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Korean Reviewer

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Foreign Language (Korean) Symbolic of the nation is the white

background (the land)

There is a lot of meaning in the Korean flag, which
is also called Taegeukgi (referring to the Yin and The circle (people),
Yang halves of the circle in the center of the flag.
The four trigrams (the government)
The flag consists of three parts:
Facts and Statistics
 The white background - means
• Location: Eastern Asia, southern
half of the Korean Peninsula
 The red and blue circle in the center
bordering the East Sea and the
refers to the origin of all things in the
Yellow Sea
universe. The central thought is
perfect harmony and balance: A • Capital: Seoul
continuous movement within the
sphere of infinity, resulting in one unit. • National anthem: Aegukga
• Nationality: Korean
The red circle - is called 'Yang' and
describes all the positive aspects. • Ethnic Make-up: Homogenous
(except for small percentage of the
The blue circle in the center - is called 'Eum'
population who are from elsewhere
or in Chinese, Yin, and represents all
but reside in the country
negative aspects of the balance
permanently). It is one of the most
The circle itself represents unity - bringing racially pure countries in the world.
together the negative and the positive, while
• Population: 51.47 million (as of
the Yin and Yang represent the duality.
2017 Est)
Examples of duality are heaven and hell, fire
and water, life and death, good and evil, or • Climate: temperate, with rainfall
night and day. heavier in summer than winter
 The four trigrams at the corners • Currency: South Korean ‘won’
(called 'Kwe' in Korean) also
communicate the concept of Government: Republic
opposites and balance. Representing Koreans share one language, with
the four classical elements the The approximately seventy million people around
trigrams are; the globe speaking Korean.
heaven (upper-left 3 solid bars) The language structure, grammar and
fire (bottom left corner - 2 solid bars with split vocabulary are similar to Japanese
middle bar) Korea has one of the highest literacy rates in
water (top right corner - 2 split bars with solid the world due to the phonetic nature of the
middle bar) written language which was invented in the
mid-fifteenth century to give one language to
earth (bottom right - 3 split bars). Koreans.
Three make up the essential elements of
the nation.

by: R.J calangi

Religion & Beliefs Social Stratification
• South Korea supports religious • 60% of Koreans considered
freedom themselves to be middle class
• Confucianism, Buddhism and Chris • Class position is often linked to
tianity are the main formal religions educational attainment
• Many Koreans believe in the • Industrialization and urbanization
ancestral spirit and observe contribute to class difference
Confucian rituals
• Family, upbringing, wealth, education
• Confucianism is a political and social and occupation contribute to social
philosophy that pervades Korean standing
• Symbols of status include; large
Major Celebrations/Secular Celebrations homes, chauffeur driven cars, dress,
membership to certain clubs, and
• There are two main national holidays
higher educational degrees
• New Year’s Day (second full moon
• Language is hierarchical and one
after winter solstice)
must address social superiors in a
• Chuseok (the eighth full moon) fitting manner

• Celebrations for these festivals are Food

based around ancestors, family,
• Korean cuisine is based on rice,
games, harvest festivals and food.
vegetables and meat
The Family
• ‘Kimchi’ is the national dish and is
• The family unit is an integral part of eaten with most meals
customs and life in South Korea
• Kimchi is made from a variety of
• Arranged marriages are common vegetables which are then fermented
and can be stored for long periods of
• Marriage is regarded as a rite of time
• Banchan are side dishes – these are
• Divorce was rare but has become often made in large numbers and are
more common in recent years served along with the main dish
• Patriarchal lineage is ubiquitous and • Food is used in ceremonies,
links ancestors through the especially at weddings, birthdays and
husband’s line to honour ancestors
• Traditionally, the eldest son inherited, Arts, Humanities & Popular Culture
however, this has recently altered
and is now equal by law • Historically, Chinese and Japanese
influences were seen in South
• The eldest son bears extra Korean art; aesthetic concepts and
responsibility to his family and it is motifs were shared
supposed that he will care for his
parents in their old age

