DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q3 - W9
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q3 - W9
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q3 - W9
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, power point presentation
power point presentation power point presentation, drawings of power point presentation
patterns, picture cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or A.Drill: Identify ff. the figures. Drill: Draw the given figure with its dimension. Write the formula in
presenting the new lesson (See TG p. 103 Drill: Group Activity! Warm Up finding its area then solve:
Find the area of the ff. figures 1. What is the area of a rectangle 1) a rectangle whose length is 15 cm and its width is 10
with length 10 cm and width 4 cm? cm
2. What is the area of a 2) a square whose side is 3.5 m
parallelogram with base 18 ft and 3) a circle whose radius is 5.2 dm
height 12 ft? 4) a trapezoid whose bases are 15 in and 12 in. Its height
Match the figures in column A 3. What is the area of a triangle with is 17 in.
with their corresponding base 16 cm and height 8 cm? 5) a parallelogram whose base is 20 cm and the height is
formula (area) in column B. 25.5 cm.
Column A
Column B
𝜋𝑟 2
𝑐 = 2𝜋𝑟
Review: Group Game
Solve each situation. Show
complete solution
1.What is the area of square
room with a side of 14m?
2.A circular garden has a
diameter of 2.5m. what is the
area of the garden?
3.A triangular structure has a
base of 36 m and a height of
75m. what is its area?
4.A parallelogram has a base of
32m and a height of 18m. what
is its area?
5.The width of a rectangle is 8m.
its length is twice its width.
What is its area?
B. Establishing a purpose for the A.As you have learned in your Aldrin works for a company that
lesson previous grades or lessons, the remodels kitchens. In one kitchen he
area of a figure is the amount of builds the rectangular island shown
flat space that the figure covers. below. What is the size of the granite
Area is measured in square tiles that he need to cover its
units, such as square inches or countertop?
square cm.
Do you remember how find the 2.5 feet
area of:
Rectangle What is the area of the region?
6 feet
Square We have a rectangular array. Since
Parallelogram the region is filled w/ 20sq.cm, its
Triangle area is 20sq.cm. the number of units
Most of the outdoor basketball court was already repainted
Circle To find the size of the granite tiles, we is 5 x 4 =20
green. The only part left to redo was the brown key. The
Show this façade of the house need to find the area of the rectangle. Original File Submitted and painters need to know the total area of the space remaining in
Area=Lxw Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
order to buy enough paint.
=6ft. x 2.5 ft visit depedclub.com for more
Area= 15sq.ft.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances Find the area of the composite figure. Present the problem on page 266. Given the dimensions shown below, what area should the
of new lesson The composite figure contains 2 ( Example no. 7) workers use to calculate their supplies?
triangles and 1 square. We need to A roller-rink floor is shown below.
find the area of each region. Each end is a semi=circle. What is the
area? If hardwood flooring costs
Php220.00 per square foot, how
much will the flooring cost?
The pupils will describe the Discuss the solution on page 266.
façade of the house.
E. Discussing new concepts and What is the area of the Find the area of the shaded region if Solve each problem. Show a video of “Area of Composite Shapes:
practicing new skills #2 unshaded region if the radius of the area of the square is 64 ft2. 1.Rob is painting large polka dots on
the circle is 10 and the side of We are given the area of the square, a sheet for the backdrop of the
the square is 12cm? we need to find the area of the circle. school musical. He painted 16 polka
What is its radius? dots, each with a radius of 3 feet.
What is the total area that the polka
dots cover?
2.The librarian is having the library at
her school carpeted. The library is a
circular room with a diameter of 420
To find the answer, subtract the Ans: feet. How many square feet of carpet
area of the circle from the area We are given the area of the square, will she need to order?
of the square. we need to find the area of the circle. Ans:
Discuss example no. 6 , a & c, What is its radius? 452.16 sq. ft.
on page 263 of Mathletes Diameter = Length of square = =8 138,474 sq. ft
textbook. ft.
Radius = ½ (8) = 4 ft.
Area of circle:
A = r2
A = (4)2 = 16 ft2.
Area of shaded region =
Area of square – Area of circle
A = 64 - 16 ft2.
F. Developing mastery To deepen pupil’s Group Activity: Group Activity: Find the area of each combined figure.
(Leads to Formative understanding, let them answer Solve the ff. problems: A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of 11
Assessment) the ff. How many sq.cm. of tiles are needed mm. The diameter of the circle matches the square’s side.
(TG p. 106) to floor a hexagonal terrace if each 2.A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of
side is 30cm long and the radius of 8.5 inches. The diameter of the circle matches the square’s
the inscribed circle is 15.5cm? side.
A rectangle wrapping cloth has a 3.A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of
length of 26inches and a width of 24 7.25 inches. The diameter of the circle matches the square’s
inches. Two circular cloth with a side.
diameter of 8 inches will be cut from Answers 1. 168.49 sq. mm
it. How much cloth will be left? 2. 100.61 sq. in.
3. 73.19 sq. in.
G. Finding practical applications of Group Work: Pair-share: Group Activity: Pair-share:
concepts and skills in daily Find the area of the ff. How much material is required to Find the area of each combined figure.
living composite figures make a circular skirt if the waist hole
has a circumference of 60.5 cm. and 1.A triangle and a semi-circle. The triangle has a base of 5
the diameter of the circular skirt is inches and a height of 4 inches. The diameter of the circle
12.5cm? matches the base of the triangle.
2.A triangle and a semi-circle. The triangle has a base of 7
inches and a height of 6 inches. The diameter of the circle
matches the base of the triangle.
3.A triangle and a semi-circle. The triangle has a base of 5.5
inches and a height of 4 inches. The diameter of the circle
matches the base of the triangle.
1. 19.81 sq. in
2. 40.23 sq. in.
3. 22.87 sq. in
H. Making generalizations and How do we find the area of composite figures? How do you solve routine and non-routine problems involving area of composite figures formed by
abstractions about the lesson To find the area of a composite figure, separate thefigure into any two or more of the following: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi-circle?
simpler shapes whose area can be found. Then add the areas together. Be
sure than none of the simpler figures have overlapping areas. Example 1:
Find the area of the composite shape shown below.
I. Evaluating Learning Evaluate item 1-6 Evaluate item 7-14 Solve each problem. Provide Find the area of each combined figure.
Find the area of each shaded Find the area of each shaded region. illustration if necessary. 1..A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of
region. Assume that all angles Assume that all angles that appear to (21st Century Mathletes textbook, 13 feet. The diameter of the circle matches the square’s side.
that appear to be right angles be right angles are right angles. page 270) 2..A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of
are right angles. (21st Century Mathletes textbook, page 15.5 feet. The diameter of the circle matches the square’s side.
(21st Century Mathletes 269) 3.A rectangle and a semi-circle. The rectangle has a length of 8
textbook, page 268) feet and a width of 5 feet. The diameter of the circle matches
the width.
4.A rectangle and a semi-circle. The rectangle has a length of
8.5 feet and a width of 6 feet. The diameter of the circle
matches the width.
1. 235.33 sq. ft.
2. 334.55 sq. ft. 3
3. 49.81 sq. ft. 4
4. 65.13 sq. ft.
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation