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Vardhman Textiles Limited AR 2016-17 PDF

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bonds of trust


Report Contents

01 02 03

Strengthening the 02 Management Discussion 24 Standalone financial 95

legacy of trust and Analysis Report statement
Driving excellence 04 Business Responsibility 30 Consolidated financial 166
for decades report statement
Pan-India presence 06 Directors’ Report 40
Financial performance 08 Report of the Directors on 83
Robust business model 10 Corporate Governance Notice 245
Chairman’s review 14
Management message 16
Sustainable value for all 18
Fabric of excellence 20
Supporting the community 22

Revenue EBITDA Profit after Tax

2.04% 27.94% 48.08%

Y-o-Y Y-o-Y Y-o-Y

EPS Equity share information

Market capitalisation Institutional holding

50.16% (31st March, 2017) (31st March, 2017)

` 73,415 million 22.71%
Enterprise value National Stock Exchange (NSE)
(31st March, 2017)
` 80,329 million Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Proposed dividend 502986
` 15 per share Bloomberg code
(Face value ` 10) VTEX:IN
Promoters holding
(31st March, 2017)
View this annual report online
is an intangible
that drives
tangible value at
For decades, we have fostered relationships of trust
with our stakeholders, through our core competencies
in textile manufacturing.

Within textile manufacturing, we At the same time, we Economic, social

are focusing on increasing the are working to reduce and environmental
wallet share with distinguished environmental footprint, driving
sustainability remain at
clients by expanding our education and healthcare
portfolio of products. initiatives, along with supporting the core of our business
community wellbeing. philosophy. And in
Besides cotton yarn and blends, everything we do, we
we are looking at more synthetic are inspired by timeless
and blended yarns. We are bonds of trust with all our
also taking steps to expand
our existing fabric processing
capabilities, going forward.

Our foray into printed fabrics

was also a prudent step forward.
We have already commissioned
the first phase of our printed
line, and are now stabilising our

We are refreshing our portfolio,

strengthening global technology
alliances, sharpening the
capabilities of our people and
expanding our community

We have set high standards

of customer and stakeholder
integrity, and our culture
encourages hard work,
innovation, respect and taking

Strengthening the
legacy of trust

50+ years Largest Leading

We have over five decades Yarn manufacturer in India Manufacturer and exporter of
of valuable experience in the with a capacity of over 1 cotton yarn in India
constantly evolving textile million spindles, including
industry. 7,188 rotors

Prominent No.1 No.2

Manufacturer of piece Hand knitting yarn Producer of
dyed fabric manufacturer in India sewing threads

22 65+ 350+
State-of-the-art Country global Key customers
manufacturing assets marketing presence across the globe
across six states in India

38.50% 21,206 ` 54.10 mn

Proportion of our revenue Team members driving the Contribution to social
from exports levers of progress at Vardhman initiatives in 2016-17

Driving excellence
for decades
We are Vardhman Group (Vardhman). Incorporated in 1973,
Vardhman Textiles Limited is the flagship company of Vardhman
Group, which is one of India’s largest textile conglomerates with
presence across the textile value chain viz., yarn, sewing thread,
fabric, fibre and garments.

We also have small presence in

steel via our associate company
Our vision
Vardhman Special Steels Limited. Rooted in values, creating world class textiles.

We manufacture a wide range of

textile products across yarn, fabrics
and fibre (acrylic) and have the
operational flexibility to strengthen Our mission
it further. With our sophisticated
design and sampling capabilities, we The Vardhman Group aims to be a world class textile organisation
act as a trusted design partner for producing diverse range of products for the global textiles market. We
our clients. seek to achieve customer delight through excellence in manufacturing
and customer service, based on creative combination of state-of-the-art
We enjoy a strong presence in technology and human resources. We are responsible corporate citizens.
markets like the European Economic
Community, Canada, China,
Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil,
Mauritius and the Middle East. We
Our values
• Faith in the bright future of Indian textiles and hence continued
have also emerged as a preferred
supplier to global garment makers Expansion in areas that we know best.
like Tommy Hilfiger, Esprit, Gap Total customer focus in all operational areas.
(including brands such as Old Navy), Offer products of best available quality for premium market segments
Zara, H&M, Mango, Benetton and through TPM and Zero-Defect implementation in all functional areas.
Arrow, among others. Global orientation targeting sizeable percentage of production for
We strive to achieve excellence Integrated diversification and product range expansion.
through a culture of innovation Faith in individual potential and respect for human values.
and continuous improvement. Encourage innovation for constant improvements to achieve excellence
As an organisation, we believe in
in all functional areas.
well thought-out growth and a
Accept change as a way of life.
largely conservative approach for
sustainable growth. Appreciate our role as a responsible corporate citizen.


Our corporate holding structure

Vardhman Textiles Limited (VTL) Yarn, Fabric

Vardhman Yarns & Vardhman Acrylics VMT Spinning Co. VSSL VNGL
Threads (VYTL) (VAL) (VMT)

VTL Stake 11% 70.75% 89% 31% 51%

Business RMG/ Industrial/ Acrylic Fibre 100% Cotton Yarn Special Steels Garments
Specialty Threads

Capacity 41 TPD threads, 71K 20,000 TPA 46,320 spindles Rolling 150,000 MTPA 1.8 mn pieces
spindles (captive)

Revenue ` 7.79 bn ` 3.68 bn ` 1.91 bn ` 7.56 bn ` 582.884 mn

(US$ 120.11 mn) (US$ 56.74 mn) (US$ 29.45 mn) (US$ 116.57 mn) (US$ 8.99 mn)

Collaborations A&E, USA - Marubeni, Japan - Nisshinbo, Japan

Market Status Unlisted Listed on NSE Unlisted Listed on BSE & NSE Unlisted

Our products spectrum Other strategic business

We are a one-stop shop for textile needs.


Our quality commitments

From the procurement of cotton to final garmenting,
we have put in place stringent online and offline testing
systems to ensure quality products. We are one of the
few companies in the industry to adopt intensive quality
SEWING THREADS checks at every stage of production right up to dispatch.
We have adopted testing standards from:
• American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
FABRIC • ASTM International



Our major global alliances

We have forged major alliances with global players for forward integration and moving up the value chain.

Products Alliance partners Nature of collaborations

Fibre and yarn dyeing Nihon Sanmo, Japan Technical collaborations for foray into yarn and fibre dyeing

Gassed mercerised yarns Kyung Bang, South Korea Technical collaborations for foray into gassed mercerised yarns

Cotton yarns (ended in 2012) Toho Rayon, Japan Joint venture for making customised yarns for the Japanese market
Acrylic fibre Exlan and Marubeni Corp, Technology contract for the transfer of technology and equipment supply
(JV ended in 2009) Japan contract for the supply of proprietary and special plant and equipment

Fabric dyeing and finishing Tokai Senko, Japan Technical collaboration for forward integration into fabric processing

Sewing threads American & Efird (A&E) Inc., Joint Venture; A&E is now the majority shareholder in the JV with 89%
USA holding.

Cotton yarns Nisshinbo, Japan Technical collaboration

Cotton fabric Nisshinbo, Japan Technical collaboration

Garments Nisshinbo, Japan Technical and marketing collaboration






61.47 Satlpur,


Domestic Export
Manufacturing Facilities



1 mn+ 1,320 110 MMPA

Spindles Yarn Looms Fabric Processed Fabric
Location: Punjab, Himachal Location: Himachal Pradesh & Location: Himachal Pradesh &
Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

20,000 TPA 71 TPD 41 TPD

Acrylic Fibre Dyeing Sewing threads
Location: Gujarat Location: Punjab & Location: Punjab & Tamil Nadu
Himachal Pradesh

1.8 mn 150,000 TPA 50 MW

Pieces p.a. of Garments Steel (Rolling and Billets) Power
Location: Punjab Location: Punjab Location: Madhya Pradesh

Financial performance


(` in crore) (` in crore) (` in crore)




114.33 crore 376.95 crore 405.43 crore
2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth

Our revenue increased, owing to Our EBIDTA increased owing to multiple Our PBT grew with growing revenues
increased domestic sales, new product efficiency enhancing measures across all and rationalised costs across the board.
launches, shifting to more value-added our manufacturing facilities.
products and widened global footprint.

(`) (` in crore) (`)




54.67 73.92 crore 118.02

2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y reduction 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth

Our earnings per share grew owing to Our fixed tangible assets declined due Our book value per share grew owing to
rising net profits. to depreciation of ` 324.85 crore in higher earnings.
FY 2016-17.



(` in crore) (` in crore) (` in crore)




295.93 crore 359.49 crore 59.73 crore

2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth 2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth

Our stable net worth is a testimony Our net cash from operating We have responsibly contributed to the
to the stable earnings over a period activities increases owing to prudent exchequer over the period.
of time. growth strategies.


(` in crore) (%)

2015-16 2016-17




325.19 crore
2015-16 2016-17 Y-o-Y growth

Our net profits increased due to lower interest costs

and better efficiencies. The profitability figures
(EBITDA, PBT & PAT) also include extraordinary
income on account of profit on sale of 40% stake in
Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited (VYTL) to A&E,
profit on sale of Hoshiarpur property to VYTL, as
well as profit on tendering of VAL shares against the
buyback of Vardhman Acrylics Limited.


Robust business

Our inputs How we create value

1 Smart strategy

N Good governance 2

3 Risk management

Technical tie-ups 4
5 Global corporates

Efficient logistics 6
7 Effective Talent Management

Raw materials
Good industrial relations 8
9 Financial management

Community participation 10

Own funds: ` 3,985.85 crore
Equity: ` 55.93 crore
Value added products
Reserves: ` 3,929.92 crore Compact Yarn Fibre Dyed
Long-term Borrowings: ` 1,143 crore
Cotton Lycra Gas Mercerised
Melange Yarn Fancy Yarns
ASSETS Cotton Dyed Slub Yarns
12 state-of-the-art production
plants strategically located in the PC Yarn Dyed Acrylic Yarns
states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh Yarn Dyed Hand-knitted Yarns
and Madhya Pradesh.


Value chain Our outcomes

Strong cotton
procurement policy

Employee engagement
Raw material Ginning
and culture of

Economies of scale and

operational efficiencies

Weaving/Knitting Spinning
Focus on diversified
and value-added

upgradation and
continuous process
Processing Garment/Apparel improvement

Integrated business
Specialised products model
Cotton Lyocell Cotton Viscose
Financial strength and
Cotton Bamboo Organic Cotton sustainability
Cotton Tencel Fair Trade Yarn
Consistently strong
Cotton Silk Contamination-free
Yarn credit rating
Cotton Modal

From routine Their insights, along with
encouragement and support, help
day-to-day operations usreach
combat business challenges and
new milestones.
to formulating critical
strategies for business
expansion or for
fulfilling sustainability
commitments, we are
powered by the enduring
bonds of trust with all
our stakeholders.

Chairman’s Review


Dear Friends, which may enable the Government It may be pertinent to state that
India continues to be one of the to give relief to certain sectors where apparel is going to drive growth
world’s fastest growing economies tax rates are high. of the textile industry in Asian
in a largely volatile global economic economies as it is always followed
scenario. The Government is In the global textile sector, developed by spinning and fabric making to
implementing key reforms to drive countries like the US and European integrate the entire chain. In our
sustainable economic growth, Union are major buyers, whereas view, any country which intends to
despite challenges. There is focus emerging markets like China, develop a section of the industry
on developing infrastructure, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam focus independent of the growth of
increasing rural spending and giving on manufacturing, owing to lower apparel may succeed for a time, yet
Indian youth opportunities to attain cost in these regions. Among the may find difficulty in competing. A
relevant skills for employment or emerging nations, currently China vertically integrated industry provides
entrepreneurship. is a dominant player in the global a better chance for each country to
textile trade. However, this is likely remain competitive as also attractive
During FY 2016-17, the Government to change owing to increasing labour to world retail buyers. Obviously, the
took steps to shape a bigger and production cost in the region, preference goes to such countries as
and cleaner GDP through the offering a wide opportunity to India lead time due to fashion changes is
demonetisation initiative and by and other developing countries like fast coming down. A shorter supply
facilitating the passage of the Goods Bangladesh and Vietnam. chain management may become
and Services Tax (GST) Bill in the key for the success of any country in
Parliament. The countries that are able to offer grabbing a larger world share in this
a climate which makes apparel industry.
These steps may bring more of the industry more competitive, may
economy in the organised sector and presumably take a bigger share of The Government of India is finalising
also enhance the revenue collection, the world trade in textiles. the New Textile Policy, which we


hope may address many of the the preferred partner of choice for installation of additional spindles at
concerns, which at present are all our stakeholders i.e. employees, Satlapur.
limiting the growth of this industry. clients, government and society.
We hope the Government will utilise We have emerged as one of the
the potential of this industry in Towards this vision, this year, we leading players in this sector through
creating millions of jobs by having a decided to reward our employees’ our team’s persistent efforts. We are
more holistic approach and plan of long association with the Company consistently investing in enhancing
action by going through those factors, as well as motivate the employees the capabilities of our people through
which affect our competitiveness in by creating a sense of participation focused training and coaching. We
relation to countries like Bangladesh and ownership among them, by identify high-potential individuals and
and Vietnam, which have significantly grant of Employee Stock Options. groom them for future leadership
exceeded their export of garments The ultimate objective is to achieve roles.
over India in the last few years. This is sustained growth of the Company
evident from the fact that Bangladesh and the creation of shareholder Partnering the community
and Vietnam have a 6% and 5.3% value by aligning the interests of During the year, as a part of our
share in apparel exports as against employees with the long-term corporate responsibility initiative, we
India’s share, which was 4.1% in 2015. interests of the Company. focused on education, healthcare
and community development. We
2016-17 in retrospect Investing for future assisted government schools near
During 2016-17, we increased our We focus on optimum capacity our locations by providing adequate
revenues by 2.04% and post-tax utilisation, customer service, infrastructure.
profit by 48.08%, driven by our cost- differentiation in portfolio and
efficient operations, better planning, uniform quality standards to keep us We provided medical facilities to
enhanced technology and coverage ahead of the curve. rural population in the vicinity of our
of cotton at the right time. plants, who have hardly any access
At VTL, we have incurred a capital to basic healthcare needs. We are
We sold 40% stake (of 51%) in our expenditure of around ` 2,000 crore also focusing on empowerment of
subsidiary Vardhman Yarns & in the last five years. Currently, we women near our plants by providing
Threads Limited (VYTL) for ` 413 operate at near 100% utilisation them with relevant employment
crore. This initiative is in line with our levels in the yarn business, catering opportunities.
strategy to focus more on our core to diverse customer requirements.
business (yarn and fabric). We are also consolidating our Our objective is to act as a change
fabric business and are focusing on agent and help bring the fruits
Looking at all relevant factors, expanding capacity in this space. of economic development to the
including the present debt to equity marginalised sections of India’s
of the Company, investments Going forward, we have a planned population.
planned in the next two-three years capital expenditure of ` 2,500 crore
as well as the increase in accumulated over three-four years towards the On behalf of the Board and the
free reserves (including a one-time ongoing schemes at Baddi, Himachal entire leadership team, I thank all our
cash inflow from the stake sale), we Pradesh, as well as proposed stakeholders, business partners as
considered it appropriate to reward expansion in Satlapur and Budhni in well as customers for their continued
our shareholders through a buyback Madhya Pradesh and modernisation guidance and support.
of 62,60,869 equity shares for ` 1,150/ in other units.
share aggregating to ` 720 crore. In all these years, we have crossed a
The proposed capex would be number of milestones, but I believe
In today’s competitive world, partially towards the ongoing that the journey continues...
employees are a company’s most expansion schemes for enhancing
important resource and asset. yarn dyed and printed fabric capacity Warm Regards,
The Company fully recognises this as well as increasing looms capacity.
fact and wants its employees to Shri Paul Oswal
participate and share the fruits of Further, it has been proposed to A fellow shareholder
growth and prosperity along with the increase fabric processing capacity, at
Company. We have a vision of being Budhni, Madhya Pradesh, along with


Management Message


TONNES IN 2015-16 TO 202,770 METRIC
METRES IN 2016-17.

Dear Shareholders, of products, and a well-developed Penetrating deeper into growth

We are pleased to report that distribution network will help us markets;
VTL delivered a consistent and sustain our growth trajectory. Driving a high-performance culture
stable operational and financial
performance in 2016-17. Expanding Our working capital cycle reduced During the year, our yarn production
urbanisation, evolving lifestyles, by 31 days to 134 days in 2016-17 decreased by 0.67% from 204,142
changing preferences and growing primarily owing to lower cotton metric tonnes in 2015-16 to 202,770
middle-class aspirations are key inventory. We also repaid debt metric tonnes in 2016-17. Our greige
trends affecting our business. worth ` 556.44 crore during 2016-17. fabric production during the FY 2016-
Simultaneously, we strengthened our 17 remained at the same level as that
Steady growth net debt equity ratio to 0.17 as on in FY 2015-16. Our processed fabric
We achieved a revenue of ` 5,728.29 March 31, 2017, compared to 0.41 as production increased by 7.15% from
crore in 2016-17 (` 5,613.96 crore on March 31, 2016. 112 million metres in 2015-16 to 121
2015-16). Our EBIDTA stood at ` million metres in 2016-17.
1,726.13 crore in 2016-17 (` 1,349.18 Key achievements
crore 2015-16) and a net profit of ` During 2016-17, our broad strategy During the year, we continued to
1,001.59 crore in 2016-17 (` 676.40 revolved around: invest in infrastructure, systems
crore 2015-16). Our earnings per Consolidating our existing and certifications. Moreover,
share stood at ` 163.67 in 2016-17 capacities; we emphasised on ‘greener
(` 109.00 during 2015-16). We Enhancing operational efficiencies; operations’ by further reducing
believe, our quality standards, Strengthening synergies across the water consumption, minimising
customer loyalty, better portfolio value chain; wastage and using renewable energy
resources over conventional ones.


OUR WORKING CAPITAL CYCLE REDUCED BY 31 DAYS We thank our dynamic team for
TO 134 DAYS IN 2016-17 PRIMARILY OWING TO LOWER their continued hard work and
COTTON INVENTORY. WE ALSO REPAID DEBT WORTH innovation and for taking initiatives
` 556.44 CRORE DURING 2016-17. to strengthen our brand across
markets. We are also grateful to
our shareholders and the entire
stakeholder fraternity for their
continued support in our vision.

Warm regards,
We realigned standard operating invested in top-of-the-line equipment
protocols (manufacturing and non- to provide unique fabric finishes.
Sachit Jain, Suchita Jain and
manufacturing processes) in line
Neeraj Jain
with best global practices. We also Moreover, we improved our
institutionalised periodic operational technology platform, so that our
Joint Managing Directors
audits in line with Standard process automation, product quality
Operating Procedures (SOPs) and and monitoring processes can be
invested in real-time monitoring upgraded to deliver higher and
of operations for faster corrective better output. Our technological
action. We have also put in place a capabilities have accelerated
systematic asset review to trace and data-driven analytics and decision-
arrest technology obsolescence and making, enabling us to capitalise on
opportunities at a faster rate.


Sustainable value for all

We have, over the years, built a broad framework to create
value for all stakeholders.

We engage with our We provide attractive
customers on a continuous career opportunities for our
basis to understand their employees with recognitions
requirements and offer them and rewards.
bespoke solutions.
We provide continuous
We enjoy repeat business need-based trainings for skill
from existing clients on upgradation.
account of enduring
We have policies and
governance framework to
We adhere to stringent quality manage both business needs
parameters to deliver best-in- and employee expectations.
class products.
We introduced employee stock
We continuously expanded options (ESOP) to reward our
our value-added product employees.
basket to cater to growing
We have a diverse workforce;
customer requirements.
we also focus on gender



We provide employment We engage with our channel We actively engage
opportunities to communities partners as a part of our family shareowners through investor
where we operate. and provide them key market presentations, quarterly
insight for better business financial results, annual
We undertake initiatives
outcomes. reports and more.
across spheres of education,
healthcare and community Our engagement with We have ensured financial
development. suppliers and business returns and provided long-
partners enables seamless term sustainable growth,
We are continuously operations. benefiting our shareholders.
working to improve our
We provide focused training We bought back 62,60,869
water efficiency and have
to our business partners for equity shares of ` 10 each, at
succeeded in bringing down
better productivity and quality a price of ` 1,150 per share
water consumption across our
improvements. during 2016-17 to reward our
We have transparent policies shareholders.
We have set up a facility for and seamless payment In addition to the buyback of
monitoring and analysing processes, enabling us to shares amounting to ` 720
energy consumption patterns maintain a cordial relationship crore, we also proposed a
and undertake energy demand with suppliers. dividend of ` 15 per share
management to make better (face value ` 10 per share).
equipment run-time decisions.
We use renewable fuel
consumption devices, such
as solar cookers or heaters at
multiple locations or units. We
have parabolic solar cookers
for cooking at our Madhya
Pradesh regional units.

Fabric of
We produce fabric for a diverse range of
apparel. We have made significant investments
to gain technical know-how from global leaders
to enrich our offerings. Our pursuit of excellence
is validated by our well-rounded versatile
product portfolio.
Fabric is a value-added component of
our business, which makes a significant
contribution to our profitability.

Design & Meetings & Post presentations

Development Presentations and Yardages

Feedback from customers Organising meeting with Organising yardages and

Collection presentations to our customers in India and samples of the selected
customers abroad articles
Working on feedback from Attending meeting Sending them to
customers together with our customers as per
marketing team to discuss suggested guidelines and
commercial and aesthetic formats
aspects of products

Design driven Working with our customers Printed fabrics

We anticipate evolving customer Our efficient manufacturing and Vardhman commissioned a 9
requirements and design our high degree of focus on design and mn-metre p.a. printed fabric
products accordingly. Our team innovation have paved the way for facility in March 2016 at Baddi,
of designers collaborates with sales to mass-market brands. More Himachal Pradesh. We have
international design studios than 40% of our fabric is sold to installed machinery with state-
to analyse fashion trends for domestic and international brands, of-the-art technology suitable for
upcoming seasonal lines. Based such as GAP, H&M, Peter England, woven, knitted and non-woven
on these initial impressions, Van Heusen, and Wills. Additionally, fabrics. We have also installed
we experiment with textures we enjoy a preferred supplier laser engraving machines to get
and patterns at a dedicated status with brands, such as Banana best-quality printing registration
development centre, equipped Republic and Espirit. on fabrics. Other than cotton, we
with Japanese and European are printing on various bases like
technologies. These technologies modal, tencel, viscose, CVC and
allow us to produce fabric swatches cotton poly bases, among others.
as per specifications. We then
showcase our products in our
bi-annual seasonal collections. We
also capitalise on our partnership
with garment producer Nisshinbo
for technical guidance.


Supporting the community

At Vardhman, we focus on empowerment from grassroots through

various need-based interventions. We primarily work in the realms of
education, healthcare, environment and community development.

Some of our initiatives comprise:

We helped many hospitals procure medical equipment
with monetary contributions. Healthcare institutes
Education like CMC Ludhiana, Civil Hospital in Malerkotla and
Education leads to empowerment. We have undertaken Community Health Centre in Baddi benefited significantly
the following initiatives in the sphere of education: through our contributions. These hospitals procured
machines like a-scan, keratometer, digital x-ray machine,
Established Sri Aurobindo Public School in Baddi, HP, electric fowler bed, blood gas analyser, cell counter,
in 1996 and in Budhni, MP in 2016 to groom children semi-automatic analyser and so on. These greatly helped
into responsible citizens through conventional and underprivileged sections of society to avail quality
innovative teaching techniques healthcare at subsidised costs.
Set up Sri Aurobindo College of Commerce and
Management, Ludhiana, in 2004
Undertook several projects worth ` 3 crore in various
government schools, providing drinking water,
classrooms, desks, labs and so on; renovating existing
toilets; constructing water storage tanks; repairing
kitchens and sheds in various government schools in
the states of:
• Himachal Pradesh (Billanwali, Sandholi, Gullerwala,
Dharampur and Nalagarh)
• Punjab (Khanna, Nabha, Sherpur, Sangrur, Patiala,
Bugra Sakhewal and Manekwal)
Community Initiatives
• Madhya Pradesh (Khandabad, Mahukala, Pillikarar,
We participated in the Better Cotton initiative to empower
Hoshangabad and Talpura)
our farmers. We imparted technical assistance to 8,300


farmers. We provided them farming solutions and education and preventive healthcare measures near
integrated pest management techniques that helped our units, along with driving inclusive growth among
them to increase yield. marginalised communities. CARING FOR THE SICK

In the Budhni region of Madhya Pradesh, multiple

initiatives were undertaken. We promoted anganwadis
by providing basic infrastructure and study material in
villages near Vardhman units. We enabled women to
enhance their skills.

In Mandi area of Pilikarar, we provided solar light facilities,

along with potable water facility. Besides, we supplied
study material and helped build computer labs in
nearby schools.

Understanding the importance of quality

healthcare services, we have committed ` 2 crore
to CMC Ludhiana for building its Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation Centre (PHRC). This will help
rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy,
stroke, polio and paraplegia, among others.

Environmental Initiatives
We are one of the companies, which has promoted
Nimbua Greenfield Punjab Limited, which is operational
since 2007 and works dedicatedly towards solid waste
treatment, storage and disposal in Punjab. Moreover, we
carried out several plantation activities near the Narmada
basin with the help of our Madhya Pradesh units.

Road Ahead
As a responsible corporate citizen, we will continue to
work towards enhancing the quality of life in and around
our manufacturing facilities. Our focus is on encouraging


Management Discussion Analysis

Economic overview the creation of Monetary Policy FY18 appear bright provided
Global economy Committee; redesigning of the policymakers create enablers for
The year 2016 ended with the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget strong and sustainable growth in
global GDP growth moderating Management (FRBM) framework; the medium to long term.
to 3.1% from 3.2% in 2015. Going passage of the Goods and Services
forward, the IMF expects this Tax (GST) bill; and finally, the policy
In an environment
growth to touch 3.5% in 2017, thrust towards a less-cash formal
on the back of multiple factors: economy. GST is expected to be of moderate global
projected fiscal stimulus in the US; a landmark step in transforming economic growth, the
firming up of global commodity India’s indirect tax framework, Indian economy was a
prices after the slump in 2015; bringing transparency and
and unchanged accommodative efficiency in tax administration.
study in contrast. The
monetary policy stance in most economy successfully
developed economies, barring The trend of benign inflation navigated global
the US. The US is expected to take and continued improvement in uncertainties, and
calibrated steps towards further twin deficits further bolstered
policy normalisation in 2017. the country’s macroeconomic emerged as a preferred
Despite the resilience exhibited by parameters. The country’s destination for foreign
global financial markets in the face economic prospects for investors.
of Brexit and the US Presidential
election outcome, high levels of
uncertainty continued to impact the
global risk appetite in 2016.

On the other hand, Emerging

Market and Developing Economies
(EMDEs) are projected to grow
by 4.5% in 2017. Among these
economies, China is expected to
demonstrate strong growth at 6.5%
(vis-à-vis the previous estimate
of 6.2%) on account of its policy
stimulus measures. However,
moderation in growth prospects is
expected among large economies
such as India, Brazil, and Mexico
(Source: IMF).

Indian economy
In an environment of moderate
global economic growth, the
Indian economy was a study in
contrast. The economy successfully
navigated global uncertainties, and
emerged as a preferred destination
for foreign investors. The year
2016-17 saw multiple reforms
being rolled out in India such as


The Government’s commitment

towards reforms, implementation
of Seventh Pay Commission
payout by state governments,
ongoing quality fiscal
consolidation; and marginal
improvement in external demand
are expected to encourage GDP
growth by 20 bps to 7.3%.

Global and Indian cotton

Global cotton dynamics
In 2016-17, global cotton
production was projected at 22.89
million tons, 8% increase over
the last cotton season (2015-16).
It was the first year of increased
production, after continuous fall for
four years. The world has added
stock of 12.44 million tons of cotton The decline in China’s cotton China has long been the world’s
in the preceding five years (2010- production was primarily due largest cotton consumer. However,
11-2014-15). It is due to the fact to diversion of land from cotton its consumption share (in the
that World Production exceeds to other food crops owing to world total) declined continuously
consumption in this duration government stimulus of focusing from 2010-11 to 2015-16, when
and there was no major revival in on cotton production in Xinjiang it reached 7.6 million tons. After
demand. Major stock addition was only. In 2016-17, the Chinese declining for six consecutive
in China only. government reduced subsidy for seasons, mill use was forecast to
cotton cultivators by 2.6% to 18600 grow by 2% to 7.73 million tons
As per ICAC (International Cotton Yuan/ton which also discouraged in 2016-17. Additionally, its world
Advisory Committee), India and farmers from cotton cultivation. In share of cotton consumption is
China harvest nearly half of the 2016-17, China witnessed 15 year likely to remain at 32% due to
world’s cotton. In 2016-17, India low cotton production. expanding mill use in several other
contributed 26%, while China countries.
supplied 21% of the global cotton With record high prices of seed
produce. cotton in the year under review, After continuous decline for three
farmers will be encouraged to plant consecutive seasons, mill demand
In 2016-17, the total area under more cotton across all major cotton will see continued growth in
cotton production fell by 3.5% to producing nations during 2017-18. countries that depend on imports.
29.6 million hectares, globally. This will drive the world’s cotton
This is the smallest area for cotton Consumption trade to increase by 6% to 8.06
production since 2009-10, when the The year 2016-17 was the second million tons in 2016-17. Besides,
planted area for cotton was 29.9 consecutive season of consumption after importing 5.3 million tons
million hectares. During the year exceeding production. After in 2011-12 (55% of the world’s
under review, the average cotton declining by 2% to 24.29 million total import volume), imports in
yield was projected to improve by tons in 2015-16, world cotton China fell in each consecutive year,
12% to 773 kg/ha. Besides, cotton consumption was expected to reaching 0.96 million tons in 2015-
production is expected to increase remain stable at 24.3 million tons in 16. During the same period, mill
in the top five cotton producing 2016-17, as a result of high cotton use and imports in Bangladesh and
countries, apart from China. prices depressing demand growth. Vietnam have grown significantly.


Imports in Bangladesh were 2016-17 while yield increased by country had opening stock of 0.56
projected to rise by 3% to 1.4 17% over 2015-16. As a result, million tons (33 lakh bales).
million tons in 2016-17, and in cotton production in India (for
Vietnam 20% to 1.16 million tons. year 2016-17) increased by 3.8% to On the demand side, consumption
5.97 million tons (351 lakh bales). was expected to be 5.32 million
Indian cotton dynamics Though, as per our estimates,
tons (313 lakh bales) in 2016-17
India accounts for one-third of the the country production is of 5.78
compared to 5.24 million tons (308
world’s cotton cultivation area. million tons (340 lakh bales).
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra lakh bales) in 2015-16.
Pradesh and Telangana (also In 2016-17, imports were expected
known as the cotton basket of to be 0.289 million tons (17 lakh Cotton exports were projected to
India) produce nearly two-thirds bales) compared to 0.255 million fall from 1.156 million tons (68 lakh
of the cotton in India. Cotton is a tons (15 lakh bales) in 2015-16. bales) in 2015-16 to 1.02 million
major product of the Indian textile But strengthening of Indian cotton tons (60 lakh bales) in 2016-17. This
industry and it accounts for over prices and rise in demand pushed resulted in total demand declining
65% of total mill fibre consumption imports higher to 0.425 million tons to 6.43 million tons (368 lakh bales)
in the country. Among all the (25 lakh bales). in 2016-17 compared to 6.396
fabrics and yarns produced, cotton
million tons (376 lakh bales) in
is the main fabric. Including the opening stock of 0.73
million tons (43 lakh bales), the total 2015-16.
Better prices for competing crops, supply of cotton in 2016-17 was
delayed monsoon and yield losses estimated at 6.99 million tons (411 Closing stock in 2016-17 season
due to pests discouraged Indian lakh bales). This was nearly 2% less is expected to be 0.646 million
farmers, from planting cotton in as compared to 7.27 million tons tons (38 lakh bales).Going by our
2016-17. India’s cotton cultivation (419 lakh bales) in 2015-16. (Though estimates, closing stock will be of
area contracted by 11.6% in as per Vardhman’s estimates, the 0.476 million tons (28 lakh bales).


Global textile scenario

Over the last decade, the global textile and apparel trade has been growing at a CAGR (compound annual growth
rate) of 5.6 %. In 2014, it stood at US$ 820 billion. Apparel categories had a larger share of 56% while textiles had
the remaining share of 44% in the overall trade. The global textile and apparel trade is expected to reach US$ 1,600
billion by 2025. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3% over the next decade.


(US$ bn)


+5.6% 900

642 Values in USS Bn.

44% Apperal Export
333 457
256 700 Textile Exports
248 309 363 T&A Exports

2005 2010 2014 2025

Source: UN Comtrade

The EU and USA are the largest markets for textile and apparel with a share of 36% and 14%, respectively. On the
supply side, China is the largest supplier of textile and apparel in the world with the major share of 40%. It is distantly
followed by countries like India, Italy, and Germany. Each of these countries have an approximate share of 5% in the
global textile and apparel exports.

(%) (%)

36 China & HK
EU-28 14 India
5 Italy
5 Germany
China & HK
Japan 7 5
Viet Nam 4
Others 3 3
3 Vietnam

Source: UN Comtrade


Shift of manufacturing bases and industrial policy, it industrialised Indian textile scenario
emergence of new destinations rapidly and became a hub for The textile and apparel industry can
In the last three decades, the textile manufacturing. In the last two be broadly divided into
industry has witnessed a major two segments:
decades, China emerged as the
shift in its production bases. Till Yarn and fibre (include natural
world’s largest manufacturing
the 1980s, production of textile and man-made).
base for textiles. Since 2000, the
and apparel was concentrated in
nation has remained the largest Processed fabrics (including
USA and EU, but over the years,
production moved majorly to Asian exporter of textiles and apparels, woollen textiles, silk textiles,
countries. while enjoying around 40% of the jute textiles, cotton textiles
market share. During the same and technical textiles) and
The relocation was a result of period, other Asian economies such readymade garments (RMGs)
and apparel.
attractive low-cost manufacturing as India, Bangladesh, Indonesia,
advantages in these developing Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia Textile plays a major role in the
countries. In the US and Europe, and Thailand experienced an Indian economy. It contributes 14%
production costs increased upsurge in their textile and apparel to industrial production and 4% to
making alternative destinations GDP. With over 45 million people
attractive for apparel and textile involved, it is one of the largest
manufacturers. Asian countries source of employment generation
Now, USA and Europe have
with their abundant and low-cost in the country. The textile industry
become the largest textile
labour force, vast natural resources accounts for nearly 15% of India’s
consumption bases in the world.
and favourable economic policies total exports. The size of India’s
attracted textile industries as And manufacturing is concentrated
textile market in 2015 was around
preferred production hubs. in Asian countries such as China USD 108.5 billion. It is expected to
and India (large consumption bases touch USD 226 billion market by
China made the most of this as well), Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri 2023, growing at a CAGR of 8.7%
change. After China liberalised its Lanka and Pakistan, among others. between 2009-23.


India was the largest producer of cotton in 226
Indian textile industry accounts for about
24% of the world’s spindle capacity and 8% of
global rotor capacity.
India has the highest loom capacity (including 108.5
hand looms) with 63% of the world’s market 89
share. 78
India accounts for about 14% cent of the
world’s production of textile fibres and yarns.
India is the second largest producer of manmade
fibre and filament, globally. 2009 2010 2011 2014 2015 2023E
Source: UN Comtrade


Government policies and regulations

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS): A
new scheme, Amended Technology Upgradation Fund
Scheme (A-TUFS) has been launched by the central
Demographic dividend: India has a large

government from 13th January, 2016. This provides a
capital investment subsidy of 15% to eligible machinery population base comprising more than
on garmenting segment - 10% on weaving and 10-15% 1.25 billion people. Almost half of the
on composite units depending on their composition. Indian population is under 25 years. As
This is further subject to an overall ceiling of 20- this population joins the workforce, India’s
30 crore per entity depending on project type and
overall disposable income will grow leading
subsidy previously availed under Revised Restructured
Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (RR-TUFS). to increased spending. Apparel category will
be the prime beneficiary of this increase in
State Subsidy: Apart from the TUFS, some state purchasing power.
governments also provide additional incentives.
Madhya Pradesh Textile policy lays down a 5% and Aspirational buying: Over the last two

7% interest subsidy for standalone and composite decades, consumer buying habits have
textile units respectively on loans taken against TUFS
changed significantly in India. They have
compatible investments for a period of 5 years from
commercial production date. Gujarat gives subsidy shifted from a need-based purchase to
on loans - 7% on spinning and 5% on other textile aspiration-based purchase. Nowadays,
operations for 5 years. Maharashtra reimburses whole consumers are inclining more towards
of the interest over and above the TUFS, subject to branded products, especially in fashion
investments made in specified backward districts.
segment. People in tier-II, tier-III and tier-IV
Free Trade Agreements (FTA): Bangladesh is one of cities are spending much more on apparel
the largest export markets for Indian textiles. Under the than they did a decade ago. This has resulted
Bangladesh FTA, India is allowed free trade of 61 items in an increased focus by brands and retailers
and most of them are related to textiles. This will impact in these cities.
negatively the small garment manufactures in India, but
in return, can help fabric exporters in some way. Increasing urbanisation: Since the turn of
this century, India has witnessed an increase
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI of up to 100%
is allowed in the textile sector through the automatic in urban population, expansion of cities and a
route. Hence, the textile industry in India is experiencing growing influence of urban lifestyles in rural
a significant increase in collaboration between global areas. The combined effect of these changes
majors and domestic companies. is putting more money in the hands of people.
This is creating new aspirations and demand,
The future for the Indian textile industry looks which in turn, is likely to have a major growth
promising, buoyed by both strong domestic impact on apparel consumption.
consumption as well as export demand. With
consumerism and disposable income on the rise, the Growth in online retail sales: India is

retail sector has experienced a rapid growth in the past experiencing a digital revolution and
decade. Several international players paving their path consequently, millions are now connected
in the Indian market testifies the fact.
to the internet. This has resulted in an
Going forward, the Indian cotton textile industry is upsurge in online retailing as it offers ease
expected to showcase a stable growth supported by of shopping, heavy discounts, and better
stable input prices, healthy capacity utilisation and payment and return policies.
steady domestic demand.


Business Responsibility Report

About Vardhman About This Report

Vardhman Textiles Limited (VTXL) is the flagship company The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as per
of Vardhman Group with diverse operations across its (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
sectors. Vardhman‘s humble beginning dates back to Regulations, 2015 has mandated the inclusion of
1962 when it started its manufacturing at Ludhiana in a “Business Responsibility Report” (BRR) as part of
the state of Punjab with 6000 spindles and is today one Company’s Annual Report for top 500 listed entities based
of the largest textile companies of India manufacturing on market capitalization at the Bombay Stock Exchange
Cotton Yarns & Fabrics with a capacity of over 1.00 million Ltd. (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
spindles, constituting about 2% of the country’s yarn (NSE). The reporting framework is based on the ‘National
production, 1320 looms for weaving of fabrics and 110 Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and
Million Meter per annum of fabrics processing capacity. Economic Responsibilities of Business (NVGs)’ released
by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of
Through its integrated operations across textile value India, in July 2011 which contains 9 Principles and Core
chain from Cotton to Fabric and to Garments, it touches Elements for each of the those 9 Principles. Following is
lives of millions of our associates and assures quality the first Business Responsibility Report of our Company
product and services to its customers. based on the format suggested by SEBI. Detailed
Business Responsibility Report for 2016-17 (available at: is also based on the 9 Principles
enshrined in the NVGs.


1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Company : L17111PB1973PLC003345
2. Name of the Company : Vardhman Textiles Limited
3. Registered address : Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-
4. Website :
5. E-mail id :
6. Financial Year reported: 2016-17
7. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial activity code-wise) : Textiles, NIC Code 131
8. List three key products/services that the Company manufactures/ Yarn and Fabric
provides (as in balance sheet) :
9. Total number of locations where business activity is undertaken by the
(a) Number of International Locations (Provide details of major 5) : 0
(b) Number of National Locations : 17
10. Markets served by the Company – Local/State/National/International: National / International

SECTION B: FINANCIAL DETAILS OF THE COMPANY 5. List of activities in which expenditure in 4 above has
1. Paid up Capital (INR) : ` 57,39,10,100 been incurred: Refer to Summary of CSR initiatives
on page 54-61
2. Total Turnover (INR) : ` 5,72,828.74 lakhs
3. Total profit after taxes (INR) :` 1,00,159.74 lakhs 1. Does the Company have any Subsidiary Company/
Companies? Yes
4. Total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) as percentage of profit after tax (%) : 0.54%


Do the Subsidiary Company/Companies (a) Details of the Director/Director responsible for
participate in the BR Initiatives of the parent implementation of the BR policy/policies
company? If yes, then indicate the number of
such subsidiary company(s) : No 1. DIN Number : 00340459

3. Do any other entity/entities (e.g. suppliers, 2. Name : Mr. Neeraj Jain
distributors etc.) that the Company does
business with, participate in the BR initiatives 3. Designation : Jt. Managing Director
of the Company? If yes, then indicate the
percentage of such entity/entities? [Less than (b) Details of the BR head
30%, 30-60%, More than 60%] : No
S.No. Particulars Details
SECTION D: BR INFORMATION 1 DIN number (if Applicable) 00340459
1. Details of Director/Directors responsible for 2 Name Neeraj Jain
BR : The Board Business Responsibility Committee
3 Designation Jt. Managing Director
is responsible for the implementation of the BR
4 Telephone number 8146668888
5 Email id

2. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies

Ethics, P2 P5
P3 P4 P6 P7 P8 P9
S. Transparency Sustainability Promotion
Questions Employee Stakeholder Environment Responsible Inclusive Customer
No. & in life-cycle of of human
Well Being engagement Protection Advocacy Growth Value
Sustainability products rights
1.) Do you have policies Y N Y N N Y N Y N
2.) Has the policy Y NA Y NA NA Y NA Y NA
been formulated in
consultation with the
relevant stakeholders?
3.) Does the policy conform NA NA Y OHSAS NA NA Y NA Y NA
to any national / 18001
international standards?
If yes, specify?
4.) Is it a board approved Y, BOD NA Y, CEO NA NA Y, CEO NA Y, BOD NA
policy? If yes, has
it been signed by
MD /owner /CEO /
appropriate Board
5.) Does the Company have Y NA Y NA NA Y NA Y NA
a specified committee
of the Board/Director/
Official to oversee the
implementation of the
6.) Indicate the link for NA NA NA Y NA NA
the policy to be viewed
7.) Has the policy been Y NA Y NA NA Y NA Y NA
formally communicated
to all relevant
internal and external
8.) Does the company have Y NA Y NA NA Y NA Y NA
an in-house structure to
implement the policy?


Ethics, P2 P5
P3 P4 P6 P7 P8 P9
S. Transparency Sustainability Promotion
Questions Employee Stakeholder Environment Responsible Inclusive Customer
No. & in life-cycle of of human
Well Being engagement Protection Advocacy Growth Value
Sustainability products rights
9.) Does the Company Y NA Y NA NA Y NA Y NA
have a grievance
redressal mechanism
related to the policy to
address stakeholders’
grievances related to
the policy?
10.) Has the company N NA Y NA NA Y NA N NA
carried out independent
audit /evaluation of the
working of this policy by
an internal or external

(b) If answer to the question at serial number 1 against any principal, is ‘No’, please explain why: (Tick up to 2 options)

No. Questions P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
1 The company has not understood the Principles
2 The company is not at a stage where it finds itself in a
position to formulate and implement the policies on
specified principles
3 The company does not have financial or manpower
resources available for the task
4 It is planned to be done within the next 6 months
5 It is planned to be done within the next 1 year
6 Any other reason (please specify)

3. Governance related to BR the business of the company through commitment

(a) Indicate the frequency with which the Board of to transparency and business ethics in discharging its
Directors, Committee of the Board or CEO to corporate responsibilities are hallmarks of the best
assess the BR performance of the Company. practices being followed at Vardhman.
Within 3 months, 3-6 months, Annually, More
than 1 year The composition of the Board of Directors of the
company is governed by the Company’s Act 2013 and SEBI
Annually Regulations 2015. As on March 31, 2017, the Company
has 12 directors on its board (including the Chairman),
(b) Does the Company publish a BR or a of which 6 are independent, 3 are non-independent,
Sustainability Report? What is the hyperlink 1 is non-executive non-independent director and 1 is
for viewing this report? How frequently it is nominee Director.
To ensure accountability and monitoring the Board
This is the Company’s first BR report. The link for has constituted various committees such as: Audit
viewing the same is available on the company’s Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee,
website. It will be published annually in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee and
Annual Report. Stakeholders’ Responsibility Committee. The committees
meet periodically during the year to supervise, review
SECTION E: PRINCIPLE-WISE PERFORMANCE performance and advice on the necessary direction to
Principle 1: Corporate Governance for Ethics, be taken.
Transparency and Accountability
We are committed to adopting the best corporate Code of Conduct: Vardhman has its Code of Conduct
governance practices as manifested in the company’s which extends to all directors and senior employees of
functioning to achieve business excellence by enhancing Vardhman which aims at maintaining highest standards
the long term shareholder’s value. Efficient conduct of of business conduct in line with the Ethics of the Company,


provides guidance in difficult situations involving conflict In our sustainable approach, we associated ourselves
of interest & moral dilemma and ensures compliance with Organic program in the year 2004 by introducing
with all applicable laws. All senior employees have to Organic cotton in our products. Later on, in year 2006,
read and understand this code and agree to abide by it. we associated ourselves with Fair-trade program.

The policy code of conduct is available at the company We become member of BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) in year
website at the link 2011. BCI aims to promote measurable improvements
desk#!company_information with the name Policies- in the key environmental and social impacts of cotton
Code of Conduct. cultivation worldwide to make it more sustainable
(economically, environmentally, and socially).
Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy: The Vigil
Mechanism of the Company, which also incorporates To further extend our outreach to farmers and after
a whistle blower policy in terms of the Uniform Listing understanding the BCI missions and objectives and
Agreement aims to provide a channel to the employees finding ourselves aligned with their direction, we
and Directors to report to the management concerns become implementing partner of BCI in Gujarat region
about unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud in 2015. Better cotton works on the criteria that cotton is
or violation of the Codes of Conduct or policy. The produced by farmers who:
mechanism provides for adequate safeguards against
victimization of employees and Directors to avail of Minimize the harmful impact of crop protection
the mechanism and also provide for direct access to practices.
the Chairman/ Chairman of the Audit Committee in
exceptional cases. Use water efficiently and care for the availability of
The vigil Mechanism/ whistle blower policy is available at Care for the health of the soil.
the company’s website at the following link: https://www.!company_information Conserve natural habitats.
with the name Policies- Vigil Mechanism Care for and preserve the quality of the fibre.

Principle 2: Sustainability of Products & Services Promote decent work.

across Life-cycle
Sustainable products provide environmental, social and We have undertaken this project in the Gondal region of
economic benefits, while protecting public health and Gujarat. Project scope covers 1758 farmers on land of
environment over their life cycle, i.e. from the extraction 10600 acres in 9 villages in its first year.
of raw materials up to the final disposal.
We act as facilitator in providing technical assistance
Responsible Sourcing: to farmers of better farming and integrated pest
Being one of the largest consumer of Raw Materials management techniques. Technical assistance is
(Natural and Man-made fibres and filaments) in the provided by subject matter specialist from Junagarh
country; we endeavor to integrate sustainability in our Agriculture University. This activity is helping in capacity
procurement process directly or indirectly. building of farmers and they participate in these
meetings in large numbers. 2016, was our second year
There are many programs like Organic Cotton, Fairtrade and we increased the number of farmers to 8300 on land
cotton and Better Cotton Initiative which have common of 36700 acres in 47 villages.
goals to reduce impact of water and pesticides use
on human and environment health, environmentally These farmers can sell their produce in open market.
preferred processing practices, improve soil health and Further, we have provided 20000 cotton bags to farmers
biodiversity, decent working conditions for farming this year so as to reduce contamination in fiber and with
communities and cotton farm worker, sustainable which farmers will get better price for their produce.
prices, increase financial profitability of farmers followed
by tracking and tracing of raw materials. Annually, Sustainability
these programs constitute 9%-10% share in our total The Vardhman Group has integrated sustainability
raw cotton sourcing volume with which we support into the business since the year 2000. We have been
sustainable agriculture. focused on prevention and control of water wastage
and air, noise and land pollution. To create a road map
Our majority of Man-made fibres and filament suppliers for this initiative, we have developed the “Vardhman
are ISO 9001certified. Environmental Sustainability Directions” for the Group.
The Vardhman Group strives to minimize the negative


impact on the environment by applying innovative Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) dedicated to making
thinking to every step of manufacturing process. wastewater reusable

Building eco-friendly practices in daily processes is a part Water Re-Utilization (Recycling & Reusing) i.e. Zero
of our culture. This culture inspires us to try to make Liquid Discharge
more from fewer resources and minimize waste in every Vardhman has set up three Zero-liquid-discharge plants
form. We attempt to contribute to a better environment of capacity 3600 KLD & 400 KLD (2 no.) Units are recovering
by reducing water consumption, minimizing wastage and 16 lakhs liters of water through RO systems and reuse
using renewable energy resources over conventional ones. entire recovered water back into the manufacturing
process. Apart from this, the treated water is also used
Water for watering of green belts. The gardening system is
We are continuously working to improve our water completely powered by treated wastewater
efficiency and have metering systems across the water
distribution network. Our corporate EHS team regularly Energy
monitors the metering system. Energy conservation implies reducing energy consumption
at the organizational level. Energy conservation differs
Water Saving from efficient energy use, which refers to using less
We follow the EPA guidelines that state “USING WATER energy for a constant service. Vardhman has in the
EFFICIENTLY is directly proportional to WATER SAVINGS”. financial year 2016-17 has undertaken a number of
The Vardhman Group has developed a culture of saving measures to reduce energy consumption like installation
this precious asset. To save water we have: of new distribution transformers at optimum locations,
replacement of rewound motors with energy efficient
Designated a water efficiency coordinator. motors, optimization of compressed air consumption,
installation of AFPC panels and VFD’s for H-Plant fans,
Developed a mission statement and a plan to installation of LED lights on streets and boundary
achieve it walls etc.
Educated and involved employees in water efficiency
efforts. Principle 3: Employee Well-being
In a world where everything else is equal, human effort
Adopted Equipment Changes makes all the difference. We place immense value on
– high-efficiency plumbing fixtures, appliances our workforce and consider it our biggest, most valuable
and other equipment yield substantial savings asset. At Vardhman, we have a culture of empowerment
on water. that values and respects individual potential and helps
each one achieve it to the fullest. Our people own their
As a direct result of these initiatives, our residential jobs and not just perform them. We continuously strive
colonies are now consuming 150 litres per capita per to improve quality of work-life for total job satisfaction
day, earlier consumption used to vary between 180 – 190 and social harmony for the employees.
litres per capita per day.
1. Please indicate the Total number of employees.
Water Recharging 21,206
We are focused on recharging maximum rain water in
to the ground since 2005. We have set up 48 Rain Water 2. Please indicate the Total number of employees
Harvesting Systems (RWHS) within our premises. Rain hired on temporary/contractual/casual basis. 1813
water is directed from roof tops through channels and
then collected in a collection pit with filter. Through this, 3. Please indicate the Number of permanent women
the water is recharged into the ground through bore employees. 5,127
holes. Every year we recharge apprx 120,000 KLs of
water. 4. Please indicate the Number of permanent
employees with disabilities 19
Wastewater Re-Use
The textile industry is inherently water intensive and 5. Do you have an employee association that is
therefore wastewater generation is considerably high. recognized by management. No
However, at Vardhman we have invested heavily into
the best treatment technology to make wastewater 6. What percentage of your permanent employees is
reusable and recyclable. As of today, we have 8 Effluent members of this recognized employee association?
Treatment Plants (ETPs) of different capacities and 10 NA


7. Please indicate the Number of complaints relating The policies on the principle of Employee well-
to child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, being are available on the company’s website at the
sexual harassment in the last financial year and following link:-
pending, as on the end of the financial year.
1. Child Labour - https://www.vardhman.
No. Category No of No of com/user_files/investor/Policy%20on%20
complaints complaints Prohibition%20of%20Child%20Labour.pdf
filed during pending as
the financial on end of the 2. Anti Sexual -
year financial year
1 Child labour/forced Nil Nil
3.  onded Labour -
2 Sexual harassment Nil Nil Labour%20Prohibition.pdf
3 Discriminatory Nil Nil
employment Principle 4: Stakeholder Engagement
Vardhman recognizes employees, Local communities
8. What percentage of your under mentioned surrounding our operations, business associates
employees were given safety & skill up-gradation (marginalized farmers, network of suppliers, agents and
training in the last year? dealers), customers and shareholders/investors as our
(a) Permanent Employees 59% key stakeholders.
(b) Permanent Women Employees 77%
(c) Casual/Temporary/Contractual Employees 74% Vardhman identifies communities (with a focus on
(d) Employees with Disabilities- 74% women and children from these communities) around
our manufacturing facilities and small farmers in our
inbound supply chain as disadvantaged, vulnerable &
marginalized stakeholders.

Vardhman regularly undertakes initiatives to serve the interest of its disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized
stakeholders. These are briefly described below:

Stakeholder group Initiatives

Employees Our Employee policies safeguard employees against any kind of discrimination based on
caste, religion, geography, educational or social background, gender etc.
We believe in the continuous people development through investment in the training &
development of our employees even in adverse business times.
Women who form 25% of our workforce are given ample opportunities to accept greater roles
at work and are treated with utmost respect. Ensuring the safety of women employees is a top
priority for Vardhman.
Local Communities around our Development and deployment of need-based community programs in the areas of
manufacturing Locations health, education, skill development, sanitation, livelihood etc. as part of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
Business associates Direct engagement with small and marginal farmers and providing free technical advice to
them for improving yield of their cotton crop through deploying better farming methods.
This provides an avenue for sustainable livelihood generation and capacity building for small
We educate our agents about the new products and industry scenario and engage them in
both formal and informal ways as they are the extended arms of Vardhman.
Once in every two years we invite our dealers of the HKY section in customer meet and
recognize their efforts in growing sales.
Customers We provide a dedicated sales team to ensure pre to post sale services to our customer.
Post sale service ensures smooth usage of our products and problem solving through a
partnership approach has helped us forge long lasting relationships with our customers


Principle 5: Human Rights c) Sewerage Treatment for treatment of solid waste.

Although we do not have a formal policy on Human
Rights, we subscribe fully to the basic tenets of human d) Utilizing the treated ETP & Sewage water for
rights as defined in our Constitution. We adhere to the gardening & flushing activities.
human rights principle of dignity of workforce regardless
of the nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or e) Disposal of hazardous solid waste generated at
any other status of any person. CPCB/PCB authorized disposal facility only.

We have placed grievance redressal mechanisms in every f) Using the best of rainwater recharge
manufacturing unit and we try to ensure a harassment Recharging of practices within the industry
free work environment along with workplace health premises and ensures maximum quantity of
and safety. A Labour Welfare Officer is placed in every rainwater is arrested and regarded to ground
manufacturing unit who is available in the plant round through rain water harvesting wells.
the clock to take care of ensuring the basic amenities
of workers. Communication meetings between workers g) All the boiler fuel gases are passed through the
and senior officials are regularly conducted to redress bag filter and scrubber units.
the grievance of workers and maintain harmonious
relations between the management and workers. These steps lead to reduction of raw water
consumption, effluent generation, solid-waste
Prime importance is given towards maintaining better generation, hazardous waste generation and Green
working condition in the plants to take care of the health House Gases emissions and help to reduce the overall
& safety of employees. We are certified under OHSAS impact on our natural resources and environment.
18001 by NSAI.
We do not have any specific strategy or policy to
No complaint was received pertaining to human rights address global environmental issues but we are
violation during the past financial year. using Biofuels in place of fossil fuels to reduce
carbon emissions.
Principle 6: Protection and Restoration of the
Environment 3. Vardhman identifies and assesses potential
1. Vardhman’s Environment, Health and Safety environmental risks and provide training to employees.
policy extends to all its group companies and
manufacturing units. 
We have facilities for proper management of e-waste,
spent oil and sludge. All these hazardous elements are
2. Climate change, global warming and environmental stored & maintained properly and sold to authorized
degradation pose unique challenges as well as dealer for recycling & disposing. We are not providing
opportunities for Vardhman. We are continually any formal training as such in this regard.
investing in new technologies, implementing
process improvements and innovating. To make 4. Vardhman have not registered any project related
progressive strides and guide us in our endeavor, to Clean Development Mechanism project.
we have deployed a dedicated team for devising
and implementing strategies for managing these 5. Vardhman has taken various clean and sustainability
risks and opportunities. Few of the steps taken in initiatives such as
this regard, are:
Clean Technology: We have been able to
a) Effluent Treating of all our discharge either decompose food waste generated from colonies,
through own ETP or CETP. Canteens & Hostels by installing Bio-gas plant at
two of our locations (Auro Textile & VF Budhni).
b) Zero Liquid discharge (ETP, RO, MEE) system for It produces 80 kg/day bio-gas which is utilized in
recycling of treated water for process usage. canteens and mess. In MP region, Solar Kitchen
Automation equipment is used for cooking. Solar
water heaters are being used in hostels and campus.


Energy Conservation: Energy efficiency initiatives Principle 7: Responsible Advocacy

such as switching to more efficient HVAC, lighting, Vardhman is a member of several industrial and trade
and computing systems have been adopted. associations. These are listed as under:
Replacement of florescent T8 (36 W) tube lights with
T5 (25W) tube lights; Replacement of old motors a. Confederation of Indian Industries (CII);
with premium efficiency IE3 motors; Replacement
of HPSV lamps with energy efficient LED street b. Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and
lights on boundary and road lighting; Conversion of Industries (FICCI);
electrical heating to steam heating in machines etc
c. PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industries
eduction in water use: We have been able
to reduce our water usage by regular metering,
monitoring and controlling of utilities consumption d. Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI);
at all our sites.
e. Texprocil; etc.
Water conservation: We have 48 Rain Water

Harvesting Systems by which an annual recharge of Being an industry house, our major area of concerns
apprx 1,20,000 KL of water is done to the ground. are those public policies which deals with industry/
business. Therefore, most of the time, our submissions
 educe office waste: Initiatives include installing
R are related to economic policy changes and other issues,
jet hand dryer in washrooms to reduce paper waste. which affect the sustainability and competitiveness of
the industry.
Reduce food waste: We use organic composter
(Aaga System) to compost food waste from These platforms are utilized to update the industry
canteens, hostels and mess to use it as manure in concerns to the relevant government offices through
the campus parks. seminars, delegations and memorandum. Through,
these forums, we also provide our inputs sought by
Awareness Programme: Environment Week the State & Central Governments from time to time
and Water Saving Week (which includes various related to current problems faced by the industry, future
activities like; Tree Plantation, Drawing Competition, prospects and policy imperatives required to overcome
Slogan Competition, Speech Competition etc) are bottlenecks.
These forums are used to advance the cause of the
Plantations: In the last year, 26,000 trees were industry and are not used to take up company specific
planted in Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and issues.
Punjab region by Vardhman group.
Principle 8: Supporting Inclusive Growth and
All the units of Vardhman are certified by ISO 14001 Equitable Development
and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health Safety 1. Vardhman supports the principles of inclusive
Assessment Series). We also have a common EHS growth and equitable development through its core
portal for data collection and analysis by our various business as well as its corporate social responsibility
units initiatives

6. All the emissions are within the permissible limit of Vardhman believes in being an equal opportunity
State and Central Pollution Control Board. employer. We offer equal roles and responsibility to
women employees.
7. There is no show cause/legal notices received from
CPCB/ SPCB by our units. 
The company has a detailed CSR policy in place and
the CSR activities are monitored by Board appointed
Company’s EHS policy is available on the website CSR committee. The key focus areas of Vardhman’s
at the following link:


CSR programs are promotion of education, preventive c. Other organizations- we also collaborate with
healthcare, rural development, skill enhancement, other public and private organizations like
environment protection and other areas as defined hospitals etc. to provide healthcare initiatives
in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013. to the underprivileged sections of the society.

2. The major CSR programs are being pursued in 3. Vardhman internally performs an impact
the areas in close proximity to our manufacturing assessment of its initiatives at the end of each year
locations so as to enable supervision and maximum to understand the efficacy of the program in terms
developmental impact. Programs under this of delivery of desired benefits to the community
principal are developed and executed by: and to gain insights for improving the design and
delivery of future initiatives.
a. In-house teams for awareness building and
contract farming projects with small and 4. Vardhman’s contribution towards community
marginalized farmers and local communities development projects carried under its CSR policy
during the reporting period (2016-17) is ` 5.41 crore.
b. Aurobindo Trust for community development
initiatives around our manufacturing facilities
in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh
and Gujarat.

Few of the CSR initiatives are given below:

Area Initiatives
Promoting Education Construction of classrooms, washrooms and providing basic furniture in Govt. primary school in
Ludhiana that will benefit around 1000 students.
Collaboration with an NGO which has been working for providing education to the children of
tribal families in remote areas of Orrisa.
Various projects were undertaken in the state of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat & Madhya
Pradesh to provide basic amenities like repairing kitchens, laying of sheds, and renovation of
existing toilets, setting up of computer labs, and providing basic furniture in various government
run schools.
Promoting healthcare & 
Building a Padiatric Ward and a waiting room for attendant of patients at a missionary hospital in
preventive healthcare a backward area of M.P.

Providing medical equipment to various Government and Civil hospitals in Baddi, Punjab and M.P.

Initiative taken to build a Rehabilitation Centre at CMC Hospital in Ludhiana, the first of its kind in
this region. This is being undertaken in collaboration with CMC.
Drinking water & 
A number of projects were undertaken for providing drinking water and toilet facilities in various
Sanitation government schools in H.P. as well as construction of public toilets in the region.
Better Cotton Initiative 
As a part of plan to transform cotton production, Vardhman become implementing partner with
BCI in the state of Gujarat. The plan aims at providing technical assistance to farmers toward
better farming and integrated pest management techniques. The project covers around 8300
farmers as of now.


5. Note on adoption of community development work practices that do not harm our society. We consistently work
by local communities to improve customer satisfaction. We deliver value proactively
by anticipating changes in customer’s desired needs.

At Vardhman all our manufacturing units
continuously engage with communities surrounding 1. Pending complaints at the end of the financial year
their operations through surveys and focused were of a routine nature and constituted 6-7% of
meetings. This is done to gauge the needs, priorities complaints pending for yarn business and 2% for
and expectations of the local community. Initiatives fabric business.
are thus designed and delivered in a transparent
manner in line with inputs from the community itself. 2.  We disclose all the information on our labels in
compliance with the legal requirements and let
The company’s CSR policy and amended CSR policy is customers make an informed decision.
available on its website at the following link: https://!company_ 3. There is no case pending against the company
information with the name Policies-CSR and regarding unfair trade practices.
amended CSR policy 11.03.2016
4. As part of our stakeholder engagement strategy,
Principle 9: Providing Value to Customers and Vardhman engages with its customers and carries
Consumers consumer surveys for different products every year
Adding value is not always about money, or discounts. to know the customer satisfaction level so that
Understanding our customer is the key to add value. We necessary steps may be taken to enhance customer
try to understand what drives value for our customers satisfaction levels. There is a designated market
and offer best quality products with a prime focus of research department which routinely carries out
developing memorable customer experience. these surveys and gives inputs to business on taking
remedial action, if required.
We take care of the well-being of our customers as well as
the society. We take care of environment and implement


Directors’ Report

Dear Members,

The Directors of your Company have pleasure in presenting their 44th Annual Report of the business and operations
of the Company along with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended, 31st March, 2017.

