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Surround WP crop protectant forms a barrier film, which acts as a broad spectrum agricultural crop

protectant for controlling damage from various insect and disease pests, a growth enhancer, and as a
protectant against sunburn and heat stress.
Kaolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.0%
OTHER INGREDIENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0%
TOTAL: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0%


Active ingredients
95% Kaolin
5% Inert ingredients


Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted ­­­­en detalle.
(If you do not understand this label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.)

First Aid
If in eyes: • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.
• Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may
also contact 1-800-877-1737 for emergency medical treatment information.

The use of Surround WP in agricultural crop protection applications is covered by US Patents 6,027,740; 6,069,112;
6,110,867 and 6,156,327.
EPA Reg. No. 61842-18 EPA Est. No. 51036-GA-001
EPA Est. No. 72797-AL-001
Growth enhancer uses are not registered in California.

Product of U.S.A.
Manufactured for:
Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
2255 N. 44th Street, Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85008 USA


Hazard to Humans and Domestic Animals

Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap
and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before reuse.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Applicators and other handlers must wear:
• Long sleeved shirt
• Long pants
• Socks and shoes
• Dust/mist-filtering respirator (MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-21C), or a NIOSH
approved respirator with any N, R, P or HE filter.

When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a manner that meets the
requirements listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides [40
CFR 170.240 (d) (4-6)], the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as
specified in the WPS.
Nuisance dust masks and goggles provide the best protection for harvesters especially
when plants are shaken during ­harvest.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for
washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.

User Safety Recommendations

Users should:
• Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet.
• Remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and
put on clean ­clothing.
• Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. As soon as possible, wash
thoroughly and change into clean clothing.

Environmental Hazards
For terrestrial uses: DO NOT apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is
present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. DO NOT contaminate
water when disposing of equipment wash-water or rinsate.

Directions For Use

It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either
directly or through drift. Only protected handlers can be in the area during application. For
any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the state or tribal agency
responsible for pesticide ­regulation.
DO NOT apply Surround® WP crop protectant through any type of irrigation system.
Use Surround WP in accordance with directions on this label.

Agricultural Use Requirements

Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection
Standard, 40 CFR Part 170. This standard contains requirements for the protection of
agricultural workers on farms, in forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of
agricultural pesticides. It contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the
statements on this label about personal protective equipment. In nurseries and
greenhouses workers are prohibited in the treated area and 25 feet in all directions of the
nursery or the enclosed treated area until application is complete. The restricted-entry
interval (REI) is 4 hours from the time of application. DO NOT enter or allow
worker entry into treated areas during the restricted-entry interval (REI) of 4
hours unless wearing appropriate PPE. Personal protection equipment required for
early entry workers are long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and shoes plus socks.
I. General Information

Surround® WP crop protectant forms a mineral-based particle film intended for protection
of agricultural crops, plants in nurseries, and greenhouses. When Surround WP is applied
to plants, a dry white film results. Many pests are listed as suppressed, which means that
full control often is not achieved, and supplemental methods often are needed to enhance
the level of control. Thorough, uniform, and consistent coverage is essential
throughout the infestation or stress period.

 re-harvest intervals (PHI): Surround WP may be applied up to the day of harvest.

For fresh market crops that will not be washed or for field packed crops where a residual
white film is not desired, make applications early-season only. White residue at harvest may
be minimized if applications to smooth skin crops like apples stop when the fruit is
approximately 1/4 of its expected size.
Plant Response Precautions: Surround WP keeps plant surfaces cooler and an
advance or delay in maturity may result. Pome and stone fruit may have maturity delays of
3 to 7 days, especially in cool regions.

a. Mix Instructions:

