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The Wizard of Oz #1

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The document discusses how the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was created to ensure legal and financial dominance over people. It also talks about how the movie The Wizard of Oz can be seen as an allegory for what happened in America after the Great Depression.

The main topic discussed is how the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was created and implemented to establish control over people through legal and financial means.

The document mentions that a person's living name is spelled with both capital and lowercase letters, while the artificial/corporate name created by their birth certificate is spelled in all capital letters.


The Wizard of OZ
Or what really happened to America



The Uniform Commercial Code, “UCC.” The subject of this information, is the transcendent,
paramount achievement of the efforts of a few thousands of intensely dedicated and single-minded
collaborators (dare we call it “conspiracy”?) over the last-plus millennia. It is the culmination of an
almost incomprehensibly complex, systematic, intricate, pervasive, and far-reaching agenda of
strategic and tactical global planning to ensure absolute legal, financial, social, ecclesiastical, and
political (military) dominance over the people of Earth. The fundamental med chosen for
accomplishing these iniquitous aims: Commerce. The UCC, first introduced in 1954, has been
developed across the centuries with microscopically excruciating and painstaking to detail for
avoiding forever risk of detection and revelation of its true nature. It was fully expected that the
Code would never be cracked. Proof of this is the absence of any device/mechanism for the
enforced reversal of the process and recapture of slaves who manage to break free.

If you are a slave interested in breaking free, this information may answers some question you have
been searching for. Embarking on the pages of this volume, however, is comparable with “taking
the red pill,” and so should be carefully considered by worshipers of Big Brother and the faint of
heart—for with such knowledge also comes the innate urge to take responsibility, an unpleasant
prospect for many. No matter your level of interest in the workings of the world around you and
your commitment in making it a better place, if you “decide on the red pill” you will never again see
it in the same way. The Code has been cracked, and awaits your decision. Which will it be?

Just as you can read between the gory lines in the newspaper on any day and discover
clues issued by the Powers That Be-if you look hard enough-as to what is actually going on, such
notice can also be found in lighter fare, like the movies. Such a movie was The Wizard of Oz, an
allegory for the new state of affairs in America in the 1930s following the stock market crash and
factual bankruptcy of the US Government immediately thereafter.

The setting was Kansas: Heartland America, and geographical center of the USA. In
comes the twister, the tornado, i. e. whirling confusion-the stock market crash, theft of America's
gold, US bankruptcy, the Great Depression-and whisks Dorothy and Toto up into a new, artificial
dimension somewhere above the solid ground of Kansas. When they finally land in Oz, Dorothy
comments to her little companion:
"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
That's right. After the bankruptcy, Kansas was no longer just plain old "Kansas" it was now
"KS," artificial corporate venue of the bankrupt United States, newly established "federal territory,"
part of the "Federal Zone," and Dorothy and Toto were "in this state". The living
natural man’s name is never spelled in all CAPITAL LETTERS but in upper case and lower case i.e.
John Doe. The artificial man’s name is spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS i.e. JOHN DOE. Look
on your driver’s license and see who it is issued to! You got it right, your Strawman, the all Capital
Letter i.e. by using the Capital letter B as in BLACK. Just by using the letter in that word or form
means Organization. Only the small letter b in black mean color and it don’t mean race of people. The
same is with the word W for WHITE. CORPORATE NAME created by Birth Certificate. (note: Cox
C.C., Cox’s Criminal Cases. Year 1700 taken from the DICIONARY OF BANKING SIXTH


The Word English Comes Out Of The Word Angel. The Letter “A” Was Exchanged For The
Letter “E”. The Word Angel Is Middle English, From Old English Engel Or Old French Angele,
From Latin Angelus, From Late Greek Angelos, From Greek, Messenger. According To The
American Heritage Dictionary. English Is From Anglicize, Which is From Middle English, From
Old English Engle, The Angles. The Word English Is A Grafted Word. It Is A Combination Of The
Words Angle, Which Were Germanic People And The Word Ish Meaning “Belonging To”, That
Means That The English Belongs To The Germans. Germ-Man, Man With The Disease Or Who
Carries The Germs.

So The Combination Of The Words Angle And Ish – Gives Angleish Or English. They Have
You Calling Them Angels And you Don’t Even Know It. English Is A Germanic Language, Which
Is A Branch Of The Indo-European Language Family. Indo-European, As Well As Indo-Aryan
Goes Back To The Sanskrit Language, Which Is The Language Of The 200 Fallen NETERU
(Hindus). Indo Is Simply Short For Indian, And Who Were These Angles? The Angles Were A
Germanic People Who, Together With The Saxons And Jutes, Invaded The Island Of Briton In The
Fifth Century From Schlewig-Holstein. There Angles Or Anglo People Were Tall, Blonde Haired,
And Blue Eyed.

The Word Jute Is From Middle English Jutes: The Jutes, From Medieval Latin Iutae. Bengali
Jhuuo, From Sanskrit, Twisted Hair, Probably Of Dravidian Origin.

Do You Hear The Word Judas (Jew, The Betrayer)? Do You See Hitler’s Ideal Race? Do you
See The Relation Between Berith (Brit And British), The Amramic (Hebrew) Word For Covenant And
Britain? None Of These Are Coincidences?

The New Land That Made For Themselves Was Called Anglo-Saxons Or For Short, Angle
Land, Which Was Later Pronounced England. And Their Language Is What We Are Calling Today,
Old English. So When You Are Looking In The Dictionary, Which Should Rightly Be Called A
Definitionary, And See “Old English”, These Are The People From Which It Came. As You Can
See “E” Was Dropped At The End Of The Word Angle And An “O” Was Added. This Was Often
Done In The English Language.