by: R.J calangi

• Korean music and arts were linked to • Nunchi is the ability to determine
natural cycles and religion, giving rise another person's kibun by using the
to a folk culture in rural areas that are eye.
still considered popular
• Since this is a culture where social
• ‘Gangnam Style’ by Psy, a South harmony is crucial, being able to
Korean musician, achieved judge another person's state of mind
worldwide fame in 2012. The song is critical to maintain the person's
refers to the Gangnam District of kibun. Nunchi is accomplished by
Seoul, a trendy, classy area, equated watching body language and
with London, Paris or Hollywood listening to the tone of voice as well
as what is said.
• Foreign influences have produced a
fast food and coffee culture in recent Naming Conventions
years, especially within Seoul
• In South Korea names operate in the
• Language has altered with the reverse of Western cultures; Family
introduction of some Western name (surname), a second family
phrases such as ‘eye shopping’ name shared by all of that generation,
(window shopping) and finally their given name.
Social customs & etiquette • It is considered very impolite to
address a Korean with his or her
The concept of Kibun
given name. They should be
• Kibun is a word with no literal English addressed using their professional
translation; the closest terms are titles, or Mr, Mrs Etc, until permission
pride, face, mood, feelings, or state of is given otherwise.
mind. Meeting & Greeting
• If you hurt someone's kibun you hurt
• Bowing is the traditional way to greet
their pride, cause them to lose
in South Korea
dignity, and lose face. Korean
interpersonal relationships operate • Handshakes often accompany the
on the principle of harmony. bow among men
• It is important to maintain a peaceful, • Your left hand should support your
comfortable atmosphere at all times, right forearm when shaking hands
even if it means telling a "white lie".
• Korean women do not always shake
• It is important to know how to judge hands and may slightly nod instead of
the state of someone else's kibun, a full bow
how to avoid hurting it, and how to
• Always bow to individuals when
keep your own kibun at the same
Communication Style
• In business, a manager's kibun is
damaged if his subordinates do not • Communication can be complicated
show proper respect. A subordinate's in South Korea due to an inherent
kibun is damaged if his manager dislike of saying ‘no’ as it is
criticizes him in public. considered poor etiquette

by: R.J calangi

• Discussions can be prolonged due to • Return the favour and offer
the avoidance of declining or refusing something of a similar value. Koreans
enjoy Western gifts and items so be
• If disquiet is verbally or visibly
prepared before leaving home
displayed it is a sure sign that
something is amiss • If giving gifts be sure to wrap and
present them in an attractive way.
• Good posture and positive body Avoid using dark wrapping paper,
language is most beneficial in especially red, instead choose
meetings; patience and politeness
bright yellow/green
must be maintained throughout
• If invited to a Korean home always
• Do not use excessive or overt body
take the hostess a gift; chocolates,
sweets, cakes or flowers but
• Use two hands, or support your right preferably not alcohol
arm with your left, when passing on
• Gifts are often given at the first
business cards, gifts, or when
business meeting and the host
receiving an item
should present his first. To
• Respect, trust and satisfaction are reciprocate, give good quality alcohol
displayed through a deeper bow such as scotch, or desk accessories

Personal Space • Do not give overly expensive gifts as

Koreans feel indebted to give as they
• It is insulting for Koreans to be receive
touched by someone with whom they
are unfamiliar; don’t pat them on the • Avoid gifts such as knives,
back or hug them scissors, sets of four, and red
writing (these are seen as ‘cutting
• Prolonged, direct eye contact can be ties’ and signifying death
inferred as a challenge and is seen as respectively)
impolite, especially when dealing with
others of a higher social standing Dining and Food

• Keep your body within its own • Always wait to be seated by your
personal space; avoid extended or host. If given the seat of honour
crossed legs and limit arm (looking at the front door) it is polite to
movements when explaining demonstrate a slight objection
something so as to evade others’
• Elders are served first and begin the
personal space
dining process
Giving Gift Etiquette
• Food and dining are important parts
• Koreans are generous people and of Korean culture and are used to
enjoy giving gifts build relationships. Be sociable and
work at shaping good associations for
• Accept the gift with both hands – but pleasure and business as they are
never open the gift immediately, wait interlinked
until the giver is absent
• Don’t pour your own drink, although it
is considered good manners to pour

