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5 Key Benefits of Technology For Language Learning

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5 Key Benefits of Technology for Language Learning

by Equipo Dexway | Education

The era where computers rule the world is here. Just as technology plays a major key role in business relations,
entertainment, music, movies, and almost every aspect of our everyday lives, it plays an equally important role in
education. Studies have shown that 90% of students have access to some type of computer or mobile device – whether at
school, at work, or at home. So, it’s not surprising to see the evolution of classrooms and teaching methods gravitating
in the direction of technology.

New, technology-integrated classroom systems have become popular for language learning in the recent years.
Blended learning, virtual classrooms, and learning management systems are all examples of this new era of teaching
methodology that top pedagogical experts are endorsing. These methods incorporate the use of technology in language
learning to strengthen learner engagement, facilitate the instructor’s role, and provide a structured, comprehensive
learning experience for everyone involved.

It’s easy to see that educational institutes need to begin transitioning to a more tech savvy way of language teaching or
risk falling behind to more advanced competitors. But what other benefits does technology bring to language learning?

Benefits of Technology for Language Learning

#1 Remote Access to Language Education

The most inspiring aspect of technology is its ability to reach audiences all over the world. In language learning, it
means teachers can be hired locally and students access courses that are taught by native language speakers – ensuring
proper language immersion. Taking language education online opens a door that allows virtually anyone to have
access to that course and its resources. Without technology, teaching is restricted to a geographical area, a specific
school, or a specific classroom; with it, the reach is endless.

#2 Blended Language Learning Courses

Blended Learning courses combine in-class and online language learning to increase student engagement. In this way,
classroom teaching and online training are complementary to each other. The role of the instructor moves from a teacher
to a facilitator. Students complete structured, comprehensive eLearning modules that teach them the language then
attend classroom discussions where the teacher can focus on class weaknesses rather than simply reciting language
rules to the students. Technology makes blended learning a reality and promotes an intuitive language learning
methodology that is proven to be successful for language development.

#3 Interactive Language Learning is Crucial

Experts have studied and debated that language learning through input only is not only ineffective but is also not
successful at achieving learner language development. The best way to learn something is through an interactive
learning environment created by technological tools and resources. For students learning a language, it‘s key to ‘do’
things with language rather than just learning about language from your teacher. Technology makes it possible for students
to interact with their language courses and gather a more complete understanding of all of the language components.
Some students feel more comfortable, less embarrassed to make mistakes and learn from them in this interactive,
intuitive model.

#4 Real World Problem Solving Made Possible

Most of us have opened a text book and realized how outdated it was; featuring topics that are no longer relevant with
pictures and graphics that have long gone out of education style. On the contrast, language learning platforms,
especially cloud-based ones, are easily updated on a regular basis. The course content, material, tools, resources,
format, etc., can all be refreshed and re-uploaded onto the cloud to guarantee students always have the most up-to-
date content available to them. Simultaneously, they are also interactively learning in a virtual environment that mimics
real-world situations they can experience outside of the classroom. For example, Dexway Language Innovation has UK
and USA English courses that different and are tailored to the audience in that area of the world.

#5 Encourages Student Collaboration

It’s a common misconception that mixing education and technology individualizes and singles out students in classroom.
Students nowadays are extremely technologically adept and experts agree that the use of tech savvy educational
methods in classrooms create a collaborative language learning environment where students can live in a world of
learner’s autonomy and learn from one another. Via technological platforms, students and instructors can share ideas,
documents, host online courses, run training seminars, and give each other honest individual feedback. Technology creates
a bridge for a gap in the language learning world by creating a community of like-minded learners with the same
language development objectives and interactively connects them to the resources they need to succeed.

Every facet of our daily lives is in one way or another saturated by the use of technology tools which have proven to
enrich and make our lives a little easier every day. Moral of the story: technological advancements have made everything
a little better for citizens of the modern age. The educational sector is no exception here; technology has been
exponentially beneficial for language learning and development. From making language courses available to the whole
world to bridging the gap in student-teacher language communication, we have technology to thank for the innovative
developments that led to a better learning process for all.

Role of Technology in Language Learning It is rare to find a language class that does not use some form of technology.
In recent years, technology has been used to both assist and enhance language learning. Teachers at K-16 levels have
incorporated various forms of technology to support their teaching, engage students in the learning process, provide
authentic examples of the target culture, and connect their classrooms in the U.S. to classrooms in other countries where
the target language is spoken. Further, some technology tools enable teachers to differentiate instruction and adapt
classroom activities and homework assignments, thus enhancing the language learning experience. Distance learning
programs can enable language educators to expand language-learning opportunities to all students, regardless of where
they live, the human and material resources available to them, or their language background and needs. In sum, technology
continues to grow in importance as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages in facilitating and mediating language
learning for their students. While technology can play an important role in supporting and enhancing language learning, the
effectiveness of any technological tool depends on the knowledge and expertise of the qualified language teacher who
manages and facilitates the language learning environment. In some cases, however, school and university administrators
have permitted technology to drive the language curriculum and have even used it to replace certified language teachers.
Language technology companies have made unsubstantiated claims about their products' abilities to help students learn
languages, thus confusing administrators into thinking that these technologies can be an effective cost-cutting measure.
There is currently no definitive research to indicate that students will acquire a second language effectively through
technology without interaction with and guidance from a qualified language teacher.
Position Statement The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) acknowledges and encourages
using the potential of technology as a tool to support and enhance classroom-based language instruction. ACTFL also
acknowledges the potential of well supervised and articulated distance learning programs to fill a need where classroom
teachers are not available. However, because language is one of the most complex of all human activities and interactions
ACTFL also recognizes the pivotal role of a qualified language teacher to incorporate and manage the implementation of
technology so that it effectively supports the language learning experience. The use of technology should never be the goal
in and of itself, but rather one tool for helping language learners to use the target language in culturally appropriate ways to
accomplish authentic tasks. Further, all language learning opportunities whether provided through technology or in a
traditional classroom setting, should be standards-based and help develop students' proficiency in the target language
through interactive, meaningful, and cognitively engaging learning experiences, facilitated by a qualified language teacher.
Therefore, ACTFL strongly advises school and university administrators to place the responsibility for language instruction
in the hands of qualified language teachers rather than solely in technology programs. Cost-cutting measures such as
replacing teachers with software or online programs for language learning or launching new language programs using
language software or other technologies will disadvantage language learners if learners will have significantly fewer
opportunities to develop language proficiency under the necessary conditions of a dynamic environment and interaction with
and guidance from a qualified language teacher.

