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Mathematics 6 2nd Quarter

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For 2nd Quarter Examination in Mathematics 6

Topic # of # of Items % Item Placement

Easy Average Difficult
Knowledge Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
-expresses one value as a
fraction of another given
their ratio and vice 1 1 2.5% 1
finds how many times
one value is as large as
another given their ratio 1 1 2.5% 2
and vice versa. M6NS-
defines and illustrates the
meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete 1 1 2.5% 3
or pictorial models.M6NS-
sets up proportions for
groups of objects or
2 3 5% 4,5,6
numbers and for given
finds a missing term in a
proportion (direct,
inverse, and 1 1 2.5% 7

solves problems involving

direct proportion,
partitive proportion, and
inverse proportion in 31,
different contexts such as 5 7 12.5% 29, 30 32,33,
distance, rate, and time 34,35
using appropriate
strategies and tools.
creates problems
involving ratio and
proportion, with 2 3 5%
reasonable answers.
finds the percentage or
rate or percent in a given 3 4 7.5%
problem. M6NS-IId142
solves routine and non-
routine problems
involving finding the
percentage, rate and base 2 3 5%
using appropriate
strategies and tools.
solves percent problems
such as percent of
(discounts, original price, 39,40,
rate of discount, sale 4 5 10% 41, 42,
price, markedup price), 43
commission, sales tax,
and simple interest.
creates problems
involving percent, with
1 1 2.5% 50
reasonable answers.
describes the exponent
and the base in a number
expressed in exponential 1 1 2.5%
gives the value of
numbers expressed in
1 1 2.5% 24
exponential notation.
interprets and explains
the Grouping,
Exponent, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, 1 1 2.5% 25
Subtraction (GEMDAS)
performs two or more
different operations on
whole numbers with or 26,27,
2 3 5%
without exponents and 28
grouping symbols.
identifies real-life
situations that make use
1 1 2.5% 12
of integers.
describes the set of
integers. 1 1 2.5% 13
compares integers with
other numbers such as
whole numbers, fractions, 1 1 2.5% 14
and decimals.
represents integers on
the number line. 1 1 2.5% 15
compares and arranges
integers. 1 1 2.5% 16
describes and interprets
the basic operations on
integers using materials
such as algebra tiles, 1 1 2.5% 17
counters, chips, and
performs the basic
operations on integers. 4 5 10%
solves routine and non-
routine problems
involving basic operations 44,45
2 3 5% 46
of integers using
appropriate strategies
and tools. M6NS-IIj157

Total 40 50 100% 28 2 15 0 5 0

NAME_________________________________________ SCORE___________

Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

1. Which of the following is the equivalent fraction of the ratio 3:5?

a. 3/100 b. 5/100 c. 3/5 d. 5/3

2. In a class, there are 30 girls and 25 boys. What is the ratio of girls to boys?
a. 6:5 b. 7: 3 c. 9: 4 d. 5: 4

3. What is the ratio of triangles to squares to circles in the box below?

A) 2:6 B) 3:4 C) 2:1 D) 1:3

4. Which of the following ratios is equal to 12:16?

A) 2:6 B) 3:4 C) 1:2 D) 1:3

5) Which of the following is a proportion?

A) 1:2=3:4 B) 5:8=10:16 C) 9:10=2:5 D) 3:5=2:1

6) Give the equivalent ratio of 21 boys and 18 girls to make a proportion.

A) 7:6 B) 8:7 C) 9:8 D) 10:11

7) Find the missing term in the proportion 8:9 = 24: __.

A) 30 B) 28 C) 27 D) 21

8) What is 35% of 80?

A) 20 B) 22 C) 24 D) 28

9) 5% of 610 is what number?

A) 28.7 B) 30.5 C) 35.2 D) 40.5

10) 2 is what percent of 5?

A) 10 % B) 20% C) 30% D) 40%

11) 13 is what percent of 50?

A) 26% B) 13% C) 50% D) 3%

12) A loss of ₱ 65 can be written as ____.

A) -₱ 65 B) +₱ 65 C) ₱ 65 D) ₱ 65+

13) Which of the following can be represented by a positive integer?

A) a loss of ₱ 22 B)230 m below the sea level
C) 3 hours ago D) rise by 20 degrees Celsius

14) Which of the following symbol should be used to make the inequalities correct?
-23 __ -54
A) < B) > C) = D) .><

15) Which of the following represent the point in the number line?
A) -5 B) +3 C) -8 D) +2

16) Which of the following symbol should be used to make the inequalities correct?
0.5 __ -1/2
A) < B) > C) = D) .><

17) Which of the following represents the location of the point in the x-axis below?

A) -5 B) -4 C) +4 D) +5

18) Give the sum of -3 and 6?

A) -3 B) 6 C) 3 D) -6

19) -9 x 8 = _____
a) 72 B) +72 C) -72 D) 17

20) -8 –(-2)
A) -6 B) + 6 C) 6 D) 0

21) Give the quotient of -6153 and -3.

A) -2324 B) 2051 C)- 2051 D) 2040

22) Give the quotient of -48 and 8.

A) 40 B) -6 C) 6 D) 56

23) In the expression, 52, which is the exponent?

A) 2 B) 5 C) none D) both A and B

24) 94 is equal to _____.

A) 5 656 B) 5 432 C) 6 561 D) 6 543

25) In an expression 2 + 4 ÷ 3 – 6 x 2, which should be done first?

A)+ B) - C) X D) ÷

26) Simplify 2(-5) + (-3)(-7)

A) 21 B) -24 C) -13 D) 11

27) 16 + (32 – 4 x 2) – 10 = N, what is N?

