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Yamaha PSS-E30 Owner's Manual

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O wner ’s Manual
Before using the instrument,
be sure to read “PRECAUTIONS”
on pages 4-5.
This product utilizes batteries or an external power supply Battery Notice:
(adapter). DO NOT connect this product to any power supply or This product MAY contain a small non-rechargeable battery which
adapter other than one described in the manual, on the name (if applicable) is soldered in place. The average life span of this
plate, or specifically recommended by Yamaha. type of battery is approximately five years. When replacement
WARNING: Do not place this product in a position where any- becomes necessary, contact a qualified service representative to
one could walk on, trip over, or roll anything over power or con- perform the replacement.
necting cords of any kind. The use of an extension cord is not This product may also use “household” type batteries. Some of
recommended! If you must use an extension cord, the minimum these may be rechargeable. Make sure that the battery being
wire size for a 25’ cord (or less ) is 18 AWG. NOTE: The smaller the charged is a rechargeable type and that the charger is intended for
AWG number, the larger the current handling capacity. For longer the battery being charged.
extension cords, consult a local electrician.
When installing batteries, never mix old batteries with new ones,
This product should be used only with the components supplied and never mix different types of batteries. Batteries MUST be
or; a cart, rack, or stand that is recommended by Yamaha. If a cart, installed correctly. Mismatches or incorrect installation may result
etc., is used, please observe all safety markings and instructions in overheating and battery case rupture.
that accompany the accessory product.
SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Do not attempt to disassemble, or incinerate any battery. Keep all
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct batteries away from children. Dispose of used batteries promptly
at the time of printing. However, Yamaha reserves the right to and as regulated by the laws in your area. Note: Check with any
change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obli- retailer of household type batteries in your area for battery dis-
gation to update existing units. posal information.
This product, either alone or in combination with an amplifier and Disposal Notice:
headphones or speaker/s, may be capable of producing sound Should this product become damaged beyond repair, or for some
levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT operate reason its useful life is considered to be at an end, please observe
for long periods of time at a high volume level or at a level that is all local, state, and federal regulations that relate to the disposal of
uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the products that contain lead, batteries, plastics, etc. If your dealer is
ears, you should consult an audiologist. unable to assist you, please contact Yamaha directly.
IMPORTANT: The louder the sound, the shorter the time period
before damage occurs. NAME PLATE LOCATION:
The name plate is located on the bottom of the product. The
Some Yamaha products may have benches and / or accessory model number, serial number, power requirements, etc., are
mounting fixtures that are either supplied with the product or as located on this plate. You should record the model number, serial
optional accessories. Some of these items are designed to be number, and the date of purchase in the spaces provided below
dealer assembled or installed. Please make sure that benches are and retain this manual as a permanent record of your purchase.
stable and any optional fixtures (where applicable) are well secured
BEFORE using.
Benches supplied by Yamaha are designed for seating only. No
other uses are recommended.
Service charges incurred due to a lack of knowledge relating to
how a function or effect works (when the unit is operating as Serial No.
designed) are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, and are
therefore the owners responsibility. Please study this manual care-
fully and consult your dealer before requesting service. Purchase Date
Yamaha strives to produce products that are both user safe and
environmentally friendly. We sincerely believe that our products
and the production methods used to produce them, meet these
goals. In keeping with both the letter and the spirit of the law, we
want you to be aware of the following:


92-BP (bottom)

2 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee
This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product
contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifica- is found to be the source of interference, which can be deter-
tions not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your author- mined by turning the unit “OFF” and “ON”, please try to elimi-
ity, granted by the FCC, to use the product. nate the problem by using one of the following measures:
Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected
2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories by the interference.
and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables.
Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker
Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all
or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s.
installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void
your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA. In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the
antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change
3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the lead-in to co-axial type cable.
the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class
“B” digital devices. Compliance with these requirements pro- If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory
vides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this prod- results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute
uct in a residential environment will not result in harmful this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate
interference with other electronic devices. This equipment gen- retailer, please contact Yamaha Corporation of America, Elec-
erates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used tronic Service Division, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park,
according to the instructions found in the users manual, may CA90620
cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic The above statements apply ONLY to those products distrib-
uted by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries.

* This applies only to products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America. (class B)


(Supplier’s declaration of conformity procedure)
Responsible Party : Yamaha Corporation of America
Address : 6600 Orangethorpe Ave., Buena Park, Calif. 90620
Telephone : 714-522-9011
Type of Equipment : Digital Keyboard
Model Name : PSS-E30

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation.

* This applies only to products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America. (FCC SDoC)

The model number, serial number, power requirements, etc., may be found on or near the name plate, which is
at the bottom of the unit.
You should note this serial number in the space provided below and retain this manual as a permanent record
of your purchase to aid identification in the event of theft.