1. Financial Results:
The financial performance of your Company for the year ended 31st March, 2017 is as under:-

(` in lakhs)
Particulars 2016-17 2015-16
Revenue from operations (Net) 5,72,828.74 5,61,395.80
Other Income 56,758.24 24,097.29
Profit before Depreciation, Interest & Tax (PBDIT) 1,72,613.76 1,34,918.69
Interest and Financial expenses 9,183.10 8,670.69
Profit before Depreciation and Tax (PBDT) 1,63,430.66 1,26,248.00
Depreciation & Amortisation 32,949.39 36,309.60
Profit before Tax (PBT) 1,30,481.27 89,938.40
Provision for Tax - Current 28,157.00 22,184.15
- Deferred Tax (Net of Adjustment) 3,194.83 114.43
- MAT Credit Entitlement (1,029.85) -
Profit after tax (PAT) 1,00,159.29 67,639.82
Other Comprehensive Income (21.76) (4.07)
Total Comprehensive Income for the period 1,00,137.53 67,635.75
Earnings per share (`)
- Basic 163.67 109.00
- Diluted 163.67 109.00
Note: The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2017, are the first the Company has prepared in

accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). The financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2016 have been
restated in accordance with Ind AS for comparative information.

Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS): 2. Financial Analysis and Review of Operations:
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), vide Production & Sales Review:
its notification in the Official Gazette dated  During the year under review, your Company
16th February, 2015, notified the Ind AS applicable to has registered Revenue from Operations of
certain classes of Companies. Ind AS has replaced ` 5,72,828.74 Lakhs as compared to ` 5,61,395.80
the existing Indian GAAP prescribed under Section Lakhs in the previous year. The exports of the
133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule Company decreased from ` 2,27,486.33 Lakhs to
7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. Ind AS is ` 2,20,690.98 Lakhs showing a decrease of
applicable on the Company from 1st April, 2016, with 2.99% over the previous year. The business wise
a transition date of 1st April, 2015. performance is as under:-

The reconciliations and descriptions of the effect a) Yarn:

of the transition from IGAAP to Ind AS have been  The production of Yarn decreased marginally
provided in Note No. 35 in the notes to accounts of from 2,04,142 MT to 2,02,770 MT during the
the financial statements. year 2016-17.


b) Fabric: working capital needs and other anticipated cash

During the year, the production of grey fabric requirements. The position of liquidity and capital
remained same as last year i.e. 175 million resources of the Company is given below:-
meter. The production of processed fabric
increased from 112 million meter to 117 million (` in lakhs)
meter. Particulars 2016-17 2015-16
Cash and Cash
Profitability: equivalents:
 The Company earned profit before depreciation,
Beginning of the year 27,676.95 17,554.77
interest and tax of ` 1,72,613.76 Lakhs as against
End of the year 4,047.11 27,676.95
` 1,34,918.69 Lakhs in the previous year. After
providing for depreciation & amortisation of Net cash provided
` 32,949.39 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 36,309.60 (used) by:
Lakhs), interest of ` 9,183.10 Lakhs (Previous Year Operating Activities 1,22,809.99 86,860.38
` 8,670.69 Lakhs), provision for current tax of Investing Activities (25,181.29) (47,966.21)
` 28,157 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 22,184.15 Lakhs), Financial Activities (1,21,258.54) (28,772.00)
deferred tax (net of adjustments) of ` 3,194.83 Lakhs
[Previous Year ` 114.43 Lakhs], and MAT credit 3. Management Discussion and Analysis Report:
entitlement of ` (1,029.85) Lakhs [Previous year Nil],  Management Discussion and Analysis Report
the net profit from operations after comprehensive for the year under review as stipulated under
income worked out to ` 1,00,137.53 Lakhs as Regulation 34(2) (e) of the Securities and Exchange
compared to ` 67,635.75 Lakhs in the previous year. Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 is presented in a
Resources Utilisation: separate section forming part of this Annual Report.
a) Fixed Assets:
The Net Block as at 31st March, 2017 was 4. Dividend:
` 2,45,815.29 Lakhs as compared to The Board of Directors in its meeting held on
` 2,50,011.86 Lakhs in the previous year. 10th May, 2017 has recommended dividend of ` 15/-
per share on the fully paid up Equity Shares of the
b) Current Assets: Company.
 The current assets as on 31st March, 2017 were
` 3,41,125.92 Lakhs as against ` 3,24,086.67 5. Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF):
Lakhs in the previous year. Inventory level was at Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 and 125
` 1,58,900.38 Lakhs as compared to the of the Companies Act, 2013 read with IEPF Authority
previous year level of ` 1,80,911.59 Lakhs. (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules,
2016 (“the Rules”) all unpaid or unclaimed dividends
Financial Conditions & Liquidity: are required to be transferred by the Company to
The Company enjoys a rating of “AA+/Stable” the IEPF established by the Central Government
from Credit Rating Information Services of India after the completion of seven years from the date
(CRISIL) for long term borrowings and “A1+” for of completion. The shareholders whose dividends
short term borrowings, respectively. Management have been transferred to the IEPF Authority can claim
believes that the Company’s liquidity and capital their dividend from the Authority. The unclaimed or
resources should be sufficient to meet its expected unpaid dividend relating to the financial year 2009-


10 is due for remittance by the end of September, dividend/interest earned on its investments and
2017 to the Investor Education and Protection Fund profits made on sale of investments. During the
established by the Central Government. year, the Company has earned a net profit of
` 975.12 lakhs as compared to ` 357.01 lakhs in the
Further, according to the Rules, the shares in respect previous year.
of which dividend has not been paid or claimed by
the shareholders for seven consecutive years or Vardhman Acrylics Limited (VAL):
more shall also be transferred to the IEPF Authority. This subsidiary of the Company is engaged in
In accordance with new Rules, the Company sent the business of manufacturing of Acrylic Fibre.
notice to all shareholders whose shares are due to Presently, the Company holds 70.74% shares in this
be transferred to the IEPF Authority and published subsidiary. During the Financial Year 2016-17, VAL
requisite advertisement in the newspaper. recorded Revenue from operations of ` 36,842.96
lakhs against ` 44,759.18 lakhs in the previous year.
The details of these shares is provided on the The net profit of the company after comprehensive
website of Company, at income worked out to ` 4,099.14 lakhs as compared
to ` 4,080.18 lakhs in the previous year.
6. Consolidated Financial Statement:
 ardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company
In accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 & Limited (VNGL):
Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) 110 on This subsidiary of the Company is a Joint Venture
‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ read with Ind partnership of 51:49 with Nisshinbo Textiles Inc.,
AS 111 on ‘Joint Arrangements’ and Ind AS 112 on Japan for manufacturing men’s shirts. During the
‘Disclosure of Interest in other entities’, the Audited year, the Revenue from Operations of the company
Consolidated Financial Statements is provided in was ` 5,828.84 lakhs as compared to ` 5,799.22
the Annual Report. lakhs in the previous year. The company incurred a
Net Loss of ` 53.88 lakhs as against a net profit of `
 ubsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associate
S 153.36 lakhs in the previous year.
During the year under review, Vardhman Yarns and Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited (VYTL):
Threads Limited, a Joint Venture with American & Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited, Joint
Efird Global, LLC (A&E) ceased to be Subsidiary of the Venture with American & Efird Global, LLC (A&E),
Company and has become an Associate Company. is an Associate Company of the Company. It is
No other Company has become or ceased to be engaged in the business of Threads Manufacturing
Company’s subsidiary, joint venture or associate and Distribution. During the year, the Company
company. Further, the Company does not have any has sold its 40% stake in VYTL to A&E and is now
material subsidiary. The details of the financials holding 11% stake in VYTL. A&E is the second
of the subsidiary and associate companies for the largest player in Threads Manufacturing and
financial year 2016-17 are as follows:- Distribution across the world. During the year
under review, the Revenue from Operations were
VMT Spinning Company Limited (VMT): ` 77,857.87 lakhs as against ` 72,863.26 lakhs in
This subsidiary of the Company is a Joint Venture the previous year registering an increase of 6.85%.
with Marubeni Corporation and Marubeni Hong The Net Profit for the year after comprehensive
Kong and South China Limited of Japan. The income worked out to ` 9,909.48 lakhs as compared
Revenue from operations of the company has to ` 8,991.66 lakhs during last year registering an
increased to ` 19,112.99 lakhs from ` 15,663.72 increase of 10.21%.
lakhs in the last year. The Net Profit of the Company
after comprehensive income worked out to ` 826.11 Vardhman Special Steels Limited:
lakhs as against ` 738.97 lakhs in the previous year Vardhman Special Steels Limited (VSSL) is an
registering an increase of 11.79%. Out of the total Associate Company of the Company. The Company
present paid-up capital of ` 2,070.02 lakhs, your holds 31.39% shares of VSSL. During the year, the
Company holds 89.44%. Revenue from Operations of the Company was
` 75,312.90 lakhs as compared to ` 72,551.41
VTL Investments Limited (VTL): lakhs in the previous year. The Net Profit for the
This 100% subsidiary of your Company is year after comprehensive income worked out to
engaged in the business of investment. The ` 1,891.01 lakhs as compared to ` 405.12 lakhs in
earnings of the company mainly comes from the previous year.


 ardhman Spinning & General Mills Limited:

V  he Nomination & Remuneration Policy is annexed
Vardhman Spinning & General Mills Limited (VSGM) hereto and forms part of this report as Annexure I.
is an Associate Company of the Company. The
Company holds 50% shares of VSGM. It is a trading Familiarization Programme for Board Members:
Company dealing in the business of Cotton and Your Company has formulated Familiarization
Fibre. During the year, the Company has not traded Programme for all the Board members in accordance
any goods. So, the Revenue from Operations is with Regulation 25 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
Nil for the Financial Year 2016-17. The Company and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
incurred a Net Loss of ` 6,851 as against a net loss and the Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013
of ` 27, 292 in the previous Year. which provides that the Company shall familiarize
the Independent Directors with the Company,
8. Directors: their roles, rights, responsibilities in the Company,
Joint Managing Director: nature of Industry in which the Company operates,
 Mrs. Suchita Jain has been appointed as Joint business model of the Company, etc. through
Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 24th various programs.
August, 2016. Her appointment was approved
by the Members vide their resolution dated 2nd  he Familiarization Programme for Board members
February, 2017, passed by Postal Ballot. may be accessed on the Company’s website at the
Liable to retire by rotation:
In accordance with the provisions of the Articles  ttps://
of Association of the Company, Mr. D.L. Sharma, familarisation.pdf
Director of the Company, retires by rotation at
the conclusion of the forthcoming Annual General Annual Evaluation of the Board Performance:
Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for The meeting of Independent Directors of the
re-appointment. The Board recommended his Company for the calendar year 2016 was held on
appointment for the consideration of the Members 15th November, 2016 to evaluate the performance
of the Company at the ensuing Annual General of Non-Independent Directors, Chairperson of the
Meeting. Company and the Board as a whole.

Nominee Director: The evaluation was done by way of discussions on

During the year, IDBI Bank has withdrawn the the performance of the Non- Independent Directors,
nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar, from the Chairperson and Board as a whole and the minutes
Board of your Company w.e.f. 19th November, 2016 of the meeting was submitted to the Chairman of
and has nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as the the Company.
Nominee Director w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.
A policy on the performance evaluation of Independent
Declaration under Section 149(6): Directors, Board, Committees and other individual
The Independent Directors have submitted their Directors which includes criteria for performance
disclosures to the Board that they fulfill all the evaluation of non-executive directors and executive
requirements as stipulated in Section 149(6) of the directors has been formulated by the Company.
Companies Act, 2013 so as to qualify themselves
to be appointed as Independent Directors under 9. Key Managerial Personnel (KMP):
the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the In compliance with provisions of Section 203 of the
relevant rules thereof. Companies Act, 2013, following are the KMPs of the
Company as on 31st March, 2017:
Company’s Policy relating to Directors
appointment, payment of remuneration and S.No. Name Designation
discharge of their duties: 1. S.P. Oswal Chairman & Managing Director
The Nomination & Remuneration Committee of 2. Rajeev Thapar Chief Financial Officer
the Company has formulated the Nomination &
3. Karan Kamal Company Secretary
Remuneration Policy on Director’s appointment and
remuneration including the criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes, independence * Ms. Karan Kamal Walia, Company Secretary resigned from
of a director and other matters as provided under the Company w.e.f. 11th May, 2017 and Mr. Sanjay Gupta has
Section 178(3) of the Companies Act, 2013. been appointed as Company Secretary in her place w.e.f.
1st June, 2017.


10. Number of Board Meetings: New Delhi, as the Cost Auditors of the Company to
During the year under review, the Board met five conduct Cost Audit of the Accounts for the financial
(5) times and the intervening gap between any two year ended 2017-18. However, as per provisions of
meetings was within the period prescribed under Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with
Companies Act, 2013. The details of Board Meetings Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014,
are set out in Corporate Governance Report which the remuneration to be paid to the Cost Auditors
forms part of this Annual Report. is subject to ratification by Members at the Annual
General Meeting. Accordingly, the remuneration
11. Auditors and Auditors Report: to be paid to M/s Ramanath Iyer & Company, Cost
Statutory Auditors: Accountants, New Delhi, for financial year 2017-18
M/s S.C. Vasudeva & Company, the existing is placed for ratification by the Members.
Statutory Auditors of the Company have submitted
Auditors’ Report on the accounts of the Company The Cost Auditor’s Report for the Financial Year
for the accounting year ended 31st March, 2017. The 2017-18 will be forwarded to the Central
Auditors’ Report is self-explanatory and requires Government as required under law.
no comments.
12. Audit Committee & Vigil Mechanism:
Further, pursuant to Section 139 of the Companies Composition of Audit Committee:
Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, it is The Audit Committee consists of Mr. Prafull Anubhai,
mandatory to rotate the statutory auditors on Independent Director, Dr. S.K. Bijlani, Independent
completion of the maximum term permitted Director, Mr. Shravan Talwar, Independent Director,
under the said section. The Audit Committee of Mr. D.B. Jain, Independent Director, Mr. A.K.
the Company has proposed, and on 10th May, Kundra, Independent Director and Mr. D.L. Sharma,
2017, the Board of Directors of the Company Director. Mr. Prafull Anubhai is the Chairman of
has recommended the appointment of Deloitte the Committee and Company Secretary of the
Haskins & Sells, LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Company is the Secretary of the Committee. All the
registration No. 117366W/W-100018) (‘Deloitte’) as recommendations made by the Audit Committee
the statutory auditors of the Company. Deloitte will were accepted by the Board.
hold office for a period of five consecutive years
from the conclusion of 44th Annual General Meeting Vigil Mechanism:
till the conclusion of 49th Annual General Meeting, Pursuant to provisions of Section 177(9) of the
subject to the approval of the Members of the Companies Act, 2013 the Company has established
Company. a “Vigil Mechanism” incorporating whistle blower
policy in terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Secretarial Auditor: Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for
M/s. B.K. Gupta & Associates, Company Secretary employees and Directors of the Company, for
in Practice, were appointed as Secretarial Auditors expressing the genuine concerns of unethical
of the Company by the Board of Directors of the behavior, actual or suspected fraud or violation of
Company in its meeting held on 9th May, 2016 for the code of conduct by way of direct access to the
the financial year 2016-17. Chairman/ Chairman of the Audit Committee.

The Secretarial Auditors of the Company have 

The Company has also provided adequate
submitted their Report in Form No. MR-3 as safeguards against victimization of employees and
required under Section 204, of the Companies Act, Directors who express their concerns.
2013 for the financial year ended 31st March, 2017.
This Report is self-explanatory and requires no 
The Policy on Vigil Mechanism and whistle
comments. The Report forms part of this report as blower policy as approved by the Board
Annexure II. may be accessed on the Company’s website
at the link:
Cost Auditor: userfiles/20b9bcdbd2cc01fde3e8e7d392d9357376
The Board of Directors has appointed M/s 9de1941436265078.pdf.
Ramanath Iyer & Company, Cost Accountants,


13. Corporate Governance: as also employment and livelihood enhancing

The Company has in place a system of Corporate vocational skills by imparting proper training.
Governance. Corporate Governance is about
maximizing shareholder value legally, ethically Environment: Activities to protect the
and sustainably. A separate report on Corporate degradation of Environment including
Governance forming part of the Annual Report of preservation of natural resources, energy
the Company is annexed hereto. A certificate from conservation, recycling of waste products,
the Auditors of the Company regarding compliance reduction in emission of harmful pollutants,
of conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated improving fertility of land, enhancement of
under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure green cover etc.
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 is annexed to the
report on Corporate Governance.  ublic Private Partnership Initiatives: The
company shall also engage in CSR projects
14. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): which call for a public private partnership for
Vision & Core areas of CSR: Your Company is undertaking rural development and helping
committed to and fully aware of its Corporate Social the underdeveloped community.
Responsibility (CSR), the guidelines in respect of
which were more clearly laid down in the Companies  ny other project (as defined in Schedule VII of
Act, 2013. The Company’s vision on CSR is that the the Companies Act, 2013) may also be taken up
Company being a responsible Corporate Citizen as and when considered necessary.
would continue to make a serious endeavor for a
quality value addition and constructive contribution CSR Policy: The Corporate Social Responsibility
in building a healthy and better society through (CSR) Policy of the Company indicating the activities
its CSR related initiatives and focus on education, to be undertaken by the Company, as approved
environment, health care and other social causes. by the Board, may be accessed on the Company’s
website at the link:
 he Company has identified following focus areas
T user_files/investor/CSR%20Policy%20final.pdf
for CSR:-
During the year, the Company has spent ` 540.91
Promoting Education: Promoting education Lakhs on CSR activities.
by setting up schools, colleges etc. in order
to deliver high quality education besides The disclosures related to CSR activities pursuant to
augmenting infrastructure of existing Section 134(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with
educational institutions. This may include Rule 9 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and
initiatives like grant of scholarships to poor & Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules,
meritorious students in our schools & colleges. 2014 is annexed hereto and form part of this report
as Annexure III.
Preventive Healthcare: Providing Healthcare
equipment and other facilities to local 15. Business Responsibility Report (BRR):
dispensaries and hospitals. This shall include SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
augmenting infrastructure of such facilities. Requirements) Regulations, 2015 mandate the
inclusion of the BRR as part of the Annual Report for
Rural Development: Rural development top 500 listed entities based on market capitalization.
centric CSR initiatives, including electrification In compliance with the Listing Regulations, we have
through solar power, providing safe drinking integrated BRR disclosure into our Annual Report.
water, sanitation etc. This may include
participation in Govt. run welfare projects in 16. Dividend Distribution Policy (DDP):
partnership with the private sector. As per Regulation 43A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the
Skill Enhancement with special emphasis top 500 listed companies are required to formulate
on Women Empowerment: Focus on a DDP. Accordingly, a DDP was adopted to set out
initiatives enabling functional literacy of women the parameters and circumstances that will be


taken into account by the Board in determining the with the provisions of Regulation 23 of the SEBI
distribution of dividend to its shareholders and/or (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
retaining profits earned by the Company. The policy Regulations, 2015. Accordingly, the disclosure
is enclosed as Annexure IV to the Board’s report of Related Party Transactions as required under
and is also available on the Company’s website at Section 134(3)(h) of the Companies Act, 2013 in
the link: Form AOC-2 is not applicable .

The Policy on dealing with related party
17. Risk Management: transactions as approved by the Board may
 The Risk Management Policy required to be be accessed on the Company’s website at
formulated under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI the link:
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) files/96c45534e3ab096d9bc682f8eebade
Regulations, 2015 has been duly formulated and 0344f915151436264609.pdf.
approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.
The aim of risk management policy is to maximize Your Directors draw attention of the Members to
opportunities in all activities and to minimize Note 45 to the standalone financial statement which
adversity. The policy includes identifying types of sets out related party disclosures.
risks and its assessment, risk handling, monitoring
and reporting, which in the opinion of the Board 20. P
 articulars of Loans, Guarantees or Investments
may threaten the existence of the Company. made under Section 186 of the Companies
Act, 2013:
The Risk Management policy may be accessed on the  Particulars of loans given, investments made,
Company’s website at the link: http://www.vardhman. guarantees given and securities provided along
com/user_files/a4c0a8b00e407cd507553ea with the purpose for which the loan or guarantee or
7db7f06e89de1272a1436265025 .pdf. security is proposed to be utilized by the recipient
are provided in the standalone financial statement
18. Internal Financial Controls & Its Adequacy: (Please refer to Note 4, 5, 9 and 12 to the standalone
 The Company has in place adequate internal financial statement).
financial controls with reference to financial
statements. During the year, such controls were 21. C
 onservation of Energy, Technology Absorption,
tested and no reportable material weakness in the Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo:
design or operation was observed.  Energy conservation continues to be an area of
major emphasis in our Company. Efforts are made

A report on the Internal Financial Controls under to optimize the energy cost while carrying out the
clause (i) of sub-section 3 of section 143 of the manufacturing operations. Particulars with respect
Companies Act, 2013 as given by the Statutory to conservation of energy and other areas as per
Auditors of the Company forms part of Independent Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read
Auditor’s Report on Standalone Financial Statements with the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, are
as Annexure B and to the Independent Auditor’s annexed hereto and form part of this report as
Report on Consolidated Financial Statements as Annexure V.
Annexure A.
22. Annual Return:
19. Particulars of Contracts or Arrangements made The extracts of Annual Return pursuant to the
with Related Parties: provisions of Section 92, 134 and Rule 12 of the
All contracts/arrangements/transactions entered by Companies (Management and Administration)
the Company during the financial year with related Rules, 2014 for the financial year 2016-17 in Form
parties were in the ordinary course of business MGT-9 is annexed hereto and form part of this
and on an arm’s length basis. During the year, report as Annexure VI.
the Company had not entered into any contract/
arrangement/transaction with related parties
which could be considered material in accordance


23. Human Resources /Industrial Relations: these financial statements relate on the date of this
Human resource is considered as the most valuable report.
of all resources available to the Company. The
Company continues to lay emphasis on building 26. Directors Responsibility Statement:
and sustaining an excellent organization climate Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134 (5) of the
based on human performance. The Management Companies Act, 2013 the Board hereby submit its
has been continuously endeavouring to build high responsibility Statement:
performance culture on one hand and amiable work
environment on the other hand. During the year, a. in the preparation of the annual accounts, the
the Company employed around 21,206 employees applicable accounting standards have been
on permanent rolls. followed along with the proper explanation
relating to material departures;
Pursuit of proactive policies for industrial relations
has resulted in a peaceful and harmonious situation b. 
appropriate accounting policies have been
on the shop floors of the various plants. selected and applied consistently, and have made
judgments and estimates that are reasonable
24. Particulars of Employees and Related and prudent so as to give a true and fair view
Disclosures: of the state of affairs of the Company as at
 The disclosures in respect of managerial 31st March, 2017 and of the profit of the Company
remuneration as required under section 197(12) for the year ended on 31st March, 2017;
read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment
& Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, c.  roper and sufficient care has been taken
2014 is annexed hereto and form part of this report. for the maintenance of adequate accounting
records in accordance with the provisions of

A statement showing the names and other the Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the
particulars of the employees drawing remuneration assets of the Company and for preventing and
in excess of the limits set out in Rule 5 (2) and 5 detecting fraud and other irregularities;
(3) of Companies (Appointment & Remuneration
of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is annexed d. the annual accounts have been prepared on a
hereto and form part of this report. going concern basis;

In terms of section 197(14) of the Companies e. t he Internal financial controls has been laid
Act, 2013, the Company does not have any down to be followed by the Company and that
Holding Company. However, the details regarding such internal financial controls are adequate
remuneration or commission received from and are operating effectively; and
subsidiary company by any Managing or Whole
Time Director is annexed hereto and form part of f. a proper system has been devised to ensure
this report. compliance with the provisions of all applicable
laws and such systems are adequate and
All the above details are provided in Annexure VII. operating effectively.

25. M
 aterial Changes and Commitment, if any, 27. General Disclosures:
affecting the Financial Position of the Company Your Directors state that no disclosure or reporting
occurred between the end of the Financial Year is required in respect of the following items as there
to which this Financial Statements relate and were no transactions on these items during the year
the date of the Report: under review:
 No material changes and commitments affecting
the financial position of the Company occurred 1. 
Details relating to deposits covered under
between the end of the financial year to which Chapter V of the Act.


2. Issue of equity shares with differential rights as 43rd Annual General Meeting. The Board has
to dividend, voting or otherwise. delegated necessary power to the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee to implement
3.  o significant or material orders were passed
and administer the Plan once approved by the
by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals
shareholders of the Company. Accordingly, the
which impact the going concern status and
Nomination and Remuneration Committee of
Company’s operations in future.
the Company has granted 6,14,000 Options out
4. No change in nature of Business of Company. of a total of 6,36,518 Options till date.

Your Directors further state that during the year 28. Acknowledgment:
under review, there were no cases filed pursuant Your Directors are pleased to place on record their
to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace sincere gratitude to the Government, Financial
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Institutions, Bankers, Business Constituents and
Shareholders for their continued and valuable
Buyback of Securities: co-operation and support to the Company and
During the year, the Company had bought back look forward to their continued support and co-
and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity shares of ` operation in future too.
10/- each at a price of ` 1,150 per share. The
paid-up capital of the Company post buyback They also take this opportunity to express their
is ` 57,39,10,100. deep appreciation for the devoted and sincere
services rendered by the employees at all levels of
Vardhman Textiles Limited Employee Stock the operations of the Company during the year.
Option Plan, 2016:
The Board of Directors in its meeting held on
9th May, 2016 approved introduction of an equity
based compensation scheme called “Vardhman
Textiles Limited Employee Stock Option Plan for and on behalf of the Board
2016” for its eligible employees subject to Place : Ludhiana (S.P. Oswal)
approval of Members of the Company in the Dated : 11th August, 2017 Chairman & Managing Director


Index of Annexures
(forming part of Board Report)

Annexure No. Particulars

I Nomination & Remuneration Policy approved by the Board.
II Secretarial Audit Report in form no. MR-3 for FY 2016-17.
III CSR Activities – Annual Report FY 2016-17.
IV Dividend Distribution Policy
V Conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo.
VI Extract of Annual Return - MGT 9.
VII Particulars of employees and related disclosures.

Annexures to the Directors’ Report

Annexure- I
Nomination & Remuneration Policy of the Company: c)  o recommend to the Board remuneration
1. Preface: policy related to remuneration of Directors
 In terms of the provisions of Section 178 of (whole time Directors, Executive Directors
the Companies Act, 2013 and Clause 49 of the etc.), Key Managerial Personnel and other
Listing Agreement, this policy on Nomination and employees while ensuring the following:-
Remuneration of Directors and Senior Management
That the level and composition of
has been formulated by the Committee and approved
remuneration is reasonable and sufficient
by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on
to attract, retain and motivate directors of
7th August, 2014.
the quality required to run the company
Upon the recommendations of Nomination and successfully.
Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of
That relationship of remuneration
the Company in its meeting held on 8th May, 2015
to performance is clear and meets
made certain amendments in the existing policy
appropriate performance benchmarks.
and thereafter replaced the existing policy with the
amended policy. c 
That remuneration to directors, key
managerial personnel and senior
The amended policy is as under:-
management involves a balance between
2. Role of the Committee: fixed and incentive pay reflecting short
and long term performance objectives
a)  o identify persons who are qualified to
appropriate to the working of the company
become Directors and who may be appointed
and its goals.
in Senior Management in accordance with the
criteria laid down and recommend to Board d) To formulate criteria for evaluation of Directors
their appointment and removal. and the Board.
To formulate criteria for determining e) To devise a policy on Board diversity.
qualifications, positive attributes and
independence of a Director.


Annexure- I

3. Membership: 6. Committee Members’ Interests:

The Committee shall consist of a minimum a) A member of the Committee is not entitled to
three (3) non-executive directors, majority of be present when his or her own remuneration
them being independent. is discussed at a meeting or when his or her
performance is being evaluated.
b) Minimum two (2) members shall constitute a
quorum for the Committee meeting. b) The Committee may invite such executives, as
it considers appropriate, to be present at the
Membership of the Committee shall be
meetings of the Committee.
disclosed in the Annual Report.
7. Secretary:
Term of the Committee shall be continued
The Company Secretary of the Company shall act as
unless terminated by the Board of Directors.
Secretary of the Committee.
4. Chairman:
a)  Chairman of the Committee shall be an 8. Voting:
Independent Director. a) Decisions of the Committee shall be decided
by a majority of votes of Members present
b) Chairman of the Company may be appointed
and voting and any such decision shall for
as a member of the Committee but shall not be
all purposes be deemed a decision of the
a Chairman of the Committee.
c) In the absence of the Chairman, the members
b) In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the
of the Committee present at the meeting shall
meeting will have a casting vote.
choose one amongst them to act as Chairman.
9. Minutes Of Committee Meeting:
Chairman of the Nomination and
The minutes of all the proceedings of all meetings
Remuneration Committee meeting could be
must be signed by the Chairman of the Committee at
present at the Annual General Meeting or may
the subsequent meeting. Minutes of the Committee
nominate some other member to answer the
meetings will be tabled at the subsequent Board
shareholders’ queries.
5. Frequency of Meetings:
The meeting of the Committee shall be held at such 10. Effective Date & Amendments:
regular intervals as may be required. This policy will be effective from 8th May, 2015 and
may be amended subject to the approval of Board
of Directors.


Secretarial Audit Report
For The Financial Year Ended 31st March, 2017
Annexure- II
[Pursuant to Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule No. 9 of The Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]

To (v) T
 he following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed
The Members, under the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Vardhman Textiles Limited Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’):-
Chandigarh Road, (a) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of
Ludhiana- 141010 India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015;
We have conducted the Secretarial Audit of the compliance
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to (b) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
good corporate practices by Vardhman Textiles Limited (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
(hereinafter called the company). Secretarial Audit was Takeovers) Regulations, 2011;
conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable
(c) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015;
compliances and expressing my opinion thereon.
(d) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
Based on our verification of the Company’s books, (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
papers, minutes books, forms and returns filed and Regulations, 2009- Not Applicable during the
other records maintained by the company and also Audit period;
the information provided by the Company, its officers,
(e) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
agents and authorized representatives during the
(Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee
conduct of Secretarial Audit, We hereby report that in
Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999;
our opinion, the company has, during the audit period
covering the financial year ended on March 31, 2017 (f) The Securities and Exchange Board of
complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities)
and also that the Company has proper Board-processes Regulations, 2008-Not Applicable during the
and compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in the Audit period;
manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter.
(g) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer
We have examined the books, papers, minute books,
Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the
forms and returns filed and other records maintained
Companies Act and dealing with client;
by Vardhman Textiles Limited (“the Company”) for the
financial year ended on 31st March, 2017 according to (h) T
 he Securities and Exchange Board of India
the provisions of: (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009-
Not Applicable during the Audit period; and
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules
(i) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
made there under;
(Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998
The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (vi) We have relied on the representation made by the
(‘SCRA’) and the rules made there under; Company & its Officers for system and mechanism
formed by the Company for compliances under
(iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and other applicable Acts as Environmental Laws &
Bye-laws framed there under; Labour Laws as per list attached herewith.
 e have also examined compliance with the
(iv) F
 oreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the
applicable clauses of the following:
rules and regulations made there under to the
extent of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas Direct (i) Secretarial Standards (SS-1 and SS-2) issued by
Investment and External Commercial Borrowings The Institute of Company Secretaries of India.


Annexure- II

The Listing Agreements entered into by the  pproval for the Buyback of Equity Shares of the
Company with Bombay Stock Exchange and Company
National Stock Exchange

Approval to issue Non- Convertible Debentures
 uring the period under review the Company has
(NCDs)/ Bonds
generally complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules,
Regulations, Guidelines, Standards, etc. mentioned
We further report that during the audit period the
company bought back equity shares aggregating to
We further report that ` 719.99 crore and has granted 6,07,500 employee stock
The Board of Directors of the Company is duly options to eligible employees under Vardhman Textiles
constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Stock Option Plan, 2016 exercisable into not more than
Non-Executive Directors and Independent Directors. The 6,07,500 equity shares in the company.
changes in the composition of the Board of Directors
that took place during the period under review were For B.K. Gupta & Associates
carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act. Company Secretaries
Chairman & Managing Director
Adequate notice is given to all directors to schedule the
Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on agenda
were sent at least seven days in advance, and a system (Bhupesh Gupta)
exists for seeking and obtaining further information and Place : Ludhiana FCS No.:4590
clarifications on the agenda items before the meeting Dated : 10th May, 2017 C P No.:5708
and for meaningful participation at the meeting.
Majority decision is carried through while the dissenting List of Labour Laws and Environmental Laws Which
members views are captured and recorded as part of the Have Been Verified During Audit Period
List of Labour Laws
We further report that there are adequate systems and The Factories Act, 1948
processes in the company commensurate with the size The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
and operations of the company to monitor and ensure The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and
The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
The Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948
We further report that during the audit period the The Payment of Bonus Act, 1972
company has conducted two postal ballots to conduct its The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
business first from 24th October, 2016 to 22nd November,
The Apprentices Act, 1961
2016 and second from 2nd January, 2017 to 31st January,
List of Environmental Laws
We further report that during the audit period the The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
company has passed the following Special resolutions The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
which is having major bearing in the Company’s affairs The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
in pursuance of above referred laws, rules, regulations,
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
guidelines, standards, etc.
The Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Trans
Approval of Vardhman Textiles Limited Employee boundary Movements) Rules, 2008
Stock Option Plan 2016


Annexure- II

Annexure- A

The Members,
Vardhman Textiles Limited
Chandigarh Road,
Ludhiana- 141010

1. Maintenance of secretarial record is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is
to express an opinion on these secretarial records based on our audit.

2. We have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about
the correctness of the contents of the secretarial records. The verification was done on the random test basis
to ensure that correct facts are reflected in secretarial records. We believe that the processes and practices, we
followed provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

3.  e have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and Books of Accounts of the

4. Where ever required, we have obtained the Management representation about the compliance of laws, rules and
regulations and happening of events etc.

The compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the
responsibility of management. Our examination was limited to the verification of procedures on random test basis.

6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the company nor of the efficacy or
effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

For B.K. Gupta & Associates

Company Secretaries

(Bhupesh Gupta)
Place : Ludhiana FCS No.:4590
Dated : 10th May, 2017 C P No.:5708


Annexure- III
Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for the financial year 2016-17:

Sr. No. Particulars

1. Brief outline of CSR Policy The focus areas of the Company under its CSR programme are promotion
of education, preventive health care, rural development, skill enhancement,
environment protection and any other project as defined in Schedule VII of
the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Composition of CSR Committee The CSR Committee of the Company consists of:
i) Mr. A.K. Kundra- Chairman
ii) Mr. Sachit Jain- Member
iii) Mr. Neeraj Jain- Member
iv) Mr. D.L. Sharma- Member
3. Average net profit of the Company for last ` 72,288.91 Lakhs
three financial years
4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure ` 1,445.78 Lakhs
5. Details of CSR spent during the year:
Total amount spent for the financial year ` 540.91 Lakhs
Amount unspent, if any ` 904.87 Lakhs
Manner in which the amount spent during ANNEXURE – A
the financial year
6. In case the Company has failed to spend The total projects taken up by the Company had a total cost of ` 1,651.93
two percent, reason thereof. Lakhs out of which the Company has spent ` 540.91 Lakhs in the Financial
year 2016-17 as per details provided in Annexure A. The balance expenditure
and pending CSR proposals, if any, are expected to be taken up in the coming
7. A responsibility statement of the CSR ANNEXURE- B
Committee that the implementation and
monitoring of CSR policy, is in compliance
with CSR objectives and policy of the


Annexure- III

Annexure- A
Manner in which the amount spent during the financial year is detailed below:
(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

1. Construction of drinking water Sanitation/Safe Government Sr, 2.40 2.07 2.07 Through Trust
points along with hands washing Drinking Water Secondary School,
area (Civil + Sanitation Items). Gullarwala.
2. Construction of drinking water Sanitation/Safe Government 1.50 0.76 0.76 Through Trust
points along with hands washing Drinking Water Primary & Middle
area (Civil + Sanitation Items). School, Village
3. Renovation of drinking water Sanitation/Safe Govt. High & 12.22 9.57 9.57 Through Trust
points along with hands washing Drinking Water Primary School
area, Supply of School desks with and Promotion Thana, Baddi
bench of 57 Nos., Supply of Public of Education
Addressing System, Construction of
Class Room & repairing of existing
4. Renovation of drinking water points Sanitation/Safe Government Middle 6.17 5.27 5.27 Through Trust
(Civil + Sanitation Items), Renovation Drinking Water School Village
of existing toilets (06 Nos.) Billanwali - Baddi.
5. Renovation of drinking water points Sanitation/Safe Government 11.73 8.84 8.84 Through Trust
along with hands washing area (Civil Drinking Water Primary/High
+ Sanitation Items), Construction of and Promotion School, Village
one class room, Supply of School of Education Sandholi
desks with bench 60 Nos.
6. Supply of Semi automatic analyzer Preventive Primary/Community 6.00 5.30 5.30 Through Trust
and Cell Counter Equipment. Healthcare Health Center,
7. Providing Public toilet for use of Sanitation/Safe Panchayat Road 4.00 2.54 2.54 Through Trust
general public in bazar situated on Drinking Water leading to Dakhru
Panchayat Road and renovating Majara Village, Baddi
culvert for proper discharge of toilet
8. Protection of National Heritage, Arts Art and Cultural Shoolini Mela, Solan 4.00 4.00 4.00 Through Trust
& Handicrafts, Funding for Mela Heritage
9. Green Area Development by Ensuring Timex to Unichem & 6.50 4.64 4.64 Through Trust
planting 5,000 tress environment MSM-TD Gate Area,
Sustainability approx. 0.7 Km far
from Vardhman
10. New Borewell with Supply Line for Drinking Water DhakruMajra (Ward 32.60 6.05 6.05 Through Trust
existing network & One Room for and Rural No.-08) Village and
Bore Well and Public Library cum Development Gullerwala Village
Community Hall construction


Annexure- III

(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

11. Renovation of 200 years old Ensuring Nalagarh Heritage 1.51 1.51 1.51 Through Trust
"Talab" & development of green environment Society; Higher
area for excursion of public., Sustainability & Education Institution
Promoting Education & personality rural sports Society, Govt.
development through sports College Nalagarh
(Stadium) in Govt. College Nalagarh
12 Providing 02 No. 360 Ltr Fridge, 01 Preventive Primary/Community 3.75 2.10 2.10 Through Trust
No. Defibrillator Instrument, 01 No. Healthcare Health Centre, Baddi
BOD Incubator in PHC
13 Supply of School Desks with Promotion of Govt. High School, 1.95 2.10 2.10 Through Trust
Benches 25 No. And Providing hand Education Dharampur (Bhup
washing area for existing toilets with Nagar)
overhead tank facility, repair of stair
including minor civil works
14 Building of 03 no. of New Promotion of Govt. Primary 25.30 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Classrooms at First Floor with Education School, Baddi
Provision of Stairs, Providing
Drinking Water Point and school
15 Construction of One class room with Promotion of Government Middle 18.55 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
benches, Repairing & finishing of Education School, Village
existing stairs & Boundary Wall Billanwali - Baddi
16 Providing Drinking Water Facility Promotion of Government High 2.45 0.76 0.76 Through Trust
for students, 50 no. of desks with Education School, Village
Benches for students Sandholi
17 Providing RO; Reconstruction of Existing Promotion of Government Sr, 17.80 0.41 0.41 Through Trust
toilet complex 10 No's (Boys+Girls+Staff); Education Secondary School,
Renovation of Drinking Water Points for Gullerwala
Primary School
18 Construction of Ladies Toilets with Sanitation Public Toilet (Ladies) 4.00 2.80 2.80 Through Trust
hand washing facility in ward no-7 in ward no.-7
(approx. 0.2 Km far
from Vardhman)
19 Promoting Rural Sports in Promoting Rural Gullerwala Khusti 0.21 0.21 0.21 Through Trust
Gullerwala Village through Gram Sports Dangal
Panchayat Gullerwala Khusti Dangal
20 Reconstruction of damaged floor Promotion of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, 22.50 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
in classroom and veranda area, Education Gullerwala
and repair of school entrance,
Construction of Toilets (12 No.),
Construction of New Kitchen area.
21 Medical Equipment Preventive Govt. Hospital 22.00 2.44 2.44 Through Trust
Healthcare (F.R.U), Nalagarh


Annexure- III

(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

22 Construction of 2 classrooms and Promotion of Govt. High School, 30.95 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
one computer lab Education Billanwali
23 Construction of 01 no. of Public Sanitation Tehsil Complex, 11.00 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Toilet (Ladies & Gents) including Baddi
minor civil work on outside area and
provision of Septic Tank
24 Training to promote Rural Sports Promoting Rural Kabaddi 0.11 0.11 0.11 Through Trust
(National Kabaddi Tournament) Sports Tournament in
Karuana Village,
25 Contribution to Nalagarh Heritage Art and Cultural Nalagarh Heritage 0.50 0.50 0.50 Through Trust
Society Heritage Society
26 Construction work at Sri Aurobindo Promotion of Sri Aurobindo Public 29.81 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Public School Education School, Baddi
26a. Cost of Cement for above Civil Promotion of Baddi 38.78 38.78 Through Trust
Projects, Cost of Steel (TMT Bar & MS Education and
Channel) Preventive
27 Providing safe drinking water, Desks, Promotion of Government 3.24 2.89 2.89 Through Trust
chair & table and black boards, Education primary schools of
carpets, wall clocks and fans. Khanna region
Constructing toilet facility
28 Providing safe drinking water, Desks, Promotion of Government 3.65 2.31 2.31 Through Trust
chair & table and black boards, Education primary schools of
carpets, wall clocks and fans Nabha region.
29 Providing safe drinking water, Desks, Promotion of Government 0.27 0.20 0.20 Through Trust
wall clocks and fans. Education primary schools of
Barnala region.
30 Providing safe drinking water, Desks, Promotion of Government primary 3.02 1.94 1.94 Through Trust
chair & table and black boards, Education schools of Sherpur &
carpets, wall clocks and fans Bugra region.
31 Providing basic amenities in nearby Promotion of Govt. Primary 6.95 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Govt. schools to uplift the education Education Schools in Bhogiwal,
system. Ranwa, Rajinder
Nagar etc.
32 Providing medical equipment in Preventive Civil Hospital, 6.50 1.60 1.60 Through Trust
hospital Healthcare Malerkotla, Sangrur
33 Providing Rooftop Solar Power Ensuring Kasturba Gandhi 1.60 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
System environment Balika Vidalya,
Sustainability Sangrur.
34 Providing medical equipment in Preventive Civil Hospital, 43.10 7.60 7.60 Through Trust
hospital Healthcare Malerkotla, Sangrur


Annexure- III

(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

35 Donation to CMC Urology Preventive CMC Urology 30.00 29.86 29.86 Direct
Department Healthcare Department,
36 BCI cotton, Providing technical Rural 8732 farmers, 47 66.58 39.15 39.15 Through Trust
assistance to farmers of better Development villages, Rajkot,
farming and integrated pest Gujrat
management techniques
37 Providing Cotton Bags to farmers Ensuring 8732 farmers, 47 57.10 36.47 36.47 Through Trust
Environment villages, Rajkot,
Sustainability Gujrat
38 Aurobindo College Auditorium Promotion of 450.00 100.00 100.00 Through Trust
39 Aurobindo Public School, Budhni Promotion of Aurobindo Public 105.35 44.29 44.29 Through Trust
Education School, Budhni
40 Vardhman Block at Govt. Primary Promotion of Govt Primary 125.00 28.39 28.39 Through Trust
School, Giaspura Education School, Giaspura,
41 Providing infrastructure & sanitation Promotion of Nishkam Vidhya 53.00 13.87 13.87 Through Trust
facility in Nishkam Vidhya Mandhir Education Mandhir, Model Town,
School Ludhiana, Punjab
42 Providing sanitation & benches Promotion of Govt. Sr. School 22.05 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
facility in Govt. Sr. School Sekhewal Education Sekhewal School
43 Sponsorship Contribution to 4 Promotion of Delhi 1.32 1.32 1.32 Direct
Children Education
44 Drinking facility & desks/benches at Promotion of Govt Primary 1.00 1.65 1.65 Through Trust
Manekwal school Education School, Manakwal,
45 Promotion of Indological Studies Art and Cultural Indological Studies at 10.00 10.00 10.00 Through Trust
at Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Heritage Bhogilal Leherchand
Indology, Alipur, Delhi Institute of Indology,
Alipur, Delhi
46 Promoting Education by Promotion of Auro-Mira Vidya 25.00 25.00 25.00 Direct
constructing of girls hostel at Auro- Education Mandir, Kechla,
Mira Vidya Mandir, Kechla, Odisha Odisha
48 Promoting preventive health care by Preventive CMC Ludhiana 50.00 25.00 25.00 Direct
donating amount for construction of Healthcare
PHRC to CMC Ludhiana
49 Providing Drinking water supply Rural Machlikho, Talpura, 2.50 2.39 2.39 Through Trust
from the existing bore well 3 Development Village
locations in the village
50 Construction of a school shed in the Promoting Khandabad 5.00 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
primary school of village Beemkotti Education panchayat.


Annexure- III

(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

51 Providing Computer lab and Promoting Village Mahukala 2.25 1.18 1.18 Through Trust
construction of main gate at Pathal Education
kho High school
52 Providing safe drinking water to Rural Bus stand, Budni. 0.60 0.41 0.41 Through Trust
the commuters travelling through Development
Budhni to other areas.
53 Providing solar lights to the Mandi Ensuring Pillikarar 2.75 2.27 2.27 Through Trust
area of Pilikarar Panchayat. Environment
54 Plantation activities along the banks Ensuring Mahulaka, Berkhedi 2.00 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
of Narmada River Environment & other Panchayat.
55 Development of Nurseries and Women Talpura, Pillikarar 2.00 0.58 0.58 Through Trust
raising fruit plants and ornamental Empowerment
trees in the neighboring villages by
training 20 beneficiaries.
56 Promotion of Anganbadi by Promoting Neighboring villages 2.00 2.25 2.25 Through Trust
providing basic infrastructure and Education
study materials to 20 Anganbadies
in the neighboring villages.
57 Construction of boundary wall & Village Pillikarar Through Trust
modification of toilet in primary
school, Pillikarar. 11.58 9.68 9.68
58 Construction of boundary wall & Budni, Nagar Palika Through Trust
kitchen shed in HSTTC School, Budni
59 Providing safe drinking water to Promoting Village Mahukala 0.60 0.72 0.72 Through Trust
Pathal kho High school Education
60 Providing water cooler and Jain School, 1.60 1.60 1.60 Through Trust
Computers to the Jain School in Hoshangabad.
Hoshangabad. Promoting
61 Construction of boundary wall Education Village Talpura 1.50 1.20 1.20 Through Trust
around Anganbadi building in
Talpura Village.
62 Construction of a Paediatric block & Preventive St. Joseph's Hospital, 28.40 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
providing medical equipment to St. Healthcare Hoshangabad.
Joseph's Hospital, Hoshangabad
63 Construction of a Waiting Shed for Preventive St. Joseph's Hospital, 15.65 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Attendants in St. Joseph's Hospital, Healthcare Hoshangabad
64 Providing Ventilator to the Preventive Govt. Hospital, 14.70 11.24 11.24 Through Trust
Government Hospital, Hoshangabad Healthcare Hoshangabad.
65 Construction of a shed for keeping Preventive Government 6.70 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Deep Freezer in the mortuary in Healthcare Hospital,
Hoshangabad Hoshangabad.


Annexure- III

(` in Lakhs)
S. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which Projects or Amount Amount Cumulative Amount
No. the project is programs outlay spent expenditure spent:
covered 1. L
 ocal Area or (Budget) on the upto the Direct or
other project or projects or reporting through
2. S
 pecify the state program programs period implementing
and district wise Subheads: agency
where project
or program was Direct expenditure on
undertaken projects/ programs
(including Overheads)

66 Providing water cooler in Govt. Preventive Govt. Hospital, 1.00 0.28 0.28 Through Trust
Hospital in Budhni Healthcare Budni
67 Modification of Mortuary in Govt. Preventive Govt. Hospital, 1.50 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Hospital in Budhni Healthcare Budhni
68 Extension of boundary wall, HTTC Preventive Budhni 1.30 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
69 Narmada Seva Yatra Ensuring Narmada River Side 5.25 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
70 Construction of Science Lab Preventive Govt Higher 10.94 9.60 9.60 Through Trust
Healthcare Secondary School,
71 Participation in Construction of Rural Govt Piped Water 17.97 Awaited 0.00 Through Trust
piped water supply scheme in rural Development Supply near (permission
area of Obedullaganj Block in 55 Obedullaganj not
villages received
from govt)
72 Construction of classroom and Preventive Raja Bhopal Govt. 25.74 Awaited 0.00 Through Trust
various basic amenities Healthcare College (NOC for
land was not
73 Construction of boundary walls of Preventive Veer Savarkar 17.97 6.90 6.90 Through Trust
college, Obedullaganj, Mandideep Healthcare College
74 Providing medical instruments Preventive Government 30.75 18.31 18.31 Through Trust
Healthcare Hospital, Mandideep
75 Converting one room into computer Preventive Government High 15.82 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
lab, 2 Water tanks, Submersible Healthcare School Village-Polah,
pump, Cycle shed, Furniture for Mandideep.
science lab.
76 Shed for Prayer, Main gate & Preventive Government High 22.67 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
boundary wall, Tree plantation Healthcare School Khanpura,
Obedullaganj, Raisen
77 Developing Green Belt area Ensuring AKVN Land Near 27.6 0.00 0.00 Through Trust
Environment Vardhman Yarns
Total Amount of Projects Approved by 1651.93 540.91 540.91
Board in FY 16-17 and their expenses

Note: In case of investments through Trust, investments have been made through Sri Aurobindo Socio Economic and Management Research Institute.


Annexure- III

Annexure- B
Responsibility Statement

I, A.K. Kundra, Chairman of the CSR Committee of Vardhman Textiles Limited undertake that the implementation and
monitoring of CSR policy, is in compliance with CSR objectives of the Company.

Place : Ludhiana (A.K. Kundra)
Dated : 10th May, 2017 Chairman of CSR Committee


Annexure- IV

Dividend Distribution Policy short term projects proposed to be undertaken

The equity shares of Vardhman Textiles Limited by the Company. The viability of the options in
(“VTXL” or “the Company”) are listed on BSE Ltd. and terms of cost of raising necessary funds from
NSE Ltd, Mumbai. As per the SEBI (Listing Obligations outsiders such as bankers, lending institutions
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as or by issuance of debt securities or by
amended, the Company is required to formulate a ploughing back its own funds, will impact the
Dividend Distribution Policy which shall be disclosed in dividend decision.
its Annual Report and on its website.
1.3 Operating cash flow of the Company
The dividend distribution shall be in accordance with In case of inadequate operating cash flow, the
the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, Company may need to rely on outside funding
Rules framed thereunder, SEBI (Listing Obligations and to meet its financial obligations. Thus, the
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and other Board will consider the operating cash flows
legislations governing dividends and the Articles of before its decision whether to declare dividend
Association of the Company, as in force and as amended or retain its profits.
from time to time.
1.4 Return on invested capital
The Board of Directors of the Company (“the Board”) The efficiency with which the Company uses
has approved the Dividend Distribution Policy of the its capital will impact the decision of dividend
Company (‘the Policy”) which endeavours to enhance declaration.
stakeholder value for its investors and at the same time
tries to ensure the right balance between the quantum 1.5 Corporate Actions
of dividend paid and the amount retained for various Any Corporate Actions resulting in a significant
business purposes. allocation of capital for the Company may also
impact the dividend decision and quantum of
The Board will recommend dividend distribution based dividend.
on various internal and external factors, while striving
for fairness, consistency and sustainability. 2. External Factors:
2.1 Macroeconomic conditions
A. Parameters for Declaration of Dividend Considering the state of economy in the country,
1. Internal / Financial Factors: the policy decisions that may be formulated
1.1. Expansion plans by the Government and other conditions
 The Company’s growth oriented decision prevailing in the international market which
to conserve cash in the Company for future may have a bearing on or affect the business of
expansion plan impacts shareholders the Company, the Management may consider
expectation for the long run which shall have retaining an appropriate amount of profits to
to be considered by the Board before taking meet unforeseen circumstances. The first &
a dividend decision and to decide on the foremost consideration of the business will be
quantum of dividend. to maintain solvency even in times of adversity
and to protect the Company from all threats
1.2 Cost of borrowings that emanate from changes in the social and
The Board will analyze the requirement of political order.
necessary funds considering the long term or


Annexure- IV

2.2 Statutory Compulsions voting rights) other than equity shares. In the
 Prevailing legal requirements, regulatory absence of any other class of shares and/or
conditions or restrictions laid down under the shares with differential voting rights, the entire
Applicable Laws including tax laws. distributable profit for the purpose of declaration of
dividend is considered for the equity shareholders.
B. Utilisation of Retained Earnings
The Company aims in ensuring sustainable wealth D. Periodic Review
creation for its shareholders and with this objective, This Policy would be subject to revision/
would utilise the retained earnings of the Company amendment in accordance with the guidelines
in a manner in which it is beneficial to Company as as may be issued by Ministry of Corporate
well as its stakeholders. The Company would aim at Affairs, Securities and Exchange Board of India
achieving the right balance between the distribution or other regulatory authority, from time to
of retained earnings among the shareholders time, on the subject matter.
and utilisation of the same for meeting other
requirements, including expansions. The Board will  he Board reserves the right to review this
endeavour to maintain a reasonable dividend pay- policy on periodical basis, considering various
out of the Company’s profit after tax on standalone external and internal factors.
financials (other than extraordinary income).
E. Disclosure of Policy
C. Parameters for Various Classes of Shares  The policy will be available on the Company’s
Currently, the Company does not have any other website and will also be disclosed in the Company’s
class of shares (including shares with differential Annual Report.


Annexure- V

Particulars of Energy Conservation, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
required under the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
Steps Taken for Conservation of Energy:
All the units have taken various measures in conservation of energy. The thrust is to measure the existing system
parameters and then implement improvements. Emphasis is also given to optimise the operation of various
equipments which also lead to energy conservation.

Some of the significant energy efficiency measures and best practices adopted in the Group for the year 2016-17 are
given in the table below:

Energy Saving in Saving amount

Sr. no Energy Saving Measures implemented
Lakhs Units (` in Lakhs)
1. Use of variable speed drives in humidification plants.
2. Replacement of CFL and HPSV with LED lights for street and boundry lights
3. Optimum pressure setting for air compressor and avoidits misuse
4. Installation of high efficient screw air compressor in place of old compressor
5. Adoption of premier energy efficient IE3 motors for rewound & old inefficient
68.33 423.00
6. Replacement of T8 36 W tubelight with T5 25 W tubelightsand T5 18 W LED lights.
7. Installation of proper size main motor in ring frame.
8. Installation of VFD for Pneumafil fan motor in ring framemachines.
9. Installation of APFC panels for power factor improvement.
10. Installation of Active Harmonic Filters for mitigation of harmonics.
11. Laying of additional LT cables to bring down the voltage drop.

Technology Absorption:
Efforts made in Technology Absorption are furnished as under:

A) Research and Development (R&D):

1. Specific areas in which Research & Development is carried out by the Company:
Research & Development is carried out for development of new products and for improvement in the
production process and quality of products. The Company has been able to pioneer the launch of new
products that have been successful in the market due to its R&D efforts.

2. Benefits derived as a result of R & D:

 he Company has been continuously improving the quality of its existing products and entered into new
products and also been able to reduce the cost of production.

3. Future Course of action:

Management is committed to strengthen R & D activities further to improve its competitiveness in times to come.


Annexure- V

4. Expenditure on R&D:
(` in Lakhs)
Particulars (2016-17) (2015-16)
Capital 636.02 1,398.81
Recurring 94.44 78.85
Total 730.46 1,477.66
Total R & D expenditure as a Percentage of Turnover 0.13% 0.26%

B) Technology Absorption, Adaptation and Innovation:

1. Efforts made:
 The Company is continuously making efforts for adaptation of latest technology in all its units. The Company
has also created specific cells for studying and analyzing the existing processes for further improvement.

2. Particulars of technology imported in last five years.

a) Technology imported NIL
b) Year of import N.A.
c) Has technology been fully absorbed N.A.

Foreign Exchange Earnings And Outgo:

 ctivities relating to exports, initiatives taken to increase exports, development of new export market for
products and services and export plans are given hereunder:

Exports of Yarns diversified into new Products & Markets with continuous growth.

Continuous focus on Exports of Value Added Products.

Continuously enhanced the sale of more environment friendly yarns.

Achieved the annual growth targets in exports.

Targeting the same level of growth in the next financial year.

Total Foreign Exchange earned and used:

(` in Lakhs)
Particulars (2016-17) (2015-16)
a) Earnings (FOB value of Exports, commission earned) 2,20,690.98 2,27,486.34
b) Outgo (CIF value of Imports and expenditure in foreign currency) 43,932.67 43,544.02


Form No. MGT-9 Annexure- VI

as on the financial year ended on 31st March, 2017
[Pursuant to section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
I. Registration and Other Details:
S.No. Particulars Details
i) CIN L17111PB1973PLC003345
ii) Registration Date 8th October, 1973
iii) Name of the Company Vardhman Textiles Limited
iv) Category/ Sub-Category of the Company Listed Public Company
v) Address of the Registered office and contact details Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Road,
Ludhiana-141010, Punjab, India.
vi) Whether listed company Yes
vii) Name, Address and Contact details of Registrar and Alankit Assignments Limited, 1E/13, Alankit Heights,
Transfer Agent, if any Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi- 110055.
Phone: 011- 41540060-63 Fax: 011- 41540064

II. Principal Business Activities of the Company:

All the business activities contributing 10% or more of the total turnover of the company shall be stated:-
S. No Name and Description of main
NIC Code of the product/service %to total turnover of the Company
products /services
1. Textiles 131- spinning, weaving and 100%
finishing of textiles

II. Particulars of Holding, Subsidiary and Associate Companies:

Holding /
S. % of shares Applicable
Name and Address of the company CIN/ GLN Subsidiary /
No held section
1. VMT Spinning Company Limited, U17117PB1990PLC014070 Subsidiary 89.44 2 (87)
Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Company
Road, Ludhiana-141010
2. VTL Investments Limited, Vardhman U17231PB1994PLC014256 Subsidiary 100.00 2 (87)
Premises, Chandigarh Road, Company
3. Vardhman Acrylics Limited, L51491PB1990PLC019212 Subsidiary 70.74 2 (87)
Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Company
Road, Ludhiana-141010
4. Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments U18100PB2009PLC032764 Subsidiary 51.00 2 (87)
Company Limited, Vardhman Company
Premises, Chandigarh Road,
5. Vardhman Special Steels Limited, L27100PB2010PLC033930 Associate 31.39 2(6)
Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Company
Road, Ludhiana-141010
6. Vardhman Spinning & General U17121PB2007PLC030853 Associate 50 2(6)
Mills Limited, Vardhman Premises, Company
Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141010
7. Vardhman Yarns and Threads U17230PB2005PLC027936 Associate 11 2(6)
Limited, Vardhman Premises, Company
Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141010


Annexure- VI

IV. Share holding pattern (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Capital)
i) Category –wise share Holding
No. of shares held at the beginning of the year No. of shares held at the end of the year
% change
% of
Category of Shareholders % of Total during the
Demat Physicals Total Demat Physicals Total Total
Shares year
A. Promoters
1) Indian
a) Individual /HUF 14,61,658 0 14,61,658 2.30 12,83,095 0 12,83,095 2.23 (0.07)
b) Central Govt./ State Govt. (s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
c) Banks /FI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
d) Any other (Specify)
Bodies corporate 2,51,55,246 0 2,51,55,246 39.52 2,27,96,397 0 2,27,96,397 39.72 0.20
LLP 1,29,78,058 0 1,29,78,058 20.39 1,14,13,130 0 1,14,13,130 19.89 (0.5)
Sub –total (A)(1):- 3,95,94,962 0 3,95,94,962 62.21 3,54,92,622 0 3,54,92,622 61.84 (0.37)
(2) Foreign
a)  NRIs Individuals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
b) Government 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
c)  Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
d)  Foreign Portfolio Investor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub –total (A)(2):- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Shareholding of promoter 3,95,94,962 0 3,95,94,962 62.21 3,54,92,622 0 3,54,92,622 61.84 (0.37)
(A)= (A) (1) +(A) (2)
B. Public Shareholding
1.  Institutions
a)  Mutual Funds 69,70,756 22,272 69,93,028 10.99 65,68,824 22,272 65,91,096 11.48 0.49
b)  Venture Capital Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
c)  Alternate Investment Funds 0 0 0 0 5,583 0 5,583 0.01 0.01
d)  Foreign Venture Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
e)  Foreign Portfolio Investors 76,95,357 8,694 77,04,051 12.10 63,16,096 8,694 63,24,790 11.02 (1.08)
f)  Banks /FI 11,503 52,762 64,265 0.10 7,815 52,870 60,685 0.11 0.01
g)  Insurance Companies 50,000 1,575 51,575 0.08 50,000 1,575 51,575 0.09 0.01
h)  Provident Funds/ Pension Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
i)   Any Others (specify) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total(B)(1) 1,47,27,616 85,303 1,48,12,919 23.27 1,29,48,318 85,411 1,30,33,729 22.71 (0.56)


Annexure- VI

i) Category –wise share Holding (Contd.)

No. of shares held at the beginning of the year No. of shares held at the end of the year
% change
% of
Category of Shareholders % of Total during the
Demat Physicals Total Demat Physicals Total Total
Shares year
2. Central Government/ State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Government(s)/ President of
Sub –total (B)(2):- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Non Institutions
a) Individuals
i. Individual shareholders holding 38,94,319 10,47,611 49,41,930 7.76 33,92,905 9,63,239 43,56,144 7.59 (0.17)
nominal share capital up to
` 2 lakhs
ii. Individual shareholders holding 17,13,002 0 17,13,002 2.69 20,59,070 0 20,59,070 3.59 0.9
nominal share capital in excess
of ` 2 lakhs.
b) NBFCs registered with RBI 7,274 0 7,274 0.01 8,284 0 8,284 0.01 0
c) Employee Trusts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
d) Overseas Depositories (holding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRs) (balancing figure)
e) Any Other
e-1) Bodies Corporate 6,49,295 43,034 6,92,329 1.09 5,29,146 43,984 5,73,130 1 (0.09)
e-2) NRI 2,53,038 1,355 2,54,393 0.4 2,52,933 1,355 2,54,288 0.44 0.04
e-3) Trust 16,35,070 0 16,35,070 2.57 16,13,743 0 16,13,743 2.81 0.24
Sub-Total (B)(3) 81,51,998 10,92,000 92,43,998 14.52 78,56,081 10,08,578 88,64,659 15.45 0.93
Total public shareholding (B) = (b) 2,28,79,614 11,77,303 2,40,56,917 37.79 2,08,04,399 10,93,989 2,18,98,388 38.16 0.37
(1) +(b) (2) + (b) (3)
C. Shares held by custodian for 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand total (A+B+C) 6,24,74,576 11,77,303 6,36,51,879 100 5,62,97,021 10,93,989 5,73,91,010 100

During the year, the Company had bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity shares of ` 10/- each at a price of
` 1,150 per share. Equity shares of the Company, post buyback reduced from 6,36,51,879 to 5,73,91,010.