For Agitating Sprayer Tanks

1. Slowly add Surround WP powder into the water in a recirculating sprayer tank, making
sure to keep agitation brisk. DO NOT add Surround WP to a sprayer tank that does
not have adequate agitation. A pre-mix tank can speed up loading operations if sprayer
does not have mechanical agitation. Add directly into the mix basket if pump
recirculation empties into the mix basket. If there is no mix basket, add Surround WP
very slowly to the recirculating water. Avoid dumping Surround WP directly into the
pump intake area as this could plug the filter or intake. Mix thoroughly.
2. Add tank mix pesticides, if any. See compatibility section below before adding any tank
mix pesticides.
3. Continue agitation until all of the material is sprayed from the tank.
4. At the end of the application, spray until empty and flush system and nozzles with fresh
water. Periodically check in-line strainer and clean if necessary. Properly dispose of rinse

For Non-agitating Sprayer Tanks, Such as Handheld and Backpack Sprayers

The following mixing sequence must be followed:
1. Use Surround WP powder at a rate of 1/4 to 1/2 lb of Surround WP powder per one
gallon of water. One-half pound is approximately 3 cups. For sprayers difficult to shake,
premix in a 5 gallon bucket per the directions below and pour suspension into sprayer.
2. Add Surround WP powder into 1/4 to 1/2 of the water that will be used in the batch to
allow adequate space for vigorous shaking. Allow Surround WP to wet and sink into
the water slowly.
DO NOT fill with a hose or shake the container while powder is floating on top of the water.
3. Mix thoroughly by shaking the closed container vigorously for 30 seconds.
4. Add tank mix pesticides, if any. See compatibility section below before adding any tank
mix pesticides.
5. Add the remainder of the batch water and shake the closed container for an additional
30 seconds.
6. Shake the sprayer occasionally during application.
7. At the end of the application, spray until empty and flush system and nozzles or, blow
air pressure out of the line and nozzle (usually by upending) and store in a cool place.
Apply the leftover mix within two to three weeks to avoid spoilage. Rinse the sprayer
and allow to air-dry before the next batch.

b. Compatibility:

Surround WP is not generally affected by most other insecticides, miticides, and

fungicides. However, to ensure compatibility, test tank mixes before use. When mixing with
other products, make up a small batch and observe slurry and film characteristics.
Curdling, precipitation, spray beading and/or excessive run-off leading to lack of film
formation, or changes in viscosity are signs of incompatibility. Add tank mix pesticides
after the Surround WP powder has been added. Use of anti-foaming agents can
interfere with proper coverage. Oil tank mixes can temporarily reduce the whiteness of the
film. Use adequate water on oversprays of products that require absorption into the plant
to ensure wetting of the Surround WP film.
Tank mixing with other white mineral particulate products such as diatomaceous earth, or
other sunburn materials, such as those containing wax, latex or polymer based materials, can
lead to postharvest washoff problems. Applications of Surround WP over such products or
oversprays of such products over Surround WP can also impair post harvest wash off.

c. G
 eneral Application INSTRUCTIONS
(see also, specific crop use instructions):

Rates: Rate is dependent on the amount of foliage that needs to be covered.