Model No.

Serial No.


PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 3

PRECAUTIONS Influences on electro-medical devices
• Magnetism may affect electro-medical devices.
- Do not use this product near medical devices or inside
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY areas in which the use of radio waves is restricted.
BEFORE PROCEEDING - Do not use this product within 15 cm (6 in.) of persons
with a heart pacemaker or defibrillator implant.
Please keep this manual in a safe and
handy place for future reference. Battery
• Follow the precautions below. Failure to do so might result
in explosion, fire, overheating or battery fluid leakage.
WARNING - Do not tamper with or disassemble batteries.
- Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below - Do not attempt to recharge batteries that are not
to avoid the possibility of serious injury or even designed to be charged.
death from electrical shock, short-circuiting, - Keep the batteries separate from metallic objects such
damages, fire or other hazards. These precautions as necklaces, hairpins, coins, and keys.
include, but are not limited to, the following: - Use the specified battery type (page 13) only.
- Use new batteries, all of which are the same type, same
Power supply model, and made by the same manufacturer.
- Always make sure all batteries are inserted in
• Do not place the USB cable near heat sources such as
conformity with the +/- polarity markings.
heaters or radiators. Also, do not excessively bend or
otherwise damage the cable, or place heavy objects on it. - When the batteries run out, or if the instrument is not to
• Only use the voltage specified as correct for the be used for a long time, remove the batteries from the
instrument. The required voltage is printed on the name instrument.
plate of the instrument. - When using Ni-MH batteries, follow the instructions that
• Included USB cable is designed for use with only this came with the batteries. Use only the specified charger
instrument. Do not use for any other instrument. device when charging.
• Check the plug periodically and remove any dirt or dust • Keep batteries away from small children who might
which may have accumulated on it. accidentally swallow them.
• If the batteries do leak, avoid contact with the leaked
fluid. If the battery fluid should come in contact with your
Do not open eyes, mouth, or skin, wash immediately with water and
• This instrument contains no user-serviceable parts. Do consult a doctor. Battery fluid is corrosive and may
not open the instrument or attempt to disassemble or possibly cause loss of sight or chemical burns.
modify the internal components in any way. If it should
appear to be malfunctioning, discontinue use If you notice any abnormality
immediately and have it inspected by qualified Yamaha
service personnel. • When one of the following problems occur, immediately
turn off the power switch and disconnect the plug from
the outlet. (If you are using batteries, remove all batteries
Water warning from the instrument.) Then have the device inspected by
• Do not expose the instrument to rain, use it near water or Yamaha service personnel.
in damp or wet conditions, or place on it any containers - The USB cable or plug becomes frayed or damaged.
(such as vases, bottles or glasses) containing liquids - It emits unusual smells or smoke.
which might spill into any openings. If any liquid such as - Some object has been dropped into the instrument.
water seeps into the instrument, turn off the power
immediately and disconnect the plug from the AC outlet. - There is a sudden loss of sound during use of the
Then have the instrument inspected by qualified Yamaha instrument.
service personnel. - If any cracks or breakages exist on the instrument.
• Never insert or remove a plug with wet hands.

Fire warning
• Do not put burning items, such as candles, on the unit. A
burning item may fall over and cause a fire.