Annexure- VI

(ii) Shareholding of Promoters:

Shareholding at the Shareholding at
beginning of the year the end of year % change in
S.No Shareholders Name % of total % of total shareholding
No. of shares shares of the No. of shares shares of the during the year
Company Company
1. Adishwar Enterprises LLP 1,29,78,058 20.39 1,14,13,130 19.89 (0.50)
2. Flamingo Finance & Investment 5,90,513 0.93 5,32,959 0.93 0.00
Company Limited
3. Anklesh Investments Private 3,58,566 0.56 Nil - (0.56)
4. Marshall Investment & Trading 5,47,516 0.86 Nil - (0.86)
Company Private Limited*
5. Ramaniya Finance & Investment 4,70,046 0.74 4,24,234 0.74 0.00
Company Limited
6. Santon Finance & Investment 5,05,609 0.79 4,56,330 0.80 0.01
Company Limited
7. Plaza Trading Company Private 840 0.00 Nil - 0
8. Pradeep Mercantile Company 1,03,782 0.16 Nil - (0.16)
Private Limited*
9. Srestha Holdings Private Limited* 1,72,005 0.27 Nil - (0.27)
10. Syracuse Investment & Trading 30,280 0.05 Nil - (0.05)
Company Private Limited*
11. Mahavir Spinning Mills 1,09,628 0.17 98,944 0.17 0
Private Limited
12. Devakar Investment & Trading 56,48,566 8.87 61,92,786 10.79 1.92
Company Private Limited
13. S.P. Oswal 6,62,125 1.04 5,97,591 1.04 0
14. Shakun Oswal 1,53,583 0.24 1,38,615 0.24 0
15. Suchita Jain 2,70,818 0.43 2,44,424 0.43 0
16. Sachit Jain 40,005 0.06 Nil - (0.06)
17. Soumya Jain 7,980 0.01 7,203 0.01 0
18. Sagrika Jain 7,740 0.01 6,985 0.01 0
19. Eastern Trading Company 59,040 0.09 53,286 0.09 0
20. Amber Syndicate 86,255 0.14 77,848 0.14 0
21. Northern Trading Company 82,560 0.13 74,513 0.13 0
22. Paras Syndicate 91,552 0.14 82,630 0.14 0
23. Vardhman Holdings Limited 1,54,83,895 24.33 1,40,67,671 24.51 0.18
24. VTL Investments Limited 11,34,000 1.78 10,23,473 1.78 0
Total 3,95,94,962 62.21 3,54,92,622 61.84 (0.37)
* Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, vide its order no. 229 of 2015 (O & M) dated 1st August,2016 had
sanctioned the scheme of amalgamation of Anklesh Investments Private Limited, Marshall Investment and Trading
Company Private Limited, Plaza Trading Company Private Limited, Pradeep Mercantile Company Private Limited,
Srestha Holdings Private Limited and Syracuse Investment and Trading Company Private Limited with Devakar


Annexure- VI

Investment and Trading Company Private Limited w.e.f. 1st April, 2015. Therefore, the Investments made by merged
companies got vested in Devakar Investment and Trading Company Private Limited.
Note: During the year, the Company had bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity shares of ` 10/- each at a
price of ` 1,150 per share. Equity shares of the Company post buyback are reduced to 5,73,91,010 from 6,36,51,879.

(iii) Change in promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change):

S. No Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding
Decrease in during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total
% of total
beginning (01.04.16)/ shares No. of
shares of the
end of the year of the Shares
(31.03.17) company
1 Adishwar Enterprises LLP 1,29,78,058 20.39 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (1,264,928) Buyback 1,17,13,130 20.41

28-Mar-17 (2,22,567) Transfer 1,14,90,563 20.02
29-Mar-17 (77,433) Transfer 1,14,13,130 19.89
1,14,13,130 19.89 31-Mar-17 1,14,13,130 19.89

2 F lamingo Finance & Investment 5,90,513 0.93 01-Apr-16

Company Limited 20-Jan-17 (57,554) Buyback 5,32,959 0.93
5,32,959 0.93 31-Mar-17 5,32,959 0.93

3 Anklesh Investments Private 3,58,566 0.56 01-Apr-16

Ltd* 19-Oct-16 (3,58,566) Amalgamation 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0

4 Marshall Investment and 5,47,516 0.86 01-Apr-16

Trading Company Private 19-Oct-16 (5,47,516) Amalgamation 0 0
Limited* 0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0

5 Ramaniya Finance and 4,70,046 0.74 01-Apr-16

Investment Company Limited 20-Jan-17 (45,812) Buyback 4,24,234 0.74
4,24,234 0.74 31-Mar-17 4,24,234 0.74

6 Santon Finance and 5,05,609 0.79 01-Apr-16

Investment Company Limited 20-Jan-17 (49,279) Buyback 4,56,330 0.80
4,56,330 0.8 31-Mar-17 4,56,330 0.80

7 Plaza Trading Company Private 840 0 01-Apr-16

Limited* 19-Oct-16 (840) Amalgamation 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0

8 Pradeep Mercantile Company 1,03,782 0.16 01-Apr-16

Private Limited* 19-Oct-16 (1,03,782) Amalgamation 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0

9 Srestha Holdings Private 1,72,005 0.27 01-Apr-16

Limited* 19-Oct-16 (1,72,005) Amalgamation 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0


Annexure- VI

(iii) Change in promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change): (Contd.)

S. No Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding
Decrease in during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total
% of total
beginning (01.04.16)/ shares No. of
shares of the
end of the year of the Shares
(31.03.17) company
10 Syracuse Investment And 30,280 0.05 01-Apr-16
Trading Co Private Ltd* 19-Oct-16 (30,280) Amalgamation 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0
11 Mahavir Spinning Mills Private 1,09,628 0.17 01-Apr-16
Limited 20-Jan-17 (10,684) Buyback 98,944 0.17
98,944 0.17 31-Mar-17 98,944 0.17

12 Devakar Investment and 56,48,566 8.87 01-Apr-16

Trading Company Private 19-Oct-16 1,212,989 Amalgamation 6,861,555 10.78
Limited* 20-Jan-17 (668,769) Buyback 61,92,786 10.79
61,92,786 10.79
61,92,786 10.79 31-Mar-17

13 Mr. S.P. Oswal 6,62,125 1.04 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (64,534) Buyback 5,97,591 1.04
5,97,591 1.04 31-Mar-17 5,97,591 1.04

14 Shakun Oswal 1,53,583 0.24 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (14,968) Buyback 1,38,615 0.24
1,38,615 0.24 31-Mar-17 1,38,615 0.24

15 Suchita Jain 2,70,818 0.43 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (26,394) Buyback 2,44,424 0.43
2,44,424 0.43 31-Mar-17 2,44,424 0.43

16 Sachit Jain 40,005 0.06 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (3,898) Buyback 36,107 0.06
23-Feb-17 (11,121) Transfer 24,986 0.04
01-Mar-17 (2,018) Transfer 22,968 0.04
02-Mar-17 (13,000) Transfer 9,968 0.02
03-Mar-17 (9,968) Transfer 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0

17 Soumya Jain 7,980 0.01 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (777) Buyback 7,203 0.01
7,203 0.01 31-Mar-17 7,203 0.01

18 Sagrika Jain 7,740 0.01 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (755) Buyback 6,985 0.01
6,985 31-Mar-17 6,985 0.01

19 Eastern Trading Company 59,040 0.09 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (5,754) Buyback 53,286 0.09
53,286 0.09 31-Mar-17 53,286 0.09
20 Amber Syndicate 86,255 0.14 01-Apr-16
20-Jan-17 (8,407) Buyback 77,848 0.14
77,848 0.14 31-Mar-17 77,848 0.14


Annexure- VI

(iii) Change in promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change): (Contd.)

S. No Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding
Decrease in during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total
% of total
beginning (01.04.16)/ shares No. of
shares of the
end of the year of the Shares
(31.03.17) company
21 Northern Trading Company 82,560 0.13 01-Apr-16
20-Jan-17 (8,047) Buyback 74,513 0.13
74,513 0.13 31-Mar-17 74,513 0.13

22 Paras Syndicate 91,552 0.14 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (8,922) Buyback 82,630 0.14
82,630 0.14 31-Mar-17 82,630 0.14

23 Vardhman Holdings Limited

1,54,83,895 24.33 01-Apr-16
30-May-16 5,000 Transfer 1,54,88,895 24.33
31-May-16 5,000 Transfer 1,54,93,895 24.34
01-Jun-16 5,000 Transfer 1,54,98,895 24.35
02-Jun-16 228 Transfer 1,54,99,123 24.35
20-Jan-17 (1,510,652) Buyback 1,39,88,471 24.37
13-Feb-17 5,497 Transfer 1,39,93,968 24.38
14-Feb-17 7,356 Transfer 1,40,01,324 24.40
15-Feb-17 10,263 Transfer 1,40,11,587 24.41
16-Feb-17 7,175 Transfer 1,40,18,762 24.43
17-Feb-17 4,107 Transfer 1,40,22,869 24.43
20-Feb-17 87 Transfer 1,40,22,956 24.43
23-Feb-17 11,381 Transfer 1,40,34,337 24.45
28-Feb-17 748 Transfer 1,40,35,085 24.46
01-Mar-17 24 Transfer 1,40,35,109 24.46
20-Mar-17 2,718 Transfer 1,40,37,827 24.46
21-Mar-17 3,798 Transfer 1,40,41,625 24.47
22-Mar-17 6,000 Transfer 1,40,47,625 24.48
23-Mar-17 5,242 Transfer 1,40,52,867 24.49
27-Mar-17 5,290 Transfer 1,40,58,157 24.50
30-Mar-17 9,514 Transfer 1,40,67,671 24.51
1,40,67,671 24.51 31-Mar-17 1,40,67,671 24.51

24 VTL Investments Limited 11,34,000 1.78 01-Apr-16

20-Jan-17 (1,10,527) Buyback 10,23,473 1.78
10,23,473 1.78 31-Mar-17 10,23,473 1.78
* Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, vide its order no. 229 of 2015 (O & M) dated 1st August, 2016 had sanctioned the scheme
of amalgamation of Anklesh Investments Private Limited, Marshall Investment and Trading Company Private Limited, Plaza Trading Company
Private Limited, Pradeep Mercantile Company Private Limited, Srestha Holdings Private Limited and Syracuse Investment and Trading
Company Private Limited with Devakar Investment and Trading Company Private Limited w.e.f 1st April, 2015. Therefore, the Investments
made by merged companies got vested in Devakar Investment and Trading Company Private Limited.
Note: During the year, the Company had bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity shares of ` 10/- each at a price of ` 1,150 per share.
Equity shares of the Company post buyback are reduced to 5,73,91,010 from 6,36,51,879.


Annexure- VI

(iv) Shareholding pattern of top ten shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs):-
S.No. Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding
Decrease in during
shareholding the year
Top Ten No. of Shares at % of total No. of shares % of total
Shareholders beg (01.04.2016)/ shares of the shares of the
end (31.03.2017) Company Company
1 IDFC Premier Equity 28,89,998 4.54 01-Apr-16
Fund 08-Apr-16 (35,420) Transfer 28,54,578 4.48
15-Apr-16 (54,578) Transfer 28,00,000 4.40
17-Jun-16 (2,50,000) Transfer 25,50,000 4.01
15-Jul-16 (5,29,448) Transfer 20,20,552 3.17
09-Sep-16 (6,082) Transfer 20,14,470 3.16
23-Sep-16 (56,834) Transfer 19,57,636 3.08
28-Oct-16 (55,238) Transfer 19,02,398 2.99
18-Nov-16 (8,17,395) Transfer 10,85,003 1.70
10-Dec-16 (92,688) Transfer 9,92,315 1.56
11-Dec-16 (30,685) Transfer 9,61,630 1.51
16-Dec-16 1,23,373 Transfer 10,85,003 1.70
13-Jan-17 (2,00,000) Transfer 8,85,003 1.39
20-Jan-17 (2,375) Transfer 8,82,628 1.39
27-Jan-17 56,023 Transfer 9,38,651 1.64
03-Feb-17 (1,50,000) Transfer 7,88,651 1.37
17-Feb-17 (50,000) Transfer 7,38,651 1.29
10-Mar-17 (373) Transfer 7,38,278 1.29
24-Mar-17 (25,084) Transfer 7,13,194 1.24
31-Mar-17 (63,666) Transfer 6,49,528 1.13
6,49,528 1.13 31-Mar-17 6,49,528 1.13

2 Franklin Templeton 26,29,517 4.13 01-Apr-16

Investment Funds 10-Jun-16 (3,96,000) Transfer 22,33,517 3.51
25-Nov-16 (2,61,600) Transfer 19,71,917 3.10
02-Dec-16 (87,200) Transfer 18,84,717 2.96
10-Dec-16 (1,61,005) Transfer 17,23,712 2.71
11-Dec-16 (1,08,173) Transfer 16,15,539 2.54
16-Dec-16 2,69,178 Transfer 18,84,717 2.96
30-Dec-16 (70,698) Transfer 18,14,019 2.85
20-Jan-17 (5,39,200) Transfer 12,74,819 2
27-Jan-17 2,70,022 Transfer 15,44,841 2.69
15,44,841 2.69 31-Mar-17 15,44,841 2.69

3 Mahavir Shares 15,98,741 2.51 01-Apr-16

Trust 20-Jan-17 (1,36,539) Transfer 14,62,202 2.30
14,62,202 2.55 31-Mar-17 Transfer 14,62,202 2.55

4 Barclays Merchant 10,01,468 1.57 01-Apr-16

Bank (Singapore) 10-Dec-16 (85,552) Transfer 9,15,916 1.44
Ltd. 11-Dec-16 (2,62,031) Transfer 6,53,885 1.03
16-Dec-16 3,47,583 Transfer 10,01,468 1.57
13-Jan-17 (10,01,468) Transfer 0 0
27-Jan-17 6,53,885 Transfer 6,53,885 1.14
6,53,885 1.14 31-Mar-17 6,53,885 1.14


Annexure- VI

(iv) Shareholding pattern of top ten shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs):- (Contd.)

S.No. Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding

Decrease in during
shareholding the year
Top Ten No. of Shares at % of total No. of shares % of total
Shareholders beg (01.04.2016)/ shares of the shares of the
end (31.03.2017) Company Company
5 Franklin Templeton 7,53,864 1.18 01-Apr-16
Mutual Fund A/c 08-Apr-16 1,00,000 Transfer 8,53,864 1.34
27-May-16 8,349 Transfer 8,62,213 1.35
Franklin India Prima
03-Jun-16 21,651 Transfer 8,83,864 1.39
10-Jun-16 85,000 Transfer 9,68,864 1.52
15-Jul-16 (1,00,000) Transfer 8,68,864 1.37
07-Oct-16 7,864 Transfer 8,76,728 1.38
10-Dec-16 (74,896) Transfer 8,01,832 1.26
11-Dec-16 74,896 Transfer 8,76,728 1.38
13-Jan-17 33,130 Transfer 9,09,858 1.43
03-Mar-17 (1,50,000) Transfer 7,59,858 1.32
10-Mar-17 (27,793) Transfer 7,32,065 1.28
24-Mar-17 (11,500) Transfer 7,20,565 1.26
7,20,565 1.26 31-Mar-17 7,20,565 1.26

6 Baring India Private 7,52,477 1.18 01-Apr-16

Equity Fund Iii 15-Apr-16 (250,000) Transfer 5,02,477 0.79
10-Dec-16 (42,925) Transfer 4,59,552 0.72
Listed Investments
11-Dec-16 (1,31,471) Transfer 3,28,081 0.52
16-Dec-16 1,74,396 Transfer 5,02,477 0.79
20-Jan-17 (5,02,477) Transfer 0 0
27-Jan-17 3,28,081 Transfer 3,28,081 0.57
3,28,081 0.57 31-Mar-17 3,28,081 0.57

7 Sundaram Mutual 6,41,742 1.01 01-Apr-16

Fund A/C Sundaram 29-Jul-16 (1,742) Transfer 6,40,000 1.01
10-Dec-16 (54,673) Transfer 5,85,327 0.92
Select Midcap*
11-Dec-16 (1,67,454) Transfer 4,17,873 0.66
16-Dec-16 2,22,127 Transfer 6,40,000 1.01
20-Jan-17 (6,40,000) Transfer 0 0
27-Jan-17 4,17,873 Transfer 4,17,873 0.73
4,17,873 0.73 31-Mar-17 4,17,873 0.73
8 UTI Dividend Yield 4,68,000 0.74 01-Apr-16
Fund* 24-Jun-16 (18,000) Transfer 4,50,000 0.71
30-Jun-16 (18,000) Transfer 4,32,000 0.68
10-Dec-16 (36,904) Transfer 3,95,096 0.62
11-Dec-16 (4,884) Transfer 3,90,212 0.61
16-Dec-16 41,788 Transfer 4,32,000 0.68
20-Jan-17 (54,000) Transfer 3,78,000 0.59
27-Jan-17 12,212 Transfer 3,90,212 0.68
3,90,212 0.68 31-Mar-17 3,90,212 0.68

9 Ashish Kacholia 4,67,325 0.73 01-Apr-16

10-Dec-16 (39,922) Transfer 4,27,403 0.67
11-Dec-16 39,922 Transfer 4,67,325 0.73
24-Feb-17 12,000 Transfer 4,79,325 0.84
10-Mar-17 50,000 Transfer 5,29,325 0.92
5,29,325 0.92 31-Mar-17 5,29,325 0.92


Annexure- VI

S.No. Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding

Decrease in during
shareholding the year
Top Ten No. of Shares at % of total No. of shares % of total
Shareholders beg (01.04.2016)/ shares of the shares of the
end (31.03.2017) Company Company
10 Anil Kumar Goel* 3,37,000 0.53 01-Apr-16
29-Apr-16 1,508 Transfer 3,38,508 0.53
02-May-16 525 Transfer 3,39,033 0.53
27-May-16 967 Transfer 3,40,000 0.53
03-Jun-16 2,558 Transfer 3,42,558 0.54
10-Jun-16 1,442 Transfer 3,44,000 0.54
23-Sep-16 1,000 Transfer 3,45,000 0.54
10-Dec-16 (29,471) Transfer 3,15,529 0.5
11-Dec-16 (2,148) Transfer 3,13,381 0.49
16-Dec-16 31,619 Transfer 3,45,000 0.54
13-Jan-17 (37,000) Transfer 3,08,000 0.48
27-Jan-17 5,344 Transfer 3,13,344 0.55
03-Feb-17 (3,344) Transfer 3,10,000 0.54
10-Feb-17 (1,000) Transfer 3,09,000 0.54
24-Feb-17 (1,000) Transfer 3,08,000 0.54
3,08,000 0.54 31-Mar-17 3,08,000 0.54

11 HDFC Trustee 0 0 01-Apr-16

Company Ltd - A/C Hdfc 28-Oct-16 65,200 Transfer 65,200 0.1
18-Nov-16 8,00,000 Transfer 8,65,200 1.36
Mid - Capopportunities
25-Nov-16 11,06,00 Transfer 9,75,800 1.53
Fund# 02-Dec-16 1,00,000 Transfer 10,75,800 1.69
09-Dec-16 4,456 Transfer 10,80,256 1.7
10-Dec-16 (92,283) Transfer 9,87,973 1.55
11-Dec-16 92,283 Transfer 10,80,256 1.7
23-Dec-16 2,500 Transfer 10,82,756 1.7
30-Dec-16 91,800 Transfer 11,74,556 1.85
17-Feb-17 74,200 Transfer 12,48,756 2.18
12,48,756 2.18 31-Mar-17 12,48,756 2.18

12 DSP Blackrock Micro 0 0 01-Apr-16

Cap Fund# 16-Sep-16 1,00,000 Transfer 1,00,000 0.16
30-Sep-16 2,97,66 Transfer 1,29,766 0.2
18-Nov-16 90,037 Transfer 2,19,803 0.35
25-Nov-16 1,68,994 Transfer 3,88,797 0.61
10-Dec-16 (33,213) Transfer 3,55,584 0.56
11-Dec-16 33,213 Transfer 3,88,797 0.61
03-Feb-17 1,50,000 Transfer 5,38,797 0.94
5,38,797 0.94 31-Mar-17 5,38,797 0.94

13 Templeton Global 1,75,834 0.28 01-Apr-16

Investment Trust - 17-Jun-16 3,96,000 Transfer 5,71,834 0.9
25-Nov-16 (17,400) Transfer 5,54,434 0.87
02-Dec-16 (5,800) Transfer 5,48,634 0.86
Markets Small Cap 10-Dec-16 (46,868) Transfer 5,01,766 0.79
Fund# 11-Dec-16 (23,957) Transfer 4,77,809 0.75
16-Dec-16 70,825 Transfer 5,48,634 0.86
30-Dec-16 (9,765) Transfer 5,38,869 0.85
20-Jan-17 (1,30,635) Transfer 4,08,234 0.64
27-Jan-17 59,810 Transfer 4,68,044 0.82
4,68,044 0.82 31-Mar-17 4,68,044 0.82


Annexure- VI

S.No. Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding

Decrease in during
shareholding the year
Top Ten No. of Shares at % of total No. of shares % of total
Shareholders beg (01.04.2016)/ shares of the shares of the
end (31.03.2017) Company Company
14 DSP Blackrock Small 0 0 01-Apr-16
And Mid Cap Fund 02-May-16 1,19,183 Transfer 1,19,183 0.19
13-May-16 3,230 Transfer 1,22,413 0.19
20-May-16 30,785 Transfer 1,53,198 0.24
27-May-16 18,077 Transfer 1,71,275 0.27
03-Jun-16 18,179 Transfer 1,89,454 0.3
10-Jun-16 27,790 Transfer 2,17,244 0.34
17-Jun-16 377 Transfer 2,17,621 0.34
24-Jun-16 1,11,509 Transfer 3,29,130 0.52
19-Aug-16 27,075 Transfer 3,56,205 0.56
09-Sep-16 1,03,555 Transfer 4,59,760 0.72
10-Dec-16 (39,275) Transfer 4,20,485 0.66
11-Dec-16 39,275 Transfer 4,59,760 0.72
4,59,760 0.8 31-Mar-17 4,59,760 0.8

* Ceased to be in the list of Top 10 shareholders as on 31.03.2017. The same is reflected above since the shareholder was one of the Top 10
shareholder as on 01.04.2016.
# Not in the list of Top 10 shareholders as on 01.04.2016. The same has been reflected above since the shareholder was one of the Top 10
shareholders as on 31.03.2017.
Note: During the year, the Company had bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity shares of ` 10/- each at a price of ` 1,150 per
share on 25th January, 2017. Therefore, for computing %age of total share capital of the Company in the above table, total no. of shares
considered upto 24th January, 2017 are 6,36,51,879 and on or after 25th January, 2017 are 5,73,91,010.

iv) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel:

Increase/ Cumulative Shareholding

S. No Name Shareholding Date Decrease in Reason during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total % of total
beginning (01.04.16)/end shares of the No. of Shares shares of the
of the year (31.03.17) company Company
1 Mr. S.P. Oswal 6,62,125 1.04 01-Apr-16
(Chairman and Managing
Director) 20-Jan-17 (64,534) Buyback 597,591 1.04
5,97,591 1.041 31-Mar-17 597,591 1.04
2 Mr. Sachit Jain 40,005 0.06 01-Apr-16
(Joint Managing Director)
20-Jan-17 (3,898) Buyback 36,107 0.06
23-Feb-17 (11,121) Transfer 24,986 0.04
01-Mar-17 (2,018) Transfer 22,968 0.04
02-Mar-17 (13,000) Transfer 9,968 0.02
03-Mar-17 (9,968) Transfer 0 0
0 0 31-Mar-17 0 0


Annexure- VI

iv) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel: (Contd.)

Increase/ Cumulative Shareholding

S. No Name Shareholding Date Decrease in Reason during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total % of total
beginning (01.04.16)/end shares of the No. of Shares shares of the
of the year (31.03.17) company Company
3 Mr. Neeraj Jain 0 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil Holding/
(Joint Managing Director) movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year
4 Mrs. Suchita Jain* 2,70,818 0.43 01-Apr-16
(Joint Managing Director)
20-Jan-17 (26,394) Buyback 2,44,424 0.43
2,44,424 0.43 31-Mar-17 2,44,424

5 Mr. D.L. Sharma 3,319 0.005 01-Apr-16

(Non-Executive Director)
20-Jan-17 (400) Buyback 2,919 0.005
2,919 0.005 31-Mar-17 2,919 2,919
6 Mr. A.K. Kundra 0 0 01-Apr-16 0
Nil Holding/
(Independent Director)
movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0

7 Mr. Prafull Anubhai 0 0 01-Apr-16 0

Nil Holding/
(Independent Director)
movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0

8 Mr. Shravan Talwar 0 0 01-Apr-16 0

Nil Holding/
(Independent Director)
movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0

9 Dr. S.K. Bijlani 0 0 01-Apr-16 0

Nil Holding/
(Independent Director)
movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0

10 Mr. Devendra Bhushan Jain 0 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil Holding/

(Independent Director) movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0
11 Mr. Rajendra Mohan Malla 0 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil Holding/
(Independent Director) movement during
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0
12 Mr. Suresh Kishinchand 0 0 01-Apr-16 0
Nil Holding/
movement during
(Nominee Director) Ceased
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0
to be Director on 28.11.2016
13 Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit** 0 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil Holding/
(Nominee Director) 0 0 31-Mar-17 movement during 0 0
the year


Annexure- VI

iv) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel: (Contd.)

Increase/ Cumulative Shareholding

S. No Name Shareholding Date Decrease in Reason during the year
shareholding (01-04-16 to 31-03-17)
No. of shares at the % of total % of total
beginning (01.04.16)/end shares of the No. of Shares shares of the
of the year (31.03.17) company Company
B) Key Managerial Personnel
1 Mr. Rajeev Thapar 10 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil movement during
(Chief Financial Officer) the year
10 0 31-Mar-17 10 0
2 Ms. Karan Kamal Walia*** 0 0 01-Apr-16 0 Nil Holding/
(Company Secretary and movement during
Compliance Officer)
0 0 31-Mar-17 the year 0 0

* Mrs. Suchita Jain has been appointed as Joint Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 24 August, 2016. th

** During the year, IDBI Bank has withdrawn the nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar, from the Board w.e.f. 19th November, 2016 and has
nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as the Nominee Director w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.
*** Ms. Karan Kamal Walia, Company Secretary resigned from the Company w.e.f. 11th May, 2017 and Mr. Sanjay Gupta has been appointed
as Company Secretary in her place w.e.f. 1st June, 2017

(V) Indebtedness:
Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding /accrued but not due for payment

(` in Lakhs)
Secured loans Unsecured Deposits Total
excluding loans indebtedness
Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year
i) Principal amount 2,52,976.86 6,538.38 - 2,59,515.24
ii) Interest due but not paid - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 35.06 - 35.06
Total (i+ii+iii) 2,53,011.92 6,538.38 - 2,59,550.30
Change in indebtedness during the financial year
Addition 6,489.95 - - 6,489.95
Reduction 43,557.41 2,666.09 46,223.50
Net change (37,067.46) (2,666.09) - (39,733.55)
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year
i) Principal amount 2,15,780.07 3,872.29 2,19,652.36
ii) Interest due but not paid - - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 164.41 - - 164.41
Total (i+ii+iii) 2,15,944.48 3,872.29 - 2,19,816.77


Annexure- VI

(vi) Remuneration of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel:

A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and /or Manager:
Total Amount
S. No Particulars of Remuneration Name of MD/WTD/Manager
(in `)
1 Gross Salary Mr. S.P. Oswal Mr. Sachit Jain Mr. Neeraj Jain Mrs. Suchita Jain*
a) Salary as per provisions 66,46,459 69,87,098 68,04,189 55,37,075 2,59,74,821
contained in section 17(1) of
the Income Tax Act, 1961
b) Value of perquisites u/s 6,29,438 39,600 39,600 39,600 7,48,238
17(2) Income-Tax Act,1961
c) Profits in lieu of salary - - - -
under section 17(3) Income
– Tax Act, 1961
2 Stock option - - - -
3 Sweat Equity - - - -
4 Commission
- As % of profit 25,87,40,543 41,00,000 37,50,000 28,37,097 26,94,27,640
- Others, specify
5 Others
- Provident Fund 5,49,000 4,85,508 4,43,509 3,36,124 18,14,140
- Family Pension Fund - 6,492 6,492 4,328 17,312
- Superannuation Fund 30,000 30,000 17,500 77,500
- Leave Travel Allowance - 1,40,274 - - 1,40,274
- Group Personal Accidental 3,761 3,761 3,761 - 11,284
Total (A) 26,65,69,201 1,17,92,733 1,10,77,551 87,71,724 29,82,01,209
Ceiling as per the Act 129,37,02,712
* Mrs. Suchita Jain has been appointed as Joint Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 24th August, 2016.

B. Remuneration to other directors:

S. No Particulars of Remuneration Name of Directors Total Amount
(in `)
1 Independent Directors Mr. Prafull Anubhai Mr. A.K. Kundra Mr. Shravan Dr. S.K. Bijlani Mr. D.B. Jain Mr. R.M. Malla
- Fee for attending board/ 4,45,000/- 5,95,000/- 95,000/- 2,60,000/- 2,30,000/- 2,05,000/- 18,30,000/-
committee meetings
- Commission
- Others, please specify
2 Other Non-Executive Mr. Suresh Mr. Kumar
Directors Khatanhar Neel Lohit (IDBI
(IDBI Nominee) Nominee)
- Fee for attending board/ 70,000/- 35,000/- 1,05,000/-
committee meetings
Total (1) 4,45,000 5,95,000 95,000 2,60,000 2,30,000 2,05,000 18,30,000
Total (2) 70,000 35,000 - - - 1,05,000
Total (B) =(1+2) 5,15,000 6,30,000 95,000 2,60,000 2,30,000 2,05,000 19,35,000
Total Managerial 30,01,36,209
Overall ceiling as per the act 142,30,72,984


Annexure- VI

C. Remuneration to key managerial personnel other than MD/Manager /WTD

S. No Particulars of Remuneration Key managerial Personnel
CEO Company CFO Total
1. Gross salary
a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the N.A. 8,52,785 46,00,626 54,53,411
Income Tax Act,1961
b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income Tax Act,1961 - 24,781 24,781
2. Stock Option - - -
3. Sweat Equity - - -
4. Commission
- As % of profit
- Others, specify - - - -
5. Others:
- Provident Fund - 44,272 2,07,990 2,52,262
- Leave Travel Allowance 50,000 50,000
Total - 8,97,057 48,83,397 57,80,454

vii) Penalties/punishment /compounding of offences:

Section of The Brief Description Details of penalty/ Authority (RD/ Appeal made, if
Companies Act punishment/ NCLT/COURT) any (give details)
compounding fees
A. Company
B. Directors
Penalty .
C. Others officers in default

Particulars of employees and related disclosures:


Annexure- VII

Details pertaining to remuneration as required under Section 197(12) of Companies Act, 2013 read with rule
5 (1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014
1. The percentage increase in remuneration of each Director, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary during
the financial year 2016-17 and ratio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the
employees of the Company for the financial year 2016-17 are as under:

Sr. No. Name of Director/ Kmp and Remuneration of % Increase in Ratio of Remuneration
Designation Directors/ KMP for Remuneration in the of each Director/ KMP to
Financial Year 2016-17 Financial Year 2016-17 Median Remuneration of
(Amount In `) Employees
1. S.P. Oswal 26,65,69,201 45.56 840.91
Chairman & Managing Director
2. Sachit Jain 1,17,92,733 38.52 37.20
Joint Managing Director
3. Neeraj Jain 1,10,77,551 41.13 34.94
Joint Managing Director
4. Suchita Jain* 87,71,724 - 27.67
Joint Managing Director
5. D.L. Sharma - - -
Non- Executive Non- Independent
6. Prafull Anubhai 4,45,000 25.35 1.40
Non- Executive Independent Director
7. A.K. Kundra 5,95,000 (5.56) 1.88
Non- Executive Independent Director
8. D.B. Jain 2,30,000 (29.23) 0.73
Non- Executive Independent Director
9. Shravan Talwar 95,000 (5.00) 0.30
Non-Executive Independent Director
10. R.M. Malla 2,05,000 17.14 0.65
Non- Executive Independent Director
11. S.K. Bijlani 2,60,000 30.00 0.82
Non- Executive Independent Director
12. Suresh Khatanhar 70,000
Nominee Director of IDBI Bank**
(25.00) 0.33
13. Kumar Neel Lohit 35,000
Nominee Director of IDBI Bank**
14. Rajeev Thapar 48,83,397 11.89 15.41
Chief Financial Officer
15. Karan Kamal Walia 8,97,057 12.70 2.83
Company Secretary

* Details not given as Mrs. Suchita Jain was appointed as Joint Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 24th August, 2016.
** During the year, IDBI Bank has withdrawn the nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar, from the Board w.e.f. 19th November, 2016 and has
nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as the Nominee Director w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.
2. The median remuneration of employees of the Company during the financial year was ` 3.17 lakhs.
3. In the financial year, there was an increase of 11.05% in the median remuneration of employees.
4. There were 21,206 permanent employees on the rolls of Company as on 31st March, 2017.


Annexure- VII

5.  verage percentage increase made in the salaries of employees other than the managerial personnel in the last financial year 2016-17
was 10.62% whereas the increase in the managerial remuneration for the same financial year was 49.14%.
6. It is hereby affirmed that the remuneration paid is as per the Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other

Persons employed throughout the financial year, who were in receipt of remuneration which, in the aggregate,
was not less than ` 1,02,00,000/- per annum

Sr. Name of Designation/ Remun- Quali- Age Experience Date of Particulars of last
No. employee Nature of eration fication (Years) (Years) employ- employment
duties (in ` lakhs) ment
1. Mr. S.P. Oswal Chairman & 2,665.69 M.Com 74 50 08.10.1973 Chairman and
Managing Managing Director
Director (Vardhman Spinning
and General Mills
2. Mr. Sachit Jain Joint 117.93 B. Tech, MBA 51 27 13.06.1994 Executive Director,
Managing VMT Spinning
Director Company Limited
3. Mr. Neeraj Jain Joint 110.78 B.Com, CA 50 25 31.03.2010 N.A.

Persons employed for part of financial year, who were in receipt of remuneration for any part of that year,
at a rate which in aggregate, was not less than ` 8,50,000/- per month

Sr. Name of Designation/ Remun- Quali- Age Experience Date of Particulars of last
No. employee Nature of eration fication (Years) (Years) employ- employment
duties (in ` lac) ment
1. Suchita Jain Joint 87.72 M.Com 49 24 30.03.2005 N.A.

Disclosure in respect of remuneration or commission received by Mr. Neeraj Jain, Joint Managing Director of
the company in VMT Spinning Company Limited (Subsidiary Company)

Sr. No. Name of Director Name of Subsidiary Company Amount (` in Lakhs)

1. Neeraj Jain VMT Spinning Company Limited 34.96


Corporate Governance Report

This report on corporate governance forms part of Accepting change as a way of life.
the Annual Report. Corporate governance refers to a

Appreciating our role as a responsible
combination of laws, regulations, procedures, implicit
corporate citizen.
rules and good corporate practices that ensure that a
Company meets its obligations to optimize shareholders’
value and fulfill its responsibilities to the community,
customers, employees, Government and other segments i. Composition as on March 31, 2017
of society. Your Company is committed on adopting the The Composition of Board and category of Directors
best practices of Corporate Governance as manifested are as follows:-
in the Company’s functioning to achieve the business
excellence by enhancing long-term shareholders’ value. Category Name of Directors
Efficient conduct of the business of the Company through Promoter Directors # S.P. Oswal- Chairman
commitment to transparency and business ethics in & Managing Director
discharging its corporate responsibilities is hallmark of # Sachit Jain- Joint
the best practices followed by the Company. This report Managing Director
# Suchita Jain- Joint
on Corporate Governance, besides being in compliance
Managing Director
of the mandatory SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Executive Non- Independent Neeraj Jain- Joint
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, gives an insight into
Director Managing Director
the functioning of the Company.
Independent Directors Prafull Anubhai
A.K. Kundra
Faith in bright future of Indian textiles and Shravan Talwar
hence continued expansion in areas “which we D.B. Jain
know best”. R.M. Malla
Non- Executive Non- D.L. Sharma
Total customer focus in all operational areas. Independent Director
Products to be of best available quality for Nominee Director of IDBI Kumar Neel Lohit*
premium market segments through TQM.
Relationship Inter-se:
Zero defect implementation.
 Except Mr. S.P. Oswal, Mr. Sachit Jain and Mrs.
 lobal orientation targeting - atleast 20%
Suchita Jain, none of the Director of the Company is
production for exports.
related to any other Director of the Company.
Integrated diversification/ product range
expansion. ii. Board Meetings:

World class manufacturing facilities with most During the financial year 2016-2017, the Board met
modern R & D and process technology. 5 (Five) times on the following dates:

Faith in individual potential and respect for 9th May, 2016

human values. 24th August, 2016
24th September, 2016

Encouraging innovation for constant
15th November, 2016
improvements to achieve excellence in all
9th February, 2017
functional areas.


iii. A
 ttendance of the Directors at the Board Meetings during the year and at last Annual General Meeting
of the Company as also the number of other Directorship/Chairmanship in Indian Public Limited
Companies are as follows:-

No. of Total No. Total No. of

No. of Total No.
Committee of Board Committee
Board Attendance of Director-
Name of Director memberships Chairmanship Chairmanship
meetings at last AGM ships in other
in other in other in other
attended Companies
Companies Companies companies
S.P. Oswal 5 Yes 7 - 3 -
Sachit Jain 5 Yes 6 1 - 1
Suchita Jain 4 Yes 7 1 - -
Neeraj Jain 5 Yes 5 1 - -
D.L. Sharma 4 Yes 8 2 1 -
Prafull Anubhai 5 No 3 5 1 2
S.K. Bijlani 5 No 3 1 - -
A. K. Kundra 5 No 2 - - -
Shravan Talwar 2 No - - - -
D.B. Jain 4 No - - - -
R.M. Malla 5 No 5 4 - 1
Suresh Khatanhar* 2 No - - - -
Kumar Neel Lohit* 1 No - - - -

* During the year, IDBI Bank Limited has withdrawn the nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar from the Board of the Company w.e.f.
19th November, 2016 and nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as Director of the Company. Thereafter, Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit has been
appointed as Nominee Director of the Company w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.

Video conferencing facility was provided to facilitate Directors travelling abroad or present at other locations to
participate in the Board meetings.

i. Board Committees, their composition and terms of reference are provided as under:
Name of
Composition Terms of Reference
Audit Committee Prafull Anubhai (Chairman) The role of the Audit Committee is as per Section 177 of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with Regulation 18 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
S.K. Bijlani
Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015.
D.L. Sharma

The Policy on dealing with related party transactions as
Shravan Talwar approved by the Board may be accessed on the Company’s
website at the link:
D.B. Jain
A.K. Kundra
Nomination and Prafull Anubhai (Chairman)  he role of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is as per
Remuneration Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 19 of SEBI
A.K. Kundra
Committee (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
S.P. Oswal
Formulated and recommended Nomination and Remuneration Policy.

 he Nomination & Remuneration Policy includes policy on Director’s

appointment and remuneration including the criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a Director and other
matters as provided under Section 178(3) of the Companies Act, 2013.
Nomination and Remuneration Policy of the Company forms part of the
Board Report as Annexure I.


Name of
Composition Terms of Reference
Corporate Social A.K. Kundra (Chairman) Formulated and recommended CSR Policy of the Company indicating
Responsibility CSR activities proposed to be undertaken by the Company pursuant
Sachit Jain
Committee to the provisions of Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 read
Neeraj Jain with CSR Rules, 2014. The CSR policy may be accessed on the
Company’s website at the link:
D.L. Sharma

 ecommends expenditure to be incurred for CSR activities/project and

ensures effective monitoring of CSR policy of the Company from time
to time.

The Annual Report on CSR activities undertaken by the Company forms

part of the Board Report as Annexure III.
Stakeholders’ A.K. Kundra (Chairman) The Committee reviews and ensures redressal of investor grievances.
Sachit Jain The Committee noted that during the year the Company received 66
complaints related to non-receipt of dividend, bonus shares and annual
D.L. Sharma
report, etc. All the complaints have been duly resolved by the Company
and there is no pendency in respect of shares received for transfer during
2016-2017 except those that are disputed/ sub-judice.

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company is the Secretary of all Board Committees constituted
under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

ii. Meetings of Board Committees held during the year and Director’s attendance:
Board Committees Audit CSR Nomination & Remuneration Stakeholders Relationship
Meetings held 4 5 4 1
S.P. Oswal N.A. N.A. 4 N.A.
Sachit Jain N.A. 4 N.A. 0
Prafull Anubhai 4 N.A. 4 N.A.
S.K. Bijlani 4 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Neeraj Jain N.A. 5 N.A. N.A.
D.L. Sharma 3 2 N.A. 1
A. K Kundra 3 5 4 1
Suchita Jain N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Shravan Talwar 2 N.A. N.A. N.A.
D.B. Jain 3 N.A. N.A. N.A.
R.M. Malla N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Suresh Khatanhar* N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Kumar Neel Lohit* N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A.- Not a member of the Committee

* During the year, IDBI Bank Limited has withdrawn the nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar from the Board of the Company w.e.f. 19th
November, 2016 and nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as Director of the Company. Thereafter, Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit has been appointed
as Nominee Director of the Company w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.


iii. Meeting of Independent Directors:

The meeting of Independent Directors of the Company for the calendar year 2016 was held on 15th November,
2016 to evaluate the performance of Non-Independent Directors of the Company, Chairman of the Company and
the Board as a whole.

Performance Evaluation
The performance evaluation of Non-Independent Directors of the Company, Chairman of the Company and
the Board as a whole, was done by Independent Directors by way of discussions on their performance and the
minutes of the meeting was submitted to the Chairman of the Company.

 policy on the performance evaluation of Independent Directors, Board, Committees and other individual
Directors which includes criteria for performance evaluation of non-executive directors and executive directors
have been formulated by the Company.

Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors

The details of the Familiarisation Programme conducted for the Independent Director of the Company are available
on the Company’s website at the link:

i) Chairman and Managing Director / Executive Directors:
 The Company pays remuneration to Chairman and Managing Director and Joint Managing Directors as approved
by the Board of Directors and the Members of the Company in the General Meeting.

 A detail of remuneration paid to the Directors during the year 2016-17 is as given below:
(in ` Lakhs)
Perquisites & Retirement Gross
Name Designation Salary Commission
Allowances Benefit remuneration
S.P. Oswal Chairman & Managing 45.75 27.04 5.49 2,587.41 2,665.69
Sachit Jain Joint Managing 41.00 30.71 5.22 41.00 117.93
Neeraj Jain Joint Managing 37.50 30.98 4.80 37.50 110.78
Suchita Jain* Joint Managing 28.37 27.40 3.58 28.37 87.72

*Mrs. Suchita Jain has been appointed as Joint Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 24th August, 2016. Therefore, the salary paid
to her is for part of the year commencing from 24th August, 2016.

ii) Non-Executive Directors:

Non-Executive Directors have not been paid any remuneration except sitting fees for attending Board &
Committee Meetings.

The Directors are paid sitting fees @ ` 35,000/- per Board Meeting and @ ` 30,000/- per Committee Meeting. The
detail of sitting fees paid to the Directors during the Financial Year 2016-17 is given hereunder: -

S. No. Name of Director Sitting Fee (`)

1. Prafull Anubhai 4,55,000
2. A.K. Kundra 5,95,000
3. S.K. Bijlani 2,60,000
4. Suresh Khatanhar (IDBI Nominee)* 70,000
5. Kumar Neel Lohit (IDBI Nominee)* 35,000


S. No. Name of Director Sitting Fee (`)

6. Shravan Talwar 95,000
7. D.B. Jain 2,30,000
8. R.M. Malla 2,05,000

* During the year, IDBI Bank Limited has withdrawn the nomination of Mr. Suresh Khatanhar from the Board of the Company w.e.f.
19th November, 2016 and nominated Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit as Director of the Company. Thereafter, Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit has been
appointed as Nominee Director of the Company w.e.f. 28th November, 2016.


The shareholding of the Directors in the Equity Share Capital of the Company is given as follows: -

S. No. Name Of Director Number of Shares held

1. S.P. Oswal 5,97,591
2. Suchita Jain 2,44,424
3. D.L. Sharma 2,919

No other director holds any share in the Equity Share Capital of the Company.


i. The details of Annual General Meeting & No. of Special Resolutions passed during last three financial
years are as follows:

Day, Date and Time of the No. of Special

Meeting Venue
Meeting Resolutions
43rd Annual General Meeting for the Monday, 5th September, 2016 Regd. Office, Chandigarh 1
financial year ended 31st March, 2016. at 09:00 A.M. Road, Ludhiana- 141010.
42nd Annual General Meeting for the Friday, 4th September, 2015 at Regd. Office, Chandigarh 1
financial year ended 31st March, 2015. 10.00 A.M. Road, Ludhiana- 141010.
41st Annual General Meeting for the Wednesday, 24th Regd. Office, Chandigarh 4
financial year ended 31st March, September, 2014 at Road, Ludhiana- 141010.
2014. 11.30 A.M.

ii. Postal Ballot:

During the year, the Members approved following matters by passing Ordinary/ Special Resolution through
Postal Ballot:-

A. Postal Ballot Notice dated 24th September, 2016:

a. Approval for Buyback of Equity Shares of the Company

The Board had appointed M/s. B.K. Gupta & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries as Scrutinizer to conduct
the postal ballot process in a fair and transparent manner. The details of the voting pattern is as follows:-

% of votes % of votes
No. of No. of No. of % of votes
polled on No. of votes in against
shares votes votes in favour on
Promoter/ Public outstanding in favour on votes
held polled against votes polled
shares polled
1 2 3 = (2/1)*100 4 5 6= (4/2)*100 7= (5/2)*100
Special Resolution
Promoter & Promoter 3,96,10,190 3,96,10,190 100 3,96,10,190 0 100.00 0.00
Public 2,40,41,689 1,33,62,114 55.58 1,33,62,114 0 100.00 0.00
Total 6,36,51,879 5,29,72,304 83.22 5,29,72,304 0 100.00 0.00


B. Postal Ballot Notice dated 15th November, 2016:

a. Appointment of Mrs. Suchita Jain as Joint Managing Director of the Company.
b. Revision in remuneration being paid to Mr. Neeraj Jain, Joint Managing Director of the Company.
c. Revision in remuneration being paid to Mr. Sachit Jain, Joint Managing Director of the Company.
d. Issuance of Non- Convertible Debentures (NCDs)/ Bonds

 he Board had appointed M/s. B.K. Gupta & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries as Scrutinizer to conduct
the postal ballot process in a fair and transparent manner. The details of the voting pattern is as follows:-

% of votes % of votes
No. of No. of No. of % of votes
polled on No. of votes in against
shares votes votes in favour on
Promoter/ Public outstanding in favour on votes
held polled against votes polled
shares polled
1 2 3 = (2/1)*100 4 5 6= (4/2)*100 7= (5/2)*100
Resolution No. 1 –
Ordinary Resolution
Promoter & Promoter 3,96,10,190 3,86,37,242 97.54 3,86,37,242 0 100.00 0.00
Public 2,40,41,689 1,34,50,935 55.95 1,34,42,693 8,242 99.94 0.06
Total 6,36,51,879 5,20,88,177 81.83 5,20,79,935 8,242 99.98 0.02

% of votes % of votes
No. of No. of No. of % of votes
polled on No. of votes in against
shares votes votes in favour on
Promoter/ Public outstanding in favour on votes
held polled against votes polled
shares polled
1 2 3 = (2/1)*100 4 5 6= (4/2)*100 7= (5/2)*100
Resolution No. 2 –
Ordinary Resolution
Promoter & Promoter 3,96,10,190 3,96,10,190 100.00 3,96,10,190 0 100.00 0.00
Public 2,40,41,689 1,34,50,911 55.95 1,34,42,619 8,292 99.94 0.06
Total 6,36,51,879 5,30,61,101 83.36 5,30,52,809 8,292 99.98 0.02

% of votes % of votes
No. of No. of No. of % of votes
polled on No. of votes in against
shares votes votes in favour on
Promoter/ Public outstanding in favour on votes
held polled against votes polled
shares polled
1 2 3 = (2/1)*100 4 5 6= (4/2)*100 7= (5/2)*100
Resolution No. 3 –
Ordinary Resolution
Promoter & Promoter 3,96,10,190 3,86,37,242 97.54 3,86,37,242 0 100.00 0.00
Public 2,40,41,689 1,34,50,935 55.95 1,34,42,638 8,297 99.94 0.06
Total 6,36,51,879 5,20,88,177 81.83 5,20,79,880 8,297 99.98 0.02


% of votes % of votes
No. of No. of No. of % of votes
polled on No. of votes in against
shares votes votes in favour on
Promoter/ Public outstanding in favour on votes
held polled against votes polled
shares polled
1 2 3 = (2/1)*100 4 5 6= (4/2)*100 7= (5/2)*100
Resolution No. 4 –
Special Resolution
Promoter & Promoter 3,96,10,190 3,96,10,190 100.00 3,96,10,190 0 100.00 0.00
Public 2,40,41,689 1,34,50,935 55.95 1,34,43,397 7,538 99.94 0.06
Total 6,36,51,879 5,30,61,125 83.36 5,30,53,587 7,538 99.99 0.01

There is no immediate proposal for passing any resolution through Postal Ballot in the financial year 2017-18.

i. There was no materially significant related party transaction that may have any potential conflict with
interest of the Company at large.

ii. There has not been any non-compliance by the Company in respect of which penalties or strictures were
imposed by the Stock Exchanges or Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or any other Statutory
Authority during the last three years.

iii. The Company promotes ethical behaviour in all its business activities and has put in place a mechanism for
reporting illegal or unethical behaviour. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower Policy under
which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct.
The policy on “Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower” may be accessed on the Company’s website at the link:

iv. T
 he Company has complied with all the applicable requirements specified in Regulation 17 to 27 and 46 of
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

v. The Board of Directors of the Company has adopted (i) the Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair
Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information and (ii) the Code of Conduct, as required under SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.

vi. D
 uring the year no case was filed pursuant to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

vii. R
 isk Management Policy as required under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 has been duly formulated and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. The
aim of Risk Management Policy is to maximize opportunities in all activities and to minimize adversity.

viii. F
 urther, the Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015. The Company may also take up the non-mandatory
requirements of the Regulations in due course of time.

The Company communicates with the shareholders at large through its Annual Reports, publication of financial
results, press releases in leading newspapers, conducting analyst meets and by filing of various reports and
returns with the Statutory Bodies like Stock Exchanges and the Registrar of Companies. The Quarterly Financial
Results are published in prominent daily newspapers viz., “Business Standard” and “Desh Sewak”. The Financial
Results of the Company are also made available at the Company’s web-site


General Information for Shareholders

i) 44th Annual General Meeting:

Date : 22nd September, 2017
Time : 09:00 a.m.
Venue :Regd. Office, Vardhman Premises, Chandigarh Road,
Ludhiana-141 010
ii) Financial Calendar 2017-18 (Tentative)
First Quarter Results : August, 2017
Second Quarter Results : November, 2017
Third Quarter Results : February, 2018
Annual Results : May, 2018
iii) Dates of Book Closure : 11.09.2017 to 22.09.2017 (both days inclusive)
iv) Dividend payment date : Within 30 days after declaration.
v) Listing :The securities of the Company are listed on the
following Stock Exchanges: -

1.  he Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Mumbai (BSE),

1st Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P.J. Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai-400 001.
2. The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE),
“Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),

The Company has duly paid the listing fee to both the aforesaid Stock Exchanges for the financial year 2016-17.

vi) Stock Code:

The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Mumbai : 502986

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited : VTL

vii) Stock Market Data:

The month-wise highest and lowest and closing stock prices of NSE vis-a-vis BSE during the financial year 2016-17
are given below: -

Financial Year Share Prices of Vardhman Textiles Limited on NSE Share Prices of Vardhman Textiles Limited on BSE
2016-17 Highest (`) Lowest (`) Closing (`) %age Highest (`) Lowest (`) Closing (`) %age
change over change over
last month’s last month’s
closing closing
April 899.90 765.00 876.50 13.32 899.00 770.00 868.75 12.34
May 1,028.50 828.00 846.00 -3.48 1,028.00 829.75 845.50 -2.68
June 963.70 833.00 951.25 12.44 963.65 840.00 952.20 12.62
July 1,120.00 931.60 1,087.20 14.29 1,101.25 932.10 1,089.70 14.44
August 1,098.00 973.00 1,001.85 -7.85 1,105.00 970.95 1,001.30 -8.11
September 1,116.00 954.00 1,065.35 6.34 1,116.75 955.00 1,065.55 6.42
October 1,159.50 1,055.15 1,135.95 6.63 1,159.75 1,058.50 1,140.50 7.03


Financial Year Share Prices of Vardhman Textiles Limited on NSE Share Prices of Vardhman Textiles Limited on BSE
2016-17 Highest (`) Lowest (`) Closing (`) %age Highest (`) Lowest (`) Closing (`) %age
change over change over
last month’s last month’s
closing closing
November 1,159.75 1030 1,103.45 -2.86 1,150.00 1,034.20 1,104.60 -3.15
December 1,129.75 1026 1,111.90 0.77 1,122.15 1,026.10 1,110.40 0.53
January 1,290.00 1090 1,263.70 13.65 1,289.75 1,085.00 1,265.05 13.93
February 1,387.45 1,256.7 1,329.10 5.18 1,383.35 1,263.70 1,331.85 5.28
March 1,404.00 1,250.8 1,312.65 -1.24 1,439.95 1,273.00 1,318.10 -1.03

viii) Performance of the Company in comparison to broad-based indices:

1,400.00 9,500.00





0.00 7,000.00












1,400.00 30,000.00

1,200.00 9,000.00

1,000.00 28,000.00

800.00 27,000.00

600.00 26,000.00

400.00 25,000.00

200.00 24,000.00

0.00 23,000.00














ix) Information regarding Dividend Payment: M/s. Alankit Assignments Limited,

a) Dividends remaining unpaid/unclaimed (Unit: Vardhman Textiles Limited)
up to the financial year 2008-09 has been 1 E/13, Alankit Heights, Jhandewalan Extension,
transferred to the Investors’ Education and New Delhi - 110 055.
Protection Fund (IEPF). The dividend declared Phone: (011) 41540060-63, Fax: (011) 41540064,
from the financial year 2009-2010, which E-mail:
remained unpaid/unclaimed for a period of 7
years, will be transferred to the IEPF. It may be xi) Share Transfer System:
noted that any person claiming to be entitled  The Company has constituted a Share Transfer
to the amount of dividend may apply to the Committee of its Directors. The Committee meets
concerned authority constituted by Central on an average once in 10 days. The list of valid
Government in this regard. Members who have transfers prepared by the Transfer Agent in respect
not claimed their dividend for the financial year of transfer cases received by them and objections,
2010-2011 and onwards are requested to make if any, are placed before the Committee for its
their claim to the Company immediately. approval/confirmation. The Share Certificates are
returned back to the shareholders by Transfer
b) The Company provides the facility of paying Agent within 15 days from the date of receipt by
dividend through Electronic Clearing Service them.
(ECS). Members who wish to avail this facility
should give necessary directions to Depository The shares of the Company are traded on the
Participants (in case shares are held in Demat Stock Exchanges compulsorily in demat form. The
form) or to the Registrar & Transfer Agent Company has participated as an issuer both with
of the Company (in case shares are held in National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and
physical form). Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL).
The shareholders may operate through any of the
x) Registrar & Transfer Agent: depositories, based on tariffs, quality and range of
The work related to Share Transfer Registry in terms services being offered by them. The International
of both physical and electronic mode is being dealt Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the
with by M/s. Alankit Assignments Limited at the Company is INE 825 A01012.
address given below: -

xii) Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March, 2017:

Shareholders Shares
Number of % to total Number of % to total
No. of shares
total holders holders shares held shares
Upto-500 19,206 89.84 19,28,039 3.36
501-1000 1,088 5.09 7,77,947 1.36
1001-2000 468 2.19 6,61,835 1.15
2001-3000 165 0.77 4,17,533 0.73
3001-4000 76 0.36 2,66,944 0.47
4001-5000 42 0.20 1,93,594 0.33
5001-10000 119 0.56 8,69,437 1.51
10001- above 213 0.99 5,22,75,681 91.09
Total 21,377 100.00 5,73,91,010 100.00

xiii) Dematerialisation of shares:

As on 31st March, 2017, 98.09% of the capital comprising 5,62,97,021 shares, out of total of 57,391,010 shares,
were dematerialized.


xiv) Stock Options: Mahavir Spinning Mills

During the year, the Company has granted Options (Textile Division), Sai Road, Baddi,
to its employees under Vardhman Textiles Limited Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205
Employee Stock Option Plan, 2016. Out of a total
of 6,36,518 Options, the Company has granted Vardhman Spinning Mills,
6,14,000 Options to its employees. One option Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205
entitles the holder to apply for one equity share
of the company, subject to corporate action, after  ardhman Spinning and General
V Mills
a vesting period of 1 year from the date of Grant (Unit-I & II),
i.e. 15th November, 2016. So, the exact impact on Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010
the paid-up capital of the Company depends on the
rights exercised by the eligible employees to convert Vardhman Fabrics
these options into equity shares of the Company. Budhni, Distt. Sehore (M.P.)

xiv) Plant Location: Vardhman Yarns

Arihant Spinning Mill Satlapur, Distt. Raisen (M.P.)
Industrial Area, Malerkotla-148 023
Vardhman Fabrics (Power Division)
Anant Spinning Mills, Budhni, Distt. Sehore (M.P.)
New Industrial Area, Mandideep-462 046
Vardhman Yarns (Power Division)
Arisht Spinning Mills, Satlapur, Distt. Raisen (M.P.)
Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205
xiv) Address for correspondence:
Auro Spinning Mills, Registered : Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141010
Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205 office
Tel : 0161-2228943-48
 uro Dyeing (Unit- I & II),
A Fax : 0161-2601048, 2602710, 2222616
Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205
E-mail :
(Exclusively for redressal of investors’
Auro Weaving Mills,
Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.) - 173 205

Auro Textiles (Unit- I & II),

Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.)- 173 205

Chairman & Managing Director’s Declaration

I, S.P. Oswal, Chairman & Managing Director of Vardhman Textiles Limited declare that all Board Members and Senior
Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with ‘Code of Conduct for Board & Senior Management Personnel’
for the year ended 31st March, 2017.

Place: Ludhiana (S.P. Oswal)

Dated: 10th May, 2017 Chairman & Managing Director


Independent Auditors’ Compliance Certificate

To Accountants of India (the ICAI), the Standards on

The Members of Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the
Vardhman Textiles Limited, Companies Act 2013, in so far as applicable for the
purpose of this certificate and as per the Guidance
1. We, SC Vasudeva & Co., Chartered Accountants, the Note on Reports or Certificates for Special Purposes
Statutory Auditors of Vardhman Textiles Limited issued by the ICAI which requires that we comply
(“the Company”), have examined the compliance with the ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics
of conditions of Corporate Governance by the issued by the ICAI.
Company, for the year ended on 31st March 2017, as
stipulated in regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to 6. 
We have complied with the relevant applicable
(i) of regulation 46(2) and para C and D of schedule requirements of the Standard on Quality Control
V of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure (SQC) 1, Quality Control for Firms that Perform
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the Listing Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial
Regulations). Information, and Other Assurance and Related
Services Engagements.
Managements’ Responsibility
The compliance of conditions of Corporate Opinion
Governance is the responsibility of the 7. Based on our examination of the relevant records
Management. This responsibility includes the and according to the information and explanations
design, implementation and maintenance of provided to us and the representations provided
internal control and procedures to ensure the by the Management, we certify that the Company
compliance with the conditions of the Corporate has complied with the conditions of Corporate
Governance stipulated in Listing Regulations. Governance as stipulated in regulations 17 to 27
and clauses (b) to (i) of regulation 46(2) and para
Auditor’s Responsibility C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations
3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the during the year ended 31st March 2017.
procedures and implementation thereof, adopted
by the Company for ensuring compliance with 8. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance
the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is as to the future viability of the Company nor the
neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management
financial statements of the Company. has conducted the affairs of the Company.

4.  e have examined the books of account and other

relevant records and documents maintained by the
Company for the purposes of providing reasonable For S.C. Vasudeva &Co,
assurance on the compliance with corporate Chartered Accountants
governance requirements by the Company. Firm’s Registration No.000235N

5. We have carried out an examination of the relevant

records of the Company in accordance with the (Sanjiv Mohan)
Guidance Note on Certification of Corporate Place: Ludhiana Partner
Governance issued by the Institute of the Chartered Date: 10th May, 2017 M. No. 086066


Independent Auditors’ Report

To the Members of Vardhman Textiles Limited We have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the
accounting and auditing standards and matters which
Report on the Standalone Ind AS Financial Statements are required to be included in the audit report under the
We have audited the accompanying standalone Ind AS provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder.
financial statements of Vardhman Textiles Limited (‘the
Company’), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 We conducted our audit in accordance with the
March 2017, the statement of profit and loss (including Standards on Auditing specified under Section 143(10)
other comprehensive income), the statement of cash of the Act. Those Standards require that we comply with
flows and the statement of changes in equity for the year ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit
then ended and a summary of the significant accounting to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
policies and other explanatory information (herein after standalone Ind AS financial statements are free from
referred to as “standalone Ind AS financial statements”). material misstatement.

Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
Financial Statements evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for standalone Ind AS financial statements. The procedures
the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Companies selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including
Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of the assessment of the risks of material misstatement
these standalone Ind AS financial statements that give of the standalone Ind AS financial statements, whether
a true and fair view of the financial position, financial due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,
performance including other comprehensive income, the auditor considers internal financial control relevant
cash flows and changes in equity of the Company in to the Company’s preparation of the standalone Ind
accordance with the accounting principles generally AS financial statements that give a true and fair view in
accepted in India, including the Indian Accounting order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
Standards (Ind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of the in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating
Act read with relevant rules issued thereunder. the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and
the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made
This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate by the Company’s Directors, as well as evaluating the
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of overall presentation of the standalone Ind AS financial
the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for statements.
preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities;
selection and application of appropriate accounting We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
policies; making judgments and estimates that are sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation opinion on the standalone Ind AS financial statements.
and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls,
that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy Opinion
and completeness of the accounting records, relevant In our opinion and to the best of our information
to the preparation and presentation of the standalone and according to the explanations given to us, the
Ind AS financial statements that give a true and fair view aforesaid standalone Ind AS financial statements give
and are free from material misstatement, whether due the information required by the Act in the manner so
to fraud or error. required and give a true and fair view in conformity
with the accounting principles generally accepted in
Auditor’s Responsibility India including the Ind AS, of the financial position of
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these the Company as at 31 March, 2017, and its financial
standalone Ind AS financial statements based on our performance including other comprehensive income, its
audit. cash flows and the changes in equity for the year ended
on that date.