Concentration (the amount of Surround WP per 100 gallons of water): The best
concentration of Surround WP is between 25 to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons,
but concentrations of up to 100 lbs per 100 gallons are allowed for specific crop uses.
Coverage: Use sufficient spray volume to obtain thorough near-drip coverage. Two or
more applications are desirable for complete coverage. For optimal performance as an
insecticide, applications must coat all portions of plant that are to be protected, including
both sides of the leaves. Apply an additional spray if coverage is insufficient. Spreading on
waxy plant surfaces is usually better when the plant surface is warm.
Dwarf, semi-dwarf, and otherwise well-pruned trees will be easier to cover than large trees.
Optimum efficacy often is more difficult to achieve in large trees due to increased difficulty
achieving thorough coverage.
Applications to tree crops can be made with commercial air blast or high-pressure sprayers
that provide enough air turbulence to coat both sides of the leaves, bark, and fruit. The best
coverage is achieved at a tractor speed of less than 3 mph when using airblast sprayers.
Plant Color Change: Plant surfaces will typically turn a hazy white color after drying.
Additional treatments will turn the plant surfaces a deeper white. This is normal, and
indicates appropriate film formation.
Foliage Dryness: Applications to dripping wet foliage can provide inadequate coverage.
Under Hot, Dry Conditions: Best results are obtained with nozzles that produce a fine
spray when using Surround® WP crop protectant under normal temperature and
humidity conditions. Under very hot and dry conditions, increase volume of water and
droplet size to improve deposition.
Spray Methods: Air blast, high-pressure handgun, or boom sprayers provide the best
results. DO NOT apply by chemigation. Observe specific crop label instructions for
directions regarding spray volume. Do not spray under windy or gusty conditions.
Calibrate spray equipment per equipment manufacturer to deliver the required volume. At
given concentrations, the flow rate of suspended Surround WP is similar to water.
Strainers, preferably no finer than 40 mesh, in the spray system and behind each nozzle
per normal practice help to reduce nozzle clogging.
When the dry foliage has lost its white appearance or when gently rubbing the
treated area with a dark piece of cloth does not leave a white residue on the cloth,
reapplication is necessary. Heavy rainfall, new growth, and wind erosion will affect film
quality. Reapply to re-establish coverage after heavy rain as soon as the foliage is dry.
However, reapplication often is not necessary if all target surfaces remain thoroughly coated
and insect pressure is light. Excessively thick coatings can provide poor performance.
Overhead Irrigation and Overhead Cooling: Overhead irrigation is not preferred. DO
NOT use with overhead cooling.
Aerial Application: Surround WP applied by air will reduce heat stress and sunburn
damage if sufficient coverage can be achieved and maintained. Aerial applications often are
not effective for controlling insects or diseases.
It is best when using aerial applications to take all precautions needed to minimize or
eliminate drift, e.g., DO NOT spray under windy or gusty conditions. It is best to make
applications not more than ten feet above the top of the largest plant unless a greater
height is required for aircraft safety. It is best when making applications at low relative
humidity to increase droplet size to compensate for evaporation.
Non-Target Surfaces: DO NOT spray where the resulting visible white film will be
undesirable or cannot be washed off, such as porous wood, masonry, asphalt, and other
valuable goods.

d. Growth Enhancer, Sunburn and Heat Stress Protectant:

When applied at given rates and frequencies, benefits such as increased plant vigor and
improved yields typically occur on many crops. Under high ambient temperatures,
Surround WP reduces canopy temperature and, therefore, can help to reduce heat and
water stress. When Surround WP is used, many fruits have shown improved fruit color,
soluble solids, smoothness, and size with less russet, dropping, sunburn, and cracking.
Sunburn Suppression: Apply to sunburn-prone fruit, leaf, or limb and trunk bark surfaces
before conditions leading to sunburn occur. If initiating sprays for sunburn suppression
where there have been no prior sprays, provide thorough coverage of all fruit or other plant
surfaces prior to sunburn-causing conditions with one to two full rate applications 7 days
apart. Depending upon the length of the high heat period, three to four applications in total
often are needed, with subsequent applications every 7 to 21 days. Good coverage on
typical semi-dwarf trees is best achieved with the initial one to two sprays at 50 lbs in 100
to 200 gallons per acre to achieve near-drip coverage on the fruit or other plant surfaces.
However, if allowed (see specific crop group directions), up to 100 lbs/100 gallons are
allowed when spray frequencies need to be reduced. Make subsequent applications at half
to full rates if even coverage is maintained throughout the high heat period. Under windy
conditions, Surround WP can be rubbed off by leaf movement making reapplication
Aerial Application: Aerial applications for sunburn and heat stress reduction are best
made at concentrations of no more than 1 lb of Surround WP per 1 gallon of water. Use
no less than 10 gallons per acre, but on trees 20 or more gallons per acre are preferred.
Repeat applications 3 to 4 times per above intervals or as necessary to establish and
maintain even coverage on fruit surfaces throughout the high heat period. See aerial
applications under I C.

e. Packing and Processing:

Washing is required unless only early season applications are made and the film weathers
off before harvest. Most residues wash off with packing line brushing and forced water
sprays. An approved washing detergent is typically helpful if used in the packing line and/or
wash tank. Perform a pre-harvest washing trial to determine if a washing detergent is
necessary. Waxing further improves fruit appearance.
For fresh market apples that will not be waxed, such as apples for organic
markets or specific export markets that DO NOT accept waxed apples or for
washed crops where traces of white residue are not acceptable: Unless washing
facilities are adequate, cease applications enough in advance of harvest to allow
residue to weather off completely. For ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Braeburn’ apple varieties
DO NOT apply any later than two months prior to harvest.