DMI-7 1/2
4 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual
CAUTION Yamaha cannot be held responsible for damage caused by
improper use or modifications to the instrument, or data that is
Always follow the basic precautions listed below lost or destroyed.
to avoid the possibility of physical injury to you or
others, or damage to the instrument or other Always turn the power off when the instrument is not in use.
property. These precautions include, but are not
Even when the [ ] (Standby/On) switch is in standby status
limited to, the following: (display is off), electricity is still flowing to the instrument at the
minimum level.
Power supply When you are not using the instrument for a long time, make sure
you disconnect the plug from the wall AC outlet.
• Use the specified USB power adaptor (page 6) only.
Make sure to discard used batteries according to local regulations.
Using the wrong adaptor can result in damage to the
instrument or overheating.
• Do not connect the instrument to an electrical outlet using DMI-7 2/2
a multipleconnector. Doing so can result in lower sound
quality, or possibly cause overheating in the outlet.
• When removing the plug from the instrument or an outlet,
always hold the plug itself and not the USB cable. Pulling NOTICE
by the cable can damage it. To avoid the possibility of malfunction/ damage to the prod-
• Remove the plug from the outlet when the instrument is uct, damage to data, or damage to other property, follow the
not to be used for extended periods of time, or during notices below.
electrical storms.
 Handling
Location • Do not use the instrument in the vicinity of a TV, radio, stereo equipment,
mobile phone, or other electric devices. Otherwise, the instrument, TV, or
• Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where radio may generate noise.
it might accidentally fall over. • Do not expose the instrument to excessive dust or vibrations, or extreme
• Before moving the instrument, remove all connected cold or heat (such as in direct sunlight, near a heater, or in a car during the
cables, to prevent damage to the cables or injury to day) to prevent the possibility of panel disfiguration, damage to the
anyone who might trip over them. internal components or unstable operation. (Verified operating
temperature range: 5° – 40°C, or 41° – 104°F.)
• When setting up the product, make sure that the AC outlet
you are using is easily accessible. If some trouble or • Do not place vinyl, plastic or rubber objects on the instrument, since this
malfunction occurs, immediately turn off the power switch might discolor the panel or keyboard.
and disconnect the plug from the outlet. Even when the  Maintenance
power switch is turned off, electricity is still flowing to the
• When cleaning the instrument, use a soft and dry cloth. Do not use paint
product at the minimum level. When you are not using the
thinners, solvents, alcohol, cleaning fluids, or chemicalimpregnated
product for a long time, make sure to disconnect the plug
wiping cloths.
from the wall AC outlet.
 Saving data
Connections • Some of the data of this instrument (page 7) are retained when the power
is turned off. However, the saved data may be lost due to some failure, an
• Before connecting the instrument to other electronic operation mistake, etc.
components, turn off the power for all components.
Before turning the power on or off for all components, set
all volume levels to minimum.
 About copyrights
• Be sure to set the volumes of all components at their
minimum levels and gradually raise the volume controls • Copying of the commercially available musical data including but not
while playing the instrument to set the desired listening limited to MIDI data and/or audio data is strictly prohibited except for your
level. personal use.
• This product incorporates and bundles contents in which Yamaha owns
copyrights or with respect to which Yamaha has license to use others’
Handling caution copyrights. Due to copyright laws and other relevant laws, you are NOT
allowed to distribute media in which these contents are saved or recorded
• Do not insert a finger or hand in any gaps on the and remain virtually the same or very similar to those in the product.
instrument. * The contents described above include a computer program, Accompaniment Style
• Never insert or drop paper, metallic, or other objects into data, MIDI data, WAVE data, voice recording data, a score, score data, etc.
the gaps on the panel or keyboard. This could cause * You are allowed to distribute medium in which your performance or music
physical injury to you or others, damage to the instrument production using these contents is recorded, and the permission of Yamaha
or other property, or operational failure. Corporation is not required in such cases.
• Do not rest your weight on, or place heavy objects on the  About functions/data bundled with the instrument
instrument, and do not use excessive force on the • Some of the preset songs have been edited for length or arrangement, and
buttons, switches or connectors. may not be exactly the same as the original.
• Do not use the instrument/device or headphones for a
long period of time at a high or uncomfortable volume  About this manual
level, since this can cause permanent hearing loss. If you • The illustrations and displays as shown in this manual are for instructional
experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, consult purposes only, and may appear somewhat different from those on your
a physician. instrument.
• The company names and product names in this manual are the trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 5

Thank you for purchasing this Yamaha Digital
Keyboard, the PSS-E30 Remie! Remie is loaded
Setting Up
with various sound effects and Quiz function, so Depending on how you are powering your
that even small children can enjoy playing it. We instrument, follow one of the two power supply
recommend that you read this manual carefully instructions below. This instrument does not
so that you can fully take advantage of the include power supply accessories (with the
advanced and convenient functions of Remie. exception of the USB cable), so make sure to
We also recommend that you keep this manual purchase them separately as required.
in a safe and handy place for future reference.
Use a USB cable of less than 3 meters.
If the sound is degraded, make sure to use the included USB
Included Accessories cable or turn down the master volume as needed.

• Owner’s Manual (this book) (1)

• USB cable (1)
• Online Member Product Registration (1)
1 Using a USB power adaptor or
USB mobile battery, etc.
Song Book (Online Document) Connect the included USB cable and the commer-
cially available USB power adaptor (or USB mobile
Song Book
battery) in the order shown in the illustration.
Contains music scores for the preset Songs
(excluding Song No. 001) of this instrument. USB mobile battery
To obtain this Song Book, access the 5V DC (commercially available)
Yamaha website, and click on the “Down- (USB micro B)
Rear 2
load” tab beneath the model name.
USB power
adaptor (comme-
Connecting Headphones or 1
cially available)
External Audio Equipment
([PHONES/OUTPUT] Jack) USB cable 2
AC Outlet
For connecting a set of stereo headphones with a The shape of the plug and outlet
stereo mini plug. This jack also functions as an exter- differs depending on your locale.
nal output for sending the audio signal of this instru-
ment to external audio equipment. The speakers of When disconnecting the USB cable or so, first turn
the instrument are automatically shut off when a off the power, then follow the order shown above in
headphones plug, etc. is inserted into this jack. reverse.
• Before using the headphones, be sure to set the volume of USB Power adaptor / USB mobile battery
the instrument at the minimum level. Then gradually raise
the volume while playing the instrument, for your ear com- requirements
fort and safety. • Output voltage: 4.8 V to 5.2 V
• Do not use the instrument or headphones for a long period
of time at a high or uncomfortable volume level, since this
• Output current: 0.5 A or greater
can cause permanent hearing loss.
• Before connecting the instrument to other electronic com- CAUTION
ponents, make sure to set all volume levels to minimum, Make sure to use a USB power adaptor or USB mobile
then turn off the power of all the components. Otherwise, battery with the specifications above. Using the wrong
damage to the components or electrical shock may occur. USB power adator can result in damage to the instru-
ment or overheating.
Read the safety precautions for your particular USB
power adaptor or USB mobile battery.
To avoid possible damage to the external device, first turn on
the power to the instrument, then to the external device.
When turning off the power, do so in reverse order: first turn
off the power to the external device, then to the instrument.