Before The Year 1066 A.D., Only A Few Words Had Been Borrowed From French. Since
Then, Tens Of Thousands Of French Words Have Entered The English Language, Such As The Word
“Very” Just As In Any Other Language, English Has Dialects And Different Words Are Applied To The
Same Object Such As The Following Words:

Rubber Eraser
Vest Undershirt
The Bristish Also Drop The R’s From Their Make Note That In Such Words That End In

Words Such As Lord And Pronounce It “Or” In American English, Ends With An Laud.

“Our” Such As The Words Color And Colour, Honor And Honour.

Also Make Note That Man Responsible For Changing The Suffix “RE” At The End Of Words Such As, Centre,
And Making Them “Er”. Center, Was none Other Then Noah Webster. I Am Sure Everyone In Familiar With
Him. He Is The Person Who’s Behind “Webster’s Dictionary” And Has Shaped The Modern English
Language. He Is The One Who Insisted that The “Our” Should Be “Or” And The Letter “K” Should Be
Dropped From Words Such As, Musick And Traflick And Colour. (Read Book #102 Entitled 360 Question To
Ask A Christian”)
Not Only Is The French Language Added, Latin Slavic, German, Italian, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Portuguese,
And Many Others. The Year 1066 A.D., Is Used As A Dividing Point For The Ending Of Old English And The
Beginning Of Middle English Middle English Took Its Root In Europe Between The 1100’s And 1500’s A.D. And
The Year 1476 A.D., Separates The Ending Of Middle English Which Is What You Are Calling Modern English,

English Stated Out As Letters With Hard Sound Much Like The German And Greek Languages Of Today. That
Is What Is Called Old English – Mere Grunting Sounds. The Language Finally Evolved Into What It Is Today.
English Is The Most Widely Used Language In Every Country. World Leaders Has Planned to Have The Entire
World Speaking English. The Only Other Language That Is Widely Recognized Like English Is Spanish.
Speaking English, Spanish, French And Various Other European Tongues Have Helped To Enslave The
Minds And Bodies Of Americans. The American Language Is A Tool Of The LUCIFERIANS To Keep You
Trapped. (read #15, Part 1-2, Entitled: “The Spell Of Leviathan – 666 (The Spell Of Kingu)”).


In the 1930s, the all-capital letters-written straw man, newly created artificial aspect of the
former American sovereigns, had no brain, and Americans were too confused and distracted
by all the commotion to figure out that they even had ~ a straw man. The Scarecrow identified
his straw-man persona for Dorothy:
"Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course, I'm not bright about
doing things." And in his classic song, "If I Only Had a Brain," the Scarecrow/Straw Man
succinctly augured:
"I'd unravel every riddle, For every 'individle,' (individual) in trouble or in pain."

