Tianzhushania shares a number of features with fossils. Firstly, Bailey et al. (2007a, b) suggested
animal embryos including reductive division, that the embryo-like fossils might be better
Y-shaped junctions between cells, and a multi- interpreted as giant sulphur bacteria comparable
layered ornate envelope surrounding the cells to the extant Thiomargarita, which can reach
(Fig. 3.6A; Xiao 2002). These microfossils are 750 μm in diameter and undergoes reductive
preserved with remarkable fidelity with cellular division. This provided an explanation for the
3 Embryology in Deep Time 57

Fig. 3.7 A peanut-shaped fossil from the

Ediacaran Doushantuo biota. (A) Scanning A B
electron micrograph of a peanut-shaped
specimen preserving the ornamented outer
envelope. (B) Synchrotron radiation X-ray
tomographic microscopy-based surface
rendering of a peanut-shaped specimen.
(C) SRXTM section through the specimen in
(B). (D) Detail of an SRXTM section through
the specimen in (B) showing many cells.
These specimens were figured by
Huldtgren et al. (2011). Relative scale bar:
(A–C) 100 μm, (D) 36 μm


lack of associated later developmental stages. embryo-like fossils were in fact cyst-forming
Subsequent work has revealed a number of prob- protists. They showed that none of the characters
lems with this model. Bacteria do not produce that had been used to identify the fossils as ani-
structures with complexity of the ornamented mals are metazoan synapomorphies. Although
envelope that surrounds the fossils (Xiao et al. these features are compatible with an animal
2007), they do not have nuclei (Huldtgren et al. interpretation, they are at best animal symplesio-
2011), and they can only achieve this giant size morphies, found in more universal clades. Thus,
by means of a vacuole that takes up around 98 % the characters identified in the fossils and used to
of the volume, which is absent in the fossils evidence an animal interpretation may be neces-
(Donoghue 2007). Moreover, decay experiments sary to identify Tianzhushania as an animal, but
suggest that, unlike animal embryos, giant sul- they are not sufficient. Huldtgren et al. (2011)
phur bacteria would be unlikely to be preserved also reported fossils interpreted as later stages in
three-dimensionally because of collapse of the the life cycle of Tianzhushania, on the basis that
vacuole (Cunningham et al. 2012b). Secondly, they possess an identical ornamented envelope
Huldtgren et al. (2011, 2012) argued that the (Fig. 3.7A–D). These fossils have features that
58 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

cannot be reconciled with metazoan develop- have been associated together by various authors
ment. In particular, the specimens have hundreds (Tang et al. 2008; Huldtgren et al. 2011; Zhang
of thousands of cells and yet show no sign of tis- and Pratt 2014). These have been considered
sue differentiation – something that is present in as embryos (with Helicoforamina being the
all extant animals by this stage of development. single-celled stage), possibly representing the
While the authors could not definitively rule out embryonic stages of the enigmatic ctenophore-
a placement within the stem group of animals, like fossil Eoandromeda, which has eight spiral
they found that there was no evidence to place arms (Tang et al. 2008). Alternatively, they have
them here either. Others have suggested that the also been interpreted as cyst (Helicoforamina)
new fossils are not part of the life cycle of the and dividing stages (Spiralicellula) of protists
same organism (Xiao et al. 2012) and instead (Huldtgren et al. 2011) or green algae (Zhang and
present the same metazoan symplesiomorphies Pratt 2014).
as evidence of animal affinity. Additional work
to establish the variability of forms in the deposit
is needed to assess whether or not intermediate Other Candidate Embryos
developmental stages between the embryo-like from the Doushantuo Biota
forms and the new specimens exist.
A third possibility is that the fossils are There are different perspectives on the diver-
multicellular green algae. Before being inter- sity of the organisms represented by the embry-
preted as animals, the fossils were initially com- onic and larval stages from the Doushantuo
pared to the alga Pandorina by Xue et al. (1995), Formation, with some arguing for a diverse
and as a result the cleavage stages were named assemblage of animals, including derived bila-
Parapandorina. This interpretation has been terians (Chen et al. 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006,
resurrected in a recent comment by Butterfield 2009b; Chen and Chi 2005), while at another
(2011). This possibility requires further investi- extreme, others rationalise the majority of
gation but seems unlikely given that extant remains as representing one or a few species that
green algae like Pandorina maintain cell adhe- may represent only stem-metazoans (Hagadorn
sion in the cleavage stages by means of cyto- et al. 2006; Xiao et al. 2012), or else that all
plasmic bridges that are absent from the or a majority of such fossils may not repre-
fossils. sent animals or embryos at all (Bailey et al.
2007a, b; Huldtgren et al. 2011, 2012; Zhang
and Pratt 2014). Much of this equivocation will
Spiralicellula and Helicoforamina be resolved with debate over the phylogenetic
affinity of Tianzhushania; however, the interpre-
Associated with Tianzhushania, but much rarer, tation of a diverse biota is based principally on
are similar forms that differ in having each cell the spurious interpretation of diagenetic mineral
coiled into a spiral. These enigmatic forms are fabrics as preserving original biological struc-
assigned to the genus Spiralicellula (Fig. 3.6E) tures (Bengtson 2003; Xiao and Knoll 2000;
and also contain nucleus-like structures Xiao et al. 2000; Cunningham et al. 2012a).
(Huldtgren et al. 2011) and have also been consid- For instance, Li et al. (1998) described sponge
ered to be embryos. In addition, Helicoforamina embryos and larvae of sponges based on effec-
(Fig. 3.6F), a form with a helical groove running tively two-dimensional thin sections of rock;
around a spherical body, is also known from the however, the critical structures interpreted as
Doushantuo biota (Xiao et al. 2007). One sug- amoebocytes, blastomeres, flagellae, mesohyl,
gestion is that Helicoforamina is an elusive later a plasma membrane, porocytes, sclerocytes,
developmental stage of Tianzhushania, perhaps spongocoel, and spicules are indistinguishable
representing a coiled embryo of a vermiform from layered and clotted void-filling diage-
or tubular organism (Xiao et al. 2007). On the netic mineralisation, unrelated to the replica-
other hand, Spiralicellula and Helicoforamina tion of biological structure, that is common in
3 Embryology in Deep Time 59

phosphatised Doushantuo fossils (Xiao and

Knoll 2000; Hagadorn et al. 2006; Cunningham A
et al. 2012a). Similarly, Chen et al. (2000, 2002)
describe anthozoan gastrulae, larvae and polyps,
as well as hydrozoan gastrulae, although these
fossils preserve no more biological structure
than what may constitute a fertilisation envelope
infilled with an anastomosing diagenetic min-
eral cement. None of these records withstand
scrutiny (Xiao and Knoll 2000; Xiao et al. 2000;
Bengtson 2003; Cunningham et al. 2012a).

Other Records of Fossil Embryos

Phosphatised embryos have been described

from the Early Cambrian of Yakutia, Siberia
(Fig. 3.8A–C), that preserve a cross-like struc-
ture (Fig. 3.8A, B) that has been compared
to the appearance of micromeres on spiralian
blastula-stage embryos and to incipient tentacles
in cnidarian actinula larvae, substantiating a
tentative link to co-occurring anabaritids, long
considered cnidarians (Kouchinsky et al. 1999).
Silicified eggs and embryos have been described
from the Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota of Ghizou,
China (Lin et al. 2006); however, their phyloge-
netic affinity is unknown, and they provide no
material insights into embryology. C



The fossil record of embryos could hardly be con-

sidered representative. Precious few organisms
are represented by fossilised embryonic stages,
certainly not even those organisms known from
fossil remains in the same deposits, and those that
are preserved represent only a small proportion of
their embryological development. It is not clear
what, if anything, unites these organisms to jus-
tify the preservation of their embryological
stages. Indeed, it may merely be a conspiracy of Fig. 3.8 Scanning electron micrographs of putative cni-
environmental circumstances rather than any- darian embryos from the Early Cambrian of Siberia, known
only from these embryonic stages of development. (A, B)
thing more intrinsically biological. Ultimately,
Embryonic stage with cross-like structure. (C) Embryonic
however, there appear to be two principal classes stage with spicule-like structures on its surface. These spec-
of structures preserved: (i) dividing cells in early imens were figured by Kouchinsky et al. (1999). Relative
stages of palintomy (Doushantuo embryo-like scale bar: (A) 100 μm, (B) 103 μm, (C) 89 μm
60 P.C.J. Donoghue et al.

fossils), cleavage or gastrulation (Kuanchuanpu should focus on better resolving the biological
and Markuelia embryos), and (ii) cuticle and/or nature of fossils known to preserve embryologi-
integument, as in the case of Markuelia, cal stages and to prospect for new remains to
Olivooides, Quadrapyrgites, and possibly also better understand embryology in deep time.
Pseudooides. Primary larvae (as opposed the
arthropod larvae which dominate the Orsten Acknowledgments We would like to thank the TOMCAT
biota) are rarely preserved, and the record is dom- beamline scientists at the Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer
Institut, Marco Stampanoni, Federica Marone, and Julie
inated by large and, therefore, presumably yolky
Fife, and the researchers at Beijing, Bristol, and Stockholm
embryos. These taxonomic and developmental who have assisted in our research into fossil embryos over
biases may be explained by the inherent biases in the years: Chen Fang, Cheng Gong, Duan Baichuan, Peng
the pattern of decay seen in taphonomy experi- Fan, Zhi-kun Gai, Sam Giles, Neil Gostling, Jenny
Greenwood, Guo Wei, Sandy Hetherington, Therese
ments (Raff et al. 2006; Gostling et al. 2008,
Huldtgren, David Jones, Joe Keating, Liu Jie, Liu Zheng,
2009). The preponderance of large embryos may Duncan Murdock, Maria Pawlowska, Martin Rücklin,
not be a sampling bias for size since attempts to Ceri-Wynn Thomas, Zhao Yue, Chongyu Yin, and Zhang
control for this have failed to yield further discov- Huaqiao. We would also like to thank our colleagues with
whom we have enjoyed fruitful discussions on embryology,
eries in sites where embryo fossils are already
fossilisation, and embryo fossils over the years. Finally, we
known (Donoghue et al. 2006b). The absence of thank Andreas Wanninger for inviting us to contribute to
fossilised primary larvae in the embryo-bearing this wonderful and insightful volume on comparative
deposits may be a taphonomic artefact, and so it embryology of invertebrates.
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103:5846–5851 ecysting protists”. Science 335:1169
3 Embryology in Deep Time 63

Xue Y-S, Tang T-F, Yu C-l, Z C-M (1995) Large spheroidal Yue Z, Bengtson S (1999) Embryonic and post-embryonic
Chlorophyta fossils from Doushantuo Formation phos- development of the Early Cambrian cnidarian
phoric sequence (late Sinian), central Guizhou, South Olivooides. Lethaia 32:181–195
China. Acta Palaeontol Sin 34:688–706, In Chinese Zhang XG, Pratt BR (1994) Middle Cambrian arthro-
Yasui K, Reimer JD, Liu Y, Yao X, Kubo D, Shu D, Li Y pod embryos with blastomeres. Science 266:
(2013) A diploblastic radiate animal at the dawn of 637–639
Cambrian diversification with a simple body plan: Zhang X-G, Pratt BR (2014) Possible algal origin and life
distinct from Cnidaria? PLoS ONE 8:e65890 cycle of Ediacaran Doushantuo microfossils with
Yin C, Bengtson S, Zhao Y (2004) Silicified and dextral spiral structure. J Palaeontol 88:92–98
phosphatized Tianzhushania, spheroidal microfossils Zhang X-G, Pratt BR, Shen C (2011) Embryonic
of possible animal origin from the Neoproterozoic of development of a middle Cambrian (500 Myr old)
South China. Acta Palaeontol Pol 49:1–12 scalidophoran worm. J Paleontol 85:898–903
Bernard M. Degnan, Maja Adamska,
Gemma S. Richards, Claire Larroux, Sven Leininger,
Brith Bergum, Andrew Calcino, Karin Taylor,
Nagayasu Nakanishi, and Sandie M. Degnan

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
B.M. Degnan (*) • C. Larroux • A. Calcino
K. Taylor • N. Nakanishi • S.M. Degnan
Centre for Marine Science, School of Biological
Sciences, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
M. Adamska • G.S. Richards
Centre for Marine Science, School of Biological
Sciences, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular
Biology, University of Bergen,
Thormøhlensgt. 55, Bergen 5008, Norway
S. Leininger B. Bergum
Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular
Biology, University of Bergen, Biology, University of Bergen,
Thormøhlensgt. 55, Bergen 5008, Norway Thormøhlensgt. 55, Bergen 5008, Norway
Institute of Marine Research, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University
Nordnesgaten 50, Bergen 5005, Norway of Bergen, P.O. Box 7804, Bergen 5020, Norway

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 65

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_4, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
66 B.M. Degnan et al.

INTRODUCTION internal and external epithelial layers is the

collagenous mesohyl, which is enriched with
Poriferans (sponges) are sessile aquatic (largely multiple cell types, often including pluripotent
marine) animals that are found in almost all archaeocytes and skeletogenic sclerocytes
benthic habitats. There are an estimated 15,000 that fabricate siliceous or calcareous spicules
species living today, although many have not (Fig. 4.1). This juvenile/adult body plan is
been described (reviewed in Hooper and Van typically the outcome of the dramatic reorganisa-
Soest 2002). The sponge body plan is amongst tion of a radially symmetrical, bi- or trilayered
the simplest in the animal kingdom and lacks larva at metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is
nerve and muscle cells and a centralised gut deemed to be complete when the functional feed-
(reviewed in Simpson 1984; Ereskovsky 2010; ing juvenile is formed. This so-called rhagon or
Leys and Hill 2012). Their body plan and olynthus stage has been proposed to be the phylo-
ecology, and thus their evolution, appear to be typic stage for demosponges and calcisponges,
intimately associated with the diversity of micro- respectively (reviewed in Ereskovsky 2010). It is
bial symbionts they harbour (reviewed in often cited that poriferans lack true tissue-level
Hentschel et al. 2012; Thacker and Freeman organisation; however, there are numerous exam-
2012), as is the case with other metazoans ples of tissue- and organ-like structures and func-
(McFall et al. 2013). tionalities in both larval and adult forms (e.g., the
Sponges are separated from the external photosensitive pigment ring of many larvae).
environment by an epithelial layer, the exopinac-
oderm. External pores in this outer boundary
connect to an internal network of canals and Phylogenetic Position of Porifera
chambers, which are lined by epithelial endopi-
nacocytes and ciliated choanocytes, respectively. Porifera is traditionally regarded as the oldest
Choanocyte chambers pump water through this surviving phyletic lineage of animals and in the
internal aquiferous canal system, drawing food past was often relegated into its own subking-
into the sponge. This current also fulfils most of dom, the Parazoa. Recent molecular phyloge-
the sponge’s physiological requirements, netic analyses however have put forward a
including respiration and excretion. Between the range of alternative proposals that either support


Fig. 4.1 Juvenile poriferan body plan. (A) Diagram of a 3-day-old Amphimedon queenslandica juvenile showing
sponge with leuconoid aquiferous system. Water flows internal morphology. Archeocyte (a), choanocyte cham-
into the internal aquiferous system via the ostium and out ber (cc), endopinacoderm (en), exopinacoderm (ex),
via the osculum. The mesohyl is shown in blue and popu- ostium (o), osculum (os), sclerocyte (s), spicule (sp), and
lated by archaeocytes and other cell types, including spherulous cell (sph). Scale bar: 10 µm
sclerocytes and spherulous cells. (B) Optical section of a
4 Porifera 67



Fig. 4.2 Phylogenetic position of Porifera. Four and ctenophores may be sister taxa. This hypothesis is
hypotheses of the inter- and intrarelationship of sponges. supported by the striking similarity of the developmen-
These trees are largely derived from, and supported by, tal gene repertoires of the demosponge Amphimedon
recent phylogenomic datasets. The grey node in each queenslandica and ctenophores. (D) Paraphyletic
tree represents the last common ancestor to contempo- sponges with classes Calcarea and Homoscleromorpha
rary metazoans. (A) Porifera as the earliest branching more closely related to the Eumetazoa than to classes
metazoan phyletic lineage and sister to the Eumetazoa Demospongiae and Hexactinellida (Sperling et al.
(Ctenophora, Placozoa, Cnidaria, and Bilateria); one 2009); Ctenophora unresolved in this hypothesis. Note
possible tree topology is shown (Phillipe et al. 2009). that hypotheses that place placozoans in the most basal
(B) Ctenophora as the earliest branching metazoan phy- position within the Metazoa or within a clade consisting
letic lineage (Ryan et al. 2013; Moroz et al. 2014). (C) of them, sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophores (e.g.,
Porifera and Ctenophora form a clade separate from Schierwater et al. 2009), are consistently rejected based
Placozoa, Cnidaria, and Bilateria. Recent detailed phy- on current genomic and transcriptomic data and thereby
logenomic analyses raise the possibility that sponges not included in this figure

(e.g., Philippe et al. 2009; Srivastava et al. 2010) Thus, interpretations of the sponge body plan in
or reject this traditional view (Fig. 4.2; e.g., the context of metazoan evolution range from it
Schierwater et al. 2009; Sperling et al. 2009; representing a state similar to the last common
Ryan et al. 2013; Moroz et al. 2014). Specifically, ancestor (LCA) of contemporary metazoans to it
current points of debate are whether poriferans or being derived from a morphologically more
ctenophores are the sister group to all other complex LCA that possessed a gut, nerves, and
animals and whether sponges are monophyletic. muscles.
68 B.M. Degnan et al.

Fig. 4.3 Larval types mapped onto a recently and calcareous sponge Sycon ciliatum (Figure adapted
proposed poriferan phylogeny. Stars mark lineages from Worheide et al. (2012))
that include the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica

Phylogenetic Relationships ago, well before eumetazoan cladogenesis and

of Poriferan Classes the Cambrian explosion (Erwin et al. 2011).

Classes Demospongiae, Calcarea, Homosclero-

morpha, and Hexactinellida comprise phylum Developmental Commonalities
Porifera, with the Demospongiae being by far Within the Porifera
the most speciose. There is a growing consensus
that demosponges and hexactinellids (sponges Poriferans exhibit a wide range of embryonic and
with a syncytial body organisation) and cal- larval types that are formed through a diversity of
cisponges and homoscleromorphs form pairs morphogenetic processes, many of which appear
of sister classes (Fig. 4.3; Philippe et al. 2009; similar to those used during bilaterian develop-
Gazave et al. 2012; Woerheide et al. 2012; ment (Figs. 4.3 and 4.4). For instance, morphoge-
Hill et al. 2013; Redmond et al. 2013; Thaker netic mechanisms, such as cell delamination
et al. 2013). However, there currently exist two (e.g., the hexactinellid Oopsacas minuta; Boury-
broad views as to the exact relationship of these Esnault et al. 1999), ingression (e.g., the halisar-
classes, one in which they form a monophyletic cid Halisarca dujardini; Gonobobleva and
phylum (e.g., Philippe et al. 2009) and another Ereskovsky 2004), egression (e.g., the homoscle-
where a clade comprised of demosponges and romorph Oscarella sp.; Ereskovsky and Boury-
hexactinellids are separate from a clade com- Esnault 2002), and invagination (e.g., the
prised of calcisponges and homoscleromorphs halisarcid Halisarca dujardini; Gonobobleva and
+ eumetazoans (Fig. 4.3; e.g., Sperling et al. Ereskovsky 2004), are employed during sponge
2009). Regardless, it appears that these classes embryogenesis, albeit often in a taxon-restricted
diverged from each other over 600 million years manner. For detailed descriptions of sponge
4 Porifera 69

Fig. 4.4 Summary of the modes of poriferan development (Figure adapted from Ereskovsky (2010))
70 B.M. Degnan et al.

development, the reader is directed to the recent ciliated larva that metamorphoses and grows into
excellent and scholarly book by Ereskovsky a large, benthic adult that is sexually reproduc-
(2010) and other reviews (e.g., Leys 2004; Leys tive (Degnan and Degnan 2006, 2010; Ereskovsky
and Ereskovsky 2006; Leys and Hill 2012). 2010). The body plans of a majority of sponges
Regardless of the differences in external continually undergo remodelling and regenera-
characteristics of different sponge embryos, tion throughout their life although this is less
larvae, postlarvae, juveniles, and adults (see pronounced in some calcisponges (e.g., Sycon
Figs. 4.3 and 4.4), poriferan development ciliatum). Thus, the morphogenetic mechanisms
employs a similar morphogenetic toolkit to that and processes outlined above, along with the
used by more complex animals. These funda- processes of transdifferentiation and apoptosis,
mental features of development result from the are operational throughout the life of most
spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression and sponges (Ereskovsky 2010; Funayama 2012;
include the establishment of differential cell Nakanishi et al. 2014). This also applies to asex-
affinities, cell type-specific movements, and ual reproduction, which is not covered in this
structural changes and the regulation of cell chapter.
proliferation and death. As we will see in later
sections, the localised expression of transcription
factor genes is likely to play a central role in The Demosponge Amphimedon
establishing differential patterns of gene queenslandica and the Calcareous
expression in sponges, just as it does in more Sponge Sycon ciliatum
complex animals. Further, mechanisms such as
asymmetric cell division, cytoplasmic determi- As outlined above, sponge development is
nants, and intracellular signalling probably con- as varied as in any other phylum, and this
tribute to the specification and determination of chapter does not attempt to cover this diver-
cell identity in sponges. Other symmetry-break- sity. Instead, here we focus on two species
ing processes, such as morphogen gradients, also for which a majority of developmental gene
appear necessary for the formation of the porif- expression patterns currently exist, the demo-
eran body plan. sponge Amphimedon queenslandica and cal-
It is well accepted that multilayered porif- careous sponge Sycon ciliatum. Analysis of
eran body plans form through a series of mor- developmental gene expression, combined
phogenetic processes underpinned by a with experimental analysis of embryogene-
combination of differential cell affinities and sis and metamorphosis, provides a means for
movements, but it remains a point of debate as more detailed and accurate comparisons of
to whether sponges gastrulate or possess germ sponge and eumetazoan development. Both
layers (e.g., Leys 2004; Ereskovsky 2010; A. queenslandica and S. ciliatum have well-
Leininger et al. 2014; Nakanishi et al. 2014). annotated draft genomes supported by exten-
Perhaps less contentious, most morphogenetic sive developmental transcriptomes (Srivastava
movements in sponges can be viewed in the et al. 2010; Anavy et al. 2014; Leininger et al.
context of epithelial and mesenchymal cell 2014). Importantly, these sponges differ mark-
behaviours and interactions. That is, during the edly in their mechanisms of development. As
course of development, sponge cells can operate demosponge and calcareous sponge lineages
semi-autonomously or in partially or fully inte- most likely diverged well before the Cambrian,
grated layers and have the capacity to migrate a comparison of A. queenslandica and S. cilia-
into or from a cell layer as an individual or a tum genomes and development has the poten-
group (reviewed in Ereskovsky 2010). tial to provide insights into their common
With few exceptions, sponges have a biphasic ancestor, which existed over 600 million years
pelagobenthic life cycle with a tiny, planktonic ago (Erwin et al. 2011).
4 Porifera 71

The Demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica blastomeres, followed by the acquisition of

Amphimedon queenslandica (class Demo- embryonic polarity and the sorting of cells
spongiae, order Haplosclerida, family into layers via broad-scale cell migrations.
Niphatidae) is currently the sponge with the Activity then centres on the patterning and
most extensive developmental gene expres- differentiation of diverse cell types in defined
sion data. Its draft genome was published in localities throughout the embryo and the mor-
2010, further enhancing its utility for under- phogenesis of larval structures (Fig. 4.6).
standing demosponge development and meta- Differing from typical eumetazoan develop-
zoan evolution. A number of studies have ment in which patterning processes occur
been published about the evolution of meta- before terminal differentiation, embryonic
zoan cell types and gene families using A. pigment cells, ciliated epithelial cells, and
queenslandica (Table 4.3). Akin to other sclerocytes in A. queenslandica express termi-
sponges and indeed other animals, develop- nal differentiation characters, pigment gran-
ment in Amphimedon queenslandica pro- ules, cilia, and spicules, respectively, directly
gresses through a series of recognisable following cleavage. Early differentiation of
phases. It begins with the subdivision of the cells during embryogenesis appears to be a
fertilised oocyte into progressively smaller shared feature amongst many sponges.


Amphimedon queenslandica. (A) Adult in situ on juvenile settled on crustose coralline alga (ca) with
the southern Great Barrier Reef. (B) Larva with osculum (os) pointed upwards
posterior pigment ring (pp) to the left. (C) A 3-day-old
72 B.M. Degnan et al.

Fig. 4.5 An Amphimedon queenslandica brood chamber. surrounded by brown somatic cells. White (w), brown (b),
Small white and translucent oocytes are located on the cloud (c), and ring (r) stage embryos and unhatched larvae
outer edge of the brood chamber (white arrows), which is (l) are mixed within the chamber. Scale bar: 1 mm

THE AMPHIMEDON and can be identified by their translucent, smaller

QUEENSLANDICA BROOD appearance and flattened shape in compari-
CHAMBER: GAMETOGENESIS AND son to the more spherical and opaque embryos
FERTILISATION (Fig. 4.5; Leys and Degnan 2001; Adamska et al.
2010). Embryos and unhatched larvae are mixed
Amphimedon queenslandica is viviparous, and and located more centrally in the brood cham-
its embryos are concentrated into brood cham- ber, with later stages tending to be towards the
bers, several of which can occur in a single adult middle of the chamber. Developmental stages
all year round (Fig. 4.5). However, the develop- are identifiable and named by the presence and
mental origins of its gametes are unknown. In pattern of pigment cells, which first appear dur-
other viviparous sponges, oocytes appear to dif- ing cleavage: white stage embryos comprise a
ferentiate from either archaeocytes or choano- range of early cleavage stages; brown embryos
cytes (reviewed in Simpson 1984; Kaye 1990; have pigment cells distributed throughout the
Ereskovsky 2010). The engulfment of nutrient- embryo and mark the transition from cleavage
laden nurse cells (also called trophocytes/spher- to the two-layered embryo; cloud stage appears
ulous cells; Simpson 1984; Ereskovsky 2010) after the anterior-posterior (AP) axis is estab-
is considered an important feature of oogenesis lished, with the pigment cells concentrating
(e.g., Fell 1969; Saller and Weissenfels 1985). towards the future posterior pole; and spot to
Pre-cleavage stages are known to reside at the ring stages are identified by pigment cells con-
edges of the brood chambers in A. queenslandica centrated at the posterior pole either as a spot or
4 Porifera 73




Fig. 4.6 Developmental stages of Amphimedon larva. Posterior is to the top in (C–I); orientation unknown
queenslandica. Whole-mount light micrographs of fixed in (A, B). E early, L late in (A, F, H). Scale bar: 100 μm
and cleared Amphimedon queenslandica embryos and

ring – ring stage follows spot stage – and charac- Genotyping of microsatellite loci with high
terised by morphogenesis of specific cell types allelic diversity (that together yield a combined
and tissues (Fig. 4.6). paternal exclusion probability of 95 %) has
Like many sponges, Amphimedon queens- revealed that up to 26 different paternal adults
landica is a hermaphrodite that reproduces by can be attributed to progeny being brooded by a
spermcast spawning, followed by the apparent single maternal adult at any particular time
passive uptake by maternal adults of free (Table 4.1). Near neighbours (within 4 m radius)
spermatozoa from what is presumably a very can account for most of the fertilisations, but
dilute suspension in the water column. some progeny appear to be fathered by sperm
74 B.M. Degnan et al.

Table 4.1 Estimates of minimum number of fathers contributing to the genotypes of brooded embryos in two maternal
Maternal Nos. embryos Nos. potential fathers Microsatellite Minimum nos. fathers
adult ID genotyped in 4 m radius in field locus ID # paternal alleles per maternal adult
A 73 33 MS16 18 ~9
MS34 30 ~15
MS9 22 ~11
MS19 15 ~8
Meana 21.25 ± 3.25 ~11
B 315 17 MS16 37 ~19
MS34 51 ~26
MS9 32 ~16
MS19 22 ~11
Meana 35.50 ± 6.04 ~18
Mean number of paternal alleles across four microsatellite loci ± standard error

Table 4.2 Proportion of embryos at different stages of development in four example maternal adults
Proportion of each developmental stage
Maternal adult ID White Brown Cloud Spot Ring Larva Total nos.
A 0.40 0.18 0.04 0.14 0.16 0.08 73
C 0.24 0.16 0.07 0.13 0.23 0.17 315
B 0.28 0.14 0.07 0.21 0.14 0.16 159
D 0.51 0.11 0.04 0.18 0.16 0.00 107

sourced from a greater distance (Table 4.1). In all developmental stages, leading to a steady daily
any particular brood chamber, up to 30 % of release of mature larvae (Maritz et al. 2010), by (i)
white stage embryos appear to be of maternal ori- passively accepting sperm that are trickle released
gin only (i.e., unfertilised). However, as noted continuously from neighbouring paternal adults
below, early cleaving embryos include a large and possibly also (ii) active regulation of fertilisa-
number of maternal nurse cells, which eventually tion by stored sperm and/or regulation of the initia-
die. The import of these additional maternal tion or rate of development of fertilised eggs.
genomes may prevent the detection of paternal
microsatellite alleles in early embryos by increas-
ing the ratio of maternal to paternal amplifiable EARLY EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT
Although Amphimedon queenslandica fecundity
is highest in the warmer months of the year, Cleavage
embryos of most developmental stages are present
in most brood chambers at most times (Table 4.2). Cleaving Amphimedon queenslandica embryos
While overall there can be a large number of pater- (Figs. 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10) are similar to other
nal contributors to fertilisation in a single maternal demosponge embryos (Fig. 4.4; Fell 1969; Saller
adult, only a subset of these fathers appear to con- and Weissenfels 1985; De Vos et al. 1991; Kaye
tribute to any one brood chamber. There is no indi- and Reiswig 1991; Leys and Ereskovsky 2006;
cation, however, that all embryos at a particular reviewed in Ereskovsky 2010). The entire embryo
developmental stage within a brood chamber repre- is enveloped in a layer of squamous follicle cells
sent a single input of sperm from a single paternal with large nuclei, presumably of maternal origin
source. Together, these observations suggest that A. (Fig. 4.8; Leys and Degnan 2002). In early cleav-
queenslandica adults maintain a constant supply of ing stages, the blastomeres are unequal in size
4 Porifera 75



Fig. 4.7 Whole-mount micrographs of very early cleav- fallen off during preparation of the sample (asterisks indi-
ing Amphimedon queenslandica embryos. Optical sec- cate ‘prints’ of some of the missing cells), demonstrating
tions of two fixed and cleared embryos (A, B and C–F), a lack of cell adhesion between the blastomeres in these
from which follicle membranes have been removed. (A) A early embryos. (C–D) are different optical sections; (F) is
single large macromere has cleaved and is shown in higher a higher magnification of one of the cells shown in (E).
magnification in (B). (C) Multiple large macromeres have Scale bars: (A, C–E), 100 μm; (B, F) 20 μm
cleaved in the second embryo, and several of them have



Fig. 4.8 Early cleavage in Amphimedon queenslandica. stained median sections; arrowhead, maternal layer;
(A) Whole embryo. (B) Large blastomere with peripheral dashed lines, boundary of blastomeres; black arrows,
cytoplasm around nurse cell mass. (C) Smaller blasto- blastomere nuclei; white arrows, pyknotic nuclei of nurse
mere with more central nucleus. (D) Light pink nurse cells. Scale bars: (A) 100 μm; (B) 20 μm; (C–E) 10 μm
cells. (E) Dark pink nurse cells. All panels show H+E-
76 B.M. Degnan et al.


Fig. 4.9 TUNEL analysis of early Amphimedon blastula. Scale bars: 10 μm. Both are embryos stained with
queenslandica development. (A) Early cleavage. Note the DAPI (blue), anti-tyrosine tubulin (green) and TUNEL
periphery of the macromeres and the cytoplasm of the (red); arrowhead, example TUNEL positive nuclei or
micromeres are enriched in tyrosine tubulin. (B) Solid nuclear fragments; arrows, embryonic nuclei


Fig. 4.10 Late cleavage in Amphimedon queenslandica. dashed lines, boundary of blastomeres; black arrows,
(A) Whole embryo. (B) Blastomeres in loose aggregation. blastomere nuclei; white arrows, pyknotic nuclei of nurse
(C) Variation in blastomere sizes. All panels show H+E- cells. Scale bars: (A) 100 μm; (B) 20 μm; (C) 10 μm
stained median sections; arrowhead, maternal layer;

and loaded with yolk that appears to be derived mented DNA – of pyknotic nuclei in these bodies
from nutritive maternal nurse cells (e.g., Fell is consistent with these being derived from
1969). These large blastomeres contain large apoptosing nurse cells (Fig. 4.9A).
quantities of smaller eosinophilic (thus protein- Blastomere cytoplasm appears as a thin layer
rich) bodies that appear to be derived from nurse around the mass of yolk-containing vesicles,
cells undergoing programmed cell death, based with embryonic nuclei visible at the cell periph-
on the presence of compact pyknotic nuclei with ery (Fig. 4.8, black arrows). The extent of these
intensely basophilic staining (Fig. 4.8). Terminal yolk reserves means that neither blastomere
deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end cytoplasm nor cell boundaries are always appar-
labeling (TUNEL) – a method that detects frag- ent (Figs. 4.7 and 4.8; Leys and Degnan 2002).
4 Porifera 77



Fig. 4.11 Brown embryo stage. (A) Whole embryo. (B) (E) Sclerocyte (‘6’). (F, G), opposing sides of the embryo.
Type 1, granular macromeres (‘1’). (C) Granular macro- All panels show H+E-stained median sections; arrow-
meres and micromeres (‘2’). (D) Type II, globular macro- head, maternal layer. Scale bars: (A) 100 μm; (B–E)
meres (‘3’), amoeboid cells (‘4’), and pigment cells (‘5’). 10 μm; (F–G) 20 μm

As cleavage progresses, the blastomeres reduce 2002; Leys 2003). Despite displaying character-
in size, and the number and concentration of istics of their final larval differentiated state (e.g.,
pyknotic nuclei decreases (Figs. 4.9B and 4.10). pigmentation, deposition of spicule matrix, cilia-
At the end of cleavage, a solid blastula forms, tion), these cells remain to be patterned in the
which is light brown in colour (Fig. 4.11). These embryo and thus maintain the capacity to respond
‘brown’ embryos contain a mixture of loosely to positional signals and migrate appropriately.
aggregated cell types, of which six are readily
identifiable: early sclerocytes around the outer Asymmetric Cell Division
margin of the embryo, two larger cell types with and Transcript Localisation
a variety of inclusions (designated here as type I During cleavage an increasing number of small
and II macromeres), large amoeboid cells, blastomeres are present on the periphery of the
pigment cells, and a minor micromere population embryo and nestled between the macromeres.
(Fig. 4.11B–E). The type I and II macromeres are Following the fate of daughter cells originating
both spherulous and contain granular or from individual macromeres injected with high
homogenous inclusions, respectively. The amoe- molecular weight tetramethylrhodamine dextran
boid cells possess smaller and more lightly eosin- confirms that macromeres divide asymmetrically,
ophilic inclusions and larger nuclei with dense giving rise to micromeres, typically 2–4 μm in
heterochromatin around their periphery. The diameter, and macromeres, initially most often
early differentiation of some cell types, espe- >50 μm in diameter; symmetric cell divisions may
cially sclerocytes, occurs in a range of sponge occur in late cleavage (Fig. 4.12). The location
embryos (Fell 1969; Maldonado and Berquist of the daughter cells of individually labelled
78 B.M. Degnan et al.

2h 12 h 3d 4d





Fig. 4.12 Cell lineage analysis of randomly labelled weight fluorescent dextran suspension, and the localisa-
Amphimedon queenslandica macromeres. Two experi- tion of this fluorescent marker is traced over 4 days of
ments are shown (top (A–H) and bottom (I–P)). In both development (time postinjection on top). Scale bars:
cases, a macromere is injected with a high molecular 100 μm

macromeres provides no evidence of stereotypical encoding a number of conserved developmental

or predictable cell lineages or cleavage patterns. transcription factors in subpopulations of micro-
Instead, cleavage appears to be chaotic. meres at cleavage, including NK homeobox
Morphologically distinct pigment cells, genes Bsh and Tlx, LIM homeobox gene Lhx3/4,
sclerocytes, and ciliated cells are first detected and the nuclear receptor gene NR1 (Fig. 4.13;
during cleavage throughout the embryo Larroux et al. 2006, 2007; Fahey et al. 2008;
(Fig. 4.11; Leys and Degnan 2002). Consistent Bridgham et al. 2010; Srivastava et al. 2010b).
with the early specification and determination of Further analysis of Lhx3/4 mRNA localisa-
these cell types is the detection of transcripts tion at cleavage reveals transcripts are not only
4 Porifera 79





Fig. 4.13 Expression of transcription factor genes in Localisation of AmqBSH in micromeres. Arrowheads,
micromeres at cleavage. (A–C) Localisation of AmqTlx in example cells enriched with the transcript. (A, B, C, H, I,
micromeres and sclerocytes during cleavage (A, B) and J, K, and L), sections; (D, E, F, G), whole mounts. Scale
spot stage (C). (D–F) Localisation of AmqLhx3/4 in bars: (A, C, D, F, G, H), 100 μm; (B, I, K, L), 10 μm;
micromeres during cleavage (A, B) and spot stage (C). (E, I), 25 μm L (From Larroux et al. 2006)
(G–I) Localisation of NR1 in micromeres during. (J–L)

present in individual micromeres but are also regions of cell division. Asymmetric inheritance
associated with the cortex of adjacent macro- of cell fate determinants, in the form of localised
meres (Fig. 4.14). Macromere cortices and mRNAs, is widespread in animal development
micromeres are enriched in microtubules (reviewed in Knoblich 2010; Medioni et al.
(Fig. 4.15). Nuclei also localise to the macro- 2012). This typically requires the localisation of
mere cortical region, consistent with these being particular mRNAs via cytoskeleton-mediated
80 B.M. Degnan et al.

active transport to a defined cortical region of the for the early specification and determination of
cell. These results suggest that such a mecha- micromere fate.
nism is operational during Amphimedon A more extensive survey of gene expres-
queenslandica cleavage and probably essential sion patterns in cleaving embryos indicates



Fig. 4.14 Localisation of AmqLhx3/4 mRNA in macro- micromeres. Arrowheads, example cells and cortical
meres and micromeres. (A) Cleaving embryo, low magni- regions enriched with the transcript. Scale bars: (A)
fication. (B–D) Higher magnification of cortex and 100 μm; (B–D) 10 μm


Fig. 4.15 Localisation of microtubules and mitotic fig- phosphorylated histone 3 (H3) positive nuclei (red);
ures to macromere cortices. (A) Cleaving embryo show- arrows, example micromere nuclei (blue); anti-tyrosine
ing mitotic cell nuclei (red). (B) Higher magnification tubulin immunoreactivity (green). Scale bars: (A) 100 μm;
showing dividing nuclei are localised to macromere corti- (B) 10 μm
ces, which are also enriched in microtubules. Arrowheads,
4 Porifera 81

that the localisation of transcripts to subsets suggests that cell fate specification and determi-
of micromeres is widespread in Amphimedon nation starts early in A. queenslandica embryo-
queenslandica (Fig. 4.16). The lack of similar- genesis. This mode of cell specification may be
ity in many of the in situ hybridisation patterns an important feature of the early development
is consistent with different transcripts being of many sponges with similar external embryo-
localised to different sets of micromeres; this logical characteristics (cf. Ereskovsky 2010).






Z A¢ B¢ C¢ D¢

Fig. 4.16 Examples of localised transcripts in cleaving AmqPellino. (V, W) AmqMyD88. (X, Y) AmqSTmyhc in
Amphimedon queenslandica embryos. (A) AmqWntA. (B) maternal follicle cell layer and few internal micromeres.
AmqWntB. (C) AmqTGF-β. (D) AmqFzdA. (E, F) (Z) AmqTollip. (A′) AmqCry1. (B′) PL10. (C′) Nanos.
AmqFzdB. (G, H) Amqβ-catenin. (I, J) AmqSFRPD in (D′) Vasa. Scale bars: (A–G, I, K–T, V, Y–D′), 100 μm;
maternal follicle cell layer. (K, L) AmqAxin predomi- (H, U, W), 25 μm; (J), 10 μm. (A–R) (From Adamska
nantly in external micromeres but also a smaller number et al. 2010); (T–W and Z) (From Gauthier et al. 2010); (X
of internal micromeres. (M) AmqDsh. (N) Amq-Gro. (O) and Y) (From Steinmetz et al. 2012); (A′) (From Rivera
Amq-Lrp5/6 in maternal follicle cell layer. (P) AmqGSK. et al. 2012)
(Q) AmqAPC. (R) AmqTcf. (S) AmqHedgling. (T, U)
82 B.M. Degnan et al.


Di Dii Diii


Fig. 4.17 Cloud stage embryos. (A) Whole embryo. (B) in the outer layer (‘4’). (F) Pigment cells towards the
Posterior pole and underlying macromeres. (C) Inner posterior pole (‘5’). All panels show H+E-stained
layer. (D) Progression from inner (i) to outer (iii) layer median sections; dashed line, inner/outer cell layer
showing locations of type 1 granular macromeres (‘1’), boundary; arrowhead, maternal layer. Scale bars: (A),
type 1 micromeres (‘2’), type II globular macromeres 100 μm; (B–C), 20 μm; (D–F), 10 μm
(‘3’), and type II micromeres (‘7’). (E) Amoeboid cells

In addition to various transcription factor Cell Layer Formation

mRNAs, transcripts that localise to micro- and Establishment of Axial Polarity
meres at cleavage include those encoding
components of conserved signalling pathways, Cleavage is followed by a period of differential
innate immunity factors, structural proteins, cell movement that sorts these different cell
and RNA-binding proteins and presumptive types into inner and outer layers (Fig. 4.6C, D),
germ line factors. It is worth noting that the last with ciliated cells, sclerocytes, and pigment cells
group, which includes vasa, nanos, and PL10, being enriched in the outer portion of the embryo
displays transcript enrichment around a subset (Figs. 4.11 and 4.17; Leys and Degnan 2002).
of micromeres (Fig. 4.16B′–D′). The inner cell mass (ICM) is primarily composed
4 Porifera 83

of large granular cells (Fig. 4.17). At this stage, Localisation of Wnt and TGF-β Transcripts
cells appear mesenchyme-like, lacking robust in the Early Embryo
cell junctions and being surrounded by a collag- The establishment of the bilayered embryo
enous extracellular matrix (ECM) (Leys and with AP axial polarity is preceded by the
Degnan 2002). After this initial sorting, cells localisation of Wnt-expressing cells in the
continue migrating to become patterned along future posterior half of the embryo (Adamska
the anterior-posterior (AP) axis (Fig. 4.1; Leys et al. 2007a, 2010). These cells initially appear
and Degnan 2002; Degnan et al. 2005; Adamska to be evenly distributed in the cleaving embryo
et al. 2007a, 2010). and then appear to migrate posteriorly
Tracing cells on the surface of embryos, by (Fig. 4.19). The mechanisms underlying the
labelling with the fluorescent lipophilic dye coalescing of these Wnt-expressing cells
DiI, confirms that early Amphimedon towards the future posterior side of the embryo
queenslandica embryos undergo extensive cel- remain unknown. It is yet to be determined if
lular rearrangements between late cleavage the Wnt pathway or another mechanism, such
(brown stage) and the establishment of the AP as signalling from the maternal follicle layer,
axis (‘cloud’ and ‘spot’ stages) (Fig. 4.18; directs the formation of the embryonic axis.
Adamska et al. 2010). Accordingly, the spacing Nonetheless, many of the components of the
between cells in cleavage and early brown Wnt pathway also are expressed in cleaving
stages probably reflects a lack of robust inter- embryos, usually in subsets of micromeres, or
cellular adhesion as well as a lack of extensive the surrounding follicle layer (Fig. 4.16;
extracellular material. A similar event has been Adamska et al. 2007a, 2010), suggesting that
inferred to occur in embryos of Ephydatia prior some embryonic cells are competent to respond
to the differentiation of cell layers (De Vos to the Wnt ligand.
et al. 1991). These broad cell movements repre- A gene encoding a TGF-β ligand is expressed
sent morphogenesis via ‘differential centrifugal initially in a fraction of small cells distributed
migration’ or ‘multipolar migration/delamina- throughout the outer layer of the cleaving
tion’ and commonly rely on cell sorting via the Amphimedon queenslandica embryo (Adamska
relative adhesive properties of each cell type et al. 2007a). During the formation of the
(Leys and Ereskovsky 2006). bilayered embryo, transcripts become differen-
Just before the cloud stage, Amphimedon tially localised along the AP axis and enriched at
queenslandica embryos undergo compaction the poles (Fig. 4.19). These results are consistent
(Adamska et al. 2010), which may mark the with Wnt and TGF-β pathways working
culmination of the mass cell migratory events. together to pattern the embryonic AP axis, from
This also coincides with stronger cell adhesion which will form the radially symmetrical
in the embryo and the increased density of A. queenslandica larva. During the formation of
ECM (Leys and Degnan 2002; Adamska et al. the cell layers and the establishment of the
2010). The increased density of cells and the primary (AP) axis, many genes are differentially
appearance of ECM in the inner layer of the expressed in the inner and outer cell layers
cloud stage (Fig. 4.17; Leys and Degnan 2002) (Fig. 4.20).
support this timing and interpretation of events. In most eumetazoans, Wnt and TGF-β path-
External cells labelled with DiI at the cloud ways are responsible for patterning of the AP and
stage and later in development do not migrate dorsoventral body axes (reviewed in Martindale
to the same extent as cells labelled during 2005; see also Hayward et al. 2002; Matus et al.
cleavage and brown stages (Fig. 4.18), suggest- 2006). The differential expression of Wnt and
ing that the majority of the cells in the outer TGF-β along the demosponge AP axis suggests
layer of the embryo reach their final embryonic that these genes were used to pattern the body
territory by the end of the cloud stage (i.e., spot plans of the first (radially symmetrical) animals
stage). (Adamska et al. 2007a, 2010).
84 B.M. Degnan et al.

Fig. 4.18 Cell movement

in Amphimedon
queenslandica embryos. A B C
Embryos within brood
chambers were ‘tattooed’
with a fluorescent
lipophilic tracer, DiI, and
photographed 1, 24, and
48 h after labelling.
Embryos at four stages D E F
were labelled. (A–F)
Blastula. (G–L) Brown
stage. (M–R) Cloud stage.
(S–X) Spot stage. Top
panels (A–C, G–I, M–O,
S–U): bright light images
of the embryos; bottom G H I
panels (D–F, I–L, P–R,
V–X): fluorescence images
of the same embryos.
Developmental stages are
indicated to the left. Scale
bars: 250 μm




4 Porifera 85



Fig. 4.19 Wnt and TGF-β expression in Amphimedon blue and TGF-β in purple. (A, F) Whole mounts. (B–E,
queenslandica early embryos. (A–E) WntA in situ hybrid- G–J) Sections with posterior to the left. Scale bars:
isations. (F–J) TGF-β in situ hybridisations, except (H), 100 μm (Modified from Adamska et al. (2007a) and
which is a double in situ hybridisation with WntA in light (2010))




Fig. 4.20 Examples of differential gene expression of (I) APC. (J) Notch. (K) Delta1. (L) Delta2. Arrowhead
Wnt and Notch pathway components during cell layer points to expression under the forming pigment spot. (M)
and posterior spot formation. Posterior to the left in all Delta3. Arrowhead points to expression in a group of
micrographs. (A–I) Wnt pathway components (sections). cells located towards the anterior of the embryo. (N)
(J–O) Notch and Delta (whole mounts) (A) FzdA. Double Delta4. Arrowhead points to expression in a group of
in situ hybridisation with WntA (light blue). (B) β-catenin. cells located towards the anterior of the embryo. (O)
Double in situ hybridisation with WntA (light blue). (C) Delta5. Scale bars: 100 μm. (A–J) are (From Adamska
Gsk. (D) Dvl. (E) Gro. (F) FzdB. (G) LRP4/6. (H) TCF. et al. 2010); (J–O) are (From Richards and Degnan 2012)
86 B.M. Degnan et al.



Fig. 4.21 Early spot stage embryos. (A) Whole embryo. median sections; dashed line, inner/outer cell layer
(B) Pigment spot. (C) Inner layer. (D) Anterior pole cells boundary; asterisk, anterior pole; arrowhead, maternal
(dotted line). (E) Posterior ciliated cells (oval). (F) Higher layer; arrow, cilia. Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B, E), 20 μm;
magnification of (E). All panels show H+E-stained (C–D, F), 10 μm

LATE EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT pole (Fig. 4.21A, B). Directly beneath the pig-
IN AMPHIMEDON QUEENSLANDICA ment spot, a dense group of type I macromeres
remains, as seen in earlier stages, and the inner
In Amphimedon queenslandica, late embryonic layer contains an increasing amount of extracel-
development is considered to start at the spot lular material (Fig. 4.21C). The cell population at
stage, when the bi-layered embryo has an obvi- the anterior pole has formed a compact group
ous AP axis and when the larval body plan is (Fig. 4.21D). At the posterior, a group of colum-
completely formed. In some cases, cells combine nar cells with an apical cilium and basal inclu-
with other cells of the same type to form simple sions are aligned adjacent to the pigment spot
tissues, including the ciliated epithelium, the (Fig. 4.21E, F).
anterior cuboidal cell cluster, the pigment ring, In later spot stage embryos (Fig. 4.22A), a
and the ciliated ring. The latter two tissues com- population of micromeres (non-pigmented) at
bine to form a functional photosensory organ the posterior pole becomes apparent; these form
(Rivera et al. 2012). a ‘cap’ in the centre of the pigment spot
(Fig. 4.22B). Directly opposite, the group of cells
at the anterior pole is more condensed than previ-
Spot Stage and Commencement ously (Fig. 4.22C). The outer epithelium of the
of Larval Tissue Formation embryo forms in a posterior to anterior progres-
sion (Fig. 4.22D), and the follicle layer separates
The early spot stage is characterised by the from the embryo as the outer epithelium gains
coalescence of the pigment cells at the posterior integrity (white arrows, Fig. 4.22D). Immediately
4 Porifera 87




Fig. 4.22 Late spot stage embryos. (A) Whole embryo. (dotted lines). (I) Inner layer cells and extracellular
(B) Pigment spot with small cap of non-pigmented cells matrix. All panels show H+E-stained median sections;
(dotted line). (C) Anterior pole cells (dotted line). (D) dashed line, inner/outer cell layer boundary; asterisk,
Separation of maternal layer (white arrows). (E) Posterior anterior pole; arrowhead, maternal layer; black arrow;
ciliated cells (oval). (F) Forming border of posterior epi- cilia. Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B, D) 20 μm; (C, E–J),
thelium (dotted lines). (G) Unformed border of anterior 10 μm
outer layer (dotted line). (H) Outer layer with sclerocyte

adjacent to and anterior of the pigment spot is a Pigment Ring Formation

population of ciliated epithelial cells (Fig. 4.22E).
Immediately anterior to these, micromeres of the The ring stage is identified by the wrinkled
outer layer are lined up along the margin of the appearance of the embryo and the transformation
embryo and are thickened apically, forming a dis- of the pigment spot into a pigment ring at the pos-
tinct boundary edge (Fig. 4.22F). Closer to the terior pole (Fig. 4.23A). Ring formation occurs
anterior pole, the micromeres of the outer layer via an increase in the non-pigmented cells found
are not organised into a distinct layer (Fig. 4.22G). at the posterior pole and the migration of pigment
88 B.M. Degnan et al.




