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Asking and Giving Opinion

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A. Reading Activity
A cancer that must be eradicated
All names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, especially the victims.

A tragic end to an education that had barely begun 13-year-old Kiki stopped schooling
because her classmates used to make fun of her relentlessly.They had accidentally discovered her
humble background, her father being a street vendor. In another case, 15 year old Dinda could not
take it anymore. She became depressed, left school and stayed at home because she was constantly
teased by her classmates for failing in junior high school.

And in yet another, more recent case, some senior students of a junior high school took
seven junior students, and subjected them to violent beatings. Sherry, one of the junior students,
was rushed to hospital with bruises on hisabdomen. He is extremely scared to go to school. Julie, a
10 year old, fifth grade student, states that her first two years of elementary school were a traumatic
experience. She sadly remembers being cruelly bullied by her male classmates because she was
overweight. They used to call her Sumatran elephant, baboon, gentong and many other names.

These are few cases out of hundreds of similar cases and the number is increasing over the
time. In Indonesia bullying exists in every form, from teasing to extreme abuse. Even though
incidents of bullying are common, unfortunately it is not seen as a major problem. A recent survey
conducted by National Child Protection Commission has shown that more than half of bullying
incidents go unreported due to the fact that it is considered normal in some parts of the society.
Also the people who get bullied are either unwilling to report it because they feel it will “make a big
deal”. Or worse, they are so scared that they don't trust anyone and do not want to share their
plight with anyone ( The issue of bullying has been
a problem for years but recently it got limelight from news media when few cases were reported.

Bullying affects the children both psychologically and physically. It is estimated that
hundreds of children miss school every day due to the fear of being mistreated by other students
and in some extreme cases they choose to home school, or in severe circumstances they stop
studying altogether (

Children should not be living in constant fear. They shouldn't be afraid. On the contrary, they
should look forward to every day of school and enjoy school life. According to a research bullying has
always existed in Indonesian society, but it has come to surface due to the recent proliferation of
media technologies (Craig, 2009). Since bullying is prevalent in our society it is important that
everyone should be made aware of this social evil. There should be campaigns to increase
awareness. Everyone should be working together, against it, to stop it. It is distressing to see our
children being isolated from society because they are treated badly. I am of opinion that no one has
any right to harass or make people feel inferior. No one should have that kind of power. These
children are our future and we should make every possible effort to stop bullying.

I would like to point out that bullying is everyone's problem and responsibility. If you
condone bullying in any way, shape or form it means you are taking part in it whether it is directly or
indirectly by being silent. Majority of people agree that we have to work together towards
eliminating this problem.

Some people may consider taunting someone as funny, even though it is anything but funny
to the person who is at the receiving end. Minor taunts can create a lot of pain and suffering. While
it may seem innocent but the cumulative effect could be highly damaging. In addition to that, as the
pain increases, each instance cuts a little deeper which eventually becomes a sore.
It is highly possible that bullying might happen in your school so it is the liability of every
student to protect their classmates and try to stop bullying. If it doesn't work then you should inform
your teachers or parents. Not many of us think of stopping it. As long as it doesn't happen to us why
should we get involved, why should we bother? But the time has come for us to be actively involved
in eradicating bullying (Farrington, 1993).

So next time if you see someone getting bullied, would you try to stop it or let it happen?
Remember, bullying is everyone's problem; therefore everyone has to be the part of the solution.


Read the questions carefully. Note down your opinions and reactions to the
questions. During the discussion with your teacher and classmates, offer your
personal reaction and understanding of the text.

1. Do you think bullying is a serious issue in your school? Give reasons to support your opinion.
2. Did this opinion article raise/change your awareness about bullying? Please explain.
3. Do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? Why? Give reasons to support
your opinion.
4. Do you think bullying should be declared as punishable crime? Give reasons to support your
5. Discuss the article on bullying in a group? Does it change your perspective on bullying or not? Give
reasons to support your answers.
6. Are you aware of cyber bullying? Do you think it is worse than physical bullying? Why? Support
your opinion with examples.
7. What can young people like you do to prevent or stop bullying? List at least three things you and
your friends can do to prevent or stop bullying.

Watch and listen to this video, then choose the best response to some questions that follow.

1. Who does prefer living in the city? A. The man B. The woman
2. Who likes mostly living in the country? A. The man B. The woman
3. This is the place where people can get many
restaurants, theater, music, and various jobs. A. The city B. The country
4. This the place where people can go hiking and
camping and also breathe the clean air. A. The city B. The country

1. Asking and Giving Opinion
Below are examples of asking and giving opinion expressions.
a. Asking Opinion

a. Have you got any comments on.... a. What do you think of ......?
b. Do you have any idea? b. What do you think about...?
c. Do you have any opinion on ..... c. What is your opinion?
d. Would you give me your opinion on...?. d. Why do they behave like that?
e. What is your reaction to ......?. e. How was the trip?
f. What is your opinion about...? f. How do you feel about this decision?
g. What is your feeling about...?
h. What are your views on......?
i. Please give me your frank opinion.
l. Would it be right to say..............?

b. Giving Opinion

a. I personally believe ............. a. I think/reckon.... / I think that....

b. I personally consider.. b. In my opinion, I would rather.........
c. I personally think/feel ..... c. Do you have any opinion on .....
d. My own view on the matter is .... d. In my case .......
e. In my humble opinion .... e. As far as I am concerned with....
f. If I had my view, I would ............... f. What I have in my mind is......
g. It would seem that............... g. The way I see that...............
h. To my mind.....
i. From my point of view.......
l. If you ask me, I feel ....


a. Some people say that .....

b. Almost everyone say................
c. Some people believe ...
d. Generlly it is accepted that ....
e. It is considered ............
f. It is argued ............

2. Agreement and Disagreement Expression

a. Agreeement b. Disgreement
a. I agree with you.... a. I am afraid I don’t agree with you.
b. I agree.. b. I don’t agree with you
c. You are right..... c. No, I am not sure about that.
d. That’s the point. d. I don’t believe that....
e. I feel the same way about. e. I couldn’t agree more.
f. Neither do I. f. I think you’re wrong.
g. I think so too. / I suppose so g. It’s not justified to say so.
h. Exactly h. I don’t think so.
i. I am with you i. I am not with you
l. No doubt about it l. I have doubt about it
k. You are right.
a. Complete the following dialogues
1. A: I Like Mathematic. It’s a really challenging subject. ________________?
B: Come on. Huh... I I have tried for my whole life but I always find it’s really hard to conquer.

2. A: In my opinion. Our school is really popular in our town.

B: _________________ I love my school.

3. A: Look ! plastic waste is every where. Do you have an idea?

B: _____________________. Let’s do it now.

4. A: Let’s go out tonight!

B: _____________. It’s not a good idea.

5. A: I’m sturfing. What about getting lunch now.

B: _______________. I don’t wanna wait. Let’s go.

6. A: ________________ for students’ field trip?

B: Let’s take them to Borobudur and Prambanan temple.
A: I think it’s alright. They will fell proud of their country.

7. A: We are hungry. We need some oranges.

B: Oh, Why Orange ________ we need some bread instead.

8. A: I think I get headache and stomachache.

B: you must ________________

9. A: What do you think of my hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?

B: Why did you cut it short? ______________ You look cooler with your long hair.

10. A: He’s so polite. What do you think of him?

B: That guy? _______________ I wish you knew who he was.

Say your opinion on this issues.

1. Computer Based Test 2. Junk Food 3. Social Media

4. School Homeworks 5. Beauty

b. Do you agree or disagree on the following ideas?

Your opinion Agreement Disagreement Reasons




c. Read the dialogue below. Then answer the following questions. ( You can also watch this video
on )

Teacher: So you know we’re talking about a discussion and the topic is Is it better to study
online or in a regular classroom? Okay, who wants to go first?
Adam : Okay, so I’ll start, and I think that it’s actually very good to study online because it’s
very convenient because you can study whenever you want and at your own pace. For
example, someone likeme, I like to study at night time. So for me, online wors better
because it’s quiet at night, no one disturbs me, and I can do what I need to do.
Alex : Okay, that’s true, but if you’re going to study online...
Ronie : Sorry, but..
Alex : Please, let me finish. As I was saying, that’s true, but if you’re studying online you do
need to motivate yourself, so I think it’s better to be in a classroom where you have
other students and a teacher who can motivate you.
Ronie : That’s true, but some people can’t afford to go to a classroom and don’t have enough
money or resources to, actually, go to a big school. So studying online, you can
actually do it for free.
James : Me? Well, I would like to add, May I say something?
Ronie : Sure.
James : Soft skill. That’s not usually talked about in schools, but when we talk about “ soft
skilss”, it’s actual interaction, utilizing your English when you’re with other people and
that’s hard to get online because you’re watching a screen and not actually
interacting with other people.
Adam : You make a very good point but I would also like to add that sometimes having
classmates takes you away from your focus because you have to maybe review things
many times for other people to catch up, or you have to do topics that are interesting
to other people, not to yourself. So, it’s a little distracting sometimes, too.
James : However, focus is a good thing. I mean, it’s not a bad thing to repeat something
because sometimes people don’t catch the material the first time. So that way, you go
over the material, and they-you know, you get depth. So you get to learn more, and
people who don’t understand get the opportunity to ask questions and learn from it
Ronie : Yeah, but sometimes the resources that you get in a classroom are boring, and online,
you can just look up whatever you need on the internet, and you’ve got it right there.
You don’t have to rely on a textbook. Sometimes it can be a bad textbook.
Alex : Okay. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, there are good resources on the internet, like However...
James : I’m sorry, did you say
Alex : I did say
James : I think I have heard of
Adam : I think I have too
Ronie : Me too.
Alex : It’s a good website. So as I was saying, don’t get me wrong, I think there are excellent
resources online. However, some students who are just learning English for the first
time might not know how to judge the quality of the resources. So I think if you go to
a school, if you’re inside the classroom, you’re with a teacher who is trained, is a
professional, who can give you the resources you need to improve your English
Teacher: Thank you very much guys.

1. What is the subject of the discussion?
2. Find giving opinion expressions in the dialogue.
3. Find the expressions of agreement in the dialogue.
4. Find the expressions of disagreement in the dialogue
5. What is your own view on the subject of the discussion?
6. Does this seem to be a dispute or a friendly discussion?

d. Let’s have a discussion! Choose one of the topic below .

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