Independent Auditors’ Report

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements (g) with respect to the other matters to be
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance
Order, 2016 (“the Order”) issued by the Central with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and
Government of India in terms of sub-section (11) of Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the
section 143 of the Act, we give in the Annexure A, best of our information and according to the
which forms a part of this report, a statement on explanations given to us:
the matters specified in the paragraph 3 and 4 of
the order. i. the Company has disclosed the impact
of pending litigations on its financial
2. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report position in its standalone Ind AS financial
that: statements. Refer Note No. 37 of
standalone Ind AS financial statements.
(a) we have sought and obtained all the
information and explanations which to the best ii. the Company did not have any long term
of our knowledge and belief were necessary contracts including derivative contracts for
for the purposes of our audit. which there were any material foreseeable
(b) in our opinion proper books of account as
required by law have been kept by the Company iii. there has been no delay in transferring
so far as it appears from our examination of amounts, required to be transferred, to
those books; the Investor Education and Protection
Fund by the Company; and
(c) the balance sheet, the statement of profit and
loss (including other comprehensive income) , iv. the Company has provided requisite
the statement of cash flows and the statement disclosures in its standalone Ind AS
of changes in equity dealt with by this Report financial statements as to holdings as
are in agreement with the books of account; well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes
during the period from 8 November, 2016
(d) in our opinion, the aforesaid standalone to 30 December, 2016 and these are in
Ind AS financial statements comply with the accordance with the books of accounts
Accounting Standards specified under Section maintained by the Company. Refer Note
133 of the Act read with relevant rule issued No. 55 of standalone Ind AS financial
thereunder; statements.

(e) on the basis of the written representations For S.C. Vasudeva & Co,
received from the directors as on 31 March Chartered Accountants
2017 taken on record by the Board of Directors, Firm Reg. No.000235N
none of the directors is disqualified as on 31
March 2017 from being appointed as a director
(Sanjiv Mohan)
in terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act;
M. No. 086066
(f) with respect to the adequacy of the internal
financial controls over financial reporting of
the Company and the operating effectiveness 10th May, 2017
of such controls, refer to our separate report in
“Annexure B”; and


Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

The Annexure referred to the Independent Auditors’ the Act were not, prima facie, prejudicial to the
Report to the members of the Company on the interest of the Company
Standalone Ind AS financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2017, we report that: (b) The borrowers have been regular in the
payment of the principal and interest as
(i) a) The Company has maintained proper records stipulated.
showing full particulars, including quantitative
details and situation of fixed assets. (c) There are no overdue amounts in respect of
the loan granted to a body corporate listed in
b) According to the information and explanations the register maintained under section 189 of
given to us, the Company has adopted a policy the Act.
of physical verification of the fixed assets once
in every three years. Pursuant to the said (iv) According to the information and explanations
policy, the Company has physically verified given to us, the Company has complied with the
the entire block of Plant and Machinery during requirements of the section 186 of the Companies
the year under audit. Discrepancies noticed Act, 2013 pursuant to loans granted and investments
on such physical verification were not material made. The company has not granted loans to
and have been properly dealt with in the books directors or to the person in whom directors are
of account. interested. Therefore the provisions of the section
185 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable
c) According to information and explanations to the company.
given to us and on the basis of our examination
of the records of the company, the title deeds (v) According to the information and explanations given
of immovable properties are held in the name to us, the Company has not accepted any deposits
of the company. covered under the provisions of sections 73 to 76,
other relevant provisions of the Companies Act,
(ii) According to the information and explanations 2013 and the rules framed there under. According
given to us, the inventories have been physically to the information and explanations given to us, no
verified by the management during the year. In our order under the aforesaid sections has been passed
opinion the frequency of verification is reasonable. by the Company Law Board, National Company Law
Tribunal or Reserve Bank of India or any Court or
According to the information and explanations given any other Tribunal on the Company.
to us, discrepancies noticed on physical verification
of inventory as compared to the book records were (vi) We have broadly reviewed the books of account
not material and have been dealt with in the books maintained by the company pursuant to the
of account. rules made by the Central Government for the
maintenance of cost records under section 148(1) of
(iii) According to the information and explanations the Act and are of the opinion that prima facie, the
given to us, we report that the Company has granted prescribed accounts and records have been made
loans to two companies covered in the register and maintained. We have, however, not made a
maintained under section 189 of the Companies detailed examination of such records with a view to
Act, 2013. determine whether they are accurate or complete.

(a) In our opinion, the rate of interest and other (vii) (a) According to the information and explanations
terms and conditions on which the loans had given to us and on the basis of the records of
been granted to the bodies corporate listed in the Company examined by us, in our opinion,
the register maintained under Section 189 of the Company has been regular in depositing


Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

undisputed statutory dues including provident (b) A

 ccording to the information and explanations
fund, employees’ state insurance, income tax, given to us, there are no dues of duty of
sales tax, service tax, duty of custom, duty custom, which have not been deposited with
of excise, value added tax, cess and other the appropriate authorities on account of any
statutory dues with the appropriate authorities. dispute. However according to information and
According to the information and explanations explanations given to us, the following dues
given to us, no undisputed amounts in respect of Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Sale Tax Act,
of statutory dues payable were outstanding as Service Tax and duty of Excise have not deposited
on the last day of the financial year concerned by the company on account of dispute:
for a period of more than six months from the
date they became payable.

(Amount in Lakhs)
Paid Financial
Sr. Total
Name of Statute under Unpaid Year to which Forum at which dispute is pending.
No. Demand
Protest it relates
1 Central Excise Act 1.02 - 1.02 2009-10 Commissioner Appeals, Bhopal
2 Central Excise Act 26.67 8.00 18.67 2009-10 Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 Tribunal, Delhi
3 Central Excise Act 216.06 - 216.06 2009-10 Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 Tribunal, Delhi
4 Central Excise Act 34.59 - 34.59 2013-14 Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 Tribunal, Chandigarh
5 Central Excise Act 4.26 - 4.26 2008-09 Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi
6 Central Excise Act 6.51 1.63 4.88 2008-09 Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
7 Central Excise Act 5.80 1.00 4.80 2006-07 Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 Tribunal, Delhi
8 Central Excise Act 66.66 1.94 64.72 Jan 2008 to Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 March 2011 Tribunal, Delhi
9 Central Excise Act 4.95 2.88 2.07 2003-04, Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
1944 2004-05
10 Central Excise Act 1.57 1.39 0.18 2002-03 Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise,
1944 Ludhiana
11 Central Excise Act 112.00 - 112.00 2011-12 Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate
1944 Tribunal, Delhi
12 Central Excise Act 2.59 - 2.59 Oct 2001 to Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
1944 April 2004
13 Central Excise Act 5.16 - 5.16 2015-16 Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
14 Central Excise Act 0.37 - 0.37 2012-13 & Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
1944 2013-14


Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

(Amount in Lakhs)
Paid Financial
Sr. Total
Name of Statute under Unpaid Year to which Forum at which dispute is pending.
No. Demand
Protest it relates
15 Central Excise Act 0.19 - 0.19 2013-14 & Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
1944 2014-15
16 Central Excise Act 0.20 - 0.20 2014-15 & Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
1944 2015-16
17 Central Sales Tax 6.19 - 6.19 2009-10 Deputy Excise & Taxation Commissioner
Act,1956 Appeals, Jalandhar
18 Central Sales Tax 2.45 0.65 1.80 2005-06 Deputy Commissioner Of Sales Tax, Mumbai
19 Commercial Tax 6.10 1.06 5.04 2001-02 Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax,
Act, 1994 Bhopal
20 Entry Tax Act, 0.74 0.21 0.53 2001-02 Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax,
1976 Bhopal
21 Entry Tax Act, 11.26 3.16 8.10 2003-04 Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax,
1976 Bhopal
22 MP VAT Act,2002 51.46 20.59 30.87 2006-07 Appellate Board, Commercial Tax, Bhopal
23 MP VAT Act,2002 8.25 4.30 3.95 2010-11 Appellate Board, Commercial Tax, Bhopal
24 MP VAT Act,2002 5.95 3.34 2.61 2011-12 Appellate Board, Commercial Tax, Bhopal
25 MP VAT Act,2002 2.60 1.51 1.09 2012-13 Appellate Board, Commercial Tax, Bhopal
26 Punjab VAT Act, 1.10 0.28 0.82 2002-03 Joint Director Enforcement, Patiala
27 The Finance Act 5.02 - 5.02 2007-08 to Commissioner Appeals,Chandigarh.
1994 2009-10
28 The Finance Act 11.22 - 11.22 2005-06 Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
29 The Finance Act 0.66 - 0.66 2015-16 Commissioner Appeals, Chandigarh
30 Income tax 12,397.35 6,873.59 5,523.76 2009-10 to Income tax Appellant Tribunal, Chandigarh
Act,1961 2011-12
31 Income tax 2,823.80 169.62 2,654.18 2012-13 Commissioner of Income tax, Appeals, Ludhiana
32 Income tax 3.81 - 3.81 2000-01 Income tax Appellant Tribunal, Chandigarh

(viii) According to the information and explanations for the purpose for which they were raised. The
given to us, the Company has not defaulted in company has not raised money by way of initial
repayment of loans or borrowings to a financial public offer or further public offer (including debt
institution, bank or government. The Company has instruments) during the year.
not issued any debentures during the year or in the
preceding year. (x) According to the information and explanations given
to us, no fraud by the company or on the company
(ix) In our opinion and according to the information by its officers or employees has been noticed or
and explanations given to us, the term loans taken reported during the course of our audit.
during the year by the Company have been applied


Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

(xi) According to the information and explanations given partly convertible debentures during the year under
to us and based on our examination of records of audit. Thus the provisions of paragraph 3(xiv) of the
company, the company has paid / provided for the Order are not applicable.
managerial remuneration in accordance with the
requisite approvals mandated by the provisions of (xv) According to information and explanations given to
section 197 read with Schedule V to the Act. us, and based on our examination of the records
of the company, the company has not entered
(xii) According to the information and explanation into non-cash transactions with director or person
given to us, the company is not a Nidhi Company. connected with him. Accordingly, provisions of
Therefore the provisions of paragraph 3(xii) of the paragraph 3 (xv) of the Order are not applicable.
Order are not applicable.
(xvi) According to the information and explanations given
(xiii) According to the information and explanations to us, the company is not required to be registered
given to us, and based on our examination of the under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India
records of the company, transactions with the Act, 1934.
related parties are in compliance with section 177
and 188 of the Act, where applicable and the details For S.C. Vasudeva & Co,
of the transactions have been disclosed in the Chartered Accountants
standalone Ind AS financial statements as required Firm Reg. No.000235N
by the applicable accounting standards.
(Sanjiv Mohan)
(xiv) According to the information and explanations
given to us, the company has not made preferential
M. No. 086066
allotment or private placement of shares or fully or
10th May, 2017

Annexure - B to the Auditors’ Report

Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over
Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered
Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) Accountants of India (‘ICAI’). These responsibilities
include the design, implementation and maintenance of
We have audited the internal financial controls over adequate internal financial controls that were operating
financial reporting of Vardhman Textiles Limited (“the effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct
Company”) as of 31 March 2017 in conjunction with our of its business, including adherence to company’s
audit of the standalone Ind AS financial statements of policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention
the Company for the year ended on that date. and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, and the timely
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial preparation of reliable financial information, as required
Controls under the Companies Act, 2013.
The Company’s management is responsible for
establishing and maintaining internal financial controls Auditors’ Responsibility
based on the internal control over financial reporting Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
criteria established by the Company considering the Company’s internal financial controls over financial
essential components of internal control stated in the reporting based on our audit. We conducted our audit


Annexure - B to the Auditors’ Report

in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions
Financial Controls over Financial Reporting (the “Guidance are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of
Note”) and the Standards on Auditing, issued by ICAI financial statements in accordance with generally
and deemed to be prescribed under section 143(10) of accepted accounting principles, and that receipts
the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an and expenditures of the company are being
audit of internal financial controls, both applicable to an made only in accordance with authorizations of
audit of Internal Financial Controls and, both issued by management and directors of the company; and
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those
Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention
with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use,
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate or disposition of the company’s assets that could
internal financial controls over financial reporting was have a material effect on the financial statements.
established and maintained and if such controls operated
effectively in all material respects. Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls
Over Financial Reporting
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial
audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal controls over financial reporting, including the possibility
financial controls system over financial reporting and of collusion or improper management override of
their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud
financial controls over financial reporting included may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any
obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial
over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that
weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design the internal financial control over financial reporting may
and operating effectiveness of internal control based on become inadequate because of changes in conditions,
the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on or that the degree of compliance with the policies or
the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the procedures may deteriorate.
risks of material misstatement of the standalone Ind AS
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. Opinion
In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects,
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is an adequate internal financial controls system over
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit financial reporting and such internal financial controls
opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as
system over financial reporting. at 31 March 2017, based on the internal control over
financial reporting criteria established by the Company
Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over considering the essential components of internal control
Financial Reporting stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial
A company’s internal financial control over financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute
reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable of Chartered Accountants of India.
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
and the preparation of financial statements for external For S.C. Vasudeva & Co,
purposes in accordance with generally accepted Chartered Accountants
accounting principles. A company’s internal financial Firm Reg. No.000235N
control over financial reporting includes those policies
and procedures that;
(Sanjiv Mohan)
(1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in
M. No. 086066
reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
transactions and dispositions of the assets of the
company; 10th May, 2017


Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
Note As at As at As at
No. 31st March 2017 31st March 2016 1st April 2015
1. Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 3(a) 245,141.10 248,903.62 249,527.54
(b) Capital work-in-progress 4,853.91 8,483.29 7,677.68
(c) Other Intangible Assets 3(b) 674.19 1,108.24 1,393.29
(d) Financial Assets
- Investments 4 97,219.10 106,983.92 60,064.79
- Loans 5 61.04 75.95 85.01
- Other financial assets 6 173.54 1,192.56 12,426.54
(e) Other non-current Assets 7 6,603.95 7,699.05 6,714.22
Total Non-current assets 354,726.83 374,446.63 337,889.07
2. Current assets
(a) Inventories 8 158,900.38 180,911.59 163,673.47
(b) Financial Assets
- Investments 9 67,060.37 59.22 9,963.64
- Trade receivables 10 71,790.98 76,999.63 81,406.86
- Cash and cash equivalents 11 3,822.39 21,368.82 5,908.75
- Bank Balance other than above 11A 224.72 6,308.14 11,646.02
- Loans 12 3,656.20 2,928.02 3,688.67
- Other financial assets 13 4,047.49 4,613.67 3,559.06
(c) Current tax assets (net) 4,513.57 2,191.25 1,139.55
(d) Other current assets 14 27,109.82 28,706.33 28,565.48
Total Current assets 341,125.92 324,086.67 309,551.50
Total Assets 695,852.75 698,533.30 647,440.57
Equity and Liabilities
(a) Equity Share capital 15 5,592.88 6,205.31 6,205.31
(b) Other Equity 16 392,991.86 362,786.73 311,173.16
Total Equity 398,584.74 368,992.04 317,378.47
1. Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 17 71,935.28 102,223.85 131,468.40
- Other financial liabilities 18 48.78 19.12 1,299.49
(b) Provisions 19 889.91 592.82 514.71
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 20 23,840.02 20,638.93 20,524.52
(d) Other non-current liabilities 21 2,101.02 2,032.34 2,146.81
Total Non-current liabilities 98,815.01 125,507.06 155,953.93
2. Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 22 105,505.99 101,682.13 60,579.67
- Trade payables 23 17,740.83 14,590.67 12,954.60
- Other financial liabilities 24 60,075.59 73,827.25 88,304.22
(b) Other current liabilities 25 14,701.70 13,412.79 11,599.13
(c) Provisions 26 428.89 521.36 670.55
Total Current liabilities 198,453.00 204,034.20 174,108.17
Total Equity and Liabilities 695,852.75 698,533.30 647,440.57

The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N
(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10-05-2017


Statement of Profit and Loss

for the year ended 31st march 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
Particulars Note No.
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
I. Revenue from operations 27 572,828.74 561,395.80
II. Other income 28 56,758.24 24,097.29
III. Total Income (I+II) 629,586.98 585,493.09
IV. Expenses :
Cost of materials consumed 29 283,669.41 266,715.11
Purchases of stock-in-trade 30 2,920.35 6,715.09
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and 31 (7,417.89) 1,220.20
Employee benefits expense 32 45,361.38 41,043.33
Finance costs 33 9,183.10 8,670.69
Depreciation and amortization expense 3 (a) & (b) 32,949.39 36,309.60
Other expenses 34 132,439.97 134,880.67
Total Expenses 499,105.71 495,554.69
V. Profit before tax (III-IV) 130,481.27 89,938.40
VI. Tax expense:
(1)    Current tax 28,157.00 22,184.15
(2)    Deferred tax 3,194.83 114.43
(3)    Mat Credit Entitlement (1,029.85) -
VII. Profit for the year (V-VI) 100,159.29 67,639.82
VIII. Other Comprehensive Income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- Remeasurements of the defined benefit plans (51.33) (6.22)
- Gain on Fair Valuation of Equity instruments carried 18.05 -
at Fair Value through Profit & Loss
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified 11.52 2.15
to profit or loss
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - -
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to - -
profit or loss
(21.76) (4.07)
IX. Total Comprehensive Income for the year (VII+VIII) 100,137.53 67,635.75
Earnings per equity share 42
Basic - Par value of ` 10 per share 163.67 109.00
Diluted - Par value of ` 10 per share 163.67 109.00

The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N
(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10-05-2017


Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31st march, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Net Profit before Exceptional items and tax 130,481.27 89,938.40
Adjustments for :
Depreciation and amortisation 32,949.39 36,309.60
Interest expense 11,252.47 13,014.39
Fair Valuation Gain on Investment (9,530.24) (3,871.07)
Subsidy Income (181.33) (150.20)
Prepayments of Leasehold land 8.15 8.15
Interest income (3,330.26) (5,529.83)
Dividend income (1,540.96) (16,181.65)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of Assets(Net) (6,158.37) (744.69)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of Investments (Net) (36,561.46) (671.46)
Provision no longer required written Back(Net) (349.59) (174.10)
Sundry balance written back - (116.54)
Excess income written off - 871.13
Amortisation of Processing Charges 86.93 91.62
Fixed assets written off 433.87 479.15
Bad debts written off 352.44 33.66
Allowances for doubtful trade receivables and advances 274.44 118.90
written back
(12,294.52) 23,487.05
Changes in Working capital 118,186.75 113,425.45
Adjustments for :
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade and other Receivables 7,310.96 10,141.14
(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories 22,011.20 (17,238.12)
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables and other Liabilities 5,762.63 3,765.61
35,084.79 (3,331.38)
Cash generated from Operations 153,271.54 110,094.08
Net income tax paid (30,461.55) (30,461.55) (23,233.70) (23,233.70)
Net cash flow from/ (used in) operating activities 122,809.99 86,860.38
Purchase of Fixed Assets (29,103.16) (37,112.92)
Proceeds from sale of Fixed Assets 8,318.58 1,198.16
Purchase of Investments (91,842.44) (45,484.66)
Purchase of shares of Subsidiary - -
Proceeds from sale of Investments 80,715.89 13,012.48
Interest received 5,188.89 4,239.07
Dividend received 1,540.96 16,181.65
Net Cash used in investing activities (25,181.29) (47,966.21)


Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31st march, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Long Term Borrowings (Net) (43,644.34) (45,593.88)
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Short Term Borrowings (Net) 3,823.86 46,020.37
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Equity Share Capital (70,544.85) -
Capital Subsidy received 334.68 -
Dividend Paid (including taxes) (104.77) (15,867.72)
Interest Paid (11,123.12) (13,330.77)
Net Cash flow from/(used in) Financing Activities (121,258.54) (28,772.00)
Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents (23,629.84) 10,122.17
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 27,676.95 17,554.77
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4,047.11 27,676.95
Bank Balances not considered as cash and cash equivalents 162.96 1,077.58

The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements

As per our report of even date

For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N

(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10-05-2017


Statement of Changes in Equity

As at 31st March 2017 As at 31st March 2016

Number Amount(In Lakhs) Number Amount(In Lakhs)
Equity Share Capital
Balance at the beginning of reporting period 63,651,879 6,365.19 63,651,879 6,365.19
Own shares (Refer Note 38) (1,598,741) (159.88) (1,598,741) (159.88)
Net issued Share Capital at beginning of reporting period 62,053,138 6,205.31 62,053,138 6,205.31
Changes in equity share capital
Buyback of shares (net of 1,36,539 number of shares held (6,124,330) (612.43) - -
through trust)
Balance at the closing of reporting period 55,928,808 5,592.88 62,053,138 6,205.31

Other Equity
(Amount in Lakhs)
Reserves & Surplus Equity
Other items
Capital of other
Particulars Capital Securities General Retained through other Total
Redemption comprehensive
reserve premium Reserve Earnings comprehensive
Reserve income
Balance as at 01 April 2016 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 155,280.53 93.07 (4.07) 362,786.73
Changes in equity for the year
ended 31 March 2017
Value of own shares reduced -
Profit for the year 100,159.29 100,159.29
Other comprehensive income 11.80 (33.57) (21.77)
for the year
Total Comprehensive Income 100,159.29 11.80 (33.57) 100,137.53
for the year
Transfer to Capital redemption (626.09) (626.09)
reserve on account of buyback of
equity shares
Transfer from Retained Earnings on 626.09 626.09
account of buyback of equity shares
Premium on buy back of shares (20,990.54) (48,941.86) (69,932.40)
(Net of ` 1448.21 Lakhs of premium
relating to own shares held through
Balance as at 31 March 2017 124.32 626.09 - 137,360.48 254,813.74 104.87 (37.64) 392,991.86
Balance as at 01 April 2015 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 103,662.89 93.07 - 311,173.16
Changes in equity for the year
ended 31 March 2016
Value of own shares reduced -
Profit for the year 67,639.82 67,639.82
Other comprehensive income (4.07) (4.07)
for the year
Total Comprehensive Income 67,639.82 (4.07) 67,635.75
for the year
Less: Interim Dividend on equity for (9,547.78) (9,547.78)
financial year 2015-16 (Amount per
share ` 15)
Equity Dividend for the financial (6,365.19) (6,365.19)
year 2014-15 (Amount ` 10 per
Tax on Dividend (109.21) (109.21)
Balance as at 31 March 2016 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 155,280.53 93.07 (4.07) 362,786.73


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

1. CORPORATE INFORMATION The accounting policies have been consistently

Vardhman Textiles Limited (the Company) is a public applied except where a newly issued accounting
company incorporated under the provisions of the standard is initially adopted or a revision to an
Companies Act, 1956 on 8th October, 1973 and has existing accounting standard requires a change
its registered office at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana. in the accounting policy hitherto in use.
The name of the company at its incorporation
was Mahavir Spinning Mills Ltd. and subsequently (b) Use of Estimates and Judgements
changed to Vardhman Textiles Limited on 5th The preparation of the financial statements in
September, 2006. The company is engaged in conformity with Ind AS requires management to
manufacturing of Cotton yarn, Synthetic yarn and make estimates, judgments and assumptions.
woven fabric. The company is listed on two stock These estimates, judgments and assumptions
exchanges i.e. at National Stock Exchange and at affect the application of accounting policies
Bombay Stock Exchange. and the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, the disclosures of contingent assets
SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES : and liabilities at the date of the financial
(a) Basis of preparation of financial statements and reported amounts of revenues
statements and expenses during the period. Accounting
The financial statements of the Company have estimates could change from period to
been prepared in accordance with Indian period. Actual results could differ from those
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under estimates. Appropriate changes in estimates
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) are made as management becomes aware
Rules, 2015 as amended and other relevant of changes in circumstances surrounding the
provisions of the Act. estimates. Changes in estimates are reflected
in the financial statements in the period in
For all periods up to and including the year which changes are made. Differences between
ended 31 March 2016, the Company prepared actual results and estimates are recognised
its financial statements in accordance in the period in which the results are known/
with accounting standards notified under materialised.
Companies (Accounting Standard) Rule, 2006
(Indian GAAP). These financial statements for (c) Revenue Recognition
the year ended 31 March 2017 are the first the Revenue is recognised at the fair value of the
Company has prepared in accordance with Ind consideration received or receivable. The
AS. Note no. 35 explains the manner in which amount disclosed as revenue is inclusive of
the Company has adopted Ind AS. excise duty and net of returns, trade discounts,
value added tax and amount collected on
The financial statements have been prepared behalf of third parties.
on a historical cost basis, except for the
following assets and liabilities which have been The company recognizes revenue when the
measured at fair value: amount of revenue can be measured reliably
and it is probable that the economic benefits
- Derivative financial instruments associated with the transaction will flow to the
- Certain financial assets and liabilities
measured at fair value (refer accounting policy (i) Sales of goods
regarding financial instruments) Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised
when the significant risks and rewards of


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

ownership of the goods are transferred to the (ii) Post Employment Benefits
buyer and the entity retains neither continuing (a) Defined Contribution Plans:
managerial involvement to the degree usually Provident Fund
associated with ownership nor effective control Retirement benefit in the form of provident
over the goods sold. fund is a defined contribution scheme. The
Company has no obligation, other than the
(ii) Services contribution payable to the provident fund.
Revenue from the sale of services is recognised The Company recognizes contribution payable
on the basis of the stage of completion. When to the provident fund scheme as an expense,
the contract outcome cannot be measured when an employee renders the related service.
reliably, revenue is recognised only to the
extent that the expenses incurred are eligible Superannuation
to be recovered. Certain employees of the Company are
participants in a defined contribution plan.
(iii) Export Incentives The Company has no further obligations to the
Revenue in respect of the export incentives is Plan beyond its annual contributions which
recognized on post export basis. are periodically contributed to a trust fund,
the corpus of which is invested with the Life
(iv) Interest Insurance Corporation of India.
Income from interest is recognized using the
effective interest rate (EIR). EIR is the rate (b) Defined Benefit Plans
that exactly discounts the estimated future Gratuity
cash payments or receipts over the expected The Company provides for gratuity, a defined
life of the financial instrument or a shorter benefit retirement plan (‘the Gratuity Plan’)
period, where appropriate, to the gross covering eligible employees of the Company.
carrying amount of the financial asset. When The Gratuity Plan provides a lump-sum
calculating the effective interest rate, the payment to vested employees at retirement,
Company estimates the expected cash flows death, incapacitation or termination of
by considering all the contractual terms of the employment, of an amount based on the
financial instrument but does not consider the respective employee’s salary and the tenure of
expected credit losses. employment with the Company.

(v) Dividend Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity Plan are

Dividend income is recognized when the right determined by actuarial valuation, performed
to receive the payment is established. by an independent actuary, at each balance
sheet date using the projected unit credit
(vi) Insurance and Other Claims method. The company fully contributes all
Revenue in respect of claims is recognized ascertained liabilities to the Mahavir Employee
when no significant uncertainty exists with Gratuity Fund Trust (the Trust). Trustees
regard to the amount to be realized and the administrate contributions made to the Trusts
ultimate collection thereof. and contributions are invested in the schemes
as permitted by the laws of India.
(d) Employees Benefits
(i) Short term Employee Benefits : The Company recognizes the net obligation of
Short Term Employee Benefits are a defined benefit plan in its balance sheet as an
recognized as an expense on an asset or liability. Remeasurements comprising
undiscounted basis in the statement of of actuarial gains and losses, the effect of the
profit and loss of the year in which the asset ceiling (excluding amounts included in net
related service is rendered.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

interest on the net defined benefit liability) and Advances paid towards the acquisition of
the return on plan assets (excluding amounts property, plant and equipment outstanding at
included in net interest on the net defined benefit each balance sheet date is classified as capital
liability) are recognised in Other Comprehensive advances under other non-current assets and
Income which are not reclassified to profit or the cost of assets not put to use before such date
loss in subsequent periods. are disclosed under ‘Capital work-in-progress’.

(iii) Long-term employee benefits Subsequent expenditures relating to property,

The liability of accumulating compensated plant and equipment is capitalized only when
absences is determined by actuarial valuation it is probable that future economic benefits
performed by an independent actuary at each associated with these will flow to the Company
balance sheet date using projected unit credit and the cost of the item can be measured
method. reliably. Repairs and maintenance costs are
recognized in net profit in the statement
(e) Property, Plant and Equipment of profit and loss when incurred. The cost
The Company has applied for the one time and related accumulated depreciation are
transition exemption of considering the eliminated from the financial statements upon
carrying cost on the transition date i.e. April sale or retirement of the asset and the resultant
1, 2015 as the deemed cost under IND AS and gains or losses are recognized in the statement
hence regarded thereafter as historical cost. of profit and loss. Assets to be disposed off are
reported at the lower of the carrying value or
Freehold land is carried at cost. All other items of the fair value less cost to sell.
Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost,
less accumulated depreciation. The Cost of an (f) Intangible Assets
item of Property, Plant and Equipment comprises: Intangible assets are stated at cost less
accumulated amount of amortization.
(a) its purchase price including import duties and
non-refundable purchase taxes after deducting Intangible assets are amortized over their
trade discounts and rebates. respective individual estimated useful lives on
a straight-line basis, from the date that they
(b) any attributable expenditure directly are available for use. The estimated useful life
attributable for bringing an asset to the location of an identifiable intangible asset is based on
and the working condition for its intended use a number of factors including the effects of
and obsolescence, etc. The amortization method
and useful lives are reviewed periodically at
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling end of each financial year.
and removing the item and restoring the site on
which it is located, the obligation for which an (g) Inventories
entity incurs either when the item is acquired Inventories are valued at cost or net realizable
or as a consequence of having used the item value, whichever is lower. The cost in respect of
during a particular period for purposes other the various items of inventory is computed as
than to produce inventories during that period. under:

Depreciation is provided on Straight Line In case of raw materials at weighted

Method on the basis of useful lives of such average cost plus direct expenses. The
assets specified in Schedule II to the Companies cost includes cost of purchase and other
Act, 2013 except the assets costing ` 5,000/- costs incurred in bringing the inventories
or below on which depreciation is charged @ to their present location and condition.
100% per annum on proportionate basis.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

In case of stores and spares at weighted are deemed converted as of the beginning
average cost plus direct expenses. The of the period, unless issued at a later date.
cost includes cost of purchase and other Dilutive potential equity shares are determined
costs incurred in bringing the inventories independently for each period presented.
to their present location and condition.
(j) Income Taxes
In case of work in progress at raw material Income tax expense comprises current tax and
cost plus conversion costs depending deferred tax. Income tax expense is recognized
upon the stage of completion. in net profit in the statement of profit and
loss except to the extent that it relates to
In case of finished goods at raw material items recognized directly in equity or other
cost plus conversion costs, packing cost, comprehensive income, in which case it is also
excise duty (if applicable) and other recognized in equity or other comprehensive
overheads incurred to bring the goods to income respectively.
their present location and condition.
Current income tax for current and prior
(h) Borrowing Costs periods is recognized at the amount expected
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to be paid to or recovered from the tax
to the acquisition, construction or production authorities, using the tax rates and tax laws that
of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of have been enacted or substantively enacted
the cost of the asset. Other borrowing costs by the balance sheet date. Deferred income
are recognized as an expense in the period tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all
in which they are incurred. Borrowing costs temporary differences arising between the tax
consist of interest and other costs that an entity base of assets and liabilities and their carrying
incurs in connection with the borrowing of amounts in the financial statements except
funds. Borrowing cost also includes exchange when the deferred income tax arises from the
differences to the extent regarded as an initial recognition of an asset or liability in a
adjustment to the borrowing costs. transaction that is not a business combination
and affects neither accounting nor taxable
(i) Earnings per Share profit or loss at the time of the transaction.
Basic earnings per equity share is computed Deferred tax assets and liabilities are reviewed
by dividing the net profit attributable to the at each reporting date and are reduced to the
equity holders of the company by the weighted extent that it is no longer probable that the
average number of equity shares outstanding related tax benefit will be realized.
during the period. Diluted earnings per equity
share is computed by dividing the net profit Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are
attributable to the equity holders of the measured using tax rates and tax laws that
company by the weighted average number have been enacted or substantively enacted
of equity shares considered for deriving by the balance sheet date and are expected to
basic earnings per equity share and also the apply to taxable income in the years in which
weighted average number of equity shares those temporary differences are expected to
that could have been issued upon conversion be recovered or settled. The effect of changes
of all dilutive potential equity shares. The in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and
dilutive potential equity shares are adjusted liabilities is recognized as income or expense
for the proceeds receivable had the equity in the period that includes the enactment or
shares been actually issued at fair value (i.e. the substantive enactment date. A deferred
the average market value of the outstanding income tax asset is recognized to the extent
equity shares). Dilutive potential equity shares that it is probable that future taxable profit


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

will be available against which the deductible The foreign currency monetary items are
temporary differences and tax losses can be translated using the closing rate at the end of
utilized. The Company offsets current tax assets each reporting period. Non-monetary items
and current tax liabilities, where it has a legally that are measured in terms of historical cost in
enforceable right to set off the recognized a foreign currency shall be translated using the
amounts and where it intends either to settle exchange rate at the date of the transaction.
on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle Exchange differences arising on the settlement
the liability simultaneously. of monetary items or on translating monetary
items at rates different from those at which
Minimum Alternate Tax credit is recognised as they were translated on initial recognition
deferred tax asset only when and to the extent during the period or in previous financial
there is convincing evidence that the Company statements shall be recognised in profit or loss
will pay normal income tax during the specified in the period in which they arise.
period. Such asset is reviewed at each Balance
Sheet date and the carrying amount of the MAT Foreign exchange differences recorded as an
credit asset is written down to the extent there adjustment to borrowing costs are presented
is no longer a convincing evidence to the effect in the statement of profit and loss, as a part of
that the Company will pay normal income tax finance cost. All other foreign exchange gains
during the specified period. and losses are presented in the statement of
profit and loss on net basis.
(k) Government Grants
The government grants are recognized only In respect of foreign branch, which is in the
when there is reasonable assurance that nature of integral foreign operations, all
the conditions attached to them shall be transactions are translated using the exchange
complied with, and the grants will be received. rate at the date of the transaction. The
Government grants related to assets are treated translation of monetary assets and liabilities
as deferred income and are recognized in the is performed using the exchange rate in
statement of profit and loss on a systematic effect at the balance sheet date. Fixed assets
and rational basis over the useful life of the are translated as at the date of transaction.
asset. Government grants related to revenue Depreciation is translated at the rates applied
are recognized on a systematic basis in the for translation of fixed assets.
statement of profit and loss over the periods
necessary to match them with the related costs (m) Dividends
which they are intended to compensate. Final dividends on shares are recorded as
a liability on the date of approval by the
(l) Foreign Currency Transactions shareholders and interim dividends are
(i) Functional and Presentation currency recorded as a liability on the date of declaration
The functional currency of the company is by the company’s Board of Directors.
Indian rupee. These financial statements are
presented in Indian rupee. (n) Leases
Leases under which the company assumes
(ii) Transaction and balances substantially all the risks and rewards of
The foreign currency transactions are recorded, ownership are classified as finance leases.
on initial recognition in the functional currency, When acquired, such assets are capitalized at
by applying to the foreign currency amount the fair value or present value of the minimum
spot exchange rate between the functional lease payments at the inception of the lease,
currency and the foreign currency at the date whichever is lower. Lease under which the risks
of the transaction.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

and rewards incidental to ownership are not assets and the contractual terms of the financial
transferred to lessee is classified as operating asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows
lease. Lease payments under operating leases that are solely payments of principal and
are recognized as an expense on a straight line interest on the principal amount outstanding.
basis in net profit in the statement of profit and
loss over the lease term. (iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss (FVTPL)
(o) Financial instruments A financial asset is measured at fair value
A financial instrument is any contract that through profit and loss unless it is measured
gives rise to a financial asset of one entity at amortized cost or at fair value through other
and a financial liability or equity instrument of comprehensive income.
another entity.
(iv) Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures
(i) Initial Recognition and measurement and associates
On initial recognition, all the financial assets The Company has adopted to measure
and liabilities are recognized at its fair value investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
plus or minus transaction costs that are associates at cost in accordance with Ind AS 27
directly attributable to the acquisition or issue and carrying amount as per previous GAAP at
of the financial asset or financial liability except the date of transition has been considered as
financial asset or financial liability measured at deemed cost in accordance with Ind AS 101.
fair value through profit or loss. Transaction
costs of financial assets and liabilities carried (v) Financial liabilities
at fair value through the Profit and Loss are The financial liabilities are subsequently
immediately recognized in the Statement of carried at amortized cost using the effective
Profit and Loss. interest method. For trade and other payables
maturing within one year from the balance
(ii) Subsequent measurement sheet date, the carrying amounts approximate
a. Non-derivative financial instruments fair value due to the short maturity of these
(i) Financial assets carried at amortised cost instruments.
A financial asset is subsequently measured at
amortised cost if it is held within a business b. Derivative financial instruments
model whose objective is to hold the asset in The Company holds derivative financial
order to collect contractual cash flows and the instruments such as foreign exchange forward
contractual terms of the financial asset give and option contracts to mitigate the risk of
rise on specified dates to cash flows that are changes in exchange rates on foreign currency
solely payments of principal and interest on exposures. The counterparty for these
the principal amount outstanding. contracts is generally a bank.

(ii) Financial assets at fair value through other Although the Company believes that these
comprehensive income (FVTOCI) derivatives constitute hedges from an
A financial asset is subsequently measured economic perspective, they may not qualify for
at fair value through other comprehensive hedge accounting under Ind AS 109, Financial
income if it is held within a business model Instruments. Any derivative that is either not
whose objective is achieved by both collecting designated a hedge, or is so designated but is
contractual cash flows and selling financial


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

ineffective as per Ind AS 109, is categorized as a measure fair value, maximising the use of
financial asset or financial liability, at fair value relevant observable inputs and minimising the
through profit or loss. use of unobservable inputs.

Derivatives not designated as hedges are Based on the three level fair value hierarchy,
recognized initially at fair value and attributable the methods used to determine the fair value
transaction costs are recognized in net profit in of financial assets and liabilities include quoted
the statement of profit and loss when incurred. market price, discounted cash flow analysis
Subsequent to initial recognition, these and valuation certified by the external valuer.
derivatives are measured at fair value through
profit or loss and the resulting exchange gains In case of financial instruments where the
or losses are included in other income. Assets/ carrying amount approximates fair value due
liabilities in this category are presented as to the short maturity of those instruments,
current assets/current liabilities if they are carrying amount is considered as fair value.
either held for trading or are expected to be
realized within 12 months after the balance (p) Impairment of assets
sheet date. a. Financial assets
The company recognizes loss allowances
c. Share capital and treasury shares using the expected credit loss (ECL) model for
(i) Ordinary Shares the financial assets which are not fair valued
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. through profit or loss.
Incremental costs directly attributable to the
issuance of new ordinary shares and share Loss allowance for trade receivables with no
options are recognized as a deduction from significant financing component is measured at
equity, net of any tax effects. an amount equal to lifetime ECL. For all other
financial assets, expected credit losses are
(ii) Treasury Shares measured at an amount equal to the 12-month
The equity shares of the company held by it ECL, unless there has been a significant
through a trust are presented as a deduction increase in credit risk from initial recognition
from total equity, until they are cancelled in which case those are measured at lifetime
or sold. ECL. The amount of expected credit losses
(or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss
(iii) Derecognition of financial instruments allowance at the reporting date to the amount
A financial asset is derecognized when the that is required to be recognised is recognized
contractual rights to the cash flows from as an impairment gain or loss in statement of
the financial asset expire or it transfers the profit or loss.
financial asset and the transfer qualifies for
derecognition under Ind AS 109. A financial b. Non-financial assets
liability is derecognized when the obligation  Intangible assets and property, plant and
specified in the contract is discharged or equipment
cancelled or expired. Intangible assets and property, plant and
equipment are evaluated for recoverability
(iv) Fair value measurement of financial whenever events or changes in circumstances
instruments indicate that their carrying amounts may not
The fair value of financial instruments is be recoverable. For the purpose of impairment
determined using the valuation techniques testing, the recoverable amount (i.e. the higher
that are appropriate in the circumstances of the fair value less cost to sell and the value-in-
and for which sufficient data are available to use) is determined on an individual asset basis
unless the asset does not generate cash flows


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

that are largely independent of those from (r) Cash flow statement
other assets. In such cases, the recoverable The cash flow statement is prepared in
amount is determined for the Cash Generating accordance with the Indian Accounting
Unit to which the asset belongs. Standard (Ind AS) - 7 “Statement of Cash
flows” using the indirect method for operating
If such assets are considered to be impaired, activities.
the impairment to be recognized in the
statement of profit and loss is measured by (s) Provisions
the amount by which the carrying value of A provision shall be recognised when:
the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable (a) an entity has a present obligation as a
amount of the asset. An impairment loss is result of a past event;
reversed in the statement of profit and loss if
there has been a change in the estimates used (b) it is probable that an outflow of resources
to determine the recoverable amount. The embodying economic benefits will be
carrying amount of the asset is increased to its required to settle the obligation; and
revised recoverable amount, provided that this
amount does not exceed the carrying amount (c) a reliable estimate can be made of the
that would have been determined (net of any amount of the obligation.
accumulated amortization or depreciation)
had no impairment loss been recognized for If the effect of the time value of money
the asset in prior years. is material, provisions are discounted
using a current pre-tax rate that reflects,
(q) Cash and cash equivalents when appropriate, the risks specific to
The Cash and cash equivalent in the balance the liability. When discounting is used,
sheet comprise cash at banks and on hand and the increase in the provision due to
short-term deposits with a maturity period of the passage of time is recognised as a
three months or less from the balance sheet finance cost.
date, which are subject to an insignificant risk
of changes in value.

3(a). Property, Plant and Equipment

(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance

Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at expense for on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 2017 1st April, the year of assets March, March, March,
2016 2016 2017 2017 2016
Tangible Assets:
Free-hold Land 6,558.79 1,949.68 89.33 (219.97) 8,639.11 - - - - - 8,639.11 6,558.79
Buildings # 93,178.57 6,691.47 1,138.04 540.17 98,191.83 22,851.36 2,881.66 638.93 158.96 24,935.13 73,256.70 70,327.21
Plant and Equipment 452,461.02 20,092.78 10,976.56 1,997.70 459,579.54 283,430.91 28,769.25 9,023.58 3,071.92 300,104.66 159,474.88 169,030.11
Furniture and Fixtures 2,329.61 436.91 26.96 634.06 2,105.50 1,566.64 143.18 12.94 423.34 1,273.54 831.96 762.97
Vehicles 1,528.84 295.21 119.78 12.75 1,691.52 606.98 176.48 78.52 1.37 703.57 987.95 921.86
Office equipment 3,444.78 867.15 18.68 (885.07) 5,178.32 2,142.10 515.42 21.28 (591.58) 3,227.82 1,950.50 1,302.68
Total 559,501.61 30,333.20 12,369.35 2,079.64 575,385.82 310,597.99 32,485.99 9,775.25 3,064.01 330,244.72 245,141.10 248,903.62

Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block

Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 1st April, expense for of assets March, March, March,
2015 2016 2015 the year 2016 2016 2015
Tangible Assets:
Free-hold Land 6,174.57 238.23 5.16 (151.15) 6,558.79 - - - - - 6,558.79 6,174.57
Buildings # 87,343.38 5,892.43 28.95 28.29 93,178.57 20,272.97 2,622.28 11.37 32.52 22,851.36 70,327.21 67,070.41
Plant and Equipment 428,159.99 28,765.20 2,580.00 1,884.17 452,461.02 254,385.01 32,513.25 2,241.01 1,226.34 283,430.91 169,030.11 173,774.98
Furniture and Fixtures 2,192.62 184.26 4.55 42.72 2,329.61 1,434.85 173.21 3.12 38.30 1,566.64 762.97 757.77
Vehicles 1,424.31 278.15 173.84 (0.22) 1,528.84 577.27 162.29 132.55 0.03 606.98 921.86 847.04
Office equipment 2,765.82 836.03 16.16 140.91 3,444.78 1,863.05 414.56 15.27 120.24 2,142.10 1,302.68 902.77
Total 528,060.69 36,194.30 2,808.66 1,944.72 559,501.61 278,533.15 35,885.59 2,403.32 1,417.43 310,597.99 248,903.62 249,527.54

# Includes ` 248.20 lac (Previous Year ` 248.20 Lakhs) cost of Residential flats at Mandideep, the land cost of which has not been excluded from this cost. The depreciation for the year has been
taken on the entire cost of `248.20 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 248.20 Lakhs).
Freehold land includes ` Nil (Previous Year ` 31.00 Lakhs) for the cost of land at Baddi, (Himachal Pradesh) for which title deeds are yet to be executed in favour of the Company, though the
possession thereof has been taken by the company.
- Depreciation for the year includes net depreciation of ` Nil (Previous year (-) ` 57.73 Lakhs) pertaining to earlier years.
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

3(b). Other Intangible Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortisation Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 2017 1st April, expense for of assets March, March, March,
2016 2016 the year 2017 2017 2016
Other Intangible
Computer Softwares 1,833.07 65.44 - 103.61 1,794.90 1,041.58 302.50 - 67.52 1,276.56 518.34 791.49
Contribution to CETP 64.00 - - - 64.00 46.40 4.40 - - 50.80 13.20 17.60
Right to use Power 1,812.51 - - - 1,812.51 1,513.36 156.50 - - 1,669.86 142.65 299.15
Total 3,709.58 65.44 - 103.61 3,671.41 2,601.34 463.40 - 67.52 2,997.22 674.19 1,108.24

Original Cost Depreciation and Amortisation Net Block

Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 1st April, expense for of assets March, March, March,
2015 2016 2015 the year 2016 2016 2015
Other Intangible
Computer Softwares 1,758.10 74.97 - - 1,833.07 814.26 227.32 - - 1,041.58 791.49 943.84
Contribution to - 64.00 - - 64.00 - 46.40 - - 46.40 17.60 -
Right to use Power 1,812.51 - - - 1,812.51 1,363.06 150.30 - - 1,513.36 299.15 449.45
Total (B) 3,570.61 138.97 - - 3,709.58 2,177.32 424.02 - - 2,601.34 1,108.24 1,393.29
Intangible Assets are not internally generated.
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 Investments (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
I Trade Investments (at cost)
Financial assets carried at cost
a. Investment in equity instruments
(i) Investment in subsidiaries (quoted)
5,68,51,144 (31 March 2016: 6,58,00,834 1st April 2015: 5,315.19 6,151.92 6,151.92
6,58,00,834) Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of
Vardhman Acrylics Limited
(ii) Investment in subsidiaries (unquoted)
1,85,15,060 (31 March 2016: 1,85,15,060 1st April 2015: 2,856.39 2,856.39 2,856.39
1,85,15,060) Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of VMT
Spinning Company Limited
40,00,000 (31 March 2016: 40,00,000 1st April 2015: 403.50 403.50 403.50
40,00,000) Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of VTL
Investments Limited
(iii) Investment in Joint Ventures/ associates (Unquoted)
62,70,699 (31 March 2016: 290,72,240 1st April 2015: 2,749.77 12,747.16 12,747.16
290,72,240) Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of
Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited (Refer Note 54)
71,40,000 (31 March 2016: 71,40,000 1st April 2015: 71,40,000) 714.00 714.00 714.00
Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of Vardhman
Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited
25,000(31 March 2016: 25,000 1st April 2015:25,000) Equity 2.50 2.50 2.50
shares of `10/- each fully paid-up of Vardhman Spinning and
General Mills Limited
(iv) Investment in Associates (Quoted)
58,25,000 (31 March 2016: 58,25,000 1st April 2015: 58,25,000) 582.50 582.50 582.50
Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid up of Vardhman Special
Steels Limited
b. Investment in preference instruments
(i) Investment in joint ventures (unquoted)
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1,00,00,000) 10% non-cumulative convertible perference
shares of `10/- each fully paid up of Vardhman Nisshinbo
Garments Company Limited
Financial assets measured at fair value through OCI
(i) Investment in equity instruments (unquoted)
41,000 (31 March 2016: 41,000 1st April 2015:41,000) Equity- 5.92 5.35 5.35
Shares of `10/- each fully paid-up of Shivalik Solid Waste
Management Limited (Section 8 under Company Act 2013)


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
1,40,625 (31 March 2016:1,40,625 1st April 2015: 1,40,625) 160.79 155.14 155.14
Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid-up of Nimbua Greenfield
(Punjab) Limited
2,225 Equity shares of `10/- each fully paid-up of Diwakar 12.28 0.45 0.45
Investment & Trading Co. pvt ltd.
(Shreshtha Holding company has got merged with Diwakar
Investment & Trading Co. private limited and the company
has got 2,225 equity shares of Diwakar Investment & Trading
Co. Pvt Limited in lieu of 4495 equity share of shreshta
holding company)
Financial assets measured at fair value through Profit and loss
(i) Investment in Bonds/ Preference shares/ Debentures (quoted)
6,660 (31 March 2016:6,660 1st April 2015: Nil) 17.38% Non 1,123.52 999.00 -
Convertible Redeemable cumulative Preference Shares of
` 7,500/- each fully paid of IL & FS Financial Services Ltd.
10,000 (31 March 2016:10,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 16.46% Non 1,565.59 1,503.50 -
Convertible Redeemable cumulative Preference Shares of
` 7,500/- each fully paid of IL & FS Financial Services Ltd.
# Nil (31 March 2016:10,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3% - 1,000.00 -
cumulative compulsorily convertible Preference Shares
of ` 100/- each of TATA Motors Finance Ltd.
# Nil (31 March 2016:996 1st April 2015: Nil) Secured - 996.00 -
redeemable Non convertible Principal protected market
linked debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of Reliance Capital
2,500 (31 March 2016:2,500 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 2,500.00 2,521.74 -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,606.43 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance
2,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 2,134.41 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,062.69 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,000,000/- each of Aspire Home
Finance ltd


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(ii) Investment in Equity Fund/Liquid Funds/Debt Funds/
Monthly Income Plans (Quoted)
2,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,310.60 2,110.46 -
units of ` 10/- each of Reliance fixed horizon fund- XXIX-Series
1- Direct Growth Plan
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3,453.57 3,156.27 -
units of ` 10/- each of Reliance fixed horizon fund- XXIX-Series
2- Direct Growth Plan
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,746.35 5,250.70 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 178 Direct Growth
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,714.95 5,219.80 -
units of ` 10/- each of Birla Sunlife Fixed Term Plan Series MX
(1128 Days)
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) units of 2,507.48 - -
` 10/- each of Birla Sunlife Fixed Term Plan Series ok -Gr-
Direct (1135 Days)
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,658.10 5,213.10 -
units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 77-1129
Days Plan W Direct Plan Cumulative
5,00,08,075.344 (31 March 2016: 5,00,08,075 1st April 2015: 5,717.82 5,224.84 -
Nil) units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund-XXIX-
Series 8 Direct Growth Plan
2,20,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,20,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,510.11 2,283.09 -
units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series
XXIII-II (1100 Days) Direct Growth Plan
1,30,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,30,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,472.24 1,345.67 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 180-1099 Days
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,128.34 1,030.32 -
units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series
XXIII-VII (1098 Days) Direct Growth Plan
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3,293.52 3,011.70 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 191 Direct Growth
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,095.93 1,001.80 -
units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 78-1115
Days Plan X Direct Plan Cumulative
2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,749.77 2,506.63 -
units of ` 10/- each of HDFC FMP 1114D Direct Growth
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,732.38 2,500.00 -
units of ` 10/- each of SBI Debt Fund Series- B -36(1131 Days)-
Direct Growth


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
# Nil (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,181.57 1,094.35
1,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series -
(400 Day) Regular -Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,961.80 2,733.03
2,50,00,000)Units of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series
-Direct -(380 Day)Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016:1,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,788.30 1,649.49
1,50,00,000) Units of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series -
Direct - (400 Day)Growth
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,517.45 - -
of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series - Direct - (1170 Day)
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,976.88 2,751.58
2,50,00,000) Units of `10/- each of Dsp Blackrock FMP
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,979.15 2,747.63
2,50,00,000) Units of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed
Horiozon Fund XXVI Series 2 Direct Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,982.50 2,753.10
2,50,00,000) Units of `10/- each of BSL Fixed Term Plan
-Series KR - Growth Direct
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,54,82,906 1st April 2015: - 3,046.18 5,495.00
5,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP
Series 73-390 Direct Plan Cumulative
# Nil (31 March 2016: 3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 3,561.18 3,291.81
3,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of UTI Fixed Term
Income Fund Series XVIII-I Direct Growth Plan
1,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 1,635.06 - -
of `10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series XXIV-
XIV (1831 Days)Direct Growth Plan
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,643.68 - -
of `10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series XXV-
11 (1097 Days)Direct Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 2,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,377.80 2,193.84
2,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed
Horizon Fund- XXV- Series 33- Direct Plan Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,961.25 2,735.00
2,50,00,000) Units of `10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 149
Direct - Growth


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
3,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,507.49 - -
of `10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 202 Direct - Growth
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 5,00,00,000 1st April 5,916.00 5,412.75 5,000.00
2015: 5,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of SBI Debt Fund
Series-B (1105 DAYS) Direct Plan Growth FMP
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: 3,561.21 3,261.03 3,001.05
3,00,00,000) Units of `10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP
Series 76-1108 Days Plan V Direct Plan Cumulative
25,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,516.80 - -
of `10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 80-1233
Days Plan O Direct Plan Cumulative
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,518.95 - -
of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund- XXXIII-
Series 3- Direct Plan Growth Plan
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,515.83 - -
of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund- XXXIIV-
Series 4- Direct Plan Growth Plan
Total 97,219.10 106,983.92 60,064.79
1. Aggregate amount of quoted investments 89,313.94 89,099.42 42,180.29
2. Aggregate Market Value of quoted investments 120,282.33 106,939.41 52,963.78
3. Aggregate amount of unquoted investments 7,905.16 17,884.50 17,884.50
# Investments having maturity period of less than 12 months from 31st March 2017 i.e. the balance sheet date have been reclassified as ‘ Current
Investment’ as per the requirement of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013

5 Loans (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(unsecured, considered good)
Financial assets at amortized cost
- Loans to employees 61.04 75.95 85.01
Total 61.04 75.95 85.01


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

6 Other Financial Assets (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Fixed Deposits with banks more than twelve months maturity 162.96 1,077.58 12,008.42
Interest Receivable 10.58 114.98 418.12
Total 173.54 1,192.56 12,426.54

7 Other Non Current Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Non Financial Assets at amortized cost
(unsecured, considered good)
Capital advances 2,333.10 2,330.53 1,663.04
Balance with government authorities 1,397.92 1,769.26 1,943.41
Security deposits 2,094.23 2,799.17 2,213.66
Lease hold land prepayment 730.78 740.11 748.26
Prepaid (Deferred) Expense for employee benefit 5.28 4.47 5.53
Prepaid expenses 42.64 55.51 42.86
Other Recoverable - - 97.46
Total 6,603.95 7,699.05 6,714.22

8 Inventories
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower)
Raw materials (includes in transit ` 5,528.60 Lakhs, 31st March 87,556.00 116,562.34 98,380.88
2016: ` 1,493.95 Lakhs 1st April 2015: ` 2,971.32 Lakhs)
Work-in-progress 13,769.08 10,955.01 11,763.34
Finished Goods 44,671.14 40,067.32 40,479.19
Stores and Spares (includes in transit ` 1,469.44 Lakhs 31st 12,904.16 13,326.92 13,050.06
March 2016: ` 1,292.39 Lakhs 1st April 2015: ` 1,021.86 Lakhs)
Total 158,900.38 180,911.59 163,673.47


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets measured at fair value through Profit and loss
(i) Investment in Bonds/ Preference shares/ Debentures (quoted)
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 25,00,000) 8.65% - - 2,500.00
NABARD Bonds of `100/- each
# 10,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 3% 1,000.00 - -
cumulative compulsorily convertible Preference Shares
of ` 100/- each of TATA Motors Finance Ltd.
# 1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,500.00 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
# 1,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,110.72 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
# 996 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Secured 988.53 - -
redeemable Non convertible Principal protected market
linked debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of Reliance
Capital Ltd
1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,590.21 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 1,013.74 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.17% NHAI 23 DEC 2021*
81 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 813.18 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.18% NABARD 23 Mar 2020*
5 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 52.07 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.47% PFC 16 Sep 2021*
7 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 73.43 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.50% PFC 16 Aug 2021*
43 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 439.93 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.60% Axis Bank 20 Oct 2023*
50 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 514.90 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.60% ICICI 07 OCT 2023*
71 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 743.84 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.63% PFC 14 Aug 2026*
50 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 526.27 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.95% HDFC Bank 21 Sep 2026*
66 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 666.51 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 8.22% DAIMLER FINANCIAL
5 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of ` 1,000,000/- 52.04 - -
each of 8.38% LIC HOUSING FINANCE 27 Feb 2019*
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of ` 1,000,000/- 1,098.62 - -
each of 8.48% LIC HOUSING FINANCE 29 JUN 2026*


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (Contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
60 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 603.61 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,000,000/- each of INDIABULLS
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 1,025.50 - -
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds 1,018.25 - -
LOAN 18601*
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds 1,009.51 - -
of ` 100/- each of 7.77 KERALA STATE DEVELOPMENT
LOAN 01 Mar 2027*
5,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds 511.12 - -
LOAN 17957*
5,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds 501.60 - -
of ` 100/- each of 7.64 HARYANA STATE DEVELOPMENT
LOAN 29 March 2027*
(ii) Investment in Equity Fund/Liquid Funds/Debt Funds/
Monthly Income Plans (Quoted)
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 7,37,849.45) Units of - - 7,402.47
`1000/- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund Regular Plan Daily
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 606) Units of `10/- each - - 0.01
of Sbi Ultra fund SHF Ultra Short Term debt fund Direct Daily
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,013.965) Units of `10/- - - 10.16
each of Principal Debt Opportunity Fund Conservative Plan

6492.73 (31 March 2016: 5914.18 1st April 2015: 3,910.64) 65.01 59.22 51.00
Units of `1,000/- each of BARODA PIONEER LIQUID FUND
PLAN A ddr*
26,700.657 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 500.30 - -
`1,000/- each of Bank of India Axa Liquid Fund -Direct Plan-
5,17,523.56 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,352.34 - -
`100/- each of Birla Sun Life Cash Plus-Direct-Growth*


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (Contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
0.18 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of `1,000/- 0.01 - -
each of HDFC Cash Management Funds-Savings Plan-Direct-
# 1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of `10/- 1,270.25 - -
each of SBI debt Fund Series - (400 Day) Regular -Growth
# 1,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 1,931.39 - -
of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series - Direct - (400 Day)
# 2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,203.55 - -
of `10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series -Direct - (380 Day)
# 2,54,82,906 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,282.43 - -
of `10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 73-390 D
Plan I Direct Plan Cumulative
# 2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,218.35 - -
of `10/- each of Dsp Blackrock FMP
# 2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,198.75 - -
of `10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 149 Direct - Growth
4,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 4,024.92 - -
of `10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 200 Direct - Growth
83,58,827.758 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,644.80 - -
Units of `10/- each of Kotak Bond (short Term) -Direct
Plan Growth
# 2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,220.50 - -
of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horiozon Fund XXVI
Series 2 Direct Growth Plan
# 2,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,571.00 - -
of `10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund- XXV- Series
33- Direct Plan Growth Plan
83,48,611.292 (31 March 2016:Nil 01st April 2015: Nil) 2,638.22 - -
Units of `10/- each of Reliance short Term Fund - Direct
Growth Plan Growth Option
# 2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,221.33 - -
of `10/- each of Brila Sun Life Fixed Term Plan -Series KR -
Growth Direct
12,49,786.287 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,628.84 - -
units of ` 10/- each of Birla Sun life Treasury Optimizer
Plan-Growth-Direct Plan
95,359.82 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) units 206.79 - -
of ` 10/- each of Birla Sun life Floating Rate- Short Term
-Growth-Direct Plan
24336821.61 (31 March 2016: Nil 01st April 2015:Nil) 2,729.59 - -
Units of `10/- each of Idfc Corporate Bond Fund -Direct
Plan -Growth Option


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (Contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
# 3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 3,854.22 - -
of `10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series
XVIII-I Direct Growth Plan
45,840.73 (31 March 2016: Nil 01st April 2015: Nil) Units 1,028.00 - -
of `1,000/- each of Reliance Money Manager Fund -
(iii) Investment in equity instruments (Quoted)
1,50,800 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity 792.68 - -
Shares of ` 10 /-each fully paid up of Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation Ltd.
8,06,000 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity shares 1,458.86 - -
of ` 10 /- each fully paid up of Rural Electrification Corporation
13,04,645 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity shares 1,142.22 - -
of ` 1 /- each fully paid up of Welspun India Limited
26,000 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity shares 22.44 - -
of ` 10 /-each fully paid up of Trident Limited
TOTAL 67,060.37 59.22 9,963.64
1. Aggregate amount of quoted investments 67,060.37 59.22 9,963.64
2. Aggregate Market Value of quoted investments 67,060.37 59.22 9,963.64
3. Aggregate amount of unquoted investments - - -
* These Investments are made through Portfolio management services
# Investments having maturity period of less than 12 months from 31st March 2017 i.e. the balance sheet date have been reclassified as ‘ Current
Investment’ as per the requirement of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013

10 Trade receivables

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Receivable from related parties (Refer Note 45)
- Unsecured, considered good 212.69 435.76 -

Receivable from others

- Unsecured, considered good 71,578.29 76,563.87 81,406.86
- Doubtful 496.79 202.77 18.79
Less: Allowances for doubtful trade receivables 496.79 202.77 18.79
Total 71,790.98 76,999.63 81,406.86


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

11 Cash and cash equivalents

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a) Balances with banks
- In current accounts 2,795.52 3,256.97 4,264.77
- In deposit accounts with maturity upto three months 980.00 18,005.50 1,576.99
b) Cheques on hand 18.53 84.12 16.66
c) Cash on hand 28.34 22.23 50.33
Total 3,822.39 21,368.82 5,908.75

11A Bank Balances other than Cash and cash equivalents

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a) Other bank balances -
- Earmarked balances with banks* 191.21 295.97 141.87
- Deposits with more than twelve months maturity 162.96 1,077.58 12,008.42
- Deposits with more than three months but less than 33.51 6,012.17 11,504.15
twelve months maturity
387.68 7,385.72 23,654.44
Less: Amounts disclosed as other financial non current 162.96 1,077.58 12,008.42
assets (refer note 6)
Total 224.72 6,308.14 11,646.02
* Earmarked balances with banks includes ` 190.01 Lakhs (31 March 2016: 294.77 Lakhs 1st April 2015: 140.31 Lakhs) pertaining to dividend accounts
with banks and ` 1.20 Lakhs (31 March 2016:1.20 Lakhs1st April 2015:1.56 Lakhs) pledged with government authorities and others.