II. Crop Groups

Volume: Apply to near-drip. DO NOT apply to run-off to avoid waste and poor coverage.
For typical semi-dwarf trees in full foliage, it is recommended to use 100 to 200 gallons per
acre. Adjust volume per Tree Row Volume to achieve near-drip for larger or smaller trees.
Concentration (the amount of Surround WP crop protectant per 100 gallons of water):
It is best to use 25 to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons of water, but concentrations of
up to 100 lbs per 100 gallons are allowed. Early applications typically use 37.5 to 50 lbs per
100 gallons of water per acre while follow-up applications may only require 25 lbs per 100
gallons of water per acre.

Pome Fruits
Such as apple, crabapple, quince, pear, and loquat

PEST Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Pear psylla 50 1
• On mature pear trees apply 100-200

• Prebloom: Apply 3 applications,

applying every 7-10 days starting at
delayed dormant, but no later than
green cluster bud.

• Petal Fall: Apply 3 applications,

applying every 7-14 days starting at
first petal fall.

• Spring populations can be reduced

with a fall or winter application.
Insects 25-50 Suppression only*. Start before
infestation and continue at 7-14 day
Pear: Cutworms, pear intervals. DO NOT widen respray interval
midge, pear slug past 14 days.
Apple: Apple sucker,
climbing cutworm, eastern
tent caterpillar, European
apple sawfly, Gypsy moth,
Japanese beetle, June

Pear and Apple:

Grasshoppers, green fruit
worm, leafrollers, Lygus
bug, Mormon cricket,
periodical cicada, stink
bug, tarnished plant bug,
Apple or Pear Diseases 25-50 Suppression only*. Apply prior to
conditions favoring disease development
Fabrea leafspot and maintain coverage throughout the
disease infection period. Supplements
are generally necessary especially in
high-pressure areas.
Over-wintering leafrollers, Apply 2 sprays 7 days apart starting just
especially obliquebanded prior to green tip or at initial emergence
leafroller (OBLR) of leafroller larvae.
Leafhoppers2 Apply first spray within 3 days of first
petal fall or at initial infestation. Continue
every 7-14 days during infestation
Lacanobia • Oviposition: Apply at least one spray
at start of oviposition. A second spray
within 5-7 days improves efficacy.
• Egg Hatch: Apply 2-3 sprays starting
at initial egg hatch and continuing at
7-day intervals.
• Using Surround WP for the later
generation of lacanobia is allowable if
fruit will be thoroughly washed prior to
picking or packing.
Apple maggot Apply 2 sprays 7 days apart before
expected oviposition or first detection
of infestation. Continue applications
every 7-14 days to keep fruit completely
covered during egg lay period.
Codling moth (first Suppression only*. Apply at biofix or first
generation only), oriental detection. Continue applications every
fruit moth, plum curculio 7 days to keep fruit completely covered
during egg lay period.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
Rates of 100 lbs in 100 to 200 gallons allowed on pear trees during prebloom for high
Applications at petal fall can sometimes disrupt leaf miner parasitism, requiring control
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Horticultural Benefits
Surround WP often enhances fruit quality (see I D for general horticultural benefits) if
applications start at petal fall and are continued until mid to late season. For petal fall
applications, see footnote 2 above about leaf miner. Many pear cultivars, particularly
Comice and Anjou varieties, have shown improved fruit color, smoothness, and size with
less russet when Surround WP is used. Some apple cultivars have shown less bitter pit
and corking in season-long programs.
Surround WP sometimes can enhance the efficacy of wettable sulfur and/or lime-sulfur
against scab, powdery mildew, sooty blotch, and flyspeck. See Product Guides for specific
mixture directions. The use of wettable type sulfurs are preferred if tank mixing sulfur with
Surround WP. DO NOT tank-mix elemental sulfurs with Surround WP.

