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EDU30011 - Assignment 1 - Essay

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EDU30011: Discovering Science

Assignment 1: Essay
Jody Zonneveld- 101025075
Due 02/12/19
Science gives us the fundamental learning of language and mathematics, allows for the 

wonderment of how the natural world works, and now more than even can prepare 

future generations for STEM-related careers and have an awareness of environmental 

issues and concerns (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 

[ACARA], 2018a). 

When we explore the idea of science within a primary setting, it is undeniable that there 

is genuine importance of its inclusion. Through the learning of science students can 

experience the celebration of scientific learning and discovery. By nurturing an 

inquisitiveness about the world around them, students cultivate critical and imaginative 

thinking skills that are transferable to all aspects of life and study. By challenging 

themselves, students can recognise problems and draw evidence-based conclusions 

strengthening their 'scientific literacy'. When looking at the broader gains of this 

'scientific literacy' students become competent examiners of the natural environment 

and can see the changes made to that environment through human action (Skamp, 


When we as eductors foster a students ability to reflect and respond in scientific ways, 

we help to develop more comprehensive abilities, allowing students to grow into self- 

motivated, positive, and active members of the community (Duit, & Treagust, 2003).  

This essay will aim to explore the role of an educator as a nurturer, to bolster and 

cultivate and our ability to increase and encourage the learning of science, prepare and 

influence students and their career choices through the dissection of two quotes. 

Science education is important due to its relevance to students’ lives and the 

universally applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills it uses and develops. 

(University of Texas at Arlington, 2017) 

Science aims to ensure that students develop an interest in science as a means of 

expanding their curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions about and 

speculate on the changing world in which they live (ACARA, 2018b). 

In our rapidly changing world, we are experiencing tremendous scientific discoveries 

and innovation, technological advancement, intensified and expanded globalisation, 

changing and more overbearing workforce commitments, and further demands of 

economic competitiveness. All of these concerns placed more pressure and increased 

study load on students as they hope to be more prepared to enter today's workforce 

and be sufficiently qualified to engage in and add to today's society (Levy and Murnane 

2005; Stewart 2010; Wilmarth 2010). 

Here in Australia, we are fortunate to be working within a progressive and international 

recognised curriculum that genuinely values all aspects of science and scientific 

literacy (Sumida & Taber, 2017).  

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2018) states that 

science presents opportunities for students to cultivate a comprehension of essential 

and relevant science theories, concepts and methods. The application and study of 

sciences enrich our culture, society, and our lives. Here it is possible to see that 

ACARA recognises the significance of cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving 

skills that develop and are related to the learning of science (ACARA, 2018c). 

Science within the Australian Curriculum has three interdependent sections, science 

understanding, science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills (ACARA, 

2018). ACARA establishes that the practice of the three strands of science 

understanding, science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills are closely 

integrated and because of this closeness the three should be taught in and combined 

way. ACARA states as students advance into the curriculum they will examine how 

scientific understanding has advanced. This includes consideration of the scientific 

people and the narratives of their advancements in science (ACARA, 2018d). 

ACARA says "Together, the three strands of the science curriculum provide students 

with understanding, knowledge and skills through which they can develop a scientific 
view of the world. Students are challenged to explore science, its concepts, nature and 

use through clearly described inquiry processes" (ACARA, 2018e). 

The curriculum promotes students to advance their scientific knowledge and inquiry, in 

other words, their scientific literacy. Students gain understanding and experiences and 

make informed judgments about not only global but local, and national issues on a 

scientific level. Science studies are increasingly important in our technology-driven 

world and significantly important right now in regards to environmental issues, 

concerns and considerations (ACARA, 2018f). 