Fig. 4.23 Early ring stage embryos. (A) Whole embryo. and I) are higher magnification images from the same
(B) Posterior pole, non-pigmented cells (dotted line). (C) regions as (D, F, and H), respectively. All panels show
Posterior ciliated cells (oval) and pigment cells (dotted H+E-stained median sections; Dashed line, inner/outer
line). (D) Anterior pole cells (dotted line). (E) Higher cell layer boundary; arrowhead, maternal layer; asterisk,
magnification of (D). (F) Wrinkled outer epithelium. (G) anterior pole; arrow, cilia. Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B, D,
Flask cell (dotted line). (H) Inner layer cells and extracel- F, H), 20 μm; (C, E, G, I), 10 μm
lular matrix. (I) Inner layer sclerocyte (dotted line). (E, G,

cells from a central position at the posterior pole, of other cells in the outer layer (Fig. 4.23C). The
to being more laterally located at the surface cells at the anterior pole by now are organised
(Fig. 4.23B). In addition, the pigment cells are into a single layer, with the nucleus assuming a
polarised, with the pigment granules located api- more apical position in each cell (Fig. 4.23D, E).
cally, and the nucleus assuming a basal position The outer layer of the embryo is ciliated
in each cell (Fig. 4.23C). Adjacent to the pigment (except at the anterior and posterior poles), and,
cells, the posterior ciliated cells remain a distinct as a consequence, the follicle layer is no longer
group, packed in a tight cluster to the exclusion closely associated with the embryonic surface
4 Porifera 89



Fig. 4.24 Late ring stage embryos. (A) Whole embryo. (dotted line). (F) Inner cell mass. All panels show H+E-
(B) Cells of the pigment ring (dotted line) and associated stained median sections; dashed line, inner/mid cell layer
posterior ciliated cells (solid line). (C) Anterior pole cells boundary; arrowhead, maternal layer; asterisk, anterior
(dotted line). (D) Migration of globular cells (white pole. Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B–F), 20 μm
arrows). (E) Middle layer, boundary with inner cell mass

(e.g., Fig. 4.23D). The ciliated cells of the outer posterior, the pigment cells are organised into a
layer are polarised, with nuclei located basally symmetrical ring around the pole with the apical
and the apical region of each cell bearing a cilium region of each pigment cell protruding from the
(Fig. 4.23F, G). All macromeres have left the embryo (Fig. 4.24B). The posterior ciliated cells
outer layer by this stage and are either located in that lie adjacent to the pigment ring are also pola-
the inner cell mass or at the boundary between rised, with basal nuclei, and the cells now appear
the inner and outer layers (Fig. 4.23F). A new to be clustered into small groups (Fig. 4.24B).
cell type – the flask cell (Leys and Degnan At the anterior pole, the cells are organised into
2001) – is now identifiable amongst the ciliated a single layer and, in contrast to the surrounding
epithelial cells towards the anterior of the epithelium, are non-ciliated (Fig. 4.24C). In the
embryo; they are ciliated with a centrally located outer layer, which had previously been empty
nucleus and numerous small basally located ves- of macromeres, a population of globular cells
icles (Fig. 4.23G). The inner layer of the embryo (putatively derived from the type II macromere
contains a diversity of unidentified cell types that population) is now evident. These cells appear to
are embedded in extracellular material migrate outwards from the forming subepithelial
(Fig. 4.23H). Numerous sclerocytes are also layer, through the outer layer to the periphery of
present (Fig. 4.23I). the embryo (white arrows, Fig. 4.24D). A further
The late ring embryo is elongated in compari- group of globular macromeres is found at the
son to earlier stages and is morphologically very posterior pole, within the ring of pigment cells
similar to the larval form (Fig. 4.24A). At the (Fig. 4.24B). Between the ICM and the outer
90 B.M. Degnan et al.




Fig. 4.25 The Amphimedon queenslandica larva. (A) (arrowhead). (G) Inner cell mass. (H) Sclerocyte bundle
Whole larva. (B) Cells of the pigment ring (dotted line) (dotted line). All panels show H+E-stained median sec-
and associated posterior ciliated cells (solid line). (C) tions; dashed line, cell layer boundaries; asterisk, anterior
Anterior pole cells (dotted line). (d) Larval cell layers. (E) pole; black arrow, cilia. Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B–D,
Intraepithelial cells: flask cells (dotted line) and globular F–H), 20 μm; (E), 10 μm
cells (solid line). (F) Precocious choanocyte chambers

epithelium, a third cell layer – the subepithelial At this late stage, some cells combine with
layer – is now evident; it is composed of spheru- other cells of the same type to form simple tis-
lous cells interspersed with a number of smaller, sues, including ciliated epithelium, anterior
unidentified cells (Fig. 4.24E). Cells of the cuboidal cells, pigment ring cells, and ciliated
ICM are positioned with their long axes aligned ring cells. Pigment ring cells and ciliated ring
to the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo cells combine to form a functional photosensory
(Fig. 4.24F). The majority of sclerocytes are now organ (Fig. 4.25). Figure 4.26 summarises the
located either within the ICM or at the boundary stages of Amphimedon queenslandica embryonic
between the ICM and the subepithelial layer (not development, tracing the genesis of larval cell
shown). types.
4 Porifera 91

Early cleavage Blastula Cloud Spot

Early ring Late ring Larva

Inner layer Pigment cells

Outer layer Anterior pole cells Flask cells

Middle layer Posterior ciliated cells Globular cells

Ciliated epithelium Posterior cap cells

Fig. 4.26 Summary of Amphimedon queenslandica development highlighting the ontogeny of selected cell types and

Autonomous Formation of Pigment these heterotopic grafts to form rings out of the
Spots and Rings normal spatial context suggests that the formation
The formation of a pigment ring at the posterior of pigment rings from spots relies on an intrinsic
end of the larva is essential to the photosensory signalling system and that pigment cells of differ-
capabilities of the larva (Leys and Degnan 2001; ent ages – from cloud to early ring, at least – have
Rivera et al. 2012). The ring must be in a near- self-organising ability to form an ectopic ring.
perfect circular pattern for the larva to swim
away from light. The developmental mechanisms
underlying the formation of this and other sponge Localised and Cell Type-Specific Gene
tissues remain largely unknown. Expression in Late Stage Embryos
Grafting of pigment cells from cloud, spot, and and Larvae
early ring stage embryos to another embryo
results in the ectopic formation of pigment spots Many of the genes studied to date in Amphimedon
and rings in the new location (Fig. 4.27). These queenslandica are differentially expressed in spe-
structures develop in accordance with the location cific cell types or cell layers in spot and ring stage
from which they originated, and not the position embryos and swimming larvae. The reader is
to which they were transplanted, indicating that directed to specific publications for detailed
the fates of these cells (in larvae) have been descriptions of specific genes (Table 4.3). From
determined earlier in development. The ability of late spot/early ring stage to the newly hatched
92 B.M. Degnan et al.




Fig. 4.27 Ectopic formation of pigment spots and rings 72 h post-graft. (E) Cells that do not migrate posteriorly in
in heterotopic grafts of pigment cells. Two experiments brown embryo graft form a small, tight spot. (F) Cells that
are shown, E1 and E2. (A–I) In E1, pigment and possibly do not migrate posteriorly in cloud embryo graft form a
other cells from within the pigment ring of an early ring poorly defined spot/ring, which does not change by the
(er) stage embryo are transplanted onto the side of a end of the experiment. (G) Cells transplanted into the
brown stage embryo (b), cloud stage embryo (c), and early early spot embryo form a small ring. (H, I) 96 h post-
spot stage embryo (es). Manipulated embryos continue to graft. (H) The pigment spot formed in the brown embryo
develop in the brood chamber. (A) Source and grafted graft remains small, tight spot. (I) The ectopic ring formed
embryos (arrows). (B–D) 24 h post-graft. (B) General on the side of the early spot embryo continues to expand
view of the brood chamber. (C, D) Higher magnification to the point of becoming fragmented. (J, K) In E2, pig-
views of the boxed areas in B. Some, but not all, of the ment and associated cells from a cloud stage embryo are
transplanted pigment cells in brown and cloud embryos transplanted onto the side of an early ring stage embryo
are migrating posteriorly. Pigment cells transplanted into (J) and allowed to develop and hatch as a swimming larva
the early spot embryo do not migrate posteriorly. (E–G) (K). Scale bars: (A–D), 500 μm; (E–K), 250 μm

Table 4.3 Genes with localised developmental expression patterns in Amphimedon queenslandica
Gene and gene family References
Transcription factors
Homeobox: Bsh; NK2/3/4; NK5/6/7B; Tlx; Prox2; Larroux et al. (2006), Larroux (2007),
Pax2/5/8; POUI; Lhx1/5; Lhx3/4 Fahey et al. (2008), Srivastava et al. (2010b)
GATA: GATA Nakanishi et al. (2014)
Nuclear receptor: NR1; NR2 Larroux et al. (2006), Bridgham et al. (2010)
Sox: SoxB, C, F Larroux (2007)
Developmental signalling pathways
Hedgehog: Hedgling Adamska et al. (2007b)
Notch: Notch; Delta1–5 Richards et al. (2008), Richards (2010),
Richards and Degnan (2012)
TGF-β: TGF-β Adamska et al. (2007a)
Wnt: WntA-C; FzdA, B; SFRPA, C, D; Lrp5/6; GSK; Adamska et al. (2007a, 2010)
APC; Axin; Dsh; β-CatA; TCF; Gro
Toll pathway
NF-κB; TIR1; TIR2; MyD88; Tollip; Pellino Gauthier and Degnan (2008), Gauthier (2010),
Gauthier et al. (2010)
Structural genes
Cryptochrome: Cry1; Cry2 Rivera et al. (2012)
Epithelial proteins: MPP5/7; ERM; Par-1, Par-6; Fahey (2011)
Lgl-1; p120Catenin; Dlg; aPKC
Myosin: STmyhc; NMmyhc Steinmetz et al. (2012)
Other: ferritin; procollagen lysyl hydroxylase; galectin Larroux et al. (2006)
Postsynaptic proteins: Dlg; Grip; Homer; Gkap; Cript Sakarya et al. (2007)
4 Porifera 93




Fig. 4.28 Examples of localised and cell type-specific which are enriched in the anterior third of the embryo
gene expression in late stage embryos and larvae. (A–D) (double arrow). (G) p120catenin is expressed in the
Early ring stage. (E–G) Late ring stage. (H–L) Swimming forming epithelium but not in the long-ciliated cells
larval stage. (A) Cryptochrome 2 (Cry2) is expressed expressing Cry2 (arrow). (H) TLR/ILR1-like receptor
around the pigment ring, including long-ciliated cells (IgTIR1), along with many other genes, is expressed in
next to the ring. (B) ‘Non-muscle’ type II myosin heavy globular cells that migrate late in development from the
chain (NM myhc) is more broadly expressed but overlaps middle subepithelial layer to the larval surface. (I) Bsh
with Cry2 expression. (C) ‘Striated muscle’ type II myo- homeobox is expressed in sclerocytes (arrows mark the
sin heavy chain (ST myhc) is expressed in the epithelium cell edge). (J) Sox 2 expression is a subset of cells that
adjacent to NM myhc expression domain. (D) Groucho line the outer region of the inner cell mass. (K) Delta3 in
(gro) expression is enriched in posterior cells inside the subepithelial cells. (L) Lrp in cells underlying the pig-
ring and cuboidal cells at the most anterior end. (E, F) ment ring and anterior epithelial cells. Scale bars: (A–G,
Delta4 is expressed in a dynamic pattern. First (E), over- J–L), 100 μm; (H), 10 μm; (I), 5 μm (A) (From Rivera
lapping with the pigment ring (black arrow) and cells at et al. 2012); (B) and (C) (From Steinmetz et al. 2012); (D,
the boundary between inner and outer cell layers (white G and L) (From Adamska et al. 2010); (E, F and K)
arrowhead). Then (F), expression in boundary cells (From Richards et al. 2012); (H) (From Gauthier et al.
becomes undetectable while appears in the flask cells, 2010); (I) (From Larroux et al. 2006)

larval stage can be considered a second phase of Richards et al. 2008; Gauthier et al. 2010)
cell differentiation, which follows from the first and epithelial genes in the larval epithelium
phase comprising the formation of pigment cells, (Fig. 4.28G Fahey and Degnan 2010); other outer
sclerocytes, and ciliated epithelial cells during layer cell types – anterior cuboidal and flask
cleavage (see above). These later developmental cells – have cell-specific gene expression patterns
stages are typified by localised and cell type- (Fig. 4.28D, F; e.g., Adamska et al. 2007a, 2010;
restricted expression of transcription factor, sig- Richards and Degnan 2012). Restricted expres-
nalling pathway, and structural genes (Fig. 4.28). sion patterns in the ICM are consistent with there
This includes enrichment of innate immunity and being a number of cryptic cell types in this layer
neuronal genes in globular cells (Fig. 4.28H (e.g., Sox2 is expressed only in a subset of cells
Sakarya et al. 2007; Gauthier and Degnan 2008; on the periphery of the inner cell mass; Fig. 4.28J).
94 B.M. Degnan et al.

Localised Expression of Conserved or with a combination of signalling ligand genes

Developmental Genes During Pigment (POUI and WntA + TGF-β + Delta4). Of the con-
Ring Formation served transcription factor genes expressed in the
The photosensory capabilities of the posterior vicinity of the Cry2-expressing cells, most have
pigment ring in the Amphimedon queenslandica eumetazoan orthologs involved in neurogenesis
larva requires the patterning of at least two and sensory cell specification (Larroux et al. 2006;
cell types, the inner pigment cells and the Larroux 2007; Richards et al. 2008; Adamska
surrounding long-ciliated cells (Figs. 4.6 and et al. 2010; Richards 2010; Richards and Degnan
4.26); other cell types that exist in this larval 2012; Srivastava et al. 2010b). Between spot and
territory include a cell type that may contain both ring stages, the posterior expression patterns of
pigment and a long cilium. The expression of many of these genes change, often into broader
cryptochrome 2 (Cry2) in long-ciliated cells is domains (Fig. 4.28B, C). Although the specific
consistent with these being able to detect light role of these developmental genes is currently
(Leys et al. 2002; Rivera et al. 2012). Presumably unknown in Amphimedon queenslandica, their
the pigment cells shade the Cry2-expressing cells restricted expression in particular cell types is akin
and thereby attenuate the level of light hitting to many developmental events in eumetazoans.
these cells. This in turn affects the behaviour of
the long cilia by an unknown mechanism.
During the migration of the pigment cells to SETTLEMENT AND
the posterior pole, and especially during spot and METAMORPHOSIS IN
ring formation, a raft of signalling ligand and tran- AMPHIMEDON QUEENSLANDICA
scription factor genes are differentially expressed
in this region (state of knowledge summarised in As is the case with embryogenesis, metamorpho-
Fig. 4.29). In addition to Wnt and TGF-β, which sis varies markedly between sponges, although a
are activated before spot formation (Fig. 4.19), common set of morphogenetic mechanisms tend
Hedgling and two Delta ligands are differentially to be deployed, e.g., epithelial mesenchyme
expressed in patterns overlapping with the pig- transition (EMT; see Ereskovsky 2010 for a sys-
ment spot and with adjacent Cry2-expressing tematic analysis of sponge metamorphosis).
cells (Fig. 4.29A). Some expression patterns cor- Competent Amphimedon queenslandica lar-
respond to the boundaries between spot and Cry2- vae undergo rapid metamorphosis when they
expressing (long-ciliated) cells (Hedgling and come in contact with an inductive environmental
Delta4) and Cry2-expressing (long-ciliated) and cue. Typically, larvae require at least 4 h of fur-
surrounding epithelial cells (Hedgling and TGF- ther development (at 24 °C) after emerging from
β), while others do not correspond perfectly to the mother sponge before they are able to respond
obvious morphological territories (Adamska et al. to this cue. During this time they are negatively
2007a, b, 2010; Richards and Degnan 2012). The phototactic (Leys and Degnan 2001; Leys et al.
overlapping expression patterns of signalling 2002), although during the first 2 h they can be
ligands in Amphimedon queenslandica are remi- observed on occasion swimming upwards
niscent of many situations in eumetazoan devel- towards the surface, which may facilitate
opment, suggesting that combinatorial signalling dispersal (Degnan and Degnan 2010). A strong
via Wnt, TGF-β, Hedgehog/Hedgling, and Notch inductive cue is associated with the surface of
pathways is a crown metazoan synapomorphy live encrusting and articulated coralline algae
(reviewed in Adamska et al. 2011). (Degnan and Degnan 2010). Upon settling on
At this same developmental stage, a diversity of the algae, larvae undergo a rapid and dramatic
transcription factor genes are activated in the pos- reorganisation of the body plan (Fig. 4.30). In
terior pole (Fig. 4.28B). Many of these genes are Amphimedon queenslandica, a functional feed-
expressed in Cry2-expressing cells, although some ing juvenile is formed in about 3 days after the
have broader patterns; some overlap directly with initiation of metamorphosis. As is the case with
a given signalling ligand gene (Lhx3/4 and WntA) most other marine invertebrates, Amphimedon
4 Porifera 95

Fig. 4.29 Diagram of localised expression of signalling terns with the pigment spot and adjacent Cry2-expressing
ligand and transcription factor genes in the vicinity of the cells. (B) Multiple conserved transcription factor genes
pigment spot and ring. One half of the posterior end of are expressed in this region, many overlapping with Cry2-
spot and ring stage embryos are depicted. (A, B) Spot expressing cells. (C) These and other transcription factor
stage. (C) Ring stage. (A) Ligands of Wnt, TGF-β, Notch, genes are co-expressed in this region as the pigment ring
and Hedgling pathways are expressed in overlapping pat- forms
96 B.M. Degnan et al.



Fig. 4.30 Stages of development during metamorphosis posed of canals lined by choanocytes and endopinaco-
in Amphimedon queenslandica. (A) Free-swimming par- cytes first becomes evident. (E) Tent-pole-formation
enchymella larva; posterior pigment ring up. (B–F) postlarval stage (48–72 hps); the exopinacotes covering
Metamorphosing postlarvae viewed from the top. (B) the outer surface of the metamorphosing postlarva are
Within 1 h of initiating settlement and metamorphosis. lifted upwards by formation of tent-pole-like siliceous
The anterior region of the larva is attached to the sub- skeletal elements. Arrowheads show the internal tent-
strate, onto which the larva flattens. (C) Mat formation, pole-like structures, visible here as clustering of cells. (F)
approximately 6 h post-settlement (hps). Cells of the Juvenile (rhagon) stage with an osculum (inset), marking
metamorphosing postlarva migrate laterally on the sub- the establishment of the functional aquiferous system.
strate to form a mat-like structure. Note that former poste- Scale bars: (A), inset in (F), 100 μm; (B–F), 1 mm (From
rior pigment ring is diffuse and disappearing. (D) Chamber Nakanishi et al. 2014)
postlarval stage (~48 hps). The aquiferous system com-

queenslandica exhibits variation between indi- morphosis (Fig. 4.31; Nakanishi et al. 2014). In
vidual larvae in (i) the timing of the onset of other words, there appears to be no relationship
developmental competence to be induced to set- between the cell layers established during
tle and initiate metamorphosis, (ii) the period of embryogenesis and those produced at metamor-
negative photosensitivity, and (iii) the respon- phosis. In other sponges, the larval epithelial
siveness to specific environmental cues (e.g., dif- layer has been reported to shed entirely (Bergquist
ferent algae) (Leys and Degnan 2001; Degnan and Green 1977), to be phagocytised by archaeo-
and Degnan 2010). cytes (Meewis 1939; Misevic and Burger 1982,
Within hours of settling, the larva changes into 1990), to differentiate into choanocytes through a
an encrusting mat (Fig. 4.30C). Tracing different non-ciliated amoebocyte intermediate (Amano
populations of labelled larval cells – epithelial, and Hori 1993, 2001), or to directly differenti-
flask, and internal archaeocytes – through meta- ate into choanocytes without loss of cilia
morphosis reveals that there is no constancy in (Ereskovsky et al. 2007; reviewed in Ereskovsky
larval and juvenile cell layers, with all larval cell 2010). Interestingly, the endomesoderm gene
types apparently capable of transdifferentiating GATA is consistently expressed in the inner
into any juvenile cell type. There is also extensive layer of both larvae and juveniles, despite the
programmed cell death of epithelial cells at meta- extensive reorganisation of the body plan at meta-
4 Porifera 97

A B C ex

ch ch

ep ep


icm ep ch


DAPI tyrTub tyrTub

Fig. 4.31 Cell labeling and lineage-tracing through head in inset), suggesting that multiple precursor cells can
Amphimedon queenslandica metamorphosis. (A, D) be involved in development of a single chamber. (C)
Swimming larvae with subsets of cells labelled; anterior is Labelled exopinacocytes (arrowheads). (D) A confocal
to the bottom. (B, C, E, F) Descendants of the labelled longitudinal section through the centre of a free-swim-
cells in 3-day-old juveniles. Nuclei are stained with DAPI ming larva pulse-labelled with EdU. Note that the labelled
in all micrographs (blue), and in (E, F), the juveniles are cells localise in the inner cell mass (icm) and are likely to
labelled with an antibody against tyrosinated tubulin (tyr- be proliferating archaeocytes with characteristic large
Tub; red). (A) Longitudinal confocal sections through the nucleoli (nu). (E) An EdU-positive choanocyte in the
centre of a larva incubated with CM-DiI, showing strong chamber (arrowhead). (F) An EdU-positive exopinaco-
labeling in ciliated epidermal cell types, the columnar epi- cyte (arrowhead). Other abbreviations: ep outer layer epi-
thelial cell (co), and the flask cell (fc) (inset), with little thelium, ci cilium, ex external environment, mh mesohyl.
labeling in inner cell mass (icm). (B) Choanocytes in Scale bars: (A, D), 100 μm; (B, C, E, F), inset in (D),
chambers (ch). In some cases, a subset of choanocytes is 10 μm; inset in (A, B), 5 μm (From Nakanishi et al. 2014)
CM-DiI-labelled in a single choanocyte chamber (arrow-

morphosis. Labeling of juvenile choanocytes makes it necessary to include additional model

reveals a further lack of cell layer and identity species to represent the remaining lineages.
permanency, with these cells dedifferentiating Calcareous sponges have been intensively studied
into archaeocytes and transdifferentiating into a in the past centuries, and analysis of their devel-
range of juvenile cell types, including the outer opment has significantly influenced evolutionary
exopinacoderm (Nakanishi et al. 2014). theory. For example, Ernst Haeckel coined the
term gastrulation and formulated the Gastrea the-
ory, after investigation of development and meta-
THE CALCAREOUS SPONGE SYCON morphosis of a syconoid species from the class
CILIATUM Calcaronea (Haeckel 1874; revisited by Leys and
Eerkes-Medrano 2005). Sycon ciliatum, an abun-
Although Amphimedon queenslandica serves as dant North East Atlantic calcaronean sponge, is
an excellent demosponge model in evolutionary now emerging as a calcisponge model species,
and developmental biology research, the vast evo- with extensive sequence resources and protocols
lutionary distance between sponge lineages for gene expression utilised in a variety of studies
98 B.M. Degnan et al.

Fig. 4.32 Sycon ciliatum, an emerging

calcisponge model species. (A) Schematic
representation of the lifecycle, clockwise
from the oocyte to adult. (B) Adult
specimen. (C) Transverse section through a Oocyte
reproductive adult specimen. (D) Larva, Cleavage
anterior half composed of micromeres
pointing down. (E) Juvenile (olynthus). Syconoid adult
Scale bars: B, C, 5 mm; D, E, 50 μm Preinversion
(Modified from Leininger et al. (2014) and
Fortunato et al. (2014)) Asconoid juvenile

Hollow postlarva

Solid postlarva
Flat postlarva



(Adamska et al. 2011; Fortunato et al. 2012, The adult specimens of Sycon ciliatum are
2014; Nosenko et al. 2013; Robinson et al. 2013; barrel shaped and usually reach 5 cm in length
Sebé-Pedrós et al. 2013; Fortunato 2014; and have a typical syconoid body organisation:
Leininger et al. 2014; Zakrzewski et al. 2014). choanocyte chambers arranged around the
4 Porifera 99



Fig. 4.33 Histological sections through embryonic between macromeres still communicated with the gap
stages of Sycon ciliatum. (A) Fertilisation complex. (B, C) between accessory cells. (G) Postinversion stage, several
Cleavage. (D, E) Preinversion. (E) Higher magnification maternal cells present inside of the embryonic cavity.
demonstrating one of four cruciform cells located between Scale bars: 10 μm (Modified from Leininger et al. (2014))
micromeres. (F) Embryo soon after inversion, the opening



Fig. 4.34 Histological sections through metamorphosis Juvenile, with magnification showing three principal cell
stages of Sycon ciliatum. (A) Postlarva soon after settle- types: choanocyte, pinacocyte, and porocyte. Scale bars:
ment. (B–D) Formation of the choanocyte chamber. (E) 10 μm

central atrium (Fig. 4.32A–C). As for all anterior part of the larva have flagella, in contrast
calcisponges, it is viviparous with embryogene- to the larger and less numerous macromeres at
sis occurring in the narrow mesohyl layer the posterior pole (Fig. 4.32A, D). In contrast to
between the outer pinacoderm and the inner cho- the rhagon, the putative phylotypic juvenile stage
anoderm (Figs. 4.32C and 4.33). The larva of demosponges, the calcisponge juvenile has
(‘amphiblastula’) is approximately 100 μm long only a single choanocyte chamber (Figs. 4.32A,
and is transparent, except for pigment deposited E and 4.34) and is referred to as the olynthus
within the basal (inner) tips of the micromeres (Ereskovsky 2010). S. ciliatum is one of the few
(Fig. 4.32D). It is composed of two major cell sponge species that maintains radial symmetry
types: the numerous micromeres comprising the throughout its life.
100 B.M. Degnan et al.



Fig. 4.35 Expression of Tubulin-β in Sycon ciliatum expression in micromeres and negative macromeres.
marks ciliated cells and early embryos. (A) Young adult (H–J) Sections showing expression in the inner cell mass
with strongly labelled choanocytes. (B–F) Sections show- and differentiating choanocytes during metamorphosis.
ing oocytes, cleavage, preinversion, and early and late Scale bars: (A), 100 μm; (B–J), 10 μm
postinversion stage embryos. (G) Larva with strong

Recent and ongoing studies demonstrate sig- The oocytes are positioned between the pinaco-
nificant differences in the content of developmen- cyte and choanocyte layers; choanocytes directly
tal regulatory genes (i.e., the developmental overlying the oocytes lose their collars and
toolkit) between Amphimedon queenslandica and become accessory cells. As a sperm cell pene-
Sycon ciliatum (Fortunato et al. 2012, 2014; Sebé- trates into one of the accessory cells, this cell
Pedrós et al. 2013; Fortunato 2014; Leininger et al. becomes a carrier cell. The sperm cell inside of
2014). In a majority of cases, the genome of S. cil- the carrier cell is referred to as a spermiocyst and
iatum contains more protein family members than is transferred into the oocyte to complete fertilisa-
A. queenslandica: 21 versus 3 Wnt ligands, 22 ver- tion (Fig. 4.33A). Intriguingly, while 100 % of
sus 8 TGF-β ligands (Leininger et al. 2014), and 7 Sycon ciliatum specimens collected in May in the
versus 4 Sox transcription factors (Fortunato et al. Norwegian fjords contain oocytes and a majority
2012). In addition, S. ciliatum possesses several of those collected over a few days in late May con-
developmental genes that are absent from A. tained fertilisation complexes, spermatogenesis
queenslandica, for example, Eyes absent was not observed despite frequent sampling over
(Fortunato et al. 2014). In other gene families, the several years (Leininger et al. 2014 and unpub-
two species share different paralogs with bilateri- lished observations). The development that fol-
ans: for example, T-box family genes Brachyury lows fertilisation is also semi-synchronous across
and Eomes are present in S. ciliatum, while Tbox4/5 the S. ciliatum population, with individual sponges
and TboxPor are present in A. queenslandica ‘lagging behind’ no more than a few days. This
(Sebé-Pedrós et al. 2013). This complex picture leads to the release of larvae at the end of June and
appears more consistent with multiple independent beginning of July (Leininger et al. 2014).
gene family expansions and gene losses in sponge Embryogenesis of calcaronean sponges is
lineages than with being simply explained by well described on light and electron microscopy
sponge paraphyly (Fortunato 2014). levels (Amano and Hori 1992, 1993; Franzen
1988; Eerkes-Medrano and Leys 2006; reviewed
in Ereskovsky 2010). Early cleavage is highly
SYCON CILIATUM DEVELOPMENT stereotypic, and up to the eight-cell stage, the
embryo has a rhomboid shape with all blasto-
Development of calcaronean sponges has several meres positioned in the plane defined by the cho-
unique features, beginning with fertilisation that is anocyte and pinacocyte layers (Figs. 4.32A,
assisted by specialised cells of the mother sponge, 4.33B, 4.35C, and 4.36A, B, G, I, N). Cytoplasmic
called carrier cells (reviewed in Ereskovsky 2010). bridges are initially maintained between
4 Porifera 101



Fig. 4.36 Expression of cruciform cell markers in Sycon SoxB transcripts are uniformly distributed during cleavage
ciliatum. (A, B) DvlB transcripts become localised to and become specific to the cross cells in preinversion
cross cells during cleavage. (C–E) DvlA transcripts are stage embryos. (J) In the larvae, SoxB is detectable in the
stronger in the cross cells than in the remaining blasto- macromeres only. Scale bars: 10 μm (Modified from
meres and are then detectable in micromeres of postinver- Leininger et al. (2014) and Fortunato et al. (2012))
sion stage embryos. (F, G) SoxL1 transcripts and (H, I)

blastomeres (Figs. 4.33B, C, 4.35C, and The cross cells and the maternal cells degenerate
4.36A, B). Subsequent divisions result in forma- soon after settlement (Amano and Hori 1993).
tion of a cup-shaped ‘stomoblastula’ embryo, its Sclerocytes differentiate quickly within the inner
opening communicating with an opening formed cell mass and spicule production starts approxi-
between the accessory cells. When cell differen- mately 12 h after settlement. A single choano-
tiation is completed, the embryo is composed of cyte chamber forms, and the postlarva expands
three cell types: large, granular, non-ciliated by increasing the volume of the chamber and
macromeres adjacent to the choanocytes; smaller thinning its walls, so they are finally composed
and more numerous micromeres, which have of two epithelial layers – the outer pinacoderm
cilia pointing into the embryonic cavity; and four and the inner choanoderm, with narrow mesohyl
cruciform cells, which convey a unique tetra- sparsely populated with sclerocytes and other
radial symmetry to the embryos (Figs. 4.32A, not well-characterised cell types in between
4.33D, E, and 4.36). The embryo then undergoes (Figs. 4.32A, 4.34B–D, and 4.35H–J). Finally,
inversion, which will both translocate it into the the osculum opens, and the juvenile sponge
radial chamber and position the cilia on the outer acquires ascon-level organisation with poro-
surface of the larva. During this stage, a small cytes providing connections (ostia) between
number of maternally derived cells crawl into the choanoderm and pinacoderm (Figs. 4.32A, E
larval cavity (Figs. 4.32A, 4.33G, 4.35E, F, and and 4.34E). As the asconoid body plan gives
4.37A, I, D, E, M, O, P; Franzen 1988; Ereskovsky rise to the syconoid body plan during subsequent
2010; Leininger et al. 2014). growth, choanocytes of the original choanocyte
Larvae released in laboratory conditions chamber become replaced with endopinacocytes
swim close to the water surface during the first in the region where radial chambers form. In
12–24 h post spawning and subsequently begin terms of morphology and directionality of the
to search for an appropriate substrate for settle- water flow, the radial chambers are reminiscent
ment. During metamorphosis, the larva settles of the original juvenile and can be treated as seri-
on the anterior pole; within minutes the ciliated ally homologous to the olynthus (Manuel 2001;
cells of the anterior half undergo epithelial-to- Leininger et al. 2014).
mesenchymal transition and form the inner cell Extensive gene expression analyses, based on
mass (Figs. 4.32A and 4.34A). In contrast, the a combination of quantitative transcriptome anal-
macromeres maintain their epithelial organisa- ysis and in situ hybridisation studies, have pro-
tion, completely enclose the micromeres, and vided important clues regarding the homology of
become the pinacocytes of the forming juvenile. cell types and body plans between sponges and
102 B.M. Degnan et al.






Fig. 4.37 Expression of Wnt and TGF-β pathways com- Strong macromere expression of TGF-βD. (K, L)
ponents in Sycon ciliatum.(A) Expression of WntF in the Expression of Smad1/5 in macromeres plus cross cells
maternal cells within postinversion stage embryo. (B) and micromeres of early and late postinversion stage
Expression of WntA in macromeres and posterior micro- embryos, respectively. (M, N) Maternal cells and micro-
meres of the larva. (C, D) Transient expression of mere expression of Smad4 in early and late postinversion
β-cateninA in micromeres of preinversion stage embryos. stage embryos, respectively. (O, P) Maternal cell expres-
(E) Expression of β-cateninB in maternal cells migrating sion of R-Smad. (G–V) WntG, FzdD, TGF-βU, Smad4,
into embryonic cavity. (F, G) Expression of FzdA and Smad15, and SmadR expression in the upper parts of
FzdD in micromeres. (H) Uniform embryonic expression young adult sponges. Scale bars: (A–P), 10 μm; (Q–V),
of TcfB. (I) Strong expression of TGF-βF in maternal 100 μm (Modified from Leininger et al. (2014))
cells and its weaker expression in the macromeres. (J)

eumetazoans. Several genes involved in differentiation of the cruciform cells, which are
specification of neuronal and sensory cells in suggested to be the sensory cells of the calcaro-
cnidarians and bilaterians are expressed during nean larvae (Tuzet 1973). These genes include
4 Porifera 103

SoxB, PaxB, SixC, Elav, Msi and Nanos, Hmx, Regardless, it is clear there exists an ancient
and other NK-related homeobox transcription developmental gene toolkit that is still in use
factors, as well as several components of the Wnt in all animals. This includes conserved signal-
signalling pathway (Fig. 4.36; Fortunato et al. ling pathways whose differential expression
2012, 2014; Fortunato 2014; Leininger et al. contributes to define body plan axes and
2014). Genes involved in specification of the cni- embryonic territories (e.g., Wnt, Notch) and
darian and bilaterian endomesoderm are transcription factors whose expression corre-
expressed in the embryonic micromeres (which lates with the establishment of a cell layer or
give rise to the choanoderm) and choanoderm of type (e.g., GATA). The level at which these
the adult sponges. These include downstream developmental similarities are homologous to
components of the Wnt and TGF-β signalling eumetazoan processes remains an open
pathways as well as Brachyury and GATA tran- question.
scription factors (Fig. 4.37; Leininger et al.
2014). Finally, numerous Wnt and TGF-β ligands Acknowledgements Because of space limitations, we
are expressed in the posterior region of the larvae are unable to cite many important contributions to the
field of sponge developmental biology – we acknowledge
and around the osculum of the adults, highly
these here. We also acknowledge the fine contributions of
reminiscent of expression patterns observed in past and present members of the laboratories of B. Degnan,
cnidarians and supporting homology of the larval S. Degnan, and M. Adamska towards our understanding
and adult body axes as postulated by Haeckel of Amphimedon and Sycon biology. Research presented in
this chapter was made possible by the generous support of
(1870) (Fig. 4.37; Leininger et al. 2014).
the Australian Research Council to BMD, SMD, and MA
and the Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular
Biology to MA.

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Bernd Schierwater and Michael Eitel

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.

B. Schierwater (*) • M. Eitel

ITZ – Institut für Tierökologie und Zellbiologie,
Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule,
Bünteweg 17d, Hannover 30559, Germany

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 107

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_5, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
108 B. Schierwater and M. Eitel


The most primitive metazoan animal phylum

Placozoa presently harbors a single named spe-
cies, the enigmatic Trichoplax adhaerens. In 1883,
the German zoologist Franz Eilhard Schulze dis-
covered this microscopic marine animal on the
glass walls of a seawater aquarium at the University
of Graz, Austria (Schulze 1883). The animal, usu-
ally measuring less than 5 mm in diameter and less
than 20 μm in thickness, looked like an irregular
hairy plate sticking to the glass surface (Fig. 5.1)
and was thus named Trichoplax adhaerens (Greek
for “sticky hairy plate”) (see Schierwater 2005 for
historical overview). Recent genetic analysis of
placozoan specimens from different ocean waters
around the world, including the Mediterranean Fig. 5.1 The placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, yet the
Sea, revealed the presence of several cryptic spe- only described species of the phylum Placozoa. The flat
cies (Eitel et al. 2013), i.e., species, which are animal, which represents the most simple (not secondarily
reduced) body plan of all metazoans, is found in tropical,
morphologically cum grano salis undistinguish-
subtropical, and certain temperate waters around the world
able. The real placozoan biodiversity is estimated ((Photograph by Bernd Schierwater) © Bernd Schierwater
to include several dozen genetically, developmen- All Rights Reserved)
tally, and ecologically distinguishable species.
In contrast to the “typical” multicellular ani-
mal, Trichoplax does not show anything like an feeding. During feeding, the animal lifts up the
oral-aboral axis, nor does the animal possess center region of its body to form an external
any organs, nerve or muscle cells, basal lamina, digestive cavity between the substrate and lower
or extracellular matrix (Schierwater 2013). epithelium (see Schierwater 2013 for details).
Because of the lack of any axis, placozoans also Interestingly, the upper epithelium is also capa-
lack any type of symmetry. The defining char- ble of feeding. Algae and other food particles
acteristic that separates placozoans (and any are trapped in a slime layer coating the upper
other metazoan) from protozoans is the number epithelium and are subsequently taken up
of somatic cell types. In contrast to protozoans, (phagocytized) by the inner fiber cells; this
which consist of either a single cell or several unique mode of feeding is called “transepithe-
cells of the same somatic cell type, Placozoa lial cytophagy” (Wenderoth 1986). Placozoa
possess at least five defined somatic cell types: presumably harbor endosymbiotic bacteria in
lower epithelia cells, upper epithelia cells, the endoplasmic reticulum of the fiber cells
gland cells, fiber cells, and small potentially (Grell and Benwitz 1971; Eitel et al. 2011). A
“omnipotent” cells (Jakob et al. 2004; Guidi possible role for these endosymbionts in feed-
et al. 2011). The epithelia cells are arranged in ing is not yet understood.
a sandwich-like manner, with the lower epithe- In general, very little is known about the
lia and gland cells at the bottom, the upper epi- biology of Placozoa, and almost all current
thelia cells at the top, the fiber cells in between, knowledge derives from laboratory observa-
and the “omnipotent” cells at the margin tions. Ecological data are limited to records of
between the upper and lower epithelium finding Trichoplax on hard substrate surfaces
(Fig. 5.2). Cells of the lower epithelium attach from tropical and subtropical marine waters
the animal to a solid substrate, enable the ani- around the world (Eitel and Schierwater 2010;
mal to crawl (with the aid of cilia) and allow Eitel et al. 2013).
5 Placozoa 109

Fig. 5.2 Cross section of Trichoplax adhaerens showing shiny spheres (originally named “Glanzkugeln”). These
the sandwich-like organization of the body plan: the cili- are lipid droplets, which are usually understood as resi-
ated upper epithelium, the ciliated lower epithelium, and dues of degenerated epithelial cells. A remarkable and
the fiber cells in between. The interior fiber cells form a exclusive feature of Placozoa is the lack of both an extra-
contractile, three-dimensional meshwork. The lower epi- cellular matrix and a basal lamina. mc marginal cells, ue
thelium serves as the nutritive body region with gland upper epithelium, le lower epithelium, fc contractile
cells incorporated into the epithelium. The upper epithe- fiber cell, ss shiny sphere (Modified from Eitel et al.
lium shows no specializations, with the exception of the (2011))

After its original description in 1883, SEXUAL REPRODUCTION

Trichoplax attracted particular attention because
it possibly mirrored the basic and ancestral state Despite more than half a century of research
of metazoan organization. Almost a hundred efforts, the complete life cycle of Placozoa can
years later, the German zoologist Karl Grell fur- only be suspected. Most likely, the adult placo-
ther highlighted this view and created the new, zoon – after a series of vegetative reproductions –
and monotypic, phylum Placozoa (Grell 1971). becomes sexually mature either as protandrous or
The phylum name refers to Bütschli’s placula simultaneous hermaphrodite. If the sperm is
hypothesis (Bütschli 1884), which sees a released into the open water, outcrossing might
placozoan-like animal as the Urmetazoon be possible, but in most cases selfing may occur.
(Schierwater et al. 2010). Although a variety of Sexual reproduction has been studied in the labo-
molecular data support the traditional view that ratory using different placozoan species.
Placozoa are closest to the very root of metazoan Experiments have identified specific environ-
origin, quantitative molecular systematics overall mental conditions that are required for the gen-
has created more confusion than resolution yet. eration and maturation of oocytes. These include
We believe that eventually Haeckel’s biogenetic high animal density, food scarceness, and tem-
rule (c.f. Schierwater et al. 2010) will provide the peratures above 23 °C (see Eitel et al. 2011).
answer we are looking for.
For a comprehensive comparative analysis of
the development of all non-bilaterian and Oogenesis
some basal bilaterian phyla, however, the recent
bottleneck is the Placozoa. A lot more work on Female gametocytes (oocytes) are presumably
the development of placozoans is needed. Given produced in the lower epithelium (Grell and
the importance of this enigmatic phylum Benwitz 1974), while maturation and fertiliza-
Placozoa, any investment in developmental tion occur somewhere in the center of the body
research seems to be justified. (Fig. 5.3). During oocyte maturation, the mother
110 B. Schierwater and M. Eitel




Fig. 5.3 Oogenesis and early embryonic development in appearance in early stages. (E) Later embryo with three-
the undescribed Placozoa sp. H2. Shown are light micros- layered egg shell. (F) By lifting the upper and condensing
copy (A, B, F–H), transmission electron microscopy (C– the lower epithelium, the mother animal rounds up and
E), and fluorescence microscopy (J, K) images of oocytes builds a “brood chamber” for the embryo. (G–K) The first
and embryos. (A) An oocyte with a large nucleus grows in and all later cleavages are total-equal. Fluorescence
a flat animal without any signs of degeneration. (B) microscopy (DAPI in J and propidium iodide in K) is
Accompanied by the generation of yolk droplets, the ani- used to count nuclei and chromosomes in embryos
mal enters the degeneration phase after 5–6 weeks. (C) By (arrows in J and K, respectively). n nucleus, o oocyte, yo
incorporating extensions from fiber cells through pores, yolk outside oocyte, yi yolk inside oocyte, fc fiber cells, ex
the oocyte grows. (D) After fertilization, the “fertilization fiber cell extensions, fm fertilization membrane, sl striped
membrane” is built around the zygote. This protective egg layer, gs ground substance, dgs dense ground substance,
shell drives from the fusion of cortex granules in the mar- li lipid droplet, e embryo, dma degenerating mother ani-
gin of the oocyte. It has a characteristic two-layered mal (Figure modified after Eitel et al. (2011))

animal enters the so-called D phase (degenera- pores on its surface (Grell and Benwitz 1974,
tion phase) in which the upper epithelium lifts 1981; Eitel et al. 2011). In the maturation pro-
and the lower epithelium condenses. A key cess, specific granules are formed throughout the
feature of this phase is the generation of yolk oocyte. These structures of unknown material
droplets, not only inside but also outside the look strikingly similar to – and likely resemble –
oocyte. The outside yolk droplets accumulate to cortical granules known from other marine inver-
form a large cluster, possibly an energy source tebrates. During maturation, these granules
for the growing embryo while still inside the increase in number and are transported toward
mother organism. To grow, the oocyte incorpo- the oocyte’s surface. In addition to yolk droplets
rates extensions from nursing fiber cells through and cortical granules, the oocyte stores lipid
5 Placozoa 111

droplets and glycogen granules. A fully mature cortex of other invertebrates (Grell and Benwitz
oocyte reaches a variable size of 70–120 μm, 1974; Eitel et al. 2011). Early embryos grow
depending on the size of the mother animal and inside the mother animal until the latter com-
the number of oocytes that are built. pletely degenerates and releases the embryo.
From electron and fluorescence microscopy, Despite great investigator efforts, the embryonic
it is known that a vast amount of bacteria are development was never completed under labora-
transferred into the oocyte during maturation. tory conditions. Here, embryos do not develop
These are vertically transmitted from the nursing past the 128- to 256-cell stage. The reasons are
fiber cells (Grell and Benwitz 1974, 1981; Eitel unknown, but it must be speculated that the water
et al. 2011). chemistry (including microflora) under labora-
tory conditions does not meet the specific require-
ments for the developing embryos. What we do
Spermatogenesis know from the early development is that cleavage
is total and equal from the zygote to the 128-cell
The existence of male gametocytes (sperm) was stage.
claimed based on ultrastructural observations
(Grell and Benwitz 1974; Eitel et al. 2011), but
their functionality has not been confirmed yet. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION
Sperm is probably produced in the center of the
animal, but the exact location and the progenitor Besides the sexual reproduction outlined above,
cells are unknown. The expression of sperm- two modes of vegetative reproduction are
associated marker genes strongly suggests sper- known: (1) fission (normal type of vegetative
matogenesis and sperm maturation in reproduction in Placozoa) and (2) swarmer for-
placozoans. According to transcriptome analy- mation (occasional type of vegetative reproduc-
ses of three placozoan species, the potential tion). In fission, animals grow to a certain size
sperm markers cover various stages of sper- and divide into two approximately equally
matogenesis, ranging from early meiosis to sized daughter individuals, which then regrow
sperm maturation (Eitel et al. 2011). Even mark- to “normal” size. This mode of vegetative
ers known to encode proteins for functional reproduction can go on ad infinitum, and it is
sperm flagella and sperm-oocyte recognition conceivable that there might be placozoan
proteins used in fertilization were identified. species and populations out there that only
Sperm markers were found expressed in adult, reproduce vegetatively. The second mode of
healthy growing animals that did not show any vegetative reproduction has only been observed
sign of degradation. This indicates production in the laboratory when environmental condi-
and storage of sperm before the animal experi- tions become unfavorable. Under such condi-
ences unfavorable conditions. It is thus likely tions, placozoans may develop small spherical
that only oocytes are produced at that stage and swarmers, which are planktonic (free-floating)
that placozoans are possibly protandrous and thus are taken by water currents to new
hermaphrodites. habitats. Several different swarmer types have
been characterized among which the “hollow
spheres” have been shown to open at one point
Early Embryonic Development to create flattened animals (Thiemann and
Ruthmann 1988, 1989). These spheres are
Mature oocytes are fertilized internally. made up of an outer layer of upper epithelial
Subsequently, the “fertilization membrane” is cells, a fiber cell layer, and an inner layer of
built by fusion of accumulated granulae on the lower epithelial cells. After opening, the
oocyte’s surface. The “fertilization membrane” spheres will fully rebuild the normal adult habi-
serves as a protective egg shell and resembles the tus within a day.
112 B. Schierwater and M. Eitel

Fig. 5.4 The “new Placula hypothesis of metazoan ori- main body axis, like oral-aboral (e.g., in cnidarians) has
gin” (Schierwater et al. 2009b). A nonsymmetric and axis- developed, duplication of the Proto-Hox/ParaHox gene
lacking body plan (placula) transforms into a typical could aid the invention and organization of new head
symmetric metazoan body plan with a defined oral-aboral structures originating from the ectoderm-endoderm
(or anterior-posterior) body axis (indicated by the arrow). boundary of the oral pole (upper row). Indeed, two puta-
This original idea from Bütschli (1884) has recently been tive descendants of the Trox-2 gene, Cnox-1, and Cnox-3
complemented by expression patterns of the putative show these hypothesized expression patterns in the hydro-
Proto-Hox/ParaHox gene, Trox-2 (in red). A single regu- zoan cnidarian Eleutheria dichotoma (upper row, for sim-
latory gene, like Trox-2, can control the separation plicity, only the ring for Cnox-1 expression is shown) (See
between lower and upper epithelium (three lower rows), Schierwater et al. (2009b) for details © Bernd Schierwater.
i.e., create polarity as a precursor of symmetry. Once a (All Rights Reserved)

DEVELOPMENTAL GENES Hox-like genes in placozoans. Here, Hox-like

genes are responsible for coordinating an ances-
The study of developmental genes in placozoans tral symmetry pattern which is called “polarity”.
is as exciting as explosive, since the interpretation The putative Proto-Hox/ParaHox gene, Trox-2,
of any kind of gene expression data depends on determines the setup of polarity in Trichoplax
the evolutionary perspective one looks from. (Jakob et al. 2004). Since polarity is the first step
Those scientists believing in so-called quality for creating symmetry, the “new placula hypoth-
data (cf. Osigus et al. 2013), which put placozo- esis” (Fig. 5.4; Schierwater et al. 2009b) derives
ans in an ancestral position to other diploblastic as naturally as a baby’s smile. The possibly
animals, see a clear picture for, e.g., ancestral ancestral Hox-like gene fulfills a logical and
5 Placozoa 113

predicted ancestral function, and animals, which Eitel M, Guidi L, Hadrys H, Balsamo M, Schierwater B
(2011) New insights into placozoan sexual reproduc-
give up symmetry and strict polarity (like
tion and development. PLoS One 6:e19639
sponges), do no longer need Hox-like genes. Eitel M, Osigus HJ, DeSalle R, Schierwater B (2013)
Scientists believing in one of the several contra- Global diversity of the placozoa. PLoS One 8:e57131
dictive evolutionary scenarios arising from so- Grell KG (1971) Trichoplax adhaerens F.E. Schulze und
die Entstehung der Metazoan. Naturwissenschaftliche
called quantity data (Osigus et al. 2013) may have
Rundschau 24:160–161
a completely different view. They may see placo- Grell KG, Benwitz G (1971) Die Ultrastruktur von Trichoplax
zoans somewhere in a derived position in the tree adhaerens F.E. Schulze. Cytobiologie 4:216–240
of life and may interpret the Trox-2 expression Grell KG, Benwitz G (1974) Elektronenmikroskopische
Beobachtungen über das Wachstum der Eizelle
patterns and Hox-like gene presence in any evo-
und die Bildung der “Befruchtungsmembran” von
lutionary and less parsimonious way they want. Trichoplax adhaerens F.E. Schulze (placozoa). Z für
Nothing to blame, this is scientific freedom. Morphol Tiere 79:295–310
When talking about developmental genes, one Grell KG, Benwitz G (1981) Ergänzende Untersuchungen
zur Ultrastruktur von Trichoplax adhaerens
automatically comes to signaling pathways. In
F.E. Schulze (placozoa). Zoomorphology 98:47–67
placozoans, representatives of all important com- Grell KG, Ruthmann A (1991) Placozoa. In: Harrison
ponents are present for the BMB/TGF beta, Wnt, FW, Westfall JA (eds) Microscopic anatomy of inver-
and Notch signaling pathways. In the Hedgehog tebrates, placozoa, porifera, cnidaria, and ctenophora.
Wiley-Liss, New York, pp 13–28
pathway, however, only Fused was found in the
Guidi L, Eitel M, Cesarini E, Schierwater B, Balsamo M
genome (Srivastava et al. 2008; Schierwater et al. (2011) Ultrastructural analyses support different mor-
2009a). We do not know anything about the phological lineages in the placozoa, Grell 1971. J
expression of these pathway genes neither in the Morphol 272:371–378
Jakob W, Sagasser S, Dellaporta S, Holland P, Kuhn K,
embryo nor as maternal factors in the oocyte.
Schierwater B (2004) The Trox-2 Hox/ParaHox gene
Given that basically all major developmental of Trichoplax (placozoa) marks an epithelial bound-
gene families are present in placozoans, it seems ary. Dev Genes Evol 214:170–175
disappointing how few expression and functional Osigus HJ, Eitel M, Schierwater B (2013) Chasing the
urmetazoon: striking a blow for quality data? Mol
data we have here. Clearly, much more work is
Phylogenet Evol 66:551–557
needed to obtain comparative developmental Schierwater B (2005) My favorite animal, Trichoplax
genetic data from placozoans. These data will not adhaerens. Bioessays 27:1294–1302
solve but contribute to the debate of ancestral Schierwater B (2013) Placozoa, Plattentiere. In: Westheide
W, Rieger R (eds) Spezielle Zoologie, Teil 1: einzeller
versus derived developmental patterns to be
und Wirbellose Tiere, 3rd edn. Springer-Spektrum,
found in placozoans. Berlin, pp 103–107
Schierwater B, de Jong D, DeSalle R (2009a) Placozoa
and the evolution of Metazoa and intrasomatic cell
differentiation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 41:
Schierwater B, Eitel M, Jakob W, Osigus HJ, Hadrys H,
• Type of hermaphroditism Dellaporta SL, Kolokotronis SO, DeSalle R (2009b)
• Selfing versus outcrossing Concatenated analysis sheds light on early metazoan
evolution and fuels a modern “Urmetazoon” hypothe-
• Completion of the life cycle
sis. Plos Biol 7:36–44
• Function and expression of developmental Schierwater B, Eitel M, Osigus HJ, von der Chevallerie K,
genes Bergmann T, Hadrys H, Cramm M, Heck, L, MR L,
DeSalle R (2010) Trichoplax and placozoa: one of the
crucial keys to understanding metazoan evolution. In:
DeSalle R, Schierwater B (eds) Key transitions in animal
References evolution. CRC Press, Enfield, USA. pp 289–326
Schulze FE (1883) Trichoplax adhaerens, nov. gen., nov.
Bütschli O (1884) Bemerkungen zur Gastraea-Theorie. spec. Zool Anz 6:92–97
Morphologisches Jahrblatt 9:415–427 Srivastava M, Begovic E, Chapman J, Putnam NH,
Eitel M, Schierwater B (2010) The phylogeography of the Hellsten U, Kawashima T, Kuo A, Mitros T, Salamov
placozoa suggests a taxon rich phylum in tropical and A, Carpenter ML, Signorovitch AY, Moreno MA,
subtropical waters. Mol Ecol 19:2315–2327 Kamm K, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Shapiro H,
114 B. Schierwater and M. Eitel

Grigoriev IV, Buss LW, Schierwater B, Dellaporta SL, Thiemann M, Ruthmann A (1989) Microfilaments and
Rokhsar DS (2008) The Trichoplax genome and the microtubules in isolated fiber cells of Trichoplax
nature of placozoans. Nature 454:955–960 adhaerens (placozoa). Zoomorphology 109:89–96
Thiemann M, Ruthmann A (1988) Trichoplax adhaerens Wenderoth H (1986) Transepithelial cytophagy by
Schulze, F. E. (placozoa) – the formation of swarmers. Trichoplax adhaerens F.E. Schulze (placozoa) feeding
Z Naturforsch C 43:955–957 on yeast. Z Naturforsch C 41:343–347
Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
and Johanna E.M. Kraus

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
Although recognized as a subtaxon of Cnidaria by most
recent phylogenetic analyses, the Myxozoa are covered
separately in the following chapter of this volume.
U. Technau (*) • G. Genikhovich • J.E.M. Kraus
Department of Molecular Evolution and
Development, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of
Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, Wien 1090, Austria

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 115

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_6, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
116 U. Technau et al.

