Torts II Skeleton Outline
Torts II Skeleton Outline
Torts II Skeleton Outline
I. Three Basic Damages
a. Nominal – Rare, small, to vindicate rights
b. Compensatory – Put P in position he was in before tort was committed
c. Punitive – Punish and deter D
II. Personal Injuries/Damage Calculations
a. Maximum Possible Verdict
b. Recovery for future damages – Calculated by expert witnesses
c. Present Value Rule
d. Per Diem Argument
e. Reimbursement by Third Persons (Collateral Source Rule)
f. Duty to Mitigate
III. Punitive Damages
a. Can Be Awarded In:
i. Intentional Tort Cases
ii. Negligence Cases – Negligence is not malice, must be something more
iii. Product Liability Cases
b. Can Be Challenged On Two Ground:
i. Excessive Award in Damages Phase
1. Grossly excessive standard
2. Ratio of actual to punitive – Single digits
3. Degree of reprehensibility of D
4. Punitive awards in comparable cases
ii. Procedural (Bifurication)
Compensation Systems as Substitutes for Tort Law
I. Workers Compensation
a. Strict liability and completely statutory in nature, negligence and fault are immaterial on either side
b. Employee is automatically entitled to benefits when injured but gives up right to sue
i. Exceptions to employee receiving compensation
ii. Exception to employee giving up right to sue employer – Can still sue third party