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Dwaram Venkataswamy Naidu (1893-1964)

Shamukhananda Hall, Bombay - Incomplete concert

Uploaded by H.M.G.Murthy to - May 2008.
Originally made available by Dr.Kailash Hemchandra. His uploading notes read –
“Kailash Hemachandra <> wrote:
Here is part 1 of Dwaram Venkataswamy Naidu concert with TVG in 1966
at Shanmukhananda Sabha Bombay. Part 2 has a 36 minute ragamalika
tanam. The raga chosen for pallavi is Vardhini. I do not have the
third tape with the pallavi.
Sri Rama padama
Janani Ninuvina
Teliyaleru Rama
Sarasa Samadana
Mokshamu Galada
Kapi alaapana”

Notes by H.M.G.Murthy:
a) the year -1966 - is obviously wrong. Shri Naidu expired on 25.11.1964. But the aspect
needs to be explained in view of what is said in the speech at
b) I have joined sound files wherever necessary and have tried to reduce noise. Some
blank spaces have also been removed.
c) Original sound tracks are also retained by me
d) For brief information about Shri Dwaram please see:

01 – Lyrics - Meaning

Viriboni – Varnam - Bhairavi - K Ata - Pachimiriyam Adiappaiah

viriboni ninne kori marulu konnadira

The flower-like beauty, yearning for you,is in love.

sarasudau daksina dwaraka

sami sri rajagopala deva

O Handsome lord of the Southern Dwaraka,

Sri Rajagopala Deva!

cirunavvu momuna
With a smiling face...
[The town Mannargudi in Tamilnadu is referred to as Dakshina Dwaraka in Sanskrit. Its
presiding deity is Krishna in the form of Rajagopala]

02 – Lyrics

vAtApi gaNapatim. rAgA: hamsadhvani. tALA: Adi.

P: vAtApi gaNapatim bhajEham vAraNAsyam vara pradam shrI
A: bhUtAdi samsEvita caraNam bhUta bhautika prapancabharaNam
vItarAgiNam vinuta yOginam vishvakAram vighna vAraNam
C: purA kumbha sambhava munivara prapUjitam trikONa madhyagatam
murAri pramukhAdy-upAsitam mUlAdhAra kSEtra sthitam
parAdi catvAri vAgAtmakam praNavasvarUpa vakratuNDam
nirantaram niTila candragaNDam nijavAmakara vidhrtEkSu daNDam
karAmbuja pAsha bIjApUram kaluSavidUram bhUtAkAram
harAdi guruguha tOSita bimbam hamsadhvani bhUSita hErambam

03 – Lyrics

shrI rAma pAdamA. rAgA: amrtavAhini. Adi tALA.

P: shrI rAma pAdamA nI krpa jAlunE cittAniki rAvE
A: vArijabhava sanaka sanandana vAsavAdi nAradAdu lella pUjince
C: dArini silayai tApamu tALaka vAramu kannIrunu rAlcaga
shUra ahalyanu jUci brOcitivi A rIti dhanyu sEyavE tyAgarAja bhAgyamA

04 – Lyrics - Meaning

palukavEmi nA. rAgA: pUrNacandrikA. Adi tALA.

P palukavEminA deivamA parulu navvEdi nyAyamA
A: aluka kAraNamEmirA rAma nI vADincinaTlu ADina nAtO
C: talli taNDri bhakti nosagi rakSinciri takkina vAralentO himsinciri
telisi UrakuNDEdi ennALLurA dEvAdi dEva tyAgarAjunitO

P:O My Lord! Why won’t you speak to me? Is it justified if others laugh at me?
A:O Lord rAma! What is the reason for being angry with me? I have been dancing to your
tune; O My Lord! Why won’t you speak to me? is it justified if others laugh at me?
C: My parents graced me by imbibing devotion; however, others troubled me a lot;
having known all these, how long will you remain unconcerned? O Lord of celestials and
others! why won’t you speak to this tyAgarAja? is it justified if others laugh at me?
Word-by-word Meaning

P O My (nA) Lord (daivamA)! Why (Emi) won’t you speak (palukavu) (palukavEmi) to
me? Is it justified (nyAyamA) if others (parulu) laugh (navvunadi) at me?

A O Lord rAma! What (EmirA) is the reason (kAraNamu) (kAraNamEmirA) for being angry
(aluga) with me?
I have been dancing (ADina) to your (nIvu) tune (ADiJcinaTu) (literally the way you
made me act) (nIvADiJcinaTuyADina);
O My Lord! Why won’t you speak to me (nAtO)? is it justified if others laugh at me?