INTRODUCTION the evolution of key bilaterian features, such as

the third germ layer (the mesoderm), the central
Cnidaria is a large animal phylum comprising nervous system, and bilaterality.
around 10,000 species, most of which are Cnidarians are divided into two major groups,
marine, with few species that have adapted to the Anthozoa and the Medusozoa (Fig. 6.1).
freshwater environments. Molecular phyloge- Within the Anthozoa, two subclasses are distin-
nies place the Cnidaria as a sister group to the guished, the Hexacorallia and the Octocorallia.
Bilateria. It is less clear whether they share this Anthozoans occur only as either solitary or
position with the Ctenophora (reviving the colonial polyps. By contrast, in addition to
Coelenterata) and the Porifera (Philippe et al. forming solitary or colonial polyps, meduso-
2009; Pick et al. 2010; Ryan et al. 2013). The zoans typically form gamete-bearing medusa.
position of the ctenophores appears most conten- Medusozoans are currently divided into four
tious; however, it seems rather unlikely that the classes, the Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa,
ctenophores and cnidarians are closely related and Staurozoa. Staurozoa have previously been
and therefore the concept of the Coelenterata is grouped together with Cubozoa, yet, recent
not well supported (Ryan et al. 2013). Regardless, phylogenies place them as a sister group to all
the sister group relationship between Cnidaria other Medusozoa (Fig. 6.1). Recent molecular
and Bilateria is very robust and puts this phylum phylogenetic analyses suggest that the para-
in a strategic position for the understanding of sitic Myxozoa may form a cnidarian subclade,

Fig. 6.1 Phylogenetic relationship of cnidarian classes. Collins (2002) and Marques and Collins (2004) with
Cnidarians are a sister group of the bilaterian animals Staurozoa as a sister group to the Cubozoa. Note that
exemplified by a polychaete worm. Within Cnidaria, the Collins et al. (2006) position the Staurozoa at the base of
medusozoans have complex life cycles where usually both the medusozoans (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory
medusa and polyp form, whereas their sister group, the Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)
Anthozoa, have polyps only. Phylogeny according to
6 Cnidaria 117


Fig. 6.2 (A) Red and green fluorescent proteins of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis (B) Green fluorescent
protein of the young medusa of the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica

possibly as sister group to the Medusozoa. Since The epithelial cells are apically connected
they have a highly aberrant life different to that to each other by adherens and septate junc-
of all other cnidarians, they are treated sepa- tions. Basally, hemidesmosomes attach the two
rately in this treatise (Chapter 7). epithelia to a common extracellular matrix,
Although a recent report on mitochondrial called mesogloea. The mesogloea is secreted
sequences proposed a paraphyletic relation- by the epithelial cells and is composed of lam-
ship of Hexacorallia and Octocorallia (Kayal inin, fibronectin, and collagen IV, very similar
et al. 2013), most other phylogenetic analyses to the basal membrane of Bilateria (Sarras
agree on the monophyletic status of these two 2012).
classes of Anthozoa. At the same time, all phy- Gland cells, neurons, and nematocytes inter-
logenies support the monophyly of Cnidaria. If mingle among the epithelial cells. Nematocytes
the paraphyletic relationship of Hexacorallia (also called cnidocytes) are the phylum-
and Octocorallia is true, it would suggest that characteristic cell type only found in Cnidaria.
all medusozoan features that distinguish antho- They harbor a large capsule, the nematocyst, an
zoans and medusozoans are either derived or extrusive organelle which can be triggered to dis-
have been lost independently in Octocorallia and charge and eject a thread and/or a stylet.
Hexacorallia. Cnidocytes are probably built exclusively in the
Cnidarians are characterized by stinging cells, ectodermal layer or its derivatives (e.g., the
called cnidocytes or nematocytes, which are inverted pharynx). Cnidocytes are considered a
used to capture prey and to defend the organ- specialized sensory cell type (Oliver et al. 2008)
ism. Another characteristic of cnidarians are which serves mainly for predation and defense
endogenous fluorescent proteins (Fig. 6.2). Their but also for locomotion (when attaching to a sub-
discovery and subsequent biotechnological devel- strate) (Tardent 1978). Different types of nemato-
opment as one of the most important and widely cysts, spirocysts, and ptychocysts exist, which
used tools in cell and developmental biology has differ in the shape of the capsule, the thread, and
led to the award of the Nobel Prize in 2008. the stylet. Depending on this structure, they may
Cnidarians are diploblastic, i.e., they are com- penetrate a prey and release toxins attached to the
posed of only two cell layers, ectoderm and endo- thread (e.g., stenoteles in Hydra) or they may
derm (Fig. 6.3). Hence, they lack the third germ entangle the prey’s bristles (e.g., desmonemes
layer, the mesoderm, present in all Bilateria. and isorhizas). The thread can be trichous or atri-
Cnidarian ectoderm and endoderm are epithelial chous (with or without spines). The different
monolayers during development and throughout structures and shapes of the capsules serve as
the life of the animal. taxonomic traits to distinguish between cnidarian
118 U. Technau et al.



Fig. 6.3 Typical organization of a cnidarian polyp and a of a polyp. (D) Outer appearance of an A. aurita jellyfish.
medusa exemplified by a scyphozoan (Aurelia aurita). (A) (E) Inner organization of a jellyfish. Areas with striated
Outer appearance of a polyp (scyphistoma). (B) Inner muscles in the subumbrella are highlighted in red
organization of a polyp shown in a longitudinal section. (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus,
(C) Schematic cross section through the midbody region 2015. All Rights Reserved)

species (Weill 1934; Zenkert et al. 2011). The be the fastest movement in the animal world,
best-studied nematocyte is the stenotele of Hydra, albeit over only a short distance. During the first
where the protein composition of the capsule and phase of stylet ejection, it accelerates with over
the discharge mechanism have been studied in 53 Mio m/s (Nüchter et al. 2006).
detail. The capsule wall primarily consists of The nervous system of Cnidaria is generally
minicollagens, very short cnidarian-specific vari- considered to have a diffuse organization, since
ants of collagens forming intermolecular bridges no brain-like structures exist. However, both in
ensuring an impressive tensile strength (Kurz polyps and in medusae, neurons can be concen-
et al. 1991; Holstein et al. 1994). Inside the cap- trated in some regions, sometimes forming nerve
sule, the main component of the matrix is rings, for instance, at the margin of the bell of
γ-polyglutamate. It is thought to act as a mineral medusae. Neurons are found both in the ecto-
gel, responsible for the enormous internal pres- derm and in the endoderm. Morphologically,
sure of about 150 bar inside the capsule (Weber they form either different types of ganglion cells,
1990). Stenotele discharge (Fig. 6.4) has been located basiepithelially, or sensory cells, which
monitored by high-speed cameras (Holstein and are intercalated between the epithelial cells,
Tardent 1984; Nüchter et al. 2006) and found to perceiving external mechanical or chemical cues
6 Cnidaria 119

Fig. 6.4 Discharge of a stenotele nematocyst shown (black) punching a hole into prey. (B) Sequential images,
schematically (A) and recorded with a Hamamatsu C4187 taken 195 μs after triggering at 1.430.000 frames per sec-
high-speed camera (B). (A) Nematocytes (blue; cell and ond (200 ns exposure time, 500 ns frame interval); arrows
vesicle membranes in dark blue) harbor one cyst (pink; indicate progress of discharge (Reproduced with permis-
minicollagen wall, tubule, and operculum) with stylets sion from Nüchter et al. (2006). Copyright Elsevier 2006)

and transmitting them to ganglion neurons or is known about their development except for cer-
directly to nematocytes in the tentacles tain gland cells in Hydra, which appear to have a
(Hobmayer et al. 1990). Neurons and cnidocytes limited cycling capacity, but also arise from
are terminally differentiated, whereas epithelial interstitial stem cells (Schmidt and David 1986;
cells (at least in Hydra polyps) are continuously Bode et al. 1987).
proliferating under optimal feeding conditions. Cnidarians can move with the help of muscles.
Hence, new neurons and cnidocytes need to dif- In many cases, muscles are formed at the base
ferentiate during growth or to replace the dis- of the epithelial cells (myoepithelial cells and
charged cnidocytes. In hydrozoans, both cell epitheliomuscle cells), but they can also detach
types differentiate from a common progenitor, from the epithelial junctions and take a basiepi-
the interstitial stem cell. Since interstitial cells thelial position. With very few exceptions, pol-
have so far not been identified outside of hydro- yps form smooth muscle type, but medusae also
zoans, it is currently unclear whether neurons and form striated, mononuclear muscle cells in the
nematocytes differentiate directly and indepen- subumbrella.
dently from epithelial cells or whether they share Most studies on the developmental biology of
a specialized progenitor cell in the representa- cnidarians concern adult polyps or medusae.
tives of the other cnidarian classes. Herein, a general, comparative account of cnidar-
Different types of gland cells, present both in ian embryonic and larval development is first
ectoderm and endoderm and intercalated provided, followed by a detailed description
between the epithelial cells, secrete mucus and about what is known on the development of the
digestive enzymes. In addition to that, they better-investigated taxa. It is important to note
appear to be the source of important regulatory that extreme deviations from common cnidarian
proteins, such as Wnt antagonists (e.g., Dickkopf) life cycles are also known, as in the abovemen-
(Guder et al. 2006b; Augustin et al. 2006). Little tioned myxozoans (Chapter 7) or the enigmatic
120 U. Technau et al.

Polypodium hydriforme, a cnidarian that lives into a primary polyp and, in the case of colo-
as an intracellular parasite in the oocytes of nial species, the primary polyp begins to form a
acipenserid and polyodontid fishes. A review of spreading network of horizontal stolons, called
its bizarre and complex life cycle, which appears hydrorhiza, and in some species also produce
to involve two instances of germ layer inversion, vertical branching shoots. Hydrozoan colonies
a process, which is not fully understood, is found can carry different types of zooids specialized
in Raikova (1994). for feeding, defense, and medusa formation. In
medusozoans, a regular metagenetic change of
the asexually reproducing polyps and sexually
GENERAL ASPECTS OF CNIDARIAN reproducing medusae is observed. Medusae arise
EARLY DEVELOPMENT from polyps in various ways: either by strobila-
tion (Scyphozoa, Cubozoa) or by lateral budding
Generally, the first two or three cleavage divisions (Hydrozoa). Gametes are either formed by the
are radial, but not always complete, while the fol- polyp (anthozoans) or by the medusa (meduso-
lowing cleavage planes are much more irregular zoans) and are usually spawned into the water.
and variable from embryo to embryo (Tardent However, especially hydrozoans show various
1978). Notably, gastrulation can occur by any degrees of reduction of either the medusa genera-
possible mode known from bilaterians, depend- tion called hypogenesis, whereby specific reduc-
ing on the species: anthozoans and scyphozoans tion stages of ancestrally free-swimming medusae
often gastrulate by invagination and hydrozoans remain attached to the polyps as egg- and sperm-
by unipolar and multipolar immigration or mor- producing “organs.” In this case, fertilization and
ula delamination. Epiboly and cellular delamina- embryonic development (in some cases until the
tion may also occur in rare cases (Tardent 1978; planula stage) take place in the female colony.
Byrum and Martindale 2004). Since gastrulation Forms of “labor division” between specialized
modes are much more diverse among hydrozo- polypoid and medusoid zooids within a colony are
ans than among anthozoans, one may assume common among the Hydrozoa. One of the most
that invagination is the ancestral mode, but that is specialized animal colonies with various organ-
by no means fully clear. The post-gastrula stage like individuals is found in the Siphonophora
typically develops into a pear-shaped or elon- (e.g., Physalia physalis, the “Portuguese Man o’
gated planula larva that is usually free-swimming War”). Starting early in larval development, the
by means of ciliary motion. The Staurozoa animals will give rise to a floating colony of hun-
however, after gastrulation through unipolar dreds of highly specialized zooids.
ingression, form unusual worm-shaped planulae
that creep on the substrate (Kowalewsky 1884;
Wietrzykowski 1910, 1912; Hanaoka 1934; Otto GENERAL QUESTIONS
1976). Interestingly, the number of endodermal OF DEVELOPMENT AND BODY
cells in staurozoan planulae appears to remain PLAN EVOLUTION
constant after gastrulation (Otto 1976), which
is the only known example of cell constancy of For centuries cnidarians have served as models
developmental stages among cnidarians. to study fundamental aspects of developmental
biology. It is probably fair to say that the birth of
experimental developmental biology started
GENERAL ASPECTS OF CNIDARIAN with experiments on Hydra. In 1744, Abraham
LATE DEVELOPMENT Trembley, a Swiss naturalist and physician from
Geneva, published his “Mémoires, pour servir à
After some time of exploration and dispersal, the l’histoire d’un genre de polypes d’eau douce, à
planula larva starts to settle, either spontaneously bras en forme de cornes.” In this volume he
or triggered by an external cue. The planula then reported the first bisection experiments, showing
undergoes a gradual or dramatic metamorphosis that Hydra is able to regenerate the missing part
6 Cnidaria 121

within a few days. Ever since, Hydra and other Often, there are crucial differences observed
cnidarian species were used to study pattern between the main protostome model species
formation, regeneration, and stem cells. When (Drosophila and Caenorhabditis) and main
powerful genetic models such as Drosophila deuterostome model species (e.g., mouse and
melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans zebrafish). In such cases, cnidarians have a
became dominant, cnidarians were less competi- strategic position as an outgroup to the Bilateria
tive as model organisms, since genetics or to infer ancestral states.
functional gene analysis was not readily possible
until recently. However, with the rise of
EvoDevo, cnidarians became very interesting MEDUSOZOAN MODEL SYSTEMS
due to their phylogenetic position as a sister
group to the Bilateria and were often referred to In the following major findings and recent
as “basal metazoans,” a somewhat misleading advances made by using various cnidarian model
term, as this refers to animals that lived in the species are highlighted.
deep past and not to extant animals. Instead, they
are representatives of basally or early branching
lineages. This distinction is important, as the Hydra
traits we observe in cnidarians (or in other
basally branching lineages) do not necessarily Hydra is a freshwater hydrozoan genus which
reflect the ancestral state, because these lineages has lost the medusa and planula stages (Fig. 6.5).
had the same time for evolutionary divergence as Several species are currently predominantly used
any other extant animal lineage. However, in in experimental research: Hydra magnipapil-
many cases comparative approaches both on the lata, the Japanese species, of which the genome
morphological and molecular level allow us to has been sequenced (Chapman et al. 2010);
reconstruct the likely ancestral and derived the European Hydra vulgaris, which is geneti-
states. cally very similar to H. magnipapillata; and a

Fig. 6.5 The life cycle of Hydra (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)
122 U. Technau et al.


Fig. 6.6 Anatomy of a hydrozoan polyp. (A) A Hydra (green), the fibers are oriented longitudinally, and in endo-
polyp is essentially a two-layered tube with a ring of ten- dermal epithelial cells (pink), they are oriented circumfer-
tacles around the mouth opening. Asexual budding occurs entially (ring muscle). Most interstitial cells and
on the lower half of the body column. Interstitial stem nematoblast clusters are located between ectodermal epi-
cells and nematoblasts are distributed evenly in the body thelial cells. Neurons are found in both the endoderm and
column, below the tentacle ring and above the border of ectoderm. Sensory neurons are located between epithelial
the peduncle, which is the stalk between the budding cells and connect to ganglion neurons (purple), which are
region and pedal disc. (B) The bilayered cellular organiza- at the base of the epithelium on top of the myofibers and
tion of a Hydra polyp. Ectoderm and endoderm are sepa- sometimes cross the mesogloea. Different types of gland
rated by an acellular matrix called the mesogloea (gray). cells, most of which are found in the endoderm, are inter-
All epithelial cells in Hydra are myoepithelial, with myo- mingled between the epithelial cells (Reproduced with
fibers on the basal side (red). In ectodermal epithelial cells permission from Technau and Steele (2011))

laboratory cross of two American wild-type pol- was maceration (David 1973), which maintains
yps of Hydra carnea, termed “strain AEP,” which the morphology of the cells upon dissociation in
is used because of the possibility to obtain gam- acetic acid, allowing for the identification of all
etes (Martin et al. 1997; Hemmrich et al. 2007) cell types. Except for neurons and nematocytes,
and generate transgenics (Wittlieb et al. 2006). all cells in the body column proliferate. Overall,
Hydra has a simple anatomy: it is basically a this proliferative activity of the epithelial cells
tube with a single opening serving both as a mouth leads to a tissue displacement into the buds, head,
and an anus at one end and a basal disc used to or foot (for review, see Watanabe et al. 2009).
attach to the substrate at the other end. Like other
cnidarian polyps, it consists of two layers of epi- Hydra Gametogenesis and Embryonic
thelial cells, separated by an extracellular matrix, Development
the mesogloea (Fig. 6.6). Other cell types are Hydra oogenesis and embryonic development
found intercalated in the epithelium: interstitial are very peculiar. Gametes are the product of a
cells (i-cells), neurons, nematocytes, and gland sperm- or oocyte-restricted stem cell population,
cells. An important technique that enabled the which resides in clusters or strings within the
quantitative analysis of cellular differentiation ectoderm (Fig. 6.7). Gametogenesis can either
6 Cnidaria 123

Fig. 6.7 Oogenesis stages in Hydra carnea (strain AEP). cycle. The arrows point to the position of the determined
Animals were monitored and staged live (A), stained with and growing oocyte. The diameter of the mature egg
toluidine blue to visualize the stem cells and germ cells exposed to the environment is approximately 400–500 μm
(B) and BrdU (C) to visualize cells in S-phase of the cell (Reproduced with permission from Miller et al. (2000))
124 U. Technau et al.

be induced by a temperature decrease in the case Like in most other cnidarians, the cleavage pat-
of Hydra oligactis (Littlefield et al. 1991) or by terns then become irregular and lead within the
a period of starvation in Hydra carnea strain first 12 h to the formation of a coeloblastula.
AEP (Martin et al. 1997). Gamete-restricted Gastrulation occurs by multipolar immigration of
stem cells then start to accumulate massively by cells spreading in a wave from the animal pole
migration and proliferation to form future egg (Martin et al. 1997). The resulting parenchymula-
patches or testis (Fig. 6.7). During spermatogen- like gastrula consists of an ectodermal epithelial
esis, gamete-restricted stem cells migrate to the layer and a mass of non-epithelial cells filling the
forming testis, formed by ectodermal epithelial cavity. The ectoderm develops filopodia, which
cells in the upper third of the body column. secrete a hard cuticle, and the embryo enters a
Spermatogonia proliferate heavily at the proxi- long dormant phase of about 1 month to 1 year.
mal position of the testis and differentiate into Prior to hatching, the endodermal cells organize
spermatids and sperm at more distal position of into an epithelium, i-cells form in the endoderm
the testis (Littlefield et al. 1985, 1991; Littlefield and migrate to populate the ectoderm, and tenta-
and Bode 1986). cles form (Genikhovich et al. 2006). The presence
During oogenesis, one cell is selected out of a of the dormant stage with a cuticle and difficulties
field of competent germ cells by an unknown in obtaining enough embryonic material has
mechanism, which becomes apparent by the stop always hindered the use of Hydra as an embry-
of mitosis and entry into meiosis. Rapidly, all onic model. However, strain AEP of Hydra carnea
germ cells surrounding the oocyte also stop is extensively used to produce transgenic polyps,
cycling in a spreading concentric wave and start which are then used to study cellular differentia-
differentiating into “nurse cells,” characterized tion in the polyp (Wittlieb et al. 2006). Indeed,
by lipid synthesis (Miller et al. 2000). adult polyps with their unique regeneration capac-
As part of the differentiation program, the ity and constantly occurring pattern formation
nurse cells then start an apoptotic program and provide numerous exciting research questions.
become engulfed by the growing oocyte. By the
time of fertilization, the egg cell contains up to The Head Organizer and Axis
10,000 endocytes, also called “nurse cells.” Formation
Remarkably, the phagocytosed nurse cells persist One of the classical experiments for our current
throughout the whole embryonic development understanding of axis formation was carried out
despite having engaged in a state of apoptosis, in 1909 by Ethel Browne, then a graduate student
which becomes arrested until hatching, between in the laboratory of Thomas Hunt Morgan. She
1 month and 1 year after fertilization (Technau transplanted a piece of the hypostome (oral
et al. 2003). In the hatchling all endocytes are dome) from bleached, aposymbiotic Hydra
rapidly digested within a few hours, probably viridissima laterally onto green, symbiotic Hydra
serving as energy source for the first phase of viridissima host polyps. She found that a very
growth and cellular differentiation (Technau small piece of hypostome could induce the
et al. 2003). outgrowth of a secondary body axis, fulfilling the
After the mature egg breaks through the ecto- criterion of an organizer (Browne 1909).
derm and becomes exposed to the environment, it In the 1980s and 1990s, Hydra experienced a
can be fertilized at the distal, animal pole revival in developmental biology. Above all, the
(Figs. 6.8 and 6.9). Fertilization is followed by landmark lateral transplantation experiments of
two cleavage divisions along the animal-vegetal Harry MacWilliams led to a deep understand-
axis starting at the animal pole. The third cleav- ing of the tissue properties and revealed in detail
age plane is then perpendicular to the first two and on a statistical level the head activation and
cleavages, dividing the embryo into an animal head inhibition gradients (Bode and Bode 1980;
and a vegetal half. MacWilliams 1982, 1983a, b). His experiments
6 Cnidaria 125




Fig. 6.8 Model of oogenesis. (A) Interstitial stem cells petent cells start differentiating into nurse cells (green).
and gamete-restricted stem cells accumulate by prolifera- (E) The oocyte starts growing and the nurse cells enter the
tion and migration. (B) A group of oocyte-competent cells apoptotic program (gray). (F) The oocyte starts phagocy-
in the center is defined (red). (C) In the center of the com- tosing the nurse cells, which remain in a stalled apoptotic
petent cells, a single oocyte is singled out (yellow). (D) state within the oocyte (Reproduced with permission from
The oocyte and competent cells stop cycling and the com- Miller et al. (2000))

were strongly influenced and inspired by theoret- of Alan Turing (1952), with important differ-
ical models that explained how a polarity within ences and modifications to account for biological
a tissue can be generated and regenerated on the systems (Meinhardt and Gierer 2000). In simple
basis of a reaction-diffusion mechanism (Gierer words, the Gierer-Meinhardt model assumes a
and Meinhardt 1972). The Gierer-Meinhardt short-range activator and a long-range inhibitor,
model is similar to the reaction-diffusion model which are coupled by an autocatalytic loop of the
126 U. Technau et al.




Fig. 6.9 Hydra oogenesis and embryogenesis. (A) Coeloblastula. (F) Gastrula. (G) Spike stage. (H) Cuticle
Female Hydra polyp. The arrowhead indicates the egg stage embryo, still attached to the mother polyp. (I)
fleck – the accumulation of interstitial cells converting Hatching polyp. Scale bars: (A) 3 mm, (B) 200 μm, (C–I)
into oogonia. (B) Hydra egg. (C) First cleavage furrow. 100 μm (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
(D) Cleaving embryos at different stages. (E) Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

activator and a cross-activation of the inhibitor the last two decades and numerous experimen-
by the activator. The inhibitor in turn attenuates tal results were in agreement with these mod-
the autocatalytic loop of the activator. Due to els (Bode et al. 1988; Meinhardt 1993, 2012;
the coupling and the different diffusion ranges, Technau and Holstein 1995b; Meinhardt and
both activator and inhibitor have their maximum Gierer 2000; Shimizu 2012). In summary, these
in the same point, yet leading to local activation experiments showed that there is a gradient of
and lateral inhibition. Unlike many other models, head activation and a gradient of head inhibition
these reaction-diffusion models have the capac- along the body column, both having their maxi-
ity to generate patterns (stripes and points) in a mum in the hypostome of the animal.
morphogenetic field and are able to regenerate Having understood the general principles of
from remnant gradients or even from noise levels patterning in Hydra, researchers started searching
of biological fluctuations. Various more specific for the molecular basis of the observed phenom-
adaptations of the model were published during ena. Most of the early studies were guided by the
6 Cnidaria 127


Fig. 6.10 Expression of HyTcf in the hypostome (A) and HyWnt3 (B) in the oral organizer of Hydra. The average size
of the Hydra polyp is 1 cm (Reprinted with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Hobmayer et al. (2000))

assumption that only small molecules can have the It took 90 years after the experiments of
diffusion properties necessary to act as morpho- Ethel Browne to realize that the genetic basis for
gens along the body axis. This led to the biochemi- this tissue property bears striking similarities to
cal isolation of an 11 amino acid peptide, called that of the Mangold/Spemann organizer of
the head activator (Schaller and Gierer 1973), frogs: in both cases, Wnt/β-catenin signaling is
which indeed had reproducible, although subtle, involved in establishing the organizer. A major
effects on head regeneration and on prolifera- breakthrough was the identification of all major
tion (Schaller et al. 1990; Hobmayer et al. 1997). components of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and
However, a large-scale biochemical approach to the demonstration that the ligands as well as
isolate as many peptides as possible could not several of the cytoplasmatic components are
recover the head activator (Takahashi and Fujisawa expressed in the hypostome (Fig. 6.10;
2009; Takahashi 2013), nor could it later be found Hobmayer et al. 2000). The identification of fur-
in the genome sequence (Chapman et al. 2010). ther Wnt ligands revealed that all Wnts are
It is therefore unclear whether the head activator expressed in staggered domains, some highly
peptide has still been missed – despite consider- restricted, and others somewhat broader in the
able depth of sequencing and screening efforts – or hypostome and in the subhypostomal tissue
whether it does not exist and the biological effects (Lengfeld et al. 2009).
simply mimic the effect of a related endogenous Another gene that is specifically expressed in
peptide, since many of them have clear effects the hypostome is the homolog of the T-box tran-
on morphogenesis and cellular differentiation scription factor Brachyury, Hybra1 (Fig. 6.11;
(Takahashi and Fujisawa 2009; Takahashi 2013). Technau and Bode 1999). Like Wnt3 or β-catenin,
Other molecules that have an effect on the head- Hybra1 is expressed at very early time points,
forming capacity of body column tissue are diac- whenever a head is formed during regeneration,
ylglycerol (DAG) and lithium ions (Muller 1990; budding, and embryonic development (Technau
Hassel et al. 1993; Hassel and Bieller 1996). and Bode 1999).
128 U. Technau et al.




Fig. 6.11 Expression of Hydra brachyury 1 (Hybra1). after decapitation, long before the appearance of tentacles
(A) Whole polyp shows expression in the hypostome and at 36 h. (F, G) Embryonic expression starts shortly before
the tip of a bud. (B, C) Expression during budding. Note hatching, indicating the future hypostome of the primary
that expression starts before any sign of evagination. (D, E) polyp. Scale bars: (A–E) 1 mm, (F–G) 100 μm (Modified
Expression during head regeneration starts as early as 1–3 h from Technau (2001), BioEssays with permission)

Notably, a Hybra1 paralog, Hybra2, is also 2012; Guder et al. 2006a; Meinhardt 2012).
expressed in the hypostome, yet predominantly Recently, taking advantage of the establishment
in the ectoderm, unlike the endodermally of transgenic Hydra (Wittlieb et al. 2006), over-
expressed Hybra1, with a later onset of expres- expression of β-catenin in the body column could
sion (Bielen et al. 2007). also induce the outgrowth of ectopic head struc-
More recent transplantation experiments tures (Gee et al. 2010). Furthermore, when tested
confirmed the experiments by Ethel Browne and in transplantation assays, ectopic β-catenin
showed that chemical ectopic activation of the expression increases the head activation potential
Wnt/β-catenin pathway by alsterpaullone (Gee et al. 2010). These data strongly suggest
treatment induces the outgrowth of head struc- that Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays a crucial role
tures in the body column and alters the head- in providing an oral identity to the tissue and in
inducing capacity of the body column tissue conferring the organizing capacity. However,
(Broun and Bode 2002; Broun et al. 2005). also Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling
Notably, Hybra1 becomes expressed throughout appears to play an important role in morphogen-
the body column, while Wnt3 expression is found esis, e.g., during budding, and is connected to
in numerous spots along the body column (Broun Wnt/β-catenin signaling (Philipp et al. 2009).
et al. 2005), supporting the idea that Wnt signal- Strikingly, Hydra can regenerate not only from
ing and Brachyury are engaged in a feedback dissected parts of the body column but also from
loop. In vertebrates, there is a feedback loop dissociated and reaggregated single cell suspen-
between Wnt3 and Brachyury, suggesting that sions (Gierer et al. 1972). This process (Fig. 6.12)
this might reflect an ancestral genetic circuit involves sorting of endodermal and ectodermal
(Yamaguchi et al. 1999; Holstein 2003, 2008, cells during the first 12 h, followed by formation
6 Cnidaria 129




Fig. 6.12 Pattern formation in reaggregated single cell HyBra1 and HyWnt3 in the newly forming heads in the
suspension in Hydra. (A–E) Consecutive stages of the aggregates. Average aggregate size is 500 μm ((F–I)
aggregate development in the course of 4 days. Hours Reproduced with permission from Technau et al. (2000).
indicate time after centrifugation of the cell suspension. Copyright (2000) National Academy of Sciences, USA)
(F–I) Expression of the head-specific regulatory genes

of ectodermal and endodermal epithelia. Since specific derivatives. Cloning experiments in epi-
cells remain randomly distributed during this pro- thelial feeder aggregates without any i-cells have
cess, this is a de novo pattern formation process shown that i-cells are multipotent and can give
(Sato et al. 1990; Technau and Holstein 1992). rise to neurons, nematocytes, gland cells, and
Molecular and cellular analysis demonstrated that gametes (David and Murphy 1977; David and
clusters of 5–15 cells but no single cells originat- MacWilliams 1978; David 2012). These elegant
ing from apical tissue are sufficient to define a new experiments have been recently confirmed using
organizer with high efficiency (Technau et al. transgenic animals, where only i-cells as well as
2000). These newly defined organizing centers all their offspring are labeled by the expression of
express HyBra1 and Wnt3 in spots of few cells a reporter gene (Khalturin et al. 2007; Hemmrich
(Fig. 6.12f–i), while ubiquitously expressed tcf et al. 2012). Again, no evidence was found that
and β-catenin become restricted to broader i-cells can give rise to epithelial cells, unlike in
domains surrounding the HyBra1/Wnt3 spots Hydractinia (see below). Interestingly, stem cell-
(Hobmayer et al. 2000; Technau et al. 2000). depleted Hydra (e.g., “epithelial Hydra”), which
have also lost all neurons and nematocytes, can
Interstitial Stem Cell in Hydra: still bud and regenerate, suggesting that i-cells or
Maintenance and Differentiation their derivatives are not required for pattern for-
Interstitial stem cells are small, spindle-like cells mation (Campbell 1976; Marcum and Campbell
that occur as single cells or twins predominantly 1978). However, this view has been questioned
between the ectodermal epithelial cells. A low by new experiments proposing a role for i-cells as
number of i-cells are also found in the endoderm the source of the transient Wnt signals necessary
(David and Plotnick 1980). Typical for stem for regeneration (Chera et al. 2009).
cells, they show a certain probability of mainte- Since endodermal and ectodermal epithelial
nance by self-renewal and differentiation into cells remain stable lineages, there are three cell
130 U. Technau et al.

lineages in Hydra. As mentioned above, the vast neuronal progenitor cells, which probably
majority of i-cells is located in the ectoderm; how- become committed stochastically somewhere in
ever, during embryogenesis, i-cells derive from the body column, migrate axially towards the
endoderm (Martin et al. 1997; Genikhovich et al. head or the foot and differentiate after a final
2006). Interestingly, i-cells express typical marker mitosis at those positions wherever there is a gap
genes of germ cells as well as stem cells, such as in the nervous system (Technau and Holstein
eed, nanos, vasa, and piwi (Genikhovich et al. 1996; Hager and David 1997). Since epithelial
2006; Nishimiya-Fujisawa and Kobayashi 2012; cells (except for cells in the tentacle, hypostome
Juliano et al. 2014). This is similar to the pluripo- tip, and basal disc) divide every 3–4 days when
tent neoblast stem cells in planarian flatworms the animals are fed regularly (David and Campbell
(Vol. 2, Chapters 3 and 4) and it strongly suggests 1972; Holstein et al. 1991), the neuron density
a close relationship between multipotent stem would diminish by half every 3–4 days. To keep a
cells in Hydra and germ cells in Drosophila and homeostasis of cell ratios, new neurons need to
vertebrates. Of note, no bona fide homologs of the be supplied by the interstitial stem cells. Neurons
pluripotency marker genes sox2, klf4, nanog, and are considered to be relatively long-lived and
oct4 that were identified in vertebrates by the they are displaced passively in axial directions
Nobel Prize-winning work of Yamanaka and col- together with the epithelial cells by tissue turn-
leagues (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2006) have over. This led to the idea that neurons of the body
been found in the Hydra genome. However, there column might change their phenotype when they
are two paralogs of the oncogene myc, which are displaced into the head or foot region
indeed appears to be implicated in stem cell main- (Koizumi and Bode 1991; Bode 1992). However,
tenance (Hartl et al. 2010; Ambrosone et al. 2012). at least 95 % of the ganglion neurons of the
Recently, another conserved transcription factor peduncle nervous system arise by new differenti-
FoxO has been shown to play an important role in ation from stem cells and not from previously
maintenance of stemness (Boehm et al. 2012). existing body column neurons through pheno-
Since FoxO has been implicated in longevity of typic plasticity (Fig. 6.16; Technau and Holstein
bilaterians, its role in Hydra stem cells might be 1996). The requirement of new differentiation
associated with the putative immortality of these from stem cells during regeneration appears to be
animals. Using transgenic lines specific for each a general feature of the nervous system, since
of the three cell lineages in Hydra (endodermal similar findings were made in the head nervous
epithelial cells, ectodermal epithelial cells, i-cells), system (Miljkovic-Licina et al. 2007).
transcriptome profiles have been generated that By contrast, nematocytes differentiate in clus-
provide insights into the molecular fingerprints of ters throughout the body column, congruent with
these stem cell lineages (Hemmrich et al. 2012). the distribution of stem cells, and then, upon
Nematocytes and neurons, the two major maturation and disintegration of the cell cluster,
derivatives of i-cells, are terminally differentiated rapidly migrate into the tentacles or elsewhere.
and arrested in G0/1. The differentiation of neu- After commitment, nematoblasts undergo several
rons and nematocytes has been studied in some rounds of divisions, but remain connected through
detail on the cellular as well as molecular level. cytoplasmic bridges and form large nests of up to
Hydra has ganglion (defined by having multiple 64 cells. After a final mitosis, the differentiation
dendrites) and sensory neurons, which form a of the nematocyst begins, which involves the
diffuse nervous system with much higher densi- expression of capsule-specific proteins like mini-
ties at both ends, in the head and tentacles, as collagens, spinalin, nematocyst outer wall anti-
well as in the peduncle (Figs. 6.13 and 6.14). gen (NOWA), and nematogalectin (Kurz et al.
Notably, the i-cells are only found in the body 1991; Koch et al. 1998; Engel et al. 2002; Hwang
column, but largely excluded from the head and et al. 2010). It is still unclear at which stage the
the lower peduncle and foot region (Fig. 6.15). four different types of nematocytes are specified.
This complementary pattern of precursor stem The molecular control of neurogenesis
cells and derivatives is explained by the fact that and nematocyte differentiation is still poorly
6 Cnidaria 131

Fig. 6.13 Nervous system of Hydra.

(A) Oral view on the RFamide-
positive nerve net of the tentacles and
the hypostome (orange) projecting to
the mouth opening, marked by
endodermal boundary cells (green).
(B) Sensory neurons detected by
monoclonal antibody Nv1 (red)
innervating individual nematocytes
(stenoteles) in the tentacle (yellow).
(C) Overview of the L96-positive
nerve net of the peduncle. (D)
Close-up of the L96-positive nerve
net showing the connections of the
ganglion cells. Scale bars: (A, B)
250 μm, (C) 300 μm, (D) 50 μm ((A)
From Technau and Holstein (1995a);
Cell and Tissue Research, with C D

Fig. 6.14 The nervous system has

overlapping populations expressing
different combinations of marker
proteins. Double staining of peduncle
nervous system with RFamide
antibody (A; red) and mab L96
(B; green). Note that L96 neurons are
a subset of RFamide neurons in the
peduncle. Scale bar 200 μm (Taken
from Technau and Holstein (1996)
Developmental Biology, with

understood. Interestingly, the conserved zinc keep committed neuronal precursor cells of the
finger transcription factor gene Hyzic is spe- neural crest in proliferative state before final
cifically expressed in a subpopulation of i-cells differentiation (Elms et al. 2003). Thus, while
and the proliferating nematoblasts (Lindgens functional data are lacking, zic could play a
et al. 2004). In vertebrates, zic is required to similar role in nematocyte differentiation. In
132 U. Technau et al.


Fig. 6.15 Distribution of interstitial stem cells and neu- cells (mab C41, yellow) and ganglion nerve cells in the
rons is largely complementary. (A) Interstitial stem cells peduncle (mab L96; green). Arrowheads mark the bound-
in Hydra stained with monoclonal antibody C41 are local- aries of the cells. Scale bars: 500 μm (A), 30 μm (B),
ized to the ectoderm of the body column, but absent from 100 μm (C) (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
the extremities. (B) Double staining of interstitial stem Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

Hydra vulgaris (basel)

L96+ neurons A B

} L96+ neurons

Hydra vulgaris (Zürich)

L96- neurons

Fig. 6.16 Experiment demonstrating the constant migra- over time. (B) Representative polyp 6 days after trans-
tion and differentiation of neuronal precursor cells in plantation shows L96+ -positive neurons in the host,
Hydra. (A) Experimental scheme. A mid-column frag- which have differentiated from migratory precursor cells
ment of a vitally labeled polyp of H. vulgaris strain Basel of the grafted tissue. (C) Close-up of the peduncle region
(L96-positive) is transplanted into the equivalent position showing the differentiated neurons. Scale bars: 1 mm (B),
of a non-labeled polyp of H. vulgaris strain Zürich (L96- 300 μm (C) (Taken from Technau and Holstein (1996)
negative). Assessment of L96+ neurons in the host tissue Developmental Biology, with permission)
6 Cnidaria 133



Fig. 6.17 Transgenic Hydractinia and Hydra polyps. transgenic line expressing actin: GFP. (E) Actin::dsRed2-
(A) Hydractinia polyps are expressing GFP (same col- expressing ectodermal epithelial cells in a Hydra polyp
ony shown in GFP channel in B) under the control of a (Images courtesy of Günter Plickert (A, B), Thomas
ubiquitous actin promoter. (C) Hydra expressing GFP Bosch (C, D) and Rob Steele (E). Scale bars: 2 mm in
under a ubiquitous actin promoter in a contiguous patch (A), 500 μm in (C–E). Taken from Technau and Steele
of transgenic epithelial cells. (D) Interstitial cell-specific (2011) Development, with permission)

line with this, the homolog of achaete-scute is Hydractinia echinata and Hydractinia
expressed in postmitotic nematocytes and in symbilongicarpus
a subpopulation of neurons (Grens et al. 1995;
Hayakawa et al. 2004; Lindgens et al. 2004). A Hydractinia echinata and its sister species
number of other conserved transcription factors H. symbiolongicarpus are colonial marine
such as COUP-TF, prdl-a and prdl-b (Gauchat hydroids that preferentially grow on gastropod
et al. 1998, 2004), the Gsx homolog Cnox2 shells inhabited by hermit crabs – hence their
(Miljkovic-Licina et al. 2007), and cnot (Galliot common English name “snail fur.” The dioecious
et al. 2009) are also expressed during neurogen- colonies develop up to four different types of
esis or in early neurons (for review, see Galliot zooids, gastrozooids (also called trophozooids,
and Quiquand 2011). This suggests a close rela- autozooids, or hydranths), which are used for
tionship between nematocytes and neurons and feeding; gonozooids which produce gametes;
supports the view that nematocytes are a special- sensory spirozooids; and dactylozooids used for
ized sensory neuronal cell type. defense. Zooid buds form on a branching system
In the future many questions regarding origin, of stolons, which is used to transport nutrients
migration, and turnover of various cell popula- throughout the colony via the gastrovascular sys-
tions will be addressed using the newly estab- tem and allow exchange of stem cells (see below).
lished transgenic lines in Hydra (Fig. 6.17). Both species have lost a free-living medusa
134 U. Technau et al.

Fig. 6.18 The life cycle of Hydractinia (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights

generation (Fig. 6.18). Gametes are spawned into mal phylum capable of allorecognition. While
the water upon light stimulus, where they are fer- some Hydractinia colonies are histocompat-
tilized and develop into a planula larva, which ible and can anastomose and, essentially, form
settles to give rise to the first polyp of the new genetic chimeras with a continuous gastrovas-
colony (Fig. 6.18; Frank et al. 2001; Plickert cular system, others cannot. These reject either
et al. 2012). passively or violently, in the latter case discharg-
Hydractinia echinata and its close rela- ing nematocysts at each other. Allorecognition
tive Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus have long has been shown to be genetically determined by
served as models to investigate metamorphosis two hypervariable genes, alr1 and alr2, encod-
(Schmich et al. 1998; Seipp et al. 2007, 2010), ing Ig-domain-containing transmembrane pro-
colony organization (Müller 1964, 1982), teins (Nicotra et al. 2009; Rosa et al. 2010;
and allorecognition (Mokady and Buss 1996; Rosengarten et al. 2011).
Poudyal et al. 2007; Nicotra et al. 2009; Rosa However, Hydractinia’s most striking fea-
et al. 2010; Rosengarten et al. 2011). Recent ture for a developmental biologist is the appar-
advances in generating transgenic Hydractinia ent pluripotency of its interstitial stem cells
(Kunzel et al. 2010) as well as in gene knock- (Fig. 6.19). Indeed, unlike Hydra i-cells, which
downs by RNAi (Duffy et al. 2010) have made cannot differentiate epithelial cells under any
Hydractinia a powerful model. known conditions, Hydractinia i-cells can
Hydractinia has attracted a lot of attention (Muller et al. 2004). In this study, the interstitial
as a representative of the earliest branching ani- cells of histocompatible mutant colonies were
6 Cnidaria 135

allowed to invade the cell cycle inhibitor mito- Hydra

mycin C-treated i-cell-free wild-type colony or Interstitial cells

Multipotent stem cells

vice versa. This resulted in the conversion of
Gland cell
the originally wild-type host into a mutant or, in Sensory cells
the reciprocal experiment, in the conversion of
the mutant into a wild-type colony. In this pro- Neuroblasts Ganglionic
cess, donor i-cells were shown to differentiate Gern cell nerve cells
into epithelial cells (Muller et al. 2004). Recently,
this result was confirmed in histocompatible non-
mutant colonies fusing under normal conditions:
i-cells from a transgenic colony immigrated into
a non-transgenic colony and differentiated into
EGFP-expressing epithelial cells, which gave Nematocytes =
rise to autozooids (Kunzel et al. 2010). Like in Isorhiza
Hydra, subsets of Hydractinia i-cells express a
typical set of germ cell and stem cell markers,
Hydractinia echinata
such as vasa, piwi, and nanos (Rebscher et al.
Sexual polyp (gonozooid)
2008; Plickert et al. 2012). Interestingly, overex-
pression of a Hydractinia POU domain protein Male Female

Pln in the epithelial cells induced formation of Oogonia

Spermatogonia Spermatocytes Oocytes
neoplasia comprised of cells resembling i-cells
and expressing piwi, myc, nanos, and vasa. interstitial
stem cells
RNAi knockdown of Pln, in contrast, appeared Somatic cell

to promote i-cell differentiation into nematocytes Gonophore

(relict of medusa, gonad)
(Millane et al. 2011). In the age of comparatively Primordial germ cells
easy and cheap transcriptomics, future research
will show what conveys such plasticity in dif-
ferentiation capacity. Some findings (Teo et al.
Gland cell
2006; Muller et al. 2007) point at a possible role
of Wnt signaling in cell fate determination in Nematocytes

Hydractinia. Nematoblasts
Similar to Hydra, Clytia, and Nematostella
(see below), a more clear-cut role of Wnt/ Sensory cells with cilium

β-catenin signaling has been demonstrated in the Neuroblasts

Ganglionic nerve cells
process of oral-aboral axis formation. Wnt sig-
naling components have been shown to be asym-
metrically deposited in the Hydractinia egg and
later associated with the posterior pole (according
to the swimming direction) of the planula larva, Self-renewal

which eventually gives rise to the oral structures Epithelial cells

(Plickert et al. 2006).
Ubiquitous activation of Wnt/β-catenin sig- Pluripotent
naling achieved by inhibiting GSK-3β by alster- stem cells

paullone resulted, depending on the timing of

treatment, in the formation of multipolar or bipolar Fig. 6.19 In contrast to the i-cells of Hydra, which give
larvae with two or more posterior ends. Bipolar rise to gametes, nematocytes, neurons, and gland cells,
larvae then were shown to develop into polyps the interstitial cells of Hydractinia echinata also give rise
to epithelial cells of the colony (Reproduced with permis-
with two hypostomes (Plickert et al. 2006). Later, sion from The International Journal of Developmental
more experiments confirmed that Wnt signaling Biology (Int. J. Dev. Biol.) (2012))
136 U. Technau et al.

is required for the formation of the oral structures tion of the homology of the entocodon and the
and represses the development of the aboral struc- mesoderm and an evolutionary scenario of dip-
tures both in larvae and adults (Muller et al. 2007; loblastic organisms being secondarily simplified
Duffy et al. 2010). Wnt signaling is necessary for triploblasts with striated muscles as a plesiomor-
the correct development of the posterior end of the phic feature for Cnidaria and Bilateria (Seipel and
planula, which transforms into the oral end of the Schmid 2005). It should be noted, however, that
polyp, and the presence of the localized mRNA the entocodon is a transient structure exclusively
of Wnt signaling components at the animal end is found in hydrozoans during medusa formation,
observed as early as in the egg (Plickert et al. 2006). while true germ layers arise during early embryo-
However, Hydractinia embryos gastrulate by mor- genesis. Hence, it may well be a derived feature
ula delamination, a non-polarized process where of the specific way hydrozoan medusae arise.
the outer cells of an embryo epithelialize to pro- Thus, the question is not resolved and requires
duce ectoderm, while the inner cells later arrange more experimental assessment. A refined com-
to generate endoderm. Thus, unlike in bilaterian parative expression analysis of more “mesoder-
and many cnidarian model organisms, gastrulation mal” transcription factors and muscle markers is
and body axis formation appear to be uncoupled required to answer the question of the evolution-
in Hydractinia. The genetic underpinnings of this ary relationship between bilaterian mesoderm
intriguing feature remain to be elucidated. and the entocodon in hydrozoan jellyfish buds.

