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RMC No. 122 2019 PDF

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i-,i i'rli ili r l- ir ilrfripfrirltsNr
i oF FTNANCE to:30 A-t4,
Quezon City

October 28.2019

SUBJECT : Terminating the Submission of Semestral List of Regular Suppliers (SRS)

TO : Ali Internal Revenue Officials. Employees and Others Concerned


The pertinent provisions of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 14-200g required the
submission of Semestral List of Reguiar Suppliers (SRS) by top 20.000 private
for purposes of monitoring their level of compliance in wittrnttang urri remitting the
percent (1%') and two percent (2%) creditabie withholding taxes (CWT)
on the puichase of
goods and services. respectively. Later, Revenue lvlemorandum
Circulai (Rx4C) No. 5-2009
was issued to prescribe the technical specifications of the electronic file format
of said repofi
as well as the modes of its submission to this Bureau.

However, prior to the above issuances, the annual Alphabeticai List of payees
already prescribed under RR No. 2-g8.the submission of Montirly Alphalist payees
of (MAp)
was subsequently required in2A06 and, more recently-, the
Quarteriy Aiphaiist of payees iqapl
was prescribed to be submitted under RR No. I 1-2018. These
atptrafists, except fbr MAp nhich
is now amended by QAP, already contain the same infonnation
of SRS, as welt as data from
other prescribed CWT remittances.

Hence. this Circular is hereby issued to address these overlapping repofts.


Under Revenue Reguiations (RR) No. 11-2018, the withholding agents liable
to <jeduct
the loh and 2o/o CwT rates are now identified as top withholding agen"t,
[fwnr;. The TWAs
include tire existing top 20,000 private corporations, top 5.000 ina]vidual
taxpayers. TAMp,
and medium taxpayers. As the submission SRS was no longer
mentioned in the said regulations
and this requirement cannot be applied to TAN4P and mJdium
taxpayers without an express
provisions prescribing their compliance, this requirement is
deemed to have been abandoned
bv operation ollarv.

Accordingly and consistent to the policy of ease of doing business, the submission
SRS shall no longer be required.
A11 internal revenue officers, employees. and others concerned are hereby enjoined to
give this Circular as wide a publicity as possible.

Commissioner of Inte'mal Revenue
0 30 4 6 0


;30 A.M,
iloy 22 nfl

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