Translation: Once one discovers that his straw man exists, all political and legal mysteries,
complexities, and confusions are resolved-and once one takes legal title to his Straw man i.e.
Redemption, he can protect himself from legal trouble or legal damage.
The Tin Man, or "T-I-N", “Taxpayer Identification Number” man, was a hollow man of metal, a
"vessel," or "vehicle", newly created commercial code words for the straw man. Just like the
Scarecrow, Straw Man had no brain. This Tin Man vessel had no heart. Both were "artificial persons".
One of the definitions of "tin" in Webster's is "counterfeit." The Tin Man also represented the
mechanical and heartless aspect of commerce and commercial law. Just like they say in the Mafia:
"Nothing personal-it's just business". And in another profession similar to the Mafia, the business of
lawyering. They have the attitude that it’s nothing personal, “bidness is bidness”. The heartless Tin
Man also carried an ax, traditional symbol for God, i.e. modern commercial law, in most earlier,
dominant civilizations, including fascist states. In the words of the Tin Man, expressing relief after
Dorothy had oiled his arm:
"I've held that ax up for ages."
The word "ace" is etymologically related to the word "ax," and in a deck of cards the only one
above the King is the Ace, i.e. God. One of the "Axis" Powers of World War II, Italy, was a fascist
state. The symbol for fascism is the "fasces," a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in the middle and its
blade projecting. The fasces may be found on the reverse of the American Mercury-head Dime (in
Roman deity ‘Mercury’ was the God of Commerce, Note in The Secrets Of Adafa: Izraael drew forth
from his beard the parchment, in which the contract was drawn and spread it out before him. Once
Kadmon saw it, he willingly gave up his soul). It can also be found on the wall behind, and on each
side of, the speaker's podium in the US Senate (each gilded fasces is approximately six feet in height),
and at the base of the seal of the US Senate are two crossed fasces.
The Lion, or "king of beasts" is symbolic of some members of our society. You, your family and
friends are regarded as nothing more than animals, "cattle," to be bred and birthed, herded and
harvested, and sold and slaughtered according to the whims of those who run the global plantation.
Denigration of and in itself, representing the once fearless American person, who has lost its courage.
Yes, there are a lot of ‘hot talkers' out there, just listen to your local radio talk shows. The American
men (?) love to talk, but none have the courage or balls to “DO” a damn thing! The American people
are scared shitless of the corporate Federal and local revenue collectors i.e. cops and judges in their so-
called courtrooms of justice. After your first round with the UCC constituted IRS "defending" your T-I-
N man dummy-corporation vessel/vehicle, individual-employee, public corporation, all-capital-letters
written juristic name, artificial-person straw man, you probably lost some of your courage too. You
didn't know it, but the IRS has been dealing with you strictly under the laws of Commerce and they are
just like the Tin Man, heartless. The Law can be found in the form of Real Law not at law. Lawyers
say that they are at law not in law. At law means around and about not true. To be in law you must be
One more note on the Cowardly lion. Do you remember how he needed or believed he wanted
courage? Do you remember how he got that courage? Yes, the great Wizard of OZ pinned a medal on
his chest. Yes a BADGE of courage. With that badge the Little Coward was now a big, big man, OH
EXCUSE ME, I MENT TO SAY, LION NOT MAN!!!!! I would not want to imply that because a
fictitious Wizard (man of authority?) placed a badge on this coward’s chest that now he was a big brave
man. Why a statement like that just might hurt the feelings of some of the badge to tin brave men we
know as “Law Enforcement”. (Who carry no bond?) To really make the movie more realistic, the Man
of Authority (Wizard) should have put a GUN on his hip. Now there I go again, I sure don’t want to
make it sound like I’m picking one the big brave men protecting our freedoms out there. Because I
know how fast they are there when you need them to help you. Yeah, they are sure some real brave
To find the Wizard you had to "follow the yellow brick road," i.e. follow the trail of America's
stolen gold from the Moors and you will find the thief who stole it. In the beginning of the movie the
Wizard was represented by the traveling mystic, "Professor Marvel," whom Dorothy encountered when
she ran away with Toto. His macabre shingle touted that he was "Acclaimed by The Crowned Heads of
Europe, Past, Present, and Future." Boy, that Professor Marvel must have been a regular wizard to be
acclaimed by the future crowned heads of Europe before they were even crowned! Before the bankers
stole America, they had long since dis-empowered the Christian monarchies of Europe and looted their
kingdoms. Maybe this '"Professor Marvel" fellow knew something about the future that other folks
didn't. With a human skull peering down from its painted perch above the door inside his wagon, the
good professor lectured Dorothy of the priests of Isis and Osiris and the days of the pharaohs of Egypt.
Which was of dark skin? (Note: Osiris, the Sirus Constellation, Where the Africans Comes From
According To Them. That’s Their Doctrine). (Note: The skull head was all the Indigenous People of
When Dorothy Gale and her new friends emerged from the forest they were elated to see the
Emerald City (note: emerald color was green for the green Hub, Hu or Hue means color of the people
who live there) before them, only a short jaunt away. The Wicked Witch of the West, desperate for the
ruby slippers that Dorothy was wearing, would have to make her move before our heroes were inside
the walls. A significant point here is that in the original book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published
in 1936, the slippers were not ruby, or red, but silver. At the time the book was written America still
had all its silver, and the value of one ounce of gold was set at 15 ounces of silver, silver being the
more plentiful of the two metals. Just as the silver slippers carried Dorothy, America's stockpile of
silver and gold, backing the currency carried the country to a position of preeminence throughout the
world at that time. But, as mentioned, when the movie came out in 1939 the slippers were not silver,
but red. (note: red is the color of the red ink in a pen symbolize the blood of the real flesh and blood
Between 1916 and 1933, most of America's gold was rounded up by the ‘privately owned’
Federal Reserve Banks and shipped off to the Fed owners in England and Germany. The reason for this
was that Federal Reserve Notes could be redeemed in gold and the use of Federal Reserve Notes
carried an interest penalty that could only be paid in gold. We traded gold for (worthless) paper with
green ink on it, and our previous currency, United States Notes, carried no such interest requirement-
but such was the bargain that came with the Federal Reserve Notes. [The reason JFK was murdered
was because he was re-issuing INTEREST FREE United States Notes. Go to any coin store and see or
buy a 1963 U.S. (not Federal Reserve) Note. When bankruptcy was declared in 1933, Americans were
required to turn in all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates by May 1st-May Day (the birthday
of Communism in Bavaria in 1776, the birthday of the IRS, and celebrated worldwide as the
"International Workers Holiday" a holy day to the Wizard and his tribe). Talking to people who were
alive at that time, you may find out that the general sentiment toward such thievery bordered on a
second revolution. Maybe it was just too much of a clue, or too much salt in the wound for Dorothy to
be skipping down the "Yellow Brick Road" in a pair of "silver slippers" so, for whatever reason, a color
less likely to annoy or provoke was selected.
With regard to the choice of "ruby," or red-colored, slippers: Red's primary significance, at least
on documents and the like, is that it is the color of blood, as in flesh-and-blood, and symbolizes a living
soul, breathing man or woman, i. e. non-corporate non-artificial.
Could it also have been chosen for the related tie to the International Banking, Federal Reserve
founder, Rothchild, [aka Red Shield] family? It does signify "private," as opposed to "public." Your