12 Loans (Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Loans to related parties (refer note 45)
Subsidiary companies 700.00 - -
Others 2,699.12 2,699.12 3,472.69
Loan to employees 257.08 228.90 215.98
Total 3,656.20 2,928.02 3,688.67


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

13 Other financial assets (Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Recoverable from related parties (Refer Note 45) 2.95 89.87 -
Interest receivables (includes recoverable from related 841.16 2,699.79 1,152.39
parties ` 80.11 Lakhs 31st March 2016 ` 151.34 Lakhs, 1st
April 2015 ` 126.24 Lakhs)
Claims receivables 68.54 669.19 732.94
Other Recoverable 1,328.45 1,154.82 1,673.73
Financial assets at Fair value through Profit and loss
Derivative Financial Instruments 1,806.39 - -
TOTAL 4,047.49 4,613.67 3,559.06

14 Other Current Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(unsecured considered good, unless otherwise stated)
Amount recoverable from Mahavir Share Trust in respect 359.58 360.09 359.70
of shares held in Trust (refer note 39)
Advances to suppliers 9,685.17 5,407.38 6,773.61
Lease hold land prepayments 8.15 8.15 8.15
Balance with government authorities 6,274.93 9,429.74 11,889.87
Prepaid (Deferred) Expense for employee benefit 11.24 11.82 11.51
MAT Credit Recoverable 1,029.85 - -
Prepaid expenses 468.87 733.57 495.09
Other Recoverables
- Considered good 9,272.03 12,755.58 9,027.55
- doubtful 2.55 22.13 87.20
Less: Allowances for doubtful advances (2.55) (22.13) (87.20)
TOTAL 27,109.82 28,706.33 28,565.48


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017


Particulars As at 31st March, 2017 As at 31st March, 2016 As at 1st April, 2015
Amount Amount Amount
Authorised Number Number Number
(In Lakhs) (In Lakhs) (In Lakhs)
Equity shares of ` 10/- each (par value) 90,000,000 9,000.00 90,000,000 9,000.00 90,000,000 9,000.00
Redeemable cumulative preference 10,000,000 1,000.00 10,000,000 1,000.00 10,000,000 1,000.00
shares of ` 10/- each (par value)
Total 100,000,000 10,000.00 100,000,000 10,000.00 100,000,000 10,000.00
Issued, subscribed and fully paid-up
Equity shares of ` 10/- each 55,928,808 5,592.88 62,053,138 6,205.31 62,053,138 6,205.31
Total 55,928,808 5,592.88 62,053,138 6,205.31 62,053,138 6,205.31

a Reconciliation of the number of shares and amount outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the
reporting period :
Particulars As at 31st March, 2017 As at 31st March, 2016
Amount Amount
Equity shares Number Number
(In Lakhs) (In Lakhs)
At the beginning of the reporting period 63,651,879 6,365.19 63,651,879 6,365.19
Own shares held through trust (refer Note 39) (1,598,741) (159.88) (1,598,741) (159.88)
Net issued Share Capital at beginning of reporting period 62,053,138 6,205.31 62,053,138 6,205.31
Add: Issued during the reporting period - - - -
Less: Buyback during the reporting period (6,124,330) (612.43) - -
(net of 1,36,539 number of shares held through trust)
Outstanding at the end of the reporting period 55,928,808 5,592.88 62,053,138 6,205.31

(b) Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to (c) Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to
equity shares preference shares
The company has one class of equity shares having a The rate of dividend on preference shares will be
par value of `10/- each. Each holder of equity shares decided by the Board of Directors as and when
is entitled to one vote per share. The dividend issued. Preference shares as and when issued shall
proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the have the cumulative right to receive dividend as and
approval of the shareholders in the ensuing annual when declared and shall have preferential right of
general meeting. repayment of amount of capital.

During the year ended March 31, 2017 the amount (d) Shares held by holding company or its ultimate
of dividend recognised as distributions to equity holding company or subsidiaries or associates
shareholders is Nil (Previous Year: ` 15 per share). of the holding company or the ultimate holding
company in aggregate.
In the event of liquidation of the company, the There is no holding /ultimate holding company of
holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive the Company.
any of the remaining assets of the company,
after distribution of all preferential amounts. The (e) 
The Board of Directors of the Company at its
distribution will be in proportion to the number of meeting held on 24th September 2016 approved
equity shares held by the shareholders.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

the buyback of upto 62,60,869 fully paid up equity Exchange(s). During the year, the Company had
shares of ` 10 each, at a price not exceeding ` bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity
1,175 payable in cash,through the Tender Offer Shares of ` 10 each at a price of ` 1,150.00.
route, upto an aggregate amount not exceeding Consequently, ` 626.08 Lakhs were transferred to
` 720 crore from the open market through Stock Capital Redemption Reserve as per requirements
of section 69 of Companies Act, 2013.

(f) Aggregate number and class of shares alloted as fully paid up pursuant to contract(s) without payment
being received in cash, bonus shares and shares bought back for the period of five years immediately
preceding the reporting date.
Aggregate number Aggregate number
of shares as at of shares as at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Equity Shares alloted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares - -
Equity shares alloted as fully paid up pursuant to contract without payment - -
being received in cash
Equity Shares bought back by the Company (net of 1,36,539 number of 6,124,330 -
shares held through trust)

(g) Detail of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the Company

As at 31st March 2017 As at 31st March 2016 As at 1st April 2015
Class of shares and Name of
% % %
shareholder Number Number Number
shareholding shareholding shareholding
Equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid
Devakar Investment and Trading 6,192,786 10.79 5,648,566 8.87 5,540,887 8.70
Co. Private Limited
Adishwar Enterprises LLP 11,413,130 19.89 12,978,058 20.39 12,947,815 20.34
(Formerly Adinath Investment and
Trading Company)
Vardhman Holdings Limited 14,067,671 24.51 15,483,895 24.33 15,402,598 24.20
IDFC Premier Equity Fund N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3,952,000 6.21

(h) Terms of securities convertible into equity/preference shares N.A.

16 Other Equity

Amount(In Lakhs)
Reserves & Surplus

Capital Capital Securities General Retained Equity Other items Total

reserve Redemption premium Reserve Earnings instruments of other
Particulars Reserve through other comprehensive
comprehensive income
Balance as at 01 April 2016 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 155,280.53 93.07 (4.07) 362,786.73
Changes in equity for the year
ended 31 March 2017
Value of own shares reduced -
Profit for the year 100,159.29 100,159.29
Other comprehensive income for 11.80 (33.56) (21.77)
the year
Total Comprehensive Income for 100,159.29 11.80 (33.56) 100,137.53
the year
Transfer to Capital redemption (626.09) (626.09)
reserve on account of buyback of
equity shares
Transfer from Retained Earnings on 626.09 626.09
account of buyback of equity shares
Premium on buy back of shares (Net of (20,990.54) (48,941.86) (69,932.40)
` 1448.21 Lakhs of premium relating to
own shares held through trust)
Balance as at 31 March 2017 124.32 626.09 - 137,360.48 254,813.73 104.87 (37.63) 392,991.86
Balance as at 01 April 2015 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 103,662.89 93.07 - 311,173.16
Changes in equity for the year
ended 31 March 2016
Value of own shares reduced -
Profit for the year 67,639.82 67,639.82
Other comprehensive income for (4.07) (4.07)
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

the year
Total Comprehensive Income for 67,639.82 (4.07) 67,635.75
the year
Less: Interim Dividend on equity for (9,547.78) (9,547.78)
financial year 2015-16 (Amount per
share ` 15)
Equity Dividend for the financial year (6,365.19) (6,365.19)
2014-15 (Amount ` 10 per share)
Tax on Dividend (109.21) (109.21)
Balance as at 31 March 2016 124.32 - 20,990.54 186,302.34 155,280.53 93.07 (4.07) 362,786.73


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

17 Borrowings (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Term loans
From banks (Net of unamortized processing charges 31 March 114,310.78 157,868.19 203,476.33
2017 185.40 31 March 2016 272.33 and 01 April 2015 258.07)
Less: Current maturities (refer note-24) 42,375.50 55,644.34 72,007.93
Total 71,935.28 102,223.85 131,468.40

a). Details of security for term loans

Term loans from banks are secured by mortgage created or to be created on all the immovable assets of the
company, both present and future and hypothecation of all movable assets including movable machinery,
machinery parts, tools and accessories and other movable both present and future (except book debts), subject
to charges created or to be created in favour of the bankers for securing the working capital limits.

b) Terms of repayment of term loans*

Installments Periodicity of
` in Lakhs Repayment Period
Outstanding Repayment
Balance as at Balance as at Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
31st March 2017 31st March 2016 Year (No.) Year (No.) Year Year (No.) Year Year
7,175.00 12,275.00 5 5 4 8 Quarterly Quarterly
16,310.00 23,830.00 5 5 5 9 Quarterly Quarterly
5,172.00 7,608.00 5 5 6 10 Quarterly Quarterly
11,014.00 17,514.00 5 5 7 11 Quarterly Quarterly
10,900.00 14,000.00 5 5 9 13 Quarterly Quarterly
4,200.00 4,400.00 5 5 16 20 Quarterly Quarterly
4,600.00 100.00 5 5 20 20 Quarterly Quarterly
3,530.00 4,130.00 5 5 12 16 Quarterly Quarterly
- 9,083.19 8 8 - 1 Quarterly Quarterly
- 4,118.17 8 8 - 2 Quarterly Quarterly
- 4,440.00 8 8 - 3 Quarterly Quarterly
- 2,112.00 8 8 - 4 Quarterly Quarterly
2,375.00 10,300.00 8 8 1 5 Quarterly Quarterly
1,320.00 1,480.00 8 8 9 13 Quarterly Quarterly
9,700.00 10,900.17 8 8 10 14 Quarterly Quarterly
4,000.00 4,350.00 8 8 13 17 Quarterly Quarterly
20,700.00 21,500.00 8 8 12 16 Quarterly Quarterly
13,500.00 6,000.00 5 5 20 20 Quarterly Quarterly
114,496.00 158,140.53
* Figures of term loan stated above in paragraph (b) includes current maturities of long term debt shown separately in note 24


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

18 Other financial liabilities (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Retention money 48.78 19.12 30.69
Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit and Loss
Derivative Financial Instruments - - 1,268.80
Total 48.78 19.12 1,299.49

19 Provisions (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015

Provision for employee benefits :

- Leave encashment 889.91 592.82 514.71
Total 889.91 592.82 514.71

20 Deferred tax liabilities (net)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Deferred tax liabilities
Gross deferred tax liability (A) [Refer note 46(a)] 25,899.16 22,318.96 21,679.81
Deferred tax assets
Gross deferred tax asset (B) [Refer note 46(a)] 2,059.14 1,680.03 1,155.29
Deferred tax liability (Net) (A-B) 23,840.02 20,638.93 20,524.52

21 Other non-current liabilities

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Non Finacial liabilities at amortized cost
Deferred Income for Capital subsidy 1,983.69 1,860.65 2,010.85
Due to employees 4.93 34.71 24.38
Other 112.40 136.98 111.58
Total 2,101.02 2,032.34 2,146.81


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

22 Borrowings (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Working capital loans
- From banks (secured) 101,633.70 95,143.75 59,221.85
- From banks (unsecured) 3,872.29 6,538.38 1,357.82
Total 105,505.99 101,682.13 60,579.67

Details of security for working capital borrowings

Working capital borrowings from banks are secured by way of hypothecation of entire present and future tangible
current assets of the company as well as a second charge on the entire present and future fixed assets of the company.

23 Trade payables
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Trade payables
Due to others (refer note 43) 17,261.15 14,572.12 12,843.46
Due to related parties (Refer Note 45) 479.68 18.55 111.14
Total 17,740.83 14,590.67 12,954.60

24 Other financial liabilites (Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Current maturities of non current debt 42,375.50 55,644.34 72,007.93
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 164.41 35.06 337.19
Other payables
- Retention money 825.07 905.04 745.76
- Security deposits 168.17 204.93 134.16
- Expense payable 9,013.10 8,479.77 8,633.19
- Payables for purchase of fixed assets 749.27 2,132.32 1,438.87
- Due to employees 6,780.07 6,313.90 4,146.35
Financial liabilities at Fair value through Profit and loss
Derivative Financial Instruments - 111.89 860.77
Total 60,075.59 73,827.25 88,304.22


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

25 Other current liabilities

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Statutory remittances** 4,785.29 4,263.02 3,083.74
Deferred Income for Capital subsidy 180.51 150.20 150.20
Unpaid dividends # 190.04 294.81 140.34
Advances from customers 7,585.23 7,400.37 6,260.05
Other Liabilities 1,960.63 1,304.39 1,964.80
Total 14,701.70 13,412.79 11,599.13
** Statutory remittances include contribution to provident fund and ESIC, tax deducted at source, excise duty, vat, service tax etc.
# Unpaid dividends do not include any amount due and outstanding required to be credited to the Investors’ Education and Protection Fund

26 Provisions (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Provision for employee benefits :
Leave encashment 181.53 138.33 109.05
Gratuity (refer note 51) 247.36 383.03 561.50
Total 428.89 521.36 670.55

27 Revenue from operations

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Sale of products (Net of turnover discount and including excise duty) 557,159.16 546,468.42
Sale of services 670.17 361.17
Other operating revenues
- Export benefits 11,174.64 10,798.59
- Others 1,076.62 1,100.45
Gain on foreign currency transactions and translations (Net) 2,748.15 2,667.17
Total 572,828.74 561,395.80


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

28 Other income

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Dividend Income from investment carried at cost - 15,376.50
Dividend income from investments- carried at fair value through Profit or Loss 1,540.96 805.15
Net gain on sale of investments- carried at fair value through Profit or Loss 1,622.58 671.46
Gain on Sale of investment in Joint Venture-carried at cost (Refer Note 54) 31,300.77 -
Gain on buyback of shares- carried at cost 3,638.11 -
Claims received (net of expenses) 167.28 152.96
Provisions no longer required written back 349.59 174.10
Capital Subsidy 181.33 150.20
Interest Income on employee loans 11.82 11.51
Gain on Fair valuation of Investments arrived at fair value through profit & loss 9,530.24 3,871.07
Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 6,158.37 744.69
Miscellaneous 2,257.19 2,139.65
Total 56,758.24 24,097.29

29 Cost of materials consumed *

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Cotton 222,114.11 205,312.17
Manmade fibre 57,395.91 59,441.37
Yarn 2,404.99 1,083.89
Fabric 1,356.15 463.32
Others 398.25 414.36
Total 283,669.41 266,715.11
* Including Cost of goods sold

30 Purchases of Stock-in-trade:
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Fabric 3.04 135.53
Yarn 2,917.22 6,576.74
Others 0.09 2.82
Total 2,920.35 6,715.09


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

31 Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Inventories at the beginning of the year
Work-in-progress 10,955.01 11,763.34
Finished goods 40,067.32 40,479.19
51,022.33 52,242.53
Inventories at the end of the year
Work-in-progress 13,769.08 10,955.01
Finished goods 44,671.14 40,067.32
58,440.22 51,022.33
Total (7,417.89) 1,220.20

32 Employee benefits expense

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Salaries and wages 40,683.31 36,632.16
Contribution to provident and other funds 4,061.44 3,804.12
Staff welfare expenses 616.63 607.05
Total 45,361.38 41,043.33

33 Finance costs
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Interest expense (net) (Refer Note 49) 7,922.20 7,490.94
Other borrowing costs 1,260.90 1,179.75
Total 9,183.10 8,670.69

34 Other expenses
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Power and fuel 55,399.39 60,173.10
Consumption of stores and spare parts 3,756.46 3,346.15
Packing materials and charges 7,811.18 7,948.17
Dyes and Chemical consumed 18,586.26 19,656.86
Rent 228.91 223.32
Repairs and maintenance to buildings 3,363.05 2,394.34
Repairs and maintenance to machinery 15,900.18 14,329.92
Insurance 652.26 673.12
Rates and taxes 130.63 130.93


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

34 Other expenses (Contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Auditors remuneration:
Audit fee 36.80 36.80
Tax audit fee 9.20 9.16
Reimbursement of expenses 12.82 12.24
In other capacity 4.54 9.58
Bad debts written off 352.44 33.66
Excise duty consumed on sale of goods 51.65 53.99
Allowances for doubtful trade receivables and advances - (Net of written back) 274.44 118.90
Forwarding charges and octroi 8,488.99 8,419.28
Commission to selling agents 4,901.72 4,994.61
Assets Written off 433.87 -
Prior period items (net) (Refer Note 48) 144.65 280.55
Rebate and discount 986.29 1,123.92
Miscellaneous (Refer Note 50) 10,914.24 10,912.07
Total 132,439.97 134,880.67

35. First time adoption of Ind AS a) The Company has elected to consider carrying
This financial statement is the first financial statement amount of all items of property, plant and
that has been prepared in accordance with Ind AS equipments measured as per Indian GAAP as
together with the comparative period data as at and recognized in the financial statements as at the
for the year ended 31st March 2016, as described date of transition, as deemed cost at the date of
in the summary of significant accounting policies. transition. The effect of consequential changes
The transition to Ind AS has been carried out in arising on the application of other Ind AS has been
accordance with Ind AS 101–‘First time adoption of adjusted to the deemed cost of Property, Plant &
Indian Accounting Standards’ with 1st April 2015 as Equipment.
the transition date.
b) The Company has adopted to measure investments
This note explains the exemptions availed by the in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates at cost
company on first time adoption of Ind AS and the in accordance with Ind AS 27 and therefore has
principal adjustments made by the Company in measured such investments in its separate opening
restating its Indian GAAP financial statements as at Ind AS balance sheet at carrying amount as per
1st April 2015 and financial statements as at and for Indian GAAP at the date of transition in accordance
the year ended 31st March 2016 in accordance with with Ind AS 101.
Ind AS 101.
c) The Company has availed the exemption of fair
Exemptions applied value measurement of financial assets or liabilities
Ind AS 101 allows first-time adopters certain at initial recognition and accordingly will apply fair
exemptions from the retrospective application of value measurement of financial assets or liabilities
certain requirements under Ind AS. The Company at initial recognition prospectively to transactions
has, accordingly, applied following exemptions: entered into on or after 01st April 2015.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

d) The estimates at 1st April 2015 and at 31st March, were classified as long term investments or
2016 are consistent with those made for the current investments based on the intended
same dates in accordance with Indian GAAP (after holding period and realisability. Long term
adjustments to reflect any differences in accounting investments were carried at cost less provision
policies) apart from the following items under for other than temporary diminution in the
Indian GAAP did not require estimation: value of investments. Current investments
were carried at lower of cost and fair value.
- Fair values of Financial Assets & Financial Liabilities Ind AS requires such investments to be
measured at fair value except investments in
- Impairment of financial assets based on expected subsidiaries, associates and joint venture for
credit loss modal which exemption has been availed.

- Discount rates Accordingly, the Company has designated

such investments as investments measured at
The estimates used by the Company to present FVTPL/FVTOCI/amortized cost in accordance
these amounts in accordance with Ind AS reflect with Ind AS. The difference between the
conditions as at 1st April, 2015 and 31st March, instrument’s fair value and carrying amount
2016. as per Indian GAAP has been recognized in
retained earnings. This has resulted in increase
Notes to the reconciliation of equity as at in retained earnings of ` 6482.59 Lakhs and
1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016 and Total ` 2611.52 Lakhs as at 31st March 2016 and
comprehensive income for the year ended 31st 1st April 2015 respectively and increase in net
March 2016 profit of ` 3871.07 Lakhs for the year ended
31st March 2016.
1. Leasehold land
Under Indian GAAP, land on lease was not 3. Financial instruments measured at
covered under ‘Leases’ and therefore it was amortized cost
shown as Tangible assets. Under Ind AS, land Under Indian GAAP, interest free loan to
on lease is considered as operating lease. employees are recorded at their transaction
Therefore, net block of leasehold land (31st value. Under Ind AS, these loans are to be
March 2016 ` 748.26 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` measured at amortized cost on the basis of
756.41Lakhs) has been re-classified under the effective interest rate method. Due to this,
head “Other non-current assets” (31st March long term loans to employees and short term
2016 ` 740.11 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 748.26 loans to employees has been decreased
Lakhs) and “Other current assets” (31st March and difference between carrying amount
2016 ` 8.15 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 8.15 Lakhs) and amortized cost has been recognized as
as ‘Prepayments of leasehold land’. Further, ‘Deferred employee cost’ under the head
the amortization of leasehold payment for ‘Other non-current assets’ (31st March 2016
the year ended 31st March 2016 amounting ` 4.47 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 5.53 Lakhs) and
to ` 8.15 Lakhs has been reclassified from ‘Other current assets’ (31st March 2016 ` 11.82
‘Depreciation and amortization’ to ‘Other Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 11.51Lakhs). Further,
expenses’. However, the same has no impact Employee benefit expense has been increased
on the total equity as at 31st March, 2016. due to amortisation of the deferred employee
benefit of ` 11.51 Lakhs which is offset by
2. Fair Valuation of Investments the notional interest income on loan to
Under Indian GAAP, investments in equity employee of ` 11.51Lakhs for the year ended
instruments, mutual funds and debt securities 31st March 2016.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4. Derivative Instruments (31st March 2016 ` 271.00 Lakhs, 1st April 2015
The fair value of derivative instruments is ` 263.00 Lakhs) and deferred income for capital
recognized under Ind AS which was not subsidy (31st March 2016 ` 14.00 Lakhs, 1st
recognized under Indian GAAP. Derivative April 2015 ` 22.00 Lakhs) respectively. Further
instruments at fair value through profit or profit for the year ended 31st March 2016 has
loss reflect the positive change in fair value of been increased with ` 8.00 Lakhs on account of
those foreign exchange forward contracts that income of capital grant pertaining to financial
are not designated in hedge relationships, but year 2015-16.
are, nevertheless, intended to reduce the level
of foreign currency risk for expected sales and (ii) Under Indian GAAP, Government grant related
purchases. Accordingly, difference on account to Property, plant and equipment are reduced
of fair valuation of these instruments has been from the cost of respective asset. Under Ind
adjusted in retained earnings in accordance AS, Government grant related to Property,
with Ind AS. This has resulted in increase plant and equipment are treated as deferred
in retained earnings of ` 248.13 Lakhs and income and are recognized in the statement
` 689.76 Lakhs as at 31st March 2016 and 1st of profit and loss on a systematic basis over
April 2015 respectively and decrease in net the useful life of the asset. This has resulted in
profit of ` 442.33 Lakhs for the year ended increase in Property, Plant and Equipment (net
31st March 2016. of accumulated depreciation) (31st March 2016
1924.99 Lakhs,1st April 2015 ` 2050.28 Lakhs)
5. Borrowings with a corresponding adjustment in retained
Under Indian GAAP, transaction costs incurred earnings (31st March 2016 ` 72.56 Lakhs,
in connection with borrowings are amortised 1st April 2015 ` 88.76 Lakhs) and deferred
upfront and charged to profit or loss for the income for capital subsidy (31st March 2016
period. Under Ind AS, transaction costs are 1996.85 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 2139.05 Lakhs).
included in the initial recognition amount of Further profit for the year ended 31st March
financial liability and charged to profit or loss 2016 has been increased with ` 16.90 Lakhs
using the effective interest method. This has on account of difference between income of
resulted in decrease in long term borrowings on capital grant amounting to ` 142.20 Lakhs and
account of unamortized amount of processing the depreciation amounting to ` 125.29 Lakhs
charges with a corresponding adjustment pertaining to financial year 2015-16 related to
in retained earnings of ` 272.34 Lakhs and the grant earlier decapitalized in fixed assets
` 258.08 Lakhs as at 31st March 2016 and 1st under Indian GAAP.
April 2015 respectively and increase in the net
profit for the year ended 31st March 2016 of 7. Proposed Dividend
` 14.26 Lakhs. Under Indian GAAP, proposed dividend
(including Dividend Distribution Tax) is
6. Capital grant recognized as a liability in the period to which
(i) Under Indian GAAP, certain capital grant it relates, irrespective of when it is declared.
received from Government as ‘Promoter Under Ind AS, proposed dividend is recognized
Contribution’ is shown under the head ‘Capital as a liability in the period in which it is declared
reserve’. Under Ind AS, such grant is treated as by the company (usually when approved by
deferred income and is recognized as income shareholders in a general meeting) or paid.
over the useful life of the assets for which such
grant is received. This has resulted in decrease In the case of the Company, the declaration of
in Capital reserve (31st March 2016 ` 285.00 dividend occurs after period end. Therefore,
Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 285.00 Lakhs) with a the liability for the year ended 31st March
corresponding adjustment in retained earnings 2015 recorded as proposed dividend as on 1st


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

April, 2015 along with dividend distribution & Surplus has been reduced with ` 1,268.85
tax amounting to ` 7697.09 Lakhs has been Lakhs as per Ind AS-32.
de-recognised with a corresponding
adjustment in the retained earnings. 11. Bill discounted against debtors
Under Indian GAAP, bills discounted against
8. Defined benefit obligation debtors were shown as contingent liability.
Under Ind AS, remeasurements i.e. actuarial However, the same falls under the category of
gains and losses are to be recognized in ‘Financial instruments’ under Ind AS. Therefore,
‘Other comprehensive income’ and are the bills discounted amounting to ` 8,807.06
not to be reclassified to profit and loss in a Lakhs and ` 13,724.98 Lakhs as on 31st March
subsequent period. Under the Indian GAAP, 2016 and 1st April 2015 respectively have
these remeasurements were forming part of been shown under ‘Short term borrowings’
the profit or loss. Therefore, actuarial gain/loss with a corresponding adjustment in ‘Trade
amounting to ` 6.22 Lakhs for the financial year receivables’. However, the same has no impact
2015-16 has been recognized in OCI (net of tax on the total equity as at 31st March, 2016 and
` 2.15 Lakhs) which was earlier recognised as 1st April, 2015.
Employee benefits expense. However, the
same has no impact on the total equity as at 12. Deferred tax
31st March, 2016. Under Indian GAAP, deferred tax was
recognized for the temporary timing differences
9. Sale of goods which focus on differences between taxable
a. Under Indian GAAP, sale of goods was presented profits and accounting profits for the period.
as net of excise duty. However, under Ind AS, Ind AS requires entities to account for deferred
sale of goods includes excise duty. Thus, sale taxes using the balance sheet approach,
of goods under Ind AS has increased by ` 53.99 which focuses on temporary differences
Lakhs with a corresponding increase in other between the carrying amount of an asset or
expenses. liability in the balance sheet and its tax base.
Further, the application of Ind AS has resulted
b. Under Indian GAAP, turnover discount was in recognition of deferred tax on certain
shown as expense. However under Ind AS temporary differences which was not required
revenue is to be shown as net of turnover under Indian GAAP. Accordingly, deferred
discount. Accordingly, turnover discount tax adjustments have been recognised in
amounting to ` 39.53 Lakhs has been reduced correlation to the underlying transactions in
from revenue with a corresponding adjustment retained earnings/OCI in accordance with Ind
in other expenses. AS. This has resulted decrease in retained
earnings of ` 1814.49 Lakhs and ` 676.91Lakhs
10. Treasury Shares as at 31st March 2016 and 1st April 2015
The Company is holding 15,98,741 equity respectively. The net profit has been decreased
shares of Vardhman Textiles Limited at cost of with ` 1137.58 Lakhs for the year ended 31st
` 1,428.72 Lakhs through a trust, which were March 2016 with a corresponding adjustment
received by it in its capacity as a shareholder of in ‘Deferred tax liability’.
Vardhman Holdings Limited, in accordance with
the ‘Scheme of Arrangement and Demerger’. 13. Statement of cash flows
The transition from Indian GAAP to Ind AS has
The Equity share capital has been reduced with not had a material impact on statement of cash
paid up value of ` 159.87 Lakhs and Reserve flows.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Reconciliation of Equity as on 31st March 2016 and 1st April 2015

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at 31st March 2016 As at 1st April 2015
Particulars As per Ind AS As per As per Ind AS As per
Indian GAAP Adjustments Ind AS Indian GAAP Adjustments Ind AS
1 Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 1,6 247,726.91 1,176.71 248,903.62 248,233.66 1,293.88 249,527.54
(b) Capital work-in-progress 8,483.29 8,483.29 7,677.68 7,677.68
(c) Other Intangible Assets 1,108.24 1,108.24 1,393.29 1,393.29
(d) Financial Assets - - - -
- Investments 2 100,501.34 6,482.58 106,983.92 57,476.60 2,588.18 60,064.79
- Loans 3 80.42 (4.47) 75.95 90.55 (5.54) 85.01
- Others financial assets 1,192.56 1,192.56 12,426.54 - 12,426.54
(e) Other non-current Assets 1,3 6,954.47 744.58 7,699.05 5,960.43 753.79 6,714.22
Total Non-current assets 366,047.23 8,399.39 374,446.63 333,258.75 4,630.31 337,889.07
2 Current assets
(a) Inventories 180,911.59 180,911.59 163,673.47 163,673.47
(b) Financial Assets - -
- Investments 2 59.21 0.01 59.22 9,940.31 23.33 9,963.64
- Trade receivables 11 68,192.56 8,807.07 76,999.63 67,681.88 13,724.98 81,406.86
- Cash and cash equivalents 21,368.82 - 21,368.82 5,908.75 - 5,908.75
- Bank Balance other than above 6,308.14 - 6,308.14 11,646.02 - 11,646.02
- Loans 3 2,939.84 (11.82) 2,928.02 3,700.18 (11.52) 3,688.67
- Other financial assets 4,613.67 - 4,613.67 3,559.06 3,559.06
(c) Current tax assets (net) 2,191.25 - 2,191.25 1,139.55 1,139.55
(d) Other current assets 1,3,10 30,114.68 (1,408.35) 28,706.33 29,974.15 (1,408.67) 28,565.48
Total Current assets 316,699.76 7,386.90 324,086.66 297,223.37 12,328.13 309,551.50
Total Assets 682,746.99 15,786.29 698,533.29 630,482.11 16,958.44 647,440.57
Equity And Liabilities
(a) Equity Share capital 10 6,365.19 (159.88) 6,205.31 6,365.19 (159.87) 6,205.31
(b) Other Equity 1 to 12 358,953.18 3,833.55 362,786.73 301,972.83 9,200.33 311,173.16
Total Equity 365,318.37 3,673.67 368,992.04 308,338.02 9,040.46 317,378.47
1 Liabilities
Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 5 102,496.18 (272.34) 102,223.85 131,726.48 (258.08) 131,468.40
- Other financial liabilities 4 77.61 (58.49) 19.12 1,310.34 (10.85) 1,299.49
(b) Provisions 592.82 592.82 514.71 514.71
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 12 18,824.45 1,814.48 20,638.93 19,847.61 676.91 20,524.52
(d) Other non-current liabilities 6 171.00 1,861.34 2,032.34 135.95 2,010.85 2,146.81
Total Non-current liabilities 122,162.06 3,345.00 125,507.06 153,535.09 2,418.83 155,953.93
2 Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 11 92,875.07 8,807.06 101,682.13 46,854.69 13,724.98 60,579.67
- Trade payables 14,590.67 14,590.67 12,954.60 12,954.60
- Other financial liabilities 4 74,016.90 (189.65) 73,827.25 88,983.13 (678.92) 88,304.22
(b) Other current liabilities 6 13,262.56 150.23 13,412.79 11,448.94 150.18 11,599.13
(c) Provisions 7 521.36 - 521.36 8,367.64 (7,697.09) 670.55
Total Current liabilities 195,266.56 8,767.64 204,034.20 168,609.00 5,499.15 174,108.17
Total Equity And Liabilities 682,746.99 15,786.30 698,533.30 630,482.11 16,958.44 647,440.57
The figures of Indian GAAP have been reclassified to confirm to presentation requirements of Division II of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013 as
applicable to a company whose financial statements are required to be drawn up in compliance of the (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Reconciliation of Total Comprehensive Income for the year ended March 31, 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
As per IND AS
Particulars Note No. As per IND AS
Indian GAAP Adjustments
Revenue from operations (net) 9 561,381.35 14.45 561,395.80
Other income 2,3,6 20,064.52 4,032.77 24,097.29
I. Total revenue 581,445.87 4,047.22 585,493.09
II. Expenses :
Cost of materials consumed 266,715.11 - 266,715.11
Purchases of stock-in-trade 6,715.09 - 6,715.09
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in- 1,220.20 - 1,220.20
progress and stock-in-trade
Employee benefits expense 3,8 41,038.05 5.28 41,043.33
Finance costs 5 8,684.95 (14.26) 8,670.69
Depreciation and amortization 1,6 36,192.45 117.15 36,309.60
Other expenses 1,4,9 134,415.73 464.94 134,880.67
Total Expenses 494,981.58 573.11 495,554.69
III. Profit/(loss) before tax (I-II) 86,464.29 3,474.11 89,938.40
IV. Tax expense:
(1)    Current tax 8 22,182.00 2.15 22,184.15
(2)    Deferred tax 12 (1,023.15) 1,137.58 114.43
V. Profit (Loss) for the period (III-IV) 65,305.44 2,334.38 67,639.82
VI. Other Comprehensive Income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- Remeasurements of the defined benefit plans 8 (6.22) (6.22)
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be 8 2.15 2.15
reclassified to profit or loss
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - -
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be -
reclassified to profit or loss
VII. Total Comprehensive Income for the period (V+VI) 65,305.44 2,330.31 67,635.75

36 (a) Financial Instruments by Category

(a) The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments at the end of each reporting period is as follows:

As at 31st March 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair
Amortized profit or loss carrying value
cost Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory value
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) 13,623.86 83,416.25 178.99 97,219.10 128,187.49
(Refer Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) (Refer Note 5) 61.04 61.04 61.04
Other financial non-current assets 173.54 173.54 173.54
(Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) (Refer Note 9) - 67,060.37 67,060.37 67,060.37
Trade receivables (Refer Note 10) 71,790.98 71,790.98 71,790.98
Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,822.39 3,822.39 3,822.39
(Refer Note 11)
Other Bank Balances 224.71 224.71 224.71
(Refer Note 11A)
Loans (Current) (Refer Note 12) 3,656.20 3,656.20 3,656.20
Other financial assets (Current) 2,241.10 1,806.39 4,047.49 4,047.49
(Refer Note 13)
Total 13,623.86 81,969.96 - 152,283.01 178.99 - 248,055.82 279,024.21
Liabilities: - -
Borrowings (Non Current) - 71,935.28 71,935.28 71,935.28
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Refer Note 17)

Other financial liabilities (Non 48.78 48.78 48.78
Current) (Refer Note 18)
Borrowings (Current) 105,505.99 105,505.99 105,505.99
(Refer Note 22)
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 17,740.83 17,740.83 17,740.83
Other financial liabilities (Current) 60,075.59 60,075.59 60,075.59
(Refer Note 24)
Total - 255,306.47 - - - - 255,306.47 255,306.47
As at 31st March 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair

Amortized profit or loss carrying value

cost value
Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) 24,457.98 82,365.00 160.94 106,983.92 124,823.91
(Refer Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) (Refer Note 5) 75.95 75.95 75.95
Other financial non-current assets 1,192.56 1,192.56 1,192.56
(Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) (Refer Note 9) - 59.22 59.22 59.22
Trade receivables (Refer Note 10) 76,999.63 76,999.63 76,999.63
Cash and Cash Equivalents 21,368.82 21,368.82 21,368.82
(Refer Note 11)
Other Bank Balances 6,308.14 6,308.14 6,308.14
(Refer Note 11A)
Loans (Current) (Refer Note 12) 2,928.02 2,928.02 2,928.02
Other financial assets (Current) 4,613.67 4,613.67 4,613.67
(Refer Note 13)
Total 24,457.98 113,486.80 - 82,424.22 160.94 - 220,529.94 238,369.93
Liabilities: - -
Borrowings (Non Current) - 102,223.85 102,223.85 102,223.85
(Refer Note 17)
Other financial liabilities (Non 19.12 19.12 19.12
Current) (Refer Note 18)
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Borrowings (Current) 101,682.13 101,682.13 101,682.13

(Refer Note 22)
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 14,590.67 14,590.67 14,590.67
Other financial liabilities (Current) 73,715.36 111.89 73,827.25 73,827.25
(Refer Note 24)
Total - 292,231.13 - 111.89 - 292,343.02 292,343.02

As at 31st March 2015

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair
Amortized profit or loss carrying value
cost value
Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) 24,457.98 35,445.87 160.94 60,064.79 70,848.28
(Refer Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) 85.01 85.01 85.01
(Refer Note 5)
Other financial non-current 12,426.54 12,426.54 12,426.54
assets (Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) - 9,963.64 9,963.64 9,963.64
(Refer Note 9)
Trade receivables 81,406.86 81,406.86 81,406.86
(Refer Note 10)
Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,908.75 5,908.75 5,908.75
(Refer Note 11)
Other Bank Balances 11,646.02 11,646.02 11,646.02
(Refer Note 11A)
Loans (Current) 3,688.67 3,688.67 3,688.67
(Refer Note 12)
Other financial assets 3,559.06 3,559.06 3,559.06
(Current) (Refer Note 13)
Total 24,457.98 118,720.91 - 45,409.51 160.94 - 188,749.35 199,532.83
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Liabilities: - -
Borrowings (Non Current) - 131,468.40 131,468.40 131,468.40
(Refer Note 17)
Other financial liabilities (Non 30.69 1,268.80 1,299.49 1,299.49
Current) (Refer Note 18)
Borrowings (Current) (Refer 60,579.67 60,579.67 60,579.67
Note 22)
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 12,954.60 12,954.60 12,954.60
Other financial liabilities 87,443.45 860.77 88,304.22 88,304.22
(Current) (Refer Note 24)
Total - 292,476.81 - 2,129.57 - - 294,606.38 294,606.38

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

36 (b) Fair Value Measurement

(i) Fair Value hierarchy
Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities

Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability,
either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices)

Level 3 - Inputs for the assets or liabilities that are not based on observable market data (unobservable

(ii) The following table presents fair value hierarchy of assets and liabilities measured at fair value:
As at 31st March 2017
(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 178.99 178.99
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 83,416.24 83,416.24
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 67,060.36 3,416.20 63,644.16
Other financial current assets
- Derivative financial instruments 1,806.39 1,806.39

As at 31st March 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 160.94 160.94
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 82,365.00 82,365.00
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 59.22 - 59.22
Other financial current liabilities
-Derivative financial instruments 111.89 111.89


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

As at 1st April 2015

(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 160.94 160.94
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 35,445.87 35,445.87
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 9,963.64 - 9,963.64
Other financial non current liabilities
Derivative financial instruments 1,268.80 - 1,268.80
Other financial current liabilities
-Derivative financial instruments 860.77 - 860.77

37. Contingent liabilities and Commitments (to the extent not provided for):-
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
I Contingent Liabilities
(i) Claims not acknowledged as debts 436.37 1,020.77 827.69
(ii) Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit outstanding 11,254.86 6,030.86 8,781.05
(iii) Other monies for which the company is
contingently liable

a) The Company has contested the additional demand 15,635.13 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 14,250.47 Lakhs) in
in respect of Sales Tax, Excise Duty etc., amounting this respect has not been made as the company has
to ` 666.43 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,194.71 Lakhs, filed various appeals with the appellate authorities
01.04.2015 ` 1,159.80 Lakhs). As against this a and the company is confident to get the desired
sum of ` 67.21 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 110.21 Lakhs, relief.
01.04.2015 ` 113.70 Lakhs) has been deposited
under protest and stands included under the head c) The company had taken over the textile undertaking
“Balance with government authorities in note-14 – of Vardhman Holdings Limited (formerly known
Other Current Assets “. The Company has filed an as Vardhman Spinning & General Mills Limited)
appeal with the Appellate Authorities and is advised by a scheme of Arrangement and De-merger. An
that the demand is not in accordance with law. No injunction was obtained against the London Branch
provision, therefore, has been made in accounts in of the said textile undertaking for preventing
respect thereof. disposal of assets upto the value of Pound Sterling
2.99 Lac as a result of a court case pending in London
b) The Company has contested the additional demand for alleged non-fulfilment of an agreement of
in respect of income tax amounting to ` 18,250.72 cotton purchase. The said matter had been decided
Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 18,253.23 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 against the said textile undertaking and accordingly,
` 16,298.27 Lakhs). As against this a sum of ` Pound Sterling 0.48 Lac lying in the bank account
10,068.97 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 6,799.35 Lakhs, at London had been paid to the claimant pursuant
01.04.2015 ` 6,035.72 Lakhs) has been deposited/ to the Order of the Court. The said amount was
adjusted under protest and stands included in written off in the books of the said undertaking by
“Advance income tax” under the head “Current way of debit to the statement of Profit and Loss. No
Tax Assets”. Provision of ` 15,635.13 (31.03.2016 ` provision has been made for the balance decreed


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

amount by the undertaking in view of the fact that the said undertaking was prevented by force majure in fulfiling
its part of contract. The Company as successor to the textile undertaking is contesting this matter in Indian Courts
and is confident that there would not be any further liability in this regard.
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 01st April, 2015
(II) Commitments
Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be 8,071.34 5,923.71 12,151.21
executed on Capital Account and not provided for
(net of advances)
Exports obligations under Export Promotion Capital 16,057.27 50,392.70 49,512.28
Goods (EPCG) scheme#

# The Company has executed bonds for an aggregate amount of ` 95,411.71 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,17,933.85 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 91,640.51
Lakhs) in favour of the President of India under section 59 (2) and 67 of the Customs Act,1962 and Central Excise and salt Act, 1944 for
fulfilment of the obligation under the said Acts. However, ` 16,057.27 Lakhs (31 March 2016: ` 50,392.70 Lakhs, 1 April 2015: ` 49,512.28 Lakhs)
is outstanding to be discharged against these bonds.

38. Amortisation of Intangible assets the year in terms of buy back announced by the
a. Softwares have been amortised @ 25% on company. The value of shares held at the end
straight line basis as the useful life has been of each reporting period has been adjusted in
estimated to be not more than four years. the equity in accordance with Ind AS 32.

b. Right to use power lines have been amortised (b) The aforesaid Trust is also holding 3,19,748
@ 20% on straight line basis as the useful life equity shares (31.03.2016- 3,19,748) of ` 10
thereof has been estimated to be not more each of Vardhman Special Steels Limited
than five years. which were allotted to it in the capacity of
a shareholder of the company by virtue of
c. Contribution to CETP has been amortised @ ‘Scheme of Arrangement & Demerger’ entered
20% on straight line basis as the useful life into by the company, Vardhman Special Steels
thereof has been estimated to be not more Limited and their respective shareholders and
than five years. creditors.

39. (a) The Company was holding its own 15,98,741 As the aforesaid shares are held by a Trust on
(31.03.2016- 15,98,741) equity shares of ` 10 behalf of the company and company not being
each through a Trust, which were received by registered owner of shares, the cost of these
it in its capacity as a shareholder of Vardhman shares is not reflected in Investments but same
Holdings Limited, in accordance with the has been valued at cost as reflected in other
‘Scheme of Arrangement and Demerger’. Out current asset.
of above 1,36,539 shares were tendered during


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(c) The detail of the amount recoverable from Mahavir Share Trust as at the close of the year is as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 01st April, 2015
Cost of Shares (Vardhman Textiles Limited) 1,306.32 1,428.30 1,428.30
Cost of Shares (Vardhman Special Steels Limited) 357.10 357.10 357.10
Other recoverable 2.48 2.99 2.60
Total 1,665.90 1,788.41 1,788.02

The amount recoverable on account of equity shares of Vardhman Textiles Limited held by the trust has been
reduced from equity share capital & retained earnings.

40. Business segments have been identified based on the nature and class of products and services, assessment of
differential risks and returns. Accordingly, company is a single segment company operating in textile business
and disclosure requirements as contained in Ind AS- 108 ‘Operating Segments’ are not required in the Standalone
financial statements. However, the disclosure has been made in the Consolidated Financial Statements.

41. In accordance with Ind AS-36 on “Impairment of Assets” the Company has assessed as on the balance sheet date,
whether there are any indications with regard to the impairment of any of the assets. Based on such assessment
it has been ascertained that no potential loss is present and therefore, formal estimate of recoverable amount has
not been made. Accordingly no impairment loss has been provided in the books of account.

42. Earning Per Share

(a) The calculation of Earning Per Share (EPS) as disclosed in the statement of profit and loss has been made in
accordance with Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS)-33 on “Earning Per Share”

(i) A statement on calculation of basic & Diluted EPS is as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars 31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Net Profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders 100,159.29 67,639.82
Total (A) 100,159.29 67,639.82
Weighted average number of equity shares (No in lac) 611.94 620.53
Total (B) 611.94 620.53
Basic earning per Share (`) (A)/(B) 163.67 109.00
Diluted earning per Share (`)* (A)/(B) 163.67 109.00
Face value per equity share (`) 10.00 10.00

* There are no potential equity shares


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

43. Disclosures required under Section 22 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
under the chapter on delayed payments to Micro & small enterprises.
(Amount in Lakhs)
Sr. As at As at As at
No. 31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
1 Principal amount remaining unpaid to any supplier - - -
as at the end of accounting period
2 Interest due on remaining unpaid to any supplier as - - -
at the end of the accounting period
3 The amount of interest paid along with the amounts - - -
of the payment made to the supplier beyond the
appointed day during accounting period
4 The amount of interest due and payable for the year - - -
5 The amount of interest accrued and remaining - - -
unpaid at the end of accounting year
6 The amount of further interest due and payable - - -
even in the succeeding year, until such date when
the interest dues as above are actually paid

Dues of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises have been determined on the basis of information collected by the
management. This has been relied upon by the auditors.

44. Leases :
The Company has leased facilities under cancellable and non-cancellable operating lease arrangements with
a lease term ranging from one to five years, which are subject to renewal at mutual consent thereafter. The
cancellable arrangements can be terminated by either party after giving due notice. The lease rent expenses
recognised during the year amounts to ` 161.57 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 156.74 Lakhs). The future minimum lease
payments in respect of the non-cancellable operating leases are:
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31st March,2017 31st March,2017
a) Not later than one year 127.90 118.22
b) later than one year but not later than five years 271.28 270.57
c) later than five years 3350.26 3401.87


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

45. Related Party Disclosure

(a) Disclosure of Related Parties and relationship between the parties.

1. Subsidiaries VMT Spinning Company Limited

Vardhman Acrylics Limited
VTL Investments Limited
2. Joint Venture Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited (upto 31.08.2016)
Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited
3 Associates Vardhman Spinning and General Mills Limited
Vardhman Special Steels Limited
Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited (w.e.f 01.09.2016)
4. Key Management Personnel (KMP) Mr. S.P.Oswal, Chairman and Managing Director
Mr. Sachit Jain, Joint Managing Director
Mrs. Suchita Jain, Joint Managing Director(w.e.f 24.08.2016)
Mr. Neeraj Jain, Joint Managing Director
Mr. Rajeev Thapar (Chief Financial Officer)
Ms. Karan Kamal Walia (Company Secretary)
5. Enterprises over which key Management Vardhman Holdings Limited
Personnel and relative of such personnel is able Vardhman Apparels Limited
to exercise significant influence or control Smt. Banarso Devi Oswal Public Charitable Trust
Sri Aurobindo Socio Economic and Management Research Institute
# Adhiswar Enterprises LLP (formerly known as Adinath Investment
and Trading Company)
#Devakar Investment and Trading Co. Limited
# *Srestha Holdings Limited
#Santon Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#Flamingo Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#Ramaniya Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#*Marshall Investment and Trading Co. (P) Limited
#*Pardeep Mercentile Co. (P) Limited
#*Plaza Trading Co. (P) Limited
#*Anklesh Investment (P) Limited
#*Syracuse Investment and Trading Co. (P) Limited
#Amber Syndicate
#Paras Syndicate
#Adinath Syndicate
#Eastern Trading Co.
#Mahavir Spinning Mills (P) Ltd
#Northern Trading Co.
5. Relatives of KMP Ms. Soumya Jain
Note: * These companies have been merged into Dewakar Investment & Trading Company Limited during the current year.
# No transaction has taken place during the year.

(b) Description of the nature of transactions with the related parties :-
(Amount in Lakhs)
Enterprises over
Relative of Key
Key Management which KMP is able to
Subsidiaries Joint Venture Associates# Manageent Total Total
Personnel (KMP) exercise significant
Personnel (KMP)

Particulars influence
Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Purchase Processing 21,755.50 32,622.04 5.96 2.90 1,082.54 518.00 22,844.00 33,182.94
of goods
Sale processing of goods 1,296.14 1,022.92 1,398.36 1,602.38 641.94 499.88 3,336.44 3,125.18
Sale of DEPB licences - 368.53 - 368.53
Purchase of Property, Plant 20.45 14.77 2,821.63 0.51 2,842.08 15.28
& Equipment
Sale of Property, Plant & 114.31 229.16 1.59 - 6,298.00 45.90 6,413.90 275.06
Donation paid 418.66 472.00 418.66 472.00
Rent paid 0.10 - 9.81 9.61 9.91 9.61
Reimbursement of 219.65 1,065.88 15.71 59.67 484.70 758.26 720.06 1,883.81
expenses paid
Reimbursement of 62.06 62.34 3.41 2.20 590.85 793.05 656.32 857.59
expenses received
Receipt against corporate 149.60 148.32 2.85 2.85 420.44 422.87 572.89 574.04
services agreement*
Payment against licenses 98.50 96.79 98.50 96.79
Interest paid 4.61 29.85 4.61 29.85
Interest received 36.40 16.79 92.30 97.03 117.26 71.50 245.96 185.32
Rent received 11.03 10.72 30.20 22.51 41.23 33.23
Dividend received - 4,503.50 - 10,873.00 - - 15,376.50
Dividend paid 283.50 - 9,227.33 - 9,510.83
KMP Remuneration - 3,032.89 2,046.57 6.58 4.16 3,039.47 2,050.73
Loan given (Including 2,225.00 - 1,399.12 1,599.12 1,500.00 7,254.57 5,124.12 8,853.69
Opening Balance)
Loan received back 1,525.00 - 200.00 400.00 - 5,754.57 1,725.00 6,154.57
Closing Balance 700.00 - 1,199.12 1,199.12 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,399.12 2,699.12
Year end balance receivable - - 295.76 523.08 - 153.89 295.76 676.97

Year end balance payable - - 479.68 18.55 479.68 18.55

28,119.75 40,049.79 4,614.18 5,488.35 15,967.34 29,055.59 3,032.89 2,046.57 6.58 4.16 526.97 9,805.73 52,267.72 86,450.19
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

#Transaction with VYTL for the whole year is taken in Associates

*excluding service tax


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Contribution paid to trusts under Post-employment benefit plan

(Amount in Lakhs)
Current year Previous year
Mahavir Employee Gratuity Fund Trust 383.03 578.90
Mahavir Superannuation Trust 77.43 64.33

46. Income taxes:

(a) The detail of deferred tax liabilities and assets as at the end of each reporting period is as under:

As at Movement As at Movement As at
1st April during 31st March during 31st march
2015 2015-16 2016 2016-17 2017
Deferred tax Liability
Impact of Depreciation 20,558.55 (510.88) 20,047.67 279.82 20,327.47
Fair valuation Gain on investments 903.79 1,339.70 2,243.50 3,300.38 5,543.88
MTM Gain on forex fluctuation 217.46 (189.66) 27.80 - 27.80
(A) 21,679.81 639.16 22,318.97 3,580.20 25,899.15
Deferred tax Asset
43B Disallowances 1,122.09 480.11 1,602.20 284.14 1,886.34
Provision for Doubtful Debt 33.21 44.62 77.83 94.97 172.80
(B) 1,155.30 524.73 1,680.03 379.11 2,059.14
Deferred tax liability (Net) (A-B) 20,524.52 114.43 20,638.93 3,201.09 23,840.02

(b) Reconciliation of Deferred tax liabilities (net)

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current year Previous year
Deferred tax liability at the beginning of the year 20,638.93 20,524.52
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in 3,194.83 114.43
Statement of Profit and loss
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in Other 6.26 -
Comprehensive income
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in - -
directly in equity
Deferred tax liability at the end of the year 23,840.02 20,638.93


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(c) Reconciliation of tax expense and the Profit before tax multiplied by statutory tax rate :
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current year Previous year
Accounting profit before tax 130,481.27 89,938.40
Tax at statutory income tax rate of 34.608% / 23.072% 41,120.61 31,125.88
(31 March 2016: 34.608%)
Tax effect of the amounts not deductible for computing taxable income
Depreciation difference (484.49) 138.89
Disallowances 668.07 (697.95)
Deductions/Exemption/Non Taxable items (9,773.21) (9,373.66)
Adjustment in Capital gain under Income Tax provisions (3,378.28) -
Fair valuation Gain on investments 3,294.15 1,339.70
MTM Gain on forex fluctuation - (189.66)
Provision for Doubtful Debt (94.97) (44.62)
MAT CREDIT Entitlement (1,029.85) -
Income tax expense 30,321.98 22,298.58

47. Disclosure required by Regulation 34 read with Special Steels Limited. The maximum amount
Schedule V of SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure outstanding during the year was ` 1,500 Lakhs
Requirements) Regulations,2015:- (31.03.2016 ` 1,954.57 Lakhs, 01.04.2015
` 6,535.74 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding as on
(i) The Company has given inter corporate 31.03.2017 is ` 1,500 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,500
deposits aggregating to ` Nil (31.03.2016 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 2,554.57 Lakhs).
` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 500 Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman
Acrylics Ltd. during the year. The maximum (iv) The Company has given inter corporate
amount outstanding during the year was ` Nil deposits aggregating to ` 200 Lakhs (31.03.2016
(31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 500 Lakhs). ` 681.00 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 1,636 Lakhs) to
The Balance outstanding as on 31.03.17 is ` Nil M/s Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company
(31.03.2016 ` Nil, 01.04.2015 ` Nil). Limited during the year. The maximum amount
outstanding during the year was ` 1199.12
(ii) The Company has given inter corporate Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,199.12 Lakhs, 01.04.2015
deposits aggregating to ` 2,225 Lakhs ` 1,187.62 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding
(31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 2,844 Lakhs) as on 31.03.17 is ` 1199.12 Lakhs(31.03.2016
to M/s VMT Spinning Company Limited during ` 1,199.12 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 918.12 Lakhs).
the year. The maximum amount outstanding
during the year was ` 1,375 Lakhs (31.03.2016 (v) The Company has given inter corporate
` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 1,098 Lakhs). The Balance deposits aggregating to ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL,
outstanding as on 31.03.17 is ` 700 Lakhs 01.04.2015 ` 2,621.00 Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman
(31.03.2016 ` Nil, 01.04.2015 ` Nil). Yarns and Threads Limited during the year.
The maximum amount outstanding during the
(iii) The Company has given inter corporate deposits year was ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015
aggregating to ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` 4,700 Lakhs, ` 861.00 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding as on
01.04.2015 ` 65,079 Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman 31.03.17 is ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015
` NIL).


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

48. Prior period items are as follows :-

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Other Expenses 138.67 205.16
Finance Costs (7.65) (15.90)
Employee Benefits Expense 3.29 1.75
Cost of Materials Consumed 15.88 116.65
Other Income (28.61) (28.27)
Revenue From Operations 23.07 1.16
Net Prior period (Income)/Expense 144.65 280.55

49. Interest expense is net of interest income from :-

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
(i) Related parties
- Subsidiaries 6.41 19.45
- Others 240.86 171.57
(ii) Current investments 1693.66 1,487.43
(iii) Long Term Investments 15.23 179.52
(iv) Deposits and others 1374.08 3,665.47

50. In accordance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 the company has paid a sum of `
540.91 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 476.60 Lakhs) towards approved Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. The
said amount stands debited to the “Miscellaneous” under the head “other expenses”.

51. Employee Benefits :

 Gratuity plan: The Company has a gratuity plan wherein every employee is entitled to the benefit equivalent to
15 days salary last drawn for each completed year of service. Gratuity is payable to all eligible employees of the
Company on retirement, separation, death or permanent disablement, in terms of the provisions of the Payment
of Gratuity Act or as per the Company’s plan, whichever is more beneficial.

The following tables set out the disclosures in respect of the gratuity plan as required under Ind AS 19.

(a) Changes in the present value of the obligations:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Present value obligation as at beginning of the year 4,235.10 3,591.73
Transferred during the year 14.58 -
Interest cost 332.08 274.35
Current service cost 697.69 662.95
Benefits Paid (538.16) (334.85)
Actuarial (gain)/ loss on Obligations 128.25 40.92
Present value obligation as at end of the year 4869.54 4,235.10


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(b) Changes in the present value of the obligations:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Fair value of Plan Assets as at beginning of the year 3,852.07 3,030.23
Actual return on Plan Assets 387.08 260.41
Contributions 383.03 578.90
Benefits Paid - -
Withdrawal - (17.47)
Fair value of Plan Assets as at end of the year 4,622.18 3,852.07

(c) Amount recognized in Balance Sheet:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Present value obligation as at end of the year 4,869.54 4,235.10
Fair value of Plan Assets as at end of the year 4,622.18 3,852.07
Funded Status (247.36) (383.03)
Present value of unfunded obligation as at end of the year - -
Unfunded Actuarial (gains)/ losses - -
Unfunded Net Asset/ (Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet. (247.36) (383.03)

(d) Actuarial Gain/Loss on Plan Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Expected Interest Income 310.16 225.71
Actual Income on Plan Asset 387.08 260.41
Actuarial gain /(loss) for the year on Asset 76.92 34.70

(e) Expenses Recognized in Profit & Loss:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Current service cost 697.69 662.95
Interest cost 332.08 274.35
Expected Interest Income (310.16) (225.71)
Total Expenses recognised in Profit & Loss Account 719.61 711.59

(f) OCI Recognized:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Actuarial gain / (loss) for the year on Projected Benefit Obligation (128.25) (40.92)
Actuarial gain /(loss) for the year on Asset 76.92 34.70
Unrecognized actuarial gain/(loss) at the end of the year (51.33) (6.22)


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(g) Investment details of Fund :

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Mutual Funds 489.86 311.31
Government Securities & Bonds 4,123.90 3,509.87
Bank Balance 8.42 30.89
TOTAL 4,622.18 3,852.07

(h) Principal actuarial assumption at the Balance Sheet Date (expressed as weighted average):

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Discount Rate (per annum) 7.35% 8.00%
Rate of increase in compensation levels (per annum) 6.00% 6.00%
Expected Average remaining working lives of employees (years) 26.94 26.87
Method Used Projected Projected
Unit Credit Unit Credit

The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply and demand in employee market.

(i) The quantitative sensitivity analysis on net liability recognized on account of change in significant assumptions:
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.03.2016
Discount Rate
0.50% Increase (211.07) (164.19)
0.50% decrease 228.94 186.35
Future Salary increase
0.50% Increase 230.84 189.04
0.50% decrease (198.67) (175.98)

As per Actuarial Certificate, sensitivities due to mortality & withdrawals are not material & hence impact of
change has not been calculated.

(j) The following payments are expected contributions to the defined benefit plan in future years:
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.03.2016
Within 1 year 590.88 667.14
1-5 years 1125.44 1033.00
Beyond 5 years 3153.22 2534.96
Total expected payments 4869.54 4235.10

(k) The average duration of the defined benefit plan obligation at the end of the reporting period is 13.65 years
(31 March 2016: 14.00 years).


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

52. Financial Risk Management The export sales of company comprise around
The principal financial assets of the Company 35% of the total sales of the company, Further
include loans, trade and other receivables, and the company also imports certain assets and
cash and bank balances that derive directly from material from outside India. The exchange
its operations. The principal financial liabilities of rate between the Indian rupee and foreign
the company, include loans and borrowings, trade currencies has changed substantially in recent
and other payables and the main purpose of these years and may fluctuate substantially in the
financial liabilities is to finance the day to day future. Consequently the company is exposed
operations of the company. to foreign currency risk and the results of
the company may be affected as the rupee
The Company is exposed to market risk, credit appreciates/ depreciates against foreign
risk and liquidity risk. The Company’s senior currencies. Foreign exchange risk arises
management oversees the management of these from the future probable transactions and
risks and that advises on financial risks and the recognized assets and liabilities denominated
appropriate financial risk governance framework in a currency other than company’s functional
for the Company. currency.

This note explains the risks which the company is The company measures the risk through a
exposed to and policies and framework adopted by forecast of highly probable foreign currency
the company to manage these risks: cash flows and manages its foreign currency
risk by appropriately hedging the transactions.
Market Risk The Company uses a combination of derivative
Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future financial instruments such as foreign exchange
cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate forward and option contracts to mitigate the
because of changes in market prices. Market prices risk of changes in exchange rates on foreign
comprise three types of risk: foreign currency risk, currency exposures.
interest rate risk, investment risk.
The following table summarizes the company’s
(i) Foreign currency risk exposure foreign currency risk from financial
The company operates internationally and instruments at the end of each reporting
business is transacted in several currencies. period:

Foreign Currency In Lakhs

As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
a) Exposure on account of Financial Assets
Trade receivables (net of bill discounted) (A)
-In USD 528.93 414.78
-In Euro 41.93 33.10
Amount hedged through forwards & options # (B)
-In USD 528.93 414.78
-In Euro 41.93 33.10
Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Assets (C=A-B)
-In USD - -
-In Euro - -


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Foreign Currency In Lakhs

As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
b) Exposure on account of Financial Liabilities
Trade Payables (D)
-In USD 36.02 39.99
-In Euro 7.82 15.00
-In CHF 7.78 7.92
-In GBP - 0.39
-In JPY 615.17 491.33
Amount Hedged through forwards & options # (E)
-In USD 36.02 39.99
-In Euro 7.82 15.00
-In CHF - 0.72
-In GBP - 0.24
-In JPY 452.41 -
Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Liabilities F=(D-E)
-In USD - -
-In Euro - -
-In CHF 7.78 7.20
-In GBP - 0.15
-In JPY 162.76 491.33

Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Assets/(Liability) (C-F)

-In USD - -
-In Euro - -
-In CHF (7.78) (7.20)
-In GBP - (0.15)
-In JPY (162.76) (491.33)
# The forwards and options have been considered to the extent of financial assets/liabilities only.

The following significant exchange rates applied during the year:

2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16

Particulars (Average (Average (Year end rates) (Year end rates)
exchange rate) exchange rate)
INR/USD 65.55 64.38 64.86 66.25
INR/EURO 72.20 71.01 69.31 75.09
INR/CHF 66.88 66.47 64.84 68.92
INR/GBP 88.26 93.70 81.40 95.12
INR/JPY 0.58 0.55 0.58 0.58


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Foreign currency sensitivity

The impact on the Company’s profit before tax due to changes in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities
including foreign currency derivatives on account of reasonably possible change in USD and Euro exchange rates (with
all other variables held constant) will be as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
10% Strengthening/weakening of USD against INR - -
10% Strengthening/weakening of Euro against INR - -
10% Strengthening/weakening of CHF against INR 50.45 49.62
10% Strengthening/weakening of GBP against INR - 1.47
10% Strengthening/weakening of JPY against INR 9.44 28.50

(ii) Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes
in market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates relates primarily to the
Company’s debt obligations with floating interest rates.

As the Company has no significant interest-bearing assets, the income and operating cash flows are substantially
independent of changes in market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates
relates primarily to the Company’s debt obligations with floating interest rates, which are included in interest bearing loans
and borrowings in these financial statements. The company’s fixed rate borrowings are carried at amortised cost. They are
therefore not subject to interest rate risk, since neither the carrying amount nor the future cash flows will fluctuate because
of a change in market interest rates.