5 Benefits of Using New Technology in Language Learning

by Computer Aided Elearning CAE | Blog CAE, Education Solutions, Teacher Tools, Technology

Technology in language learning within educational centres is not the future, but the present of education. The use of
new technology in the classroom has become the perfect complement to mastering or gaining command of a language,
and English courses accompanied by technological support are the most effective and attractive to students who want to
be successful in their learning.

Technology in language learning at the service of teachers

#1 The best complementary tool for teachers in the classroom

Educational technology today is advantageous for teachers in so many ways. Traditional education is not so efficient
anymore and teachers need to motivate their students more than ever when presenting any material in the classroom.
Books are taking a back seat and new technology means that classes can be much richer in content and more participative
than before.

The Why Teacher Training is a Key Factor in Eduactional Excellence methodology from Dexway helps educational centres
to implement a blended learning method that has demonstrated great success in the classroom. It equips the teacher with a
complete manual on giving face-to-face English classes, with unlimited exercises and activities for all levels and lessons,
with the objective that the students are much more active and involved in the classroom.

#2 Technology in language learning is motivating and stimulating for students

The use of technology as much in the classroom as outside it makes the students feel much more motivated, using
devices with which they can practice a language through features such as voice recognition and interactive multimedia
exercises etc. For young students it’s much more stimulating to learn with a tablet or smartphone than with a traditional
textbook and its CD of practice exercises. Technology in language learning transforms students from passive recipients to
active learners and allows more profound and enriching linguistic immersion. Students can study their English course using
a variety of comprehensive apps which are able to synchronize even without the internet.
#3 Ease in managing and monitoring student progress

Making and keeping lists of groups of students, managing courses, evaluating students with tests and exams, and many
other tasks which are administrative in nature, are these days managed thanks to online educational platforms which offer
innumerable functionalities tailored to educational centres’ needs.

Not only do they give educational institutions the best and most effective control over activities such as activating student
accounts, creating groups, sending out communications and automatic notifications etc., but also they can perform
important tasks such as monitoring the progress of students through specialised software.

Dexway has developed the Create Test function which allows teachers to design their tests, partially or fully, from a
menu of questions in the database the same as he or she could create him/herself.

Subsequently, when the students have taken these tests, they can be run through Dexway Analytics in order to obtain real
time reports on the results of each course, lesson or objective. This way it can be seen if objectives have been attained in
order to suggest activities or exercises to revise in the classroom.

Learning English in a classroom is much more effective when complemented with educational technology

#4 Create a unique experience as much for the teacher as the students

The flipped classroom method in English courses, along with technology in language learning to complement it, is turning
English classrooms into an environment where sharing, debating, creating and forming opinions is nurtured, a space which
is much more creative and participatory. English classes stop being boring and bland with a teacher merely explaining
something at a blackboard, and become much more active in all senses.

Learning is better with virtual whiteboards, the students are a lot more involved, and online exercises and interactive
multimedia content are motivating for them.

#5 Promote interactivity and collaboration within learning

The use of new technology allows students to be much more creative and participative in the classroom. They prepare a
basis of knowledge outside the classroom engaging with all the content in the course, when they arrive to the classroom
they share this knowledge with the rest of the students and the teacher to demonstrate what they have learnt and reinforce
it in a coordinated way.

Educational technology allows students to be much better prepared for class, and provides teachers with attractive
resources to make their classes much more human and sociable, where all students have the opportunity to participate
regardless of their level.

When used alongside traditional teaching, new technology can differentiate between educational centres, taking
English teaching one step further in paying attention to diversity in the classroom and enriching the language learning

To conclude, it is strongly believed that the implementation of educational technology and communication into EFL context
provides flexible and diverse set of technological tools, promotes problem solving skills of students, gives chance learners
to use higher order skills, develop critical thinking and effective information processing skills, encourages active
independent, autonomous and collaborative language learning, motivates and facilitates language learning, enhances
teacher training. On the contrary, it is clearly evident that the integration of ICT into language teaching practices has its own
limits. ICTs should be integrated to foreign language teaching as an effective supplementary and a valuable
complementary teaching tool.

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