C My parents (talli taNDri) (literally father and mother) graced (rakSiJciri) me by

imbibing (osagi) devotion (bhakti) (bhaktinosagi);
however, others (takkina vAralu) troubled (hiMsiJciri) me a lot (entO) (vAralentO);
having known (telisi) all these, how long (ennALLu) (ennALLurA) will you remain
(uNDEdi) unconcerned (Uraka) (delisiyUrakuNDEdiyennALLurA)?
O Lord (dEva) of celestials (dEva) and others (Adi) (dEvAdi)! why won’t you speak to this
tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjunito)? is it justified if others laugh at me?
[meaning courtesy Shri V Govindan]

05 – Lyrics - Meaning

janani ninuvinaa - Reeti Gowla - Mishra Chapu - Subbraya Shastry

22 kharaharapriya janya
Aa: S G2 R2 G2 M1 N2 D2 M1 N2 N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 M1 G2 M1 P M1 G2 R2 S

jananI ninnu vinA (trilOka) dikkevarammA jagamulOna gAna

manasija mAnasa sammOdini vinavE nA manavini vini nannu brOvumu(cittai swaram)

n,p,n, n,s, n,n, | s,,,,, ,,,, n,s, ||

g,r,s, n,s, g,g, | m,,,m, g,g, r,s, ||
n,s,g, r,n, s,g, | r,n,s, r,s, s,n, ||
p,,,n, n,s, s,,, | g,g,m, g,g, r,s, ||
g,g,m, g,g, m,,, | ,,n,s, n,n, s,,, ||
n,s,g, g,m, g,m, | n,d,m, n,n, S,S, ||
G,G,M, G,R, G,,, | G,R,n, S,,, n,d, ||
S,,,n, d,m, m,,, | g,r,s, s,,, n,p, ||(jananee)

cittai Swaram Saahityam

(svara sAhitya) niravadhika sukha dAyaki yanucu vini ninnu cAla goliciti
niratamuga tanayuni moralu vini nI valanE brOcuTaku evarika dharalO
vinumA idi ghanamA taruNamidi krpa salupa durusuga
sarasIruha lOcani suvAsini tAmasamu sEyakane brOvumu (jananI)

varadAyaki gadA okkani brOva karudA daya rAdA

nera nammina nAtO vAdA sarasija bhava hari haranuta pAda

karuNAnidhi nIvu vEganE vacci karuNatO nannu brOvu

girirAja kumArivainavu paritApamula nella pariharicEvu

vanajAyata nEtri kumAra janani kAmitadAtri

ghana pApa latAlavitri sanakAdi munulella sannuta pAtri

Meaning: O Goddess, the mother (“janani” or “amba”) of the three (“tri”) worlds (“loka”)!
Who else is there (“dik evvaramma?”) to take care for me on this earth (“jagamulona
You who fascinated (“sammodhini”) the heart (“maanasa”) of Cupid (“manasija”), please
pay heed (“vinave”) to my (“naa”) entreaties (“manavini”) and protect me (“nannu
Are you not (“gaadaa”) the bestower (“daayaki”) of boons (“vara”)? Don’t you have
compassion to protect (“brova”) this single soul (“okkani”)? Why do you debate
(“karudaa”) about protecting me (“daya raadaa”), who has unshakable faith
(“neranammina”) in you? Your feet (“paadaa”)are adored (“nuta”) by Brahma (“sarasija
bhava”), Vishnu (“hari”) and Shiva (“hara”).
Upon hearing(“vini”) the infinite

07 – Lyrics _ meaning
teliyalEru rAma. rAgA: dhEnukA. dEshAdi tALA.
P: teliyalEru rAma bhakti mArgamunu
A: ilanantaTa tirugucunu galuvarincErE gAni
C: vEgalEci nITa munigi bhUti bUsi vallanenci veliki shlAganIyulai
bAga paika mArjana lOlulai rEgani tyAgarAja vinuta
tEra tIyaga rAdA: rAgA: gauLipantu. Adi tALA.
P: tera tIyaga rAdA lOni tirupati venkaTaramaNa matsaramunu
A: parama puruSa dharmAdi mOkSamula pAra dOlu cunnadi nAlOni
C1: matsyamu Akali goni gAlamucE magnamaina rIti nunnadi
accamaina dIpa sannidhi marugaDDabaDi ceraci naTTunnadi
2: iravondaga bhujiyuncu samayamuna Iga dagulu rIti nunnadi
hari dhyAnamu sEyuvELa cittamu antyaju vADaku bOyi naTTunnadi
3: vAguramani teliyaka mrga gaNamulu vacci tagulu rIti nunnadi
vEgamE nI matamu anusarincina tyAgarAjanuta mada matsaramanu
O Rama, we do not (“leru”) know (“theliya”) the path (“margamunu”) of devotion
Men in this whole world (“ilanantata”) only roam (“diruguchunu”) about in tension all
over (“kaluvarincheru”) without being aware of the path of devotion.
They get up (“lechi”) at dawn (“vega”), attend to their ablutions, wear the emblems of
creed and count the beads appearing to be spiritual and religious, but busy with their
working out the strategy for making money by hook or crook