Podocoryne carnea Clytia hemisphaerica

Podocoryne carnea is a close relative of Clytia hemisphaerica (=Phialidium hemisphaeri-

Hydractinia echinata (described above) and cum) is a metagenetic thecate hydroid belonging
in fact, according to Integrated Taxonomic to the family Campanulariidae. It forms branch-
Information System (, ing polyp colonies covered in chitinous exoskele-
should be called Hydractinia carnea. The old ton called the perisarc (Fig. 6.20). The tropho- and
name Podocoryne carnea is, however, widely gonozooids of Clytia are also protected by the
used in the literature. Unlike H. echinata, P. car- funnel-like perisarc structures – the hydrothecae
nea forms medusae (Seipel and Schmid 2005) and the gonothecae. The medusae are small
and gastrulates by unipolar ingression (Momose (adults up to 2.5 cm bell diameter) and, like all life
and Schmid 2006). P. carnea was mainly used stages of Clytia, very transparent (Fig. 6.21).
to examine the developmental origin of striated Clytia produces either male or female medusae
muscles in medusae and their developmental on specialized polyp forms (Fig. 6.20). The young
potency. In the early 1980s it was shown that medusae detach and reach sexual maturity after a
the isolated striated muscle of its subumbrella period of growth. Synchronized spawning can
are capable of transdifferentiation into various easily be induced through a light stimulus. Female
cell types upon activation by collagenase treat- Clytia medusae usually produce 10–20 eggs every
ment in vitro (Schmid and Alder 1984). Since day that may be harvested for experimental pur-
then, the group around Volker Schmid conducted poses. After fertilization, they develop into trans-
research primarily focusing on the study of parent embryos, which then develop into hollow
transdifferentiation and medusa bud formation. coeloblastulae that gastrulate by unipolar ingres-
During this process, a transient structure called sion. The gastrula develops into a planula larva
the entocodon detaches from the ectoderm and which settles and gives rise to the first polyp of the
gives rise to the subumbrellar ectoderm including new colony (Fig. 6.22; Houliston et al. 2010).
the striated muscle of the medusa. The entocodon Gene knockdown by morpholino injec-
is located between the ectoderm and endoderm tion and overexpression by mRNA injection
and it expresses several “mesodermal” genes have been established (Momose and Houliston
and generates a muscle layer (Spring et al. 2000, 2007), making Clytia hemisphaerica an excel-
2002; Seipel et al. 2004). This led to the postula- lent genetic model. In a series of elegant
6 Cnidaria 137


B “lid” = reduced head of C

gonozooid Mouth
1st bud

Late bud stages

Stalk Tenstacle


Intermediate bud stages

3rd bud


4th bud Entocodon


5th bud
Gastric cavity

Fig. 6.20 The body plan of the dimorphic Clytia polyps. youngest buds are located near the stolon, while the devel-
(A–C) Polyp colony with gonozooids (B) and trophozo- opmentally most advanced buds are close to the “lid” of
oids (C). Typically, gonozooids grow in the stolonal sec- the gonozooid. (C) A longitudinal section through a tro-
tions between two trophozooids. Their total number in a phozooid (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
colony depends on the feeding regime. (B) Longitudinal Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)
section through a gonozooid with five medusa buds. The

experiments, Gary Freeman and colleagues Moreover, if two animal or two vegetal halves
demonstrated that (i) the oral-aboral axis is are transplanted together, subsequent develop-
defined by the initiation site of the first cleavage ment continues according to the initial polarity
furrow, which corresponds to the future gastru- of each half. Two combined vegetal halves ini-
lation site and the “swimming posterior” pole tiate gastrulation at the equator of such chime-
of the planula larva (Freeman 1981a); (ii) Clytia ric embryos, where the animal-most positional
eggs can only be fertilized at the site where the values of both halves meet, while two animal
polar bodies are given off (Freeman and Miller halves form two gastrulation sites at the oppos-
1982); and (iii) Clytia embryos bisected across ing ends of the chimera (Freeman 1981b).
the animal-vegetal axis can regulate and com- Molecular studies on Clytia hemisphaerica,
pensate for the lack of the missing part and which were pioneered by the group of Evelyn
generate normal planulae; however, such halves Houliston, have significantly advanced our
retain the original polarity and regenerate the understanding of the regulation of polarity and
missing positional values, i.e., vegetal halves the role of Wnt signaling. It has been shown that
gastrulate and develop posterior planula struc- two Frizzled receptors are expressed at the
tures at the animal-most position available. opposing ends of the Clytia embryo. CheFz1
138 U. Technau et al.


Fig. 6.21 The body plan of a Clytia medusa (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All
Rights Reserved). (A) Cross-section view. (B) Oral view was included

Fig. 6.22 The life cycle of Clytia hemisphaerica (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All
Rights Reserved)

mRNA is localized at the animal pole of the egg mediated signaling at the gastrulation site
and the early embryo, and it is required for the (Momose et al. 2008). Subsequently, a link
development of the oral structures, while aborally between the Wnt/β-catenin and the planar cell
localized maternal and most probably zygotic polarity (PCP) signaling systems has been shown.
CheFz3 antagonizes the action of the CheFz1 In strabismus morphants, apart from the disorga-
(Momose and Houliston 2007). Further work nization of the cell polarity in the cell sheet
revealed that it is CheWnt3, localized at the ani- reflected in the chaotic orientation of cilia, the
mal/oral pole of the eggs and early embryos, that embryos also failed to elongate during gastrula-
is required for the activation of the β-catenin- tion, and the gastrulation site was expanded
6 Cnidaria 139



Fig. 6.23 Striated muscles in Clytia hemisphaerica. (A) in loose circular bands, leaving large gaps in between
Lateral view of a young medusa. Arrows show the orienta- them. Smooth muscles appear as thin rays departing from
tion of smooth muscle type myonemes (smm, purple) and the middle of the bell running towards the bell rim. (E)
striated-type myonemes (strm, pink). (B) Oral view on a Higher magnification of subumbrellar muscles revealing
young medusa, overview. (C) Detail of the bell rim and the branching pattern of the subumbrellar striated-type
velum area. tb tentacle bulb, cc circular canal. Smooth myonemes (strm, horizontal bands). Smooth muscles
muscle type myonemes are found in the tentacle bulb, intercalate with the striated muscles in thin vertical lines
running along the circular canal and in thin rays in the (smm). (F) Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of
velum. Striated muscle type myonemes are absent from subumbrellar muscle showing the sarcomeric organiza-
the bell rim and around the circular canal, but are very tion of the striated-type myonemes (TEM courtesy of
dense in the velum (diagonal bands). (D) Detail of the S. Kaul-Strehlow). Scale bars: (A, B) 100 μm, (C) 25 μm,
subumbrella with a radial canal (rc) and a gonad (go). (D) 30 μm, (E) 8 μm (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory
Striated-type myonemes in the subumbrella are arranged Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

(Momose et al. 2012). A similar lack of elonga- evolutionary origin (Seipel and Schmid 2005).
tion in the CheFz1, CheWnt3, and ChDsh (dishev- However, recently the evolutionary origin of 47
elled) morphants suggests a link between the structural proteins with a function in vertebrate or
canonical Wnt signaling via CheWnt3, which Drosophila muscles has been traced by phyloge-
might serve as a cue for the initial orientation of nomic approaches and by expression analysis
planar cell polarity (Momose et al. 2012). (Steinmetz et al. 2012). It turned out that some of
Clytia also provided new insight into striated the structural components of the striated muscle
muscle evolution, with implications for the evolved much earlier than the first known striated
hypothesis that the entocodon is homologous to muscles, for example, in the common ancestor of
mesoderm in Bilateria. Clytia and Hydractinia animals and plants, while others arose rather late
carnea produce medusae by a very similar bud- in specific animal lineages (Steinmetz et al. 2012).
ding mechanism involving the formation of the Z-discs and their proteins are of particular inter-
entocodon giving rise to the striated muscles of est, since they are likely the organizing entity of
the bell (see section “Podocoryne carnea”). the striated muscles, generating the regularly
Cnidarian and bilaterian striated muscles are spaced sarcomeres. Although variable in protein
strikingly similar in ultrastructural organization composition in different bilaterian clades, z-discs
(Fig. 6.23; Boelsterli 1977; Squire et al. 2005), contain several proteins, which are shared between
which was interpreted as evidence of a common the striated muscle of Drosophila and vertebrates.
140 U. Technau et al.

Only two of them, mLIM and Ldb3, are present in remained elusive until very recently. In an ele-
Clytia, yet these two genes are not expressed in gant study, Fuchs and coworkers showed that
the striated muscle cells of the medusa but rather strobilation is regulated by retinoic acid signal-
in the endoderm, supporting the view that striated ing and requires a “timer,” releasing the strobila-
muscles might have evolved multiple times in ani- tion program after a prolonged period of cold
mal evolution (Steinmetz et al. 2012). This unex- (Fuchs et al. 2014). They found a gene, CL390,
pected result shows that even highly specialized which fulfills all the requirements for being this
cell types with complex arrangements of intracel- “timer.” It encodes a secreted protein, a part of
lular components might have arisen convergently, which, the peptide WSRRRWL, was shown to
as crucial new proteins were added to ancestral be an extremely potent strobilation inducer.
proteins to create new structures. Interestingly, structurally similar chemical com-
pounds with two perpendicularly located indole
rings, for example, indomethacin (Kuniyoshi
Aurelia aurita and Tripedalia sp. et al. 2012) or 5-methoxy-2-methylindole (Fuchs
et al. 2014), demonstrated similar potency to
In contrast to the abovementioned hydroids with induce strobilation in Aurelia. It remains to be
excellent embryological models, scyphozoans shown, however, whether other scyphozoans use
and cubozoans remain relatively understudied. a similar peptide to induce strobilation, as CL390
Apart from descriptions of development, very appears to be a taxon-restricted gene.
little is known about developmental mechanisms As noted above, cubozoans form a medusa by
in these cnidarian classes due to our inability (so monodisc strobilation; hence, in many cases the
far) to establish a complete life cycle laboratory whole polyp transforms into a medusa, while in
culture of any representative of these groups. some cases the foot region remains attached to the
This is very unfortunate, especially if one consid- substrate and regenerates a polyp (Straehler-Pohl
ers the importance of gelatinous plankton in and Jarms 2005). During this process, the polyp
marine ecosystems and the abundance of papers tentacles regress, fuse, and transform into com-
in other areas of jellyfish biology, in particular in posed sensory organs called “rhopalia” with highly
toxinology. Several lines of developmental biol- developed camera eyes (Figs. 6.26 and 6.27; Stangl
ogy research have, however, provided extremely et al. 2002). The molecular basis of this fascinating
interesting results. transformation is still completely unknown.
Scyphozoans and cubozoans have a metage- The eyes at the bell rim are a remarkable fea-
netic development with only a few exceptions ture of some jellyfish groups, in particular
among scyphozoans. The polyp stage produces Cubomedusae but also some hydrozoan species
juvenile medusae by either monodisc (Cubozoa) (e.g., Cladonema spec.). The evolution of eye
or polydisc (most Scyphozoa) strobilation development was the one of the first EvoDevo
(Tardent 1978), rather than by lateral budding topic addressed in jellyfish biology. Jellyfish eyes
typical for Hydrozoa. In case of polydisc strobi- or even eye complexes are sometimes spectacu-
lation, the scyphistoma polyp subdivides into larly sophisticated and are comparable to cepha-
multiple juvenile medusae called ephyrae by lopod camera eyes. In cubozoan medusae, it has
transverse fission (Fig. 6.24). Strobilation starts been shown that these eyes play a major role in
at the oral end of the polyp and expands aborally the control of directional swimming, although it
until the polyp finally resembles a stack of sau- is yet unclear to which extent Cubomedusae are
cers, each of which will form an ephyra able to see images and how the visual cues are
(Fig. 6.25). In the wild, Aurelia aurita strobilates neuronally processed. For example, the box jel-
primarily in winter. Accordingly, in laboratory lyfish Tripedalia sp. have four rhopalia at their
conditions, a decrease of temperature from 18 to bell rim (Fig. 6.28c, d) that are each composed of
10 °C leads to induction of strobilation 3 weeks six eyes of four different types (two lens eyes
later. The molecular basis for this induction flanked by a set of pit eyes and slit eyes), besides
6 Cnidaria 141

Fig. 6.24 The life cycle of a scyphozoan (Aurelia aurita) (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus,
2015. All Rights Reserved)

Fig. 6.25 Strobilation in Aurelia aurita (collage). Below: late strobila on the right displays a reddish-brown color due
Array of individual polyps in representative stages of the to the almost fully differentiated ephyrae in the stack.
strobilation process, earliest stages on the left, latest on the Ephyrae are one after the other liberated into the surround-
right. The first visible sign of polyps undergoing strobila- ing water (ephyra swimming above the strobila on the
tion is the formation of a horizontal constriction underneath right) and transform into jellyfish (top). While the ephyrae
the tentacles (polyp on the left). More and more such con- are still being released, the foot region of the strobila regen-
strictions start to appear, until the body column of the polyp erates into a scyphistoma. Strobilating scyphistomas are to
is almost entirely subdivided in a stack of discs. Each disc scale large strobili being 5 mm. The young jellyfish has a
will differentiate into an ephyra, a juvenile jellyfish. Polyp diameter of 5 cm (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich,
tentacles are either gradually reduced or ectomized. The Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)
142 U. Technau et al.


Fig. 6.26 Monodisc strobilation in the cubozoan and the forming eyes (see the pigment patches in the
Carybdea spec. (A) Schematic representation of the pro- forming rhopalia – indicated by red arrowheads, the
cess. (B) Carybdea polyp prior to the onset of strobilation. diameter of each is approximately 250 μm). (D–E) Later
(C) The tentacles fuse and degenerate to give rise to the stages of medusa formation (Images reproduced with a
rhopalia of the medusa. Oral view on the fusing tentacles kind permission from Stangl et al. (2002))

Fig. 6.27 The life cycle of a cubozoan (e.g., Chironex fleckeri) (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna
Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)
6 Cnidaria 143

a gravity-sensing statocyst. Cubozoan rhopalia The day of spawning is linked to the moon phase
are pending on thin stalks from the bell rim and and the water temperature rise during spring and
carry a large statolith at the bottom acting as a depends on the species and location. Because of
stabilizer. This system keeps the rhopalia steadily these features, Acropora has not been developed
orientated and more independent of the move- as a lab model, but nevertheless many important
ment of the medusa bell, like a steadicam on a insights into evolution and development have
helicopter. One lens eye on each rhopalium is been gained, particularly from Acropora mille-
always directed towards the water surface. The pora (Ball et al. 2002). It was the first anthozoan
other, larger lens eye is oriented downwards. The
eyes allow the medusae to navigate efficiently
through their mangrove habitat, to avoid preda- Cnidarian Models in EvoDevo Research
tors and actively pursue prey (Garm et al. 2007a, Among cnidarians, the currently most com-
b, 2008, 2011, 2012; Petie et al. 2011). monly used model systems are the antho-
In Tripedalia, it has been shown that the cam- zoan Nematostella vectensis and the
era eyes express a PaxB gene encoding a protein hydrozoan Hydra (H. vulgaris or other
with a Pax2-like paired domain and a Pax6-like Hydra species). Hydra was introduced as a
homeodomain, which is capable, if overexpressed model for experimental developmental
in Drosophila, of inducing small ectopic eyes biology by Abraham Trembley in 1744.
(Kozmik et al. 2003), similar to the PaxB isolated Starting from the 1970s and until the year
from the hydroid Cladonema (Suga et al. 2010). 2000, it was the dominant cnidarian system
Interestingly, being sufficient to induce eye devel- used for the study of axial pattern forma-
opment in Drosophila, Tripedalia PaxB disrupted tion and stem cell differentiation. Hydra is
the development of the mouse eye (Ruzickova famous for its high regenerative capacity
et al. 2009). This, together with the data on struc- and ability to be manipulated on the cell
tural components of the eye (Kozmik et al. 2008; and tissue level, e.g., through transplanta-
Suga et al. 2008) as well as on the formation of the tion and reaggregation experiments. The
rhopalia and the nervous system in Aurelia defined maceration of the tissue, BrdU labeling,
by Otx1 and POU family genes (Nakanishi et al. and cell-type-specific antibodies allowed
2010), led to two conflicting hypotheses about eye researchers to get a full quantitative account
evolution: while some researchers suggest conver- of all cell types and their differentiation
gent development of the cnidarian and bilaterian kinetics. Research became refueled with
eyes by recruitment of orthologous components the availability of the genome sequence in
(Kozmik et al. 2003, 2008), others suggest deep 2011 and the establishment of transgenic
homology of the eyes and subfunctionalization of technology. In some cases, RNAi-based
the Pax genes in different animal lineages (Suga gene knockdown was also successful.
et al. 2008, 2010; Graziussi et al. 2012). Current research topics comprise, for
instance, the role of Wnt and Notch signal-
ing in axis formation and neuronal differ-
Anthozoans entiation as well as the understanding of
Hydra as a holobiont.
Acropora spec The potential of the sea anemone
Acropora millepora and A. digitifera are two of Nematostella as a lab model organism was
the most abundant coral reef species of the Great first recognized in 1992 by Cadet Hand, who
Barrier Reef in Australia and the Pacific Ocean showed that the full life cycle can be main-
around Japan, respectively. Both species have tained in the lab. Since around 2000,
received a lot of attention in ecological studies Nematostella was further established as a
on coral reefs. Acropora releases gametes only model organism by the Martindale and
once a year in a dramatic mass spawning event.
144 U. Technau et al.



Fig. 6.28 Nerve ring in the scyphozoan Aurelia aurita for F-actin (green), tyrosinated tubulin for neurons (red),
and in the cubozoan Tripedalia cystophora. (A) Oral view and DAPI for nuclei (blue); rho rhopalium. (D) Close-up
of a polyp of Aurelia aurita stained with phalloidin for of bell rim showing numerous neurites in the velarium and
F-actin (green) in muscles, tyrosinated tubulin for neurons the nerve ring (nr) connecting all rhopalia with tentacle
(red), and DAPI for nuclei (blue); rm retractor muscles. base (tent). Scale bars: 200 μm (A, C), 100 μm (B, D)
(B) Close-up showing the two nerve rings (nr) at the mar- (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus,
gin of the tentacles (tent). (C) Oral view of a young 2015. All Rights Reserved)
medusa of Tripedalia cystophora stained with phalloidin

Technau labs. The publication of the based gene knockdowns, overexpression by

Nematostella genome in 2007 was the first mRNA and plasmid expression, and more
reported genome sequence of a non-bilaterian recently, the establishment of transgenics and
animal. It corroborated the notion that antho- CRISPR mutants have attracted many groups
zoans are, compared to hydrozoans, relatively from other fields to this organism. As a result,
slowly evolving and have maintained a sur- the research topics have expanded enormously
prising ancestral genetic complexity. The and now cover a wide range from early
inducible spawning, the large numbers of embryonic development, neuronal differentia-
embryos, the establishment of highly sensitive tion, functional genomics to gene regulation,
in situ hybridization protocols, morpholino- regeneration, physiology, and ecology.
6 Cnidaria 145

where an asymmetric expression of a bmp4 facilitated studies of the cellular, molecular,

homolog has been shown by in situ hybridiza- and genetic basis of embryogenesis and allowed
tion (Hayward et al. 2002). Before the genome of researchers to compare it with embryogenesis of
Nematostella vectensis was sequenced, two EST bilaterians. Within a few years, two main labs
analyses corroborated the view that the transcrip- established and improved an in situ hybridization
tome, and hence the gene repertoire, of antho- protocol (Scholz and Technau 2003; Martindale
zoans is surprisingly complex (Kortschak et al. et al. 2004; Genikhovich and Technau 2009a),
2003; Technau et al. 2005). Recently, the genome generated ESTs (Technau et al. 2005), a BAC
of the Japanese species, Acropora digitifera, library (Chourrout et al. 2006), and the first non-
was sequenced, highlighting the genomic fea- bilaterian animal genome sequence (Putnam et al.
tures that might be helpful for understanding the 2007). Importantly, in order to dissect gene func-
symbiosis with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium tions, morpholino-mediated gene knockdown
(Shinzato et al. 2011). Since the symbionts are (Magie et al. 2007; Rentzsch et al. 2008), over-
crucial for the survival of the corals, research is expression by mRNA injection (Wikramanayake
directed towards understanding the uptake, inter- et al. 2003), and transgenesis with germ line
action, and maintenance of the dinoflagellate transmission (Renfer et al. 2010) have been
(Davy et al. 2012; Krediet et al. 2013). Another established alongside routine gene expression
important area of interest is to understand settle- studies by in situ hybridization (Figs. 6.31, 6.32,
ment and metamorphosis of the planula larva, and 6.33).
since this is a decisive moment in the life cycle The combination of these resources and tools
of any coral. Towards this goal, microarray stud- allowed for the rapid cloning and accumulation
ies have uncovered a number of candidate genes of gene expression data, which are – at least in
involved in settlement and calcification (Grasso part – collected in the expression database Kahi
et al. 2011; Hayward et al. 2011). Kai (Ormestad et al. 2011) and also enabled
functional analysis of many genes. Several fami-
Nematostella vectensis lies of transcription factors have been systemati-
Nematostella vectensis is a brackish water sea cally assayed by in situ hybridization (e.g., Magie
anemone originally distributed widely at the et al. 2005; Matus et al. 2007).
American Atlantic coast in estuaries, but also The genome of Nematostella was the first one
found at the Pacific coast and in one location in sequenced of a non-bilaterian animal, and it
England (Darling et al. 2004, 2005; Genikhovich offered many important insights into the evolu-
and Technau 2009b). While Hydra is certainly a tion of metazoan genomes (Putnam et al. 2007).
great model for stem cell differentiation and The sequence analysis of the genome revealed a
regeneration, its embryonic development is quite surprising complexity in the gene repertoire.
atypical and experimentally inaccessible. By Furthermore, the high number of conserved
comparison, Nematostella has an inducible and exon-intron boundaries proved that the intron-
accessible embryogenesis (Hand and Uhlinger rich gene structure of vertebrates is ancestral and
1992; Fritzenwanker and Technau 2002), which the intron-poor gene structure of Drosophila
offers the possibility to molecularly dissect its melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans is
embryonic development and compare it with the derived. On the chromosome level, Nematostella
development of bilaterians. also showed a surprising degree of synteny con-
servation to humans, suggesting that the chromo-
Molecular Tools and Genomic Features some structure in these two lineages is slowly
A simple induction protocol for spawning based evolving (Putnam et al. 2007). In line with this,
on light and temperature shift allows to control recent genome-wide mapping of enhancers and
the life cycle and obtain thousands of embryos promoters based on histone modifications
reproducibly on a daily basis (Figs. 6.29 and revealed that the principle of complex cis-
6.30; Fritzenwanker and Technau 2002). This regulation is ancient and can be traced back to at
146 U. Technau et al.

Fig. 6.29 The life cycle of Nematostella vectensis (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All
Rights Reserved)




Fig. 6.30 Overview of the embryonic and larval develop- pha pharynx, at apical tuft, bc blastocoel, mes mesentery,
ment of Nematostella vectensis. (A) First cleavage. Arrow gc gastric cavity, ten tentacle. Asterisk indicates blasto-
points at the animal pole. (B) Eight-cell stage embryo. (C) pore. Scale bar in (G) represents 200 μm and is valid for
Morula stage. (D) Gastrula stage. (E) Planula stage. (F) (A–G). Scale bar in (H) represents 1 cm (Images taken
Metamorphosing late planula. (G) Primary polyp. (H) from Genikhovich and Technau (2009b): Emerging model
Adult polyp. Abbreviations: ect ectoderm, end endoderm, organisms. Cold Spring Harbor Press, with permission)
6 Cnidaria 147



Fig. 6.31 Wnt and BMP signaling regulate the body axes (the β-catenin::Venus construct was kindly provided by
in Nematostella vectensis. Chordin expression, which is T. Momose, Villefranche-sur-Mer). (D) Different Wnt
normally confined to one side of the blastopore (A), is genes are expressed in the domains staggered along the
radialized (B) upon a morpholino-mediated knockdown oral-aboral axis in the ectoderm and the endoderm of the
of NvDpp (bmp4 homolog). β-catenin fused to the fluores- Nematostella planula. Aborally, both, Wnt receptor friz-
cent protein Venus is observed in the nuclei on the future zled5 and secreted Wnt antagonists dkk1/4 and sfrp are
oral side of the blastula stage embryo (C), which has been expressed. Scale bars: 40 μm (© Ulrich Technau, Grigory
injected with β-catenin: Venus mRNA at the zygote stage Genikhovich, Johanna Kraus, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

least the common ancestor of bilaterians and cni- 2013). These findings suggest that transcriptional
darians (Schwaiger et al. 2014). Surprisingly, and post-transcriptional regulation of expression
post-transcriptional regulation by miRNAs dif- evolved independently in animals and that seed-
fers drastically from that of bilaterians. Unlike based mechanisms of miRNA-mediated silenc-
bilaterian miRNAs, which bind their mRNA tar- ing only became dominant in bilaterians.
gets via the seed sequence and inhibit translation,
Nematostella miRNAs bind to their target Normal Development
mRNAs with almost full complementarity and Each Nematostella female produces several
lead to cleavage of the target mRNA (Moran hundred eggs embedded into a gelatinous egg
et al. 2014). There is evidence that this slicing package, which is formed in the gastric cavity
mechanism is also at work in Hydra and possibly and released through the mouth (Fig. 6.29).
also in sponges. This mode of action is reminis- Cleavage starts 2–3 h after fertilization; how-
cent of that of plant miRNAs or siRNAs and may ever, the first two rounds of nuclear divisions
represent the ancestral mechanism of miRNA- are not followed by complete cell division. The
mediated silencing. Notably, all non-bilaterian two-cell stage is rarely observed, and the cells
animals possess crucial miRNA biogenesis fac- remain connected by cytoplasmic bridges at the
tors (e.g., HYL-1) that were previously thought four cell stage. The full separation of blasto-
to be plant-specific, but they also have the full meres is achieved at the eight-cell stage. At
animal biogenesis machinery (Moran et al. 18 °C, cells divide every 50 min and the
148 U. Technau et al.


Fig. 6.32 Organizer activity of the blastopore lip of a pole tissue remains at an aboral pole position in the ecto-
Nematostella gastrula. (A) The transplantation scheme is derm without altering the body axis of the host. (D)
exemplified at the top with the donor tissue marked in red. Asterisks indicate the oral pole of the embryos.
(B) Transplantation of the blastopore lip leads to the effi- Transplantations were performed 24 h post-fertilization.
cient formation of a secondary body axis (arrowheads). Images were taken at 96 h post-fertilization. Scale bars:
Transplanted pre-endodermal plate cells become internal- 50 μm (Reproduced with permission from Kraus et al.
ized and intermingled with the host tissue. (C) Aboral (2007). Copyright Elsevier 2007)

blastocoel becomes visible already at a 16–32 Since the polar bodies are usually lost as the
cell stage (Fig. 6.30; Fritzenwanker et al. 2007). egg squeezes through the endoderm when
When the blastula stage is reached, marked by leaving the gonad, there is no landmark to tell
the formation of a single cell layer of blasto- the animal pole from the vegetal pole. It there-
meres and a blastocoel, the embryos undergo fore was at first also unclear where gastrulation
four to five pulsating invaginations each linked occurred and whether the later oral opening
to a synchronized cell division. Inhibitor experi- corresponds to the animal or vegetal pole.
ments have shown that these pulsating invagina- However, labeling techniques have demon-
tions depend on actin, microtubuli, and DNA strated that it is the animal pole where cleavage
synthesis. The pulsations stop when the cell starts and where gastrulation occurs, giving rise
divisions become asynchronous at a mid-blas- later to the oral opening (Fritzenwanker et al.
tula stage (Fritzenwanker et al. 2007). 2007; Lee et al. 2007).
6 Cnidaria 149




Fig. 6.33 Hox gene expression in Nematostella. (A) mesenterial chambers. (D) Anthox8a (=HoxDa) is
Anthox6 (=HoxA) is expressed in the pre-pharyngeal expressed in three mesenterial chambers. (E) Anthox7 is
endoderm in a radially symmetric domain. (B) Anthox1 expressed in two mesenterial chambers to the left and to
(=HoxF) is expressed in the aboral ectoderm in a radially the right of the one where Anthox1a (=HoxE) (F) is
symmetric domain. (C–F) Another four Hox genes are expressed. The length of the embryo along the oral-aboral
expressed in staggered endodermal domains along the axis is approximately 250 μm; asterisks mark the blasto-
directive axis. (C) Anthox6a (=HoxB) is expressed in five pore (The images are reproduced from Ryan et al. (2007))

If cultured at 18 °C, gastrulation starts at cells forms numerous filopodia (Kraus and
around 18–20 h of development and begins Technau 2006). However, the cells never seem
with the formation of a pre-endodermal plate, to completely detach from each other during the
which is marked by a flattening on the animal invagination process (Magie et al. 2007). After
side of the embryo. Prior to invagination, pre- gastrulation, the embryo develops into a planula
sumptive endodermal cells show hallmarks of which leaves the egg package, swims for sev-
bottle cells and undergo an incomplete epithe- eral days, and gradually transforms into a pri-
lial-mesenchymal transition (EMT): they form mary polyp with four tentacles (Figs. 6.29 and
apical constrictions and loosen their apical 6.30). The polyp starts to feed and reaches sex-
adherens junctions, their nucleus migrates to a ual maturity after 4–6 months depending on the
more basal position, and the basal surface of the intensity of feeding.
150 U. Technau et al.

Germ Layer Formation and the Evolution Axis Formation: The Role of Wnt and BMP
of the Mesoderm Signaling
Cnidarians are diploblastic and since they are Cnidarians have only one apparent body axis and
the sister group to the triploblastic bilaterians, have been often categorized as “Radiata” in older
they are very informative for understanding the textbooks. However, morphologists have long
evolution of the mesoderm. To this end, since recognized that anthozoan polyps display
research has been directed at revealing the rep- an internal asymmetry in the arrangement of the
ertoire and role of “mesodermal” genes in cni- retractor muscles in the mesenteries and the posi-
darians. Many genes known to play a conserved tion of the siphonoglyph in the pharynx, making
role in mesendoderm formation and differenti- these animals clearly bilaterally or, in some
ation in bilaterians were isolated from cases, biradially symmetric. The second body
Nematostella. These include Brachyury, axis running orthogonally to the oral-aboral axis
foxA/forkhead, mox, gata, snail, twist, and has been named the directive axis. In
mef2. Virtually all of these genes are expressed Nematostella, for example, the location of the
either in the whole endoderm, in part of the retractor muscles shows that this sea anemone is
endoderm, or at the blastopore lip: Brachyury bilaterally symmetric. Long before the mesenter-
and forkhead are expressed at the ectodermal ies or the siphonoglyph form, the presence of the
margin of the blastopore (Scholz and Technau directive axis can be observed at the level of gene
2003; Fritzenwanker et al. 2004; Martindale expression. Homologs of dpp (bmp2/4), bmp5-8,
et al. 2004); snailA and snailB are early mark- chordin, gremlin, and gdf5-like were found to be
ers of the endoderm (Fritzenwanker et al. 2004; asymmetrically expressed in gastrulae and early
Martindale et al. 2004; Magie et al. 2007); mox planula larvae, providing a molecular correlate
and twist are expressed only after gastrulation for the directive axis (Finnerty et al. 2004; Matus
in a circumpharyngeal ring of the endoderm et al. 2006a, b; Rentzsch et al. 2006). Interestingly,
(Martindale et al. 2004); gata is first expressed dpp and chordin expression starts radially around
in ectodermal single cells, presumably neuro- the blastopore and then shifts to one side of it
nal precursors, and then in broad longitudinal (Rentzsch et al. 2006). Functional studies have
domains of the endoderm, presumably also then demonstrated that BMP signaling is required
neurons along the parietal muscles (Martindale for the symmetry break of dpp and chordin
et al. 2004); mef2 has several splice variants of expression and the establishment of the directive
which one class, coding for short proteins, is axis at the molecular level (Fig. 6.30; Saina et al.
expressed in single cells of the ectoderm, 2009; Genikhovich et al. 2015).
whereas the other class, coding for long pro- While the formation of the directive axis obvi-
teins, is expressed in the whole endoderm and ously depends on BMP signaling, the oral-aboral
weakly in the ectoderm (Genikhovich and axis requires Wnt signaling. A total of 13 Wnt
Technau 2011). Notably, for most of these ligands belonging to 11 subfamilies have been
genes, the function is not yet clear. Knockdown isolated from Nematostella (Fig. 6.31; Kusserow
of snail paralogs surprisingly failed to show a et al. 2005). Since only a Wnt9 is lacking, it is
phenotype (Magie et al. 2007). In the case of clear that the common ancestor of cnidarians and
mef2, morpholino knockdown of either all or bilaterians possessed almost the complete set of
selected splice variants showed that different Wnt subfamilies, and subsequently, in some ani-
splice variants are involved in either nemato- mal lineages like Drosophila or, even more dras-
cyte differentiation or endoderm differentia- tically, in Caenorhabditis elegans, several Wnt
tion after gastrulation (Genikhovich and subfamilies were secondarily lost. All of these 13
Technau 2011). Thus, more functional work Wnt subfamilies are expressed in wider or nar-
needs to be done to clarify the specific func- rower rings around the blastopore, either in the
tions of these “mesodermal” genes in a diplo- endoderm or in the ectoderm, forming a stag-
blastic organism. gered expression pattern (Kusserow et al. 2005;
6 Cnidaria 151

Guder et al. 2006a; Lee et al. 2006). In line with paullone can lead to expansion of oral marker
this, nuclear β-catenin accumulates only in the gene expression and formation of ectopic heads
oral half of the early embryo (Wikramanayake (Rottinger et al. 2012; Marlow et al. 2013). Thus,
et al. 2003), where dishevelled protein is local- Wnt/β-catenin signaling might be involved both
ized (Lee et al. 2007). in axis formation and germ layer differentiation.
The presence of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in Interestingly, the aboral pole expresses both a
the animal (oral) half of the embryo is correlated Frizzled receptor (frz5) and sfrp, a Wnt antago-
with the developmental potential of these cells: nist (Kumburegama et al. 2011). Functional anal-
when eight-cell embryos or early gastrula stage ysis has yet to clarify their role in the regulation
embryos are divided into animal and vegetal of the oral-aboral body axis.
halves, only the animal half can regenerate a In summary, Wnt/β-catenin signaling seems to
small but normal primary polyp, whereas the be crucial for establishing an oral-aboral polarity
vegetal half is forming only a “dauerblastula,” and is likely to be involved in the organizing
unable to restore the full pattern (Fritzenwanker capacity of the blastopore lip, whereas BMP sig-
et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2007). This indicates that naling is responsible for the symmetry break and
the animal/oral half has organizing activity which establishment of the directive axis, perpendicular
is lacking in the vegetal/aboral half. Similar to the oral-aboral axis.
results were obtained in the hydrozoan
Podocoryne carnea (Momose and Schmid 2006), Hox Genes
but not in Clytia gregaria (Freeman 1981b). Since in many bilaterians canonical Wnt signal-
Moreover, the instructive capacity can clearly be ing is involved in posterior development and
localized to the blastopore lip of the mid-gastrula, BMP signaling forms a morphogen gradient
as only the transplantation of the fragment of the along the dorsoventral axis, it is tempting to spec-
blastopore lip, but not of the pre-endodermal ulate that these oral-aboral and directive axes of
plate or blastocoel roof, was able to induce a sec- the anthozoan are homologous to the anterior-
ondary body axis (Kraus et al. 2007). This is posterior and dorsoventral axis of bilaterians,
reminiscent of the inductive capacities of the dor- respectively. A famous example of the conserva-
sal blastopore lip of frogs (the “Spemann orga- tion of developmental processes is the staggered,
nizer”), indicating that the principle of a colinear expression of Hox genes along the
blastoporal organizer may be an ancestral feature anterior-posterior axis of bilaterians (review in
of eumetazoan development. Gehring et al. 2009). In vertebrates and insects,
Ectopic activation of the Wnt pathway by LiCl Hox genes have been shown to have a homeotic
or azakenpaullone treatment induces an expan- role in the segmental identity along the anterior-
sion of nuclear β-catenin to the vegetal side and posterior axis. As putative sister group of the
concomitantly to an expansion of the endodermal Bilateria, Cnidaria were of obvious interest for
tissue. This has been interpreted such that assaying when the role of Hox genes in axis pat-
β-catenin plays a role in the establishment of the terning arose. Indeed, early expression analyses
mesendoderm, similar to sea urchins showed that one anterior Hox gene is expressed
(Wikramanayake et al. 2003). Supporting this in the pharyngeal endoderm and that another Hox
view, knockdown of β-catenin appeared to block gene that has been interpreted as a posterior Hox
endoderm differentiation, but not gastrulation, gene is expressed in the aboral ectoderm, while
whereas knockdown of Strabismus, a Frizzled three others were expressed in the middle of the
co-receptor in the planar cell polarity pathway of planula larva of Nematostella (Fig. 6.33; Finnerty
non-canonical Wnt signaling, blocked gastrula- et al. 2004).
tion. However, analysis of downstream targets of On the basis of these patterns, the authors con-
β-catenin by microarray revealed that also numer- cluded that the oral-aboral axis of Nematostella
ous ectodermal genes are activated by β-catenin corresponds to the anterior-posterior axis of
and ectopic activation of β-catenin by azaken- Bilateria. However, the orthology of the
152 U. Technau et al.

non-anterior Hox genes has been much disputed as the paired nerve cord-like structures on either
and it is therefore not clear whether they are side of the eight mesenteries have been shown
homologous to posterior or central Hox genes or (Fig. 6.34; Nakanishi et al. 2012).
whether they arose independently in Cnidaria A number of conserved neuronal markers and
(Chourrout et al. 2006; Ryan et al. 2007; Thomas- transcription factors are expressed in neurons or
Chollier et al. 2010). At least, the interactions of neuronal precursors in Nematostella. This
the Hox proteins with the ancient TALE transcrip- includes the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) pro-
tion factors Meis and Pbx are conserved and most neural gene achaete-scute, of which four para-
probably were in place in the common ancestor of logs have been identified. At least one of them,
Cnidaria and Bilateria (Hudry et al. 2014). NvAshA, is expressed in single cells, presumably
Importantly, however, the majority of Hox genes neuronal precursor cells, in the ectodermal aboral
in Nematostella display a staggered expression half of the embryo (Layden et al. 2012).
pattern in the endoderm along the directive axis in Functional manipulation showed that this
planulae, on the opposite side of bmp4/dpp achaete-scute homolog drives neuronal differen-
(Finnerty et al. 2004; Ryan et al. 2007). Although tiation (Layden et al. 2012). Furthermore, several
at present functional data are lacking, these pat- intracellular transport, synaptic, and transmitter
terns are suggestive of a role of the Hox genes systems of Bilateria have been also identified in
along the directive axis, possibly by defining the Nematostella, suggesting a common origin of
positions of mesenteries, endodermal folds har- cnidarian and bilaterian nervous systems (Marlow
boring retractor muscles and gonads. et al. 2009; Nakanishi et al. 2012). Nematostella
Irrespectively, the Hox cluster has been broken also uses conserved ion channels for neuronal
down in Nematostella except for few lineage- signaling, both in neurons as well as in nemato-
specific linkages (Chourrout et al. 2006). In cytes (Mahoney et al. 2011). Strikingly though,
Acropora digitifera, however, at least the linkage the comparison of amino acid composition of the
between the anterior genes and one of the non- ion selection filter shows that Nematostella
anterior/posterior Hox genes has been maintained voltage-gated Na+ channels have evolved from
(DuBuc et al. 2012). Interestingly, both in voltage-gated Ca2+ channels independently from
Acropora and Nematostella, evx, a non-Hox gene Bilateria-specific Na+ channels (Gur Barzilai
usually flanking the Hox cluster in bilaterians on et al. 2012). Notch signaling, which is involved in
the posterior Hox genes side (Minguillon and singling out neuronal precursors in the neuroec-
Garcia-Fernandez 2003), is located between two toderm of bilaterians, is also involved in neuronal
anterior Hox genes, suggesting an ancient genomic and possibly also nematocyte differentiation
rearrangement in the anthozoan or cnidarian lin- (Marlow et al. 2012; Layden et al. 2014). On the
eage, disrupting a contiguous cluster organization. other hand, genes regulating fast neurotransmis-
Together with the findings of Wnt and BMP sig- sion using GABA, monoamines, and acetylcho-
naling, it remains therefore open whether or how line surprisingly appear to be not restricted to
the two body axes of anthozoans can be homolo- neurons but rather to specific parts of the endo-
gized with the two body axes of Bilateria. derm (Oren et al. 2014).
The establishment of transgenesis (Renfer
The Development of the Nervous System et al. 2010) now allows researchers to study neu-
In most Bilateria, the dorsoventral axis is linked rogenesis in vivo. Using an ELAV-promoter-
to the formation of a central nervous system at driven transgenic line, Nakanishi and colleagues
the side of BMP repression through chordin. showed that the first neurons are born in the late
Despite the localized chordin expression in blastula/early gastrula, hence before both germ
Nematostella, its nervous system, as in other cni- layers are formed (Nakanishi et al. 2012). It also
darians, is diffuse and so far no signs of central- revealed that neurons are formed in both
ization beyond the ring-like accumulation of endoderm and ectoderm independently and do
certain subpopulations of neurons in oral or not require migration of precursor cells between
aboral body regions (Marlow et al. 2009) as well the layers (Nakanishi et al. 2012). Furthermore,
6 Cnidaria 153



Fig. 6.34 Formation of the ELAV-positive nervous sys- each mesentery merging at the aboral pole (red arrow-
tem monitored in NvElav 1::mOrange transgenics. (A) head, inset). (D) Close-up view of the neurite bundles of
Elav -positive cells (red) neurons differentiate already at the transgenic polyp (red, mO) on either side of the phal-
an early gastrula stage in the aboral half from epithelial loidin-positive parietal muscle (green, Pha) at the base of
cells. (blue nuclei, green acetylated tubulin), (B) Late the mesentery. The nuclei are stained with TOPRO (blue).
planula expressing NvELAV1::mOrange with fluorescent pm parietal muscle, nb neurite bundle, is isolated
neurons in the ectoderm and endoderm. (C) Endodermal ELAV::mOrange positive neuron. Scale bars: (A–C)
nervous system in the transgenic early primary polyp 100 μm, (D) 10 μm (Reproduced with permission from
shows the presence of neurite bundles on either side of Nakanishi et al. (2012)

ELAV neurons are born directly from epithelial BEYOND DEVELOPMENT:

cells, as in bilaterians, and not from a population CNIDARIANS
of interstitial stem cells, as in Hydra and other AND THE ENVIRONMENT
hydrozoans (see above). This raises the question
whether the interstitial stem cell system in hydro- Recently, researchers in many fields have realized
zoans is a derived feature of this cnidarian class. the importance of symbiotic interactions between a
In summary, the molecular underpinning of the host organism and bacteria or other eucaryotes for
nervous system of Nematostella shows many physiology, immunity, and development.
developmental and structural components also Rosenberg has coined the term “holobiont” to
known from bilaterian nervous systems, but also a express the notion that an organism is in fact an
number of unexpected features. Thus, while many assemblage of several organisms (Rosenberg et al.
advances have been made in recent years, many 2007, 2010; Bosch 2012b). Indeed, the role of sym-
questions remain to be addressed (see below). biotic algae on the physiology of corals and sea
154 U. Technau et al.

anemones has long been recognized. More recently, Wnt subfamilies, while a considerable part of this
distinct bacterial associations with cnidarians, in genetic complexity has been lost in the ecdyso-
particular in Hydra, have been identified and their zoan model organisms Drosophila melanogaster
role is being revealed (reviewed in Bosch 2012a). and Caenorhabditis elegans (Guder et al. 2006a).
These close microbial associations are often These are only two out of many examples that
species-specific and are shaped actively by the host show that cnidarians and vertebrates have retained
(Fraune and Bosch 2007; Franzenburg et al. 2012, more ancestral traits on the molecular level than
2013) and may influence specific traits of the devel- the model ecdysozoans.
opment and of the physiology of these animals. Cnidarian genes are often more similar to their
vertebrate than to their ecdysozoan homologs
and cnidarians tend to share more genes exclu-
CONCLUDING REMARKS: sively with vertebrates than with ecdysozoans,
CNIDARIAN AND BILATERIAN reflecting the different rates of evolution (Technau
EVODEVO et al. 2005). In terms of gene repertoire, cnidari-
ans are much more similar to vertebrates than
Cnidaria is a diverse, evolutionarily and ecologi- to other non-bilaterians, such as placozoans,
cally successful phylum and as such this group is sponges, and ctenophores, which, for instance,
worth being investigated in its own right. However, lack Hox genes altogether (see Chapters 4, 5, and
as the putative sister group to the bilaterians, cni- 8; Srivastava et al. 2008, 2010; Ryan et al. 2013).
darians are of crucial importance for understand- Yet, surprisingly, cnidarians exhibit a mode of
ing the evolution of key bilaterian traits: the post-transcriptional regulation by miRNAs that is
evolution of bilaterality, the evolution of meso- much more plant-like than bilaterian-like (Moran
derm and its derivatives, the evolution of a (cen- et al. 2014). Hence, some parts of information
tral) nervous system, the evolution of pluripotent processing are likely to have evolved de novo in
and multipotent stem cells, and regeneration. bilaterians.
Much can be learnt by comparing cnidarian Cnidarians are diploblastic, but contain most
and bilaterian genomes in order to understand of the conserved important transcription factors
evolutionary trajectories. For instance, genes in involved in mesoderm formation and differentia-
Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans are tion, yet they also lack a few crucial ones, such
intron-poor, whereas in vertebrates they are as MyoD. Similarly, most muscle protein-coding
intron-rich. The genome analysis of the sea anem- genes are present in diploblasts (and even in
one Nematostella vectensis revealed that intron- non-metazoan organisms), but a few crucial
rich gene structures is the ancestral state, at least ones, such as titin and troponins, are lacking
for the last common ancestor of cnidarians and (Steinmetz et al. 2012). Several important con-
bilaterians. In fact, humans and the sea anemone served neuronal determinants appear to have a
have both retained about 80 % of the ancestral role in neurogenesis in cnidarians as well, but
intron positions, whereas only about 20 % are NeuroD appears to be a bilaterian novelty.
retained in ecdysozoans (Putnam et al. 2007; Perhaps most strikingly, in spite of the high
Miller and Ball 2008). Likewise, Drosophila regenerative capacity of cnidarians, which is
melanogaster has six different Wnt subfamilies, based on the multipotent stem cells and their
Caenorhabditis elegans has only three, while ver- properties of self-renewal and differentiation, no
tebrates have 12 subfamilies. Strikingly, in bona fide orthologs of Sox2, Oct4, and Nanog
Nematostella also 12 subfamilies could be identi- have been found in cnidarian genomes. It is
fied, one of which (WntA) is shared exclusively likely, however, that other related proteins fulfill
with protostomes (Kusserow et al. 2005; Lee this function in cnidarians (Millane et al. 2011)
et al. 2006). Only Wnt9 is missing. This clearly and cnidarians may therefore serve as a model
demonstrates that the common ancestor of cnidar- for how to generate and maintain stem cells in
ians possessed already the full complement of long-living animals.
6 Cnidaria 155

OPEN QUESTIONS Bode HR (1992) Continuous conversion of neuron pheno-

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• How does the diffuse nervous system function G, Klostermeier UC, Lopez-Quintero JA, Oberg
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carnea M. Sars. J Morphol 154:259–289
sumably ancestral diploblasty as found today
Bosch TC (2012a) Understanding complex host-microbe
in Cnidaria? interactions in Hydra. Gut Microbes 3(4):345–351
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of cnidarians maintained and regulated? role and origin of symbiotic interactions. Biol Bull
Broun M, Bode HR (2002) Characterization of the head
Acknowledgements We thank the members of the organizer in Hydra. Development 129(4):875–884
Technau lab for continuous fruitful discussions. We espe- Broun M, Gee L, Reinhardt B, Bode HR (2005) Formation
cially thank Andy Aman for critically reading and correct- of the head organizer in Hydra involves the canonical
ing the manuscript. Also, we wish to acknowledge the Wnt pathway. Development 132(12):2907–2916
Core Facility Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research Browne E (1909) The production of new Hydrants by the
for support in confocal imaging. Work in the Technau lab insertion of small grafts. J Exp Zool 7:1–37
is supported by grants of the Austrian Science Fund FWF Byrum CA, Martindale MQ (2004) Gastrulation in
to UT and GG (P24858; P22618; P26962). the Cnidaria and Ctenophora. In: Stern CD (ed)
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Alexander Gruhl

Although recognised as a subtaxon of Cnidaria by most

recent phylogenetic analyses, the Myxozoa, with their
highly aberrant life cycles, are covered separately herein.
Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.
© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.