At the reporting date the interest rate profile of the Company’s interest bearing financial instrument is at its fair value:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Variable rate instruments
Long term borrowings 71,935.28 1,02,223.85
Current maturities of long term debt 42,375.50 55,644.34
Short term borrowings 1,05,505.99 1,01,682.13

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates on that portion of loans and
borrowings affected. A change of 100 basis points in interest rates for variable rate instruments at the reporting date would
have increased/(decreased) profit or loss for the below years by the amounts shown below. With all other variables held
constant, the Company’s profit before tax is affected through the impact on floating rate borrowings, as follows:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Increase/ decrease in 100 basis point 2,198.17 2,595.50


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(iii) Investment Risk

The company is exposed to equity price risk arising from equity investments.

The company manages equity price risk by investing in fixed deposits/Fixed Maturity Plan, debt instruments
and Liquid funds. The company does not actively trade equity investments. Equity investments are mainly
held for strategic rather than trading purposes. Protection principle is given high priority by limiting company’s
investments to AA and higher rated companies and top rated money market instruments only.

Liquidity Risk
The financial liabilities of the company, other than derivatives, include loans and borrowings, trade and other
payables. The company’s principal sources of liquidity are cash and cash equivalents and the cash flow that is
generated from operations.

The company monitors its risk of shortage of funds to meet the financial liabilities using a liquidity planning tool.
The company plans to maintain sufficient cash and marketable securities to meet the obligations as and when
fall due.

The below is the detail of contractual maturities of the financial liabilities of the company at the end of each
reporting period:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
0-1 years 1,47,881.49 1,57,326.47
2-3 years 56,436.68 68,447.28
3-5 years 15,684.00 34,049.00
More than 5 years - -
Trade Payables
0-1 years 17,740.83 14,590.67
2-3 years - -
3-5 years - -
More than 5 years - -
Other Financial liabilities
0-1 years 17,700.08 18,182.92
2-3 years 48.78 19.12
3-5 years - -
More than 5 years - -

Credit Risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of default on its obligation by the counterparty resulting in a financial loss. The
maximum exposure to the credit risk at the reporting date is primarily from trade receivables which are typically
unsecured. Credit risk on cash and bank balances is limited as the company generally invests in deposits with
banks and financial institutions with high credit ratings assigned by credit rating agencies. Investments primarily
include investment in liquid mutual fund units, bonds, fixed maturity plan etc. issued by institutions having
proven track record. The Company’s credit risk in case of all other financial instruments is negligible.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

The company assesses the credit risk based on external credit ratings assigned by credit rating agencies. The
company also assesses the creditworthiness of the customers internally to whom goods are sold on credit terms
in the normal course of business. The credit limit of each customer is defined in accordance with this assessment.
Outstanding customer receivables are regularly monitored and any shipments to overseas customers are
generally covered by letters of credit.

The impairment analysis is performed on client to client basis for the debtors that are past due at the end of each
reporting date. The company has not considered an allowance for doubtful debts in case of trade receivables that
are past due but there has not been a significant change in the credit quality and the amounts are still considered

The following is the detail of revenues generated from top five customers of the company and allowance for
lifetime expected credit loss:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
(a) Revenue from top five customers
- Amount of sales 53,988.02 64,284.26
- % of total sales 9.42 11.51
(b) Allowance for doubtful debt
- Balance at the beginning of the period
- Recognized during the year 202.77 18.79
- Amount written off 294.02 183.98
- Balance at the end of the period 496.79 202.77

The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of trade receivables as disclosed
at Note 10.

Write off policy

The financials assets are written off incase there is no reasonable expectation of recovering from the financial

53. Capital Management

The capital includes issued equity capital, share premium and all other equity reserves attributable to the equity
holders of the company. The primary objective of the company’s capital management is to maintain optimum
capital structure to reduce cost of capital and to maximize the shareholder value.

The company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments in light of changes in economic conditions
and the requirements of the financial covenants which otherwise would permit the banks to immediately call
loans and borrowings. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the company may adjust the dividend
payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

The Company monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus net debt. The
Company’s gearing ratio was as follows:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Financial Year Financial Year
ended 31.03.2017 ended 31.03.2016
Borrowings 2,19,816.77 2,59,550.32
Less: Cash and cash equivalents 4,047.11 27,676.96
Net debt 2,15,769.66 2,31,873.36
Total equity 3,98,584.74 3,68,992.04
Capital and Net debt 6,14,354.40 6,00,865.40
Gearing ratio 35.12% 38.59%

Further, there have been no breaches in the financial covenants of any interest-bearing loans and borrowing in the current year
ended 31st March 2017.

There were no changes in the objectives, policies or processes for managing capital during the year ended 31 March 2017 and
31 March 2016.

54. During the financial year 2016-17, the company has sold its 40% equity stake in Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited (VYTL),
equivalent to 22,802,541 equity shares, to its Joint Venture partner namely American & Efird Global(A & E) for a consideration
of ` 413.01 crore. Gain on sale of such investment amounting to ` 313.00 crore has been shown under the head ‘Other Income’
(refer note no. 28). Accordingly now the company holds 11% equity stake in VYTL equivalent to 62,69,699 equity shares at a cost
of ` 27.49 crore. In view of changed situation, the investment is also re-classified as ‘Investment in Associates’.

55. Disclosure on Specified Bank Notes (SBNs)

During the year, the Company had specified bank notes or other denomination notes as defined in the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (MCA) notification G.S.R. 308(E) dated 31 March 2017 on the details of Specified Bank Notes (SBN) held and transacted
during the period from 8 November 2016 to 30 December 2016, the denomination wise SBNs and other notes as per the
notification is given below:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars SBNs* denomination Total
Closing cash in hand as on 8th November 2016 37.84 3.57 41.41
(+) Permitted receipts - 1,04.40 1,04.40
(+) Withdrawal from Banks - 27.26 27.26
(-) Permitted payments - 66.63 66.63
(-) Amount deposited in Bank (37.84) 26.26 64.10
Closing cash in hand as on 30th December 2016 - 42.34 42.34

*For the purpose of this clause, the term ‘Specified Bank Notes’ shall have the same meaning provided in the notification of the Government of
India, in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs number S.O. 3407(E) dated 8 November 2016.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

56. Assets pledged as Security:-

The Carrying amount of assets pledged as security for current and non-current borrowings are :-

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016 1st April 2015
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Trade receivables 71,790.98 76,999.63 81,406.86
Non-Financial Assets
Inventory 1,58,900.38 1,80,911.59 1,63,673.47
Total Current Assets Pledged as Security 2,30,691.36 2,57,911.22 2,45,080.33
Non Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 2,45,141.10 2,48,903.62 2,49,527.54
Total Non Current Assets Pledged as Security 2,45,141.10 2,48,903.62 2,49,527.54
Total Assets Pledged as Security 4,75,832.46 5,06,814.84 4,94,607.87

57. Figures in bracket indicate deductions.

For S.C. Vasudeva & Co.

Chartered Accountants For and behalf of the Board of Directors

Firm Regn. No.: 000235N

(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10-05-2017


Independent Auditors’ Report

To the Members of Vardhman Textiles Limited Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
Report on the Consolidated Ind AS Financial consolidated Ind AS financial statements based on our
Statements audit.
We have audited the accompanying consolidated Ind
AS financial statements of Vardhman Textiles Limited While conducting the audit, we have taken into account
(“the Holding Company”) and its subsidiaries, its the provisions of the Act, the accounting and auditing
associates and its joint venture (collectively referred to standards and matters which are required to be included
as “the Company” or “the Group”), which comprise the in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and
consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2017, the the Rules made thereunder.
consolidated statement of profit and loss (including other
comprehensive income), the consolidated statement of We conducted our audit in accordance with the
cash flows and the consolidated statement of changes Standards on Auditing specified under section 143(10)
in equity for the year then ended and a summary of the of the Act. Those standards require that we comply with
significant accounting policies and other explanatory ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit
information (hereinafter referred to as “the consolidated to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
Ind AS financial statements”). consolidated Ind AS financial statements are free from
material misstatement.
Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated
Ind AS Financial Statements An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
The Holding Company’s Board of Directors is responsible evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the
for the preparation of these consolidated Ind AS financial consolidated Ind AS financial statements. The procedures
statements in terms of the requirements of the Companies selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the
Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) that give a assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, consolidated Ind AS financial statements, whether due
consolidated financial performance including other to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the
comprehensive income, consolidated cash flows and auditor considers internal financial control relevant to
consolidated changes in equity of the Group in accordance the Holding Company’s preparation of the consolidated
with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, Ind AS financial statements that give a true and fair view
including the Accounting Standards (Ind AS) prescribed in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
under Section 133 of the Act read with relevant rules in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating
issued thereunder. The respective Board of Directors of the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and
the companies included in the Group are responsible the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made
for maintenance of adequate accounting records in by the Holding Company’s Board of Directors, as well as
accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated
the assets of the Group and for preventing and detecting Ind AS financial statements.
frauds and other irregularities; the selection and application
of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us and
estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and the design, the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in
implementation and maintenance of adequate internal terms of their reports referred to in sub-paragraph of
financial controls, that were operating effectively for the other Matters paragraph below, is sufficient and
ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on
records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
the consolidated Ind AS financial statements that give a
true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, Opinion
whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the In our opinion and to the best of our information
purpose of preparation of the consolidated Ind AS financial and according to the explanations given to us, the
statements by the Directors of the Holding Company, aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial statements give
as aforesaid. the information required by the Act in the manner so


Independent Auditors’ Report

required and give a true and fair view in conformity with of our knowledge and belief were necessary
the accounting principles generally accepted in India for the purposes of our audit of the aforesaid
including the Ind AS, of the consolidated financial position consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
of the Group, as at 31 March 2017 and its consolidated
financial performance including other comprehensive (b) In our opinion, proper books of account as
income, its consolidated cash flows and the consolidated required by law relating to preparation of
changes in equity for the year then ended. the aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial
statements have been kept so far as it appears
Other Matter from our examination of those books.
We did not audit the Ind AS financial statements/financial
information of two subsidiaries, whose Ind AS financial (c) The consolidated balance sheet, the
statements/financial information reflect total assets of consolidated statement of profit and loss,
` 59,505.09 Lakhs as at 31st March, 2017, total revenue the consolidated statement of cash flows and
of ` 37,921.85 Lakhs, total comprehensive income of ` consolidated statement of changes in equity
4,925.25 Lakhs, and net cash flows amounting to ` 816.32 dealt with by this Report are in agreement with
Lakhs for the year ended 31st march, 2017 as considered the relevant books of account maintained for
in the consolidated Ind AS financial statements. The the purpose of preparation of the consolidated
consolidated Ind AS financial statements also include Ind AS financial statements.
the group’s share of total comprehensive income of
` 3653.17 Lakhs for the year ended 31st March, 2017, (d) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated
as considered in the Consolidated Ind AS Financial Ind AS financial statements comply with the
Statements, in respect of two associate and one joint Accounting Standards specified under Section
venture, whose Ind AS financial statement/financial 133 of the Act, read with relevant rules issued
information have not been audited by us. These Ind AS thereunder.
financial statements/financial information have been
audited by other auditors whose reports have been (e) On the basis of the written representations
furnished to us by the Management and our opinion on received from the directors of the Holding
the consolidated Ind AS financial statements, in so far as Company as on 31 March 2017 taken on
it relates to the amounts and the disclosures included record by the Board of Directors of the
in respect of these subsidiaries and associates and our Holding Company and the reports of the
report in terms of sub sections (3) and (11) of Section statutory auditors of its subsidiary companies
143 of the Act, insofar as it relates to the aforesaid incorporated in India, none of the Directors of
subsidiaries and associates, is based solely on the the Group companies incorporated in India is
reports of the other auditors. disqualified as on 31 March 2017 from being
appointed as a Director of that company in
Our opinion on the Consolidated Ind AS Financial terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
Statements, and our report on Other Legal and
Regulatory Requirements below, is not modified in (f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal
respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance financial controls over financial reporting of
on the work done and reports of other auditors. the Group and the operating effectiveness of
such controls, refer to our separate report in
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements “Annexure A”; and
1. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report,
that: (g) with respect to the other matters to be
included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance
We have sought and obtained all the with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and
information and explanations which to the best Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the


Independent Auditors’ Report

best of our information and according to the iv. the Company has provided requisite
explanations given to us: disclosures in its consolidated Ind AS
financial statements as to holdings as
i. the consolidated Ind AS financial well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes
statements disclose the impact of pending during the period from 8 November, 2016
litigations on the consolidated financial to 30 December, 2016 and these are in
position of the Group. accordance with the books of accounts
maintained by the Company.
ii. the Company did not have any long term
contracts including derivative contracts For S.C. Vasudeva & Co,
for which there were any material Chartered Accountants
foreseeable losses; and Firm Reg. No.000235N

iii. there has been no delay in transferring

(Sanjiv Mohan)
amounts, required to be transferred, to
the Investor Education and Protection
M. No. 086066
Fund by the Holding Company and its
subsidiary companies incorporated in
India; and 10th May, 2017

Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

Report on the Internal Financial Controls under responsibilities include the design, implementation and
Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that
Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence
In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated Ind AS financial to company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets,
statements of the Company as of and for the year ended 31 the prevention and detection of frauds and errors,
March 2017, we have audited the internal financial controls over the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
financial reporting of Vardhman Textiles Limited (“the Holding records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial
Company”) and its subsidiary companies, its associates and information, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.
joint ventures which are companies incorporated in India, as of
that date. Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Company’s internal financial controls over financial
Controls reporting based on our audit. We conducted our audit
The Respective Board of Directors of the Holding in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of
Company, its subsidiary companies and its associate, Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting (the
which are companies incorporated in India, are “Guidance Note”) issued by ICAI and the Standards on
responsible for establishing and maintaining internal Auditing, issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed
financial controls based on the internal control over under section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to
financial reporting criteria established by the Company the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial
considering the essential components of internal controls, both issued by the Institute of Chartered
control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Accountants of India. Those Standards and the Guidance
Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Note require that we comply with ethical requirements
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (“ICAI’). These and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable


Annexure - A to the Auditors’ Report

assurance about whether adequate internal financial or disposition of the company’s assets that could
controls over financial reporting was established and have a material effect on the financial statements.
maintained and if such controls operated effectively in
all material respects. Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls
Over Financial Reporting
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial
audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal controls over financial reporting, including the possibility
financial controls system over financial reporting and of collusion or improper management override of
their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud
financial controls over financial reporting included may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any
obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial
over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that
weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design the internal financial control over financial reporting may
and operating effectiveness of internal control based become inadequate because of changes in conditions,
on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend or that the degree of compliance with the policies or
on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of procedures may deteriorate.
the risks of material misstatement of the Ind AS financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. Opinion
In our opinion, the Holding Company, its subsidiary
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is companies, its associates and its joint venture, which are
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit companies incorporated in India, have, in all material
opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls respects, an adequate internal financial controls system
system over financial reporting. over financial reporting and such internal financial
controls over financial reporting were operating
Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over effectively as at 31 March 2017, based on the internal
Financial Reporting control over financial reporting criteria established by
A company’s internal financial control over financial the Company considering the essential components of
reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting
and the preparation of financial statements for external issued by the ICAI.
purposes in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. A company’s internal financial Other Matter
control over financial reporting includes those policies Our aforesaid reports under section 143(3)(i) of the Act on
and procedures that the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal
financial controls over financial reporting in so far as it
(1) p
 ertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable relates to two subsidiary companies, two associate and
detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and one joint venture, which are companies incorporated
dispositions of the assets of the company; in India, is based on the corresponding reports of the
auditors of such companies incorporated in India
(2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions
are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of For S.C. Vasudeva & Co,
financial statements in accordance with generally Chartered Accountants
accepted accounting principles, and that receipts Firm Reg. No.000235N
and expenditures of the company are being
made only in accordance with authorizations of
(Sanjiv Mohan)
management and directors of the company; and
M. No. 086066
(3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention
or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use,
10th May, 2017


Consolidated Balance Sheet

as at 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
Note As at As at As at
No. 31st March 2017 31st March 2016 1st April 2015
1 Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 3(a) 257,132.13 260,333.22 260,267.68
(b) Capital work-in-progress 4,902.67 8,601.30 7,932.64
(c) Goodwill 3(c) 1,254.48 1,259.18 1,259.18
(d) Other Intangible Assets 3(b) 674.18 1,108.24 1,393.29
(e) Investment in associates and joint ventures 4(a) 7,516.79 19,896.85 28,182.07
(f) Financial Assets
- Investments 4(b) 85,875.40 95,338.00 49,874.16
- Loans 5 61.97 81.36 87.76
- Others financial assets 6 204.71 1,269.97 12,426.13
(g) Other non-current Assets 7 7,839.34 9,049.21 8,027.87
Total Non-current assets 365,461.67 396,937.33 369,450.78
2 Current assets
(a) Inventories 8 175,280.68 192,512.48 175,740.07
(b) Financial Assets
- Investments 9 93,439.88 16,027.77 27,658.48
- Trade receivables 10 73,349.58 77,759.39 82,017.73
- Cash and cash equivalents 11 4,228.68 21,536.43 6,332.10
- Bank Balance other than above 11A 236.37 6,350.11 11,669.55
- Loans 12 2,971.30 3,033.43 3,702.56
- Other financial assets 13 4,960.52 5,352.15 4,102.10
(c) Current tax assets (net) 2,125.80 1,302.93 493.20
(d) Other current assets 14 29,599.89 30,518.73 31,551.13
Total Current assets 386,192.70 354,393.42 343,266.92
Total Assets 751,654.37 751,330.75 712,717.70
Equity and Liabilities
(a) Equity Share capital 15 5,490.53 6,091.91 6,091.91
(b) Other Equity 16 421,831.90 393,896.90 351,600.43
(c) Non-controlling interests
- Equity Share capital 2,562.75 2,931.50 2,931.50
- Other Equity 8,655.89 7,373.29 8,145.32
Total Equity 438,541.07 410,293.60 368,769.16
1 Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 17 74,270.02 103,972.03 133,475.34
- Other financial liabilities 18 48.78 19.12 1,299.49
(b) Provisions 19 969.22 635.54 769.77
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 20 27,118.77 23,774.26 22,932.38
(d) Other non-current liabilities 21 2,103.04 2,049.78 2,167.27
Total Non-current liabilities 104,509.83 130,450.73 160,644.25
2 Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings 22 106,632.17 103,075.47 60,716.20
- Trade payables 23 24,515.22 18,033.07 19,645.55
- Other financial liabilities 24 61,787.17 75,291.37 90,355.62
(b) Other current liabilities 25 15,203.75 13,640.98 11,897.43
(c) Provisions 26 465.16 545.53 689.49
Total Current liabilities 208,603.47 210,586.42 183,304.29
Total Equity and Liabilities 751,654.37 751,330.75 712,717.70
The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N
(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10.05.2017


Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss

for the year ended 31St March 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
Note For the year ended For the year ended
No. 31st March 2017 31st March 2016
I. Revenue from operations 27 606,676.59 589,527.50
II. Other income 28 49,152.00 11,048.59
III. Total income (I+II) 655,828.59 600,576.09
Expenses :
Cost of materials consumed 29 301,580.33 279,846.53
Purchases of stock-in-trade 30 539.50 1,859.83
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade 31 (9,081.82) 1,007.10
Employee benefits expense 32 47,884.72 43,379.47
Finance costs 33 9,294.99 8,886.41
Depreciation and amortization expense 3 34,339.74 37,424.85
Other expenses 34 143,162.91 145,803.61
IV. Total Expenses 527,720.37 518,207.80
V. Profit before non controlling interests and share of profit of associate and 128,108.22 82,368.29
joint venture (III-IV)
VI. Share of profit of associates/ joint ventures 3,685.53 4,783.49
VII. Profit before tax (V+VI) 131,793.75 87,151.78
VIII. Tax expense:
(1) Current tax 30,263.40 23,897.60
(2) Deferred tax 3,342.30 842.54
(3) Mat Credit Entitlement (1,239.63) 4.20
IX. Profit for the year (VII-VIII) 99,427.68 62,407.44
X. Other Comprehensive Income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
-Remeasurements of the defined benefits plans (61.29) 14.25
-Gain on Fair Valuation of Equity instruments carried at Fair Value through 6.35 -
Other Comprehensive Income
-Share of other comprehensive income from associate/ joint venture (9.32) 13.61
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 18.94 (4.70)
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - -
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - -
(45.32) 23.16
Total Comprehensive Income for the year (IX+X) 99,382.36 62,430.60
Profit attributable to:
- Owners of the parent 98,141.44 61,459.31
- Non-controlling interest 1,286.24 948.13
99,427.68 62,407.44
Other Comprehensive Income attributable to:
- Owners of the parent (41.69) 21.05
- Non-controlling interest (3.63) 2.11
(45.32) 23.16
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to:
- Owners of the parent 98,099.75 61,480.36
- Non-controlling interest 1,282.61 950.24
99,382.36 62,430.60
Earnings per equity share 42
Basic - Par value of ` 10 per share 163.10 100.89
Diluted - Par value of ` 10 per share 163.10 100.89
The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N
(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10.05.2017


Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31st march, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Net Profit before Exexceptional items and tax 131,793.75 87,151.78
Adjustments for :
Depreciation and amortisation 34,339.74 37,424.85
Income from associates (3,685.53) (4,783.49)
Interest expense 11,622.01 13,272.73
Fair Valuation Gain on Investments (9,967.74) (5,683.13)
Subsidy Income (189.33) (154.20)
Prepayments of Leasehold land 8.15 23.48
Interest income (3,121.66) (5,592.29)
Dividend income (1,462.11) (1,069.99)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of Assets(Net) (6,415.33) (745.31)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of Investments (Net) (28,109.57) (469.27)
Provision no longer required written Back(Net) (360.71) 542.38
Amortisation of Processing Charges 92.75 92.86
Fixed assets written off 438.35 21.22
Bad debts written off 358.75 33.81
Allowances for doubtful trade receivables and advances 274.44 118.97
written back
(6,177.79) 33,032.62
Changes in Working capital 125,615.96 120,184.40
Adjustments for :
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade and other Receivables 5,845.83 11,011.61
(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories 18,374.22 (16,355.52)
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables and other Liabilities 10,279.47 1,513.41
34,499.52 (3,830.50)
Cash generated from Operations 160,115.48 116,353.90
Net income tax paid (30,865.96) (30,865.96) (24,844.50) (24,844.50)
Net cash flow from/ (used in) operating activities 129,249.52 91,509.40
Purchase of Fixed Assets (30,994.04) (38,881.22)
Proceeds from sale of Fixed Assets 8,654.85 1,219.62
Purchase of Investments (108,748.38) (49,876.32)
Proceeds from sale of Investments 90,333.75 22,823.41
Interest received 4,971.69 4,342.83
Dividend received 1,462.11 15,230.49
Net Cash used in investing activities (34,320.02) (45,141.19)


Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31st march, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Long Term Borrowings(Net) (41,812.67) (45,542.92)
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Short Term Borrowings(Net) 3,884.69 45,935.38
Proceeds/ (Repayment) from Equity Share Capital (68,838.80) -
Dividend Paid (including taxes) (93.11) (23,287.94)
Interest Paid (11,491.10) (13,587.84)
Net Cash flow from/(used in) Financing Activities (118,350.99) (36,483.32)
Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents (23,421.48) 9,884.89
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 27,886.54 18,001.65
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4,465.06 27,886.54

The accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For S. C. Vasudeva & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No.: 000235N

(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10.05.2017

(Amount in Lakhs)

As at 31st March 2017 As at 31st March 2016
Particulars (Amount in (Amount in
Number Number
Lakhs) Lakhs)
Equity Share Capital
Balance at the beginning of reporting period 62,517,879 6,251.79 62,517,879 6,251.79
Own shares (Refer Note) (1,598,741) (159.88) (1,598,74) (159.88)
Net issued Share Capital at beginning of reporting period 60,919,138 6,091.91 60,919,138 6,091.91
Changes in equity share capital
Buyback of shares (including of 1,36,539 number of shares held through trust) (6,013,803) (601.38) - -
Balance at the closing of reporting period 54,905,335 5,490.53 60,919,138 6,091.91

Other Equity
(Amount in Lakhs)
Reserves & Surplus Equity Other items Total
Capital Capital Statutory Securities General Retained instruments of other
Particulars reserve Redemption Reserve U/s premium Reserve Earnings through other comprehensive
Reserve 45 IC of RBI comprehensive income
Balance as at 01 April 2016 2,152.47 - 367.70 20,990.54 195,557.08 174,525.38 282.68 21.05 393,896.90
Profit for the year 98,141.44 98,141.44
Other comprehensive income for the (41.69) (41.69)
Total Comprehensive Income for the 98,141.44 (41.69) 98,099.76
Transfer to Statutory Reserve & Capital (2,085.52) (2,085.52)
redemption reserve on account of
buyback of equity shares
Transfer from Retained Earnings 195.03 195.03
Transfer from Retained Earnings on 1,890.50 1,890.50
account of buyback of equity shares
Premium on buy back of shares (Net of (20,990.54) (49,174.21)
`| 1448.21 Lakhs of premium relating to (70,164.76)
own shares held through trust)
Balance as at 31 March 2017 2,152.47 1,890.50 562.73 - 146,382.87 270,581.29 282.68 (20.64) 421,831.90
Balance as at 01 April 2015 2,152.47 - 296.20 20,990.54 195,557.08 132,321.46 282.68 - 351,600.43
Profit for the year 61,459.31 61,459.31
Other comprehensive income for the 21.05 21.05
Total Comprehensive Income for the 61,459.31 21.05 61,480.36
Amount transferred from surplus in 71.50 71.50
statement of profit and loss
Amount transferred to statutory reserve (71.50) (71.50)
from statement of profit and loss
Interim Dividend on equity for financial (9,547.78) (9,547.78)
year 2015-16 (Amount per share ` 15)
Equity Dividend for the financial year (6,365.18) (6,365.18)
2014-15 (Amount ` 10 per share)
Dividend tax on dividend from associates (2,244.89) (2,244.89)
Dividend distribution tax (net of  Non- (1,026.04) (1,026.04)
controlling interest)
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Balance as at 31 March 2016 2,152.47 - 367.70 20,990.54 195,557.08 174,525.38 282.68 21.05 393,896.90

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

1. CORPORATE INFORMATION standard is initially adopted or a revision to an

Vardhman Textiles Limited (the Company) is a public existing accounting standard requires a change
company incorporated under the provisions of the in the accounting policy hitherto in use.
Companies Act, 1956 on 8th October, 1973 and has
its registered office at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana. (b) Principles of consolidation
The name of the company at its incorporation In accordance with Ind AS 101, the company
was Mahavir Spinning Mills Ltd. and subsequently has elected to apply Ind AS accounting for
changed to Vardhman Textiles Limited on 5th business combinations prospectively from 1st
September, 2006. The company is engaged in April 2015. Accordingly, balances relating to
manufacturing of Cotton yarn, Synthetic yarn and business combinations entered into before
woven fabric. The company is listed on two stock that date as per Indian GAAP have been carried
exchanges i.e. at National Stock Exchange and at forward with minimal adjustment as on 1st
Bombay Stock Exchange. April 2015 (refer note 35). The same first time
adoption exemption is also used for associates
(a) Basis of preparation of financial
statements Investment in Subsidiaries
The financial statements of the Company have Subsidiaries are all entities over which the
been prepared in accordance with Indian group has control. The company controls an
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under entity when the company is exposed to, or has
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) rights to, variable returns from its involvement
Rules, 2015 as amended and other relevant with the entity and has the ability to affect
provisions of the Act. those returns through its power to direct the
relevant activities of the entity.
For all periods up to and including the year
ended 31 March 2016, the Company prepared The company combines the financial
its financial statements in accordance statements of its subsidiaries on line by line
with accounting standards notified under basis adding together like items of assets,
Companies (Accounting Standard) Rule, 2006 liabilities, equity, income and expenses.
(Indian GAAP). These financial statements for
the year ended 31 March 2017 are the first the Intercompany transactions, balances and
Company has prepared in accordance with Ind unrealised gains on transactions between
AS. Note no. 35 explains the manner in which group companies are eliminated. Unrealised
the Company has adopted Ind AS. losses are also eliminated unless the transaction
provides evidence of an impairment of the
The financial statements have been prepared transferred asset.
on a historical cost basis, except for the
following assets and liabilities which have been Non-controlling interests in the results and
measured at fair value: equity of subsidiaries are shown separately in
the consolidated statement of profit and loss,
- Derivative financial instruments consolidated statement of changes in equity
and balance sheet respectively.
- Certain financial assets and liabilities
measured at fair value (refer accounting Investment in associates and joint
policy regarding financial instruments) ventures
An associate is an entity over which the Group
The accounting policies have been consistently has significant influence. Significant influence
applied except where a newly issued accounting is the power to participate in the financial and


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

operating policy decisions of the investee, estimates could change from period to
but is not control or joint control over those period. Actual results could differ from those
policies. estimates. Appropriate changes in estimates
are made as management becomes aware
A joint venture is a type of joint arrangement of changes in circumstances surrounding the
whereby the parties that have joint control estimates. Changes in estimates are reflected
of the arrangement have rights to the net in the financial statements in the period in
assets of the joint venture. Joint control is the which changes are made. Differences between
contractually agreed sharing of control of an actual results and estimates are recognised
arrangement, which exists only when decisions in the period in which the results are known/
about the relevant activities require unanimous materialised.
consent of the parties sharing control.
(d) Revenue Recognition
The investment in associate and joint venture Revenue is recognised at the fair value of the
is accounted for using the equity method in the consideration received or receivable. The
consolidated financial statements. amount disclosed as revenue is inclusive of
excise duty and net of returns, trade discounts,
Under the equity method, the investments value added tax and amount collected on
are initially recognised at cost and adjusted behalf of third parties.
thereafter to recognise the group’s share of the
post-acquisition profits or losses of the investee The company recognizes revenue when the
in profit and loss, and the group’s share of other amount of revenue can be measured reliably
comprehensive income of the investee in other and it is probable that the economic benefits
comprehensive income. Dividends received or associated with the transaction will flow to the
receivable from associates and joint ventures entity.
are recognised as a reduction in the carrying
amount of the investment. (i) Sales of goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised
Unrealised gains on transactions between the when the significant risks and rewards of
group and its associates and joint ventures are ownership of the goods are transferred to the
eliminated to the extent of the group’s interest buyer and the entity retains neither continuing
in these entities. Unrealised losses are also managerial involvement to the degree usually
eliminated unless the transaction provides associated with ownership nor effective control
evidence of an impairment of the asset over the goods sold.
(ii) Services
(c) Use of Estimates and Judgements Revenue from the sale of services is recognised
The preparation of the financial statements in on the basis of the stage of completion. When
conformity with Ind AS requires management to the contract outcome cannot be measured
make estimates, judgments and assumptions. reliably, revenue is recognised only to the
These estimates, judgments and assumptions extent that the expenses incurred are eligible
affect the application of accounting policies to be recovered.
and the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, the disclosures of contingent assets (iii) Export Incentives
and liabilities at the date of the financial Revenue in respect of the export incentives is
statements and reported amounts of revenues recognized on post export basis.
and expenses during the period. Accounting


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(iv) Interest (b) Defined Benefit Plans

Income from interest is recognized using the Gratuity
effective interest rate (EIR). EIR is the rate that The Company provides for gratuity, a defined
exactly discounts the estimated future cash benefit retirement plan (‘the Gratuity Plan’)
payments or receipts over the expected life of covering eligible employees of the Company.
the financial instrument or a shorter period, The Gratuity Plan provides a lump-sum
where appropriate, to the gross carrying amount payment to vested employees at retirement,
of the financial asset. When calculating the death, incapacitation or termination of
effective interest rate, the Company estimates employment, of an amount based on the
the expected cash flows by considering all the respective employee’s salary and the tenure of
contractual terms of the financial instrument but employment with the Company.
does not consider the expected credit losses.
Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity Plan are
(v) Dividend determined by actuarial valuation, performed
Dividend income is recognized when the right by an independent actuary, at each balance
to receive the payment is established. sheet date using the projected unit credit
method. The company fully contributes all
(vi) Insurance and Other Claims ascertained liabilities to the Mahavir Employee
Revenue in respect of claims is recognized Gratuity Fund Trust (the Trust). Trustees
when no significant uncertainty exists with administrate contributions made to the Trusts
regard to the amount to be realized and the and contributions are invested in the schemes
ultimate collection thereof. as permitted by the laws of India.

(e) Employees Benefits The Company recognizes the net obligation

(i) Short term Employee Benefits : of a defined benefit plan in its balance sheet
Short Term Employee Benefits are recognized as an asset or liability. Remeasurements
as an expense on an undiscounted basis in comprising of actuarial gains and losses, the
the statement of profit and loss of the year in effect of the asset ceiling (excluding amounts
which the related service is rendered. included in net interest on the net defined
benefit liability) and the return on plan assets
(ii) Post Employment Benefits (excluding amounts included in net interest on
(a) Defined Contribution Plans: the net defined benefit liability) are recognised
Provident Fund in Other Comprehensive Income which are
Retirement benefit in the form of provident not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent
fund is a defined contribution scheme. The periods.
Company has no obligation, other than the
contribution payable to the provident fund. (iii) Long-term employee benefits
The Company recognizes contribution payable The liability of accumulating compensated
to the provident fund scheme as an expense, absences is determined by actuarial valuation
when an employee renders the related service performed by an independent actuary at each
balance sheet date using projected unit credit
Superannuation method.
Certain employees of the Company are
participants in a defined contribution plan. (f) Property, Plant and Equipment
The Company has no further obligations to the The Company has applied for the one time
Plan beyond its annual contributions which transition exemption of considering the
are periodically contributed to a trust fund, carrying cost on the transition date i.e. April
the corpus of which is invested with the Life 1, 2015 as the deemed cost under IND AS and
Insurance Corporation of India. hence regarded thereafter as historical cost.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Freehold land is carried at cost. All other items of profit and loss. Assets to be disposed off are
of Property, plant and equipment are stated at reported at the lower of the carrying value or
cost, less accumulated depreciation. The Cost the fair value less cost to sell.
of an item of Property, Plant and Equipment
comprises: (g) Intangible Assets
Intangible assets are stated at cost less
(a) its purchase price including import duties and accumulated amount of amortization.
non-refundable purchase taxes after deducting
trade discounts and rebates. Intangible assets are amortized over their
respective individual estimated useful lives on
(b) any attributable expenditure directly a straight-line basis, from the date that they
attributable for bringing an asset to the location are available for use. The estimated useful life
and the working condition for its intended use of an identifiable intangible asset is based on
and a number of factors including the effects of
obsolescence, etc. The amortization method
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and useful lives are reviewed periodically at
and removing the item and restoring the site on end of each financial year.
which it is located, the obligation for which an
entity incurs either when the item is acquired (h) Inventories
or as a consequence of having used the item Inventories are valued at cost or net realizable
during a particular period for purposes other value, whichever is lower. The cost in respect
than to produce inventories during that period. of the various items of inventory is computed
as under:
Depreciation is provided on Straight Line
Method on the basis of useful lives of such In case of raw materials at weighted
assets specified in Schedule II to the Companies average cost plus direct expenses. The
Act, 2013 except the assets costing ` 5,000/- cost includes cost of purchase and other
or below on which depreciation is charged @ costs incurred in bringing the inventories
100% per annum on proportionate basis. to their present location and condition.

Advances paid towards the acquisition of In case of stores and spares at weighted
property, plant and equipment outstanding average cost plus direct expenses. The
at each balance sheet date is also classified cost includes cost of purchase and other
as capital advances under other non-current costs incurred in bringing the inventories
assets and the cost of assets not put to use to their present location and condition.
before such date are disclosed under ‘Capital
work-in-progress’. In case of work in progress at raw material
cost plus conversion costs depending
Subsequent expenditures relating to property, upon the stage of completion.
plant and equipment is capitalized only when
it is probable that future economic benefits In case of finished goods at raw material
associated with these will flow to the Company cost plus conversion costs, packing cost,
and the cost of the item can be measured excise duty (if applicable) and other
reliably. Repairs and maintenance costs are overheads incurred to bring the goods to
recognized in net profit in the statement their present location and condition.
of profit and loss when incurred. The cost
and related accumulated depreciation are (i) Borrowing Costs
eliminated from the financial statements upon Borrowing costs that are directly attributable
sale or retirement of the asset and the resultant to the acquisition, construction or production
gains or losses are recognized in the statement


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of to be paid to or recovered from the tax
the cost of the asset. Other borrowing costs authorities, using the tax rates and tax laws that
are recognized as an expense in the period have been enacted or substantively enacted
in which they are incurred. Borrowing costs by the balance sheet date. Deferred income
consist of interest and other costs that an entity tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all
incurs in connection with the borrowing of temporary differences arising between the tax
funds. Borrowing cost also includes exchange base of assets and liabilities and their carrying
differences to the extent regarded as an amounts in the financial statements except
adjustment to the borrowing costs. when the deferred income tax arises from the
initial recognition of an asset or liability in a
(j) Earnings per Share transaction that is not a business combination
Basic earnings per equity share is computed and affects neither accounting nor taxable
by dividing the net profit attributable to the profit or loss at the time of the transaction.
equity holders of the company by the weighted Deferred tax assets and liabilities are reviewed
average number of equity shares outstanding at each reporting date and are reduced to the
during the period. Diluted earnings per equity extent that it is no longer probable that the
share is computed by dividing the net profit related tax benefit will be realized.
attributable to the equity holders of the
company by the weighted average number Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are
of equity shares considered for deriving measured using tax rates and tax laws that
basic earnings per equity share and also the have been enacted or substantively enacted
weighted average number of equity shares by the balance sheet date and are expected to
that could have been issued upon conversion apply to taxable income in the years in which
of all dilutive potential equity shares. The those temporary differences are expected to
dilutive potential equity shares are adjusted be recovered or settled. The effect of changes
for the proceeds receivable had the equity in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and
shares been actually issued at fair value (i.e. liabilities is recognized as income or expense
the average market value of the outstanding in the period that includes the enactment or
equity shares). Dilutive potential equity shares the substantive enactment date. A deferred
are deemed converted as of the beginning income tax asset is recognized to the extent
of the period, unless issued at a later date. that it is probable that future taxable profit
Dilutive potential equity shares are determined will be available against which the deductible
independently for each period presented. temporary differences and tax losses can be
utilized. The Company offsets current tax assets
(k) Income Taxes and current tax liabilities, where it has a legally
Income tax expense comprises current tax and enforceable right to set off the recognized
deferred tax. Income tax expense is recognized amounts and where it intends either to settle
in net profit in the statement of profit and on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle
loss except to the extent that it relates to the liability simultaneously.
items recognized directly in equity or other
comprehensive income, in which case it is also Minimum Alternate Tax credit is recognised as
recognized in equity or other comprehensive deferred tax asset only when and to the extent
income respectively. there is convincing evidence that the Company
will pay normal income tax during the specified
Current income tax for current and prior period. Such asset is reviewed at each Balance
periods is recognized at the amount expected Sheet date and the carrying amount of the MAT
credit asset is written down to the extent there


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

is no longer a convincing evidence to the effect Foreign exchange differences regarded as an

that the Company will pay normal income tax adjustment to borrowing costs are presented
during the specified period. in the statement of profit and loss, as a part of
finance cost. All other foreign exchange gains
(l) Government Grants and losses are presented in the statement of
The government grants are recognized only profit and loss on net basis.
when there is reasonable assurance that
the conditions attached to them shall be In respect of foreign branch, which is in the
complied with, and the grants will be received. nature of integral foreign operations, all
Government grants related to assets are treated transactions are translated using the exchange
as deferred income and are recognized in the rate at the date of the transaction. The
statement of profit and loss on a systematic translation of monetary assets and liabilities
and rational basis over the useful life of the is performed using the exchange rate in
asset. Government grants related to revenue effect at the balance sheet date. Fixed assets
are recognized on a systematic basis in the are translated as at the date of transaction.
statement of profit and loss over the periods Depreciation is translated at the rates applied
necessary to match them with the related costs for translation of fixed assets.
which they are intended to compensate.
(n) Dividends
(m) Foreign Currency Transactions Final dividends on shares are recorded as
(i) Functional and Presentation currency a liability on the date of approval by the
The functional currency of the company is shareholders and interim dividends are
Indian rupee. These financial statements are recorded as a liability on the date of declaration
presented in Indian rupee. by the company’s Board of Directors.

(ii) Transaction and balances (o) Leases

The foreign currency transactions are recorded, Leases under which the company assumes
on initial recognition in the functional currency, substantially all the risks and rewards of
by applying to the foreign currency amount the ownership are classified as finance leases.
spot exchange rate between the functional When acquired, such assets are capitalized
currency and the foreign currency at the date at fair value or present value of the minimum
of the transaction. lease payments at the inception of the lease,
whichever is lower. Lease under which the risks
The foreign currency monetary items are and rewards incidental to ownership are not
translated using the closing rate at the end of transferred to lessee is classified as operating
each reporting period. Non-monetary items lease. Lease payments under operating leases
that are measured in terms of historical cost in are recognized as an expense on a straight line
a foreign currency shall be translated using the basis in net profit in the statement of profit and
exchange rate at the date of the transaction. loss over the lease term.
Exchange differences arising on the settlement
of monetary items or on translating monetary (p) Financial instruments
items at rates different from those at which A financial instrument is any contract that
they were translated on initial recognition gives rise to a financial asset of one entity
during the period or in previous financial and a financial liability or equity instrument of
statements shall be recognised in profit or loss another entity.
in the period in which they arise.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(i) Initial Recognition and measurement (iv) Financial liabilities

On initial recognition, all the financial assets The financial liabilities are subsequently
and liabilities are recognized at its fair value carried at amortized cost using the effective
plus or minus transaction costs that are interest method. For trade and other payables
directly attributable to the acquisition or issue maturing within one year from the balance
of the financial asset or financial liability except sheet date, the carrying amounts approximate
financial asset or financial liability measured at fair value due to the short maturity of these
fair value through profit or loss. Transaction instruments.
costs of financial assets and liabilities carried
at fair value through the Profit and Loss are b. Derivative financial instruments
immediately recognized in the Statement of The Company holds derivative financial
Profit and Loss. instruments such as foreign exchange forward
and option contracts to mitigate the risk of
(ii) Subsequent measurement changes in exchange rates on foreign currency
a. Non-derivative financial instruments exposures. The counterparty for these
(i) Financial assets carried at amortised cost contracts is generally a bank.
A financial asset is subsequently measured at
amortised cost if it is held within a business Although the Company believes that these
model whose objective is to hold the asset in derivatives constitute hedges from an
order to collect contractual cash flows and the economic perspective, they may not qualify for
contractual terms of the financial asset give hedge accounting under Ind AS 109, Financial
rise on specified dates to cash flows that are Instruments. Any derivative that is either not
solely payments of principal and interest on designated a hedge, or is so designated but is
the principal amount outstanding. ineffective as per Ind AS 109, is categorized as a
financial asset or financial liability, at fair value
(ii) Financial assets at fair value through other through profit or loss.
comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
A financial asset is subsequently measured Derivatives not designated as hedges are
at fair value through other comprehensive recognized initially at fair value and attributable
income if it is held within a business model transaction costs are recognized in net profit in
whose objective is achieved by both collecting the statement of profit and loss when incurred.
contractual cash flows and selling financial Subsequent to initial recognition, these
assets and the contractual terms of the financial derivatives are measured at fair value through
asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows profit or loss and the resulting exchange gains
that are solely payments of principal and or losses are included in other income. Assets/
interest on the principal amount outstanding. liabilities in this category are presented as
current assets/current liabilities if they are
(iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit either held for trading or are expected to be
or loss (FVTPL) realized within 12 months after the balance
A financial asset is measured at fair value sheet date.
through profit and loss unless it is measured
at amortized cost or at fair value through other
comprehensive income.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

c. Share capital and treasury shares (q) Impairment of assets

(i) Ordinary Shares a. Financial assets
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. The company recognizes loss allowances
Incremental costs directly attributable to the using the expected credit loss (ECL) model for
issuance of new ordinary shares and share the financial assets which are not fair valued
options are recognized as a deduction from through profit or loss.
equity, net of any tax effects.
Loss allowance for trade receivables with no
(ii) Treasury Shares significant financing component is measured at
The equity shares of the company held by it an amount equal to lifetime ECL. For all other
through a trust are presented as a deduction financial assets, expected credit losses are
from total equity, until they are cancelled or measured at an amount equal to the 12-month
sold. ECL, unless there has been a significant
increase in credit risk from initial recognition
(iii) Derecognition of financial instruments in which case those are measured at lifetime
A financial asset is derecognized when the ECL. The amount of expected credit losses
contractual rights to the cash flows from (or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss
the financial asset expire or it transfers the allowance at the reporting date to the amount
financial asset and the transfer qualifies for that is required to be recognised is recognized
derecognition under Ind AS 109. A financial as an impairment gain or loss in statement of
liability is derecognized when the obligation profit or loss.
specified in the contract is discharged or
cancelled or expired. b. Non-financial assets
Intangible assets and property, plant and
(iv) F
 air value measurement of financial equipment
instruments Intangible assets and property, plant and
The fair value of financial instruments is equipment are evaluated for recoverability
determined using the valuation techniques whenever events or changes in circumstances
that are appropriate in the circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not
and for which sufficient data are available to be recoverable. For the purpose of impairment
measure fair value, maximising the use of testing, the recoverable amount (i.e. the higher
relevant observable inputs and minimising the of the fair value less cost to sell and the value-in-
use of unobservable inputs. use) is determined on an individual asset basis
unless the asset does not generate cash flows
Based on the three level fair value hierarchy, that are largely independent of those from
the methods used to determine the fair value other assets. In such cases, the recoverable
of financial assets and liabilities include quoted amount is determined for the Cash Generating
market price, discounted cash flow analysis Unit to which the asset belongs.
and valuation certified by the external valuer.
If such assets are considered to be impaired,
In case of financial instruments where the the impairment to be recognized in the
carrying amount approximates fair value due statement of profit and loss is measured by
to the short maturity of those instruments, the amount by which the carrying value of
carrying amount is considered as fair value.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable (s) Cash flow statement
amount of the asset. An impairment loss is The cash flow statement is prepared in
reversed in the statement of profit and loss if accordance with the Indian Accounting
there has been a change in the estimates used Standard (Ind AS) - 7 “Statement of Cash
to determine the recoverable amount. The flows” using the indirect method for operating
carrying amount of the asset is increased to its activities.
revised recoverable amount, provided that this
amount does not exceed the carrying amount (t) Provisions
that would have been determined (net of any A provision shall be recognised when:
accumulated amortization or depreciation) (a) an entity has a present obligation as a result of
had no impairment loss been recognized for a past event;
the asset in prior years.
(b)  it is probable that an outflow of resources
(r) Cash and cash equivalents embodying economic benefits will be required
The Cash and cash equivalent in the balance to settle the obligation; and
sheet comprise cash at banks and on hand and
short-term deposits with a maturity period of (c) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount
three months or less from the balance sheet of the obligation.
date, which are subject to an insignificant risk
of changes in value. If the effect of the time value of money is
material, provisions are discounted using
a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when
appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.
When discounting is used, the increase in
the provision due to the passage of time is
recognised as a finance cost.

3(a). Property, Plant and Equipment

(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
as at adjustments as at 31st as at expense for on disposal adjustments as at as at as at
1st April, March, 1st April, the year of assets 31st 31st 31st
2015 2016 2015 March, March, March,
2016 2016 2015
Tangible Assets:
Free-hold Land 6,240.02 238.23 5.16 (151.15) 6,624.24 - - - - - 6,624.24 6,240.02
Buildings 91,727.35 6,082.63 28.95 28.29 97,752.74 22,024.98 2,728.73 11.37 32.52 24,709.82 73,042.92 69,702.37
Plant and Equipment 459,847.67 30,372.13 3,166.83 1,884.17 485,168.80 278,196.53 33,487.21 2,783.22 1,226.34 307,674.18 177,494.62 181,651.14
Furniture and Fixtures 2,279.23 192.30 4.55 42.72 2,424.26 1,509.91 176.87 3.12 38.30 1,645.37 778.89 769.32
Vehicles 1,532.08 286.24 177.65 (0.22) 1,640.89 605.72 173.82 133.17 0.02 646.35 994.54 926.36
Office equipment 3,022.40 871.56 16.57 140.91 3,736.48 2,050.19 429.74 15.66 120.25 2,344.02 1,392.46 972.21
Computer equipment 45.18 3.76 - - 48.94 38.92 4.47 - - 43.39 5.55 6.26
Total 564,693.93 38,046.85 3,399.71 1,944.72 597,396.35 304,426.25 37,000.84 2,946.54 1,417.43 337,063.13 260,333.22 260,267.68

(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 2017 1st April, expense for of assets Refer note- March, March, March,
2015 2016 the year 32 2017 2017 2016
Tangible Assets:
Free-hold Land 6,624.24 1,949.68 89.33 (217.93) 8,702.51 - - - - - 8,702.51 6,624.24
Buildings 97,752.74 6,776.14 1,143.08 540.17 102,845.63 24,709.82 3,016.11 643.72 158.96 26,923.25 75,922.38 73,042.92
Plant and Equipment 485,168.80 22,000.93 11,908.31 1,997.70 493,263.72 307,674.18 29,989.49 9,857.55 3,071.92 324,734.20 168,529.52 177,494.62
Furniture and Fixtures 2,424.26 441.75 32.13 634.06 2,199.82 1,645.37 146.41 17.82 423.34 1,350.62 849.20 778.89
Vehicles 1,640.89 300.53 122.45 12.75 1,806.22 646.35 187.84 80.09 1.37 752.73 1,053.49 994.54
Office equipment 3,736.48 885.16 18.69 913.62 5,516.57 2,344.02 536.49 10.95 (591.58) 3,461.14 2,055.43 1,392.46
Computer equipment 48.94 14.56 10.31 - 53.19 43.39 -* 9.79 - 33.60 19.59 5.55
Total 597,396.35 32,368.75 13,324.29 2,053.14 614,387.66 337,063.13 33,876.34 10,619.92 3,064.00 357,255.54 257,132.13 260,333.22

#Includes ` 248.20 lac (Previous Year ` 248.20 lac) cost of Residential flats at Mandideep, the land cost of which has not been excluded from this cost. The depreciation
for the year has been taken on the entire cost of ` 248.20 lac (Previous Year ` 248.20 lac).

Freehold land includes ` Nil (Previous Year ` 31.00 lac) for the cost of land at Baddi, (Himachal Pradesh) for which title deeds are yet to be executed in favour of the
Company, though the possession thereof has been taken by the company.
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

- Depreciation for the year includes net depreciation of ` Nil (Previous year (-) 57.73 Lakhs) pertaining to earlier years.
3(b). Other Intangible Assets
(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 2017 1st April, expense for of assets March, March, March,

2016 2016 the year 2017 2017 2016

Intangible Assets:
Computer Softwares 1,833.07 65.44 - 103.61 1,794.90 1,041.58 302.50 - 67.51 1,276.56 518.33 791.49
Contribution to CETP 64.00 - - - 64.00 46.40 4.40 - - 50.80 13.20 17.60
Right to use Power 1,812.51 - - - 1,812.51 1,513.36 156.50 - - 1,669.86 142.65 299.15
Total 3,709.58 65.44 - 103.61 3,671.42 2,601.34 463.40 - 67.51 2,997.22 674.18 1,108.24

(Amount in Lakhs)
Original Cost Depreciation and Amortization Net Block
Balance Additions Disposals Other Balance Balance Depreciation/ Eliminated Other Balance Balance Balance
Particulars as at adjustments as at 31st as at amortisation on disposal adjustments as at 31st as at 31st as at 31st
1st April, March, 1st April, expense for of assets March, March, March,
2015 2016 2015 the year 2016 2016 2015
Intangible Assets:
Computer Softwares 1,758.10 74.97 - - 1,833.07 814.26 227.32 - - 1,041.58 791.49 943.84
Contribution to - 64.00 - - 64.00 - 46.40 - - 46.40 17.60 -
Right to use Power 1,812.51 - - - 1,812.51 1,363.06 150.30 - - 1,513.36 299.15 449.45
Total 3,570.61 138.97 - - 3,709.58 2,177.32 424.02 - - 2,601.34 1,108.24 1,393.29

Intangible Assets are not internally generated

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

3 (c) Goodwill
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Carrying Value at the beginning 1,259.18 1,259.18 1,259.18
Additions - - -
Disposal 4.70 - -
Carrying Value at the end 1,254.48 1,259.18 1,259.18

4 (a) Investment in associates and joint ventures

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a. Investment in Equity instruments
(i) Investment in Associates/ Joint Ventures (Unquoted)
62,70,699 (31 March 2016: 290,72,240 1st April 2015: 5,044.28 18,013.49 26,511.32
290,72,240) Equity shares of ` 10/- each fully paid up of
Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited (also refer note 55)
71,40,000 (31 March 2016: 71,40,000 1st April 2015: (237.67) (210.19) (288.40)
71,40,000) Equity shares of ` 10/- each fully paid up of
Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited
(also refer note 55)
25,000 (31 March 2016: 25,000 1st April 2015:25,000) Equity 6.68 6.71 6.85
shares of ` 10/- each fully paid-up of Vardhman Spinning
and General Mills Limited (also refer note 55)
(ii) Investment in Associates/ Joint Ventures (Quoted)
60,51,800 (31 March 2016: 60,51,800 1st April 2015: 1,703.50 1,086.84 952.30
60,51,800) Equity shares of ` 10/- each fully paid up of
Vardhman Special Steels Limited (also refer note 55)
b. Investment in preference instruments (unquoted)
(i) Investment in joint venture
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1,00,00,000) 10% non-cumulative convertible perference
shares of ` 10/- each fully paid up of Vardhman Nisshinbo
Garments Company Limited
7,516.79 19,896.85 28,182.07


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 (b) Investments (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a. Financial assets measured at fair value through OCI
Investment in equity instruments (unquoted)
41,000 (31 March 2016: 41,000 1st April 2015:41,000) Equity- 5.92 5.35 5.35
Shares of ` 10/- each fully paid-up of Shivalik Solid Waste
Management Limited (Section 8 Company)
1,40,625 (31 March 2016:1,40,625 1st April 2015: 1,40,625) 160.79 155.14 155.14
Equity shares of ` 10/- each fully paid-up of Nimbua
Greenfield (Punjab) Limited
2,225 Equity shares of ` 10/- each fully paid-up of Diwakar 12.28 0.45 0.45
Investment & Trading Co. pvt ltd. (Shreshtha Holding
company has got merged with Diwakar Investment &
Trading Co. private limited and the company has got 2,225
equity shares of Diwakar Investment & Trading Co. Pvt
Limited in lieu of 4495 equity share of shreshta holding
1,647,525 (31 March 2016: 1,647,525, 1st April 2015: 443.02 454.72 454.72
16,47,525) Equity Shares of Bharuch Eco-Aqua Infrastructure
Ltd. of ` 10/- each fully paid up.
b. Financial assets measured at fair value through Profit
and loss
(i) Investment in Bonds/ Preference shares/ Debentures
820 (31 March 2016: 820, 1 April 2015: Nil) 16.46% Non 127.20 123.30 -
Convertible Redeemable cumulative Preference Shares of
` 7500/- each fully paid of IL & FS Financial Services Ltd.
6,660 (31 March 2016:6,660 1st April 2015: Nil) 17.38% Non 1,123.52 999.00 -
Convertible Redeemable cumulative Preference Shares of `
7500/- each fully paid of IL & FS Financial Services Ltd.
10,000 (31 March 2016:10,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 16.46% 1,565.59 1,503.50 -
Non Convertible Redeemable cumulative Preference Shares
of ` 7500/- each fully paid of IL & FS Financial Services Ltd.
# Nil (31 March 2016:10,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3% - 1,000.00 -
cumulative compulsorily convertible Preference Shares
of ` 100/- each of TATA Motors Finance Ltd.
2,500 (31 March 2016:2500 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal 2,500.00 2,521.74
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal protected 1,606.43 - -
Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible Debentures of
` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance limited
2,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal 2,134.41 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance limited
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal 1,062.69 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,000,000/- each of Aspire home Finance ltd


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 (b) Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(ii) Investment in Equity Fund/Liquid Funds/Debt
Funds/Monthly Income Plans (Quoted)
2,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,310.60 2,110.46 -
units of ` 10/- each of Reliance fixed horizon fund- XXIX-
SERIES 1- Direct Growth Plan
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3,453.57 3,156.27 -
units of ` 10/- each of Reliance fixed horizon fund- XXIX-
SERIES 2- Direct Growth Plan
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,746.35 5,250.70 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 178 Direct Growth
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,714.95 5,219.80 -
units of ` 10/- each of Birla Sunlife Fixed Term Plan Series X
(1128 Days)
25,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) units of 2,507.48 - -
` 10/- each of Birla Sunlife Fixed Term Plan Series ok -Growth
Direct (1135 Days)
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 5,658.10 5,213.10 -
units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 77-1129
Days Plan Direct Plan Cumulative
5,00,08,075.344 (31 March 2016: 3,10,00,000 1st April 2015: 5,717.82 3,238.88 -
Nil) units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund-XXIX-
Series 8 Direct Growth Plan
2,20,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,20,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,510.11 2,283.09 -
units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series
XXIII-II (1100 Days) Direct Growth Plan
1,30,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,30,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,472.24 1,345.67 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 180-1099 Days

1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,128.34 1,030.32 -
units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series
XXIII-VII (1098 Days) Direct Growth Plan
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 3,293.52 3,011.70 -
units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 191 Direct Growth
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,095.93 1,001.80 -
units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 78-1115
Days Plan X Direct Plan Cumulative
2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,749.77 2,506.63 -
units of ` 10/- each of HDFC FMP 1114D Direct Growth
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,732.38 2,500.00
units of ` 10/- each of SBI Debt Fund Series- B -36(1131
Days)- Direct Growth


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 (b) Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
# Nil (31 March 2016:1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,181.57 1,094.35
1,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund
Series - (400 Day)Regular -Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,961.80 2,733.03
2,50,00,000)Units of ` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund
Series -Direct -(380 Day)Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016:1,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,788.30 1,649.49
1,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund
Series - Direct - (400 Day)Growth
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,517.45 - -
of ` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series -
Direct - (1170 Day)Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,976.88 2,751.58
2,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Dsp Blackrock
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,979.15 2,747.63
2,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed
Horiozon Fund XXVI Series 2 Direct Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,982.50 2,753.10
2,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of BSL Fixed Term Plan
-Series KR - Growth Direct
# Nil (31 March 2016:2,54,82,906 1st April 2015: - 3,046.18 5,495.00
5,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP
Series 73-390 D Plan I Direct Plan Cumulative
# Nil (31 March 2016: 3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 3,561.18 3,291.81
3,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term
Income Fund Series XVIII-I Direct Growth Plan
1,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 1,635.06 - -
Units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund
Series XXIV-XIV (1831 Days)Direct Growth Plan
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 2,643.68 - -
Units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income
Fund Series XXV-11 (1097 Days)Direct Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 2,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,377.80 2,193.84
2,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed
Horizon Fund- XXV- Series 33- Direct Plan Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,961.25 2,735.00
2,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP
Series 149 Direct - Growth
3,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 3,507.49 - -
Units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 202
Direct - Growth


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

4 (b) Investments (Non Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
5,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 5,00,00,000 1st April 2015: 5,916.00 5,412.75 5,000.00
5,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of SBI Debt Fund eries-B
(1105 DAYS) Direct Plan Growth Fixed Maturity Plan
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: 3,00,00,000 1st April 2015: 3,561.21 3,261.03 3,001.05
3,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP
Series 76-1108 Days Plan V Direct Plan Cumulative
25,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,516.80 - -
of ` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 80-1233
Days Plan Direct Plan Cumulative
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 01st April 2015: Nil) 2,518.95 - -
Units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon
Fund- XXXIII- Series 3- Direct Plan Growth Plan
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 01st April 2015: Nil) 2,515.83 - -
Units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon
Fund- XXXIIV- Series 4- Direct Plan Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,200.05 1,109.50
1,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed
Horizon Fund -XXV-Series 16-Growth Plan
Nil (31 March 2016: 2,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 2,436.90 2,244.38
2,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series
140 Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016: 2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 3,021.38 2,787.03
2,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series
150 Growth
# Nil (31 March 2016: 1,50,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,780.59 1,645.91
1,50,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term
Income Fund Series XVIII-I (400 Days) Direct Growth Plan
# Nil (31 March 2016: 1,00,00,000 1st April 2015: - 1,159.79 1,064.02
1,00,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of DSP Blackrock
FTP - Series 44 -36 Month Direct Growth
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 2,50,00,000) - - 2,930.45
Units of ` 10/- each of Relaince Fixed Horizon
Fund - XXIV -Growth Plan
5,000,000 (31 March 2016: 50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 598.11 535.07 -
Units of ` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term
Income Fund Series XXII-VI Growth Plan
80,00,000 (31 March 2016: 80,00,000, 1st April 2015: 1,111.84 792.16 817.68
80,00,000) Units of ` 10/- each of DSP Blackrock 3 Years
close ended equity fund
10,000,000 (31 March 2016: 10,000,000, 1 April 2015: - 1,308.11 1,213.68
10,000,000) Units of ` 10/- each of Birla SunLife FMP
series GY
Total 85,875.40 95,338.00 49,874.16


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
1. Aggregate amount of quoted investments 85,253.39 94,722.35 49,258.51
2. Aggregate Market Value of quoted investments 85,253.39 94,722.35 49,258.51
3. Aggregate amount of unquoted investments 622.01 615.66 615.66
# Investments having maturity period of less than 12 months from 31st March 2017 i.e. the balance sheet date have been reclassified as ‘ Current
Investment’ as per the requirement of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013

5 Loans (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(unsecured, considered good)
Financial assets at amortized cost
- Loans to employees 61.97 81.36 87.76
Total 61.97 81.36 87.76

6 Other Financial Assets (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Fixed Deposits with banks more than twelve months maturity 194.13 1,154.76 12,008.66
Interest Receivable 10.58 115.21 417.47
Total 204.71 1,269.97 12,426.13

7 Other Non Current Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(unsecured, considered good)
Capital advances 2,344.50 2,417.36 1,697.16
Balance with government authorities 1,397.92 1,769.26 1,943.41
Security deposits 2,118.11 2,865.72 2,279.21
Lease hold land prepayment 1,908.76 1,933.63 1,957.10
Prepaid (Deferred) Expense for employee benefit 6.12 5.34 6.12
Prepaid expenses 63.92 57.90 47.41
Other Recoverable - - 97.46
Total 7,839.34 9,049.21 8,027.87


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

8 Inventories
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower)
Raw materials (includes in transit ` 9,791.35 Lakhs 31st March 99,176.65 125,228.44 107,795.08
2016 ` 3,868.90 Lakhs,
1st April 2015 ` 5,596.05 Lakhs)
Work-in-progress 14,321.85 11,404.43 12,312.21
Finished Goods 47,885.44 41,721.04 42,156.30
Stores and Spares (includes in transit ` 1,469.44 Lakhs 31st 13,991.24 14,339.91 14,134.08
March 2016 ` 1,292.39 Lakhs
1st April 2015 ` 1,023.51 Lakhs)
Trading goods in transit (Fibre) - 484.37 425.02
Less: Unrealised profit on consolidation 94.50 665.71 1,082.62
Total 175,280.68 192,512.48 175,740.07