new Social Security Card has a red serial number on the reverse, likely signifying the private-side
account attached to your public-side Social Security Account Number, prior to Redemption. For postal
employees, red-sticker Registered Mail means "personal accountability" (private)-all other mail carries
"limited liability" (public). The red-sticker number are issued by the treasurer Department. It is likely
that the ruby slippers symbolized the American people with blood in their veins-as opposed to "citizen
of the United States" straw men with the counterfeit "corporate blood" of blue/black ink on a birth
certificate. No matter their color in the movie, the Wicked Witch of the West wanted those slippers at
any cost and had to move fast before Dorothy and crew could make it to Emerald (Silver) City.
Her tactic was to cover the countryside with poppy flowers, or "poppies," the source of heroin,
opium, and morphine, symbolically drugging them into unconsciousness, and then just waltz in and
snatch the slippers. In other words, the best way to subjugate the American people and boost the goods
was to dull their senses by getting them hooked on drugs (Note: LSD, was created the same year, 1939,
by Dr. Albert Hoffman). The poppies/drugs worked on Dorothy, the Lion and Toto, our flesh-and-blood
friends, but had no effect on the Scarecrow or the Tin Man, the artificial entities. The two of them cried
out for help and Glenda, the Good Witch of the North, answered their prayers with a blanket of snow,
aka cocaine, a stimulant nullifying the narcotic effect of the poppies/opium on Dorothy, the Lion and
Toto. At this writing, aside from marijuana, the two most available drugs on the streets of America are
heroin and cocaine and Myth in their various forms.
As they all scampered toward Emerald City, the city of green (Federal Reserve Notes, the new
fiat "money," or "money by decree"), we heard the Munchkins singing on the glory of the Wizard's
"You're out of the woods, you’re out of the dark, and you’re out of the night, Step into the sun,
step into the light, Keep straight ahead for, the most glorious place on the face of the Earth or the
The foregoing jingle abounds with Illuminist-Luciferian symbols and metaphors re: darkness
and light.
The Wicked Witch of the West made her home in a round, medieval watchtower, ancient
symbol of the Knights Templar of Freemasonry. The Wicked Witch of the West was also dressed in
black, the color symbolizing the planet Saturn, sacred icon of the Knights Templar, and the color of
choice of judges and priests for their robes. Who was the Wicked Witch of the West? Remember, in the
first part of the film her counterpart was "Almira Gulch," who, according to Aunt Em, (or was it spelled
Aunt M, for MONEY) "owned half the county." Miss Gulch alleged that Dorothy's dog, Toto, had
bitten her. She came to the farm with an “Order from the Sheriff” demanding that they surrender Toto
to her custody. Aunt Em was not immediately cooperative, and answered Miss Gulch's allegations that
Toto had bitten her: “He's really gentle, with gentle people, that is”. Could "gentle" really mean
"Gentile"? When Miss Gulch defied them to withhold Toto and "go against the law," dear old Aunt Em
was relegated to "pushing the Party line" for Big Brother. She dutifully succumbed to the pressure and
counseled Dorothy reluctantly. [Does this sound like most American people?]
"We can't go against the law, (note: color of Law) Dorothy. I'm afraid poor Toto will have to go." When
Dorothy refused to surrender Toto, Miss Gulch lashed out: "If you don't hand over that dog I'll bring a
damned suit that'll take your whole farm!"
Today, 90% of all attorneys in the world reside in the West-America, which do not have a
licensed to practice law, to be exact and 95% of all lawsuits in the world are filed under US
jurisdiction. (Note: not the jurisdiction of the real usA) The Wicked Witch of the West and Miss Gulch,
my dear friends, represent judges and attorneys; i.e. the American legal system (including the attorney-
run US Congress). (note: small e in legal means loop hole in the law). The wicked Witch also wore a
black dress, just like all the judges in this country. She also was a Jew, recognized by her facial
physiognomy i.e. nose, half closed bedroom eyes and how low the ears sit on the head. They are the
executioners and primary henchman for transferring all wealth in America from the people over to the
banks and the government. The Wicked Witch of the West wanted the silver slippers-the precious
metals-and her counterpart, Miss Gulch, wanted to take Toto. What does the word "toto" mean in
"attorney language," i.e. Latin? "Everything”! Remember, Hitler came into power in 1933, the same
year Roosevelt put America under Martial Law and helped the Bankers steal all of America’s gold. He
used America as an example of what had happened to his country, by the same people! Roosevelt put
Hitler into power by his actions! Roosevelt was also a Jew!
Dorothy and the gang fell for the Wizard's illusion in the beginning, but soon wised up and
discovered the Wizard for what he was: a confidence man. When asked about helping the Scarecrow
and Straw Man, among other babblings about "getting a brain" and "universities" the Wizard also cited
"the land of E Pluribus Unum,"' which is Latin for “one out of many,” i.e, converting the many into one
= New World Order, or Novus Ordo Seclorum, a Latin phrase placed on the American One Dollar Bill
shortly after the bankruptcy. He also proudly revealed/confessed that he was: "Born and bred in the
heart of the Western wilderness, an old Kansas man myself!" The bankers did pretty well in Europe, but
as the Wizard pointed out, they made a killing in the "Western wilderness," i.e. America, with the theft
of American gold, labor, and property from the-quoting John D. Rockefeller “grateful and responsive
rural folk" who populated the country at that time.
When Dorothy asked Glenda, the Good Witch of the North (Christianity), for help in getting
back to Kansas, Glenda replied: "You don't need to be helped. You've always had the power to go back
to Kansas." Translation: you've always had the right and power to reclaim your birth right, you just
forgot or were never taught! The actual reclaiming of your sovereignty-remedy, a simple UCC-1 Form
to the Secretary of State placing a Lien on your Birth Certificate, an Invoice and Bill of Exchange to
the Secretary of the Treasury, can be completed from scratch in a few hours. But in the past few years
they have been trying to do everything to change the process.
America and Americans have intimate, firsthand knowledge of the heartless mechanics of the
laws of commerce, religiously applied by the unregistered foreign agents at the Internal Revenue
Services. The IRS, accountancy firm and collection agency for the Privately Owned Federal Reserve
Banks, was constituted under the UCC at its inception in 1954 and has been operating strictly in that
realm ever since.
You may have wondered what is the meaning behind the words in the title "The Wizard of Oz."
Look them up in a dictionary. Like almost everything else, it's right out there in the open for you to see
if you will just look closely enough. One definition of "wizard” is: "a very clever or skillful person."
“OZ” is an abbreviation of "onza," o-n-z-a, the Italian word for "ounce," or "ounces," the unit of
measurement of gold, silver, and other precious metals. No matter how large the quantity of gold or
silver being discussed, the amount is always expressed in ounces, E.g. rather than “hundreds of tons” of
gold, it's so many million “ounces” of gold. As attested by the factual history of this country: the
"Wizard of Oz" was the Wizard of Ounces.
Everything worked out for Dorothy, i. e. the American people. In the end she "made it home"
Meaning: there is remedy in law not at law. It's there, it was just encoded and disguised and
camouflaged. Fortunately, the code has been cracked, and there is a way home, just like in the movie.
Like Dorothy said, "There's no place like home” and there isn't! There's nothinq like sovereianty for a
sovereiqn! (note: at this time homeland security states that this word sovereianty can not be use in any
way what so ever.) We have commercial remedy in the Redemption Process. Will you continue to be
conned by the confidence men and worship the Wizard's Light Show, or will you wise up like Dorothy
did and “look behind the scenes”?