A. Gruhl
Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 165

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_7, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
166 A. Gruhl

INTRODUCTION terms for the invertebrate and vertebrate phases

of Myxosporea, respectively. Recently, a further
Myxozoa are endoparasitic animals exhibiting subtaxon was erected and shown to represent the
complex life cycles that in most known cases sister group to Myxosporea: the Malacosporea,
involve two hosts: a vertebrate (usually fish, but consisting of only few species so far, including
also rarely amphibian, avian, or mammalian) Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative
intermediate host and an invertebrate, mostly agent of salmonid proliferative kidney disease
annelid or freshwater ectoproct (bryozoan), defini- (PKD) (Canning et al. 2000), the enigmatic
tive host. Direct fish-to-fish transmission has been worm Buddenbrockia plumatellae (Okamura
demonstrated in only one species (Diamant 1997). et al. 2002), and few further lineages. However,
About 2,200 species are known, but only about malacosporean diversity appears highly underes-
100 life cycles have been completely resolved. timated (Hartikainen et al. 2014).
Myxozoans occur in both marine and freshwater All known malacosporeans exclusively infect
habitats; only few exclusively terrestrial life cycles fresh water ectoprocts (Phylactolaemata) as
are suspected. For general reviews on Myxozoa, their definitive hosts. Malacosporean spores
see, e.g. Kent et al. (2001), Canning and Okamura (Figs. 7.1A, B and 7.2B, C) differ from those
(2004), Feist and Longshaw (2006), Lom and of myxosporeans (Fig. 7.1C, D) in the fact that
Dyková (2006), and Okamura et al. (2015). they are uncuticularised with more or less similar
Transmission between the two hosts is accom- morphology of both transmission phases. Spore
plished by microscopic spores (Figs. 7.1A–D and characters are traditionally used for taxonomic
7.2B, C). The spores can have diverse shapes, purposes; however, molecular data increasingly
but the principal morphology is uniform: one or demonstrate high levels of homoplasy in these
two sporoplasms, constituting the actual infective traits. Thus, many traditional myxozoan genera
agent, are encased by a layer of flattened cells and families are polyphyletic (Fiala 2006; Fiala
called valve cells, which can secrete protective and Bartosová 2010; Bartošová and Fiala 2011;
surface coatings and form elaborate floatation Bartošová et al. 2013).
appendages. Integrated into the layer of valve As opposed to the dormant spores, all myxo-
cells are two to four (in rare cases one or up to zoan trophic stages (Fig. 7.1E–J) are exclusively
15) specialised capsulogenic cells, each of which found, either inter- or intracellularly, within the
bears one polar capsule, an extrudable organelle hosts, and exhibit extremely simple morpholo-
that is used for host recognition, contact, and gies, lacking any form of gut, gonads, clearly rec-
entry. Capsulogenic cells and valve cells are con- ognisable gametes, and even nervous system and
nected by cell junctions (septate and adherens sensory organs. In fact, even some general meta-
junctions), thus forming a sealing epithelium. zoan cytological features such as cilia and centri-
With the revelation of the first complete oles are absent. In general, the trophic stages in
life cycles (Markiw and Wolf 1983; Wolf and invertebrate hosts (Fig. 7.1E, F, and H) are more
Markiw 1984), older classification schemes, complex, being delimited by at least one outer
which, based on spore morphology, differen- epithelial tissue layer, whereas stages in verte-
tiated actinosporeans (Fig. 7.1D), and myxo- brate hosts are syncytial plasmodia (large multi-
sporeans (Fig. 7.1C), had to be revised. Instead nucleate cells, Fig. 7.1J) or pseudoplasmodia
of representing different taxa, these turned out to (large uninucleate cells, Fig. 7.1G, I). Uptake of
be different stages of the same life cycle: actino- nutrients from the host is in all cases facilitated
sporeans are the spores released from the defini- by endocytosis via the external membrane. A
tive invertebrate host and myxosporeans from the characteristic phenomenon in many stages of the
intermediate vertebrate host (Fig. 7.3). In turn, myxozoan life cycle is endogeny, where one cell
only Myxosporea was continued as a taxon name (the primary cell) completely surrounds another
(Kent et al. 1994); however, “actinosporeans” cell (the secondary cell). Sometimes, even ter-
and “myxosporeans” are still used as technical tiary cells occur.
7 Myxozoa 167




Fig. 7.1 Morphology of myxozoan life cycle stages. spores. (F) Wormlike malacosporeans (Buddenbrockia)
(A–D) Spores. (A) Malacospore (malacosporean spore with four longitudinal muscle blocks and four rows of
produced in ectoproct host). The spore wall is formed by connecting cells. (G) Malacosporean pseudoplasmodium
capsulogenic cells and flattened valve cells. These spores producing one single spore. (H) Myxosporean pansporo-
typically contain two sporoplasms, each of which encloses cyst with eight envelope cells and eight actinospores (the
one secondary cell. (B) Fishmalacospore containing one valve cells gain turgescence upon release and acquire the
uninucleate sporoplasm. (C) Myxospore (myxosporean shape depicted in (D)). (I) Myxosporean pseudoplasmo-
spore produced in fish host) containing two uninucleate or dium producing one single spore. (J) Myxosporean plas-
one binucleate sporoplasm(s). (D) Actinospores (myxo- modium with multinuclear pericyte producing multiple
sporean spore produced in annelid host) are usually trira- spores. cc capsulogenic cell, co connecting cell, ep epider-
diate with three valves and three capsulogenic cells. mis, ev envelope cell, mb muscle block, nu nucleus, pc
Sporoplasms are large uninucleate cells harbouring polar capsule, pe pericyte, s spore, sc secondary cell, sp
numerous secondary (germ) cells. (E–J) Trophic stages, sporoplasm, vc valve cell (© Alexander Gruhl, 2015. All
schematic cross sections. (E) Saclike malacosporean (e.g. Rights Reserved)
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae) with epidermis and
168 A. Gruhl

Pansporocysts (Fig. 7.1H), the intra- remaining cells, which are considered sporo-
invertebrate stages of myxosporeans, represent gonic. When the worm matures (Fig. 7.2Q–V),
simple, more or less spherical sacs delimited by the inner epithelium disintegrates, with the
two to eight cells, the envelope cells, which are connecting cells remaining in place between
flat and interconnected by cell junctions, thus the muscle blocks and the sporogonic cells
constituting an epithelial layer. In some species, detaching from each other and beginning
surface extensions of the envelope cells’ apical to float freely in the internal cavity to form
and/or basal membranes occur, indicating trans- spores, a process similar to that in saclike
cytotic uptake of nutrients and potential secretion malacosporeans.
of waste products. Vertebrate stages of both malacosporeans and
Malacosporean intra-invertebrate tro- myxosporeans are plasmodia or pseudoplasmo-
phic stages occur inside the fluid-filled body dia bearing internal proliferative or sporogonic
cavity of fresh water ectoprocts, either as cells within them. Plasmodia can become large
large sacs (T. bryosalmonae, Buddenbrockia and often show differentiation into an outer and
allmani, Figs. 7.1E and 7.2A) or as worms inner layer. The former is specialised in secre-
(Buddenbrockia plumatellae, Figs. 7.1F and tion, endocytotic uptake of nutrients, and defence
7.2Q). Both sacs and worms are lined by an against host attacks. It differs in cytoplasmic
outer epithelium. In Buddenbrockia species, a composition from the inner compartment which
further, internal epithelium exists in juveniles. bears the nuclei, most of the other organelles and
Buddenbrockia worms (B. plumatella and a few the endogenous cells.
further, undescribed lineages) exhibit, between For a long time, myxozoans had been con-
the inner and outer epithelium, four longitudi- sidered as protists, due to their simple mor-
nal muscle blocks which span the entire length phologies. However, with the advent of better
of the worm (Fig. 7.2K) and are used to facili- microscopic techniques, their metazoan nature
tate helicoidal movements of the worm. The became obvious. Connections to both Bilateria
muscle blocks consist of individual, obliquely and Cnidaria were suggested; recent molecu-
arranged elongate muscle cells (Fig. 7.2U). At lar phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses
least two cell types are discernible in the inner along with morphological and protein data now
epithelium: connecting cells, which reside in provide convincing evidence that Myxozoa are
a single line between the muscle blocks, and an ingroup of Cnidaria. Potentially due to their

Fig. 7.2 Malacosporean stages. (A) Tetracapsuloides central region. (N) Horizontal optical section of central
bryosalmonae spore sac. Light micrograph. Scale bar: region. (O) Maximum intensity projection of central
30 μm. (B) T. bryosalmonae spore. Light micrograph. region. (P) Horizontal optical section of distal tip. Scale
Scale bar: 10 μm. (C) Scanning electron micrograph of a bar for l-p: 30 μm. (Q–V) Light and confocal micrographs
T. bryosalmonae spore. Scale bar: 5 μm. (D) Dissected of a mature Buddenbrockia worm. The inner epithelium
ectoproct gut with attached early stages of Buddenbrockia has disintegrated, and spores are fully developed. (Q)
(arrowheads). Scale bar: 150 μm. (E–J) Confocal images Whole-mount specimen. Scale bar: 200 μm. (R) Proximal
(optical sections) of early Buddenbrockia developmental tip with cluster of undifferentiated cells (arrowhead). (S)
stages. Green – F-actin, red – nuclei. (E) Attached spheri- Partial optical cross section through central region show-
cal stage with beginning segregation into outer epidermis ing muscle block. (T) Optical horizontal section showing
and inner compact tissue. Scale bar: 30 μm. (F) Attached inner cavity filled with spores. (U) Maximum intensity
elongate stage, developing cavity and inner epithelium at projection of the central region showing arrangement of
distal end. Scale bar: 50 μm. (G) Detached early worm. muscle fibres. (V) Optical horizontal section of distal tip.
Scale bar: 50 μm. (H–J) Optical cross sections through Scale bar for R–V: 30 μm. cc capsulogenic cell, cl central
(G), from proximal to distal. Scale bar: 10 μm. (K–P) lumen, co connecting cell, dt distal tip, ep epidermis, ev
Immature Buddenbrockia worm with developing muscle envelope cell, gu ectoproct gut, ic inner compact cells, ie
blocks, confocal images. (K) Whole mount specimen. inner epithelium, mb muscle block, nu nucleus, pc polar
Scale bar: 200 μm. (L) Proximal tip with cluster of undif- capsule, pt proximal tip, s spore, sp sporoplasm, vc valve
ferentiated cells (arrowhead). (M) Cross section through cell (Images (D–V) from Gruhl and Okamura (2012))
7 Myxozoa 169








170 A. Gruhl

aberrant morphology and high rates of sequence et al. 1996, 2000, 2007, 2008; Okamura et al.
evolution, the exact position within the Cnidaria 2002; McGurk et al. 2006; Morris and Adams
is not well resolved, the most parsimonious 2007a, b; Gruhl and Okamura 2012). The
assumption being a sister group relationship to development differs between the species.
Medusozoa (Staurozoa, Cubozoa, Hydrozoa, The simplest form of development is found in
Scyphozoa) (Nesnidal et al. 2013; Chapter 6). Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, where unicellu-
However, rDNA data still support alternative lar stages firstly occur in the body cavity or
positions at the base of Bilateria with a sister attached to the apical surface of the peritoneum
group relationship to Polypodium hydriforme, a of the ectoproct host. These can remain relatively
further parasitic cnidarian that, however, is likely inactive inside the host, facilitating a long-term
to be related to leptomedusans (Evans et al. 2008, cryptic infection or, potentially triggered by host
2010). Many morphological characters support condition, begin to proliferate rapidly by division
the metazoan nature of myxozoans, but only few initiating an acute overt infection. Early multicel-
correspondences to Cnidaria exist. Myxozoan lular stages are clusters of several cells, similar in
polar capsules exhibit striking resemblance to their ultrastructure to the unicellular stages.
cnidarian nematocysts (Weill 1938; Siddall et al. These clusters are believed to arise either by
1995) that, apart from ultrastructure and genesis, aggregation (thus potentially being chimaeras of
includes molecular architecture, with the presence different genotypes) or by mitosis. Subsequent
of cnidarian-specific proteins (minicollagens) stages have developed an outer epithelial layer
(Holland et al. 2011). Further evidence comes embracing a compact mass of inner cells.
from the myoarchitecture of Buddenbrockia Vegetative growth leads to sacs of up to 300 μm
plumatellae, which shows tetraradial symme- in diameter. At some stage, the inner cells
try, a pattern unique to medusozoans (Gruhl and undergo sporogony, which, in contrast to the
Okamura 2012). growth, happens rather synchronously. Thus,
usually sacs of different sizes but at a similar
stage of sporogony are found within one host.
DEVELOPMENT The early development in sac-forming
Buddenbrockia is essentially similar; however,
Due to the complex life cycle and the still unclear the inner compact mass differentiates into a tran-
state of sexual reproduction, several phases of sitory epithelium, encompassing a central lumen.
development can be identified that might corre- Prior to sporogony, this epithelium disintegrates,
spond to either embryological stages or forms of and cells detach and float freely inside the sac.
asexual development found in related cnidarians. The most complex trophic stages are found in
Most studies of developmental stages do not have the wormlike Buddenbrockia. In contrast to the
a high temporal resolution, thus, many inferences other malacosporeans, early unicellular stages
about developmental processes are based on are not free in the host coelom, but within the
observations of a few stages only and have to be extracellular matrix (ECM), usually between
considered with care. gut epithelium and peritoneum, but also, more
rarely, between epidermis and peritoneum.
These stages proliferate by division and form
Development in the clusters of cells which seem rather unstruc-
Invertebrate Host tured, invading large portions of the ECM. At
some point, parts of the multicellular masses
Malacosporea penetrate the peritoneum towards the coelom
Usually referred to as “sacculogenesis”, the (Fig. 7.2D–F). The part that lies in the coelom
development of malacosporeans in the inverte- becomes bilayered (similar to early stages in
brate host (Fig. 7.3A–G) has been described the sac-forming species), with an outer epithe-
ultrastructurally in a few publications (Canning lial layer and an inner compact mass of cells.
7 Myxozoa 171






Fig. 7.3 Malacosporean life cycle (exemplified by (H) Malacospore. (I) Sporoplasm germ enters the fish
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae; see main text for devia- host via epidermis. (J) Endogenic stage with secondary
tions in other malacosporeans). (A) Fishmalacospore. (B) cell. (K) Proliferation by mitotic division and release of
Sporoplasm enters the ectoproct host via gut epithelium secondary cells. (L) Proliferation by mitotic division of
and epidermis. (C) Proliferation in the host coelom via primary and secondary cells. (M) Endogenic stage with
mitoses. (D) Early cell cluster. (E) Early compact bilay- secondary cell. (N) Sporogonic pseudoplasmodium. (O)
ered stage. (F) Immature sac, sporogonic cells floating Mature sporogonic pseudoplasmodium (© Alexander
freely in inner cavity. (G) Mature sac, filled with spores. Gruhl, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

The inner cells differentiate further into an inner polarity. Further growth leads to elongation,
epithelium and muscle precursor cells, which differentiation of the musculature, and differen-
reside between the two epithelial tissue layers tiation of the inner epithelium into connecting
(Fig. 7.2G–J). At some stage, the worms detach cells and sporogonic cells (Fig. 7.2K–P).
from the cell mass in the ECM and swim freely Sporogony has not been described in sufficient
in the host coelom, retaining their initial body detail, but so far seems to be similar in all malaco-
172 A. Gruhl

sporean species. It starts from individual cells that by nuclear division, resulting in multinucleated
float more or less freely in the internal cavity and stages. These undergo plasmotomy and, later,
are derived either from a compact mass or from the mostly unicellular stages are present. Subsequent
disintegrating inner epithelium. Two types of cells stages are complexes of two uninucleate cells
can be distinguished: larger cells with electron- which are interpreted as beginning to fuse. Next,
lucent cytoplasm, and high content of membrane- binucleate cells are formed which undergo kary-
bound vesicles and smaller, more electron-lucent otomy, resulting in tetranucleate stages. The initial
cells. Meiosis is visible ultrastructurally by the pansporocysts are complexes of four uninucleate
presence of synaptonemal complexes in nuclei of stages thought of having arisen from the tetra-
the larger cells. Expulsion of polar bodies has not nucleate condition by plasmotomy. Two of these
been directly observed, but in Tetracapsuloides cells are in a more peripheral position and enve-
bryosalmonae, tiny cells remain within the sac lope the other two cells by formation of mem-
even after spore formation has been completed. brane protrusions and cell-cell junctions. Mitotic
Sporogony continues with the smaller cells form- divisions lead to pansporocysts, which are lined
ing the spore hull and differentiating into capsulo- by eight envelope cells and contain eight α- and
genic cells and valve cells. The larger cells become eight β-cells. α- and β-cells differ slightly in size
the sporoplasms. Mature spores comprise two spo- and each population is interpreted as deriving from
roplasms, each consisting of one larger outer and one of the two initial internal cells. Subsequently,
one smaller inner cell (endogenic cell, secondary they undergo meiosis (as evidenced by occurrence
cell), four capsulogenic cells and eight valve cells. of synaptonemal complexes), expelling three polar
It is currently not clear if fusion of the meiotic bodies each. Eight complexes of each one α- and
products happens during sporogony, i.e. whether one β-cell form which fuse and result in eight
some or all spore cells are haploid. zygotes.
The next phase is sporogony: the envelope
Myxosporea cells remain unchanged, and the zygotes divide
The development of pansporocysts (Fig. 7.4A– H), twice to form clusters (sporoblasts) of one central
especially of the early stages, has been followed and three peripheral cells. The peripheral cells
in detail only in very few cases (Marques 1986; undergo one further division, and of these six
Lom and Dyková 1992, 1997; Lom et al. 1997; cells, three become capsulogenic and three valve
El-Matbouli and Hoffmann 1998; Hallett et al. cells. The central cell is the prospective sporo-
1998; Oumouna et al. 2002). Most other studies plasm and divides asymmetrically (endogeni-
focus on spore formation; however, occasional cally) to form a complex of one outer and one
reports of early developmental stages are given inner (generative cell). The inner cell gives rise to
(e.g. Bartholomew et al. 1997; El-Mansy et al. up to 64 germ cells. Spores are released by rup-
1998; Hallett and Lester 1999; Özer and Wootten ture into the intestinal tract of the tubificid worm.
2001; Alvarez-Pellitero et al. 2002; Meaders and Deviations from the above pattern have been
Hendrickson 2009; Rangel et al. 2009; Morris reported. In many species, only two or four cells
2010, 2012a; Marton and Eszterbauer 2012), constitute the sporoplasm envelope. Early stages
adding bitwise information to the whole picture. have been described differently. For an
The most comprehensive study so far is by Aurantiactinomyxon, Lom et al. (1997) described
El-Matbouli and Hoffmann (1998) on Myxobolus no tetranucleate or four cell stages, but the pan-
cerebralis development in the oligochaete Tubifex sporocyst starting from an endogenic (primary/
tubifex. Tubificid worms get infected by ingestion secondary) cell. However, tetranucleate stages
of myxospores from decaying fish. Upon contact have been described for Aurantiactinomyxon and
with the gut lining, the polar capsules discharge, Raabeia (Oumouna et al. 2002). Hallett and
open, and release amoeboid binucleate sporo- Lester (1999) described the genus Tetraspora in
plasms, which penetrate the gut epithelium and which only four spores develop in one
undergo presporogonic proliferation (schizogony) pansporocyst.
7 Myxozoa 173






Fig. 7.4 Myxosporean life cycle (mostly adopted from ing eight actinospores. (I) Actinospore. (J) Sporoplasm germ
Myxobolus cerebralis; see main text for deviations in other cell released from sporoplasm after penetration of host epi-
myxosporeans). (A) Myxospore. (B) Sporoplasm enters the dermis. (K) Endogenic (primary/secondary) stage. (L, M)
annelid host via gut epithelium or epidermis. (C) Extrasporogonic proliferation by division of secondary cells
Extrasporogonic proliferation by nuclear divisions followed and formation and release of secondary/tertiary cell doublets.
by plasmotomy. (D) Binucleate cell. (E) Tetranucleate cell. (N) Sporogonic multinucleate plasmodium containing sev-
(F) Early pansporocyst consisting of two internal and two eral secondary cells. (O) Formation of sporoblasts by divi-
envelope cells. (G) Pansporocyst with fusing α- and β-cells, sion of secondary cells. (P) Mature sporogonic plasmodium
resulting in eight zygotes. (H) Mature pansporocyst contain- (© Alexander Gruhl, 2015. All Rights Reserved)

Development in the Vertebrate Host The entry portals seem to be thin parts of the
epidermis and mucus cells (Grabner and
Malacosporea El-Matbouli 2010). The earliest stages visible
Malacosporean development within the verte- are unicellular stages, most likely representing
brate (fish) host (Fig. 7.3H–O) has only been the inner (secondary) cells of the sporoplasms.
studied in Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Kent Shortly after infection, typical cell doublets
and Hedrick 1986; Morris and Adams 2008). consisting of one primary and one internalised
174 A. Gruhl

secondary cell occur. Multiple extrasporogonic large complex stages which harbour large num-
proliferation cycles prior to spore formation bers of secondary cells and secondary/tertiary
seem to be the norm and take place in the kidney cell doublets which are either released succes-
interstitium with the parasite stages engulfed by sively or by breakdown of the large pericyte.
host phagocytes. Proliferation involves division Many species undergo several extrasporogonic
of secondary cells followed by division of pri- proliferative cycles, each in a different host
mary cells. The maximum number of secondary tissue.
cells found in these stages is three (Morris and Sporogony takes place in small pseudoplas-
Adams 2008), with rare findings of tertiary modia that produce only one or few spores, or in
cells. larger multinucleate plasmodia. In the latter, two
Sporogonic stages migrate into the kidney pathways are common. In the first, the spores are
tubules, where larger so-called pseudoplasmodia produced individually within so-called pansporo-
are formed. These are essentially large pericytes, blasts, which are essentially cell doublets where
which harbour several secondary cells and sec- the secondary cell undergoes several mitotic divi-
ondary/tertiary cell doublets. The cytoplasm of sions to form sporoplasm, valve, and capsulo-
the outer primary cell differs from that of the genic cells. Alternatively, a large population of
extrasporogonic stage in the absence of sporo- secondary cells is present, which separately
plasmosomes, secretory vesicles characteristic develop into sporoplasms, valve cells, or capsu-
for many myxozoan cells. Sporogony com- logenic cells. The differentiated cells then aggre-
mences by the secondary cells developing into gate to form the spores.
sporoplasms and the secondary/tertiary cell com-
plexes differentiating into capsulogenic cells and
valve cells. Each pseudoplasmodium produces a EXPERIMENTAL AND GENE
single so-called fishmalacospore consisting of EXPRESSION STUDIES
one sporoplasm cell, two capsulogenic cells and
four valve cells. The spores are released from the In situ hybridization studies focussing on devel-
fish via the urine. opmental gene expression are lacking so far
for myxozoans. However, a survey of genes
Myxosporea expressed during spore activation has been
Early development and sporogony of myxo- conducted (Eszterbauer et al. 2009), the first
sporeans (Fig. 7.4J–P) have been described myxozoan genome has been published (Yang
extensively especially in economically important et al. 2014), and several transcriptome and a few
species. However, many studies are based on genome sequencing projects are currently on the
pathological results, and exact developmental way. Light and electron microscopic techniques
sequences are sometimes difficult to infer. are well established and other procedures, such
The fish host is infected by the actinospore as confocal microscopy, fluorescence staining,
attaching to the host and the sporoplasm pene- and antibody labeling, have been successfully
trating the epidermis. In most cases, the outer applied (e.g. Alama-Bermejo et al. 2012; Gruhl
cell disintegrates soon to release the sporo- and Okamura 2012). At least for a few species,
plasm (germ) cells, which then spread into the partial replication of the life cycle in the labora-
species-specific target tissues. In most cases, tory is possible (Tops and Okamura 2003; Tops
extrasporogonic proliferation cycles precede et al. 2004; Hartikainen et al. 2009; Kumar et al.
spore formation. These can happen in a range 2013), and attempts for in vitro culture have
of different ways: one extreme would be repre- been made (Morris 2012b). Thus, although
sented by the way as described for malaco- myxozoans are comparatively difficult to access,
sporeans (i.e. by mitotic division of secondary possibilities to tackle more EvoDevo questions
cells, followed by division of the primary cells). using experimental and molecular techniques are
The other extreme would be the formation of within reach.
7 Myxozoa 175

OPEN QUESTIONS Canning EU, Curry A, Hill SLL, Okamura B (2007)

Ultrastructure of Buddenbrockia allmani n. sp.
(Myxozoa, Malacosporea), a parasite of Lophopus
crystallinus (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata). J Eukaryot
• How is the myxozoan life cycle related to that Microbiol 54:247–262
of free-living cnidarians/medusozoans? Canning EU, Curry A, Okamura B (2008) Early devel-
opment of the myxozoan Buddenbrockia plumatellae
• Where and how does sexual reproduction and
in the bryozoans Hyalinella punctata and Plumatella
outcrossing happen in the myxozoan life cycle? fungosa, with comments on taxonomy and systemat-
• What are the mechanisms that have caused ics of the Myxozoa. Folia Parasitol (Praha)
extreme body simplification and loss of 45:241–255
Diamant A (1997) Fish-to-fish transmission of a marine
cytological features in myxozoans?
myxosporean. Dis Aquat Organ 30:99–105
• How do mechanisms of tissue specification El-Mansy A, Molnár K, Székely C (1998) Development
differ within myxozoans and between of Myxobolus portucalensis Saraiva & Molnár, 1990
myxozoans and other cnidarians? (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) in the oligochaete
Tubifex tubifex (Müller). Syst Parasitol 41:95–103
• Is myxozoan body plan diversity underestimated?
El-Matbouli M, Hoffmann RW (1998) Light and electron
• When and where are key developmental genes microscopic studies on the chronological development
such as Hox, ParaHox, and other homeobox of Myxobolus cerebralis to the actinosporean stage in
genes expressed in the various myxozoan life Tubifex tubifex. Int J Parasitol 28:195–217
Eszterbauer E, Kallert DM, Grabner D, El-Matbouli M
cycles, and what are their roles?
(2009) Differentially expressed parasite genes
involved in host recognition and invasion of the triac-
tinomyxon stage of Myxobolus cerebralis (Myxozoa).
Parasitology 136:367–377
References Evans N, Lindner A, Raikova EV, Collins AG, Cartwright
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3D morphology, ultrastructure and development of Cnidaria. BMC Evol Biol 8:139
Ceratomyxa puntazzi stages: first insights into the Evans NM, Holder MT, Barbeitos MS, Okamura B,
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tion of the Myxozoa. Adv Parasitol 56:43–131 implications for cnidarian body plan evolution.
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of a myxozoan parasite Tetracapsula bryozoides Hallett SL, Lester RJ (1999) Actinosporeans (Myxozoa)
gen. n. et sp. n. in Cristatella mucedo (Bryozoa: with four developing spores within a pansporocyst:
Phylactolaemata). Folia Parasitol (Praha) 43:259–261 Tetraspora discoidea n.g. n.sp. and Tetraspora rotun-
Canning EU, Curry A, Feist SW, Longshaw M, Okamura dum n.sp. Int J Parasitol 29:419–427
B (2000) A new class and order of myxozoans to Hallett SL, O’Donoghue PJ, Lester RJG (1998) Structure
accommodate parasites of bryozoans with ultrastruc- and development of a marine actinosporean,
tural observations on Tetracapsula bryosalmonae Sphaeractinomyxon ersei n. sp. (Myxozoa). J Eukaryot
(PKX organism). J Eukaryot Microbiol 47:456–468 Microbiol 45:142–150
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Hartikainen H, Johnes P, Moncrieff C, Okamura B (2009) Malacosporea) within Plumatella repens (Bryozoa:
Bryozoan populations reflect nutrient enrichment and Phylactolaemata). Dis Aquat Organ 73:159–169
productivity gradients in rivers. Freshw Biol Meaders MD, Hendrickson GL (2009) Chronological
54:2320–2334 development of Ceratomyxa shasta in the polychaete
Hartikainen H, Gruhl A, Okamura B (2014) Diversification host, Manayunkia speciosa. J Parasitol 95:1
and repeated morphological transitions in endopara- Morris DJ (2010) Cell formation by myxozoan species is
sitic cnidarians (Myxozoa: Malacosporea). Mol not explained by dogma. Proc Biol Sci 277:2565–2570
Phylogenet Evol 76:261–269 Morris D (2012a) Towards an in vitro culture method for
Holland JW, Okamura B, Hartikainen H, Secombes CJ the rainbow trout pathogen Tetracapsuloides bryo-
(2011) A novel minicollagen gene links cnidarians and salmonae. J Fish Dis 35:941–944
myxozoans. Proc Biol Sci 278:546–553 Morris DJ (2012b) A new model for myxosporean
Kent ML, Hedrick R (1986) Development of the PKX (Myxozoa) development explains the endogenous
myxosporean in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri. Dis budding phenomenon, the nature of cell within cell
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Kent ML, Margolis L, Corliss JO (1994) The demise of a ian ancestor. Int J Parasitol 42:829–840
class of protists: taxonomic and nomenclatural Morris DJ, Adams A (2007a) Sacculogenesis of
revisions proposed for the protist phylum Myxozoa Buddenbrockia plumatellae (Myxozoa) within the
Grassé, 1970. Can J Zool 72:932–937 invertebrate host Plumatella repens (Bryozoa) with
Kent ML, Andree KB, Bartholomew JL, El-Matbouli M, comments on the evolutionary relationships of the
Desser SS, Devlin RH, Feist SW, Hedrick RP, Myxozoa. Int J Parasitol 37:1163–1171
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(2001) Recent advances in our knowledge of the Malacosporea) within the bryozoan host Fredericella
Myxozoa. J Eukaryot Microbiol 48:395–413 sultana (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata). Parasitol Res
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(2013) Establishment of medium for laboratory culti- Morris DJ, Adams A (2008) Sporogony of
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in vivo experiments with Tetracapsuloides bryosalmo- Salmo trutta and the role of the tertiary cell during the
nae (Myxozoa). J Fish Dis 36:81–88 vertebrate phase of myxozoan life cycles. Parasitology
Lom J, Dyková I (1992) Fine structure of Triactinomyxon 135:1075–1092
early stages and sporogony: myxosporean and actino- Nesnidal MP, Helmkampf M, Bruchhaus I, El-Matbouli
sporean features compared. J Eukaryot Microbiol M, Hausdorf B (2013) Agent of whirling disease
39:16–27 meets orphan worm: phylogenomic analyses firmly
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Myxozoa): a comparative study. Acta Protozool 36: Ultrastructure of Buddenbrockia identifies it as a
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7 Myxozoa 177

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valeur taxonomique de leur cnidome. Leur cycle fish host. Genome Biol Evol 6:3182–3198
comparé à la phase larvaire des Narcomeduses cun-
inides. Trav Stn Zool Wimereaux 13:727–744
Mark Q. Martindale and Jonathan Q. Henry

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
M.Q. Martindale (*)
Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience,
University of Florida, 9505 Oceanshore Blvd,
St. Augustine, FL 32080, USA
J.Q. Henry
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology,
University of Illinois, 601 S. Goodwin Ave.,
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 179

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_8, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
180 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

INTRODUCTION One group, the Platyctenida, loses their swim-

ming structures (comb plates) soon after devel-
Ctenophores produce exquisite embryological opment is complete and assumes a benthic
material for both descriptive and experimen- existence, using their highly characteristic ten-
tal manipulation (e.g., Martindale 1997a, b, c). tacles, bearing a main tentacle with branching
The fact that they are free-spawned and optically tentilla, to capture prey.
clear and undergo a rapid and highly stereotyped Most adult ctenophores have a high capacity
cleavage program have established them a highly to regenerate, and most are self-fertile hermaph-
studied preparation, particularly in the “golden rodites with rapid gametogenesis (approximately
era” of experimental embryology (circa the end two days; Greve 1970) and high fecundity (Reeve
of the nineteenth century). and Walter 1978), making them ideal “invasive
Ctenophore embryos were one of the first spe- species.” They have been known to have spread
cies to have been experimentally investigated at across the globe in ballast water of ocean-going
the Stazione Zoologica marine laboratory in ships (Reusch et al. 2010), and some species also
Naples, Italy. In 1872 Charles Chun noticed that have been described to undergo a biphasic repro-
“damaged” ctenophore embryos that he collected ductive pattern called “dissogeny” (“larval”
after a large storm formed two “half-embryos” reproduction), where functional gametes are gen-
contained within the same vitelline envelope. He erated within days after development is complete
surmised that the first two blastomeres had been (see below). In fact, there is a species of cteno-
separated by mechanical means and each had phore, Mertensia, in the Baltic Sea that is thought
grown up as it normally would have if they had to consist entirely of subadult sizes, and the pop-
remained together, a result that he and others ulation is replaced entirely by this precocious
have experimentally reproduced (Chun 1892; reproductive pattern (Jaspers et al. 2012).
Driesch and Morgan 1895; Martindale 1986). Ctenophores have found numerous ways to
Ctenophore embryos remain as the prime exam- use modified cilia for both locomotion and
ple for the so-called “mosaic” form of develop- sensory structures (Tamm 2014). All ctenophores
ment, and thus, ctenophore embryos have played move through the water column by the coordi-
an important historical role in establishing ways nated beating of eight longitudinal rows of comb
of thinking about developmental biology very plates that run along the oral-aboral axis (Fig. 8.1).
early in the field’s own history. In fact, their locomotory organs define the group
Virtually all extant ctenophores are holope- (Ctenophora = “comb bearers”). Each comb plate
lagic, lacking a benthic phase of their life cycle is composed of thousands of 9 + 2 cilia, each with
and spending their entire life swimming in the their own membrane, that are attached laterally to
water column. Many are deep water, and adults one another to form stiff plates that push the ani-
obtain large sizes of over a meter in length, while mal through the water by a series of metachronal
others range in size from a couple of centime- waves that run along each comb row (or ctene
ters. All ctenophores that have been studied to row). The power stroke is oriented aborally, mak-
date undergo direct development to rapidly give ing the animals swim mouth first, although ciliary
rise to a miniature functional juvenile (called a reversal also occurs in all eight rows, providing
cydippid “larva”) in less than one day. for a fine motor control of swimming behavior.
Ctenophore embryogenesis generates a body Comb plate beating is under nervous and mechan-
plan that is essentially the same as in their adult ical control, integrated primarily through the api-
stages, so they are basically direct developers. cal organ, an inertial, gravity sensor located on the
All ctenophores are carnivorous and most eat aboral pole, that is probably not homologous to an
small zooplankton including copepods, rotifers, organ bearing the same name in lophotrochozoan lar-
and even larval fish. Most ctenophores, except vae (see Vol. 2, Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12).
for the beroids, possess tentacles with sticky The apical organ contains a statocyst, which con-
cells called colloblasts that they use to capture sists of calcium carbonate-containing cells
prey. The beroids have lost their tentacles and perched upon four groups of balancing cilia.
are specialized predators on other ctenophores. In addition to a relatively sophisticated nervous
8 Ctenophora 181

Fig. 8.1 Lobate ctenophore body plan. (A) Diagram stage. The muscular oral lobes and the ciliated auricles
showing a lateral view of a cydippid-stage ctenophore, extend from the oral pole. (D) Diagram of the oral pole of
oral end up. The apical sense organ is located on the side a lobate stage showing the reduced tentacles and elabo-
opposite the mouth. Two feeding tentacles grow out from rated auricles and oral lobes. (E) Photograph of a lateral
the tentacle bulbs that are attached to the aboral end of the view of an adult lobate stage, oral pole up. This is the
pharynx by the endodermal tentacular canals. The two same orientation as seen in C. (F) Photograph of an adult
pairs of ctene rows adjacent to the tentacular plane are lobate stage seen from the oral pole. This is the same ori-
called the adtentacular rows and the ones closest to the entation as seen in D. Abbreviations: AE adesophageal
pharyngeal plane the adesophageal rows. (B) Diagram of ctene row, AO apical organ, AT adtentacular ctene row, AU
an aboral view of a cydippid-stage ctenophore showing auricles, EC endodermal canals, GD gonads, M mouth,
the two major body axes, the tentacular plane and the MF muscle fibers, OL oral lobes, PH pharynx, T tentacle,
orthogonal esophageal plane. (C) Diagram of a lateral TC tentacular canals, TS tentacle sheath
view of a cydippid stage making the transition to a lobate
182 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

Fig. 8.2 Confocal images of key features of the cteno- of the comb row structure of juvenile Pleurobrachia stained
phore body plan. (A) A lateral (apical organ toward top of with phalloidin (green) and Hoechst nuclear stain (blue).
page) confocal micrograph of a juvenile Beroe ovata immu- Each comb row (CR) is made up of a large number of sup-
nostained with phalloidin (green) which binds to filamen- port cells at its base. In between each row are muscle cells
tous actin. Longitudinal (LonSM) and horizontal (HorSM) which contain a large amount of filamentous actin. (F) A
smooth muscle fibers are visible in the mesogloeal layer. confocal image of a portion of the tentacles of a juvenile
The comb plate cilia (CP) and the ciliated grooves (CG) that Pleurobrachia immunostained with Hoechst nuclear stain
originate at the edge of the apical organ (AO) are also (blue) and phalloidin (green). A rim of cytoplasm around
stained by phalloidin. (B) A slightly deeper optical section each colloblast (Col) cell and the tentacle musculature are
of the specimen seen in (A). The endodermal canal (EC) labeled with phalloidin. Tentacular nerves (TN) are visible
system, including one of the two anal canals, can be seen. running along the length of the tentacle and the polygonal
Note that a distinct horizontal intercomb plate muscular nerve net can be seen underlying the body wall epithelium
system is present. (C) A confocal surface view of the epi- below. Abbreviations: AC anal canal, AO apical organ, CG
dermal nerve net of a juvenile Pleurobrachia stained with ciliated groove, CP comb plate, CR comb row, CRM comb
anti-tyrosylated-tubulin (red) and Hoechst nuclear stain row muscle, Col colloblast, EC endodermal canal, HorSM
(blue). The epidermal polygonal nerve net (PNN) and asso- horizontal smooth muscle, LonSM longitudinal smooth
ciated sensory cells (SC) are labeled. (D) High magnifica- muscle, MZ marginal zone, PF polar field, PNN polygonal
tion confocal view of the polar field region of the apical nerve net, SC sensory cell, Tent tentacle. The scale bar seen
organ of Pleurobrachia sample seen in (C). Note the high in panel F equals 200 μm for A and B, 30 μm for C, 33 μm
density of cells in the marginal zone (MZ) and the proximity for D and F, and 18 μm for E (Images taken by David
of the polygonal nerve net. (E) A high magnification confo- Kainoa Simmons at the Whitney Lab for Marine
cal micrograph between two comb plates within the middle Bioscience)

system that is composed of a peripheral polygonal and Brusca 1990; Martindale and Henry 1997a;
nerve “net,” apical organ, and tentacular nerves, Pang and Martindale 2008a; Martindale 2001).
all ctenophores have a complex set of muscle and Ctenophores consist of four nearly identical
mesenchymal cells that reside in distinct regions quadrants (Fig. 8.1) separated by two planes, the
of the mesogloea or under the epidermal basal tentacular plane and the esophageal plane (some-
laminae (Fig. 8.2). Several excellent reviews of times called the sagittal plane). Each quadrant
ctenophore anatomy have been previously pub- contains two comb rows, a half of a tentacle and a
lished (Hyman 1940; Hernandez-Nicaise 1973, quarter of the apical organ, which is located at the
1991; Horridge 1974; Tamm 1982, 2014; Brusca aboral pole. However, adjacent quadrants are not
8 Ctenophora 183

identical to one another morphologically, because associated with the endodermal canal system, one
only two diagonally opposed quadrants have anal on each side of each subctene row canal (see
canals (regions of the endodermal gut that make Martindale and Henry 1997a, b). Spawning is
open connections to the external world via the generally triggered by changes in photoperiod.
anal pores) (Martindale and Henry 1995). Thus, Motile flagellated sperm are spawned first with
these animals do not have a single plane of mirror oocytes that follow. In most cases spawned
symmetry, rather, they have an infinite number of oocytes have already undergone first and second
planes of rotational symmetry, a feature that is polar body formation and have a surrounding
difficult to compare to a hypothetically simple acellular vitelline membrane made by the oocyte.
radially symmetrical ancestor. In fact, the phylo- In some species the polar bodies are still attached
genetic position of ctenophores is still hotly to the egg and mark the animal pole (Freeman
debated, with a growing body of phylogenomic 1977). Jelly/mucus is secreted along with the
data arguing that they are the earliest branching eggs (Dunlap-Pinaka 1974) that make them
group of metazoans (Dunn et al. 2008; Hejnol remain in the water column but that usually
et al. 2009; Ryan et al. 2013). In fact, there are no washes off after a few minutes in sea water, allow-
groups of animals that are truly radially symmet- ing eggs to settle to the bottom. The delicate vitel-
rical (see also Chapter 6; Finnerty et al. 2004). line membrane can be easily removed with
Ctenophores have at one time or another been forceps if experimental manipulations (injections,
placed in a variety of different phylogenetic posi- blastomere deletions) are required (although
tions in the Tree of Life, from deuterostomes naked embryos will stick to polystyrene plastic).
(Nielsen 1995) to flatworms (Lang 1884; Ctenophore eggs and embryos are relatively
Mortensen 1912a, b). The most consistent histori- large, varying between 100 μm and over 1 mm in
cal position is for ctenophores to be sister to cni- diameter, and are among the most optically trans-
darians in a taxon termed Coelenterata (Hyman parent embryos described. They are centroleci-
1940; Philippe et al. 2009), sister to all bilaterally thal, the yolk being located in the middle of the
symmetrical animals (Morris and Simonetta 1991; cell surrounded by a thin layer of ectoplasm con-
Nielsen et al. 1996), or sister to Placozoa, Cnidaria, taining all of the cellular organelles (Dunlap-
and Bilateria (Collins 2002; Wallberg et al. 2004; Pinaka 1974). The ectoplasm undergoes dynamic
Pick et al. 2010). Total genome sequencing of two rearrangements during the cleavage program to
ctenophores has shed some additional light on the be segregated mainly to ectodermal precursors.
situation and made a compelling case that either Fertilization in some species such as
sponges or ctenophores are at the base of the Mnemiopsis leidyi occurs at the time of spawn-
metazoan tree (Ryan et al. 2013). The gene con- ing, although the eggs of some representatives
tent of both sponges and ctenophores is much such as Beroe tend to outcross with sperm of a
more similar to one another than either is to other different individual, at least early after spawning.
metazoans, generating many questions about the This specificity operates at the level of the vitel-
relationship of genomic complexity to morpho- line membrane (Carré et al. 1991). There does
logical complexity (Putnum et al. 2007; Srivastava not appear to be a “fast block” to polyspermy.
et al. 2008, 2010). The development of cteno- Multiple sperm asters (up to 20) can be seen in
phores and sponges appears so radically different ctenophore zygotes with other cytoplasmic
it is difficult to even compare the two, suggesting mechanisms, insuring that the female pronucleus
that one or both groups have become extremely undergoes syngamy with a single male pronu-
specialized over deep evolutionary time. cleus (Carré et al. 1991).
Ctenophore embryos have a unique cleavage
program not readily comparable to any other
EARLY DEVELOPMENT metazoan. It starts with a unipolar cleavage
mechanism in which the cleavage furrow starts at
Most, but not all (Harbison and Miller 1986), the animal pole and completely splits the cyto-
ctenophores are self-fertile hermaphrodites plasm into two cells (Fig. 8.3). The first two
(Carré et al. 1990). Male and female gonads are cleavages pass parallel to the animal-vegetal axis
184 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

Fig. 8.3 Schematic diagram and fate map of ctenophore cells divide one additional time except for the 2M macro-
development. (A) Lateral view of the fertilized egg. The meres. (G) As gastrulation by epiboly begins, a distinct set
polar bodies (pb) mark the animal pole which represents of micromeres is born at the oral pole. These will give rise
the future oral end of the animal in all panels. (B) At second to the mesodermal derivatives. (H) At the “Mickey mouse”
cleavage each blastomere divides asymmetrically to give stage, the tentacle bulbs thicken prior to their invagination,
rise to an EM/and an EM\cell. The EM/and EM\cells lie in the comb row cilia begin to beat, muscle and mesenchymal
opposite, not adjacent locations in the embryo. (C) At third cells appear, and the apical organ begins to coalesce as
cleavage, two distinct cell lineages are born, the E (end) components from all four quadrants move toward the
and M (middle) blastomeres. (D) At the 16-cell stage, small aboral pole. (I) By approximately 24 h, a fully functional
micromeres arise that are given subscript numerals to indi- cydippid-stage animal is formed. Cells colored in yellow
cate the order of their birth (e.g., e1). Their sister macro- give rise to ectoderm, cells colored green give rise to endo-
meres are given ordinal numbers for ease of identification. derm, and cells in red give rise to mesodermal structures.
(E) At the next round of divisions, the 1E and 1M macro- Abbreviations: ao apical organ precursors, cr ctene row
meres give rise to another round of micromeres and each precursors, pb polar bodies, tb tentacle bulb precursors, st
micromere also divides. (F) The 60-cell stage arises as all stomodeum
8 Ctenophora 185

Fig. 8.4 Differential interference contrast light micro- round of micromeres and each existing micromere has
scope photographs of ctenophore development. The ani- divided equally. (K) Oral view of the mouth following
mal pole is situated toward the top of the panel except in gastrulation. The large yolky internal cells will give rise to
panels I, J, M, and N (After Martindale and Henry (1997a, the endodermal portions of the gut. (L) Optical section of
b)). (A) Fertilized zygote prior to first cleavage inside its the tentacle bulbs at the “Mickey mouse” stage of devel-
acellular vitelline membrane. The ectoplasm surrounds a opment seen from the oral pole. (M) View of the develop-
yolk mass. (B) The onset of first cleavage. Note the highly ing apical organ with its mineralized lithocytes, nascent
characteristic unipolar cleavage furrow. (C) Two cells ctene rows, and invaginating tentacle bulbs. (N) Higher
dividing to four cells via unipolar cleavage furrows. (D) magnification view of developing apical organ showing
The 4-cell stage showing the distribution of the two deter- the lithocytes, the ciliated grooves that lead to each of the
mined quadrant types, EM/and the EM\. (E) An oblique eight ctene rows, and the anal canals which open in oppo-
cleavage gives rise to the E and M blastomeres of each site quadrants at the anal pores. (O) Lateral view of the
quadrant. The E marks the future esophageal plane. (F) ectodermal pharynx leading to the mouth. Note the numer-
The 8-cell stage. (G) The unipolar cleavage of the E blas- ous contractile muscle cells surrounding the pharynx and
tomeres gives rise to the 1E macromere and the e1 micro- leading out into the mesogloea. Abbreviations: ac anal
mere. (H) The 16-cell stage consisting of four e1 and four canals, cf cleavage furrow, cg ciliated grooves, cr ctene
m1 micromeres and their sister macromeres. (I) Aboral rows, ec ectoplasm, li lithocytes, m mouth, mf muscle
(vegetal) view of the 16-cell stage. (J) Aboral view of the fibers, ph pharynx, vm vitelline membrane, yk yolk, tb ten-
16-cell stage. Each macromere has given rise to a new tacle bulb

and give rise to four equal-sized and visibly iden- The micromeres inherit the majority of the ecto-
tical cells (the fates of these cells are not identical, plasm, while the larger macromeres retain the
however, as described below). The third division yolk and will give rise to the endoderm. A stan-
is oriented obliquely to the animal-vegetal axis dard nomenclature exists (Martindale and Henry
and generates four slightly larger cells that all 1997a, b), such that the first round of micromeres
meet at the vegetal pole and are called the “M” from each lineage is given a subscript (e1, m1) and
cells (for “middle” cells) and four slightly smaller their sister macromeres the title 1E and 1M. The
cells that form two pairs of cells that do not touch macromeres then divide again asymmetrically to
each other. These cells are called “E” cells (for generate (e2, m2) and 2E and 2M cells. Micromeres
“end” cells). Both E and M cells then generate divide further to give rise to e11 and e12, and m11
three and two rounds (respectively) of highly and m12 blastomeres (Figs. 8.3 and 8.4).
asymmetric divisions giving rise to micromeres As the aboral micromeres continue, they divide
and macromeres at the aboral pole of the embryo. to give rise to a micromere cap consisting of
186 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

hundreds of small cells. As gastrulation takes but more recently a more accurate intracellular lin-
place, these cells move by epiboly over the larger eage analysis up to the 60-cell stage in the lobate
macromeres toward the animal (oral) pole, and a ctenophore Mnemiopsis (Figs. 8.3 and 8.5) has
second set of small micromeres are given off by determined the embryological origin of all major
the macromeres at the oral pole. These oral micro- cell types (Martindale and Henry 1999). Ectodermal
meres migrate up between the macromeres to the derivatives (e.g., epidermis, comb plates, and ner-
aboral pole and give rise to the mesodermal deriv- vous system) are derived from the small aboral
atives. Time lapse movies show a buckling of the micromeres born at the vegetal pole, while meso-
embryo to give rise to a concave disk with the dermal derivatives (muscle and mesenchymal
opening being at the oral pole, but it is not clear if cells) are derived from the small micromeres gen-
the force required for this shape change is derived erated at the oral pole. Endoderm, including the
from the macromeres or the overlying micro- mineral-containing lithocytes generated in the floor
meres. Gastrulation continues as the aboral of the apical organ, is derived from the large mac-
micromeres converge onto the future oral open- romeres at the oral (animal) pole following the pro-
ing. A sheet of ectodermal cells moves in through duction of the mesodermal micromeres. Thus, the
the future mouth to give rise to the pharynx and mesoderm of ctenophores can be regarded as being
esophagus. The future tentacle buds can be distin- endomesodermal, rather than ectomesodermal, in
guished as ectodermal thickenings on the aboral origin. This suggests that there may be sets of
pole (the so-called “Mickey mouse” stage). The genes in common with bilaterian organisms that
future tentacle buds then invert to give rise to the also form endomesoderm (but see below).
tentacular canals and meet with mesodermal and Fate mapping studies further demonstrate that
endodermal precursors to give rise to the precur- the cleavage process is involved with asymmetric
sors of the tentacle bulbs that generate the con- distribution of cell fates. Injection of one of the
stantly growing tentacles. The cilia for the comb first two cells with lineage tracer reveals that the
plates start to grow out, as do the dome and bal- first plane of cleavage always corresponds to the
ancing cilia associated with the apical organ. By esophageal (sagittal) plane, while the second
14–16 h postfertilization, the ctenophore body plane of cleavage corresponds to the tentacular
plan can be clearly seen and the swelling of the plane. Fate mapping analyses have also shown
mesogloea gives rise to an almost perfectly clear that the second division that gives rise to four
and spherical cydippid-stage animal. The motile cells that all look identical to one another is actu-
ctene cilia continue to form, orient into individual ally asymmetric. Each daughter cell of the first
plates, and begin to beat in a coordinated fashion. two blastomeres gives rise to one cell that will
The final step before hatching is the growth of the make a quadrant of the adult that possesses an
tentacles out past the body wall, approximately anal pore and a sister cell that will give rise to an
24 h after fertilization. adjacent quadrant that does not (Martindale and
Henry 1995). In fact, further lineage analyses
show that the cell that does not make an anal pore
Ctenophore Fate Mapping makes distinct sets of circumpharyngeal muscle
cells (Fig. 8.1). Thus, both cells at the two-cell
Cell labeling and fate mapping experiments in con- stage divide asymmetrically to give rise to the
junction with experimental intervention have progenitors of two diametrically opposed (non-
revealed a great deal about how ctenophores adjacent) quadrants (Fig. 8.6). Experimental anal-
develop. For example, cell labeling experiments ysis reveals that this “diagonal determination”
showed that the site of first cleavage gives rise to accounts for specific differences in positional
the site of gastrulation (where mesodermal micro- information around the oral-aboral axis and has
meres are generated) and the future oral pole profound effects on regenerative potential (Henry
(Freeman 1977). The first attempt to generate an and Martindale 2000). This finding has implica-
accurate ctenophore fate map utilized chalk parti- tions for the naming of ctenophore cells because
cles (Ortolani 1963; Reverberi and Ortolani 1963), we now have to identify both classes of opposite
8 Ctenophora 187

Fig. 8.5 Fate map generated by the intracellular injection of in the fates of cells derived from the M macromeres (M/and
identified blastomeres up through the 60-cell stage M\) but no differences between E quadrants have thus been
(Martindale and Henry 1999). Note that there are differences identified
188 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