Non-waxed Fresh Apples and Pears (also, see I E)

For fresh market apples and pears that will not be waxed, such as fruit for organic markets
or specific export markets that DO NOT accept waxed fruit: It is best that Surround
WP not be applied any later than two months prior to harvest as slight traces of white
sometimes can still be visible after washing. This especially applies to ‘Red Delicious’ and
‘Braeburn’ cultivars.

Stone Fruit
Such as apricot, sweet or tart cherries, nectarine, peach, plum, pluot, plumcot1,
and prune

Pest lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Japanese beetle, rose 25-50 Suppression only*. Start one week prior
chafer to expected infestation and follow with
3-4 applications at 5-7 day intervals.
Obliquebanded leafroller Suppression* only for OBLR. Start at
(OBLR), thrips pink bud and continue applications at
5-7 day intervals through jacket split.
Leafhoppers including Suppression only*. Start before
sharpshooters expected infestation, if possible.
• Until harvest: Apply at 7-14 day
intervals up to bloom.
• Post harvest: Apply 2 or more
applications at 7-14 day intervals.
Cherry fruit flies, Suppression only*. Start before
grasshoppers, June beetle, expected infestation, if possible, and
leafhoppers, navel orange continue at 7-14 day intervals.
worm, oriental fruit moth
Plum curculio Suppression only*. Apply at 7 day
intervals throughout egg laying period.
Sunburn and heat stress1 25-100 See I D.
Rate of 100 lbs in 100 to 200 gallons are allowed for post-harvest sunburn and heat
stress use.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Special Directions
Special Washing Considerations for Stone Fruit: For fresh market fruit, special
washing is required; especially for fuzzy peaches. Most residues wash off with brushing
and forced water sprays. An approved fruit cleaning detergent can be used in packing
line and/or wash tank. Prior to brushing, a pre-soak in approved fruit cleaning detergent
is usually needed for fuzzy peaches. A pre-harvest washing trial is a good practice to
determine if a detergent is necessary. Waxing further improves fruit appearance. If fresh
market stone fruit cannot be washed as noted above, discontinue sprays when the fruit are
approximately 3/4 inch in diameter. Residues of Surround WP crop protectant DO NOT
affect processed fruit quality.

If cherries are for fresh market, discontinue application when fruit are half size
(approximately 1/4 inch) if no washing is available.
Citrus Fruits
Such as lemon, lime, grapefruit, mandarin, satsuma mandarin,
pummelo, mandarin, tangelos, kumquat, and oranges

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Thrips 50-751 Start at pre-bloom. Continue at 5-7 day
intervals throughout bloom. Post-bloom
continue at 7-14 day intervals through
Leafhoppers including Suppression only*.
sharpshooters • Apply every 7-14 days as infestation
• Near-harvest: Apply at least 2
applications 7 days apart for pre-
harvest control of sharpshooters.
Citrus psyllid, diaprepes Suppression only*. Apply every 7-14
root weevil, grasshoppers days as infestation occurs.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
50 lbs per 200 gallons per acre preferred for 12 foot trees.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.


Volume: Apply to near-drip, not to excessive run-off. For 20-foot trees, it is best to use
200 gallons per acre. Large trees like walnut and pecan can require up to 300 gallons per

Concentration (the amount of Surround WP per 100 gallons of water): It is best to use 25
to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons of water.