by: R.J calangi

another’s. Women often pour for men • Remember, never pour your own
but not for other women. Rather than drink. The host will do this in your
refuse more drink (remember, presence
Koreans don’t like outright refusal)
• Being invited into a Korean’s home is
simply leave your glass part full, as
considered an honour (especially if it
opposed to empty
is for a meal) so it is essential to treat
• Do not tip if you see a ‘no tipping’ sign it as such. Be polite, respectful and
observe their customs
• There are often prolonged periods of
silence during Korean meals – • Bring a gift to reciprocate your host’s
socialising can happen once kindness
everyone has feasted
• Once the party is over you will usually
• Don’t forget to pass and receive food be escorted to your car or the gate by
with two hands or with just your right the host. This is a sign of respect
if it is supported by your left
Hanbok, which has nomadic roots in
• When it comes to settling the bill, the northern Asia, was originally designed to
invitee may offer to pay but the host facilitate ease of movement. The
will generally pay for everyone. fundamental structure of hanbok, specifically
the jeogori (jacket), baji (pants) and
• If you are invited to continue after
the chima (skirt), was established during the
dinner with drinks or a party, don’t
Goguryeo Kingdom (37 BCE- 668 CE), and
refuse this invitation.
the design features have remained relatively
• On occasion you may be asked to unchanged to this day.
sing a solo after dinner. Try not to
Hanbok can be classified into ceremonial
refuse this request, instead sing with
and everyday dress, and then further
enthusiasm and spirit
categorized by gender, age and season.
• Do not point with your chopsticks, Regardless of the differences in these
or leave them sticking out of your classifications, the basic aesthetic
bowl framework of all hanbok is centered around
the Korean fondness for naturalness, desire
• The national drink of Korea is for supernatural protection and blessings,
‘Soju’, a clear vodka-like drink that and the Confucian style dress code.
is generally 18-25% alcohol
Korean food is some of the healthiest on
Visiting a Home earth, with an emphasis on vegetables,
• Always remove your shoes before meats cooked simply and without much oil,
entering a Korean home (in recent and a near obsession with the fermented
years there has been an increase in vegetable kimchi, which can be something of
Western culture and this may not an acquired taste for non-Koreans.
always be the case - follow the lead Hotteok (Sweet Syrupy Pancake)
of your host if unsure)
Bulgogi (marinated beef bbq)
• It is possible to arrive up to thirty
minutes late without causing offence Samgyeopsal (pork strips)
but punctuality is highly respected
Japchae (stir- fried noodles)

by: R.J calangi

Kimchi (Fermented Vegies) 시옷 ㅅ = s
Tteokbokki (spicy rice cake)
이응 ㅇ = _/ng
Sundubu Jigae (Soft tofu Stew)
Bibimbap (Mixed rice) 지읒 ㅈ = j/t
Seolleotang (ox bone soup)
치읓 ㅊ = ch/t
Haemul Pajeon(seafood Vegeables
pancake) 키읔 ㅋ = k
Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup)
티읕 ㅌ = t
Sundae (blood sausage)
Naemgyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) 피읖 ㅍ = p
Hobakjuk (pumpkin porridge)
히읗 ㅎ = h
Hangeul [한글]
Vowels [모음]
It is the basic writing system of Korean
alphabet. Vertical vowels are written at the right
Korean alphabet was invented by King Se side of the consonant.
Jong [킹세종] ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅓ,ㅕ,ㅣ,ㅐ,ㅔ,ㅐ,ㅖ
Consonants [자음] Horizontal vowels are written below the
Syllable begins with consonants in initial
Syllable has at least one consonant and one

기역 ㄱ = g/k 아 ㅏ = a

니음 ㄴ = n 야 ㅑ = ya

다귿 ㄷ = d/t 어 ㅓ = eo

리음 ㄹ = r/l 여 ㅕ = yeo

미음 ㅁ = m 오 ㅗ = o

비읍 ㅂ = b/p 요 ㅛ = yo

by: R.J calangi

우 ㅜ = u 쌍시옷 ㅆ = ss
유 ㅠ = yu
쌍지읒 ㅉ = jj
으 ㅡ = eu
Final Consonant [받침]
이 ㅣ = i
It is the “supporting floor”
Combined Vowels [이중모음]
It goes at the bottom of the floor.

애 ㅐ = ae ㅁ + ㅏ + ㄴ = 만

얘 ㅒ = yae m + a + n = man (10,000)

에 ㅔ = e Final Consonant [이중받침

예 ㅖ = ye Final consonant of a syllable has a dual

와 ㅘ = wa Cases that only the first of the two
consonants is pronounced
워 ㅝ = wo

왜 ㅙ = wae

웨 ㅞ = we

외 ㅚ = oe

위 ㅟ = wi

의 ㅢ = ui

Double Consonant [상자음]

쌍기역 ㄲ = kk

쌍디귿 ㄸ = tt
쌍비읍 ㅃ = pp

by: R.J calangi

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