6 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

2 Using Batteries Troubleshooting
This instrument requires four “AA” size, Alkaline
(LR6)/Manganese (R6) batteries, or rechargeable
Problem Solution
nickel-metal hydride batteries (rechargeable Ni-MH
• No Sound. • Increase the volume.
batteries). The Alkaline batteries or rechargeable Ni-
• The volume is too soft. • Disconnect the headphones from
MH batteries are recommended for this instrument, [PHONES/OUTPUT] jack (page 6).
since other types may result in poorer battery perfor- • Check whether the Volume Limit
mance. setting (page 12) is too low or not.
• Replace all the batteries with new
WARNING ones or recharged ones.
See the “Battery” section in the Precautions (page 4). The sound is degraded Use the included USB cable or turn
or choppy. down the master volume.

1 Make sure that the power of the instrument is off. Power suddenly and This is normal and the Auto Power Off
unexpectedly turns off. function may have been activated
2 Open the battery compartment cover located on (page 12). If you need to disable the
the instrument’s bottom panel. Auto Power Off function, select “oFF.”
When the instrument is The protection circuit has been acti-
turned on, power is vated due to overcurrent. This may
turned off suddenly and occur when your USB power adaptor
unexpectedly. does not meet the requirements on
page 6 or is damaged.
Try to use another USB power adaptor
that meets the requirements, etc. If it
should appear to be malfunctioning,
please consult Yamaha service per-

Backup and Initialization

 Backup Parameters
The following settings will be maintained even if
the power is turned off.
3 Insert the four new batteries, being careful to fol-
low the polarity markings on the inside of the Master Volume, Volume Limit, Tuning,
compartment. Chord Fingering Type, Auto Power Off,
Battery Type
The power is turned off when the USB power adaptor is
unplugged with the power on or the alkaline / manganese
battery runs down.

 Initialization
You can initialize the backup parameters via the
4 Replace the compartment cover, making sure following method.
that it locks firmly in place. While holding down the highest white key, press
the [ ] (Standby/On) switch to turn the power
NOTICE on. “CLr” appears on the display.
• Make sure to set the Battery Type correctly (page 12).
Failure to set the battery type may shorten the amount of
the battery life.
• Connecting or disconnecting the USB cable with batteries
installed may turn the power off, resulting in loss of data.

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 7


Play the Keyboard and Check Out the Voices!

Select an instrument Voice and play it
1. Press the button with the musical instrument
illustration as below.
The instrument Voice
changes each time you
press the musical
instrument’s button. For
details about the Voices,
refer to the “Voice List”
on page 14.

2. Play the keyboard.

Play some of the fun sound effects

1. Press or .
You can play the sound effect that
Sound effects are
matches the illustration above the applied to the keys with-
keyboards. out illustration. For
details, please refer to
the “Drum/SFX Kit
2. Play the keyboard with your favorite sound effect. List” on page 15.

Pressing lets you play the

upper illustration sounds, and press-
ing lets you play the lower
illustration sounds.

8 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

Turning the Power On/Off Adjusting the Volume
Press to turn on the power. Press to increase the volume.
“001 ” appears on the display. Press to decrease the volume.
To set the power to standby, press and hold the
switch for about a second.
• The volume level can be changed from 00 to 15. The
MEMO default level is 13.
If Remie is not operated for 30 minutes (by default) • Remie has a Volume Limit function to prevent the
with the power on, the power is automatically turned Master Volume from accidentally being set to too high
off (Auto Power function; page 12). a level. For details, refer to page 12.

Try the Quiz — and guess the sound!

1. Select the sound you want to guess.
Pressing or lets you to guess the fun

2. Press .
When the fanfare plays, the Quiz starts!

3. Play the same key as the sound from

There are a total of 10 questions.
To quit the Quiz, press again.