Tree Nuts
Such as almond, beech nut, Brazil nut, butternut, chestnut, cashew, filbert,
hickory nut, macadamia nut, pecan, walnut, and including pistachio

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Aphids such as pecan, 50-751
Suppression only*. Start at biofix or as
black, and yellow infestation occurs. Apply every 7-14 days
aphid, codling moth, throughout infestation. For codling moth,
grasshoppers, husk fly, apply a minimum of 2 sprays per
leafhoppers, naval generation.
orangeworm, stink bug
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
50 lbs per 200 gallons per acre preferred.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

c. Small Fruits:

Volume: Apply to near-drip. DO NOT apply to run-off to avoid waste and poor coverage.
The volume of water/acre required will increase throughout the growing season in
relationship to the increasing size of the crop and its foliage.

Concentration (the amount of Surround WP crop protectant per 100 gallons of water):
It is best to use 25 to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons of water.
Such as blackberry, raspberry, dewberry, boysenberry, loganberry, elderberry,
blueberry, ribes such as currant and gooseberry, and including cranberry

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Blackberry psyllid, 25-50 1
Suppression only*. Begin applications
grasshoppers, Japanese after fruit set and prior to infestation,
beetle, leafhoppers, applying every 7-14 days.
leafrollers, plum curculio,
rose chafer, thrips
Blueberry maggot Suppression only*. Apply 2 sprays 7
days apart before expected infestation
or first detection of infestation. Continue
applications every 7-14 days during egg
lay period.

Sunburn and heat stress See I D.

25 lbs per 50 gallons per acre preferred.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Special Directions
Apply on fresh market berries only up to the first three weeks after fruit set as trace
residues can be difficult to remove after harvest. Application of plain water via normal
sprayer prior to harvest can help to reduce Surround WP residues. Processing blueberries
can be washed using detergent and water sprayers capable of rinsing away residues in the
packing line. Minor residues of Surround WP on blueberries for processing are acceptable
provided no other pesticides are also present.


Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Thrips 25-50 1
Apply 1-2 applications 7 days apart
when pest reaches treatment threshold.
Rose chafer, omnivorous Suppression only*. Start at biofix or as
leafroller, grape leafroller, infestation occurs, applying a minimum
grape leaf folder, of 2-3 applications by applying every
grasshoppers, grape leaf 7-14 days.
skeletonizer, Japanese
beetle, June beetle
Leafhoppers including Apply initial application as infestation
sharpshooter occurs, applying at least 2-3
applications by applying every 7-14 days
throughout the infestation.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
25 lbs in 50 gallons per acre preferred.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Special Directions
Wine grapes: Harvest parameters can be altered and maturity can be delayed especially
in white wine varieties. Closely monitor harvest parameters to determine optimal time to
harvest. Changes in harvest parameters can affect final taste. Wine grapes sprayed up
to veraison will have minimal adherence to berries. Applications after veraison will adhere
more on grape berries.

Raisin grapes: It is best that raisin grapes be sprayed only up to bunch closing.
Infestations can be sprayed up to first bloom, and again after harvest.

Table grapes: DO NOT spray table grapes from first bloom to harvest as white residue
can remain on the rachis and fruit until harvest. Infestations can be sprayed up to first
bloom, and again after harvest.
D. Field Vegetables:

Volume: Apply to near-drip. DO NOT apply to run-off to avoid waste and poor
coverage. The volume of water/acre required will increase throughout the growing season
in relationship to the increasing size of the crop and its foliage. Seedlings will need less
water and a lower amount of Surround WP crop protectant than fully mature plants
to uniformly coat their surfaces. Adjust the volume of water and rate used throughout
the season based upon plant size. Lower volumes and rates are typically used only for
immature plants.

Concentration (the amount of Surround WP per 100 gallons of water): It is best to use
25 to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons of water.

Legume Vegetables
Such as beans, pea, chickpeas, and soybean

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Bean leaf beetle, flea 25-50 1
Suppression only*. Start prior to
beetles, grasshoppers, infestation, applying every 7-14 days
Japanese beetle, throughout infestation.
leafhoppers, Mexican bean
beetle, three cornered
alfalfa hopper, thrips
Sunburn and heat stress 25-100 See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Special Directions
Only spray beans that are difficult to wash, such as string beans, when beans are small.
DO NOT apply to other field and garden vegetables if they are intended for the fresh
market and cannot be adequately washed after harvest to completely remove Surround
WP residues. Minor residues of Surround WP on field and garden vegetables for
processing are acceptable provided no other pesticides are also present.