Let’s Look at this Word Demon Means Dead Moon And Dead Mind, Which is Democracy, being a
military government ruling under exigency and emergency., only controls the “corporate entities” and
“public commerce” of the “private” side of the nation so that the public can use them for public
purposes, the democracy needs to solicit the people into financing the democracy by way of the
commercial inducement of a “pledge”. The government, wanting to spend “money” to purchase goods
and service, and having no assets with which to purchase the goods and services, must purchase the
goods and services upon the “credit” of the nation. But there are no assets by which the government
can obtain credit. However, pledges from “private sources” can be used to secure the credit.

At birth. A baby- little Johnny, is a private asset and not a public asset. His body represents a vessel in
commerce (public or private depending upon who has legal title to Johnny’s body) which contains
much potential commercial energy (money) that can be channeled into commerce during his lifetime.
This is especially true during Johnny’s adult lifetime when his services can be used to manufacture
goods and services for the economy and possibly as a pledge to the “nation”. A vessel (such as little
Johnny) can be bought and sold in the commercial marketplace. The vessel can be appraised for its
commercial value involving its present and future value. The appraised value of the vessel known as
little Johnny at birth may as well be $10,000,000,000,00 to a investor who is entitle to the “profits”
from the vessel known as little Johnny over the productive life expectancy of little Johnny extending
from birth to retirement.

At little Johnny’s birth, little Johnny’s mother and the doctor who delivered little Johnny fill out an
application for a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The application for the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a pledge
card by little Johnny’s mother pledging the vessel known as little Johnny to the democracy. Remember,
a pledge is the transfer of legal title from the pledge of (little Johnny’s mother) to the recipient of the
pledge, the UNITED STATES democracy. This pledge is looked upon as a gift of the legal title to little
Johnny made for the use of the recipient. The UNITED STATES can use this gift to finance its
operation. THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE is evidence of the transfer of legal title to the UNITED
STATES. Upon obtaining the gift, the holder (the UNITED STATES) can do any commercial activity
that any owner can do with property to which the owner has legal title. The UNITED STATES can use
the pledge of little Johnny’s mother (legal title to the commercial energy output of little Johnny for the
duration of the pledge or for little Johnny’ life) as a security or collateral asset upon which to borrow
money. That is exactly what the UNITED STATES does to finance its commercial operations.

When the UNITED STATES receives the pledge of little Johnny’s mother. It place the evidence of the
“gift” into its corporate records. The TREASURY DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES takes
notice of the pledge-gift. The TREASURY DEPARTMENT creates a BOND (note: the number behind
your social security card) in order to monetize the legal title that it has secured in little Johnny. The
BOND is “A certificate or evidence of debt on which the issuing company or government body
promises to pay the bondholders a specified amount of interest for a specified length of time, and to
repay the loan on the expiration date: in every case a bond represents debt- its holder is a creditor of the
corporation and not a part owner as in shareholder. Commonly, bonds are secured by a mortgage,” The
BOND created by the UNITED STATES is sold on the commercial marketplace to the highest bidder.
financial entities such as the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND or the WORLD BANK or any
other agency. Once the BOND is sold to a private purchaser, and then the UNITED STATE has a debt
obligation to that purchaser which is backed by the legal title to the vessel known as little Johnny’s
commercial energy output. In essence, little Johnny’s future earnings capacity in the commercial
markets has become the property owned by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Little Johnny is no
longer the owner of his own commercial energy output for his whole life.

What’s the First Lie?

It happen before you were even aware of what was going on. Your Mother innocently and
unwittingly signed undisclosed paperwork allowing the vermin to “presume” that you were a “citizen
of the United State” and a fatherless bastard that nobody claimed --- and so their “religious non-profit
service corporation” operating the “Public Charitable Trust” claimed you as a ward and dependent and
set up a corporate franchise named after you. They issued a “Birth Certificate” under your name to
keep it all “legal” but lawful, and they listed YOU as an asset and franchise of their parent corporation,

Look at what you think of as your own Birth Certificate. It is written on bond paper. It is signed by
the Registrar of the probate Court in the County where you were born. Your estate on Earth was
probated when you were only a few weeks old. You will notice that your actual birthday appears on the
certificate--- say, June 6, 1956, but there is another date there, too--- a “File Date”--- that is the day that
these vermin secretly enrolled you as a franchise of their corporation and named YOU as a surety for
the their corporate debts. At that time, when you were only a few days old, the Devil claimed you,
killed you, and left nothing but your NAME ESTATE as a record that you ever lived at all. You and
your assets were also press-ganged into the international jurisdiction of the sea and made subject to
maritime Law—Satan’s “Law”.