Fig. 8.6 Diagrammatic illustration of the ctenophore anal view (C). Only the EM\blastomeres give rise to the anal
axis. The EM\(green) and EM/(orange) blastomeres of the canals seen in aboral (D) and lateral (E) views. The EM/
4-cell stage (A) seen from the vegetal pole give rise to quadrants give rise to circumpharyngeal muscle cells that
distinct quadrants (B-E) of the juvenile cydippid. The are not generated by the EM\blastomeres (After
contributions of the EM\ and EM/blastomeres to the adult Martindale and Henry (1995, 1999))
body plan are seen from the aboral pole (B) and lateral

quadrants. A nomenclature has been proposed plasm streams into the smaller yolk-free macro-
that uses the symbol “/” (slash) to refer to the two meres born at the aboral (vegetal) pole. Comb
quadrants that do not make the anal pores and “\” plate potential gets segregated to the e1 micro-
(backslash) to refer to the two quadrants that do meres; none of the other E lineage blastomeres
make anal pores when viewed from the aboral have the capacity to generate comb plates.
pole (Martindale and Henry 1995, 1999). Likewise, the ability to make light-producing pho-
The third division also distributes cell fates tocytes is restricted to the oral micromeres of the
asymmetrically, giving rise to the E and M lin- M lineage. Thus, cell lineage analysis suggests
eages (Figs. 8.3 and 8.5). Classical cell fate map- that each of the early cleavage divisions results in
ping experiments have shown that the E lineage the asymmetric distribution of developmental fate.
gives rise to comb plates, ciliated grooves and
components of the apical organ (including the
mineral-containing lithocytes), and tentacle Experimental Embryology
sheathes. The M lineage also generates compo-
nents of the tentacles and apical organ but also The cell cycle is relatively short during early
gives rise to the majority of the peripheral nervous ctenophore development (12–15 min), so precise
system and the light-producing photocytes regulation of developmental decision-making
(Freeman and Reynolds 1973; Freeman appears to be critical for these animals that hatch
1976a). The fourth division is asymmetric in both as functional juveniles in around 24 h. Historically,
cell fate and in cell size. During cleavage, the ecto- it has often been assumed that animals that
8 Ctenophora 189

undergo highly stereotyped cleavage programs, The Role of the Cleavage Program
such as soil nematodes and spiral-cleaving organ- in the Establishment of Spatial
isms, also showed precocious specification of cell Organization
fates by the segregation of morphogenetic deter-
minants. In fact, Charles Chun’s experiments at Several lines of evidence point to the notion that
the end of the nineteenth century demonstrated this asymmetric segregation of developmental
that ctenophores have a limited ability to regulate potential is a causal result of the cleavage pro-
during the early cleavage program (Chun 1892). gram itself, and not a passive sequestration of
When ctenophore blastomeres are separated at prelocalized determinants by a stereotyped cleav-
the two-cell stage and grown to cydippid larvae, age program. First, it has been described over a
each one will possess four ctene rows, one ten- century ago that “ectoplasm” that is normally
tacle, and a “half” of an apical organ (bearing uniformly distributed around the circumference
two balancing cilia rather than all four). When of the fertilized egg is actively segregated to the
the first four blastomeres are isolated, each gives aboral micromeres during their formation start-
rise to a pair of ctene rows and a small portion ing at the eight-cell stage (Chun 1880; Driesch
of a tentacle (Chun 1892; Driesch and Morgan and Morgan 1895; Spek 1926).
1895; Martindale 1986). These isolated cells do If an unfertilized ctenophore egg is experi-
not compensate (regulate) for missing regions to mentally cut into two fragments and then fertil-
give rise to the normal adult body plan. ized, each half develops into a normal cydippid
The results of blastomere isolation/deletion with eight comb rows and two tentacles (Driesch
experiments are easier to interpret if a detailed and Morgan 1895; Yatsu 1911, 1912; Freeman
fate map has been generated. Farfaglio (1963) 1977). Normal cydippid larvae, complete with
used chalk particles to show that each of the e1 apical organs, develop from fertilized eggs that
micromeres contributed to a pair of comb rows. had been bisected equatorially at the start of the
When he killed an e1 micromere, a pair of comb first cleavage and the aboral portion of the embryo
rows failed to form. When all four of the e1 micro- removed (Yatsu 1912; Houliston et al. 1993;
meres were removed, no comb plate cilia Freeman 1977). These results indicate that factors
appeared during the developmental period. He responsible for giving rise to the apical organ and
thus concluded that the determinants for comb ctene rows are not localized to their presumptive
row formation were segregated to the e1 micro- aboral locations until sometime after the onset of
meres. With a more precise fate map available the first cleavage. Freeman (1976a, b) extended
(Martindale and Henry 1999), the interpretation these experiments by performing a series of com-
of these results has changed. Intracellular lineage plex cleavage arrest experiments, showing that E
tracing shows that m1 micromeres also make a and M lineage determinants are not prelocalized
small contribution to the comb plates, yet m1- to the regions that they will eventually arise from
derived comb plates do not form after removal of at the four-cell stage and that these factors are
e1 (Martindale and Henry 1997a, b). This result gradually segregated through the cell cycle to the
indicates that e1 micromeres are somehow time that cytokinesis is completed.
required for the normal formation of comb plate A more recent set of cleavage arrest experi-
cilia from m1 descendants. Additional blastomere ments have been performed that extend these
recombination experiments have shown that the earlier findings (Fischer et al. 2014). When cyto-
influence of e1 micromeres on comb plate produc- kinesis in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis is perma-
tion by m1 blastomeres, while required, is not suf- nently arrested with the drug cytochalasin-B,
ficient, because endomesodermal precursors from after, but not before the eight-cell stage, E and
either the 3E or 2M lineages are also required M lineage-specific markers are expressed in the
(Henry and Martindale 2001). These data show appropriate cells. For example, in the arrested
that, although many early lineage-specific devel- eight-cell stage, E cells, but not M cells, make
opmental decisions in ctenophores are generated miniature motile comb plates, and M cells, but
by asymmetric divisions, cell-cell induction is not E cells, produce light (Fischer et al. 2014). If
also utilized, particularly later in development. cytokinesis is blocked one cell division later, only
190 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

the appropriate sister cell expresses the appropri- developmental potential, but it does not appear
ate lineage-specific marker (e.g., the e1 micromere that the determinants are maternally loaded
but not the 1E macromere makes comb plate cilia mRNAs that direct lineage-specific differentia-
and the 1M macromere, but not the m1 micromere, tion (Fischer et al. 2014).
makes light), indicating that something related
to the cell’s cleavage process is asymmetrically
segregating developmental potential to the appro- LATE DEVELOPMENT
priate cell at each cell division. Interestingly,
cytochalasin-B does not prevent nuclear divi- Adult Regeneration
sions, and the embryo appears to “count” the
number of nuclear divisions to express differenti- Considering the lack of ability of ctenophore
ated markers with similar timing and at the same embryos to regulate it is perhaps surprising that
division cycle as untreated controls (Fischer et al. most adult ctenophores have an outstanding
2014). The nature of this “cleavage clock” is not capacity to regenerate. Coonfield (1936, 1937)
known but is speculated to be related to the titra- demonstrated that Mnemiopsis can regenerate all
tion of some factor that allows the transcription of major structures, including comb rows, tentacles,
marker genes associated with terminal differentia- and apical organ, and that animals cut in one-half
tion (Fischer et al. 2014). or one-fourth animals can reconstitute a complete
Perhaps the most compelling result to indicate animal. Since then, the dynamics of comb plate
that the cleavage process itself is causally involved formation have been studied in different species
with highly coordinated segregation of devel- (Tamm 2012a, b). Regenerative capacity varies
opmental potential comes from centrifugation tremendously in different ctenophore taxa. The
experiments in which the site of first cleavage is “creeping” platyctene ctenophores (e.g.,
changed from its normal position (as marked with Coeloplana, Vallicula, and Ctenoplana), who lose
vital dyes) to a site distant from the original posi- their comb plates as juveniles and assume a ben-
tion. If the new site of the unipolar first cleavage thic existence, routinely divide asexually by a pro-
is marked and the embryo allowed to continue to cess of fission throughout their life (Tanaka 1931;
develop, the mouth now forms at the new site of Dawydoff 1938; Freeman 1967). Interestingly, the
first cleavage, not the old site where one would beroids, which have lost their tentacles (Podar
expect the mouth to form (corresponding to the et al. 2001), have a very limited capacity to regen-
original, intrinsic animal-vegetal polarity of the erate and cannot replace aboral structures, includ-
fertilized egg; Freeman 1977). Although most ing their apical organs, following surgical removal.
developmental biologists assume that the animal- It is unclear if the lack of regenerative ability of
vegetal axis is maternally established, there are beroids is related to their loss of tentacles and the
other examples in which the initiation of the site of stem cells that reside in tentacles bulbs.
first cleavage establishes the embryonic, and thus Regeneration in some species can also be incom-
organismal, axial properties, e.g., in some cnidari- plete. For example, when adult Mnemiopsis are
ans and mollusks (see Chapter 6; Vol. 2, Chapter 7; bisected along the oral-aboral axis, wound healing
Freeman 1977, 2006). This indicates that there is can occur but regeneration aborts, and the animals
no fixed maternal organization and that all subse- remain as stable “half-animals” (Coonfield 1936;
quent developmental patterning events are initi- Freeman 1967; Martindale 1986). These results
ated as a consequence of the cleavage program. jibe well with the stability of half-animals gener-
Unfortunately, the nature of the determinants ated during the embryonic period and support the
of spatial organization or the precise cell biologi- notion that the half-animal phenotype is a meta-
cal mechanisms responsible for their asymmetric stable state that can be maintained throughout the
distribution are currently unknown. Microtubules animal’s life under certain conditions.
or microtubule-associated proteins are one likely Bisecting ctenophore embryos has also been
place to start looking, as each of the early cleav- used to learn more about the timing of the adult
ages result in the asymmetric localization of regenerative response (Martindale 1986). If adja-
8 Ctenophora 191

cent quadrants are isolated during early develop- juxtaposition. The results of these experiments
ment, half-animals are produced in 100 % of the are compatible with a polar coordinate-type
cases (Chun 1892; Driesch and Morgan 1895; model (French et al. 1976) of positional informa-
Martindale 1986), but if adult animals are tion (Fig. 8.7; Martindale and Henry 1997c,
bisected, normal adults are made in the majority 2000); however, the molecular basis for these dif-
of cases (Coonfield 1936; Martindale 1986). ferences in cellular identity is currently unknown.
There must be a stage in development in which
this transition in regenerative ability occurs. A
time course of surgical bisections revealed that Post-generation
this time period occurs over a relatively short
interval, on the order of 30 min, well after gastru- Deletions of identified blastomeres during cteno-
lation is complete but before comb plate beating phore development generally result in the absence
becomes coordinated in metachronal waves. It is of the structure derived from the deleted cell; how-
not known whether this represents a fundamental ever, if these animals are kept alive, many of these
change in the neural organization of the embryo structures can be “reformed” during the adult
or if it is associated with some other event, e.g., period through a process called “post-generation”
related to the stem cell precursors (Martindale (Martindale 1986; Martindale and Henry 1996;
1986). Further investigations are required to Henry and Martindale 2000). The stereotyped
understand this dramatic change in the response development in ctenophores allows one to identify
to the same experimental operation. what lineage of cells is responsible for the replace-
ment of adult cell types in the absence of those
deleted cells. For example, when all four e1 micro-
Evidence for Quadrant-Specific meres are deleted at the 16-cell stage, new ctene
Positional Information rows will eventually develop from m1 micromere
derivatives, but this requires the presence of e2
Intracellular fate mapping experiments indicated micromere derivatives (Henry and Martindale
that the second division is asymmetric, with one 2000). If one assumes that the m1 cells are merely
daughter giving rise to circumpharyngeal muscle responding to signals from the e1 and e2 lineages
cells and the other daughter to an anal pore and asks what structures are uniquely generated by
(Martindale and Henry 1999). Surgical manipula- both of these lineages, this appears to be the tenta-
tions of early embryos have revealed that this cles and the apical organ (Martindale and Henry
division from two to four cells is even more asym- 1999). The apical organ is a complex neural struc-
metric than previously appreciated. As has ture that has been shown to have a role in patterning
already been mentioned, if ctenophore embryos the outcome of regenerative events (Freeman 1967;
are cut in half at the four-cell stage, such that any Martindale 1986). The tentacles are also interesting
two adjacent quadrants remain together, the ani- structures that are known to contain stem cells that
mal will grow up to remain as a “half-animal” operate throughout the life of the animal to gener-
possessing four ctene rows, one tentacle, and a ate new tentacle tissue, and this expresses genes
half of an apical organ with two rather than four that regulate stem cells in bilaterian animals (see
groups of balancing cilia (Chun 1892; Driesch below). Furthermore, the e1 and e2 lineages are
and Morgan 1895; Martindale 1986). If two oppo- known to be important for organizing the formation
site (diagonal) quadrants are isolated, however, of tentacles because when they are both deleted, no
the embryos will grow up to be complete “whole” tentacles form (Martindale and Henry 1997a, b).
animals possessing eight comb plates, two tenta- One interesting observation is that the Beroidae
cles, and a whole apical organ (Henry and ctenophores do not have tentacles, and they have a
Martindale 2000). These data reveal that opposite reduced capacity to regenerate. It thus would be
and adjacent quadrants have completely differ- interesting to compare the differences in the devel-
ently “identities” (one pair initiates a regulative opment of e1 and e2 lineages between tentaculate
response, while the other does not) when put in and atentaculate ctenophore embryos.
192 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

Fig. 8.7 Illustration of the existence of quadrant-specific regenerative response is initiated to “fill in the differences.”
identities and the stability of the ctenophore body plan. (A) The ctenophore model predicts that “/quadrants” (0–3) and
Aboral view of the ctenophore body plan showing the\(anal “\quadrants” (4–6) have different positional values. (C) The
pore-containing) and/(lacking anal pores) quadrants. Each first test of the ctenophore polar coordinate model predicts
quadrant is generated from one cell at the 4-cell stage with the observation that in half-animals generated by isolating
the first cleavage defining the esophageal axis (E) and the any two adjacent blastomeres will fail to regenerate. (D) In
second cleavage defining the tentacular axis (T). (B) A contrast, isolating any two opposite quadrants results in the
hypothetical scheme of “positional information” along the formation of an entire normal whole animal. (E) Removal
circumference of the ctenophore body based on the polar of one quadrant regardless if it is a/or\quadrant always
coordinate model (French et al. 1976). The rules of the results in the formation of a whole animal. (F) Isolation of
model predict that when parts of the body with different a single quadrant always results in the formation of a stable
noncontinuous positional values are put in juxtaposition, a half-animal
8 Ctenophora 193

Dissogeny become precociously reproductive, and those

which are reproductive at an early age will also
One interesting feature of postembryonic life of become reproductive at later adult stages
some ctenophore species is their ability to gener- (Martindale 1987). It is also of interest to note
ate progeny at very early stages of “larval” life. that only four of the eight possible gonads, the
This process was termed “dissogeny” by Chun four associated with the ctene rows adjacent to
(1880, 1892) and has been reported for several the esophagus (the adesophageal gonads),
different ctenophore species (Garbe 1901; Hirota become precociously reproductive (Fig. 8.8),
1972; Martindale 1987). The reason that cteno- a finding that is true in experimentally generated
phores are able to generate rather limited num- “half-animals” (Chun 1880, 1892; Martindale
bers of progeny at very young ages appears to be 1987). The significance of dissogeny in cteno-
an adaptation to ephemeral ecological conditions phores has been recently highlighted by two
and/or high predation rates (Reeve and Walter events: (1) the finding that an entire population of
1978; Stanlaw et al. 1981); however, it is not even cydippid ctenophore of the arctic species
known if it is a response to changing environ- Mertensia ovum found in the Baltic Sea (Jaspers
mental conditions or a final attempt to propagate et al. 2012) might sustain itself by “larval repro-
the species. Not all individuals of a single spawn duction” (large adult forms have never been

Fig. 8.8 Dissogony or larval reproduction in ctenophores. ries are close to the esophageal axis (E), while the testes
In some cases, thought to be related to early nutritional sta- (arrow heads) are situated on the opposite side. This is the
tus, small cydippid-stage animals become reproductive and same configuration seen during adult lobate stages. (B) A
generate viable embryos. (A) Mnemiopsis cydippid-stage lateral view of a cydippid-stage half-animal produced by
animal approximately 6 mm in diameter becomes sexually separating adjacent blastomeres at the 4-cell stage. The
mature. In all cases described, only the adesophageal (large same asymmetrical maturation of gonads is seen in half-
arrow heads), but not the adtentacular (gray arrows), animals. Only the adesophageal (large arrowheads) gonads
gonads that reside under the ctene rows enlarge and form become reproductive. (C) Oral view of a half-animal show-
gametes. The inset shows a high magnification view of the ing the difference in size between adtentacular (gray
adesophageal gonads. Each adesophageal ctene row has arrows) and adesophageal gonads (large arrow heads). Tb
both a male and female gonad associated with it. The ova- tentacle bulb
194 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

recovered) and (2) that dissogony might be play- Table 8.1 Published expression patterns for genes in
ing a role in the ballast water-driven invasion of three regions of the Mnemiopsis leidyi embryo
the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis into the Black Apical organ Tentacle bulb Pharynx
and Caspian Seas (Jaspers et al. 2012). MLBmp5–8a MlTgf1aa MLBmp5–8a
MlTgf1aa MlTgf2a MlTgf1aa
MlTgfRIIa MlTgfbBa MlTolloida
MlTgfRIba MlTgfRIIa MlTgfRIaa
MlSmad6a MlTgfRIaa MlTgfRIba
Although there are a limited number of genes
MlSmad1aa MlTgfRIba MlTgfRIca
whose expression has been examined in adult
MlSmad2a MlTgfRIca MlSmad6a
ctenophores (Jager et al. 2008; Alié et al. 2011),
MlWnt6b MlSmad6a MlSmad4a
gene expression patterns in developing ctenophores MlWntXb MlSmad1aa MlSmad2a
have only been described for a single species, MlFzdAb MlSmad2a MlFzdAb
Mnemiopsis leidyi. In situ hybridization experi- MlFzdBb MlWnt9b MlFzdBb
ments for over 50 genes (Table 8.1) have been pub- MlDshb MlWntAb MlSfrpb
lished for Mnemiopsis including a number of MlBcatb MlWnt6b MlDshb
important gene families and pathways such as MlTcfb MlFzdAb MlBcatb
homeodomain genes (Pang and Martindale 2008b, MlIsletc MlFzdBb MlTcfb
2009; Ryan et al. 2010; Simmons et al. 2012), fork- MlLhx1/5c MlSfrpb MlLhx1/5c
head genes (Yamada and Martindale 2002), T-box MlLhx3/4c MlDshb MleSox1d
genes (Yamada et al. 2007), nuclear receptors MlLmxc MlBcatb MleSox2d
(Reitzel et al. 2011), and sox genes (Schnitzler et al. MleSox1d MlTcfb MleSox3d
2014). In addition, several signaling pathways have MleSox2d MlLhx1/5c MleSox4d
been investigated including the Wnt (Pang et al. MleSox3d MlLmxc MleSox6d
MleSox4d MleSox1d MlNR2e
2010) and TGF-B pathways (Pang et al. 2011). An
MleSox6d MleSox2d ctenoBF-1f
example of the spatially complex patterns of expres-
MleOpsin1d MleSox3d MlBrag
sion from just one gene family is shown in Fig. 8.9.
MleOpsin2d MleSox4d MlTbx1g
Much of the recent interest in the expression
MlNR1e MleSox6d MlTbxEg
of these genes is due to the sequencing of the MlBrag MlNR1e MlNKL1h
Mnemiopsis leidyi genome (Ryan et al. 2013) MlTbx2/3g MlNR2e MlBarh
that has allowed a systematic analysis of entire MlBarh ctenoBF-1f MlTlx-likeh
gene families and signaling and metabolic path- MlTlx-likeh MlBrag MlPrd1h
ways. One of the surprising findings of this, and a MlPrd1h MlTbx1g MlPrd3h
subsequent ctenophore genome paper (Moroz MlPrd3h MlTbxDg
et al. 2014), is the absences of many key tran- MlTbxEg
scription factors, signaling pathways, and regula- MlNKL1h
tors of these pathways. For example, ctenophores MlBshh
do not have Hox genes, hedgehog (or its ligand MlBarh
smoothened), FGF, notch, members of the Wnt MlTlx-likhh
PCP (e.g., Flamingo and Strabismus), and JAK/ MlPrd2h
STAT pathways or antagonists of the TGF-B and MlPrd3h
Wnt pathways (Pang et al. 2010, 2011; Ryan Superscript letters indicate the references of the works as
follows: aPang et al. (2011), bPang et al. (2010), cSimmons
et al. 2013). Moreover, many genes in “highly et al. (2012), dSchnitzler et al. (2014), eReitzel et al.
conserved” bilaterian pathways such as endome- (2011), fYamada and Martindale (2002), gYamada et al.
soderm formation, including snail, twist, nodal, (2007), and hPang and Martindale (2008a)
GATA, MyoD, Lbx, NK4, NK3, NK2, Myf5,
Noggin, vMrf4, Myogenin, Eomesoderm, and tro-
ponin, are not present in ctenophores (Ryan et al. and mesoderm in general are homologous with
2013), raising the question of whether muscle bilaterian mesoderm. This is rather surprising
8 Ctenophora 195

Fig. 8.9 In situ hybridizations of early TGF-ß family doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024152.g006). (A) MlBmp5–8
member expression in Mnemiopsis embryos. Early TGF-ß expression in the aboral ectoderm, with more expression
mRNA expression showing distinct domains of expres- detected in the sagittal plane (black arrows). (B) MlTgf1a
sion along the oral-aboral axis. Four of the Mnemiopsis expression is detected in late cleavage stages around the
TGF-ß genes are detected early in development, prior to nuclei of aboral micromeres. By gastrulation, the aboral
and during gastrulation. The schematic at the top depicts expression remains; however their expression is primarily
the stages of embryos during cleavage and gastrulation, at along the tentacular plane (white arrows). (C) MlBmp3 is
1–2 and 3 h postfertilization (hpf), respectively. Embryos detected in four groups of ectodermal cells from early to
are lateral views, otherwise oral-aboral as stated. The mid-gastrulation. (D) MlTGFbA is detected in four groups
asterisk marks the position of the blastopore. Embryos are of ectodermal cells just adjacent to the blastopore at
220 μm in diameter (Taken from Pang et al. (2011), gastrulation
196 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

Mnemiopsis Leidyi as a Ctenophore is rapid and cydippid-stage (see below left) ani-
Model for EvoDevo Research mals with feeding tentacles hatch out of their
Mnemiopsis is a lobate ctenophore that has vitelline membranes in approximately 24 h,
been a primary developmental model for depending on temperature. Mnemiopsis contin-
ctenophore development. Unlike many cteno- ues to grow with a typical cydippid shape (the
phores that live at depth and are difficult to cydippid body plan is thought to be ancestral
collect, Mnemiopsis is abundant in near- for Ctenophora) until the oral feeding lobes
shore waters including bays and boat har- begin to develop. Regenerative ability in
bors along the east coast of North America, Mnemiopsis commences shortly before hatch-
the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. ing and continues throughout life. The early
It occurs year-round in Florida and the Gulf onset of regeneration in this species makes it
of Mexico, as does the atentaculate Beroe possible to attempt to manipulate gene expres-
ovata, but tends to be common in northern sion by injections into embryonic stages.
waters up to Cape Cod in the summer months Lobate stages are difficult to work with due to
(mid-June–August). Mnemiopsis are deli- their large size and “floppy” tissue composi-
cate animals, however, and adults should be tion, and molecularly one needs to be careful as
scooped from the water in beakers or buckets there are many epibionts that normally raft on,
and not handled directly or with nets if needed and in, adult ctenophores that can contaminate
for reproductive experiments. DNA preparations. Mnemiopsis is the only
Adults with oral feeding lobes (see below ctenophore to date in which in situ hybridiza-
right) are sexually mature and if nutrition is tion protocols have been published on embry-
high will spawn thousands of viable embryos. onic stages and the only one in which
The large size and optical clarity of these microinjection techniques have proven success-
embryos make them ideal for studying cteno- ful. The Mnemiopsis genome was made pub-
phore development, and if handled gently, the licly available in 2011 (http://research.nhgri.
vast majority of embryos will develop normally and an analysis was pub-
in filtered seawater. Spawning can be initiated lished in 2013. Since then, a second ctenophore
by manipulating the light cycle. Development genome has been released the following year.
8 Ctenophora 197

because lineage tracing showed that ctenophore tial, it is potentially surprising that no lineage-
mesoderm comes from endodermal precursors specific localization of transcripts has been
just as it does in most bilaterians. detected. In situs generally show either uniform (or
In fact, perusal of two ctenophore genomes absent) expression during early cleavage stages to
reveals that there is good reason to argue that the be followed by localized expression in different
ctenophore neurons (and nervous system) have structural domains. This could, of course, be due to
evolved independently from those found in bilat- the fact that none of the 50 or so genes studied to
erians. Although many of the genes found in date are involved in early cell fate decisions or that
postsynaptic membranes are found in all animals in situ hybridization is not sensitive enough to
(regardless of whether they have neurons or not), detect these asymmetries. Perhaps newer transcrip-
only a single bilaterian neurotransmitter receptor, tomic approaches will reveal some differences, or
glutamate (which also occurs in plants), has been perhaps the molecules that are influencing cell fate
found in ctenophores (Ryan et al. 2013; Moroz are not transcripts at all but maternally loaded pro-
et al. 2014). Instead, a large number of putative teins. Cleavages are quite rapid in most ctenophores
neuropeptides have been identified (Moroz et al. and injected endogenous mRNAs labeled with flu-
2014) that have been postulated to be indepen- orescent proteins do not accumulate to visible lev-
dently evolved neuromodulators in ctenophores. els until gastrulation stages, when the cell cycle
Despite the surprising findings regarding slows down. These observations suggest that
mesodermal and neural gene regulatory networks, maternal “determinants” might not be transcripts
there is some evidence that somatic and poten- and that there are different mechanisms for segre-
tially germ line stem cells might utilize similar gating developmental potential in these embryos. It
genes as bilaterians. Expression of vasa, nanos, is also unclear how patterning in these embryos
and sox genes in the stem cell precursors of adult relates to the dramatic regenerative ability of most
(Jager et al. 2008; Alié et al. 2011) and embryonic ctenophores. Hopefully additional work on these
(Reitzel et al. 2015.) ctenophores is consistent fascinating embryos will yield some insight into
with maintenance of the pluripotent state, although the evolution of cell fate specification in metazoan
these ideas have not been functionally tested. embryos.
One interesting analysis (Schnitzler et al. Over all, the results of all of these gene expres-
2012) involved the structure of a family of sion studies have shown that in ctenophores,
calcium-activated photoproteins that Mnemiopsis like in other taxa such as anthozoan cnidarians
generates in a defined cell type called “photo- (Chapter 6), there is much more cell-type “com-
cytes.” Genome analyses have shown that plexity” found at the molecular level than is
Mnemiopsis has a total of ten of these photopro- apparent at the morphological level. For example,
teins on two distinct genomic scaffolds. These different domains of the apical organ, the pharynx,
photoprotein families evolved at the base of the and the tentacle bulbs express different genes in
Metazoa and have been lost in various lineages, distinct and overlapping domains, even though
including placozoans, some hydrozoans, and bila- these regions look identical morphologically.
terians. The Mnemiopsis genome also revealed Unfortunately, these early expression studies do
the presence of opsins, proteins involved in the not have true cellular resolution to identify co-
conversion of light into chemical energy expression of multiple genes needed to develop
(Schnitzler et al. 2012). In situ hybridization anal- hypotheses about gene regulatory networks; how-
ysis showed that they are expressed in the same ever, these techniques currently exist, and it is
cells (as well as some cells in the floor of the api- only a matter of time before people begin to inves-
cal organ) as the photoproteins. These observa- tigate these ideas experimentally. Morpholino-
tions suggest that there may be some level of based antisense oligonucleotide gene knockdown
autoregulation of light emission from these cells. techniques have been published that demonstrate
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ing early development in ctenophores results in the in pharyngeal morphogenesis (Yamada et al.
asymmetric segregation of developmental poten- 2010) and thus appear promising for unraveling
198 M.Q. Martindale and J.Q. Henry

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Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida
Andreas Hejnol

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.
A. Hejnol
Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular
Biology, University of Bergen,
Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen 5008, Norway

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 203

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_9, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
204 A. Hejnol

INTRODUCTION from the Platyhelminthes (Carranza et al. 1997;

Ruiz-Trillo et al. 1999, 2002; Jondelius et al. 2002;
Acoelomorpha, comprising Acoela and Wallberg et al. 2007; Egger et al. 2009; Paps et al.
Nemertodermatida (Ehlers 1985), and 2009), molecular phylogenies have produced
Xenoturbellida (with one single hitherto described ambiguous results concerning their definite place-
species, Xenoturbella bocki) are simple, aquatic, ment within the tree of life. Phylogenomic studies
acoelomate worms that measure between 100 μm that include Xenoturbella place Acoelomorpha
and 1 cm. Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbella are together with Xenoturbella (Xenacoelomorpha)
found to cluster together as the monophyletic either as sister to all remaining Bilateria (Hejnol
Xenacoelomorpha in some recent molecular phy- et al. 2009; Srivastava et al. 2014) or as sister to
logenetic analyses. With only few exceptions all Ambulacraria – i.e., within the deuterostomes
species are marine, with most of them living in the (Philippe et al. 2011). It is important to mention
interstitial environment. Xenoturbellids and acoe- that in these studies Xenoturbella was an unstable
lomorphs possess a simple nervous system that taxon, while Acoelomorpha could be placed as sis-
generally is a basiepidermal nerve net; however, in ter group to all remaining Bilateria with higher
some cases this net is condensed into basiepidermal confidence (Hejnol et al. 2009; Srivastava et al.
neurite bundles at different parts of the body or is 2014). The placement as sister to all remaining
submerged under the epidermis where condensed Bilateria (Nephrozoa) would indicate a rather sim-
brains and submuscular cords are formed (Achatz ple organized last common ancestor of Bilateria
and Martinez 2012; Hejnol 2015). Some Acoela (Baguñá and Riutort 2004; Hejnol and Martindale
possess eye spots, while most nemertodermatids, 2008b), while in case of a placement inside deu-
Xenoturbella, and Acoela lack eyes (Rieger et al. terostomes, acoelomorphs would have lost many
1991). Recent internal phylogenetic analyses sug- bilaterian characteristics in the stem lineage.
gest that eyes were absent from the ground pattern Although the most recent studies with increased
of Acoelomorpha (Jondelius et al. 2011). A promi- taxon sampling and more complete matrices con-
nent gravitational sensory organ, the statocyst, is firm the sister group relationship to the Nephrozoa
present in all xenacoelomorph taxa, albeit with dif- (Srivastava et al. 2014), more studies are necessary
fering ultrastructure (Ferrero 1973; Ehlers 1991). and should lead to a phylogenetic placement with
The digestive tract is epithelial in xenoturbel- higher confidence (Dunn et al. 2014).
lids and nemertodermatids, while in acoels, it
forms via a syncytium without a cavity (Smith and
Tyler 1985). The digestive system has a single DEVELOPMENT
opening that corresponds to the mouth opening of OF XENOTURBELLIDA
other Bilateria (Hejnol and Martindale 2008a).
The mesoderm of acoels consists of a limited Embryological studies of this enigmatic group
number of cell types – which are myocytes, cells have so far not been conducted. A recent publica-
associated with gonads, and neoblasts (Chiodin tion on the sole species described, Xenoturbella
et al. 2013) – whereas nephridia and a blood bocki, indicates direct development because the
vascular system are absent. The musculature forms hatchling is a completely ciliated juvenile worm
an orthogon composed of ring and longitudinal (Nakano et al. 2013). The hatchling has no diges-
muscles that surround the whole body. Specialized tive tract or mouth opening and has basiepider-
musculature is present in the copulatory structures mal nerve cells and a musculature that is not yet
of acoels (Ladurner and Rieger 2000; Hooge organized into longitudinal and ring musculature
2001). Altogether, acoelomorphs and xenoturbel- as in the adult (Nakano et al. 2013). The lack of a
lids are rather simply organized animals, and this mouth opening in the early stage is comparable to
is also the reason why their phylogenetic position the lack of the mouth in early stages of nemerto-
has been of great interest and is still under debate dermatids (Meyer-Wachsmuth et al. 2013; Børve
(Fig. 9.1). After the exclusion of Acoelomorpha and Hejnol 2014).
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida 205


Fig. 9.1 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida, here united Xenacoelomorpha as sister to Ambulacraria (Philippe
as Xenacoelomorpha, and their phylogenetic position. (A) et al. 2011). (B) Adult of the acoel Isodiametra pulchra.
Debated phylogenetic positions of Xenacoelomorpha. (C) Adult of the nemertodermatid Meara stichopi. (A and
Xenacoelomorpha is placed by most molecular and mor- B from Chiodin et al. (2013)); (C from Børve and Hejnol
phological studies as sister group to all remaining (2014)). (D) Adult of Xenoturbella bocki (Photograph by
Bilateria. One study suggests a position of the Greg Rouse). Scale bars equal 100 μm

DEVELOPMENT and Hejnol 2014). Despite their stereotypic cleav-

OF ACOELOMORPHA age pattern, acoels seem to be able to regulate
blastomere deletions in the early embryo (Boyer
Most studies of the development of acoelomorphs 1971). Experimental approaches have not yet
have been conducted in acoels and only few on been carried out in nemertodermatid embryos.
nemertodermatids. All acoel species investigated The development in acoels generally lasts
show a consistent pattern regarding their cleavage between 3 and 5 days from egg deposition to
program and gastrulation that has been termed hatching, while nemertodermatids undergo a lon-
“duet cleavage.” The investigated nemertoderma- ger development, with the duration ranging from
tid species deviate from this duet pattern by hav- 10 days in Nemertoderma westbladi (12 °C;
ing four micromeres instead of two and being less Jondelius et al. 2004) to 9 weeks in Meara stichopi
stereotypic after the 16-cell stage (Fig. 9.2; Børve (6 °C; Børve and Hejnol 2014) (Table 9.1).
206 A. Hejnol

Fig. 9.2 Early cleavage pattern of

nemertodermatid Meara stichopi
embryos. Nuclear labeling and
spindles with propidium iodide A A’
(magenta), cell cortices, and
spindle with BODIPY
FL-phallacidin (green). Left row:
Maximum intensity projections.
Right row: Optical sections. (A)
2-cell stage. Polar body (pb) at
animal pole. (A′) Optical section
through the same embryo. Nucleus
(nc) and centrosomes (ct). Both B B’
blastomeres are equal in size. (B)
After 4.5 days, the 4-cell stage has
large blastomeres at the vegetal
pole, and two smaller daughter
blastomeres at the animal pole.
(B′) Section of the embryo in (B).
The spindles are already arranged
for the future direction of cell
division. (C) 8-cell stage with four C C’
larger cells at the vegetal pole and
four blastomeres at the animal
pole. (C′) Optical section of the
embryo in (C), with spindles
arranged to the future plane of
division. (D) 16-cell stage at
7 days after fertilization. The size
differences between the blasto-
meres are less prominent and the D D’
arrangement is variable. (D′)
BODIPY FL-phallacidin-labeled
cell borders and centrosomes,
while the chromatin is labeled by
propidium iodide. (E) 24-cell stage
after 8.5 days. (E’) Median section
of the embryo shown in (E). The
blastocoel (bc) is bordered with
the phallacidin-labeled cell cortex E E’
of the outer blastomeres. (F)
64-cell stage 10.5 days after
fertilization. (F′) Cells that have
been internalized (gastrulation,
blastomeres labeled with
arrowheads) during the transition
from the 24- to the 64-cell stage.
Sister blastomeres are connected
by white bars; animal pole is
indicated with an asterisk. Scale
F F’
bars equal 30 μm (Figure from
Børve and Hejnol (2014))
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida 207

Table 9.1 Morphological studies of acoelomorph development

Reference Species Stages and methods
Gardiner (1895) Polychoerus caudatus (Acoela) Cleavage, gastrulation, light microscopy,
and histology
Gardiner (1898) Polychoerus caudatus (Acoela) Oogenesis, polar body formation,
fertilization, histology
Georgévitch (1899) Convoluta (Symsagittifera) roscoffensis Cleavage, gastrulation, light microscopy,
(Acoela) and histology
Bresslau (1909) Convoluta (Symsagittifera) roscoffensis Cleavage, gastrulation, light microscopy,
(Acoela) and histology
Apelt (1969) Archaphanostoma agile, Archocelis Cleavage, light microscopy
macrorhabditis, Diopisthoporus
brachypharyngeus (Acoela)
Boyer (1971) Childia groenlandica (Acoela) Cleavage and gastrulation, cell ablations
with needle
Henry et al. (2000) Neochildia fusca (Acoela) Fate map with intracellular dye lineage
Ladurner and Rieger (2000) Convoluta (Isodiametra) pulchra Muscle development with fluorescent
(Acoela) labels
Ramachandra et al. (2002) Neochildia fusca (Acoela) Neurogenesis, histochemistry, and
Jondelius et al. (2004) Nemertoderma westbladi Cleavage, light microscopy
Semmler et al. (2008) Symsagittifera roscoffensis (Acoela) Muscle development with fluorescent
labels and confocal microscopy
Børve and Hejnol (2014) Meara stichopi (Nemertodermatida) Cleavage, organogenesis, light
microscopy, and fluorescent dyes

Acoela micromere 2a and the vegetal macromere 2A).

The micromeres at the animal pole divide equally
Cleavage with an oblique spindle to the animal blastomere
Cleavage is total and the fertilized zygote divides 1a1 and the vegetal blastomere 1a2 (and 1b1 and
equally and meridionally into the two blastomeres 1b2, respectively; Fig. 9.3C). The next cell divi-
A and B (Fig. 9.3A). All researchers use the sion starts with the vegetal blastomeres dividing
nomenclature developed for naming blastomeres equally and meridionally, thus giving rise to the
of the spiralian embryo (Conklin 1897) because endomesodermal precursors 3A and 3B. The
the acoel cleavage pattern was thought to be micromeres of the second duet divide also meridi-
derived from spiral cleavage (Ax 1984). Both onally and give rise to the micromeres 2×1 and
blastomeres of the 2-cell stage give off small blas- 2×2. The animal micromeres undergo another cell
tomeres at the animal pole – the mitotic spindles division round in which the micromere 1a2 divides
have a slightly oblique angle to the animal-vegetal into a vegetal blastomere 1a22 which is in contact
axis of the embryo. The micromeres are posi- with the vegetal-most macromeres 3A and
tioned between the vegetal macromeres in a typi- 3B. The animal descendant 1a21 is in contact with
cal pattern (Fig. 9.3B). During the next cleavage the animal-most micromeres. The 16-cell stage is
round, the vegetal macromeres divide equatori- the stage in which the endomesodermal precur-
ally into two equal-sized blastomeres (the animal sors 3A and 3B are specified.
208 A. Hejnol




Fig. 9.3 Cleavage in Acoelomorpha. (A–D) “Duet”- later stages, cells cannot be identified. (I–L) Cleavage pat-
cleavage program in Acoela. The pattern is consistent in tern in the nemertodermatid Nemertoderma westbladi.
all species investigated so far. Brown-colored blastomeres The pattern is similar to Meara stichopi but differs in blas-
are the endomesodermal precursors that gastrulate. (E–H) tomere sizes. The cleavage stage in L remains unclear and
Cleavage pattern in the nemertodermatid Meara stichopi. needs further investigations (Figure from Børve and
First three cell divisions follow a stereotypic pattern. In Hejnol (2014))
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida 209

Fig. 9.4 Fate map of the

acoel embryo. Early
blastomere contributions to
major tissues in the acoel
Neochildia fusca after
Henry et al. (2000)

Gastrulation et al. 2000). Descendants of all original micro-

Gastrulation begins with the internalization of meres of the three duets (1×, 2×, 3×) give rise to
the endomesodermal precursors 3A and 3B elements of the nervous system. The neural pre-
(Fig. 9.3D). The cells undergo a shape change to cursors do segregate from the ectoderm later dur-
form a flask shape, with the larger internalized ing development, which is also indicated by the
portion filling the entire internal space of the internalization of the expression of neural mark-
embryo. The narrow tip of the cells is still con- ers and Hox genes (Hejnol and Martindale 2009).
nected to the outside. The ectodermal micro- The endomesodermal precursors continue to
meres continue to divide and proliferate slowly divide. The specification and separation of the
over the tip of the internalized macromeres. The mesodermal precursors remain unclear.
fate map of Neochildia fusca indicates that all
mesoderm and endoderm are derived from the Organogenesis
gastrulating cells (Fig. 9.4; Henry et al. 2000). After gastrulation and proliferation of all cells,
The micromeres of the ectoderm give rise to the the embryo consists of a ball of cells that is sur-
epidermal cells and the nervous system (Henry rounded by an outer epithelial layer. The embryo
210 A. Hejnol

is first round and later extends to an oval shape, organs (Ladurner and Rieger 2000; Hejnol and
and no blastomeres can yet be characterized by Martindale 2008b; Semmler et al. 2008, 2010).
light microscopy. The investigation of myogen- The musculature of the reproductive organs is
esis in the acoel species Isodiametra pulchra formed after hatching, and the growth of the juve-
using fluorescently labeled phallotoxins reveals nile is connected with an elaboration of the mus-
the pattern of the establishment of the ring and culature and nervous system. All growth in acoels
longitudinal musculature (Ladurner and Rieger is accomplished by specialized, self-renewing
2000). First, the ring musculature develops from stem cells, the so-called neoblasts (De Mulder
individual elements that are distributed around et al. 2009; Srivastava et al. 2014). This means
the embryo. The first filaments of the longitudi- that as soon as a cell has differentiated to its final
nal musculature develop later. It seems that in fate, it does not undergo further mitotic divisions.
another acoel species, Symsagittifera roscoffen-
sis, such sequential pattern of circular versus Molecular Approaches
longitudinal muscle formation might be absent Acoels gained more attention after molecular
(Semmler et al. 2008). Before any muscle is phylogenies had placed these worms as sister
formed, the whole epidermis is ciliated and no group to all remaining bilaterians (Nephrozoa)
nervous system has been identified at this stage (Ruiz-Trillo et al. 1999). Due to this intermediate
(Ladurner and Rieger 2000). Ladurner and phylogenetic position in the stem lineage of the
Rieger (2000) report that the first musculature is Bilateria, acoels can provide insights into the
observed at the equator of the embryo, followed evolution of morphological, developmental, and
by muscles at the future anterior pole. After the genomic characters (Hejnol and Martindale
orthogonal muscle grid is established, more spe- 2008b). In recent years, molecular studies in
cialized muscles such as the musculature sur- acoels have been conducted in several species of
rounding the future mouth opening and the a rather derived acoel taxon, the Convolutidae
diagonal muscles are formed (Ladurner and (Symsagittifera roscoffensis and Convolutriloba
Rieger 2000). So far, no study of neurogenesis species). Other species such as Isodiametra pul-
with fluorescent markers has been conducted on chra (Isodiametridae) and Hofstenia miamia
acoel embryos – however, neural structures seem (Hofsteniidae) are easy to culture from egg to
to be formed after the musculature has been adult and are suitable for RNA inference (RNAi)
established (Ladurner and Rieger 2000). Studies methods such as soaking and injections of
that investigated the expression of neural mark- double-stranded RNA. They belong to taxa out-
ers in acoel embryos all indicate that in the future side the Convolutidae (Jondelius et al. 2011) and
anterior region, a subepidermal cluster of neural show more plesiomorphic characters in nervous
cells is located in a bilateral arrangement system architecture (Achatz and Martinez 2012;
(Ramachandra et al. 2002; Hejnol and Martindale Hejnol 2015). A major focus on the molecular
2008a, b, 2009; Chiodin et al. 2013). These pre- studies in acoels has been their stem cell system
cursors are likely descendants of ectodermal and regeneration (De Mulder et al. 2009; Moreno
cells that are internalized after gastrulation et al. 2010; Srivastava et al. 2014), and here,
(Hejnol and Martindale 2009). From all previous RNAi by soaking and adult injections have been
investigations of acoel embryogenesis, it seems useful for investigating the role of developmental
that the syncytial endoderm and the mouth genes during homeostasis and regeneration. The
opening is established relatively late during focus of molecular embryological studies has
development. been on the role of Hox genes, digestive tract
development, and development of mesodermal
Postembryonic Development tissues.
Acoels hatch as juvenile worms with all major Acoels are interesting regarding the role of
organ systems present except the reproductive Hox genes since they possess only a single Hox
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida 211

Fig. 9.5 Hox gene expression in (Xen-)Acoelomorpha Protostomia expression is represented by the annelid
compared to Cnidaria and Bilateria. Hox gene expression Capitella teleta (Fröbius et al. 2008) and the expression in
of anterior, central, and posterior class genes in the acoel the Deuterostomia by the hemichordate Saccoglossus
Convolutriloba longifissura. Differences to and variations kowalevskii (Aronowicz and Lowe 2006). Arrows indicate
within Cnidaria are indicated by the planula stage expres- extension of the Hox cluster in Bilateria by gene duplica-
sion in the Medusozoa and the basal Anthozoa. The tion (Figure from Hejnol and Martindale (2009))

gene of each class: one anterior class, one central question of the homology of the single digestive
class, and one posterior class Hox gene (Fig. 9.5; tract opening (mouth) in acoels to the bilaterian
Cook et al. 2004; Hejnol and Martindale 2009; mouth or anus and found that the acoel mouth is
Moreno et al. 2009; Sikes and Bely 2010). It has likely homologous to the mouth of the remaining
been hypothesized that this is a plesiomorphic bilaterians. In the same study, hindgut genes have
condition for acoelomorphs and Bilateria, since been found to be expressed in the male gonopore
cnidarians possess only anterior and possibly a of acoels (Hejnol and Martindale 2008a).
central/posterior Hox gene (Chourrout et al. However, further studies are needed to test this
2006; Ryan et al. 2007; DuBuc et al. 2012). hypothesis about their common origin.
Hox genes in acoels seem to have an early role Since Acoelomorpha – if sister group to all
during gastrulation and a later role during ner- remaining Bilateria – would be one of the two
vous system development (Hejnol and Martindale taxa that show true mesodermal tissues, several
2009). The posterior Hox ortholog also plays a studies have investigated the role of bilaterian
role in specifying the posterior fate of cells in the mesoderm candidate genes (Chiodin et al. 2011,
juvenile (Moreno et al. 2010). So far, the only 2013). These studies confirmed that mesodermal
ParaHox gene that has been identified is cdx, markers are expressed in the musculature,
which is broadly expressed in the nervous system gonads, and neoblasts. The orthogonal structure
of the juvenile and later in the maturing male of the acoel nervous system has been subject of
gonopore (Hejnol and Martindale 2009; Moreno investigations, but studies are so far preliminary
et al. 2011). Other studies have investigated the (Ramachandra et al. 2002) (Table 9.2).
212 A. Hejnol

Table 9.2 Molecular studies in Acoela

Reference Species Genes; stages
Ramachandra et al. (2002) Neochildia fusca brn-1, brn-3; organogenesis, adults
Hejnol and Martindale (2008a) Convolutriloba longifissura cdx, vax, emx, evx, pax6; juvenile
Hejnol and Martindale (2008b) Convolutriloba longifissura bra, gsc, cdx, otp, foxA, nk2.1, six3/6, dlx, pitx,
bmp2/4; embryo, juvenile, adult
De Mulder et al. (2009) Isodiametra pulchra piwi-1; juvenile, adult, regeneration, RNAi soaking
Hejnol and Martindale (2009) Convolutriloba longifissura antHox, centHox, postHox, cdx, six3/6, soxB1;
embryo, juvenile
Moreno et al. (2009) Symsagittifera roscoffensis antHox, centHox, postHox; juvenile
Sikes and Bely (2010) Convolutriloba retrogemma antHox, centHox, postHox, otx; budding
Moreno et al. (2010) Isodiametra pulchra postHox; regeneration, RNAi soaking
Semmler et al. (2010) Symsagittifera roscoffensis soxB1; juvenile
Moreno et al. (2011) Symsagittifera roscoffensis cdx; juvenile, adult
Chiodin et al. (2011) Symsagittifera roscoffensis actin, troponin I, tropomyosin,
Chiodin et al. (2013) Isodiametra pulchra mLIM, pitx, foxA1, foxA2, foxC, GATA456, Mef2,
six1/2, twist1, twist2, tbr, tropomyosin; embryo,
juvenile, adult
Srivastava et al. (2014) Hofstenia miamia piwi-1, RNR, wnt-1, wnt-3, wnt-4, wnt-5, sFRP-1,
sFRP-2, sFRP-3, fz-1, fz-2, fz-3, fz-4, fz-5, fz-6, fz-7,
fz-8, fz-9, fz-10, fz-11, notum, netrin-1, netrin-2,
admp, bmp, synapsin, PC2, TrpC-1; juvenile,
regeneration, RNAi injection

Nemertodermatida blastomeres has not yet been studied. No expres-

sion data exist for any developmental genes in
Nemertodermatids comprise only nine described Nemertodermatida.
species, and their overall anatomy is similar to
that of acoels (Sterrer 1998). However, they
show important differences in nervous system OPEN QUESTIONS
and gut morphology that have been interpreted as
plesiomorphies for the Acoelomorpha (Ehlers • Development and life cycle of Xenoturbellida
1985). Nemertodermatids possess an epithelial • Detailed studies of fate map and molecular
gut with cavity, similar to that of Cnidaria, mechanisms including expression of key devel-
Xenoturbella, and all remaining Bilateria (Smith opmental genes in Acoela, Nemertodermatida,
and Tyler 1985; Rieger et al. 1991; Tyler 2001). and Xenoturbellida
The nemertodermatid nervous system is com- • Fate map of Nemertodermatida and
pletely basiepidermal – similar to that of Xenoturbellida
Xenoturbella – and only in some cases con- • Virtually all aspects of organogenesis in
densed to intraepithelial neurite bundles Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida
(Westblad 1937, 1949; Rieger et al. 1991;
Raikova et al. 2000, 2004; Børve and Hejnol
2014; Hejnol 2015). These morphological plesi-
omorphies make nemertodermatids a more suit- Achatz JG, Martinez P (2012) The nervous system
able group to reconstruct ancestral states of of Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela) with a discus-
acoelomorphs and their molecular patterning. sion on the neuroanatomy of the Xenacoelomorpha
The cleavage pattern in nemertodermatids differs and its evolutionary implications. Front Zool 9:27.
from that of acoels and seems to be less Apelt G (1969) Fortpflanzungsbiologie, Entwicklung-
stereotypic (Fig. 9.2E–L; Jondelius et al. 2004; szyklen und vergleichende Frühentwicklung acoeler
Børve and Hejnol 2014). The fate of early Turbellarien. Mar Biol 4:267–325
9 Acoelomorpha and Xenoturbellida 213

Aronowicz J, Lowe CJ (2006) Hox gene expression in Hartenstein V, Hobmayer B, Hooge M, Hrouda M,
the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii and the Ishida S, Kobayashi C, Kuales G, Nishimura O, Pfister
evolution of deuterostome nervous systems. Integr D, Rieger R, Salvenmoser W, Smith J III, Technau U,
Comp Biol 46:890–901. doi:10.1093/Icb/Icl045 Tyler S, Agata K, Salzburger W, Ladurner P (2009) To
Ax P (1984) Das phylogenetische system. Gustav Fischer be or not to be a flatworm: the acoel controversy. PLoS
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animals: the case of acoelomorph flatworms. Plathelminthes. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart
Bioessays 26:1046–1057 Ehlers U (1991) Comparative morphology of stato-
Børve A, Hejnol A (2014) Development and juvenile cysts in the Plathelminthes and the Xenoturbellida.
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(Bock) Westblad 1949 (Acoelomorpha). Front Zool Ferrero E (1973) A fine structural analysis of the statocyst
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Steffen Harzsch, Carsten H.G. Müller, and Yvan Perez

Chapter vignette artwork by Brigitte Baldrian.

© Brigitte Baldrian and Andreas Wanninger.

S. Harzsch (*)
Department of Cytology and Evolutionary Biology,
Zoological Institute and Museum,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald,
Soldmannstr. 23, Greifswald D-17487, Germany
C.H.G. Müller
Department of General and Systematic Zoology,
Zoological Institute and Museum,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald,
Anklamer Str. 20, Greifswald D-17487, Germany
Y. Perez
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD,
Avignon Université, IMBE UMR 7263,
Marseille 13331, France

A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 215

Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7_10, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
216 S. Harzsch et al.