Root and Tuber Vegetables

Such as potato, garden beet, sugar beet, horseradish, radish, ginseng,
rutabaga, carrot, ginger, sweet potato, yams, and turnip

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Flea beetles, 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
grasshoppers, leafhoppers infestation, applying every 7-14 days
throughout infestation.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Fruiting Vegetables
Such as tomato, pepper1 and including eggplant1

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Cucumber beetles, flea 12.5-502 Suppression only*. Start prior to
beetles, grasshoppers, infestation, applying every 7-14 days
leafhoppers, thrips throughout infestation.
Sunburn and heat stress 25-100 See I D.
For fresh market apply only up to 1/4 of fruit size unless washing capabilities are
12.5 lbs/25 gallons preferred up to fruit set.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.
Bulb Vegetables
Such as onions, garlic, leek, and shallot

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Thrips 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
infestation and apply every 5-7 days
throughout infestation.
Good coverage down into the plant
crown is essential for efficacy.
Sunburn and heat stress 25-100 See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Cucurbit Vegetables
Such as cucumber, summer and winter squash, pumpkin, citron melon,
muskmelon, and watermelon

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Cucumber beetle, 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
grasshoppers infestation, applying every 5-7 days, with
the first two applications 3 days apart.
Powdery mildew Suppression only*. Apply every 7-14
days as required to maintain coverage.
Sunburn and heat stress 25-100 See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables

Such as broccolis, brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbages, cauliflower,
collards, cabbages, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi and including canola

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Flea beetles, grasshoppers 25-50 Suppression only*. Use only in early
season to avoid residue at harvest.
Apply every 7-10 days making sure to
wet the plant surface completely.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Leafy Vegetables (Non-Brassica)

Such as arugula, celery, lettuces, parsley, rhubarb, and spinach

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Flea beetles, grasshoppers 25-50 Suppression only*. Use only in early
season to avoid residue at harvest. Start
prior to infestation. Apply every 3-5
days to maintain adequate coverage
throughout infestation.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Common and spotted 12.5-25 Suppression only*. Start prior to
asparagus beetle, infestation. Apply every 7-10 days being
grasshoppers sure to maintain coverage throughout
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

E. Other Agricultural Crops:

Volume: Apply to near-drip. DO NOT apply to run-off to avoid waste and poor coverage.
The volume of water per acre required will increase throughout the growing season in
relation to the increasing size of the crop and its foliage.

Concentration (the amount of Surround WP crop protectant per 100 gallons of water):
It is best to use 25 to 50 lbs Surround WP per 100 gallons of water.


Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Boll weevil, cotton 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
fleahopper, flea beetles, infestation. Spray every 7-14 days with
grasshoppers, thrips the first two sprays 7 days apart.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Cereal Grains and Nongrass Animal Feeds

Such as corn, popcorn, oats, barley, wheat, rice, sorghum, and alfalfa

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Armyworm, flea beetles, 12.5-37.5 Suppression only*. Start prior to
grasshoppers, leafhoppers, infestation. Apply every 5-10 days during
thrips infestation, with the first two applications
3 days apart. Tighten spray intervals
during fast growing periods.
Sunburn and heat stress 25-100 See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Tropical Crops
Such as coffee, avocado, banana, guava, mango, passion fruit, starfruit, papaya,
and pineapple

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Avocado looper, 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
coconut bug, fruit flies, infestation. Apply minimum of 2
grasshoppers, leafhoppers, applications 7-14 days apart during
leafrollers, mango weevil, application.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Special Directions
Initial application over waxy surfaces such as mango fruit can bead and not spread
Miscellaneous Crops
Such as artichoke, fig, hops, globe, kiwifruit, olives, okra, paw paw,
peanut, persimmon, pomegranate**, strawberry and water chestnut