Since then, you have been ever-increasing indebted by the senseless spending of the Congress and
the fake Governors running a “state of state” --- such as the State of Missouri or the STATE OF
MISSOURI—all of them false claims against your name and estate and against your actual state, the
Missouri state --- and all of them claiming that you owned and operated by their corporation and that
YOU and all your land, etc., stand as a surety for their game for any creditor that cares to make a claim.

And of course, nobody hears a word of dissent from you claiming otherwise. Why? Because your
Mother was hoodwinked and coerced into signing an undisclosed “information” sheet about you and
just as innocently gave wrong information. (In legalese, the word “Informant” means that your Mother,
listed as the “Informant”, was giving notice of a crime --- the abandonment of a baby.)

Your Mother never knew and was never taught the legal (as opposed to common use) meaning of
the words “US citizen” and she never realized that she “donated” you into slavery. So of course, she
never took any corrective action and when you came of age, you were totally uninformed so you
couldn’t take any action, either….. What’s the only deal you can’t refuse? The one that you never heard
of in the first place.

What appears to be a Birth Certificate acknowledging your arrival, is in fact “civil death”. Father of
All Lies, right? A Death Certificate disguised as a Birth Certificate. Nice.

Question? Does Husband and Wife knows they work for the State and they all work together?

Ans: NO! But you know this because, When you get Married, The Priest, Or Pastor passes you on the
Church, When he makes the statement, “the Powers Invested In Me, By The State Of Georgia, or any
other STATE name, I present you Husband and wife,” And the States comes in between you and your
spouse. The same things happen in a Baptism Ceremony. You are issued through the State, and this
why in Custody fights. Which ever one of you is doing better with the State, becomes the one with the
better end of the fight, be comes the Ward, or Is Re-Ward Custody to the children. If you come out
losing, The State has to give you Permission to have Visitation Rights, to a child that you gave birth to.
This is making it clear, that some way along the line you gave yourself and your child to the State. And
this happens during baptism, or Marriage Ceremonies. The State Is the Malevolent side, and the
Religions is the Benevolent.

Begin with the fact that a “license” is official permission (from some authority presumed to be
greater than you) to do something that would otherwise be illegal. You should all be asking --- when
did it become illegal to get married? Who says? Why?

Remember what I said about the sanctimonious monsters claiming that you were an abandoned,
unwanted, fatherless child and that their religious non-profit Public Charitable Trust (PCT) adopted

The public Charitable Trust was set up as a welfare fund for displaced plantation slaves in the wake
of so-called “Civil War”. So who is eligible to receive help from the PCT? Abandoned babies and
unemployed Negroes (BLACKS), (WHITES ALSO) and other “federal wards and dependents” who
receive welfare “benefits” from the fund, all of which they pay for themselves, of course.

Likewise, the marriage License was imposed on Negroes (BLACKS) --- and only upon Negroes
who were deemed “citizens of the United States”. The fear was that displaced plantation slaves would
breed like rabbits and become a public nuisance so laws were passed requiring Negro men to prove
they had jobs and income sufficient to support a wife and family before they got married and thus the
requirement of the “Marriage license” was imposed on all those receiving benefits from the public
Charitable Trust (PCT).

Now a church acts like an Embassy, or sanctuary. It is like a Native American Reservation, where they
are Tax Exception not Tax Exempt they are 501 C which now no longer, and they don’t fall up under
the same Laws as you do. For example, if there is a British Embassy In This state, and a British Person
commits a crime, and runs into the Embassy, Then State can’t do anything to him/her. They would
have to wait until he/she comes out, or they would have to get permission from the Ambassador of the
Country to Trail that Person. Not long ago it was same way with the church, If you ran into the church
or Sanctuary, then no one can touch you. Like the Vaticans and the Catholic Church, They are their
own Country. A Church is its Own Entity and does not fall under the States, They do not Pay Taxes,
and this is why all those Black Churches were Burnt Down, because the People within those Churches
had Tax Exempt numbers, and they weren’t paying any Taxes for anything, Every thing they did was
under the Church, which Means that the State could not do any thing to them, they had no control over
them, So when their Churches were Burnt, they had no choice but back to the State.

A Good Christian has a Job (From, The State), goes and Donates to the Church, and at the End of the
year if your Eligible you receive some money back. If your good. It’s all about Economics. The
Economic system of this country is set up through the Church because if you are a Christian, and you
believe in God, or Jesus being Born on Christmas, then you celebrate Christmas, which means, the
buying of gifts, trees, decorations, food etc. The same thing with Easter, you have to buy candy, and
bunny rabbits, and eggs etc. It all boils down to money. If you believe in Thanksgiving you are
celebrating this Union, This Cooperation, you are celebrating the fact Columbus the Christian, came
over, claimed what wasn’t his and set up a Cooperation. There’s also Valentines Day, Mother’s Day,
Father’s Day, Halloween Etc.