Pressing the [LEVEL] button lets you select the
• The answer time is about 10 seconds. difficulty level of the Quiz.
The level changes each time you press the button.
• If your answer is correct, a bell sounds.
The default setting is “Auto (AUt).”
• If your answer is incorrect, a buzzer sounds.
• If you do not play any key for 10 seconds, a LEVEL 1: 1 note sounds.
buzzer sounds. LEVEL 2: 3 notes sound one-by-one.
• You can try the same Quiz question three LEVEL 3: 3 notes sound simultaneously.
times. Auto: The level changes from LEVEL 1 to
• If you cannot play the correct key within LEVEL 3 according to the number of
correct answers.
three times, a final buzzer sounds and the
next question starts.

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 9

Listen to the Song, and try playing along!
contains 30 preset Songs.

First, press . The Song

number (page 16) appears on 0.0.1.
the display. You can select or listen to
the Song while this dot is lit.

Listen to the Song!

Press to start Song playback.
To stop playback, press the button again.
Listen to various Songs referring to the “Song List” on page 16.
Pressing or lets you select the previous or next Song.
Pressing lets you select the top Song of the next category.

Try playing along with the Song!

1. Select your favorite Song.

2. Press .
The melody part of the Song is muted.
Pressing again lets you listen to the melody part.

3. Press to start Song playback.

4. Play the melody part referring to the Song Book (page 6).

• You cannot mute the melody part of the Demo Song (Song No.1).
• You can download the Song Book (page 6) from the Yamaha website. For details, refer to the “Song Book
(Online Document)” on page 6.

Changing the Tempo

Press the [TEMPO/TAP] button to change the Tempo of the Song, Style, and Metronome (page 12). Use the [+] and [-]
buttons to change the Tempo value while “tEP” or the current Tempo value is shown on the display.

 Tapping out a Tempo — Tap Start

While Song/Style playback is stopped, tap the [TEMPO/TAP] button several times to start playback at the tapped
tempo- four times for a 4-beat Song/Style or three times for a 3-beat Song/Style.

10 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

Try playing with the Rhythm and Accompaniment (Styles)!
includes an Auto Accompaniment feature that automatically plays appropriate
“Styles” (rhythm+bass+chord accompaniment), controlled simply by playing chords with
your left hand.

First, press . The Style

number (page 16) appears on 0.0.1. You can select or play
the display. rhythm or accompaniment
while this dot is lit.

1. Press to start the rhythm.

2. Play a key in the Accompaniment Section (Smart Chord) in the illustration
below to start the accompaniment.
Select your favorite Style referring to the “Style List” on page 16.
Pressing or lets you select the previous or next Style.
Pressing lets you select the top Style of the next category.

3. Try playing the melody part using the Accompaniment Section

(Smart Chord C2–B2)
keys C3 and above, as shown at right.
For details on how to play with a Style, refer to
the “How to play with a Style” on page 13.

4. Press to stop the rhythm or Auto C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3

The lowest
Accompaniment. key Accompaniment Section
(Multi Finger C2–F#3)


Playing the accompaniment

Remie includes a “Smart Chord” feature that lets you start and control Styles by simply pressing a sin-
gle note of a chord in the Accompaniment Section in the illustration above. If you want to play full
chords yourself, change the “Chord Fingering Type” (page 12) from “Smart Chord (Smr)” to “Multi Fin-
ger (mLt).” For details, refer to the “Chords for Style Playback” on page 17.

• To play back the rhythm part only, press the [MUTE] button before or during the Style playback.
Pressing the [MUTE] button again lets you start the accompaniment again.

Sync Start Function for Song/Style

This function lets you start the Song/Style by simply playing a key or chord.
For details, refer to page 12.

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 11

The Functions
To set the various Functions, press the appropriate key (repeatedly if
necessary) while holding down .

C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4

Smart Chord / Multi Finger

Alkaline / Rechargeable







Refer to page 17.

Refer to page 17.


-1 +1 -0.2 +0.2 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1

C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4
w Transpose e Tuning t Metronome y Song/ o Smart !2 Volume
Beat Style/ Chord Key Limit
q Sustain r Metronome Volume i Chord Fingering Type !1 Auto Power Off

