Fundamental Radiobiology 2019
Fundamental Radiobiology 2019
Fundamental Radiobiology 2019
Fundamental Radiobiology
Repair: Single strand and
double strand damage
Single strand breaks (upper figure) are
usually considered “repairable”
Double strand breaks (lower figure) are
not usually “repairable” if the breaks
are close together, since an intact 2nd
strand of the DNA molecule is needed
for the repair enzymes to be able to
copy the genetic information
The effect of dose
At low doses, the two DNA strands are
unlikely to be both hit
• so single strand breaks will dominate i.e. repair
is common
At high doses, double strand breaks will be
common i.e. little repair
• consequently survival curves get steeper as
dose increases
As dose increases survival
curves become steeper
For types of cells
that have a high
capacity for repair,
the cell-survival
curve will be less
steep at low doses
and hence the
survival curve will
be “curvier”
Survival curves:
normal vs cancer cells
Cancer cells do not “repair” damage at low
doses as well as do normal tissue cells
• survival curves will be straighter
There is a “Window of Opportunity” at low
doses where the survival of late-reacting
normal tissue cells exceeds that of cancer
Cell survival curve comparison:
the “Window of Opportunity”
At low doses, the
survival of normal
tissue cells (green
curve) exceeds that of
cancer cells
Two different
The L-Q Model Equation
2 2)
Hence S = e-aD. e - b
= D e -( aD + b D
T = overall treatment time (days)
Tpot = potential doubling time (days)
What about Reoxygenation?
Reoxygenation relates to the oxygen effect
Oxygen is a powerful radiation sensitizer, so
tumors that are poorly oxygenated (i.e. are
hypoxic) tend to be resistant
Hypoxic tumors can reoxygenate during a
course of treatment and become more
The Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)
Chronic hypoxia
Blood vessel
Timing of reoxygenation
Rapid component: reoxygenation of acutely
hypoxic cells due to blood vessels reopening
Slow components:
• as the tumor shrinks, cells previously beyond the range
of oxygen diffusion (chronic hypoxia) find themselves
closer to blood vessels and reoxygenate
• revascularization of the tumor and killing of well-
oxygenated cells might increase oxygen availability
Reoxygenation in clinical
Spreading irradiation over long periods of
time by fractionation or very low dose rate
brachytherapy (e.g. permanent implants)
ought to be beneficial
Modifications of the L-Q model to account
for the oxygen effect and reoxygenation
have been published but are not typically
used in clinical practice
Finally, Redistribution
Redistribution relates to the cell-cycle effect:
• Cells are most sensitive at or close to mitosis
• Survival curves for cells in the M phase are linear,
indicating the absence of any repair
• Cells in late G2 are usually sensitive, perhaps as
sensitive as cells in M
• Resistance is usually greatest in the latter part of the
S phase
What is Redistribution?
Because of the cell cycle effect, immediately
after a radiation exposure the majority of cells
surviving will be those that were in a resistant
phase of the cell cycle at the time of irradiation,
such as late-S
After exposure, cells are thus partially
synchronized. This is known as redistribution (or
Redistribution with
fractionated radiotherapy
The timing of the subsequent fraction will,
therefore, make a difference in the
For example, if the next fraction is
delivered at a time when the synchronized
bolus of specific cells has reached a
sensitive phase of the cell cycle, then
these cells will be extra sensitive
Redistribution with daily
Clearly, the effect of redistribution depends on
both the length of the various phases of the cell
cycle and the time between fractions
Since 24 hours is much longer than the length
of the G2 phase of the cell cycle for most cells, it
is unlikely that such sensitization will play a
significant role for treatments delivered with
daily fractionation
Redistribution in
clinical practice
With twice or three-times-a-day fractionation,
sensitization by the redistribution effect is
conceivable and could be significant
However, we have not yet found a way of utilizing
redistribution to our advantage
Modifications of the L-Q model to account for the
redistribution have been published but are not
typically used in clinical practice
Effect of LET of the radiation
Repair decreases as LET increases, so the
biological effectiveness (RBE) increases, where:
𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐿𝐸𝑇 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
to produce the same biological effect
The OER decreases as LET increases
The cell-cycle effect decreases as LET increases
So when might high-LET radiotherapy
be most beneficial radiobiologically?
For the treatment of cancers that have
a high capacity for repair
For the treatment of hypoxic cancers
For the treatment of cancers that have
cells trapped in a resistant phase of the
cell cycle
Radiotherapy is governed by the 4 Rs
• Repair, Repopulation, Reoxygenation, and Redistribution
Since normal tissue cells are better able to repair than
are cancer cells, there is a “Window of Opportunity” at
low dose/fraction or low dose rate
With geometrical sparing of normal tissues, the
“Window of Opportunity” widens making
hypofractionation and HDR brachytherapy possible
Summary (cont’d.)
The L-Q model can be used to calculate
effects of dose/fraction, overall
treatment time, and dose rate
High-LET has potential biological
advantages over conventional
radiotherapy to supplement the physical
advantage of the Bragg Peak