A) 30 B) 32 C) 36 D) 38

28) 30 ÷ 6 x ( 25 ÷ 5 -2)
A) 12 B) 15 C) 18 D) 21

29) 20 balloons were divided between group A and group B in the ratio 2:3 If group B has 12 balloons, how
many balloons will the group A receive?

A) 9 balloons B) 2 balloons C) 8 balloons D) 10 balloons

30) A profit of ₱ 3 000 is to be divided among 3 persons, A, B, and C in the ratio 3:4:5. Find the share of Person
B, if Person A and C have ₱ 750 and ₱ 1 250, respectively.
A) ₱ 500 B) ₱ 1 000 C) ₱ 100 D) ₱ 250

31) Peter has a total of 108 red, blue and yellow marbles. The ratio of red marbles to the number of blue
marbles to the number of yellow marbles is 2:3:4. How many blue marbles does Peter have?
A) 12 marbles B) 24 marbles C) 30 marbles D) 36 marbles

32) 12 oranges cost ₱ 60. The cost of 15 oranges is ______.

A) ₱ 75 B) ₱ 80 C) ₱ 85 D) ₱ 90

33) If the cost of 2 similar notebooks cost ₱ 90, what is the cost of 10 notebooks?
A) ₱ 180 B)₱ 300 C) ₱ 450 D) ₱ 900

34)Seven men can build a house in 4 days. How long will it take for 2 men to build the house?
A) 14 days B) 56 days C) 4 days D) 8 days

35) An amount of food is enough for 5 men to last for 8 weeks. How long will it last for 4 men?
A) 2 weeks B) 4 weeks C) 10 weeks D) 12 weeks

36) Emily answered 31 out of 50 questions, what is her grade in percent?

A) 31% B) 62% C) 90% D) 94%

37) Charlie answered 15 question of his homework in Math. This represents 75% of his Math homework. How
many questions are there in the Math problem?
A) 15 problems B) 20 problems C) 25 problems D) 30 problems

38) On a 20-item test, Ronald answered 4/5 of the problems correctly. How many problems did he answer
A) 10 B) 12 C) 14 D) 16

39) A man borrows ₱ 3500 for 2 years at a rate of 5% per annum. How much simple interest does he need to
pay at the end of 2 years?
A) ₱ 350 B) ₱ 400 C) ₱ 450 D) 500

40) The volume of water is in a beaker increases from 250 ml to 320 ml. Find the percent increase in the
volume of water.
A)22% B) 28% C) 34% D) 42%

41)Mr. Mendoza sells a lot worth ₱ 250 000 and receives a commission of 5%, How much is the commission?
A) ₱ 12 500 B) ₱ 13 000 C) ₱ 15 000 D) Pjp 16 500

42) Maria weighed 150 pounds. After going on a diet, she weighed 125 pounds. What was the percent of
decrease rounded off to the nearest percent?
A) 15% B) 16% C) 17% D) 18%

43) A mobile phone costs ₱ 12 575. If the sales tax rate is 8%, what is the total amount of the mobile phone?
A) ₱ 26 580 B) ₱ 30 950 C) ₱ 36 580 D) ₱ 40 000

44) Car A traveled north of Manila by 40 km while Car B traveled south by 60 km. How far are the two cars
from each other?
A) 20 km B) -20 km C) 100 km D) 120 km

45) A thermometer showed a temperature of 2°C on the first reading. Later it dropped by 7°C and then rose by
4°C. What is the new reading?
A) 1°C B) 4°C C) - 1°C D) -5°C

46) While playing cards, Ronnie lost ₱ 2 in the first game, ₱ 10 in the second game, and ₱ 8 in the third game
but he won ₱ 14 in the fourth game? Did he gain or lose? By how much?
A) He gained 6 pesos. C) He lost 6 pesos.
B) He gained 14 pesos. D) He lost 14 pesos.
47) Arrange the data below to create a problem.
 There is a total of 30 people in the theater.
 The ratio of number of men to the number of women to the number of children in
a theater is 3:5:2.
 How many women are there in the theater?

A) How many women are there in the theater? There is a total of 30 people in the theater. The ratio of
number of men to the number of women to the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2.

B) How many women are there in the theater? The ratio of number of men to the number of women to
the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2. There is a total of 30 people in the theater.
C) The ratio of number of men to the number of women to the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2.
There is a total of 30 people in the theater. How many women are there in the theater?
D) How many women are there in the theater? There is a total of 30 people in the theater.

48) Arrange the data below to create a problem.

 If there is a total of 1 000 people in the theater
 The ratio of number of men to the number of women to the number of children in
a theater is 3:5:2.
 How many women are there in the theater?

 The ratio of number of men to the number of women to the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2. If
there is a total of 1 000 people in the theater, how many women are there in the theater?
A) If there is a total of 1 000 people in the theater, how many women are there in the theater? The ratio
of number of men to the number of women to the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2
B) If there is a total of 1 000 people in the theater ,the ratio of number of men to the number of women
to the number of children in a theater is 3:5:2how many women are there in the theater?
C) If there is a total of 1 000 people in the theater, how many women are there in the theater?

49) Given the data below, create a problem involving direct proportion.
12 bananas = ₱ 252
21 bananas = ?

A) If 12 bananas cost ₱252, how much should I pay for 21 bananas?

B) If 21 bananas cost ₱ 252, how much should if pay for 12 bananas?
C) 12 bananas and 21 bananas cost ₱252, how much should I pay?
D) How much should I pay for 21 bananas?

50) Given the data below, create a word problem involving percent.

Score of Shazi = 6 /10 = __%

A) Shazi has a score of 6 in a 10-item quiz, what is her grade in percent?

B) What is the score of Shazi given that she failed in a quiz?
C) Shazi answered 10 out 10 questions correctly, what is her grade in decimal?
D) Shazi has 6 mistakes, what is her grade?

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