So the church and the state are working together, did you know at one point the Baptism Card was just
as Powerful as the Birth certificate, You could actually go and get your driver’s license with your
Baptism papers. Now think, if they were separate, how was that Possible?. They set up this system,
and if you join Religion and you don’t fall up under their Principles, they you become a Cult, (which
means hidden) and they call the State on you. Religion is here to feed you to the State. It’s a big
Racket. The Church has to be Incorporated, but it doesn’t Pay Taxs. Religion is an Independent
People, every Church Is an Embassy. Now it’s faith Based.


Learn about the only lawful “Remedy” prescribed by Congress to reclaim your Indigenous Rights as an
American citizen. When you file the UCC you’re stating that you are making a superior claim. First in
line first in time file with the state. Lets see just who can make this claim. One must go back as far as
one can. Let me Speak to you of who you are and your Ancient Heritage. Retracing it takes us back to
the Ancient ones, Tarit (Path), Later called Mitsrayim or Egypt, which was called Khami (Kemet) by
the Ancient ones, now called Egyptians, Inhabited By impostors or Mulatto Egyptians. Some
Sumerians migrated westward under the name Mitsrayim, and lived and mixed with the Tarites as
Blacks. They became Kham from Ham, Cush from Kish, Egyptian from Mistrayim, Libyan from Phut,
these names lock you into Biblical History if you believe and accept the Bible as fact. Kemet is from
kahm, or ham (Genesis 5:32), meaning “Black Skinned”. The Greek called the land of Cush, Ethiopia,
Originally from Aksum. The Arabs called Balad As-Sudan, Sudan from Sawdeh (Outer Field). The
Greeks called Mitsrayim, Egypt from Tar (Path). They all were in the land of Nubia, From the Original
Nuba, The seat today of Uganda, which Encompasses the whole of the Continent. We existed on the
planet Earth Thousand of years before the Bible and Koran. Both of these writing are new information
compared to our records kept in Hieroglyphs, which are also found on the walls Sumeria and Egypt,
even today. You look at the faces of the statues in these Americas of the Olmecs and the truth of these
Indigenous people of the planet reveals itself to you as the Original Humin. (NOTE: HU MEANS
HUMAN MEANS BEAST) It’s the skin color of the people, not the sands on the shores of the Niles,
which the Greeks claimed. The seed of Noah (Utnafishtim) in the Gilgamesh Epics, one of the Tablets
from which the Bible was Plagiarized tells you that Noah’s family after the Deluge Spread across the
earth. So some of the Sumerians, as the family of Noah, Or Noah’s sons moved westward. There they
met and mixed with little people referred to as Tarite or Ptahites, Evolution Produced from genus
Homo, to Homo Erectus and then divine intervention of Nommos, or the Neteru, Produced a Superior
Group of little people Piygmies, whom the sixteen Dynasties of Egyptian History made public today is
the last of the Great Kingdoms, not by far the first. Our story as recorded in the ruins of Egypt today
was the end point of some of our Greatness, was made possible by Khufu removing the Immigration
Law and allowing an Invasion of other Races to “Tie into the Vine” and literally claim to be Egyptians,
to the point where they literally replaced Woolly Haired Dark Skinned People’s Images. They
Fabricated False Replicas that House the Museums and Even repainted the Art works in the Tomb and
“Antiqued” them to make them look Authentic. So that you would see what you thought were true
Images of our Ancestors, when in fact they are Forgeries. Like the facts of Nefertiti which they
changed. One of the names that Latin speaking people, be it Portuguese Castilian, Spanish, Referred to
usas, Is Morenos, which gives you the word Moor. And they Borrowed the Greek word Negeer, (Acts
13:1) and it became Negra, both for two forms of “Black”. Negra the color, and Morenos the state. So
to them the Original Moors, are those of the Black Olive Tone Hue or Nub (Dark Brown) who dwelled
in Ham or Kemet and Aksum, or Ethiopia and even as far as Al Ghor, or Arabia. All of these Lands
Belong to the Nuwbuns or Moors. They say the Nuba (Nuba) Comes from the word “Gold” when in
fact Nuba is Dark Brown” and Neba in Nubian, means “Gold.” The Nuwbuns (Nubuns) Didn’t speak
Nubian, they spoke an Ancient Cuneiform Language of Syretic Cushite, Aramic Dialects that broke off
from the Tongue of the Beings who visited then from the Stars called Nuwaubic, which later became
Cuneiform, a Latin word “Cunieus” spoken Languages. It gave Birth to all of what is called the
Semitic Languages today. Genesis 11:7 clearly points out that their God spoke a different Language
from them for he conversed with his constitutes in Heaven before coming to earth and the Koran 44:58
supports this by stating that the Koran was revealed to Muhammand in Muhammad’s own tongue, not

And In acient Suden, Nuwba (Nuba) was the name of a Deity, who came from the shies. The Nuwbas
or Nuba people were the original people and that was their name not Nubians. They Created the
Nubian Tribes or Nubinas by Marrying Jaaliin, also Spelled Jalin, By the Guhayna, Nomadic Pale Arab
Tribes, Who invaded Sudan from the Sinai Area along with the Shaigiyya, They Mixed in with the
Nuwbuns, became Beja, Hadendawa, or Fuzzy Wuzzy, A Mixture of Isral who crossed from the Tribe
Of Judah over and settled along the Rivers, They too became Arabicized By the Arab Invasions to
create a Melting pot of Arabicized Nuwbuns who later converted to the Islaaamic Religion, and became
known as Nubians and Mixed with the Donogla or the Danaakil of the area giving you the Variety of
Races that inhabit Sudan Today, and are now called Sudanses or Nubians. Mix brown to light skin,
Woolly to curly to even straight Hair. However, If you look at Adbur Rahman Al Mahdi, The son of
Mahdi Of the Sudan, or his Son, Al Haadi Al Mahdi, Who are of the Tribes of Donogla, called
Dongola, Beja, it is Plain to see that they have Nuwbun Features and Wooly Hair, Unlike what they
portray as the Sudanese today who has curly to straight hair and aquiline features, which are arabacized
from pale desert arab.


