Problems EXC 4 1920
Problems EXC 4 1920
Problems EXC 4 1920
Error calculation
Note: To solve the following tasks, also use the "Error Calculation Guide" available in the
number of measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ϑTE, i in °C 43,4 41,9 45,2 42,7 43,7 44,6 42,3 43,6
a) Determine the mean temperature ϑTE for the measurement with the thermocouple and the
associated absolute maximum error. Specify the result in the form ϑ = ϑTE + ∆ϑ TE,abs,max .
b) To reduce the uncertainty of measurement for ϑ an additional measurement is performed
with a mercury thermometer (measuring range from 20°C to 70°C) of error class 1. The
measured value is ϑHg = 43,1 °C . Which weighted mean value ϑres and which associated er-
ror ∆ϑres result for the temperature ϑ ? Specify the result in the form ϑ = ϑres + ∆ϑres .
b) y 2 = x 1 + x 2
x + 2x 2
c) y 3 = 1
4x 2
n 2
∂y ∆xi
first using the general expression ∆yrel,prob = ∑
i =1
∂xi y
from the Gaussian law of error
propagation and then using the rules for special cases, if possible.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
y 0,67 2,23 3,46 5,37 4,35 5,93 6,00 9,22 8,89 9,32
Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
4th Exercise: 50. und 51. KW
Error calculation. Dynamic characterization of zero order transmission elements.
T in K 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500
P in W 0,1028 0,0865 0,1373 0,31 0,3316 0,289 0,5644 0,5701 0,7676 0,8975
Note: To solve the following tasks, also use the "Static and dynamic characterization of
measuring elements" script available in the network.
Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
4th Exercise: 50. und 51. KW
Error calculation. Dynamic characterization of zero order transmission elements.
Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
4th Exercise: 50. und 51. KW
Error calculation. Dynamic characterization of zero order transmission elements.
Problem 8: spring-damper-lever-system
Given is the shown mechanical system of a spring-damper-rod-system. The displacement change
of the suspension point ∆s is the input signal xe, which via a lever (with lever arms a and b) should
lead to the change of the force F, so that the lever remains in equilibrium. This is the output signal:
x a = ∆F . Assume a force balance to determine the type and characteristic quantities of the trans-
mission element. Consider the relationships for the spring force Fc and the damping force FD. The
spring constant c and the damping constant k are given.
Note: Tasks with B are example tasks, tasks with H are to be solved as homework
and tasks with L are tasks for the learning group letter.