9 Investments (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets measured at fair value through Profit
and loss
(i) Investment in Bonds/ Preference shares/ Debentures
10,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) 3% 1,000.00 - -
cumulative compulsorily convertible Preference Shares of
` 100/- each of TATA Motors Finance Ltd.
5,00,000 (31 March 2016: 5,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) 500.05 502.80
Preference Shares of ` 100/- each of L& T
Redemable Preference Shares
1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal 1,500.00 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
1,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal 1,110.72 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of ECL Finance limited
996 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Secured 988.53 - -
Redeemable Non convertible Principal protected market
linked debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of Reliance Capital Ltd
1,500 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Principal 1,590.21 - -
protected Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible
Debentures of ` 1,00,000/- each of IIFL wealth Finance limited
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 1,013.74 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.17% National Highway Authority of
India 23 DEC 2021*


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
81 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 813.18 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.18% NABARD 23 Mar 2020*
5 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of ` 1,000,000/- 52.07 - -
each of 7.47% Power Finance Corporation16 Sep 2021*
7 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of ` 1,000,000/- 73.43 - -
each of 7.50% Power Finance Corporation 16 Aug 2021*
43 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 439.93 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.60% Axis Bank 20 Oct 2023*
50 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 514.90 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.60% ICICI 07 OCT 2023*
71 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Bonds of 743.84 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.63% PFC 14 Aug 2026*
50 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 526.27 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 7.95% HDFC Bank 21 Sep 2026*
66 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 666.51 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 8.22% DAIMLER FINANCIAL SR-4*
5 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 52.04 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 8.38% LIC Housing Finance 27 Feb 2019*
100 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 1,098.62 - -
` 1,000,000/- each of 8.48% LIC Housing Finance 29 JUN 2026*
60 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Principal protected 603.61 - -
Market Linked redeemable Non Convertible Debentures of
` 1,000,000/- each of Indiabulls Housing Finance*
45840.73 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,028.00 - -
` 1,000/- each of Reliance Money Manager Fund - Growth*
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 1,025.50 - -
` 100/- each of Karnataka State Development Loan 17448*
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 1,018.25 - -
` 100/- each of Maharashtra State Development Loan 18601*
1,000,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 1,009.51 - -
` 100/- each of 7.77 Kerala State Development Loan 01 Mar 2027*
5,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 511.12 - -
` 100/- each of Tamil Nadu State Development Loan 17957*
5,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Bonds of 501.60 - -
` 100/- each of 7.64 Haryana Sdl 29 March 2027*
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 25,00,000) 8.65% - - 2,500.00
NABARD Bonds of ` 100/- each
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 21,750) 8% Tax-free - - 217.50
Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Bonds of ` 1,000/-
each of Indian Railway Finance Coproration Ltd (IRFCL)
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 3,330) Units of ` 1,000 - - 33.30
/- each of 8.66 % NTPC Tax Free Bonds
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,00,000) units of - - 1,000.00
` 1,000 each of 8.51 % HUDCO Tax Free Bonds


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(ii) Investment in Equity Fund/Liquid Funds/Debt Funds/
Monthly Income Plans (Quoted)
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 7,37,849.45) Units of - - 7,402.47
` 1000/- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund Regular Plan Daily
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 606) Units of ` 10/- - - 0.01
each of Sbi Ultra fund SHF Ultra STD Fund Dir Daily Div
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,013.965) Units of - - 10.16
` 10/- each of Principal Debt Opportunity Fund Conservative Plan
6492.73 (31 March 2016: 5914.18 1st April 2015: 3,910.64) Units 65.01 59.22 51.00
of ` 1,000/- each of Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund Plan A DDR*
26,700.657 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 500.30 - -
` 1000/- each of Boi Axa Liquid Fund -Direct Plan-Growth
517523.56 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,352.34 - -
` 100/- each of Birla Sun Life Cash Plus-Direct-Growth*
0.18 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of ` 1,000/- 0.01 - -
each of HDFC Cash Management Funds-Savings Plan-Direct-
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: 2992) Units of ` 1000/- - - 30.03
each of SBI SHF Ultra STD fund Regular Daily Dividend
1,00,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,270.25 - -
` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series - (400 Day) Regular -Growth
1,50,00,000 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,931.39 - -
` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series - Direct - (400 Day)Growth
2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil)Units of 3,203.55 - -
` 10/- each of SBI debt Fund Series -Direct -(380 Day)Growth
2,54,82,906 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,282.43 - -
` 10/- each of ICICI Prudential FMP Series 73-390 D Plan I
Direct Plan Cumulative
2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,218.35 - -
` 10/- each of Dsp Blackrock
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,198.75 - -
` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 149 Direct - Growth
4,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 4,024.92 - -
` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 200 Direct - Growth
83,58,827.758 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 2,644.80 - -
` 10/- each of Kotak Bond (short Term) -Direct Plan Growth
2,50,00,000(31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,220.50 - -
` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horiozon Fund XXVI Series 2
Direct Growth Plan
2,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 2,571.00 - -
` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund- XXV- Series
33- Direct Plan Growth Plan


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
83,48,611.292 (31 March 2016:Nil 01st April 2015: Nil) Units 2,638.22 - -
of ` 10/- each of Reliance short Term Fund - Direct Growth
Plan Growth Option
2,50,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,221.33 - -
` 10/- each of BSL Fixed Term Plan - Series KR - Growth Direct
12,49,786.287 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) units of 2,628.84 - -
` 10/- each of Birla Sun life Treasury Optimizer Plan-Growth-
Direct Plan
95,359.82 (31 March 2016:Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) units of 206.79 - -
` 10/- each of Birla Sun life Floating Rate- S
short Term -Growth-Direct Plan
24336821.61 (31 March 2016: Nil 01st April 2015:Nil) Units of 2,729.59 - -
` 10/- each of Idfc Corporate Bond Fund -Direct Plan -Growth
3,00,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,854.22 - -
` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series XVIII-I
Direct Growth Plan
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 200) Units of - - 2,000.00
` 1,000,000 / each of IIFL Duration Product I-042
1000 (31 March 2016 : Nil, 01 April 2015 : Nil) Units of 1,048.84 - -
` 100,000 / each of IIFL Wealth Finance Ltd
250 (31 March 2016 : Nil, 01 April 2015 : Nil) Units of 2,500.00 - -
` 1,000,000 / each of JM Financial products ltd
# 10,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 1,295.76 - -
of ` 10/- each of Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund -XXV-Series
16-Growth Plan
# 25,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 3,275.68 -
` 10/- each of Kotak FMP Series 150 Growth
# 15,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,927.11 -
` 10/- each of UTI Fixed Term Income Fund Series XVIII-I (400
Days) Direct Growth Plan
# 10,000,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,263.66 -
` 10/- each of DSP Blackrock FTP - Series 44 -36 Month Direct
60,779 (31 March 2016: 60,779 1st April 2015: 60779) Units of 1,284.15 1,195.58 1,097.55
` 1,000 /- each of Principal Bank CD Fund-Direct Plan Growth.
21,320,689 (31 March 2016: 21,320,689 1st April 2015: 2,913.15 2,821.23 2,618.32
21,320,689) Units of ` 10/- each of edelweiss banking (earlier
known as JP Morgan Indian banking) and PSU debt fund
-Direct plan-Growth option
9,690,611 (31 March 2016: 96,90,611 1st April 2015: Nil) Units 1,753.84 1,609.27
of ` 10/ each of Edelweiss Bond (earlier knows as JP Morgan
Indian active bond fund -Direct plan) Growth option


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Nil (31 March 2016: 2,50,00,000 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of - 3,173.78
` 10/- each of Relaince Fixed Horizon Fund - XXIV -Growth Plan
22,430,779 (31 March 2016: 22,430,779 1st April 2015: 3,032.78 2,701.86 2,500.00
22,430,779) Units of ` 10/ each of Edelweiss Banking(earlier
known as JP Morgan Indian banking) and PSU debt fund
-Regular plan-Growth option
3,335,393 (31 March 2016: 57,77,241 1st April 2015: 57,77,241) 698.81 1,060.78 1,000.00
Units of ` 10/ each of IDFC Dynamic bond fund - Growth
-Direct plan
Nil (31 March 2016: 31,419 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of ` 1000 /- - 463.35
each of Principal Cash Management Fund Direct Growth Plan
Nil (31 March 2016: 62,643 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of ` 1,000 - 1,488.45
/- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund - Regular Plan Growth
781 (31 March 2016 : Nil, 01 April 2015 : Nil) Units of ` 1,000 20.75 -
/- each of Principal Low Duration Fund - Direct Plan Growth
11,350,000 (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: Nil) Units of 1,072.58 -
` 10/- each of 6% Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
Preference shares
45,510 (31 March 2016 : Nil, 01 April 2015 : Nil) Units of 1,161.57 -
` 1,000 /- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund- Dir Plan Growth
1307121.76 (31 March 2016: 3740235.32, I April 2015: 294.34 751.93 715.26
3740235.32) Units of ` 10/- each of Birla Active Debt MM FoF-
Nil (31 March 2016: 7568.074, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of - 179.82
` 1000/- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund Reg Plan Growth
394.109 (31 March 2016: 1,559, 1April 2015: Nil) Units of 10.06 0.04
` 1000/- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund Direct Plan Growth
Nil (31 March 2016: 1009.51, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of - 19.66
` 1000/- each of SBI SHF Ultra Short Term Debt fund Reg
Daily Dividend
1,000 (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of ` 1000/- 1,000.00 - -
each of ECL Finance Limited
18,27,539.60 (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of 196.37 - -
` 10/- each of HDFC Arbitrage fund
25392.91 (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of 677.83 - -
` 1000/- each of Kotak Floater Short term fund direct plan
42,00,000 (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: Nil) Units of 452.21 - -
` 10/- each of UTI Fixed term income fund direct plan growth
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,50,039) Units of - - 1,500.98
` 1,000.39 /- each of Principal Cash Management Fund -
Direct Plan Dividend option Daily-Reinvestment.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

9 Investments (Current) (contd.)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 15,425) Units of ` 1,005 - - 155.02
/- each of SBI Ultra Short term debt fund - Direct Daily dividend
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,67,619) Units of - - 1,684.42
` 1,003.09 /- each of SBI Ultra Short term debt fund - Regular
daily dividend
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 18,945) Units of - - 190.06
` 1,003.25 /- each of SBI Premier Liquid Fund - Direct Plan -
Daily dividend
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 1,40,818) Units of - - 1,411.35
` 1,001.66 /- each of Principal Debt Opportunities Fund
Conservative Plan - Direct Plan Dividend Daily
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil 1st April 2015: 50,412) Units of - - 509.98
` 1,011.62 /- each of Kotak Floater short term -Direct plan -
Daily dividend
Nil (31 March 2016:Nil, 1 April 2015: 5339.486) Units of - - 53.57
` 1000/- each of SBI Premier liquid Fund-Direct Plan Daily
Nil Units (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: 3740235.32) of SBI - - 520.35
Premiur Liquid Fund- Regular Plan- Daily Dividend
Nil (31 March 2016: Nil, 1 April 2015: 45567.21) Units of SBI - - 457.15
Premiur Liquid Fund- Daily Plan- Daily Dividend
(iii) Investment in equity instruments (Quoted)
1,50,800(31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity 792.68 - -
Shares of ` 10 /-each fully paid up of Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation Ltd.
8,06,000 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity 1,458.86 - -
shares of ` 10 /- each fully paid up of Rural Electrification
Corporation Limited
13,04,645 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity 1,142.22 - -
shares of ` 1 /- each fully paid up of Welspun India Limited
26,000 (31 March 2016 :Nil 1st April 2015 : Nil) Equity shares 22.44 - -
of ` 10 /-each fully paid up of Trident Limited
TOTAL 93,439.88 16,027.77 27,658.48
1. Aggregate amount of quoted investments 93,439.88 16,027.77 26,680.97
2. Aggregate Market Value of quoted investments 93,439.88 16,027.77 26,680.97
3. Aggregate amount of unquoted investments - - -

* These Investments are made through Portfolio management services

# Investments having maturity period of less than 12 months from 31st March 2017 i.e. the balance sheet date have been reclassified as ‘ Current
Investment’ as per the requirement of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

10 Trade receivables
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Receivable from related parties
- Unsecured, considered good 212.69 435.75 -
Receivable from others
- Unsecured, considered good 73,136.89 77,323.64 82,017.73
- Doubtful 501.62 207.60 23.63
Less: Allowances for doubtful trade receivables 501.62 207.60 23.63
Total 73,349.58 77,759.39 82,017.73

11 Cash and cash equivalents

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a) Balances with banks
- In current accounts 3,201.26 3,415.20 4,448.69
- In deposit accounts with maturity upto three months 980.00 18,005.50 1,576.99
- Cash Credit account - 1.08 202.64
b) Cheques on hand 18.53 90.44 52.17
c) Cash on hand 28.89 24.21 51.61
4,228.68 21,536.43 6,332.10

11A Bank Balances other than Cash and cash equivalents

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
a) Other bank balances
- Earmarked balances with banks* 202.86 337.95 141.87
- Deposits with more than twelve months maturity 194.13 1,154.76 12,008.66
- Deposits with more than three months but less than 33.51 6,012.16 11,527.68
twelve months maturity
430.50 7,508.87 23,678.21
Less: Amounts disclosed as other financial non current 194.13 1,154.76 12,008.66
assets (refer note 6)
Total 236.37 6,350.11 11,669.55
* Earmarked balances with banks includes ` 190 lakhs (31 March 2016: 294.77 Lakhs 1st April 2015: 140.31 Lakhs) pertaining to dividend accounts
with banks and ` 1.20 Lakhs (31 March 2016:1.20 Lakhs1st April 2015:1.56 Lakhs) pledged with government authorities and others.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

12 Loans (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Loans to related parties
Others 2,699.12 2,788.99 3,472.69
Loan to employees 272.18 244.44 229.87
Total 2,971.30 3,033.43 3,702.56

13 Other financial assets (Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial assets at amortized cost
Recoverable from related parties 2.95 89.87 -
Interest receivables 850.17 2,700.20 1,198.11
Claims receivables 74.34 669.19 732.94
Other Recoverable 1,650.72 1,112.39 1,757.04
Margin money With Equity PMS Advisers 865.71 780.50 414.01
Financial assets at Fair value through Profit and loss
Derivative Financial Instruments 1,516.63 - -
TOTAL 4,960.52 5,352.15 4,102.10

14 Other Current Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
(unsecured considered good, unless otherwise stated)
Amount recoverable from Mahavir Share Trust in respect of shares 359.58 360.09 359.70
held in Trust (refer note 39)
Advances to suppliers 10,604.68 6,154.71 7,768.80
Lease hold land prepayments 8.15 23.48 23.48
Balance with government authorities 6,740.91 9,993.93 13,351.13
Prepaid (Deferred) Expense for employee benefit 11.67 12.22 11.90
MAT Credit Recoverable 1,549.88 310.25 314.45
Prepaid expenses 496.70 755.40 534.03
Other recoverables : - -
- Considered good 9,828.32 12,908.65 9,187.64
- doubtful 2.55 22.13 87.20
Less: Allowances for doubtful advances (2.55) (22.13) (87.20)
Total 29,599.89 30,518.73 31,551.13


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

15 Equity Share Capital

As at 31st March, 2017 As at 31st March, 2016 As at 01st April, 2015

Particulars (Amount in (Amount in (Amount in
Number Number Number
Lakhs) Lakhs) Lakhs)
Equity shares of ` 10/- each (par value) 90,000,000 9,000.00 90,000,000 9,000.00 90,000,000 9,000.00
Redeemable cumulative preference shares 10,000,000 1,000.00 10,000,000 1,000.00 10,000,000 1,000.00
of ` 10/- each (par value)
Total 100,000,000 10,000.00 100,000,000 10,000.00 100,000,000 10,000.00
Issued, subscribed and fully paid-up
Equity shares of ` 10/- each 54,905,335 5,490.53 60,919,138 6,091.91 60,919,138 6,091.91
Total 54,905,335 5,490.53 60,919,138 6,091.91 60,919,138 6,091.91

Reconciliation of the number of shares and amount outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period :

As at 31st March, 2017 As at 31st March, 2016

Particulars (Amount in (Amount in
Number Number
Lakhs) Lakhs)
Equity shares
At the beginning of the reporting period 62,517,879 6,251.79 62,517,879 6,251.79
Own shares held through trust (refer Note 39) (1,598,741) (159.88) (1,598,741) (159.88)
Net issued Share Capital at beginning of reporting period 60,919,138 6,091.91 60,919,138 6,091.91
Add: Issued during the reporting period - - - -
Less: Buyback during the reporting period (net of 1,36,539 (6,013,803.00) (601.38) - -
number of shares held through trust)
Outstanding at the end of the reporting period 54,905,335 5,490.53 60,919,138 6,091.91
(b) R
 ights, preferences and restrictions attached to (c) Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to
equity shares preference shares
The company has one class of equity shares having The rate of dividend on preference shares will be
a par value of ` 10/- each. Each holder of equity decided by the Board of Directors as and when
shares is entitled to one vote per share. The dividend issued. Preference shares as and when issued shall
proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the have the cumulative right to receive dividend as and
approval of the shareholders in the ensuing annual when declared and shall have preferential right of
general meeting. repayment of amount of capital.

During the year ended March 31, 2017 the amount (d) Shares held by holding company or its ultimate
of dividend recognised as distributions to equity holding company or subsidiaries or associates of the
shareholders is Nil (Previous Year: ` 15 per share). holding company or the ultimate holding company
in aggregate.
In the event of liquidation of the company, the
holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive There is no holding /ultimate holding company of
any of the remaining assets of the company, the Company.
after distribution of all preferential amounts. The
distribution will be in proportion to the number of
equity shares held by the shareholders


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(e) The Board of Directors of the Company at its Exchange(s). During the year, the Company had
meeting held on 24th September, 2016 approved bought back and extinguished 62,60,869 Equity
the buyback of upto 62,60,869 fully paid up equity Shares (inclusive of 1,10,527 shares held by
shares of ` 10 each, at a price not exceeding Subsidiary) of ` 10 each at a price of ` 1150.00
` 1,175 payable in cash,through the Tender Offer Consequently, ` 626.08 Lakhs were transferred to
route, upto an aggregate amount not exceeding Capital Redemption Reserve as per requirements of
` 720 crore from the open market through Stock section 69 of Companies Act, 2013.

(f) Aggregate number and class of shares alloted as fully paid up pursuant to contract(s) without payment
being received in cash, bonus shares and shares bought back for the period of five years immediately
preceding the reporting date.

Aggregate number Aggregate number

of shares as at of shares as at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Equity Shares alloted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares - -
Equity shares alloted as fully paid up pursuant to contract without payment - -
being received in cash
Equity Shares bought back by the Company (net of 1,36,539 number of 6,013,803 -
shares held through trust)

(g) Detail of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the Company

As at 31st March 2017 As at 31st March 2016 As at 01st April 2015

Class of shares and Name of
% % %
shareholder Number Number Number
shareholding shareholding shareholding
Equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid
Devakar Investment and Trading 6,192,786 10.79 5,648,566 8.87 5,540,887 8.70
Co. Private Limited
Adishwar Enterprises LLP 11,413,130 19.89 12,978,058 20.39 12,947,815 20.34
(Formerly Adinath Investment and
Trading Company)
Vardhman Holdings Limited 14,067,671 24.51 15,483,895 24.33 15,402,598 24.20
IDFC Premier Equity Fund N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3,952,000 6.21

(h) Terms of securities convertible into equity/preference shares N.A.

16 Other Equity

(Amount in Lakhs)
Reserves & Surplus
Capital Capital Statutory Securities General Retained Other items
instruments Total
reserve Redemption Reserve premium Reserve Earnings of other
Particulars through other
Reserve U/s 45 IC comprehensive
of RBI income

Balance as at 01 April 2016 2,152.47 - 367.70 20,990.54 195,557.08 174,525.38 282.68 21.05 393,896.90
Profit for the year 98,141.44 98,141.44
Other comprehensive income for (41.69) (41.69)
the year
Total Comprehensive Income for 98,141.44 (41.69) 98,099.75
the year
Transfer to Statutory Reserve & (2,085.52) (2,085.52)
Capital redemption reserve on
account of buyback of equity shares
Transfer from Retained Earnings 195.03 195.03
Transfer from Retained Earnings on 1,890.50 1,890.50
account of buyback of equity shares
Premium on buy back of shares (Net of (20,990.54) (49,174.21) (70,164.76)
` 1448.21 Lakhs of premium relating to
own shares held through trust)
Balance as at 31 March 2017 2,152.47 1,890.50 562.73 - 146,382.87 270,581.29 282.68 (20.64) 421,831.90
Balance as at 01 April 2015 2,152.47 - 296.20 20,990.54 195,557.08 132,321.46 282.68 - 351,600.43
Profit for the year 61,459.31 61,459.31
Other comprehensive income for 21.05 21.05
the year
Total Comprehensive Income for 61,459.32 21.05 61,480.36
the year
Amount transferred from surplus in 71.50 71.50
statement of profit and loss
Amount transferred to statutory (71.50) (71.50)
reserve from statement of profit
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

and loss
Interim Dividend on equity for (9,547.78) (9,547.78)
financial year 2015-16 (Amount per
share ` 15)
Equity Dividend for the financial year (6,365.18) (6,365.18)
2014-15 (Amount ` 10 per share)
Dividend tax on dividend from (2,244.89) (2,244.89)
Dividend distribution tax (net (1,026.04) (1,026.04)
of  Non-controlling interest)
Balance as at 31 March 2016 2,152.47 - 367.70 20,990.54 195,557.08 174,525.38 282.68 21.05 393,896.90

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

17 Borrowings (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Term loans
From banks (Net of unamortized processing charges 31 March 117,203.52 159,951.37 206,772.18
2017 ` 185.40 Lakhs 31 March 2016 ` 278.15 Lakhs and 01
April 2015 ` 258.08 Lakhs)
Less: Current maturities (refer note-24) 42,933.50 55,979.34 73,296.83
Total 74,270.02 103,972.03 133,475.34

a). Details of security for term loans

Term loans from banks are secured by mortgage created or to be created on all the immovable assets of the
company, both present and future and hypothecation of all movable assets including movable machinery,
machinery parts, tools and accessories and other movable both present and future (except book debts), subject
to charges created or to be created in favour of the bankers for securing the working capital limits.

b) Terms of repayment of term loans*

Installments Periodicity of
` in Lakhs Repayment Period
Outstanding Repayment
Balance as at 31st Balance as at 31st Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
March 2017 March 2016 Year Year (No.) Year Year (No.) Year Year (No.)
7,175.00 12,275.00 5 5 4 8 Quarterly Quarterly
16,310.00 23,830.00 5 5 5 9 Quarterly Quarterly
5,172.00 7,608.00 5 5 6 10 Quarterly Quarterly
11,014.00 17,514.00 5 5 7 11 Quarterly Quarterly
10,900.00 14,000.00 5 5 9 13 Quarterly Quarterly
4,200.00 4,400.00 5 5 16 20 Quarterly Quarterly
4,600.00 100.00 5 5 20 20 Quarterly Quarterly
3,530.00 4,130.00 5 5 12 16 Quarterly Quarterly
2,892.92 9,083.19 8 8 1 1 Quarterly Quarterly
- 4,118.17 8 8 - 2 Quarterly Quarterly
- 4,440.00 8 8 - 3 Quarterly Quarterly
- 2,112.00 8 8 - 4 Quarterly Quarterly
2,375.00 10,300.00 8 8 1 5 Quarterly Quarterly
1,320.00 1,480.00 8 8 9 13 Quarterly Quarterly
9,700.00 10,900.16 8 8 10 14 Quarterly Quarterly
4,000.00 4,350.00 8 8 13 17 Quarterly Quarterly
20,700.00 21,500.00 8 8 12 16 Quarterly Quarterly
13,500.00 8,089.00 5 5 20 20 Quarterly -
1,17,388.92 1,60,229.52
* Figures of term loan stated above in paragraph (b) includes current maturities of long term debt shown separately in note 24


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

18 Other financial liabilities (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Retention money 48.78 19.12 30.69
Financial liabilities at Fair value through Profit and loss
Derivative Financial Instruments - - 1,268.80
Total 48.78 19.12 1,299.49

19 Provisions (Non Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Provision for employee benefits :
- Leave encashment 955.67 634.80 551.72
- Gratuity (refer note 51) 13.55 0.74 218.05
Total 969.22 635.54 769.77

20 Deferred tax liabilities (net)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Deferred tax liability (Net) (refer note 46(a)) 27,118.77 23,774.26 22,932.38

21 Other non-current liabilities

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Deferred Income for Capital subsidy 1,985.69 1,866.65 2,020.85
Due to employees 4.93 34.71 25.76
Other 112.42 148.42 120.67
Total 2,103.04 2,049.78 2,167.27

22 Borrowings (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Working capital loans
- From banks (secured) 102,759.89 96,537.09 59,358.38
- From banks (unsecured) 3,872.29 6,538.38 1,357.82
Total 106,632.17 103,075.47 60,716.20

Details of security for working capital borrowings

Working capital borrowings from banks are secured by way of hypothecation of entire present and future tangible
current assets of the company as well as a second charge on the entire present and future fixed assets of the company.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

23 Trade payables
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small 49.93 65.96 34.27
enterprises (refer note 43)
Due to related parties 475.89 18.55 111.14
Due to others 23,989.40 17,948.56 19,500.14
Total 24,515.22 18,033.07 19,645.55

24 Other financial liabilites (Current)

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Current maturities of long-term debt 42,933.50 55,979.34 73,296.83
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 164.41 35.09 337.19
Other payables - -
- Retention money 922.41 905.04 745.76
- Security deposits 173.88 204.93 134.16
- Expense payable 9,735.93 9,336.87 9,241.44
- Payables for purchase of fixed assets 749.27 2,132.32 1,438.87
- Due to employees 7,107.77 6,462.46 4,268.39
Financial liabilities at Fair value through Profit and loss - -
Derivative Financial Instruments - 235.32 892.98
Total 61,787.17 75,291.37 90,355.62

25 Other current liabilities

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Statutory remittances** 5,041.20 4,350.12 3,156.32
Deferred Income for Capital subsidy 184.51 154.20 154.20
Unpaid dividends # 201.69 338.54 140.34
Advances from customers 7,757.94 7,400.37 6,260.05
Other Liabilities 2,018.41 1,397.75 2,186.52
Total 15,203.75 13,640.98 11,897.43
** Statutory remittances includes contribution to provident fund and ESIC, tax deducted at source, excise duty, vat, service tax etc.

# Unpaid dividends do not include any amount due and outstanding required to be credited to the Investors’ Education and Protection Fund


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

26 Provisions (Current)
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Provision for employee benefits :
Leave encashment 198.79 152.20 114.79
Gratuity (refer note 51) 266.37 393.33 574.70
Total 465.16 545.53 689.49

27 Revenue from operations

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Sale of products (Net of turnover discount and including excise duty) 590,331.27 574,349.94
Sale of services 358.67 300.57
Other operating revenues :
- Export benefits 11,536.49 10,977.17
- Others 1,788.70 1,140.00
Gain on foreign currency transactions and translations (Net) 2,661.46 2,759.82
Revenue from operations 606,676.59 589,527.50

28 Other income
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Dividend income from investments carried at fair value through Profit and Loss 1,636.43 1,069.99
Net gain on sale of investments carried at fair value through Profit and Loss 2,885.80 1,005.66
Gain on Sale of investment in Joint Venture (refer note 56) 25,223.77 -
Claims received (net of expenses) 169.44 153.01
Provisions no longer required written back 360.71 212.22
Capital Subsidy 189.33 154.20
Interest Income on employee loans 11.82 11.51
Gain on Fair valuation of Investments carried at fair value through Profit & Loss 9,967.74 5,683.13
Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 6,415.33 745.31
Miscellaneous 2,291.63 2,013.56
Total 49,152.00 11,048.59

29 Cost of materials consumed *

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Cotton 232,415.74 217,584.48
Manmade fibre 49,500.90 43,464.20
Yarn 2,335.57 1,083.89
Fabric 1,356.15 463.32
Acrylonitrile 14,272.13 15,383.82
Others 1,699.84 1,866.82
Total 301,580.33 279,846.53
* Includes Cost of Goods sold


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

30 Purchases of Stock-in-trade:
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Fabric 3.04 101.10
Yarn 29.01 1,755.91
Others 507.45 2.82
Total 539.50 1,859.83

31 Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Inventories at the beginning of the year
Work-in-progress 11,404.43 12,248.29
Finished goods 41,721.04 41,884.28
53,125.47 54,132.57
Inventories at the end of the year
Work-in-progress 14,321.85 11,404.43
Finished goods 47,885.44 41,721.04
62,207.29 53,125.47
Total (9,081.82) 1,007.10

32 Employee benefits expense

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Salaries and wages 42,967.89 38,761.36
Contribution to provident and other funds 4,263.07 3,963.40
Staff welfare expenses 653.76 654.71
Total 47,884.72 43,379.47

33 Finance costs
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Interest expense (net) (Refer Note 49) 7,960.09 7,674.39
Other borrowing costs 1,334.90 1,212.02
Total 9,294.99 8,886.41


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

34 Other expenses
(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Power and fuel 59,612.79 64,376.50
Consumption of stores and spare parts 3,925.06 3,693.93
Packing materials and charges 8,186.81 8,229.32
Dyes and Chemical consumed 18,783.03 19,656.86
Rent 229.01 223.97
Repairs and maintenance to buildings 3,639.20 2,520.57
Repairs and maintenance to machinery 16,788.98 15,215.82
Insurance 691.84 716.23
Rates and taxes 476.96 427.19
Auditors remuneration:
Audit fee 41.08 38.54
Tax audit fee 10.06 9.54
Reimbursement of expenses 13.38 12.53
In other capacity 5.23 13.85
Bad debts written off 358.75 33.81
Excise duty consumed on sale of goods 3,249.62 3,566.23
Allowances for doubtful trade receivables and advances (Net of written back) 274.44 118.97
Forwarding charges and octroi 9,463.13 8,659.80
Commission to selling agents 5,051.20 5,140.50
Assets Written off 438.35 21.22
Prior period items (net) (Refer Note 48) 141.05 280.55
Rebate and discount 1,019.87 1,123.92
Miscellaneous (Refer Note 50) 10,763.07 11,723.76
Total 143,162.91 145,803.61

35. First time adoption of Ind AS restating its Indian GAAP financial statements as at
This financial statement is the first financial 1st April 2015 and financial statements as at and for
statement that has been prepared in accordance the year ended 31st March 2016 in accordance with
with Ind AS together with the comparative period Ind AS 101.
data as at and for the year ended 31st March
2016, as described in the summary of significant Exemptions applied
accounting policies. The transition to Ind AS has Ind AS 101 allows first-time adopters certain
been carried out in accordance with Ind AS 101– exemptions from the retrospective application of
‘First time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’ certain requirements under Ind AS. The Company
with 1st April 2015 as the transition date. has, accordingly, applied following exemptions:

This note explains the exemptions availed by the a) The Company has elected to consider carrying
company on first time adoption of Ind AS and the amount of all items of property, plant and
principal adjustments made by the Company in equipments measured as per Indian GAAP as


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

recognized in the financial statements as at the - Impairment of financial assets based on

date of transition, as deemed cost at the date of expected credit loss modal
transition. The effect of consequential changes
arising on the application of other Ind AS has been - Discount rates
adjusted to the deemed cost of Property, Plant &
Equipment. The estimates used by the Company to present
these amounts in accordance with Ind AS reflect
b) The Company has adopted to measure investments conditions as at 1st April, 2015 and 31st March,
in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates at cost 2016.
in accordance with Ind AS 27 and therefore has
measured such investments in its separate opening 1. Leasehold land
Ind AS balance sheet at carrying amount as per Under Indian GAAP, land on lease was not covered
Indian GAAP at the date of transition in accordance under ‘Leases’ and therefore it was shown as
with Ind AS 101. Tangible assets. Under Ind AS, land on lease is
considered as operating lease. Therefore, net
c) The Company has availed the exemption of fair block of leasehold land (31st March 2016 ` 1957.11
value measurement of financial assets or liabilities Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 1980.58 Lakhs) has been
at initial recognition and accordingly will apply fair re-classified under the head “Other non-current
value measurement of financial assets or liabilities assets” (31st March 2016 ` 1933.63 Lakhs, 1st April 2015
at initial recognition prospectively to transactions ` 1957.10 Lakhs) and “Other current assets” (31st
entered into on or after 01st April 2015. March 2016 ` 23.48 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 23.48
Lakhs) as ‘Prepayments of leasehold land’. Further,
d) All transactions qualifying as business combinations the amortization of leasehold payment for the
under Ind AS103, occurring before the transition year ended 31st March 2016 amounting to ` 23.48
date, the Group has opted not to restate any Lakhs has been reclassified from ‘Depreciation and
business combinations before the date of transition amortization’ to ‘Other expenses’. However, the
same has no impact on the total equity as at 31st
e) Ind AS 110 requires entities to attribute the profit or March, 2016.
loss and each component of other comprehensive
income to the owners of the parent and to the non- 2. Fair Valuation of Investments
controlling interests. This requirement needs to be Under Indian GAAP, investments in equity
followed even if this results in the non-controlling instruments, mutual funds and debt securities
interests having a deficit balance. Ind AS 101 requires were classified as long term investments or current
the above requirement to be followed prospectively investments based on the intended holding
from the date of transition. Consequently, the group period and realisability. Long term investments
has applied the above requirement prospectively. were carried at cost less provision for other than
temporary diminution in the value of investments.
f) The estimates at 1st April 2015 and at 31st March, Current investments were carried at lower of cost
2016 are consistent with those made for the and fair value. Ind AS requires such investments
same dates in accordance with Indian GAAP (after to be measured at fair value except investments in
adjustments to reflect any differences in accounting subsidiaries, associates and joint venture for which
policies) apart from the following items under exemption has been availed.
Indian GAAP did not require estimation:
Accordingly, the Company has designated such
- Fair values of Financial Assets & Financial investments as investments measured at FVTPL/
Liabilities FVTOCI/amortized cost in accordance with Ind AS.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

The difference between the instrument’s fair value 5. Borrowings

and carrying amount as per Indian GAAP has been Under Indian GAAP, transaction costs incurred
recognized in retained earnings. This has resulted in in connection with borrowings are amortised
increase in retained earnings of ` 10,331.72 Lakhs upfront and charged to profit or loss for the period.
and ` 4648.59 Lakhs as at 31st March 2016 and 1st Under Ind AS, transaction costs are included in
April 2015 respectively. Further, the net profit has the initial recognition amount of financial liability
been increased with ` 5683.13 Lakhs for the year and charged to profit or loss using the effective
ended 31st March 2016. interest method. This has resulted in decrease in
long term borrowings on account of unamortized
3. Financial instruments measured at amortized amount of processing charges with a corresponding
cost adjustment in retained earnings of ` 278.15 Lakhs
Under Indian GAAP, interest free loan to employees and ` 258.08 Lakhs as at 31st March 2016 and
are recorded at their transaction value. Under Ind 1st April 2015 respectively and increase in the
AS, these loans are to be measured at amortized net profit for the year ended 31st March 2016 of
cost on the basis of effective interest rate method. ` 13.02 Lakhs.
Due to this, long term loans to employees and short
term loans to employees has been decreased and 6. Capital grant
difference between carrying amount and amortized (i) Under Indian GAAP, certain capital grant
cost has been recognized as ‘Deferred employee received from Government as ‘Promoter
cost’ under the head ‘Other non-current assets’ Contribution’ is shown under the head ‘Capital
(31st March 2016 ` 5.34 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 6.12 reserve’. Under Ind AS, such grant is treated as
Lakhs) and ‘Other current assets’ (31st March 2016 deferred income and is recognized as income
` 12.20 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 11.90 Lakhs). Further, over the useful life of the assets for which such
Employee benefit expense has been increased due grant is received. This has resulted in decrease
to amortisation of the deferred employee benefit of in Capital reserve (31st March 2016 ` 315.00
` 11.51 Lakhs which is offset by the notional interest Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 315.00 Lakhs) with a
income on loan to employee of ` 11.51 Lakhs for the corresponding adjustment in retained earnings
year ended 31st March 2016. (31st March 2016 ` 291.00 Lakhs, 1st April
2015 ` 279.00 Lakhs) and deferred income for
4. Derivative Instruments capital subsidy (31st March 2016 ` 24.00 Lakhs,
The fair value of derivative instruments is recognized 1st April 2015 ` 36.00 Lakhs) respectively.
under Ind AS which was not recognized under Indian Further profit for the year ended 31st March
GAAP. Derivative instruments at fair value through 2016 has been increased with ` 12.00 Lakhs on
profit or loss reflect the positive change in fair account of income of capital grant pertaining
value of those foreign exchange forward contracts to financial year 2015-16.
that are not designated in hedge relationships,
but are, nevertheless, intended to reduce the level (ii) Under Indian GAAP, Government grant related
of foreign currency risk for expected sales and to Property, plant and equipment are reduced
purchases. Accordingly, difference on account of fair from the cost of respective asset. Under Ind
valuation of these instruments has been adjusted in AS, Government grant related to Property,
retained earnings in accordance with Ind AS. This plant and equipment are treated as deferred
has resulted in increase in retained earnings of income and are recognized in the statement
` 251.46 Lakhs and ` 718.74 Lakhs as at 31st March of profit and loss on a systematic basis over
2016 and 1st April 2015 respectively and also the useful life of the asset. This has resulted in
decrease in net profit of ` 467.28 Lakhs for the year increase in Property, Plant and Equipment (net
ended 31st March 2016. of accumulated depreciation) (31st March 2016
1924.99 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 2050.28 Lakhs)


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

with a corresponding adjustment in retained 9. Sale of goods

earnings (31st March 2016 ` 72.57 Lakhs, a. Under Indian GAAP, sale of goods was presented
1st April 2015 ` 88.75 Lakhs) and deferred as net of excise duty. However, under Ind AS,
income for capital subsidy (31st March 2016 sale of goods includes excise duty. Thus, sale of
1,996.85 Lakhs, 1st April 2015 ` 2139.05 Lakhs). goods under Ind AS has increased by ` 3561.20
Further profit for the year ended 31st March Lakhs with a corresponding increase in other
2016 has been increased with ` 16.90 Lakhs expenses.
on account of difference between income of
capital grant amounting to ` 142.20 Lakhs and b. Under Indian GAAP, turnover discount was
the depreciation amounting to ` 125.29 Lakhs shown as expense. However under Ind AS
pertaining to financial year 2015-16 related to revenue is to be shown as net of turnover
the grant earlier decapitalized in fixed assets discount. Accordingly, turnover discount
under Indian GAAP. amounting to ` 39.53 Lakhs has been reduced
from revenue with a corresponding adjustment
7. Proposed Dividend in other expenses.
Under Indian GAAP, proposed dividend (including
Dividend Distribution Tax) is recognized as a liability 10. Treasury Shares
in the period to which it relates, irrespective of when The Company is holding 15,98,741 equity shares
it is declared. Under Ind AS, proposed dividend is of Vardhman Textiles Limited at cost of ` 1428.72
recognized as a liability in the period in which it is Lakhs through a trust, which were received by
declared by the company (usually when approved it in its capacity as a shareholder of Vardhman
by shareholders in a general meeting) or paid. Holdings Limited, in accordance with the ‘Scheme of
Arrangement and Demerger’.
In the case of the Company, the declaration of
dividend occurs after period end. Therefore, The Equity share capital has been reduced with paid
the liability for the year ended 31st March 2015 up value of ` 159.87 Lakhs and Reserve & Surplus
recorded as proposed dividend as on 1st April, 2015 has been reduced with ` 1268.85 Lakhs as per Ind
along with dividend distribution tax amounting to AS-32.
` 8101.56 Lakhs has been de-recognized with a
corresponding adjustment in the retained earnings. 11. Bill discounted against debtors
Under Indian GAAP, bills discounted against debtors
8. Defined benefit obligation were shown as contingent liability. However,
Under Ind AS, remeasurements i.e actuarial the same falls under the category of ‘Financial
gains and losses are to be recognized in ‘Other instruments’ under Ind AS. Therefore, the bills
comprehensive income’ and are not to be discounted amounting to ` 8,807.06 Lakhs and
reclassified to profit and loss in a subsequent ` 13,724.98 Lakhs as on 31st March 2016 and 1st
period. Under the Indian GAAP, these April 2015 respectively have been shown under
remeasurements were forming part of the profit ‘Short term borrowings’ with a corresponding
or loss. Therefore, actuarial gain/loss amounting to adjustment in ‘Trade receivables’. However, the
` 14.25 Lakhs for the financial year 2015-16 has same has no impact on the total equity as at 31st
been recognized in OCI (net of tax ` 4.70 Lakhs) March, 2016 and 1st April, 2015.
which was earlier recognized Employee benefits
expense. However, the same has no impact on the 12. Income from associates
total equity as at 31st March, 2016. The profit of the associates and Joint ventures for the
financial year ended 31st March 2016 has changed


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

on account of applicability of Ind AS. Accordingly, in the balance sheet and its tax base. Further, the
investment and the share of profit in associates and application of Ind AS has resulted in recognition of
joint ventures will also change in the consolidated deferred tax on certain temporary differences which
financial statements. This has resulted increase was not required under Indian GAAP. Accordingly,
in investment in associates and Joint ventures deferred tax adjustments have been recognised
amounting to ` 127.80 Lakhs and 2119.46 Lakhs as in correlation to the underlying transactions in
on 31st March 2016 and 1st April 2015 respectively. retained earnings/OCI in accordance with Ind AS.
This has also resulted in decrease in profit and OCI This has resulted in decrease in retained earnings
for the year ended 31st March 2016 with ` 24.91 of ` 3207.53 Lakhs and ` 1450.62 Lakhs as at
Lakhs and 5.19 Lakhs respectively 31st March 2016 and 1st April 2015 respectively.
This has also resulted in decrease in net profit of
13. Deferred tax ` 1757.56 Lakhs for the year ended 31st March 2016
Under Indian GAAP, deferred tax was recognized with a corresponding adjustment in ‘Deferred tax
for the temporary timing differences which focus on liability’.
differences between taxable profits and accounting
profits for the period. Ind AS requires entities to 14. Statement of cash flows
account for deferred taxes using the balance sheet The transition from Indian GAAP to Ind AS has not
approach, which focuses on temporary differences had a material impact on statement of cash flows.
between the carrying amount of an asset or liability

35 (a) Reconciliation of Equity as on 31st March 2016 and 1st April 2015
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at 31st March 2016 As at 1st April 2015

Note Assets and As per Assets and As per

Particulars As per As per
No. Liabilities Indian GAAP Ind AS As per Ind Liabilities Indian GAAP Ind AS As per Ind
Indian Indian
of Joint (excluding Adjustments AS of Joint (excluding Adjustments AS

ventures * JV) ventures * JV)
Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant 1,6 284,390.08 (24,024.71) 260,365.36 (32.14) 260,333.22 284,024.31 (23,826.34) 260,197.97 69.72 260,267.68
and Equipment
(b) Capital work-in- 9,429.77 (828.47) 8,601.30 - 8,601.30 8,323.54 (390.90) 7,932.64 - 7,932.64
(c) Goodwill 1,259.18 1,259.18 - 1,259.18 1,259.18 - 1,259.18 - 1,259.18
(d) Other Intangible 1,687.64 (579.40) 1,108.25 1,108.24 2,249.27 (855.97) 1,393.30 - 1,393.29
(e) Investment in 12 941.77 18,827.28 19,769.05 127.80 19,896.85 778.28 25,284.33 26,062.61 2,119.46 28,182.07
associates and
joint ventures
(f) Financial Assets
-Investments 2 88,548.49 (2,717.38) 85,831.11 9,506.89 95,338.00 45,701.06 (217.69) 45,483.37 4,390.80 49,874.16
-Loans 3 91.84 (5.31) 86.53 (5.17) 81.36 100.19 (6.47) 93.72 (5.96) 87.76
-Others financial 1,269.97 - 1,269.97 - 1,269.97 12,403.57 22.55 12,426.13 - 12,426.13
(g) Other non-current 1,3 7,811.35 (701.11) 7,110.24 1,938.98 9,049.20 7,117.38 (1,052.72) 6,064.65 1,963.21 8,027.87
Total Non-current 395,430.09 (10,029.10) 385,400.98 11,536.36 396,937.33 361,956.77 (1,043.21) 360,913.56 8,537.23 369,450.77
Current assets
(a) Inventories 205,629.32 (13,116.84) 192,512.48 - 192,512.48 191,575.32 (15,835.26) 175,740.07 - 175,740.07
(b) Financial Assets
-Investments 2 23,703.39 (8,500.45) 15,202.94 824.83 16,027.77 40,382.47 (12,981.79) 27,400.69 257.78 27,658.48
-Trade receivables 11 82,573.34 (13,621.00) 68,952.34 8,807.06 77,759.39 80,951.20 (12,658.45) 68,292.75 13,724.98 82,017.73
-Cash and cash 24,587.13 (3,050.70) 21,536.43 - 21,536.43 8,606.11 (2,274.01) 6,332.10 - 6,332.10
-Bank Balance other 6,350.11 - 6,350.11 - 6,350.11 11,669.55 - 11,669.55 - 11,669.55
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

than above
-Loans 3 1,873.93 1,171.88 3,045.81 (12.39) 3,033.43 2,809.10 905.54 3,714.64 (12.07) 3,702.56
-Other financial 5,531.21 (179.06) 5,352.15 - 5,352.15 4,324.98 (222.87) 4,102.10 - 4,102.10
(c) Current tax assets 1,132.24 170.68 1,302.92 - 1,302.93 581.49 (88.29) 493.20 - 493.20
(d) Other current 1,3,10 34,079.86 (2,168.50) 31,911.36 (1,392.63) 30,518.73 34,986.34 (2,042.26) 32,944.08 (1,392.95) 31,551.13
Total Current assets 385,460.55 (39,294.00) 346,166.55 8,226.87 354,393.42 375,886.57 (45,197.40) 330,689.17 12,577.74 343,266.92
TOTAL ASSETS 780,890.64 (49,323.11) 731,567.53 19,763.23 751,330.75 737,843.34 (46,240.61) 691,602.73 21,114.97 712,717.70
(a) Equity Share 10 6,251.79 (0.00) 6,251.79 (159.87) 6,091.91 6,251.79 6,251.79 (159.87) 6,091.91


(Amount in Lakhs)

As at 31st March 2016 As at 1st April 2015

Note Assets and As per Assets and As per

Particulars As per As per
No. Liabilities Indian GAAP Ind AS As per Ind Liabilities Indian GAAP Ind AS As per Ind
Indian Indian
of Joint (excluding Adjustments AS of Joint (excluding Adjustments AS
ventures * JV) ventures * JV)
(b) Other Equity 1 to 13 378,395.07 9,744.06 388,139.13 5,757.78 393,896.90 331,276.62 8,006.48 339,283.10 12,317.34 351,600.43
(c) Non-controlling
- Equity Share capital 6,410.81 (3,479.31) 2,931.49 - 2,931.50 6,410.81 (3,479.31) 2,931.49 - 2,931.50
- Other Equity 1 to 13 30,748.53 (24,033.38) 6,715.15 658.14 7,373.29 37,691.14 (30,238.13) 7,453.01 692.31 8,145.32
421,806.20 (17,768.64) 404,037.56 6,256.04 410,293.60 381,630.35 (25,710.96) 355,919.39 12,849.78 368,769.16
(a) Financial Liabilities
-Borrowings 5 115,542.18 (11,292.00) 104,250.18 (278.15) 103,972.03 141,832.43 (8,091.96) 133,740.48 (265.13) 133,475.34
-Other financial 4 77.60 - 77.60 (58.48) 19.12 1,310.03 0.31 1,310.34 (10.85) 1,299.49
(b) Provisions 850.92 (215.38) 635.54 - 635.54 944.13 (174.36) 769.77 - 769.77
(c) Deferred tax 13 21,324.09 (758.01) 20,566.08 3,208.18 23,774.26 22,324.88 (843.11) 21,481.77 1,450.62 22,932.38
liabilities (Net)
(d) O
 ther non-current 6 208.40 (25.96) 182.44 1,867.34 2,049.78 154.11 (7.69) 146.42 2,020.85 2,167.27
Total Non-current 138,003.19 (12,291.35) 125,711.84 4,738.89 130,450.73 166,565.59 (9,116.81) 157,448.78 3,195.48 160,644.25
Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
-Borrowings 11 105,358.13 (11,089.73) 94,268.40 8,807.06 103,075.47 47,366.45 (375.24) 46,991.22 13,724.98 60,716.20
-Trade payables 19,921.27 (1,888.20) 18,033.07 0.00 18,033.07 22,089.29 (2,443.73) 19,645.56 - 19,645.55
-Other financial 4 77,438.65 (1,954.28) 75,484.36 (193.00) 75,291.37 95,468.97 (4,405.46) 91,063.51 (707.89) 90,355.62
(b) Other current 6 17,814.22 (4,327.45) 13,486.77 154.22 13,640.98 13,421.16 (1,677.95) 11,743.21 154.19 11,897.43
(c) Provisions 7 548.99 (3.45) 545.52 - 545.53 11,301.52 (2,510.46) 8,791.05 (8,101.56) 689.49
(d) C
 urrent tax - - - - - - -
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

liabilities (net)
Total Current 221,081.25 (19,263.11) 201,818.13 8,768.29 210,586.42 189,647.39 (11,412.84) 178,234.55 5,069.72 183,304.29
TOTAL EQUITY AND 780,890.64 (49,323.11) 731,567.53 19,763.24 751,330.76 737,843.34 (46,240.61) 691,602.73 21,114.97 712,717.70

* Under Indian GAAP, investment in two companies i.e. Vardhman Yarns and Threads Ltd. and Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited were considered as
investments in subidiaries. However under Ind AS, these companies have been considered as Joint ventures. Accordingly all assets and liabilities pertaining to Joint
ventures which were consolidated line by line in Indian GAAP are excluded and investment in Joint ventures has been accounted using the equity method.

Note: The figures of Indian GAAP have been reclassified to confirm to presentation requirements of Division II of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013 as applicable to a
company whose financial statements are required to be drawn up in compliance of the (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

35 (b) Reconciliation of Total Comprehensive Income for the year ended March 31, 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
As per and As per
Note Ind AS As per Ind
Indian Expenses Indian
Particulars No. Adjustments AS
GAAP of Joint GAAP
ventures *
Revenue from operations (net) 9 666,451.78 (80,445.95) 586,005.83 3,521.67 589,527.50
Other income 2,3,6 5,874.81 (675.59) 5,199.22 5,849.37 11,048.59
Share of profit of associates/ joint ventures 12 163.49 4,644.89 4,808.38 -24.89 4,783.49
I. Total revenue 672,490.08 (76,476.65) 596,013.43 9,346.15 605,359.58
II. Expenses :
Cost of materials consumed 301,887.02 (22,040.49) 279,846.53 - 279,846.53
Purchases of stock-in-trade 1,891.45 (31.62) 1,859.83 - 1,859.83
Changes in inventories of finished goods, 3,183.39 (2,176.29) 1,007.10 - 1,007.10
work-in-progress and stock-in-trade
Employee benefits expense 3,8 51,665.34 (8,312.15) 43,353.19 26.28 43,379.47
Finance costs 5 9,774.55 (875.12) 8,899.43 -13.02 8,886.41
Depreciation and amortization 1,6 40,180.29 (2,857.26) 37,323.03 101.83 37,424.85
Other expenses 1,4,9 173,520.19 (31,729.00) 141,791.19 4,012.41 145,803.60
Total Expenses 582,102.23 (68,021.93) 514,080.30 4,127.50 518,207.80
- - -
III. Profit/(loss) before tax (I-II) 90,387.85 (8,454.72) 81,933.12 5,218.64 87,151.78
IV. Tax expense: - -
(1)    Current tax 8 28,237.32 (4,330.82) 23,906.50 -4.70 23,901.80
(2)    Deferred tax 13 (1,000.78) 85.75 (915.03) 1,757.58 842.54
V. Profit (Loss) for the period (III-IV) 63,151.31 (4,209.65) 58,941.66 3,465.77 62,407.44
VI. Other Comprehensive Income - -
A. Items that will not be reclassified to - -
profit or loss
-Remeasurements of the defined benefits 8 - - 14.25 14.25
-Gain on Fair Valuation of Equity - - -
instruments carried at FVOCI
-Share of other comprehensive income 12 18.80 18.80 -5.19 13.61
from associate/ joint venture
Income tax relating to items that will not be 8 - - -4.70 (4.70)
reclassified to profit or loss
B. Items that will be reclassified to profit - -
or loss
Income tax relating to items that will be - -
reclassified to profit or loss
VII. Total Comprehensive Income for the 63,151.31 (4,190.85) 58,960.46 3,470.13 62,430.60
period (V+VI)
* Under Indian GAAP, investment in two companies i.e. Vardhman Yarns and Threads Ltd. and Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited were
considered as investments in subidiaries. However under Ind AS, these companies have been considered as Joint ventures. Accordingly all incomes
and expenses pertaining to Joint ventures which were consolidated line by line in Indian GAAP are excluded and share in total comprehensive income
in Joint ventures has been accounted using the equity method.

36 (a) Financial Instruments by Category

(a) The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments at the end of each reporting period is as follows:

As at 31st March 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair
Amortized profit or loss carrying value
cost Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory value
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) (Refer 85,253.39 622.01 - 85,875.40 85,875.40
Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) (Refer Note 5) 61.97 61.97 61.97
Other financial non-current assets 204.71 204.71 204.71
(Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) (Refer Note 9) 93,439.88 93,439.88 93,439.88
Trade receivables (Refer Note 10) 73,349.58 73,349.58 73,349.58
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Refer 4,228.68 4,228.68 4,228.68
Note 11)
Other Bank Balances (Refer Note 236.37 236.37 236.37
Loans (Current) (Refer Note 12) 2,971.30 2,971.30 2,971.30
Other financial assets (Current) 3,443.89 1,516.62 4,960.52 4,960.52
(Refer Note 13)
Total - 84,496.50 - 180,209.90 622.01 - 265,328.41 265,328.41
Borrowings (Non Current) (Refer - 74,270.02 74,270.02 74,270.02
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Note 17)
Other financial liabilities (Non 48.78 48.78 48.78
Current) (Refer Note 18)
Borrowings (Current) (Refer Note 106,632.17 106,632.17 106,632.17
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 24,515.22 24,515.22 24,515.22
Other financial liabilities (Current) 61,787.17 61,787.17 61,787.17
(Refer Note 24)
Total - 267,253.37 - - - - 267,253.37 267,253.37
As at 31st March 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair
Amortized profit or loss carrying value

cost value
Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) 94,722.34 615.66 95,338.00 95,338.00
(Refer Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) (Refer 81.36 81.36 81.36
Note 5)
Other financial non-current 1,269.97 1,269.97 1,269.97
assets (Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) (Refer 16,027.77 16,027.77 16,027.77
Note 9)
Trade receivables (Refer 77,759.39 77,759.39 77,759.39
Note 10)
Cash and Cash Equivalents 21,536.43 21,536.43 21,536.43
(Refer Note 11)
Other Bank Balances (Refer 6,350.11 6,350.11 6,350.11
Note 11A)
Loans (Current) (Refer 3,033.43 3,033.43 3,033.43
Note 12)
Other financial assets 5,352.15 5,352.15 5,352.15
(Current) (Refer Note 13)
Total - 115,382.84 - 110,750.12 615.66 - 226,748.61 226,748.61
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Borrowings (Non Current) 103,972.03 103,972.03 103,972.03
(Refer Note 17)
Other financial liabilities (Non 19.12 19.12 19.12
Current) (Refer Note 18)
Borrowings (Current) (Refer 103,075.47 103,075.47 103,075.47
Note 22)
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 18,033.07 18,033.07 18,033.07
Other financial liabilities 75,056.06 235.31 75,291.37 75,291.37
(Current) (Refer Note 24)
Total - 300,155.75 - 235.31 - - 300,391.06 300,391.06

As at 1st April 2015

(Amount in Lakhs)
At Cost At At fair value through At fair value through OCI Total Total Fair
Amortized profit or loss carrying value
cost value
Designated Mandatory Equity Mandatory
Particulars upon initial instruments
recognition designated
upon initial
Investments (Non Current) 49,258.51 615.66 49,874.16 49,874.16
(Refer Note 4)
Loans (Non Current) (Refer 87.76 87.76 87.76
Note 5)
Other financial non-current 12,426.13 12,426.13 12,426.13
assets (Refer Note 6)
Investments (Current) (Refer - 27,658.48 27,658.48 27,658.48
Note 9)
Trade receivables (Refer Note 82,017.73 82,017.73 82,017.73
Cash and Cash Equivalents 6,332.10 6,332.10 6,332.10
(Refer Note 11)
Other Bank Balances (Refer 11,669.55 11,669.55 11,669.55
Note 11A)
Loans (Current) (Refer Note 3,702.56 3,702.56 3,702.56
Other financial assets 4,102.10 4,102.10 4,102.10
(Current) (Refer Note 13)
Total - 120,337.92 - 76,916.98 615.66 - 197,870.56 197,870.56
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Liabilities: - -
Borrowings (Non Current) 133,475.34 133,475.34 133,475.34
(Refer Note 17)
Other financial liabilities (Non 30.69 1,268.80 1,299.49 1,299.49
Current) (Refer Note 18)
Borrowings (Current) (Refer 60,716.20 60,716.20 60,716.20
Note 22)
Trade Payables (Refer Note 23) 19,645.55 19,645.55 19,645.55
Other financial liabilities 89,462.64 892.98 90,355.62 90,355.62
(Current) (Refer Note 24)
Total - 303,330.41 - 2,161.78 - - 305,492.20 305,492.20

forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

36 (b) Fair Value Measurement

(i) Fair Value hierarchy
Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities

Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability,
either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices)

Level 3 - Inputs for the assets or liabilities that are not based on observable market data (unobservable

(ii) The following table presents fair value hierarchy of assets and liabilities measured at fair value:
As at 31st March 2017
(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 622.01 622.01
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 85,253.39 85,253.39
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 93,439.88 3,416.19 90,023.69
Other financial current assets
-Derivative financial instruments 1,516.62 1,516.62

As at 31st March 2016

(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 615.66 615.66
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 94,722.34 94,722.34
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 16,027.77 - 16,027.77
Other financial current liabilities
-Derivative financial instruments 235.31 235.31


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

As at 1st April 2015

(Amount in Lakhs)
Fair Value measurement using
Particulars Fair Value
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Long term Investments
Fair Value through OCI (Equity instruments designated 615.66 615.66
upon initial recognition)
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 49,258.51 49,258.51
Current Investments
Fair Value through Profit and Loss 27,658.48 - 27,658.48
Other financial non current liabilities
-Derivative financial instruments 1,268.80 1,268.80
Other financial current liabilities
-Derivative financial instruments 892.98 892.98

37. Contingent liabilities and Commitments (to the extent not provided for):-
I. Contingent liabilities
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 1st April, 2015
Contingent Liabilities
Claims not acknowledged as debts 436.37 1,020.77 827.69
Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit outstanding 11,757.30 6,623.17 10,832.04
Other monies for which the company is contingently liable

a) The Company has contested the additional demand as the company has filed various appeals with the
in respect of Sales Tax, Excise Duty etc., amounting appellate authorities and the company is confident
to ` 1133.72 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1745.07 Lakhs, to get the desired relief.
01.04.2015 ` 1698.58 Lakhs). As against this a
sum of ` 134.61 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 165.95 Lakhs, c) The company had taken over the textile undertaking
01.04.2015 ` 170.14 Lakhs) has been deposited of Vardhman Holdings Limited (formerly known
under protest and stands included under the head as Vardhman Spinning & General Mills Limited)
“Balance with government authorities in note-14 – by a scheme of Arrangement and De-merger. An
Other Current Assets “. The Company has filed an injunction was obtained against the London Branch
appeal with the Appellate Authorities and is advised of the said textile undertaking for preventing
that the demand is not in accordance with law. No disposal of assets upto the value of Pound Sterling
provision, therefore, has been made in accounts in 2.99 Lakhs as a result of a court case pending in
respect thereof. London for alleged non-fulfilment of an agreement of
cotton purchase. The said matter had been decided
b) The Company has contested the additional demand against the said textile undertaking and accordingly,
in respect of income tax amounting to ` 18296.44 Pound Sterling 0.48 Lakhs lying in the bank account
Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 18346.15 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 at London had been paid to the claimant pursuant
` 17480.88 Lakhs). Provision of ` 15683.93 to the Order of the Court. The said amount was
Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 15709.65 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 written off in the books of the said undertaking by
` 14821.69 Lakhs) in this respect has not been made way of debit to the statement of Profit and Loss. No


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

provision has been made for the balance decreed amount by the undertaking in view of the fact that the said
undertaking was prevented by force majure in fulfiling its part of contract. The Company as successor to the textile
undertaking is contesting this matter in Indian Courts and is confident that there would not be any further liability
in this regard.

II. Commitment
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 01st April, 2015
Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed 8,187.20 7,187.40 12,284.06
on Capital Account and not provided for (net of advances)
Exports obligations under Export Promotion Capital 17,312.46 51,854.36 52,063.36
Goods (EPCG) scheme#
#The Company has executed bonds for an aggregate amount of ` 101304.77 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 122888.68 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 94274.63
Lakhs) in favour of the President of India under section 59 (2) and 67 of the Customs Act,1962 and Central Excise and salt Act, 1944 for
fulfilment of the obligation under the said Acts. However, ` 17312.46 Lakhs (31 March 2016: ` 51854.36 Lakhs, 1 April 2015: ` 52063.36 Lakhs) is
outstanding to be discharged against these bonds.

38. Amortisation of Intangible assets the year in terms of buy back announced by
a. Softwares have been amortised @ 25% on the company. During the year the value of
straight line basis as the useful life has been remaining shares has been adjusted by debit
estimated to be not more than four years. to equity & retained earnings in accordance
with IND AS 32.
b. Right to use power lines have been amortised
@ 20% on straight line basis as the useful life (b)  The aforesaid Trust is also holding 3,19,748
thereof has been estimated to be not more equity shares (31.03.2016- 3,19,748) of ` 10
than five years. each of VSSL which were allotted to it in the
capacity of a shareholder of the company by
c. Contribution to CETP has been amortised @ virtue of ‘Scheme of Arrangement & Demerger’
20% on straight line basis as the useful life entered into by the company, Vardhman
thereof has been estimated to be not more Special Steels Limited and their respective
than five years. shareholders and creditors.

39. (a) The Company was holding its own 15,98,741 As the aforesaid shares are held by a Trust on
(31.03.2016- 15,98,741) equity shares of ` 10 behalf of the company and company not being
each through a Trust, which were received by registered owner of shares, the cost of these
it in its capacity as a shareholder of Vardhman shares is not reflected in Investments but same
Holdings Limited, in accordance with the has been valued at cost as reflected in other
‘Scheme of Arrangement and Demerger’. Out current asset..
of above 1,36,539 shares were tendered during


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(c) The detail of the amount recoverable from Mahavir Share Trust as at the close of the year is as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 01st April, 2015
Cost of Shares (VTXL) 1,306.32 1,428.30 1,428.30
Cost of Shares (VSSL) 357.10 357.10 357.10
Other recoverable 2.48 2.99 2.60
Total 1,665.90 1,788.41 1,788.02

The amount recoverable on account of equity shares of VTXL held by the trust has been reduced from equity
share capital & retained earnings.