Answer: The Native American (from 1825 Webster dictionary means dark brown skin copper tone, red
skin before the European). The Autochthon walked or traveled westward when the plant was one land
mass panga. They came over the Americas. They called it in their Cushite Language “Atla” or “Utla
which Means “To Go Somewhere for Vacation”. “Atla” Pluralized Beame “Atlaan” when the
Nuwnuns, who became known as Olmes Recognized it had broke and split into two parts, North
America (Atlan) and South America (Ameam or Hexian). So from Atla, In their Language We got
Atlaan, and Greeks added the “Tis” and you get “Atlantis”. These Blacks set up great Empires when
they came here.

Religion can not be used in any way in this process. It is not about Religion this is the reason why.

ANS: They are not able to be investigated or confirmed and thus they lead to the further enslavement of
your minds which keep Leviathan (6 ether) and Ghost (The Caucasian) in control over your race and


Answer: Constantine was able to enter Tama-Ra because those with him had black hair and dark eyes
which since Khufu (Cheops) had changed the laws in on immigration made them eligible to gain
entrance. Constantine the Roman was the first emperor of Rome to convert to Christianity. During his
reign, Christians, previously persecuted, gained freedom of worship. He gave huge estates and other
gifts to the Christian church. He established a capital in the eastern provinces, naming it
Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). Constantine the Great was born Flavius Valerius
Constantinus at Nis, in what is now Serbia, son of the commander Constantius Chlorus (later
Constantius I) and Helena (later Saint Helena), a camp follower (a prostitute or groupie for
entertainment of soldiers). Constantius become co-emperor in 305 A.D. Constantine, who had shown
military talent in the East, joined his father in Britain in 306 A.D. He was popular with the troops, who
proclaimed him emperor when Constantius died later the same year. Over the next two decades,
however, Constantine had to fight his rivals for the throne, and he did not finally establish himself as
sole ruler until 324 A.D. Constantine organized and convened a meeting called the Council of Nicaea
in 325 A.D.

Constantine was the Roman emperor who decided to merge the religion of the Roman state with that of
the fabricated so-called story of a Jewish.

This Process Is Not For Everyone!

All right, some of you will undoubtedly say, “If the process is so good, if it does what you say it will
do, by Law you will or may spend 72 Hours

“Why not?” Good question. It deserves a response… and a sensible one. Think about this. Doctors
make a lot of money, and they can help a lot of people. Being a doctor seems like a good thing. So
why isn’t everyone a doctor? Because not everyone has what it takes. It is also a fact, that some
people make millions of dollars in the stock market. So why aren’t all the people who invest in the
stock market making millions? Again, because not everyone has what it takes now, do you see a
pattern . . . a common denominator? Do you see why everyone doesn’t do the same thing? Do you
Whether we like it or not, there are many things effecting the way we think…what we want…what we
do… and what we become. Some of these things, politically correct or not, are: race, religion,
environment, education, finances, opportunity, desire. What does any of this have to do with the
process of Accepting For Value? It ALL has EVERYTHING to do with it!
First maybe most important the fact is…NOT EVERYONE WILL OVERSTAND THIS PROCESS.
Now how in the world can you expect someone to do something correctly, if they don’t overstand it?
Yet many, without a clear overstanding of this process, and not knowing what they are doing… or
why… will jump into it feet first just because others are doing it. A fatal error.
Next and maybe just as important is the fact that many people are greedy. Some will look at this
process and focus on just one part…(money, note there is no money never was any money only a note)
and They will abuse it! We are not all the same. We are different. We have different values. Greed,
albeit natural, is a very powerful emotion. Most of us have been taught to control that emotion, but not
all of us do, or even can. The fact is, a part of the Accepting For Value process will “push the greed
button” in many people. They will attempt to use part or parts of the process out of context. Another
fatal error.
And, whether we like it not, the fact is many people have an uncontrollable need to take good
information (which they are just learning) and :change” it, to “make it better.” They will alter the
process. Definitely another fatal error. Know the process first.
Finally, a large number of people will want to learn. What happens to those people when they’re faced
with a situation where it becomes necessary to defend or explain what they’re doing? They won’t have
a clue! What happens to those people when they’re challenged? Please think about that, and
remember….This process is not for everyone!”

No matter what new developments may come down the pike in the coming years, it is vital that one
take official control of the all-caps TRADE NAME as soon as possible in order to protect one’s
interests in all property associated with that name. The manual is written so that the reader can
successfully prepare and file his/her Copyright Notice and UCC paperwork, and produce all the
necessary documents that establish the TRADE NAME (artificial person) as debtor of the True Name
(“You”). If, after reading the manual, you would prefer to have your initial UCC Financing Statement
documents prepared information will be given, paperwork can be prepared by a consultant working
directly under the supervision of the some of the asst. authors of Cracking the Code!.


For all intents and purposes, there is no LAW in America, only the LAW of contracts.
The Law Of Melchizedeq
Genesis 14:18 And Verse 19



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