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Beamcolumn Capacity Check

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Nos dia Nos dia fc

3 25 Atop 3 25 xumax
2 20 2 20
Atop 2100.94 left joint Atop 2100.94 right joint

Nos dia Nos dia

2 25 2 25
1 16 1 16
Abot 1182.81 Abot 1182.81

clear span of the beam to left end of joint = 7.7 m clear span of the beam to right end of joint
beam size beam size
breadth = 350 mm breadth
depth = 665 mm depth

Fsc=0.87σy-0.4446σck = 423.85 Mpa

Xumax=0.46d = 294.4 mm

Mu As Mu Bs MuBh
Particulars MuAh (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm) (kNm)

A=2100.94mm2 A=2100.94mm2 A=2100.94mm2

Top Bars 3-25diaand2- 3-25diaand2- 3-25diaand2-
20dia 20dia 20dia

3-25diaand2- 3-25diaand2- 3-25diaand2-

20dia 20dia 20dia
A=1182.81mm2 A=1182.81mm2 A=1182.81mm2 A=1182.81mm2
2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1-
Bottom Bars 16dia 16dia 16dia 16dia
2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1- 2-25diaand1-
16dia 16dia 16dia 16dia

Ast(mm2) 1182.81mm2 2100.94mm2 1182.81mm2 2100.94mm2

Asc(mm2) 2100.94mm2 1182.81mm2 2100.94mm2 1182.81mm2

C1=0.36σck b
xu (kN) 3150Xu 3150Xu 3150Xu 3150Xu

C2= Asc fsc (KN) 890.483419 501.3340185 890.483419 501.3340185

T=0.87 fy Ast 514.52235 913.9089 514.52235 913.9089

T=C1+C2, -120 131 -120 131
xu=-120 xu=131 xu=-120 xu=131
Negative xu<xmax Negative xu<xmax
0.36σck b
(kN) xu<xmax xu<xmax xu<xmax xu<xmax
σck b Xu)
299 299
Muc2=Asc fsc
0 308 0 308
Mu=0.87 fy
303 0 303 0
Ast (d-d’)
303 308 303 308

Hogging moment for beam,

total moment for beam

for column
if storey exist = 2
total column capacity at joint 1524.347
= 500 Mpa
= 25 Mpa
= 0.46

he beam to right end of joint = 5.4 m

= 350 mm
= 665 mm
Design & Construction of design chart


Percentage of reinforcement
Material properties p/fcu
Fcu 25 N/mm2
Fy 500 N/mm2 Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.082222
w(con) 25 KN/m3
Esteel 200000 N/mm2 Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) ( from table) 0.141143
Member Properties
Moment carrying capacity about shorter dimension
Clear height of column 3m Moment carrying capacity about Larger dimension
Smaller dimension of col 0.6 m
Larger Dimension of col 0.6 m
End Condition 1
b 1.2
Effective height 3.6 m
Le/Ll 6 Short column
Coefficient of effective cover 0.04
Effective Cover to reinforcement 0.024 m


Factored load = 740 KN

Column I

Reduction factor due to selenderness 0.7

Cr 1 0.6
Min. Eccentricities 0.5
Min. Eccentricity along largest dimension 0.02 m
Min. Eccentricity along least dimension 0.02 m

Min. Eccentric Moment about least dimen 14.8 KNm 0.1

Min. Eccentric Moment about largeset di 14.8 KNm 0

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Actual Moment about least dimension 120 KNm
Actual Moment about bigger dimension 90 KNm Mu/Fcubd2
Data for design curve

Max. strain in steel 0.002175
Percentage of steel 1.439897 % 0.029326
p/fcu 0.057596 0.062747
Case-1 When eccentricity is less than emin 0.090929
Design tensile strength of Steel 435 N/mm2 0.167847
Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.586524 0.115249

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.029326

Case-2 When neutral axis lies outside the section

Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 1.1 Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) from Pu/fcubd
Coefficient for area of stress block(k1) 0.384468
a 8.076053
Coefficient of Distance of CG of force of compression from extre 0.442841
Area of stress block(A) 5767.023 mm2
Percentage of steel 1.439897 %

Max. strain at the highly compre0.003277

Strain at top level 0.003157
Stress in top steel 435
Strain at Bottom level 0.000596
Stress in Bottom steel 119.1489
Stress in top Concrete 11.15
Stress in bottom concrete 3.073947

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.539955

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.062747

Case-3 When neutral axis lies inside the section

1) Tenssile stress is 0( neutral axis passes through the bottom steel)

Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.96

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %
Strain at top level 0.003354
Stress in top steel 435
Stress in top Concrete 11.15
Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.46766

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.090929

2) Tenssile stress some percentage of design stress of steel

Coefficient of tensile stress 0.4

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %
Stress in tensile steel 174 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.00087
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.768879

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.348748

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.129061

3) First Yield Point(Tensile stress = 0.87fy, Tensile strain = 0.87fy/Es)

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %

Stress in tensile steel 435 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.002175
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.59207

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.209934

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.167847

4) Final Yield Point(Tensile stress = 0.87fy, Tensile strain = 0.87fy/Es + 0.002)

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %

Stress in tensile steel 435 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.004175
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.437785

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.154392

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.163871

5) Depth of neutral axis in kD

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.25
Strain in top steel 0.00294
Stress in top steel 435

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.086789
Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.149412

6) When axial force is 0, steel beam

Percentage of steel 1.439897 %

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.115249
1.439897 % Nos dia
0.057596 8 25
4 20
Atop 5183.628

ut shorter dimension 762.1734 KNm

ut Larger dimension 762.1734 KNm

Column Interaction Chart

Design Curve
Design Pu/fcubd

0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) Pu/(fcu*b*d) p/fcu Design(Pu/fcubd)

0.586524 0.057596 0.082222

0.539955 0.057596 0.082222
0.46766 0.057596 0.082222
0.348748 0.057596 0.082222
0.209934 0.057596 0.082222
0.154392 0.057596 0.082222
0 0.057596 0.082222

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) from Pu/fcubd Pu/Fcubd Mu/Fcubd

0 0.115249
Pu/Fcubd = 0.082222 0.154392 0.163871
Mu/fcubd^2 = 0.141143 0.209934 0.167847
0.348748 0.129061
0.46766 0.090929
0.539955 0.062747
0.586524 0.029326

0.154392 0.163871
0 0.115249
Design & Construction of design chart


Percentage of reinforcement
Material properties p/fcu
Fcu 25 N/mm2
Fy 415 N/mm2 Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.044444
w(con) 25 KN/m3
Esteel 200000 N/mm2 Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) ( from table) 0.081056
Member Properties
Moment carrying capacity about shorter dimension
Clear height of column 3m Moment carrying capacity about Larger dimension
Smaller dimension of col 0.6 m
Larger Dimension of col 0.6 m
End Condition 1
b 1.2
Effective height 3.6 m
Le/Ll 6 Short column
Coefficient of effective cover 0.125
Effective Cover to reinforcement 0.075 m


Factored load = 400 KN

Column I

Reduction factor due to selenderness 0.7

Cr 1 0.6
Min. Eccentricities 0.5
Min. Eccentricity along largest dimension 0.02 m
Min. Eccentricity along least dimension 0.02 m

Min. Eccentric Moment about least dimen 8 KNm 0.1

Min. Eccentric Moment about largeset di 8 KNm 0

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Actual Moment about least dimension 120 KNm
Actual Moment about bigger dimension 90 KNm Mu/Fcubd2
Data for design curve

Case-3 When neutral axis lies inside the section

1) Tenssile stress is 0( neutral axis passes through the bottom steel)

Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.875

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %
Strain at top level 0.003
Stress in top steel 361.05
Stress in top Concrete 11.15

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.402023

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.075474

2) Tenssile stress some percentage of design stress of steel

Coefficient of tensile stress 0.4

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %
Stress in tensile steel 144.42 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.000722
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.72535

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.312231

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.097873

3) First Yield Point(Tensile stress = 0.87fy, Tensile strain = 0.87fy/Es)

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %

Stress in tensile steel 361.05 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.001805
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.577258

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.20504

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.12031

4) Final Yield Point(Tensile stress = 0.87fy, Tensile strain = 0.87fy/Es + 0.002)

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %

Stress in tensile steel 361.05 N/mm2
Strain in tensile steel 0.003805
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.419219

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.148146

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.115447

5) Depth of neutral axis in kD

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %
Coefficient of Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression f 0.25
Strain in top steel 0.00175
Stress in top steel 350

Pu/(fcu*b*d) 0.089975

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.100917

6) When axial force is 0, steel beam

Percentage of steel 1.243547 %

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) 0.066317
1.243547 % Nos dia
0.049742 4 25
8 20
Atop 4476.77

ut shorter dimension 437.7037 KNm

ut Larger dimension 437.7037 KNm

Column Interaction Chart

Design Curve
Design Pu/fcubd

0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Mu/(fcu*b*d^2) Pu/(fcu*b*d) p/fcu Design(Pu/fcubd)

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