Students need to be involved and present in the learning process and when a student 

is engaged and encouraged in the topic or subject by a passionate teacher they are 

naturally more likely to ask further questions and be more interested in the subject as a 

whole (Kelly, 2000). Scientific literacy offers students the capability to make sense and 

understand complex functions; for example, through an understanding of science, 

students gain a broader knowledge of the world/ universe around them (ACARA, 


To facilitate students' engagement in their scientific learning, educators need to 

promote and nurture the genuine benefit of science in our everyday lives. By helping 

students recognise the importance of science we are encouraging students to be 

willing explorers, ask questions and not to be afraid to speculate,doing so eductors are 

offering an authentic and beneficial learning experience (Sumida & Taber, 2017). 

Teaching science requires teachers to understand that science is multifaceted. Marilyn 

Fleer in Science for Children (2015) states "Science as a human endeavour also 

considers science as a unique way of knowing and doing, where it must be 

acknowledged that making decisions about science practices and applications take 

into account ethical and social implications" (ACARA, 2014a, p.5).  

Teachers need to projects that there are tremendous individual benefits to learning 

science, beyond the inherent scientific discoveries. These benefits incorporate 

collecting information, promoting the capacity to ask questions, organise and question 

ideas and resolve problems or puzzles. Furthermore, science may contribute to an 

essential principle for, strengthening communication skills, developing confidence, and 

studying at the world around us —a world that is becoming exceedingly more shaped 

by science and technology (Skamp, 2015). 

It is crucial to remember, as an educator, our fundamental motivation to learn science 

may not be shared by our students. It is our responsibility to encourage and motivate 

students to activate a scientific interest. Once students are motivated in learning 

science, they will be able to correlate sciences to things that are previously natural and 

relevant to them (ACARA, 2014b). Students will learn to discuss and investigate 
subjects that may influence their lives and the course of society and the prospect of 

the world. Students will explore scientific concepts and how they contribute to 

technological change. Students will see that these changes impact medicine, business 

and industry, furthermore enhancing quality of life (Sumida & Taber, 2017). 

With the help of educators, students need to discern that science is an essential and 

engaging subject, having the potential to invigorate interest in the physical world. 

Moreover, scientific literacy stimulates the enquiring qualities and imagination required 

to produce a problem-solving mind (ACARA, 2018). Throughout the delivery of science, 

students can expand as self-sufficient and confident learners. By utilising this 

individual learning and thinking skills, students have opportunities to prepare and 

elaborate on practical skills in ICT, literacy, and numeracy (ACARA, 2018h). 

Some may argue that science within the primary years is fruitless (Mongeau, 2018), 

however, In -Teaching primary science constructively (Skamp & Preston,2015), Harlen 

(2012) examines an influential push during the 1970s and 1980s, where teachers 

highlighted the methods and manners of science, including prediction, observation, 

and inferring. By highlighting these methods, students received invaluable hands-on 

experience and increased scientific literacy, helping to influence study and career 

choices making science a welcome and worthwhile addition to the primary classroom.  

This essay has discussed the importance of scientific literacy and the role of the 

Australian curriculum in providing this. ACARA provides teachers with motivation and 

solid knowledge to help students learn. Via a three-strand science approach, ACARA 

encourages students to view modern science critically, do so through features of the 

science inquiry skills strand; by communicating, analysing, and evaluation (ACARA, 


Problem-solving and critical thinking skills remain powerful and every present 

remuneration when increasing scientific literacy in the classroom. By supporting and 

helping our students to maintain curiosity, a willingness to explore and continually 

speculating change, we as educators are implementing students with a scientific 

interest that will hopefully last a lifetime. 

As educators, we must remain aware of our student's needs and abilities, but also the 

ever-changing world around us and the value of teaching for the future. By 

encouraging and motivating students to strive for and be proud of their own scientific 

literacy we are setting up future generations to appreciate the significance of science. 

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Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
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Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
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Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2018c). 
Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
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Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2018d). 
Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
Retrieved from 
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2018e). 
Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
Retrieved from 
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2018f). 
Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Introduction to Science: Rationale v.8.4. 
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Fleer, M. (2015). ​Science for children.​ Cambridge University Press. 
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