u Sync Start !0 Battery Type

Function List
Function Name Descriptions Default Value Range/Settings
q Sustain Switches the Sustain function on/off. Off (SoF) On (Son) / Off (SoF)
w Transpose Determines the pitch of the instrument in semitone increments. 00 -12–0–12
e Tuning Determines the fine tuning of the pitch of the entire instrument in approx. 427.0 (27.0)–
0.2Hz increments. The hundreds digit of the setting value is omitted on 440.0 (40.0) 440.0 (40.0)–
the display. 453.0 (53.0)
r Metronome Switches the Metronome function on/off. Off (oFF) On (on) / Off (oFF)
t Metronome Beat Determines the Metronome beat. For example, when this is set to 4, the The current Song
0 (no bell)–16
beat is set to 4/4 time and the first beat is accented with a bell sound. or Style Beat
y Song/Style/ Determines the Song/Style/Metronome volume.
12 00–15
Metronome Volume
u Sync Start Switches the Sync Start function on/off. When this function is on, the
Song/Style number on the display flashes and you can start the Song/
Style by simply playing a key or chord.
On (Song/Style No. on
the display flashes.) / Off
The preset Songs in Remie contain a silent measure at the beginning
of each Song. This is why, even if the Sync Start function is on, Song
playback does not start immediately after playing a key or a chord.
i Chord Fingering Determines how to play the chord in Accompaniment Section (page 11)
Type when playing with a Style. Smart Chord Smart Chord (Smr)/
• Smart Chord (Smr): Play only the root key of the chord. (Smr) Multi Finger (mLt)
• Multi Finger (mLt): Play all notes of the chord conventionally.
o Smart Chord Key Determines the Key Signature when the Chord Fingering Type is set to
No Key
“Smart Chord.” For example, if there are 2 sharps ( # ) on your music
Signature 7 Flats (FL7)–0 (SP0)–
score (indicating the key of D; refer to the “How to play with a Style” on
(SP0: C Major or 7 Sharps (SP7)
page 13), press A3 or G3 key until “SP2” appears on the display. For
A Minor)
details, refer to the “Chords for Style Playback” on page 17.
!0 Battery Type Selects the type of batteries you have installed to Remie. AL: Alkaline battery /
Alkaline battery /
Manganese battery
n|: Rechargeable bat-
battery (AL)
!1 Auto Power Off Specifies the time that will elapse before the instrument’s power is auto- oFF/5/10/15/30/60/120
30 minutes
matically turned off. (minutes)
!2 Volume Limit Determines the maximum value of the Master Volume. 15 01–15

12 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

Product Name Digital Keyboard
Size/Weight Dimensions (W × D × H) 506 mm × 201 mm × 54 mm (19-15/16" × 7-15/16" × 2-1/8")
Weight 1.2 kg (2 lb, 10 oz) (not including batteries)
Control Interface Keyboard 37 HQ (High Quality) Mini Keys
Display 7-Segment LED
Panel Language English
Voices Polyphony (max.) 32
Number of Voices 49 (46 Voices + 1 Drum Kit + 2 SFX Kits (74 sound effects))
Accompaniment Number of Styles 28
Styles Fingering Smart Chord, Multi Finger
Songs Number of Preset Songs 30
Panel Sustain Yes
Metronome Yes
Tempo Range 11–280, Tap Tempo (32–280)
Transpose -12–0–+12
Tuning 427.0–440.0–453.0 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments)
Connectivity Headphones/Output (Stereo mini) jack, 5V DC (USB micro B) jack
Sound System Amplifiers 1.4 W
Speakers 8 cm × 1
Power Supply Power Supply • USB power adaptor 5V/500mA
• Four “AA” size alkaline (LR6), manganese (R6) or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries (HR6)
Power Consumption 1.5 W
Auto Power Off Yes
Included Accessories • Owner’s Manual
• USB cable
• Online Member Product Registration
Separately Sold Accessories Headphones (HPH-50/HPH-100/HPH-150)
(May not be available depending on your area.)

* The contents of this manual apply to the latest specifications as of the publishing date.
To obtain the latest manual, access the Yamaha website then download the manual file.
Since specifications, equipment or separately sold accessories may not be the same in every locale, please check with your Yamaha dealer.

How to play with a Style

Styles let you produce rhythm and automatic accompaniment playback simply by playing the desired
Select Style No. 11 and try playing the Song below!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

C F C G7 C G7 C

C F C G7 C G7 C

The # and b marks here indicate the Key Signature. When setting “i Chord Fingering Type” on
If # (sharps) or b (flats) are written here, make sure to set the Key Signature to page 12 to “Smart Chord (Smr)”, play only the
match that of your music score referring to the “o Smart Chord Key” on page 12. root note ( ). For details on how to play
For details, refer to the “Chords for Style Playback” on page 17. chords when “Multi Finger (mLt)” is set, refer to
the “Chords for Style Playback” on page 17.

