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Speaking Cards 2 General Questions

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What time do you get What time do you go to

up on weekdays? bed on weekdays?

What time do you What do you

usually have breakfast? have for breakfast?

What time do you have What do you usually

lunch? have for lunch?

What did you have for What time do you

lunch yesterday? have dinner?

What do you What did you have for

dinner yesterday?
usually have for dinner?

What meal do you enjoy What do you usually do

most? Why? at the weekend?
What sports do you What sports do you
practise? watch on TV?

How often do you

How do you keep fit?
go to the gym?

What do you do for a What do your parents

living? do for a living?

What is the name of

What is your ideal job?
your primary school?

What is the name of What subjects are you

your secondary school? good at?

What subjects are you Do you admire any of

bad at? your teachers? Why
What languages do you Why do you want to
speak? learn English?

What do you enjoy How can you improve

about learning a foreign your English?

Have you ever been to How many different

an English-speaking countries have you
country? If so, where? visited?

What countries would Would you like to live

you like to visit in the or study abroad? Why
future? (not)?

Would you like to be What would you like to

famous? Why (not)? do in the future?

What kind of person How often do you meet

would you like to spend your friends? What do
your life with? you do with them?
Who do you have the What is your best
best relationship with in friend like? Why is
your family? Why? he/she special?

What do you do on a How would you describe
normal day during the your daily routine?
week? What do you do?

What three things What would you do if

would you take with you you won the lottery?
to a desert island?

Where did you go on What was the most

your last holidays? Who special present you have
did you go with? ever received?

Can you describe your Can you describe your

bedroom? Do you like home? Do you like it?
it? Why (not)? Why (not)?

How long have you been What do you most enjoy

learning English? doing with your family?


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