40. Segment Information as required by Ind AS- 108 ‘Operating Segments’ on Segment Reporting as compiled on the
basis of the consolidated financial statements is disclosed below :

The company has identified two segments as reportable segments viz textiles and fibre

(Amount in Lakhs)
Textiles Fibre Unallocated Total
Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
External sales 5,86,529.21 5,67,666.20 19,905.30 21,539.19 242.08 322.11 6,06,676.59 5,89,527.50
Inter-segment sales 6.20 - 16,878.10 23,220.01 27,846.10 25,615.02 44,730.40 48,835.03
Other income 8,706.25 6,076.56 2,239.45 2,154.89 66.29 60.42 11,011.99 8,291.87
Total revenue 5,95,241.66 5,73,742.76 39,022.85 46,914.09 28,154.47 25,997.55 6,62,418.98 6,46,654.40
Segment results 93,994.79 81,268.98 5,749.82 6,176.98 9,472.78 5,614.96 1,09,217.39 93,060.92
Unallocated Corporate (31,871.32) (2,977.26)
Expenses (Net)
Operating profit 1,41,088.71 96,038.18
Interest expense 9,294.98 8,886.40
Income tax - Current 30,263.39 23,897.59
- Mat Credit entitlement (1,239.63) 4.20
- Deferred 3,342.30 842.54
- Fringe benefit -
Profit from ordinary 99,427.67 62,407.45
Extraordinary loss / -
Net profit 99,427.68 62,407.44
Segment assets 4,96,397.02 5,25,088.16 39,185.99 39,533.08 17,423.25 18,397.11 5,53,006.26 5,83,018.35


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
Textiles Fibre Unallocated Total
Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Unallocated Corporate 1,98,527.75 1,68,312.39
Total assets 4,96,397.02 5,25,088.16 39,185.99 36,901.28 17,423.25 19,729.95 7,51,534.01 7,51,330.74
Segment Liabilities 45,918.02 41,583.00 7,498.01 4,012.00 3,212.06 3,141.18 56,628.09 48,736.18
Unallocated Corporate 5,528.03 5,499.82
Total liabilities 45,918.02 41,583.00 7,498.01 5,112.61 3,212.06 1,765.34 62,156.12 54,236.00
Capital expenditure 29,838.46 39,928.00 109.07 569.18 3.72 123.47 29,951.25 40,620.65
Depreciation & 32,701.96 35,701.45 460.62 441.62 656.59 779.21 33,819.17 36,922.28
Non-cash expenses - - - - -
other than depreciation
& amortisation

b) Secondary Segment Information:

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Segment Revenue – External Turnover
- within India 3,57,987.39 3,35,716.36
- outside India 2,48,689.20 2,53,811.14
Total Revenue 6,06,676.59 5,89,527.50

Segment Revenue & Expenses:

Segment revenue comprises sales to external customers and inter segment sales. Segment expenses comprise
expenses that are directly attributable to the segment and expenses relating to transactions with other segments
of the enterprise.

Segment Assets & Liabilities

Segment assets include all operating assets used by a segment and consist of cash and bank balances, debtors,
inventories and fixed assets. Segment liabilities include all operating liabilities and consist of creditors and other
liabilities. Segment assets and liabilities do not include current and deferred taxes.

Inter Segment Transfers:

Inter segment transfers are accounted for at prevailing market prices. These transfers are eliminated in

41. In accordance with Ind AS-36 on “Impairment of Assets” the Company has assessed as on the balance sheet date,
whether there are any indications with regard to the impairment of any of the assets. Based on such assessment
it has been ascertained that no potential loss is present and therefore, formal estimate of recoverable amount
has not been made. Accordingly no impairment loss has been provided in the books of account


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

42. Earning Per Share

(a) The calculation of Earning Per Share (EPS) as disclosed in the statement of profit and loss has been made in
accordance with Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS)-33 on “Earning Per Share”

(i) A statement on calculation of basic & Diluted EPS is as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars 31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Net Profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders 98,141.44 61,459.32
Total (A) 98,141.44 61,459.32
Weighted average number of equity shares (No in lac) 601.71 609.12
Total (B) 601.71 609.12
Basic earning per Share (`) (A)/(B) 163.10 100.89
Diluted earning per Share (`) * (A)/(B) 163.10 100.89
Face value per equity share (`) 10.00 10.00
* There are no potential equity shares

43. The Company owes dues of ` Nil (previous year ` 4.47 Lakhs) towards Micro and Small Enterprises, which are
outstanding for more than 45 days as at 31st March, 2017. This information as required to be disclosed under
the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined to the extent such parties
have been identified on the basis of information available with the company

44. Leases :
The Company has leased facilities under cancellable and non-cancellable operating leases arrangements with
a lease term ranging from one to five years, which are subject to renewal at mutual consent thereafter. The
cancellable arrangements can be terminated by either party after giving due notice. The lease rent expenses
recognised during the year amounts to ` 177.00 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 172.06 Lakhs). The future minimum lease
payments in respect of the non-cancellable operating leases are:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Within one year 154.46 145.02
After one year but not more than five years 333.00 332.29
More than five years 4,491.99 4,559.03


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

45. Related Party Disclosure

(a) Disclosure of Related Parties and relationship between the parties.

1. Subsidiaries VMT Spinning Company Limited

Vardhman Acrylics Limited
VTL Investments Limited
2. Joint Venture Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited (upto 31.08.2016)
Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited
3 Associates Vardhman Spinning and General Mills Limited
Vardhman Special Steels Limited
Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited (w.e.f 01.09.2016)
3. Key Management Personnel (KMP) Mr. S.P.Oswal, Chairman and Managing Director
Mr. Sachit Jain, Joint Managing Director
Mrs. Suchita Jain, Joint Managing Director(w.e.f 24.08.2016)
Mr. Neeraj Jain, Joint Managing Director
Mr. Rajeev Thapar (Chief Financial Officer)
Ms. Karan Kamal Walia (Company Secretary)
4. Enterprises over which key Management Vardhman Holdings Limited
Personnel and relative of such personnel is able Vardhman Apparels Limited
to exercise significant influence or control Smt. Banarso Devi Oswal Public Charitable Trust
Sri Aurobindo Socio Economic and Management Research Institute
#Adhiswar Enterprises LLP (formerly known as Adinath Investment
and Trading Company)
#Devakar Investment and Trading Co. Limited
# *Srestha Holdings Limited
#Santon Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#Flamingo Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#Ramaniya Finance and Investment Co. Limited
#*Marshall Investment and Trading Co. (P) Limited
#*Pardeep Mercentile Co. (P) Limited
#*Plaza Trading Co. (P) Limited
#*Anklesh Investment (P) Limited
#*Syracuse Investment and Trading Co. (P) Limited
# Mahavir Spinning Mills (P) Ltd.
#Northern Trading Co.
#Amber Syndicate
#Paras Syndicate
#Adinath Syndicate
#Eastern Trading Company
5. Relatives of KMP Ms. Soumya Jain
Note: *These companies have been merged into Diwakar Investment & Trading Company Limited during the current year.

#No transaction has taken place during the year.

(b) Description of the nature of transactions with the related parties :-

(Amount in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Relative of Man-
Key Manangement which KMP is able
Associates Joint Venture agement Person- Total Total
Personnel (KMP) to exercise signifi- Notes
Particulars nel (KMP)
cant influence
Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous Current Previous
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Purchase/processing of 1,082.54 518.00 5.96 2.90 - - - - - - 1,088.50 520.91
Purchase of DEPB 6.55 - - - - - - - - - 6.55 -
Sale/processing of goods 670.75 508.43 1,398.36 1,602.38 - - - - - - 2,069.11 2,110.81
Sale of DEPB licences 368.53 - - - - - - - - - 368.53
Purchase of fixed assets 2,821.63 0.99 - - - - - - - - 2,821.63 0.99
Sale of fixed assets 6,356.78 45.90 1.59 - - - - - - 6,358.37 45.90
Donation paid - - - - - - - - 418.66 472.00 418.66 472.00
Rent paid 0.10 - - - - - - - 9.81 9.61 9.91 9.61
Reimbursement of 484.70 758.26 15.71 59.67 - - - - - - 500.41 817.94
expenses paid
Reimbursement of 590.89 793.05 3.41 2.20 - - - - - - 594.30 795.24
expenses received
Receipt against corporate 420.44 422.87 2.85 2.85 - - - - - - 423.29 425.72
service agreement*
Payment against licence - - - - - - - - 156.00 154.04 156.00 154.04
Interest paid - 0.03 - - - - - - - - - 0.03
Interest received 117.56 71.50 92.30 97.03 - - - - - - 209.86 168.53
Rent received 34.41 22.51 - - - - - - - - 34.41 22.51
Dividend received - 10,873.00 - - - - - - - - - 10,873.00
Dividend paid - - - - - - - - - 9,277.33 - 9,277.33
KMP Rmuneration - - - - 3,183.44 2,169.45 - - - - 3,183.44 2,169.45
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Salary Paid - - - - - - 6.58 4.16 - - 6.58 4.16

Loan given (including 1,500.00 7,254.57 1,399.12 1,599.12 - - - - - - 2,899.12 8,853.69
Opening Balance)
Loan received back - 5,754.57 200.00 400.00 - - - - - - 200.00 6,154.57
Closing balance 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,199.12 1,199.12 - - - - - - 2,699.12 2,699.12
Year end balance 3.79 153.89 295.76 523.08 - - - - - - 299.55 676.97
Year end balance payable 479.68 18.88 - - - - - - - - 479.68 18.88

*excluding service tax


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

Contribution paid to trusts under Post-employment benefit plan

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current year Previous year
Mahavir Employee Gratuity Fund Trust 383.03 578.90
Mahavir Superannuation Trust 77.43 64.33

46. Income tax:

(a) Movement in deferred tax assets & liabilities during the year:
As at Movement As at Movement As at
1st April during 31st March during 31st march
2015 2015-16 2016 2016-17 2017
Deferred tax Liability
Depreciation 22,382.32 (469.58) 21,912.74 418.49 22,331.23
Fair valuation Gain on investments 1,523.44 1,929.65 3,453.09 3549.85 7002.94
MTM Gain on forex fluctuation 217.46 (189.66) 27.80 - 27.80
Others 83.81 36.51 120.32 (102.13) 18.19
(A) 24,207.03 1,306.92 25,513.95 3,745.86 29,380.16
Deferred tax Asset
43B Disallowances 1,239.76 420.43 1,660.19 426.74 2,086.93
Provision for Doubtful Debt 34.88 44.62 79.50 94.97 174.47
(B) 1,274.64 465.05 1,739.69 521.71 2,261.40
Deferred tax liability (Net) (A-B) 22,932.38 841.87 23,774.26 3,224.16 27,118.77

(b) Reconciliation of Deferred tax liabilities (net)

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current year Previous year
Balance at the beginning of the year 23,774.26 22,932.39
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in Statement 3,342.30 842.54
of Profit and loss
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in Other 2.21 (0.66)
Comprehensive income
Deferred tax (income)/expenses during the year recognized in directly in - -
Balance at the end of the year 27,118.77 23,774.26


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(c) Reconciliation of tax expense and the Profit before tax multiplied by statutory tax rate :
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current year Previous year
Accounting profit before tax 1,31,793.75 87,151.78
Tax at statutory income tax rate of 34.608% / 23.072% (31 March 2016: 44,836.45 29,649.04
Tax effect of the amounts not deductible for computing taxable income
Depreciation difference (400.12) 185.45
Disallowances (3,655.33) 962.45
Deductions/Exemption (6,285.99) (7,291.77)
MAT Credit Entitlement (1,239.63) 4.20
Adjustment in capital gain under Income Tax Provision (3,686.77) -
Fair valuation Gain on investments 3,547.65 1,929.65
MTM Gain on forex fluctuation - (189.66)
43B Disallowances (426.73) (420.43)
Provision for Doubtful Debt (94.97) (44.62)
Others (228.49) (39.97)
Income tax expense 32,366.07 24,744.34

47. Disclosure required by Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

(i) The Company has given inter corporate deposits aggregating to ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` 4,700 Lakhs, 01.04.2015
` 65,079 Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman Special Steels Limited. The maximum amount outstanding during the year
was ` 1,500 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,954.57 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 6,535.74 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding as
on 31.03.2017 is ` 1,500 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,500 Lakhs, 01.04.2015 ` 2,554.57 Lakhs).

(ii) The Company has given inter corporate deposits aggregating to ` 200 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 681.00 Lakhs,
01.04.2015 ` 1,636 Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited during the year. The
maximum amount outstanding during the year was ` 1199.12 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 1,199.12 Lakhs, 01.04.2015
` 1,187.62 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding as on 31.03.17 is ` 1199.12 Lakhs(31.03.2016 ` 1,199.12 Lakhs,
01.04.2015 ` 918.12 Lakhs).

(iii) The Company has given inter corporate deposits aggregating to ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 2,621.00
Lakhs) to M/s Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited during the year. The maximum amount outstanding
during the year was ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` 861.00 Lakhs). The Balance outstanding as on
31.03.17 is ` Nil (31.03.2016 ` NIL, 01.04.2015 ` NIL).


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

48. Prior period items are as follows :-

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
Other Expenses 135.06 205.16
Finance Cost (7.65) (15.90)
Employee benefit Expenses 3.29 1.75
Cost of material consumed 15.88 116.65
Other Income (28.61) (28.27)
Revenue from operations 23.08 1.17
Net Prior period(Income)/Expense 141.05 280.55

49. Interest expense is net of interest income from :-

(Amount in Lakhs)
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016
(i) Related parties 211.16 336.01
(ii) Current investments 1757.18 1,489.48
(iii) Long Term Investments 15.23 179.52
(iv) Deposits and others 1589.15 1657.05

50. In accordance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 the company has paid a sum of
` 592.34 Lakhs (31.03.2016 ` 491.44 Lakhs) towards approved CSR activities. The said amount stands debited to
the “Miscellaneous” under the head “other expenses”.

51. Employee Benefits :

 Gratuity plan: The Company has a gratuity plan wherein every employee is entitled to the benefit equivalent to
15 days salary last drawn for each completed year of service. Gratuity is payable to all eligible employees of the
Company on retirement, separation, death or permanent disablement, in terms of the provisions of the Payment
of Gratuity Act or as per the Company’s plan, whichever is more beneficial.

The following tables set out the disclosures in respect of the gratuity plan as required under Ind AS 19.

(a) Changes in the present value of the obligations:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Present value obligation as at beginning of the year 4,464.16 3,809.77
Transferred during the year 14.58 -
Interest cost 350.40 291.17
Current service cost 732.24 692.99
Benefits Paid (550.97) (350.22)
Actuarial (gain)/ loss on Obligations 136.42 20.45
Present value obligation as at end of the year 5,146.83 4,464.16


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(b) Change in Fair Value of Plan Asset

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Fair value of Plan Assets as at beginning of the year 4,070.09 3,030.23
Actual return on Plan Assets 402.75 260.41
Contributions 394.06 796.94
Benefits Paid - (0.02)
Withdrawal - (17.47)
Fair value of Plan Assets as at end of the year 4,866.90 4,070.09

(c) Amount recognized in Balance Sheet:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Present value obligation as at end of the year 5,146.83 4,464.16
Fair value of Plan Assets as at end of the year 4,866.90 4,070.10
Funded Status (279.93) (394.06)
Present value of unfunded obligation as at end of the year - -
Unfunded Actuarial (gains)/ losses - -
Unfunded Net Asset/ (Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet. (279.93) (394.06)

The above liability includes current liability of ` 266.37 Lakhs (previous year ` 393.32 Lakhs)

(d) Actuarial Gain/Loss on Plan Assets

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Expected Interest Income 327.62 225.71
Actual Income on Plan Asset 402.75 260.41
Actuarial gain /(loss) for the year on Asset 75.13 34.70

(e) Expenses Recognized in Profit & Loss:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Current service cost 732.24 692.99
Interest cost 350.40 291.17
Expected Interest Income (327.62) (225.71)
Total Expenses recognised in Profit & Loss Account 755.02 758.45

(f) OCI Recognized:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Actuarial gain / (loss) for the year on Pension Benefit Obligation (136.41) (20.44)
Actuarial gain /(loss) for the year on Asset 75.13 34.70
Unrecognized actuarial gain/(loss) at the end of the year (61.29) 14.26


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(g) Investment details of Fund :

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Mutual Funds 529.35 311.31
Government Securities & Bonds 4,328.70 3,509.87
Bank Balance 8.85 248.92
TOTAL 4,866.90 4,070.10

(h) Principal actuarial assumption at the Balance Sheet Date (expressed as weighted average):
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Discount Rate (per annum) 7.35% 8.00%
Rate of increase in compensation levels (per annum) 6.00% 6.00%
Expected Average remaining working lives of employees (years) 26.94 26.87
Method Used Projected Unit Projected Unit
Credit Credit

The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply and demand in employee market.

(i) The quantitative sensitivity analysis on net liability recognized on account of change in significant
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.03.2016
Discount Rate
0.50% Increase (221.35) (172.63)
0.50% decrease 240.01 195.44
Future Salary increase 0.00 0.00
0.50% Increase 242.02 198.26
0.50% decrease (209.15) (184.60)

As per Actuarial Certificate, sensitivities due to mortality & withdrawals are not material & hence impact of
change has not been calculated.

(j) The following payments are expected contributions to the defined benefit plan in future years:
(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.03.2016
Within 1 year 645.84 712.76
1-5 years 1,185.85 1,089.73
Beyond 5 years 3,315.14 2,661.67
Total expected payments 5,146.83 4,464.16

(k) The average duration of the defined benefit plan obligation at the end of the reporting period is
13.65 years (31 March 2016: 14.00 years).


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

52. Financial Risk Management The export sales of company comprise around
The principal financial assets of the Company 35% of the total sales of the company, Further
include loans, trade and other receivables, and the company also imports certain assets and
cash and bank balances that derive directly from material from outside India. The exchange
its operations. The principal financial liabilities of rate between the Indian rupee and foreign
the company, include loans and borrowings, trade currencies has changed substantially in recent
and other payables and the main purpose of these years and may fluctuate substantially in the
financial liabilities is to finance the day to day future. Consequently the company is exposed
operations of the company. to foreign currency risk and the results of
the company may be affected as the rupee
The Company is exposed to market risk, credit appreciates/ depreciates against foreign
risk and liquidity risk. The Company’s senior currencies. Foreign exchange risk arises
management oversees the management of these from the future probable transactions and
risks and that advises on financial risks and the recognized assets and liabilities denominated
appropriate financial risk governance framework in a currency other than company’s functional
for the Company. currency.

This note explains the risks which the company is The company measures the risk through a
exposed to and policies and framework adopted by forecast of highly probable foreign currency
the company to manage these risks: cash flows and manages its foreign currency
risk by appropriately hedging the transactions.
Market Risk The Company uses a combination of derivative
Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future financial instruments such as foreign exchange
cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate forward and option contracts to mitigate the
because of changes in market prices. Market prices risk of changes in exchange rates on foreign
comprise three types of risk: foreign currency risk, currency exposures.
interest rate risk, investment risk.
The following table summarizes the company’s
(i) Foreign currency risk exposure foreign currency risk from financial
The company operates internationally and instruments at the end of each reporting
business is transacted in several currencies. period:


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

a) Exposure on account of Financial Assets

Foreign Currency In Lakhs
As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
a) Exposure on account of Financial Assets
Trade receivables (net of bill discounted) (A)
-In USD 538.14 421.93
-In Euro 41.93 33.1
Amount hedged through forwards & options # (B)
-In USD 528.93 414.78
-In Euro 41.93 33.1
Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Assets (C=A-B)
-In USD 9.21 7.15
-In Euro - -
b) b) Exposure on account of Financial Liabilities
Trade Payables (D)
-In USD 43.28 44.09
-In Euro 7.88 15.08
-In CHF 7.92 7.96
-In GBP - 0.39
-In JPY 615.17 494.69
Amount Hedged through forwards & options # (E)
-In USD 43.28 44.09
-In Euro 7.82 15
-In CHF - 0.72
-In GBP - 0.24
-In JPY 452.41 0.00
Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Liabilities F =(C+D-E)
-In USD - -
-In Euro 0.06 0.08
-In CHF 7.92 7.24
-In GBP - 0.15
-In JPY 162.76 494.69
Net Exposure to Foreign Currency Assets/(Liability) (C-F)
-In USD 9.21 7.15
-In Euro (0.06) (0.08)
-In CHF (7.92) (7.24)
-In GBP - (0.15)
-In JPY (162.76) (494.69)
# The forwards and options have been considered to the extent of financial assets/liabilities only.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

The following significant exchange rates applied during the year:

2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16

Particulars (Average (Average (Year end rates) (Year end rates)
exchange rate) exchange rate)
INR/USD 65.55 64.38 64.86 66.25
INR/EURO 72.20 71.01 69.31 75.09
INR/CHF 66.88 66.47 64.84 68.92
INR/GBP 88.26 93.70 81.40 95.12
INR/JPY 0.58 0.55 0.58 0.58

Foreign currency sensitivity

The impact on the Company’s profit before tax due to changes in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities
including foreign currency derivatives on account of reasonably possible change in USD and Euro exchange rates (with
all other variables held constant) will be as under:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
10% Strengthening/weakening of USD against INR 59.86 47.37
10% Strengthening/weakening of Euro against INR 0.42 0.60
10% Strengthening/weakening of CHF against INR 51.36 49.90
10% Strengthening/weakening of GBP against INR - 1.47
10% Strengthening/weakening of JPY against INR 9.44 28.69

(ii) Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because
of changes in market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates
relates primarily to the Company’s debt obligations with floating interest rates.

As the Company has no significant interest-bearing assets, the income and operating cash flows are substantially
independent of changes in market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market
interest rates relates primarily to the Company’s debt obligations with floating interest rates, which are included
in interest bearing loans and borrowings in these financial statements. The company’s fixed rate borrowings are
carried at amortised cost. They are therefore not subject to interest rate risk, since neither the carrying amount
nor the future cash flows will fluctuate because of a change in market interest rates.

At the reporting date the interest rate profile of the Company’s interest bearing financial instrument is at its fair value:


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Variable rate instruments
Long term borrowings 74,270.02 1,03,972.03
Current maturities of long term debt 42,933.50 55,979.34
Short term borrowings 1,06,632.17 1,03,075.47

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates on that portion
of loans and borrowings affected. A change of 100 basis points in interest rates for variable rate instruments at
the reporting date would have increased/(decreased) profit or loss for the below years by the amounts shown
below. With all other variables held constant, the Company’s profit before tax is affected through the impact on
floating rate borrowings, as follows:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016
Increase/ (decrease) in 100 basis point 2,238.36 2,630.26

(iii) Investment Risk

The company is exposed to equity price risk arising from equity investments.

The company manages equity price risk by investing in fixed deposits/Fixed Maturity Plan, debt instruments
and Liquid funds. The company does not actively trade equity investments. Equity investments are mainly
held for strategic rather than trading purposes. Protection principle is given high priority by limiting company’s
investments to AA and higher rated companies and top rated money market instruments only.

Liquidity Risk
The financial liabilities of the company, other than derivatives, include loans and borrowings, trade and other
payables. The company’s principal sources of liquidity are cash and cash equivalents and the cash flow that is
generated from operations.

The company monitors its risk of shortage of funds to meet the financial liabilities using a liquidity planning tool.
The company plans to maintain sufficient cash and marketable securities to meet the obligations as and when
fall due.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

The below is the detail of contractual maturities of the financial liabilities of the company at the end of each
reporting period:

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
0-1 years 1,49,565.67 1,59,054.81
1-5 years 73,430.43 1,03,962.36
More than 5 years 1,025.00 282.00
Trade Payables
0-1 years 24,515.22 18,033.07
1-5 years - -
More than 5 years - -
Other Financial liabilities
0-1 years 18,853.67 19,312.02
1-5 years 48.78 19.12
More than 5 years - -

Credit Risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of default on its obligation by the counterparty resulting in a financial loss. The
maximum exposure to the credit risk at the reporting date is primarily from trade receivables which are typically
unsecured. Credit risk on cash and bank balances is limited as the company generally invests in deposits with
banks and financial institutions with high credit ratings assigned by credit rating agencies. Investments primarily
include investment in liquid mutual fund units, bonds, fixed maturity plan etc. issued by institutions having
proven track record. The Company’s credit risk in case of all other financial instruments is negligible.

The company assesses the credit risk based on external credit ratings assigned by credit rating agencies. The
company also assesses the creditworthiness of the customers internally to whom goods are sold on credit terms
in the normal course of business. The credit limit of each customer is defined in accordance with this assessment.
Outstanding customer receivables are regularly monitored and any shipments to overseas customers are
generally covered by letters of credit.

The impairment analysis is performed on client to client basis for the debtors that are past due at the end of each
reporting date. The company has not considered an allowance for doubtful debts in case of trade receivables that
are past due but there has not been a significant change in the credit quality and the amounts are still considered

The following is the detail of revenues generated from top five customers of the company and allowance for
lifetime expected credit loss:


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at
31 March 2017 31 March 2016
(a) Revenue from top five customers
- Amount of sales 83,411.79 1,00,319.72
-% of total sales 34.33% 40.56%
(b) Allowance for doubtful debt
-Balance at the beginning of the period 202.76 18.79
-Recognized during the year 294.02 183.97
-Amount written off - -
-Balance at the end of the period 496.78 202.76

The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of trade receivables as disclosed
at Note 10.

Write off policy

The financials assets are written off in case there is no reasonable expectation of recovering from the financial

53. Capital Management

The capital includes issued equity capital, share premium and all other equity reserves attributable to the equity
holders of the company. The primary objective of the company’s capital management is to maintain optimum
capital structure to reduce cost of capital and to maximize the shareholder value.

The company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments in light of changes in economic conditions
and the requirements of the financial covenants which otherwise would permit the banks to immediately call
loans and borrowings. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the company may adjust the dividend
payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares.

The Company monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus net debt. The
Company’s gearing ratio was as follows:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Financial Year Financial Year
ended 31.03.2017 ended 31.03.2016
Borrowings 2,23,835.69 2,63,026.84
Less: Cash and cash equivalents 4,465.05 27,886.54
Net debt 2,19,370.64 2,35,140.30
Total equity 4,38,541.07 4,10,293.62
Capital and Net debt 6,57,911.71 6,45,433.92
Gearing ratio 33.34% 36.43%

Further, there have been no breaches in the financial covenants of any interest-bearing loans and borrowing in
the current year ended 31st March 2017.

There were no changes in the objectives, policies or processes for managing capital during the year ended 31
March 2017 and 31 March 2016.


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

54. Disclosure on Specified Bank Notes (SBNs)

During the year, the Company had specified bank notes or other denomination note as defined in the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs notification G.S.R. 308(E) dated 31 March 2017 on the details of Specified Bank Notes (SBN) held
and transacted during the period from 8 November 2016 to 30 December 2016, the denomination wise SBNs and
other notes as per the notification is given below:

(Amount in Lakhs)
Particulars SBNs* denomination Total
Closing cash in hand as on 8th November 2016 39.42 3.61 43.03
(+) Permitted receipts - 1,07.51 1,07.51
(+) Withdrawal from Banks - 27.26 27.26
(-) Permitted payments - 68.62 68.62
(-) Amount deposited in Bank 39.42 26.26 65.68
Closing cash in hand as on 30th December 2016 - 43.50 43.50
*For the purpose of this clause, the term ‘Specified Bank Notes’ shall have the same meaning provided in the notification of the Government of
India, in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs number S.O. 3407(E) dated 8 November 2016.

55. Interest in Other Entities

1. The Consolidated Financial Statements present the Consolidated Accounts of Vardhman Textiles Limited with its
following Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures & Associates.
(Amount in Lakhs)
Proportion of Ownership of Interest
Country of in- As at 31st As at 31st
Name of Company Activities As at 1st
corporation March, March,
April, 2015
2017 2016
A. Subsidiaries 27,361.61 26,340.43 27,856.19
(i) Vardhman Acrylics Limited India Textiles 70.74% 70.75% 70.75%
(ii) VMT Spinning Co. Limited India Textiles 89.44% 89.44% 89.44%
(iii) VTL Investments Limited India Lending & Investing 100% 100% 100%
B. Joint Ventures
(i) Vardhman Yarns & Threads India Manufacturing & Sales - 51.00% 51.00%
Limited # of Threads
(ii) Vardhman Nisshimbo Garments India Manufacturing & Sales 51.00% 51.00% 51.00%
Company Ltd of Garments
C. Associates
(i) Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited India Manufacturing & Sales 11.00% - -
# of Threads
(ii) Vardhman Spinning & General Mills India Trading of Cotton & 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
Limited. Manmade Fibre
(iii) Vardhman Special Steels Limited India Manufacturing of Steels 32.61% 32.61% 32.61%
#During the financial year 2016-17, the company has sold its 40% equity stake in Vardhman Yarns & Threads Limited (VYTL), equivalent to
22,802,541 equity shares, to its Joint Venture partner namely American & Efird Global (A & E). Now the company holds 11% equity stake in
VYTL equivalent to 62,69,699 equity shares. In view of changed situation, Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited was Joint Venture of Vardhman
Textiles Limited upto 31.08.2016 but it has become the associates of Vardhman Textiles Limited w.e.f. 01.09.2016.

2. Summarized financial information and performance of Joint venture and associates
(a) Summarized Financial Information

(Amount in Lakhs)

Joint Venture Associates

Vardhman Nisshinbo Gar- Vardhman Yarns & Threads Vardhman Spinning & General
Vardhman Special Steels Limited
ments Company Limited. Limited’ Mills Limited
Particulars As at As at As at As at As at As at As at As at As at As at As at As at
31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st
March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March,
2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015
I. Assets
(A) Non Current 2,516.74 2,543.03 2,627.50 31,099.13 27,262.45 26,172.26 - - - 27,759.54 26,659.60 27,717.98
(B) Current Assets
(i) Cash and Cash 12.18 2.20 0.98 2,995.89 3,048.50 2,513.30 13.59 13.40 13.41 594.64 379.07 864.85
(ii) Others 2,785.58 3,032.39 2,434.33 33,539.27 34,393.88 38,865.10 0.03 0.03 0.03 32,913.24 34,343.97 33,223.70
Total Current Asset 2,797.76 3,034.59 2,435.31 36,535.16 37,442.38 41,378.40 13.62 13.43 13.44 33,507.88 34,723.04 34,088.55
Total Asset (A+B) 5,314.50 5,577.61 5,062.81 67,634.29 64,704.83 67,550.66 13.62 13.43 13.44 61,267.42 61,382.64 61,806.53
II. Liabilities
(A). Non
(i) Financial 1,762.09 2,205.78 2,260.05 0.23 0.23 0.23 - - - 11,545.50 12,902.09 10,438.36
(ii) Non Financial 98.95 84.35 76.01 10,572.50 10,710.23 7,203.64 - - - 100.03 76.77 73.43
Total Non Current 1,861.04 2,290.13 2,336.06 10,572.73 10,710.46 7,203.87 - - - 11645.53 12,978.86 10,511.79
(B). Current
(i) Financial 2,314.67 1,834.78 1,395.19 3,779.83 2,020.90 2,443.15 - - - 25,590.11 25,724.79 27,688.48
forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(ii) Non Financial 604.80 864.84 897.06 7,390.04 15,991.27 5,250.50 1.65 1.40 1.13 4,223.70 4,761.90 6,094.31
Total Current 2,919.47 2,699.62 2,292.25 11,169.87 18,012.17 7,693.65 1.65 1.40 1.13 29,813.81 30,486.69 33,782.79
Total Liabilities 4,780.51 4,989.75 4,628.31 21,742.60 28,722.63 14,897.52 1.65 1.40 1.13 41,459.34 43,465.55 44,294.58
Net Assets (I-II) 533.99 587.87 434.50 45,891.69 35,982.20 52,653.14 11.97 12.03 12.31 19,808.08 17,917.09 17,511.95


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(b) Summarized Performance

Joint Venture Associates

Vardhman Nisshimbo
Vardhman Yarns & Vardhman Spinning & Vardhman Special
Particulars Garments Company
Threads Limited General Mills Limited Steels Limited
2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16
Revenue 5,828.84 5,799.22 77,857.86 72,863.26 - - 75,312.90 72,551.41
Profit and Loss before Tax (50.96) 148.96 14,632.86 13,345.29 (0.07) (0.27) 1,913.42 421.65
Tax Expense - - 4,719.37 4,386.08 - - (0.26) -
Profit and Loss after Tax (50.96) 148.96 9,913.49 8,959.21 (0.07) (0.27) 1,913.68 421.65
Other Comprehensive Income (2.92) 4.41 (3.99) 32.46 - - (22.67) (16.53)
Total Comprehensive Income (53.88) 153.36 9,909.49 8,991.66 (0.07) (0.27) 1,891.01 405.12
Depriciation and Amortisation 167.23 167.35 2,758.48 2,453.33 - - 1,806.70 1,703.11
Interest Expense (Net of 287.10 286.82 1,401.18 968.26 - - 2,827.97 2,301.62
Interest Income)

3. Movement of Investment in Joint Venture and Associates using equity method

Vardhman Yarns & Vardhman Nisshimbo Vardhman Spinning & Vardhman Special
Threads Limited Garments Company General Mills Limited Steels Limited
2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16
Investment as at beginning of 18,013.49 26,511.32 (210.18) (288.40) 6.71 6.85 1,086.83 952.30
the Period
Add: Share of profit for the 3,087.49 4,567.73 (25.99) 75.97 (0.03) (0.14) 624.05 139.92
Add: Share of OCI for the (0.44) 16.75 (1.49) 2.25 - - (7.39) (5.39)
Less: Dividend distributed - (13,082.31) - - - - - -
during the period (including
Less: Disposed off Investment (16,056.26) - - - - - - -
Investment as at end of the 5,044.28 18,013.49 (237.66) (210.18) 6.68 6.71 1,703.49 1,086.83

56. During the financial year 2016-17, the company has sold its 40% equity stake in Vardhman Yarns & Threads
Limited (VYTL), equivalent to 22,802,541 equity shares, to its Joint Venture partner namely American & Efird
Global(A & E) for a consideration of ` 413.01 crore Gain on sale of such investment amounting to ` 252.23 crore
has been shown under the head ‘Other Income’


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

57. Assets pledged as Security:-

The Carrying amount of assets pledged as security for current and non-current borrowings are :-
(Amount in Lakhs)
As at As at As at
31st March 2017 31st March 2016 1st April 2015
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Trade receivables 73,349.58 77,759.39 82,017.73
Non-Financial Assets
Inventory 1,75,280.68 1,92,512.48 1,75,740.07
Total Current Assets Pledged as Security 2,48,630.26 2,70,271.87 2,57,757.80
Non Current Assets
Property Plant & Equipment 2,57,132.13 2,60,333.22 2,60,267.68
Total Non Current Assets Pledged as Security 2,57,132.13 2,60,333.22 2,60,267.68
Total Assets Pledged as Security 5,05,762.39 5,30,605.09 5,18,025.48

58. For Disclosure mandated by Schedule III of Companies Act 2013, by way of additional information, refer

(Amount in Lakhs)
Net Assets i.e total assets Share in other compre- Share in Total compre-
Share in profit/(loss)
minus total liabilities hensive income hensive income
As % of As % of As % of
Name of Enterprise As % of
consoliated consoliated consoliated
consoliated Amount Amount Amount Amount
profit or profit or profit or
net assets
loss loss loss
Vardhman Textiles 90.89% 3,98,584.71 100.74% 1,00,159.27 48.02% (21.76) 100.76% 1,00,137.51
Vardhman Arcylics Limited 6.74% 29,541.49 4.13% 4,110.52 25.11% -11.38 4.12% 4,099.14
VMT Spinning Co.Limited 2.38% 10,448.21 0.83% 828.97 6.31% (2.86) 0.83% 826.11
VTL Investment Limited 1.15% 5,055.43 0.98% 975.12 - - 0.98% 975.12
Non Controlling Interest 2.56% 11,225.86 1.29% 1286.24 8.01% (3.63) 1.29% 1,282.61
in subsidaries
Associates (Investment
as per the equity
Vardhman Special Steels 0.41% 1,788.97 0.63% 624.05 16.31% (7.39) 0.62% 616.66
Vardhman Spinning & 0.00% 6.67 0.00% (0.03) 0.00% - 0.00% (0.03)
General Mills Limited


forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017

(Amount in Lakhs)
Net Assets i.e total assets Share in other compre- Share in Total compre-
Share in profit/(loss)
minus total liabilities hensive income hensive income
As % of As % of As % of
Name of Enterprise As % of
consoliated consoliated consoliated
consoliated Amount Amount Amount Amount
profit or profit or profit or
net assets
loss loss loss
Joint Ventures
(investment as per the
equity method)
Vardhman Nisshimbo 0.17% 762.33 -0.03% (25.99) 3.29% (1.49) -0.03% (27.48)
Garments Company
Vardhman Yarns & 1.13% 4958.8 3.11% 3087.5 0.97% (0.44) 3.11% 3087.06
Threads Limited

59. Figures in bracket indicate deductions.

For S.C. Vasudeva & Co.

Chartered Accountants For and behalf of the Board of Directors

Firm Regn. No.: 000235N

(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10-05-2017



Part A (Amount in Lakhs)

VMT Spinning VTL Vardhman Vardhman
Company Investments Acrylics Nisshinbo Garments
Limited Limited Limited Company Limited
Current Year Current Year Current Year Current Year
a) Reporting period for the subsidiary concerned, if N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
different from the holding company’s reporting
b) Reporting currency and Exchange rate as on the N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
last date of the relevant financial year in the case
of foreign subsidiaries
c) Capital 2,070.02 400.00 8,036.37 1,400.00
d) Reserves 8,378.19 4,655.43 21,505.12 (866.02)
e) Total Assets 17,912.15 5,076.30 42,312.93 5,314.48
f) Total Liabilites 17,912.15 5,076.30 42,312.93 5,314.48
g) Details of investment (Except in case of investment - 3,872.60 24,789.83 -
in the subsidiaries)
h) Turnover (net) 19,112.99 932.61 36,842.96 5,828.84
i) Profit before taxation 1,246.63 979.54 5,714.33 (50.96)
j) Provision for taxation 417.66 4.42 1,603.81 -
k) Profit after Taxation 828.97 975.12 4,110.52 (50.96)
l) Proposed dividend (including tax thereon) - - - -
j) Total Comprehensive Incomefor the period 826.11 - 4,099.14 (53.88)
m) % of shareholding 89.44% 100% 70.74% 51%


Part B
Name of Associates Vardhman Special Steels Limited
1. Latest audited Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2017
2. Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company on the
year end
No. 5,825,000
Amount of Investment in Associates/Joint Venture ` 582.50 Lakhs
Extend of Holding % 31.39%
3. Description of how there is significant influence More than 20% shares of Vardhman Special Steels
Limited are held by the Company.
4. Reason why the associate/joint venture is not consolidated -
5. Net worth attributable to Shareholding as per latest audited 6,217.73 lakhs
Balance Sheet
6. Profit / Loss for the year
i. Considered in Consolidation 593.59 lakhs
i. Not Considered in Consolidation N.A.



Part B
Name of Associates Vardhman Spinning & General Mills Limited
1. Latest audited Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2017
2. Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company on the
year end
No. 25,000
Amount of Investment in Associates/Joint Venture ` 2.50 Lakhs
Extend of Holding % 50%
3. Description of how there is significant influence More than 20% shares of Vardhman Spinning & General
Mills Limited are held by the Company.
4. Reason why the associate/joint venture is not consolidated 0
5. Net worth attributable to Shareholding as per latest audited 5.98 Lakhs
Balance Sheet
6. Profit / Loss for the year
i. Considered in Consolidation -0.03 Lakhs
i. Not Considered in Consolidation N.A.


Part B
Name of Associates Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited
1. Latest audited Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2017
2. Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company on the
year end
No. 6,270,699
Amount of Investment in Associates/Joint Venture ` 627.06 Lakhs
Extend of Holding % 11.00%
3. Description of how there is significant influence Joint Venture with American & Efird, Global LLC
4. Reason why the associate/joint venture is not consolidated -
5. Net worth attributable to Shareholding as per latest audited 5,048.09 Lakhs
Balance Sheet
6. Profit / Loss for the year
i. Considered in Consolidation 1,090.04 Lakhs
i. Not Considered in Consolidation N.A.

Chartered Accountants For and behalf of the Board of Directors

Firm Regn. No.: 000235N

(Sanjiv Mohan) Karan Kamal Walia Rajeev Thapar Sachit Jain S.P. Oswal
Partner Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Joint Managing Director Chairman and
M. No. 086066 DIN : 00746409 Managing Director
DIN: 00121737
Place : Ludhiana
Dated: 10.05.2017



Notice is hereby given that the 44TH ANNUAL GENERAL Managing Director in consultation with the Auditors and
MEETING of Vardhman Textiles Limited will be held on reimbursement of out of pocket expenses incurred by
Friday, the 22nd day of September, 2017 at 09:00 a.m. them for the purpose of audit of the Company.”
at the Registered Office of the Company situated at
Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana, to transact the following SPECIAL BUSINESS:
businesses:- Item No. 5 – Ratification of Method of Valuation of
Options granted under Vardhman Textiles Limited
ORDINARY BUSINESS: Employee Stock Option Plan 2016 under SEBI (Share
Item No. 1 – Adoption of financial statements Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014
To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance
Sheet as at 31st March, 2017, Statement of Profit and To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2017, together with modification(s), the following resolution as a Special
Report of the Auditors and Directors thereon. Resolution:-

Item No. 2 – Declaration of Dividend “RESOLVED THAT in furtherance of resolution passed

To declare a dividend of ` 15 per share for the year by Members in their Annual General Meeting held on
ended 31st March, 2017. 4th September, 2016 in relation to Vardhman Textiles
Limited Employee Stock Option Plan 2016 and
Item No. 3 – Re-appointment of Mr. D.L. Sharma as a pursuant to section 62(1)(b) of the Companies Act,
director liable to retire by rotation 2013 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Share Capital
To appoint a Director in place of Mr. D.L. Sharma, (DIN and Debentures) Rules, 2014 and all other applicable
No. 00727581), who retires by rotation in terms of provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 including any
Section 152(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and being statutory modification or re-enactment thereof, for the
eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. time being in force and subject to SEBI (Share Based
Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (‘SEBI Guidelines”),
Item No. 4 – Appointment of Statutory Auditor the method of valuation of the Options granted under
To consider and approve the appointment of Statutory Vardhman Textiles Limited Employee Stock Option
Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2017- Plan 2016 i.e. Fair Valuation Method be and is hereby
18 and to fix their remuneration and in this regard to ratified at 44th Annual General Meeting of the Company.”
consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Item No. 6 – Ratification of remuneration payable
Resolution:- to Cost Auditors for the financial year ending 31st
March, 2018:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section
139, 142 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
Companies Act, 2013, read with Companies (Audit modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary
and Auditors) Rules, 2014, M/s Deloitte Haskins & Resolution:-
Sells LLP (Firm Registration No. 117366W/W-100018),
Chartered Accountants, be and are hereby appointed “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section
as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for a term 148 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies
of 5 consecutive years starting from conclusion of the Act, 2013 and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,
44th Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of 49th 2014 and Companies Cost Audit Rules, 2014 (including
Annual General Meeting (subject to ratification by the any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof,
Members at every Annual General Meeting) at such for the time being in force), M/s. Ramanath Iyer &
remuneration as may be finalized by the Chairman and Company, Cost Auditors, New Delhi appointed by the


Board of Directors of the Company, to conduct the audit 4. The Members holding shares in physical mode are
of the cost records of the Company for the financial year requested to notify the change in their address,
ending 31st March, 2018, be paid the remuneration of ` if any, at the earliest to the Registrar & Transfer
5,16,880/-. Agent/Company. However, members, holding
shares in electronic mode may notify the change in
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. S.P. Oswal, Chairman their address, if any, to their respective Depository
& Managing Director and Mr. Rajeev Thapar, Chief Participants.
Financial Officer, be and are hereby severally authorized
to do all acts and take all such steps as may be necessary 5. The information pursuant to Regulation 36 of the SEBI
or expedient to give effect to this resolution.” (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 regarding the Director seeking re-
By Order of the Board appointment in the Annual General Meeting is also
being annexed hereto separately and forms part of
Place: Ludhiana (Sanjay Gupta) the Notice. The Director has furnished the requisite
Dated: 11 August, 2017
Company Secretary declaration for his re-appointment.

6. Members desiring any information, as regards

Accounts, are requested to write to the Company
NOTES: at its Registered Office at least 10 days before the
date of Annual General Meeting so as to enable the
1. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE Management to keep the information ready.
ATTEND AND VOTE ON A POLL INSTEAD OF HIMSELF/ 7. The copies of relevant documents can be inspected
HERSELF AND SUCH PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER at the Registered Office of the Company on any
OF THE COMPANY. THE PROXY, IN ORDER TO BE working day between 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
NOT LESS THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING. 8. Members holding shares in the same/identical
THE BLANK PROXY FORM IS ENCLOSED ALONGWITH name(s) under different folios are requested to
ATTENDANCE SLIP. apply for consolidation of such folios and send
relevant share certificates to the Company/Registrar
However, a person can act as proxy on behalf of and Transfer Agent.
members not exceeding fifty (50) and holding in the
aggregate not more than ten percent of the total 9. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of
share capital of the Company. India, has taken a “Green Initiative in Corporate
Governance” by allowing paperless compliances by
2. The Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the the Companies and has issued circulars allowing
Companies Act, 2013, which sets out details relating Companies to send official documents to their
to Special Business at the meeting, is annexed Members electronically.
In support of the Green Initiative, your Company
The Register of Members and the Share Transfer
3.  proposes to send the documents like Notice
Books of the Company shall remain closed from calling the Annual General Meeting and Annual
11th September, 2017 to 22nd September, 2017 Report containing Balance Sheet, Statement of
(both days inclusive). Profit & Loss and Director’s Report etc. and other
communications in electronic form.


The Members are requested to support this Green on 21st September, 2017 (5:00 p.m.). During
Initiative by registering/ updating their e-mail this period, shareholder’s of the Company,
addresses with the Depository Participant (in case holding shares either in physical form or in
of shares held in dematerialized form) or with dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date
Registrar & Transfer Agent, Alankit Assignments of 15th September, 2017, may cast their vote
Limited, New Delhi (in case of shares held in physical electronically. The e-voting module shall be
form). disabled by CDSL for voting after end of voting
period on 21st September, 2017. Once the vote
10. The Annual Report 2016-17 is being sent through on a resolution is cast by the shareholder, the
electronic mode only to the Members whose shareholder shall not be allowed to change it
email addresses are registered with the Company/ subsequently.
Depository Participant(s), unless any Member has
requested for a physical copy of the report. For (ii) Shareholders who have already voted prior to
members who have not registered their email the meeting date would not be entitled to vote
addresses, physical copies of the Annual Report at the meeting venue.
2016-17 are being sent by permitted mode.
(iii) The shareholders should log on to the e-voting
11. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) website
has mandated the submission of the Permanent
Account Number (PAN) by every participant in (iv) Click on Shareholders.
the securities market. Members holding shares
in electronic form are, therefore, requested to (v) Now Enter your User ID
submit their PAN to their Depository Participant(s).
Members holding shares in physical form are a. For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID,
required to submit their PAN details to the Registrar
and Share Transfer Agent. b. For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8
Digits Client ID,
12. Voting through electronic means:
In compliance with the provisions of Section 108 c. Members holding shares in Physical Form
of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 20 of the should enter Folio Number registered
Companies (Management and Administration) with the Company.
Rules, 2014, and Regulation 44 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (vi) Next enter the Image Verification as displayed
Regulations), 2015, the Company is pleased to and Click on Login.
provide members a facility to exercise their right
to vote at the 44th Annual General Meeting (AGM) (vii) If you are holding shares in demat form and
by electronic means and the business may be had logged on to and
transacted through e-Voting Services provided by voted on an earlier voting of any company,
Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). then your existing password is to be used.

The instructions for shareholders

electronically are as under:

(i) The e-voting period commences on

19th September, 2017 (9:00 a.m.) and ends


(viii) If you are a first time user follow the steps given below:
For Members holding shares in Demat Form and Physical Form
PAN Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric PAN issued by Income Tax Department (Applicable for
both demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders)
Members who have not updated their PAN with the Company/Depository Participant
are requested to use the the first two letters of their name and the 8 digits of the
sequence number in the PAN field. Sequence number is printed on Attendance slip
provided with the Annual report.
In case the sequence number is less than 8 digits enter the applicable number of 0’s
before the number after the first two characters of the name in CAPITAL letters. Eg. If
your name is Ramesh Kumar with sequence number 1 then enter RA00000001 in the
PAN field
Dividend Bank Details Enter the Dividend Bank Details or Date of Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) as recorded in your
OR Date of Birth (DOB) demat account or in the company records in order to login.
If both the details are not recorded with the depository or Company please enter the
member id / folio number in the Dividend Bank details field as mentioned in instruction (v).

(ix) After entering these details appropriately, (xiii) On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION
click on “SUBMIT” tab. DESCRIPTION” and against the same the
option “YES/NO” for voting. Select the option
(x) Members holding shares in physical form will YES or NO as desired. The option YES implies
then directly reach the Company selection that you assent to the Resolution and option
screen. However, members holding shares NO implies that you dissent to the Resolution.
in demat form will now reach ‘Password
Creation’ menu wherein they are required (xiv) Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE LINK” if you
to mandatorily enter their login password in wish to view the entire Resolution details.
the new password field. Kindly note that this
password is also to be used by the demat (xv) After selecting the resolution you have
holders for voting for resolutions of any decided to vote on, click on “SUBMIT”. A
other company on which they are eligible confirmation box will be displayed. If you
to vote, provided that company opts for wish to confirm your vote, click on “OK”, else
e-voting through CDSL platform. It is strongly to change your vote, click on “CANCEL” and
recommended not to share your password accordingly modify your vote.
with any other person and take utmost care
to keep your password confidential. (xvi) Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on the
resolution, you will not be allowed to modify
(xi) For Members holding shares in physical your vote.
form, the details can be used only for
e-voting on the resolutions contained in (xvii) You can also take out print of the voting done
this Notice. by you by clicking on “Click here to print”
option on the Voting page.
(xii) Click on the EVSN: 170819049 for <VARDHMAN
TEXTILES LIMITED> on which you choose (xviii) If Demat account holder has forgotten the
to vote. login password then Enter the User ID and the
image verification code and click on Forgot
Password & enter the details as prompted by
the system.


(xix) Shareholders can also cast their vote using any, should be uploaded in PDF format
CDSL’s mobile app “m-Voting” available for in the system for the scrutinizer to verify
android based mobiles. The m-Voting app can the same.
be downloaded from Google Play Store. Apple
and Windows phone users can download the (xxi) Any person, who acquires shares of the
app from the App Store and the Windows Company and become Member of the
Phone Store, respectively. Please follow the Company after dispatch of the Notice and
instructions as prompted by the mobile app holding shares as on the cut-off date i.e.
while voting on your mobile. 15th September, 2017 may follow the same
instructions as mentioned above for e-Voting.
(xx) Note for Non – Individual Shareholders and
Custodians (xxii) In case you have any queries or issues
regarding e-voting, you may refer the
Non-Individual shareholders (i.e. other Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”)
than Individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) and and e-voting manual available at www.
Custodian are required to log on to, under help section or write and register an email to
themselves as Corporates.
13. M/s. B.K. Gupta & Associates, Company Secretaries
A scanned copy of the Registration Form have been appointed as the Scrutinizer to scrutinize
bearing the stamp and sign of the entity the e-voting process in a fair and transparent
should be emailed to helpdesk.evoting@ manner (including the ballot forms received from members who do not have access to the e-voting
process). The Scrutinizer shall upon the conclusion

After receiving the login details a of E-voting period, unblock the votes in presence
compliance user should be created using of at least two witnesses not in employment of the
the admin login and password. The Company and make a report of the votes cast in
Compliance user would be able to link the favour or against, if any, forthwith to the Chairman
account(s) for which they wish to vote on. of the Company.

The list of accounts should be mailed to 14. The Results of the resolutions passed at the AGM and on of the Company will be declared within 48 hours
approval of the accounts they would be of conclusion of AGM. The results declared along
able to cast their vote. with the Scrutinizer’s report shall be simultaneously
placed on the Company’s website www.vardhman.
A scanned copy of the Board Resolution com and on the website of CDSL and will be
and Power of Attorney (POA) which they communicated to the stock exchanges.
have issued in favour of the Custodian, if


By Order of the Board

Place: Ludhiana (Sanjay Gupta)

Dated: 11 August, 2017
Company Secretary


Annexure to the Notice:

Statement Pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013:

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 62(1)(b) and other Pursuant to the provisions of the Section 148 of the
applicable provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Audit and
(Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, Auditors) Rules, 2014, the Cost Audit is required to be
the Members in their 43rd Annual General Meeting conducted in respect of the Cost Accounts maintained
held on 5th September, 2016 had approved Vardhman by the Company. Upon the recommendations of Audit
Textiles Limited Employee Stock Option Plan, 2016. Committee, the Board of Directors in its meeting held on
However, method to be used by Company for Valuation 10th May, 2017 had appointed M/s. Ramanath Iyer & Co.,
of its Options under the Scheme was not disclosed in 808, Pearls Business Park, Netaji Subhash Place, New
the explanatory statement to the notice of 43rd Annual Delhi as Cost Auditors of the Company to conduct Cost
General Meeting. In this regard, the National Stock Audit for Financial Year ending 31st March, 2018.
Exchange of India requires that the method of valuation
of Options used by the Company for grant of Options i.e. Accordingly, the consent of the Members is solicited for
Fair Valuation Method shall be ratified by the Members passing an Ordinary Resolution as set out at Item No. 6
in the next Annual General Meeting. of the notice for ratification of payment of remuneration
of ` 5,16,880/- to the Cost Auditors for the Financial
Accordingly, your approval is solicited for ratification Year ending 31st March, 2018. The Board commends the
of Method of Valuation of Options by passing Special Ordinary Resolution as set out at Item No. 6 of the Notice
Resolution as set out at Item No. 5 of the notice. for approval by the Members.

Memorandum of Interest: Memorandum of Interest:

Except Mr. Neeraj Jain, Joint Managing Director, None of the Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel
Mr. D.L. Sharma, Director and Mr. Rajeev Thapar, CFO, (KMP) of the Company/ their relatives are concerned or
none of the Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) interested, financial or otherwise, in the resolution set
of the Company is interested in the resolution set out at out at Item No. 6.
Item No. 5.

Information pursuant to Regulation 36 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 regarding the Director seeking appointment/ re-appointment in the Annual General Meeting.

Name of the Director Mr. D.L. Sharma

Date of Birth 10.11.1948
Date of Appointment 08.05.1985
Expertise in specific functional area Business Executive having experience of more than 42 years in Textile and Sewing
Thread Business.
Qualification B.Sc. (Engg.), M.B.A.
Directorships in Other Listed Companies 1. Vardhman Acrylics Limited
as on 31st March, 2017
Chairman/Member of Committees of Stakeholder’s Relationship Committee:
Other Listed Companies as on 31st March, Nil
2017 Audit Committee:
1. Vardhman Acrylics Limited
Shareholding in the Company 2,919
Relationship with other Director(s) Not related to any Director

Corporate Information

Board of Directors
Mr. Ashok Kumar Kundra Mrs. Suchita Jain
Mr. Shri Paul Oswal
Joint Managing Director
Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Darshan Lal Sharma
Mr. Sachit Jain
Mr. Kumar Neel Lohit Mr. Devendra Bhushan Jain
Joint Managing Director
Nominee of IDBI
Mr. Rajender Mohan Malla
Mr. Neeraj Jain
Mr. Prafull Anubhai
Mr. Shravan Talwar Joint Managing Director
Dr. Subash Khanchand Bijlani

Chief Financial Officer Works Branches

Mr. Rajeev Thapar Anant Spinning Mills, Mandideep P-22, 3rd Floor, Flat No. 6, C.I.T.
Road, Scheme IV, Kolkata-700 014.
Arihant Spinning Mill, Malerkotla
Company Secretary
Chandigarh Road,
Arisht Spinning Mills, Baddi
Mr. Sanjay Gupta Ludhiana-141010.
Auro Dyeing (Unit-I & II), Baddi
314, Solaris II, Opposite L & T Gate
Auro Spinning Mills, Baddi No. 6, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri
M/s. S.C. Vasudeva & Co., (East), Mumbai-400 072.
Auro Textiles (Unit- I & II), Baddi
Chartered Accountants, New Delhi
504, Dalamal House, Nariman
Auro Weaving Mills, Baddi
Point, Mumbai - 400 021.
Mahavir Spinning Mills (Textile
309-310, Surya Kiran Building,
Allahabad Bank Division), Baddi
19, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New
ICICI Bank Limited
Vardhman Spinning and General Delhi-110 001.
Punjab National Bank
Mills (Unit-I & II), Ludhiana
State Bank of India 377-B, Muthuswami Industrial
Bank of India Vardhman Spinning Mills, Baddi Complex, Palladam Road, Tirupur -
Corporation Bank 638 604.
Vardhman Fabrics, Budhni
IDBI Bank Limited
1st Floor, Palm Court, Opposite
Canara Bank Vardhman Yarns, Satlapur
Management Development
Standard Chartered Bank
Vardhman Fabrics (Power Division), Institute, MG Road, Sector -16,
Exim Bank
Budhni Gurugram - 122 001.
Oriental Bank of Commerce
HDFC Bank Vardhman Yarns (Power Division),
Registrar & Transfer Agent
Alankit Assignments Limited, New
Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana - 141 010
CIN: L17111PB1973PLC003345
CIN: L17111PB1973PLC003345 Regd. Office: Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 (Punjab), India. E-VOTING PARTICULARS
Regd. Office: Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 (Punjab), India. E-VOTING PARTICULARS Phone No.: 0161-2228943-48, Fax: 0161-2601048
Phone No.: 0161-2228943-48, Fax: 0161-2601048 E-mail:; Website:
E-mail:; Website:

2017 2017
I/We hereby record my/ our presence at the 44th Annual General Meeting of Vardhman Textiles Limited held at the Registered Office of the Company
I/We hereby record my/ our presence at the 44th Annual General Meeting of Vardhman Textiles Limited held at the Registered Office of the Company situated at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 on Friday, the 22nd day of September, 2017 at 09:00 a.m.
situated at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 on Friday, the 22nd day of September, 2017 at 09:00 a.m.

............................................................ ................................................................... ............................................................

............................................................ ................................................................... ............................................................ Member’s Folio/DP ID-Client ID No. Member’s /Proxy’s name in Block Letters Member’s/Proxy’s Signature
Member’s Folio/DP ID-Client ID No. Member’s /Proxy’s name in Block Letters Member’s/Proxy’s Signature
1. Please complete the Folio / DP ID-Client ID No. and name, sign this Attendance Slip and hand it over at the Attendance Verification Counter at the entrance of the
1. Please complete the Folio / DP ID-Client ID No. and name, sign this Attendance Slip and hand it over at the Attendance Verification Counter at the entrance of the meeting place.
meeting place.
2. Electronic copy of the Annual Report for 2016-17 and Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent to all
2. Electronic copy of the Annual Report for 2016-17 and Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent to all the members whose email address is registered with the Company/Depository Participant unless any member has requested for a hard copy of the same.
the members whose email address is registered with the Company/Depository Participant unless any member has requested for a hard copy of the same. Members receiving electronic copy and attending the AGM can print copy of this Attendance Slip.
Members receiving electronic copy and attending the AGM can print copy of this Attendance Slip.
3. Physical copy of the Annual Report for 2016-17 alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is sent in the permitted mode(s) to all members whose email is not
3. Physical copy of the Annual Report for 2016-17 alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is sent in the permitted mode(s) to all members whose email is not registered or have requested for a hard copy
registered or have requested for a hard copy
EVSN (E-Voting Sequence Number) USER ID / Folio No. / DP / Client ID SEQUENCE NO.

NOTE: Please read instructions given at Point No. 12 of the Notice of 44th Annual General Meeting annexed in the Annual Report for 2016-17 of the
NOTE: Please read instructions given at Point No. 12 of the Notice of 44th Annual General Meeting annexed in the Annual Report for 2016-17 of the Company, carefully before voting electronically.
Company, carefully before voting electronically.


CIN: L17111PB1973PLC003345 Regd. Office: Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 (Punjab), India. [Pursuant to section 105(6) of the
Regd. Office: Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 (Punjab), India. [Pursuant to section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 19(3) of
Companies Act, 2013 and rule 19(3) of Phone No.: 0161-2228943-48, Fax: 0161-2601048
Phone No.: 0161-2228943-48, Fax: 0161-2601048 E-mail:; Website: the Companies (Management and
E-mail:; Website: the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
Administration) Rules, 2014]
I/We being the holder(s) of..........................shares of the above named Company bearing folio no...................................................... hereby appoint :
I/We being the holder(s) of..........................shares of the above named Company bearing folio no...................................................... hereby appoint :
1. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
1. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: ......................................................... or failing him;
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: ......................................................... or failing him;
2. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
UTILITY FORMS Ph.: Delhi-46757575, Mumbai-66944090, Chennai-32413930, Kolkata-32619605 #67626

UTILITY FORMS Ph.: Delhi-46757575, Mumbai-66944090, Chennai-32413930, Kolkata-32619605 #67626

2. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: ......................................................... or failing him;
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: ......................................................... or failing him;
3. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
3. Name : .............................................................................Address : ...........................................................................................................................
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: .........................................................
E-mail Id : ...................................................................................................................Signature: .........................................................
as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 44th Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held on Friday, the
as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 44th Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held on Friday, the nd
22 day of September, 2017 at 09:00 a.m. at Registered Office of the Company situated at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 and at any adjournment
22 day of September, 2017 at 09:00 a.m. at Registered Office of the Company situated at Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141 010 and at any adjournment
thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below:-
thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below:-
Ordinary Business
Ordinary Business
1. Adoption of Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31st March, 2017.
1. Adoption of Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 March, 2017.
2. Declaration of Dividend on equity shares.
2. Declaration of Dividend on equity shares.
3. Re-appointment of Mr. D.L. Sharma as a Director liable to retire by rotation.
3. Re-appointment of Mr. D.L. Sharma as a Director liable to retire by rotation.
4. Appointment of Statutory Auditors.
4. Appointment of Statutory Auditors.
Special Business
Special Business 5. Ratification of method of valuation of Options granted under Vardhman Textiles Limited Employee Stock Option Plan 2016 under SEBI
5. Ratification of method of valuation of Options granted under Vardhman Textiles Limited Employee Stock Option Plan 2016 under SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014.
(Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014.
6. Ratification of remuneration payable to Cost Auditors for the financial year ending 31st March, 2018.
6. Ratification of remuneration payable to Cost Auditors for the financial year ending 31st March, 2018.
Signed this ..................................... day of ............................................. 2017. Affix Revenue
Signed this ..................................... day of ............................................. 2017. Affix Revenue
Stamp not
Stamp not Signature of shareholder ................................................................ Signature of Proxy holder(s) ......................................................
Signature of shareholder ................................................................ Signature of Proxy holder(s) ...................................................... less than
less than
Note: This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of Rs. 0.15
Note: This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of Rs. 0.15
the Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.
the Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.


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