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Flea beetles, fruit flies, 25-50 Suppression only*. Start prior to
grasshoppers, leafhoppers, infestation. Spray every 7-14 days
olive fruit fly, thrips throughout infestation.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.
**Not for use in CA unless accompanied by a Supplemental Label.

f. Non-Food Crops:

Nursery and Ornamental Plants and Trees

Such as landscape plants, flowers or ornamental tree seedlings/saplings in
nurseries or field plantings and forest trees** (deciduous or evergreen)
in nurseries or field plantings

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Black vine weevil, 6.25-37.5 Suppression only*. Start prior to
diabrotica beetle, infestation. Spray every 5-7 days
grasshoppers, leafhoppers throughout infestation.
including sharpshooters,
Japanese beetle, thrips
Deer, rabbit Suppression only*. Start prior to animal
feeding and maintain coverage during
feeding period. For plants on which
Surround WP crop protectant does
not adhere well, respray as soon as
possible following rainfall or protection
will be lost.
Sunburn and heat stress See I D. Reduces transplant shock and
heat stress when transplanting nursery
stock to the field or garden. DO NOT
dip transplants into Surround WP
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.
** Sunburn and heat stress only.

Special Directions
Plants treated with Surround WP will appear white from application. If this is undesirable,
DO NOT spray. On cut-flower plants, it is best to spray only the leafy foliage of the plant, so
that cuttings are not affected.

Christmas Trees and Hybrid Poplar Plantations

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Sunburn and heat stress 25-75 See I D. Use 25-50 lbs in 100 gallons of
water for best results. Spray 2
applications 14 days apart prior to heat
event. Stop sprays 30 days prior to
g. Greenhouse GROWN PLANTS:

Edible and Non-Food Crops

Such as all crops listed on this label

Pest Lbs/Acre Application Instructions

Pests as listed under 6.25-37.5 Suppression only*. Start prior to
specific crop groups infestation. Spray every 5-7 days being
on this label. sure to maintain coverage, especially on
new growth. Exercise extra care to cover
undersides of leaves when targeting
pests that inhabit leaf undersides.
*If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls.

Storage and Disposal

DO NOT contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a dry, sheltered location {away from food or feed}.
Product is slippery when wet. In case of spill or leak, avoid breathing dust, clean up and
dispose of wastes in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations.

PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product must be disposed
of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility.

CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Completely empty bag into application equipment. Dispose

of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or by incineration, or, if allowed by State and local
authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of the smoke.

Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the
internet at

Conditions of Sale and Warranty

The directions on this label are believed to be reliable and must be followed carefully. Insufficient control of pests and/or injury to the crop to which
the product is applied may result from the occurrence of extraordinary or unusual weather conditions, or the failure to follow the label directions or
good application practices, all of which are beyond the control of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc., or seller. In addition, failure to follow label directions may
cause injury to crops, animals, man or the environment. Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description
on the label and is reasonably fit for the purpose referred to in the directions for use, subject to the factors noted above which are beyond the
control of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. Except as warranted by this label, Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. makes no other warranties or representations of any
kind, express or implied, concerning the product, including no implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. To the
extent allowed by applicable law, the exclusive remedy against Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. for any cause of action relating to the handling or use of
this product is a claim of damage, and in no event shall damages or any other recovery of any kind against Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. exceed the
price of the product which causes the alleged loss, damage, injury, or other claim. To the extent allowed by applicable law, Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
shall not be liable and any and all claims against Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. are waived, for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or
expense of any nature, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or income, whether or not based on the negligence of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
breach of warranty, strict liability in tort, or any other cause of action. Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. and the seller offer this product, and the buyer and
users accept it, subject to the foregoing conditions of sale and limitations of warranty, liability and remedies.

Surround and NovaSource are registered trademarks of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.

Copyright© 2006, 2008 Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
2255 N. 44th Street, Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85008 USA

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