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 13

Voice List
Voice No. Voice Name Voice No. Voice Name


1 Grand Piano 27 Flute

2 Piano & Strings 28 Oboe

3 Honky Tonk Piano 29 Clarinet

4 Harpsichord 30 Bassoon


5 Electric Piano 1 BRASS

6 Electric Piano 2 32 Brass Section

7 Electric Piano Pad 33 Trumpet

ORGAN 34 Trombone

8 Accordion 35 Tuba

9 Tango Accordion 36 Synth Brass

10 Harmonica PERCUSSION

11 Drawbar Organ 37 Vibraphone

12 Pipe Organ 38 Marimba

GUITAR 39 Celesta

13 Nylon Guitar 40 Timpani

14 Steel Guitar 41 Drum Kit

15 Clean Guitar SYNTH

16 Overdriven Guitar 42 Square Lead

BASS 43 Sawtooth Lead

17 Acoustic Bass 44 New Age Pad

18 Finger Bass 45 Halo Pad

19 Slap Bass 46 Crystal

20 Synth Bass 47 Brightness


21 Strings 48 SFX Kit 1

22 Pizzicato Strings 49 SFX Kit 2

23 Violin When you select “Drum Kit (Voice No. 41)” or “SFX Kit 1 (Voice No.
48)” or “SFX Kit 2 (Voice No. 49),” various drum/percussion or SFX
24 Cello sounds are assigned to individual keys. For details on assigning
instruments to keys, refer to the “Drum/SFX Kit List” on page 15.
25 Contrabass

26 Orchestral Harp

14 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

Drum/SFX Kit List
Voice No. 41 Voice No. 48 Voice No. 49
The lowest key
Drum Kit SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit 2