INTRODUCTION (2001, 2012), Ax (2001), and Perez et al. (2014);

the most detailed review of their microscopic
According to palaeontological evidence, the anatomy is that of Shinn (1997). Their embry-
Chaetognatha (arrow worms), a group of small onic development is known from the fundamen-
marine predators that are major components of tal studies by Hertwig (1880), Doncaster (1903),
the zooplankton throughout our world oceans, Elpatiewsky (1909), Burfield (1927), and John
were present already in the Early Cambrian (1933) on Sagitta and Spadella (Fig. 10.2). The
(approx. 540–520 Myr years ago), namely, as phylogenetic position of the chaetognaths within
Chengjiang biota (Vannier et al. 2007), but have the Bilateria is heavily debated, and in the last
also been documented in the Middle Cambrian 170 years, since (Darwin 1844) described them
Burgess Shale (Szaniawski 2005). The so-called as remarkable for “the obscurity of their affini-
protoconodonts, spine-like, small, shelly micro- ties”, various phylogenetic affiliations have been
fossil elements that were abundant in the proposed (summarised by, e.g., Ghirardelli 1968,
Cambrian, are today convincingly interpreted as 1995; Bone et al. 1991; Papillon et al. 2004;
parts of the chaetognath grasping apparatus or, at Harzsch and Müller 2007; Harzsch and Wanninger
least, as belonging to protoconodont animals 2009; Edgecombe et al. 2011; Nielsen 2012).
most closely related to Chaetognatha (e.g., Despite the ever-increasing number of molecular
Szaniawski 1982, 2002, 2005; Vannier et al. phylogenetic studies and an emerging consensus
2007; but see Conway Morris 2009; Szaniawski for protostome affinities based on broad phyloge-
2009 for a controversial discussion). The pres- nomic datasets, today the relationships of the
ence of protoconodonts in the lowermost Chaetognatha are still among the most enigmatic
Cambrian and the complexity of their feeding issues of metazoan phylogeny (reviewed in Perez
apparatus points to a Precambrian origin of these et al. 2014). The chaetognath genome is likely
animals (Vannier et al. 2007). These authors also the product of a unique evolutionary history
suggested placing them among the earliest active and stands for the long isolation of this group.
predator metazoans and argued that the ancestral Furthermore, morphological characters indi-
chaetognaths were planktonic with possible eco- cate a long evolutionary distance that separates
logical preferences for hyperbenthic niches close the Chaetognatha from its closest (unknown)
to the sea bottom. Today, the taxon Chaetognatha metazoan relative and suggest that this taxon in
comprises more than 150 described species from many aspects seems to have explored its own
all geographical and vertical ranges of the ocean. evolutionary pathways in generating tissue and
They are characterised by an elongated, stream- organ diversity (reviewed in Perez et al. 2014).
lined body; the presence of horizontally project- These authors pointed out the following unusual
ing fins; and, at the anterior end, two groups of features of the Chaetognatha which have played
moveable, cuticularised grasping spines used in an important role in the discussion on their phy-
capturing prey such as copepods (Fig. 10.1). With logenetic position: (i) The ribosomal cluster of
a body length between just a few millimetres up Chaetognatha is duplicated so that two classes of
to 120 mm, these glassily transparent carnivores paralogous 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes are
are among the most abundant planktonic organ- present, both of which diverge extremely from
isms, but several epibenthic species are also other Metazoa. (ii) The sequence of the inter-
known (Bieri 1991; Shinn 1997; Nielsen 2001; mediate filament protein (nuclear lamins) gene
Kapp 2007). of Sagitta elegans is very unusual compared to a
There is a long-standing interest into the field of approx. 20 protostome and deuterostome
body organisation of Chaetognatha. General sequences, suggesting a particularly high evolu-
information on their morphology and anatomy tionary drift of the chaetognath sequence. (iii) The
has been summarised in the contributions by unique mosaic organisation of a posterior/median
Hertwig (1880), John (1933), Hyman (1959), Hox gene shows a long, isolated evolution of the
Ghirardelli (1968), Goto and Yoshida (1987), chaetognath Hox complex. (iv) Chaetognatha
Bone and Goto (1991), Kapp (1991), Nielsen display a very unusual mitochondrial genome
10 Chaetognatha 217


Fig. 10.1 (A) Spadella cephaloptera; drawing from ciliata), d “Darm” (gut), t “Tastorgan” (mechanosensory
Hertwig (1880) with the author’s original nomenclature organ), e “Eierstock” (ovary), el “Eileiter” (oviduct), ho
(from top to bottom; note that the current identification of “Hoden” (testes), c3 “Schwanzhöhle” (coelom), sg
the various organs may be different; consider, e.g., the “Samengang” (seminal duct), sl “Längsseptum” (longitu-
“Riechorgan”). Abbreviations: n2 “Nerv zwischen dinal septum), sb “Samenblase” (seminal vesicle), f3
Bauchganglion und Schlundganglion” (frontal connective “Schwanzflosse” (tail). (B) Light micrograph of a live
between brain and vestibular ganglion), g2 “Oberes specimen of S. cephaloptera. (C) S. cephaloptera, immu-
Schlundganglion” (brain), te “Tentakelartiger Fortsatz der nohistochemical localisation of RFamide-related peptides
Kopfkappe” (tentacular head process), n1 “Commissur (green) and histochemistry to label cell nuclei (blue;
zwischen Bauchganglion und Schlundganglion” (main Reprinted with permission from Harzsch et al. 2009). (D)
connective between brain and ventral nerve centre), nr S. cephaloptera; immunohistochemical localisation of
“Riechnerv” (“olfactory nerve”, nerve that links the acetylated alpha-tubulin (red) and histochemistry to label
corona ciliata to the brain), st “Querseptum” (transverse nuclei (green; Reprinted with permission from Harzsch
septum), r “Riechorgan” (“olfactory organ”, the corona and Wanninger 2009)

which is one of the smallest known in metazo- that lack specialised junctions so that the presyn-
ans and contains only 14 of the 37 usual genes. apses are separated from the underlying muscles
(v) Chaetognatha display unusual ways of neu- by a thick extracellular matrix through which the
romuscular innervations with axonal varicosities transmitter must pass. (vi) Whereas obliquely
218 S. Harzsch et al.

Fig. 10.2 An example from the wall chart collection of “The collection of the Zoological Institute of the Berlin
the Zoological Institute of the Berlin University which University – History and Importance”.
was founded by its first director Franz Eilhard Schulze in ).
1884. This chart most likely was drawn at the Zoological According to the textbook by Korschelt and Heider (1890)
Institute by Erika von Bruchhausen around 1920–1930 “Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte
under the directors Karl Heider and Richard Hesse (infor- der wirbellosen Thiere” (p. 245), figures 2, 3, and 4 most
mation is based on the contribution by Stefan Richter likely are based on the study by Hertwig (1880)
10 Chaetognatha 219

striated musculature, as is typical for many other Chaetognatha as the sister group to the
invertebrates, is absent in Chaetognatha, this Lophotrochozoa (Spiralia) and Ecdysozoa (soft
taxon has “experimented” with various types of polytomy), an assemblage that may be called
cross-striated muscles and evolved a unique type Hyponeuria to indicate the ventralisation of the
of secondary muscles with two different kinds of nervous system as one of the most important
sarcomeres that alternate within the muscles. (vii) steps in metazoan evolution.
The chaetognath integument mainly consists of a
multilayered, non-cuticularised epidermis that is
made up by two different cell types (single layer EARLY DEVELOPMENT
of vacuolated and secretory distal epidermal cells
and multilayer of flattened, filamentous proxi- Germ Plasm, Primary Germ Cells,
mal epidermal cells). This multilayered, dual- and Fertilisation
type epidermis is a unique, hence apomorphic,
character of Chaetognatha. (viii) The intra- and Aspects of mating, reproduction, and growth of
basiepidermal neuronal plexus is a plesiomorphic Chaetognatha were reviewed by Ghirardelli
character retained from the metazoan or bilate- (1968), Pearre (1991), Alvarino (1992), and Shinn
rian ground pattern. Due to the thickness of the (1997). There is a long and controversial debate in
epidermis, however, this intraepidermal aspect the literature on the mode of fertilisation in these
of the chaetognath plexus is particularly com- animals (see, e.g., Pearre 1991), so that the novice
plex. Therefore, the combination of an orthogo- in this field is well advised to begin his studies
nal basiepidermal neuronal plexus and a heavily with the most recent references.
diversified intraepidermal plexus may represent a Chaetognaths are considered protandrous her-
further derived, apomorphic state characterising maphrodites, and the testes mature before the
the Chaetognatha, however inevitably linked to ovaries (Pearre 1991). They develop directly,
the possession of a multilayered epidermis. (ix) so that the hatchlings exhibit a body organisa-
The structure of the ciliated photoreceptors in tion that is in most respects similar to the adult
the eyes shows a unique architecture with a basal (Fig. 10.3). Spermatogenesis is intracoelomic in
body, a conical body, and an outer segment with the tail with the two testes located adjacent to the
parallel stacks of perforated membrane lamellae. dorsal longitudinal muscles. Spermatogonia from
(x) The circumesophageal arrangement of the the testes pass into the tail coeloms to undergo
adult cephalic nervous system including, in addi- mitosis and meiosis and to differentiate into sper-
tion to the brain, vestibular and subesophageal matozoa (Shinn 1997). Oogenesis occurs in two
ganglia, is suggestive of protostome affinities. discrete ovaries in the trunk (Fig. 10.4; Shinn
However, the situation in the hatchlings clearly 1997). After an elaborate mating behaviour (e.g.,
shows that we do not only face one but even two Ghirardelli 1968; Goto and Yoshida 1985), the
brain components that have a basically circum- sperm cluster is deposited onto the mate’s body.
oral arrangement. Several authors have suggested the possibility of
In summary, both the genome and morpho- self-fertilisation, but this has never been demon-
logical characters represent many autapomor- strated, and the reproduction even in meso- and
phies of this group in addition to a character mix bathypelagic species only depends upon cross-
of protostome and deuterostome features, sug- fertilisation (Terasaki and Miller 1982). For
gesting that Chaetognatha is likely an early off- internal fertilisation, the sperm migrates into the
shoot of the protostome lineage (cf. Nielsen female gonopores (Ghirardelli 1953, 1968) and
2012; Perez et al. 2014), but so far it is not pos- is stored in the seminal receptacles. Fertilisation
sible to unequivocally decide whether they are occurs in the ovaries prior to ovulation and is
basal lophotrochozoans (spiralians), basal ecdy- mediated by specialised somatic “accessory fer-
sozoans, or the sister group to all others proto- tilisation cells” (e.g., Shinn 1994a, 1997; Goto
stomes. Perez et al. (2014) suggested a new basal 1999; Carré et al. 2002). In a unique fertilisation
rooting of the Bilateria, which considers the process, sperm passes through these accessory
220 S. Harzsch et al.

Fig. 10.3 (A) Hatchling of Spadella cephaloptera. (B) 2-day-old juvenile; immunohistochemical labeling of tubulin
(red) and histochemical labeling of nuclei (green; Reprinted from Perez et al. 2014). Scale bar equals 250 μm

Juvenile Gastrula
11 Adult 10


Ovary with
1 oocytes PGC


Maturation Fertilization Testicle 64 cells

Spawning 32 cells

Amphimixy V
2 cells 7

5 Germ granule

Fig. 10.4 Germ plasm and germ cells during the life the first two blastomeres and continues to be inherited by
cycle of chaetognaths (Reprinted from Carré et al. 2002). only one vegetal blastomere until the 32-cell stage (7).
During oogenesis (1), germ plasm/nuage material (green) The germ granule then fragments and is distributed into
is within and around the germinal vesicle (GV). During two blastomeres at the 64-cell stage (8). The germ plasm
maturation and internal fertilisation at the vegetal pole (2), is then found in the four presumptive primary germ cells
germ plasm presumably fragments into minute granules. (PGCs) at the tip of the archenteron in the gastrula (9).
After spawning (3), many small granules line the vegetal The four primary germ cells (PGC) become the male
cortex (V) and then aggregate during amphimixy (4). At (posterior) and female (anterior) germ cells in the hatch-
mitosis (5), small germ granules aggregate into a single ling (10), which give rise to the spermatocytes and the
large granule. This large granule is segregated into one of oocytes in the adult
10 Chaetognatha 221




SN After being laid

Fig. 10.5 A schematic diagram showing the process of the oocyte. (E) The fertilised egg moves into the oviducal
chaetognath fertilisation (from Goto 1999 as based on his syncytial complex through a pore that is formed by degen-
own studies and those of Shinn 1994b, 1997). (A) eration of AFCs. Sperm chromatin is condensed into a
Growing oocyte attaches to pairs of specialised oviducal round shape. (F) The fertilised egg is stored in the ovidu-
cells that differentiate into accessory fertilisations cells cal complex for the first meiotic metaphase until laid in
(AFCs). (B) AFC2 sinks in the oocyte. Cytoplasmic pro- sea water. (G) Resumption of meiosis occurs after the
cess of AFC2 occludes the fertilisation canal formed in eggs have been deposited in sea water. The sperm chroma-
AFC1. (C) The cytoplasmic process disappears from the tin remains a spherical shape until a late stage of meiosis.
fertilisation canal through which sperm enters into the Abbreviations: AFC accessory fertilisation cell, DeAFC
egg. (D) A single sperm cell enters an oocyte after germi- degenerating AFC, ODC oviducal complex, ODS ovidu-
nal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). AFC2 moves outside of cal syncytium, ODW ovarian wall, SP sperm, SN sperm

fertilisation cells to reach the oocytes (Figs. 10.4 1975; Feigenbaum 1976; Goto and Yoshida
and 10.5; Goto 1999; Carré et al. 2002). Egg 1997; Papillon et al. 2005).
laying occurs immediately after fertilisation It has long been known that the oocytes bear a
in Sagitta hispida, or, as in Spadella cepha- large granule, presumed to be a germ plasm that is
loptera, the zygotes may remain in the oviduct passed on to the four primary germ cells (reviewed
arrested in their first meiotic metaphase for sev- in Shimotori and Goto 1999; Carré et al. 2002). A
eral hours. In general, the zygotes are then either single germ granule forms in the vegetal cortex of
released into the water column in pelagic spe- the zygote at the time of the first mitosis (Fig. 10.4).
cies (Sagittidae) or sometimes retained in brood This germ granule associates with the cleavage
pouches (Eukrohniidae) or attached to rocks or furrow and is segregated into one of the first two
plants in the case of benthic species (Spadellidae; blastomeres. It is then translocated from the cell
for review see Pearre 1991). The establishment of cortex to the mitotic spindle and remains in the
laboratory cultures has been essential for explor- single-most vegetal blastomere until the 32-cell
ing the embryology and aspects of growth in both stage (Carré et al. 2002). At the 64-cell stage, the
planktonic and benthic species of Chaetognatha germ granule is partitioned as nuage material into
(Kuhl and Kuhl 1965; Reeve 1970; Reeve and two founder primary germ cells (PGCs) and fur-
Walter 1972; Reeve and Lester 1974; Kotori ther partitioned into four PGCs located at the tip of
222 S. Harzsch et al.

the archenteron during its invagination (Fig. 10.4). the d cell. Hence, the two-cell stage consists
These PGCs differentiate into the oocytes and of the ab cell and the cd cell containing the
spermatocytes of the two ovaries and testes. germ plasm, which generates the a and b (ani-
mal cross-furrow) cells and the c and d (vegetal
cross-furrow) cells, respectively (Fig. 10.7A,
Cleavage and Gastrulation B; Shimotori and Goto 2001). Injecting single
blastomeres of Paraspadella gotoi embryos
Cleavage in chaetognaths is total and equal with lineage tracing dyes, Shimotori and Goto
(Fig. 10.6). It was by many embryologists con- examined the fate of the first four blastomeres to
sidered as resembling the radial cleavage pattern assess to which organ systems they give rise to
of deuterostomes (reviewed in, e.g., Kapp 2000; (Fig. 10.7C–F).
Brusca and Brusca 2003). However, a recent Gastrulation describes the process of germ
analysis of the developmental fate of the first layer formation and is intimately linked to the for-
four blastomeres led Shimotori and Goto (2001) mation of the digestive system that includes
to propose that chaetognaths are more similar to mouth opening, gut, and anus. The blastopore is
protostomes in their developmental programme. the site of tissue internalisation, and two major
Using intracellular dye injections into the blas- phylogenetic concepts are based on the fate of the
tomeres of the two-cell stage, Shimotori and blastopore. In protostomes, the blastopore later on
Goto (1999) had shown that the first cleavage becomes the adult mouth, while the anus (if pres-
plane parallels the anterior-posterior axis and ent) is formed secondarily at a different site
bears an angular relationship to the sagittal and (reviewed in Hejnol and Martindale 2009;
frontal planes. These authors pointed out that the Martindale and Heijnol 2009). In deuterostomes,
appearance of the four-cell stage is similar to the blastopore becomes the anus while the mouth
that of equal cleavage in spiralians because the is formed secondarily at a different site in the
embryo consists of the animal and vegetal cross- animal hemisphere of the embryos. In
furrow cells in tetrahedral arrangement, reflect- Chaetognatha, an invagination of the blastopore
ing an oblique orientation of the mitotic spindle initiates the formation of the endoderm and subse-
in relation to the zygote axis (Figs. 10.6 and quently a second opening forms the stomodeum
10.7). Already Elpatiewsky (1909) had observed opposite to the blastopore (Fig. 10.6; Hertwig
that the second cleavage of Sagitta bipunctata 1880; Doncaster 1903; John 1933; Kuhl and Kuhl
resulted in a counterclockwise (leiotropic) dis- 1965; Kapp 2000). For a short period the embryo
placement of the two animal cross-furrow cells possesses both a stomodeum and a blastopore in a
with respect to the two vegetal cross-furrow typical deuterostome fashion, but it is important
cells and that the next cleavage was in an oppo- to note that the blastopore is not the future anus in
site direction (dexiotropic). Shimotori and Goto Chaetognatha. The mouth and blastopore then
(2001) concluded for Paraspadella gotoi that the close, so that young hatchlings for a given period
direction of displacement of the second cleav- have neither a mouth opening nor an anus
age, the alignment of the future body axes, and (Fig. 10.3; Shimotori and Goto 1999; Shinn and
the tetrahedral position of the four blastomeres Roberts 1994). Both openings are re-established
are similar to those of spiralians so that “the some time after hatching (approx. 48 h in Spadella
developmental fates of the first four blastomeres cephaloptera). Hence, Chaetognatha in principle
in chaetognath embryos may have some similari- conform to the developmental pattern of deutero-
ties to spiralians”. They designated the blasto- stomes as laid out above, but nevertheless display
meres of the four-cell embryo of Paraspadella some variation. The evolutionary meaning of this
gotoi as a, b, c, and d cells based on the nomen- fact is discussed below.
clature used in spiralians (Fig. 10.7A, B), but In addition to features of spiralian cleavage
used lower case letters to avoid confusion. The and deuterostome-like gastrulation, chaetognath
cell containing the germ plasm was designated embryology includes features that were suggested
10 Chaetognatha 223






Fig. 10.6 The developmental sequence in Sagitta dermal cavities (hc head coelom, tc trunk coelom). The
bipunctata and Spadella cephaloptera. (A–D) Early anterior region of the ectoderm (ect) forms the stomo-
cleavage in Sagitta bipunctata (Drawings from deum (st). (T) Specimen of Sagitta bipunctata just before
Elpatiewsky 1909). (E–L) Early cleavage in Spadella hatching (After Doncaster 1903). Early cleavage is total
cephaloptera. (M–O) Gastrulation and mesoderm forma- and equal. Labels denote the 2-cell (2c), 4-cell (4c), 8-cell
tion in Spadella cephaloptera. (P) Specimen of Spadella (8c), etc., stages and the developmental time in minutes
cephaloptera just before hatching. (Q–S) Gastrulation and hours from fertilisation at room temperature.
and mesoderm formation in Sagitta bipunctata from Abbreviations: Ar archenteron, bl blastoporus, d descen-
Burfield (1927). A few hours after the beginning of cleav- dants of the d cell, ect ectoderm, ent endoderm, h head, hc
age, the blastopore (bl) completely closes. Two mesoder- head coelom, mes mesoderm, PGCs primordial germ
mal folds progress backward directly into the archenteron cells, RK “Richtungskörper” (polar body), st stomodeum,
(Ar) and mark off the endoderm (ent) from a pair of meso- tc trunk coelom, vnc ventral nerve centre, X germ granule
224 S. Harzsch et al.

A D E Dorsal
ab cd dlm

B Animal view F
b Dorsal dep
cc epi
a c
d me
Vegetal view
c a vg

d vep


Fig. 10.7 (A–D) Diagrams summarising the fate map of inner layers. In the trunk, the ventral ganglion occupies a
Paraspadella gotoi at the 4-cell stage (From Shimotori large space and surrounds the mesodermal tissues.
and Goto 2001). The a, b, c, and d cells and the regions Longitudinal muscles are arranged in four major bands,
derived from each blastomere are coloured green, blue, two dorsolateral and two ventrolateral. Two dorsal longi-
yellow, and red, respectively. (A) Lateral view of the two- tudinal muscles extend from the centre of the head to the
cell embryo. (B) Animal and vegetal view of the 4-cell end of the tail, while two ventral muscles obviously curve
embryo. Two open small circles represent the polar bod- with the anterior ends and extend from the posterior later-
ies. The blue dot indicates the germ plasma. (C) Transverse als of the head to the ends of the tail. Another mesodermal
section of the body. (D) A series of horizontal sections. tissue, mesentery, surrounds the intestine and these tissues
Hatched blue and light red indicates a mixture of clones are in the centre of four muscle bands. The four primordial
derived from the b and d cells. (E, F) Diagrams of the germ cells (pgc) are situated near the posterior end of the
gross anatomy of a hatchling (From Shimotori and Goto intestine. Abbreviations: bm basal matrix, cc corona cili-
2001). (E) Diagram of a transverse plane at the body ata, dep dorsal surface of outer epidermis, dlm dorsal lon-
region indicated by lettered box E in (F). (F) Diagrams of gitudinal muscles, epi inner epidermis, epo outer
a series of frontal sections. The chaetognath body is epidermis, ey eye, in intestine, me mesentery, pgc primor-
divided indistinctly externally into three segments: head, dial germ cells, vep ventral surface of outer epidermis, vg
trunk, and tail. The epidermis is composed of outer and ventral ganglion, vlm ventral longitudinal muscles

to be unusual and difficult to relate to other esis and especially germ layer and coelom forma-
Bilateria, so that Kapp (2000) coined a new term, tion urgently need to be reanalysed by
heterocoely, to describe their mode of coelom contemporary methods including electron and
formation. This author, reviewing the classical confocal laser scanning microscopy in order to
studies by Hertwig (1880), Doncaster (1903), allow for a phylogenetic comparison of chaeto-
and John (1933), concluded that the process of gnath development (cf. Shinn and Roberts 1994).
mesoderm formation seems to be unique to this After the invagination of the endoderm at the
taxon. However, beyond taking these classical blastopore as described above, the four PGCs
studies as a foundation, chaetognath embryogen- become localised opposite to the blastopore
10 Chaetognatha 225

inside of the cavity enclosed by endoderm, the marised in Takada et al. 2002). Such a placement
archenteron (Figs. 10.4 and 10.6; note that Kapp was also based on the fact that differentiation of
2000 argues against this term as it implies a func- the coelom seemingly resembles enterocoely, but
tion as a gut anlagen, which is not the case in Perez et al. (2014) recently pointed out that other
chaetognaths because blastopore and the new aspects of chaetognath gastrulation, especially
mouth opening will close again shortly after gas- the process of mesoderm and coelom formation,
trulation). The primary body cavity lying between seem to be apomorphies of this taxon and thus
the ecto- and endoderm, the blastocoel, is very not suggestive of a close affinity to any other
narrow (Fig. 10.6). The mesoderm forms such bilaterian phylum. Gastrulation patterns play
that the endoderm folds inwards in two places essential roles in discussions on bilaterian evolu-
into the archenteron and the blastocoel subse- tion (e.g., Arendt and Nübler-Jung 1997; Nielsen
quently vanishes. Endodermal folds separate part 2001, 2005a, b; Hejnol and Martindale 2009;
of the archenteron opposite to the blastopore into Martindale and Heijnol 2009; Lacalli 2010;
three hollows. The upper tip of the middle space Nielsen 2010; Martín-Duran et al. 2012). Hejnol
is the area where the new mouth will form and and Martindale (2009) have emphasised that, on
this second opening subsequently develops, as closer examination, a considerable variation in
already described above. The middle hollow gastrulation patterns is evident between bilaterian
shrinks as its walls move towards each other. subtaxa, especially in protostomes, which led
These cell layers will eventually form the intes- these authors to stress the extreme variability in
tine. The other two hollows will be part of the blastopore fates. In ctenophores and cnidarians,
head and the trunk/tail paired coelomic cavities the mouth and the blastopore have a common
(Fig. 10.6). In the course of development, the origin and these animals gastrulate at the animal
mesodermal cells are arranged in two bilateral pole (see Chapters 6 and 8). Nevertheless, bilat-
groups and obliterate both the cephalic and the erians gastrulate at the vegetal pole (Hejnol and
trunk coelomic cavities. Few morphological and Martindale 2009; Martindale and Heijnol 2009).
cytological changes occur until hatching with the The authors propose that in Bilateria a separation
exception of (i) the gradual elongation of the of the signalling centres that determine the sites
developing intestine which forms a thin median of mouth formation versus the site of germ layer
septum, (ii) the migration of the primordial germ specification has taken place and that this ancient
cells until the middle of the body at the level of separation explains the variation of the spatial
the future posterior septum, (iii) the beginning of relation of blastopore and mouth in Bilateria.
the longitudinal and transverse muscle differen- Furthermore, they critically review the concept
tiation, and (iv) the development of the ventral of amphistomy, which refers to the lateral closure
nerve centre which represents the most promi- of a slit-like, elongate blastopore. The latter, by
nent structure at hatching. staying open at both ends, can account in princi-
ple for the formation of both the bilaterian mouth
and the anus (e.g., Arendt and Nübler-Jung 1997;
Chaetognath Gastrulation Nielsen 2001). Amphistomy in a strict sense,
in the Light of Their Presumed however, appears to occur in only a few proto-
Phylogenetic Position stomian taxa.
Perez et al. (2014) suggested that the
Chaetognath gastrulation displays a mosaic of pro- Chaetognatha display their own variant of deu-
tostome features and distinct aspects convention- terostomy and may represent a new evolutionary
ally assigned to the deuterostomes. Nonetheless, experiment in which a mode of gastrulation has
in the past a placement within the deuterostomes, evolved that is clearly distinct from the other pro-
as based on developmental aspects (Kuhl 1938; tostomes, but without necessarily meaning that
Hyman 1959), was accepted in several textbooks chaetognaths are phylogenetically ingroup deu-
(Kapp 1991; Brusca and Brusca 2003; sum- terostomes. Similarly, Valentine (1997) and
226 S. Harzsch et al.

Fig. 10.8 Diversity of blastoporal fates in the Bilateria which subsequently was modified convergently in the
(Modified from Martín-Duran et al. 2012). While in various protostome lineages. Chaetognaths are here con-
Deuterostomia the blastopore forms the anus, the sidered the sister group to all other protostomia (Compare
Protostomia exhibit a diversity of blastoporal fates. This Perez et al. 2014) and have retained deuterostomy as a
situation may be best explained when considering deu- plesiomorphic character from the bilaterian ground
terostomy to be part of the bilaterian ground pattern pattern

Peterson and Eernisse (2001) advocated that tradi- chaetognath species, Paraspadella gotoi (Takada
tional characters placing the lophophorates into et al. 2002). These authors conclude that the
the deuterostomes are plesiomorphies of bilateri- expression pattern of this gene in the embryonic
ans. Chaetognaths also exhibit such plesiomor- chaetognath blastopore and mouth resembles that
phies: a complete gut with a mouth not arising of hemichordates and echinoderms, whereas the
from the blastopore and coelomic cavities forming pattern in the region of the new mouth opening of
by inward folding of the endoderm (Papillon et al. the hatchling appears to be novel.
2004). What is more, based on embryological
analyses of priapulid development, Martín-Duran
et al. (2012) suggested that deuterostomy was the LATE DEVELOPMENT
ancestral developmental programme in bilaterians
(Fig. 10.8). Along these lines, Chaetognatha may Ontogeny of Mesoderm-Derived
have simply retained deuterostomy as a plesio- Tissues and Organisation
morphic character from the bilaterian ground pat- of the Internal Body Cavities: Are
tern so that this developmental mode remains Chaetognaths Bipartite Animals?
uninformative about their phylogenetic position
(Fig. 10.8). Interestingly, such a pivotal position of Chaetognatha was traditionally placed within
Chaetognatha between deuterostomes and proto- Deuterostomia mainly because of their mode of
stomes is compatible with the report of Shimotori coelom formation and the tripartite body organisa-
and Goto (2001) that the fates of the first four blas- tion with three distinct coelomic cavities, a situa-
tomeres in chaetognath embryos may have some tion which recalls the archimeric condition of basal
similarities to spiralians and with an analysis of deuterostomes and lophophorates. However, chae-
the expression pattern of the brachyury gene in a tognaths are supposed to pass through a peculiar
10 Chaetognatha 227

developmental process, known as “heterocoely” overlying the adult longitudinal muscles in adult
(Kapp 2000). This aberrant way by which the animals do not have any equivalents in hatchlings.
mesoderm and body cavities arise as well as the These specialised adult peritoneocytes are supposed
questionable persistence and histological anatomy to descend from lateral or medial cells observed in
of these cavities throughout ontogeny has led to hatchlings. This indicates that in chaetognaths the
controversies as to whether or not chaetognaths are coelothel initially is made up of a layer of myoepi-
deuterostomes. Furthermore, it has been debated thelial cells, whereas formation of the peritoneum
for decades how their peculiar coelomogenesis can which lines the musculature is delayed to few days
be compared to other coelomates (Hyman 1959; after hatching. Furthermore, only numerous small
Willmer 1990; Backeljau et al. 1993; Schram and triangular spaces situated between the hatchling’s
Ellis 1994; Ghiradelli 1995; Kapp 2000; Brusca mesodermal cells are visible. These are supposed
and Brusca 2003; see Jenner 2004 for latest to coalesce to form the coelomic cavities in the
review). For example, cladistic analyses based on adult (Shinn 1994b; Shinn and Roberts 1994). This
morphological and embryological data placed the contradicts previous descriptions of the hatchling’s
chaetognaths among the aschelminths (Meglitsch morphology in Sagittidae and Spadellidae, arguing
and Schram 1991; Backeljau et al. 1993; Schram that the coelom is obliterated during embryogenesis
and Ellis 1994; Nielsen et al. 1996). Furthermore, (Doncaster 1903; John 1933). Interestingly, it seems
Meglitsch and Schram (1991); also questioned the that chaetognaths show a singular posterior-anterior
enterocoelic nature of the body cavities and consid- gradient in tissue differentiation. Indeed, Shinn and
ered the coelomic compartments not to be homolo- Roberts (1994) stated that the mesoderm cavitation
gous to those of the typical archimeric animals. is relatively more advanced in the posterior part of
Nowadays, it has been accepted that, as a work- the tail and just anterior to the posterior septum.
ing definition relevant to assess the mesoderm organ- Recent studies of the authors of the present
isation and nature of body cavities in coelomates, a chapter on Spadella cephaloptera provide some
coelom always consists of a body cavity which is further insight into this issue (Rieger et al. 2011)
lined by a specialised epithelium, the coelothel, and and show that in hatchlings the development of
not by an extracellular matrix (ECM; e.g., Schmidt- the brain is delayed when compared to the ventral
Rhaesa 2007; Koch et al. 2014). The apicolateral nerve centre. In Spadella cephaloptera, the meso-
junctional complex adhering neighboured coelothe- dermal tissues of hatchlings look compact and do
lial cells thereby faces the coelomic cavity, if present not display any coelomic cavities in the analysed
and clearly discernible. In this definition, ultra- body regions (Fig. 10.9A). Those mesodermal
structural data (Duvert and Salat 1979; Welsch and cells the vast majority of which later become
Storch 1982; Shinn 1994b, 1997; Shinn and Roberts muscle cells have close lateral and apical contact
1994) unambiguously support the hypothesis that to each other (Fig. 10.9B). They rest on the ECM
the chaetognath ground pattern comprises true coe- of the body wall and lack intercellular junctions
lomic cavities and coelothelia at least in the trunk at their apical membrane’s centre. Their cyto-
and tail of the adult. Extensive studies on this topic plasm contains numerous electron-dense yolk
were conducted by Shinn (1994b, 1997) and Shinn bodies, mitochondria, and various amounts of
and Roberts (1994) in Ferosagitta hispida. These rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Cross sec-
authors did not only analyse the mesodermal epi- tions through the mid-trunk region reveal that the
thelial arrangement in adults but also in hatchlings, differentiation of the longitudinal muscle cells is
thus providing valuable insights into the formation poorly advanced, with each quadrant consisting
and (functional) transformation of the chaetognath of only three or four semicircularly arranged
coelom. In hatchlings, the trunk and tail mesoderm fibres (Fig. 10.9D). A thin vertical sheet of ECM
consist of stereotypically arranged myoepithelial continuous with the ECM of the body wall sepa-
cells corresponding in position to specific adult rates the adjacent muscle cells belonging to the
tissue, e.g., the lateral fields, the longitudinal body cephalic and trunk mesodermal compartments
wall muscles, medial cells forming the dorsal and (Fig. 10.10A, B). This boundary matches the
ventral mesenteries, and peri-intestinal muscular location of the anterior septum which separates
cells. Only the coelothelial cells (= peritoneocytes) the head and trunk regions. The anterior septum
228 S. Harzsch et al.


Fig. 10.9 Light micrographs (A) and transmission elec- (E) Detail of the transition of the trunk and tail (paramedian
tron micrographs (B–E) from sections through a hatchling section). Dotted line indicates the position of the future pos-
of Spadella cephaloptera. (A) Longitudinal section terior septum which results in the final segregation of the
through the whole body. The region where the primordial male and female primordial germ cells shown in (C).
germ cells stop their migration coincides with the position Abbreviations: cc corona ciliata, cl caudal loop, ect ecto-
of the future posterior septum between the trunk and tail in derm, ECM extracellular matrix, ep epidermis, hm head
the adult. (B) Longitudinal aspect of the mid-trunk region mesoderm, lm longitudinal muscle, mes mesoderm, np neu-
of the same specimen as shown in (A). Note the serial ropil, npc neural progenitor cells, p phragm (transverse
organisation of the neural progenitor cells which appear in muscle), pb primordial brain, pe primordial eye, pgc pri-
a segmental fashion, although there is no segmentation in mordial germ cell, tm trunk mesoderm, vnc ventral nerve
the trunk. (C) Detail of the female and male primordial centre, yo yolk, ♂ male primordial germ cell, ♀ female pri-
germ cells. (D) Cross section through the mid-trunk region mordial germ cell. Originals: Y. Perez and C.H.G. Müller.
showing the poorly developed longitudinal muscles. Scale bars: A = 0.25 mm; B = 25 μm; C, D = 4 μm; E = 8 μm
10 Chaetognatha 229


Fig. 10.10 Transmission electron micrographs from ring sits on the extracellular matrix of the body wall, spins
(para)median sections through a hatchling of Spadella all around the head, and connects the primordial brain to
cephaloptera. (A) Head and neck region. Note the low the ventral nerve centre. (D) Detail of a neuronal cell from
level of differentiation of the cephalic muscles in com- the epidermal plexus at the basis of the corona ciliata.
parison to those of the trunk. (B) Detail of the transition of Abbreviations: cc corona ciliata, cr cephalic ring, ECM
head and trunk. Arrowheads indicate contacts between extracellular matrix, pb primordial brain, pe primordial
developing muscle cells from the head and trunk mesoder- eye, ep epidermis, hm head mesoderm, tm trunk meso-
mal pouches. (C) Primordial brain showing the cephalic derm, vnc ventral nerve centre, epc epidermal plexus cell.
nerve ring which consists of a bundle of neurites (cross Originals: Y. Perez and C.H.G. Müller. Scale bars:
section) in basiepidermal position. The cephalic nerve A = 20 μm; B = 10 μm; C = 2 μm; D = 4 μm
230 S. Harzsch et al.

is formed by the direct juxtaposition of the mus- of specialised peritoneal cells forming the trunk/
cle cells and does not exhibit the same histologi- tail septum (Fig. 10.11C). Each cell layer lines the
cal organisation as the posterior one located coelomic cavities of the trunk and tail with its api-
between the trunk and tail which is formed by cal region. Towards their proximal regions, both
two layers of specialised mesodermal cells tightly adjoined peritoneal epithelia secrete the
(Shinn and Roberts 1994). The region in which ECM, the actual posterior septum, which displays
the posterior septum appears is marked anteriorly two basal laminae (from either peritoneal epithe-
by the two female PGCs and posteriorly by the lium opposing) enclosing a thin, fibrous interlayer.
two male PGCs (Fig. 10.9A, C). It has been pro- Taken together, these suggest that the
posed on the basis of histological data that the establishment of the tripartite organisation of the
completion of the posterior septum occurs sev- adult body plan is delayed and is concomitant
eral days after hatching (Doncaster 1903; John with the final segregation of the female and male
1933). However, according to ultrastructural PGCs. As previously suggested by Doncaster
observations (Shinn and Roberts 1994), the rudi- (1903) “From its mode and time of origin it
ment of the posterior septum is already formed at seems reasonable to regard the posterior trans-
hatching and consists of two layers of specialised verse septum as essentially part of the reproduc-
lateral and peri-intestinal cells but without any tive organs, and not closely connected with the
trace of ECM or junctional complexes between general plan of the anatomy”. Consequently,
these cells. Considering the lack of ECM separat- chaetognaths must be fundamentally regarded as
ing the specialised mesodermal cells which being bipartite animals. The high organisation
enfold the PGCs, the haemal system located in level of the coelomic lining and the longitudinal
the adult posterior septum is not complete. muscles and the early formation of a rudimen-
Therefore, the trunk and tail coelomic cavities in tary posterior septum observed in Ferosagitta
hatchlings, although remaining very narrow and hispida (Shinn and Roberts 1994) could be a
compressed between the apices of mesodermal taxon and/or species-specific feature, revealing
cells, are continuous and must therefore be con- some differences in the level of tissue differen-
sidered as a single cavity extending from the tiation, especially when the studied species
anterior septum to the posterior end of the body. exhibit different ecological features such as ben-
The full adult morphology develops 2 days after thic (Spadellidae) versus pelagic (Sagittidae)
hatching (Fig. 10.11A). At this time, the young lifestyles. The experimental breeding conditions
Spadella exhibits the typical segmentation of the could also explain such variations. Accordingly,
body into the head, trunk, and tail. In the cephalic the body cavities observed in chaetognaths are
region, the chitinous structures (hooks, teeth, ven- likely formed just as the coelomic cavities of
tral epidermis, lateral and ventral plates) appear. recognised schizocoelic protostomes are formed,
The head muscles, the brain, the eyes, and the e.g., from a compact band of mesodermal cells
corona ciliata are also complete by this time. The that transforms to an epithelial organisation and
mouth and anus are opened. The stomodeum is then surround the continuously widening coelo-
connected to the intestine at the level of the ante- mic cavity (Turbeville 1986; Schmidt-Rhaesa
rior septum. In the trunk, the mesoderm- and endo- 2007). Interestingly, in small annelids, the devel-
derm-derived tissues are well differentiated. The opment of a coelom is arrested at the stage when
posterior septum which lies just behind the anus is an epithelial but still compact mesodermal cell
now complete and splits the trunk and tail coelomic mass is present (for review, see Schmidt-Rhaesa
cavities (Fig. 10.11A, B). Importantly, completion 2007), a situation highly similar to the hatchling
of the posterior septum comes along with a con- condition in chaetognaths. Accordingly, the
tinuous transition from trunk to tail, as the posterior chaetognaths’ coelomogenesis, by nature of its
septum does not interrupt the longitudinal muscles, precursor mesodermal cells and the late differen-
which extend up from the beginning of the trunk tiation and cavitation of the mesoderm, appears
to the end of the tail segment. There are two layers like a derived, postembryogenic variant of
10 Chaetognatha 231


Fig. 10.11 Light (A) and transmission electron micro- septum has a distinct ECM secreted from basal domains of
graphs (B, C) from longitudinal sections through a 2-day- opposing peritoneal cells. Abbreviations: a anus, as anterior
old specimen of Spadella cephaloptera. (A) Longitudinal septum, b brain, cc corona ciliata, ci cilia, ECM extracellular
section through the whole body. Note the completion of the matrix, h head, hm head muscles, in intestine, m mouth, pi
posterior septum (ps) without interruption of the longitudi- peri-intestinal cells, ps posterior septum, sp specialised peri-
nal muscles (lm). (B) Longitudinal section showing the pos- toneocyte, st stomodeum, tc tail coelom, tl tail, tr trunk, vnc
terior septum. (C) Detail of the posterior septum constituted ventral nerve centre. Originals: Y. Perez and C.H.G. Müller.
by two layers of specialised peritoneal cells. The posterior Scale bars: A = 0.25 mm; B = 4 μm; C = 0.5 μm

schizocoely which, however, is not necessarily more doubt arises as to whether the head, trunk,
homologous to other coelomates. Indeed, it is and tail coelomic cavities are homologous to the
important to note that coelomogenesis by schizo- protocoel, mesocoel, and metacoel of classic
coely starts when fluid accumulates between archimeric animals. According to the latest data
desmosomes that connect opposing epithelio- on their embryology and the new consensus on
muscle cells of the somatic and visceral muscle their pivotal position between deuterostomes
(Koch et al. 2014). This is apparently not the and protostomes, the apomorphic chaetognath’s
case in chaetognaths, since no specialised junc- coelomogenesis could represent the first attempt
tional complexes occur between the longitudinal to modify the typical enterocoely observed in
muscle cells and the peri-intestinal cells of the deuterostomes and some protostomes towards
hatchling (Shinn and Roberts 1994). If chaeto- the derived schizocoely of lophotrochozoan
gnaths are not true enterocoelic animals, even lineages.
232 S. Harzsch et al.

Neurogenesis marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) provided evi-

dence for a high level of mitotic activity in the
The general organisation of the adult nervous sys- ventral nerve centre for approx. 3 days after hatch-
tem of chaetognaths has been described by sev- ing (Perez et al. 2013). Neurogenesis in the hatch-
eral authors, notably by Bone and Pulsford (1984), lings is carried by presumptive neuronal
Goto and Yoshida (1984, 1987), and Shinn (1997; progenitor cells that cycle rapidly and most likely
recently summarised in Perez et al. 2014). The divide asymmetrically (Figs. 10.12 and 10.13).
recent studies by Harzsch and Müller (2007) and These progenitors are arranged in a distinct grid‐
Harzsch et al. (2009) on the ventral nerve centre, like geometrical pattern including about 35 trans-
by Rieger et al. (2010) on the brain, and by Müller verse rows and most likely are also actively
et al. (2014) on ciliated sense organs have contrib- dividing in earlier embryos. In adults, the VNC
uted new facets to this picture. Chaetognath neu- controls swimming by initiating contractions of
rogenesis was first examined histologically by the body wall musculature and coordinating
Doncaster (1903), who described the initial stages mechanosensory input from the numerous ciliary
of neural development in some detail. According fence receptors in the epidermis. For motor con-
to this author, when the head coelom has formed, trol, the VNC closely interacts with the periph-
the ventral ectoderm of the trunk and the ecto- eral, exclusively epidermal plexus that innervates
derm above the mouth develop thickenings that the muscles (reviewed in Bone and Pulsford 1984;
become the rudiments of the ventral nerve centre Goto and Yoshida 1984, 1987; Shinn 1997; Perez
and the brain, respectively. Cell proliferation et al. 2014). Similar to the situation in the adult,
occurs along two ventrolateral bands of somata in the VNC most likely modulates body movements
the trunk, which, just after hatching, are clearly in hatchlings, enabling them to escape predators
marked off from the surrounding epidermis. and control their attachment to seaweed, the pre-
These form the primordia of the ventral nerve ferred substrate for attachment in this species. It
centre (VNC). At this point, the general organisa- appears that the hatchlings are already equipped
tion of the VNC is well established. Beyond these with some functional “fence receptor organs”,
basic aspects, embryonic neurogenesis is poorly sensory organs that perceive hydrodynamic stim-
understood in chaetognaths. uli, and an array of papillae on the ventral surface
Recently, Perez et al. (2013) have used of the body that probably mediate substrate
S-phase-specific proliferation markers to analyse attachment (Müller and Perez, unpublished obser-
the mitotic activity of neuronal progenitor cells in vations). The experiments described above pro-
chaetognath hatchlings. Furthermore, Goto et al. vide evidence that the VNC is far from being
(1992) and Rieger et al. (2011) have characterised completely differentiated at hatching, but that
the postembryonic development of some peptide- instead new neurons are added and existing neu-
rgic and aminergic neurons with immunofluores- ronal systems continue to differentiate. Likewise,
cence methods. The ventral nerve centre is a unpublished results suggest that new fence recep-
dominant organ in hatchlings (Figs. 10.3 and tor organs are added on the body surface and pro-
10.9), while the brain is still rather rudimentary. A vide new sensory input to the VNC that needs to
comparison of the system of neurons that express be integrated. In conclusion, the newly hatched,
RFamide‐related neuropeptides in the ventral non-feeding animals mostly rely on a set of
nerve centre showed that this pattern in the hatch- embryonic fence receptors that perceive hydrody-
lings in many respects already resembles that in namic stimuli for navigating in their habitat, pred-
adults. The number of somata with RFamide‐like ator avoidance, and attachment to their preferred
immunoreactivity increases very little from hatch- substrate. Because these fence receptors feed into
ing onwards, but the system of their neurites the VNC and because the VNC is essential for
becomes more complex as development proceeds swimming behaviour, this major neuronal centre
(Harzsch et al. 2009; Rieger et al. 2011). However, for sensory-motor integration must be functional
experiments using the S-phase-specific mitosis to a certain degree at hatching.
10 Chaetognatha 233


E E’ E”

Fig. 10.12 The ventral nerve centre of Spadella cepha- peripheral layers of neuronal somata (blue). Note the
loptera (From Rieger et al. 2011 and Perez et al. 2013). decreasing mitotic activity in the older hatchling. (D)
(A) Hatchling at 120 h triple labeled for nuclei (blue), Semithin cross section (toluidine blue staining) through
synaptic proteins (red), and the neuropeptide RFamide the ventral nerve centre of a hatchling. The hatchling was
(green). Boxes identify the brain and the ventral nerve fixed shortly after hatching (age about 4 h). Arrowheads
centre (vnc). (B) Higher magnification of the ventral nerve identify two nuclei of dividing cells (see higher magnifi-
centre (as indicated in A) of a 24-h-old hatchling double cations in (E)). The dotted line surrounds the central neu-
labeled for tubulin (red) to show the central neuropil that ropil of the ventral nerve centre. (E–E”) Higher
is flanked by neuronal somata labeled by a nuclear marker magnifications of three consecutive sections (1 μm) show-
(green). The inset shows a higher magnification of the ing mitotic cells in M‐phase (arrowheads). Abbreviations:
boxed area in (C). (C) Hatchlings at 24 h (left) and 96 h cn central neuropil, lmu longitudinal muscles, mg midgut,
(right) after 4 h BrdU labeling. The cells in S‐phase (red) ns neuronal somata, vnc ventral nerve centre
are located at the interface of the central neuropil and the
234 S. Harzsch et al.

