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Difference Between Cambomba and Hornwort

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Difference between Cambomba and Hornwort

Hornworts Cabomba
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) has finely- Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) has finely-
divided leaves that are arranged in clusters (i.e. divided, fan-shaped, leaves that are usually
whorls) of 7-12 and are stalkless (i.e. sessile). The oppositely arranged and borne on stalks (i.e.
leaves and stems are mostly underwater (i.e. petioles) up to 30 mm long. The leaves and stems
submerged) or floating directly on the water are mostly underwater (i.e. submerged) or
surface. Its inconspicuous flowers are stalkless floating directly on the water surface. Its whitish
(i.e. sessile) and borne below the water surface. colored flowers have six 'petals' (i.e. tepals) and
are borne just above the water surface on
relatively long stalks (10-40 mm long).

Hornwort is a lot thinner and finer, normally left Cabomba is a stem plant. It needs good soil and
floating. If their fine leaves melt, you get a mess. good light.
Otherwise, they grow very fast!

Hornwort is easier. Note that hornwort can melt One should not use Cabomba. Cabomba very easy
at times, if it's in a newly set-up tank. If your tank to grow but a lot of debris. It sort breaks off or
is established, hornwort will grow like crazy in chews off by fish. Cabomba carliniana or Green
sunlight. Cabomba is the most commonly sold. Next to
that is Cambomba pulcherrima which is known as
Purple Cabomba (Slightly more reddish) which
most of the time is the fish's favorite ECA Food.
Rests of the cabomba class are not so common.
Hornwort is so much easier to handle, and nicer It's a fragile plant, easily breaks, and one really
to look at too. In good light, cool water, they start hate it when it melts.
to turn greener and occasionally some will have
reddish tips, especially at the top of the plant.

The hornworts, with only about 100 species A long-lived (i.e. perennial) underwater (i.e.
worldwide comprise the smallest group of mostly submerged) plant that is usually rooted to
bryophytes. Hornwort gametopytes grow as a the ground in water 1-3 m deep, but it
thallus (flattened leaf like tissue) with narrow can occasionally be free-floating.
hornlike or string like projections (sporophytes)
which bear the spores.

Hornworts are found in a variety of habitats, but A weed of ponds, dams, lakes and slow-moving
are most abundant in damp places such as clay waterways over a wide range of wetter climates
banks. Most settle on soil or rock, although some (i.e. tropical, sub-tropical and warmer temperate
species prefer bark, and others overrun mosses regions).
and liverworts. Anthoceros species are often
found on damp banks, while Dendroceros
giganteus lives on swampy ground.

Hornworts may be found worldwide, though they Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) was deliberately
tend to grow only in places that are damp or cultivated as an aquarium and pond plant in the
humid. Some species grow in large numbers as past. However, it is now illegal to grow or sell this
tiny weeds in the soil of gardens species in Australia and it should no longer be
and cultivated fields. Large tropical and sub- present in cultivation.
tropical species of Dendroceros may be
found growing on the bark of trees.


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