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Hard Disk Based Recording

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The computer system deals mainly with texts and digits. These texts and digits are in
digital form and are recorded on the hard disk of the computer. So, if the analog audio
or video is converted into digital form, it can be recorded on the hard disk of the
computer. Then the computer can manipulate the audio/video in the similar way as it
manipulates texts and digits. This is what is known as hard disk based recording
system. Hard disk based recording system used for audio is also known as Audio Work
Station. Before we discuss the hard disk based recording system, let us see the
constraints of analogue system and benefits of digital system.

Analogue System - The constraints

• Inflexible - Insert/drop is not easy.
• Quality - It degrades with usage.
• Editing - Cumbersome and time consuming
• Automation - Complete automation is difficult.
• Limited signal to noise ratio and dynamic range.
• Compression technique is not possible.
• Signal quality degrades due to tape hiss, modulation noise, dropouts, wow and
flutter, cross talk, distortion etc.
• There is slow progress of analogue equipments.

Digital System - The benefits

• It is highly flexible and versatile.

• No quality degradation with multiple usage.
• Highly reliable, efficient and nondestructive editing
• Complete automation is possible.
• Excellent signal to Noise Ratio - better than 90 dB.

Dynamic Range - better than 90 dB

Cross Talk - better than 90 dB
Distortion - 0.004%
Wow & Flutter - Nil

• Quality depends only on the quality of conversion process.

• It is possible to use compression technique. This results in bandwidth saving.
• Tremendous benefits in the areas of post-production, archiving and multi-
• Since the signal is in binary form, it is immune from noise.
• Hard disk recording facilitates random access.
• Centralised storage system can be provided.
• There is fast progress of digital equipment.

The System

There are two types of hard disk based (audio) recording system :

i) Dedicated system and

ii) Networked Hard Disk Based System.

Dedicated System

In dedicated system, there is only one computer terminal for recording or play. This is
mainly used for editing purpose with a special key board (edit controller).

Networked Hard Disk Based System

In networked hard disk based system a number of work stations (computer terminals)
are connected together to the main server (central server). They work in a LAN
environment. This system has been shown in figure 1 (a) and (b).

This system facilitates the following :-

• Integrated studio automation system

• Simplified operational task
• Reduced handling cost
• Elimination of monotonous repeat works.

• Instant and random access to all audio clips.

• Detailed logging of on-air events
• Access restriction and security.

Fig. 1 Networked Hard Disk Based System

Hardware of the System

IBM compatible computers are connected in LAN environment with client server
configuration. The main server is provided with a back up server. The number of work
stations will depend on type of studios. One of the workstations will function as 'on-air

General specifications :

Sampling rate of audio - 32 kHz, 44.1 KHz, 48KHz.

Data rate - 32 to 192 Kbps, MPEG Layer-2 Uncompressed (linear PCM).
Audio processing card - 32 bits Digigram

Parallel printer port - for work stations.

Monitor - 17" SVGA for workstations.
14" SVGA for Server.

Logic interface for fader start and remote control of analogue recorders, CD players etc.

Archiving - On DAT, MO Disc, CD-R, Juke-box.

Network - Ethernet 10/100 T.

I/P & O/P - Analogue/Digital

The internal arrangement of computer for audio processing has been shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Internal Arrangement of Computer for Audio Processing

Software of the System

Windows-NT Operating System will be used for networking. Windows 98 or NT will be

used for workstations.

General specifications :-
• SQL Server data storage
• Microsoft clustering technology to integrate main and standby servers for a
smooth fail over.
• TCP/IP for network data transfer
• Browser based on line help system.
• Security set up and user manager module
• Component based software architecture using object oriented technology.

Function of the System

The hard disk based system performs the following functions :

• Playback
• Recording
• Editing
• Storage and archiving
• Scheduling
• Transmission and
• Distribution


The playback works in three different modes.

Auto mode - The system runs the loaded play lists in sequence with cross fades up to
the end mark.