Word-by-word annotation: thanks to Jayasri Akella

Theliyuta: To know, to realize
Theliyaleru: Cannot know, cannot realize.
Raama: O Rama!
Bhakthi: Devotion
Margamu: path
O Rama, we do not (“leru”) know (“theliya”) the path (“margamunu”) of devotion
Ilanantata Dirugucunu Kaluvarincheru Gaani
Ila: Earth
Antata: Whole
Diruguchunu (Same as tiruguchunu): Roaming around
Kaluvarinchuta: 1. To get confused. 2. To babble.
Kaluvarincheru: 1.People who get confused. 2.People who babble
Gaani (same as Kaani): 1.Even though, 2. but
[Men in this whole world (“ilanantata”) only roam (“diruguchunu”) about in tension all over
without being aware (“kaluvarincheru”) of the path of devotion. ]

Vegalechi Nita Munigi Bhuti Pusi

Vellanenchi Veliki Slaghaneeyulai
Baaga Paika Maarjana Lolulai
Re Gaani Tyaaga Raaja Vinuta
Vegalechi Nita Munigi Bhuti Pusi
Vegamu: Speed, Haste
Lechi: To get up (here): to get up early
Neeru: Water
Nita(neeta): In the water
Munigi: To dip. (2. Drown) (here): To take a bath by dipping into water.
Bhuti: Vibhuti (holy ashes)
pusi(poosi): rub.
[They get up (“lechi”) at dawn (“vega”), attend to their ablutions (“nita munigi”), wear the
emblems of creed (“bhuti pusi”)]
Vellu: Fingers
Enchi: to Count
(here)Vellanenchi: to count the Rudraksha beads.
Veliki: Outside, by appearances
Slaghaniyulu: People worthy of praise
[… and count the Rudraksha beads (“Vellanenchi”) appearing (“veliki”) to be spiritual and
religious (“slaghaniyulu”)…]
Baaga Paika Maarjana Lolurai
Baaga: Very(much)
Paikamu: Money
Aarjana: to earn
Lolurai: To indulge in
[… but busy (“lolurai”) with their working out the strategy for making money (“baaga paika
maarjana”) by hook or crook…]
Gaani (kaani): but,,,(they never can realize the true path of devotion.)
Tyaagaraja Vinuta: O laudable God of Tyaagaraja.

08 – Lyrics
sarasa sAma dAna. rAgA: kApinArAyaNi. dEshAdi tALA.
P: sarasa sAma dAna bhEda daNDa catura sATi dEva mevarE brOvavE
A: parama sAmbhava grEsa ruNDagucu balku rAvaNuDu teliyalEka pOtE
C: hitavu mATalentO bAgA balkitivi satamu gAnayOdhya niTTu naNTivi
nata sahOdarunE rAju cEsi rAka hatamu jEsitivi tyAgarAjanuta

Meaning: In the kRti ‘sarasa sAma dAna’ – rAga kApinArAyaNi, zrI tyAgarAja extols the
Lord about the way He dealt with rAvaNa. O Clever One praised by this tyAgarAja who
adopted nicely the four-fold actions of rAja dharma – conciliation, gift or bribe, creation
of dissension and punishment, in dealing with rAvaNa! It’s indeed a pity that rAvaNa who
prides himself to be the most eminent of devotees of the great Lord ziva, could not
realise this! You conveyed to him a lot of beneficial words; You offered even ayOdhyA for
ever; You made vibhISaNa, who supplicated before You, as King of laGkA; as rAvaNa did
not mend his ways even after that, You ultimately slayed him. Which God is equal to
You? deign to protect me.