C 2 Castanet C 2 Punch C 2 Telephone

C#2 C# 2 Brush Slap C# 2 Footsteps C# 2 Dial Tone

D2 D 2 Brush Tap Swirl D 2 Finger Snap D 2 Alarm Bell

D#2 D# 2 Open Rim Shot D# 2 Laugh D# 2 Bicycle Horn

E2 E 2 Bass Drum E 2 Handclap E 2 Siren

F 2 Snare F 2 Scream F 2 Clock Tick

F#2 F# 2 Side Stick F# 2 Applause F# 2 Cuckoo Clock

G2 G 2 Floor Tom G 2 Knock On A Door G 2 Big Clock

G#2 G# 2 Hi-Hat Closed G# 2 Door Slam G# 2 Laser 1

A2 A 2 Low Tom A 2 Door Squeak A 2 Laser 2

A#2 A# 2 Hi-Hat Open A# 2 Camera 1 A# 2 Laser 3

B2 B 2 Mid Tom B 2 Camera 2 B 2 Gear

C 3 Crash Cymbal C 3 Short Circuit C 3 Cat

C#3 C# 3 Tambourine C# 3 Explosion C# 3 Cow

D3 D 3 Ride Cymbal Cup D 3 Firework D 3 Dog

D#3 D# 3 Ride Cymbal D# 3 Spray D# 3 Owl

E3 E 3 Bongo H E 3 Zipper E 3 Rooster

F 3 Bongo L F 3 Bubble F 3 Frog

F#3 F# 3 Conga H Mute F# 3 Thunder F# 3 Horse

G3 G 3 Conga H Open G 3 Stream G 3 Goat

G#3 G# 3 Conga L G# 3 Rain G# 3 Lion

A3 A 3 Timbale H A 3 Waterdrop A 3 Sheep

A#3 A# 3 Timbale L A# 3 Wave A# 3 Insect

B3 B 3 Cowbell B 3 Wind B 3 Bird

C 4 Vibraslap C 4 Gong 1 C 4 Railroad Crossing

C#4 C# 4 Surdo Open C# 4 Gong 2 C# 4 Steam Engine Whistle

D4 D 4 Agogo H D 4 Kick A Can D 4 Train

D#4 D# 4 Agogo L D# 4 Barcode Scanner D# 4 Helicopter

E4 E 4 Wood Block H E 4 Cash Register Drawer E 4 Jet Plane

F 4 Wood Block L F 4 Chime F 4 Car Engine Ignition

F#4 F# 4 Guiro Short F# 4 Question Setting F# 4 Car Blinker

G4 G 4 Guiro Long G 4 Announcement Start G 4 Car Tires Squeal

G#4 G# 4 Cabasa G# 4 Correct G# 4 Car Horn

A4 A 4 Triangle Mute A 4 Announcement End A 4 Car Passing

A#4 A# 4 Triangle Open A# 4 Wrong A# 4 Car Crash

B4 B 4 Jingle Bells B 4 Metallic Sound B 4 UFO

C5 C 5 Bell Tree C 5 Chau Gong C 5 Starship

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 15

Song List
Category Song No. Song Name Composer
CHILDREN’S SONG 2 Frère Jacques Traditional
3 Der Froschgesang Traditional
4 London Bridge Traditional
5 Sur le pont d’Avignon Traditional
6 Nedelka Traditional
7 Sippin’ Cider Through a Straw Traditional
8 If You’re Happy and You Know It Traditional
9 Ten Little Indians Traditional
10 The Cuckoo Traditional
11 Close Your Hands, Open Your Hands J. J. Rousseau
12 O du lieber Augustin Traditional
13 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Traditional
14 Im Mai Traditional
15 Pop Goes The Weasel Traditional
16 Mary Had a Little Lamb Traditional
17 Row Row Row Your Boat Traditional
FAVORITE 18 Holdilia Cook Traditional
19 Beautiful Dreamer S. C. Foster
20 La Cucaracha Traditional
21 Greensleeves Traditional
22 Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär Traditional
23 Die Lorelei F. Silcher
24 Silent Night F. Gruber
25 Deck the Halls Traditional
26 Annie Laurie Traditional
CLASSIC 27 Liebesträume Nr.3 F. Liszt
28 Humoresques A. Dvořák
29 Pizzicato Polka J. Strauss II
30 Menuett BWV Anh.114 J. S. Bach

Style List
Style No. Style Name Style No. Style Name Style No. Style Name
Pop Ballad March
1 8Beat 1 11 Ballad 1 19 March 1
2 8Beat 2 12 Ballad 2 20 March 2
3 8Beat 3 Shuffle 21 March 3
4 16Beat 13 Shuffle 1 22 6/8March
5 EuroPop 14 Shuffle 2 Traditional
6 Folkrock 1 Swing 23 Polka 1
7 Folkrock 2 15 Swing 24 Polka 2
Rock 16 Singalong 25 Bluegrass
8 Rock 17 Charleston Waltz
9 8BeatRock 18 WinterSwing 26 Waltz 1
10 16BeatRock 27 Waltz 2
28 Samba

16 PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual

Chords for Style Playback
The method for playing chords and the actual sound of the chords differ depending on the Chord
Fingering Type (page 12); Smart Chord or Multi Finger.

 In the case of “Smart Chord”

When the Chord Fingering Type is set to “Smart Chord (Smr),” make sure to set the “Smart Chord Key”
(page 12) at first.

Smart Chord Key Setting

Make sure to set “Smart Chord Key” to match the Key Signature (# or b) on your music score before starting the
Style (Auto Accompaniment). To set the number of the Key Signature on the music score, press the G3 or A3 key
while holding down the [FUNCTION] button.
Pressing the G3 key increases the number of flats and decreases the sharps. Pressing A3 key increases the
number of sharps and decreases the flats. For the position of the G3 or A3 key, refer to the “o Smart Chord
Key” in the illustration on page 12.

Smart Chord Chart

When you set the Smart Chord Key to match the Key Signature on your music score, you can play a chord by
simply playing the root note of the chord you want to play. This chart features common chords you can play
using “Smart Chords.”
Key Signature on Root Note
the music score C D Eb F G A Bb
2 flats ( b ) FL2 C min D 1+5 Eb Major F7 G min A m7(b5) Bb Major

Key Signature on Root Note

the music score C D E F G A Bb
1 flat ( b ) FL1 C7 D min E m7(b5) F Major G min A 1+5 Bb Major

Key Signature on Root Note

the music score C D E F G A B
No sharps/flats SP0 C Major D min E 1+5 F Major G7 A min B m7(b5)

Key Signature on Root Note

the music score C D E F# G A B
1 sharp ( # ) SP1 C Major D7 E min F# m7(b5) G Major A min B 1+5

Key Signature on Root Note

the music score C# D E F# G A B
2 sharps ( # ) SP2 C# m7(b5) D Major E min F# 1+5 G Major A7 B min

 In the case of “Multi Finger”

When the Chord Fingering Type is set to “Multi Finger (mLt),” play all keys of a chord you want to play. This
chart features common chords. For other chords, refer to commercially available chord books for further details.

 Indicates the root note.

Major Minor Seventh Minor Seventh Major Seventh
C Cm C7 Cm7 CM 7

F Fm F7 Fm7 FM7

G Gm G7 Gm7 GM7

PSS-E30 Owner’s Manual 17

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In Order to Obtain Warranty Service: Warranty service will only be provided for defective products within the Warranted Area.
Contact your local authorized Yamaha dealer who will advise you of the procedures to be followed. If this is not successful, contact Yamaha at
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If you have any questions about service received or if you need assistance in locating an authorized Yamaha Servicer, please contact:

Yamaha Corporation of America
6600 Orangethorpe Avenue, Buena Park, California 90620-1373
Telephone: 800-854-1569
Do not return any product to the above address without a written Return Authorization issued by YAMAHA.

© 2019 Yamaha Corporation of America.

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Tel: +49-4101-303-0 Tel: (392) 227 9213 Tel: +66-2215-2622
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Tel: +33-1-6461-4000 Tel: +971-4-801-1500

DMI27 Head Office/Manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation 10-1, Nakazawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, 430-8650, Japan
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Manual Development Group

© 2019 Yamaha Corporation
Published 08/2019


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