Live Assist Mode - The system stops after every item of the play list. The next item is
started by start button or fader start. This mode uses a prepared play list, but allows
alteration of the sequence and search for new item as well as interrupt and deletions.

Manual Mode - In this mode, the user has full control of the sequence of operations.
Any item can be randomly played/stopped or monitored.
The following facilities are available for play back.

• Cross faded/overlapped with voice over facility.

• Two or more virtual playback panels
• Priority play buttons
• Instant monitoring
• Display of news, traffic and weather information.
• Digital control of or control by other devices
• Auto listing of aired programmes.
• Booking of commercial/auto billing.
• Automatic chaining of multiple play lists.
• Text file display with automatic scrolling and embedded audio clips.


Like play back, many facilities are available during recording. There are two or more
virtual record panels. Auto recording can be performed by time, level or external logic.
Other facilities available while recording are as follows :

• Auto trim feature to remove silence.

• Time display - current recording and remaining time.
• Display of disc space and audio level
• Marker can be inserted during recording
• Mono or stereo recording.
• Recording at variable sampling rate.
• Play back while recording in back ground.
• Edit/current file from same work station or any other.
• Recording of network feed programme.
• Simultaneously record and cross fade.


The beauty of hard disk based recording system is that editing is non destructive. This
means, original audio recording remains intact, even after a lot of editing done, which is
stored as different files.

The facilities available in editing mode are as follows :


• Audio can be recorded on to the disc on a number of tracks or in a number of

different files.
• Audio can be played back on push of a button from time cue or by control of a
play list.
• Assembly of edited version is simple. Edit points are located precisely and all
information are entered in edit decision list (EDL). Assembly takes place by
operating on EDL. (Refer Fig. 3).
• Track slipping, looping, stereo panning, reel rocking, vary speed, cross fade, time
compress and expand are possible without pitch change.
• Display of audio waveform as it is recorded and processed.
• Editing is accurate to one sample period.
• Hardware interface for smooth and accurate cueing.
• Colour selection and zoom facilities.
• Import and export of file
• Editing features – cut, paste, extract, fade-in/fade-out etc.


For scheduling of programme, the following facilities are available :

• Template preparation for days, sequences, blocks and steps.

• Manual, assisted or automated scheduling.
• Block scheduling for music, news, commercials.

Fig. 3 Instructions from an edit decision list (EDL) are used to control the replay of sound file
segments from disk, which may be subjected to further processing (also under EDL control) before
arriving at the audio outputs


The hard disk based system facilities the following for transmission of programmes :

• Broadcasting from library list-select and play

• Instant start of sound elements by assignable hot keys.
• Data base access for information retrieval, search or entry function.
• Rearrangements of list.

On – AIR Workstation

To ensure smooth and uninterrupted programme transmission one of the work stations
is designated as ‘On-air ’Workstations. This provides 4-5 hrs stand-alone service.
Functions of on-air workstation :

• Loading and controlling the play out of a scheduled play list in assisted or
automated mode.
• Modifying a play list during play back, inserting, deleting or adding items of the
play list.
• Accessing text and information attached to play list, tens.
• Pre-listening and receiving play list source items.
• Searching new items and inserting them instantly.
• Loading and playing items to a secondary list.
• Operation of secondary equipment through a relay interface unit.
• Time and status information of services – ready to play, on-air, not cued etc.

Operational Safety

The hard disk based system is equally prone to the problems occurring in a computer.
Hence, in case of any problem in the system or total failure of the system, the stored
data should be safe. For this purpose, the following arrangements have been done :-

• Mirroring of hard disks and RAID for data recovery.

• Duplexing of servers in back to back configuration.
• Automated back up.
• Buffering in play out stations.
• Back up routers/switchers.
• Any studio can function as an instant back up, in case of a hardware failure in
one studio.

RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpressive Disc.

SCSI - Small Computer System Interface.
CPU - Central Processing Unit.

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