A B G p2

5 1
4 p3
10 3
12 8

+0h +1h p3 Anterior

+2h +4h territories


+8h +24h

Fig. 10.13 Pulse‐chase experiments to track the mode of are located left of the neuropil; anterior is towards the top.
cell division in the ventral nerve centre of hatchlings of The arrowheads indicate nuclei in pro‐metaphase. (G)
Spadella cephaloptera (From Perez et al. 2013). A 10-min Packed circles pattern on an unrolled cylinder surface. On
bromodeoxyuridine pulse was applied to a group of hatch- the unrolled surface the two to three parastichies (p2, p3)
lings at 48 h. Specimens from these groups were fixed and through point 0 are shown. (H) Schematic diagram repre-
processed after a period of chase as follows: (A) No chase. senting the organisation of neuronal stem cells in a frontal
(B) 1 h. (C) 2 h. (D) 4 h. (E) 8 h. (F) 24 h. The images are plane of the ventral nerve centre (left cluster) after itera-
single optical sections (confocal laser scanning micros- tion of the two to three patterns. Note the serially organ-
copy) that were black‐white inverted. The excerpts chosen ised domains

The brain in adult arrow worms is subdivided probably involved in the modulation of motor
into an anterior and a posterior domain as behaviour in response to changing sensory input.
described by Rieger et al. (2010). The posterior The anterior domain is associated with the sto-
domain receives input from the sensory organs matogastric nervous system and therefore likely
and hence, according to Rieger et al. (2010), is assists in controlling the activity of the grasping
10 Chaetognatha 235


E Brain VNC
PNB pnd Eye cc







RFamide-ir fibrebundles RFamide-ir fibrebundles

in the brain ventral to the brain
RFamide-ir neuropil in the brain Synaptic regions

RFamide-ir somata

Fig. 10.14 (A–C) Schematic representations comparing VNB ventral neurite bundle. (D, E) Schematic representa-
the development of the brain and of RFamide-like immu- tion comparing the brain in a newly hatched (D) and an
noreactivity in hatchlings of Spadella cephaloptera (From adult (E) chaetognath (From Rieger et al. 2011).
Rieger et al. 2011). The schemes represent stages of (A) Abbreviations: and anterior neuropil domain of the brain,
24 h, (B) 72 h, and (C) 120 h after hatching. Abbreviations: cc corona ciliata, pb primordial brain, pnd posterior neu-
ANB anterior neurite bundle, MNB median neurite bundle, ropil domain of the brain, sog subesophageal ganglion, vg
PNB posterior neurite bundle, vg vestibular ganglion, vestibular ganglion, VNC ventral nerve centre

spines and the musculature responsible for open- of the corona ciliata (Fig. 10.10D). This “pri-
ing and closing the mouth. As for development, mary brain”, which topologically can be viewed
Rieger et al. (2011) could show that the brain of as a circumoral nerve ring, will develop into the
chaetognath hatchlings is delayed when com- posterior brain domain of the adult. Acting as a
pared to the VNC. At hatching, the brain is rep- kind of “sensory brain”, it receives input from
resented simply by a fibre loop that extends the sensory eyes and corona ciliata and may be
anteriorly from the VNC and surrounds the area, involved in the modulation of motor behaviours
where a few days later the new mouth opening in response to changing sensory input (Rieger
and its connection to the gut will form (Figs. 10.3, et al. 2010, 2011). Considering that the hatch-
10.10C, and 10.14). Neurons belonging to the lings neither feed nor are equipped with the adult
epidermal plexus are also visible in the vicinity set of sensory organs, it is not surprising that the
236 S. Harzsch et al.

brain is poorly developed at hatching, consisting Table 10.1 Gene expression in Chaetognatha
only of the fibre loop linked to the well-devel- Gene Reference Site of expression
oped VNC. However, during the first 48 h of Brachyury Takada Embryonic blastopore
postembryonic development, zones of synaptic et al. (2002) and mouth
neuropil emerge in the brain, new serotonin- and SceMed4 Papillon Two lateral stripes in a
et al. (2005) restricted region of the
RFamide-like immunoreactive neurons appear,
developing ventral nerve
and a system of serotonin- and RFamide-like centre
immunoreactive neurites is elaborated (Goto Actin isoforms Yasuda
et al. 1992; Rieger et al. 2011), all of which et al. (1997)
implies that a functional brain is present by the PgAct1 Adults: oocytes,
time the hatchlings switch from feeding on yolk neurons, spermatocytes
PgAct2 Adults: head muscle,
supplies to active predation. Postembryonic neu-
rogenesis also includes the emergence of a sec- PgAct3 Adults: trunk muscle,
ond brain component that topologically can also oocytes, spermatocytes
be viewed as being arranged in a circumoral pat-
tern (Fig. 10.14) and which develops into the
one belonging to the paralogy group three and
anterior brain domain of the adult nervous sys-
four to the median class. Yet, these authors were
tem. This anterior domain gives rise to the sto-
not able to identify any sequence belonging to the
matogastric nervous system which, in the adult,
posterior Hox genes. One important result was
is involved in controlling the activity of the
the discovery of a new homeodomain with a
grasping spines and the innervation of the mus-
unique set of signature amino acid motifs shared
culature responsible for opening and closing the
both with median and posterior Hox proteins of
mouth (Rieger et al. 2010). The circumesopha-
protostomes and deuterostomes. This unique
geal arrangement of the adult cephalic nervous
mosaic organisation suggests that at least some of
system including, in addition to the brain, the
the median genes in extant metazoans may have
vestibular and the subesophageal ganglion (see
derived from tandem duplication of an ancestral
Fig. 10.11) has already been recognised by
median/posterior one and that the Chaetognatha
Nielsen (2001). However, the situation in the
might be an early offshoot of the triploblastic lin-
hatchlings clearly shows that we do not only face
eage that predates the deuterostome-protostome
one but two brain components that have a basi-
split. However, the authors also noted carefully
cally circumoral arrangement (Fig. 10.14; Rieger
that this mosaic gene could be highly derived and
et al. 2011).
only present in Chaetognatha. In 2007, eight Hox
genes and one ParaHox gene were isolated from
Flaccisagitta enflata (Matus et al. 2007). The
presence of the mosaic median/posterior gene
was confirmed in this pelagic species and, addi-
The expression of investigated genes in
tionally, two posterior Hox genes were isolated.
Chaetognatha is summarised in Table 10.1. As
The finding of posterior Hox genes in
there appear to be specific diagnostic amino acid
Chaetognatha supports the hypothesis that the
motifs in the Hox genes of the three main lin-
mosaic median/posterior gene is actually an apo-
eages of bilaterians, this family of homeotic
morphy of all extent chaetognaths inherited from
genes was an important and informative field of
their last common ancestor. Yet, the careful anal-
investigations for Chaetognatha, too. This aspect
ysis of homeodomains showed that the posterior
was recently reviewed by Perez et al. (2014) and
Hox genes of chaetognaths possess both ecdyso-
this section is reprinted from their contribution.
zoan and lophotrochozoan signature amino acid
Papillon et al. (2003) isolated the homeodomains
motifs, while the central class Hox genes lack the
of six Hox genes from Spadella cephaloptera,
10 Chaetognatha 237

diagnostic amino acid motifs used to assign OPEN QUESTIONS

lophotrochozoan or protostome affinities (e.g.,
Lox5 spiralian parapeptide and Ubd-A peptide
found in both ecdysozoans and lophotrochozo- • Cleavage patterns beyond four-cell stage with
ans). Thus, this last study did not allow the respect to the question of spiral versus radial
authors to decide between the tested two hypoth- cleavage
eses of a sister group relationship of Chaetognatha • Gastrulation with respect to the emergence of
to all other Protostomia versus to all the mesoderm
Lophotrochozoa/Spiralia (Matus et al. 2007). • Neurogenesis in chaetognath embryos
The expression pattern of only one median • The relation of the embryonic blastopore and
Hox gene has been analysed in Chaetognatha. mouth, which then close again, in comparison
Papillon et al. (2005) investigated the expression to the newly emerging mouth and anus of the
pattern of SceMed4 (a putative ortholog to the hatchlings
Scr/Hox5 or Antp orthology groups) in late • The expression of key regulatory genes (Hox,
embryos and in hatchlings and juveniles of ParaHox, other homeobox genes, etc.) con-
Spadella cephaloptera. These authors showed a trolling embryogenesis
position-specific expression pattern of SceMed4
in the ventral nerve centre typical of the coordi- Acknowledgements We would like to thank Verena
nated expression of Hox genes observed in other Rieger for her contribution to the experimental work on
Bilateria, suggesting a potential role in region- nervous system development reported here and Tina
Kirchhoff for editing the reference list. We gratefully
alisation of the nervous system. Because acknowledge the exchange with Thurston Lacalli and
SceMed4 expression starts earlier (before hatch- Andreas Hejnol on metazoan gastrulation patterns, Carolin
ing) than the detection of serotonin and RFamide and Joachim Haug on fossil chaetognaths, and Günter
neurons, it is likely that this gene contributes to Purschke on photoreceptor structure. Research on arrow
worms by SH was supported by grants HA 2540/7-1, 2, 3 in
the diversity of neuronal subpopulations and to the DFG focus programme “Metazoan Deep Phylogeny”.
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A Archenteron, 49, 220–223, 225

Abdomen, 4–5, 9 Archeocyte, 66
Abdominal-A (abd-A), 5, 6, 9 Arm, 7
Abdominal-B (abd-B), 6 Artemia, 49
Aboral, 136, 148, 149, 151–153, 180–182, 184–186, Arthropod, 2, 4–11, 14, 37, 46, 50, 54, 60
188–190, 192, 195 Arthropoda, 2, 5
Acoela, 204, 207, 208, 212 Articulata, 10
Acoelomate, 204 Ascidian, 2, 8
Acropora, 145, 152 Asexual, 122, 170, 190
Actin, 133, 149, 182, 236 Asexual reproduction, 70, 120
Actinospore, 167, 173, 174 Asymmetric cell division, 70, 77–82
Actinula, 59 Asymmetry, 77, 79, 136, 145, 150, 151, 172, 184–186,
Ambulacraria, 204, 205 188–191, 193, 197, 198, 232
Ammonite, 46 Asynchronous, 149
Amphimedon, 66–68, 70–97, 100, 103 Atrium, 98–99
Amphioxus, 10 Aurelia, 140, 143
Amphistomy, 225 Autolysis, 47, 49
Anabaritid, 59 Autozooid, 134, 135
Anal gland, 51, 182–183, 185, 186, 188, 191, 192 Axial organ, 198
Anatomy, 26, 47, 52–54, 122, 182, 212, 216, 224, 227, Axis, 2, 5–7, 9, 10, 13, 72, 83, 86, 90, 108, 112,
230 124–129, 136, 137, 143, 147–152, 180, 183,
Ancestral, 5, 7, 11, 13, 26, 29, 30, 34, 37–39, 109, 185, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195, 207, 222
112–113, 120, 121, 128, 140, 144, 147, 151, formation, 124–129, 136, 143, 150–151
154, 155, 196, 212, 216, 226, 236, 237
Animal-vegetal axis, 124, 137, 183, 185, 207
Annelid, 10, 11, 50, 166, 167, 173, 211, 230 B
Anomalocaridids, 46 Barnacle, 2
Antenna, 9 Basal, 67, 86, 88, 89, 99, 108, 109, 117, 121, 122, 130,
Antennapedia, 5, 6 150, 168, 182, 211, 219, 224, 226, 230, 231,
Antennapedia (Antp), 5, 6, 237 234
Anterior follicle cells, 74, 81 Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH), 152
Anterior patterning genes, 7 Beetle, 11, 29, 31
Anterior-posterior (AP) axis, 2, 5, 13, 72, 83, 86, 90, Beta-catenin (β-catenin), 85, 102, 127–129, 136, 139,
112, 152, 222 147, 151
Anthozoa, 59, 116, 117, 143, 211 bHLH. See Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)
Anthozoan, 59, 116, 117, 120, 143–154, 197 Bicoid, 7
Antibodies, 97, 131, 132, 143, 174 Bilaterality, 51, 116, 154, 210, 225
Anus, 51, 122, 211, 222, 225, 226, 230, 231, 237 Bilateral symmetry, 150, 183
AP axis. See Anterior-posterior (AP) axis Bilateria, 10, 67, 116, 117, 121, 136, 139, 152–153, 168,
Apical constriction, 150 170, 183, 204, 205, 211, 212, 216, 219,
Apical organ (AO), 180–182, 184–186, 188–191, 197, 224–226, 237
227, 230 Bilaterian, 5, 7, 8, 10–13, 46, 54, 58, 68, 100, 102, 103,
Apical tuft, 13, 146 109, 116, 120, 130, 136, 139, 140, 143, 145,
Apomorphy, 3, 6, 27–30, 52, 219, 225, 231, 236 147, 148, 150–155, 186, 191, 194, 197, 204,
Appendage, 2, 6, 9, 12, 29–32, 34, 37, 41, 166 210, 211, 219, 225, 226, 236
Aquiferous system, 66, 96 Biogenetic law, 2, 3, 13
A. Wanninger (ed.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: 241
Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1862-7, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2015
242 Index

Bipartite organization, 226–231 Cellularization, 4, 41, 129

Blastocoel, 49, 146, 148, 151, 206, 225 Cement, 47, 48, 50, 59
Blastomere, 8, 11, 46, 58, 71, 74–77, 100–101, 148–149, Central nervous system (CNS), 7, 116, 152, 154
180, 183–189, 191–193, 205–209, 212, Centrolecithal, 183
220–222, 224, 226 Centrosome, 206
Blastomere isolation, 189 Cephalic ganglia, 219
Blastoporal, 151, 226, 237 Chaetopterus, 13
Blastopore, 53, 146–151, 195, 222–226, 236, 237 Change, 5–8, 12–16, 27, 33, 70, 92, 94, 96, 120, 130,
Blastula, 49, 59, 76, 77, 84, 91, 147, 148, 154 155, 183, 186, 189–191, 209, 225
BMP, 147, 150–152 Character identity, 8, 26–41
Bmp2/4, 145, 147, 151, 152, 212 Character identity networks (ChIN), 28, 31–33, 35–37,
Body plan, 13, 41, 46, 56, 66, 67, 70, 83, 86, 94, 96–97, 41
101–103, 108, 109, 112, 120–121, 137, 140, Character individuation, 27, 37
180–182, 186, 188, 189, 192, 196, 230 Character loss, 8–9
Body wall, 182, 186, 227, 229, 232 Character modality, 34
Bone morphogenetic protein, 5 Character state, 3, 14, 15, 27–34
Boundary cell, 93, 131 Character tree, 37
Brachyury (bra), 6, 8, 12, 100, 103, 128, 150, 197, 226, Chelicerate, 12
236, 237 Chemistry, 48, 111
Brain, 6, 7, 26, 28, 118, 204, 217, 219, 227, 229–236 Chilopod, 12, 15
Branching, 67, 103, 120, 121, 134, 136, 139, 180, 183 Chitin, 136, 230
Branchiopoda, 14 Choanocyte, 66, 72, 96, 97, 99–101
Bromodeoxyuridine, 232, 234 Choanocyte chamber, 66, 90, 97–99, 101
Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), 123, 143, 232–234 Chordate, 6, 8
Brood, 73, 74, 221 Cilia, 71, 86–88, 90, 94, 96, 101, 108, 139, 166, 180,
Brood chamber, 72–74, 84, 92, 110, 221 182, 184, 186, 189–191, 231
Brooding, 73, 74, 221 Ciliary photoreceptor, 219
Bryozoan, 5, 166 Cilium, 86, 89, 94, 97
Bud, 122, 128, 130, 134, 136, 137, 186 Ciona, 8
Budding, 52, 120, 122, 128, 129, 139, 140, 212 Cis-regulatory element, 40
Cis-regulatory module, 40
Cladocera, 14
C Cleavage, 11, 15, 46, 49, 50, 52–56, 58–60, 71, 72,
Caenorhabditis, 2, 7, 12, 121, 147, 151, 154, 155 74–80, 82, 83, 93, 99–101, 110, 111, 120, 124,
Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), 2, 12, 121, 147, 126, 137, 146–148, 150, 180, 183–186,
151, 154, 155 188–190, 192, 195, 197, 205–207, 210, 212,
Calcarea, 67, 68 221–225, 237
Calcisponge, 66, 68, 70, 97–99 Cleavage pattern, 11, 78, 124, 205–208, 212, 222, 237
Calcium phosphate, 46, 55 Cleavage program, 180, 183, 189, 190, 205, 208
Cambrian, 46, 50–55, 59, 60, 68, 70, 216 Cleaved, 75
Canonical Wnt, 139, 151, 152 Cleaving, 46, 74, 75, 80, 81, 83, 126
Cap, 86, 87, 185 Clytia, 117, 136–140, 151
Capitella, 11, 211 Cnidaria, 12, 67, 115–155, 165, 168, 170, 183, 211, 212
Carybdea, 142 Cnidarian, 11, 12, 46, 52–54, 59, 67, 102, 103, 112,
Caudal, 228 116–122, 124, 136, 139, 140, 143–144, 147,
Caudal lobe, 228 150–155, 170, 175, 183, 190, 197, 211, 225,
Cdx, 211, 212 237
Cell, 4, 28, 47, 66, 108, 117, 166, 180, 204, 217 Cnidocyte, 117, 119
Cell adhesion, 4, 49, 58, 75, 83 CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS)
Cell division, 70, 77–82, 148–149, 189–190, 197, Coelenterata, 116, 183
206–208, 234 Coeloblastula, 124, 126, 137
Cell junction, 83, 166, 168, 172 Coelom, 170, 171, 219, 223–227, 230–232
Cell labeling, 97, 186 Coelomate, 227, 231
Cell lineage, 7, 11, 14, 130, 184 Coelomic, 227, 230
Cell lineage analysis, 78, 188 Coelomic cavity, 225–227, 230, 231
Cell type, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37–41, 66, 70, 71, 73, 77, Coelomic lining, 230
78, 82, 83, 89–94, 96, 97, 99, 101, 108, 117, Coelothel, 227
119, 122, 133, 136, 140, 143, 168, 186, 191, Coleoptera, 29
197, 198, 204, 219 Collar, 100
Index 243

Colonial, 116, 120, 134 Developmental biology, 2–4, 26, 27, 31, 97, 117,
Colony, 120, 130, 133–137 119, 120, 124, 131, 132, 135, 140,
Column, 73, 122, 124, 126–132, 141, 180, 183, 221 143, 180
Comb plate, 180, 182, 186, 188–191 Developmental evolution, 8, 27, 29, 46, 50
Competent, 83, 94, 96, 124, 125 Developmental gene, 2, 4–8, 10, 12, 31, 67, 70, 71, 94,
Complete metamorphosis, 12 100, 112–113, 174, 175, 210, 212
Compound eye, 7, 35, 38 Developmental individuality, 28
Conklin, 207 Developmental systems drift (DSD), 6, 7
Connective, 217 Dexiotropic, 222
Conodont, 46 Diagenesis, 47
Conulariid, 53–54 Diagenetic, 47, 50, 53, 58, 59
Conus, 13 Diapause, 48
Convergence, 4–5 Differentiation, 2, 7, 8, 15, 58, 70, 71, 77, 83, 93, 101,
Co-opted, 7, 9 102, 124, 127, 129–135, 143–145, 150, 152,
Co-option, 8, 9, 11 154, 155, 168, 171, 190, 225, 227, 229, 230
Cord, 7, 204 Digestive system, 204, 222
Core regulatory network, 32, 35, 41 Digestive tract, 204, 210, 211
Corona, 217, 224, 228–231, 235 Dioecious, 134
Coronate, 54 Diploblast, 12, 52, 112, 117, 136, 150, 155
Cortex, 79, 80, 110, 111, 206, 220, 221 Diptera, 6, 7, 29
Crab, 134 Direct development, 54, 60, 180, 204
CRISPR, 144 Dissociation, 122
Cross furrow, 333 Dissogony, 193, 194
Crown cells Distal-less, 9
Crustacean, 2, 9, 15 Division, 52, 54, 56, 70, 77–82, 101, 120, 124, 133, 148,
Cryptic species, 108 149, 170–174, 184–186, 188–191, 197,
Cryptochrome, 92–94 206–208, 210, 234
Ctenophora, 67, 116, 179–198 Dlx, 5, 212
Ctenophore, 46, 58, 67, 103, 116, 155, 180–194, Dorso-ventral axis, 152
196–198, 225 Dorso-ventral patterning, 7
Cubozoa, 116, 120, 140, 170 Doushantuo formation, 46, 48, 50, 55, 58
Cubozoan, 54, 140, 142–144 Dpp, 151, 152
Cupiennius, 11 Drosophila, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 121, 130, 140, 143, 147, 151,
Cut, 35, 40, 189–191 154, 155
Cuticle, 60, 124, 126 DSD. See Developmental systems drift (DSD)
Cycloneuralia, 51, 52 Duet cleavage, 205, 208
Cyst, 56–58, 119 Duet spiral cleavage, 11
Cytophagy, 108
Cytoplasm, 58, 70, 75, 76, 100, 127, 133, 148, 168, 172,
174, 182, 183, 221 E
Ecdysozoa, 8, 10, 154, 155, 219, 236, 237
Echinoderm, 10, 11, 52, 226
D Ectoderm, 10–12, 112, 117–119, 122, 124, 128–130,
Dac, 35 132, 133, 136, 146–154, 183–186, 195, 209,
Dachshund, 35 210, 220, 228, 232
Darwin, C, 26–27, 216 Ectomesoderm, 186
De Beer, G.R., 2, 3, 13 Ectoplasm, 183, 185, 188, 189
Decapentaplegic, 5 Ectoproct, 5, 166–168, 170, 171
Degeneration phase, 110 Ediacaran, 46–48, 50, 55–57, 60
Delamination, 68, 83, 120, 136 EdU, 97
Delay, 227, 230, 235 Egg, 46, 50, 59, 74, 110, 111, 123, 124, 126, 136, 137,
Delta, 11, 85, 92–94 139, 148–150, 183, 184, 189, 190, 205, 210,
Demosponge, 66–68, 70, 71, 74, 83, 97, 99 221
Demospongiae, 67, 68, 71 Egg shell, 110, 111
Determinant, 9, 70, 79, 155, 189, 190, 197 ELAV, 103, 153, 154
Deuterostome, 6, 121, 183, 204, 216, 219, 222, 224–227, Elytra, 29–31, 33
231, 236, 237 Embryo, 7, 10, 14, 15, 32, 46–60, 70–96, 99–102, 110–113,
Deuterostomia, 10, 211, 226 120–124, 126, 136–140, 144–152, 180, 183,
Deuterostomy, 225, 226 185, 189–191, 193, 195–198, 205–207, 209,
Development, 2, 26, 46, 67, 108, 117, 168, 180, 204, 216 210, 212, 222, 224, 226, 232, 237
244 Index

Embryogenesis, 68, 70, 71, 81, 94, 96, 99, 100, 103, 126, Extracellular matrix (ECM), 32, 33, 83, 87, 88, 108, 109,
130, 136, 145, 180, 198, 210, 224, 227, 237 117, 122, 170, 171, 217, 227–231
Embryology, 10, 45–60, 180, 188–189, 221, Ey, 7, 35, 224
222, 231 Eya, 35
Embryonic, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 46, 48–53, 55, 58, 59, 68, Eye, 7, 9, 26, 31, 35, 37, 38, 50, 100, 140, 143, 204, 219,
71, 74–86, 88, 90, 99, 101, 102, 110–111, 119, 224, 228–230, 235
120, 122–124, 128, 144–146, 190, 193, 196, Eyeless, 7, 35
197, 216, 226, 232, 236, 237 Eye morphogenesis, 7
Emx, 212 Eyes absent, 35, 100
En, 5, 10, 11, 66, 120 Eye spot, 9, 204
Endoderm, 8, 12, 112, 117–120, 122, 124, 128–131, 136,
137, 140, 146–155, 181–186, 209, 210,
222–226, 230 F
Endodermal Fate map, 184, 186–189, 191, 198, 207, 209, 212, 224
Endogeny, 166 Feeding, 66, 94, 108, 119, 120, 134, 137, 150, 181, 196,
Endomesoderm, 8, 12, 96, 103, 186, 189, 194, 207–209 216, 232, 236
Endoplasm Feeding stage, 198
Endoplasmic reticulum, 108, 227 Fertilization, 109–111, 120, 124, 134, 137, 148,
Engrailed, 10 183–186, 189, 190, 206, 207
Enhancer, 147 Fertilization envelope, 46, 49, 50, 53, 59
Enterocoely, 225, 231 Fertilization membrane, 110, 111
Entocodon, 136, 139 Fiber cell, 108–111
Entoproct, 11 Fin, 27, 33, 34
Eoandromeda, 58 Fishmalacospore, 167, 171, 174
Ephyra, 52, 140, 141 Fission, 111, 140, 190
Epiboly, 120, 184, 186 Flagellum, 58, 99, 111, 183
Epidermis, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 186, 204, 219, Flask cell, 88–90, 93, 97
224, 228–230, 232 Flask-shaped, 209
Epimorph, 12 Flatworm, 130, 183
Epimorphosis, 12 Fluorescent protein, 117, 147, 197
Epithelial cell, 71, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97, 109, 111, Follicle cell, 74, 81
117–119, 122, 124, 129, 130, 133, 135, 154, Foot, 40, 41, 122, 130, 140, 141
227 Forewing, 6, 29–31, 33
Epithelial lining, 172, 230 Forkhead, 150, 194
Epithelial mesenchyme transition (EMT), 94, 150 Fossil, 46–51, 53–60, 216
Epithelium, 86–91, 93, 97, 108–110, 112, 122, 124, 166, Fossilization, 46–50, 55, 56, 59
168, 170–173, 182, 227, 230 FoxA, 150, 212
Equal cleavage, 222 FoxC, 212
Esophageal, 181, 182, 185, 186, 192, 193 Free-swimming, 96, 97, 120
Esophagus, 186, 193 Frontal organ, 217
Eumetazoa, 6, 12, 22, 52, 67, 68, 70, 71, 83, 94, 102, Funnel, 136
103, 151 Fushi-tarazu, 7
Event pairing, 14
Evolution, 1–16, 26–29, 31, 33–41, 46, 50, 54, 66, 67,
71, 97, 112, 113, 116, 120–121, 136, 139, 140, G
143, 145, 147, 150, 154, 155, 170, 183, 198, Gamete, 15, 72, 116, 120, 122, 124, 125, 130, 134, 135,
210, 216, 219, 222, 225 145, 166, 180, 193
Evolutionary change, 6, 14, 15, 27 Gametogenesis, 72–74, 122–124, 180
Evolutionary developmental biology (EvoDevo), 1–16, Ganglia, 219
121, 143–144, 154–155, 174, 196 Ganglion, 118, 119, 122, 130–132, 224, 235, 236
Evolutionary novelties, 2, 13, 15, 26, 34, 35, 37 Gaotai formation, 50
Evolutionary synthesis, 3 Garstang hypothesis, 2, 13
Evolution of segmentation, 10 Gastrula, 14, 53, 59, 120, 124, 126, 137, 146, 148, 151,
Evolvability, 3, 8, 12 153, 154, 220
Evx, 5, 152, 212 Gastrulation, 14, 46, 49, 53, 54, 60, 70, 97, 103, 120,
Exaptation, 9 124, 136–139, 150, 151, 184–186, 191, 195,
Excretory system, 7 197, 205–226
Exoskeleton, 136 GATA, 92, 96, 103, 150, 194, 212
Expressed gene, 40 GATA 4-6, 12
Index 245

GATA456, 212 Hatching, 46, 49, 52, 91, 124, 126, 186, 188, 196, 204,
Gene, 2, 4–13, 26–28, 31–33, 35–41, 70, 71, 78, 80, 83, 205, 210, 219, 220, 222–237
91–95, 100, 103, 112–113, 121, 128, 130, 133, Hatchling, 124, 204, 216, 219, 220, 222, 224, 226–237
135, 140, 143, 145, 147, 152, 154, 155, 175, Head mesoderm, 228, 229
186, 190, 194, 195, 197, 210–212, 216, 226, Hedgehog, 92, 94, 113, 194
236, 237 Helicoforamina, 56, 58
Gene duplication, 7, 9, 211 Heliocidaris, 15
Gene expression, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 31, 37, 39, 71, 85, Hemichordate, 211, 226, 237
91–93, 97, 101, 112, 145, 149, 151, 174–175, Hennig, 3, 29
195–198, 211, 236–237 Hermaphrodite, 73, 109, 111, 180, 183, 219
Gene expression pattern, 2, 5–6, 70, 80, 93, 194 Hermaphroditism, 113
Gene function, 6–7, 112, 145, 198 Heterochrony, 2, 3, 13–15
Gene knockdown, 134, 137, 143–145, 197 Heterocoely, 224, 227
Gene loss, 8–9, 100 Hexacorallia, 116, 117
Gene network, 8–9, 32 Hexactinellida, 67, 68
Gene regulatory network (GRN), 7–9, 11, 28, 31–32, Hindgut, 211
35–37, 40–41, 144, 197 Hindwing, 6, 29–31
Genome, 8, 28, 38–40, 70, 71, 74, 100, 103, 113, 121, Holometabola, 12
127, 130, 143–145, 147, 154, 155, 174, 183, Holometabolous, 6
194, 196, 197, 216, 219 Holometabolous insect, 6
Genotype, 4, 15, 74, 170 Holometaboly, 12
Geode, 47 Holopelagic, 180, 198
Geophilomorph, 15 Homeobox, 5, 78, 92, 93, 103, 175, 237
Germband, 14, 54, 55 Homeobox-containing genes, 5, 78, 92, 93, 103, 175, 237
Germ cell, 9, 12, 123, 124, 130, 135, 167, 172–174, Homology, 2, 4, 6–8, 10, 11, 14, 25–41, 101, 103, 128,
219–225, 228 130, 133, 136, 139, 143, 145, 147, 151, 152,
Germ cell determination, 135 155, 180, 194, 211, 227, 231
Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), 221 Homoscleromorpha, 67, 68
Germ layer, 10–12, 70, 103, 116, 117, 120, 136, 150, Host, 124, 132, 135, 148, 154, 166–168, 170–174
151, 154, 222, 224, 225 Hourglass model, 15
Germ line, 82, 145, 197 Hox, 5, 7, 13, 112, 149, 152, 216, 236, 237
Germ line stem cell, 197 Hox cluster, 152, 211
Germ plasm, 219–222, 224 Hox gene, 4–6, 8, 9, 13, 112, 149, 152, 155, 194,
Gierer-Meinhardt model, 126 209–211, 236–237
Gill, 34 Hydra, 117–136, 139, 143, 145, 147, 154
Glass bottom boat, 5 Hydractinia, 130, 133–136, 139
Globular cell, 89, 90, 93 Hydrotheca, 136
Gonad, 139, 150, 152, 166, 181, 183, 193, 204, 211 Hydrozoa, 11, 12, 59, 112, 116, 117, 119–122, 136, 140,
Gonotheca, 136 143, 144, 151, 154, 170, 197
Gonozooid, 134, 136, 137 Hyponeuria, 219
Gould, 3, 14
Gradient, 70, 124, 126, 152, 227
Gradual, 15, 16, 121, 141, 150, 189, 225 I
Green algae, 58 Identity, 2, 5–9, 12, 14, 26–41, 57, 97, 129, 152, 182,
Grid, 210, 232 183, 191, 192, 197
Ground pattern, 204, 219, 226, 227 Immunohistochemistry, 217, 220
Growth, 14, 27, 46–48, 52, 101, 119, 124, 137, 170, 171, Immunoreactivity, 80, 232, 235, 236
186, 210, 219, 221 Immunostaining, 182
Gryllus, 11 Indirect development, 54
Gut, 52, 53, 66, 67, 166, 168, 170–172, 183, 185, 211, Individuality, 27–29
212, 217, 222, 225, 226, 235 Individualized body part, 37
Induction, 31, 35, 94, 140, 145, 151, 189
Infection, 166, 170, 172–174
H Ingression, 68, 120, 136, 137
Haeckel, 2, 3, 13, 14, 97, 103, 109 Innovation, 34, 36–41
Hairy, 108 Insect, 2, 5–7, 9, 12, 15, 26, 29–32, 35, 152
Halkieriid, 50 In situ hybridization, 144, 145, 174, 194–197
Haltere, 6, 29–31 Instar, 15
Halteria, 6 Integument, 52–54, 60, 219
246 Index

Intercalation, 13, 118–119, 122, 139 Longitudinal patterning gene, 2

Internal fertilization, 219, 220 Lophophorate, 226
Interstitial, 12, 119, 122, 125, 126, 129–135, 154, 204 Lophotrochozoa, 5, 10, 14, 180, 219, 231, 236, 237
Interstitial cell, 12, 119, 122, 126, 133, 135 Lorica, 52
Introvert, 50–52 Loricifera, 50, 52
Invagination, 68, 120, 148–150, 184, 185, 222, 224 Lower epithelium, 108–111
Inversion, 6, 99, 101, 120 Lumen, 168, 170

JAK/STAT pathways, 194 Maceration, 122, 143
Jelly, 183 Macromeres, 11, 75, 77–80, 82, 86, 89, 99–102,
Joint, 35 184–188, 190, 207, 209
Junonia, 31 Macromutation, 6
Juvenile, 4, 46, 52, 66, 70, 71, 94, 96–99, 101, 140, 141, Malacospore, 167, 171
168, 180, 182, 188, 190, 204, 210, 211, 220, 237 Malacosporea, 166–168, 170–174
Malpighian tubule, 12
Mandible, 29
K Mandibulata, 29
Kaili Biota, 59 Marginal zone (MZ), 182
Kernel, 8 Markuelia, 46, 50–52, 60
Kinorhyncha, 50 Maternal determinant, 190, 197
Knockdown, 31, 37, 134, 135, 137, 143–145, 147, 150, Maternal mRNA, 190, 197
151, 197 Mats, 96
Knockout, 37 Maximum likelihood, 37
Kowalevskii, 211 Mechanosensory, 217, 232
Kuanchuanpu Formation, 46, 49, 52–55 Medusa, 52, 54, 116–121, 134, 136–140, 142–144
Medusozoa, 116, 170, 211
Medusozoan, 54, 116, 117, 120–154, 170, 175
L Megaclonophycus, 56
Lab, 2, 47–48, 101, 108, 109, 111, 140, 143–145, 174, Megaselia, 7
180, 182 Megasphaera, 56
Lamellae, 219 Meiosis, 111, 124, 172, 219, 221
Lamina, 108, 109 Meridional cleavage, 207
Larva, 2, 8, 12, 13, 46, 48, 49, 52, 58–60, 66, 68, 70–74, Mesenchymal, 70, 101, 182, 184, 186
77, 83, 86–87, 89–94, 96–103, 120, 134, 136, Mesenchyme, 83
137, 145, 146, 151, 152, 180, 189, 193 Mesendoderm, 150, 151
Larval development, 49, 119, 120, 146 Mesocoel, 231
Lateral inhibition, 126 Mesoderm, 10, 12, 116, 117, 136, 139, 150, 154, 155,
Lecithotrophy, 15 186, 194, 197, 204, 209, 211, 223–231, 237
Leech, 10, 11 Mesodermal, 10, 12, 136, 155, 184, 186, 197, 198,
Leg, 4, 5, 9, 15, 16 209–211, 223–225, 227, 230
Lhx3/4, 78, 92, 94 Mesodermal pouch, 229
Life cycle, 52, 57, 58, 70, 109, 113, 116, 119–121, 134, Mesoderm gene, 136, 150
138, 140–143, 145, 146, 166, 167, 170, 171, Mesogloea, 117, 122, 182, 185, 186
173–175, 180, 212, 220 Mesohyl, 58, 66, 97, 99, 101
Limb, 9, 29, 32, 33, 41 Metacoel, 231
LIM homeobox, 78 Metagenetic, 120, 136, 140
Lineage, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 26–29, 33, 37, 38, 40, 54, 60, Metamorphosis, 2, 8, 12, 13, 66, 70, 94–97, 99–101, 103,
66–68, 70, 78, 97, 100, 103, 121, 130, 140, 120, 134, 145, 146
143, 147, 151, 152, 166, 168, 184–186, Metazoa, 67, 197, 216
188–191, 197, 204, 207, 210, 219, 222, 226, Metazoan, 6, 10–13, 46, 57, 58, 66, 67, 71, 94, 103, 108,
231, 236 109, 112, 121, 147, 166, 168, 170, 183, 197,
Lineage tracing, 97, 186, 189, 197, 207, 222 198, 216, 217, 219, 236, 237
Lipid, 47, 49, 109, 110, 124 Microbial biofilm, 49
Lithobiomorpha, 15 Microbial decay, 47
Lobopod, 50 Microbial symbiont, 66
Longitudinal muscle, 167, 168, 204, 210, 219, 224, 227, Micromere, 11, 59, 76–83, 86, 87, 98–103, 184–186,
228, 230, 231, 233 188–191, 195, 205, 207, 209
Index 247

Midgut, 12, 233 Nemertean, 11

Midline, 54 Nemertodermatida, 204–208, 212
Mineralization, 47–50, 52, 53, 58, 185 Neoblast, 130, 204, 210, 211
MiRNAs, 6, 147, 148, 155 Neofunctionalization, 9
Mitochondria, 117, 227 Nephridia, 204
Mitochondrial genome, 216 Nerve, 12, 40, 66, 67, 108, 132, 180, 182, 204, 217, 229
Mitosis, 124, 130, 133, 170, 219–221, 232 Nerve cord, 7, 152
Mitotic spindle, 11, 207, 221, 222 Nerve net, 131, 182, 204
Mnemiopsis, 183, 186, 189, 190, 193–197 Nerve ring, 118, 144, 229, 235
Model organism, 10, 26, 121, 136, 143, 146, 155 Nervous system, 7, 8, 10, 116, 118, 130, 131, 143,
Model species, 2, 97, 98, 121 152–155, 166, 180, 182, 186, 188, 197, 198,
Modification, 3, 6, 30, 39, 126, 147 204, 209–212, 219, 232, 234, 236, 237
Mollusk, 2, 10, 11, 13, 190 Netrin, 212
Molt, 10 Neural crest, 133
Monophyletic, 7, 13, 29, 67, 68, 103, 117, 204 Neural development, 232
Monophylum, 6 Neural marker, 209, 210
Monophyly, 6, 117 Neural precursor cell, 133, 152
Morphallaxis Neural progenitor cell, 228
Morphogen, 70, 152 Neural stem cell, 234
Morphogenesis, 7, 46, 71, 73, 83, 127, 129, 197 Neurite, 144, 232, 236
Morphogen gradient, 70, 152 Neurite bundle, 153, 204, 212, 229, 235
Morpholino, 37, 137, 144, 145, 147, 150, 197 Neuroanatomy, 6
Morphology, 2–8, 10–12, 14, 26, 28, 31, 33, 41, 46, 54, Neuroblast, 135
66, 67, 78, 89, 94, 101, 108, 118, 121, 122, NeuroD, 155
150, 166–170, 183, 197, 205, 207, 210, 212, Neuroectoderm, 154
216, 219, 225, 227, 230 Neurogenesis, 7, 94, 133, 154, 155, 207, 210, 232–237
Morula, 120, 136, 146 Neuropeptide, 197, 232, 233
Mosaic, 180, 216, 225, 236 Neuropil, 228, 233–236
Mosaic development, 180 Neurotransmitter, 197
Motor ganglion, 118, 130–132 NK2.1, 212
Motor ganglion neuron, 119, 122, 130 NK3, 5, 194
Mouth, 50, 51, 122, 131, 148, 180, 181, 185, 186, 190, NK4, 5, 194
204, 210, 211, 222, 225, 226, 230–232, NK homeobox, 78, 103
235–237 Nodal, 194
Msx, 5 Noggin-like genes, 194
Multipotent, 130, 154, 155 Non-expressed genes, 39
Muscle, 40, 66, 67, 93, 108, 118, 119, 122, 136, 139, Non-feeding, 232
140, 144, 150, 152, 153, 155, 167, 168, 171, Notch, 85, 103, 194
181, 182, 184–186, 188, 191, 194, 204, 210, Notch/Delta, 11
217, 219, 224, 225, 227–233 Notch pathway, 85, 94, 95
Muscle precursor, 171 Notch signaling pathway, 11, 113, 143, 154
Musculature, 171, 182, 204, 210, 211, 219, 227, 232, Notochord, 2, 6, 8
235, 236 Novelties, 2, 15, 26, 27, 34, 37, 41
MyoD, 155, 194 Novelty, 13, 27, 35, 155, 237
Myoepithelial cell, 119, 227 Nuclear receptor (NR), 78, 92, 194
Myogenesis, 210 Nuclei, 47, 56, 57, 74–77, 79, 80, 89, 97, 110, 144, 147,
Myosin, 92, 93 153, 168, 172, 195, 217, 220, 233, 234
Myxospore, 167, 173 Nucleus, 58, 75, 88, 89, 110, 150, 167, 168, 206
Myxosporea, 166–168, 172–174 Nurse cells, 72, 74–76, 124, 125

Nanog, 5, 130, 155 Octocorallia, 116, 117
Nanos, 9, 81, 82, 103, 130, 135, 197 Oikopleura, 8
Nauplius, 2 Olfactorean, 28, 217
Nematocyte, 117–119, 122, 130, 131, 133, 135, 150, Olfactores, 28, 217
153, 154 Olivooides, 46, 52–54, 60
Nematode, 7, 8, 15, 31, 189 Olivooids, 52, 54
Nematostella, 12, 117, 136, 143–154 Olynthus, 66, 98, 99, 101
248 Index

Omnipotent cell, 108 Patterning, 2, 7, 9–11, 13, 71, 83, 94, 127, 152, 190–191,
Ontogenetic, 2, 3, 5, 13, 14, 38 197, 212
Ontogeny, 2, 3, 13, 14, 48–50, 91, 226–231 Pax, 143
Onychophoran, 10, 50 Pax6, 7, 9, 143
Oocyte, 71, 72, 98, 100, 109–111, 113, 120, 122–125, Pb. See Polar bodies (pb)
183, 220, 221, 236 Pedal, 122
Oogenesis, 15, 72, 109–111, 122–126, 207, 219, 220 Pelagic, 8, 221, 230, 236
Operculum, 119 Pelagobenthic life cycle, 70
Ophiuroidea, 11 Pentaradial, 52–54
Opisthosoma, 4, 5 Peripheral nervous system, 188
Oral-aboral axis, 108, 112, 136, 137, 147, 149–152, 155, Periplaneta, 11
180, 186, 190, 195 Perisarc, 136
Ordovician, 50, 51, 55 Pestrotsvet Formation, 50
Organizer, 124–129, 148, 151 PGC. See Primordial germ cell (PGC)
Organogenesis, 11, 207, 209–210, 212 Phalloidin, 144, 153, 182
Origin of species, 26 Phanerozoic, 60
Orsten, 60 Pharynx, 51, 117, 146, 150, 181, 185–186, 194, 197
Orthogon, 150, 181, 204, 210, 211, 219 Phenotype, 4–5, 15, 30–33, 130, 150, 190
Ortholog, 211, 237 Phenotypic plasticity, 131
Orthologous, 5, 7, 28, 33, 38, 143 Phosphatic, 46
Orthology, 33, 152, 237 Phosphorite, 55
Oscillation, 11 Photoreceptor, 219
Oscillator, 11 Phototactic behavior, 94
Oskar, 7 Phylactolaemata, 166
Ossicle, 11 Phylogenetic, 2–16, 26–27, 29, 37–39, 50, 54, 58–59,
Ostia, 101 66–68, 121, 168, 183, 205, 210, 216, 222,
Ostium, 66 224–226
Otp, 212 Phylogenetic analyses, 6, 10, 66, 116–117, 204
Otx, 212 Phylogenetic analysis, 3–4, 8, 10, 15, 37
Outgroup, 3, 121 Phylogenetics, 3, 12–14, 27
Ovarian, 221 Phylogenetic tree, 12, 14
Ovary, 193, 217, 219, 222 Phylogenomic, 67, 140, 168, 183, 204, 216
Oviduct, 217, 221 Phylogeny, 1–16, 39, 68, 116, 216
Phylotypic, 15, 66, 99
Pigment cell, 71–72, 77–78, 82, 86, 88–89, 91–94
P Pinacoderm, 99, 101
Paedomorphosis, 8 Piwi, 130, 135, 212
Paired, 29, 32–33, 41, 50, 143, 152, 225 Placode, 7
Palintomy, 59 Placozoa, 67, 107–113, 183
Panarthropod, 50 Placozoan, 67, 108–113, 155, 197
Pandorina, 58 Planarian, 130
Pansporoblast, 174 Planktonic, 13, 70, 111, 216, 221
Pansporocyst, 167–168, 172–173 Planktotrophic, 13, 15
ParaHox, 5, 112, 211, 236 Plasmodium, 167, 173
Paralog, 100, 128, 130, 150, 152 Plasticity, 131, 135
Paralogous, 5 Plate, 108, 148, 150–151, 180, 182, 186, 188–191, 230
Paramorphism, 9 Platyhelminthes, 204
Parapandorina, 56, 58 Platynereis, 13
Parapodia, 9 Pleiotropy, 4
Parasite, 120, 174 Plesiomorphic, 3, 136, 210, 211, 219, 226
Parasitic, 9, 116, 170 Plesiomorphy, 46
Parsimony, 14, 37, 39 Plumatella, 166, 168, 170
Parsimov, 14 Pluripotent, 66, 130, 154, 197
Patella, 10 Pluteus, 13
Pattern, 2, 3, 5–6, 9, 11, 14–16, 26, 33, 47, 54, 60, 70, Podocoryne, 12, 136, 139, 151
72, 78, 80–81, 83, 91–95, 103, 112–113, 121, Polar bodies (pb), 137, 149, 172, 183–184, 206, 224
124, 126, 129–130, 139, 143, 151–152, 170, Polar body, 183, 206, 223
172, 180, 194, 204–208, 210, 212, 219, 222, Polar capsule, 166–168, 170, 172
225–227, 232, 234, 236–237 Polar coordinate model, 191–192
Index 249

Polarity, 2–4, 9, 32, 71, 82–83, 112–113, 124, 129, Ring muscle, 122
137–139, 151, 171, 190 RNA abundance measures, 38–39
Pole cell, 86–90 RNA interference (RNAi), 37, 134–135, 143, 198, 210,
Polyp, 54, 59, 116, 118–120, 122, 124, 126–128, 212
132–134, 136–137, 140–142, 144, 146, Rostrum, 51
150–151, 153 Rotifer, 180
Polyphyletic, 10, 13, 166 Row, 112, 180–184, 189, 193, 206
Polyplacophora, 10 Rudiment, 10, 13, 230, 232
Porifera, 65–103, 116 Run, 180
Poriferan, 66–70 Rx, 36
Postembryonic development, 12, 15, 53, 210, 232, 236
Postlarva, 70, 96, 99, 101
POU, 135, 143 S
Precambrian, 55, 216 18S, 216
Priapulida, 50 Saccoglossus, 211
Primary body cavity, 225 Saltational evolution, 15–16
Primordial germ cell (PGC), 219–225, 228, 230 Scalid, 50–52
Principal cell, 99 Scalidophora, 50
Programmed cell death, 76, 96 Scalidophoran, 46, 51–52
Proliferation, 70, 124–125, 127, 171–174, 209, 232 Schizocoely, 231
Proneural, 152 Sclerocyte, 58, 66, 71, 77–79, 82, 87–90, 93, 101
Proneural gene, 152 Scolopendromorpha, 15–16
Prorhynchus, 11 Scolopendropsis, 16
Protist, 57–58, 168 Screw, 5
Protocoel, 231 Scutigeromorpha, 15
Protoconodont, 216 Scyphozoa, 12, 52, 54, 116, 118, 120, 140–141, 144, 170
Pseudooides, 46, 54–55, 60 Sea spider, 6
Pseudoplasmodium, 167, 171, 174 Sea urchin, 7, 9, 13, 15, 151
Secondary cell, 166, 167, 171–174
Segment, 5–10, 12, 15–16, 29, 31–32, 54–55, 219, 224,
Q 230
Quadrapyrgites, 52–54, 60 Segmental, 10, 152, 228
Segmental identity, 152
Segmentation, 2, 5, 7, 10–11, 31, 51, 228, 230
R Segmentation clock, 11
Radial cleavage, 11, 222 Segmentation gene, 10–11
Reaggregation, 143 Selector gene, 32
Realizer gene, 32–33, 36 Selector gene network, 32
Recapitulation, 2–4, 13–15 Sensory organ, 29, 140, 166, 204, 232, 234–235
Reconstruction, 5, 7–8, 12, 14, 29, 37–41, 47, 51, 53, 56 Serotonin, 236–237
Redundancy, 4 Sessile, 2, 54, 66
Regeneration, 70, 120–121, 124, 126–131, 137, Settlement, 94–97, 99, 101, 145
140–141, 143–145, 151, 154–155, 180, 186, Sex combs, 2, 4
190–192, 196–197, 210, 212 Sex determination, 7
Regionalization, 237 Sexual, 70, 109–111, 120, 137, 150, 170, 193, 196
Regressive change, 8 Shell, 2, 11, 26, 46, 110–111, 134, 216
Regulation, 7, 33, 35, 70, 74, 138, 144, 147–148, 151, Siberia, 46, 50–51, 59
155, 188, 197 Signal, 3, 5, 11, 14–15, 31–32, 39–40, 77, 130, 191
Regulatory network, 7–9, 11, 28, 31–32, 35–37, 40–41, Signalling pathway, 82, 93, 103
197 Silica, 50
Remodelling, 70 Sine oculis, 35
Respiration, 66 SiRNA, 147
Retinoic acid, 140 Skeleton, 52
Retractor, 144, 150, 152 Slit, 143, 225
RFamide, 131, 217, 232–233, 235–237 Small germ, 220
Rhagon, 66, 96, 99 Smoothened, 194
Rhomboid, 100 Snail, 12, 150, 194
Rhopalia, 140, 142–144 Sog. See Subesophageal ganglion (sog)
Rhopalium, 143–144 Solitary, 116
250 Index

Somite, 10 Tentacle nerve, 182

Sophophora, 4 Test, 192, 211
SoxB1, 212 Testis, 124
Spawning, 73, 101, 137, 144–145, 183, 196, 220 TF. See Transcription factor (TF)
Specification, 6, 8, 12, 70, 78, 80–81, 94, 102–103, 189, TGF, 83, 85, 94, 95, 100, 102–103, 113, 194–195
197, 209, 225 Theca, 52–54, 136–137
Spemann’s organizer, 127, 151 Thecate, 136
Sperm, 73–74, 100, 109, 111, 120, 122, 124, 183, Thiomargarita, 56
219–221 Thorax, 5, 7, 29
Spermatid, 124 Tianzhushania, 55–58
Spermatogenesis, 100, 111, 124 Toll, 92
Sperm marker, 111 Tornaria, 12–13
Spicule, 58–59, 66, 71, 77, 101 Toy, 35
Spider, 4–6, 11 Transcription, 11, 39, 147–148, 155, 190
Spinal cord, 7 Transcription factor (TF), 4, 33, 35–36, 40–41, 70,
Spine, 50–51, 117, 216, 235–236 78–79, 82, 92–95, 100, 103, 128, 130, 133,
Spinning, 4 136, 145, 152, 155, 194, 237
Spiral, 11, 58, 189, 207 Transcriptome, 37–40, 70, 101, 111, 130, 145, 174
Spiral cleavage, 11, 207 Transcriptome data, 37, 39
Spiralia, 11, 59, 207, 219, 222, 226, 237 Transcriptomic data, 67
Spiralicellula, 56, 58 Transcriptomics, 40, 135, 197
Sponge, 6, 46, 58, 66–73, 77, 81, 91, 94, 96–103, 113, Transdifferentiation, 70, 136
147, 155, 183 Transgenesis, 145, 154
Spore, 166–168, 171–172, 174 Transmission, 110, 139, 145, 166, 228, 229, 231
Sporogony, 170–172, 174 Transplantation, 124, 128–129, 132, 143, 148, 151
Sporoplasmosome, 174 Tree, 7, 12–14, 37–40, 67, 113, 183, 204
Stalk, 122, 137, 143 Tribolium, 11, 31
Statocyst, 143, 180, 204 Trichoplax, 108–109, 112
Staurozoa, 116, 120, 170 Trilobite, 46
Stem cell, 119, 121–125, 129–135, 143, 145, 154–155, Tripartite organisation, 230
190–191, 197, 210, 234 Tripedalia, 140, 143, 144
Stenotele, 117–119, 131, 135 Triploblast, 12, 136, 150, 236
Stereom, 52 Trochophore, 12–13
Stolon, 120, 134, 137 Trophic stage, 166–168, 170
Stomatogastric nervous system, 234, 236 Trophozooid, 134, 137
Stomodeum, 184, 222–223, 230–231 Tropomyosin, 212
Strepsiptera, 6 Troponin, 155, 194
Stripe, 10, 110, 126 Trox-2, 112–113
Strobilation, 52, 120, 140–142 Trunk, 9, 51, 219, 223–225, 227–232
Strongylocentrotus, 13 Tuft, 13, 146
Stylet, 117–119 Twist, 12, 150, 194, 212
Subesophageal ganglion (sog), 235 Type II novelties, 34
Subumbrella, 118–119, 136, 139 Type I novelties, 34, 37
Swarmer, 111
Swimming-type larva, 91–93, 97
Sycon, 68, 70, 97–103 U
Symmetry, 33–34, 52, 54, 66, 70, 83, 89, 99, 101, 108, Ultrabithorax (Ubx), 5–6, 31
112–113, 151, 170, 183 Unipolar cleavage, 183, 185
Synapomorphy, 8, 15, 94 Upper epithelium, 108–110, 112
Synapsin, 212 Urbilateria, 12
Synchronous, 100, 170
Syncytium, 204, 221
Vasa, 81–82, 130, 135, 197
T Vein, 5
Taphonomy, 48–50, 60 Veliger, 13
Tardigrade, 12 Ventral nerve centre, 217, 223, 225, 227–229, 231–237
Target gene, 35–36 Ventral nerve cord, 7
Tentacle, 59, 119, 122, 124, 128, 130–131, 133, Vermiform, 6, 50, 58
139–142, 144, 146, 150, 180–182, 184–186, Vertebrate, 6, 9–10, 32, 140, 155, 166, 168, 173–174
188–191, 193, 194, 196–197 Vestibular ganglion (vg), 224, 235
Index 251

Visceral, 231 Wnt signaling, 128, 135–136, 138–139, 151–152

Visceral muscle, 231 Wound healing, 190
Vitelline, 180
Vitelline membrane, 183, 185, 196
Viviparous, 72, 99 X
Von Baer, 14 Xenacoelomorpha, 204–205
Vulva development, 7, 31 Xenoturbella, 204–205, 212

Web, 4 Yellow, 53, 125, 131–132, 184, 224
Wing, 27, 29, 31, 33 Yolk, 15, 60, 76, 110, 183, 185, 188, 227–228, 236
Wing eyespot, 9
Wingless, 6
Wnt, 83, 85, 94–95, 100, 102–103, 113, 119, 127–130, Z
135–136, 138–139, 143, 147, 150–152, 154, Zerknuellt (zen), 7
194, 212 Zinc finger, 133
WntA, 85, 94, 102, 154 Zooid, 120, 134
Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, 127, 129, 136, 151 Zootype, 13
Wnt gene, 147 Zygote, 110–111, 147, 172–173, 183, 185, 207, 221–222
Wnt pathway, 83, 85, 151, 194 Zygotic gene, 8

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