09 – Lyrics – meaning:
mOkSamu galadA. rAgA: sAramati. Adi tALA.
P: mOkSamu galadA bhuvilO jIvanmuktulu gAni vAralaku
A: sAkSAtkAra nI sadbhakti sangIta jnAna vihInulaku
C: prANanAla sam-yOgamu valla praNava nAdamu sapta svaramulai bAraga
vINA vAdana lOluDau shivamanO vidha merugaru tyAgarAja vinuta
Is salvation possible in this earth for those who are not realised souls?
For those who are ignorant of music and devotion that enables them to see you, is
salvation possible?
Object of Tyagaraja’s worship, for those who do not understand the inner thoughts of
Shiva who ever delights in playing the vINa, which unites the life force (jIvAtma) with the
divine light (paramAtma) thereby dividing the OmkAra into seven notes, is salvation
Notes:The song, one of the many made popular by Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer,
deals with the importance of nAda yOga as a means to salvation.

10 – Lyrics
raghu vamsa - katanakutoohalam-Aadi- PaTNam Subramanya Aiyyar

29 shankaraabharaNam janya
Aa: S R2 M1 D2 N3 G3 P S
Av: S N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

raghu vamsa soodhaambudhi chandhra shree |

raama raama raajeshwara ||

aga megha maarutha shreekaraa |

asuresha mrugendra jagannaatha ||

srmg,rsr,mmd,dn | g,gps,sndpmgpmgr |
srrmmddngppssrr | mmggrrssnnddppmgr || (Raghu)

jamadhaagnijaa garva kandanaa |

jaya rudhradhee veesmitha bandanaa ||
kamalaap thaan vaya mandanaa |
ganeethath bhutha shourya shree venkatesha ||(srmg,...)(Raghu)

inta saukhyamani nE jeppajAla entO EmO evariki. rAgA: kApi. tALA: Adi
P: inta saukhyamani nE jeppajAla entO EmO evariki delusunO
A: dAnta sItAkAnta karuNAsvAnta prEmadulakE delisunu gAni
C: svara rAga laya sudhArasamandu vara rAma nAmamanE kanDacakkera
mishramu jEsi pUjincE shankaruniki delusunu tyAgarAja vinuta
12 - Lyrics – Meaning
bhajana parula kEla daNDapANi bhayamu manasa rAma. rAgA: suraTi. tALA: rUpaka
P: bhajana parula kEla daNDapANi bhayamu manasA rAma
A: aja rudra surEshula kAyAsthAna mosangu rAma
C: anDakOTlu nindina kOdaNDapANi mukhamunu hrtpuNDarIkamuna jUci pUja salpucu
nindu prEmatO garangu niSkAmamulaku vara vEdaNDa pAla dAsuDaina tyAgarju sEyurAma
P: O My Mind! Why should there be fear of Lord of Death, to those who are dedicated in
chanting of names of Lord shri rAma?
A: O My Mind! Why should there be fear of Lord of Death to those who are dedicated to
chanting the names of the Lord shri rAma – who assigns to brahmA, shiva, indra and
others their respective positions?
C:O My Mind! Why should there be fear of Lord of Death to those desireless persons
dedicated to chanting, as done by this tyAgarAja, the names of Lord shri rAma – the
protector of the blessed gajEndra, and who, while performing worship of the Lord melt
with great love by beholding, in their heart lotus, the face of Lord shri rAma - one who
wields bow kOdaNDa – and one who fills the crores of universes?
Word-by-word Meaning:
P:O My Mind (manasA)! Why (Ela) should there be fear (bhayamu) of Lord of Death – one
who wields (pANi) sceptre (daNDa), to those who are dedicated (parulaku) (parulakEla) in
chanting (bhajana) of names of Lord shri rAma?
A:O My Mind! Why should there be fear of Lord of Death to those who are dedicated to
chanting the names of the Lord shri rAma – who assigns (osaGgu) to brahmA (aja), shiva
(rudra), indra – Lord (Iza) of celestials (sura) and others (surEzulaku) their respective
(AyA) (surEzulakAyA) positions (sthAnamu) (sthAnamosaGgu)?
C:O My Mind! Why should there be fear of Lord of Death to those desireless persons
(niSkAmulaku) dedicated to chanting,as done (sEyu) by this tyAgarAja - the servant
(dAsuDaina) of the Lord, the names (nAma) of Lord shri rAma – the protector (pAla) of the
blessed (vara) gajEndra – the elephant (vEdaNDa), and who, while performing (salpucu)
worship (pUja) (of the Lord) melt (karaGgu) with great (niNDu) love (prEmatO) by
beholding (jUci), in their heart (hRt) lotus (puNDarIka) (puNDarIkamuna), the face
(mukhamunu) of Lord shri rAma - one who wields (pANi) bow kOdaNDa – and one who fills
(niNDina) the crores of (kOTlu) universes (aNDa)?

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