oth men and women are subject Mild: public verbal expressions,
vexatious to the harassed person. Acoso_sexual
sexual harassment,
Serious: situations in which there public/---americas/---ro-lima/---sro-
though the studies highlight that
is a direct verbal interaction with san_jose/documents/publication/
e majority high sexual content as well as wcms_227404.pdf
physical contacts allowed by the
ey are women. The research nzas-
victim. b%C3%ADblicas/j%C3%B3venes/pr
hows that the type of untan/acoso-sexual/
Very serious: situations in which
he most vulnerable woman to sex- there are unwanted physical con- http://lavozquenocallaa.blogspot.m
al harassment is the young tacts and direct verbal pressure,
oman, such as hugs and unwanted
kisses, touching, pinching, cor-
onomically dependent, single or neal, pressure to obtain sexual
vorced and relations in exchange for im-
provements or threats, sexual re-
ith immigrant status. lations under pressure of dis-
missal, sexual assault, ...